Dead Stars

June 17, 2019 | Author: One | Category: N/A
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DEAD STARS SCRIPT By: Paz Marquez Benitez

SCENE 1: Opening Scene

Alfredo’s Pre Nuptial Sene !Present" transition to Alfredo in t#e roo$ %or&in' on paper %or&s Sene !Past" ()no& !*+"( Don Julian: Co$e Alfredo, %e s#all -isit .ud'e Del /alle’s #o$e0 Alfredo: But I #a-e to 1nis# t#is Don Julian: A little $ental rela+ation no% and t#en is 2ene1ial 2esides, a  3ud'e’s 'ood 'ood %ill, you &no%4 is %ort# %ort# a risin' youn' youn' la%yer’s la%yer’s trou2le trou2le Alfredo:  5ine0 6i-e $e a $inute and I %ill #an'e $y lot#es0

SCENE 2: Carmen & Don Julian Narration: Car$en sees Alfredo t#rou'# t#e %indo% pane t#in&in' inside

t#eir #ouse %#ile tal&in' to Don .ulian !T#eir 5at#er" a2out Alfredo and Esperanza’s Carmen: Papa, and %#en %ill t#e 7lon' ta2le’ 2e set8 Don Julian: I don’t &no% yet0 Alfredo is not -ery spei1, 2ut I understand

Esperanza %ants it to 2e ne+t $ont#0 Carmen: 9#y is #e not a 2it $ore deided, I %onder0 e is o-er t#irty is #e

not8 And still a Ba#elor; Esperanza $ust 2e tired of %aitin'0 5our years of 2ein' a pretty 1anN6 PA?SE 9I=E TIN)IN6(" Papa, do you re$e$2er #o% $u# in lo-e #e %as8 Don Julian: In lo-e, %it# %#o$8 Carmen: 9it# Esperanza, of ourse0 e #as not #ad anot#er lo-e a@air t#at I

&no% of9#at I $ean is t#at at t#e 2e'innin' #e %as -ery ent#usiasti  o%ers, serenades, notes, and t#in's li&e t#at  !5las#2a& Sene of Alfredo and Esperanza’s Mo$ent" Carmen: 9#at do you t#in& #appened8 Don Julian: I supposed lon'  en'a'ed people are li&e t#at4 %ar$ no%, ool

to$orro%0 I t#in& t#ey are often ooler t#an %ar$0 Co$e to t#in& of it, Car$en0 T#e -ery fat t#at an en'a'e$ent #as 2een allo%ed to prolon' itself ar'ues ertain plaidity of te$pera$ent  or of a@etion  on t#e part of eit#er, or 2ot#0 Don Julian:  T#at p#ase you %ere spea&in' of is natural enou'# for a

2e'innin'0 Besides, t#at, as I see it, %as Alfredo’s last rae %it# esapin' yout#  *Carmen laughs at hat his father said* Carmen: Papa00 Don Julian: A last spurt of #ot 2lood

 SCENE !: Judge del "alle#s $ouse  Julia: ou $ust 2e Don .ulian0 Don Julian: 6ood e-enin', is .ud'e Del /alle already #o$e8

 Julia: es, #e is0 Don Julian: I’d li&e to introdue $yself and $y o$panion, I a$ Don .ulian

and t#is is $y son Alfredo0 9e are your nei'#2ors0  Julia: (S#a&es #ands %it# 2ot# of t#e$( A#, it’s nie to $eet you0 I a$ .ulia,

please #old on for a $o$ent I s#all all $y &uya, please sit do%n and $a&e yoursel-es feel at #o$e0 Alfredo: T#an& you Miss Del /alle  Julia: ou’re %elo$e Mr0 Salazar0  Judge Del "alle: A#, %#at a pleasant surprise Mr0 Salazar Don Julian: 6ood e-enin' Mr0 Del /alle, I #ope %e are not interruptin' you  Judge Del "alle: Not at all Don Julian: By t#e %ay t#is is $y son, Alfredo  Judge Del "alle: A#, so you are t#e la%yer I presu$e Alfredo: es0 I a$ (S#a&es #ands %it# .ud'e Del /alle(  Judge Del "alle: Nie to $eet you0 Please sit do%n0

 Don .ulian and .ud'e del /alle %ere tal&in' a2out so$e ases0 Dona Adela: 9#y do you all $y sister Ms0 Del /alle8 Alfredo: ># I’$ terri2ly sorry I t#ou'#t s#e %as t#e .ud'e’s sister0 Dona Adela: No, silly $an0 S#e’s $y sister0 So te#nially, s#e’s t#e .ud'e’s

sister in la%0 Alfredo: (=oo& at .ulia( I’$

 Judge Del "alle: T#e ni'#t is youn' Don .ulian0 9ould you $ind if %e play

#ess as %e #at8 I feel li&e playin' a little 'a$e of =o'i Don Julian: Anyt#in' you prefer Dona Adela: I %ill 'et t#e #ess 2oard0 Please $a&e yourself at #o$e0 Don Julian & Alfredo: *NODS*  Julia: Please e+use $e4 I’ll 2e in 2alony if you need anyt#in'0 Alfredo: 9ould you %ant $e to &eep you o$pany for a %#ile8 I’$ not really

fond of playin' #ess0 (Pause( >f ourse if you %on’t $ind0  Julia: *Smiles* Not at all

Scene %: alcon' Alfredo: I apolo'ize for allin' you Ms0 Del /alle, you s#ould #a-e orreted

$e earlier0  Julia: T#at is not#in', ea# ti$e I %as a2out to orret you, 2ut I

re$e$2ered a si$ilar e+periene I #ad one 2efore Alfredo: >#  Julia: A $an na$ed Manalan'  I &ept allin' #i$ Manalo0 After t#e tent# or

so, t#e youn' $an rose fro$ #is seat and said suddenly, 7Pardon $e, 2ut $y na$e is Manalan', Manalan'0’ And fro$ t#at day on I ne-er for'a-e #i$0 (TE =A?6ED T>6ETER(  Julia: And you &no% t#at ti$e I realized, t#at it al%ays 2etter to $a&e t#e

person realize #is $ista&es on #is o%n0 Alfredo: As you did t#is ti$e0 S#all %e try it a'ain8 My na$e is Alfredo


 Julia: And I’$ .ulia0 .ulia Salas0 (S#a&e #ands((Pause( >#, loo& at t#e stars0

 T#ey’re loo& 2eautiful toni'#t0 Alfredo: A2solutely 2eautiful indeed0

SCENE (: Julia & Alfredo )oments Alfredo: T#e days, t#en %ee&s passed and I 're% fond of .ulia0 It rea#ed to

a point %#ere $y day ould ne-er o$plete %it#out our usual tal&s0 9it# #er, it %as so easy to for'et t#e pryin' eyes of t#e %orld0 T#ere %ere no responsi2ilities, or e+petations0 .ust $e and #er standin' loser, and t#e rest unfold li&e $ysteries0

SCENE : Esperan+a & Alfredo Esperan+a: I see t#at you’-e 2een really 2usy lately Alfredo: es and sorry a2out t#at, I a$ al$ost done Esperan+a: E-en on Sundays, you see$ to for'et to %ait for $e outside t#e

#ur# Alfredo: (Beo$es uneasy re$e$2erin' t#at for se-eral Sundays #e #ad

2een %it# .ulia instead( I 3ust #ad a lot of paper %or& to do, I #elp papa in so$e ases and 'o to  .ud'es de /alle’s #ouse0 (=on' pause( Esperan+a: A#, I understand %it# your 3o2 and all I’$ 3ust (si'#( Alfredo: Are you o&ay8

Esperan+a: I’$ 3ust used of your presene e-ery Sunday 2ut lately I’-e 2een

standin' outside t#e #ur# alone0 May2e, I 3ust $issed you Alfredo:  ey, is so$et#in' 2ot#erin' you8 Esperan+a:  Earlier after #ur# so$eone as&ed $e if you anelled our

%eddin' %#i# sared $e #alf to deat#0 I don’t &no%0 Please tell $e t#ey’re %ron', Alfredo0 Alfredo: Co$e #ere0 ()iss 5ore#ead( =isten to $e, Esperanza0 People

al%ays #a-e so$et#in' to say0 And I’$ sorry for ne'letin' you lately0 I pro$ise, I’ll $a&e it up to you0 SCENE ,: Julia and Alfredo in the porch of Judge Del "alle#s house  Julia: =oo& at t#e stars, t#ey’re 2eautiful aren’t t#ey8 Alfredo:  But not as 2eautiful as you  Julia: >#; Please, Alfredo Alfredo: I al%ays feel a$azin' up #ere I found so$et#in'  Julia: *Smiles* A$use$ent8 Alfredo: No4 out# Its spirit  Julia: Are you so old8 Alfredo: And #eart’s desire0 Do%n t#ere, t#e road is too 2road, too trodden

2y feet, too 2arren of $ystery0  Julia: Mystery t#at is so 2rief  Alfredo: Not in so$e (=>>)S INT> .?=IA’S EES( Not in you0  Julia: ou #a-e &no%n $e a fe% %ee&s4 so t#e $ystery Alfredo:  I ould study you all $y life and still not 1nd it

 Julia: So lon'8 Alfredo: I s#ould li&e to0

SCENE -: .n the each Alfredo: I #ope you are en3oyin' t#is  Julia: /ery $u#0 It loo&s li&e #o$e to $e, e+ept t#at %e do not #a-e su#

a lo-ely 2ea#0  Julia: T#e afternoon #as see$ed -ery s#ort, #asn’t it8 T#is, I t#in&, is t#e last

ti$e  %e an -isit0 Alfredo: T#e last8 9#y8  Julia: >#, you %ill 2e too 2usy per#aps0 Alfredo: Do I see$ espeially industrious to you8  Julia: If you are, you ne-er loo& li&e it0 Not perspirin' or 2reat#less, as a

2usy $an ou'#t to 2e Alfredo: But   Julia: Al%ays un#urried, too un#urried, and al$0 Alfredo: I %is# t#at %ere true, A $an is #appier if #e is, as you say, al$ and

plaid  Julia: =i&e a ara2ao in a $ud pool Alfredo: 9#o8 I8  Julia: >#; No; Alfredo: ou said I a$ al$ and plaid

 Julia: T#at is %#at I t#in& Alfredo: I used to t#in& so too0 S#o%s #o% little %e &no% oursel-es0 I’d li&e

to see your #o$eto%n  Julia: (=>>)S AT TE 5AR DISTANT >CEAN( T#ere’s not#in' to see0 Alfredo: Not#in'0 T#ere is you  Julia: >#, $e8 But I’$ #ere0 Alfredo: I %ill not 'o, of ourse, until you’re t#ere0  Julia: 9ill you o$e8 ou %ill 1nd it dull0 T#ere isn’t e-en one A$erian

t#ere; Alfredo: 9ell  A$erians are rat#er essential to $y entertain$ent0 *J/0.A 0A/$S(  Julia: 9e li-e on Calle =uz, a little street %it# trees0 Alfredo: Could I 1nd t#at8  Julia: If you don’t as& for Miss del /alle *Julia smiles teasingl'* Alfredo: I’ll inquire a2out t#e #ouse of t#e prettiest 'irl in t#e to%n0  Julia: T#ere is %#ere you %ill lose your %ay0 (Alfredo’s lau'#( No%, you’re

lau'#in'0 T#at is not quite sinere0 Alfredo: No0 It is0  Julia: I t#ou'#t you, at least, %ould not say su# t#in's0 Alfredo: Pretty  pretty  a foolis# %ord; I 3ust t#ou'#t it %ould 2e lose to

%#at I %as0  Julia: No% you’re %it#dra%in' t#e o$pli$ent;

Alfredo: No, I’$ Re  enforin' it, $ay2e0 So$et#in' is pretty %#en it

pleases t#e eye  it is $ore t#an t#at %#en   Julia: If it saddens8 Alfredo: E+atly0  Julia: It $ust 2e u'ly0 Alfredo: Al%ays8  Julia: No, of ourse you’re ri'#t0 Alfredo: 9#y did you say t#is is t#e last ti$e8  Julia: I a$ 'oin' #o$e0 Alfredo: (=>N6 PA?SE, TIN)IN6( 9#en8  Julia: To$orro%0 I reei-ed a letter fro$ 5at#er and Mot#er yesterday0 T#ey

%ant $e to spend oly 9ee& at #o$e0 *0ON A/SE* T#at is %#y I said t#is is t#e last ti$e0 Alfredo: Can’t I o$e to say 'ood  2ye8  Julia: >#, you don’t need to; Alfredo: No, 2ut I %ant to0  Julia: T#ere is no ti$e0 (=>>)S AT TE >CEAN( o$e see$s so far fro$

#ere0 T#is is al$ost li&e anot#er life0 Alfredo: I &no%0 T#is is Else%#ere, and yet stran'e enou'#, I annot 'et rid

of t#e old t#in's0  Julia: >ld t#in's8 Alfredo: >#, old t#in's, $ista&es, enu$2ranes, old 2a''a'e0

(TE E=D ANDS B?T .?=IA DIDN’T 5ACE A=5RED>( Alfredo: 6ood  2ye

SCENE 3: Carmen & Esperan+a Esperan+a: To %#at do I o%e t#is pleasure of t#is -isit, $y 2eautiful sister in

la%8 Carmen: (C#u&les( T#is is t#e reason %#y I li&e you for Alfredo0 Esperan+a: 9#y are you #ere8 Is t#ere so$et#in' 2ot#erin' you8 Carmen: I 3ust $issed you in our #ouse0 I don’t see you and $y 2rot#er as

often as 2efore0 Are you 2ot# 1ne8 Esperan+a: Don’t %orry, Car$en0 9e are 1ne0 ou &no% #o% %or&a#oli

your 2rot#er is0 Carmen: Is #e8 But %#y does #e al%ays 'o out %it# .ulia Salas0 Esperan+a: .ulia Salas8 Carmen: es, .ud'e’s del /alle sister in la%0 Didn’t Alfredo $ention it to you8 Esperan+a: I don’t &no%0 May2e #e’s not %ort# it to $ention0 Carmen: But t#ey’re 'ettin' loser for $y li&in'0 If I #a-en’t &no%n Alfredo I

$i'#t t#in& .ulia is #is 1an#, is t#e 3ud'e 'oin'8  Julia: es0

(=>N6 PA?SE(  Julia: Mr0 Salazar, I %is# to on'ratulate you0 Alfredo: 5or %#at8  Julia: 5or your approa#in' %eddin'0 I s#ould #a-e o@ered on'ratulations

lon' 2efore, 2ut you &no% $ere -isitors are slo% a2out 'ettin' t#e ne%s Alfredo: Are %eddin's interestin' to you8  Julia: 9#en t#ey are of friends, yes0 Alfredo: 9ould you o$e if I as&ed you8  Julia: 9#en is it 'oin' to 2e8 Alfredo: May  Julia: May is t#e $ont# of #appiness t#ey say Alfredo: T#ey say, %ould you o$e8  Julia: 9#y not8 Alfredo: No reason0 I a$ 3ust as&in'0 T#en you %ill8

 Julia: If you %ill as& $e Alfredo: T#en I as& you0  Julia: T#en I %ill 2e t#ere0

(=>N6 PA?SE( Alfredo: .ulia, did you e-er #a-e to #oose 2et%een so$et#in' you %anted

to do and so$et#in' you #ad to do8  Julia: No; Alfredo: I t#ou'#t $ay2e you #ad #ad t#at e+periene4 t#en you ould

understand a $an %#o %as in su# a situation0 ou are fortunate0  Julia: Is  is t#is $an sure of %#at #e s#ould do8 Alfredo: I don’t &no%, .ulia0 Per#aps not0 But t#ere is a point %#ere a t#in'

esapes us and rus#es do%n%ard of its o%n %ei'#t, dra''in' us alon'0 T#en it is foolis# to as& %#et#er one %ill or %ill not, 2eause it no lon'er depends on #i$0  Julia: But t#en %#y  %#y >#, %#at do I do &no%8 T#at is #is pro2le$ after

all0 Alfredo: Doesn’t it  interest you8  Julia: 9#y $ust it8 I  I #a-e to say 'ood  2ye, Mr0 Salazar4 %e are at t#e


SCENE 11: At Alfredo#s house Esperan+a: *Sitting on the couch* ># you are #o$e, #a-e you #eard t#e

ne%s a2out Cali+ta8








*5$O/$5S .N $.S $EAD* !9as t#at t#e last ti$e %e %ill 2e spea&in' %it#

ea# ot#er8 9#y does t#is 2ot#er $e8 It s#ouldn’t0 I a$ already en'a'ed to t#is lo-ely %o$an" 9ell, %#at of it8 Esperan+a: S#e is not $arried to #i$, 2esides, s#e s#ould #a-e t#ou'#t of 

us0 Nanay pratially 2rou'#t #er up0 9e ne-er t#ou'#t s#e %ould turn out 2ad0 Alfredo: ou are -ery positi-e a2out #er 2adness Esperan+a: 9ell, do you a'ree8 Alfredo: >f %#at8 Esperan+a: >f %#at s#e did0 Alfredo: No Esperan+a: 9ell8 Alfredo: All I say is t#at it is not neessarily %i&ed0 Esperan+a: 9#y s#ouldn’t it 2e8 ou tal& li&e an  i$$oral $an0 I did not

&no% t#at your ideas %ere li&e t#at0 Alfredo: My ideas8 T#e only test I %is# to apply to ondut is t#e test of 

fairness0 A$ I in3urin' any2ody8 No8 T#en I a$ 3usti1ed in $y onsiene0 I a$ ri'#t0 =i-in' %it# a $an to %#o$ s#e is not $arried  is t#at it8 It $ay 2e %ron', and a'ain it $ay not0 Esperan+a: S#e #as in3ured us0 S#e %as un'rateful0 Alfredo: T#e pro2le$ %it# you, Esperanza, is t#at you are  Esperan+a: 9#y do you 'et an'ry8 I do not understand you any$ore; I

t#in& I &no% %#y you #a-e 2een atin' so indi@erent to $e lately0 I a$ not

2lind, nor deaf4 I see and #ear t#in's people are pro2a2ly tryin' to &eep fro$ $e; *A/SE* 9#y don’t you 3ust say it, #u#8 Before it’s too late0 ou don’t need to t#in& of  $e or %#at ot#er people %ill #a-e to say0 .ust say it diretly; Alfredo: es, one tries to 2e fair  aordin' to #is li'#ts  2ut it is #ard0 >ne

%ould li&e to 2e fair to one’s self 1rst0 But t#at is too easy, one does not dare  !S=AP" Esperan+a: 9#at do you $ean8 9#ate-er $y s#orto$in's, and no dou2t

t#ey are $any in your eyes, I #a-e ne-er 'one out of $y %ay, out of $y plae, to 1nd a $an0 .ust tell $e diretly0 Please0 Alfredo: Esperanza  you  suppose I  Esperan+a: Suppose you %#at8 Suppose you ta&e 2a& your %ord, suppose

you8 9#y don’t you tell $e you are tired of $e8 9#y don’t you tell $e t#ere’s so$eone else8 Tell I’$ %ron'0 Tell $e0 I lo-e you0 I lo-e you, Alfredo 2ut I %ould ne-er fore $yself on you0

SCENE 12: 8AS5 8O69A6D 5O ESE6ANA AND A086EDO#S 9EDD.N SCENE 1!: - ;EA6S 0A5E6 resident: 6ood E-enin', Attorney Salazar0 Alfredo: Please to $eet you, Ms0 President0 Call $e Alfredo0 resident: Alfredo t#en0 My deepest apolo'y t#at t#e letter arri-ed late0

 ou’re supposed to 2e in Sta0 Cruz no%0 Alfredo: No0 I #a-e lon' 2een %antin' to 'o to t#is to%n0 I #eard so $u#

a2out it0

resident: A#, yes0 Calle =uz Alfredo: I &no% so$eone %#o li-es #ere0 Per#aps you &no% #er8 .ulia Salas,

is t#e na$e0 resident: >#0 .ulia, t#e -ery 1ne lady %#o is I #a-e enountered one0 Alfredo: Do you &no% %#ere s#e li-es e+atly8 resident: ?nfortunately not0 But I do &no% #o%e-er, t#at s#e still li-es %it#

#er $ot#er0 Alfredo: 9#y is t#at8 resident: I don’t &no%0 But so$eone told $e t#at s#e’s still %aitin' for

so$eone0 Alfredo: T#at’s -ery unfortunate0 9ell, I $i'#t as %ell 1nd %#ere s#e li-es

to &no% #er reason, don’t you t#in&8 resident: And #o% do you intend to 1nd #er #ouse8 Alfredo: As& so$eone %#o &no%s t#e #ouse of t#e prettiest 'irl in t#is to%n0 resident: (#u&les( 9ait0 I t#in& t#at’s .ulia Salas’ #ouse0

 Alfredo: .ulia8  Julia: 6ood e-enin'0 >#; Are you in to%n8 Alfredo: >n so$e little 2usiness  Julia: 9on’t you o$e up8 *$E S$A7ED J/0.A#S $AND AND SO)E$O9 $E D.DN#5 8EE0 AN;5$.N AN;)O6E*

*9hile shoing ho Julia and Alfredo are catching up ith one another* *ac
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