Deadlands Reloaded - Creature or Critter Cards

February 16, 2017 | Author: ronin3338 | Category: N/A
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Download Deadlands Reloaded - Creature or Critter Cards...


Name Type AG SM SP ST VI

Animate Hand Undead d10 d10 d10 d8 d8

Fighting Shooting Throwing

Pace Parry Toughness Armor

Name Type 6 7 6 0 3.2x2.5

d10 d8

Guts Intimidation Notice Stealth

Name Type AG SM SP ST VI

Dismembered human hand with a life of it's own.

Automaton Construct d6 d4 d4 d12 d12

Fighting Shooting Throwing

Pace Parry Toughness Armor

4 6 9 4

Guts Intimidation Notice Stealth

Special Abilities Gatling Gun (24/48/96) 2d8 AP2 ROF3 Claw ST+d8 Armor +4 - Thick metal plates Construct; Fearless; Gyrostabilizer Hardy; Self Destruct (Lrg-3d6) Size +1; Weakness (Head)

Approximately 7 to 8 feet tall, these constructs typically house a gatling weapon in their forearm.

6 7 9 0 3.2x2.5

Guts Intimidation Notice Stealth

d8 d8 d6

Special Abilities Faith d10; Kn Occult d6 Macahuitl (club) ST+d10 Fear (-2); Fearless; Invulnerable Level Headed; Undead Weakness (Heart) Miracles (20; Beast Friend, Stun, Puppet, Zombie)

AG SM SP ST VI Fighting Shooting Throwing

d6 d6

Pace Parry Toughness Armor


Name Type

3.2x2.5 d8 d8

d8 d6 d10 d12 d10

Fighting Shooting Throwing

d6 d6

Special Abilities Climbing d10; Lockpicking d8 Taunt d4 Fear; Fearless; Improved Dodge Invulnerable; Size -2; Small Strangulation; Undead Weakness (Fire, Acid)


Aztec Mummy Undead

Hungry mummies appear as dried, shriveled undead.

Black Regiment Soldier Undead d8 d6 d4 d8 d8

Pace Parry Toughness Armor

6 6 8 0 3.2x2.5

d8 d6

Guts Intimidation Notice Stealth

Special Abilities Climbing d8 Spencer Carbine (20/40/80) 2d8 AP2 Bayonet ST+d4 - Affixed ST+d6, Reach +1, Parry +1 Fear; Fearless; Invulnerable Undead

d4 d8

Reanimated soldiers with uniforms stained black by blood. Vicious fighters with no regard for themselves.

Name Type AG SM SP ST VI

Black Regiment - Bugler Undead d8 d6 d4 d8 d8

Fighting Shooting Throwing

Pace Parry Toughness Armor

d8 d6

Name Type 6 6 8 0

Guts Intimidation Notice Stealth


Name Type AG SM SP ST VI Fighting Shooting Throwing

Bugler for the Black Regiment

Black Regiment - Cmdr Undead d8 d6 d8 d8 d8

Pace Parry Toughness Armor

6 7 8 0

Guts Intimidation Notice Stealth

Special Abilities Climbing d8 Colt Dragoon (12/24/48) 2d6+1 AP1 Saber ST+d6 Commander (5", +1 recover) Fear, Fearless Invulnerable, Undead Coup

Black Regiment Commander


Guts Intimidation Notice Stealth

8 7 10 1

d12 d6 d8


Massive horse-faced demon

Toad Demon Supernatural d10 d8 d10 d12 d10

Fighting Shooting Throwing

d6 d6 d8

Pace Parry Toughness Armor

Special Abilities Kn Occult d8; Taunt d8 Armor +1 - Thick hide Bite/Claw ST+d8; Stomp (Med 2d8) Fear (-4); Fearless; Immunity (Fire) Immunity (Normal Weapons) Size +3; Weakness (Water)

Name Type

3.2x2.5 d10 d6

d6 d8 d10 d12+2 d10

Fighting Shooting Throwing

d4 d8

Special Abilities Climbing d8 Spencer Carbine (20/40/80) 2d8 AP2 Bayonet ST+d4 - Affixed ST+d6, Reach +1, Parry +1 Terror Bugle (4; Fear) Fear; Fearless; Invulnerable, Undead Coup

Horse Demon Supernatural

Pace Parry Toughness Armor


Guts Intimidation Notice Stealth

Special Abilities Kn Occult d8; Taunt d8 Armor +1 - Scaly hide Bite/Claw ST+d8; Tongue Lash (2/4/8) 2d10 Fear (-4); Fearless; Immunity (Normal Weapons) Weakness (Fire)

8 7 9 1

d12 d6 d8

Toad-like demon

Name Type AG SM SP ST VI

Bloodwire Plant d6 d4A d4 d4 d4

Fighting Shooting Throwing

Pace Parry Toughness Armor

Name Type 6 5 2 0 3.2x2.5


Guts Intimidation Notice Stealth


Name Type AG SM SP ST VI

6 to 8 foot thorny vine, nearly indistinguishable from barbed wire.

Bloody Ones Undead d10 d8 d6 d8 d8

Fighting Shooting Throwing

Pace Parry Toughness Armor

Guts Intimidation Notice Stealth

Special Abilities Taunt d8; Tracking d8 Claws/Bite ST+d6 Fear (-1); Fearless; Improved Frenzy Undead

Pace Parry Toughness Armor

8 7 8 0

d12 d10

Summoned by Lost Angels cultists. Appears as a bloody zombie with putrefying organs.

Guts Intimidation Notice Stealth

d8 d10 d12+2

Special Abilities Climbing d12; Lockpicking d10 Taunt d8 Claws ST+d4 Childhood Terror (-2) Fear; Unbelievable Weakness (Children) Coup


Made of twigs and sticks with a tumbleweed head.

Bone Fiend Undead d10 d8 d12 d10 d8

Fighting Shooting Throwing

d8 d8 d10

6 8 6 0 3.2x2.5

Name Type

3.2x2.5 d10

d12 d8 d10 d8 d8

Fighting Shooting Throwing

d4 d12+2

Special Abilities Climbing d4 Blood Drain 2d4 Fear; Size -2 (long and thin) Whip Thin (-4)


Bogie Man Supernatural

Pace Parry Toughness Armor

8 8 11 0 3.2x2.5


Guts Intimidation Notice Stealth

Special Abilities Bite/Claws ST+d4 Bone Explosion (med 2d6) - 1 rnd Fear (-1); Fleet Footed (d10) Fearless; Improved Sweep Invulnerable; Size +3 Undead; Weakness (Ebon Skull)


Formed around a jet black skull at the center and made of bones and cartilage from nearby remains. 12 to 14 ft. tall.

Name Type AG SM SP ST VI

Braincrawler Bug d4 d4 d12 d4 d4

Fighting Shooting Throwing

Pace Parry Toughness Armor


Name Type 6 5 2 0

Guts Intimidation Notice Stealth


Name Type AG SM SP ST VI

About 6 inches long, burrows through neck into victim's spinal cord.

Canker Bug d8 d4 d10 d6 d6

Fighting Shooting Throwing

Pace Parry Toughness Armor

Guts Intimidation Notice Stealth

Special Abilities Climbing d6 Claws ST+d4 Armor +1 - Hard Shell Fear Meat Puppet (VI to resist; Heal -4) Reproduction; Size -1; Webs

Pace Parry Toughness Armor

6 6 4 1



Sometimes mistaken for a Prairie Tick, when full grown they can be 2 to 3 feet tall.

Guts Intimidation Notice Stealth

d10 d8 d12

Special Abilities Climbing d10; Tracking d8 Bite St+d8; Claws ST+d6 AP1 Armor +1 - Thich fur Dense Body; Daunting, Fearless Hardy; Quick; Improved Frenzy Size -1


Wolverine-like creature about 3 feet tall. It has 2 rows of teeth, and 3 inch claws that can score stone.

Catamount Beast d12 d6 d8 d12 d10

Fighting Shooting Throwing


10 9 9 1 3.2x2.5

Name Type

3.2x2.5 d8

d10 d4A d12 d10 d12

Fighting Shooting Throwing


Special Abilities Kn Local Area d4; Tracking d10 Fearless Parasite (SP to resist) Size -2; Small (-2) Weakness (Alcohol, Fire)

Carcajou Beast

Pace Parry Toughness Armor


Guts Intimidation Notice Stealth

Special Abilities Climbing d12; Tracking d10 Bite/Claws d12+d6 Caterwaul Fleet Footed d10 Improved Frenzy; Low Light Vision Mimicry; Pounce (5", +2 dmg) Quick, Size +2

8 7 9 0

d8 d10 d10 d12+2

Large (10' ong) wildcat with chameleon-like fur. Very intelligent and likes to ambush prey from trees

Name Type

Cemetary Wolf Beast


d8 d4 d4 d6 d6

Fighting Shooting Throwing

Pace Parry Toughness Armor

Name Type 8 6 4 0 3.2x2.5


Guts Intimidation Notice Stealth

Name Type AG SM SP ST VI

Typically hunt in small packs. Have an eerie laughing bark.

Chinook Beast d8 d4A d8 d12+4 d12+2

Fighting Shooting Throwing

Pace Parry Toughness Armor

8 7 12 0

Guts Intimidation Notice Stealth

Special Abilities Climbing d8 Bite/Claw ST+d8 Size +3 Weather Control (1 mile)


Resembles a giant wolverine the size of a Kodiak bear.


Guts Intimidation Notice Stealth

6 7 7 0

d6 d8 d12+2


Nocturnal, with vicious claws and teeth. The size of a small adult or large child.

Clockwork Tarantula Construct d8 d4A d4A d6 d6

Fighting Shooting Throwing

d6 d10

Pace Parry Toughness Armor

Special Abilities Climbing d6; Survival d6 Bite/Claws ST+d6 Fear; Improved Frenzy Low Light Vision; Trackless Unseen Movement Coup

Name Type

3.2x2.5 d10

d10 d6 d6 d8 d10

Fighting Shooting Throwing

d10 d8

Special Abilities Climbing d6; Tracking d12 Bite/Claws ST+d4 Fleet Footed d10 Improved Frenzy, Low Light Vision Go For The Throat Size -1


Chupakabara Supernatural

Pace Parry Toughness Armor

d8 d8

Guts Intimidation Notice Stealth

Special Abilities Tracking d6 Acid Spray (1/2/4) 2d6 AP5 ROF 2 Acidic Bite ST+d12 Armor +2 - Metal plates Booby Trap (2d6 adjacent) Construct; Fearless, Size -1 Wall Crawling; Weakness (Head)

6 6 4 2

d6 d8

3 foot tall and armor plated.

Name Type AG SM SP ST VI

Demons Supernatural d8 d8 d10 d12+1 d10

Fighting Shooting Throwing

Name Type

Pace Parry Toughness Armor

8 7 9 1 3.2x2.5


Guts Intimidation Notice Stealth

Name Type AG SM SP ST VI

Vary in appearance depending on the beliefs of their victims or summoners, but typically 10 to 12 feet tall.

Desert Thing Beast d8 d4A d4A d12+2 d12

Fighting Shooting Throwing

Pace Parry Toughness Armor

Guts Intimidation Notice Stealth

Pace Parry Toughness Armor

2 6 12/2 2/7


Special Abilities Armor +2 (body) +7 (tentacles) - Hide Bite 2d10 AP3 Drag - 1" per success Improved Sweep (8 opponents, 5") Size +5 (mostly hidden underground)

Horrible, huge creatures with 30 foot long tentacles. They lurk beneath the sand and ambush travellers.

Guts Intimidation Notice Stealth

d10 d8 d12+2

Special Abilities Claws ST+d4 Death From Above Flight 16"; Quick Weakness (Sonar only)


Called "flying murderers" by the Sioux. Attack by carrying off prey and dropping it onto rocks from a great height.

Devil Ray Beast d8 d4A d4 d10 d6

Fighting Shooting Throwing

d6 d12+2

4/16 7 6 0 3.2x2.5

Name Type

3.2x2.5 d8

d10 d8A d8 d12+1 d8

Fighting Shooting Throwing

d12 d6 d8

Special Abilities Kn Occult d8; Taunt d8 Armor +1 - Thick or scaly hide Bite/Claw ST+d8 Fear (-4); Fearless; Immunity (Fire) Immunity (Normal Weapons) Size +2; Weakness (Holy Symbol) Weakness (Holy Water)


Devil Bats Beast

Pace Parry Toughness Armor

0/12 6 7 0 3.2x2.5


Guts Intimidation Notice Stealth

Special Abilities Aquatic Pace 12" Bite ST+d4 Fleet Footed d10 Flying (limited) 4"h x 12" Grapple; Size +2 Tail Spike ST+d4

d6 d6 d10

15 foot wide rays, with black skin on top and rows of serrated teeth underneath. Saltwater only.

Name Type AG SM SP ST VI

Dread Wolf Beast d8 d6A d8 d8 d10

Fighting Shooting Throwing

Pace Parry Toughness Armor

Name Type 10 6 7 0 3.2x2.5


Guts Intimidation Notice Stealth

d8 d10 d6

Special Abilities Bite ST+d6 Fleet Footed d10 Go For The Throat Howl (earshot) Infection (VI to resist)

Name Type AG SM SP ST VI

Large canines with bloody drooling jaws and matted fur.

Fighting Shooting Throwing

Pace Parry Toughness Armor

12 8 6 0

Guts Intimidation Notice Stealth

Special Abilities Deflection (-2), 1 will hit bystander Whirlwind (med, ST dmg, blind -4) Coup

Creates a whirlwind around itself, and attacks from within.

6 5 3 0 3.2x2.5

Guts Intimidation Notice Stealth

d6 d10 d10

Special Abilities Persuasion d12; Tracking d10 Alertness; Quick, Size -2; Small Water Drain (Touch attack) Water Sense; Weakness (Water)

AG SM SP ST VI Fighting Shooting Throwing


Pace Parry Toughness Armor


Name Type

3.2x2.5 d12

d6 d6A d6 d4 d6

Fighting Shooting Throwing

Dust Devil Beast d8 d6A d4 d12+2 d8


Duster Beast

Appear as emaciated or scrawny versions of normal small animals.

Flesh Jacket Supernatural d4 d4 d8 d4 d4

Pace Parry Toughness Armor

2 5 4 0 3.2x2.5


Guts Intimidation Notice Stealth

Special Abilities Damage Sharing Fear (-1); Hardy Parasite (SP to resist, +1d to Att.) Wall Crawling

d8 d6

Appears as a mass of human skin, but without a head.

Name Type AG SM SP ST VI

Gabriel Hound Beast d6 d8 d12 d8 d10

Fighting Shooting Throwing

Pace Parry Toughness Armor

Name Type 8 6 7 0 3.2x2.5


Guts Intimidation Notice Stealth

d10 d10


Fighting Shooting Throwing

Mastiff sized black dogs with red eyes. Also known as a barghest.

Gaki Supernatural d6 d8 d10 d6 d10

Fighting Shooting Throwing

Pace Parry Toughness Armor

Guts Intimidation Notice Stealth

Special Abilities Climbing d8; Persuasion d6 Tracking d10 Bite/Claws ST+d4 Immunity (Normal Damage) Fear; Rapid Healing; Shape Change Weakness (Blessed Weapons)

Pace Parry Toughness Armor

6 6 7 0


Can change to a tiger-beast or impersonate others.

Guts Intimidation Notice Stealth

d10 d10 d10 d12

Special Abilities Anchor Chill of the Grave 2d6(non-lethal) Ethereal; Fear; Invisible (-6) Weakness (Exorcism) Poltergeist (lrg, 2d4, move 2d6") Terror


Varies in appearance and abilities.

Ghoul Humanoid d8 d4 d4 d8 d10

Fighting Shooting Throwing d8

8 5 5 0 3.2x2.5

Name Type

3.2x2.5 d8

d6 d6 d10 d6 d6


Special Abilities Tracking d12 Bite ST+d8 Curse; Fear; Howl Immunity (Normal Weapons) Improved Frenzy Weakness (Holy Water) Weakness (Silver)

Name Type


Ghost Supernatural

Pace Parry Toughness Armor

6 5 7 0 3.2x2.5


Guts Intimidation Notice Stealth

Special Abilities Claw/Bite ST+d4 Fear; Night Vision Poison (VI-Fatigue) Weakness (Bright Light)

d4 d8 d8

Human-sized cannibals with pale gray skin, pocked with sores.

Name Type AG SM SP ST VI

Giant Octopus Beast d10 d6A d6 d12+4 d12+2

Fighting Shooting Throwing

Pace Parry Toughness Armor

Name Type 0/10 6 14 0 3.2x2.5


Guts Intimidation Notice Stealth


Name Type AG SM SP ST VI

Giant Octopus!

Giant Saltwater Crocodile Beast d6 d4A d6 d12+6 d12

Fighting Shooting Throwing

Pace Parry Toughness Armor

Guts Intimidation Notice Stealth

Special Abilities Swimming d8 Armor +3 - Scaly hide Bite ST+d10 Large (+2) Rollover (+2d8 on raise) Semi-Aquatic Pace 4 Size +4

Pace Parry Toughness Armor

6/4 6 12 3

d8 d8 d8 d10


Guts Intimidation Notice Stealth

d8 d12 d8

Special Abilities Aquatic Pace 12; Armor +2 - Hide Bite ST+d10 Feeding Frenzy; Large (+2) Size +5

AG SM SP ST VI Fighting Shooting Throwing

Grows up to 30 feet long.

0/12 7 14 2 3.2x2.5

Name Type

3.2x2.5 d8

d6 d4A d8 d12+6 d12+2

Fighting Shooting Throwing


Special Abilities Aquatic Pace 10 Beak d8+d6 Water Jet (Running d12); Large (+2) Ink Jet (lrg, -4Notice) Size +5 (10' head, 20' tentacles) Tentacles ST+d6, Reach 3 - attack 4 targets


Giant Shark Beast

35 feet long or more, with a 6 foot wide maw full of 6 inch teeth.

Glom Undead d6 d4 d4 d8 d8

Pace Parry Toughness Armor

6 6 9 0 3.2x2.5

d8 d6

Guts Intimidation Notice Stealth

Special Abilities Can use gear, but -2 to Shooting Claws ST+d4 Fear (-2); Fearless Glom +1 to Size for each corpse - also add one die to ST and VI Size +1 (2 corpses) Undead; Weakness (Head)

d6 d10

Several corpses merged into one 7 to 8 foot creature.

Name Type AG SM SP ST VI

Gremlins Supernatural d10 d6 d4 d4 d6

Fighting Shooting Throwing

Pace Parry Toughness Armor

Name Type 5 6 4 0 3.2x2.5


Guts Intimidation Notice Stealth

Name Type AG SM SP ST VI

Small spirits that infest devices and cause malfunctions.

Hangin' Judge Supernatural d10 d6 d8 d12 d8

Fighting Shooting Throwing

Pace Parry Toughness Armor

Guts Intimidation Notice Stealth

Pace Parry Toughness Armor

8 10 6 0


Special Abilities Tracking d12+2 Colt Revolver (12/24/48) 2d6+1 AP1 Pistol Scythe ST+d6, raise=free shot Ambidextrous; Fear (-2); Fearless Imp. Block; Imp. Dodge; Imp. Level Head Imp. Nerves; Invulnerable; Marksman Stone Killer; Two Fisted; Coup

Supernatural terrors that dispense their own brand of "justice" in the West.

Guts Intimidation Notice Stealth

d4 d8 d10

Special Abilities Aquatic Pace 6" Bite ST+d4 Constrict ST+d8 Horns ST+d6 Poison (VI, -2, Fatigue) Shape Change


6 to 8 foot poisonous serpents that live in deep rivers.

Humbug Bug d6 d4A d4 d4 d6

Fighting Shooting Throwing

d12 d8 d12

6/6 6 6 0 3.2x2.5

Name Type

3.2x2.5 d12 d12+2

d8 d4A d8 d10 d8

Fighting Shooting Throwing

d8 d10

Special Abilities Climbing d10; Lockpicking d10 Claws ST+d4 Jinx (Gizmo 1-2, Device 1) Size -1


Horned Serpent Beast

Pace Parry Toughness Armor

0/20 4 1 0 3.2x2.5


Guts Intimidation Notice Stealth

Special Abilities Bite ST Danger Sense (-2) Flight 20"; Size -2 Sonic Attack (lrg, 2d4-SP) Sonic Drone; Tiny (-4)

d6 d8 d12

Related to the cicada, it is a small bug that makes a big commotion.

Name Type AG SM SP ST VI

Jackalope Supernatural d8 d10A d4 d4 d6

Fighting Shooting Throwing

Pace Parry Toughness Armor

Name Type 8 5 3 0 3.2x2.5


Guts Intimidation Notice Stealth

Name Type AG SM SP ST VI

Small omens of bad luck, and notoriously difficult to get rid of.

Los Diablo Supernatural d6 d6 d8 d12+4 d12+2

Fighting Shooting Throwing

Pace Parry Toughness Armor

8 8 12 8

Guts Intimidation Notice Stealth

Special Abilities Swimming d8 Armor +8 - Scaly hide Fleet Footed d10; Fear (-1) Fearless; Gore (+d8 on raise) Horns ST+d12+4 Immunity (All); Imp. Frenzy Nerves of Steel; Size +3; Coup

Ultimate harbingers of doom. They are the size of a large bull, and accompanied by the Devil's Own Herd.

d/10 7 20 0 3.2x2.5


Guts Intimidation Notice Stealth

d10 d8 d8


Massive heavily armored creatures, can grow to as much as 150 feet long or more.

Mourning Mist Supernatural d6 d10 d8 d4 d12+2

Fighting Shooting Throwing

d12 d8

Pace Parry Toughness Armor

Special Abilities Aquatic Pace 10" Bite 2d12 Gargantuan (+4) - Heavy Armor Size +11 Swallow (2d6/rnd) Coup

Name Type

3.2x2.5 d12

d8 d6A d4 d12+4 d12+2

Fighting Shooting Throwing

d8 d10

Special Abilities Taunt d10 Antlers ST Bad Luck; Sixth Sense (-4) Size -2; Small (-2) Coup


Maze Dragon Beast

Pace Parry Toughness Armor

24 6 9 0 3.2x2.5


Guts Intimidation Notice Stealth

Special Abilities Chilling Touch 2d6 Fear(-2); Ethereal; Imp. Sweep Pain Touch (-2-SP) Reach 4" Voices o' Hell (10"-SP) Weakness (Hallowed Ground)

d10 d10 d10

Blood red cloud, 8 to 10 feet in diameter. Shadowy shapes can be seen moving in the cloud.

Name Type AG SM SP ST VI

Mudsucker Beast d6 d4A d4 d10 d8

Fighting Shooting Throwing

Pace Parry Toughness Armor

Name Type 2/6 5 7 0 3.2x2.5


Guts Intimidation Notice Stealth

Name Type AG SM SP ST VI

7 to 8 foot leech-like creature that lives in swamps and bogs.

Nibbler Swarm Beast d6 d4A d4 d4 d10

Fighting Shooting Throwing

Pace Parry Toughness Armor

0/10 4/6 7 0

Special Abilities Aquatic Pace 10" Bite (lrg, 2d6) Swarm - Parry +2 Tenacious (med then small- T 5)

Relative of the piranha, they are 3 to 4 inches long with red scales. Found in fresh and saltwater.

0/10 7 4 0 3.2x2.5


Guts Intimidation Notice Stealth

d10 d8 d10


Supernatural killers that appear as patches of shadow or shadowy humanoids with long claws.

Night Horror Supernatural d10 d10 d12 d10 d10

Fighting Shooting Throwing


Pace Parry Toughness Armor

Special Abilities Taunt d10 Claws ST+d10 - ignore armor Ethereal, Fear (-1); Fearless Fly 10"; Weakness (Light)

Name Type

3.2x2.5 Guts Intimidation Notice Stealth

d10 d8 d10 d8 d4

Fighting Shooting Throwing

d6 d10

Special Abilities Aquatic Pace 6" Bite ST+d4 Grapple Paralysis (2d4 minutes-VI) Size +1


Night Haunts Supernatural

Pace Parry Toughness Armor

0/12 8 7 0 3.2x2.5


Guts Intimidation Notice Stealth

d10 d8 d12+2

Special Abilities Taunt d10 Claws ST+d10 - ignore normal armor Ethereal; Fear (-2); Fearless Fly 12" Lure (Puppet 1d6 rnds-SP) Dark Tentacles (lrg, 3d6-SP, -1 SP die) Spawn; Weakness (Light)

Abominations made of the night itself.

Name Type AG SM SP ST VI

Night Raven Supernatural d6 d6A d8 d4 d6

Pace Parry Toughness Armor

Name Type 2/20 2 3 0 3.2x2.5

Fighting Shooting Throwing

Guts Intimidation Notice Stealth


Name Type AG SM SP ST VI

Appears as a normal raven.

Nosferatu Undead d10 d6 d4 d12 d10

Fighting Shooting Throwing

Pace Parry Toughness Armor

8 7 8 0

Guts Intimidation Notice Stealth

Special Abilities Climbing d10 Bite/Claws ST+d4 Fear (-1); Fearless; Grapple Imp. Frenzy; Infection Undead Weakness (Sunlight) Weakness (Heart)

Bloodthirsty and vicious "vampires" with long claws and chisel-like fangs.

6 6 8 0 3.2x2.5

d8 d6

Guts Intimidation Notice Stealth

d6 d8


Creations of mad science, made up of parts from corpses, weird devices, and sometimes animals as well.

Pit Wasp - Queen Bug d6 d8 d12 d4 d6

Fighting Shooting Throwing

d8 d8 d12

Pace Parry Toughness Armor

Special Abilities Climbing d6; Swimming d6 Alertness (+2) Bite ST+d4 Fear (-1); Fearless; Hardy Immunity (All); Patchwork Parts Undead; Weakness (Head)

Name Type

3.2x2.5 d10

d8 d4 d6 d10 d8

Fighting Shooting Throwing

d10 d12

Special Abilities Fear (-1) Flight 20" Nightmares (8"-Guts) Size -2; Small (-2)


Patchwork Man Undead

Pace Parry Toughness Armor


Guts Intimidation Notice Stealth

Special Abilities Command (1", +1 recover) Flight 12" Hive Mind (60") Poison (Fatique-VI) Stinger ST+d6

3/12 5 5 0

d12 d8 d10

Giant wasp queen with 6 foot wingspan and body. Typically nests underground.

Name Type AG SM SP ST VI

Pit Wasp - Warrior Bug d6 d8 d12 d4 d6

Fighting Shooting Throwing

Pace Parry Toughness Armor

Name Type 3/15 7 3 0 3.2x2.5


Guts Intimidation Notice Stealth

d8 d8 d6

Special Abilities Flight 15" Hive Mind (60" from Queen) Poison (Fatique-VI) Size -2; Small (-2) Stinger ST+d6

Name Type AG SM SP ST VI

Pace Parry Toughness Armor

Fighting Shooting Throwing

Giant warrior wasp with 3 foot wingspan and body.

Special Abilities Flight 10" Sting 2d6 Swarm (lrg, Parry +2)

Pace Parry Toughness Armor

3/10 4 5 0


Large wasps 6 to 8 inches in length and wingspan.

Guts Intimidation Notice Stealth

d8 d8 d10 d4

Special Abilities Faith d10; Persuasion d8 Survival d8; Taunt d10; Tracking d6 Knife ST+d4 Invulnerable Magic (20,Armor, Bolt, Obscure) Poison (death-VI) Weakness (Head); Coup


Appears normal at a glance, but more muscled and hides the top of her head with a wrap or long hair.

Pole Man Undead d10 d6 d6 d8 d6

Fighting Shooting Throwing


6 5 6 0 3.2x2.5

Name Type

3.2x2.5 Guts Intimidation Notice Stealth

d4 d12 d10 d10 d8

Fighting Shooting Throwing

Pit Wasp - Worker Bug d6 d4 d4 d8 d6


Poison Woman Humanoid

Pace Parry Toughness Armor

14 8 7 0 3.2x2.5


Guts Intimidation Notice Stealth

Special Abilities Entangle (3 rnds or be lashed down) Fear (-1); Fearless; Undead Coup

d8 d12

Undead made from crucified corpses and animated during hard rain. They have very elastic and elongated limbs.

Name Type AG SM SP ST VI

Pox Walker Undead d6 d6 d6 d8 d10

Fighting Shooting Throwing

Pace Parry Toughness Armor

Name Type 6 6 9 0 3.2x2.5


Guts Intimidation Notice Stealth

Name Type AG SM SP ST VI

Appears as a diseased, pox ridden brave covered with boils and lesions.

Prairie Tick Hatchling Swarm Bug d10 d4A d4 d4 d6

Fighting Shooting Throwing

Pace Parry Toughness Armor

Guts Intimidation Notice Stealth

Special Abilities Armor +1 - Chitinous carapace Bite 2d4 (med) Hooks - Raise = succesful throat - attack and tick is inside Split (2 sm - Tough 3/Armor 1) Swarm +2 Parry Weakness (Castor Oil)

Pace Parry Toughness Armor

5 4 5 1


They typicaly ride on the back of the queen unless she is under attack.

Guts Intimidation Notice Stealth

d10 d8

Special Abilities Armor +1 - Chitinous Carapace Bite ST+d8 - Grapple on a raise Hive Mind (50", 2xGang Up, +6 max) Size -2; Small _2)


Rarely seen outside the underground warren. Queens are about the size of a small dog.

Rattler Beast d6 d8 d8 d12+6 d12+2

Fighting Shooting Throwing

d10 d10

3 7 4 1 3.2x2.5

Name Type

3.2x2.5 d10

d8 d6A d6 d10 d8

Fighting Shooting Throwing

d6 d8

Special Abilities Climbing d6 Bow (12, 24, 48) 2d6 Knife ST+d4 Fear (-2); Fearless Pox (VI, Fatigue, Infectious) Spatter (adj. VI -2 or infected by pox) Undead; Virulent Breath; Coup


Prairie Tick - Queen Bug

Pace Parry Toughness Armor

6 6 24/12 2/0 3.2x2.5


Guts Intimidation Notice Stealth

Special Abilities Armor +2 - Thick scaly skin Bite 2d12+3 Burrowing 18"; Fear (-2) Gargantuan (Slam attack in a cone) Seismic Sensors (100") Size +15; Tentacles (20", drag 1d6") Weakness (Nerve Cluster, -6); Coup

d10 d8 d8

Ratller hunting patterns vary by region. They are massive, typically 150 feet long or more.

Name Type

Rattler - Young 'Un Beast


d6 d6 d6 d6 d6

Fighting Shooting Throwing

Pace Parry Toughness Armor

Name Type 6 5 4 0 3.2x2.5


Guts Intimidation Notice Stealth

Name Type AG SM SP ST VI

Rattler larva, typically about 3 feet long. Generally travel in packs of 6.

Replicant Plant d4* d8 d10 d4* d8

Fighting Shooting Throwing

Pace Parry Toughness Armor

d6 d6A d12 d12+4 d12+4

Fighting Shooting Throwing

d8 d6

Special Abilities Bite ST+d4 Blizzard of Tentacles (+1 Gang Up) Burrow 15"; Quick, Size -1


River Leviathan Beast

3.2x2.5 Guts Intimidation Notice Stealth

Plant that produces "pods'

3.2x2.5 d12

Guts Intimidation Notice Stealth

d12 d6 d8


40 foot wide, similar to a giant octopus. Typically hunts from the river bottom with 20 foot tentacles reaching up.

Saddle Burr Plant d4 d4A d4 d4 d6

Fighting Shooting Throwing

Special Abilities Construct; Fearless; Hardy Memory Drain (5 min, SP roll)

0/12 8 19 5

Special Abilities Aquatic Pace 12" Armor +5 - Improvised shell Fear (-2); Gargantuan; 1/2 dmg Stomp) Size +9 Swallow (Grapple on a raise, 2 rnd) - (dmg 2d6) Tentacle d12+d10, Reach 10"

Name Type 4* 4* 6 0

Pace Parry Toughness Armor

Pace Parry Toughness Armor

1 2 3 0 3.2x2.5

Guts Intimidation Notice Stealth

Special Abilities Immunity (Slash/Pierce) Poison (VI) Proliferation (Shaken creates 1d4) Size -2; Small (-2)

Walnut sized with thorny quills.

Name Type AG SM SP ST VI

Sand Viper Beast d4 d4A d4 d6 d6

Fighting Shooting Throwing

Pace Parry Toughness Armor

Name Type 2 5 4 2 3.2x2.5


Guts Intimidation Notice Stealth

Name Type AG SM SP ST VI

3 foot long conch-like creature. Typically buried in the sand offshore in colonies of 20 or more.

Sasquatch Humanoid d8 d8 d10 d12+1 d12

Fighting Shooting Throwing

Pace Parry Toughness Armor

8 7 9 0


Guts Intimidation Notice Stealth

Special Abilities Climbing d8, Kn Cascades d12 Survival d8, Swim d8, Track d10 Size +1 Can also use sticks as spears or clubs (ST+d4), and throw stones (3/6/12 2d6)

d10 d8 d10 d10

6 6 5

3.2x2.5 Guts Intimidation Notice Stealth

d8 d10

Special Abilities Sickle (ST+d4); Scythe (ST+d8, 2H) Construct; Fear; Fearless Invulnerability; Weakness (Fire)

Only active at night.

Reproduces by growing black "seeds" that grow into Corn Stalkers

AG SM SP ST VI Fighting Shooting Throwing

7 to 8 feet tall and covered in thick fur.

Pace Parry Toughness Armor


Name Type

3.2x2.5 d8

d8 d6 d8 d8 d6

Fighting Shooting Throwing

d6 d8

Special Abilities Armor +2 - Hard shell Burrow 2" (Sand); Fearless Fluid Drain (1 Fatigue/min) Paralysis (VI-2, 10 min) Size -1 Sting d6+d4


Scarecrow Supernatural

Corn Stalker Supernatural d8 d6 d6 d6 d6

Pace Parry Toughness Armor

6 6 4 0 3.2x2.5


Guts Intimidation Notice Stealth

Special Abilities Claws ST+d4 Construct; Fearless Go to Ground (costs 3", Notice) Size -1

d6 d10

2 foot tall humanoids made of twisted corn husks with pumpkin heads.

Name Type AG SM SP ST VI

Sin Eater Supernatural d8 d8 d6 d10 d12

Fighting Shooting Throwing

Pace Parry Toughness Armor

Name Type 6d6d8d0

3.2x2.5 d8 d6

Guts Intimidation Notice Stealth


Name Type AG SM SP ST VI

Humanoid form with shapes writhing under it's "skin"

Siren Beast d8 d8 d6 d12+4 d10

Fighting Shooting Throwing

Pace Parry Toughness Armor

0/10 6 12 0

Guts Intimidation Notice Stealth

Special Abilities Persuasion d8 Aquatic Pace 10" Bite ST+d10 Fear; Large (+2) Lure (Persuasion skill vs notice) - (can hit with lure for d6+d10) Size +5


Large angler, nearly 25 feet long. Uses corpses as "lures"

5 7 6 0 3.2x2.5


Guts Intimidation Notice Stealth

d8 d12


Naturally resembles a corpse, but "wears" the skin of it's victims.

Terrantula - Small Swarm Bug d10 d4A d12 d8 d10

Fighting Shooting Throwing

d10 d8

Pace Parry Toughness Armor

Special Abilities Persuasion d10 Claws ST+d6 Disguise (-4); Fear (-1)

Name Type

3.2x2.5 d8

d10 d12 d6 d8 d8

Fighting Shooting Throwing

d10 d8

Special Abilities Climbing d6, Persuasion d8, Taunt d8 Fast Regeneration (VI each rnd) - (not for cuts, +2 recover) Fear (-2), Invulnerability Sin Eating (Eats corpses buried in - unhallowed ground) Weakness (Dismemberment)


Skinwalker Humanoid

Pace Parry Toughness Armor

10 4 7 0 3.2x2.5

Guts Intimidation Notice Stealth

Special Abilities Bite 2d4 Split (2 Sm swarms - Tough -2) Poison (VI, Paralysis 1d6 hours) Swarm (Parry +2, Med)

Swarm of terrantulas, each the size of a man's palm.

Name Type AG SM SP ST VI

Terrantula - Large Bug d8 d4A d6 d8 d6

Pace Parry Toughness Armor

Name Type 10 6 5 0 3.2x2.5

Fighting Shooting Throwing


Guts Intimidation Notice Stealth

Name Type AG SM SP ST VI

Larger terrantulas, the size of a small dog. Hunting style is more like that of a trapdoor spider.

Terrantula - Gargantuan Bug d12 d8 d10 d12+8 d12

Fighting Shooting Throwing

Pace Parry Toughness Armor


Pace Parry Toughness Armor

6 8 16 0

Guts Intimidation Notice Stealth



Special Abilities Bite/Blood Drain 2d4 Fly 10" Swarm (Parry +2, Med) Weakness (Fire)

AG SM SP ST VI Fighting Shooting Throwing

20 feet tall and 40 feet across these terrifying spiders hide in giant burrows waiting for prey.

0/10 4 5 0

Guts Intimidation Notice Stealth

Name Type


Special Abilities Fear; Huge (+4) Ambush (Notice -4) Poisonous Bite ST+2d12 Size +8

d10 d4A d4 d4 d6

Fighting Shooting Throwing

d8 d12

Special Abilities Ambush (Notice -4) Poisonous Bite ST+2d6 Spring (3", +2 to first Fighting roll)


Texas Skeeter Bug

6" long mosquitoes that travel in swarms. They prefer hot and humid environments.

Texas Tummy Twister Parasite d4 d4 d4 d4 d6

Pace Parry Toughness Armor

4 4 5 0 3.2x2.5


Guts Intimidation Notice Stealth

Special Abilities Fear (-1) Infection (Can infect on a raise) Size -2 (Full grown) Small (-2) Spiny Tentacles 2d4


Microscopic creature that infests stagnant watering holes. Will grow in a host to the size of a housecat.

Name Type AG SM SP ST VI

Tommyknocker Humanoid d8 d8 d6 d8 d10

Fighting Shooting Throwing

Pace Parry Toughness Armor

Name Type 6 5 6 0 3.2x2.5


Guts Intimidation Notice Stealth


Name Type AG SM SP ST VI

Carnivorous humanoids about 3 feet tall. Typically live in mines and attempt to damage the structures.

Tumblebleed Plant d6 d4A d4 d6 d4

Fighting Shooting Throwing

Pace Parry Toughness Armor

10 7 3 0

Guts Intimidation Notice Stealth

Special Abilities Size -1 (3 foot diameter) Thorns 2d4 Weakness (Fire) (+2 to catch)

Appears to be a tumbleweed but attacks in groups to entangle victims in its thorny vines and drain them of blood.

6 6 10 2 3.2x2.5

Guts Intimidation Notice Stealth



Special Abilities Climbing d4 Armor +2 - Hard shell Bite ST+d4 Burrowing (2") Egg Insertion (1d4 hours to hatch) Paralytic Poison (1d4 hours, VI-2) Size +3

AG SM SP ST VI Fighting Shooting Throwing

d10 d10

Pace Parry Toughness Armor


Name Type

3.2x2.5 d10

d4 d8 d8 d10 d10

Fighting Shooting Throwing

d10 d8

Special Abilities Climbing d10, Tracking d8 Burrow 4" Claws ST+d6 Fear (-1) Night Vision, Size -1 Weakness (Light)


Tunnel Critter - Elder Bug

Monstrous centipede-like critter, about 8 feet long. They live deep underground and are totally blind.

Tunnel Critter - Adult Bug d6 d6 d8 d8 d8

Pace Parry Toughness Armor

6 5 6 1 3.2x2.5


Guts Intimidation Notice Stealth

Special Abilities Climbing d6 Armor +1 - Hard shell Bite ST Egg Insertion (1d4 hours to hatch) Paralytic Poison (1d4 hours, VI-2) Size +3



Monstrous centipede-like critter, about 5 feet long. They live deep underground and are totally blind.

Name Type AG SM SP ST VI

Tunnel Critter - Young Bug d6 d4A d6 d6 d6

Fighting Shooting Throwing

Pace Parry Toughness Armor

Name Type 6 4 4 1 3.2x2.5


Guts Intimidation Notice Stealth


Name Type AG SM SP ST VI

Centipede-like creature, about the size of a dog.

Uktena Supernatural d8 d6 d10 d12+2 d12+2

Fighting Shooting Throwing

Pace Parry Toughness Armor

Guts Intimidation Notice Stealth

Special Abilities Swimming d12+2 Bite/Horns ST+d8 Fear (-1); Hypnotism (SP) Invulnerability Large (+2); Size +4 Weakness (Heart, -6)

d6 d4 d4 d6 d6

6 7 13 0

30 foot long snake creature with horns. A crystal rests between the forehead horns.

4 5 7 0 3.2x2.5

d6 d6

Guts Intimidation Notice Stealth

d6 d4


Not always slow and dumb, but always hungry for flesh.

Walkin' Fossil Undead d10 d6 d6 d12 d10

Fighting Shooting Throwing

d12 d10 d10

Pace Parry Toughness Armor

Special Abilities Claws ST+d4 Fearless Undead Weakness (Head)

Name Type

3.2x2.5 d10

AG SM SP ST VI Fighting Shooting Throwing

d4 d8

Special Abilities Climbing d6 Armor +1 - Hard shell Bite ST Egg Insertion (1d4 hours to hatch) Paralytic Poison (1d4 hours, VI-2) Size +3

Walkin' Dead Undead

Pace Parry Toughness Armor


8 9 10 2

Guts Intimidation Notice Stealth

Special Abilities Ex: Utahraptor - 20 feet long total Tracking d12 Armor +2 - Petrified bones Bite/Claw ST+d8 Fear; Fearless; Fleet Footed d10 Immunity (Fire); Imp. Frenzy, Leap 20" Size +1; Undead; Weakness (Head)

d8 d10

Comes in a variety of forms, commonly some kind of predator.

Name Type AG SM SP ST VI

Wall Crawler Beast d10 d4A d6 d10 d8

Fighting Shooting Throwing

Pace Parry Toughness Armor

Name Type 10 7 6 2 3.2x2.5


Guts Intimidation Notice Stealth

Name Type AG SM SP ST VI Fighting Shooting Throwing

Hang out of sight on cliffs and strike prey quickly by racing down the rocky walls.

Wave Shadow Humanoid d8 d6 d8 d8 d8

Pace Parry Toughness Armor


Pace Parry Toughness Armor

6 5 6 0

Guts Intimidation Notice Stealth

Special Abilities Climbing d6 Aquatic Pace 10 Claws ST+d6 Fear Shadow (Night, +2 Stealth, -2 to be hit)

d6 d6 d6 d8


Guts Intimidation Notice Stealth

d12 d4

Special Abilities Acid Touch d4+d10 AP4 (+2 Fighting) Anchor (Limited area of mobility) Possession (Ethereal, SP) Invulnerability (Fatigue, Murder Wpn) Tears 2d4 AP4 (Skin contact) Weakness (Blessed, -2 to resist)


Appears as a grief stricken woman, with tears on her face and soaking her handkerchief.

Wendigo Humanoid d10 d8 d8 d12+2 d12

Fighting Shooting Throwing

Reptilian humanoids, they use gear taken from prey. Often appear as a shadowy form.

6 6 4 0 3.2x2.5

Name Type

3.2x2.5 d6

d6 d8 d12 d4 d4

Fighting Shooting Throwing

d10 d8

Special Abilities Armor +2 - Thick spiny hide Bite ST+d8 Charge (+2 Fighting on 1st attack) Fleet Footed d10; Quick Wall Crawling (wall @ Pace, - overhang at 1/2 Pace)


Weeping Widow Supernatural

Pace Parry Toughness Armor

8 8 8 0 3.2x2.5

d12 d10

Guts Intimidation Notice Stealth

Special Abilities Climbing d12, Swim d10, Track d10 Claws ST+d6 Fear (-1); Fearless; Immunity (Cold) Night Vision Weakness (Hot Tallow)

d12 d10 d10

Twisted creatures born when a harsh Winter drives folks to cannibalism.

Name Type

Wereshark Humanoid


d8 d6 d6 d8 d8

Pace Parry Toughness Armor

Name Type 6/8 8 6 1 3.2x2.5

Fighting Shooting Throwing


Guts Intimidation Notice Stealth

d6 d6 d6 d10

Special Abilities Climbing d10; Tracking d8 Armor +1 - Scaly hide Berserk (-2 Parry, +2 Fighting/Tough) Bite/Claw ST+d6 Fear (-1); Imp. Frenzy Shapechange (1 rnd)

Name Type AG SM SP ST VI

Fighting Shooting Throwing

Pace Parry Toughness Armor


d12+4 d8 d10 d4 d4

Pace Parry Toughness Armor

Roughly 7 feet tall with a shark's scaly skin.

Guts Intimidation Notice Stealth

3.2x2.5 Guts Intimidation Notice Stealth

Special Abilities Climbing d8, Swim d10, Track d10 Claws ST+d8 Fear (-1); Infection (50%, SP-2 control) Immunity (Req. silver to wound) Infravision (1/2 penalty) Weakness (Silver) Coup

d10 d10 d12 d10


Melon sized ball of light that lures unwary travellers.

Wolfling Humanoid d8 d6 d10 d10 d8

Fighting Shooting Throwing

Werewolf. Duh.


Special Abilities Armor +3 - Supernaturally tough Flight 24" Invulnerability (all but magic/electric) Puppet (20,Puppet,SP) Size -2; Small (-2)

Name Type 8 9 7 0

0/24 2 2 3 3.2x2.5

Fighting Shooting Throwing

Werewolf Humanoid d8 d6 d6 d12+2 d10


Will o' the Wisp Supernatural

Pace Parry Toughness Armor

10 7 6 0 3.2x2.5


Guts Intimidation Notice Stealth

Special Abilities Climb d10, Survival d8, Swim d10 Track d12 Bite ST+d6 Go For The Throat (Raise) Imp. Frenzy Pack Tactics (Dmg bonus+Gang Up)

d10 d8 d10 d12

Half man and half wolf, but not shapeshifters or lycanthropes.

Name Type AG SM SP ST VI

Cultist Human d6 d6 d6 d6 d6

Fighting Shooting Throwing

Pace Parry Toughness Armor

Name Type 6 6 5 0 3.2x2.5

d8 d6

Guts Intimidation Notice Stealth


Name Type AG SM SP ST VI Fighting Shooting Throwing

Cultists blindly follow the dogma of their chosen leader. Most keep their devotions hidden from public view.

Gunman Human d8 d6 d8 d6 d6

Pace Parry Toughness Armor

6 5 5 0

Guts Intimidation Notice Stealth


Special Abilities Pistol/Rifle as appropriate Quick Draw Standard gunslinger.

8 7 6 0 3.2x2.5

Guts Intimidation Notice Stealth

d8 d6 d6

Special Abilities Riding d8, Survival d6, Track d8 Bow (12/24/48) 2d6, Tomahawk ST+d4 Oath (Old Ways); Stubborn Block; Fleet Footed

AG SM SP ST VI Fighting Shooting Throwing


Pace Parry Toughness Armor

d8 d6

Name Type

3.2x2.5 d6 d8

d8 d6 d8 d8 d8

Fighting Shooting Throwing


Special Abilities Charisma (-4) KN Occult d4, KN (Trade) d4 Dagger/Club ST+d4 Bloodthirsty Arcane Resistance


Indian Brave Human

Typical braves follow the Old Ways, but some tribes have adopted more modern lifestyles.

Soldier - Veteran Human d6 d6 d6 d8 d8

Pace Parry Toughness Armor

6 7 6 0 3.2x2.5

d8 d8

Guts Intimidation Notice Stealth

Special Abilities Winchester (24/48/96) 2d8 AP2 Bayonet ST+d4 - Affixed ST+d6, Reach +1, Parry +1 Vow Block; Marksman; Soldier

d8 d8

Union or Confederate, these men have fought a lot of battles and survived.

Name Type

Cult Leader Human


d8 d8 d8 d8 d8

Fighting Shooting Throwing

Pace Parry Toughness Armor

Name Type 6 7 6 0 3.2x2.5

d10 d6

Guts Intimidation Notice Stealth


Name Type AG SM SP ST VI

Cult leaders are typically in league with some type of dark forces, and usually hide behind a mask of virtue.

Prairie Tick Bug d10 d4A d4 d4 d4

Fighting Shooting Throwing

Pace Parry Toughness Armor

Guts Intimidation Notice Stealth

Special Abilities Armor +1 - Chitinous carapace Hooks - Raise = succesful throat - attack and tick is inside Size -2; Small (-2) Weakness (Castor Oil)

Pace Parry Toughness Armor

6 7 2 1

d6 d6

Fist-sized bloodsuckers that move quickly through the tall grass. They try to crawl in through the victim's mouth.

Guts Intimidation Notice Stealth



Special Abilities Persuasion d8, Riding d8, Survival d8 Track d8, Tribal Medicine d10 Bow (12/24/48) 2d6, Spear ST+d6 2H Oath (Old Ways) AB (Shamanism) PP 15 - Bolt, Boost/Lower Trait, Healing

AG SM SP ST VI Fighting Shooting Throwing

d10 d10

6 6 5 0 3.2x2.5

Name Type

3.2x2.5 d10

d6 d8 d8 d6 d6

Fighting Shooting Throwing


Special Abilities Faith d10, KN Occult d8 Ritual Weapon (normal wpn, +2 dmg) Charisma -4 Bloodthirsty; Overconfident AB (Miracles); Command; Fervor First Strike; Imp. Arcane Resistance


Shaman Human

Shamans come in all shapes and sizes, but all are respected members of their tribe.

Voodooist Human d6 d6 d8 d6 d8

Pace Parry Toughness Armor

6 5 6 0 3.2x2.5

d6 d6

Guts Intimidation Notice Stealth

Special Abilities Faith d10, Persuasion d8 Charisma (-2) Derringer (5/10/20) 2d6 AP1 ROF1 Outsider (Minor) AB (Miracles); Voodoist

d8 d8 d8

Very rare outside of Louisiana.

Name Type AG SM SP ST VI

Bayou Vermilion Undead d6 d6 d8 d6 d8

Fighting Shooting Throwing

Pace Parry Toughness Armor

Name Type 6 6 6 0 3.2x2.5

d8 d8

Guts Intimidation Notice Stealth


Name Type AG SM SP ST VI Fighting Shooting Throwing

Faithful servants of Baron LaCroix are re-animated so they may continue to serve.

Black River Human d6 d6 d8 d6 d8

Pace Parry Toughness Armor

6 6 6 0

Special Abilities Charisma (-2) Enemy; Mean Speed Load AB (Black Magic) PP10 - Bolt, Deflection, Fly

Guts Intimidation Notice Stealth


Mina Devlin schools her best employees in the mystic arts and forms them into covens.

6 7 6 0 3.2x2.5

Guts Intimidation Notice Stealth

d8 d8

Special Abilities Charisma (-2) Enemy; Mean Speed Load

AG SM SP ST VI Fighting Shooting Throwing

d6 d6

Pace Parry Toughness Armor

d8 d8

Name Type

3.2x2.5 d8 d8

d6 d6 d6 d8 d8

Fighting Shooting Throwing

d6 d6

Special Abilities Charisma (-2) Enemy; Mean Speed Load Fear; Fearless Undead


Dixie Rails Human

Dixie Rails employees are usually pulled from the ranks of the Confederate military.

Iron Dragon Human d6 d6 d8 d6 d8

Pace Parry Toughness Armor

6 6 6 2 3.2x2.5

d10 d8

Guts Intimidation Notice Stealth

Special Abilities Charisma (-2) Katana ST+d10; Armor +2 Code of Honor; Enemy; Mean Speed Load; Sweep

d8 d6 d6

Iron Dragon employees are outfitted as the traditions of their home (samurai, etc.) and behave 'honorably".

Name Type AG SM SP ST VI

Union Blue Human d6 d6 d6 d8 d8

Fighting Shooting Throwing

Pace Parry Toughness Armor

Name Type 6 7 6 0 3.2x2.5

d8 d8

Guts Intimidation Notice Stealth


Name Type AG SM SP ST VI Fighting Shooting Throwing

Union Blue recruits from the military, and many employees are former soldiers.

Wasatch Human d6 d6 d8 d6 d8

Pace Parry Toughness Armor

Guts Intimidation Notice Stealth

Special Abilities Charisma (-2) (Weird Science) d10, Repair d6 Enemy; Mean Speed Load

Pace Parry Toughness Armor

6 6 6 0


d10 d10

Wasatch squads are formed of "volunteers" and are often outfitted with experimental devices.

Guts Intimidation Notice Stealth

d6 d8 d6

Special Abilities Charisma +2 KN Occult d6, Riding d10 Streetwise d6, Survival d6, Track d8 Peacemaker (12/24/48) 2d6+d4 AP1 Knife ST+d4; Badge Overconfident; Vow (Contain Sup.) Brave, Texas Ranger

AG SM SP ST VI Fighting Shooting Throwing

d6 d6

6 7 6 0 3.2x2.5

Name Type

3.2x2.5 d8 d10

d8 d6 d6 d6 d8

Fighting Shooting Throwing


Special Abilities Charisma (-2) Enemy; Mean Speed Load


Texas Ranger Human

Toughest lawmen in the West

Union Agent Human d8 d8 d6 d6 d6

Pace Parry Toughness Armor

6 5 5 0 3.2x2.5

d6 d8

Guts Intimidation Notice Stealth

Special Abilities Investigation d6, KN Law d6 KN Occult d6, Streetwise d6 Gatling Pistol (12/24/48) 2d6 AP1 ROF2 Disguise kit; Badge Cautious; Vow (Contain Supernatural) Agent; Dodge; Level Headed

d8 d8 d8 d8

Sometimes the Agency also hires freelance troubleshooters.

Name Type

Blessed Human


d6 d6 d8 d6 d6

Fighting Shooting Throwing

Pace Parry Toughness Armor

Name Type 6 6 6 0 3.2x2.5


Guts Intimidation Notice Stealth

d6 d6 d6

Special Abilities Faith d8, Heal d6, Persuasion d6 Hickory Club ST+d6 Bible; Cross (or whatever applies) Heroic; Loyal; Pacifist (Minor) AB (Miracles); Champion

Name Type AG SM SP ST VI

Fighting Shooting Throwing

Fighting Shooting Throwing

Pace Parry Toughness Armor

Guts Intimidation Notice Stealth

Special Abilities Bite/Claw ST+d4 Bolt PP20 - Lightning Size -1 Storm Control (1 mile) - Can only alter existing storms

3.2x2.5 Guts Intimidation Notice Stealth

Regardless of dogma, the blessed are all pillars of the community, and crusaders for a cause.

Name Type 4/20 6 5 0 3.2x2.5

d8 d8

Pace Parry Toughness Armor

Special Abilities

Thunderbird Beast d10 d6A d6 d4 d6


d6 d6 d12 d10

AG SM SP ST VI Fighting Shooting Throwing

Special Abilities

Thunderbirds are the size of a large hawk, and are said to be able to cause storms and summon lightning.

Pace Parry Toughness Armor 3.2x2.5 Guts Intimidation Notice Stealth

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