De Asis v. CA digest

November 15, 2018 | Author: Raymond Villafuerte | Category: N/A
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De Asis v. Court of Appeals (1999) FACTS: A petition for certiorari has been led anuel de Asis! pra"in# that the Court revie$ the decision of  the %TC and CA! $hich denied his initial plea for the dis&issal of a &aintenance and support case! i&putin# hi& as the father of 'len Ca&il Andres de Asis! therefore! therefore! liable for support support of the latter. latter. ircel D. Andres! the &other of and as the le#al #uardian of the &inor 'len! led such case. o$ever o$ever!! irc ircel el Andres Andres $ithdr $ithdre$ e$ such such suppor supportt case case in 19*9! 19*9! b" bein# bein# persuade persuaded d b" anuel anuel+s +s ,-udici ,-udicial al ad&iss ad&ission iondec declar larati ation on/ / in den"in# den"in# his patern paternit" it" vis00 vis00vis vis 'len 'len and thus! thus! irc ircel el sa$ it futile futile to contin continue ue $ith $ith the case case after after anuel anuel+s +s renou renounc nce& e&ent ent.. Also Also!! irc ircel el and and anu anuel el had had a#reed that should ircel $ithdra$ her petition on behalf behalf of her child anuel anuel $ould $ould not pursue pursue a counterclai&. %TC ac2no$led#ed such a#ree&ent and and dis& dis&is isse sed d the the case case.. o$e o$ever ver!! on 1993 1993!! 4 "ears after her initial petition! ircel led another co&plaint for &aintenance and support hopin# to #et the follo$in#: 1. Suppo upporrt of not less than 5!66 !666 pesos &onthl" for ever" &onth since 7une 1! 19*8 5. 'ive 'ive 'len 'len Ca&i Ca&ill a &ont &onthl hl" " allo allo$a $anc nce e of  3!666 pesos on the 3 th da" of ever" &onth . 'ive plainti plainti 3!666 3!666 peso &onthl" &onthl" allo$anc allo$ance e as support pendent lite

;. For anuel anuel to pa" pa" for the cause cause of the the suits SS?@: B the %TC and CA acted $ith #rave abuse of  discretion in den"in# anuel+s &otion to dis&iss and holdin# holdin# that that action action for suppor supportt cannot cannot be barred b" res -udicata. @D: B. %i#ht to receive receive support can neither renounced nor trans&itted to a third person (Art. 61 of Civil Code Code not adopte adopted d in Fa&il" a&il" Code). Code). Also! Also! future future support cannot be sub-ect of a co&pro&ise (
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