De Bellis Fantasticus - Here There Be Dragons II

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DE BELLIS FANTASTICUS-HERE THERE BE DRAGONS II CONTENTS 0 0. INTRODUCTION....................................................2 1 1. DESIGN PHILOSOPHY..........................................2 2 2. DBF DEFINITIONS.................................................3 3 3. REPRESENTATIONAL SCALES...........................2 3.1 TROOP RAPRESENTATION AND DEPICTION ..................................................................................3 4 4.1 CREATURE DEFINITIONS.................................3 4.2 AERIAL..................................................................6 4.3 LAND BOUND ELEMENTS................................7 4.4 GRADE DEFINITIONS.........................................3 4.5.2 MAGI and CLERICS.........................................10 4.6 SPELLS AND MAGICAL RANGED ATTACK.11 4.6.1 MAGIC ABILITIES..........................................11 4.6.2 MAGICAL RANGED ATTACK......................12 4.6.3 SPELL LIST......................................................12 4.7 EXCHANGING MOUNTED AERIAL AND FOOT ELEMENTS................................................16 4.8 AERIAL LANDING FORCES.............................16 5 5. ORGANIZING AN ARMY....................................16 5. PREPARING FOR BATTLE.................................18 5.1 ELEMENT BASING............................................16 5.2 DOUBLE WIDTH................................................16 5.3 EXTENDED DEPTH...........................................17 6 6.1 TIME OF DAY OR NIGHT.................................19 6.2 WEATHER...........................................................19 6.3 VISIBILITY.........................................................19 6.4 DEPLOYMENT...................................................19 6.5 OFF TABLE FLANK MARCHES.......................19 7 7.1 SEQUENCE OF PLAY........................................20 7.10 MOVING THROUGH FRIENDLY TROOPS OR GAPS......................................................................23 7.12 DISTANT SHOOTING INVOLVING FLYING ELEMENTS............................................................23 7.13 CLOSE COMBAT..............................................23 7.14 CLOSE COMBAT INVOLVING FLYING ELEMENTS............................................................24 7.17.3 Combat outcome between airborne elements and swooping attacks.....................................................24 7.17.4 Other combat outcomes...................................26 7.18 DESTROYED ELEMENTS...............................27

7.19 RECOILING ELEMENTS.................................27 7.20 FLEEING ELEMENTS......................................27 7.21 PURSUING ELEMENTS...................................27 7.23 LOST ELEMENTS.............................................28 7.24.1 Break factor modifiers.....................................28 7.3 PLAYER INITIATIVE POINT DICING.............20 7.4 ALIGNMENT AND UNRELIABLE ALLIES....20 7.6 TACTICAL MOVES FOR AERIAL....................20 7.6.1 Single element moves........................................20 7.6.3 Movement restrictions.......................................21 7.7 MARCH MOVES.................................................22 7.8 SPONTANEOUS ADVANCE.............................22 8 8. THE ARMY LISTS................................................29 8.1 CREATING AN ARMY.......................................29 8.2 ALIGNMENT.......................................................29 8.3 ALLIED COMMANDS........................................29 A APPENDIX 1........................................................75, 76 B Blades............................................................................8 Bowmen........................................................................8 C Cavalry..........................................................................8 Combat............................................................................ close...........................................................................8 E Expendables..................................................................8 K Knights..........................................................................8 L Light troops..................................................................... auxilia........................................................................8 light horse..................................................................8 N Naval.............................................................................8 P Pikes..............................................................................8 R Rear...............................................................................8 Rear support..................................................................8 S Skirmishers...................................................................... psiloi..........................................................................8 Spears............................................................................8 W Warband........................................................................8

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0. INTRODUCTION Welcome to DBF, a game that should go some way to giving the fantasy wargamers a more comprehensive and logical system, that does not belittle or add silliness to the rules for the sake of calling it a fantasy game. DBF has been written specially for players of DBM with a fantasy twist to it so wargamers can add something a little bit more colourful to existing armies. Version II has come about due to input via email, snail mail and meetings of like minds at shows. All kinds of ideas have been exchanged and requests made for additions. Consequently changes have come about to some things, while new troop types have been created to better reflect fantasy creatures. The style of this version has become orientated towards providing more rules for fantastical creatures and to enable players to customise them. Many of the restrictions in the first version where to keep things balanced, but player preferences have brought about many new changes. DBF uses a tried and tested system as the basis for the rules mechanism called De Bellis Multitudinis. DBM continues to evolve Apace and as before DBF can be played using any version with only a little adjustment. As this system works very well we have tried to change as little as possible to maintain play balance but still give you the flavour of fantasy gaming, with Mythical creatures that fly, Magi that help on a tactical level, Gods that make a brief guest Appearance and Heroes who are…well…heroic. The races are given their own army lists which provides the colour and feel that they will need e.g. Elves have a large number of Superior Bow and the Undead have a Unique classification allowing for the Unpredictability of their moral effects and their grip on reality. Beasts have a new category, new rules for Demonic and Angelic elements, addition of Sneakers and finally the ground itself may come alive. Copyright © Madan M Mitra, Peter Denham & Mark Stannard 1997 - 2004 1. DESIGN PHILOSOPHY As stated in the introduction DBF is a supplement of the well known and (in)famous DBM “Wargames rules for Ancient and Medieval battles”; this choice is not casual, as the vast majority of fantasy warfare is set in a pre-technological environment, when human bravery was not defied by wily things like gunpowder or laser, well described by DBM system. The aim is to produce a highly generic and adaptable set of fantasy wargame rules, enabling players to simulate different types of monsters, magic and creatures. So DBF is not tied to specified works of fiction, folklore and cinema; this is the greatest difference in scope between DBF and HOTT, and makes it more diverse than DBM and DBA. In order to simulate creatures, which add the most colour to any table, but without making them over the top, we have used existing DBM troop types as models to reproduce the desired effect of combat result. E.g. the Ogre and Griffins uncontrollable, ferocious nature and their effects on ranks of ordered troops are similar to those of the Warbands and Knights but the Beasts required a little tweak. For larger creatures the Elephant model fits the bill very well, because of its effect on men and the combat factors for them includes any bonus it would have received for any moral effects. This similarity doesn't mean that Elephants and Dragons behave in the same manner on battlefield and so their effectiveness on tabletop will not be the same. This misconception is avoided in DBF via special rules for them. Another big problem is, to render the battlefield impact of aerial creatures, without making them too powerful, but we can trace a parallel with modern aerial warfare. In DBF et al they are very good at interdiction, delay and vertical encirclement missions, like our modern helicopters, but they are hampered by communication difficulties (air control is always a problem in aerial warfare, especially without Air Liaison Teams and Flight Controllers). It is true that armies without aerial elements are at disadvantage against armies with air capacity, but this is not such a bad thing; consider the effects of lacking air power in modern warfare. Regarding Magic, the aim is for the Magus to assist but not to dominate the game has proved to be quite popular. So in this version we have enlarged the number of spells and hope that players can find some newer uses to put them to. There are also the new 'Enchanted Terrain' rules that allow a terrain feature to have a magical ability such as an Enchanted Wood. The vast and varied world of fantasy allows for a lot of variability. Because it has not been possible to incorporate DBF into DBM we have had to put into effect 'Plan B', which is to change the style and layout to allow ‘better integration’ of DBF into DBM and pick out more easily the subject matter. Where you expected to read about PIP dicing in DBM, you will now find it in the same general section and layout as DBM. 2. REPRESENTATIONAL SCALES Page 2/35

2.1 TROOP REPRESENTATION AND DEPICTION Typical DBF elements represent a number of fantasy troops or beings, usually formed in a single rank or in an unformed mass, such as 100 to 250 Beasts, 25 to 50 Large Humanoids, 15 to 30 Flyers, 1 to 5 Flying Vehicles, 1 Behemoth (flying or not) or 1 Giant. These figures may be altered depending on individual size. So when you see an element of Ogres get destroyed by what looks like puny men remember the number of troops involved in the combat. Unicorns, Heroes and Magi are obvious exceptions representing only one individual and their escort, if any. 3. DEFINITIONS 3.1 DBF DEFINITIONS Airborne Elements: Are any element that are currently classed as Flying at March or Attack Height. Grounded Elements: Aerial elements that have landed. Aerial Elements: Are any element with a flying capability. Ground Elements: Are elements that cannot fly. Attack Height: This refers to the relative position of an aerial element when flying low enough to engage and be engaged by ground elements and is usually below the treetops but still airborne. March Height: This refers to the relative position of an aerial element when flying high enough to ignore all elements at Attack height or on the Ground and cannot be affected by them or be able to affect them. Base Cost: This refers to the cost (AP) of an element that has had no improvements, alterations or additions. Associated Command: Is a command that a Hero or Magus has, for the time being attached itself to. Break Factor: Is defined as one third of a commands original equivalent elements i.e. 15 elements equals a Break Factor of 5, a Hero, for example would increase this to 6 and a Magus would further increase this to 7. Fantastical Creatures: All beings or troops not already covered in DBM and specific to DBF. They are represented by the new DBF elements (Behemoths, Flying Behemoths, Giants, Flying Vehicles, Flyers, Winged Humanoids, Large Humanoids, Beasts and Elementals). By new DBF grades (Racial), (Undead), (Angelic) & (Dimensional), by individual elements such as Hero, Paladin, Magus, Clerics, Unicorn, Sneakers and finally by giving an element Spells or Ranged Attack or by a combination of above also with typical DBM elements i.e. WWg (I) with a Magical Ability. Quick Killed: Elements that if just beaten in combat outcome table are destroyed by certain other elements. Kill Zone: The area where elements are destroyed due to the destruction of other elements as stated in DBM's ‘DESTROYED ELEMENTS’; in DBF ‘kill’ is synonymous of ‘destroy’ in DBM terms. Magic User (MU): Any element using a Magical ability (for example a WWg (I) with a magical ability or a Magus). Magical Abilities are listed in the ‘SPELL LIST’. Double Width (DW): This refers to any element that has had its base width Doubled in size. Double Depth (DD): An element that has had its base depth Doubled in size. 3.1 CREATURE DEFINITIONS This section defines exactly what the elements consist of. By their very nature they can be interpreted as different types according to each player's conception (or book) so some creatures will crop up as different elements. These elements therefore must be more flexible than classifications given in DBM, consequently new grades such as (R) for Racial have been created to suite certain races. Aerial - Flying Behemoths, Flying Vehicles, Flyers, Winged Humanoids and the Air Elemental. Mounted - Behemoths, Beasts, and Unicorns, , . Foot - Large Humanoids, Giants, Sneakers, Water/Earth/Fire Elementals, Magical Baggage and Enchanted Elements. 3.2 DBF GRADE DEFINITIONS Angelic (A), elements represent a divine power or its servants that have manifested themselves on the prime material plane. They receive a +1 to CF if their score is less than that of the enemy in close combat, shooting or shot at, or of their score is equal to (O) or (F) opponents of shooting, or 1 more than (S) opponents Artillery (R) - 7 AP Representing Ratmen Jezzails, plus other long range rifled firearms and Dwarven Bazooka crews and other hand held rockets that are more advanced and manoeuvrable than Art (I) and have a longer range than Handgunners and arquebuses. They inflict and suffer combat outcomes as Art (I) and like other Art (I) they can only fire in their own bound and have a range of 200 paces, however they count as Bw (O) for Page 3/35

movement, they do not pay the extra +1 pip for artillery moving; they can move and shoot in the same bound. They are always regular. Blade (R), – 8Ap Regular, 6AP Irregular Comprising Dwarven, High Elven and Dark Elf infantry, equipped similarly to Bd (O), but with a large proportion of individuals using minor magical weapons and armour, such as Rune Axes, poisoned scimitars and magical Mithril, Elven or Dark Elf mail. They are accomplished at dealing with enemy warbands, such as orcs and ratmen, large humanoids such as Ogres and Trolls and behemoths, such as dragons and wyverns. They are treated as Bd (O) in all respects except that enemy Flying Behemoths, Behemoths, Large Humanoids and warband do not destroy them in their own bound. Bow (E), 8AP Regular, 6AP Irregular Representing the majority of massed Elven archers, whose skill with a longbow is unmatched by any other race. To reflect their almost magical ability with bows made from legendary wood they receive a bonus of +1 to shooting if they score more than they’re opponents shooting after which any opponents (F), (I) or (S) factors are Applied. In all other circumstances they are classed as Bow (S). Bow (G), 9AP if Regular, 7AP if Irregular Representing elite Elven Guards, equipped with Longbows and emphasising shooting, but drilled to fight in close cooperation with Elven Guard heavy infantry regiments. Bow (G) can shoot from a rear rank behind Blade (R) as a single rank of Bow (E) and provide a rear support to Blade (R) in close combat as Ps (O) if expressly permitted in their army lists. When acting as supporting Ps (O) they will not be passed through if the Bd or Pl they are supporting is recoiled in close combat. However they may pass through, or be passed through by Bd or Pl in the same or opposite direction as per the main DBM rules. Polearms Representing heavy foot armed with halberds, bills or other polearms. They are more effective than blades in close combat against mounted opponents but are more vulnerable to missile fire due to lack of shields. They can be regular or irregular and (S), (O), (F) or (I). Polearm (R), – 8Ap Regular, 6AP Irregular Comprising Dwarven, High Elven and Dark Elf infantry, equipped similarly to Pl (O), but with a large proportion of individuals using minor magical weapons and armour, such as magical Mithril, Elven or Dark Elf mail. They are accomplished at dealing with enemy warbands, such as orcs and ratmen, large humanoids such as Ogres and Trolls and behemoths, such as dragons and wyverns. They are treated as Pl (O) in all respects except that enemy Flying Behemoths, Behemoths, Large Humanoids and warband do not destroy them in their own bound. Bow (H), 8AP Regular, Representing elite Sea Elf merchant companies, equipped with heavy spear or two-handed sword, plus shield and Longbow (all of which are often magical) and wearing magical Elven mail. They are treated as Bow (E) when in close combat with any mounted, aerial or shooting, or being shot at, and as Spear (R) when in close combat against any foot or naval. When fighting as Sp (R) they can provide and receive rear support from other Bw (H) elements, or if the army list expressly permits it, from Ps (O). They are always regular. Bow (W), 6AP Irregular Representing the Wood Elves known for their almost magical speed, manoeuvrability and archery skills. They are considered to be in a dispersed formation and are therefore a faster and more manoeuvrable troop type, whilst their shooting abilities are such, that they are still counted as massed bow. They count as Auxilia for all movement and terrain purposes but when in close combat or shooting they are considered as Bow (O). They are always irregular. Cavalry (R), This grade is specifically meant to represent the ultimate fusion of Man and Horse, the Centaur, they were known as great archers and always depicted with a bow. They operate exactly as Cavalry (O) but can shoot up to 200 paces, when shooting; they do so as Bow and can provide and receive rear support. When they are shot at, they count as mounted. Page 4/35

Demonic (D), Representing different demons, from princess to lesser demons, from the different planes of hell and the abyss and are not from the prime material plane. They are incredibly powerful and are capable of overwhelming creatures of a similar size, which are not of a demonic or angelic nature. They receive a +1 to their CF if their die roll is higher than that of their opponent. Horde (R), This grade is specifically meant for the Horde Masters List. These elements behave and use rules in exactly the same way as Horde (F) except that they receive +1 in close combat for each 2 nd or 3rd rank of the same grade. They may also be 'Recycled' and bought back into the battle as per the rules laid down in the Horde Masters army list. Knight (E) – 13 Regular, 11 Irregular Comprising Elven knights, riding Elven steeds, armed with lance and sword (often magical) and wearing Elven mail, which although as light as leather or light mail corselets is as strong as mail and plate. Also Elven war chariots made from Lueralorne wood, which is as strong as Iron, but very light, pulled by 4 Elven steeds, with a crew of 4, comprising driver, archer, spellsinger and knight with lance. They are treated as Kn (F) for all movement, and as Kn (O) for all combat outcomes. They can be regular or irregular. Knight (R) – 15 Regular, 12AP Irregular Warriors mounted on large carnivorous mounts, such as giant spiders, raptors & giant lizards, dire wolves, sabre tooth tigers & other large predators; or chariots pulled by any of the creatures mentioned above. They are capable of defeating all but the best enemy mounted forces quickly and are highly effective against infantry, due to the fear caused by the beasts. Their destructive nature entitles them to a +1 in close combat if their die score is higher than their opponents, except elephants and behemoths, in all other circumstances they are as (O) grade. Moreover they have deeper bases, due to the size of their mounts and to simulate their poorer mobility compared with other knights. They can be regular or irregular. Spear (R) – 6 Regular, 5AP Irregular Representing High Elven, Wood Elf and Dark Elf infantry, equipped similarly to Sp (O), but with a large proportion of warriors carrying minor magical weapons and armour, such as ‘Singing’ and ‘poisoned’ spears and magical Elven or Dark Elf mail; whilst being accomplished at dealing with enemy warbands, such as Orcs and ratmen, and large humanoids such as Ogres and Trolls. They are treated as Sp (O) in all respects except that enemy Flying Behemoths, Behemoths, Large Humanoids & warband do not quick kill them in their own bound. Warband (R), Representing Orc warriors, heavily armed with a mixture of heavy cutting and crushing weapons and throwing spears and axes, and heavily armoured, but able to cover distances far quicker than similarly equipped soldiers from other races. They count as any other (O) grade of Warband but move 50 paces faster. War Wagon (I), in a land where magic exists, a Holy Relic can inspire armies beyond normal abilities and contain a great power similar to “The Ark of the Covenant” or a powerful ancient artefact. To represent this power a War Wagon (I) may buy a Magic Ability. NB, All War Wagons may be “Double Depth and Double Width” if purchased. Additionally, (X) and (I) may also purchase a Ranged Attack. War Wagon (R) – 18 AP Representing Dwarven and similar mechanical tanks and other large War Wagons mounting a large projectile weapon, whilst being heavily armoured and capable of fending off attacks at close range by multiple missile armed crew and escorting infantry. They count as Artillery (F) or WWg (O) when shooting in their own bound and as WWg (O) when shooting in an enemy bound and for movement and when in Close combat or shot at. They are always regular. Undead (U), Comprising all non-ethereal undead creatures, such as skeletons, zombies, ghouls and ghasts, but not ethereal undead such as wraiths, ghost and spectres, which are covered by the (W) category. These frightening creatures cause fear in living creatures and suffer from instability, as they are summoned from their dead to the material plane. They can cause enemy units not used to fighting them or of low morale to break and withdraw, but they can also be destroyed more quickly than conventional troops if the magic surrounding them is disturbed. Accordingly, when in close combat against (U) elements the player that Page 5/35

rolled the highest value automatically gains a +1 to their CF (so in effect a die roll of 6 becomes a 7 if the opponent rolled 5 or less). If both players rolled the same value then no +1 is Applied. Once the (U) grade has been Applied normal DBM combat and support modifiers are Applied with the (U) element considered as (O). They still possess the abilities of the element itself such as spontaneous advance and any of the close combat or shooting outcomes associated with that type. They are always regular, except FBe, Be, WHm, Bst, LHm, Hd, Gi, El & Wb (U), which are always irregular. Irregular elements are treated as (O) equivalents, to determine whether they are impetuous or not. Their cost is identical to (O) equivalents. Superior Undead (SU) Comprising all ethereal undead, such as wraiths, wights, spectres, banshees, ghosts; and other powerful non-ethereal undead, such as skeleton Lords, Vampires and Liches. They are more powerful and are classed as (S) as they do not suffer from instability. Accordingly, when in close combat (SU) elements that rolled a higher value automatically gains a +1 to their CF (so in effect a die roll of 6 becomes a 7 if the opponent rolled 5 or less). In all other circumstances (SU) elements’ are considered as (S). They are always regular, except for FV and Fl, which are always irregular. Their cost is 1 point extra than their (S) equivalents, except FV’s & flyers, which cost 2 points extra than (S) equivalents.

3.3 AERIAL ELEMENTS Flying Vehicles (FV), including Giant Balloons, Steam Driven vehicles, Magically Enhanced vehicles, Flying Behemoth with a basket or howdah or those “Pulled by Flocks of Birds”, All have some form of magical construction so may purchase a single Magical Ability. They are always irregular. Superior(S): Strong sturdy vehicles or equivalent beings with large marine contingents, magical rams and other giant close combat weapons such as giant grapples, mechanical flails & scythes: plus fire siphons, cauldrons of boiling oil and artillery, such as anti-gravity ships, Zeppelins, heavy winged galleys, or large flying beasts carrying artillery. Ordinary(O): Smaller version of the above with fewer crew and marines and shooting capability such as gas balloons, smaller winged galleys and air ships. Inferior(I): Poorly constructed flying vehicles or lesser beings, which are poorly crewed or defended. Fast(F): Small, light and fast, usually only 1 or 2 man vehicles, such as gyrocopters and Flying Carpets. Flying Behemoths (FBe), are the stuff of legends and myths such as Dragons, Avatars, Greater Demons and Archangels. They usually have some form of magical power, so all have a Ranged Attack and may purchase Magic Abilities. They are always irregular: Superior(S): These are the Great Dragons of legends and myths such as the classical Fire Breathing Dragon, Avatars or Great Demon of the nether reaches, good Gods tend to inspire mortals to be heroic and save the day (although the Arch Angel has been known to make an Appearance if sufficiently “put out”). They may be upgraded to a Mage if allowed in the army lists. Ordinary(O): Lesser Dragons, Giant manticores or just a very big aggressive creatures that may have up to 3 Magical Abilities. Inferior(I): Wyverns or giant versions of Flyers such as the Roc or other large flying beasts that are not a match for a Dragon but can put smaller Flyers to flight (pun intended). Fast(F): The Giant Feathered Serpent of Aztec Mythology or anything similar. Flyers (Fl), are creatures of the air able to fly on their own power such as Griffins and Pegasi. Flyers may have a rider who will improve their fighting ability according to parameters set below i.e. a Pegasi is (I) but with a Wraith sitting on it will make it an (S). They receive a +1 in close combat if their die score is higher than their opponents, except elephants, aerials and behemoths, or if they are fighting in strong winds. They are always irregular: Superior(S): Creatures that can be twice the size of a horse with a ferocity to match such as Manticores and Griffins or anything with a Wraith or other Exceptional rider. Ordinary(O): Can be Elementals such as Air and Fire or any lesser creature with an Ordinary rider. Inferior(I): Clumsy creatures not designed to fly and lacking the ferocity of (S) such as Pegasi. Fast(F): Giant Eagles, Pterodactyls and the like who are unmatched in speed and agility. Page 6/35

Exception(X): Bad tempered and extremely aggressive flocks of small flying creatures that like to enter into close combat such as Hollywood Vampire Bats, Irate Crows and Nasty Little Winged Creatures from Somewhere Nasty. They are graded as (I) to all, but (S) to all ranged attacks, including that of artillery. Winged Humanoids (WHm), are creatures that rely on their speed and agility to out manoeuvre enemy and harass ground enemy and to engage other airborne elements. This category also includes Magic Carpets with Missile capabilities or a Magus. They can all have rear support of the same type and grade; this simulates an organised mobbing attack. They are always irregulars. Superior(S): These could be the likes of Lesser Demons and Minor Angels who may purchase a 'Ranged Attack', this represents the possible magical powers they may have. May be a Flying Carpet with an exceptional rider. Ordinary(O): These are likes of Gargoyles or other well trained winged races such as harpies. A Flying Carpet with an ordinary rider slides into this category. Inferior(I): Any creature that is weaker than those mentioned above or is of a cowardly nature, such as mutated winged goblins. Carpet with an inferior rider anyone? Exception(X): This grade represents swarms of insects, very small Winged Humanoids or other similar creatures. They are graded as (I) to all, but (S) to all ranged attacks, including artillery. 3.4 LAND BOUND ELEMENTS Behemoths (Be), are all those gigantic creatures whether fantasy based or mundane that do not fly such as Great Cave Wyrms (wingless dragons) and some flightless Demons, Hydras, Dinosaurs, Mammoths and any Elephant that is posing as a fantasy creature or needs it’s base size altered. (A), (D), (S) & (O) have Ranged Attacks or up to 3 Magic Abilities as detailed below. They are always irregular: Superior(S): The Great Cave wyrms (wingless dragons) and the Great Demon that may have up to 3 Magical Abilities or be a full Magus if allowed in the army lists, and they have a Ranged Attack. Others in this category may be an exceptionally fearsome monster, such as a that do not have Magic Abilities. Ordinary(O): Basilisks and other innately magical creatures that may have up to 3 Magical Abilities and they posses a Ranged Attack. Other creatures in this category may be the likes of the Hydra. Inferior(I): Mammoths & Rhinos, or other slow-witted beasts, such as slow bulky dinosaurs that primarily rely on bulk and brute force. Fast(F): T-Rex, nuff said. Exception(X): Any of the above that have howdahs or mount any form of artillery, this does tend to cramp the beasts preferred style of fighting. They shoot and inflict shooting outcomes as if (F) artillery, but suffer outcomes as if (I) behemoths. They are treated as (I) Behemoths in all other circumstances. Beasts (Bst), have been created to be used as any of the following- Lions, Tigers, Jaguars, Giant or Enhanced Wolves, packs of Super Beasts, Shape Changers or any other creature of a similar vein. Being wily and cunning they are always probing for a kill so can be very destructive. They are effective against mounted but less so against formed or ordered ranks in the open also their dispersed nature aids against missiles fire. Beasts consider Rough Going, orchards, and woods as Good. The presence of a rider adds an element of control but sacrifices their abilities in Rough Going. They are always irregular. Superior(S): These may be the likes of Giant or Enhanced wolves, Hellhounds, Raptors, Shape Changers, or exceptionally fearsome Tigers, Lions and Sabre-toothed Tigers. Ordinary(O): Lions, Tigers, Jaguars, Wolves or other fearsome predatory pack animal. Fast(F): Cheetahs, sleek Reptilians and Wolfhounds or similar. Inferior(I): Weaker predatory animals, which hunt in packs and are generally cowardly in nature, such as packs of Hyenas, Jackals and such like. Exception (X): This grade is specifically meant for The Horde Masters List. These elements behave and use rules in exactly the same way as Beast (F) except that they may be 'Recycled' and bought back into the battle as per the rules laid down in the Horde Masters army list. Racial (R): Slow moving but powerful creatures, such as bears. They are treated as (S) Beasts, but they only move 150 paces.

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Giants (Gi), are those creatures that are bipedal and usually the size of a four-story building such as the 'Titans' from Greek legend. They may purchase a Magic Ability or become a full Magus similar to the genie in the 'Thief of Baghdad' if allowed in the army list. They are always irregular. Superior(S):

Exceptionally powerful giants such as Titans or Storm Giants, which can throw rocks and other missiles (lightening bolts) up to 200p Ordinary (O): More common giant kin, still very powerful and able to throw rocks and other missiles up to 200 paces, such as Hill and Stone giants. Inferior (I): Smaller giants, less powerful and not large enough to throw large missiles over long distances, such as Fire Giants, Frost Giants Exception (X): Giants carrying artillery platforms, they count as Art (F) when shooting and as (I) for combat. Racial (R): Treemen count as (O) for combat and consider Rough Going, orchards, and woods as Good and can throw rocks and other missiles up to 200p. Large Humanoids (LHm), sentient (well…almost) beings larger than a man but smaller than a giant such as Ogres, Trolls, Vertically Challenged Giants and may even include the likes of Frankenstein's Monster. They are always irregular. Superior(S): Well-motivated and equipped large humanoids, such as ogre, Minotaur or troll guards in the service of a powerful master, or smaller giants, such as young frost or fire giants. Ordinary(O): Ogres, Troglodytes and Trolls or other armoured and well armed large humanoids. Fast(F): Fast moving units in looser formations emphasising speed over staying power, such as Giant Were’s in wolfman form. 3.5 ELEMENTAL ELEMENTS Elementals, are magical physical manifestations of Nature itself, specifically they are Earth, Fire, Water and Air. Each has its own peculiarities associated with its type and is detailed below. Earth, this element is strong and powerful consisting of the very earth on which it stands and is represented using the rules for Giants. It considers all hills as Good Going and is graded as (S) while on them, (I) in marsh and (O) in all other terrain except it cannot cross over a waterway or river. Fire, this element is fierce in its preferred terrain and is represented using rules for Expendables and costed as (X). As long as it is moving forward consuming terrain it remains ferocious. It classes Brush, Scrub and any Wooded features as Good Going. When in these types of terrain its speed is increased by 50 paces and +1 to CF. Water, this element is best when it is charging forward but when this impetus is stopped, or countered, it falls Apart similar to a Wave. It is represented using rules for Expendables and costed as (X). It treats any River, Waterway or Marsh as Good Going and its speed is increased by 50 paces and +1 to CF when in these types of terrain. It cannot enter any type of wooded terrain. Air, this element is fast and powerful like a tornado, it varies in size so is represented using rules for Flying Behemoth (F). Its flying capability is not affected by any weather condition except Fog and Snow. (If you’ve ever seen one splattered against a cliff you’ll know why!) 3.6 EXCEPTION ELEMENTS This section will detail those (X) elements that need have their role defined with regards to the fantasy elements that have been introduced in this book. Knights (X): They are treated as (S) knights when shot at by bowmen or naval, or in close combat to their front against Bst, light horse, spears, pikes, or bowmen, as (I) knights in close combat to their front against, Fl, , Gi, LHm, or knights except (X), expendables, blades or warband, otherwise as (O) knights. They cannot claim rear support. Pike (X):

As (I), but with at least the front rank carrying large pavises and a reduced number of ranks allowed to fight. They are treated as (S) pikes when shot at by bowmen or in close combat to their front with Bst, cavalry, light horse, auxilia, bowmen or psiloi, otherwise as (I) pikes.

Auxilia (X): They are treated as (S) auxilia if in close combat to their front against Bst, knights, cavalry, warband, Large Humanoids or expendables, otherwise as (I) auxilia. Page 8/35

3.7 INDIVIDUAL ELEMENTS Unicorns (Ucn), are physically similar to horses but with a single large horn protruding from the forehead, only a beautiful virgin may ride one, if you are lucky enough to find one. They may not be a Hero, Magi or General of any sort and are treated as Regular Light Horse (S), but with a better CF. They have a certain amount of resistance to magic so Unicorns are impervious to any ranged magical attack including those of the likes of Dragons and any element that is simulating a ranged attack through artillery similar to the “Eye of Balor” or any enhancement through magic. They may also purchase a Magic Ability and are immune to the effects of any Enchanted Terrain. Sneakers (Sn), are the likes of assassins, ninjas, wraiths or adventurers who are specialised in infiltration and attack on individual targets but they lack the numbers to take on front line ranks of troops. As Sneakers are very good at sneaking up on unsuspecting enemy and killing key persons, they pose a great threat to Magi, Heroes, Generals, Unicorns and Enchanted Elements. They may lay an ambush as per rules regarding Psiloi and class all terrain types as Good Going. They are capable of Flank Marching as single elements as per heroes. Hero, elements may represent the following: a Holy warrior, a Demi-god, an Exceptional swordsman, a Champion of Evil, be Magically gifted, in possession of a Unique weapon or Artefact or are just plain lucky, it’s what makes an Hero an Hero. Paladin's use all rules as for other Heroes but can purchase the 'Hinder Magic' spell, no other Hero may purchase Hinder Magic. Finally, Paladins are immune to the effects of any Enchanted Terrain. Traditionally, these individuals have some special ability or are loved by poets or that the Gods like putting us through all manner of hell and adversity in the face of insurmountable odds when the chips are down and...Ahem…and to succeed when those around them fail, to reflect this all; Hero elements can never be a (O) or (I) grade, an Artillery element, an Elephant, any type of Behemoth, Baggage or a Vehicle of any sort unless carried in one. If Hero is carried in a vehicle, then the Hero may not use its own command die to aid the vehicle and does not alter the status or grade of said vehicle. There can be only one Hero per side unless an ally is used (i.e. there must be an allied command) which may bring its own Hero along. The Hero must remain with its own people, even if the command becomes demoralised (making the Hero demoralised as well) or change sides. The type of Hero element must be available in the army list, however the grade may be changed as stated above. Heroes also have the following rules Applied to them: 1. Heroes move independently in their own d6, this does not affect the weather but they can move as part of a group using the pips from a command to which they have affiliated themselves to. 2. They can move from one command to another but Apply any ability Applicable to the nearest general. 3. They are never normally demoralised, exceptions are stated as and when needed. 4. The type of Hero must be available in the army list, i.e. Warband or Blades, but they can never be (I). 5. If the command pip die is magically boosted, the most amount of die a Hero is allowed can not be increased beyond 2. 6. All Heroes have +1 to their Combat Factor unless the Hero has the 'Great Leader' Ability, in which case only the +1 for being a General Applies (they're good, but not that good). 7. A Hero may use any of its own remaining pips to make a tactical move with a single non-vehicular element, which must be in the command the Hero is associated with at the time. 8. Heroes may purchase a rear support element that must be Double based with it. The cost is not reduced for this element and it is not included as a base cost. They may select a single ability from the following list which details any exception to the above. Heroic Abilities 1. Inspirational, this Hero inspires all those around so adds to the BF of the nearest general by a factor of +1. @ 5AP 2. Fearsome Reputation, this Hero is feared as a mighty opponent, so all enemy elements must be ordered to engage Hero in close combat, therefore no impetuous moves allowed against Hero. @ 5AP 3. Magicians Bane, this Hero cannot be affected by any ranged attack from a Mage and has an additional +1 to its CF versus anything summoned by Mage. @ 10AP Page 9/35




7. 8.

9. 10.

Charismatic Leader, this Hero may rally d3+2 (nearest to Hero) elements of a broken command. These elements form a new command lead by that Hero. It has a BF of 2 and if it too becomes demoralised then so does that Hero. @ 15AP Great Leader, this Hero may be upgraded to the C-in-C to lead the army. The Heroes element must be included in the BF of the army and command. (This Hero may also purchase the Inspirational Heroic Ability @ 5AP). @ 5AP Discretion, being the better part of valour, so to speak. This best suits an Evil aligned type more. The 'first' destroy result becomes a flee x d3 move, if it leaves the battlefield it is considered as lost and counts for the purposes of calculating defeats. If the Hero does not leave the table it will continue as normal. @ 10AP Elusive, this Hero is able to hide in any terrain feature regardless of element type. Therefore it may hide and ambush from any terrain feature. @ 5AP Lycanthrope, this Hero will shape change the first time it enters into base to base contact with an enemy element. If the Hero is a mounted element it will become an (S) Beast, if on foot it will be an (S) Large Humanoid. Once it has shape changed it may not change back. @ 10AP Lucky, (or Hero of a Lesser God), this Hero has a unusual gift, any die roll of a 1 for its pip die is transformed into a 2, its as though some is watching out for the Hero…a little bit. @ 5AP Intangible, this Hero has a mysterious spooky quality, for some reason it is impossible to focus on Hero. Therefore any form of distance attack is subject to a -2. It does not need to declare its type until close combat is instigated. @ 10AP

Magi, element represents a Being gifted with a deeper understanding and working of Magic or otherwise able to channel the power of their God in the form of spells. These Beings may be Wizards, Witches, Warlocks, Priests, Sorcerers, Enchanters, Necromancers, Liches, Shamans, Druids and I could go on…but you get the point, so they will be referred to as Magi, Magus and Mage…(hmm). Magi are assumed to be using the usual paraphernalia associated with them to cast spells or help enhance their innate magic abilities, such as Staffs, Wands, All Seeing Mirrors, Artefacts and Crystal Balls. A small amount of the usual followers may be placed as figures on the base such as Acolytes, Cultists, Slaves and Sacrifices. If a larger gathering of followers who assist need to be used then refer to the Magical Baggage further below. Magi may be any irregular element that you purchase them as but they do not have to look like that element. This must be pointed out to the opponent. For example a Magi be purchased as a Light Horse element but the figure used is in fact seated on a throne and deemed to be moving as if by magic. The mage will be subject to all rules as per Light Horse. Magi may not be Heroes or generals as all their attention is given to the magic and spells that they are performing. Magi may not be any of the following elements unless stated otherwise in army lists, Artillery, an Elephant, any type of Behemoth, baggage or any type of vehicle, unless carried in one. If Magus is carried in a vehicle then the Magus may not use its own command die to aid the vehicle unless via a spell. Magi are able to cast a single magical spell in their own bound at any time (roll for Mage first, it can make all the difference). Each spell requires 2 pips to perform and the effect can be instant. Magi are also broken down into several sub groups these affect the number of spells that they are allowed to purchase. No other element on the same side may select any of the same spells. They can be as follows: Arch Mage:

These are Magi of great power and renown the likes of Merlin or Liches. A Dragon of great age and cunning. They may even be ancient Genies or a Demon Prince or Archangel. Magician: These Magi are young but still very powerful and are on the way to being considered as great. They also encompass the likes of younger Dragons and Greater Demons. Lesser Mage: These Magi include the likes of Druids, Shamans, Clerics and other magically attuned creatures. Novice: These cover such diverse Magic Users as Village Witches, an Initiate Magus, an Item imbued with power carried by a non MU, a Gift from God for the likes of Paladins or creatures that have some innate magical abilities. Mage Arch Mage Mage

Base Cost 40AP 30AP

Magic Points 15MP 10MP

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Clerics 20AP Lesser Mage 15AP Novice 5AP N.B. The MP refers to the cost of a spell as listed in amount that a mage can spend on spell purchase.

6MP (see rules listed below) 5MP 3MP (Max of 1 spell) the relevant spell description and is the maximum

Clerics, are Magi with a few additional powers (and limitations) to really make them stand out. They use all rules as for other Magi, but have the following extra gifts from you know who: 1. Clerics may not be used if there is a Magi on the same side. 2. They must have the Hinder Magic Spell or Bless Spell (bless may be cast 2 times in battle). Evil Clerics must substitute Bless for Dishearten Enemy and can cast it 2 times in the battle. 3. If they purchase the Summon Warriors spell, they will automatically summon Angelic (A) elements. Evil Clerics may summon (U) or (D) elements. 4. If the Shape Change spell is used, it will automatically be an (A) grade or (D) if of Evil alignment. If cleric is of a Neutral alignment then they will shape change into a grade according to the list detailed in the Summon Warriors spell. 5. They receive a +1 to close combat against any Summoned Warriors or any (U) grade elements. Good aligned Clerics get this bonus versus (D) elements and Evil aligned Clerics get this bonus versus (A) elements. 6. When casting Divine Appearance, they receive a bonus of +1. 7. Clerics are immune to the effects of any Enchanted Terrain. 3.8 DBF to DBM Conversion Table There are those players who like to use the army lists but prefer to use only DBM elements. To make this easier for those players a conversion table is provided below to replace DBF elements with DBM elements. DBF FV Be Earth Hero (A) Art(R) Cv(R) Polearm s

DBM Not possible Elephant War Wagon General (S)


DBM Elephant


DBM Knight


DBM Psiloi

Bst Fire

Light Horse Expendable

Gi Water

War Wagons Expendable

LHm Air

Warband Light Horse

Sn (SU)

Psiloi (S) (S)

Ucn (U)

Light Horse (S) (O)

Magi, Clerics

Art (I) Cavalry (S) Blade (X)

Bd(R) Hd(R)

Bd (O) Horde (S)

Bw(E) Kn(E)

Bw(W) Kn(R)


Spear (O)

Wb(R )

Bow (S) Knights (F), or (O) Warband (F)

You’re kidding, right? Bow (O) Knights (S)

WWg(R )

WWg (O) or Art (F)

4. MAGIC 4.1 MAGICAL ABILITIES Any element that is allowed to purchase a Magical Ability may do so from the spell list for Magi. They do not require any pips to cast if element is only allowed to purchase 1 Spell. It require 2 pips to cast a spell as stated in 4.4. All Spells are subject to all rules for that Spell in its description. The limiting factors are: a) No spell may be selected if another element on the 'same side' has already purchased it. b) C-in-C's, Allied Generals, Flying Vehicles, Flying Behemoths (I), Giants and War Wagon (I) are allowed 1 spell. Flying Behemoths (O) or (F) or Behemoth (O) are allowed 2 spells. Flying Behemoths (S) or Behemoths (S), are allowed 3 spells. No other element may have a spell unless specified in this book. c) A spell may not be used if the element has already used a 'Ranged Attack' in the same turn. Page 11/35

d) Elements with only 1 spell may not change that spell for another during a campaign except a Novice

magi. 4.2 MAGICAL BAGGAGE This represents all those aspects of magic that support from a distance by channelling power to the Mage or Cleric. This can be anything from a Stone Circle, a gathering of Praying Monks, a Summoning Pentagram, a Portal of Power, Sacrificing Cultist or down to a Power Generator (if you are the Leonardo's). The Magical Baggage allows a Mage or Cleric to select another 3 Magic Points worth of spells from the spell list. However, if the Magical Baggage is destroyed the Mage will suffer a permanent -2 to all die rolls for the duration of the battle. The Mage or Cleric may create a new form of Magical Baggage for the next battle if it wishes. The Magical Baggage may be moved via the pips from the Mage or Cleric. Only 1 Magical Baggage is allowed per side but it is not compulsory to have one at all. If it is selected then it must be size of 4 normal elements of Baggage that are based together in a square. See figure 3 for possible deployment configurations. 4.3 RANGED ATTACK This represents an element's ability to inflict damage to another element via a ranged magical or non-magical strike. This could be a Lightning Strike, Extra Crew, Fireballs, Extra Equipment, a form of Breath Power or any other similar type. Flying Behemoths, Behemoths, Flying Vehicles and Giants have the Ranged Attack as part of their base cost. When using a Ranged Attack an element uses it’s own combat factors but must double it’s opponent total score to destroy it, i.e. if Behemoth it will be +5 v mounted, +4 v foot, +3 v naval and it may add +1 for Double Depth. There is a further -1 for each 2nd or 3rd element that is aiding in a Ranged Attack on an enemy. It may not be used in the same bound if the element has or wishes to cast a Spell, use a Magic Ability or if at March Height against grounded elements. If element is at Attack Height it maybe used as Art (F) to shoot over friendly grounded elements. It requires no pips to cast and may be used any number of times in the battle but only once per bound and has a range of 200 paces. In all other circumstances Ranged Attack is subject to all distant shooting DBM rules. 4.4 SPELL LIST The following spells are available to any eligible element (Magi or elements allowed to purchase them) during the battle but must be selected before the battle starts. All spells cost 2 pips to cast. All ‘Individual Elements’ must use their own pip die to cast spells, all others must use pip points from their own command’s pip die. They may be used as many times as stated in the spell description. By reducing the number of spells and the frequency that they may be cast, Magi become more tactical than is at first Apparent. Elements may not cast a spell if it is involved in 'any' form of combat that bound but may cast spell before combat is forced upon the mage. Elements may not select a spell already allotted to another element on the same side and no spell may be selected more than once. Some spells are reserved to certain elements only and are detailed in the relevant spell's description. 1. Awaken Enchantment: This spell will enable a MU to awaken an inactive Enchanted Element. The MU must be in base to base contact with the feature to cast this spell. Once this spell is cast enchanted Element will behave as per its description detailed in 8.1. The exact enchantment must be rolled for randomly. This spell may only be used 1 time and costs 4MP. 2. Bless: Is cast after the command die have been rolled and will convert all friendly rolls of a 1 to a 3 for the duration of that bound if desired by the player. If this spell is cast at the end of the MU’s bound it Applies during the opponent’s bound and ends at the end of that bound. This spell can only be cast 1 time and costs 3MP. 3. Command Warriors: This spell allows the MU to Apply his remaining pips to the command that he is associated with. These pips may only be Applied to a single element or one group. If this command is demoralised, this spell could allow one additional tactical move. This spell has a range of 1,200 paces and may only be cast 2 times in the battle and costs 1MP. Page 12/35

4. Dishearten Enemy: All enemy elements fully within 250 paces of the casting MU are subject to a -1 for the duration of that bound on close combat dice rolls, this spell does not make the enemy “demoralised” as described by DBM so troops do not flee or become impetuous. This will not work on an already demoralised enemy. If this spell is cast at the end of the MU’s bound it then Applies during opponent’s bound and ends at the end of that bound. This spell can only be cast 1 time in the battle and costs 4MP. 5. Disrupt Enemy: Can only be cast 1 time in the battle and will force all regular commands to stick with die rolled for each command and not be allocated by the C-in-C as usual. This spell is cast at the end of the MU’s bound and Applies in opponents bound and ends at end of that bound. This spell costs 3MP. 6. Divine Appearance: This spell may only be cast by Magi, Clerics and War Wagons (I). The MU may call for aid if his command die is a 6 and all the Pips must be used to summon a Great Demon or Archangel. Upon rolling a 6 the MU must decide to summon the divinity or use up 1 of the 2 chances to cast this spell, however, a single successful summoning cancels out any further attempts by that player. By deciding to not summon the divinity the mage may still cast another spell that bound as normal. The Divinity will receive its own pip die for movement purposes and this is the die that will cause it to disappear on a roll of 1 or 2 by it on a d6. A suitable element will Appear within 500 paces of MU but more than 300 paces from an enemy, if this cannot be managed it fails to arrive and the spell is used up. Upon arrival the Divinity will infer a +1 increase to the Break Factor of all the commands on the side that summoned the divinity, except those that are already broken. Should the Divinity be destroyed, this bonus to the Break Factor is removed immediately with all the ramifications associated with his loss. A die is also rolled upon arrival as this determines the amount of power its worshippers have channelled into it and sets the Magic Points for its spell purchase. Once per battle it may select and cast a single spell as per the rules in section 4.4 except the divinity chooses the spell as and when it needs to. The Divinity has the Spell 'Hinder Magic part 2' permanently active but can cast any magic without having to test. If close combat is to be instigated by either side, then treat the element as a Flying Behemoth (S) taking base size fully into account. If shot at it will return fire in any direction as if Artillery (S) with 1 supporting, but cannot choose to fire of its own accord. This spell can be attempted 2 times per player during the battle and costs 4MP. 7. Divine Power: This spell may be cast onto any a group of elements and will boost all their fighting capabilities for a number of bounds. It will make the elements (S) until the spell fades, this is tested for at the end of each bound by a die roll. A roll of a 1 on a d6 will cause the spell to fade and the elements will be reduced to (I) regardless of their original grade. The elements that may be boosted must be wholly or partially within the area of affect, which is 250 paces across. This spell may be cast 2 times in the battle and never on the same unit twice and costs 2MP. 8. Dragon’s Breath: Only the Magi, Divinities and Dragons may cast this spell. It will create a circle of mist that can be up to 350 paces across and subject to all the rules for ‘fog’. The centre point may be cast anywhere on the table within 1,200 paces of the MU. If cast in the air it only affects airborne elements and if cast on the ground it only affects other grounded elements. This circle of Fog will last until the caster has a command pip die result between 1 to 4 which forces it instantly vanish. Visibility into, out of and in the mist is reduced to 100 paces. Any regular general within the mist must have its own command die rolled for, as if irregular. Elements airborne will not enter the mist, nor may grounded elements take flight. Any element that has a front edge in contact is subject to these rules. This spell may only be cast 1 time in the battle and costs 5MP. 9. Fire Ball: MU can shoot fireballs equivalent to 1 element of (S) bow with 1 rear support. In this roll the MU is considered as bow so can also act as support to any missile armed troops shooting. These spells end after they are cast. These spells may be cast 3 times and costs 1MP. 10. Fire Missiles: MU can assist a group of missile armed troops in shooting by igniting the missiles giving them the effect of (S) for that bound only. The MU must be in base to base contact with at least 1 element of the group and no more than 8 elements may be assisted. All must be in edge to edge and corner to corner contact. If this spell is cast at end of MU’s bound it then Applies in the opponent’s bound and ends at the end of that bound. This spell may be cast 3 times in the battle and costs 1MP. Page 13/35

11. Fortunes of War: This spell allows the MU to aid the C-in-C by providing more command die. The MU must roll its die first to see if it can even cast the spell. Then the command die for the MU own Generals are enhanced as follows for the present turn only: 1. If the C-in-C is regular, then 2 extra dice are rolled, then discard the lowest two. 2. If the C-in-C is irregular then each Sub General and the C-in-C rolls 2 die and discards the lower die. This spell may only be cast 1 time in the battle and costs 5MP. 12. Freedom of Action: The Mage can turn any piece of Rough going (up to 500 paces across) into Good for the duration of 2 turns. The Mage must be in base to base contact with this feature. This spell mat only be cast 1 time in the battle and costs 3MP. 13. Hand of Destiny: Any die roll on the MU own side may be re-rolled unless the MU is in close combat in which case only its own die roll may be re-rolled. This spell only Applies to a single die roll and ends after it is cast. This spell can be cast 2 times in the battle and costs 5MP. 14. Haste: This spell allows a group or single element to make one free march move even if they have not moved yet or have marched already and wish to once more. Or may allow a single element or group to move an additional 50 paces in a tactical move. This spell has a range of 1,200 paces and may be cast 3 times in a battle and costs 2MP. 15. Hinder Magic: Only a Paladin, Cleric or War Wagon (I) can purchase this spell, it has an area of affect of 250 paces around the element throughout the game. Any element wishing to cast magic in this area (including, any magically enhanced missile attacks or any Ranged Attack) must roll 5 or 6 on a d6 for it to succeed, if not, it fails but still counts toward the maximum time the spell can be cast. Clerics may cast magic on a die roll of 3 or more. Existing magic is unaffected i.e. those boosted by the Divine Power spell will not immediately become (I) and illusions would continue to function as per spell. Bless and Hand of Destiny are also not affected. God has this spell permanently on and only allows a spell to succeed on a die roll of 6. God does not need to test. Failures to cast are still counted towards the maximum time spell may be used. Paladins and War Wagons (I) must purchase @ 10AP, Clerics must pay 3MP. 16. Insect Swarm: Only Magi, Clerics and Divinities may purchase this spell. The Mage may summon a swarm of insects and send them in to attack an element and has a range of 600 paces, the mage may not select supporting ranks as a target. The target element is on -1 to close combat and shooting. The attacking element on the MU side are not affected enough to warrant any minus. This spell will last as long as the MU does not move or cast any other Spell, Magus may then be able to redirect the Swarm to another element within 100 paces otherwise it will dissipate automatically. This spell may be cast 1 time in the battle and costs 2MP. 17. Illusions: This spell has two ways of being used. 1. The MU can create an image of another type of element to the one being used, up to 5 mounted elements or 10 foot elements may be disguised this way. It must however behave in all ways as the original element. 2. The MU may cast an illusion on two groups of no more than 10 infantry elements (20 in total) or 5 mounted elements (10 in total). The image of the two said groups is swapped around, however the groups will behave as befitting the original type and do not have to be in the same command. In both variations foot may only substitute other foot, mounted only for other mounted and in all cases the base sizes must be of the same depth. The illusion is broken immediately on contact, by any ranged attack or if the MU is destroyed. The following may not be used with this spell: an Aerial element, an Elephant, any type of Behemoth, a Giant, Artillery or any kind of vehicle. This spell is cast before deployment and must be noted down. It may only be cast 1 time before play but still counts as part of the selection limits. The illusions move according to the controlling commands PIP die (if the MU moved them it would give it away). This spell costs 2MP. 18. Magical Bolt: This is a blast of 'pure concentrated magic'. It acts exactly like 1 element of Artillery (S) including range and effect and is defended against as if artillery. It may be cast 3 times and costs 3MP.

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19. Magic Disruption: This spell is cast at the end of that elements bound and is effective for a complete Turn. While this spell is active, no magic spell may be cast nor may any Magical Ability be used, unless a roll of a 5 or 6 on a d6 is rolled by that element. This affects the whole battlefield. Failures still count towards the maximum time the spell can be used. This spell may be cast 1 time in a battle and costs 2MP. 20. Restrain: This spell will cause all impetuous elements fully within 400 paces of the mage to stop spontaneously advancing, it lasts for 1 turn from when it cast. This spell may be cast 2 times and costs 1MP. 21. Shape Change: Only Magi and Clerics may purchase this spell. This spell has two ways of being used. 1. The MU may Shape Change himself into any other element until he stops the spell, but may not cast any magic while in this state; the MU will behave and is considered as an irregular element of the chosen type. If a Flyer is desired then only a (I) element with no magic ability can be used otherwise roll for quality as per the Summon Warriors spell. 2. As above but the MU may Shape Change another friendly element that mage is in contact with. This spell must be checked for failure at the end of any bound. On a die roll of 1 the element will revert back to the original type but as an (I) element. In both cases the MU or the shape-changed element may not become any of the following: Any type of Vehicle, a distant shooting capable element, an Elephant or any type of Behemoth. May only be cast 1 time in the battle and costs 2MP. 22. Summon Elementals: Only Magi, Clerics and Divinities may purchase this spell, may not purchased if element has Summon Warriors. The caster must select from one type of elemental and then cannot choose another type. The caster may summon 3 Fire or Water Elementals or 2 Earth Elementals. This is subject to the Summon Warriors restrictions for placement and no elemental may be Double Depth or Double Width. A Mage who has this spell does not need to win a die roll versus another MU for weather purposes if it is of a higher rank than the enemy unless it too has this spell and is of the same rank. This spell may only be cast 1 time and costs 7MP. 23. Summon Warriors: Only Magi, Clerics, Divinities and War Wagon (I) may cast this spell, may not purchased if element has Summon Elementals. Elements can be summoned one full move for that type away from MU but 100 paces away from any enemy (or in base to base contact with MU if this is not possible). All summoned elements must be in must be in base to base contact with each other (see figure two). They can then be moved as normal in MU’s next bound. They can also be summoned before the battle starts or deployment. If the MU is destroyed then those summoned will fade at the end of that bound. They are not in original element count up so they never count as losses. They will never become demoralised and must be Irregular unless not possible for the troop type summoned. They may not dismount, and are moved using Magus PIP's; if the troops are summoned by a Magus or a Magus call for the Divinity who summoned the troops; by the PIP's of the command controlling the MU that summoned the troops (or that called for the Divinity who summoned the troops) in all other cases. Note that if a Hero called for the Divinity who summoned the troops, they are moved using the Hero PIP's. The troop type is up to the MU (i.e. Blades, Knights, etc) but the grade is subsequently decided for on a d6, Good Clerics automatically summon (A) elements and Evil Clerics summon (D). 1 2

Inferior Fast

3 4

Ordinary Ordinary

5 6

Exception or (R) Superior or (A)

The caster may if it chooses to select (U) elements rather than roll on the above table. If the grade of troop is not possible then simply select he next grade up. MU may not summon any of the following: Elephants, any Behemoth, Artillery, or any form of Vehicle. Only 1 Giant or 1 Flyer (X or I) or 1 Winged Humanoid (S) or 2 Large Humanoids or 2 Mounted or 4 Foot may be summoned. None of the aforementioned may have any magic abilities or be Double Depth or Double Width. Once a troop type (Aerial, Mounted or Foot) is selected for summoning, the MU may not then select another troop type (i.e. MU may summon 1 Blade, 2 Warband and 1 Auxilia but no mounted). This spell may be cast as many times as the number limitations, (i.e. if foot are summoned, then the MU may summon 1 element a bound over 4 bounds or all 4 in 1 bound or any other combination, each summoning requires 2 PIP's). This spell costs 6MP. Page 15/35

24. Whither: This spell rots all vegetation so it will reduce all wooded terrain within 250 paces of the MU to Rough Going. If used on a Tree-man it will make it (I) grade permanently and destroy it on a die roll of 6 on a d6. The MU must be in base to base contact with the target. This spell may only be cast 1 time in the battle and costs 4MP 5. EXCHANGING MOUNTED AERIAL AND FOOT ELEMENTS Unicorns, Behemoths, Beasts, Winged Humanoids Cavalry (R), may not dismount under any circumstances Undead mounted troops Flyers and Flying Behemoths ridden by Heroes or Generals cannot dismount, unless: 1. If allowed by army lists, or to defend fortifications or within 300p of enemy fortifications, Flyers carrying a rider may dismount exchanging 3 Flyers elements for 1 of foot; they dismount as Bd (S) unless stated otherwise in the army lists. 2. Any type of Hero is allowed to dismount as Bd (S) unless stated otherwise in their army list on a 1 for 1 basis. 3. (U) and (I) Undead Light Horse, Cavalry and Knights dismount only to defend fortifications or within 300p of enemy fortifications. They also dismount as for DBM rules relative to their type, considering (U) grade as (O) grade. Their mounts will vanish if they move or are contacted by enemy. 6. AERIAL LANDING FORCES A Flying Vehicle may land and disembark or embark landing troops and then take off again. Landing troops must disembark or embark in single element moves, onto or from good going only, from or in any Flying Vehicle edge. Until landing troops are re-embarked (a minimum of 1 element), the Flying Vehicle is assumed to have few fighting men, so has minimal ability to defend itself. If the terrain lacks any landing point for aerial elements, their landing troops instead deploy on land. See Combat Outcome Tables. 7. ORGANISING AN ARMY 7.1 ELEMENT BASING Any scale of miniature based for DBM may be used with this system therefore only the new troop types are listed. (If you are using single figures and do not wish to base them to DBM then a simple alternative is to cut some card to the right size, Apply some blue tac to card and press on figures, as seen on T.V.). As long as both sides have the same frontage any army of any base width may be employed. If figure scale is (all values are in millimetres) Largest recommended navel scale is Element frontage (width) is: Depth if: Behemoth, Flying Behemoth, Giants, Chariots, Knight (R), Expendables, Baggage, Beasts, Art unless (X) or on wagon. Flyers, Enchanted Element and The Mythical Unicorn Winged Humanoids, Blades (F) or (X), Warband (F), Auxilia, Bowmen, Psiloi, Artillery (X), Sneakers. Flying Vehicles Large Humanoids, Knights, Cavalry, Light Horse, Camelry, Hordes, Spears, Pikes, other Blades, other Warband War Wagon, Artillery on wagons or Navel (min for navel scale above) Ruler, 300 paces long, where 50 paces equals-

25 15 60

15 6 40

10 6 40

6 1/600 40

2 1/1200 10






60 30

40 20

40 20

40 10

20 10

80 40 20 120

60 30 15 80

60 30 15 80

30 20 5 80

30 10 10 60






Fantasy figures come in all shapes and sizes therefore we must dispense with the number of figures on the base rule. The depth is a minimum so may be exceeded by any element. The size bonus is Applied to those that are eligible, i.e.  FV, FBe, Be, WWg & Gi may be Double Depth & Double Width.  All Flyers may be “Double Width” based. 7.2 DOUBLE WIDTH

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The frontage is all in important in DBM and must be maintained but the depth may vary, however, some figures will not fit on a normal width base so may be mounted on a Double Width base by paying extra points. Once an element is has a 'Double Width' it must treat enemy contacts to their front as a War Wagon treats enemies in contact to its flank. Double Width or Double Depth elements will count as 2 elements when working out the Break Factor for a command. A Double Width vehicle (Naval or Flying Vehicle) will Double the number of elements it can carry. A Double Width element is in combat with two elements face on it must destroy or recoil both or cause both its close combat opponents flee or break off, to follow up, so in this instance it may fight twice in a turn unless it is recoiled, destroyed or forced to flee by the first attack. A Double Width element counts as one element in all other circumstances, so: 1. A single destroy result will destroy the Double Width element. 2. A Double Width element make outcome moves as if a single element. 3. A Double Width element contacts enemy or responds to contact as if a single element. 4. If two Double Width elements are in frontal edge to edge and corner to corner contact, close combat is made as per any normal single element. 5. A Double Width element shoots as a single element. 6. A Double Width element not part of a group contacts enemy or responds to contact as if a single element. 7.3 DOUBLE DEPTH The depth can also be doubled at a cost and will give an element +1 to close combat and shooting factors. The base depth must actually be increased by 100% of original size to qualify for the +1. A Double Depth vehicle (Naval or Flying Vehicle) may carry 1 extra element of troops, so, for example, Double Depth add +1 element and then Double Width doubles the capacity so it can now carry a total of 4 elements instead of the usual 1. A Double Depth element counts as one element in all circumstances, so: 1. A single destroy result will destroy the Double Depth element. 2. A Double Depth element makes outcome moves as if a single element. 7.5 ELEMENT COST (S)





Cavalry Light Horse Camelry Expendables Beasts The Mythical Unicorn Giants

10 7

8 5

6 3


Large Humanoids Sneakers Spears Pike Blades Polearms Warband Auxilia Bowmen Psiloi



Regular (F) (X)

Basic cost of element of: Flying Vehicles Flying Behemoth Flyers Winged Humanoids Behemoths Elephants Knights



15 E13



(A) 24 52 26 14 38 22 16 11 8




Irregular (F) (X)





48 24 12 34

40 20 10 28

34 16 8 20

36 18

20 12

16 10

14 8

9 7 11

7 5 6 7 8

5 3 5




2 0 11






22 9


22 8 32 22 11

(D) 22 50 26 12 36 22 13


12 E1 1 10

9 12 10






10 7

14 22

20 7 5 9 9

5 4 7 7

4 3 5 5

5 7

4 5

3 4

4 7





6 7 7

4 8 8

8 8

E8 H8 G9

Page 17/35

8 6 10 10


6 8

7 7 5 4 5

5 5 3 3 4




7 3 3 4 4

5 5 3


4 6 6

2 3

3 5





6 6 4

7 7 5 4 5

W6 E6 G7


Artillery War Wagons Hordes Galleys Ships Boats Land Baggage Magical Baggage Basic cost of element of:

10 14 4


8 10

4 3




5 7

7 18



12 16

10 2

8 1

2 .5

4 3

3 2 0 0 (O)

2 1 0

6 1


11 2
















(Gap intended, will go in proper version.) Irregular Adjustment for all grades if Regular Knights or Cavalry if Chariots -1 -1 Mounted Infantry +1 +1 Rear element of Double base if specified by army list -1 -2 C-in-C's or Sub-general element +10 +20 Ally-general's element +5 +10 Temporary fortifications to cover front of 1 element 2 2 Adjustment if TF is specified in army list defending camps or baggage -1 -1 Permanent fortifications to cover the front of 1 element 2 2 Adjustment if raised tower +1 +1 Adjustment if gateway +2 +2 Double Width Aerial element (add to current total-accumulative) +75% +75% Double Width Land element (add to current total-accumulative) +75% +75% Double Depth Aerial element (add to current total-accumulative) +50% +50% Double Depth Land element (add to current total-accumulative) +50% +50% Magic Abilities maximum of 1 per element +10 +10 Hero +10 +10 Aerial Hero +20 -Mage or Cleric are Base Cost + Cost of Element as detailed above ---Undead (U) elements cost the same as their (O) equivalents -Superior Undead (SU) are always regular, except for Fl, which are always irregular. Their cost is 1 point extra than (S) equivalents, except flyers, which cost 2 points extra than a flyer (S) Non-outward-facing parapets of a tower are free, so for example: A square PF of four corner tower (4x 6AP), 1 gate tower (1 x 5AP), 3 interval towers (3 x 3AP) and 8 wall sections (8 x 2AP) costs 54AP.

8. PREPARING FOR BATTLE 8.1 ENCHANTED TERRAIN Enchanted Terrain represents a great many locations or encounters in fantasy worlds such as an Enchanted Wood, (or turning up at precisely the wrong time during a ritual), a Burial Ground, (or stumbling on a lost tribe), a Forgotten Temple, (or a forgotten Gate to Hell), Haunted Swamps, (or spiteful sprites) a Cursed City, (or an Enchanter, enchanting) and so on! This is achieved by giving the terrain feature a 'Terrain Magical Ability' from the selection below. The Terrain's 'Magical Ability' is rolled for each location that is first entered by each player's elements once per game, therefore Player A may enter a terrain piece and roll a 5 but Player B then enters it and rolls a 6 thereby awakening the enchantment. This obviously excludes any terrain piece which has an element deployed in it from the start. On a result of 6 on a d6, roll on list below for the effect. These abilities are only effective within the terrain piece itself. Deep within the heart of the Enchanted Terrain, there is an ‘Enchanted Element’ (EE), this represents the essence or spirit of the feature. It only Appears if a player wishes to attack and destroy it. Place an ‘exotic’ element in the very centre of terrain piece. This represents the cause of the effect, i.e. Standing Stones, a Magical Ritual, a Tomb, a Rogue Magus, or even a Dragon. The choice is limitless. The enchanted element may not move from its spot in the centre of the terrain and may only be attacked in close combat (elements must be in contact). If defeated, the enchanted element and the effect will vanish instantly. It has a CF of +3 v Generals, Heroes, Magus, Sneakers and Unicorns and +4 v all others, no overlaps count in this combat. Once the Enchanted Element is defeated, a Gift or Boon is rewarded to the element that defeated it. A Hero, Paladin, Mage, Cleric, General or Sneaker does not receive a Gift or Boon (its part of their job description). Any normal element receives +1 to its CF permanently. The second time 'that' element destroys an EE it may select a Heroic Ability. The third time this element destroys an EE it becomes a full Hero and may alter its grade and troop type for no extra cost permanently (its earned it). Alternatively, in a campaign under the control of a GM, they can decide what that gift is. Page 18/35


2. 3. 4. 5.


Cursed- this feature is permeated with unreasoning fear and terror, any phobia is greatly exaggerated in the minds of the elements in it. Mounted troops will simply not enter this feature in any way as their mounts can detect this aura. Any recoil result in Cursed terrain is altered to a destroy result. Despair- this feature exudes an overwhelming sense of despair therefore any recoil becomes flee result. Haunted- there are d6 Beasts (per player) present and they attack any element entering terrain. They are moved in both players' turns impetuously. Enthused- any elements of the player who first entered the terrain may move 50 paces extra, each time they move. Test Of Faith- any element that has just entered this feature must stop less than 100 paces in regardless of remaining movement. It must then take a test as if in close combat in the combat phase against the Enchanted Element, if it equals or wins, it may proceed as normal in its next bound otherwise it is forced to flee. Blessed- Any die roll of a 1 becomes a 2 for the player who activated this enchantment.

8.2 TIME OF DAY OR NIGHT At night no flying is possible at all, so all airborne elements must land. If a side attempts to delay or break off the battle, all airborne aerial elements must land and camp or retire off-table. Aerial elements retiring off table for the night do not count as lost, but reappear at the same place on the same table edge 2 hours after sunrise next day. 8.3 WEATHER By calling on the Gods or pre battle spell casting, Magi can affect weather by 1 in any direction after dice throws for weather are worked out. If there is a Magus on each side then roll a d6 for each magus, only the highest scoring magus may affect the weather. The only die rolls that affect the weather are those belonging to the generals. Airborne elements are subject to disadvantages from the weather as follows: 1. From strong winds except within 45 degrees of directly down wind. Otherwise -50 paces for move disadvantages, if not, then +50 paces for a tail wind (except the Air Elementals). 2. Disembarking troops in Strong winds may result in the Flying Vehicle to crash on a die roll of 1. 3. In Rain -50 paces on all movement when airborne (except Air Elementals). 4. In a Dust Storm, Fog or at night, no flying is possible at all: all airborne elements must land. 8.4 VISIBILITY Airborne elements are visible in daylight and clear weather to all viewers whose direct line of sight is not blocked by intervening higher ground such as Hills and Woods or Orchard; this rule also Applies to airborne elements seeing ground elements. Aerial elements at march height may spot ambushes placed behind intervening terrain, if they are further than 200p from the terrain, replicating the angle of

visibility from the Aerial element. They cannot spot elements inside terrain. 8.5 DEPLOYMENT Along with those rules detailed in DBM all troops detailed in DBF use the same rules but with the following necessary additions. Each player must record:  the relative position of their commands, Heroes, Magi and Sneaker from right to left and front to rear;  the flank of arrival of any Hero, Magus or Sneaker making flank marches;  the position and direction faced of each Hero, Magus or Sneaker deployed in ambush; 8.6 OFF TABLE FLANK MARCHES Aerial elements can flank march to arrive on a table edge occupied by a waterway. The Magus (devious) and the Hero (heroic) may flank march as a single element and use their own die to arrive on a 5 or 6. A Sneaker may only flank march as a single element (after all, it is the perfectly sneaky thing to do!) and arrives on a roll of 5 or 6 on its own die. If an element flank marches as a single element and rolls a 5 to arrive, then they do not trigger an enemy flank march but must still make the opponent aware of the arrival of a small group of enemy. A roll of 6 will trigger a flank march and force the single element to flee onto the table. A Hero Associated Command as a flank march, arrives on a roll of 5 or 6 on the Heroes die. By using his magic to divine the best route, the Magus may enable a flank march to arrive on a roll of a 5 or 6

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on the Magus own die but Magus must be with the flank march. If both are in the same flank command, nominate one die to decide the time of arrival. 9. FIGHTING THE BATTLE 9.1 SEQUENCE OF PLAY A player starts his bound when command die is rolled for his Magus, followed by other PIPs dicing, movement, Ranged Attacks, other shooting and finally close combat. The bound ends when the Magus has finished casting a spell that is active in the opponent's next bound. Now the next player's bound begins. Consecutive bounds are paired off in Turns. 9.2 PLAYER INITIATIVE POINT DICING The C-in-C first rolls a separated die for his Magus, then simultaneously throw a PIP die on behalf of each and every command, Hero, and Sneaker. Heroic Generals roll an extra command die specifically for them. They must then discard the lower die roll. Furthermore, Heroes (if not General), Magi and Sneakers do not constitute separated one element commands. Heroes and Sneakers move on their own d6 pips, this die is of a different colour and is used by the Hero or Sneaker throughout the game. This simulates them the ability to be in the right place at the right time and to always be able to act, normal restrictions Apply such as march moves. Magi, too, perform all actions on their own d6 (this die is of a different colour and is used by the Magi throughout the game) but cannot use these pips to command any troops other than those summoned by that Magi. Fast (F) Flying Vehicles do not need to expend pips to slow down or hold if in base to base contact with an (S), (O), (I) or (X) Flying Vehicle. Giants Large Humanoids and Elephants are often brigaded with slower moving infantry or warwagons and to represent this they do not suffer the +1 pip modifier for Irregular elements moving a shorter distance than their full move. Any Ariel element does not suffer the +1 pip modifier for Irregular elements moving a shorter distance than their full move. Winged Humanoids are treated as cavalry regarding extra pips for moving other than directly ahead. 9.3 ALIGNMENT AND UNRELIABLE ALLIES Due to the nature of the races in fantasylands and their racial attitudes, alignment has been introduced for any possible alliances and natural enemies. They consist of Good, Evil and Neutral. The two opposites are Good and Evil and may never ally, Neutral may ally with either. All armies taken from DBM army lists are considered neutral. If an allied command is used, then it must test for reliability as per DBM, but the following special rules Apply:  The die roll may not be magically altered;  Due to the introduction of alignment, an unreliable allied general will not change sides if they are fighting an opposite alignment e.g. Good versus Evil;  If an allied command changes sides, so does the Hero of that ally.  Dwarven/ Elven Animosity. The distant annals of history record the long and numerous clashes between the Dwarves and Elves. Relations between the two are usually strained, but they share many dangerous and powerful enemies, which necessitates them often fighting on the same side. However both races like to prove to the other that they are their superiors and this leads to what is known as Dwarven/Elven Animosity. When an Elven ally general is fighting for a Dwarven CNC, or Vice versa, then it will become unreliable on a roll of 1 or 2 on a D6. However the ally will not change sides even if it is irregular and will only start fighting once the CNC rolls a 6, or if a friendly or enemy, command is broken. Both the Elves and Dwarves like to see the sight of their allies fleeing in terror before they roll up their sleeves and “show them how it’s done”; but they do not like the idea of the others “stealing all the glory before we’ve had a chance to finish breakfast”. 9.4 TACTICAL MOVES FOR AERIAL 9.4.1 Group and Single element moves Page 20/35

DBM works along a series of assumptions to reflect given situations i.e. Light Horse are not actually in Hand to Hand when in close combat but maybe 10 paces away. In the same way Aerial elements that are at March Height may move over grounded elements and are considered as flying high enough to stay out of trouble and avoid all terrain and missile fire. There are TWO different height levels in DBF specifically due to the introduction of Aerial elements. These being March Height and Attack Height and are explained further below. It will be necessary to place a counter (or marker) to indicate when an element is at March Height. This counter is placed next to the element when it Applies, so, an element without the counter is assumed to be at Attack Height. Aerial elements are always at Attack Height and never grounded unless it is to dismount, disembark/embark troops. When aerial elements drop down from March Height to Attack Height or the Ground they are considered as having performed a normal move, with all the restrictions associated, in addition the descending element may not end in contact with an enemy, or act as an overlap, or provide rear support. At Attack Height they are skimming the surface or hovering but are below the treetops, when in this mode they may be contacted by any ground element and are subject to ALL ground engagement rules and restrictions. At Attack Height aerial elements may fly over all ground terrain (except Woods, Hills, BUA, Dunes and Orchards which they may only enter to engage in close combat with a Ground element) as if in Good Going until they are engaged in close combat. Once an aerial element is at Attack Height it can only gain altitude to reach March Height in its own turn by expending 1 command pip as long as it is not in an enemies Zone of Control and has at least 100 paces of free space along its intended route. Going from Attack Height to March Height is considered a full Tactical Move if the Arial element starts within 200 paces of the enemy, so it may not March Move. Aerial elements move as any other DBM elements in a group or as singles. Besides standard DBM rules, a move by a single or group aerial element can be used to:  Ascend or descend in a bound but not both; they cannot ascend from or descend in or move on water.  A Flying Vehicle wishing to land and be grounded must have its base size +50 paces of space to land in to the front including if it wishes to enter into close combat. Other aerial need only their base-size to land in and can drop directly down to Attack Height or be grounded in exactly the same location.  All aerials must expend +1 extra command pip to drop down to Attack Height or move up to March Height.  Taking off or moving to March Height requires 100 paces of free space along the direction that it intends to move; it must turn in the desired direction as if on the ground before it can proceed. When they take off they must move 100 paces straight ahead but they will end up being fully at March Height or Attack Height at the end of that move.  To stop Flying Vehicle’s drifting in strong winds. Moreover:  A move by a single Aerial element can be used to break off from non Aerial grounded troops, from naval, from other aerial if having greater maximum move than the aerial element being broken off from or if at night.  A move by a single grounded Flyer element can be used to dismount or remount (grounded Flyers or a Heroic Flying Behemoth only). A full single element move is required for each dismounted element. If this replaces or is replaced by 3 elements, each of these must stand or end in edge contact with at least one of others. Elements using a tactical move to mount or dismount cannot start or end in edge contact with enemy.  A move by a single grounded Flying Vehicle element can be used to embark or disembark (grounded Flying Vehicles only) from or into good going only. It can disembark to contact-to-contact enemy who are positioned away from its base edge or corners, these being moved back if necessary to make room. 9.4.3 Movement restrictions Aerial elements at March Height can always cross the front or retire from in front of any enemy grounded element or one at Attack Height closer than one element base width or having done so continue moving. Aerial elements may not land in a wood/orchard or take off from within a wood/orchard or enter a wood/orchard if at Attack Height. Grounded elements, too, can always cross the front or retire from in front of any enemy Aerial element closer than one element base width or having done so continue moving if aerial is at March Height. Page 21/35

When Aerial elements are at March Height they may pass over any grounded element and grounded elements may pass under them; there is never any base-to-base contact between grounded and airborne troops at march height. When Aerial elements are at March Height they ignore the effect of underlying terrain features or fortifications, so they can enter fortifications by landing behind them, if there is room for the landing, and can leave fortifications taking-off from behind them. Grounded Flying Vehicles are immobile but they can turn to face to take off. Aerial elements ignore any wall or fortifications for purpose of moving over them from any height level. Flying Behemoths, except those ridden by heroes or generals, and Winged Humanoids cannot dismount. 9.5 MARCH MOVES Aerial elements may march move at both height levels, however, when they are at Attack Height they are subject to ALL ground rules. When they march move at March Height they ignore and are ignored by any element on the ground. There is never any interaction between elements at March Height with those at Attack Height or with those that are grounded. 9.6 SPONTANEOUS ADVANCE Along with those troop types detailed in DBM page 19, the following troop types are classed as impetuous and liable to advance without waiting for orders: all Large Humanoids, all Beasts, all Flying Behemoths, all Flyers, all Giants, all Behemoths, all Elementals and the following (D) elements - Hd, Bd, & Kn. War Wagon (I) are never impetuous regardless of any alteration or addition. Grounded Aerial or those at Attack Height elements making a spontaneous advance must remain grounded or at attack height unless it is towards an airborne element in which case it will take flight if it legally can. Non-Aerial elements are not impetuous towards elements at March Height. Aerial elements at March Height only make a spontaneous advance towards other Aerial elements that are at March Height or enemy baggage. Aerial Elements at Attack Height or Grounded make a spontaneous advance towards any other enemy elements except those at March Height. If any except train are passed through by a spontaneous advance, the following actions are taken as the interpenetration starts: Foot elements passed through by, Flyers, Knights, Beasts and any type of Behemoth or Expendable flee. Impetuous elements must make a spontaneous advance as individual elements unless the any of the following Apply including those specified on page 19 of DBM:  They are not any type of Behemoth and they would contact enemy Elephants, Giants or any type of Behemoth.  They would contact a Hero with the Fearsome Reputation ability.  They would contact or are in Enchanted Terrain.  They would contact a Sneaker.  They would need to ascend to march Height. 9.7 TACTICAL AND MARCH MOVE DISTANCES At least partly off-road in The maximum distance in paces (p) that any single element or element of a group can move if permitted in that terrain, is: Flying Behemoths Flyers Winged Humanoids Flying Vehicles Flying Vehicles (X) Behemoths, Elephants, Knights Giants, Large Humanoids Light Horse, Unicorns

Aerial Attack height

Entirely along road

200 200 200 150 100

150 150 200 --200 200 250

Page 22/35

Aerial at March Height

Good Rough 150 150 150 --150 150 250

100 100 100 --150 150 200

Difficult 50 50 50 --100 100 100

300 350 300 250 200 ----


250 200 200 200

200 200 150 100

200 150 150 100

150 150 150 100


War Wagons, Artillery, mobile Land & Magical Baggage






Artillery (S) Navel except (X) Navel (X)

100 ---

50 200 100

50 100 50



Cavalry, Camelry, Expendables, Sneakers

Auxilia, Psiloi, Bow (W), Warband (R) Spears, Pikes, Blades, Warband, Bowmen, Hordes

Beasts and Giants (R) consider Rough Going, orchards, and woods as Good. The. Sneakers flee 300 paces. Aerial ignore terrain modifiers unless disembarking in which case it must be Good Going. Troops graded as Fast (F), add an extra 50p to their maximum tactical, march or fleeing move distance off-road, if either mounted, artillery or navel in good going or if other foot. Maximum distance is further restricted to 100p if any element is crossing any but a paltry river unless at a road ford or bridge, or is moving off-road when visibility is reduced to 100p by night and/or, unless Bedouin or Tuaregs in a dust storm, by weather. 9.8 MOVING THROUGH FRIENDLY TROOPS OR GAPS If at Attack Height or Grounded, Flying Behemoths, Flyers and Winged Humanoids can pass through friendly psiloi who are facing in the same or opposite direction. Psiloi can pass through friendlygrounded troops who are facing in the same or opposite direction. Elements making a spontaneous advance can and must pass through any friends to their front except Behemoths and Flying Behemoths (if at Attack Height) along with any other exceptions stated in standard DBM rules. Giants, Large Humanoids passed through by spontaneous advance join in, following behind even if previously moved or halted that bound. Sneakers may pass or be passed through by any friends. Sneakers can enter a gAp less than one element wide as long as its depth can enter that gAp. In their own bound they may interpenetrate an enemy element if they beat it in a close combat engagement as per normal DBM rules. If successful they are placed on the other side of the enemy element and enemies supporting ranks or those in base-to-base contact with enemy using its remaining move allowance. If this takes it beyond its move limit it must be slipped out to the 'best side' for the Sneaker, if this exceeds its move allowance as well then it can't pass through, (there's just too many of them sir!). If, having passed through the ranks into a gap and this puts it into contact with another element, it must fight this element immediately. If successful it must pass through again, 'defence in depth' just does not work against a Sneaker. In all cases the maximum move allowance can not be exceeded. 9.9 CROSSING WATER OBSTACLES Elements capable of flight may ignore any water obstacle if at March or Attack Height. The Fire Elemental may not cross over a Waterway, River or Marsh if it is recoiled into them it is destroyed. 9.10 DISTANT SHOOTING Elements in addition to those outlined in DBM V3 eligible to shoot include Giants (not (I)), Flying Vehicles, plus Behemoths and Flying Behemoths; all of which have a range of 200 paces. Giants, Behemoths, Aerials at Attack Height and War Wagons that have a Ranged Attack and Behemoth (X) can shoot at enemy over friendly infantry unless Pike or Bowmen or within 150 paces of target. Aerial Elements at March height may not shoot at or be shot at by elements on the ground or at attack height, however they may shoot at and be shot at by other Arial elements at March height. Bowmen that are being shot at by a Bw (G) who are acting as a 2nd rank to Bd or Pl (R), may elect to return fire rather than shooting at the first rank of Bd or Pl. Only one element may return fire in this way. All other elements capable of shooting must shoot at the Bd in the front rank. 9.11 CLOSE COMBAT Page 23/35

Behemoths and grounded Flying Behemoths cannot count as overlaps for friendly mounted troops except other Behemoths and other Flying Behemoths. Any type of Behemoth can assault a gateway. 9.12 CLOSE COMBAT INVOLVING AERIAL ELEMENTS Aerial elements can only enter into close combat with grounded elements if it is at Attack Height and then obeys all DBM rules i.e. in arc, in range, not marched move, not an overlap, crossed the frontage of another element and so on. Grounded troops may not initiate close combat against Aerial elements unless they are at Attack Height or grounded or already in close combat with other ground elements. 9.13 COMBAT OUTCOME AT MARCH HEIGHT Any outcome resulting from Combat or Ranged Attacks at March Height such as kill zone or recoiling, will not effect any grounded elements or those at Attack Height, but will only affect other elements at March Height. Any push backs and follow up are deemed to be taking place in the air and above other grounded troops, any elements that are destroyed are assumed to have limped off some where and are no longer a factor in the battle. 9.14 RESOLVING DISTANT SHOOTING OR CLOSE COMBAT Whether in contact, shooting or only shot at, each player dices for his element and adds its Combat Factor (CF) to its score as follows, together with any rear support or tactical factors that may Apply. [See play-sheet] Element

Vs. Mounted And Aerial Elephants, Behemoths or Flying Behemoths +5 Spears, Expendables, Artillery or +4 Large Humanoids or Giants Knights, Flyers or War Wagons +4

Vs. Naval and Flying Vehicle +3 +4

Vs. Foot



Vs. other Miscellaneous

+4 +4 +4 v bowmen shooting

Pikes +4 +4 +3 Bowmen or Camelry +4 +3 +2 Beasts +4 +3 +3 Blades +3 +4 +5 +4 v shooting Polearms +4 +4 +5 +3 v shooting Cavalry, Galleys, Ships, Unicorn, Sneakers +3 +3 +3 or Flying Vehicles Warband or Auxilia +2 +3 +3 Light Horse, Psiloi, Hordes, Boats, Winged +2 +2 +2 Humanoids or Magical Baggage Baggage or any Naval or Flying Vehicle if +1 +1 +1 troops disembarked Enchanted Element terrain feature is +3 v Generals, Heroes, Magi, Unicorns and Sneakers, +4 v all others. REAR SUPPORT FACTORS Rear support factors are identical to DBM 3 with the following inclusions: Rear Support Factors Some troop types add to their normal combat factor if supported to their rear by contiguous friendly elements of appropriate type and of the same command, lined up with them and facing in the same direction, provided that no rank is of chariots, nor in difficult going, nor defending fortifications, nor being shot at unless knights (I), nor has any edge in contact with the front edge of enemy expendables, nor has just moved into close combat against artillery (S).

If expressly required by their army list to be mounted on a double element base, knights (I) fighting foot, knights, flyers, cavalry or light horse to their front or shot at except by artillery and behemoths add +1 for a supporting 2nd rank of knights (I).

♦ ♦ ♦ ♦

Cavalry who are fighting cavalry or LH to their front add +1 for a supporting 2nd rank of Cv (I) if (I), (O) if not. Spears add +1 for a supporting 2nd rank of spears, if both are the same grade and in good going. Pikes except (X) add +1 for each supporting 2nd, 3rd or 4th rank of pikes, if all are the same grade and in good going. Pikes (X) add +1 for each supporting 2nd or 3rd rank of pikes (X) or (I), if all are in good going.

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Blades who are fighting behemoths, flyers, knights, camelry (S) or beasts to their front add +1 for a supporting 2nd rank of blades.

Polearms who are fighting behemoths, flyers, knights, camelry (S) or beasts to their front add +1 for a supporting 2nd rank of Polearms of same garde.

♦ ♦

Warband add +1 for a supporting 2nd rank of Warband.

♦ ♦ ♦

Large Humanoids add +1 for a 2nd rank or Large Humanoids of the same grade Vs Mounted and Aerial.

Bowmen in close combat against spear, pikes, blades, auxilia or bowmen to their front add +1 for a supporting 2nd rank of bowmen of the same grade, armed with the same type of bow.

♦ ♦

Psiloi who are fighting skirmishers to their front add +1 for a supporting 2nd rank of psiloi (O).

If expressly permitted by their army list, Cavalry who are fighting Cavalry or Kn (X) to their front add +1 for a supporting 2nd rank of Ps (S) or (I).

    

Winged Humanoids add +1 for a supporting 2nd rank of Winged Humanoids of same grade.

Warband (S) & (D) who are fighting mounted troops to their front add +1 for each supporting 3rd or 4th rank of Wb (S) if all ranks are of Wb (S), or if all ranks are of Wb (D). Auxilia (X) add +1 for each supporting 2nd or 3rd rank of auxilia (X), if the second rank is of auxilia (X). Other auxilia in close combat to against spears, pikes, blades, auxilia, Giants or bowmen add +1 for a supporting rank of auxilia of the same grade.

If expressly permitted by their army list, spears, pikes, blades or auxilia who are fighting warband, Large Humanoids, Giants or mounted troops except knights (X) to their front or attacking fortifications or war wagons add +1 if supported by a single 2nd or 3rd rank of psiloi armed with bows, or a single 2nd rank of psiloi armed with crossbows or handguns or Bow (G).

(U) elements are subject to all rear support factors associated with the (O) grade. Large Humanoids add +1 for a supporting 2nd rank of same type and grade if specified in the army list. Horde (R) add +1 for each supporting 2nd or 3rd rank of Horde (R). Hordes in close combat against any except cavalry, beasts or light troops add +1 for a supporting 2nd rank of Hordes of the same grade.

Tactical Factors Add to or subtract from scores for each of the following tactical factors that applies: +2 If foot defending behind Fortifications when shot at or in close combat unless any of the following apply: ♦ They are War Wagons.

♦ ♦ ♦

They are behind permanent Fortifications and being shot at by Artillery (S). They are behind temporary Fortifications and being shot at by any Artillery or in close combat with Psiloi (X).

They are behind any Fortifications and in close combat with or shot at by a War Wagon (S) or Ship (X) tower. If the general’s element of an un-demoralised command, and either in close combat or shot at, If in close combat and either up slope, on a raised PF tower, or defending a riverbank except at a road ford/bridge. For each flank overlapped, and/or each enemy element in frontal contact with flank or rear except against an EE. For each 2nd or 3rd element aiding a shooting enemy. If disadvantaged by the weather, or shooting to or from a wood, orchard or olive or palm grove. If Giants who are in close combat while in rough going. If Giants who are in close combat while in difficult going. If an element of a demoralised command, other than its general, and either in close combat or shot at. If mounted and aerial troops who are attacking across fortifications; or who are in close combat either on or off-road while in, or in contact with the front edge of enemy foot who are in, going rough or difficult to the mounted troops. -2 If blades, (S), (R), (D), (U) or (O) warband or (S), (U), (D) or (O) Large Humanoid who are in close combat against foot to their front while in rough or difficult going either on or off-road. -2 If spears, pikes, (O) hordes or train in close combat while in rough or difficult going either on or off-road or while crossing any but a paltry river except by a road ford or bridge. DBF additions: +1 If Hero element, and either in close combat, shooting or shot at; if Hero is a General, then this +1 does not apply. +1 For Good Clerics versus (U) and (D), Evil Clerics versus (U) and (A) (poor old (U). +1 If an Extended depth element, and either in close combat, shooting or shot at. -1 If Artillery except (X) which is shooting at an Airborne element. -1 If Fire Elemental in close combat in the Rain or Marsh or a Water Elemental in a Dust Storm or Sand Dune.  Beasts except (X) do not suffer -2 for being in close combat either on off-road while in, or in contact with the front edge of enemy foot who are in, going rough to mounted troops. +1 +1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -2 -2 -2

Grading Factors  +1 if Kn (R) in close combat, or (D) in close combat, shooting or being shot at, if their die roll is higher than their opponents die, unless opponents are artillery, or Behemoths shooting, or elephants, Behemoths in close combat, apply immediately, then apply other Grading Factors.  +1 if Aerial Element in close combat if their die roll is higher than their opponents die, unless fighting in strong winds or their opponents are behemoths or any type of Aerial element, apply immediately, then apply other Grading Factors.

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   • • • • • •

+1 if close combat involves a (U) element to either player with the higher die roll, apply immediately, then apply other Grading Factors +1 if your element is (SU) and rolled the higher die roll, apply immediately, then apply other Grading Factors +1 if your element is (A) and scored less than opponents in close combat or shooting, unless opponents are artillery, or Behemoths shooting, or elephants, Behemoths in close combat. -1 if your element is neither artillery, or Behemoths shooting nor elephants, Giants, Behemoths in close combat, and scored more than (S) or (SU) opponents. +1 if your element is (SU), (S) or (A) shooting, and your total score was exactly 1 more than (S), (SU) opponents, or equal to (O) or (F) opponents. +1 if your element is (E) shooting, and your total score was more than opponents, now apply any opponent (I), (A), (F), (SU) or (S) factors. +1 if your element is (W) shooting, and scored more than (S) opponents. +1 if your element is shooting or in close combat, and scored equal to or more than (I) opponents. +1 if your element is in close combat in your bound or shooting, is not artillery, and scored more than (F) opponents.

Combat Outcomes Tables If an elements TOTAL IS EQUAL to that of its opponent: Expendables Destroyed. Enchanted Element Destroyed by any in contact. Other troops Continue fighting next bound if in close combat and neither side breaks off. If a Hero, Paladin, Sneaker, Mage, Cleric, Unicorn or Enchanted Element's TOTAL IS LESS than that of its opponent: Magi & Clerics Destroyed by Hero or Paladin regardless of element type or Sneakers. Flee from EE if Mage. Hero, Paladin, General & Unicorn Destroyed by Sneakers. Destroyed by Hero, Paladin, General, Mage or Cleric. Flee from any in close combat. Sneakers Sn Destroyed by any in contact. Enchanted Element EE Once this table has been applied, move on to the next Combat Outcome tables below. If an elements TOTAL IS LESS than that of its opponent: Behemoths & Destroyed by Hero, Paladin, Art except (X), by Clerics of an opposite alignment, or if in close combat Flying Behemoths in difficult going. Stand if against Sneakers. If not recoil. Flyers Fl If grounded destroyed by El, Be, FBe, Hero, Paladin and Exp or LH, by Bw (S) (E), (H) & (G) they have moved into contact with this bound, or in close combat in difficult going. If not then recoil. If airborne flee from FBe if in close combat. Stand if against Sn. Destroyed if in close combat in difficult going. Flee from Fl & FBe if airborne. If not, recoil.. Winged Humanoids WHm Elephants El Destroyed by light troops, Cm (X), Hero, Paladin or Art, or if in close combat in difficult going. Stand if against Sneakers. If not recoil. Knights Kn Destroyed by El, Be, FBe, Exp, or LH, by (S) (E), (H) & (G) Bw they have moved into contact with this bound, by Bd (X) in an enemy bound or by any enemy if in close combat in difficult ground. Stand if against Sneakers. If not, recoil. Stand if against Sneakers otherwise destroyed. Expendables Exp Flee from Exp & EE, or if in difficult going. Stand if against Sneakers. If not, recoil. Cavalry Cv or Camelry Cm Beasts Bst Destroyed by FBe, Be, Exp, Ps (X) or Art (X) or LH. Recoil from other Beasts, shooting, flee from any other in contact. Stand if against Sneakers. Beasts Bst (R) Destroyed by FBe, Be, Exp, Ps (X) or Art (X) & (I) or LH, if in close combat. If not recoil. Stand if against Sneakers. Flee from Art shooting, from Exp, or if in difficult going. If not, recoil. Stand if against Sneakers. Light Horse LH Giants Gi Destroyed by FBe, Be, Hero, Paladin or Art except (X). Recoil from other shooting, and Art (X), Bw, Pk, Sp, Exp Flying Vehicles except (F) if in contact and permanent fortification otherwise continue to fight next bound. Warband Wb or Destroyed by Bst LHm or Gi in an enemy bound, by Kn or Fl, Cm (S) or Exp in going these counts as good, or by El, Be or FBe. Stand if against Sneakers. If not recoil. Large Humanoid LHm Spears Sp, Pikes Pk or Destroyed by FBe, Be, Bst or Gi in an enemy bound, by Kn, Fl, Cm (S) or Exp if in going these count as good or by Wb or LHm. Stand if against Sneakers. If not recoil. Polearms Pl Blades Bd Spears Sp (R), or Destroyed by FBe, Be, Bst, Kn, Fl, Cm (S) or Exp in an enemy bound, if in going these count as good or by Wb, Gi or LHm in an enemy bound. Stand if against Sneakers. If not recoil. Polearms Pl (R) Blades Bd (R) Auxilia Ax Destroyed by Bst in an enemy bound, by Kn, Fl, Cm (S) if in going these count as good, and also if Ax (X), by FBe, Be, El, Exp or Wb. Stand if against Sneakers. If not recoil. Destroyed by any mounted troop or aerial, except grounded FV, in contact. Stand if against Sneakers. Bowmen Bw If not recoil. Psiloi Ps or Destroyed by Bst in an enemy bound, Kn, Cv, by LH or Cm (S) if in going these count as good. Recoil from El or Exp, or if shot at except by Art, or in going neither counts as good. Stand against Lurkers Lk Sn. If not, flee.

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Hordes Hd Artillery Art War Wagons WWg Naval or Flying Vehicles FV Unladen Naval or Flying Vehicle Any type of Baggage

Destroyed by Bst in an enemy bound, by Kn, Fl or Cm (S), Hero or Exp if in going these count as good, or by El, Be, FBe, Wb Gi, or LHm. Stand if against Sneakers. If not recoil. Destroyed by any in contact. If not recoil except in a fortification. Destroyed by Art except (X) or, unless (X) by EE, El, Be, FBe or Gi. If not recoil if (S) assaulting fortifications. Recoils. Destroyed by any in contact except Expendables Destroyed by any in contact. If not flee, if mobile

If an elements TOTAL IS HALF OR LESS than half that of the enemy: Cavalry Flee from Sp or Pk or Ax (X) if in good going, from close combat with Art except (I) or (X), or from naval. Stand if against Sn. Otherwise destroyed Light Horse Destroyed if in close combat by any mounted troop, Bw, Ps (O), WWg (O), aerial, except grounded FV if in close combat, or if in close combat in difficult going. Stand if against Sneakers. If not flee. Psiloi or Lurkers Destroyed by any mounted troops or aerial, except grounded FV, if in going these count as good, by Bw, Ax except (X), or Ps, or if (X) Stand if against Sneakers. If not, flee. Others on land Flee from close combat with Art except (I) or (X), or from naval. Otherwise destroyed. Stand if against Sneakers. Winged Humanoids Flee from any shooting and from close combat with Art except (I) or (X), or from naval. Otherwise destroyed. Stand if against Sneakers. Other Airborne troops Flee from close combat with Art except (I) or (X), or from naval. Otherwise destroyed. Stand if against Sneakers. Naval or FV Destroyed by artillery (S), or by any in contact except Exp. Flee from other shooting. Unladen Naval, FV Destroyed by any except Expendables


If a Double Depth element is destroyed, its kill zone is its original base depth measured from the extended rear edge.

 Elements destroyed while at March Height do not impose a kill zone on any grounded element or element at attack height. 9.16 RECOILING ELEMENTS  Recoiling “Double Depth” elements move back their original (i.e. non-Double) base depth.  Aerials at Attack Height push back friends facing the same direction.  Elements that would ordinarily be passed through or be pushed back by recoiling Behemoths or Flying Behemoth at Attack Height will instead flee.  When an element of Blades is recoiled into friendly Bow facing the same direction the Blades simply push the Bow back and do not pass through them. 9.17 FLEEING ELEMENTS  Fleeing grounded Aerial elements that can take off do so, moving directly to its own rear after the initial recoil. In addition it is assumed to have moved up to march height as part of its flee move.  An element of Aerial landing troops fleeing in spontaneous retreat as a result of demoralisation, moves towards the nearest unladen friendly Flying Vehicle capable of embarking it if any exist. Otherwise towards own table edge.  An element fleeing from a recoiling or destroyed Behemoths or Flying Behemoths element at Attack Height, moves directly away from the initial position of the Behemoth or Flying Behemoths element making an initial turn if necessary. In addition it is assumed to have moved up to march height as part of its flee move. 9.18 PURSUING ELEMENTS Along with those detailed on page 25 of DBM the add the following bullet points:  Pursuing Double Depth element pursues its original base depth (i.e. non-Double).  Grounded elements may choose to not pursue airborne Aerial elements.  Elements in close combat with a Behemoth or airborne Aerial element may choose to not follow up or pursue.  Flying Behemoths, Flyers Winged Humanoids do not have to pursue Psiloi.  If a grounded Flying Vehicle’s close combat land opponents recoil, break off, flee or are destroyed, its landing troops can choose to pursue.  Aerial elements will pursue across a fortification. Page 27/35

9.19 LOST ELEMENTS For the purpose of calculating demoralisation, defeat and tie break situations:  Double Width elements will count as 2 elements lost.  One Hero or Magus elements count as one element each and add to the army total for break factors, as per the main rules. Heroes or Magi are not included in the original element equivalents for the purpose of calculating demoralisation (they don’t belong to any command) unless a Hero is also a General. Destroyed Heroes, Magi, Heroes that changed side or a Hero General controlling a demoralised command must be included in the original element equivalents for the purpose of calculating a defeat or tie break. 9.20 BREAK FACTOR MODIFIERS A Hero with the Inspirational Heroic Ability or Magus will add +1 to break factor of the nearest friendly general commands, through either fear or fearless example or spiritual means, until that Hero or Magus is destroyed. This will vary if the Inspirational Hero or Magus moves so keep a Tab on them. A Hero General with the Inspirational Ability on the other hand, may only add this extra +1 to its own commands break factor as well as counting as an element of that command. The Mythical Unicorn or a War Wagon (I) with Magic Ability will add +1 to BF of their command, until destroyed at which point they immediately return to their normal values. These bonuses are all accumulative.

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BOOK FIVE: Armies of Fantasy, Mythology and Legend 10. THE ARMY LISTS 10.1 CREATING AN ARMY When working out an army the compulsory (minimum’s) troops must be bought first, these represent the usual bulk troops that a nation employed or were available to them. Next you may buy other more exotic and more expensive troops. It is advisable to have a good solid ground based army before spending points on such things as Magi, Heroes and Flyers. Unless the battle is a campaign or scenario game, DBF is played using between 300AP to 700AP per side. In all games, 2 to 4 generals control each army. Recommended points for games using flyers and mages are listed below: - 400AP 25mm singles - 500AP15mm singles - 650AP 15mm Doubles 10.2 ALIGNMENT Due to the nature of the races in fantasy and their racial attitudes, alignment has been introduced for any possible alliances and natural enemies. They consist of Good, Evil and Neutral. The two opposites are Good and Evil and may never ally; neutral may ally with either but not with both in the same army. 10.3 ALLIED COMMANDS If an allied command is used it must test for reliability as per DBM, the following special rules Apply:  The first die roll may not be magically altered.  Due to the introduction of alignment, an unreliable allied general will not change sides if they are fighting an opposite alignment e.g. Good versus Evil. When buying an allied command it must be lead by its own general, when buying the troops only the compulsory troops can be bought up to a maximum of a third and a minimum of a quarter of the permitted maximum or one element which ever is the greater. This represents the usual troop types and numbers that any nation sent out to aid others. The exception is when the allies are part of the army list for that race similar to the Highlanders in the Dwarven army list. 10.4 NOTES ON ARMY LISTS Because of the vast and varied amount of fantasy figures available, a certain amount of player interpretation and justification must be Applied to the troop types in the army list. For instance the Artillery (F) in the Imperial Human list may not necessarily be a bolt shooter mounted on a cart but a Magus letting loose Lightning bolts. All colourful creatures troop type, classification and enhancements (except spells) must be pointed out to your opponent before play to avoid any painful misunderstandings later. These battles will be fought in epic proportions with thousands of individuals on each side and at this scale the relative differences of the races is unimportant. Their fighting styles are of more concern to the generals that will deploy them. So the army lists are more than just numbers and costs, but actually give you the feel for the race, rather than tie it to any specific author interpretations or games company world. The Army lists in this book do not relate to any one figure manufacturer but are of a generic style trying to capture the feel of the race concerned, however if you wish to use your own personal twist to any race then adapt away folks. 10.5 DIY ARMY LISTS The following rules are intended for those players that wish to create an army of their own. They may fit into The Popular Period easily but this method is not intended for creating armies from history. For those that wish to create an army from history it would be best to adapt an existing army from one of the four DBM army books. First you must decide on an alignment that best reflects the race you wish to create, then add to this the possible troop types that could belong to the race. Next Apply the percent options below to the troops desired. Each percent option is for a single troop type (regular and irregular of the same troop type all classed as separate percent options), all the points must be used to purchase that troop type. Any surplus points are put to one side for later use. Page 29/35

Once a troop type is chosen, its grade must be defined, each different grade represent a separate percent option. This continues until all the percent options have been used up. The two largest percent options may be combined to give a larger number of one particular troop type. The percent options are 40, 20, 15, 10, 10 & 5. The generals are promoted from the ranks as it were, so must be a troop type purchased unless the general wishes to be in any type of chariot or on a behemoth. The surplus points cost can be used to pay for a general. Up to half of the Psiloi that have been purchased may support either Blades or Spear but not both. Lastly the '9.1 Popular Period Additions' may be purchased by an agreed upon sum before game play and the surplus points cost is added to it if any remain. For the aerial elements the 15% value includes the cost of the entire army including the newly added allocation of the Popular Period Additions. Allies are according to the alignment chosen and conform to normal DBM rules for pre-generated lists. If it is an army created by the percent options method, then up to half of the 40% troop type and up to half of the 20% troop type may be selected along with one allied general. Once an army is created and ready for battle, its 40% troop type selection must be made known to the opponent, in addition the other troop types that have been purchased but not their percentages. These details must be given before the opponent creates their own army list except if it too is a DIY army in which case no information is given at all. 10.6 ARMY LIST ABBREVIATIONS Army Points Artillery Auxilia AP Art Ax Blades Behemoth Baggage Bd Be Bg Beasts Boats Built Up Area- DGo Bst Bts BUA Bowmen Camelry Cavalry Bw Cm Cv Dunes- Dgo Difficult Going Enclosed Field- DGo D DGo E Enchanted Element Elephant Expendables EE El Exp Flying Behemoth Flyer Flying Vehicle FBe Fl FV Galleys Giant Hill Gentle Gal Gi H(G) Hill Steep- DGo Hordes Light Horse H(S) Hd LH Knights LHm Large Humanoids Kn Magical Baggage Marsh- DGo Orchard- DGo MBg M O Permanent Fortification Pikes Psiloi PF Pk Ps Road River Rd RGo* Rough Going Rv Ships Sneakers Spears Shp Sn Sp Temporary Fortification Unc Unicorn Vines- DGo TF V Warband Wood- DGo Wb Wd WHm Winged Humanoids Water Way WW WWg War Wagon * A moderately boggy marsh or rocky, brush & scrub or a gentle hill can also be classed as RGo. Any abbreviations or troop types that are shown in bold are compulsory and must be represented on the battlefield. Troop types shown in bold form the core of the army and is the troop type that is the most readily available or it typifies that race. Terrain features shown in bold are both enchanted (on a die roll of 4 or more) and compulsory, however, they are not enchanted if the terrain feature is in the attacker's deployment area. The type of enchantment for compulsory Enchanted Terrain is rolled after terrain deployment but before troop deployment is noted down. It must be rolled by the defender in secret and noted on the defender's deployment map. This excludes any form of Fortification or Built Up Area. (Having said that, you could if you wanted to, have a Ghost Town or Haunted Castle? This would be Scenario Driven of course!)

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11. THE POPULAR PERIOD 11.1 POPULAR PERIOD ADDITIONS Rather than continuous repetition, the following can be added to all army lists in the Popular period  0-1 Hero as detailed in its description or re-grade to Paladin.  0-1 Magi as detailed in their description or re-grade to Cleric.  0-1 Sneaker as detailed in their description. 11.2 POPULAR PERIOD ARMY SIZES The army lists in the 'Popular Period' are designed to be played using 500AP to 800AP including 9.1 Popular Period Additions. For games less than 500AP you must reduce by 33% all Minimum and Maximum compulsory troop types THE EMPIRE Alignment: Good. Cold. Ag 2. WW, Rv, H(S), H(G), Wd, RGo, Rd, V, O, M, BUA. 1 1-2 0-1 0-2 0-4 0-6 0-6 Any 0-6 0-6 0-6 0-4 0-16 0-2 0-3 4-16 0-10 0-6 2-6 4-16 4-24 4-16 0.8 0-12 0-12 0-8 *4-8 *4-12 *4-12 0.12 0-8 0.12 0-12 0-8 0-2 0-4 0-4 0-8 0-2 0-2 0-4 0-12

Cnc – Reg Kn (S) @ 35AP Sub Generals – Reg Kn (O) @ 32Ap or Double based Reg Kn (I) @ 36AP Upgrade Sub General to Imperial Guard Reg Kn (S) @ 35AP Imperial Dragon – Irr Fl Be (O) @ 36Ap Imperial Griffon Riders – Irr Fl (S) @ 24Ap Imperial Guard Cavalry – Reg Kn (S) @ 15AP Imperial Guard Infantry – Reg Pl (S) or Reg Bd (S) @ 9AP Replace Imperial Guard Infantry with Dwarven Guard – Reg Bd (S) @ 9AP Imperial Guard Auxiliaries – Reg Ps (O) @ 2AP(can support Imperial or Dwarven Guard Infantry) Imperial Guard Archers – Reg Bw (S) @ 7AP Templars – Irr Kn (S) @ 12AP Flagellants – Irr Wb (S) @ 5AP Temple Guards – Reg Sp (O) @ 5AP or Reg Bd (O) @ 7AP, or up to half Reg Bw (O) @ 5AP Clerical Wagons – Reg Art (F) @10Ap Temple Standards – Reg WWg (I) @3AP City Knights – Double based Reg Kn (I) front rank @ 10AP rear rank @ 8AP Horse Archers – Irr LH (F) @ 4AP Light lancers/crossbowmen – Reg LH (O) @ 5AP Mounted crossbowmen – Reg Cv (O) @ 8AP, upgrade any to Pistolers Reg Cv (S) @ 10AP Halberdiers – Reg Pl (O) @ 7AP Landsknechts – Reg Pk (O) @ 4AP upgrade up to ½ as Free Canton Regiments Reg Pk (S) @ 5AP Crossbowmen – Reg Bw (O) @ 5AP, or Reg Ps (O) @ 2AP (may support Halberdiers) Handgunners – Reg Art (X) @ 5AP, or Reg Ps (S) @ 3AP (may support Halberdiers) Peasants – Irr Hd (O) @ 1AP, or religious mob – Irr Hd (S) @ 2AP Woodsmen – Irr Ax (O) @3AP, upgrade up to half with axes, Irr Ax (S) @ 4AP Foresters – Irr Bw (S) @ 5AP, or Reg Bw (S) @ 7AP Feudal Knights – Irr Kn (O) @ 10AP Feudal bowmen & crossbowmen – Irr Bw (O) @ 4APor Irr Bw (I) @ 3AP, or Irr Ps (O) @ 2Ap Feudal Sergeants– Irr Sp (I) @ 3Ap Dwarven Mercenaries – up to half with axes Reg Bd (R) @ 8Ap, up to half with crossbows Reg Bw (O) @ 5AP or Reg Ps (O) @ 2AP (can support Dwarven Mercenary Bd) Halfling militia – Irr Ax (O) @ 3AP Halfling archers – Irr Ps (O) @ 2AP (may support Halfling militia) up to ½ may be - Irr Bw (O) @ 4AP Peasants – Irr Hd (O) @ 1AP or religious mob – Irr Hd (S) @2 AP Ogre Mercenaries – Irr LHm (S) @ 12AP, or (O) @ 8AP Giant Mercenaries – Irr Gi (O) Bombards – Reg Art (S) @10AP Lt Guns – Reg Art (I) @ 4AP War Wagons – Reg WWg (O) @ 10AP Upgrade War Wagons to Iron Tanks – Reg WWg (R) @ 18AP Replace Griffin Riders with Air Galleys – Irr FV (S) @ [Reg Bw (O) or Reg Bd (O)] Cogs – Irr Shp (S) [Reg Bd (O)] @ 4AP Marines – Reg Bd (O) @ 7AP [1 per Shp (S)] Laager for Camp – Temporary Fortifications @ 1AP Page 31/35

The Empire is the largest and most powerful human state in the western realms, with a formidable army made up from the well-trained and equipped professional soldiers of the standing armies of the great nobles of the Electoral Provinces, supplemented by elite units from the many orders of Knight hood and the personal retinues of feudal Lords. The army is built around the central pillar of the Imperial Guard, an elite body of professional troops in the direct service of the Emperor and entrusted with the Imperial family’s safety and the defence of royal castles and palaces. Imperial Guard cavalry elements include all elite regiments of knights in the service of the Emperor, such as the Tall Helms (a regiment of giant warriors of noble birth) and the Order of the Knights of the Leopard. Imperial Guard Infantry include all royal foot regiments; they are equipped identically to a dismounted knight, wearing full-plate mail and wielding pole-arms, 2-handed swords or axes and broad or long swords with shields. Because of the close relationship between the Empire and various Dwarf realms, it was not uncommon for these realms to provide regiments of Dwarves to act as guards for the Emperor. Consequently Dwarven Guards can replace Imperial Guard Regiments. All heavy infantry, whether Human or Dwarven are usually supplemented by light archer formations, which can support Guard Bd. Other archers are grouped into larger regiments and emphasised shooting rather than skirmishing. These regiments also wear heavy armour and were equipped with powerful longbows and side arms, hence their classification as Bw (S). The last arm of the Imperial Guard is the most prestigious, being made up of the most noble and chivalrous knights mounted on Dragons and Griffins, which were reared in specially built mountain fortresses that are only accessible from the air. Imperial Guard and Dwarven Guard units must be lead by an Imperial Guard sub-general or the CNC, which is either the Emperor or an Imperial Marshal. These generals may however, command other troops. As well as the Imperial Guard the Empire can call on other elite units; the most noteworthy of which are from the military orders of the various temples to warrior gods that are worshipped throughout the Empire. The Templars are the elite knights of these orders, whose ferocity in battle is matched only by their impetuosity. They are greatly feared, but many generals view their headstrong zeal and battle lust as much as a liability as they do an asset and stories of small detachments of Templars charging huge Orc or chaos armies to certain destruction are common throughout the Empire. Worse still are the flagellants, fanatical warrior clerics armed with flails, axes and maces and wearing no armour save the protection given from their belief in their gods and the justice of their cause. They are classed as Wb (S) because of their ferocious charges and indifference to wounds. Clerical Wagons represent carts crewed by high ranking clerics shooting off various spells such as lightening bolts and fireballs, they are best represented as Art (F), and Temple standards represent the religious banners of the different military orders mounted on wagons. These can only be included in a command that contains at least 4 other military order elements. The last part of the military order force is made up of Temple Guards. These soldiers are superbly trained and equipped and give the orders a bedrock of sturdy infantry. Although most poets dwell on the glamorous exploits of the Imperial Guard and Military Orders, it is the armies of the electoral provinces that supply the main part of any Imperial force. These provinces are huge city-states and Duchy’s ruled by the most powerful Imperial nobles, each of which maintains a standing army of well-equipped and trained professional soldiers, including halberdiers, crossbowmen, pikemen, and handgunners, all of fine quality. Half of the pikemen may be upgraded to Free Canton regiments, tough veterans that are greatly prized as mercenaries coming from a region that ceded from the Empire after a series of bloody secessionist wars. Other prized provincial infantry include tough woodsmen, from the many forests that cover the Empire and Foresters – expert archers, whose ability with the longbow rivals even those of the wood elves! Some Forester regiments were so effective, that they were not disbanded after times of emergency, but formed into regular standing units; such units are classed as Regular. The Electoral Provinces also supply various mounted units including light lancers, mounted crossbowmen, horse archers from the eastern marches and mounted pistolers from the richer cities. The light lancer/crossbow regiments and horse archers are employed in a skirmishing role whilst the mounted crossbowmen and pistolers are deployed in larger formations and used to defend the flanks of the knights. The large cities also provide drilled regiments of knights, armed with a mixture of lance, mace and even crossbows and grouped together into deep wedges, using sheer weight to break through the enemy, rather than prowess or skill. Consequently all City knights must be represented as double-based Kn (I) elements. The electors can also field a massive array of artillery and other war-machines such as air-galleys, war-wagons and the new iron tanks developed with the Dwarves, plus various mercenary regiments from a number of races ranging from Dwarves to Giants and Ogres. The Dales is a semi autonomous region within the Empire populated by the Halflings; these keep a small force of militia infantry and archers, made from the inhabitants of its many villages and hamlets within the region. Occasionally they are called upon to provide troops for the armies of the Empire, which are usually deployed to guard the army’s storehouses and baggage. The final contingent of the Imperial army is supplied by the feudal lords from the more remote regions of the Empire, each of which owes allegiance to the more powerful Grand Dukes, Grand Princes and other electors. These contingents include the feudal nobles and their personal retinues of knights, (whose skill is only bested by the regiments of the Imperial Guard or military orders), and foot sergeants equipped with either spears, or crossbows/bows. The feudal lords do not always contribute large forces to Imperial armies, consequently the minima marked * only Applies if more than 6 elements of troops so marked are used. Most Imperial Mounted units can dismount – Kn (S) and (O) may dismount as Bd (S) Kn (I) as Bd (O), Cv (S) as Art (X) and Cv (O) as Bw (O). Friendly, High Elven Wood Elf and Barbarian realms, plus the Merchant States the Leonardo’s, The Amurru Empire, Nippon, Imperial Cathay and the Knights of the Sacred Flame often send allied contingents to fight alongside the Page 32/35

Empire, which acts as the principle bastion against the evil races in the west. However their strongest alliance is with the Dwarves who regularly contribute forces to aid the Imperial army, especially against their mutual enemy the Orcs, and consequently Dwarven ally general’s count as sub-generals. Only 2 Allies may be used at any time, and Barbarians may not be used with High Elves, The Leonardo’s or the Merchant States.

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Knights of the Sacred Flame Alignment: Good. Cold. Ag 4. WW, Rv, H(S), H(G), Wd, RGo, Rd, V, O, M, BUA. 1 Cnc - Reg Kn (S) @ 35Ap or mounted on a Griffin Irr Fl (S) 34Ap 1- 2 Sub Generals as above or on foot - Reg Bd (S) @ 29Ap 0-2 Dragon Riders of the Order or Arch Angels - Irr FBe (A) @ 48Ap 0-4 Griffin Riders of the Order - Irr Fl (S) @ 24Ap or (A) @ 30Ap 0-4 Paladins of the Order - Reg Kn (A) @ 16Ap 3-9 Knights of the Order - Reg Kn (S) @ 15Ap 0-6 Separately deployed sergeants of the Order - Reg Cv (O) @ 10Ap 0-6 Lay & adventuring Knights - Reg Kn (O) @ 12Ap 3-16 Light lancers of the Order - Reg LH (O) @ 5Ap 0-8 Guards of the Order - Reg Bd (O) or Reg Pl (O) @ 7AP 0-8 Archers of the Order - Reg Bw (S) 7Ap or Reg Mtd Bw (S) @ 8Ap 2-24 Spearmen of the Order - Reg Sp (O) @ 7Ap 2-24 Crossbowmen of the Order - Reg Bw (O) @ 5Ap or Reg PS (O) @ 2Ap (may support Sp or Bd) 0-3 Ordnance of the Order - Reg Art (S) @ 10Ap 0-6 War Wagons of the Order - Reg WWg (O) @ 10Ap Chapter standard mounted on wagons 0-1 per general. 0-12 Rangers of the Order - Irr Ax (S) @ 5AP up to half Irr Ps (O) @ 2Ap (may support Ax) Any Mount Rangers on horses – 1AP 0-8 Baptised Ogres of the Order - Irr LHm (S) @ 7Ap 4-16 Crusader Crossbowmen - Irr Bw (O) 4Ap or Irr Ps (O) @ 2Ap 0-16 Crusader Infantry - Irr Sp (O) @ 4Ap or Irr Sp (I) @ 3Ap 0-12 Crusader Foresters - Irr Ax (O) @ 3Ap or Irr Ps (O) @ 2Ap 0-4 Carracks - Irr Sh (S) @ 4Ap [Bw, Ps, Bd (O) or (S) dismounted Kn, Sp] The most holy order of Knights of the Sacred Flame is the most revered and powerful order of Paladins and Knights in the realms. Unlike the military orders of the Empire, the knights of the sacred flame do not owe their allegiance to any particular realm, instead they have forces, known as Chapters, throughout many realms, serving and protecting all the goodly kingdoms of the West. Each chapter is centred on one of their great fortress cities and commanded by a Grand Master of the Order, all of who are Paladins of great renown and power. Foremost among these is the head of the Order, High Grand Master Lord Pelenor the Just, who rules over the Order’s principle city – Origo. The white towers of Origo are home to the great hall of the Sacred Flame, the spiritual heart of the order. Here the Grey council, (made up of the highest ranking members of the order of the Sacred Flame and the order of Grey Wizards) meets every year to discuss the affairs of the order and give counsel to the realms of the west. It is also the chief meeting place of the Eternal Alliance, made up from the ambassadors of the chief Human, Dwarven and Elven realms of the west and their allies from as far a field as Amurru and Nippon. The Order trains rigorously in all the arts of warfare, resulting in an effective command and control structure that is able to use its various professional and exotic troops to best effective. The most famous of these are the Paladins riding ancient Platinum Dragons, armoured in full magical plate and armed with holly avenging swords and great lances. It is rumoured these Dragons have the power to polymorph and that some of the members of the Grey council are in fact Platinum Dragons. Sometimes the Dragons are accompanied by Archangels and avatars of the gods of law, giant 40’ beings resplendent in their attire of burning gold and silver armour and swords of flame. Other Paladins ride magnificent Griffins into battle, or are mounted on great white stallions – all are equipped with magical armour and weapons similar to those carried by the Dragon riders. As well as these powerful Paladins the order can also call upon many knights, some of which are part of the Order – Kn (S), whilst others are laymen fighting for adventure and to uphold the crusading ideal – Kn (O). All knights can dismount and fight on foot as Bd (S). Occasionally sergeants are deployed separately from the knights to form lighter units of cavalry; these in turn are supported by regiments of light lancers equipped with lances and chain armour, which are used as scouts and as skirmishers. Before an initiate of the order can become a fully-fledged knight, he is commanded to go into the wilds to understand the ways and customs of the many races, both good and evil in the world. These ‘rangers’ become expert trackers and woodsmen, able to live off the land and travel long distances on little food and water. In times of war they are called back to the armies of the order and grouped into elite regiments of light infantry, which are sometimes mounted on sturdy weather stained ponies for increased mobility. Elite regiments of guards, armed with either longswords & shields or halberds and full chain & partial plate armour, defend the cities, fortresses and temples of the order. Other infantry are made up of spearmen and crossbowmen, equipped with chain and plate armour and trained to an exceptionally high degree. The Order also boasts elite regiments of longbowmen - who are often mounted to enable them to support the mounted formations - and units of baptised Ogres, who have turned away from their savage instincts and embraced the ideals of the knights. The Order is also capable of fielding large numbers of artillery and war wagons, including those with magical powers, entrusted with housing the sacred Standard’s of the Orders many Chapters. Page 34/35

As well as the professional troops of the Order, the Knights of the Sacred Flame can field large numbers of volunteer, crusading infantry. These include spearmen, crossbowmen and even foresters, who willing join the armies of the knights to help rid their lands of vile evil creatures and to experience the excitement of an adventuring life. Many of these volunteers eventually join the order themselves with the most virtuous and skilful rising to the highest ranks. It is thought that Lord Pelenor himself originally joined the Order as a young woodsman nearly 30 years ago. The Knights of the Sacred Flame are able to call upon many allies in their wars against the dark forces, including armies from The Empire, The Merchant States, The Leonardo’s, High Elves, the Amurru Empire, Wood Elves, Dwarves and Good Barbarians.

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MERCHANT STATES Alignment: Good. Cold. Ag 1. WW, Rv, H(G), Wd, RGo, Rd, BUA. 1 C-in-C City Mayor or Burgher and Bodyguard - Reg Kn (O) @ 32AP 0.2 Sub General City Elders and Bodyguard - Reg Kn (O) @ 32AP 0.2 Avatars of Aeggir – Irr Fl Beh (S) 0-4 Gyrocopters – Irr FV (F) [Ps (I)] 1 per FV (F) Pilots – Reg Ps (I) Any – Replace Gyrocopters with Air Galleys – Irr FV (S) [Bw, Ps (O)] 2-6 Guild-masters and personal Retainers – Reg Kn (I) @ 10AP or Reg Kn (O) @ 12AP 12-36 Guild Pikemen - Reg Pk (O) @ 4AP 2-6 Guild of Cannoniers - Reg Art (I) @ 4AP 2-8 City Quarrellers - Reg Bw (O) @ 5AP 2-8 City Guard - Reg Bd (X) @ 8AP 0-6 Master Bowyers - Reg Bw (S) @ 7AP 0-2 Master Cannoniers - Reg Art (S) @ 10AP 0-2 Guns mounted on light Carts – Reg Art (F) 0-8 Guild of Fletching and Bowyers - Reg Bw (O) @ 5AP 0-8 Guild Apprentices - Reg Ps (O) @ 2AP 0-12 Citizens Levy - Irr Hd (O) @ 1AP 0-1 per gen City Standard Wagon - Irr WWg (I) @ 2AP 0-4 Storm Giants – Irr Gi (S) 0-4 Priest of Aeggir summoned water spirits & elementals – Irr W El 0-3 Harbour Patrol - Reg Ax (S) @ 5AP 0-3 Galleys - Reg Gal (F) @ 2AP [Reg Ax (S)] 0-3 Guild Navy - Irr Ax (O) @ 3AP 0-3 Guild Cogs - Irr Shp (S) @ 4AP [Ax (O)] 0-24 Ditch and Bank or Wagon Laager TF @ 2AP FEUDAL LORDS 1* Sub General Feudal Prince and Bodyguard - Irr Kn (S) @ 17AP 3-9* Feudal Nobles and Retainers - Irr Kn (O) @ 10AP 0-4 Upgrade Nobles to those from Picardy & Bordoyne – Irr Kn (S) @ 12AP 4-12* Country Gentry - Irr Cv (O) @ 7AP 0-12 Garrison troops – either front-rank Irr Bw (X) @ 5AP & rear rank Irr Bw (O) @ 3AP, or all Irr Bw (X) @ 5AP or all Irr Bw (O) @ 4AP 0-6 Herders and Woodsman - Irr Ps (O) @ 2AP BORDER PRINCES 1** Sub General Border Prince and Bodyguard - Irr Cv (S) @ 14AP 3-9** Border Nobles and Retainers - Irr Cv (S) @ 9AP 4-12** Border Gentry - Irr Cv (O) @ 7AP 4-12** Border Scouts - Irr LH (F) @ 4AP 0-12 Mountain Men - Irr Ax (O) @ 3AP 0-6 Mountain Boys - Irr Ps (S) @ 3AP The cities and territories, which border the Purple Sea and are now known collectively as the Merchant States, were once a powerful kingdom called Amorria. The Kings of Amorria were the greatest of all the human seafarers in the western realms; their mighty navies ploughed the northern seas and their merchants rivalled even the Sea Elves. However, although Amorria was rich and powerful it was not capable of withstanding the onslaught unleashed by the Horde of the Dragon’s Teeth. The royal family was all but wiped out and many of the leading noble families were eliminated. The Burghers of the major towns and cities and merchant princes readily filled the power vacuum that followed and the country split into a dozen or so smaller states each centred on one of the larger cities. The remaining noble families could only to be found in the interior, cut off from the coastal centres of power and commerce; and the border Princes effectively became independent baronets. This list represents armies of the various individual Merchant States and their feudal and border allies, or a coalition of Merchant States. Merchant State armies are built around a core of professional soldiers and highly trained volunteers, lead by Guild Elders & Masters and their personal retainers. These personal retainers are equipped as knights. Initially their efficiency was extremely poor, but as time has gone on they have improved markedly, to a point where they are the equals of all but the finest feudal knights. All Guild Kn may dismount as Bd (S), or be deployed as Pike (O). The most common type of soldier in any Merchant army is the pikeman, armed with 18’ pike and short sword and armoured in mail shirt and helmet, with the front ranks wearing armour only slightly lighter than that of a dismounted Page 36/35

knight. These are supported by Regiments of City Guards, equipped with a mixture of polearms and the fearsome Planecon a large spiked club. They are expert at fighting heavy cavalry, such as knights and one is reputed to have crushed an Orc general and his mount with a single blow! These regular regiments are supplemented by City levies in times of emergency. As well as these close combat troops the Merchant States can field large numbers of missile troops armed with crossbows and a smaller number with longbows. All are well trained and drilled and armoured with mail or mail and plate, or shields. Furthermore the longbowmen also carry military picks, axes and two handed cutting or concussive weapons and are equally prepared to fight hand to hand as they are to engage at range with their bows - we class these as Bw (S). Light archers are provided by apprentices of the guild of Fletching and Bowyers, deployed in a skirmishing role. The Merchant States are also capable of deploying large numbers of light and heavy cannons, supplied by the guild of cannoniers; these are either carried on light carts – Art (F) or sometimes positioned in prefabricated artillery forts – TF, which are carried by light carts, enabling them to be constructed at a moments notice on any battlefield. Even though the navies of the Merchant States are not as powerful or as well trained as the united navies of the former kingdom of Amorria, the Merchant States still posses a formidable navy, including a large number of Cogs and Light Galleys, some of which have reputedly been converted to enable them to carry squadrons of Gyro Copters! The galleys have elite naval parties that are extremely well drilled and equipped; the cogs, which are armed merchant ships, have to rely on less well-equipped and drilled merchant sailors. However, the most recent innovation in the navies of the Merchant States are the air galleys and gyrocopters that are now being fielded in large numbers Aeggir – God of the sea is the chief deity of the Merchant States and his principle temple is housed in the capital city of the former kingdom of Amorria – Navarrl. Consequently the armies of the Merchant States are able to invoke the protection of their patron and summon avatars of Aeggir. These look like giant humans standing over 80’ tall with sea green skin and thick wild flowing hair and beards that appear to be made from silvery-green seaweed. They are armed with bolts of lightening and their battle cry can summon storms as untamed as their wild eyes. Furthermore they are often accompanied by fearsome Storm Giants, which act as Aeggir’s permanent ambassadors to the realms. These look similar to the Avatars of Aeggir, but their skin has a blue hue and they are slightly smaller standing at roughly 60’ tall. Other magical creatures summoned by the Priests of Aeggir include powerful water spirits & Elementals. The Merchant States are able to call upon the autonomous feudal Lords that live in the interior of Amorria and the virtually independent Border Princes, which dwell in the hilly southern regions that border the Merchant states. Both are sufficiently loyal (and well paid) to be considered as sub generals, but they are not always mobilised, so the minima marked * & ** only applies if more than 4 elements so marked are used. Chief among the forces of the feudal lord’s are their retinues of knights, including those from the Duchy of Picardy and County of Bordoyne, which are some of the finest and noblest to be found anywhere in the realms; even if they are a little head strong and impetuous. All may dismount as Bd (S). The knights are supported by units of cavalry - provided by the country gentry, which are more manoeuvrable than the heavier knights, and regiments of archers and crossbowmen, which often include a front rank of pavisiers armed with spears. Herders and woodsmen are also employed on occasion to act as light skirmishing archers. The Border Princes live in and around the hilly borders of the Merchant states. Most are little more than robber barons or bandit kings, but others can still trace their lineage back to senior officers of the royal Amorrian army that was entrusted with the defence of the border. These forces emphasise mobility and their nobles contain a mixture of mounted lancers and archers, riding partially armoured horses – Cv (S), supported by similarly equipped gentry, but lacking horse armour – Cv (O). Other equestrian units are provided by fast moving horse archers, which excel in a skirmishing and scouting role; their few infantry are made up of tough clans of hillmen armed with javelins – those skirmishing are considered as Ps (S) and those not as Ax (O). The Merchant States are able to call upon a number of allies; these include The Empire, The Leonardos, The Dwarves, High & Wood Elves, Nippon, Imperial Cathay, The Knights of the Sacred Flame and those from The Amurru Empire. Relations with the northern barbarians are very poor as these clans continually raid the shipping lanes and colonies of the Merchant States.

DARK ELVES Alignment: Evil. Cold. Ag 3. WW, Rv, H(S), H(G), Wd, RGo, Rd, V, O, M, BUA. WW if containing up to half the maximum number of naval, H(S), if not. 1

CNC - On Lizard Reg Kn (R) @ 35AP or Irr Kn (R) @ 22AP, or in Chariot Reg Kn (R) @ 34APor Irr Kn Page 37/35

1-2 4-18 0-½ 1-6 2-8 0-½ 6-30

4-16 4-24 0-12 0-8 0-4 0-1 0-1 0-4 0-4 0-4 0-4 0-2 0-6 0-6 *0-12 *4-40 0-½ 0-½ 0-½ *4-30 All/0 *0-10

(R) @ 21AP, or mounted on horse Reg Kn (F) @ 31AP, or Reg Cv (S) @ 30 AP Sub General – As above or Reg Bd (R), or Reg Sp (S) Lizard Riders/Raptor Riders or similar – All Reg Kn (R) @ 15AP or All Irr Kn (R) @ 12AP Downgrade Lizard Riders or similar to chariots @ 14AP if Reg or @ 11AP if Irr Dark Elf Cavalry – Reg Kn (F) @ 11AP or Reg Cv (S) @ 10AP Dark Elf Light Cavalry – Reg LH (O) 8Ap Upgrade Light Cavalry to Light Raptor Riders All Reg LH (S) @ 7AP or All Irr LH (S) @ 7 AP Dark Elf Warriors Armed with scimitars, two handed weapons, 2 hand weapons Reg Bd (R) @ 8AP Armed with spear Reg Sp (R) @ 6 AP or Reg Sp (S) @ 7AP Up to ½ armed with Halberds or polearms – Reg Pl (R) @ 8AP Witch Elves – Irr Wb (S) @ 5 AP Dark Elf Crossbows – Reg Bw (O) @ 5APor mixed spear and Bow formations front rank Reg Bw (X) @ 7AP Rear rank Reg Bw (O) @ 3AP, or Reg Ps (O) (can support Dark Elf Warriors) Dark Elf Repeating Crossbows – Reg Art (X) @ 5AP or Reg Ps (S) @ 3AP(can support Dark Elf Warriors) Dark Elf Assassins – Up to half Reg Ax (S) @ 5AP or Reg Bd (X) @ 8AP rest Reg Ps (S) @ 3AP (can support Assassin Bd & Ax) Dark Elf Repeating Bolt Throwers – Reg Art (I) @ 4AP, or on Wagons Reg WWg (S) @ 14AP Sacred Relic Altar - Reg WWg (I) @ 3 1 per WWg (I)nWitch Elf Alter Guards - Reg Bd (R) Black Galleys – Reg Gal (S) [Bd (R) art (X), Bw, Witch Elf Wb or Reg Sp] Raiders – Reg Gal (F) [Bd (R) art (X), Bw, Witch Elf Wb or Reg Sp] Black Sales – Reg Shp (I) [Kn, Cv, LH] Harpies – Irr WHm (S) @ 12AP, upgrade any to Manticore’s Irr Fl (D) @ 24Ap Cold Drakes – Irr FBe (O) @ 36Ap Giant Spiders - Irr Bst (F) @ 6AP or (S) @ 9AP Hill/Mountain/Frost/Fire Giants - Irr Gi (O) @ 10, up to half (S) @ 14AP Minotaurs, Troll & Ogre Slaves - Irr LHm (O) @ 8, or (S) @ 12 Slave Soldiers - Orcs/Gnolls or similar - Irr Wb (R) @ 4AP, Regrade Slave Soldiers to Ratmen, Irr Sp (I) @ 3AP or Irr Wb (F) @ 3AP, or Irr Bd (F) @ 5AP Upgrade Slave Soldiers to Black Orcs/Bugbears/Beastmen/Barbarians or similar Irr Wb (S) @ 5AP Downgrade Slave Soldiers to Human, Dwarven and similar Irr Hd (O) Irr Hd (O) @ 1AP, or drugged as Irr Hd (S) 2AP Goblin/Kobold & Similar Lesser Slaves - Irr Ax (I) @ 2, or Irr Hd (F) @ 1; up to half with bow, Irr Bw (I) @ 3AP, or Irr Ps (O) @ 2 (may support lesser slave Ax) Downgrade Slave Soldiers & Lesser Slaves to poorly armed or unwilling ½ Irr Sp (I) @ 3AP, ½ Irr Hd (O) @ 1AP, or drugged Irr Hd (S) 2AP Unarmed slaves or unarmed civilians Irr Hd (I) @ 0.5AP

The Dark Elves are the Dark Kin of the other Elven races, expelled from Elven society thousands of years ago for turning to the Dark Gods of evil sorcery. ‘The Fall’ as this episode is known, was a bloody and long conflict and since then the Dark Elves have been rightly feared. Their formidable armies have carved out huge empires both above and below the surface of the World, enslaving lesser evil races and pressing them into their service. These slaves include entire tribes and nations of Orcs, goblins, ratmen, gnolls, giants, trolls, ogres and other fell creatures, whose true names are known only by the Dark Elves and the Evil Gods they worship. The Dark Elves are a naturally magical race and all Dark Elves field some sort of magical armour and weapons, hence the high number of (S) and (R) class troops within the list. Furthermore within most Dark Elf realms, females dominate society and consequently all Dark Elf armies field a large number of female warriors, including the feared Witch Elves. Their armies are highly organised and ruthlessly efficient, with a defined command structure, which is often clan or family based. The most famous and feared arm of this dark host are the nobles mounted on giant lizards and raptors. Although no one would question the iron discipline and efficient drill of all Dark Elf soldiers there is still some debate as to whether a rider mounted on a 12ft carnivorous lizard can be classed as regular! This list allows for both interpretations, however if the Kn (R) are classed as either Reg or Irr then all Kn (R) generals and LH (S) lizard riders must be classed the same. Furthermore Kn (R) can dismount, to defend or attack fortifications; irrespective of whether they are Irr Kn or Reg Kn they always dismount as Reg elements - up to half with crossbows as Bw (O), or repeating crossbows as Art (X) and the remainder as Bd (R). Dark Elf Cavalry are armed with a combination of lances, crossbows and repeating crossbows. Their role is to protect the flanks of the Lizard riders and chase off any enemy skirmishing mounted troops. In some accounts they are mentioned charging fiercely, whilst in others they are described as showering their opponents with crossbow darts and using feigned retreats to lure the enemy into a position where he could be defeated by controlled charges. In the first instance we class them as Kn (F) and in the second as Cv (S). Dark Elf cavalry can also dismount. Up to half with crossbows – Reg Bw (O) or repeating crossbows – Reg Art (X), the rest with scimitars, halberds and similar weapons as Reg Bd (R). Their light cavalry are armed in a similar fashion to their heavier counterparts, with some being mounted on smaller sleeker lizards; we class these as (S). Page 38/35

The core of any Dark Elf force is made up of their excellent heavy infantry regiments. Those armed with Halberds are classed as Pl (R), those with two-handed weapons, scimitars and 2 hand weapons are classed as Bd (R), whilst those with spear as Sp (R). Sp (S) represents elite regiments, such as the Black Guard or the Dark Blood Guard. However the most dreaded of all Dark Elf infantry are the fearsome Witch Elves; terrible warrior maidens whose blood curdling cries and frenzied attacks are the stuff of legend. Because of their fearsome reputation, their belief in their own invincibility (often shared by their opponents) and their battlefield exploits, they are classified as Wb (S). These darkest of all elves frequently go to battle with gruesome bloodstained shrines dedicated to their dark gods, to offer sacrifices before and after the bloodletting. These shrines are protected by veteran Witch Elf alter guards, who being more experienced and less headstrong than their younger sisters, warrant a classification of Reg Bd (R). Dark Elves regard Assassination as an accepted part of Dark Elf culture and all of the great noble houses, posses a small retinue of assassins. These are grouped together to form elite light infantry units, those emphasising a skirmishing role as Ps (S) and those in denser formations as Ax (S) or Bd (X). The Dark Elves gave up the longbow (the hated symbol of their oppressors) almost immediately after The Fall, adopting the crossbow instead. Large numbers of crossbow armed regiments are to be found in most of their armies, those grouped together and emphasising shooting are classed as Bw (O) and those in smaller groups of skirmishers as Ps (O). They also use mixed spear and bow formations, which are represented as double-based elements with a front rank of Bw (X), and a rear rank of Bw (O); however contrary to the main rules the Bw (X) count as a single rank of Sp (O) when fighting foot. The Dark Elves later refined the Crossbow into a shorter-range weapon, capable of firing multiple darts before requiring reloading. The repeating crossbow, as this weapon is known, is classed, as Art (X) or Ps (S), as their battlefield role and performance is similar to Handgunners. Repeating crossbow regiments fire by rotation, with the front ranks retiring back to load another magazine, once their ammunition is spent. Furthermore the points of the darts are usually poisoned or explode magically upon contact with the enemy. A larger version of the repeating crossbow has been developed – the repeating bolt thrower and the Dark Elves use these evil machines to provide artillery support for their infantry, sometimes mounting them on giant war towers pulled by fell creatures. The Dark Elves make use of other evil creatures in their armies including Manticores – giant winged beasts with a lion’s body and the tail of a scorpion, classed as Fl (D), and harpies – vile demonic flying creatures larger than a man and armed with poisoned weapons. We class these as Winged Humanoids (S). Of the other creatures used by the Dark Elves, the Cold Drakes are the most fearsome. An adult drake can grow to over 60 meters long from nose to tail and can fly at great speeds over long distances; however these are not as powerful as the mighty High Elven Dragonkin and so they are classed as Irr Be (O), rather than (S). The Dark Elves are a great maritime power and their ships are a constant menace, raiding and slaving across the world. All Dark Elf realms depend heavily on slaves from conquered peoples and races. Very often Dark Elf forces will contain slave soldiers from subjugated tribes of Orcs, gnolls, goblins, ratmen, kobolds, ogres, beastmen and even dwarves and humans. Dwarves and Humans (save for savage or barbarian tribes) are always poorly armed as they will turn on their masters given the opportunity, hence their classification as Hd (O), or (S) if drugged by potions. Hd (I) represent captured civilians, or slaves driven ahead of the Dark host to screen the main army from enemy missile fire and trigger magical defences, such as explosive wards and glyphs! There are never any elves in slave units as these are always used for sacrifices to the dark gods and other evil ceremonies. Some Dark Elf forces use thousands upon thousands of slave troops, which usually fight in their own native styles and consequently different races cannot provide or receive rear support from one another, or from Dark Elves. There are also examples of poorly armed or unwilling slave contingents chained together and practiced only at keeping line, being used in battle. The larger of these notoriously inefficient slaves (Bugbears/Orcs/Ratmen) if fighting in this way are classed as Sp (I) and lesser slaves (goblins/kobolds) as Hd (O). However not all Dark Elf forces use slaves, so the minima marked * only Applies if any troops so marked are used. Allied contingents of Orcs, ratmen, barbarians and Lizardmen are from tribes that owe allegiance to Dark Elf Realms, but have not been fully subjugated and enslaved. They are notoriously unreliable and there are numerous accounts of them failing to fight for the Dark Elves in the hope that the defeat of their masters will help secure their freedom! Allied Undead are the armies of friendly necromancers or Liches, or those summoned by the Dark Elves themselves and these are eminently more reliable, and are considered sub-generals. Allied contingents from Hobgoblins, Chaos Lords and various evil human states are usually marriages of convenience – e.g. to attack a particular city. Undead can be used with any other allies, other than that only 1 allied contingent can be used.

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DWARVEN REALMS Alignment: Good. Cold. Ag 1. WW, Rv, H(S), Wd, RGo, Rd, BUA, 1 1-3 2-12 12-40 2-8 0-8 4-24

C-n-C - Reg Bd (S) @30AP Sub Generals - As above or Reg Bd (R) @ 28AP, or Reg Pk (S) @ 25AP Hearthguard - Reg Bd (S) @ 10AP Warriors - Reg Bd (R) @ 8AP Hammers - Reg Bd (X) @ 8AP Iron Beaters - Reg Bw (X) @ 7AP Crossbow - Reg Bw (O) @ 5AP or as rear rank to Bw (X) @ 3AP or Reg Ps (O) @ 2AP (can support Bd, Ax, Pk) 0-1 per Bd, Pk, Ax Supporting archers and Dwarves with crossbows– Reg Ps (O) (can support Bd, Ax, Pk) 0-12 Hand gunners - Reg Art (X) @ 5AP or Reg Ps (S) @ 3AP 0-16 Pikes - Reg Pk (O) @ 4Ap or Reg Pk (S) @ 4AP 0-16 Light carts to mount regular infantry @ 1AP 0-4 Slayers - Irr Wb (S) @ 5AP 4-12 Rangers- Irr Ax (S) @ 4AP 0-4 Pony Riders - Irr LH (I) @ 3AP 0-4 Bear/Battleram riders – Double based Irr Kn (I) front-rank @ 8AP rear-rank @ 7AP 0-4 Heavy Guns/Stone throwers - Reg Art (S) @ 10AP 0-4 Mounted Guns/Bolt throwers - Reg Art (O) @ 8 AP, or Mounted on Carts Reg Art (F) @ 10AP 0-6 Lt guns/ light bolt throwers - Reg Art (I) @ 4AP 0-6 Bazooka Crews - Reg Art (R) @ 7AP 0.16 War Wagons - Reg WWg (O) @ 10AP, upgrade up to half as Iron Tanks, Reg WWg (R) @ 18AP 0-1 Sacred War Alter – Reg WWg (I) @ 3AP 0-4 Grenadiers/Flame throwers - Reg Ps (X) @ 6AP 0-8 Ogre Mercenaries - Irr LHm (O) @ 8AP, or (S) @ 12AP 0-2 Mountain Giants - Irr Gi (O) or (X) 0-1 Great Cave Wyrm - Irr Be (O) 0.6 Gyro Copters - FV (F) [Ps (I)] up to half Zeppelins Irr FV (S) [Bd or Bw, Ps] @ 18Ap 1 per Gyrocopter if FV (Pilots) – Reg Ps (I) @ 1AP 0-16 Laager for Camp – TF @ 1AP 0-24 Temporary fort – TF @ 2AP The Dwarves are among the finest warriors in all the realms. There are countless tales of isolated Dwarf fortresses, holding off attacks from hordes of Orcs, goblins and other fell creatures, or of small Dwarf armies defeating vast evil hosts in epic pitched battles. The strength of the Dwarven army rests on a combination of its superb organisation and discipline; and its various heavy infantry units, optimised for fighting enemy warbands, large humanoids, dragons, knights and other mounted troops. Dwarven armies follow a rigid command structure, which are able to give, interpret and carryout orders rapidly, enabling smaller Dwarven armies to overwhelm larger Orc hordes, by breaking up the enemy’s formation and beating them piecemeal. Also most Dwarven forces use reserve divisions – hence the 4 generals, to block weak points and exploit breaks in the enemy. These are sometimes mounted on swift light carts (a practise first developed by the Dwarven realm of Kazak Kursk), to give them greater mobility as Dwarves posses very few cavalry units. The backbone of the Dwarven army is its various heavy infantry regiments; foremost among these are the Hearthguard, the household troops of the Dwarf Kings, made up of fellow nobles, encased in enchanted Mithril mail and plate and wielding rune axes of tremendous power and are thus classified as Bd (S). The most common infantry regiments in the Dwarven army are made up of veteran Dwarf warriors of exceptional quality, which are experts at fighting warbands and large humanoids and so they are classified as Bd (R). They are similarly equipped and armed to the Hearthguard, though with less powerful magical armour and weapons. It is also not uncommon for these regiments of warriors to deploy in looser formations with less armour, especially when fighting in difficult terrain. Consequently, up to half the Bd (R) may be downgraded to Ax (S) prior to a battle. Alongside these units sit other heavy infantry formations that specialise in fighting giants, large humanoids and heavy cavalry. The first of these are the Slayers, fanatical Dwarven berserkers, who seek out the largest and most dangerous foes on the battlefield, namely giants, ogres, dragons and the like, to seek their own death or the destruction of their races’ gravest foes. The second are known as Hammers, heavily armoured veterans employing large two-handed warhammers specially designed for crushing heavily armoured cavalrymen and their mounts. Next are the Iron Beaters, mixed formations of warriors armed with either two-handed axes or heavy crossbows. These are classed as Bw (X), but contrary to the main rules they are considered to fight as a single rank of Sp (O), even though they do not have a supporting rank of Bw (S) behind them. They can either be deployed separately or with a supporting rank of crossbows Bw (O). The last heavy infantry formation – pikemen, are relatively new to the Dwarven army. After the Dwarves saw the Pikemen of the Free Cantons defeat a number of Imperial armies made up of heavily armoured horsemen, some Dwarven realms began to introduce them into their forces and these have been put to good use against Orc Wolf riders Page 40/35

and other shock cavalry. Pk (S) are considered to be troops from standing armies and Pk (O) volunteers called up only in times of war. The Dwarves primary missile weapon is the crossbow, although the use of the handgun is becoming more widespread in certain Dwarf realms. Both handgunners and crossbowmen are deployed in large formations, emphasising shooting or smaller detachments of skirmishers, used to support the heavy infantry companies. As well as these skirmishing missilearmed troops, the Dwarves also employ tough mountain folk living on the frontiers to act as light infantry, which are classed as irregular as they are not drilled. Armed with a combination of crossbows, axes and two-handed weapons, and emphasising mobility over staying power or shooting, these rangers make excellent forward guards for actions in difficult terrain. The Dwarves posses very few mounted units, due to the terrain they inhabit, and those they do posses are of poor quality. Pony riders are employed to deliver messages by the Dwarf realms in times of peace, and to act as outriders and scouts in times of war. However Dwarves are relatively poor horsemen and are not well suited fighting mounted hence the (I) option for both the Pony riders and the heavier bear/Battleram/Boar riders, used tactically as shock cavalry. These knights are usually deployed in deep clumsy wedges; to make up for their poor talent at fighting mounted, and consequently all Dwarf Kn (I) elements must be double based. Both the Lh and Kn are classed as Irregular, as the mounted units usually draw the eccentrics of Dwarf society and are therefore not so well taken to drilling; and also to reflect the Dwarves poor riding abilities. Both may dismount – Kn (I) as Irr Bd (R) and LH (I) as Ps (S) Dwarven society also shuns the use of magic in the form by which it is practiced in Human and Elven society and consequently Dwarves may not purchase magi of archmage rank. Instead they rely on the magical craft of alchemy and technology, which has enabled the Dwarves to develop more war machines than any other race. As a result Dwarven armies can field an abundance of artillery, Iron tanks, war-wagons and even zeppelins and gyro-copters. The fact the Dwarves possess so many weapons of such power has resulted in them taming many of the larger beasts that used to plague their mountain strongholds, especially great cave wyrms (flightless dragons), and now it is not uncommon to see some of these creatures fighting alongside Dwarven hosts. Furthermore some Dwarven holds have begun to employ ogres and even mountain giants as mercenaries, though this development has appalled the more traditional Dwarven realms. Allied contingents may be drawn from High and Wood Elves (though the rules for Dwarven/Elven animosity Apply), the Merchant States, Barbarians, Knights of the sacred Page, Halflings, Leonardo’s and The Empire. No more than 2 allied contingents may be used and Barbarians cannot be used with High Elves, Leonardo’s or Merchant States; and Empire ally generals count as sub-generals.

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HIGH ELVEN KINGDOMS Alignment: Good. Cold. Ag 3. WW, Rv, Wd, H(S), H(G), RGo, BUA, V, E. WW, If containing Sea Elf sub general H(S), if not 1 C-in-C - Reg Kn (E) 33AP or Chariot Reg Kn (E) 32AP, or Reg Bw (E) @ 28AP, or Reg Bd (R) @ 28AP 1-2 Sub Generals – as above or Reg Sp (R) @ 26AP, or Reg LH (O) @ 25AP 0-2 Dragon Kin - Irr FBe (S) @ 44Ap or (O) @ 36Ap 0-4 Eagle Lords - Irr Fl (S) @ 24Ap or (F) @ 18Ap 4-14 High Elven Lords & Knights - Reg Kn (R) @ 13AP, downgrade up to half as chariots Reg Kn (R) @ 12AP 0-6 High Elven Cavalry - Reg Cv (S) @ 10AP or Reg Kn (F) @ 11 AP 2-8 High Elven Light Lancers - Reg LH (O) @ 5AP 4-16 High Elven Horse Archers - Reg LH (F) @ 4AP 0.8 Elven Guard Infantry - Reg Bd (R) @ 8Apor Reg Pl (R) @ 8AP 0.8 Elven Guard Archers - Reg Bw (G) @ 9AP (can support Elven Guard Bd) 4-24 Elven Spear – All Reg Sp (R) @ 6AP or All Reg Sp (O) @ 5AP 0-¼ Upgrade Elven Spear to separately deployed Wardens - Reg Sp (S) @ 7AP 6-32 Elven Archers - Reg Bw (E) @ 8AP, up to half may downgrade to undrilled Irr Bw (E) @ 6AP 0-16 Upgrade Reg Bw (E) to mounted @ 1AP extra 2-16 Elven Rangers - Reg Ax (S) @ 5AP, or undrilled Irr Ax (S) @ 4AP, or Irr Ax (O) @ 3AP 0-1 per Sp/Ax Archers supporting Spear and Rangers - Reg Ps (O) @ 2AP 2-12 Skirmishers - Reg Ps (O) (may support Sp & Ax) 0-4 Elven Field Batteries or Elven mages mounted in chariots, casting magic missiles - Reg Art (F) @ 10AP Any Replace Eagle Lords with Air Galleys – Irr FV (S) [Bd, Sp, Ax, Ps] 0-1 Sacred Artefact Altar - Reg WWg (I) @ 3AP SEA ELVES *1 Admiral Sub general - Reg Kn (E) @ 33AP 0-4 Sea Elf Lords - Reg Kn (E) @ 13AP *2-6 Ships Companies - Reg Bd (R) @ 8AP *4-16 Merchant Companies - Reg Bw (H) @ 8AP Any Regrade Merchant Companies to equal numbers of Reg Sp (R) @ 6AP & Bw (E) @ 8AP *2-6 Ships Archers - Reg Ps (O) @ 2AP (can support ships companies Bd or merchant companies Bw (H)) 0-4 Ships Batteries - Reg Art (S) @ 10AP 0-1 per Sub General Elven Flag Ships - Reg Shp (I) @ 3AP 0-1 per Bd (R) Elven War Galleys - Reg Gal (S) @ 4AP 0-1 per Bw (H) Elven Merchant Galleys - Reg Gal (O) @ 3AP 0-1 per Ps (O) Elven Light Galleys - Reg Gal (F) @ 2AP 0-1 per Mtd element Horse Transports - Reg Shp (I) @ 2AP 0-1 per Art (S) Elven Lightening Ships - Reg Shp (X) @ 6AP The High & Sea Elves are among the oldest and most powerful of all the races of the world. The difference between the two races is negligible, sea elves are simply high elves that dwell on the coastal areas and major ports and are more concerned with the affairs of mortals, such as trading and exploring, whilst high elves are those elves with a loftier more enigmatic purpose, less concerned with the affairs of the younger races, save in teaching those they deem worthy their ancient wisdom and knowledge. Their magnificent cities of white towers, tranquil harbours, and schools of magic are the wonder and envy of all the realms, but it is their formidable armies & navies that have enabled them to spread their wisdom and knowledge to the younger races and vanquish their many foes. High Elven armies are a complex amalgamation of different soldiers from various sections of Elven society, each owing allegiance to their own Lords, cities, academies of magic or merchant houses. These diverse elements are fused together into a coherent and disciplined force, with a formal command structure and hierarchy, which is capable of wielding its many exotic troops to best effect. Elves are immortal and so these armies can rely on many warriors, who are veterans of many campaigns, often wielding ancient magical weapons and armour of incredible power, hence the large number of (S) & (R) troops and some cases exclusive (E), (G) & (H) grades. The most famous part of the High Elven army comes from their fearsome Dragon Lords, riding the giant Dragon kin, which are among the largest and most ancient of any Dragons to be found throughout the realms. The Dragon Lords themselves wear armour made from the carapace of ancient Gold and silver dragons, offering magical protection from swords and spells alike, and wield magnificent lances and longswords forged in the furnace of their dragon’s breath. Alongside these ride the magnificent Eagle Lord’s, giant intelligent beasts, who will only submit to being mounted by the purest and bravest Elven knights. Those classed as Fl (S) are Eagles with fully armoured knights, armed with lance and sword mounted on them and Fl (F) are those without riders. Occasionally Eagle Lords are supported or replaced by squadrons of Elven Air Galleys. The main heavy cavalry force of any High Elven army is made up of the various Elven Lords and their retinues of noble knights, riding fast Elven steeds, armed with lances and swords (usually magical) and wearing Elven mail, which is as Page 42/35

light as leather armour, but offers the same protection as mail and plate! Some Elven lords still prefer to ride into battle in the ancient tradition, using Elven War Chariots. These beautifully crafted War-Wains as the elves call their chariots, are made from Lueralorne wood, which is as strong as Iron, but very light, pulled by 4 Elven steeds, with a crew of 4, comprising driver, archer, spellsinger and knight with lance. Both the knights and the chariots are far faster and manoeuvrable than any equivalent force fielded by the other races. The former can dismount as Bd (S) and the latter as Bw (H). High Elven cavalry also ride Elven steeds and are equipped with lances and bows, but wear smaller corsets of Elven mail. In some instances they are described charging fiercely at the gallop, while others talk of them showering their opponents with missiles, using their superior manoeuvrability to stay out of the enemy’s reach and only charging once his formation had been disrupted. In the first instance we class them as Kn (F) and in the second as Cv (S). High Elven cavalry can also dismount either as Bd (R) or Bw (E). The Elves also employ elite light cavalry formations equipped identically to those above, but emphasising a skirmishing and scouting role. However the main Elven light cavalry formations are made up of lightly armoured horse archers, shooting from the saddle and relying on evasion to counter threats posed by enemy mounted forces. High Elven Infantry are built around a core of superb guard units, in the service of royal households, schools of magic, Elven temples, cities of the Elven lords and navies of the merchant princes. They are usually brigaded together in times of war to form elite regiments of exceptional quality and efficiency. All wear full Elven mail of ancient design, affording magical protection to its wearer. The guard infantry regiments wield two-handed weapons, hand weapons and shields, or halberds and emphasise close combat, hence their classification as Bd or Pl (R). Archer regiments are equipped with longbows and emphasise shooting - Bw (G). These are drilled to operate in close cooperation with footguard regiments and are trained to loose off large volleys of arrows from behind them, enabling them to shoot at enemies at a distance, or support the footguards in close combat, acting as conventional supporting archers. As well as these elite regiments the elves can also field dozens of veteran spear-armed heavy infantry brigades. These warriors are summoned only in times of emergency to the temples of the Elven war gods, to done their full Elven mail hauberks and wield their 12’ spears, all of which are ancient heirlooms of the temple, handed down through the generations and possess great magical abilities. The wardens of these temples who tend the magical shrines in times of peace act as officers and form the front & rear ranks of the spear blocks in time of war. Occasionally they are brigaded together to form elite regiments - Sp (S), which act as bodyguards to generals or are placed in strategic areas of the battlefield, where the fighting is expected to be thickest. However it is the archers, who form the backbone of any High Elven army. Many of these warriors are professional soldiers and are consequently classed as regular, but others are formed from volunteers, who whilst being magnificent archers do not drill and are therefore not deserving of regular status. Occasionally regular archer regiments are mounted on Elven steeds to enable them to keep up with the fast moving cavalry formations, which they are ordered to support. The elves also deploy large numbers of light archers used tactically to skirmish and support the heavy infantry and other light infantry formations. Other light troops are armed with a combination of javelins, bows, swords and light axes, but emphasis mobility rather than staying power. Some of these formations are permanently embodied regular units, such as the Royal Avelorian Rangers, whilst others are made up of elves from the woodlands, skilled in woodcraft, but not drilled, such as the Rangers of Ithilorne and are therefore classed as irregular. Moreover some of these irregular volunteers are armed only with javelins and wear little or no armour; we class these as Irr Ax (O). The Elves are able to deploy large numbers of artillery. The most common of these are bolt-throwers mounted on light carts, or Elven mages equipped with lightening bolt scrolls and wands containing other magic missile spells, riding in heavy chariots. Both of these are classed as Art (F). The Elves are the pre-eminent maritime power in the realms; their graceful Swan ships are a common sight on the open oceans and ports of the world, inspiring fear in their enemies and courage in their allies. Many a besieged city or fortress has welcomed the sight of an Elven fleet sailing to its relief. Elven ships are powerful craft; some [Gal (S) & Shp (X)] are pure warships, or military transports [Shp (I)], but others are armed merchant vessels used for trading, [Gal (O)] or exploring [Gal (F)]. Unlike in the main rules for attackers selecting terrain, Elven armies can select a WW if attacking if they have 6 or more naval elements, because of the large numbers of naval elements this army can use. The vast majority of the Elven fleet is provided by the Merchant Princes and when on campaign the usual practise is for the highest ranking and most experienced merchant prince to be elected as Admiral – second only to the CNC himself. However not all High Elven forces field large sea elf detachments, so the minima marked * only apply if more than 6 elements (including naval elements) are used. If present all sea elves must be commanded by the admiral, who can command other troops. The Kn (E) elements represent the Merchant princes and their retinues of noble knights, whilst the Bd (R) represents the warships’ large marine contingents. The merchant companies are specialist regiments of Elves armed with a mixture of heavy spear & shield and longbows, able to outshoot most opponents or fight indefinitely in hand-to-hand, hence their classification as Bw (H). Small companies of archers defend the lighter galleys; these are deployed in skirmishing formations when fighting on land and are often used to support the ships companies or merchant companies. Sea Elves are very resourceful individuals and it is common for them to deploy large naval artillery batteries on land for ground actions. Very often these batteries are magical, such as the famous lightening batteries used by the Elves at the battle of Mezorbareanzan, where they severely damaged the Dark Elf fortress and drove back orc counter attacks with heavy losses. The High Elves can field allied contingents from the Empire, the Wood Elves, The Dwarves (the rules for Dwarven/Elven animosity Apply), The Merchant States, the Leonardo’s and the Knights of the Sacred Flame. Only 2 allies can be used at any one time. Wood Elf allied commands count as sub-generals, to represent the close relationship Page 43/35

between the various Elven Kingdoms, or the fact that some of the larger more powerful High Elf realms claim suzerainty over many smaller wood elf dominions.

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WOOD ELVEN REALMS Alignment: Good. Cold. Ag 0. Rv, H(S), H(G), Wd, O, RGo, Rd, BUA. 1 1-2 0-1 0-5 0-4 0.6 0-6 0-12 0-4 0-4 0-6 16-40 4-30 Any 0-8 0-8 8-24 2-20 0-8 0-4 0-1 0-1

C-in-C - Irr Kn (E) @ 21AP or Irr Cv (S) @ 19AP, or Irr Sp (S) @ 15AP Sub General - as above or Irr Bw (W) 16AP, or Irr Bw (E) @ 16AP or Irr Bd (F) @ 15AP Forest Dragon – Irr Fl Be (O) @ 36Ap Great Eagles - Irr Fl (F) @ 18Ap or with Riders Irr Fl (O) @ 20Ap Wain Riders - Irr Kn (E) @ 11AP Lords Riders - Irr Kn (E) @ 11AP or Cv (S) @ 9AP Centaurs – Irr Cv (R), or Irr Lh (S) Wood Riders - Irr LH (F) @ 4AP Lord’s Guards - Irr Bd (R) @ 6AP Lord’s Archers – Irr Bw (G) @ 7AP Lord’s Spear Bearers - Irr Sp (S) @ 5AP Archers - Irr Bw (E) @ 6AP or Irr Bw (W) @ 6AP Warriors Armed with spears – All Irr Sp (R) @ 5AP or All Irr Sp (O) @ 4AP Regrade spear to unshielded Irr Ax (X) @ 3AP Armed with swords and two handed swords - Irr Bd (F) @ 5AP Fey Warriors - Irr Wb (F) @ 3AP Rangers - Irr Ax (S) @ 4AP, or Irr Ax (O) @ 3AP Skirmishers - Irr Ps (O) @ 2AP (Can support Sp, Ax, Bd) Beast Masters - Wild Cats Irr Bst (F) @ 7AP or Bears as Irr Bst (O) @ 8AP Tree Men - Irr Gi (R) @ 12AP Sacred Artefact Altar - Irr WWg (I) @ 2AP The Mythical Unicorn - Reg Ucn (S) @ 14AP

Amongst the forests, woods and hidden valleys of the world dwell the sylvan elves more commonly known as ‘wood elves’. Like their High elven kin they are a magical race, tending the forests and woodlands and protecting its flora a fauna from the encroachment of marauding bands of orcs and other evil creatures. Their cities are sculpted from magical Lueralorne wood and the living earth to form beautiful palaces, courtyards and terraces. These cities are usually found in hidden valleys, protected by powerful illusions, which keep them concealed from unwelcome eyes. Wood elves are masters of woodcraft, and their armies are famous for appearing out of no-where, crushing their enemies, and then fading back into the undergrowth in the blink of an eye. Wood elves are immortal and thus they can rely on warriors that are veterans of many campaigns, often wielding ancient magical weapons and armour of incredible power, hence the large number of (S) & (R) troops and some cases exclusive (E), (G) & (W) grades. Their armies are based along family and clan lines similar to the feudal make-up of many human kingdoms; consequently these forces do not have the same degree of organisation as those fielded by their High Elven cousins. Even so Wood Elven armies are very powerful, combining many strange and exotic creatures and troop types with a solid core of excellent foot and mounted warriors of exceptional quality. Foremost among these strange creatures are the terrifying Forest Dragons, which are used by the bravest Wood Elven princes as war-mounts. These beasts can grow over 55m in length and are able to devour the largest hill giant or ogre with a single bite! Other flying beasts include Great Eagles - Fl (F), some of which are ridden by wood elven knights, wielding light lances, javelins and bows - Fl (O). Wood Elves are great exponents of the chariot, which they field in large numbers. Their war-wains are beautifully crafted works of art, made from magical Lueralorne wood, which is incredibly strong and light. These chariots comprise a crew of knight, archer, spellsinger and driver, pulled by 4 elven steeds. Other wood elven nobles are grouped together to form heavy cavalry formations; some are armed with lances and swords and equipped with elven mail and full knightly panoply, which are graded as Kn (E). Other mounted elven nobles are equipped with a combination of bows, light javelins and lances, skirmishing when tactically necessary; we class these as Cv (S). Wood Elf equestrian forces are supported by mounted archers and Centaurs equipped with bows, who patrol the marches of the wood elven realms in times of peace, acting as the unseen eyes and ears of the wood elf kings. All Wood elves may dismount, chariots as Bw (H), Kn (E) as Bd (R), Cv (S) as Bw (E) and Lh (F) as Ps (O). The elven Lords and Kings keep permanently embodied household troops entrusted with the security of the Lords’ and their subjects and with protecting the borders of the wood elf realms. Although these soldiers are magnificent warriors they do not drill and are therefore not deserving of regular status. All are armoured in magical elven mail and are equipped with magical weapons of immense power; some wielding spears – Sp (S), other with swords – Bd (R), and others with bows – Bw (G). The archers and swordsmen usually fight together and consequently the Bw can shoot as a 2nd rank behind the guard blade and can support them as Ps (O). The main strength of any wood elf army is its superb regiments of archers, who are deemed to be the greatest bowmen in all the realms – hence their classification as Bw (E). Sometimes they fight in fast elusive dispersed formations, in which case they are classed as Bw (W). Other wood elf warriors, such as the rangers fight in similar dispersed formations, and are armed with light bows, javelins, swords, axes and darts. They are expert at fighting in broken terrain and they are Page 45/35

often supported by light skirmishing archers, who also support wood elf warriors armed with either spear or swords. Those warriors armed with spears can either be deployed in close formation Sp (O) or in dispersed groups Ax (X), and consequently up to half of the Sp (O) may be downgraded to AX (X) prior to a battle, or purchased as Ax (X). Wood elven swordsmen are noted as graceful yet fanatical fighters, lightly armoured and wielding either 2 hand weapons, or two handed cutting and crushing weapons, which they use to deadly effect. Even more fearsome are the dreaded fey warriors, whose whirling dances of death are terrifying to behold and fatal to encounter. As guardians of the woods and wild places the elves are able to call upon many beasts that inhabit such regions to fight alongside their armies. These beasts are marshalled by the famous elven beatmasters, who are able to commune with mountain lions, wild cats, boars, bears and the like. However the most fearsome and powerful of all the creatures that share the forests of the wood elves are the treemen. These giant beings are the oldest guardians of the woods and the wood elves closest allies; they stand as high and as wide as the largest and most ancient oak, elm or beach tree to be found anywhere in the world and they are as strong as a titan! The Wood Elves can field allied contingents from the Empire, the High Elves, The Dwarves (the rules for Dwarven/Elven animosity Apply), good aligned barbarians and the Knights of the Sacred Flame. Only 2 allies can be used at any one time. High Elf allied commands count as sub-generals, to represent the close relationship between the various Elven Kingdoms.

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Hobgoblins of The Dark Lands Alignment: Evil. Cold. Ag 4. Rv, H(G), RGo, M, Rd, BUA, Wd. 1 1-3 0-1 0-1 0-4 0-6 4-16 6-60 0-12 0-8 0-8 *2-8 *4-16 *2-12 *4-16 *4-16 *2-12 0-12 0-10 0-4 0-6 0-2 0-2 0-2 0-4 0-2 0-2

CNC - Reg Kn (R) @ 35AP Sub Generals - As above or Reg Cv (S) @ 30AP or Reg Kn (F) @ 31AP or Reg Lh (S) @ 27AP Oriental Dragon - Irr FBe (O) @ 36Ap Wyvern Riders – Irr FBe (F) @ 34Ap Gargoyles - Irr WHm (O) @ 10Ap, or Chimeras or similar - Irr Fl (D) 26Ap Hobgoblin & Orc Dire-Wolf Riders - Reg Kn (R) @ 15AP Hobgoblin & Orc Wolf Riders - Reg Cv (S) @ 10AP or Reg Kn (F) @ 11AP Hobgoblin & Orc Light Wolf Riders - Reg LH (S) @ 7APor Reg LH (O) @ 5AP Goblin Wolf Riders - Irr LH (F) @ 4AP Hobgoblin best masters – Wargs Irr Bst (F) @ 7Ap, or Mountain Lions Irr Bst (O) @ 8Ap Uroks/Black Orc Guards - Irr Wb (S)@ 5AP Hobgoblin “Banner Infantry” - Reg Bd (F) @ 7AP, or Reg Bw (X) @ 7AP Orc Warriors - Irr Wb (R) @ 4AP, up to 1/3 Irr Bd (F) @ 5AP Armoured Orc Archers - Irr Bw (O) @ 4AP Goblin Warriors - Irr Ax (O) @ 3AP, up to half Irr Sp (I) @ 3AP Goblin Archers - Irr Bw (I) @ 3Ap or Irr Ps (O) @ 2AP (may support goblin warriors) Goblin Dregs - Irr Hd (F) @ 1AP Civilians driven ahead of the army - Irr Hd (I) @ 0.5AP Trolls, Ogres or similar - Irr LHm (O) @ 8Ap Hill Giants, or similar - Irr Gi (I) or Irr Gi (O) Oni (Oriental Ogres) - Irr Lhm (S) @12Ap Wiang Liang - Irr Gi (O) @ 12Ap Giants with Artillery – Irr Gi (X) @ 18Ap Wagon Mounted Artillery - Reg Art (F) @ 10AP Warwagons – Irr WWg (O) @ 8AP Siege Towers – Irr WWg (S) @ 10AP Siege engines – Reg Art (S) @ 10AP

The Hobgoblins are the pre-eminent power in the Darklands, a region encompassing the vast steppes, mountains and forests towards the north and east of the Realms. Hobgoblins differ from the other goblin races in two principal ways firstly they possess iron discipline and secondly they maintain a degree of organisation that is far beyond any other orcish force. This has allowed them to subjugate the lesser orcish tribes of the Dark Lands, conquer countless cities and become a major power within the Eastern realms. Even the Dark Elves have a healthy respect for the Hobgoblins and use them as their allies of choice, a harsh fact that many Dwarven, Human and other kingdoms have learned to their cost. In theory their vast empire is ruled over by the Great Khan, with his Khans governing huge tracts of this empire on his behalf. In practice however, the Khans are virtually autonomous with the Great Khan able only to exert his political will in regions where he can apply military control. His most effective method in ruling these vast domains is to play the Khans off against one another, which he does by keeping them competing over territory, wealth and prestige. This list represents Hobgoblin armies of the Great Khan and the lesser Khans. The strength of any Hobgoblin army lies in its excellent organisation and ruthlessly efficient command structure. Most armies are drawn up in 4 divisions each commanded by an experienced general and unlike any other goblin force these armies are organised enough for the generals to be considered regular! The main strike force of the Hobgoblin army comes from its various mounted units, made up from the upper classes of the various Hobgoblin clans and the subjugated Orc and goblin tribes. All of these are drilled to the same perfection of the Hobgoblins, with the exception of goblin units, which are impossible to drill even for the Hobgoblin discipline masters! Foremost among these cavalry formations are the most fearsome Hobgoblin and Black Orc nobles wearing heavy laminated armour of lacquered wood and iron, armed with lances, bows and swords, riding the dreaded Dire Wolves – 10’ long beasts, capable of ripping a man in two with a single bite! Because of their ferocity they are considered Kn (R), but we class them as regular as they are recorded as requesting permission to charge. Alongside these fearsome monsters are other heavy wolf-mounted units, provided by the lesser hobgoblin and orc nobility and their retainers, armed and armoured similarly to those above. The hobgoblins’ tactic was to surround an enemy and shower them with missiles, before closing in for the kill and we class these as Cv (S), however as time went on many hobgoblins began to adopt the orc tactic of firing their bows prior to charging the enemy fiercely at the gallop and so they may be classed as Kn (F). Conversely we also postulate that many orc regiments adopted hobgoblin tactics and may therefore be considered Cv (S), importantly however both were drilled to a very high standard and are therefore considered regular. Both can dismount as Bw (O). Other wolf riders are armed with a combination of spears and bows, but wear no armour and fight in looser skirmishing formations and are classed as LH (O) or (S). They are all regular, except for those goblins mounted on smaller swift wolves and armed only with bows, or light javelins, which we class as Irr LH (F). Page 47/35

Many Hobgoblin armies are made up entirely of wolf riders and so the minima marked * only Applies if any foot or train elements, except baggage, are used. The vast majority of the infantry are undisciplined orcs and goblins fighting in their native styles, (though usually better equipped and more effective) supplemented by elite Hobgoblin Banner Infantry. These troops act as elite guards to the Khans and wear lacquered wooden armour and wield either samurai swords, or a combination of bow and spear. In the first instance we class them as Bd (F) and in the second as Bw (X), as they emphasise shooting over close combat. They may not be double based with other Bw elements and they may not provide or receive rear support from one another. Black Orc or Urok infantry supply other guard units to the Hobgoblin armies. Armed with a combination of heavy cutting and crushing weApons, halberds and spears, these 7’ giants are the fiercest warriors in the entire goblin race and are capable of sweeping aside all but the stoutest foot and even mounted units. They are consequently graded as Wb (S). Other Orc units are armed with a mixture of different weapons similar to those mentioned above, though less heavy; they are heavily armoured, employing rush tactics to overwhelm opponents and are consequently graded as Wb (R). Some Orc units, though similarly armed, emphasised individual fencing skills and are classed as Bd (F), whilst others employ bows and crossbows in large formations, and are classed as Bw (O), as a large number are armoured and prepared to fight hand-to-hand if the situation arises. Only the largest and most intelligent Goblins are admitted into the ranks of the Hobgoblin armies, with the lesser goblins consigned to a life of slavery, carrying out only menial tasks for the Khans forces. If deployed these dregs are graded as Hd (F) as they are reasonably adept at ambushes and fighting from difficult terrain. The other goblin units are trained to a relatively high degree, which has enabled them to surprise their overlords and enemies with their fighting skills. Those armed with bows are classed as Bw (I) or Ps (O) if skirmishing and those armed with light spears and javelins as Ax (O) if fighting in loose formation, or Sp (I), if clumped together. Hobgoblins are incredibly cruel and it is common for them to drive captured civilians ahead of the main army, instilling terror into the hearts of their enemies’. Hobgoblins also employ contingents of Hill Giants, ogre and troll mercenaries, to further intimidate their enemies, though these are deployed in much smaller numbers than in other orc armies. As well as these fearsome giants the armies of the Khans are able to deploy an array of artillery (often mounted on wagons or even on platforms carried by mountain giants for extra mobility) and other crude but effective war machines, such as war wagons, and siege towers. These machines of destruction have enabled the Hobgoblins to sweep aside the strongest walled cities as efficiently as they have crushed many armies, another alarming factor for the realms bordering the Darklands! The Hobgoblins are also able to call on the services of numerous magical eastern races, including mercenary Oni, more commonly known as Oriental Ogres and their larger cousins Wiang Liang. Although only 9’ tall we class Oni as LHm (S) due to their magical abilities and although only 14’ tall Wiang Liang are classed as Gi (O), for the same reason. A large number of evil Oriental Dragons can be found throughout the Darklands and these are often coerced into the service of the Hobgoblins, with promises of a share in the spoils of treasure and slaves. Gargoyles – hideous evil winged creatures from the mountainous regions of the Darklands are also willing to fight for loot and can consequently be found in the service of many Hobgoblin Khans, as can powerful creatures such as Chimeras – 3 headed winged beasts, with the head and wings of a Dragon, the head and fore quarters of a Lion and the head and hind quarters of a Goat and wargs – giant savage wolves, which are bred by Hobgoblins from birth for war and their cruel sports. Long ago the Khans were able to field many Wyverns in their armies, but now only a handful remain as the Orc clans which bred and reared the great beasts lead an unsuccessful rebellion against their Hobgoblin overlords and were all wiped out, save for a handful of loyal tribes. The Hobgoblins can call on contingents of Orc allies, when setting off on their campaigns of conquest. These represent semi-autonomous orc tribes that control the vast subterranean tracts under the mountains, and forests of the Hobgoblin Empire, which the Hobgoblins, being primarily a surface dwelling race, care little. These tribes owe military service to their Hobgoblin overlords and are totally dependent on the Khans for their continued existence; they are therefore very reliable, and we class them as sub-generals. Dark Elves and various Undead forces from Necromancer’s and Liches also fight alongside the armies of the Khans, and although such alliances are common they are too unpredictable to be classed as sub-generals. Other allied forces may be drawn from Chaos Lords, Ratmen, Evil barbarian clans and the Vampire Lords. No more than 2 allies can be used together and Barbarian clans cannot be used with the Vampire Lords.

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RATMEN CLANS Alignment: Evil. Warm, Ag 3, H(S), H(G), Wd, RGo, M, BUA, Rd, O, V, Rv. 1 0.2 Any 1-2 0-1 0-1 0-4 0-8 10-40 6-40 0-16 4-40 10-40 0-8 2.24 0-8 0.8 0-4 0.9 0-10 0-8 0-6 0-8 0-8 0-1

C-in-C Chief of Clan Irr Wb (S) @ 15Ap or Irr Bd (S) @ 17Ap or Irr Bst (R) @ 18Ap Sub General as above or Irr Bd (F) @ 15Ap or Irr Sp (O) @ 15Ap Downgrade Sub General to Allied General as above but -5Ap Allied General as above but -5Ap Emissary of the Great Rat Irr Be (D) @ Plague Dragon – Irr Fl Beh (O) Giant Bats Irr Fl (X), or Jabberwocks or chimeras Irr Fl (D) @ Vermin Guard Irr Wb (S) @ 5Ap Clan Warpacks Irr Wb (F) or Irr Bd (F) @ 5Ap Clan Spearats Irr Sp (O) @ 4Ap or Irr Ax (X) @ 3Ap Clan Raiders Irr Ax (O) @ 3Ap Clan Skirmishers Irr Ps (O) @ 2Ap (may support Clan Sp, Bd & Ax) Ratmen Slave Spear Irr Sp (I) @ 3Ap or Irr Hd (O) @1AP Ratmen Slave Pike Irr Pk (I) @ 3Ap Ratmen Slave Slingers Irr Ps (O) @ 2Ap (may support Slave Pk & Sp) Infiltrators Irr Ps (S) @ 3Ap, or Irr Ps (O) @ 2Ap (may support Assassins) Assassins Irr Ax (S) @ 4Ap Plague Monks Irr Wb (S) @ 5 AP Beast Masters Irr Bst (R) @ 8Ap or Irr Bst (S) @ 9Ap rabid Packs Irr Bst (I) @ 6Ap or Rat Hounds as Irr Bst (F) @ 7Ap Vermin Ogres or Trolls Irr LHm (O) @ 8Ap Scythed War Machine Irr Exp (O) @ 7Ap Flamers & Poison Grenadiers Irr Ps (X) @ 8Ap Jezzails Art (R) @ 7Ap Sacred Altar Reg WWg (I) @ 3Ap

Under the foul dank sewers of countless human cities, the salt marshes of the wasteland and the caves of the world’s mountain ranges lurk the Ratmen; a foul race of evil mutated creatures, that owe their very existence to the fetid Gods of pestilence and decay. They are the physical embodiment of their chief god the Great Rat, and they sow their pestilence throughout all the realms in his dire service, brining death and plague to all in his name. Ratmen are rare and unwelcome visitors to the world of men and elves, though the vast tentacles of their Underealm stretch across the whole world, clinging to the cities of men, the forests of the elves, the mountain holds of the dwarves and even the subterranean cities of the dark elves like a giant cancer. From this network of tunnels the Ratmen are able to conduct raids, capture slaves, assassinate enemies and even launch full-scale invasions, making this unseen foe a terrible threat, even to the most formidable powers within the realms. Ratmen armies are designed for moving speedily underground, enabling them to field large forces in the heart of their enemies’ territory. To represent this ratmen armies have a 4th terrain option when they are the attacker. They can deploy 2-4 pieces of any of the following - M, RGo, G, D, Wd, BUA, E, H(S), if the defender has any of these terrain types. This represents the Ratmen attacking through tunnels that lead into this terrain. A BUA represents a defender’s town, which has a honeycomb of Ratmen tunnels underneath it and has been captured by a Ratmen assault prior to the main invasion. If the Ratmen uses this option their force will suffer the equivalent of 4 elements of casualties to the army if enemy elements pass through the centre of the BUA. Furthermore one of the Ratmen’s chosen terrain pieces may be classed as a warren and the ratmen can ambush from this piece of terrain as if it were an Orchard, unless the warren is placed in a wood or BUA, in which it acts as either of these types. If the Ratmen player chooses a BUA, then the warren must be placed there; otherwise the ratmen player does not have to declare where the warren is and it may be placed in a central sector, enabling an ambush from this part of the battlefield. A warren may not be placed in the defenders side of the table, if all the attackers terrain ends up in this part of the table then it is assumed that the ratmen have advanced beyond the confines of the warren and it is not present on the table. All other ambush rules apply as per the main rules. Ratmen may also deploy a warren if they choose to be the defender and again this must be placed on the defender’s side of the battlefield. The Great Rat encourages the philosophy of survival of the fittest and consequently it is not only common for ratmen to fight one another, it is desirable. This leads to blood feuds and a pragmatic approach to politics where assassination and double-cross are legitimate modes of advancement for individuals and clans alike. To simulate this Ratmen armies must have 1 allied general, representing ambitious lieutenants, or vassal tribes; however, it is possible to downgrade all the generals to allies, simulating an alliance of multiple clans, or a single clan in the middle of a power struggle with no unanimous leader. Allied generals do not have to control both clan Spearats - Irr Sp (O) and Clan Warpacks, but they must control either one or the other. The backbone of any Ratmen army is made up of the warriors of the warlord clans. Many of these are fast heavy infantry armed with swords and other hand weapons, which we class as either Wb (F) or Bd (F). Other warriors are equipped Page 49/35

with spears and fight in formed lines using shieldwall tactics – Sp (O), however it is common for clan Spearats to leave their shields behind in raids, so they may be purchased as Ax (X), or up to half of the Sp (O) may be downgraded to AX (X) prior to a battle. The most formidable clan warriors are bred from the litters of the chieftains themselves and deployed in elite shock regiments; these Vermin guard stand well over 6’ tall and are heavily armed and armoured, often acting as guards to the most senior warlords. Other clan infantry are made up of light troops, such as fast moving raiders, armed with a mixture of light close combat and missile weapons, and slingers, which are often used to support the heavier clan regiments. The Ratmen make great use of slaves captured in raids against rival ratmen clans or even dwarves, humans, orcs or lizardmen. Consequently slave elements should contain mostly ratmen figures, with the odd orc or dwarf thrown in if desired. Slaves are the lowest of the low in the brutal society of the ratmen, undertaking the most dangerous tasks. Although usually chained together to stop them from running away in battle, they are spirited fighters, wielding either spears or long pikes and often being supported by other slaves with slings. Ratmen are noted for their Beastmasters, who capture terrifying beasts and put them to the evil service of the warlords. The most powerful of these creatures are the dreaded Plague Dragons, giant winged drakes riddled with pestilence, spewing forth clouds of acrid poison. Other fell beasts include plague-infested jabberwocks, fearsome chimeras and giant bats, as well as packs of mutated wear rats, giant spiders, rabid giant rats, mutant wolfhounds and other horrific forms. Arguably the most terrifying mutant beasts of all are the Vermin Ogres and Trolls, created by blending foul magic and arcane beast craft. These giant volatile beasts are used as elite shock troops by the chieftains, and they are capable of sweeping aside all but the most formidable foot with relative ease. Plague monks, the priests of the great rat, are often found in the armies of the Ratmen, sometimes riding in sacred plague carts. These fanatical warrior monks are classed as Wb (S), due to their indifference to wounds and the fear they instil in opponents, who naturally do not wish to come into contact with their various diseases. Favoured Warlords can even call upon the services of the emissaries of the Great Rat. These are giant demons of immense power, resembling giant ratmen, with a giant horn protruding from their forehead, standing over 40’ high, and cloaked in nauseas gases. Their disease-ridden bodies sport great open sores and other bubonic gifts from the master of pestilence and they wield giant decaying, poisonous blades. Assassination is an accepted part of Ratmen society and there are a number of clans that specialise in this dark art. The loyalty of these assassin clans is crucial for Warlords that not only wish to retain their power and status, but also their lives, and assassins are mush prized soldiers. In raids or open battles they are usually grouped into elite warpacks of fast light infantry, armed with poison swords, darts and slings. Other specialist clans manufacture terrible machineries of destruction, such as giant scythed war machines, bristling with gruesome spikes and lances, which partially make up for the Ratmen’s lack of cavalry. Other ingeniously evil weapons include poison grenades, flamethrowers and jezzails – heavy muskets crewed by teams of 2 ratmen, capable of killing a mammoth at 200 paces! Undead lords and necromancers find the ratmen to be useful allies that do not pry into their necromantic designs. Consequently Ratmen can class undead allied generals as sub generals. Other races and powers that occasionally work with Ratmen include Chaos Lords, Beastmen, Dark Elves, Orcs, Hobgoblins and Vampire Lords and the Ratmen can have allies from any of these armies. No more than 2 non-Ratmen ally generals can be used together at the same time.

Orc and Goblin clans Alignment: Evil. Cold. Ag 3. Rv, H(S), H(G), Wd, RGo, M, BUA. Page 50/35

1 1.2 0-1 0-2 Any 0-3 0-3 Any 0-1 0-6

C-in-C Irr Kn (R) [Chariot] @21Ap, Irr Kn (R), Irr Wb (S) @ 15Ap Irr Cv (S) @ 19Ap Irr Kn (F) @ 19 Ap Sub General as above or Irr Bd (F) @15Ap, Irr Wb (R) @ 14Ap, Upgrade general to Wyvern clan chieftain - Irr FBe (F) Allied General as above but -5Ap Downgrade sub generals to allied generals as above but -5Ap Orc War Wyverns Irr FBe (F) @ 28Ap Goblin Giant Bat Riders or similar Irr Fl (I) @ 16Ap, or gargoyles Irr WHm (O) @ 10Ap Replace Bat Riders or gargoyles with Air Galleys – Irr FV (O) [Wb, Bw, Ps] Cave wyrrm, Rhemorraz, Giant Gorgon or similar – Irr Be (O) @ 24Ap Orc Warg Riders Irr Kn (R) @12Ap


Boar/Bear Riders Double based Irr Kn (I) @ 8Ap front rank 7 rear rank

2-12 0-6 2-18 0-16 0-6 8-40 0-12 0-6 4-40 4-24 4-24 0-8 0-16 0-8 0-4 0-4 0-1 0-2

Orc Wolf Riders Irr Cv (S) @ 9Ap, or Irr Kn (F) @ 9Ap Orc War Chariots Irr Kn (O) @ 9Ap or Goblin War Chariots Irr Kn (F) @ 8Ap Goblin Light wolf/Spider riders Irr LH (F) @ 4Ap, or (O) @ 5Ap Uroks/Black Orcs Irr Wb (S) @ 5Ap Urok Crushers Irr Bd (X) @ 6Ap Orc Warriors Irr Wb (R) @ 4Ap up to 1/3 may be Irr Bd (F) @ 5Ap Orc Archers/Crossboworcs Irr Bw (O) @ 4Ap Goblin Guards Irr Bd (I) @ 4Ap Goblin Warriors up to half Irr Ax (O) @ 3Ap remainder Irr Ax (I) @ 2Ap, Ps (I) @ 2 AP, or Hd (F) @ 1Ap Goblin Spear Irr Hd(S) @ 2AP or Irr Hd (O) @ 1Ap, upgrade up to ¼ Irr Sp (I) @ 3Ap Goblin Bow Irr Bw (I) @ 3Ap, or Irr Ps (O) @ 2Ap (can support goblin Bd, Sp, Ax) Wolf/Spider Packs Irr Bst (O) @ 7Ap or (F) @ 6Ap War Trolls and Ogres Irr Lhm (O) @ 8Ap or as armoured Irr Lhm (S) @ 12Ap Hill Giants Irr Gi (I) or Irr Gi (O) , Mountain Giants Irr Gi (S) @ 14Ap 0-2 to Irr Gi (X) @ 22Ap Artillery Reg Art (O) @ 8Ap, upgrade 1 to Reg Art (S) @ 10Ap Shamanic Alter Irr Wwg (I) @ 3Ap. Alter Guards Irr Bd (O) @ 5Ap

From the great caves under the Dragon Spine Mountains, to the dark forests of the turbulent east, Orc and Goblin clans are a constant menace throughout the realms. Their great holds are akin to giant volcanoes, whose sporadic eruptions issue forth vast terrible hordes, devastating the lands around them in murderous campaigns of rape and conquest. Countless realms and cities have succumbed to their merciless onslaughts and many cultures have been crushed under their iron-shod boots. As well as these surface conflicts, Orcs and Goblins participate in a constant subterranean war with rival clans plus Ratmen, Lizzardmen, Dwarves and even the powerful Dark Elves. Orc armies are a terrible and awesome sight to behold, with an array terrifying warriors, fearsome beasts and horrifying mercenaries, such as giants, ogres and trolls. Although very powerful these forces are poorly organised and often suffer from internal strife as animosity between rival clans and competing chieftains spills over into open conflict. To represent this Orc Sub Generals may be reclassified as allied generals and if the army has more than 3 generals then 1 must be an ally to represent the confederate nature of very large Orcish hordes. However allied generals need not control otherwise compulsory troops and may not control Wyvern riders. The pinnacle of the Orcish military is comprised of those Black Orcs mounted on Wyverns - giant winged reptiles similar to Dragons, only sleeker even if slightly less powerful. Only the wealthiest and most powerful clans can field such beasts, which are bred in the towering mountains above the dark caves, frequented by the orcs and goblins and their hordes of giant bats, which the smaller orcs and goblins use as steeds. Furthermore the mountain peaks are often home to tribes of Gargoyles, who serve the Orcs as scouts, aiding them to waylay merchant caravans that have to traverse the dreaded peaks, or scout out the whereabouts of enemy forces. Occasionally crude but effective air galleys, with large marine contingents, light artillery and giant rams and sabres, replace these aerial elements. As well as these flying creatures the Orcs and Goblins employ an arsenal of other terrifying beasts from giant cave monsters such as Cave wyrrm’s, Rhemorraz’ and Giant Gorgon’s to Giant Spiders and Wolves of varying types; furthermore the Orcs use many of these creatures as bestial steeds. The most fearsome of these are the dreaded Warg riders – giant, super-intelligent, aggressive wolves, ridden by Black Orc nobles, encased in spiked leather and chain armour, wielding lances and large cleavers. These are graded as Kn (R) for their ability to ride down all but the stoutest foot and break most enemy cavalry with ease. Other large orcs are similarly equipped and mounted on bears, or boars and grouped together in deep clumsy formations, which use sheer weight of numbers to break through enemy formations. If used such elements must be double based. However the mainstay of Orc and goblin mounted formations are made up of wolf riders, with Orcs on larger heavier wolves and goblins on smaller sleeker beats. Orc wolf riders are armed with a mixture of spears, lances and bows and wear light chain or heavy leather and felt armour. Most are described as using controlled charges and skirmishing when tactically necessary, so are classed as Cv (S), but other are described as hurling spears and firing arrows at their enemies before charging fiercely, which we class as Kn (F). Goblin wolf riders are similarly armed, but usually wear no armour and are used in a skirmishing role; their classification of LH (O) rests as much on the fighting ability of their wolf steeds Page 51/35

as it does on the goblins themselves. Occasionally goblins will replace their wolves with giant spiders, especially when fighting underground. The Orcs and goblins also make use of primitive, but effective chariots pulled by wolves. The larger less manoeuvrable Orc chariots are considered Kn (O) and the lighter Goblin chariots as Kn (F). Orc warlords are capable of fielding huge numbers of infantry of varying quality. The most effective and fearsome of these are the Black Orcs, or Uroks, as they are sometimes known. Standing over 6 and a half feet tall, covered in chain armour, often decorated with giant spikes and wielding an array of two handed cutting, thrusting and crushing weapons; these units inspire loyalty from lesser orc and goblin units through fear. Uroks also act as personal guards to chieftains and are sometimes grouped together into elite units of Crushers, wielding large pole axes, designed for dispatching heavily armoured mounted enemies. The vast majority of orc warriors are armed and armoured similarly to the Uroks, but with lighter weapons and armour. They are famous for being able to cover distances very quickly, and using rush tactics, hence their classification as Wb (R). Some - up to roughly one quarter, are noted for employing fencing skills and are consequently classed as Bd (F). The Orcs also deploy units of armoured archers and crossbowmen, which are reasonably effective, even if a little ill disciplined. Goblins and lesser orcs are smaller relatives to the larger orcs, standing between 3 and a half and 4 and half feet tall. They make up the lower classes of Orc society, which in reality makes them little better than slaves to their bigger cousins, forced to undertake the menial and dangerous tasks in orc society such as mining and cleaning out the wolf dens! During battles the Goblins are brought along to swell numbers and watch their masters grind their enemies into dust; however particularly small Orc chiefs sometimes field goblins as guards as it “makes me look bigga”. If used such guard units are classed as Bd (I); they are equipped with leather armour shields and short swords. Other Goblin warriors are armed with a mixture of javelins and other light weapons. Units made up of larger individuals are classed as Ax (O) and lesser goblins as Ax (I), and Hd (F); or as Ps (I) if skirmishing. Goblins armed with spears are classed as Hd (S) due to their small size and poor equipment, coupled with their aggressive nature, and less enthusiastic individuals as Hd (O). Some may be upgraded to Sp (I), representing veterans of raids and larger goblins more confident in their abilities, wielding better quality weapons, often looted from victims of other battles. Although goblins as a rule make poor close combat troops they are reasonable archers. Those grouped into large units and emphasising shooting are classed as Bw (I) and those skirmishing as Ps (O). In fact Goblins make excellent skirmishing archers, which are often used to support their woefully inadequate infantry. To stiffen their reluctant Goblin serfs the Orcs employ large numbers of Ogre, Troll and Giant tribes as mercenaries, some of which are permanently attached to individual Orc clans as allies or vassals. Both Trolls and Ogres are fearsome opponents over 10’ tall and able to smash opposing infantry with relative ease. Those classed as (S) represent elite troops, heavily armoured and able to withstand charges by enemy mounted forces. Hill Giants stand over 20’ tall and Mountain Giants over 30’ tall; both wield clubs and are capable of throwing large boulders up to 200 paces. Sometime the Mountain Giants carry large artillery platforms, mounted with bolt throwers, which are especially useful during sieges and assaults. Other artillery includes bolt throwers and occasionally stone throwers, crewed by orc specialists, which are remarkably efficient and skilled. The Orcs are a very superstitious race and most clans will not go to war without their sacred totems usually mounted on wagons carrying the clan’s highest-ranking shamans. Veteran Uroks, whose pragmatic approach to warfare, coupled with their martial prowess warrants a classification of Bd (O) rather than Wb (S), guards these sacred totems. The Orcs can call upon a multitude of different races and forces as allies, to share in the spoils of war and pillage, including Dark Elves, Chaos Lords, Ratmen, Hobgoblins, Undead, Beastmen, Vampire Lords and Demonic hordes. All of these forces are notoriously unreliable, drifting away when the easy pickings have vanished, or confronted by determined opposition.

SHAKA Alignment: Good. Warm. Ag 2. Rv, H(S), H(G), Wd, RGo, M, Rd, BUA. Page 52/35

1 C-in-C - Irr El (S)@ 20Ap, Irr Kn (R) @ 12Ap, Reg Cv (O) @ 8Ap, Reg Bd (F) @ 7Ap 1-3 Sub General As above or Reg Ax (S) @ 5Ap 0-2 Roc Irr FBe (F) @ 34Ap 0-4 Condor Riders Irr Fl (F) @ 18Ap 0-4 Rhino Riders Irr Be (I) @ 20Ap 0-4 Lion Riders Irr Kn (R) @12Ap 0-4 War Elephants Irr El (O) @ 16Ap or with escorts Irr El (S) @ 20Ap 0-4 Stampeding Elephants and Rhinos Irr Exp (O) 0-6 Zebra Riders Reg Cv (S) @10Ap 0-8 Impala Riders Reg LH (O) @ 5Ap 0-8 Club Wielders Reg Bd (X) @8Ap 8-32 Braves Reg Bd (F) @ 7Ap 4-24 Unmarried Warriors Irr Wb (F) @ 3Ap or Irr Bd (F) 5Ap 2-24 Juvenile Warriors Reg Ax (S) @ 5Ap 0-6 Scouts Reg Ps (S) @ 3Ap 0-1 per Bd & Ax Supporting Javelinmen Reg Ps (S) or shield-less Reg Ps (I) (may support Ax & Bd) 0-8 Beast Masters with Cheetahs Irr Bst (F) @ 7AP or Big Cats as Irr Bst (S) @ 9Ap In the grasslands south of the Saurian Empire, the great desserts and the impassable jungles dwell the Shaka, a proud and noble race of warriors. Taking their name from the king that unified their many warring tribes the Shaka have driven off many evil races, including Lizzardmen, Sand Orcs & Stygians, that have threatened their homes on the great savannah and jungles of the south. The Shaka are now a major power in this region, which has alarmed the Stygians and even the mighty Saurian Empire, but has been cautiously welcomed by the Amurru and Khemet Empires. The Shaka are tall strong humans with skin as black as polished ebony, adorned in clothes made from animal skins decorated with feathers, ivory and necklaces of animals’ teeth. Although they look similar to the savage barbarians of the north their forces are highly disciplined and trained to a standard equal to the Dwarves or High Elves! Their armies are usually divided into 4 divisions, each commanded by veteran generals of exceptional quality, which can be identified by their exuberant headdresses, made from Lion skins, or the pelts of other great cats. The command structure of the army is rigidly defined with the generals’ orders being carried out without question by the army’s officers (which can also be identified by their colourful headdresses) and other ranks. Orders are issued by a mixture of visual signals and chants, which in turn are acknowledged by the regiments by similar chanting and by the practice of beating their shields with their spears. This also has the effect of disorientating the opposition and filling their hearts with terror! All adult male Shaka are professional soldiers and these provide the backbone of the army. These Braves are superbly disciplined and formidable fighters, capable of running twenty miles and then fighting a battle! They are equipped with shields made of animal hide, short stabbing spears and clubs; are highly mobile and practised at completing complex manoeuvres on orders given by their officers – hence their classification as Reg Bd (F). Club wielders are similarly attired, but carry a large club, used two handed, which are designed for dispatching heavy mounted enemies. Unmarried warriors are trained and equipped identically to the braves, however they may not marry until they have killed an enemy and consequently their aggressive tendencies tends to submerge their training, hence their classification as Wb or Irr Bd (F). Juvenile warriors are equipped with shields, short stabbing spears and throwing spears and are expert at fighting in broken terrain, where they can pelt an enemy with their javelins, before closing with their clubs and stabbing spears. Scouts are also similarly equipped and are used tactically in a skirmishing role. Other units of skirmishers are supplied by the youngest juvenile warriors, they are armed with throwing spears and are used tactically to support the club wielders, braves, unmarried and juvenile warriors. Those carrying shields are classed as Ps (S) and those without as Ps (I). Apart from their superb infantry the Shaka can field large numbers of troops mounted on many exotic and spectacular animals. Foremost among these are the magnificent Lion riders and those Shaka mounted on Black rhinos, both of which act as shock cavalry. These are extremely fearsome in close combat and capable of smashing through virtually any opponent, however both are susceptible to attack from missile weapons, as both the beasts and their riders wear no armour. If used Rhinos may not be double width or extended depth. Other mounted forces are supplied by Shaka mounted on zebras and Impala and equipped in an identical fashion to the lion & rhino riders, wielding shields, stabbing spears and throwing spears. Those mounted on Impala are deployed in a skirmishing role – Lh (O), and those on Zebras in a more conventional fashion – Cv (S). Zebra riders may dismount as Ax (S). The Shaka are also capable of deploying large numbers of elephants, those with large howdaths and infantry escorts are considered (S) and those without are classed as (O). Both the Elephants and rhinos are sometimes purposely stampeded to disrupt enemy heavy infantry or shock cavalry. Furthermore the Shaka have many beastmasters, commanding large numbers of predatory cats or hyenas. These are often used in broken terrain against enemy light troops or to chase off opposing light cavalry. On the great plateaus that form the north eastern border of the Shaka domains reside nests of giant condors with wingspans of over 40’ and the legendary Rocs’ with wingspans of nearly 80’. The bravest Shaka nobles attempt to climb these heights and take the eggs of these great birds but this is a very dangerous undertaking and most do not return. Those that are successful rear the birds as great flying beasts and they are rewarded for their efforts by being elevated to the highest positions within their warrior society. Page 53/35

The Shaka can call upon numerous allies in their fight against the dark forces of the south, including crusading armies from the Knights of the Sacred Flame, The Empire and the Leonardo’s, as well as adventuring and exploring forces from the High & Wood Elves, The Dwarves, The Merchant States, Nippon and Imperial Cathay. However their closest allies are their neighbours to the north the ancient Empires of Amurru and Khemet and these may count as sub generals. The Shaka may have a maximum of 2 allied commands. Allied contingents drawn from this list may include half the maximum number of Elephants, Rhino, Lion, Zebra and Impala Riders and Beastmasters.

NIPPON Alignment: Neutral or Good. Cold. Ag 3. WW, Rv, H(S), H(G), Wd, O, E, RGo, M, Rd, BUA. 1 1.2 0.1

Cnc – Mounted on Temple War Lion – Irr Beh (I), or on Horse Reg Kn (F) or Reg Cv (S) Sub Generals – as above. Kamikaze (The Divine Wind) - Irr Fl Beh (S) Page 54/35

0-1 Oriental Cloud Dragon (Shen Lung) - Irr Fl Beh (O) 0-4 Kirin – Irr Fl (S) 0-3 Temple War Lion Riders – Irr Beh (I) 4-20 Mounted Samurai – Reg Kn (F) or Reg Cv (S) 0-12 Emishi Light Cavalry – Irr Lh (S) 0.12 Kensai & heroic samurai – Reg Bd (S) 6-40 Samurai, Warrior Monks & Korobokuru (Oriental Dwarves) with naginata or katana – Reg Bd (R) or Reg Pl (R) 6-30 Samurai with Bow – Irr Bw (S) Up to ½ Upgrade Samurai with Bow to Tang-inyago (Oriental Elves) – Irr Bw (E) 0.16 Ronin – Irr Bd (F) 0-20 Followers with Bows – Irr Bw (I) or Irr Bw (O), up to ½ Irr Ps (O) 8-40 Ashigaru - Armed with spear Irr Ax (X) or Irr Ax (I) - Armed with arquebus Reg Art (X) 0-4 Cannons - Reg Art (S) 0-4 Rockets – Hand Held - Reg Art (I) or on carts Reg Art (O) 0-4 Grenadiers – Reg Ps (X) 0-8 Warrior Monks – Irr Ax (S) 0-6 Ninja – Reg Ax (S) or Reg Bd (X) *12-24 Town Militia – Irr Hd (O) 0-4 Kamikaze Suicide Bombers – Irr Exp (O) 0.24 Ditch & Palisade – TF 0-8 Hengankokai – Irr Wb (F) 0-8 Oni (Oriental Ogres) - Irr Lhm (S) @11Ap 0-4 Greater Oni - Irr Gi (O) @ 0-8 Junks – Irr Sh (S) [Bd, Bw, Ax, Ps] Far to the East, beyond Cathay and the lands of the orient lay the islands of Nippon. Ruled by a warrior elite known as the Samurai, Nippon is an exotic and complex realm where all life is governed by the strict rules of Bushido, the code of the warrior. The Samurai train constantly and this has enabled them to be counted among the finest human warriors to be found anywhere in the realms, possessing many abilities and traits, which are normally only found in the older races of the Elves and Dwarves. Theoretically the Emperor and the Imperial family rule Nippon, but in reality true power resides with the Shogun; Nippon’s highest military official, elected by the most powerful dynastic clans of the islands and filled by the head of the most powerful dynasty in Nippon. The current Shogun - Minoru Arisaka, is an adept politician and general, whose meteoric rise to power has been the result of astute political manoeuvring, inspired generalship and sheer ruthless. It is testament to his achievements that his own clan was one of the smallest and weakest when he first became its leader. Nippon has in the past been as insular inward looking country, unconcerned with the affairs of the wider world, but over the last century Nippon has begun to engage with its neighbours and now their Junks can be seen plying the eastern seas and occasionally they can be encountered even further from their home ports in the seas of the north and west. The last few decades have also seen the armies of the Samurai campaigning on foreign shores, successfully intervening against the Xian-Ti rebels in Cathay, the Hobgoblins of the Darklands and even the Dark Elven realm of Naggathor. Nipponese armies follow a rigid command structure, based on a complex hierarchy, with the most senior samurai at the apex and peasant levies at the bottom. The highest-ranking samurai are those mounted on magically animated stone statues, which reside in the many temples throughout Nippon. These Temple War Lions as they are known, resemble stylised oriental lions, standing over 5’ high at the shoulder and weighing over 4 tons! We class them as Beh (I), because their ability to destroy enemy knights with ease, as shown at the battle of the Yellow Fan River, where they swiftly crushed the Xian-Ti cataphracts; if used they may not be double width or extended depth. Other Samurai mounted on horses and armed with katana, longbow and naginata are classed as either Kn (F) or Cv (S), depending on whether they rely on aggressive charges to overwhelm the enemy, or wear them down with missiles and skirmish when tactically necessary; both Cv and Kn may dismount as either Bw (S) or Bd (R). Tough tribesmen living in the North of Nippon called the Emishi provide excellent light horse archers, which are much prized by the Samurai as skirmishing cavalry. Nippon produces arguably the finest human swordsmen in all the realms. Foremost amongst these are the Kensai – sword masters of unequalled skill and dedication, and the most heroic of the all the samurai lords – Bd (S). Other Samurai and warrior monks, from the many martial temples, provide infantry of exceptional quality, armed with katanas, naginatas and protected by full laminated armour – Bd (R). Moreover the Korobokuru (Oriental Dwarves) that reside on the islands of Nippon, also provide large quantities of samurai for the Shogun’s forces, these are equipped identically to their human counterparts. The Samurai are masters of the bow as well as the sword and they can field many excellent archers equipped with longbows, laminated armour and katanas, who are prepared to fight hand-to-hand indefinitely – Bw (S). These are further supplemented by Tang-inyago (Oriental Elves), equipped identically to the Samurai, but possessing even more skill – Bw (E). The followers of the Samurai provide other archers. These vary greatly in quality and efficiency from the competent to virtually useless, they also contribute the few skirmishing infantry to be found in the Nippon army. Page 55/35

Ronin are master less samurai, who are unable to afford expensive armour and often fight with little or no protection. They also tend to be very aggressive and impetuous, trying to impress powerful samurai lords with exploits of bravery and courage, in the hope they will be admitted to a clan. The majority of non-samurai foot to be found in most Nippon armies are supplied by the Ashigaru. Like other followers of the samurai their efficiency varies greatly from poorly drilled, equipped and motivated light infantry, to good quality light spearmen armed with yari and even handgunners. In fact the armies of Nippon rely greatly on a large and diverse range of gunpowder weapons, from handheld rockets, and grenades, to large multiple rocket launchers and heavy bombards. However the most notable of all the gunpowder troops are the kamikaze suicide bombers, which take their name from the divine winds that protect the shores of the islands. These bombers are made up from a diverse cross section of society, including fallen samurai that wish to redeem the dishonour they have brought on themselves and their families, convicts and fanatical followers of the Samurai Lords! Some suicide bombers wear bombs strapped to their torsos or push wheelbarrows full of gunpowder and run towards the enemy on foot, others ride horses or light carts packed with explosives. Consequently, suicide elements should be represented by a combination of figures both on foot and mounted. Even though the Samurai are the greatest warriors to emerge from the shores of Nippon, they are not the most feared; that title goes to the ninja, the infamous black clad assassins, able to infiltrate the most heavily guarded fortresses to slay their quarry. It is said that Minoru’s retainers fear assassination by ninja in the service of rival clans so greatly that Minoru’s chambers are reside in a specially protected compound within his palace, and the only entrance is through an aviary, making it impossible for any assassins to sneak in unnoticed. Although open battle is not the ninja’s chosen arena, occasionally they are formed into small units of elite light infantry, where their skills can be utilised, to either capture towns or other built up areas, or assassinate enemy generals. In the first instance we class them as Ax (S) and in the second as Bd (X), because of their unorthodox weapons, such as bolas, lassoes and axes, fixed to chains and the effect these weapons can have on heavy cavalry. Nippon armies are capable of fielding other exotic and high quality warriors, such as warrior monks from the many martial temples in Nippon. Warrior monks fight unarmed and unarmoured, however their lifelong study of the martial arts still makes them fearsome opponents. They excel at fighting in broken terrain, but are susceptible to attack from heavy and medium cavalry, hence their classification as Ax (S). Town militias contribute troops in times of emergency. These are equipped with bamboo spears, wear little or no armour and are practised only at keeping line. They are uniformly poor quality and tend to run if it looks as though they will have to fight or at the first sign of trouble, which they tend to interpret very broadly. However they are not always used so the minima marked * only applies if any so marked are used. Nippon is a magical land populated by powerful spirits both good and evil. The most powerful of these are the Kamikaze – the divine winds that protect the coasts and shores of the islands from malevolent, hostile creatures and spirits. These spirits of air are so powerful that one is reputed to have destroyed a combined Hobgoblin and Dark Elf invasion fleet over 100 ships single-handed. They appear as giant typhoons, surrounding the ghostly appearance of a beautiful giant human form; they can appear as either male or female. Other powerful spirits include the Kirin, a union of the sea and air that resemble giant horses made from the winds, whose body merges with the air. Inland from the coastal areas dwell other spirits such as the Shen Lung; these oriental cloud dragons, live in the clouds that surround the high mountain peaks in the centre of the island. The Shen Lung are both benevolent and wise and some willingly join the samurai to participate in worthy quests or protect the islands from evil invaders. Hengankokai are spirits able to take on either human or animal form (such as foxes, wolves, and monkeys), or a cross between the two. Some are kind noble spirits others are evil and manipulative. We class them as Wb (F), because of their ferocity and their tendency to fight in loose swarms. The last group of spirits that inhabit the islands are less welcome - Oni, are evil spirits that that dwell in crude castles in the mountains of Nippon. More commonly known as oriental ogres, the Oni stand around 9’ tall and are heavily built, however it is their innate magical powers including those of invisibility and levitation that make them greatly feared and dangerous foes – hence classification of LHm (S). Greater Oni are larger and more powerful, standing around 14’ tall, which act as clan leaders, these too posses innate magical abilities – hence their classification of Gi (O). Many Nippon villages, towns and merchants are forced to pay tribute to Oni clans in the form of slaves, gold and food. However although evil, the Oni are a honourable race that abide by their own strict version of Bushido and there are many tales of indebted Oni fighting for Samurai lords. In his youth Lord Arisaka challenged the leader of an Oni clan named Tetsubo, who had been raiding his lands to single combat. If he lost Lord Arisaka agreed to pay a yearly tribute to the Oni for a decade, but if he won he demanded the clan give him military service for 10 years. In an epic duel Lord Arisaka slew Tetsubo and the clan honoured their word, serving Arisaka loyally for the decade, after which they reverted back to their old marauding ways and were crushed mercilessly by Arisaka’s armies. Nippon can call upon many newfound allies including those from The Amurru Empire, Khemet, Cathay, The High Elves, many Dwarven Realms, the Merchant states and even crusading forces sent by the Empire, Lyonesse and the Knights of the Sacred Flame. The Knights of this illustrious order have even set up a chapter on the Island under the protection of Arisaka and thus the Knights of the Sacred Flame count as a sub general if the Nippon army’s alignment is Good. Only 2 allies may be used at one time.

Chaos Hordes Alignment: Evil. Cold. Ag 4. WW, Rv, H(S), H(G), Wd, RGo, M, BUA. Page 56/35


C-in-C - Demon Prince - Irr FBe (D) @ 44Ap, Chaos Lord Irr Kn (R) @ 12Ap, or on Chaos Monster, or similar Irr FBe (D) @ 44Ap,

1.2 0-2 0-2 0-4 0-8 0-16 *4-16 *2-8 *0-20 *0-1/2 *0-16 8-40 *0-16 *0-12 0-4 0-1/2 0-4 0-6 0-6 0-8 0-20 0.6 0-16 0-20 0-16 0-4 0-6 0-1

Sub General – Chaos Lord Irr Kn (R) @ 12Ap, or Chaos Giant or Greater Demon – Irr Gi (D), or Beastman Lord Irr Wb (S), or Minotaur or Chaos Ogre Lord or similar – Irr LHm (S) Demon Princes Irr FBe (D) @ 44Ap Demon Lords – Irr Beh (D) Greater Demons Irr Gi (D) @ Lesser Demons Irr LHm (D) @ Chaos Familiars – Irr Hd (D) @ 2AP Chaos Knights - Irr Kn (D) @ 13Ap Chaos Warriors Irr Bd (S) or Irr Bd (D) @ 9Ap Chaos Reavers - Armed with hand weapons Irr Wb (D) @ 5AP Chaos Reavers - Armed with bows or crossbows, Irr Bw (D) @ 5AP Chaos Raiders – Irr Bd (F) @ 5AP or Irr Wb (F) @ 3AP Beastmen Irr Wb (S) @ 5Ap Chaos Dwarves – Irr Bd (R), or Irr Bw (O), or Irr Ps (O) (may support Dwarven Bd) Chaos Dark Elves – Irr Bd (R), or Irr Ps (O) (may support Dark Elf Bd), or witch elves Irr Wb (S) Chimeras, Jaberwocks, or Manticores - Irr Fl (D) @ 24Ap or Hippogriffs – Irr Fl (O) @ 20Ap Replace Chaotic Chimeras, Jaberwocks, or Manticores with Chaos ships – Irr FV (D) [Wb, Bw, Bd] Chaos Monsters – Basilisks, Hydras, Hooked beasts, etc – Irr Beh (O) Chaos Centaurs – Cv (C) or Lh (S) Chaos Spawnmutations – Irr Kn (X) Chaos Giants – Irr Gi (O) Chaos Minotaurs, Ogres, Trolls, lesser giants & similar Irr LHm (O) or (F) @ 7Ap or armoured (S) @ 11Ap Chaos Beast-masters - Chaos hounds, demonic wardogs & other similar creatures Irr Bst (D) @ 8Ap Chaos Orcs – Irr Wb (R) Chaos Goblins Irr Ax (I) @ 2Ap, or Irr Ax (O) @ 3Ap Chaos Goblin archers Irr Bw (I) @ 3Ap or Irr Ps (O) @ 2Ap (may support Ax) Chaos War Machines – Reg Art (I) or (O) up to half may be (S) Chaos Machineries of Destruction – Irr Exp (O) or Irr WWg (S) Chaos Alter Irr WWg (I) @ 2Ap.

Far to the north of the realms lay the dreaded frozen wastes of the artic. This inhospitable land is a place of powerful magic, where different planes of existence open and clash with one another releasing huge bursts of magical energy creating gateways to the lower planes of the 9 hells and the abyss. The magical energies released by this vortex have, over the years, resulted in the warping and mutation of huge tracts of land and the beings that dwell there, creating thousands of mutant creatures, who roam the wilderness spreading death and destruction in their wake. Alongside this chaos spawn walk powerful demons from the dark planes of the various hells and evil mortals, drawn to the region in a search for power, via unholy unions with the many evil and malign beings that dwell there. This is the Realm of Chaos and from these lands come the Chaos hordes, vast armies of demons, warriors of the dark gods, beastmen, and dreadful mutants, who burst onto the lands to the south like a devastating cyclone. No two Chaos armies the same, some are comprised solely of demons and beastmen, whilst others contain entire tribes of mutated giants, trolls and ogres. Not all armies include mortals, so the minima marked * only apply if any troops so marked are used. These forces are lead either by powerful chaos lords - mortal champions of the dark gods, demonic princes or other powerful beings, whose ancient names are known only by themselves and the gods of the abyss. The most feared servants of the dark gods are their demonic minions and chief among these are the demon princes, second only to the dark gods themselves in power and callousness. They are huge hideous creatures with giant leathery wings and horned bestial heads, carrying magical weapons of immense power. Other demonic servants include demon lords, and greater demons, giant towering beings that come in many terrifying forms as well as lesser demons, which range in size from those of a human to other’s as large as an ogre – all are deadly and are classed as Lhm (D), representing their ability to sweep aside all but the stoutest warriors with relative ease. Demonic familiars make up the last part of the demonic host. These small aggressive minor demons come in hundreds of different shapes and forms, standing between 2 and 3 feet tall. They are best represented as Hd (D) to reflect their fanatical nature, but relatively poor fighting abilities. The lure of Chaos attracts many mortals into its dark service as they search for power and wealth. The most dreadful of these are the Chaos knights armed with magical weapons of immense power and armoured in full plate armour decorated with spikes, skulls and other gruesome regalia. This armour, which is part of their very skin, is a gift from their dark gods. Chaos knights ride various dark steeds, such as demonic mounts, or chaos beasts and their charge is greatly feared. At the battle of Holmberg, Chaos knights broke the left flank of the Imperial army and at Khazak Darn they swept aside the Dwarven Hearthguard, killing King Azzanbuiller in the ensuing melee. Chaos Knights may dismount as Bd (D) or Bd (S). Other Chaos warriors are armed and armoured as the knights, but fight on foot. Those with mostly offensive mutations and demonic gifts such as scorpion tails are classed Bd (D), whilst those with defensive mutations – Iron hard skin, are classed as Bd (S). Page 57/35

Chaos Reavers are the more junior soldiers of the dark gods; they are fervent warriors, intent on proving their worth to their masters and becoming full Chaos warriors. Although armoured in full plate and mail and carrying a mix of hand weapons and two-handed weapons, they are classed as Wb (D), to represent their fanatical fervour and reliance on charges to overwhelm enemies. They usually have less mutations and dark gifts from the gods they serve than the more senior Chaos knights and warriors. The core of most Chaos armies is provided by beastmen, fearsome mutants nearly 7’ tall with the heads and hind legs of goats, rams and other evil forms; they are armed with crude but effective axes and polearms. We class them as Wb (S) to represent their fearsome charges and indifference to wounds coupled with their tactic of forming into large deep columns to withstand enemy mounted charges. Minotaurs are larger cousins of the beastmen, half man and half bull, but standing as tall as an ogre, with the strength and aggression to match! Many Barbarian raiders, Centaur tribes, Dwarven clans, Dark Elf raiding parties, and bands of orcs, goblins, giants, trolls and ogres dwell in or near the savage north and many of these have been mutated and driven mad by the warping effects of the chaos portals. These groups come together to form large chaos warbands and participate in an orgy of bloodletting and murder. All fight in their own native styles, but their mutations sometimes increase their fighting efficiency. Countless monsters and other creatures are found in the armies of the chaos lords including demonic and chaos hounds lead by chaos beastmasters, Basilisks, Manticores, Jaberwocks, and hippogriffs. These sport giant mutations, such as extra tails and heads or even molten skin and some are thus classed as (D), representing their formidable fighting capabilities and gruesome appearance. Some creatures have suffered so many mutations; they have warped out of all recognition. These Spawnmutations are grouped together in battle, they are terrifying to behold and fearsome in battle. Some have the torso, head and arms of a humanoid, but have bodies of scorpions, spiders or snakes; others have the legs of a goat and the head & body of a giant spider. They are best represented as Kn (X) because of their ability to break through formed infantry and fight off all but the most determined mounted charges. Chaos legions use many ingenious and terrible machineries of destruction, including giant war towers, pulled by chaos beasts – WWg (S), cannons, stone throwers and even organ guns, usually crewed by Chaos Dwarves – Art, and various carts fitted with flails, scythes and hammers, charged into the enemy to disrupt their formation – Exp. However the most important artefact of any chaos army is the sacred alter dedicated to the armies patron – either one of the dark gods, or powerful demon prince. Many evil forces are drawn to Chaos armies to share in the spoils of war and the ensuing slaughter, these include forces drawn from the Undead, Orcs & Goblins, Evil Barbarians, Dark Elves, Lizzardmen, Vampire Lords, Purple Wizards of Kamesh, Hobgoblins and Ratmen. Because of the close association of the Great Rat with the other Chaos gods, Ratmen count as Sub Generals.

UNDEAD LEGIONS 1 1-2 0-2 0-4 Up to ½ 0-6 6-16 0-6 0-16 0-8 8-40 -

Cnc – Reg Kn (SU) @ 35Ap Sub Generals – As above or Reg Bd (SU) @ 29Ap or Reg Sp (SU) @ 27Ap Undead Dragon, Manticore, wyvern or similar – Irr FBe (U) @ 36Ap Wraith Riders – Irr Fl (SU) @ 26Ap Replace Wraith riders with Spectral Ships – Irr FV (SU) Spectral Wraith knights or similar – Reg Kn (SU) @ 16Ap Undead Knights – Reg Kn (U) @ 12Ap Undead Chariots – Reg Kn (U) @11Ap Death Riders – Reg LH (U) @ 5Ap Wraith Guard – Reg Bd (SU) @ 11Ap or Reg Sp (SU) @ 8Ap Skeletal Warriors Armed with hand weapons, two handed weapons, halberds and similar – Reg Bd (U) @ 7AP or Reg Pl (U) @ 7AP

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0-1/4 0-8 4-24 0-1/2 4-16 8-40 0-8 0-8 0-8 0-4 0.4 0-4 0-4 0-4 0-4

Armed with spears – Reg Sp (U) @ 7Ap Regrade Skeletal Warriors to pike – Reg Pk (U) @ 4Ap Skeletal Javelinmen and light troops – Reg Ax (U) @ 4Ap Skeletal Archers and Crossbowmen – Reg Bw (U) @ 5Ap or Reg Ps (U) @ 2Ap Upgrade Skeletal Archers to Handgunners – Reg Art (X) @ 5Ap or Reg Ps (S) @ 3Ap Zombies – Irr Wb (U) Poorly armed or damaged skeletons and Zombies– Irr Hd (U) @ 1Ap Zombie Ogres, Trolls, or similar – Irr LHm (U) @ 8Ap Ghouls– Irr Wb (F) @ 3Ap Undead ogres, troll and similar – Irr Lhm (U) Raised Giants – Irr Gi (U) @ 10Ap up to half may be equipped with artillery Irr Gi (X) @ 22Ap Skeletal Elephants or similar – Irr El (U) @ 20AP up to half may be equipped with artillery Irr El (X) @ 22Ap Skull Throwers – Reg Art (O) @ 8Ap, up to half may be Reg Art (S) @ 10Ap Plague Carts – Reg WWg (U) @ 8Ap Ghost Ships – Irr Shp (U) @ 3Ap [Bd, Sp, Bw, Ax, Ps] Plague Galleys – Reg Gal (U) @ 3Ap [Bd, Sp, Bw, Ax, Ps]

Throughout the world exist powerful necromancers, able to summon the dead from their long sleep and commune with the evil spirits of the night - wights, wraiths, vampires and spectres. More fearsome still are the dreaded Liches, sorcerers and necromancers, that have forgotten they are dead, or undertaken horrific pacts with evil forces to escape death and live on in the twilight of the undead, never truly alive or dead, but lost in the grey misty realms of the living dead, an abomination against nature. These powerful mages usually dwell in dark places, such as mountain castles or forgotten dungeons, away from the searing pain of the light and interference of men and dwarves, wishing to be left to their own purposes. However, on occasion these powers wake from their studies or their slumber and go forth into the mortal world of men for purposes known only to themselves and the spirits with whom they commune; and if they feel the world of the living interferes with their designs they will not hesitate to use their tremendous powers, to summon armies from the dead, in order to achieve their goals. This list represents the armies of the undead to be found throughout the realms, including the lands of the Bonemarch. The Bonemarch is now a lifeless desert, dotted with the ruins of once great cities and tombs of powerful kings. It was once a great and beautiful land ruled by powerful mages and sorcerers. It is not known for certain what occurred to this region, but it is thought that its ruling wizards delved too deeply into the arcane arts of sorcery and the land and all its inhabitants were laid waste by a terrible accident or curse? Now the region is known as the Bonemarch, as it is said that only the dead dwell within its lands, cities and fortresses, hoping for trespassers to wander into their domain, so they too can be elevated to the ranks of the living dead and join them in their eternal misery. Even though this land is surrounded by evil legends there are those who travel into the Bonemarch in search of the fabulous treasures that lay there. However only a fraction of the adventurers that have ventured into the Bonemarch have returned and those who do are either driven insane by the horrors they have witnessed or refuse to talk of the terrifying things they have seen. However a little under half a century ago Kublor – a nephew of the Great Khan of the Hobgoblins, entered the Bonemarch at the head of a huge army of Orcs and Hobgoblins, in search of the fabulous wealth the legends spoke of. However no word was heard from him for over twenty years, until the city of Tarnet was sacked by a massive undead horde whose banners and shields bore the symbol of Kublor! Undead armies

THE LEONARDOS Alignment: Neutral. Warm. AG1. WW, Rv, H(S), H(G), O, V, E, M, Wd, Rd, RGo, BUA. 1 1-2 0-3 4-16 – – 0-8 2-8 4-12 0-2 2-8

Cnc – Reg Kn (S) @ 35Ap Sub General – Reg Kn (O) @ 32AP or Double based Reg Kn (I) @ 36AP, or Reg Cv (S) @ 30AP Ducal Guard – Reg Kn (S) @ 35AP Mercenary Knights Tolino Elmetti – Reg Kn (O) @ 12AP Imperial Armigeri - Double based Reg Kn (I) front-rank @ 10AP, rear-rank @ 8AP Heavy Mounted Pistolers – Reg Cv (S) @ 10AP Mounted Pistolers – Reg Lh (S) @ 7AP Stradiots – Reg Lh (O) @ 5AP Ducal Foot Guards – Reg Bd (S) @ 10AP Mercenary Halberdiers, Pistolers & Swordsmen - Reg Bd (O) @ 7AP or Reg Pl (O) @ 7AP Page 59/35

0-24 0-16 0-6 4-12 0-8 0-4 0-4 0-1 0-1 0-2 0-4 0-6 0-4 0-6 0-4 0-1 0-1 0-6

Mercenary Pikemen - Reg Pk (O) @ 4AP Mercenary Crossbow - Reg Bw (O) @ 5AP or Reg Ps (O) @ 2AP (may support Bd & Pk) Da Vinci gunners - Reg Art (R) @ 7AP Handgunners – Reg Art (X) @ 5AP Skirmishing Handgunners - Reg Ps (S) @ 3AP (may support Bd & Pk) Men of the flame (flame-thrower crew) -Reg Ps (X) @ 6AP Men of the bomb (grenadiers) - Reg Ps (X) @ 6 AP Heavy Cannon - Reg Art (S) @ 10AP Medium Cannon - Reg Art (O) @ 8AP Light Cannon - Reg Art (I) @ 4AP or Light Cannons Mounted on wagons - Reg Art (F) @ 10AP Leonardo Land Tanks - Reg WWg (R) @ 18AP Leonardo Warwagons – Reg WWg (O) @ 10 AP Leonardo Tripods - Irr Gi (S) - @ 16AP Air Ships - Irr FV (F) or Irr FV (S) @ 15AP [Bd, Art (X), Bw, Ps] Artillery – Reg Art (O) @ 8AP, up to half may be upgraded to Reg Art (S) @ 10Ap V1-n-cent - Irr Wb (S) @ 5AP Van-go (and the sunflowers) - Irr Wb (O) @ 3AP Galleys – Reg Gal (O) @ 3AP [Bd, Art (X), Bw, Ps]

The lands of Tolino, lay to the south of the Western Realms. Unlike the Empire or Lyonesse, Tolino is not a single country, but divided into a number of different states; each centred around one of the great cities of the peninsular. It is a wealthy, cultured land, a hub of commerce and trade. The Tolino merchant fleets ply the many seas, alongside the great trading navies of the Elves and this wealth has enabled them to build magnificent cities featuring some of the most splendid architectural feats of any human realm. Moreover the inhabitants of Tolino Apply the art of science to all aspects of their life and their engineers and artisans rival even the Dwarves. Foremost among these is the great Leonardo Da Vinci, a 300-year old artist, inventor and mathematician, whose days have been extended by the life-preserving potions he has created through his understanding of the arcane laws of alchemy. Leonardo is one of the greatest engineers and mathematicians of all time and is the only ever non-Dwarf to be admitted to the highly secretive Dwarven Alchemists and Engineers Guild. The Leonardo’s, as the other peoples of the western realms have christened the inhabitants of the Tolino city-states, also apply the principles of science to warfare and consequently all Tolino armies are created upon scientific lines. This has allowed the City-states to develop an almost bloodless form of warfare when fighting one another, as the force, which is, outmanoeuvred or outnumbered effectively cedes the battlefield to the other party in the stronger position. These bloodless victories and defeats are not so common when fighting non-Tolino armies, and a number of Leonardo reverses at the hands of orc war parties in the mountainous north of Tolino have been put down to the fact that “the orcs being unscientific as a race and in their Approach to warfare, were too stupid to realise they were beaten"- L.D. Vinci. Because of this scientific Approach to warfare, all Leonardo armies are well organised and drilled, with effective command structures. Kn (S) Cnc represent the ruler of a Tolino City-state and other Kn (S) elements represent their personal bodyguard. These Ducal Guards are of exceptional quality, fanatically loyal to their Duke and immensely skilled; if used they must be in the same command as the Cnc. Kn (O) generals represent other high-ranking Tolino nobles in the service of the Duke and Kn (I), mercenary commanders. Mercenaries make up a large number of troops in Leonardo armies; most notable of these are the mercenary knights. Tolino Elmetti are knights from Tolino itself, deployed in standard formations – Kn (O) whilst Imperial Armigeri are usually clumped together in deep clumsy wedges, with only the first rank or two fighting with lances, the remainder wielding maces swords, or even crossbows; they are classed as double-based Kn (I). All knights may dismount, Kn (S) & (O) as Bd (S) and Kn (I) as Bd (O). Other mercenary mounted troops include mounted pistolers, some of which are deployed in large deep groups firing by rotation Cv (S), with others being deployed in loose swarms and acting as skirmishers Lh (S). Cv (S) may dismount as Art (X). However the main light cavalry type used by the Leonardo’s are the Stradiots, armed with light lance and shield, or light mail and mace. These units, whilst highly effective are notorious for looting the enemy baggage train and then disappearing off into the distance. The Dukes’ also posses small standing regiments of foot guards, entrusted to maintain their palaces and villas, and protect members of the Ducal family. These units are equipped similarly to a dismounted knight, with full-plate mail and are armed with polearms or two-handed swords; they are consequently graded as Bd (S). Mercenaries provide the majority of the other infantry units and chief among these are Pikemen, Halberdiers, Swordsmen and Pistolers. All are heavily armed and armoured, with the pistolers equipped with a combination of pistols and swords, hence their classification ad Bd (O). The Leonardo’s are able to deploy large numbers of missile troops including crossbowmen and handgunners, which can be deployed in large formations emphasising shooting or smaller skirmishing units. The Leonardo’s are also able to field large numbers of Da Vinci handgunners; these are heavy rifle teams, comprising of 2-men and a large jezzail-like weapon, plus elite light infantry units equipped with grenades and even flame throwers! However the most impressive weapons within the Leonardo’s arsenal are huge war machines, which they are able to deploy in incredibly large numbers. The most fearsome of these are the Land tanks, mechanical War wagons, with huge cannons mounted on turrets, able to kill a dragon with a single shot! And Tripods, huge 3-legged mechanical beasts, which are graded as Irr because 1 - their unstable nature, 2 – they are very difficult to control and 3 - their large and impressive size often makes their pilots overly aggressive, as they feel completely invulnerable. Page 60/35

Other war machines include more common war wagons, a large range of artillery, the famous Leonardo Air Galleys and the mechanical Hero - V1-n-cent, which is controlled via an umbilical line connected to a joystick. Vincent is extremely hard to control and no matter how hard they try the Tolino men cannot win the annual ‘joystick’ games, the winner of which is given control of V1-n-cent in the following year’s battles. The reigning games champion of three years is a ten-year-old boy called Bobby Van-go. In battle bobby is protected by his own fanatical bodyguard - the sunflowers, and if Vincent is used then Vango and the sunflowers are a compulsory rear rank. The Leonardo’s believe that all magic is "only an accidental Application of science by the ignorant passed down through the generations or achieved with mirrors or hypnosis"- L.D. Vinci. Consequently, the Leonardo’s may not purchase magi of archmages rank. Also their attitude towards magic has landed them in trouble once or twice, when for instance they encounter the business end of a Dragon or get turned to goo by a Mage. The Leonardo’s are constantly squabbling among themselves and fighting the evil races threatening their cities and trading interests and are able to field allied contingents from the High Elves, Wood Elves, Dwarves, Lyonesse, The Empire The Knights of the Sacred Flame and Merchant States against these foes. Only 2 allies may be used at any one time.

VAMPIRE LORDS Alignment: Evil. Cold. Ag 2. WW, Rv, H(S), H(G), Wd, RGo, Rd, V, O, M, BUA. 1 1-2 1-4 0-1 0.5 2-8 2-12 8-24 2-12 0-10 0-4 0.8

Cnc – Reg Kn (SU) @ 35Ap Sub general – as above Vampiric Knights and Goulish retainers – Reg Kn (SU) @ 15Ap The Red Dragon – Irr FBe (S) @ 44Ap Giant Vampiric Bats – Irr Fl (X) @ Ap, or Vampires on Vampiric Beasts Irr Fl (SU) @ 26Ap Red Dragon Guard- ½ with pistols Reg Cv (S) @ 10Ap, ½ with lances and Crossbows – Reg Cv (O) @ 8Ap Raised Boyars – Reg Kn (U) @ 12Ap or in wedge - Double based Reg Kn (I) front-rank @ 10AP, rear-rank @ 8AP Viteji – up to 1/3 Irr LH (O) @ 5Ap remainder Irr LH (F) @ 4Ap, or raised Irr LH (U) @ 5Ap Vlak Cavalry – Irr LH (S) @ 12Ap Dire Wolves & Werewolves – Irr Bst (S) @ 9Ap Vampires, wights, ghosts, spectres, and similar – Reg Bd (SU) @ 10Ap Giant Wulfen – Irr LHm (F) @ 8Ap Page 61/35

0-4 0-16 6-24 0-1/4 4-16 0-6 0-16 4-16 4-12 0-8 4-16 0-4 0-1 0-2 0-6

Giant Wulfen with Bolt Throwers – Reg Art (R) @7Ap Wolfmen or Ghouls – Irr Wb (F) @ 3Ap Skeleton Warriors – Reg Pl (U) @ 7Ap or Reg Bd (U) @ 7Ap or Reg Sp (U) 5Ap Regrade Skeletal Warriors to pike – Reg Pk (U) @ 5AP Skeleton Archers and Crossbowmen – Reg Bw (U) @ 5Ap or Reg Ps (U) @ 2Ap, (may support Bd (SU), (U) or Sp (U)) Upgrade Skeleton Archers to Red Dragon Guard – Reg Bw (S) @ 7Ap Zombies – Irr Wb (U) Raised Voynuks, Rustici and other undead foot such as poorly armed or damaged skeletons – Irr Hd (U) @ 1Ap Gypsies – Irr Ax (O) @ 3Ap Gypsy archers and crossbowmen (may support Gypsy Ax) – Irr Ps (O) @ 2Ap Transvaalian Archers – Irr Bw (I) @ 3Ap, or Irr Ps (O) @ 2Ap, upgrade up to ½ as shielded to Irr Bw (O) @ 4Ap Warwagons – Reg WWg (U) @ 10Ap Coffin Bearer – Irr WWg (I) @ 2Ap Artillery – Reg Art (S) @ 10Ap Earthworks to protect artillery – TF

The Transvaal is a mountainous region east of The Empire; it is a desolate land whose hills are covered in thick impenetrable forests, dotted with small hamlets and ominous castles. Here dwell the Dracule – the Vampire Lords, and there undead, lycanthrope, and human minions. Originally the Dracule were a prominent Imperial family, but a little over 500 years ago the head of this great house - Prince Drachen, was seduced by an ancient Vampire. The Prince then attempted to take control of the realm, by turning many of the great nobles into Vampires and elevating them to prominent positions within the regional and imperial governments. However Drachen’s plot was uncovered and the Dracule – as his Vampiric coterie became known, were driven from the lands of the Empire in a bloody civil war. The Dracule then fled to the Transvaal, turning this frontier province into a formidable realm of darkness, summoning necromancers, weres, and undead of all descriptions to their banner and enslaving the local population, subjecting them to a living nightmare. The armies of the vampire lords are incredibly formidable, incorporating Vampiric, undead, lycanthrope and even human troops, ruthlessly commanded by the Vampire Lord’s themselves. They have not only driven back numerous crusades sent against them by the Empire, the Knights of the Sacred Flame and the combined forces of the Eternal Alliance, but they have greatly expanded their domain through a clever combination of political intrigue and force of arms. The most fearsome arm of the Dracule army are the Vampiric knights and their ghoulish retainers, mounted on Vampiric horses, or even Vampiric flying beasts, both of which can only be sustained by regularly feeding on living flesh! The former Transvaal nobility and gentry - who have been raised as undead knights since they were slaughtered after the initial Dracule invasion, support these Vampiric knights; they are either deployed in standard formations or in deep clumsy wedges. The elite cavalry of the Dragon Guard – evil and sadistic humans in the service of the Vampires, with the hope that one day they will be elevated to the ranks of the living dead are used as elite medium cavalry, charged with chasing off enemy skirmishing cavalry and protecting the flanks of the knights. Other mounted forces are made up from local Transvaal light cavalry units, which include horse archers, light lancers, and the elite Vlak cavalry armed with a combination of both. As well as these human light cavalry formations the Vampire lords regularly raise the corpses of their own dead and those of their enemies to further bolster their ranks! The Vampire Lords make great use of undead soldiers to strengthen the size of their armies. These include very powerful undead such as wights, wraiths, spectres, banshees, as well as the vampires themselves, plus lesser undead, including skeletal guards (armed with varying weapons and armour, entrusted with crewing the bombards, and sometimes mounted on skeletal warwagons, which occasionally are made out of bone!), ferocious flesh eating zombies and ghouls and less competent foot such as raised peasants (Voynuks and Rustici), or badly damaged skeletons and zombies. In addition to these huge undead legions the vampire lords are able to call upon the services of entire tribes of weres, and wolf packs including dire wolves and werewolves. Dire wolves are fearsome, super intelligent, giant wolves standing over 6’ at the shoulder. When grouped together in large packs the dire wolves generate an impenetrable mist, enabling their vampire masters to roam in broad daylight. Werewolves are the most powerful of all the lycanthropes, able to change fully into the shape of a giant wolf, similar in size and stature to dire wolves; both are incredibly fierce and are known to be able to crush a mounted knight with a single bite from their vice-like jaws, tipped with teeth as strong as steel. Other Shapechangers include wolfmen, lycanthropes, able to change into a form roughly halfway between that of a man and a wolf and still capable of carrying weapons, such as spears and axes, which they use in addition to their ferocious maws. The last of the lycanthropes are the Wulfen, which are probably the most dreaded of all the wolfkin. Resembling giant wolfmen standing over 10’ tall! Armed with giant axes and other massive crushing, cutting and thrusting weapons, these fell beasts make terrifying adversaries. Some Wulfen are armed with crossbows, which are similar in size to light bolt throwers, hence the classification of Art (R).

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As well as these lycanthropes the Vampire Lords employ numerous beasts and monsters including giant bats, Vampiric steeds and Vampiric beasts. However the most powerful of all the monsters in the service of the Dracule is the Red Dragon, summoned by Prince Drachen and bound to serve him and his line for all of eternity. The final part of the Vampire Lords’ army is made up from their human servants and serfs. Chief among these are the elite soldiers of the Red Dragon Guard, entrusted with the protection of the Dracule’s chief castles and coffins, which are carried on campaign by special wagons and coaches. Aside from this elite regiment, the gypsies are longest serving and most trusted human servants of the Vampire Lords, acting as spies and agents for their undead masters. In battle the gypsies provide large numbers of reliable light infantry, armed with either light javelins and shields, or bows and crossbows. Other archers are provided by less willing Transvaal peasants, deployed in either large regiments emphasising shooting or smaller detachments of skirmishers. The Vampire Lords can call upon the assistance of many evil powers, willing to assist them in their quest for power and dominance, including Orc clans, Ratmen clans, Chaos Lords, Beastmen, Wolfmen and other Undead lords. However the Dracule have struck very close alliances with both the Dark Elves and the Hobgoblins and allied contingents from these races count as sub generals, so long as only one ally is used. If 2 are used then they count as allied generals. Only 2 allies may be used at any one time.

Purple Wizards of Kamesh Alignment: Evil. Dry. Ag 3. WW, Rv, H(G), H (S), O, RGo, Rd, D, BUA, E, M. 1 CNC – Reg Kn (S) [chariot] @ 34AP, or Reg Cv (S) @ 30AP 1.2 Sub Generals – As above 0-5 Qurbuti Guard Hieraco-Sphynx Riders – Irr Fl (D) @ 2-Ap 4-9 Qurbuti Guard Chariots – Reg Kn (S) [chariot] @ 14AP, or Reg Kn (O) @ 11AP 4-10 Qurbuti Guard Cavalry – Reg Cv (S) @ 10AP, or Reg Cv (O) @ 8AP 2-12 Qurbuti Guard Infantry – Reg Sp (O) @ 5AP 1 per Sp (O) Qurbuti Guard Auxiliaries – Reg Ps (O) @ 2AP (may support Guard Sp) Any Light Chariots to mount Guard foot - @ 1AP 0-4 Purple Wizard Acolytes – Irr Wb (F) @ 3AP 0-6 Assassins – Reg Ax (S) @ 5AP 0-8 Caravan Guards and Nomad Camelry – Irr Cm (O) @ 6AP *10-48 Militia Archers – Irr Bw (I) @ 3Ap, or Irr Ps (O) @ 2Ap *0-28 Upgrade Militia Archers to Line Infantry – Reg Bw (X) @ 7Ap, or Reg Bw (O) @ 5Ap, or 3Ap if Page 63/35

rear rank to Bw (X) *0-12 Light Infantry of the Line – ½ Reg Ax (O), ½ Reg Ps (O) (may support Ax (O)) *0-20 Reserves & Emergency Levy – Irr Hd (O) @ 1AP **All/0 Downgrade Cnc and Sub-generals to Lizardmen or Orc – Irr Kn (R) @22APif Lizardmen, Irr Cv (S) or Irr Kn (F) @ 19AP if Orc **Any Downgrade Sub-generals to Lizardmen or Orc – Irr Kn (R) @22APif Lizardmen, Irr Cv (S) or Irr Kn (F) @ 19AP if Orc **0-6 Lizardmen Raptor Riders – Irr Kn (R) @ 14AP **2-12 Ogre Guards – Irr LHm (S) @ 12Ap **0-8 Orc Wolf Riders – Irr Cv (S) @ 9Ap or Irr Kn (F) @ 9AP **4-16 Orc & Goblin Light Wolf Riders – Irr LH (O) @ 5AP, or Irr LH (F) @ 4AP **0-8 Black Orcs & Lizardmen ‘Head Hunters’ – Irr Wb (S) @ 5AP **4-30 Orc & Lizardmen Warriors – Irr Wb (R) @ 4AP, up to 1/3 Irr Bd (F) @ 5AP **0-8 Orc & Lizardmen Archers – Irr Bw (O) @ 4AP **6-24 Goblin & lesser Lizardmen Warriors – Irr Ax (I) @ 2AP, up to half my be Irr Ax (O) @ 3AP **6-20 Goblin & lesser Lizardmen Archers – Irr Bw (I) @ 3AP or Irr Ps (O) @ 2AP (may support goblin & Lizardmen Ax) **4-16 Goblin & lesser Lizardmen Levy – Irr Hd (O) @ 1AP 0-4 War Towers – Reg WWg (S) @ 14AP 0-4 Bronze Golems – Irr Gi (S) @ 16Ap 0-4 Stone Golems – Irr Gi (O) @ 12Ap 0-1 Basilisk – Irr Be (O) @ 24Ap 0-1 Giant Manticore – Irr FBe (O) @ 36Ap 0-2 Stone Throwers – Reg Art (S) @ 10Ap 0-4 War ships – Irr Sh (S) [Bw, Ax, Ps] The Purple wizards have undergone a meteoric ascent to power over the last century, rising from an obscure order of sorcerers to one of the major powers of the near-eastern realms. The order has existed for may hundreds of years, but only arrived in Kamesh some 120 years ago, whereupon the head f the order - Shamashi-Adim quickly became vizier to the ruling Prince. Over the next few years Shamashi-Adim weaved an intricate web of deception, manipulating and coercing high-ranking city officials, commanders of the Qurbuti Guards and the wealthiest merchant lords to undermine the rule of the prince and firmly establish his own power base. Within 12-years the Prince was effectively a prisoner in his own palace and his trusted guards his jailers. The Prince then passed away from a mystery illness, which engulfed the entire royal court, enabling Shamashi-Adim to replace royal authority with a ruling council made up of high-ranking members of the order of the Purple Wizards, city officials, leading merchant houses and the army. Very quickly however, control of the council came under the sole grip of the wizards, with the other factions being slowly fazed out and to this day the ‘Purple Council’, as this body has come to be known, governs Kamesh and her many dominions, though the Army and merchants’ are still important groups within Kamesh society. After establishing their control over the wealthy trading city of Kamesh, the Purple Wizards quickly focused their attentions on the other rich merchant cities, neighbouring the ancient metropolis. Through a complex network of spy’s and agents Shamashi-Adim was able to coerce, threaten and bribe various orc, lizardmen, ogre, giant and other humanoid clans to carry out attacks on these cities and the merchant caravans that are their life-blood. Eventually the Purple Wizards forged these diverse groups into a massive horde, which swept through the cities of the Purple-Coast killing and pillaging as they went. However, even at this stage the cities of the region and even the vast majority of this huge evil host did not realise the Purple Wizards directed this army; so when Shamashi-Adim of Kamesh, one of the only cities that had miraculously escaped the attacks, offered to help the beleaguered cities they readily jumped at the offer and even helped fund the expansion of the Kamesh army to fight the invaders! However they were betrayed by Shamashi-Adim the ‘Great Deceiver’ and the forces of Kamesh and the humanoid host conquered the region on behalf of the Purple Wizards. This list represents the armies of the Purple Wizards - human, non-human and mixed from the foundation of the ‘Purple Council’ under the leadership of Shamashi-Adim to the present. The Army is made up of 4 tiers – the Qurbuti Guards, the human forces of Kamesh and the other cities and lands under the dominion of the Purple Wizards, various Orc, Lizardmen, ogre and giant clans in the service of the Great Deceiver and lastly the order of the Purple Wizards themselves and their magical thralls. The Qurbuti guards are an elite corps of soldiers originally in the service of the Prince of Kamesh, who quickly switched their allegiance to the Purple Wizards, becoming their main instrument of terror. These were greatly expanded after the conquest of the other cities, from the remnants of these cities’ guard regiments. Those who were not thought loyal enough for the new order were executed with other ‘undesirables’ in the great purges that followed the conquest, or sold into slavery alongside thousands of civilians. The remainder were broken up and reassigned to new Qurbuti regiments. The first arm of this elite army are the most powerful warriors riding the dreaded Hieraco-Sphynx – a smaller evil relative of the Great Sphynx, resembling a hippogriff. Alongside these fearsome flyers are the heavy chariot brigades and cavalry regiments, armed with a mixture of bows and spears and wearing a mixture of heavy felt, leather and laminated iron armour. Both the chariots and the cavalry regiments may dismount – the former as Bw (X) and the latter as Bw (O). Foot guards are armoured similarly to the cavalry units and armed with long spears, with each guard Page 64/35

company Sp (O) being supported by an auxiliary archer company Ps (O). Sometimes these units are carried in light chariots in order for them to keep up with the equestrian guard formations. The Guards also provide the army’s senior officers – (general elements), and these may control Qurbuti, human and nonhumans. The human inhabitants of Kamesh and the other dominions of the Purple Wizards provide the second part of the army. Most of these are poorly trained, poorly motivated and poorly equipped troops - Bw (I) & Hd (O), whose martial skills have been left to decline on purpose as their loyalty to the new order is suspect. Others however, whose loyalty is more reliable are trained and equipped to a high degree. These Line Infantry regiments are of excellent quality, they are made up of heavy archer formations Bw (O), sometimes supplemented by a front-rank of spearmen Bw (X); or light infantry units, ½ equipped with light javelins Ax (O), ½ with bows Ps (O) and trained to fight together. The Purple Wizards can also call upon other reliable units including companies of nomads used to guard merchant caravans, which we class as Bedouin, plus War Towers and stone-throwing artillery. However nonguard human regiments are not always present and so the minima marked * only Applies if any troops so marked are used. The Purple Wizards have dozens of orc, Lizzardmen, ogre and giant clans in their service. The option to regrade all the generals as nonhuman simulates the period when the Great Deceiver used these nonhuman legions to clandestinely attack the cities neighbouring Kamesh. If this option is used then Qurbuti or other human elements may not, nor can the Basilisk, or any Golems. However the Giant Manticore, a huge version of the already fearsome Manticore may be used, as this terrible beast was present in a number of battles, including the sack of Nur-Immar. War Towers may also be present in the army, but in this instance they should be crewed by orcs and lizardmen, not humans! Later Kamesh armies sometimes include large numbers of nonhumans, but not always, so the minima marked ** only Applies if any troops so marked are used. When these nonhuman clans are deployed they are sometimes lead by their own chieftains, hence the option to downgrade sub-generals to lizardmen or orc. If purchased these generals may only control nonhuman troops. Nonhuman formations are a mixture of orcs, goblins, lizardmen, ogres and giants, all fighting in their own native styles. The most noteworthy of these units are the fearsome lizardman raptor riders – which are classed as Camels for terrain purposes, the dreaded ‘Head Hunters’ – exceptionally large black orcs and lizardmen grouped into mixed units, who take their name from the gruesome way in which they were promoted – on the number of heads collected in battle! And the ogre guards, who have increasingly come to act as bodyguards for the Purple Wizards. Lastly the Purple Wizards can field a large number of magical creatures and monsters in their army. These include the Basilisk of Hattusili a giant snake-like beast with eight legs, capable of turning anyone it views into stone! If used the Basilisk must be double depth and width and must purchase a ranged attack (petrifaction). Other beasts include fearsome Giant Manticores, mentioned above and a large number of golems - magically animated giant Bronze and Stone statues, of tremendous power, as well as acolytes and assassins of the order of the Purple Wizards. The former are armed with a mixture of daggers and minor magical spells, such as wards of protection and magical missiles, and so are classed as Wb (F), as this also simulates their fanatical zeal; and the latter as Ax (S) to simulate their excellent mobility and their ability to ambush, and overwhelm most enemies in difficult terrain such as woods or built up areas like castles and palace compounds. The Purple Wizards can call upon a range of allies including Orcs, Hobgoblins, Dark Elves, Beastmen and Undead. They also have periodic alliances with the Stygians, however these two powers are eying each other increasingly as potential threats as their rivalry threatens to spiral into armed conflict.

Amurru Empire Alignment: Good. Cold. Ag 3. WW, Rv, H(G), O, V, RGo, Rd, D, BUA. 1 1-3 0-2 0-4 6-14 2-12 0-4 0-8 0.8 0.8 0-16 6-12 0-6 6-16 0-20 *0-1

CNC – Reg Kn (S) [chariot] @ 34AP, or Reg Cv (S) @ 30AP Sub general – as above Lamasu – Irr FBe (O) @ 36Ap Winged Chariots of Ashburnipal – Irr Fl (S) @ 24Ap Kisir Sharruti Guard Chariots – Reg Kn (S) [chariot] @ 14AP, or Reg Kn (O) [chariot] @ 11AP Kisir Sharruti Guard Heavy Cavalry – Reg Cv (S) @ 10AP, or Reg Cv (O) @ 8AP Kisir Sharruti Guard Light Cavalry – Reg LH (F) @ 4AP Kisir Sharruti Guard Kallpani – ½ Reg Mtd Ax (S) @ 6AP, ½ Reg Mtd Ps (O) @ 3AP Kisir Sharruti Foot Guards Royal Guards – ½ All Reg Sp (O) @ 5AP or All Reg Sp (S) @ 7AP, ½ Reg Ps (O) @ 2AP Light Guards – ½ Reg Ax (S) @ 5AP ½ Reg Ps (O) @ 2AP Heavy Guards – ½ Reg Bd (F) @ 7AP, ½ Reg Ps (O) @ 2AP Infantry of the Battle Array – ½ Reg Ax (O) @ 4AP, ½ Reg Ps (O) @ 2AP Upgrade Ax (O) above to elite regiments of the Sabe Dannatie – Reg Ax (S) @ 5AP Kingsman Infantry – ½ Irr Ax (O) @ 3Ap, ½ Irr Ps (O) @ 2AP Reserve of the Battle Array – Reg Ax (I) @ 3Ap, or Reg Ps (O) @ 2AP Replace Sub general with Eastern Elf Shagulate Sub general – Reg Kn (E) [Chariot] @32AP Page 65/35

*0-4 *2-12 *8-24 **0-1 **0-1 **6-20 **0-4 **0-4 0-4 0-8 0-3 0-1

Replace Guard chariots with Eastern Elves of the Shagulate War Chariots – Reg Kn (E) [Chariot] @12AP Eastern Elves of the Shagulate Horse Archers – Reg Lh (F) @ 4AP Eastern Elves of the Shagulate Up to half armed with bows – Reg Bw (S) Up to half armed with spears – All Reg Sp (R), or All Reg Sp (O) Up to half armed with swords – Reg Bd (R) @ 8AP Up to half skirmishers – Reg Ps (O) @ 2Ap (may support Elven Sp & Bd) Replace Sub general with Eastern Dwarf Shagulate sub general – Reg Bd (R) @ 28AP Eastern Dwarves of the Shagulate archers supporting sub general – Reg Ps (O) @ 2AP Eastern Dwarves of the Shagulate – Reg Bd (R) @ 8AP, up to half supporting archers Reg Ps (O) @ 2AP Eastern Dwarf War Towers – Reg WWg (S) @ 14AP Eastern Dwarf Stone Throwers & Bolt Throwers – Reg Art (S) @ 10Ap or Reg Art (O) @ 8AP Bronze & Stone Golems – Irr Gi (S) @ 16Ap Lesser Bronze & Stone Golems – Irr LHm (S) @ 12Ap Warships – Irr Sh (S) [Ax, Ps] Standard of Ashburnipal – Reg WWg (I) @ 3AP

The Amurru Empire was founded thousands of years ago by the God-King Ashburnipal and the Lamasu, a magical race of benevolent creatures of immense power. It is said that Ashburnipal taught the art of writing to the early humans of the region and gave them many of the gifts of civilisation such as agriculture and architecture, forging the disparate ethnic groups into a strong and just realm, where all government was based on the rule of law. His wisdom and teachings also attracted the older races - Elves and Dwarves to the Kingdom, creating a flourishing culture, unique throughout all the realms. To this day the Amurru Empire, as the kingdom of Ashburnipal would latter be called, is ruled by Ashburnipal’s direct descendent Shalmaneser III – a mage of tremendous power, who at 500 years old is thought to be the oldest demi-human alive, and its many bustling cities and bountiful lands are still home to large numbers of Men, Dwarves and Elves. The Empire is governed by the High King and the star council made up of the realm’s leading nobles and wisest advisers, including Dwarven and Elven lords and if the rumours are correct no fewer than 5 Lamasu! This figure is hard to confirm as the Lamasu are a magical race, who posses the ability to take on the form of a human; however, the King’s chief adviser Sennekherib is thought to be one of them. In their true form they resemble a giant winged bull with a human head, usually sporting a perfectly curled beard, identical to the Amurru nobles. They are very powerful creatures, nearly 20’ high and 40’ long, which occasionally accompany the armies of the Empire, if engaged against particularly evil or powerful foes. This list represents the army of the Amurru Empire, from its formation up to the present day. The empire is socially very diverse; comprising humans, dwarves and elves, and the Imperial army makes no attempt to homogenise these disparate groups, but allows for each to flourish in its own traditional style. Consequently the army boasts regiments of Human charioteers, Elven archers and Dwarven close-order foot, making it a very formidable force. The army is usually drawn up into 4 divisions, each commanded by a senior Kisir-Sharruti (royal guard), or Shagulate (Elven or Dwarven foreign legion) officer. The heart of the Amurru army is centred on the Corps of royal guards – the Kisir Sharruti, a huge army within an army made up of various specialist divisions. Foremost among theses are the 4 man winged chariot companies, made up of magical flying horses bred from Ashburnipal’s own stables and crewed by the most honourable warriors in the Empire. Next are the Guard chariot regiments, with either 3 or 4 crew, armed with spears and bows and used to charge fiercely into the enemy and cause maximum disruption. Alongside the chariots are the elite light and heavy cavalry formations, equipped with spears and bows and wearing leather, iron and felt armour. The light cavalry regiments are used primarily for scouting and skirmishing, whilst the heavies are deployed to support the chariots and guard their flanks. The Amurru army also use a large number of vehicle mounted elite light infantry, Kallapani, whose role is to support the equestrian formations, plus a number of specialist foot guard units. First among these are the royal guards, which act as personal bodyguards to the royal family. Half are equipped with heavy spears and long shields covering the body and half with short bows; both wear full laminated iron armour, covered by richly designed silk robes. The other guard regiments are made up of tough veterans, with many years experience. The light guards are equipped with either light javelins and shields or light bows and the heavies with both sword and shield or light bows. All wear half-body armour of laminated iron or felt; the light guards emphasise mobility, whilst the heavy guards act as fast-moving close-order foot. All guard Ps may support their respective guard foot elements – Ax, Sp, and Bd. The infantry of the Battle Array represent the soldiers of the army’s line regiments. These are drilled to a high standard and equipped in a similar fashion to the light Guards. On campaign it is common for the line regiments to be assigned to garrison duty, protecting strategic bridges, supply camps and other important lines of communication. In this instance the line regiments are replaced in the field army by the elite regiments of the Sabe Dannatie, a corps of veteran infantry formations, usually deployed on the Empire’s troublesome borders. They are equipped identically to the Line Regiments, but are considered as Ax (S). Other infantry regiments are supplied by Kingsman volunteers, which are not drilled to as high a standard as the line regiments and are therefore not deserving of regular status, and the reserves of the battle array, which are made up of older warriors and are only called upon in times of emergency, or to act as garrisons for cities usually protected by front-line regiments, when these are serving with the field army. All of these units are equipped identically to the line regiments and all Ps (O) companies can support their respective Ax companies. Page 66/35

The Amurru Empire can also call upon considerable Elven and Dwarven contingents, which make up the corps of the Shagulate, or foreign legion – an epitaph that goes back to the early days of the Empire, when the Elves and Dwarves were new arrivals in the land and considered as honoured guests. Now these races are part of the very fabric of Amurru society and although the 3 races still fight in their own separate regiments, these regiments are grouped into mixed divisions under a unified command structure, which includes senior Elven and Dwarven commanders. Consequently Human, Elven and Dwarven troops may be commanded by Human, Elven or Dwarven generals and the rules for Elven and Dwarven animosity do not apply. The Elves of the Shagulate contribute archers – both skirmishers and larger bodies of formed troops, charioteers, horse archers and close order infantry to the army. All are drilled to perfection and heavily armed and armoured, wearing flowing richly decorated silk robes in the near-eastern Amurru fashion, but fighting in their own native style hence the large numbers of (S), (R) & (E) class troops. The Dwarves are similarly attired, wearing finely woven Amurru robes and sporting beards and hair curled in the near-eastern fashion. The majority of Dwarven troops are axe armed heavy infantry with supporting archers, but they also provide specialist units, such as War-Towers and artillery to the army. Amurru is a magical realm where nearly all of the great nobles are powerful sorcerers, and the very buildings are imbued with magical powers. Consequently many of the great statues of Bronze and Stone can be animated and brought to life and some of these go off to war with the cities’ other forces. The royal palace is one such place where over 300 statues ranging from those slightly larger than life size to other that stand over 60’ can be magically animated by the high king and members of the star council to combat any threat! The Amurru can call upon many allies including those from neighbouring Khemet, the Shaka to the south, the dwarves and even crusading armies sent by the Knights of the Cleansing Flame, the Leonardo’s and even the Empire. It has also been known for the Saurian Empire to supply troops to fight alongside the armies of Amurru Empire, to counter serious threats posed by sand orc or lizardman hordes. However their main allies are still the High and wood elves, whose generals count at sub generals.

CATHAY – THE JADE EMPIRE 1 1.2 0.1 0-1 0.1 0-4 0-1 0-2 0.6 4-16 Any *4-16 4-16 0.12 0-6 8-40 Any 0-1/2 6-30 0-1/2 0.16 0-10

CNC – Reg Kn (R) or Reg Kn (F), or Reg Kn (X) Sub Generals – as above Cathay Ally General T’ien Lung (Oriental Spirit Dragon) – Irr FBe (A) Chiang Lung (Oriental Wind Dragon) – Irr FBe (O) Duroch ‘i-lin – Irr Fl (S) Shirokinakotsukami – Irr Beh (O) War Elephants – Irr El (O) Celestial Lion Riders of the Imperial Guard – Reg Kn (R) Cathay Cataphracts – Reg Kn (F), Reg Kn (X), Downgrade Cathay Cataphracts to provincial – Irr Kn (F) or Irr Kn (X) Cathay, Nomadic Mercenary or Tang-inyago (Oriental Elves) Heavy Cavalry – Reg Cv (S) or Reg Cv (O) Cathay or Tang-inyago (Oriental Elves) Horse archers – Reg Lh (F) or Nomadic Horse Archers – Irr Lh (F) Nomadic Mercenary Light Cavalry – Reg Lh (S) or Irr Lh (S) “Dare-to-Die” Troops – Irr Bd (F), Irr Ps (S), or Irr Ps (X) Cathay Infantry – Reg Bd (I) Reg Pl (I), Irr Bd (I), Irr Pl (I), or Reg Sp (I) Upgrade Cathay infantry to seasoned troops or Imperial Guard – Reg Sp (O), Reg Pl (F), or Reg Bd (F) Upgrade Cathay infantry to Korobokuru (Oriental Dwarves) – Reg Bd (O) Cathay Archers and Crossbowmen – Reg Bw (O), Reg Bw (I) or Reg Ps (O) (may support Cathay, Korobokuru, Men-Shun or Imperial Guard Infantry) Upgrade Cathay Archers and Crossbowmen to Tang-inyago (Oriental Elves) – Reg Bw (E) Pu She Archers and Crossbowmen – All Reg Bw (X), All Irr Bw (X), All Reg Bw (O), or All Irr Bw (O) Cathay Handgunners – Reg Sh (I) Page 67/35

0-10 0-1/2 Any 0-6 Any **8-20 0-12 0-4 0-8 0-8 0-2 0-6 0-4 0-2 0-2 0-8 0-4 0-4 0-4

Light Guns & Rocketeers – Reg Art (I) Upgrade Rocketeers to multiple Rocket launchers mounted on carts – Reg Art (O) Upgrade Light Guns and Rocketeers to Bombards – Reg Art (S) War Wagons – Reg WWg (O) Horses to mount Regular Infantry Disaffected Infantry – Irr Hd (O) Tuang tribesmen – Irr Ax (O) or Irr Ps (O) (may support Tuang Ax) Southern Tribal Archers – Irr Bw (I) or Irr Ps (O) WarriorMonks – Irr Ax (S) Men-Shun (Celestial Guardians) – Reg Bd (S) Hsien-Shun (Celestial Champions) – Irr Gi (S) Go-Zu-Shun (Celestial Soldiers) – Irr LHm (S) Ningyago – (Nature spirit – stone) – Irr LHm (O) rocky going good, moderately bogy difficult Baelyago – (Nature spirit – Water) – Water Elemental Tienyago – (Nature spirit – tree) – Irr Gi (R) Hengankokai – Irr Wb (F) Boats – Irr Bts (O) or Irr Bts (S) [Sp, Bd, Bw, Ps] Horse Transports – Irr Sh (I) [Kn, Lh, Cv] Junks – Irr Sh (O) [Sp, Bd, Bw, Ps]

The lands of the orient, which lay far to the east of the realms, are dominated by Cathay – The Jade Empire. This is an ancient and vast land ranging from the wide steppes of the north to the impenetrable jungles of the south, from the expansive mountain ranges of the west to the great ocean of the east. The Jade Emperor, who dwells in the ancient metropolis of Beijaing, rules this great land through the apparatus of the civil service and the Imperial Guard, the Emperors personal army. Local governors control the many provinces, most of which are ten times larger than the mightiest kingdoms in the western realms, with their own complex government structures and armies. As well as the provinces of Cathay, the Jade Emperor is overlord to many of the nomadic realms of the north and west and the spice kingdoms to the south. These have to supply either troops or taxes to the jade Empire, however the flow of both commodities is dependent on the Emperor’s ability to enforce his rights! Although bordered by many hostile lands, such as the Goblin infested jungles to the south, the Hobgoblin Hegemony to the north, the Dark Elves of the Northeast and the barbarian and nomadic realms of the northwest, Cathay’s greatest threat in recent times has come from within. Sun-Tzu, commander of the northern armies, governor of Xiang-Ti province, and a direct descendent of the first Cathay Emperor the evil Ho Ts’in, launched a rebellion against the Jade Emperor and his loyal subjects. The Xiang-Ti rebels as these traitors became known summoned many powerful evil spirits as allies to swell their armies, nearly capturing the capital Beijaing. They were only driven back by the Emperors forces after the Shogun of Nippon, intervened to support the Jade Emperor. Now the Jade Emperor is gathering his many armies from the length and breadth of Cathay, the Spice Kingdoms of the South and the nomadic tribes of the west, as well allies from Nippon, the Eastern Dwarven realms and the High Elves, to liberate the provinces conquered by Sun Tzu and his evil host. This list represents Cathay armies, loyal to the Jade Emperor. The CNC can be either the jade Emperor himself, in which case it must be represented a Kn (R) Celestial Lion Rider, or one of his senior Imperial Guard or Provincial generals. Sub Generals represent generals loyal to the Emperor and Ally Generals represent Cathay generals whose loyalty is questionable. If used these ally generals may only command human troops, and may not command Imperial Guard or warrior monks; furthermore if unreliable and fighting Xiang-Ti opposition they may change sides as this counts as a civil war. Principal among the soldiers of the Empire are the noblest warriors of the Imperial Guard mounted on celestial lions – giant magical creatures, which resemble traditional Cathay stone lions. They are incredibly powerful, noble beasts, capable of inflicting terrible wounds on even the most terrible monsters. Their ferocity was seen in the lifting of the siege of Beijaing, where they tore through the Xiang-Ti Heavy cavalry and foot. Other elite heavy cavalry formations are provided by the cataphracts; these are either fully armoured, warriors riding fully armoured horses – Kn (X) or warriors with armour covering the body, but not covering all the arms and legs and riding partially armoured horses; relying on a fierce charge to overwhelm the enemy rather than shear weight – Kn (F). Cataphracts may be graded as Irregular to represent nomadic tribesmen drafted into the armies of the Jade Emperor, but still fighting in their native style. Cataphracts are often supplemented or replaced by heavy cavalry, fielded by the Cathay provinces as well as the Imperial Guard, nomadic subjects or Tang-inyago (Oriental Elves). All are equipped with a combination of lance and bows and ride armoured horses. However heavy cavalry formations are not always present so the minima marked * only applies if any troops so marked are used. Oriental Elves and Nomadic tribes also provide large numbers of horse archers, supported by elite skirmishing cavalry from the nomadic tribes of the steppe armed with lances, maces and powerful composite bows. Dare To Die troops are fanatical volunteers, either equipped with handguns, incendiaries or swords and axes; however the vast majority of Cathay foot is supplied by poor quality conscripts. Some have a measure of drill, but others are undrilled rabble, or disaffected troops from remote regions, whose infrequent pay, often forces them into banditry to survive; minima marked ** only applies if any disaffected troops are used. Page 68/35

These conscripts are supplemented or replaced by elite professional soldiers of the Imperial Guard and veteran regiments from the frontier provinces. Both are trained and equipped to a very high standard providing the Jade Emperor with a core of loyal dedicated soldiers. The Imperial Guard is especially fanatical in its devotion to the Emperor and this was clearly evident at the Siege of Beijaing, where Imperial Guard regiments outnumbered by more than a hundred to one, kept Sun Tzu’s besieging army at bay for over 3 months, taking terrible casualties in the process. Furthermore each of the three armies, which attacked the rebels to lift the siege, was spearheaded by Imperil Guard regiments, who cut a huge swathe through the rebels’ ranks to relive the capital. The Korobokuru (Oriental Dwarves), also provide a bedrock of sturdy steadfast heavy infantry. These are armed in a similar fashion to the Imperial Guard, but tend to wear heavier armour. Cathay armies field large numbers of archers and crossbowmen in large regiments emphasising shooting or smaller skirmishing formations that are often used to support heavy infantry. Although all are drilled their quality is variable, with some using weak bows and wearing little or no armour, to those fully armoured wielding powerful crossbows. These are often augmented by elite detachments of Tang-inyago (Oriental Elves) archers using powerful longbows, and prepared to fight hand-to-hand indefinitely, or Pu She archers, equipped with bows, or mixed formations of bows and spears, and fierce tribesmen from the southern jungles. Other infantry are provided by tough Tuang tribesmen, wielding light spears and shields and warrior monks from the many martial temples dotted across Cathay; they usually fight unarmed and unarmoured, but their skill is such that the most skilled among them can slay an ogre with their bare hands! These monks are fanatically loyal to the Jade Emperor, who as the living representative of the Celestial Emperor is their divine master. Regular infantry formations are often mounted on horses in order to keep pace with the fast moving cavalry regiments used by the Jade Emperors armies and to aid their speedy transit over the huge tracts of land they are entrusted to defend. Cathay is technologically very advanced and has learned much from its Eastern Dwarf neighbours, especially in the science of black powder. Consequently the Jade Empire is capable of fielding large numbers of different gunpowder weapons from handguns and hand-launched rockets, to multiple rocket launchers mounted on carts and bombards. Other machines of destruction include warwagons, filled with handgunners and archers, used against the predominatelymounted armies of their steppe opponents. Furthermore, Cathay is able to deploy large fleets of warships and boats, for both sea warfare and river operations. The Celestial Emperor is the chief divinity of the orient, ruling over the many greater and lesser spirits that dwell in the celestial plane. The Jade Emperor is the Celestial Emperor’s divine representative in the realms and as such can call upon the services of the celestial emperors many servants. The most powerful of these are the T’ien Lung (Oriental Spirit Dragons), which dwell on both the prime material plane and the celestial plane at the same time, meaning they can only be truly killed if slain in both planes of existence at the same time! Chiang Lung (Oriental Wind Dragons) are only slightly less powerful; their name comes from their practice of gracefully riding the wind currents in the air, even when sleeping and it is said they never set foot on hard ground! Duroch ‘i-lin are similar to both pegasi and unicorns of the west and the Ki-Rin of Nippon in the east They appear as huge noble horses always rearing back on their hind legs, that float above the ground; they have incredible magical powers, hence their classification as Fl (S). Perhaps the most eccentric and strange greater spirit in the service of the Celestial Emperor is the Shirokinakotsukami. This creature has the hind legs of a Tiger, the body of a horse, the face and mane of a lion, the eyes of a human, the trunk and tusks of an elephant and the arms of an ape, with tigers claws ending with huge talons.. They are immensely powerful and honourable and act as champions of the Celestial Emperor, seeking out and challenging the greatest foes to the balance of harmony in the universe. Lesser spirits in the service of the jade Emperor include Men-Shun, these are Celestial Guardians used to protect the most sacred temples of the Jade Emperor and his many palaces. They resemble human males but their finely crafted weapons & armour, and the fiery glow in their divine eyes hints at their celestial heritage. They are unflinching in their loyalty to the Celestial Emperor and his loyal representative in the realms – the Jade Emperor and it is said that none has ever been bested in single combat by a mortal. Go-Zu-Shun are the Soldiers of the celestial Emperor, resembling giant humanoids as large as an ogre, but with either the head of a bull or horse. They wear ornate eastern armour and wield giant katanas and naginatas; their ferocity in battle is legend. The last of the Celestial Emperor’s soldiers in the armies of the Jade Empire are the Hsien-Shun. These are the champions of the Celestial Emperor, they tower over 40’ and look like giant brothers of the Men-Shun, from whose ranks they have been elevated. As ruler of the lands of Cathay, the Jade Emperor is able to call upon the many spirits that inhabit the forests, rivers, and mountains of the land. These nature spirits include Ningyago, (stone spirits) which inhabit the stones of the mountains and the very earth itself. They are immensely strong and are best represented as – Irr LHm (O), except they consider rocky going as good going and moderately bogy as difficult going. Baelyago are powerful water spirits, inhabiting the rivers and seas of Cathay and Tienyago, are tree spirits, similar in size and power to the treemen of the west. Hengankokai are spirits able to take on either human or animal form (such as foxes, wolves, and monkeys), or a cross between the two. Some are evil and manipulative spirits others are kind and noble; these are the ones to be found in the court of the Jade Emperor. We class them as Wb (F), because of their ferocity and their tendency to fight in loose swarms. The Jade Empire is able to call upon many supporters in their struggle against the Xiang-Ti rebels and their evil allies; these include the eastern Dwarf Realms of the orient, the spice kingdoms of the south and the nomads of the north and west. The Shogun of Nippon has already proved a valuable ally and has pledged more troops to the Jade Emperor and the High Elves have amassed a huge fleet and army to protect their valuable trading ports in Cathay from the threat Page 69/35

posed by Sun Tzu and his Dark Elf allies. There are rumours that crusading forces from the western realms, of the empire, Lyonesse and Tolino are preparing to travel to Cathay to join in this titanic struggle.

XIANG-TI REBELS 1 1.2 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-4 0-1 4-16 Any 0-7 Any 0-1/2 0-6 6-18 0-8 0-6 8-40 Any 0-1/2 6-24 4-12 0.20 0.16 0-12 0-6 0-8 0-2 0-4 0-6 0-8 0-4 *6-24 *6-24 *4-12 0-4 0-4 0-4 0-4

CNC – Reg Kn (S) [chariot], Reg Kn (F), Reg Kn (X), Sub Generals - Reg Kn (O) [chariot], Reg Kn (F), Reg Kn (X), Reg Lh (F) Cathay Ally General – As above but 10 points less Tun Mi Lung (Oriental Shadow Dragon) – Irr FBe (D) Ti Yu Lung (Oriental Mist Dragon) – Irr FBe (O) Wu Juan summoned Flame Spirits – Irr Fl (F) Krakentoa – Irr Beh (D) Xiang-Ti Cataphracts – Reg Kn (F), Reg Kn (X), Regrade Xiang-Ti Cataphracts as ‘Headhunters’ – Irr Kn (F) or Irr Kn (X) Replace Cataphracts with Xiang-Ti Chariots – Reg Kn (O) Regrade Xiang-Ti Chariots as ‘Headhunters’ – Irr Kn (O) Replace Xiang-Ti Chariots with Sun-Bakemono (Eastern Orc) Chariots – Irr Kn (O) Han-Bakemono (Hobgoblin) heavy wolf riders or Xiang-Ti Heavy Cavalry – Reg Cv (S) or Reg Cv (O) Xiang-Ti Horse Archers – Reg Lh (F) or Barbarian horse archers or Bakemono (Goblin) wolf riders – Irr Lh (F) Han-Bakemono (Hobgoblin) light wolf riders – Reg Lh (S) or Nomad Light Cavalry – Irr Lh (S) Picked Troops – Irr Bd (F) Xiang-Ti Close fighting foot – Reg Sp (O) or Reg Sp (I) or Reg Ax (X) or Reg Bd (I) or Reg Bd (F) or Reg Pl (F) Regrade close fighting foot to ‘Headhunters’ – Irr Wb (S) Replace close fighting foot with Yuan-Bakemono (Eastern Black Orcs) – Irr Wb (S) Xiang-Ti Archers and Crossbowmen – Reg Bw (O) or Reg Bw (I) or Reg Ps (O) (may support close fighting foot) Skirmishers – Reg Ps (S) or Reg Ps (O) (may support close fighting foot) Impressed POW’s, convicts, slave levies or Bakemono (eastern goblin) – up to half Irr Bw (I) rest Irr Sp (I) or Irr Hd (O) Sun-Bakemono (Eastern Orc) warriors – Irr Wb (R), up to 1/3rd Irr Bd (F) Bakemono (Eastern Goblin) warriors – up to half Irr Ax (O) remainder Irr Ax (I) or Irr Ps (O) (may support Bakemono Ax) Hannya – extended depth Irr LHm (O) Hengankokai – Irr Wb (F) Wiang Liang – Irr Gi (O) Xang-Shun (oriental giants) – Irr Gi (I) or Irr Gi (O) Oni (oriental Ogres) – Irr LHm (S) Tigbanua Buso (oriental Ghouls) – Irr Wb (F) Jiki-Kentsu-gaki (oriental vampires) – Reg Bd (SU) Jiki-Niki-gaki (oriental skeletons) warriors – Reg Bd (U) or Reg Sp (U) Jiki-Niki-gaki (oriental skeletons) archers and crossbowmen – Reg Bw (U) or Reg Ps (U) (may support Sp or Bd (U)) Shiki-gaki (oriental zombies) – Irr Wb (U) or Irr Hd (U) Bolt Throwers – Reg Art (O) Boats – Irr Bts (O) or Irr Bts (S) [Sp, Bd, Bw, Ps] Horse Transports – Irr Sh (I) [Kn, Lh, Cv] Junks – Irr Sh (O) [Sp, Bd, Bw, Ps]

Far to the east in the lands of the orient lays Cathay an ancient sprawling empire from the vast steppes of the north to the impenetrable jungles of the south, from the expansive mountain ranges of the west to the great ocean of the east. XiangTi Province lies to the north of this huge empire, bordering the western mountains, northern steppes and the Darklands beyond. Consequently this province has always had a disproportionably large military presence, to keep the many orcs, hobgoblins, ogres, nomads and other enemies of the Empire at bay. The current governor is Sun Tzu, who can trace his lineage back to the first Emperor of Cathay – Ho Ts’in. The Ts’in dynasty was overthrown by the present Ch’iang dynasty over a millennia ago, after the Ts’in fell into evil ways and installed a reign of terror on the population and noble houses alike. It had always been rumoured that Sun Tzu had inherited the dark tendencies of his ancestors, but his continued success in defeating the empires many enemies meant the emperor was loathed to remove him from his position as governor of Xiang-Ti Province and commander of the armies of the north. Sun Tzu crushed invasions by the Orcs, Chaos hordes and led punitive attacks against the Hobgoblins of the Darklands and northern nomadic barbarians; however unbeknown to the emperor, Sun Tzu was head of the evil Wu Juan sect of sorcerers and was secretly amassing an army of evil spirits. The Wu Juan are a secret cult of powerful sorcerers whose history stretches back to the very beginnings of Cathay. It is said their help was crucial in the Ts’in’s conquest of the other Cathay states and uniting them into one giant empire. However after the fall of the Ts’in the Wu Juan were outlawed and they were forced underground to continue their Page 70/35

perverse rites of communing with evil spirits from other planes and those of the dead, plus their evil practice of sacrificing humans to the dark gods in sadistic rituals. The army amassed by Sun Tzu included many powerful and fearsome spirits, many summoned by the Wu Juan, and when he struck at the neighbouring provinces of Cathay they were caught completely unawares and fell quickly to his onslaught. He then struck south towards the capital of Beijaing defeating the paltry forces sent against him by the Emperor. The situation was now critical for the emperor; his armies were spread out throughout the empire and nothing stood in the way of Sun Tzu’s juggernaut. In desperation the Emperor turned to the Shogun of Nippon for help, who quickly dispatched a fleet and an army to assist the Emperor. The Nippon army made landfall in the north east of Cathay threatening Sun Tzu’s rear, forcing him to dispatch an army under his lieutenant (General Chang), to meet the threat, whilst he continued with his main force to besiege Beijaing. The Nippon army crushed the Xiang-Ti rebels at the battle of the Yellow Fan River forcing Sun Tzu to personally march north with much of his army. In the face of overwhelming odds the Nippon force withdrew back to their islands, but their intervention had given the Emperor enough of a breathing space to marshal his forces, lift the siege of Beijiang and force the rebels across the Xangste River. The Xiang-Ti rebels now occupy roughly 1/4th of Cathay and their forces have installed a reign of terror on the occupied provinces. Many peasants have been forced to into slavery or pressed into service of the armies of Sun Tzu. The practices of the Wu Juan have been revived and human sacrifice and many other sadistic and macabre rituals and rites have been resurrected. Even now Sun Tzu is gathering his forces for another strike against Beijiang, to conquer the capital and reinstall the Ts’in dynasty as the overlords of all Cathay; if he is successful the entire empire will be subject to a reign of terror even more terrible than that brought about by Sun Tzu’s forefather Ho Ts’in! This list represents the armies of Sun Tzu and the Xiang-Ti Rebels. The CNC can be either Sun Tzu, in which case it must be represented as a chariot Kn (S), or one of his senior marshals such as the unfortunate General Chang, who was flayed alive after his defeat at the Yellow Fan River, by the Wu Juan. Sub Generals represent Sun Tzu’s trusted generals from Xiang-Ti province or loyal converts from the conquered provinces and Ally Generals represent dubiously loyal Cathay generals from the conquered provinces. If used these ally generals may only command human troops, which may not be regraded as ‘Headhunters’; furthermore if unreliable and fighting Cathay opposition they may change sides as this counts as a civil war. The main arm of the Northern Cathay armies and the armies of the Xiang-Ti rebels are the cataphracts; these are either fully armoured warriors riding fully armoured horses – Kn (X) or warriors with armour covering the body, but not covering all the arms and legs and riding partially armoured horses; relying on a fierce charge to overwhelm the enemy rather than shear weight – Kn (F). Cataphracts nay be graded as Irregular to represent the ancient Ts’in practice of promoting soldiers by numbers of heads taken in battle, which has been revived by some Xiang-Ti generals. Accordingly all or no cataphracts in a command must be classed as ‘Headhunters’ and if they are, then all chariots and all close fighting foot in the same command must also be classed as ‘Headhunters’. The Ts’in were also famous for their heavy war chariots, another practise that has been revived by many Xiang-Ti generals, who have replaced some of their cataphracts with them. These too may be graded as ‘Headhunters’ and again if used then all cataphracts and close fighting foot in the same command must be graded likewise. The Xiang-Ti have also made great use of Eastern Orc war chariots and consequently up to half the number of chariots used may be provided by them. Heavy cavalry can either be fielded by Xiang-Ti mounted lancers and archers or by Hobgoblin (Han-Bakemono) wolf riders, from minor Hobgoblin clans, or rebels fleeing the wrath of the Great Khan. Hobgoblins are much prised by the Xiang-Ti as disciplined and loyal mercenaries and they also provide large numbers of light wolf riders, armed with light bows, maces and lances. Reliable nomadic mercenaries, equipped similarly to the hobgoblins, but riding swift steppe ponies, provide other elite light cavalry. The vast majority of the Xiang-Ti light horse regiments are made up of uniformed (regular) horse archers and irregular goblin archers mounted on sleek light wolves. Picked troops represent elite volunteer infantry, used for particularly dangerous missions. They are lightly armoured and equipped with swords and axes and often favour a second hand weapon rather than carrying a shield – Bd (F). The majority of the infantry are provided by Close fighting foot, which can either be equipped as shieldless light spearmen, or standard spearmen, or swordsmen. Their quality varies greatly from tough disciplined Xiang-Ti veterans (O) & (F) grade, to those of questionable loyalty and lower morale from the conquered provinces (I). All or no close fighting foot in a command may be graded as ‘Headhunters’, in which case all the cataphracts and Xiang-Ti chariots must be graded the same. Because of the dubious loyalty of many close fighting foot from the conquered provinces, the Xiang-Ti have began to replace them with Eastern Black Orc (Yuan-Bakemono) mercenaries. Consequently up to half of the Close fighting foot may be replaced in this way. Xiang-Ti armies utilise large numbers of archers and crossbowmen. These can either be deployed in large regiments emphasising shooting or smaller skirmishing units, which are often used to support the close fighting troops. Bw (I) represent poorly motivated regulars from conquered territories and Bw (O) highly motivated loyal troops. Other skirmishers are supplied by elite light regiments, which can also support close fighting troops, (S) are armed with javelins or handguns and (O) with bows or crossbows. Sun Tzu’s forces have fielded large numbers of impressed POW’s from the armies he has defeated, combined with convicts, slaves and peasants forcibly levied from the countryside. Most of these are low quality spearmen, practised only at keeping line and often chained together in order to keep them from running away; however General Chang was surprised by how quickly these troops could move when confronted by a Nippon Cloud Dragon at the battle of the Yellow Fan River! Such troops also provide low-grade archers as well as spearmen and many are being supplemented or replaced by oriental goblins (Bakemono). Page 71/35

Many other oriental goblin-kin can be fund in Sun Tzu’s forces, including eastern orcs (Sun-Bakemono), fighting in their own native style armed with a mixture of cutting and crushing weapons and relying on a fierce charge – Wb (R), or armed with large swords and other fencing weapons – Bd (F). Goblins provide light infantry armed with javelins and light spears – Ax (O) or Ax (I), or light bows – Ps (O), which are often used to support the goblin light spear. There are much more fearsome evil spirits in the service of Sun Tzu than the different races of Bakemono, first among these are the Hannya, which resemble giant snakelike reptiles with the torso, arms and head of an old hag. These are best represented as extended depth LHm (O). Hengankokai are spirits able to take on either human or animal form (such as foxes, wolves, and monkeys), or a cross between the two. Some are kind noble spirits others are evil and manipulative and these are the ones to be found in the court of Sun Tzu. We class them as Wb (F), because of their ferocity and their tendency to fight in loose swarms. Oni, are evil spirits more commonly known as oriental ogres, they stand around 9’ tall and are heavily built, however it is their innate magical powers including those of invisibility and levitation that make them greatly feared and dangerous foes – hence classification of LHm (S). Wiang Liang are larger and more powerful, standing around 14’ tall, these too posses innate magical abilities – hence their classification of Gi (O). Xang-Shun is a broad term describing all nonmagical oriental giant-kin, from the smaller hill giants – Gi (I) to the larger mountain giants – Gi (O). Under the direction of Sun Tzu, the Wu Juan have summoned large numbers of undead spirits including Tigbanua Buso (oriental Ghouls), which are best represented as Wb (F) and Jiki-Kentsu-gaki (oriental vampires) – Reg Bd (SU). Other undead spirits include Jiki-Niki-gaki (oriental skeletons) equipped as heavy infantry or archers and crossbowmen, plus Shiki-gaki (oriental zombies); these can either be ferocious flesh eating monsters or badly rotten corpses, which although horrific are generally ineffective. However these undead forces are not always mustered by the Xiang-Ti generals, so the minima marked * only applies if any troops so marked are used; in which case the skeleton warrior and skeleton archers elements may be deducted from the compulsory minimums of Xiang-Ti close fighting foot and XiangTi archer and crossbowmen. Different grades of warband and large humanoids in this list may not provide rear support to one another as they represent different races and clans. The most powerful spirits in league with Sun Tzu include different oriental dragons, such as the Oriental Shadow Dragon - Tun Mi Lung and the Oriental Mist Dragon - Ti Yu Lung. The Tun Mi Lung is one of the most powerful spirits to inhabit the realms. It gets its name from its shadowy appearance, which is caused by the fact that it exists in both the prime material plane and the dark planes of the abyss at the same time. The Mist dragon is less powerful than its fearsome cousin, but is still a terrifying adversary, being nearly 50m in length; it gets its name from the habitat it dwells in, misty marshlands and its ability to appear out of the fog to ambush the unwary. The Krakentoa is another formidable greater spirit; standing over 80’ tall and possessing the body of a giant human with the head of an octopus or giant squid, it is terrifying to behold and deadly to encounter. Other powerful beings include Wu Juan summoned Flame Spirits; these look like giant floating balls of pulsating blue-orange light, they are exceptionally fast, moving as swiftly as the winds. Since capturing the north eastern provinces of Cathay and their coastal ports the Xiang-Ti now have access to the eastern ocean and a large part of the northeastern fleet of warships and horse transports, to add to their smaller fleet of boats, which are used primarily for river operations. In addition to these naval assets the Xiang-Ti are also able to field sizeable numbers of bolt throwers and other medium torsion artillery. The Xiang-Ti can call upon many allies in their continued rebellion against Cathay, including many orc clans on the western border, Ratmen, the Hobgoblins to the north and undead armies under the leadership of friendly oriental necromancers and Liches. Other forces are provided by barbarians to the north west, chaos hordes of the artic regions and many nomad clans on the northern and western borders including the Hsien Pi (Book 2), Hsiung Nu (Book 2), Hunnic (Book 2), Tribal Mongolian (Book 3) and later nomadic Mongol (Book 4). However the Sun Tzu’s closest allies are the Dark Elves, whose support is based on disrupting the High Elves commerce in the region, by threatening Cathay ports that house large Elven mercantile quarters. Consequently, a Dark Elf ally counts as a sub general.

LYONESSE 1 1-2 10-22 0-10 0-4 0-6 0-8 0-8 0-8 Any 4-18 0-8 6-24 4-12 0-6

CNC – Reg Kn (A) if the King, or Reg Kn (S) if Royal Marshall, Sub Generals – Reg Kn (S) as Royal Marshal Knights – Reg Kn (O) Upgrade Knights to Royal Household – Reg Kn (S) Upgrade Knights to Paladins of the King – Reg Kn (A) Separately deployed Sergeants – Reg Cv (O) or Irr Cv (O) Royal Household Archers – Reg Bw (S) Royal Household Guards – Reg Bd (O) Royal Household Pavisiers – Reg Sp (O) Mount Household infantry on horses @ 1AP Crossbowmen – Irr Bw (O) or Irr Ps (O) Horses to mount Crossbowmen Archers – Irr Bw (I) up to 8 may be Irr Ps (O) (may support sergeant spear) Brigans – Irr Ax (X) Bidets – Irr Ps (S) Page 72/35

0-16 0-18 0-2 0-5 0-4 0-3 0-3

Sergeants – Irr Sp (O) or Irr Sp (I) Levies – Irr Hd (O) Light Guns – Reg Art (I) Bombards – Reg Art (S) War wagons – Irr WWg (O) Cogs – Irr Sh (S) [Bw, Bd, Sp, Ps] Galleys – Reg Gal (O) [Bw, Bd, Sp, Ps] *1 *3-19 0-6 0-8

Free Canton Mercenary Sub General – Reg Pk (S) Free Canton Pikemen – Reg Pk (S) Free Canton Skirmishers – Reg Ps (O) or Reg PS (S) Free Canton Halberdiers – Reg Bd (X)

THE ETERNAL ALLIANCE 1 Paladin CNC – Reg Kn (A) @ 36Ap 0-1 Dwarven Sub general 0-1 Elven Sub General 0-1 Barbarian Sub general 0-1 Western Realm Sub General 0-4 Paladins – Reg Kn (A) 0-6 Western Realm Guard Knights – Reg Kn (S) or Templars Irr Kn (S) 0-8 Western Realm Knights – Reg Kn (I) 0-4 Elven Lords – Reg Kn (E) 0-12 Elven Horse Archers – Reg LH (F) 0-6 Barbarian Beast Riders – Irr Kn (R) 0-4 Dwarven Hearth Guard 0-16 Dwarven Warriors 0-1 per Bd, Dwarven supporting Archers 0-8 Dwarven Crossbowmen 0-16 Elven Archers 0-12 High Elven Spear 0-4 High Elven Guards 0-1 per Bd, Bw, Sp Elven supporting Archers 0-8 Wood elf Warriors – Irr Ax 0-4 Wood elf Beastmasters and Shape changers 0-16 Barbarian Warriors – Irr Wb (S) 0-6 Barbarian Shape changers – Irr 0-8 Western Realm Infantry 0-12 Imperial Pikemen 0-8 Western Realm Crossbowmen 0-8 Halfling warriors – Irr Ax (I) 0-8 Halfling Archers – Irr Ps (O) or Irr Bw (I) 0-8 Western Realm & Dwarven Hand gunners 0-4 Western Realm & Dwarven Artillery 0-4 Western Realm & Dwarven War Wagons 0-2 Western Realm & Dwarven Land Tanks Page 73/35


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DIAGRAMS Elements B and C are in close combat with the Dragon. C will fight first therefore the Dragon is subject to a -1 overlAp from element D but not A. C wins the combat and recoils the Dragon. If element E is in the position shown below, the Dragon will be destroyed if recoiled as per normal, E only infers a -1 to element B when it is in combat. If B fights the Dragon first it will have support from A and E. A Double-based element must fight both elements in the example below. If the Dragon chooses to fight C and recoils the element it will now have an overlap on B and must fight it in the same bound. A single recoil result will destroy the Dragon and a second combat is not necessary. Figure one

Dragon E A




In the example below the Magus can only summon help if at least one element is in contact with it’s own base and all others must be in edge to edge contact (front, side or rear) because the enemy is with in 100 paces of the Magus. No summoned element may be summoned into contact with an enemy element. Figure two Magus 1




In the example below elements X are possible baggage elements and 1 to 4 represent the equivalent size of Magical Baggage. Any of the X's are a valid deployment for these elements in DBF if using Magical Baggage. Figure three X
















Table Edge Page 75/35

DIAGRAMS In the example below we see an Orc Giant in flank contact with Elven blades that are in frontal close combat with Orc blades. If the Elven blades win the combat they will recoil the Orc Giant as per any other element although only those elements so specified in the Giants combat outcome table can usually make them recoil. Figure Four Orc Blades

Orc's Giant

F r o n t

Elven Blades

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Orc Blades

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