Day 5_ Systematic Approach to Avoid Blunders — 21 Days to Supercharge Your Chess by TheChessWorld

April 15, 2019 | Author: Sean Andrew Olan | Category: Chess, Chess Theory, Game Theory, Traditional Games, Competitive Games
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21 Days to Supercharge Your Chess

Day 5: Systematic Approach to Avoid Blunders

Day 5: Systematic Approach to Avoid Blunders 20% Supercharge Completed

Here is your homework that yo u should do after reading the chapter!

Instructions: Go through this master game, read all the comments and try to understand the basic ideas b ehind the moves. To fully understand the game you might want to study it multiple times. For your convenience t he PGN of this game is attached below the diagram.

The position looks completely locked up, but white has some initiative. 1. Bd6 Kd8 Now white can sacrifice some material for an attack. Do you see the move? 2. Ra4! Sacrificing an exchange for a strong attack. 2... ba4 3. Qb6

Ke8 4. Bc7 Kf8  [4... Ke7 5. b5! Ba8 6. Qc5 Ke8 7. b6   With a game winning threat Bb5.] 5. Bd8 a3 6. Bf6 a2 7. Qd4 To stop the pawn. [Notice that if 7. Qb8?? Qe8 8. Qa7 Qa8  And white can just resign.] 7... Rg8 8. b5 Bb5 9. Qc5 Ke8 10. Bb5 a1Q 11. Ke2 And black resigned because there is not defense against mates even  with 2 queens on the board.

11... Qb5 12. Qb5 Kf8 13. Qb8#

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Instructions: Here is your practical (tactical) exercises. Solving these problems is a very important part of the program on your way to improve your game. Try so lving them by looking on the diagram. If that is hard you can setup pieces on the board and attempt again. Solutions are given at the end. Check them only after your complete/attempt all problems.

#25. White to move and win

#26. Black to move and win

#27. White to move and win

#28. White to move and win

#29. Black to move and win

#30. Black to move and win

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#25. 1. Qh6 f6 (1… gxh6 2. Rg3#) (1… Bxe5 2. Qh7#) (1… g6 2. Qh8#) 2. Bh7+ Kf7 3. Qxh5+ Ke6 4. Bxd6 Qxd6 5. Re3+ Kd7 6. Rd1 1-0 #26. 1… Qa7 2. Qb4 (2. Qxa7 Bxc3#) 2… Qxg1+ 3. Kb2 (3. Qb1 Qxb1#) 3… Qf2+ 4. Kb3 Qc2+ 5. Ka3 Bd6 0-1 #27. 1. Bh6+ Kxh6 (1… Kg6 2. Qg5#) (1 … Kg8 2. Qf8#) 2. Qf6+ Kh5 3. Rxf5+ 1-0

#28. 1. Rh8+ Kxh8 (1... Qxh8 2. Qxf5#) 2. Qg8# 1-0 #29. 1... Qxg1+ 2. Kxg1 (2. N xg1 Nf2#) 2... Rc1+ 3. Rd1 Rxd1+ 4. Qe1 Rxe1# 0-1 #30. 1... Rf2 2. Qxf1 Nb2# 0-1

Endgame Lab: Position 5 Instructions: Here is your practical (tactical) exercises. Solving these problems is a very important part of the program on your way to improve your game. Try so lving them by looking on the diagram. If that is hard you can setup pieces on the board and attempt again. Solutions are given at the end. Check them only after your complete/attempt all problems.

#5. Black to move and draw

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1... Re1 Black's plan for a draw here is simple, to occupy the 6th rank and to check the king. 2. Kd4 Re6 3. Kd5 Rg6 Keeping the distance from the king. 4. Kc5 Rf6 5. Kb5 Rf5   Occupy 6th rank and  when white defend the pawn with king keep checking from the side. White cannot make progress here. Draw. =


Great Job! That's it for today. You can move to the next lesson!

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