Dayag Solution Chapter 12
September 9, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Chapter 12 Problem I (a)W (a)Wor orki king ng Fund Fund – Agen Agency cy …………… ………………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… …….. .. 5,00 5,000 0 Cash …… …………………………………………………………………………. 5,000 (b)Accounts (b)Acc ounts Receivable …………………… ……………………………… ……………..... …............. ................. .................. ............... ...... 50,000 50,000 Sales-Agency ………………………………………………………………. 50,000 (c)Cash (c)Ca sh ………………………… ……………………………………… ……………………… ………………... ……........... ................. ................. ................ .......... 35,000 35,000 Accounts Re Receivable …… …………………………………………………….. 35,000 (d)Exp (d) Expen ense ses-A s-Age genc ncy y …… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… …….. .. Cash …… ………………………………………………………………………….
4,50 4,500 0
(e)E (e)Expe xpens nses es-A -Age genc ncy y …… ………… ………… ………… …………… …………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………. …... Cash …… ………………………………………………………………………….
2,25 2,250 0
(f)Cos (f)Costt of Goods Sold-A Sold-Agen gency cy ……… ……………… ……………… ……………… ……………… ……………… …………… …… Merchandise Shipments-Agency ……………………………………….
36,000 36,000
Problem II (a) Bran Branch ch Book Books: s: (a) (a) Ca Cash sh ………… ……………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… …….. .. Home Office ……………………………………………
42,5 42,500 00
(b) (b) Ship Shipme ment ntss fro from m Hom Home e Off Offic ice e ……… …………… ………… ………… ………… …… Home Office …………………………………………...
50,2 50,200 00
(c) (c) Ac Acco coun unts ts Re Rece ceiv ivab able le …… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… …….. Sales ……………………………………………………..
60,0 60,000 00
(d) (d) Purc Purcha hase sess …… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… …… Accounts Payable ……………………………………
22,5 22,500 00
(e (e)) Home Home O Off ffic ice e ……… ………………… …………… ………… ………………… …………… ……….. …….. Accounts Receivable …………………………..
53,40 3,400 0
(f (f)) Acc ccou ount ntss P Pay ayab able le ……… ………………… …………… ………… …………………. ………... .. Cash ……………………………………………………..
12,25 2,250 0
(g (g)) Fur urni nitu ture re & F Fix ixtu ture ress ……… …………… ……… …………… …………… ………… …………… Cash ……………………………………………………..
8,00 8,000 0
(h) (h) Ex Expe pens nses es …… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… …….. .. Cash ……………………………………………………..
18,0 18,000 00
(b) Hom Home e Offic Office e Books: Books: (a (a)) Br Bran anc ch …… ……… ………… ………………… …………… …………… …………… ………… ……………. Cash …………………………………………………….
42,50 2,500 0 42,500
(b (b)) Br Bran anc ch …………… …………… …………… …………… …………… …………… ………… …………… Shipments to Branch ……………………… ………..
50,20 0,200 0
(c (c)) Acc ccou ount ntss R Rec ecei eiva vabl ble e ……… ………… ………… ……………… ………………. ………... .. Sales ……………………………………………………
105 05,,00 000 0
(d) Purchases ………………………………………………… ………. Accounts Payable ………………………………….
122,5 2,500
(e) Cas ash h ………… ………………………………… ……… ………… ……………….. Accounts Receivable ………………………………
113,6 3,600
(f) Acc ccou oun n ts P Pay aya able ……… ………… ……………………………… ………. Cash ……………………………………………………
124,0 4,000
(g (g)) Ex Expe pens nses es …… ………… ……… …………… …………… ………… ……………… ……………… ………… Cash ……………………………………………………
26,60 6,600 0
(h) Cas ash h ………… ………………………………… ……… ………… ……………….. Branch ………………………………………………...
(i) Retained Ear Earnings … …… ……………………………………. Cash …………………………………………………...
BARTON CO. Balance Sheet for Branch December Dece mber 31, 20x4 Assets
Cash …………………………… Accounts Receivable ……… Merchandise Inv……………... Prepaid Expenses …………… Furnitures & Fixtures …. P 8,000 Less accum. Depr …… Total Assets ……………………
P 4,250 12,600 23,500 750 7,350 P48,450
Accounts Payable ………… P 10,250 Accrued Expenses … …… ………… 300 Home Office ………………….. 37,900
Total Liabilities ………………….P48,450
BARTON CO. Income Statement for Branch For Year Ended December 31, 19X6 Sales …………………………………………………………………………… Cost of Goods Sold: Purchases …………………………………………………………… Shipments for home office ………………………………………. Merchandise av available ffo or sa sale …… ………………………………… Less m me erchandise in inv, D De ecember 31 31 … …… ……………………….. Cost of Goods Sold ……………………………………………….. Gross Profit ………………………………………… ………………………….
P66,000 P22,500 50,200 P72,700 23,500 49,200 P16,800
Expenses ……………………………………………………………………… Net loss ………………………………………………………………………...
18,200 P 1,400
BARTON CO. Income Statement for Branch For Year Ended Ended December December 31, 20x4 Assets Cash …………………………….. Accounts Receivable ……….. Merchandise Inventory……… Prepaid Expenses ……………. Furniture & Fixtures …. P 20,000 Less accum. Depr….. 5,580 Branch ………………………… Total Assets …………………...
Liabilities & Stockholders Equity P 23,200 19,050 48,500 2,050 14,420 37,900 P145,120
Liabilities Accounts payable ………… P 21,300 Accrued Expenses …………. 1,350 Stockholders Equity Capital stock, P20 par……… P50,000 Retained Earnings …………. 72,740 Total liabilities and stockholders’ equity …………………
122,470 P145,120
BARTON CO. Income Statement for Home Office For Year Ended Ended December December 31, 20x4 Sales ……………………………………………………………………………....... Cost of goods sold: Merc Me rcha hand ndis ise e inve invent ntor ory, y, Janu Januar ary y 1 ………… ……………… ………… ………… ………… ………. …. Pu Purc rcha hasses …… ……… …………… ……………… ……………… ……………… ………………… …………… …………. ………... .. Merc Me rcha hand ndis ise e av avail ailab able le fo forr sa sale le ………… ……………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ……… … Le Lesss sh ship ipme men nts to bran branc ch …… ………… ……… ………… ………………… ……………… ……………. ……... Merc Me rcha hand ndis ise e av avail ailab able le fo forr own sa sale le ………… ……………… ………… ………… ………… …….. .. Le Lesss merc mercha hand ndis ise e inve invent ntor ory, y, De Dec cembe emberr 31 ………… …………… ………… …………. Cost of Goods Sold ……………………………………………………. Gross Profit ………………………………………………………………………… Expenses …………………………………………………………………………… Net income from own operati ons …………………………………………….. Deduct branch net loss …………………………………………………………. Total Income ……………………………………………………………………….
P105,000 P 40,1 40,120 20 122 22,,50 500 0 P162 P162,6 ,620 20 50 50,,20 200 0 P112 P112,4 ,420 20 48 48,,50 500 0 63,920 P 41,080 27,630 P 13,450 1,400 P 12 12,050
BARTON CO. Income Statement for Home Office For Year Ended Ended December December 31, 20x4 Sales ………………………………………………… ………………………………. Cost of goods sold: Merc Me rcha hand ndis ise e inve invent ntor ory, y, Ja Janu nuar ary y 1 ……… …………… ………… ………… ………… ………… …….. .. Pu Purc rcha hasses …… ……… …………… ……………… ……………… ……………… ………………… …………… ………… ………… Merc Me rcha hand ndis ise e av avail ailab able le fo forr sa sale le ………… ……………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ……… … Le Lesss mer merc chand handis ise e inv inven ento tory ry,, Dec Decem embe berr 3 31 1 ………… ……………… ………… ………. …... Cost of goods sold ………………………………………………………. Gross profit ………………………………………………………………………….. Expenses …… …………………………………………………………………………….. Net Income ………………………………………………………………………….
P171,000 P 40,1 40,120 20 145 45,,00 000 0 P185 P185,1 ,120 20 72 72,,00 000 0 113,120 P 5 57 7,880 45,830 P 12 1 2,050
(a) Bran Branch ch Book Books: s: Expenses ………………………………………………………………. Accumulated Depreciation – F& F&F……………………….
650 650
Sales ……………………………………………………………………
MerchaIn is e nvsu em nto tor y r… …… …… …… …… …… …… …… …… ……… …… …… ……… …… …… …… …... nd co mIe mra y… …… ……
23,50 ,500
Income Su Summary …… …………………………………………………… Shipments from Home Office …………………………… Purchases …………………………………………………… Expenses ……………………………………………………..
Home O Offfice …… ………………………………………………………… Income Summary …………………………………………
50,200 22,500 18,200 1,400 1,400
(b) (b) Ho Home me O Off ffic ice e Boo Books ks Expenses ………………………………………………………………. Accumulated Depreciation – F& F&F……………………….
Sales …………………………………………………………………… Merchandise Inventory ………………………………………… … ….. Shipments to Branch ……………………………………………….. Income su summary ………………………………………….. Income Su Summary …… …………………………………………………… Merchandise Inventory …………………………………… Purchases ……………………………………………………. Expenses ……………………………………………………..
105,000 48,500 50,200
Branch Income ……………………………………………………… Branch ……………………………………………………….
Income Summary ………………………………………………….. Branch Income ……………………………………………
Income Summary ………………………………………………….. Retained Earnings ………………………………………..
203,700 190,250 40,120 122,500 27,630
Problem III (a) Bra Branch nch Books: Books: Jan.
Cash …………………………………………. Home Office ………………………
Shipments from home office ……………. Home Office ………………………
Home Office ……………………………….. Cash ………………………………..
Accts. Rec . – Home office ………………. Home Office ………………………
Accts. R Re ec.-Home Of Office …… ………………. Sales ………………………………..
Cash ……………………………………….. Accounts Receivable …………..
Purchases …… … ………………………………. Accounts Payable ………………
Accounts P Pa ayable …… ………………………. Cash ………………………………..
Expenses …… ………………………………….. Cash ……………………………….
Cash …………………………………………
Accts. Rec.-Home Office ……... 1-31
Home Office ……………………………… Accts. Rec.-Home Office …….
Shipments from Home Office ………… Home Office …………………….
Home Office ……………………………… Cash ……………………………… (b) Hom Home e Offi Office ce Books: Books:
1 1
Branch …………………………………….. 1,500 Cash ……………………………… Branch …… …………………………………….. 1 10 0,200 Shipments to Branch …………..
Sto torre Fu Furrniture and and Fixtu xture ress Branch …. …... 3,000 Store Furniture and Fixtures …...
Accumulated Depr. Store F&F ……….. 750 Accumulated Depr. Store Furniture And Fixtures, Branch ………….. 750 Calculation of depreciation: 2.5years at P300, (10% of P3,000), or P750
Sto torre Fu Furrniture and and Fixtu xture ress Bra Branch ….. Branch ……………………………
Branch …… …………………………………… 2,600 Accounts Receivable ….........
11-31 31
1-31 1-31
11-31 31
11-31 31
1-31 1-31
1-31 1-31
Ac Acco coun unts ts Re Rece ceiv ivab able le ………… ……………… ……… … 34,6 34,600 00 Sales …… ………................................
Cash Cash ………… ……………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………. …. 40,0 40,000 00 Accounts Receivable …………
Pu Purc rcha hase sess …… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………. ….31 31,6 ,600 00 Accounts Receivable ………….
Ac Acco coun unts ts Paya Payabl ble e …… ………… ………… ………… ……… … 36,2 36,200 00 Cash ……………………………...
Accr Accrue ued d Ex Expe pens nses es Pa Paya yabl ble e ………… ………….. Expen Exp ense sess … ……… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… …….. Cash ……………………………..
250 250 8,95 8,950 0
Allowance for Doubtful Accounts ….. Branch …………………………..
Branch … …… …………………………………. Shipments to Branch …………
Cash Cash ………… ……………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ……… … Branch ………………………….
1,00 1,000 0
EAGLE CO. Balance Sheet January Janua ry 31, 20x4 Assets
Cash …………............................ Accounts Receivable ………….. Accts. Rec.-home office ……….
P 1,100 3,600 850
Accounts Payable ………………. P 2,400 Accrued expenses ………………. 400 Home Office ……………………… 14,050
Merchandise Inventory ………… Merchandise in Transit …………. Total assets …………………
9,800 600 P37,200
Total Liabilities ……………………. P37,200
EAGLE CO. Income Statement for Branch For Month Month Ended Ended January January 31, 20x 20x4 4 Sale Saless … ……… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………. …. Cost of Goods Sold: Purchases …… …………………………………………………… P 3, 3,000 Shipments ffrrom ho home of office …… ……………………………. 11,450 Shipments from home office in transit ………….......... 600 Mercmerchandise handise Availinv. abl able for S ale19X9 ……… ……… ……………….. ….. Less Dec 31, ……................P9,800
P6 6,2 ,200 00
Merc Me rcha hand ndis ise e in tran transi sitt …… ………… ………… ………… ………… …….. .. 600 600 10,4 10,400 00 Cost o off Go Goods S So old …… ……………………………………………………………. Gr Gros osss Pro Profi fitt ………… …………… ………… ……………… ……………… ……………… ……………… ………………… ……………… ……………… ………… Exp Expenses ………………………………… ……………… ………………………………………………… Nett Lo Ne Losss ……… …………… ……… ……… ………… ………… ……… …………… ……………… ……………… ……………… ………………… ……………. …... ..
4,650 P 1,5 1,550 2,110 P 56 560 0
EAGLE CO. Balance Sheet for Home Office January Janua ry 31, 20x4 Assets Cash …………………………………………………………………… Accounts Receivable ………………………………………………P34,000 Less allowance for doubtful accounts ……………….. 1,050 Merchandise Inventory ……………………………………………. Store furniture and fixtures …………………………………………P12,000 Less accumulated depreciation ………………………. 3,950 Store furniture and fixtures-branch fixtures-branch ………………… ……………………………… …………… P 3,900 Less accumulated depreciation ……………………… 785 Branch office ………………………………………………………... Total Assets ……………………………………………………………
P 9,100 32,950 44,500 8,050 3,315 14,050 P111,765
Liabilities Accounts Payable …………………………………………….. P29,150 Accrued Expenses …………………………………………….. 750 Total Liabilities ………………………………………………….. Stockholders Equity Capital Stock …………………………………………………… …………………………………………………… P50,000 Retained earnings …………………………………………….. 31,865 Total stockholder’s equity …………………………………… Total liabilities and stockholders equity ……………………
81,865 P111,765
EAGLE CO. Income Statement for Home Office For Month Month Ended January January 31, 20x4 Sales ……………………………………………………………………………… Cost of goods sold: Merchandise in inventory, JJa anuary 1 …… …………………….. P46,000 Purchases …………………………………………………… 31,600 Merchandise available for sale ………………………… 77,600 Less shipments to branch ………………………………… 12,050 Merchandise available for own sales …………………. P65,550 Less m me erchandise iin nventory, Ja January 31 31 … …… …………… 44,500 Cost of goods sold …………………………………………………………… Gross oss Profit ………………………………………………………………………… Expenses …………………………………………………………………………… Net income from own ope perrati tio ons ……… ………………………………… ……… ………… ………. Deduct branch net loss ………………………………………………………… Total Income ……………………………………………………………………
P 34,600
21,050 P 13,6 3,650 9,325 P 4,225 560 P 3,665
EAGLE CO. Income Statement for Home Office For Month Month Ended Ended January January 31, 20x 20x4 4 Assets Liabiities and Stockholders Equity Liabilities Cas ash h ……… …………… ………… ……… …………. ………..…… .………. …. P 10,20 0,200 0 Acc ccou ount ntss Payab ayable le …… P30,7 30,700 00 AccounLess ts reallow ceivab le doubt……….. P38,450 for
Accrued Expenses ……
P 31,800
Ful Ful acco accou unt ntss ………. ………... 1,05 1,050 0 37 37,,40 400 0 Merchandise Inventory ……………….. 54,900 Store furn. & fixtures ………… P15,900 Less accum depr 4,735 11,165 To Tota tall a ass sset etss ……… …………… ………… ………… ………… ……… … P11 P113, 3,66 665 5
Stockholders Equity Capital Stocks …………P50,000 Retained earnings …… 31 3 1,865 81,865 Tota To tall lia liab. b. And And ssto tock ckho hold lder erss equi equity ty . P1 P113 13,6 ,665 65
EAGLE CO. Combined Income Statement for Home Office and Branch For Month Month Ended January January 31, 20x4 Sales …… ………………………………………………………………………………….. Cost of goods sold: Merc Me rcha hand ndis ise e Inv Inven ento tory ry,, JJan anua uary ry 1 … ……… ………… ………. …. P4 P46, 6,00 000 0 Purchas ases es ………… ……………… …………………………………... 34,600 Merc Me rcha hand ndis ise e avai availa labl ble e for for sal sale e ………… ……………… ………. …... .. P8 P80, 0,60 600 0 Le Lesss mer merc chand handis ise e inv inven ento tory ry,, Jan Jan 3 31 1… ……… ………… …….... 54 54,9 ,900 00 Cost of goods sold ………………… … …… ……………............................... Gross pr profit …… …………………………………………………………………………... Expenses … …… …………………………………………………………………………… Net Income …………………………………………………………………………..
P 40 40,800
25,700 P1 15 5,100 11,435 P 3,665
(a) Bran Branch ch Books Books Jan.
Shipments from Office-in Transit ……………… Home Office …………………………….
600 600
Expenses … …… ………………………………………. 475 Home Office ……………………………. 31 Expenses ………………………………………… 35 Home Office ………………………….. 1/120 x P3,000, or P25 (depreciation for one month; Asset life, 10 years); 1/90 x P900, or P10 (depreciation For one month; asset life, 7.5 years) 31
Merchandise Inventory ……………………… Merc Me rcha hand ndis ise e in in TTra rans nsit it ……… ……… ………… …………….. …….. Income Summary ……………………
475 35
9,800 60 600 0 10,400
Expenses ……………………………………….. Accrued Expenses ………………….
Sales … …… ………………………………………….
Income Summary ………………….. 31
Income Summary ……………………………. Shipments from Home Office ……. Ship. From Home Office – in Trans . Purchases …………………………… Expenses ……………………………..
Home Office ………………………………….. Income Summary …………………...
11,450 600 3,000 2,110
(b) Hom Home e Offic Office e Books: Books: 31
Branch …………………………………………. Shipments to Branch ……………….
Branch …………………………………………. Expenses ……………………………...
Branch …………………………………………. Accumulated Depreciation, Store Furniture and Fixtures Branch ……..
Expenses … …… ……………………………………. 100 Accumulated Depreciation store Furniture and Fixtures branch ……. 1/120 x P12,000, or P100 (depreciation for one Month; asset life, 10 years) Income Summary …………………………… Merchandise Inventory ……………
Merchandise Inventory …………………….. Income Summary …………………..
Expenses … …… …………………………………….
Accrued Expenses …………………. 31
Sales …………………………………………… Purchases …………………………… Expenses ……………………………..
Branch Income ………………………………. Branch ………………………………..
Income Summary ……………………………. Branch Income ……………………...
Income Summary ……………………………. Retained Earnings …………………..
31,600 9,325
Problem IV 1. Socrates Socr ates Company Company Home Office and Plato Branch Reconciliation of Reciprocal Ledger Accounts June 30, 20x4
Balances prior to adjustment Add: Merchandise shipped to branch Less: Acquisition of office equipment by branch (carri (ca rried ed in in ac accou countin nting g re recor cords ds of of ho home me of office fice)) Collection of branch trade accounts receivable Payment of cash by branch Adjusted balances 2.
(a) (a)
Investment in Plato lato Bran Branch ch Ledger Account (Debit) P85,000
(14,50 (14,500) 0) (9,000) _______ P48,500
(22,000) P48,500
Acco Account untin ing g rreco ecord rdss of of h hom ome e off offic ice: e: Office Equipment: Plato Branch Investment in Plato Branch To record acquisition of office equipment by branch. Cash in Transit Investment in Plato Branch To record cash in transit from branch.
(b (b))
Hom Home Of Offi fic ce Ledger Account (Credit) P33,500 24,000
14,500 14,500
22,000 22,000
Acco Accoun unti ting ng re reco cord rdss of br bran anch ch:: Home Office 9,000 Trade Accounts Receivable To record collection by home office of branch accounts receivable. Inventories in Transit
Home Office To record shipment of merchandise in transit from home office. Problem V ((a) Balances before Adjustments ……………………………………….. Adjustments: Additions: Merchandise in transit to branch …………………. Collllec Co ecti tion on of Home Home offi office ce re rece ceiv ivab able le by Bran Branch ch Understatement o off br branch n ne et in income ffo or N No ov.. Deductions: Merchandise rre eturn to to ho home of office iin n tr transit … …… ………….
615 2,50 2,500 0 90 P10,990 640
Corrected B Ba alances …… ………………………………………………
(b) Branch Books: Shipments fr from Ho Home O Offfice -i-in Tr Transit … …… …………………. Home Office …………………………………………...
Home Office Books: Branch …… …………………………………………………………… Accounts Receivable ………………………………..
Branch …………………………………………………………… Retained Earnings …………………………………….
Merchandise Re Returns fr from B Brranch – in TTrransit … …… …………. Branch …………………………………………………..
Problem VI 1.
Balances before adjustments Adjustments: Additions: Advertising charged to branch but not yet recorded on branch books Merchandise in transit to branch but not yet shown on branch books Collection of home office account by branch not yet recorded by home office Deductions: Overstatement of branch profit for 20x0 on home office books Cash in transit to home office but not yet shown on home office books Overstatement of charge for merchandise from home office on branch books (home office shipped 200 units @ P37.85, or P7,570, and 200 units @ P44,95, or P8,990, a total of P16,560; branch erroneously recorded shipment at P16,650, an overstatement of P90 Corrected balances 2. Ho Home me of offi fice ce books books:: Jan. 31 Re Retained Earnings Wilshire Branch 31
Cash in Transit Wilshire Branch Wilshire Branch
Branch Account P 77,150
Home office Account P 56,450
600 4,400 ____7 5 0 P77,900
_______ P61,450
540 16,000
_______ P 61360
___90 P 61,360
540 540 16,000 16,000 750
Accounts Receivable Branch Books: Jan. 31 Ad Advertising Expense Home Office 31
Shipments from Home Office – In Transit Home Office
Home Office Shipments from Home Office
600 600 4,400
90 90
Problem VII 1.
Balances before adjustments Adjustments: Additions: Corrected Corre cted b branch ranch income income fo forr January January (P1,44 (P1,440 0 – P215) Understatement of branch paid by home office for December Expenses of branch paid by home office Deductions: Collection by home office of branch receivable Correction of branch income for January Merchandise transferred to Brentwood branch but incorrectly charged by Beverly Hills branch Merchandise returns to home office in transit Uncollectible accounts of branch Corrected Balances
Branch Account P 59,365
Home Office Account P 57,525
1,225 310 _______ P 60,900
____215 P 57,740 65 215
1,400 840 __1,200 P 57,460
_______ P 57,460
2. (a) Entries to bring branch books up to date: Correction in Income of Prior Periods Home Office
Home Office Income Summary
Home Office Accounts Receivable (b) Entries to bring home office books up to date: Beverly Hills Branch Beverly Hills Branch Income
215 65 65
1,225 1,225
Beverly Hills Branch Retained Earnings
310 310
Shipments to Beverly Hills Branch Beverly Hills Branch
Brentwood Branch
Shipments to Brentwood Branch
Mercha Merc hand ndis ise e Re Retu turn rnss fr from om Bran Branch ch – In Tran Transi sitt – Be Beve verl rly y Hills Branch Beverly Hills Branch Allowance for Doubtful Accounts – Beverly Hills Branch Beverly Hills Branch
840 840 1,200 1,200
Problem VIII 1. (b) Mdse. allowance by home office
Home Office (a) Charge for office furniture 350.00 by home office
(f) Truck repairs charged by home office
Net credit Total
(a) Purchase of office furniture for branch (c) Branch charge for interest (d) Branch charge for labor (e) Branch charge for freight
(d) Charge for labor by home office (e) Charge for freight by home office (h (h)) Pr Pro oce cee eds from from sale ale of truc truck k
643.00 1,556.50 1,229.50 Branch (b) Mdse. allowance for 870.00 branch 325.00 (g) Proceeds from sale of truck 433.00 _785.00 2,413.00 _______ 2,413.00
Net Debit Total
Balan Balance ce in branc branch ha acc ccou ount nt per per h hom ome e off offic ice e boo book, k, Se Septe ptemb mber er 30, 30, 20x 20x2 2 Deduct net debit total per home office books for transactions that involve discrepancies Add net credit total per branch books for transaction that involve discrepancies Balan Balance ce iin n home home off offic ice e acco accoun untt per per br bran anch ch b boo ooks ks,, Septe Septemb mber er 30, 30, 20x 20x2 2
780.00 866.00 78.50 475. 475.00 00 2,199.50 _______ 2,199.50
300.00 475.00
______ 775.00 1,638,000 _2,413.00 P1 131, 31,69 690. 0.00 00 1,638.00 P 130,052.00 __1,556.50 P 13 131, 1,60 608. 8.50 50
2. Balance in home office account per branch books, September 30, 20x2 Add: dd: (a) Fa Faililu ure by bran branch ch to take take up fu fullll fu furn rnit itu ure charg harges es (b) Recognition by branch of excess merchandise allowance (c) Failure by branch to recognize charge by home office for interest (e) Failure by branch to t o recognize full freight charges (f) Truck repairs charge to home office account in error Deduct: (d) Recognition by branch of excess labor charges (h) Credit entry to home office made in error on sale of truck Corrected interoffice balance, September 30, 20x2
P 131,608.50 P 90.0 90.00 0 50.00 325 706.50 293.00
___1,464.50 P 133,073.00
___908.00 P 132,265.00
September 30, 20x2 Add credit to branch account made in error for proceeds from sale of truck Corrected interoffice balance, September 30, 20x2
P 131,690.00
3. Balance in branch account per home office books,
_____475.00 P 132,265.00
4. Office Furniture Merchandise allowances Home office interest charges payable Interest expense Freight In Repairs on truck Labor Trucks Home Office
90.00 50.00 250.00 75.00 706.50 293.00 433.00 475.00 556.50
Multiple Choice Problem 1. d Branch A Assets: Inventory, January 1 Imprest branch fund Accounts receivable, January 1 Total Assets Less: Liabilities Home Office Current Account
P 21,000 2,000 55,000 P 78,000 - 0P 78,000
Branch B P 19,000 1,500 43,500 P 64,000 - 0P 64,000
2. b Branch A Assets: Inventory, December 31 Imprest branch fund
P 19,000 2,000
Branch B P 12,000 1,500
Accounts receivable, December 31 Total Assets Less: Liabilities Home Office Current Account
70,000 P 91,000 - 0P 91,000
53,500 P 67,000 - 0P 67,000
3. d – incidentally, incidentally, the entry entry in the b books ooks o off the branch branch wou would ld be as follows: follows: Profit and loss summary ………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………… xxx Home Office Current………………………………… Current……………………………………………………. …………………. Xxx 4. c Janu Januar ary y 1,20 1,20x4 x4 Assets: Inventory Petty cash fund Accounts receivable Total Assets Less: Liabilities Home Office Current Account
Janu Januar ary y 1, 20x5 20x5
P 37,000 3,000 43,000 P 83,000 _____-0P 83,000
P 41,000 3,000 49,000 P 93,000 _____-0P 93,000
5. a – refer to No. 4 for compu computations tations 6. a Sales
P 74,000
Less: Cost of goods sold: SFHO…………………………………………………………… Less: In Inventory, en ending……………………………………… Gross profit…………………………………………………………… profit…………………………………………………………… Less: Expenses – Net Loss………………………………………………………………..
P67,680 9,180
58,500 P 15,500 6,820 P 8,680
7. a January 1, 20x6 Assets: Cash Inventory Accounts receivable Total Assets
P 4,200 9,180 12,800 P 26,180
Less: Liabilities Home Office Current Account
_____-0P 26,180
8. a – nominal accounts accounts have ze zero ro beginning beginning balance. balance. 9. d Branch Current Unadjusted balance, 6/30/20x4 Add (Deduct): (Deduct): Adjus Adjustmen tments ts 1 Erroneous recording of branch equipment 2. Insurance premium recorded twice 3. Erroneous recording of freight 4. Discount on merchandise 5. Failure by the branch to record share in advertising 6. error by the home office to record remittance of Cebu
P 225,770
H. Office Current P 226,485*
( ( ( 3,000
3150 675) 90) 800) 700 ________
Adjusted balance, 6/30/20x4 P 228,770 P 228,770 * The P226,485 is compute simply by working back with P228,770 adjusted balance as the starting point.
10. c
Unadjusted balance Add (deduct) adjustments: IRnetm raitntsaitnce Returns Cash in transit Ex Expe pens nses es - HO Expen Exp ense sess – branc branch h Error Adjusted balance
Home Office Books (Branch CurrentDr. balance) P518,575
Branch Books (Home (Ho me Office Office Cur Curren rentt – Cr. bala balance nce)) P452,276
( 17,000) ( 775)
10,500 25,000
________ P 500,000
12,000 _____224 P 500,000
11. d
Unadjusted balance Add (deduct) adjustments: Excess freight Cash in transit Returns Expenses – branch Adjusted balance
Home Offi Home Office ce Books (Branch CurrentDr. balance) P515,000
Branch Books (Home (Ho me Office Office Cur Curren rentt – Cr. bala balance nce)) P495,750 (
( 11,000) ( 4,000) ________
P 500,000
P 500,000
12. c – refer to No. 11 for for computation computationss 13. a – refer to No. 11 for for computations computations 14. d – ref refer er to to No. 11 for for compu computati tations ons 15. d - No entry entry sh should ould be made made in the books books of the h home ome office, office, since the freigh freightt sho should uld chargeable to the branch and the payment of the freight was made by the branch. 16. a Home Office Books Branch Books
Unadjusted balance Add (deduct) adjustments: Collection of branch receiv Shipments in transit Purchase by branch of office equipment Remittance Adjusted balance
(Branch CurrentDr. balance) P85,000
(Home (Ho me Office Office Cur Curren rentt – Cr. bala balance nce)) P33,500 ( 9,000) 24,000
( 14,500) ( 22,000) P 48,500
_________ P 48,500
17. b Home Office Books (Branch CurrentUnadjusted balance
Dr. balance) P590,000
Branch Books (Home (Ho me Office Office Cur Curren rentt – Cr. bala balance nce)) P506,700
Add (deduct) adjustments: Remittance Returns Error by the branch Expenses – branch Adjusted balance
(40,000) (15,000) ________
300 28,000
P 535,000
P 535,000
Home Office Books (Branch CurrentDr. balance) P150,000
Branch Books (Home (Ho me Office Office Cur Curren rentt – Cr. balance) P117,420
18. c
Unadjusted balance Add (deduct) adjustments: In transit HO A/R collected by br. Supplies returned Error in recording Br. NI Cash sent to branch to General Expense by HO Adjusted balance
37,500 10,500 ( 4,500) ( 1,080) 25,000 P 179,920
25,000 P 179,920
Home Office Books (Branch (Branc h Curre Currentnt- Dr. balance) P40,000
Branch Books (Home (Ho me Office Office Cur Curren rentt – Cr. bala balance nce)) P31,100
19. 19. d – re refe ferr to to No. No. 18 for comp comput utati ation on.. 20. a
Unadjusted balance Add (deduct) adjustments: In transit HO A/R collected by br. Cash in transit Error in recording Br. NI Adjusted balance
5,800 500 2,000 ( 3,600) P38,900
2,000 _______ P38,900
21. 21. a – re refe ferr to No. No. 20 fo forr comp comput utati ation onss 22. a
Unadjusted balance Add (deduct) adjustments: Collection of branch A/R In transit Purchase of furniture Return of excess merchandise Remittance Adjusted balance 23. b – ref refer er to to No. 22 for comp computa utation tionss
Home Office Books (Branch Curre (Branch Currentnt- Dr. balance) P49,600
Branch Books (Home (Home Of Offi fice ce Curr Curren entt – Cr. bala balance nce)) P44,00 (
( 1,200) ( 1,500) ( 5 00) P46,400
800) 3,200
_______ P46,400
24. (C) Sales (P350,000 + P100,000)………………………………………………………….P P100,000)………………………………………………………….P 450,000 Less: Cost of goods sold: Purc Purcha hase sess (P40 (P400, 0,00 000 0 + P50 P50,0 ,000 00)… )……… ………… ………… ………… ………… …….. P 450, 450,00 000 0 Le Lesss: Inve Invent ntor ory, y, en endi ding ng… ……… ………… ……… ………… ……………… ……………… ……… 90,0 90,000 00 36 360, 0,00 000 0 Gross profit…………………………………………………………… profit…………………………………………………………… P 90,000 Less: Les s:Salaries Expen Expenses ses – commission…………………………………….. and Rent……………………………………………………………… Advertising Adver tising suppl supplies ies (P10, (P10,000 000 – P6,000)………… P6,000)…………………… ………… Other expenses………………………………………………. Net Loss………………………………………………………………..
P 70,000 20,000 4,000 5,000
99,000 P( 9,000)
25. a In adopting the imprest system for the agency working fund, the home office writes a check to the agency for the amount of the fund. Establishment of the fund is recorded on the home office books by a debit to the Agency working fund and credit cash. The agency will request fund replenishment whenever the fund runs low and at the end of each fiscal peri period. od. Such a request is normally accomplished by an itemized and authenticated statement of disbursements and the paid vouchers. Upon sending the agency a check in replenishment of the fund, the home office debits expense or other accounts for which disbursements from the fund were reported and credits cash. 26. d Normally, transactions of the agency are recorded in the books of the home office separately identified with the appropriate agency.
Quiz Qu iz-- XII XII 1. P78 78,,00 000 0 Branch A
Branch B
Assets: Inventory, January 1 Imprest branch fund Accounts receivable, January 1
P 21,000 2,000 55,000
P 19,000 1,500 43,500
LTo etsa s:l LAiassbeiltitsies Home Office Current Account
P__7_8_,_0-000P 78,000
P__6_4_,_0-000P 64,000
2. P64, P64,000 000 – ref refer er to No. 1 3. P1 P10, 0,41 416 6 Sales …… … …….………………………………………………………… Less: Cost of goods sold: Purchases……………………………..……… ………………………. ……. Shipments from home office……………………………… Less: Inventory, ending (P3,391 + P7,625)…….………… Gross Gro ss profit… profit……… …………… ……………… ……………… ……………… ……………… ……………… …………… …… Add (deduct): Expenses……………………………………………………….. Expenses………………………………………………… …….. Interest expense………………………………………………. Gain on sale…………………………………………………...
P 80 8 0,000 P 25,000 56,216 11,016
70,200 P 9,800 9,800 ( 7,500) ( 684) 8,800
Net Income………………………………………………………………..
P 10,416
4. P31,416 = P21,000 + P10,416 5. Zero, since it is a nominal account 6. P117,42 P117,420 0 Home Office Books (Branch CurrentDr. balance) P150,000
Unadjusted balance Add (deduct) adjustments: In transit HO A/R collected by br. Supplies returned Error in recording Br. NI Cash sent to branch to General Expense by HO Adjusted balance
Branch Books (Home (Ho me Office Office Cur Curren rentt – Cr. bala balance nce)) P117,420 37,500
10,500 ( 4,500) ( 1,080) 25,000 P 179,920
25,000 P 179,920
7. P1 P179 79,9 ,920 20 - refe referr to No. 6 for for co comp mput utat atio ion. n. 8. c 9. a 10. 10. P7,1 P7,100 00 Sales
Less: Cost of goods sold Gross profit Less: Expenses Salaries a an nd co commission [[P P1,750 + ((5 5% x (P17,600 – P10,000) Rent expense Advertising expense Samples expense [(P5,000 – P2,000) x 1/6] Advertising materials expense (3/5 x P1,250) Depreciati0n expense [(P2,400 / 5 years) x 1/12] Miscellaneous expense Net income
10,500 P 7,100 P2 2,,130 800 325 500 750 40 ___600
__5,145 P 1,955
11. 11. P5 P5,1 ,145 45 – re refe ferr tto o No. No. 10 12. P1, P1,955 955 – ref refer er to No. 10
Theories 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10,
decentralized Home Office Current Branch Income Home Office intracompany Tr True Tr True Fa F alse Fa False Tr True
11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.
False False False True True F Fa alse Tr True Fa F alse Tr True TTrrue
21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30.
False True True True False C A A D A
31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40.
E B c d A C A B B B
41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51.
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