August 12, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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ĐỀ SỐ 3 PART I: MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS (8.0 points M!"# t$% &%tt%" A' ' C' o" ) on *o+" !ns,%" s$%%t to in-i!t% t$% ,o"- o" p$"!s% t$!t is CLOSEST in /%!nin to t$% +n-%"&in%- p!"t in %!$ o1 t$% 1o&&o,in 2+%stions. Question 1: Few businesses are flourishing in the present economic climate. A. taking off B. setting up C. growing well D. closing down Question 2: he dog saw his reflection in the pool of water. A. imagination B. bone C. leash D. image Question !: At times" # look at him and wonder what is going on in his mind. A. sometimes B. alwa$s C. hardl$ D. ne%er  M!"# t$% &%tt%" A' ' ' o" ) on *o+" !ns,%" s$%%t to in-i!t% t$% ,o"- o" p$"!s% t$!t is OPPOSITE in /%!nin to t$% +n-%"&in%- p!"t in %!$ o1 t$% 1o&&o,ins. Question &: 'e ought to keep these proposals secret from the chairman for the time being. A. re%ealed B. fre(uented C. accessible D. li%el$ Question ): he$ protested about the inhumane treatment of the prisoners. A. %icious B. warmhearted C. callous D. coldblooded M!"# t$% &%tt%" A' ' C' o" ) on *o+" !ns,%" s$%%t to in-i!t% t$% o""%t !ns,%" to %!$ o1 t$% 1o&&o,in 2+%stions. Question *: he Boeing +&+ is twice ,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,the ,,,,,,the Boeing +-+. A. bigger than B. more bigger than C. as big as D. as bigger as Question +: # will stand here and wait for $ou ,,,,,,,,,$ou come back. A. because B. though C. so D. until Question : ,,,,,,,,,,poor ,,,,,,,,,,poor alwa$s need the help from all people in the societ$. A. An B. / C. he D. A Question 0: ets A. shall we begin our discussion B. will wenow" ,,,,,,,,3 C. dont we D. wont we Question 1-: 4f all the factors affecting agricultural $ields" weather is the one ,,,,the most. A. that influences farmers B. farmers that is influences C. wh$ farmers influence it D. it influences farmers Question 11: #t gets ,,,,,,,,,,to understand what the professor has e5plained. A. the more difficult B. difficult more and more C. more difficult than D. more and more difficult Question 12: # was doing m$ homework ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,the light went out. A. after B. before C. while D. when Question 1!: 6$ student practises ,,,,,,,,,,7nglish with her friends e%er$ da$ da$.. A. speaking B. to speak C. spoke D. speak  Question 1&: 8ohn: 9#%e passed m$ final e5am. o om: m: ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 9 A. hats a good idea. B. ;ood luck. C. #ts nice of $ou to sa$ so. D. Congratulations< Question 1): heres somebod$ walking behind us. # think we are ,,,,,,,,,. A. followed B. being followed C. following D. being following Question 1*: ,,,,,,,,," we tried our best to complete it. A. hanks to the difficult homework B. Despite the homework was difficult C. Difficult as the homework was D. As though the homework was difficult Question1+: #t is necessar$ that children c hildren ,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, of their old parents. A. takes care B. to take care C. take care D. took care Question 1: ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,ten ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,ten minutes earlier" $ou would ha%e got a better =eat. A. >ad $ou arri%ed B. #f $ou arri%ed C. 'ere 'ere $ou arri%ed D. #f $ou hadnt arri%ed Question 10: he song has ,,,,,,,,,,been selected for the 22 nd =ea ;ames" ?i ?ietnam. etnam. A. officiall$ B. office C. official D. officer  Question 2-: 7dith >arlow has kindl$ agreed ,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,.@ ,.@ou ou should ask him. A. to21:helping B. to C. help D. helping Question eople usuall$ can gethelp sufficient,,,of the calcium their bodies need from the food the$ consume. A. %ariet$ B. source C. amount D. number  Question 22: #t is possible ma$ assist some trees in sa%ing water in the winter. A. to lose lea%es B. that the loss of lea%es


C. the lea%es are lost D. when lea%es ha%e lost Question 2!: he weather is going to change soon # feel it in m$ ,,,,,,,,,,,. A. bo bod$ d$ B. leg legs C. sk skin in D. bon ones es Question 2&: #n the preparation of fibrous material for production uses" stiff wood$ fibers from plants,,,,,,, fibers from animal sources. A. the most heat the B. need" the more heat than C. than more heat the D. need more heat than Question 2): A partnership is an association of two or more indi%iduals who,,,together to de%elop a business A. work B. working C. worked D. the$ work  Question 2*: Chosen as the nations capital at the end of the American Ci%il 'ar" 'ar" ,,,,,,the cit$ of o%er a million people. A. 'a 'ashington" shington" DC is now B. for 'ashington" 'ashington" DC" C. 'ashington" 'ashington" DC" D. now in 'a 'ashington" shington" DC" Question 2+: #t is a top secret. @ou @ou ,,,,,,,,,tell an$one about it. A. wont B. neednt C. mustnt D. mightnt Question 2: he cosmopolitan fla%or of =an Francisco is enhanced b$ ,,,,,,,shops and restaurants. A. ethnicit$ B. its ethnicit$ C. its man$ ethnic D. an ethnic Question 20: =tudies indicate ,,,,,,,,,collecting art toda$ than e%er e %er before. A. more people that are B. there are that more people C. that there are more people D. people there are more R%!- t$% 1o&&o,in p!ss!% !n- /!"# t$% &%tt%" A' ' C o" ) on *o+" !ns,%" s$%%t to in-i!t% t$% o""%t !ns,%" to %!$ o1 t$% 2+%stions. he 'interthur 6useum is a collection and a house. here are man$ museums de%oted to the decorati%e arts and man$ house museums" but rarel$ in the nited =tates is a great collection displa$ed in a great countr$ house. assing through successi%e generations of a single 'interthur a pri%ate estate for morea than a centur$. 7%en after the e5tensi%e reno%ations madefamil$" to it between 1020has andbeen 10!1" the house remained famil$ residence. residence. his fact is of importance importance to the atmosphere atmosphere and effect of the museum. museum. he impress impression ion of a li%edin house is apparent to the %isitor: the rooms look as if the$ were %acated onl$ a short while ago whether   b$ the original owners of the furniture or the most recent residents of the house can be a matter of personal interpretatio interp retation. n. 'int 'interthur erthur remains" remains" then" a hous housee in which a collec collection tion of furni furniture ture and architectu architectural ral elemen elements ts has been ass assemb embled. led. ike an 7ngli 7nglish sh countr countr$$ hou house" se" it is an organic organic struct structure ure the house house"" as well well as the collection and manner of displa$ing it to the %isitor" has changed o%er the $ears. he changes ha%e coincided with de%eloping concepts of the American arts" increased knowledge on the part of collectors and students" and a progression toward the achie%ement of a historical effect in periodroom displa$s. he rooms at 'interthur  ha%e followed this current" $et still retained the character of a pri%ate house. he concept of a period room as a displa$ techni(ue has de%eloped graduall$ o%er the $ears in an effort to  present works of art in a conte5t that would show them to greater effect and would gi%e them more meaning for  the %iewer. Comparable to the habitat group in a natural histor$ museum" the period room represents the decorati%e decor ati%e arts in a li%el$ and interesting interesting manne mannerr and pro%ides an opportun opportunit$ it$ to assem assemble ble obEects related b$ st$le" date" or place of manufacture. Question !-: 'hat does the passage mainl$ discuss3 A. >istorical furniture contained c ontained in 'interthur  B. >ow 'interthur compares to 7nglish countr$ houses C. 7lements that make 'interthur an unusual museum D. he reason that 'interthur was redesigned Question !1: he phrase 9de%oted to in line 1 is closest in meaning to A. specialiing in B. sentimental about C. surrounded b$ D. successful in Question !2: 'hat happened at 'interthur 'interthur between 1020 and 10!13 A. he old furniture was replaced B. he estate became a museum C. he owners mo%ed out D. he house was repaired Question !!: 'hat does the author mean b$ stating 9the impression of a li%edin house is apparent to the %isitor3 A. Few people %isit 'interthur B. he furniture at 'interthur looks comfortable C. 'inte 'interthur rthur ddoes oes nnot ot lo look ok like like a t$ t$pical pical museum museum D. ' 'inte interthur rthur iiss %er %er$$ old Question !&: he word 9assembled in line 0 is closest in meaning to A. summoned B. appreciated C. fundamentall$ changed D. brought together 


Question !): he word 9it in line 1- refers to A. collection B. 7nglish countr$ house C. %isitor D. 'i 'interthur  nterthur  Question !*: he word 9de%eloping in line 11 is closest in meaning to A. e%ol%ing B. e5hibiting C. informati%e D. traditional Question !+: According According to the passage" obEects in a period room ar aree related b$ all of the following 7GC7 A. place of manufacture B. date C. past ownership D. st$le Question !: 'hat is the relationship between the two paragraphs in the passage3 A. aragraph 2 e5plains a philosoph$ of art appreciation that contrasts with that e5plained in aragraph 1. B. aragraph 2 e5plains a term that was mentioned in aragraph 1. C. 7ach paragraph describes a different historical period D. 7ach paragraph describes a different approach to the displa$ of obEects in a museum. Question !0: 'here in the passage does the author e5plain wh$ displa$s at 'interthur ha%e changed3 A. lines * B. lines&) C. lines 1 2 D. lines 1-12 R%!- t$% 1o&&o,in p!ss!% !n- /!"# t$% &%tt%" A' ' C' o" ) on *o+" !ns,%" s$%%t to in-i!t% t$% t $% o""%t !ns,%" to %!$ o1 t$% 1o&&o,in 2+%stions. Dinosaurs were reptiles that li%ed during a period of earths histor$ called the 6esooic 7ra" which is known as the Age of Heptiles. he first dinosaurs appeared more than 2-- million $ears ago. For man$ millions of $ears" the$ dominated the land with their huge sie and strength. hen about *) million $ears ago" the$ died out rather suddenl$" ne%er to reemerge. he word dinosaur comes from two ;reek words meaning 9terrible liard. Dinosaurs were not liards"  but their appearance could be trul$ terrif$ing. he biggest ones weighed more than ten times as much as a mature elephant and nearl$ e(ualed the sie of most modernIda$ whales. he famous kinds of dinosaurs" including the brontosaur and t$rannosaurus re5" reached - to 0- feet in length. Jot all dinosaurs were giants" howe%er" some some were actuall$ no larger than a chicken. do not know what causeddropped dinosaur to disappear. 4ne the theor$ a changeeriod. in the earths=cientists climate. #tstill is belie%ed that temperature significantl$ towards end in%ol%es of the Cretaceous ooo large to hiber o hibernate nate and not ha%in ha%ingg fur or feathers for protection protection"" it is poss possible ible that the climate became too chill$ for dinosaurs. #n contrast" other species ha%ing protection" such as the mammals and birds" were able to sur%i%e. Question &-: 'hat is the best title for this passage3 A. he Domination of the and B. he 6etabolism of Dinosaurs C. 7arths argest Heptiles D. he >istor$ of 7arth Question &1: #t can be inferred from the passage that the Age of Heptiles lasted about A. 2-- million $ears B. 1!) million $ears C. -million$ears D. *) million $ears Question &2: he author uses the phrase 9ne%er to reemerge to indicate that the dinosaurs A. became e5tinct B. went into hiding C. ne%er died out D. lost their wa$ Question &!: According According to the passage" what is true about the sie of dinosaurs3 A. #t made made them the largest largest ccreatur reatures es e%er oonn earth earth.. B. #t %%aried aried ((uite uite gr greatl$ eatl$.. C. #t guaranteed their sur%i%al. D. #t was rather uniform. Question &&: 'hich of the following can be interred about mammals and birds3 A. 6ost ha%e either fur or feathers o%er their bodies. B. he$ preceded the dinosaurs. dinosaurs. C. he$ were too large ttoo hibernate. D. he$ could not sur%i%e the chill$ temperatures. M!"# t$% &%tt%" A' ' C' o" ) on *o+" !ns,%" s$%%t to in-i!t% t$% ,o"- t$!t -i11%"s 1"o/ t$% "%st in t$% position o1 t$% /!in st"%ss. Question &): A. measurement B. information C. economic D. engineer  Question &*: A. achie%ement B. argument C. confinement D. in%ol%ement Question &+: A. teacher B. prefer C. offer D. flower  M!"# t$% &%tt%" A' ' C' o" ) on *o+" !ns,%" s$%%t to in-i!t% t$% ,o"- ,$os% +n-%"&in% is p"ono+n%-i11%"%nt&* 1"o/ t$% "%st. Question &: A. lo%ed B. appeared C. agreed D. coughed Question &0: A. thereupon B. thrill C. threesome D. throne. M!"# t$%)-: &%tt%" A' 'KAL C' people o" ) onha%e *o+"apparent !ns,%"KBL s$%%t to to s$o, t$% the +n-%"&in%p!"t t$!t o""%tion. Question =e%eral tried change mans mindKCL" butn%%-s he refuses to listenKDL. Question )1: Jot until KAL # was on m$ wa$ KBL to the airport that # realied KCL # had left m$ passport at homeKDL.


Question )2: =tudents =tudents suppose KAL to read all the (uestions KBL carefull$ and find find outKCL the answers to themKDL. Question )!: he disposableKAL camera" a single use camera KBL preloaded with print filmKCL has appearedKDL in the late 10-s and has become %er$ popular. Question )&: ublic healthKAL e5perts sa$ that the mone$ one spends a%oiding illnessKBL is less than the costKCL of to treat sicknessKDL. R%!- t$% 1o&&o 1o&&o,in ,in p!ss!% p!ss!% t!#%n 1"o/ O1o"- A-4!n A-4!n%%- L%!"n L%!"n%"5s %"5s )ition! )ition!"*' "*' 8t$ %-ition' !n- /!"#  t$% &%tt%" A' ' ' o" Đ on *o+" !ns,%" s$%%t to in-i!t% t$% o""%t ,o"- 11o" o" %!$ o1 t$% 6&!n#s 7OHN  9ENNE) K8ohn K8o hn Fit Fitge geral raldd Menned Menned$$ 101 101+1 +10*! 0*!LL the !)th !)th us re resid sident ent K10 K10*1 *110* 10*!L. !L. >e was the cou countr$ ntr$s s $oungest president and the first Homan Catholic e%er ,,,,K))L,,,," >e was,,,K)*L,,,, known informall$ as 8ack Menned$ and 8FM. >is wife was 8ackie Menned$. >e won a medal for,,,,K)+L,,,,during 'orld 'ar ##" and was elected to the us >ouse of Hepresentati%es K10&+10)!L and then,,,K)L,,, the us =enate K10)2 10*-L. Menned$s greatest success,,,K)0L,,,resident success,,,K)0L,,,resident was in,,,K*-L,,,the Cuban missile crisis and his worst failuree was o%er the Ba$ of igs incident. >e worke failur workedd ,,,, ,,,,K*1L, K*1L,,,,h ,,,his is brother" brother" = Attorne$ Attorne$ ;eneral Hobert Menned$" to support the ci%il rights,,,K*2L,,,. >e was murdered in Dallas" probabl$ b$ ee >ar%e$ 4swald" in one of the most shocking e%ents in us histor$. =ome people belie%e that others were responsible for his murder" but,,,K*!L,,,has e%er been,,,K*&L,,,pro%ed. Menned$s book" rofiles in Courage K10)*L" won a uliter rie. 9And so" m$ fellow Americans: ask not what $our countr$ can do for $ou  ask what $ou can do for $our countr$. 8ohn F Menned$ Question )): A. to be electing B. elected C. electing D. to be elected Question )*: A. either B. too C. also D. as well Question )+: A. ner%e B. audacit$ C. resolution D. courage Question ): B. to C. about D. on )0: A. for the same like alike as Question *-: A. work on B. dealing with C. get o%er D. face with Question *1: A. beside B. upper C. with D. for  Question *2: A. mo%ing B. mo%ed C. mo%ement D. mo%e Question *!: A. nothing B. something C. an$thing D. e%er$thing Question *&: A. deniabl$ B. definitel$ C. positi%el$ D. categoricall$ PART II. ;RITIN< (=.0 points A. RE;RITETHE OLLO;IN< SENTENCES IN OR)ERTO 9EEPTHEIR ORIigh le%els of ta5ation ha%e caused man$ firms to close down.  V[p [n C KH^t t doanh nghip ang ph[t tri\n m]nh trong mji trng kinh t hin na$.L na$.L Question 2: ;iYi: reflection KnL Z image Kn L: hnh Ynh Ktrong gng" trong nc"...L 7.g: >e admired his reflection in the mirror   imagination KnL : tr t_ng tqng" khY nng s[ng t]o 7.g: Jobod$ hates $ouI#ts all in $our imagination.  bone boon KnL: 5ng 7.g: his fish has a lot of bones in it.  leash : d$ 5ch ch 7.g: All All dogs must be kept on a leash in public places.  V[p [n D KCh ch th^$ hnh Ynh cva mnh trong %ng nc.L Question !: ;iYi: At times Z sometimes Kad%L: thxnh thoYng 7.g: >e sometimes writes to me.  alwa$s Kad%L: lujn lujn 7.g: =he alwa$s arri%es at +.!-.  hardl$ Kad%L: him khi" h`u nh khjng 7.g: =heKad%L: hardl$khjng e%er calls me.  ne%er bao gi  7.g: @ou ne%er help me.  V[p [n A Khxnh thoYng tji nhn anh ^$ % ty hzi i{u g ang di|n ra trong tm tr anh ^$.L Question &: ;iYi:  secret KadEL: b mt }gt}lt re%eal KadEL: tit l  fre(uent KadEL: thng 5u$~n" ha$ 5Y$ ra 7.g: >e is a fre(uent f re(uent %isitor to this countr$.  accessible KadEL: c th\ ti qc" %o qc" s• d€ng qc"... 7.g: hese documents are not accessible to the public.  li%el$ KadEL: sng ng" sinh ng. 7.g: >er e$es were bright and li%el$. V[p [n A Question ): ;iYi:  inhumane KadEL: %j nhn ]o }gt}lt warmhearted KadEL: tt b€ng  %icious KadEL: 5^u 5a" `$ [c ‚ 7.g: =he wrote me a %icious letter.  callous KadEL: nhƒn tm 7.g: # still cant belie%e the$ were so callous.  coldblooded : tn nhƒn" m[u l]nh 7.g: @oure @oure totall$ coldblooded and unfeeling.  V[p [n B Question *: ;iYi: C^u trc so s[nh bi s = „ ? „ halftwice!"&")...timesphn sph`n trm„ as „ muchman$adEad% „ KJL „ as „ Jpronoun. 7.g:  =he t$pes twice as fast as #. KCj ^$ [nh m[$ nhanh g^p hai l`n tji [nh m[$ m[$.L .L  #n man$ countries in the world with the same Eob" women onl$ get &- percent ) percent as much as salar$ as men.K_ nhi{u (uc (uc gia" ph€ n… chx nhn qc qc lng b†ng %i &-)-‡ lng cva ngi n jng khi hˆ c c‰ng mt cjng %ic.L


 V[p [n C

DŠch: Boeing +&+ to g^p 2 l`n Boeing +-+ Question +: ;iYi:  because : b_i % 7.g: 8ust because  dont complain" people think #m # m satisfied.  though : m‹c d‰ 7.g: hough she ga%e no sign" # was sure she had seen me.  so : % th 7"g: # was ill so # could not come  until: cho n khi  V[p [n D DŠch: ji sŒ ng $ % ch b]n cho n khi b]n (ua$ l]i. Question : ;iYi: he „ adE Ž J chx nhm ngi" theo sau l ng t chia d]ng s nhi{u. 7.g:  he rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer.  Jgi giu cng tr_ n~n giu hn" ngi ngho th cng tr_ n~n ngho ngho hn.  V[p [n C DŠch: Jgi ngho lujn c`n sy gip  t nh…ng ngi kh[c trong 5‘ hi. Question 0: ;iYi: Cu hzi uji %i ets ets:: ets„?„4" shall we3  V[p [n A Question 1-: ;iYi: 6nh { (uan h %i 9hat: 9hat ]i ttrong (uan mnh h d‰ng chxhngi" %t" c th\ qc d‰ng tha$ cho 9who" whom" l which { \ (uan 5[c Šnh. 7.g:  hat is the book that which # like best.  hat is the bic$cle that which belongs to om. om.  6$ father is the person that whoKmL # admire most.  he woman that who li%ed here before = is a no%elist. 9hat lujn qc d‰ng sau c[c ti{n t h’n hqp Kg“m cY ngi lƒn %tL" sau c[c ]i t 9e%e$thing" something" an$thing" all" little" much" more % sau d]ng so s[nh nh^t. 7.g:  # can see a girl and her dog that are running in the park.  =he is the nicest woman that #%e e%er met.  V[p [n A DŠch: rong t^t cY c[c $u t Ynh h_ng n sYn lqng njng nghip" thi tit l c[i Ynh h_ng n ngi njng dn nhi{u nh^t. Question 11: ;iYi: =o s[nh k”p:  ?i tnh ttr]ng t ngn: = „ ? „ adEad%er „ and „ adEad%er.  ?i tnh ttr]ng t di: = „ ? „ more and more „ adEad%. 7.g:  he weather gets colder and colderhi tit cng ng$ cng l]nh.L  >is daughter becomes more and more intelligent. KCon g[i anh ^$ ng$ cng tr_ n~n thjng minh.L  V[p [n D DŠch: Cng ng$ cng kh \ hi\u nh…ng g gi[o s giYi thch. Question 12: ;iYi: h (u[ kh tip di|n chx mt hnh ng ang 5Y$ ra th mt hnh ng kh[c 5en %o. „ >nh ng ang 5Y$chia ra chia _ d]ng di|n: waswere „ ? ?ing. ing. 5en %o _ d]ng (u[ (u[ khkh n:tip ?past. 7.g: C[ch d‰ng when % while.  # was doing m$ homework when the light went out. KMhi n tt" tji ang lm bi tpL  'hile # was doing m$ homework" the light went out.KVn tt trong khi tji ang lm


 bi tpL  V[p [n D Question 1!: ;iYi:  practise „ ?ing: ?ing: thyc hnh hnh"" lu$n tp lm %ic g  V[p [n A DŠch: >ˆc sinh cva tji lu$n tp ni ting Anh %i b]n h†ng ng$. Question 1&: ;iYi: 8ohn: 9ji %a mi %qt (ua k thi cui. om:... A. V l mt ‚ t_ng ha$. B. Chc ma$ mn. C. B]n tht l tt \ ni nh th. D. Chc mng.  V[p [n A Question 1): ;iYi: Cu bŠ ng %i th hin t]i tip di|n: = „ isaream „ being „ ?pp"  V[p [n A DŠch: C ai  ang i sau chng ta. ji ngh– chng ta ang bŠ theo d—i. Question 1*: ;iYi:  thanks to sbsth: Jh %o 7.g: hanks to 6ar$ we ha%e tickets to the game. =he bought them earl$ before the$ were sold out.  despite „ J ?ing  Kthe fact that s„ ?L: 6‹c d‰ 7.g: Despite the fact that he worked %er$ hard" he didnt manage to pass the e5am. Despite working %er$ hard" he didnt manage to pass the e5am.  AdEAd% „ as „ = „ ? Ž Jo matter how adEad% „ = „ ? Ž >owe%er adEad% „ =failed „ ?: cho nhow th no n…a th...he failed Ž >owe%er  7.g: >ard as„he tried" he Ž Jod‰... matter harddihe tried" hard he tried" he failed.  As thoughAs if: nh th\ l: thng chx mt i{u khjng c tht ho‹c tr[i %i thyc t K= „ ?1 „ as thoughas if „ = „ ?2L. hng th ?2 l‰i th so %i ?1 7.g: >e acts as though he were rich. KBut he isnt richL om o m said as ifas though he had watched the news on ? last night. KBut he didnt watchL  V[p [n C DŠch: Cho d‰ bi tp %{ nh c kh n th no" th chng tji %ƒn c gng ht sc \ hon thnh n. Question 1+: ;iYi:  take care of: chm sc 7.g: 'hos 'hos taking care of the children while $oure awa$3 C^u trc: #t is nessar$%italessentialimportantrecommended that = „ KshouldL„ ?bare „ 4. 7.g: #t is strongl$ recommended that the machines be checked e%er$ $ear.  V[p [n C Question 1: ;iYi: C^u trc Yo ng… %i cu i{u kin:  Cu i{u kin lo]i 1: d‰ng =hould „ = „ ? tha$ cho #f „ = „ ? 7.g: #f he has free tim time" e" hhell ell ppla$ la$ ten tennis. nis.  =hould he ha%e free tim time" e" hell pla$ tennis.  Cu i{u kin lo]i 2: d‰ng 'ere 'ere „ = tha$ cho #f „ = „ ?past 7.g: #f # were were a bird bird"" # wou would ld fl$ fl$.. 'ere # a bird" bird" # would would fl$ fl$.. KCu c were wereLL #f # learnt Hus Hussian" sian" # would read a Hussian book. 'e 'ere re # to learn Hussian"  would read a Hussian book. Kcu khjng 9were chu$\n %{ Yo ng… d]ng 9'ere = to ?L  Cu i{u kin lo]i !: d‰ng >ad „ = „  tha$ cho #f „ = „ had . 7.g: #f ha%e he had trained hard" he would ha%e won the match.  >ad he trained hard" he would won the match. >ad it not been so late" we would ha%e called $ou. KD]ng phv Šnh not qc ‹t sau chv ng…L  V[p [n A


DŠch: Ju b]n n sm hn 1- pht" b]n ‘ c mt ch’ ng“i tt hn. Question 10: ;iYi:  officer KnL: s˜ (uan" nhn %i~n 7.g: staff officer: s˜ (uan tham mu  office KnL: %n phng 7.g: he compan$ is mo%ing to new offices on the other side of town..  official KadEL: chnh thc 7.g: he news is not $et official.  officiall$ Kad%L: mt c[ch chnh thc  r]ng t b™ ngh–a cho ng t.  V[p [n A KBi h[t chnh thc qc chˆn cho =ea ;ames 22" ?i ?it t Jam.L Question 2-: ;iYi:  agree „ to ?: “ng ‚ lm g 7.g: 'e agreed to meet on hursda$.  V[p [n B K7dith >arlow >ar low “ng ‚ gip  mt c[ch chn thnh. B]n n~n hzi anh ^$. ^$.LL Question 21: ;iYi:  %ariet$ KnL: sy a d]ng. 7.g: his tool can be used in a %ariet$ of wa$s. KCjng c€ n$ c th\ qc d‰ng trong nhi{u c[ch kh[c nhauL  source : ngu“n 7.g: he tin$ window was the onl$ source of light. KC•a s nhz l ngu“n [nh s[ng du$ nh^tL  amount KnL: lqng amount of something K‹c bit thng qc d‰ng %i danh t khjng m qcL: lqng g an amount of timemone$information Klqng thi gianti{nthjng tinL 7.g:  number KnL: s lqng the number of „ danh t s nhi{u & ng t s t 7.g: he number of da$s in a week we ek is + K= ng$ trong mt tu`n l bY$.L he number of people" who ha%e lost their Eob" is (uite big K= lqng ngi m^t %ic lm l kh[ lnL a number of „ danh t s nhi{u „ ng t s nhi{u 7.g: A number of hours ha%e passed. K6t %i gi “ng h“ ‘ trji (uaL A number number of students are going to the class. K6t s sinh %i~n ang i n lp hˆc.L  V[p [n C KCon ngi thng c th\ nhn v lqng can5i c th\ c`n t nh…ng thyc  phšm hˆ ti~u th€.L Question 22: ;iYi: C^u trc: #ts adE that = „ ? „ 4  V[p [n B DŠch: C th\ l sy r€ng l[ c th\ h’ trq c$ gi… nc trong m‰a jng. Question 2!: ;iYi:  feel it in ones bone: linh cYm" linh tnh 7.g: #m sure $oull succeed  # can feel it in m$ bones.  V[p [n D Khi tit sp tha$ ™i" tji linh cYm qc i{u .L Question 2&: ;iYi: =o s[nh cva danh t:  =o s[nh b†ng: = „ ? „ as „ muchman$littlefew „ J „ as „ Jronoun 7.g: >e has as man$ friends as # KdoL. KAnh ^$ c nhi{u h]n hn tji.L  =o s[nh hn: = „ ? „ more fewer less „ J „ than „ Jronoun 7.g: Februar$ has fewer da$s than 6arch. Kh[ng >ai c t ng$ hn th[ng Ba.L 7.g: =o s[nh nh^t:the = „most ? „mone$. the mostKAnh  the^$fewest the least „ J. >e earns kim qc nhi{u ti{n nh^tL here are the fewest da$s in Februar$. KC t ng$ nh^t trong th[ng 2.L V[p [n D Krong %ic chušn bŠ ngu$~n liu sqi s• d€ng cho sYn 5u^t" sqi g’ cng t c$ c`n nhi{u nhit hn so %i sqi l^$ t ng %t.L


Question 2): ;iYi: V]i t (uan h 9'ho ng sau danh t m n b™ ngh–a % ng `u" lm chv t trong mnh { (uan h. 9'ho d‰ng tha$ th cho danh t chx ngi. 7.g: A scientist has won the Jobel rie. >e disco%ered a new planet.}gt he scientist who disco%ered a new planet has won the Jobel rie. An architect is someone who designs buildings. 9o be pha trc chia _ th hin t]i. Chˆn A. o]i C. B. %i D. khjng ng ng…  ph[p.  V[p [n A Question 2*: ;iYi: 9Chosen as the nations capital at the end of the American Ci%il 'ar 'ar l d]ng rt gˆn mnh { tr]ng ng…. Cu thiu chv ng….  V[p [n A KVqc chˆn l thv j cva (uc gia %o cui cuc ni chin >oa M›" 'ashington" 'a shington" DC hin na$ l thnh ph cva hn mt triu ngi.L Question 2+: ;iYi: 6odal %erbs „ ? Kbare infL  wont: sŒ khjng 7.g: #f $ou dont ha%e a birthda$ part$" $$ou ou wont get loads of cool presents.  neednt: khjng c`n 7.g: @ou neednt bu$ so much food.  mustnt: khjng qc ph”p lm g Kmang tnh bt bucL œ dont ha%e to: khjng c`n thit phYi lm Klm ha$ khjng cng qcL 7.g: @ou @ou mustnt mustnt use the car without a dri%ing license. #ts against the law. KB]n khjng qc s• d€ng khjng c do b†ng l[i. h]m lut ^$L @ ou don dont t ha%e5etokhi dri%e. # can it. KB]n khjng phYi l[i 5e u" tji c th\ l[i qcL.  mightnt: c th\ khjng 7.g: Dont panic  it mightnt be true KVng hoYng lo]n" n c th\ khjng tht uL.  V[p [n B KV l mt b mt hng `u. B]n khjng qc ni %i b^t c ai %{ n.L Question 2: ;iYi:  ethnicit$ KnL: dn tc 7.g: 6an$ factors are important" for e5ample class" gender" age and ethnicit$.  ethnic KadEL: thuc dn tc 7.g: ethnic minorit$ people Kngi dn tc thi\u s.L  An: 6]o t b^t Šnh d‰ng %i danh t m qc s t" khi ph[t m `u l ngu$~n m. 7.g: an egg" an umbrella" half an hour"... nh t ng trc danh t b™ ngh–a cho danh t. 9shops and restaurants l danh t s nhi{u Klo]i DL  V[p [n C K>ng %Š (uc t cva =an Francisco qc tng cng b_i nhi{u c•a hng % nh hng dn tc.L Question 20: ;iYi: C^u trc: 9= „ indicate „ that „ = „ ?: chx ra r†ng  V[p [n C KC[c nghi~n cu chx ra r†ng ng$ na$ c r^t nhi{u ngi su tp ngh thut hn trc .L Question !-: ;iYi: Vo]n %n chv $u ni %{ i{u g3 A. V“ ni th^t lŠch s• cha trong 'interthur B. 'interthur 'interthur so s[nh %i nh…ng ngji nh njng thjn nc Anh nh th no C. Jh…ng $u t lm cho 'interthur l mt bYo tng him c" kh[c bit D.  do 'interthur qc thit k l]i  he 'interthur 'interthur 6useum is a collection and a house. here ar aree man$ museums to the decorati%e arts man$ househouse. museums" rarel$ in the nited ade%oted great collection displa$ed inand a great countr$ KBYobut tng 'interthur l mt=tates b suis tp % l mt ngji nh. C nhi{u bYo tng %{ ngh thut trang tr % nhi{u bYo tng nh" nhng him khi _ >oa M› c mt b su tp tu$t %i hi\n thŠ trong mt ngji nh njng thjn ln.L


 V[p [n C

Question !1: ;iYi:  de%oted to Z specialiing in: chu$~n %{ 7.g: he shop specialies in handmade chocolates..  sentimental about: nhi{u tnh cYm" a cYm" v$ mŠ 7.g: >es not the sort of man who gets sentimental about old friendships.  surrounded b$: qc bao (uanh b_i 7.g: As As a child  was surrounded b$ lo%e and kindness.  successful in: thnh cjng trong %ic g 7.g: he$ were successful in winning the contract.  V[p [n C Question !2: ;iYi: Vi{u g ‘ 5Y$ ra t]i 'interthur gi…a nm 1020 % 10!13 A. V“ ni th^t c qc tha$ th B. Vi{n trang tr_ thnh mt bYo tng C. Jgi chv dˆn nh i D. Jgji nh qc s•a ch…a 7%en after the e5tensi%e reno%ations made to it between 1020 and 10!1" the house remained a famil$ residence. KJga$ cY khi cYi t]o trong ph]m %Š rng t 102010!1" ngji nh tip t€c l ni c tr cva cY gia nh.L  V[p [n D Question !!: ;iYi:   t[c giY l g (ua c[ch ni 9^n tqng cva mt ngji nh l r^t r— rng" d| th^$ %i kh[ch tham (uan3 A. H^t t ngi n thm 'interthur 'interthur.. B. Ji th^t _ 'interthur trjng r^t ^m cng" v tin nghi C. 'interthur 'i D. 'interthur 'interthui: nterthui:khjng r^t c ging nh mt bYo tng i\n hnh" ti~u bi\u  Khe impression of a li%edin house is apparent to the %isitor: the rooms look as if the$ were %acated onl$ a short while ago whether b$ the original owners of the furniture or the most recent residents of the house can be a matter of personal interpretation.: žn tqng cva mt ngji nh qc s• d€ng li~n t€c trong thi gian di l r^t r— rng" d| th^$ %i kh[ch tham (uan: C[c phng trjng nh th\ chng ‘ qc bz trng mt thi gian ngn trc $" cho d‰ l do chv s_ h…u ban `u cva “ ni th^t ha$ c[c c dn g`n $ nh^t cva ngji nh th c th\ %ƒn l mt %^n { theo c[ch hi\u c[ nhn.L  V[p [n D Question !&: ;iYi:  summoned: qc gˆi n" mi n 7.g: =he summoned the waiter.  appreciated: [nh gi[ ng" [nh gi[ cao" hiu r— gi[ trŠ 7.g: >is talents are not full$ appreciated in that compan$.. compan$..  fundamentall$ changed: tha$ ™i %{ c bYn 7.g: he countr$ was fundamentall$ changed after the re%olution.  bring together Z assemble : t€ tp" tp hqp 7.g: All All the students were asked to assemble in the main hall  V[p [n D Question !): ;iYi:  ike an 7nglish countr$ house" it is an organic structure the house" as well as the collection and manner of displa$ing it to the %isitor" has changed o%er the $ears K mt ngji nh njng thjn nc Anh" n l mt c^u trc h…u c ngji nh" cng nh b su tp % c[ch trng b$ n %i kh[ch tham (uan" ‘ tha$ ™i (ua c[c nmL  9it Ž the house Ž 'interthur   V[p [n D Question !*:Z;iYi:  e%ol%e K%L de%elop K%L : ph[t tri\n 7.g: 7ach school must e%ol%e its own wa$ of working.  e5hibit K%L: tri\n l‘m 7.g: he$ will be e5hibiting their new designs at the trade fairs..


 informati%e KadEL: nhi{u thjng tin 7.g: he talk was both informati%e and entertaining.  traditional KadEL: thuc tru${n thng" theo tru${n thng 7.g: heir marriage is %er$ traditional  V[p [n A Question !+: ;iYi: heo o]n %n" c[c “ %t trong phng mang tnh thi ]i li~n (uan dn t^t cY nh…ng c[i sau d$ ngo]i tr: A. Ji sYn 5u^t B. Jg$ C. Qu${n s_ h…u trong (u[ kh D. hong c[ch Cu cui o]n %n: Comparable to the habitat group in a natural histor$ museum" the  period room represents the decorati%e arts in a li%el$ and interesting interesting manner and pro%ides an opportunit$ to assemble obEects related b$ st$le" date" or place of manufacture.  V[p [n C Question !: ;iYi:  6i (uan h gi…a 2 o]n trong bi l g3 A. Vo]n 2 giYi thch mt trit l‚ cva sy [nh gi[ cao ngh thut" kh[c bit %i i{u yc giYi thch t]i o]n 1. B. Vo]n 2 giYi thch mt thut ng… qc nhc n trong o]n 1 C. 6’i o]n mj tY mt giai o]n lŠch s• kh[c nhau D. 6’i o]n mj tY sy tip cn kh[c nhau ti c[ch trng b$ “ %t trong bYo tng Cui o]n 1: he changes ha%e coincided with de%eloping concepts of the American arts" increased knowledge on the part of collectors and students" and a progression toward the achie%ement of a historical effect in periodroom displa$s. he rooms at 'interthur  'interthur  ha%e followed this current" $et still retained the character of a pri%ate house. KJh…ng tha$ ™i 5Y$ ra trong “ng mt thi"b tr‰ng c[csinh kh[i%i~n" nim%cva thut 6˜hng nng cao  hi\u bit phn%ic[c%ic nhph[t sutri\n tp % mtngh sy tin tri\n ti %ic ]t qc thnh tch %{ hiu ng lŠch s• trong %ic trng b$ c[c phng mang tnh thi ]i. C[c phng t]i 'interthur 'interthur ‘ theo hng n$" nhng nhng %ƒn gi… l]i nh…ng ‹c tnh cva nh ri~ng.L V`u o]n 2: he concept of a period room as a displa$ techni(ue has de%eloped graduall$ o%er the $ears in an effort to present works of art in a conte5t that would show them to greater effect and would gi%e them more meaning for the %iewer. K Mh[i nim %{ cn phng mang tnh thi ]i nh mt phng thc trng b$ ‘ ph[t tri\n d`n d`n trong nh…ng nm (ua trong mt n’ lyc nh†m m€c ch gii thiu t[c phšm ngh thut trong mt bi cYnh hi\n thŠ chng b_i hiu (uY ln % mang l]i nhi{u ‚ ngh–a hn cho ngi 5em.L  V[p [n B K;iYi thch thut ng… qc { cp trong o]n 1 9periodroom Question !0: ;iYi:  Ÿ u trong o]n %n t[c giY giYi thch % sao sy trng b$ _ 'interthur tha$ ™i3 Cui o]n 1: he changes ha%e coincided with de%eloping concepts of the American arts" increased knowledge on the part of collectors and students" and a progression toward the achie%ement of a historical effect in periodroom displa$s. he rooms at 'interthur  'interthur  ha%e followed this current" $et still retained the character of a pri%ate house. KJh…ng tha$ ™i  5Y$ ra “ng thi" tr‰ng %i %ic ph[t tri\n c[c kh[i nim cva ngh thut 6˜" nng ?4CABAH@ cao hi\u bit trong mt b phn c[c nh su tp % sinh %i~n" % mt sy tin tri\n hng ti %ic ]t qc hiu ng lŠch s• trong %ic trng b$ c[c phng mang tnh thi ]i. C[c  phng t]i 'interthur 'interthur ‘ theo hng n$ n$"" nhng %ƒn gi… l]i nh nh…ng …ng ‹c tnh cva nh ri~ng.L  V[p [n D  museum KnL: bYo tng  collection b\ sutrang tp tr decorati%eKnL: KadEL:  decorate K%L" decoration KnL  rarel$ Kad%L: him khi  displa$ K%L: trng b$" hi\n thŠ


 successi%e KadEL: li~n t€c" k tip  generation KnL: th h  pri%ate KadEL: ri~ng t" c[ nhn  estate KnL:b^t ng sYn" i{n trang  e5tensi%e KadEL: rng r‘i" bao (u[t" c ph]m %i rng  reno%ation KnL: =y nng c^p" cYi tin" ™i mi  remain K%L: cn l]i" _ l]i gi… ngu$~n K%Š tr" tnh tr]ngL  residence KnL: nh _" dinh thy" ni c tr  resident KadEL  importance  KnL: t`m (uan trˆng  atmosphere KnL: khjng kh  effect KnL: hiu (uY" t[c ng" Ynh h_ng  impression KnL: ^n tqng  apparent KadEL: r— rng" hi\n nhi~n" d| th^$  %isitor KnL: kh[ch du lŠch  %acate K%L: bz trng" bz khjng  original KadEL: gc" ngu$~n bYn" ban `u  owner KnL : ngi chv  furniture KnL: ni th^t  recent KadEL: g`n $  recentl$ Kad%L  matter KnL: ch^t" chv {" %^n {  interpretation: sy giYi thch" phi~n dŠch architectural KadEL: thuc kinsytrc  architecKnL : kin trc s  architecture: cjng trnh kin trc" c^u trc  element KnL: $u t  organic KadEL: thuc h…u c   structure KnL: kt c^u" c^u trc  coincide K%L: 5Y$ ra “ng thi" tr‰ng khp  concept KnL: kh[i nim" (uan nim  progression KnL : sy tin tri\n  achie%ement KnL : thnh tch" thnh tyu" sy ]t qc  achie%e K%L  achie%able KadEL  current KnL : hng" dng" chi{u  current KadEL : hin thi" thŠnh hnh" hin na$  retain K%L: gi…" gi… l]i  character kaeraktar KnL: ‹c i\m" tnh c[ch" ‹c trng  period piriad KnL: thi k" giai o]n  period KadEL: KthucL thi k› ‘ (ua mang tnh ch^t thi ]i" mang mu sc thi ]i K‘(uaL  techni(ue KnL: k˜ thut" bin ph[p k˜ thut  graduall$ Kad%L : d`n d`n" t t  effort KnL: sy c gng" sy n’ lyc  make an effort to do sth  present KnL: mn (u[  present hinb$" na$ na$"trnh " hindi|nO t]i present KadEL: K%L: trnh  conte5t KnL: bi cYnh  %iewer KnL: ngi 5em  habitat KnL: mji trng sng


 natural KadEL: KthucL ty nhi~n" KthucL thi~n nhi~n  pro%ide K%L: cung c^p  opportunit$ KnL: c hi  obEect KnL: “ %t" i tqng" m€c ti~u" m€c ch.  manufacture KnL: sy sYn 5u^t Question &-: ;iYi: i~u { tt nh^t cho o]n %n n$ l g3 A. =y thng trŠ cva ^t B. =y chu$\n ha cva khvng long" C. oi b s[t ln nh^t tr[i ^t D. Šch s• cva tr[i ^t hng th ni dung chnh cva o]n %n sŒ n†m _ o]n th 1: Dinosaurs were reptiles that li%ed during a period of earths histor$ called the 6esooic 7ra" which is known as the Age of Heptiles. he first dinosaurs appeared more than 2-- million $ears ago. For  man$ millions of $ears" the$ dominated the land with their huge sie and strength. hen about *) million $ears ago" the$ died out rather suddenl$" ne%er to reemerge. KMhvng long l loi b s[t sng trong mt giai o]n cva lŠch s• tr[i ^t qc gˆi l k V]i rung sinh" qc bit n l thi ]i cva loi b s[t. Jh…ng con khvng long `u ti~n 5u^t hin c[ch $ hn 2-- triu nm. rong nhi{u triu nm" chng th™ng trŠ m‹t ^t b†ng kch thc khng l“ % sc m]nh cva chng. =au  khoYng *) triu nm trc" chng cht mt c[ch kh[ t ngt" khjng bao gi 5u^t hin tr_ l]iL  V[p [n B Question &1: ;iYi: C th\ su$ lun t o]n %n r†ng thi ]i cva loi b s[t k”o di khoYng: A. nm B.appeared 1!) triumore nm than C. -2-triu nm D. *) triu he2-firsttriu dinosaurs million $ears ago. nm KJh…ng con khvng long u ti~n 5u^t hin hn 2-- triu nm trcL hen about *) million $ears ago" the$ died out rather suddenl$" ne%er to reemerge. K=au  khoYng *) triu nm trc" chng cht mt c[c c[chh kh[ t ngt" khjng bao gi  5u^t hin tr_ l]iL  V[p [n B K2--*) Ž1!)L Question &2: ;iYi: [c giY d‰ng c€m t 9khjng bao gi 5u^t hin tr_ l]i \ chx ra r†ng khvng long A. tr_ n~n tu$t chvng B. i trn C. khjng bao gi cht ht" m^t h¡n D. l]c ng  V[p [n A Question &!: ;iYi: Dya %o o]n %n" i{u no l ng %{ kch thc cva khvng long3 A. Mch thc lm cho khvng long tr_ thnh sinh %t ln nh^t tr~n tr[i ^t B. Mch thc tha$ ™i kh[ [ng k\ C. Mch thc Ym bYo sy sng cn cho chng D. Mch thc kh[ “ng nh^t  ni dung o]n 2: he biggest ones weighed more than ten times as much as a mature elephant and nearl$ e(ualed the sie of most modernIda$ whales. he famous kinds of dinosaurs" including the brontosaur and t$rannosaurus re5" reached - to 0- feet ?4CABAH@ in length. Jot all dinosaurs were giants" howe%er" some were actuall$ no larger than a chicken. KJh…ng con ln nh^t n‹ng hn mi l`n so %i mt con %oi tr_ng thnh % g`n nh ngang b†ng %i kch thc cva h`u ht c[c loi c[ %oi ng$ na$. Jh Jh…ng …ng lo]i ni ting cva loi khvng long" bao g“m cY khvng long to n c$ ci % %ua khvng long chn ngn uji di" di -0- feet. u$ nhi~n" khjng phYi t^t cY khvng long {u kh™ng l“" mt s thyc sy [n khjng c on gL   V[p B ln hn mt con Question &&: ;iYi: Vi{u no sau $ c th\ qc su$ lun %{ chim % c[c ng %t c % A. >`u ht chng {u c ljng tr~n c th\ B. Chng c trc khvng long


C. Chng (u[ ln \ ngv jng D. Chng khjng th\ t“n t]i trong nhit d l]nh l] nh  o]n !: oo oo large to hibernate and not ha%ing fur or fea feathers thers for protection" it is  possible that the climate became too chill$ for dinosaurs. dinosaurs. #n contrast" other species ha%ing  protection" such as the mammals mammals and birds" were able to sur%i%e.  V[p [n A  reptile KnL: loi b s[t  appear K %L: 5u^t hin  dominate K%L: chi phi" thng trŠ  huge  KadEL: to ln" kh™ng l  sie KnL: kch thc  strength KnL: sc m]nh  die out K%L: cht s]ch" m^t h¡n" bin m^t  reemerge K%L : 5u^t hin l]i  liard KnL: th†n l†n  appearance KnL: hnh thc" b{ngoi  terrif$ K%L: lm cho sy h‘i  mature KadEL: tr_ng thnh  e(ual KadEL: ngang" b†ng  kind KnL: loi" ging" lo]i  giant KadEL: kh™ng l“  theor$ KnL: hˆc thu$t" l‚ thu$t  in%ol%e K%L: g“m" bao hm" li~n (uan n significanl$ Kad%L: [ng k\" c ‚ ngh–a  hibernate K%L: ngv jng  fur KnL: KnL: ljngljng KthL%" ljng chim feather  protection KnL: sy bYo %  protect K%L  chill$ KadEL: gi[ l]nh  sur%i%e K%L: sng st" tip t€c sng" tip t€c t“n t]i Question &): ;iYi:  measurement m¢£¢m¢nt KnL : sy o lng" ph”p o  information "inf¢mein£n KnL: thjng tin Kt tn c‰ng l uji 9hon th trˆng m nh^n %o m tit th 2 t cui l~nL  economic "i:k¢n£mik KadEL: thuc %{ kinh t Kt tn c‰ng l uji 9ic th trˆng m nh^n %o m tit th 2 t cui l~nL  engineer "end£ini¢ KnL: k˜ s Kt tn c‰ng l uji 9eer th trˆng m nh^n %o chnh nL  V[p [n A Question &*: ;iYi:  achie%ement ¢t£i:%m¢nt KnL: thnh tch  argument £:gEum¢nt KnL: l‚ lŒ" sy tranh c‘i  confinement k¢nfainm¢nt KnL: sy h]n ch" sy giam c`m  in%ol%ement in%£l%m¢nt KnL: sy bao hm" sy g“m  V[p [n B Question &+: ;iYi: Va s c[c danh t c 2 m tit th trˆng m nh^n %o m tit th nh^t: mountain mauntn" summer s£m¢r"...ngo]i s£m¢r"...ngo]i tr: machine m¢£i:n" mistake misteik Va s c[c ng t c 2 m tit th trˆng m nh^n %o m tit th 2: enEo$ ind££i" collect k¢lekt"... ngo]i tr mt s ng t c uji 9ow" er" er" en: offer £:f¢r" ffollow ollow f£:lou " happenKn h¤p¢n "...  teacher ti:t£¢ L: gi[o %i~n  prefer prif¢: K%L: thch hn  prefer sth to sth" prefer doing sth to doing sth  offer £:f¢r K%L : mi" { nghŠ


 flower flau¢r KnL: hoa  V[p [n B Question &: ;iYi: Qu$ tc ph[t m ng t c uji 9ed:  C ! c[ch ph[t m chnh t: nh…ng t c tn c‰ng: ch" p"f" s"k" th"shchnh phv  ph[ts[ch khjngthm shareKchia s¥L" G" % nh…ng ng t c t ph[t m cui l 9 s 7.g: liked" stopped" coughed Kcough qc ph[t m k £:ftn c‰nglfL... id: Jh…ng t c tn c‰ng l : t" d 7.g: needed" wanted.... d: nh…ng trng hqp cn l]i 7.g: li%ed" studied" lo%ed" appeared" agreed"."  V[p [n D Question &0: ;iYi:  thereupon ¦e¢r¢p£n Kad%L: nga$ sau  7.g: he audience thereupon rose cheering to their feet.  thrill §ril KnL: cYm gi[c h“i hp 7.g: #t ga%e me a big thrill to meet m$ fa%ourite author in person.  threesome §ri:s¢m KnL: nhm ! ngi" b ba 7.g: he$ became an inseparable threesome.  throne §roun KnL: ngai %ng" ngji %ua 7.g: Queen 7liabeth camesucceeded to the throne in 10)2.  V[p [n A Question )-: ;iYi: ?Š tr cvang tr]ng  rc tt: thng Knh^t l c[c tr]ng t chx t`n su^t: often" alwa$s" usuall$" seldom....L 7.g: he$ often get up at *am. ;i…a trq ng t % ng t thng 7.g: # ha%e recentl$ finished m$ homework .  =au ng t 9to beseemlook...% trc tnh t: 9tobeleellook... „ ad% „ adE 7.g: =he is %er$ nice.  =au 9too: ?KthngL „ too „ ad% 7.g: he teacher speaks too (uickl$.  rc 9enough : ? „ ad% „ enough 7.g: he teacher speaks slowl$ enough for us to understand. rong c^u trc so....that: s„ ? „ so „ ad% „ that 7.g: 8ack dro%e so fast that he caused an accident.  Vng cui cu 7.g: he doctor told me to breathe in slowl$.  r]ng t cng thng ng mt mnh _ `u cu"ho‹c gi…a cu % c[ch c[c thnh  ph`n kh[c cva cu b†ng d^u phš$ phš$ K"L 7.g: uckil$" # passed the e5am.  hng th tr]ng t b™ ngh–a cho t lo]i no th ng g`n t lo]i ^$. 7.g: =he often sa$s she %isits her grandmother. K4ften b™ ngh–a cho 9sa$sL. =he sa$s he often %isits her grandmother. K4ften b™ ngh–a cho 9%isitsL  V[p [n B Kapparent }gt apparentl$L  refuse„ to ?: t chi lm %ic g 7.g: >e flatl$ refused to discuss the matter. Question )1: ;iYi:  C^u trc #t is was not until... that... „ = „ ? qc d‰ng \ nh^n m]nh khoYng thi gian ho‹c thi m mt sy %ic ra. MhoYng thi gian ho‹c thi i\m c th\ di|n tY b†ng mt t"di\m mt c€m t ho‹c mt5Y$ mnh {. D]ng Yo ng… : Jot until timeclause „ trq ng t „ = „ ?bareinf„ ... 7.g: =he didnt get home until 11 p.m  #t was not until 11 p.m that she got home.


 Jot   until 11 p.m did she get hom home. e. K6‘i n 11 gi cj ^$ mi %{ nhL

'e didnt didnt know the truth until the book was published.  #t was not until the book was published that we knew the truth.   until the book was published published did we know th thee truth. K6‘i n khi cun s[ch  Jot qc 5u^t bYn chng tji mi bit sy tht.L  V[p [n C Kthat # realied  did # realiedL Question )2: ;iYi:  C^u trc bŠ ng %i th (u[ kh n: = „ waswere„ ?pp „ 4  be supposed to: c nhim %€" b™n phn phYi lm g  V[p [n A Ksupposed  were supposedL  find out: tm ra 7.g: # ha%ent found an$thing out about him $et. Question )!: ;iYi:  in the late 10-s: cui nh…ng nm 10- Kmc thi gian trong (u[ khL h (u[ kh n d‰ng \ chx hnh ng 5Y$ ra % ch^m dt hon ton trong (u[ kh hnh ng 5Y$ ra t]i mt mc thi gian thuc %{ (u[ kh K$esterda$ last weeklast $ear in 100!...L 7.g: # was born in 100&.  V[p [n D Khas  appeared appearedL Question )&: ;iYi:  D‰ng ?ing sau gii t  V[p [n D Kto treat sickness  treating sicknessL Question )): ;iYi: ;iYn lqc mnh { (uan h:  Ju pha trc danh9to t c second" th onl$. onl$... .. thmnh chng{ta(uan d‰nghto ? Kmang ‚ chv ngL be the 9first" Kmangthe ‚ bŠ ngL the e giYn lqc 7.g1: >e was the first person who came here. Ž}gt >e was the first person to come here. Kchv ngL 7.g2: # was the last person who was inter%iewed this morning. Ž}gt # was the last person to be inter%iewed this morning. KbŠ ngL  V[p [n D Question )*: ;iYi:  either  7.g: @ou @ou can park on either side of the street KB]n c th\ ’ 5e _ mt trong 2 h~n ng phL either come in or go out Kho‹c %o ho‹c raL  too 7.g: he car is too e5pensi%e for me to bu$ KChic 5e (u[ t cho tji muaL = „ ? „ too „ adEad% „ for =b „ to do sth 'hen #%e finished painting the bathroom" #m going to do the kitchen too KMhi tji sn 5ong phng tm" tji dy Šnh cng sŒ sn phng bpL  also Kad%L cng Kthng ng gi…a chv ng… % ng t thng" sa€ tobeL  as well Kad%L: cng Kng cui cu.L  as well as: cng nh 7.g: #f $ou go" #ll go as well KJu b]n i" tji cng sŒ i.L Question )+: ;iYi:  ner%e  KnL: kh ph[ch" can Ym  audacit$ KnL: sy t[o b]o  resolution KnL: (u$t tm" sy cng (u$t  courage: sy can Ym" dng cYm  V[p [n D Kmedal for courage: hu$ chng cho lng dng cYmL Question ;iYi:  C^u trc): song song trong cu ngh–a l nh…ng thjng tin lit k~ trong c‰ng mt cu  phYi ging nhau %{ t lo]i ho‹c ho‹c th khi thi gian trong c[c mnh { cva cu l nh nhau nhau KJJ adE adE %erb %erb...L 7.g1: =he is a teacher" a politician" and an engineer. KJ" J and JL


7.g2: >e entered the room" sat down" and opened the window. K?" ? and ?L Chng ta nhn th^$ trong cu >e K...L was elected to the = >ouse of Hepresentati%es K10&+)!L and then KelectedL to the = =enate.  V[p [n B Question )0: ;iYi:  the same: = „ ? „ KnotL the same „ KJL „ as „ Jpronoun 7.g: 6$ house is not the same as $our house$ours KJh cva tji khjng ging nh nh cva b]nL hose two dresses are the same K2 c[i %[$ kia l ging nhauL 6onda$ was prett$ hot" and uesda$ was the same.Kh 2 th kh[ nng" th ! cng %$L  lŠke „ J: nh" ging nh Z such as 7.g: # want to %isit the countries like the = to e5plore the culture.  alike KadE ad%L: ging nhau  Ju l mt adE ¨not before noun© th th tng ng %i: 9%er$ similar Kr^t l ging nhau.L 7.g: 6$ sister and # look alike. Kji % chŠ tji trjng ging nhau.L  Ju l mt ad% th tng ng %i: 9in a %er$ similar wa$ Kc[ch thc ging nhauL 7.g: 6$ father treated us all alike. KB tji i 5• %i t^t cY chng tji ging nhau.L  as: nh „ as d‰ng \ ni %{ cjng %ic ho‹c chc nng 7.g: # worked as a shop assistant for 2 $ears when # was a student Kji ‘ lm %ic nh mt nhn %i~n b[n hng qc 2 nm khi cn l sinh %i~n.L >e used\hisng shoeinh as a treo hammer to hang the picture up KAnh ^$ d‰ngchic gi$ nh mt c[i ba tranh.L „ theo sau as l mnh { 7.g: =hes a talented writer" as most of her famil$ are. KCj ^$ l mt nh %n ti nng nh h`u ht thnh %i~n trong tr ong gia nh cj ^$.L  V[p [n D Question *-: ;iYi:  work on : c gng thu$t ph€c ai  lm g" c gng \ cYi thin i{u g  7.g: @ou @ou need to work on $our pronunciation a bit more.  deal with: giYi (u$t 7.g: >es good at dealing with pressure.  get o%er: wqt (ua" khc ph€c 7.g: # think the problem can be got o%er without too much difficult$.  face with: i m‹t %i 7.g: he countr$ was faced with the possibilit$ of an earth (uake.  V[p [n B KVng t theo sau gii t thng l 9? 9?ingL ingL Question *1: ;iYi:  beside: b~n" b~n c]nh" so %i 7.g: >e sat beside her all night. 6$ painting looks childish beside $ours.  upper: cao hn K%{ %Š tr" Ša l" c^p bc"...L 7.g: the upper Eaw Khm tr~nL  for: cho 7.g: to bu$ something for somebod$ Kmua c[i g cho aiL  V[p [n C Kwork with: lm %ic %iL. Question *2: ;iYi:  Ch’ trng n$ c`n mt danh t ?Š tr cva danh t: Danh t thng qc ‹t _ nh…ng %Š tr sau „ Chv ng… cva cu Kthng ng `u cu ho‹c sau tr]ng ng… chx thi gianL 7.g: 6aths is the subEect # like best. @esterda$ @e sterda$ an went home at midnight.


„ =au tnh t: m$" $our" our" their" his" her" its" good" beautiful.... 7.g: =he is a good teacher. >is father works in hospital. „ m tn ng…" sau ng t 7.g: # like 7nglish. 'e are students. „ =au 9enough 7.g: >e didnt ha%e enough mone$ to bu$ that car. „ =au c[c m]o t 9a" an" the ho‹c c[c t 9this" that" these" those" each" e%er$" both" no" some" an$" an$" few" a few" little" a little"... u ‚ c^u trc aanthe „ adE „ nounL 7.g: his book is an interesting book. „ =au gii t: in" on" of" with" under" about" at 75: hanh is good at literature.  V[p [n C Kmo%ement KnL: phong tro" cuc %n ngL Question *!: ;iYi:  nothing: khjng c g" khjng c c[i g Chng ta thng d‰ng 9nothing trc ho‹c sau ng t _ th\ kh¡ng Šnh K? qc chia _ s tL. 7.g: Jothing makes an happ$. happ$.  something: KmtL i{u g " %ic g " c[i g  Chng ta thng d‰ng 9something trong cu kh¡ng Šnh 7.g: #m going to ha%e something to drink. Vji khi l trong li mi lŠch sy: 7.g: 'ould 'ould $ou like something to drink 3 aan$thing: b^t c9an$thing c[i g" b^ttrong c %ic b^tŠnh c i{u g %^n thng d‰ng thng cug"phv % nghi 7.g: 'ould 'ould $ou like an$thing else3 =he doesnt like an$thing.  e%er$thing: t^t cY mˆi th a d‰ng d‰ng 9e%er$thing trc ho‹c sau ng t _ th\ kh¡ng Šnh. 7.g: #%e done e%er$thing # can.  V[p [n B KJothing has e%er been definitel$ pro%ed: Mhjng c g qc chng thyc mt c[ch r]ch ri Question *&: ;iYi:  deniabl$ Kad%L: c th\ t chi" c th\ khc t  definitel$ Kad%L: mt c[ch r]ch ri" chc chn  positi%el$ Kad%L: mt c[ch (uY (u$t  categoricall$ Kad%L: th¡ng thng" dt kho[t  V[p [n B Kto be defiinitel$ pro%ed: qc chng minh r— rngL AH A H ##. 'H##J; 'H# #J; A. H7'H#7 >7 F44'#J; =7J7JC7= #J 4HD7H4 M77 >7#H  4H#;#JA 67AJ#J;=. V[p [n: 1. Camr$ is the prettier of the two girls. =o s[nh hn k”m khjng d‰ng 9than gi…a 2 i tqng = „ tobe „ the „ adEer K%i tnh t ngnLmore adE K%i tnh t diL „ of the two „  plural nouns 7.g: Jam is the more intelligent of the two bo$s. 4f the two books" this one is the more interesting. 2. #%e ne%er seen a better film than this Kfilm oneL. #%e ne%er seen such a good film. C^u trc: histhat#t „ is „ so s[nh nh^t cva tnh t „ J „ KthatL s „ ha%ehas „ e%er   pp Ž = ha%ehas ne%er  „ a „ so s[nh hn cva tnh t „ J „ than thisthat J Ž = ha%ehas ne%er  such „ aan „ adE „ J !. here are o%er 2"--- students in m$ school


C^u trc:. = „ ha%ehas „ t chx s lqng „ plural nouns Ž here „ is are „ t chx s lqng „ J „ ...Kchu$\n t =L 7.g: 6$ famil$ has & people. Ž here are & people in m$ famil$. &. #t is said that the plane of ;ermanwings crashed into the mountains c^u trc bŠ ng %i c[c ng t nh: sa$ think... CV: =1 „ sa$ KsL „ that „ =2 „ ?...  BV: C[ch 1: #t is said that „ =2 „ ? ?.... C[ch 2: =2 „ to be „ said & to ? to ha%e  .... Kto ha%e  nu ng t _ mnh { sau trc th so %i mnh { trcL ). >e tries to learn 7nglish well with a %iew to finding a good Eob. 'ith a %iew to ?ing ?ing Ž to? Ž so aass to ? Ž in order to ?: d‰ng \ chx m€c ch B. 'H##J; A AHA;HA>: #J AB4 1&- '4HD=" 'H#7 A AHA;HA> 4 D#=C== >7 B7J7F#= 4F D4#J; 7G7HC#=7.  Meep us health$: gi… cho chng ta khze m]nh  #mpro%e our selfconfidence: cYi thin sy ty tin  Helie%e tension: lm giYm tnh tr]ng cng th¡ng  >a%e positi%e outlooks on life: c c[i nhn tch cyc trong cuc sng  Fun: %ui %¥  Heduce stress: giYm stress =A67 'H##J; >ealth has been considered to be the most %aluable thing one possesses. he simplest" cheapest" buttaking the most effecti%e wa$ ha%e good health is doing regular e5ercise. #n = other words" e5ercise gi%es us tose%eral benefits. Firstl$" doing e5ercise can keep health$.. A %ariet$ of health problems such as heart disease" obesit$ ca health$ cann easil$ pre%ented  b$ e5ercising. =econdl$" =econdl$" it impro%es our selfconfidence. selfconfidence. Doing e5ercise pro%ides us with more energ$ which helps us relie%e tension" reduce stress and ha%e positi%e outlooks on life. ast but not least" its reall$ fun when taking more e5ercise. 'hen we reall$ spend our free time doing e5ercise" we realie that its an enEo$able e5perience. here is no greater feeling than achie%ing a weight  losing goal and being able to feel better. #n conclusion" doing e5ercise is the ke$ to make our li%es healthier and happier. K1&! wordsL  Jote: C^u trc so s[nh bi cva tnh t Cu hzi uji %i 9ets C€m 9he„adE ractise „ ?ing" agree „ to?" ?ing theo saugii t =o s[nh k”p h (u[ kh tip di|n Danh ng t sau 9practise Cu bŠ ng _ th hin t]i tip di|n ?Š tr tr]ng t VYo ng… cu i{u kin V]i t (uan h =o s[nh hn c‰a danh t C^u trc Yo ng… %i 9Jot until C[ch ph[t m ui 9ed h (u[ kh n Ht gˆn mnh { (uan hlikel$" the =y kh[c bit gi…a 9alike" same" as C[ch d‰ng 9either" too" also" as well C^u trc bŠ

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