David Whitley - 102 Kettlebell Workouts

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102 Kettlebell Workouts

By David Whitley, Sr. RKC

Copyright 2008 Iron Tamer Fitness


I must express huge amounts of gratitude to Pavel, John DuCane and all my colleagues, teachers and students. Thanks to my wife Mandy for her support and to my parents for everything they have done for me. Thanks also to God for all He has done for me.

Proverbs 24:5 A wise man is strong, Yes a man of knowledge increases strength; Dave www.irontamer.com

Copyright 2008 Iron Tamer Fitness


102 Kettlebell Workouts By David Whitley, Sr. RKC “Hey Dave, what’s the best kettlebell workout for (fill in the blank)??” A while back I had an idea. Write a short book of kettlebell workouts with no fluff, no filler and no BS. I wanted the reader to be able to flip open a book, close their eyes and put their finger on a page and find a workout. My first book, 101 Kettlebell Workouts was that book I compiled workouts from my clients, my classes and myself and also included workouts inspired by (a polite way to say stolen from) my colleagues. Getting to 101 was the easy part. I was amazed by the stuff I had to leave out. When I put together the first 101 Kettlebell Workouts book, I had no idea that the response would be so phenomenal. 2 years and thousands of copies of later I still receive emails about it, almost daily, most of them ending with “MORE PLEASE!” OK then, here it is. 102 Kettlebell Workouts. This time around, I also give a few responses to some of the questions that keep coming up. If you can’t find the answer in here, you can email me at [email protected] Like the last time, I will assume you already know the names of the most common kettlebell drills and that your technique is up to par. If not, seek help from an RKC. Like any form of physical training, there is potential for injury and some of these workouts may be too tough for some people. Use your common sense and get your doctor’s clearance. Like I tell the members of my Nashville Kettlebell Bootcamp “Push yourself, but don’t be stupid.”

Copyright 2008 Iron Tamer Fitness


A few commonly asked questions Q: Where Should I buy my kettlebell? A: Dragon Door has the highest quality kettlebells on the market. They are the American original and the only ones I use. You may find cheaper kettlebells, but you will not find a better value. You get what you pay for. Q: How many kettlebells do I need? A: You can get a lot of mileage out of one kettlebell. More than one will obviously give you more options. Some of the workouts listed used double kettlebells, others are single. It is up to you to decide how many to get. A complete set is pairs of three sizes, light medium and heavy, but you can really get a lot out of just one. Q: Where should I practice with my kettlebell? A: I usually recommend that kettlebell workouts be done outdoors, in and area where the kettlebell can be dropped without causing any damage. Q: I am already doing (fill in the blank). Can I combine kettlebells with it? A: Maybe. This book is designed to give you a lot of useful workouts. Program design is too big a subject to cover here. Q: I am not sure about my technique. Where can I find an instructor near me? A: Dragon Door has a complete listing of RKC instructors on their website. The RKC is the gold standard in kettlebell instruction. Q: What is a good source for nutritional information? A: Nutrition is too broad a subject to cover in this book, and I am not an expert in it, although I do have a lot of hands-on experience. I recommend two distinctly different resources for different reasons. Dr. John Berardi’s Precision Nutrition and Ori Hofmekler’s Warrior Diet. A lot of people are successful at cycling between the two. Q: Do you recommend any nutritional supplements? A: I recommend Prograde Nutrition. They have a great line of all-natural supplements ranging from post-workout recovery to meal replacement to multivitamin. I have used it and it is good stuff.

Copyright 2008 Iron Tamer Fitness


Another 30 Under 30 Using kettlebells lets you get a LOT of work done in a short period of time. In the first 101 workouts book the “30 under 30” section got the best feedback from readers by far. Many people said that it was their favorite part of the book and that I should publish more. I hear, and I respond. I’d like to tell you that this section contains 30 MORE workouts that can be completed in less than half an hour, but it doesn’t. There are 31. 1. Get-up 10 single reps, alternating arms each rep. One arm swing 5x10/10 2. 2 hand swings :30 work, :30 rest Repeat for 20-30 sets 3. 2 KB Clean and press (C&P) 3x5 Swings as many as possible in 15:00 4. Goblet Squat (holding one KB by the horns in the “steering wheel” position) 5x3 alternated with Double C&P 5x5 Rest 2:00 Swing 5x20 5. Goblet Squat 5x5 alternated with Row 5x5 Rest 2:00 Snatch 5x10/10 6. 1 KB C&P 5x5/5 alternated with Goblet Squat 5x5 Swing- as many as possible in 10:00 7. Row 5x5/5 alternated with C&P 5x5/5 Rest 2:00 Snatch 5x12/12 8. C&P 5x5/5 alternated with Pullup 5x5 Swing 10 sets of :30 work and :30 rest

Copyright 2008 Iron Tamer Fitness


9. Snatch 3x10/10 Goblet squat 3x5 10. Swing x25 reps alternated with Burpees (Squat thrust) x10 reps Complete as many rounds as possible in 30:00 11. Pushup variation as many as possible in 5:00 Rest 1:00 Swing- as many as possible in 5:00 Rest 1:00 Goblet Squat As many as possible in 5:00 Rest 1:00 Pullup- as many as possible in 5:00 Rest 1:00 12. Turkish Get-up- as many as possible in 10:00 Rest 1:00 Pullup- as many as possible in 8:00 Rest 1:00 Swing- as many as possible in 8:00 13. Double C&P 5x5 alternate with Pullup 5x5 Swing 12x15 14. Pullup 5x5 alternate with Double C&P 5x5 Goblet Squat 5x5 alternate with Snatch 5x10/10 15. Get up 3x3/3 Pullup 3x5 Double Squat 3x5 Done as a circuit Rest 2:00 Swing 5x25 16. Double C&P 5x5 Double Squat 5x3 Double Row 5x5 Done as a circuit Snatch 5x10/10

Copyright 2008 Iron Tamer Fitness


17. Get up 3x3/3 Rest Alternating Row 3x5 alternated with Pushup variation 3x15 Rest Swing 5x20 18. Get up 5x3/3 Double Row 3x5 Goblet Squat 3x5 Snatch 5x10/10 19. Windmill 3x3/3 Pullup 3x5 Swing 5x25 20. Double C&P 5x5 alternated with Double Squat 3x5 Rest 2:00 Pullup 5x5 alternated with Double Swing 5x10 21. C&P 5x3/3 alternated with Pullup 5x3 Rest 2:00 Goblet Squat 3x5 alternated with Snatch 5x10/10 22. Double Snatch 23. 20x3 start at the top of each minute 24. Double squat and press 10x5 Rest 1:00 between sets 25. Burpee 5x10 alternated with Snatch 5x10/10 26. Double snatch 5x10 alternated with Burpee 5x10 rest :30 between each set 27. Renegade Row 5x 5/5 alternated with Swings 5x25

Copyright 2008 Iron Tamer Fitness


28. Turkish Get-up 5x2/2 Swing 5x25 Renegade Row 3x 5/5 29. Snatch: 30 on/ :30 off for 20:00 Alternate arms each set 30. Snatch 1:00 right, 1:00 left rest:30 repeat a total of 10 times 31. Alternating press 5x5/5 alternated with Alternating Row 5x5/5 Rest 2:00 Snatch 5x15/15

Copyright 2008 Iron Tamer Fitness


Underground Kettlebells My friend Zach Even-Esh is a top-notch strength and conditioning coach in New Jersey. He is as big a fan of the Old-School strength methods as I am. His website Underground Strength Coach is an excellent resource for out-of-thebox thinking and old-school methods for building real strength. Here are some workouts inspired by Zach’s training methods. Workout 1: 1A) Double clean & press 3 x 6 1B) Double squat 3 x 6 1C) Renegade row 3 x 6 1D) Farmer walk 3 x 100' Workout 2: 1A) 1 arm snatch 3 x 12/12 1B) Hand to hand swings 3 x 20 1C) 1 arm rack walk 3 x 100' each hand Workout 3 Done as a complex, do not put the kettlebells down until you have completed one round of ALL the exercises 1A) Double high pulls 3 x 10 1B) Double cleans 3 x 10 1C) Double push press 3 x 10 1D) Double squat 3 x 6 Workout 4 1) Renegade row + push up 5 x 5 2) Double squat + press combo 5 x 5 3) Snatch x 50reps per arm total Workout 5 1A) 1 arm clean & press 4 x 6 1B) 1 arm row 4 x 6 2) 2 hand high pull, catch & squat 3 x 10 Workout 6 1) Turkish get up 3 x 3/3 2) Snatch 3 x 10/10 3) Double overhead walks 3 x 150'

Copyright 2008 Iron Tamer Fitness


Workout 7 1A) Double farmer walk 2 x 100' 1B) Double overhead walk 2 x 100' 1C) Double rack walks 2 x 100'

Workout 8 1A) Double burpee + push up 5x5 1B) Heavy snatches 5 x 5/5 1C) Hand to hand swings 1 x 100 Workout 9 (field workout) 1) 2 hand high pull, catch and push throw x 5 minutes 2) 1 arm snatch x as many reps as possible in 5 minutes 3) Farmer walks 5 x 1 minute Workout 10 1A) 1 arm snatch + windmill combo 3 x 3 1B) 1 arm push press + overhead squat 3 x 5 2A) Double clean + squat + press 3 x 8 2B) Renegade row + push up 3 x 5 3) Get up sit up 2 x 5

Copyright 2008 Iron Tamer Fitness


Group Workouts In my local Nashville Kettlebell Bootcamp classes I have a variety of people with a variety of fitness levels. The challenge has always been to create a workout for a group that allows everyone to push themselves within their own level of fitness. Here are some examples from our class. If you are a fitness professional doing group classes or bootcamps, you will get a LOT of mileage out of this section. If you aren’t in the fitness business, these workouts can easily be done by yourself. Workout 1: Circuit :30/:30 :30 rest Split Squat 1 arm row pushup/plank 3 rounds Intervals burpee 1:00 work, jog/walk 1:30 2rounds Swing 1:00 work, jog/walk 1:30 2rounds Workout 2: C&P with partners 4 ladders of 1,2,3,4 reps snatches alternating between a heavy and a medium weight H-3/3 M-10/10 H-4/4 M-12/12 H-5/5

Copyright 2008 Iron Tamer Fitness


Workout 3: Turkish Getup Alternating with partner 1 rep per side 12:00 Rest 2:00 swing 1:00 run 1:30 x5 rounds

Workout 4: CircuitPushup/Plank Hold Row Lunge :30 each side :30 rest 3 rounds rest 2:00 VO2 Max snatch protocol (as developed by Master RKC Kenneth Jay) :15 snatching, :15 rest 34 sets 17:00 total Workout 5: Circuit: Row Lunge Military Press :45 per side, :45 rest between exercises 4 rounds Swing :30 on :30 off 10 rounds

Copyright 2008 Iron Tamer Fitness


Workout 6: Go heavier than normal, heavy enough that putting the weight down for a pause during the timed set is needed. Supersets in a circuit, :45 interval: Lunge + Pushup (:45 each leg, :45 for pushup, :45 rest for the rotation) 1 arm row +swing 1 arm military press +squat 3x through this sequence. rest 2:00 High pulls :45 work, :30 rest 6 rounds (3 per arm) Workout 7: Circuit :45 work, :30 rest See Saw press Seated Hot potato Goblet Squat Rest 2:00 Swings :30 work :20 rest x5 rounds Workout 8: Circuit One: Squat Pushup V-up :30 work, :30 rest 4 rounds Circuit Two: Alternating Row Lunge Plank :30 work, 30 rest Swing :30/Rest:30 Burpee :30/ rest :30. Complete10 rounds

Copyright 2008 Iron Tamer Fitness


Workout 9: Circuit: 6:00 work, :30 break to rotate Getup Alternate with partner 1/1 Lunge Alternate with partner 5/5 Pushup Alternate with partner 10 Row Alternate with partner 10/10 rest 2:00 Swings 1:00 work/:30 rest 4 rounds Workout 10: Supersets A1-Side plank A2-Lunge B1-Mil press B2-row :30 on :30 off 4 rounds of each Swings :30 work, :45 rest 10 rounds Workout 11: Lunge Pushup Russian Twist 1 arm row :30 on :30 off, 8 rounds of each Snatches-complete as many as possible in 5:00

Copyright 2008 Iron Tamer Fitness


Workout 12: Supersets: Pushup Swing 1:00 each/:30 rest between 6 rounds Hot potato/plank/V-up :30 each, no rest :30 rest after completing the circuit 3 rounds Workout 13: Circuit: Pushup Jumping Lunge Row 1:00 work, :30 rest 4 rounds rest 2:00 swings :30 work :20 rest 10 rounds

Workout 14: Supersets: A. Lunge & row :30 per side B. Thruster & pushup 1:00 each :30 rest between, 3 rounds of each. Rest 2:00 Swings :30 work/:15 rest 7 rounds

Copyright 2008 Iron Tamer Fitness


Workout 15: Pushup Double KB Deadlift Static lunge One arm row :30/:30 per side, :30 rest between exercises 4 rounds Swings :30 on,20 off 8 rounds Workout 16: Circuit: Alt Row Alt reverse lunge V-up 1:00 work, :30 rest x4 rounds Swing 1:00 Run/Rest 1:30 x6 rounds Workout 17: Complex Hot Potato squat and press (1 arm) squat only (1 arm) press only (1 arm) high pull (1 arm) :30 per exercise, no putting the KB down :30 rest between arms 2 rounds per side swings on Tabata time :20 work, :10 rest x4 minutes Workout 18: Fighter’s circuits: 1:00 each exercise x 2 1. Seated hot potato + Mountain climber 2. Slingshot + squat & press 3. Row & burpee 4. Swing & pushup 1:00 rest between

Copyright 2008 Iron Tamer Fitness


Workout 19: Complex: High pull Clean Swing :30 each per arm :30 rest Circuit Pushup Jump Lunge Alt row 1:00/:30 x 4 rounds swings :20 work :30 rest 8 rounds Workout 20: Circuit: Row Press Lunge :30 per side 4 rounds Swing ladders with partner 10,15,20 8:00 Workout 21: Snatch x5/5 v-up x5 Burpee x10 As many rounds as possible in 20:00

Copyright 2008 Iron Tamer Fitness


Full Body Power In June of 2008 I released a DVD entitled Full Body Power: Kettlebells Beyond the Basics. It contains step-by-step instruction in several combination exercises and other advanced drills. This section puts together workouts using those some of those exercises. Workout 1: Kettlebell Burpee and Deadlift combo :30 work, :30 rest for 10 sets Workout 2: Kettlebell Burpee and Clean and press combo Ladders5 sets, increasing reps each set (1,2,3,4,5 reps) Repeat the ladder 3 times Workout 3: Kettlebell Burpee and Double snatch combo Ladders3 sets, increasing reps each set (1,2,3 reps) repeat the ladder 5 times Workout 4: Bent press singles, alternating sides each rep As many as possible in 15:00 Rest 5:00 Swings- As many as possible in 15:00 Workout 5: Turkish Windmill 5 sets of 1per side Rest 3:00 Kettlebell Burpee and Deadlift combo :30 work, :30 rest for 5 sets

Workout 6: Two hands anyhow10 reps per side rest 2:00 Clean, Squat and Press 5 sets of 5 reps per side

Copyright 2008 Iron Tamer Fitness


Workout 6: Follow the Leader Press-low position 3 sets of 3 per side Swing 5 sets of 20 Workout 7: Follow the Leader Press-Rack position 5 sets of 3 per side Windmill 5 sets of 2 per side Snatch 5:00, as many reps as possible Workout 8: Follow the Leader Press-Over head position 5 sets of 2 per side Swing 5 sets of 10 per hand Workout 9: Follow the Leader Press2 sets of 2 per side in each of the 3 positions Kettlebell Burpee and Double Clean combo 5 sets of 5 Workout 10: Follow the Leader Press3 sets of 2 per side in each of the 3 positions Kettlebell Burpee and Deadlift combo 3 sets of 10 Workout 11: Double Clean, Squat and Press 10 sets of 5 reps Workout 12: Double Clean, Squat and Press 3 sets of 5 reps Kettlebell Burpee and swing combo 3 sets of 10

Copyright 2008 Iron Tamer Fitness


Workout 13: Double Clean, Squat and Press As many reps as possible in 30 minutes Workout 14: Kettlebell Burpee and Deadlift combo 2 sets of 10 Kettlebell Burpee and swing combo 2 sets of 10 Kettlebell Burpee and Clean combo 2 sets of 10 Kettlebell Burpee and High Pull combo 2 sets of 10 Kettlebell Burpee and Double snatch combo 2 sets of 10 Workout 15: Turkish Windmill 5 sets of 1/1 Double snatch 10 sets of 3

Workout 16: Turkish Windmill 4 sets of 2/2 Clean, press & overhead squat combo 6 sets of 3 per arm Workout 17: Double Windmill 3 sets of 3 per side Squat and press 5 sets of 5 Swing 5 sets of 20

Copyright 2008 Iron Tamer Fitness


Metabolic Acceleration Metabolic Acceleration is a term I got from Alwyn Cosgrove. These workouts are similar to Charles Staley’s Escalated Density Training (which I talked about in 101 Workouts Part One). The primary difference is that the focus is on ramping up the metabolism rather than building mass.

Workout 1: Deck squat x 5 reps Clean and press x 5 reps per arm Complete as many rounds as possible in 10:00 Rest 3:00 Snatch x5/5 Complete as many rounds as possible in 10:00 Workout 2: Double Squat x5 Double Snatch x5 Complete as many rounds as possible in 12:00 Rest 3:00 Renegade Row x5/5 Swing x 12 Complete as many rounds as possible in 12:00 Workout 3: Double clean and Press x5 Pullup x5 Rest 3:00 Complete as many rounds as possible in 12:00 Hanging Leg raise x5 Double Squat x5 Complete as many rounds as possible in 12:00 Workout 4 Turkish Get up 2 reps per side Complete as many rounds as possible in 12:00 Rest 3:00 Swing x12 Pushup x5 Complete as many rounds as possible in 12:00

Copyright 2008 Iron Tamer Fitness


Workout 5 Renegade Row x5/5 Snatch x 6 reps per side Complete as many rounds as possible in 12:00 Rest 3:00 Pullup x5 Goblet squat x 5 Workout 6: Deck squat x 5 reps Row x 5 reps per arm Complete as many rounds as possible in 12:00 Rest 3:00 Swing x25 Complete as many rounds as possible in 10:00 Workout 7: Double Squat x5 Pullup x5 Rest 3:00 Complete as many rounds as possible in 12:00 Hanging Leg raise x5 Double clean and Press x5 Complete as many rounds as possible in 12:00 Workout 8: See Saw Press x5 per side Pullup x5 Rest 3:00 Complete as many rounds as possible in 12:00 Double Squat x5 Swing x10 Complete as many rounds as possible in 12:00 Workout 9: Turkish Get up 1 rep per side Complete as many rounds as possible in 15:00 Rest 3:00 Swing x20 Complete as many rounds as possible in 12:00

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Workout 10 Snatch 12 reps per side Complete as many rounds as possible in 15:00 Rest 3:00 Pushup x12 Pullup x5 Complete as many rounds as possible in 15:00

Workout 11 Pushup x12 Swing x12 Pullup x5 Complete as many rounds as possible in 15:00 Rest 3:00 Alternating Lunge x 10 per leg Clean and press x 5 Complete as many rounds as possible in 15:00 Workout 12 Pushup x12 Alternating Lunge x 10 per leg Complete as many rounds as possible in 15:00 Rest 3:00 Pullup x5 Clean and press x 5 Swing x12 Complete as many rounds as possible in 15:00 Workout 13: Double Squat x5 Double Clean and Press x5 Pullup x5 Complete as many rounds as possible in 12:00 Rest 3:00 Double High Pull x5 Hanging Leg raise x5 Complete as many rounds as possible in 12:00

Copyright 2008 Iron Tamer Fitness


Workout 14: Clean, Squat and Press x5 per arm Pullup x5 Complete as many rounds as possible in 12:00 Rest 3:00 Double High Pull x5 V-up x5 Complete as many rounds as possible in 12:00 Workout 15: Swing, Flip and Squat x5 per arm Row x5 per arm Complete as many rounds as possible in 12:00 Rest 3:00 Burpee & Deadlift combo x5 V-up x5 Complete as many rounds as possible in 12:00 Workout 16: Deck squat x 5 reps Pullup x 5 reps Complete as many rounds as possible in 12:00 Rest 3:00 Lunge x10 reps per leg Snatch x 10 reps per arm Complete as many rounds as possible in 12:00 Workout 17: Goblet Squat x5 Double clean and press x5 Complete as many rounds as possible in 12:00 Rest 3:00 Renegade Row x5/5 Swing x 20 Complete as many rounds as possible in 12:00 Workout 18: Double Squat x5 Double Snatch x5 Renegade Row x5/5 Complete as many rounds as possible in 12:00 Rest 3:00 Pushup x12 Swing x 12 Complete as many rounds as possible in 12:00

Copyright 2008 Iron Tamer Fitness


Challenge Workouts The following workouts are designed to be done occasionally to test yourself. Pick one and see how well you do based on the criteria listed. In 4-12 weeks try it again and see how much you have improved.

Attack of the Spider Monkey This is one that my class does about every eight weeks. It consists of three exercises, the Snatch, the Burpee, and the V-up, done in a descending ladder for time. The rep scheme is: 25,20,15,10,5 reps of each exercise, per arm with the snatch. Anything below 15:00 is pretty good, break 12:00 and you are doing exceptionally well.

Meltdown 300 rep challenge In early 2008 a few other kettlebell instructors and myself had a national competition between our respective classes. We called it the Kettlebell Meltdown. The following 300-rep workout was one of the measuring sticks and I am proud to say the one of my clients one the overall performance category. If you can finish in less than 11:00, you’re doing all right. 25 - V-ups 50 - Snatches (25 per arm) 25 - Push-ups (women can opt for doing them on knees) 50 - Swings (2 hand) 50 – Burpees (No jump / No push up) 50 - Clean & Press (25 each side) 50 - Mountain Climbers (25 each side) 300 reps in as little time as possible. You must finish the rep count on each exercise before moving onto the next one. **Women will use 8kg or 12kg / Men will use 16kg or 24kg Brutal Minimalist Fitness (BMF) Turkish Get-Up- 3-5 sets of 3-5 reps Swing x 50 Hindu squat x 10 Swing x 40 Hindu squat x 20 Swing x 30 Hindu squat x 30 Swing x 20 Hindu squat x 40 Swing x 10 Hindu squat x 50

Copyright 2008 Iron Tamer Fitness


Brutal Minimalist Fitness version 2.0 Turkish Get-Up- 3-5 sets of 3-5 reps Swing x 50 Burpee x 10 Swing x 40 Burpee x 20 Swing x 30 Burpee x 30 Swing x 20 Burpee x 40 Swing x 10 Burpee x 50

Riffer Madness Designed by Master RKC instructor Mark Reifkind, this is an ascending High Pull ladder done with a partner in a “you go, I go” format. The ladder is 10,12,14,16,18,20, and 10 reps per side. So, you do 10/10, your partner does 10/10, you do 12/12, your partner does 12/12, all the way up to 20, then a final set of 10. Try to get it in less than 10 minutes.

1000 reps Choose an exercise such as swings or snatches. Complete 1000 reps in as little time as possible. Tracy Reifkind, RKC, has done 1000 swings with a 24kg kettlebell in 50 minutes, earning her the nickname “Queen of the Swing”.

Copyright 2008 Iron Tamer Fitness


So, we come to the end. 102 kettlebell workouts with no fluff, no filler and no BS. I hope you have enjoyed this book and get a lot of painful and productive use from it. Let me remind you again------none of these workouts will work if you don’t do them. If you enjoyed this book, have questions about it or about any of my other products, please drop me an email and let me know. [email protected] Also, visit my website www.irontamer.com to sign up for my newsletter and find out more about me and my products. Train hard and stay safe! David Whitley, Senior RKC www.irontamer.com

Copyright 2008 Iron Tamer Fitness


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