De Thi Avcb 3

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Đề thi học phần: ANH VĂN CĂN BẢN 3 (BASIC ENGLISH 3) - Đề số: ……… Thời gian làm bài: 75 phút (không kể thời gian làm phần NGHE) Họ và tên sinh viên: ………………………………………..….. MSSV: ……………….Lớp : ………………Khóa: …. …………………………………….………… …….…………Giám thị 2: …………..………………… …………..…………………………... ………........... ........ Giám thị 1: ……………………………… ……. GIÁM THỊ CHO SINH VIÊN 3 PHÚT ĐỌC ĐỀ NGHE TRƯỚC KHI NGHE ĐĨA VÀ THU BÀI KHI ĐĨA KẾT THÚC

PART I: GRAMMAR & VOCABULARY - Write A, B, C, and D in ANSWER. (20 POINTS) 1. It ne neve verr

in Kala Kalaha hari ri..

A. rain B. has been raining C. been raining 2. She She ha hass si sinc ncee sh shee came came.. A. been talking on the phone B. talked C. have been talking 3. Somebo Somebody dy had brok broken en in the pyram pyramid id befor beforee the group of archa archaeolo eologist gistss A. coming B. has come C. came

D. rains D. was working . D. had come

4. When Simon went out to play play,, he his home homework. work. D. did A. will B. already done C. had already done 5. I lov lovee wi with th my fam family ily eve every ry eve evenin ning. g. A. to be B. being C. having been D. of being 6. Wha Whatt do you lik likee fir first? st? To swi swim m or to eat fru fruits its?? A. doing B. to do C. in having D. to have 7. If I sa saw w a croc crocod odil ilee I ru runn aw away ay.. A. am going to B. must C. will D. would 8. I wou would ld tak takee a tax taxii if I lit little tle tim time. e. A. had B. am having C. have D. having 9. The man tal talkk to you las lastt nig night ht is my cou cousin sin.. D. when A. whom B. whose C. who 10. The village of Phu Vang is she was born. A. where B. that C. when D. place 11. Collecting is very interesting. You can meet and have signatures of famous people. D. photographs A. stamps B. puppet C. autographs 12. What you want to do in your spare time are your . A. pleasure B. hobbies C. entertainment D. habits 13. I don’t like on T.V. Sometimes there are many personal questions. D. game shows A. soap opera series B. plays C. talk shows 14. Watching T.V can be useful because there’s a lot of information about the world in the world . A. computer  B. news C. talk show D. movies 15. They use to do jobs that require the accuracy. C. robots D. scientists A. people B. superman 16. We tra travel vel into spac spacee by A. space ships B. Spirit C. Elektro D. Curiosity 17. Tom is a confident perso personn and he likes going out and meeting peopl people. e. He is 1


B. introvert C. gentle A. extrovert 18. Lan seldom says what she thinks and never speaks loud. She is a A. cruel B. selfish C. reserved 19. For the tri tripp to Palerm Palermo, o, Pablo ttook  ook  A. a train runs fastly B. a quickly train C. a fast train 20. Marian Marianaa Jone is a runne runnerr becau because se she can run C. fast / fastly A. fast / quick  B. fast / fast ANSWER  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13




























D. generous person. D. talkative D. an express D. quickly / quick  

PART II: READING COMPREHENSION (20 POINTS)  A. Read the text/conversat text/conversation ion and choose the best answer answer A, B, C,D (10 points) 

Batman is a fictional character, a comic book superhero created by artist Bob Kane and writer Bill Finger. The character first appeared in Detective Comics #27 (May 1939), and since then has appeared primarily in  publications by DC Comics. Originally referred to as "The Bat-Man" and still s till referred to at times as "The Batman", he is additionally known as "The Caped Crusader" "The Dark Knight", and "The World's Greatest Detective," among other titles. Batman became a very popular character soon after his introduction and gained his own comic book title, Batman, in 1940. As the decades wore on, differing interpretations of the character emerged. The late 1960s Batman television series used a camp aesthetic which continued to be associated with the character for years after the show ended. Various creators worked to return the character to his dark roots, with varying results. Batman has been licensed and adapted into a variety of media, from radio to television and film, and appears on a variety of merchandise sold all over the world such as toys and video games. The character has also intrigued psychiatrists with many trying to understand the character's psyche and his true ego in society. In May 2011, Batman placed second on IGN's Top 100 Comic Book Heroes of All Time, after Superman. Empire magazine also listed him second in their 50 Greatest Comic Book Characters of All Time. 1. Who created Batman? (A). Bill Finger

(B). Kane and Finger

(C). The Caped Crusader

(D). Bob Kane

2. In which book did Batman first appeared? (A). The Caped Crusader  (B). The Detective Comics # 27 (C). Superman (D). The Dark Knight 3. When did Batman get his own book title? (A). 2011 (B). 1939


4. Which of the following statements is not true? (A). Batman was created in May. (B). Batman is a fictional character and a comic book superhero. (C). Batman was listed second after Superman by Empire magazine. (D). 2011Batman has been licensed and adapted into a variety of media. 5. Television series means (A). movies showed on T.V (B). a talk show on television (C). a game show (D). a play includes several episodes 2

(D). 1940


   B. Read the text text and decide decide if the statements statements are true or or false. Write Write T or F (5 items) (10 points)

HAMBURGERS Everybody knows that the hamburger is a very popular America food. However, people in the United States learned to make hamburgers from Germans. The Germans got the idea from Russia. In the third century the Tartar people from Central Asia moved into Russia and parts of Europe. They fought the Russia and won. They ate something like hamburger meat, but it was raw. This raw meat was  beef, lamb, goat meat, or horse meat. Soon the Russian started to eat raw meat too. Germans from Hamburg and other northern cities learned to eat this food from the Russians. However, they added salt, pepper, a raw egg, and then cook it. Between 1830 and 1900 thousands of Germans went to live in the United States. They took the hamburger with them. People called it hamburger steak. In 1904 at the World’s a Fair in St. Louis (a city on the Mississippi River), a man from Texas sold hamburger steak in a roll. Then people could eat it with their hands like a sandwich. This was the first real hamburger like the hamburger we eat today. Today some people still like to eat raw beef. They call it “steak Tartar”.  

Statements True False 1. Americans were the first people to eat hamburger meat. 2. Americans got hamburgers from the Russians. 3. The Tartars and Russians had a war. 4. Russians cooked their hamburgers meat with a raw egg. 5. Hamburg is a German city.

PART III: COMPLETE THE CONVERSATION / WRITE THE APPROPRIATE RESPONSES (20 POINTS) (10 items - no matter how many conversations. Each gap must be filled in with a (short) sentence, not words or a phrase) 1. A: E Exc xcuse use m me? e? (1 (1)__ )____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ ______ _____ _____ _____ __ ? B: It’s eleven o’clock. A: (2) _____________________________. B: You’re welcome (3) _____________________________________? A: I’m going to school. 2. A: Hi, my nam namee iiss Br Brian ian.. (4 (4)__ )______ ________ ________ ________ ________ _______ _______ ________ ________ ____ ? B: I’m Jane. A: (5) _____________________________________? B: I’m from Canada. (6) A: I come from England. 3




B: (7 (7)) __ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ ______ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ ____? __? B: I’m studying civil engineering. A: (8)_____________________________________ ? B: I am not an engineer. (9)_____________________________________. A: (10) ? B: At the University of Polytechnique.

PART IV: WRITING (20 POINTS) Write the second sentence as requested 1. There Theresa sa had dru drunk nk a lot of alc alcohol ohol in a pa party. rty. She dr drove ove hom homee and had car ac acciden cidentt later later.. If....................... If........ .............................. ............................. ............................. .............................. ............................. ............................. ............................. ............................. ................................. .................. 2. Lan is poo poorr and she liv lives es in an old ho house. use. She al always ways th thinks inks of hhavin avingg money to bu buyy a new hous house. e. If Lan had money money............. ............................ ............................. ............................. .............................. ............................. ............................. ............................. ................................ .................. 3. Alic Alicia ia kee keeps ps a pet ccat. at. Sh Shee trea treats ts th thee cat her bbest est ffriend riend.. Alicia Alic ia keeps keeps............... ............................. ............................. ............................. ............................. .............................. ............................. ............................. .................................... ........................ ... 4. My so sonn bro broke ke a ccamera amera.. He bborrow orrowed ed it from hhis is be best st fr friend iend.. My son... son.................. ............................. ............................. .............................. ............................. ............................. ............................. ............................. .............................. ............................. .............. 5. Mom hhas as be been en co cooki oking ng th thee sou soupp sin since ce 10 aa.m. .m. The soup .............. ............................ ............................. .............................. ............................. ............................. .............................. ............................. ........................................... ............................. 6. They ha have ve bui built lt the ma market rketing ing str strateg ategyy since tthe he pas pastt few mon months. ths. The marke marketing ting............. ............................ .............................. ............................. ............................. ............................. ............................. .............................. ............................. ...................... ........ 7. The Theyy fin finish ished ed build building ing S Sai ai Go Gonn zoo in 11923 923.. The building of Sai Gon zoo ................................................................................................................... 8. Nam: “You shou should ld iimprov mprovee yyour our pronu pronuncia nciation tion.” .” Nam advi advised sed me ............... ............................. ............................. ............................. ............................. .............................. ............................. ........................................ .............................. .... 9. Ba: “M “Myy fat father her iiss sic sick. k. I hhave ave ttoo get back to my home hometown. town.”” Ba told me that .............. ............................. .............................. ............................. ............................. .............................. ............................. ............................. .................................. ................... 10. Hung: “Do yyou ou know wh where ere the first- aid box is?” Hung asked me if........ if....................... ............................. ............................. .............................. ............................. ............................. ............................. ...................................... ........................


I.  Listen to the the recording recording TWO times times and complete complete the gaps with the missing missing words (8 points)  (Unit 8 – Listening – page .67) A: Welcome back. The next (1) this morning is Laura. Hi Laura, you’re through to the Problem Solver!! How can I (2) Solver


B: Hi. I’m calling (3)

I have a problem with my neighbors. They. . . . . .

A: I know! I know! Noisy (4)

! Tell me about it! 4


B: No, they aren’t noisy. A: No? B: No. that isn’t the problem. prob lem. A: So, what’s the (5)


B: Well, Well, the people who live next door, a (6)

and wife, they’r they’ree both really good cooks. They

make the best cakes. A: They make cake? And why is that a problem? B: Because they’re always (7)

them to me.

A: I still don’t understand the problem. B: I’m getting fat! I have to stop (8)

so much.

A: Well, tell them! Ask them to stop bringing you cake!  II. Listen to the the recording recording TWO times times and circle circle the best best answers A, B, C, D Conversation 1

1. Wh Where ere do does es tthe he m man an w want ant to ggo? o? A. To the bank 

(12 points) points) 

B. To the bookstore

C. To the movies 2. Ho How w ccan an hhee get get to to the the bban ank? k? A. Go Go ssttraig raight ht for for oone ne bloc block, k, then hen tur turnn lef leftt C. Turn left, then go straight

D. To the library B. Go st stra raiight ght ffor or two bloc blocks ks,, the thenn tur turnn lef leftt D. Go straight for one block then turn right

3. Wha Whatt doe doess the woma womann say about about the bbooks ookstor tore? e? A. That it has a wide variety of books C. That it is quite far away

B. That it is difficult to find D. That the man might not find the book he needs

Conversation 2:

4. Wha Whatt is th thee man going going ttoo do aft after er the cconve onversat rsation ion?? A. Go home B. Take a bath C. Clean the bathroom D. Go to the supermarket 5. Wha Whatt do does es tthe he w woma omann want want hhim im ttoo buy? buy? A. Some towels C. Some shampoo

B. A bath D. Some soap

6. Wh What at is is th thee ma mann wo worri rried ed aabou bout? t? A. The supermarket will be too crowded C. The woman will ask him to buy too many thing

B. He might buy the wrong soap D. He thinks he might run out of money



Short talk 1:

1. How llong ong has has th thee spe speake akerr been stu studyi dying ng ju judo? do? A. Since he was ten C. Before he was ten

B. Over ten years D. After ten years

2. What happene happenedd to the sp speaker eaker aatt his his last compet competition ition?? A. He lost his match. B. The referee studied judo C. His opponent hurt his shoulder. D. He hurt his opponent’s shoulder. 3. Wha Whatt di didd the the spe speake akerr do ttoo his opp opponen onent? t? A. He threw him to the ground.. C. He punched him to the ground

B. He kicked him to the ground. D. He hurt his opponent’s hand.

Short talk 2:

4. Wha Whatt doe doess the speake speakerr not have have exp experi erienc encee doin doing? g? A. Cooking B. Sweeping C. Serving D. Watering 5. Whe Whenn can the speaker speaker sstar tartt th thee new job job?? A. Yesterday C. This morning

B. A few years D. Tomorrow

6. Wh What at doe doess th thee sp spea eaker ker wa want nt?? A. Lunch in a restaurant C. Some plants

B. A new job D. Customers

----------------------------------------------- THE END ----------------------------------------------------

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