DDNS Client

December 21, 2016 | Author: Mageon7 | Category: N/A
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DDNS Client If you want to set up a DDNS Server instead, please see ddns.server. 

Tested with: o OpenWrt Attitude Adjustment 12.09 o

OpenWrt Barrier Breaker r37816

Introduction DDNS stands for Dynamic DNS. Simply put, using this service gives a name to your ip. So if you're hosting something on your line, people wouldn't have to bother typing your IP. They can just type in your domain name! It also helps when your ip changes. Users won't need to discover what your new ip is, they can simply type your domain name. This guide will help you configure your ddns service, so that your router auto-updates your ip to your ddns. The simplest method possible would be through LuCI (the default webUI for openwrt).

Requirements First of all, you'll need to pick and register a DNS name with a compatible DDNS service. Note the DNS name, your service username and password for use below. Here is a list of suggested DDNS providers.  

http://freedns.afraid.org free http://noip.com free but requires annoying account confirmation every 30 days






http://zoneedit.com support.)

http://dyndns.org non-free except if you donated in 1998-2001. 30-day free trial needs credit card number.

free free - generated config on site free

free - if you have your own domain name, hurricaneelectricfreedns. free non-free (dns update by https required, curl needed. See SSL



Any other service that can update when some URL is accessed. The script is quite versatile.

For a longer list of additional DDNS providers, see:  

http://www.dmoz.org/Computers/Internet/Protocols/DNS/DNS_Providers/Dynamic_DNS / http://dnslookup.me/dynamic-dns/

Using LuCI Step 1: Install the Packages Login into your router through your browser. Go to Administration (top right) > System (top left) > Software > Update Package Lists Let it update, go back to Software. Find luci-app-ddns and install the package. Installing the package luci-app-ddns will automatically install the package ddns-scripts, which contains the scripts that actually update the dynamic DNS name (see below). After luci-app-ddns is installed, just press any other link on the Openwrt LuCI WebUI, and the page will refresh itself and Dynamic DNS will appear under Services > Dynamic DNS. If those tabs don't show up, run /etc/init.d/uhttpd restart or reboot the router. Beginning ddns-scripts Version 1.0.0-23 you need to enable ddns service in "System"-"Startup" or run: /etc/init.d/ddns enable to enable updates being send on reboot and hotplug events.

Step 2: Configuration In LuCI, go to Services > Dynamic DNS. There is a default configuration called "MYDDNS" ready to edited. Variable


Example check this to enable this configuration



Event interface

The DDNS scripts use the Linux hotplug events system. When this specified network interface comes up, a related ifup hotplug event will cause DDNS script to start to monitor (and update) the wan external IP address of . Select the WAN interface that will have the external IP address to use in the DDNS registration.

Which DDNS online service do you use? Choose one The DNS name to update (this name must already Hostname be registered with the the DDNS service) Username Username of your DDNS service account Password of your DDNS service account (ensure Password this password does not have "$1" or $ with any number following in it, as this breaks the script) This tells the script how to determine your Source of IP address interface external IP address. See below for a description. This will be named based on the section of "Source of IP address". Select the network, Network/Interface/URL interface physical name, or type in the URL to use to determine the external IP address. Self Explanatory. Checks below 5 minutes make Check for changed IP no sence because from testing, it takes this time every until the global DNS servers be in sync Check-time unit The unit for the value above Even if the detected external IP address has not Force update every changed, update the DDNS name anyway after this time interval Force-time unit Unit for the value above Service

dyndns.org your.domain.name yourusername yourpassword Usually "network"

Usually "wan"

10 min 72 h

Click "Save & Apply" to save changes. Further details  

A full list of supported settings (some not supported by LuCI WebUI) and their description you will find in UCI documentation. freedns.afraid.org specific settings: o

put the authorisation token from the update url (the part after http://freedns.afraid.org/dynamic/update.php?) in the password field.


DO enter the host into the Hostname field. Although it is not used for the update, it is used to check the host's current IP address (via nslookup).

Source of IP address ("ip_source" in the configuration file) o

The "ip_source" option can be "network", "interface", "script" or "web", with "network" as the default


If "ip_source" is "network" you specify a network section in your /etc/network config file (e.g. "wan", which is the default) with the "ip_network" option. If you specify "wan", you will update with whatever the ip for your wan is.


If "ip_source" is "interface" you specify a hardware interface (e.g. "eth1") and whatever the current ip of this interface is will be associated with the domain when an update is performed.


If "ip_source" is "script" you specify a script to obtain ip address. The "ip_script" option should contain path to your script. This option is not available through the LuCI web interface.


The last possibility is that "ip_source" is "web", which means that in order to obtain our ip address we will connect to a website (specified in the URL field), and use the first valid ip address listed on that page. Use this option if the OpenWrt device is behind a NAT device and does not have a real external IP address assigned to the WAN interface being monitored. The correct URL will depend on the DDNS service being used. Check with the service's documentation to determine if they offer this feature and, if so, what the correct URL is. 

For the DynDNS service, the URL is http://checkip.dyndns.org

Multiple URLs can be used by separating the entries with a space.

Step 3: Start ddns-scripts  

Normally, the DDNS scripts are automatically started through a hotplug event. The very first time they are configured, there is no ifup event to start them. The simplest option is to reboot the router. This will automatically start the scripts as part of the normal interface startup process.

If a reboot should be avoided, the scripts can be started manually by generating a hotplug event from the command line (see below for details)

Beginning ddns-scripts Version 1.0.0-23 you need to enable ddns service in "System"-"Startup" to enable updates being send on reboot and hotplug events.

You can also start/stop/restart the service without reboot or generating a hotplug event.

Step 4: You're done!  

If the wan interface changes its address, the DDNS account is updated automatically. Additionally, an unconditional update is sent periodically. The interval is specified by the force update option.

Additional DDNS registration entries In LuCI, go to Services > Dynamic DNS. 

Use the text entry box and "Add" button to add additional DDNS configurations o Do not use a - character in the DDNS configuration name

Using ddns-scripts directly The ddns-scripts package can be installed and used on its own without luci-app-ddns. No web GUI will be available in this case. This section describes how to use the command line to use ddns-script directly.

Step 1: Installation Install the ddns-scripts package. opkg update opkg install ddns-scripts

Step 2: Configuration The configuration is stored in /etc/config/ddns which contains more thorough documentation. In order to enable Dynamic DNS you need at least one section, and in that section the enabled variable must be set to "1". Each section represents an update to a different service. This sections specifies several things:  

service (dyndns.org, etc.) domain (set this to all.dnsomatic.com for DNS-o-Matic)


password (sometimes it is the api token, not your login password)

ip_source (wan, eth0, web)

Optionally, the following may be specified:  

update_url (needed if the service isn't supported by /usr/lib/ddns/services) check_interval


Use the check_interval variable to specify how often to check whether an update is necessary, and the force_interval variable to specify how often to force an update. Specify the units for these values with the check_unit and force_unit variables. Units can be "days", "hours", "minutes" or "seconds". The default value for check_interval is "600", and the default value for check_unit is "seconds" (check_interval = 10 minutes). The default value for


is "72", and the default value for force_unit is "hours" (force_interval =

72 hours). Default configuration This is the default configuration in /etc/config/ddns as of OpenWrt Attitude Adjustment 12.09. config service "myddns" option enabled option interface

"0" "wan"

option option option option

service_name domain username password

"dyndns.org" "mypersonaldomain.dyndns.org" "myusername" "mypassword"

option option option option option option

force_interval force_unit check_interval check_unit retry_interval retry_unit

"72" "hours" "10" "minutes" "60" "seconds"

#option ip_source #option ip_network

"network" "wan"

#option ip_source #option ip_interface

"interface" "eth0.1"

#option ip_source #option ip_script

"script" "path to your script"

option ip_source option ip_url

"web" "http://checkip.dyndns.com/"

#option update_url "http://[USERNAME]: [PASSWORD]@members.dyndns.org/nic/update?hostname=[DOMAIN]&myip=[IP]"

Configuration using the uci program A short example for a dyndns.org service to configure via UCI CLI: root@OpenWrt:~# root@OpenWrt:~# root@OpenWrt:~# root@OpenWrt:~# root@OpenWrt:~# root@OpenWrt:~#

uci uci uci uci uci uci

set ddns.myddns.enabled=1 set ddns.myddns.domain=host.dyndns.org set ddns.myddns.username= set ddns.myddns.password= set ddns.myddns.enabled=1 commit ddns

Configuration for duckdns.org Add Duck DNS to ''services''

The reason you want to add Duck DNS to the services file is because this will allow you to configure other ddns services if needed, and it allows for proper https usage with curl. Edit /usr/lib/ddns/services and add this to the end of the file: # Duck DNS "duckdns.org" "http://www.duckdns.org/update? domains=[DOMAIN]&token=[PASSWORD]&ip=[IP]" Duck DNS https (SSL) Support

duckdns.org uses a CA that is either self-signed, or not listed in the Curl CA bundle. curl will throw error 60 when trying to update over https. The only way I was able to get curl to update Duck DNS over https was to have curl ignore certificate checks with curl -k. Modify /usr/lib/ddns/dynamic_dns_updater.sh as follows: Find this string of code: retrieve_prog="${retrieve_prog}--cacert $cacert "

Replace it with this: retrieve_prog="${retrieve_prog}-k "

Find this string of code:

retrieve_prog="${retrieve_prog}--capath $cacert "

Replace it with this: retrieve_prog="${retrieve_prog}-k " Duck DNS ddns-scripts ''config'' example

Uncomment use_https and cacert if you want to use https (SSL). config service option option option option option option option option option option option option #option #option

"myddns" enabled interface service_name domain username password force_interval force_unit check_interval check_unit ip_source ip_url use_https cacert

"1" "wan" "duckdns.org" "DOMAIN" "LEAVE BLANK" "xxxxxxx-your-token-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx" "12" "hours" "10" "minutes" "web" "http://wtfismyip.com/text" "1" "/etc/ssl/certs/cacert.pem"

Configuration for namecheap.com An example for a namecheap.com domain with an A-record with name '@'. config service 'myddns' option enabled '1'

option interface 'wan' option force_interval '72' option force_unit 'hours' option check_interval '10' option check_unit 'minutes' option retry_interval '60' option retry_unit 'seconds' option service_name 'namecheap.com' option domain 'yourdomain.info' option username '@' option password 'xxxxxxx-your-token-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx' option ip_source 'network' option ip_network 'wan' #option use_https '1' #option cacert '/etc/ssl/certs/cacert.pem'

Note that with the namecheap protocol, the username option is translated to the host argument in the update request. Therefore, it should be the hostname on the DNS record, not the username that you use to log into the namecheap.com site. In this example, the script will update the '@' (full domain) DNS A-record. To update a subdomain A-record, enter the name of the subdomain instead. To get your password, log into the namecheap.com site, enter the management console for the domain, and click the Dynamic DNS menu option. Make a record for each subdomain. Using Luci, enter a label for the subdomain into the Add field (near lower left of page)and click the (+), or hand edit the /etc/config/ddns file and add a new stanza. Example /etc/config/ddns records to update two subdomains at namecheap: config service option option option option option option option option option option option option option option

'myddns' interface 'wan' force_unit 'hours' check_interval '20' check_unit 'minutes' retry_interval '60' retry_unit 'seconds' password 'YourNamecheapDDNSpassword' enabled '1' ip_source 'interface' ip_interface 'pppoe-wan' service_name 'namecheap.com' force_interval '72' domain 'Your.Domain' username 'www'

config service option option option option option option option

'mail' interface 'wan' force_unit 'hours' check_interval '20' check_unit 'minutes' retry_interval '60' retry_unit 'seconds' password 'YourNamecheapDDNSpassword'

option option option option option option option

enabled '1' ip_source 'interface' ip_interface 'pppoe-wan' service_name 'namecheap.com' force_interval '24' domain 'Your.Domain' username 'mail'

You can hand test the records for 'www' and 'mail', labeled 'myddns' and 'mail' with: /usr/lib/ddns/dynamic_dns_updater.sh myddns /usr/lib/ddns/dynamic_dns_updater.sh mail

Look at the return XML and see that the Error Count is 0 to validate a successful update. Check each record, one at a time. Use to kill the test daemons.

Manually starting ddns-scripts The ddns-scripts monitoring script starts when hotplug ifup event happens. This will happen automatically at system startup when the named interface comes up. The simplest way to start ddns-scripts is to reboot, but to avoid a reboot, it can be started manually from the command line. After setting "enabled" to 1 and configuring other settings as above, manually generate an ifup hotplug event for the desired interface. 

This will case the the hotplug script /etc/hotplug.d/25-ddns to run o For INTERFACE, type the specified ddns-scripts interface name (the interface name from /etc/config/network, usually 'wan')

root@OpenWrt:~# ACTION=ifup INTERFACE=wan /sbin/hotplug-call iface  As an alternative, ddns-scripts can be called at a lower level o type the specified ddns-scripts interface name (the interface name from /etc/config/network, usually 'wan') sh . /usr/lib/ddns/dynamic_dns_functions.sh # note the leading period start_daemon_for_all_ddns_sections "wan" exit  Beginning ddns-scripts Version 1.0.0-23 o simply enable/disable start/stop/restart like every other service root@OpenWrt:~# /etc/init.d/ddns enable root@OpenWrt:~# /etc/init.d/ddns start

Verification  

Verify the ddns-scripts interface monitor script is running One instance of this script should be running for each ddns-scripts configuration defined

ps | grep dynamic_dns_updater.sh  Verify the correct IP address by pinging

the dynamic DNS name

Alerting  

ddns-scripts does not send any alerts when it detects or updates the DDNS IP address Marius Gedminas posted a two-line patch to ddns-scripts available at http://patchwork.openwrt.org/patch/1072/. This change adds syslog output when an IP change is detected. It can be manually added to /usr/lib/ddns/dynamic_dns_updater.sh. o

For ddns-scripts ver. 1.0.0-21 (the version OpenWrt Attitude Adjustment 12.09), the line numbers to look for are after original lines 294 and 325


If OpenWrt is configured to send syslog output to a remote syslog server (see log.overview), that server can be configured to perform various alerting actions

Debugging If something goes wrong, you can see a log of activity by calling /usr/lib/ddns/dynamic_dns_updater.sh myddns

Note: myddns is the name of the service config entry in /etc/config/ddns file. If you only see the update_url= output you forgot the enable flag for the service. For example if you see badauth in Update Output, you have to change your password which contains only letters and numbers. Because busybox's (v1.15.3) wget implementation has an issue handling encoded URLs. Sometimes the scripts mess up and many instances of the updater will be fired. In this case, use this command to kill them all and start again root@OpenWrt:~# ps | grep dynami[c] | awk '{print $1}' | xargs kill root@OpenWrt:~# ACTION=ifup INTERFACE=wan /sbin/hotplug-call iface

Tweaks Full API documentation available here: https://www.dyndns.com/developers/specs/syntax.html To enable wildcard domains (*.foo.dyndns.org) on dyndns.org, replace the line in /usr/lib/ddns/services with:

"dyndns.org" "http://[USERNAME]: [PASSWORD]@members.dyndns.org/nic/update? wildcard=ON&hostname=[DOMAIN]&myip=[IP]"

To retain the wildcard setting on dyndns.org, replace the line in /usr/lib/ddns/services with: "dyndns.org" "http://[USERNAME]: [PASSWORD]@members.dyndns.org/nic/update? wildcard=NOCHG&hostname=[DOMAIN]&myip=[IP]"

To add dyndns protocol compatible services like dyndns.fr, add a line in /usr/lib/ddns/services with: "dyndns.fr" "http://[DOMAIN]: [PASSWORD]@dyndns.dyndns.fr/update.php?hostname=[DOMAIN]&myip=[IP]"

To add dyndns protocol compatible services like dyndnspro.com, add a line in /usr/lib/ddns/services with: "dyndnspro.com" "http://[DOMAIN]: [PASSWORD]@dyndns.dyndnspro.com/update.php?hostname=[DOMAIN]&myip=[IP]"

To add dyndns protocol compatible services like dynamicdomain.net, add a line in /usr/lib/ddns/services with: "dynamicdomain.net" "http://[DOMAIN]: [PASSWORD]@dyndns.dynamicdomain.net/update.php?hostname=[DOMAIN]&myip=[IP]"

To add dyndns protocol compatible services like dyndns.it, add a line in /usr/lib/ddns/services with: "dyndns.it" "http://[USERNAME]:[PASSWORD]@dyndns.it/nic/update? hostname=[DOMAIN]&myip=[IP]"

To add dyndns protocol compatible services like no-ip.com, add a line in /usr/lib/ddns/services with: "no-ip.org" "http://[USERNAME]:[PASSWORD]@dynupdate.noip.com/nic/update?hostname=[DOMAIN]&myip=[IP]"

To add dyndns protocol compatible services like duckdns.org, add a line in /usr/lib/ddns/services with: "duckdns.org" "http://www.duckdns.org/update? domains=[DOMAIN]&token=[PASSWORD]&ip=[IP]"

To add dyndns protocol compatible services like system-ns.com, add a line in /usr/lib/ddns/services with:

"system-ns.com" "http://system-ns.com/api? type=dynamic&domain=[DOMAIN]&command=set&token=[PASSWORD]&ip=[IP]"

To add dyndns protocol compatible services like two-dns.de, add a line in /usr/lib/ddns/services with: "two-DNS" "http://[USERNAME]:[PASSWORD]@update.twodns.de/update? hostname=[DOMAIN]&ip=[IP]" # with https Support "two-DNS_https" "https://[USERNAME]: [PASSWORD]@update.twodns.de/update?hostname=[DOMAIN]&ip=[IP]" # needs: # option use_https 1 # option cacert /etc/ssl/certs/Example_CA.pem # and install curl # as shown below

SSL support By default ddns-scripts uses wget for DNS updates over http, and curl for DNS updates over https (SSL). In order for ddns-scripts to perform DNS updates over https (SSL), you will need to install the curl package, and add the appropriate root certificate for your ddns provider. Busybox provides its own version of wget; however, it does not support https (SSL). You can either follow the instructions at SSL and Certificates in wget or install curl and see the correct way below.

The correct way using curl There is no need to modify /usr/lib/ddns/services. Automatic change of URI scheme from http to https is controlled by the use_https variable. Install curl and add the following to /etc/config/ddns (replace cacert path to the correct one, either a file or a directory): option use_https option cacert

1 /etc/ssl/certs/Example_CA.pem

Note that you need to download a Certificate Authority bundle as curl's pre-packaged bundle is out of date. Curl does maintain a current CA bundle here: http://curl.haxx.se/ca/ Use the following commands to download the Curl CA bundle: root@OpenWrt:~# mkdir -p /etc/ssl/certs/ root@OpenWrt:~# wget -P /etc/ssl/certs/ http://curl.haxx.se/ca/cacert.pem

Curl SSLv2,3 Support If your DDNS provider is using SSLv2 or SSLv3 Curl will throw error code 35 because it can't connect unless you specify the correct SSL version. To fix this, you must modify /usr/lib/ddns/dynamic_dns_updater.sh as such:

For SSLv2 replace –sslv3 with –sslv2 Find this string of code: retrieve_prog="${retrieve_prog}--cacert $cacert "

Replace it with the following: retrieve_prog="${retrieve_prog}--sslv3 --cacert $cacert "

Find this string of code: retrieve_prog="${retrieve_prog}--capath $cacert "

Replace it with the following: retrieve_prog="${retrieve_prog}--sslv3 --capath $cacert "

If your ddns provider uses a self-signed certificate, or if the certificate issuer is not listed in the curl CA bundle, curl will throw error code 60 and not open a connection to the ddns provider. To fix this, you must modify /usr/lib/ddns/dynamic_dns_updater.sh as such: Warning: This allows curl to connect to https sites without SSL certificates. Only do this if no other options are available, and if you ultimately trust your ddns provider. Find this string of code: retrieve_prog="${retrieve_prog}--cacert $cacert "

Replace it with the following: retrieve_prog="${retrieve_prog}-k "

Find this string of code: retrieve_prog="${retrieve_prog}--capath $cacert "

Replace it with the following: retrieve_prog="${retrieve_prog}-k "

Using wget If you want to stick to wget, then you should set SSL_CERT_DIR variable in /usr/lib/ddns/dynamic_dns_functions.sh before calling /usr/lib/ddns/dynamic_dns_updater.sh because /etc/profile is not sourced in daemon mode.

Using wget with self-signed SSL certificates Note: this is also a workaround for the wget ssl bug mentioned on SSL and Certificates in wget#A Caveat If your service provider uses a self-signed certificate, one options is to use the –no-checkcertificate option with wget (read the disclaimer here: http://www.gnu.org/software/wget/manual/html_node/HTTPS-_0028SSL_002fTLS_0029Options.html#HTTPS-_0028SSL_002fTLS_0029-Options). Replace the retrieve_prog line in /usr/lib/ddns/dynamic_dns_updater.sh with this: retrieve_prog="/usr/bin/wget --no-check-certificate -O - ";

An another workaround for wget's SSL bug and https://freedns.afraid.org (I've tested only this one.) is to install curl and replace the retrieve_prog line in /usr/lib/ddns/dynamic_dns_updater.sh with this: retrieve_prog="/usr/bin/curl";

Using webif Packages updatedd updatedd-mod-dyndns updatedd-mod-noip luci webif

Other methods DDNS scripts have been a surprisingly dynamic(lol) part of OpenWrt. There have been many other scripts and packages used.  

ez-ipupdate (no longer maintained?) updatedd (used in webif) Supports many other services

JimWright's White Russian dyndns.org script (probably based off a script mbm posted in the forum)

exobyte's Kamikaze dyndns.org script (based of JimWright's)

run nsupdate from /etc/udhcpc.user to update an authoritative master configured for DDNS.

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