Declaration of Gift Bhandari

March 8, 2019 | Author: Shubham Jain Modi | Category: N/A
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DECLARATION OF GIFT BE IT KNOWN to all that I Chandra Chand Jain S/o Shri Umrao Chand Jain aged 61 years, erman ermanent ently ly residin residing g at oosi oosite te Kamla Kamla Nehr! Nehr! Colleg College, e, "a!sha "a!shala la #oad, #oad, #ai$a% #ai$a%agh agh,, Jodh!r hereina&ter re&erred to as 'ONO# o& this indent!re ha(e (ol!ntarily and a%sol!tely gi&ted a s!m o& #s) 1,**,***/+ One -a$h Only. %y ay o& 0he!e no) ****23 dated 14/15/5*16 o& Kota$ ahindra Ban$ o!t o& nat!ral lo(e and a&&e0tion to my da!ghter Smt) 'eeshi$ha Bhandari W/o Shri 7iy!sh Bhandari resident at 128, Sh!%ham 9arms, 7al #oad, Jodh!r) Neither I nor my legal heirs shall hen0e &orth ha(e any right, title, 0laim or  interest in the said gi&ted gi&ted amo!nt) 'onee 'eeshi$ha 'eeshi$ha Bhandari W/o Shri 7iy!sh 7iy!sh Bhandari has (ery gladly a00eted the said gi&ted s!m o& #s) 1,**,***/+ #s) One -a$h only.) Smt) 'eeshi$ha %handari has a00eted the a&oresaid gi&t there&ore In resen0e o& the &olloing itnesses, I ha(e signed this de0laration o& gi&t at Jodh!r) Jodh!r)

Chandra Chand Jain ( Donor)

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF GIFT I 'eeshi$ha Bhandari W/o Shri 7iy!sh Bhandari aged 53 :ears resident at 128, Sh!%ham &arms, 7al #oad, Jodh!r ha(e gladly a00eted the said gi&t s!m o& #s) 1,**,***/+ #s) One -a$hs Only., hi0h is gi(en %y my &ather Shri Chandra Chand Jain S/o Shri Umrao Chand Jain %y ay o& 0he!e no) ****23 dated 14/15/5*16 o& Kota$ ahindra Ban$)

'eeshi$ha Bhandari   Witnesses;

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