February 26, 2017 | Author: emmanforjesus | Category: N/A
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Wisdom Diary on Righteousness Introduction Wisdom Diary is a collection of powerful, faithbuilding, success-motivating and life-transforming quotes from Dr. David O. Oyedepo. These quotes, as you meditate on them (along with the corresponding scriptures), will fortify and encourage you to rise up to a more meaningful and productive Christian life. They are words you will never forget! They are words you go to bed with, and you wake up full of electric ideas that will make a shining star out of you. They are words brewed in a hot pot of a heart full of insights and revelations, with spiritual understanding that has been proved in 27 years of adventurous Christian living, and 15 years of committed ministry. They are not words of an academic mind, No! They are words of a mind that is breathing with the intensity of the life of God, contacted through a diligent study life. They are words coming from a wealth of knowledge, gathered through excited fellowship with anointed books, and ceaseless search in the Bible—"God’s wisdom bank", as Dr. Oyedepo calls it.

As you treasure these words of wisdom, your life will surely blossom into an enviable treasure on the earth. Don’t only read these words, think them, talk them and do them. They will mould your destiny. Righteousness controls our tomorrow.— Proverbs 4:18Righteousness is not a curse, it's a blessing.— Psalm 112:1-10The righteous is protected by heaven.— Psalm 34:19-20The beauty of salvation is in righteousness.— Psalm 1:1-3Sin was the beginning of shame for man; righteousness is the only way to have honour restored.— Genesis 3:1-10Everyman's beauty is in his holiness.— Proverbs 12:26While the wages of sin is death, the wages of righteousness is life more abundant.— Psalm 92:12-15Righteousness satisfies!— Matthew 6:33There's a lot of pleasure in righteousness than there is in sin.— 1 Chronicles 29:17Righteousness holds a guarantee for your prosperity.— Psalm 92:12Righteousness causes men to shine as stars.— Daniel 12:3Honour is guaranteed when practical righteousness is in place.— Proverbs 14:34Righteousness announces promotions for the righteous.— Psalm 45:4Every persecution against your righteousness is announcing your promotion.— Job 17:9When a Christian goes back to sin, he's no longer a

son, he becomes a dog!— Revelation 22:15When you're saved from sin, your covenant colour emerges.— Colossians 2:13-14It's consecration time; you're either set or you're beset!— Hosea 10:12-13The lack of desire for righteousness, is the reason for the captivity of sin.— Proverbs 13:13Nothing glorifies, nothing beautifies like holiness!— Psalm 45:7-8Honour will locate you if you make your choice for righteousness and holiness.— Genesis 39, 41It takes a pregnancy of purity to give birth to power.— Psalm 110:3Until you're thirsty for purity, you never taste power.— Romans 1:4Whatever throne unrighteousness places you on, it is so that it can bring you to utter shame at the end.— Psalm 73:1-20If you don't mind consecration, you will be desecrated.— 1 Corinthians 3:17Until sin goes, Christ's death is of no benefit to you.— Romans 6:6To experience honour, avoid things that make for impurity.— 1 Samuel 2:30Holiness is God's answer for sin.— Leviticus 20:7God's presence is not guaranteed without consecration.— Exodus 19:9-20Consecration guarantees cheap communication with the throne of God.— James 5:16You have no access to revelations when you live in sin.— Mark 4:11When you resist sin unto blood, you have disarmed it!—

Hebrews 12:3-4Nothing is a susbstitute for holiness.— Leviticus 20:7Giving in purity is what results into plenty.— Malachi 3:4Before the enemy destroys you, destroy him first!— Ephesians 4:27It's better to miss anything that will make you miss God.— Philippians 3:78Nothing makes you look like God more than holiness.— 1 Peter 1:16If you take constant "Word baths", you will stay clean.— John 15:3If you mock what God is saying, you'll become a mockery tomorrow.— Proverbs 13:13Purity gives birth to beauty.— Psalm 45:7No calling or gift is equal to holiness.— Psalm 93:5If you have any other god, you're a misfit in the kingdom.— Jeremiah 2:11-13When holiness takes its place, boldness before His throne is guaranteed.— Hebrews 4:16If you're not contented, you'll be contentious.— 1 Timothy 6:6-8Until God becomes your possession, the love of possessions will keep tormenting your life.— Luke 12:15Abundance answers to uprightness before the Lord.— Job 1:1-3Until you count all things as dung, you may become dung.— Philippians 3:7-8If your Christianity is still one-leg-in, one-leg-out, you don't have a future.— Revelation 3:1516When you look away from God, you enter into darkness!— Psalm 34:5God wants every

idol in your life burnt, otherwise you'll get burnt.— Jeremiah 17:5-6I count all things of no value, so I can retain my value with God.— Philippians 3:7If you won't let go your idols, leave God alone!— Matthew 6:24Idols make life dull!— Isaiah 44:9-20Righteousness is your sure foundation for a glorious Christian walk.— Job 1:1-3Any other thing you add to God makes Him leave you.— Exodus 20:1-6Idolatory brings affliction!— Jeremiah 2:11-17When you exercise yourself against any form of unrighteous-ness, heaven will declare your righteousness.— Genesis 39:7-12; 41:37-46The reason the Church has been sinking is because it has been sinning.— Proverbs 14:34In the race for righteousness, man is the determining factor; not the devil.— James 1:1415When you're able to locate the value of righteousness, you will work your way out of sin.— Jeremiah 33:8-9Hell has broken loose, we must become violent!— Matthew 11:12Holiness is the fastest vehicle on earth to anywhere you desire to get to.— Proverbs 14:34Idolatory puts God off!— Exodus 20:1-6If you join the world in the pleasures of sin, you will also join them in the prize of failure, and in suffering regrets.— Numbers 16:1-3,32Every price you pay to let go of sin, will lead you to a prize in the Kingdom.— Genesis 41:38-46No

matter your gifts, with sin, there's no place for you in heaven.— Revelation 21:27If you see holiness as an impossibility, captivity is inevitable!— Romans 6:14Righteousness is a preserver of destiny.— Proverbs 11:4Prosperity is fast becoming our identity, so we must crave for purity!— 1 Timothy 6:17-19If you don't hold fast to your integrity, you'll never experience dignity.— Psalm 25:21The holiness you desire is a product of the spirit of holiness.— Romans 1:4Give up on sin, Satan will give up on you!— James 4:7The blood way is our access into the realms of holiness.— Hebrews 9:3-7Satan has vowed your destruction, you must vow his devastation!— Proverbs 7:6-18When you're in sin, you're in a relationship with the devil.— 1 John 3:10If you will dedicate your life to sanctification, you will always walk out on the devil at will.— 1 John 3:3,8With sin in your life, your spirit is not free; because sin is a sickness of the spirit.— 2 Corinthians 7:1You can stop the devil if it is your will to be clean.— James 4:7If God said, "Be ye holy...", it means you can be holy if you want to.— 1 Peter 1:15-16The pleasure of sin is a deception; give it up!— Hebrews 3:13Immorality erodes dignity!— Proverbs 6:26If holiness is not reflected in your character, your Christianity has no credence

with God.— Ephesians 1:4If it is your will to be clean, the taste for sin will die now!— Colossians 3:1-3Immorality is the cheapest way to miss divine programme.— 1 Corinthians 10:8When you're in relationship with the devil, your destiny is not secure.— Numbers 22:31-32Everyman that toys with sin tears down his destiny unknowingly.— Judges 16:20Purity is your covenant kingdom identity; if it's not there, you don't belong.— Matthew 5:8With sin, you don't have value in the sight of God.— Romans 3:23Satan has vowed to kill you, you must vow to live.— James 4:7If you don't give up on sin, God will give up on you.— Hebrews 10:26-27Until the sin question is dealt with, everyman's future is in doubt.— Isaiah 59:1-2You never enjoy refreshing with sin.— John 5:14When purity begins to operate in you in its fullness, life begins to answer to you in fullness.— 1Timothy 4:8The anointing only breaks the yoke, but righteousness makes you to flourish.— Psalm 92:12Crave for purity, embrace it, maintain it, and you'll be healthy!— Jeremiah 33:6-7Unction is a gift of God, but it is devotion that gives birth to righteousness.— Hebrews 12:28Every Christian that behaves foolishly is showing how far he/she is from God.— Proverbs

24:7Until sin is successfully treated, man's relationship with God remains sour.— Isaiah 59:2Until you stay away from sin, you will not be in touch with God.— Psalm 32:5-6It is impossible to live the holy life while still in accord with unholy people.— 2 Corinthians 6:14Sin causes plagues; but when sin goes, plagues go.— Psalm 119:67Until God hears your voice of repentance, He won't hear your voice of afflictions.— 2 Chronicles 7:14Until you encounter purity, you can't manifest power.— Psalm 110:3If you want to live right, keep the right company! Relate with the right things!— Proverbs 13:20If you desire liberty, you can walk out on the devil.— James 4:7Every sin you have not repented of constitutes a blockage in your communication with God.— Psalm 66:18Every time your sin comes to remembrance, God's mercy is turned off!— Hosea 7:1-2It is holiness for wholeness!— Hebrews 12:4Before you're abandoned, abandon sin now!— 1 Thessalonians 5:22-23Sin is destructive, righteousness is constructive.— Proverbs 14:34When you enter the oath realm in your conflict with sin, you have ended the strife! The match is over!— Hebrews 6:16Until sin goes, signs don't flow.— 2 Chronicles 15:8-9, 15No matter how much you give, "he that

covereth his sins shall not prosper."— Proverbs 28:13Hear this: Holiness is an adventure, a possible adventure!— 1 Peter 1:15-16Sin is not a friend, it's a destroyer any day!— Romans 6:23Purity is the booster of power!— Psalm 110:3Friends, immorality erodes intelligence, it mars wisdom!— 1 Kings 11:1-3Sin is sin, no matter who commits it.— Ezekiel 18:20Continuity in sin destroys destiny.— Romans 6:1,15When you continue in sin, your future is damned.— 1 Timothy 5:6Before sin finishes you, finish it now!— Job 22:21-23Great temptations accompany mighty manifestations.— James 1:2-5Sin is so subtle, but the Holy Ghost can cheaply arrest it.— Isaiah 59:19Sin is a spiritual heart disease!— 1 Corinthians 3:17Stop sin before it stops you! Kill it before it kills you!— Ezekiel 18:20Nothing works when sin is enthroned.— 2 Chronicles 15:2-6When sin stings and it's not treated, it results in death.— James 1:14-15When you get close to the holy God, you will see how much you need to enhance your holiness in God.— Amos 3:3Sin will never have God's approval.— Habakkuk 1:13The treatment for the sting of sin is repentance.— Acts 3:19Sin makes men ugly!— Psalm 68:21Sin is at the root of every disease; and until righteousness takes over,

sickness continues!— Matthew 9:6When you refuse to be convicted, you become a convict! — John 16:7-11Before sin sinks you, sink it!— Romans 8:13Rebellion is a costly poison; don't take it!— Numbers 16:1-2, 28-33Sin is pleasurable, but unfortunately, it is destructive.— Hebrews 11:25It is your personal discipline that determines your great future.— 1 Corinthians 9:24-27There's no salvation in gold and silver; enough of running after it!— Mark 8:36Contentment is the answer to covetousness.— 1 Timothy 6:6-8Sin is a silent killer!— Romans 6:23Wherever sin reigns, shame reigns— Genesis 3:10The love of gold is a killer disease!— 1 Timothy 6:10Walk straight and your path will be straight.— Proverbs 11:3When God is out of your riches, it becomes risky.— Deuteronomy 8:19When you go after the god of gold, you become a fool!— 1 Timothy 6:9-10Every pitfall is by your allowance.— Ephesians 4:27Lovers of money will never have it!— Proverbs 23:4-5When you're not rich towards God, no matter what you have, you're a poor man!— 1 Timothy 6:1219God prophesied your lifting; you don't have to be crooked to get it.— 1 John 3:3When your best friend is an ungodly man, friends, you are in the "best" trap!— 2 Samuel 13:3-5,

32Unfaithfulness is a trap of the enemy to make you a failure.— Luke 16:1112Discontentment brings down your speed and makes you defenceless.— Luke 12:15You don't reign as a debtor, you reign as a lender.— Deuteronomy 15:6True liberty from sin is impossible without the operation of the Spirit of God.— 2 Corinthians 3:17When Gehazi ran after greed, he was baptised with leprosy.— 2 Kings 5:20-27Sin has no more dominion over you; so exercise your dominion over it.— Romans 6:14Sin has been destroyed; make your choice to be free from it.— 1 John 3:8In the conflict with sin, your choice is supreme.— Daniel 1:8Sin will never go on its own; if you don't rise, sin won't go.— Colossians 3:5Sin guarantees prayer-failure.— Psalm 66:18When you disconnect from sin, all the products of sin (in your life) die!— Colossians 2:13-14When you walk in the flesh, you don't really have a future.— Romans 7:5If you live your size per time, your size will know no limit.— 1 Timothy 6:6-8You are not tempted to lust, it is your lust that attracts the temptation.— James 1:13-15Sin is a form of leprosy; it seperates you from God.— Isaiah 59:1-2When confronted by spirits, we can only conquer by the Spirit.— Ezekiel

36:27Temptation is not equal to sin; submitting to it is what makes you a sinner.— 1 Corinthians 10:13A fifty-fifty Christian journey always ends in a crash.— Revelation 3:16If you embrace sin, you will sink; and before you sink, you will stink!— 2 Samuel 12:911Every Christian that goes back to his old nature is a dog.— 2 Peter 2:20-22The association you keep will either raise or erase you!— Proverbs 13:20When your choice is made, Satan is finished.— Luke 15:18Sin is so weak that your mind can handle it.— Genesis 39:8-9Evil companionship will keep you in sin.— 1 Corinthians 15:33Nothing paralyses mentality as immorality!— Judges 16:4-21If you choose life, death cannot withstand you.— Deuteronomy 30:19It's time to slay sin before it slays you!— Proverbs 11:3The world is waiting to hear you; don't let the devil destroy you!— Romans 8:19If Satan the man of sin is under your feet, sin cannot be your problem!— Romans 16:20God is not a tempter; He equips us to deal with temptations.— 1 Corinthians 10:13Clean up! Time is running out! — Isaiah 52:11

Wisdom Diary on Divine Presence Introduction

Wisdom Diary is a collection of powerful, faithbuilding, success-motivating and life-transforming quotes from Dr. David O. Oyedepo. These quotes, as you meditate on them (along with the corresponding scriptures), will fortify and encourage you to rise up to a more meaningful and productive Christian life. They are words you will never forget! They are words you go to bed with, and you wake up full of electric ideas that will make a shining star out of you. They are words brewed in a hot pot of a heart full of insights and revelations, with spiritual understanding that has been proved in 27 years of adventurous Christian living, and 15 years of committed ministry. They are not words of an academic mind, No! They are words of a mind that is breathing with the intensity of the life of God, contacted through a diligent study life. They are words coming from a wealth of knowledge, gathered through excited fellowship with anointed books, and ceaseless search in the Bible—"God’s wisdom bank", as Dr. Oyedepo calls it. As you treasure these words of wisdom, your life will surely blossom into an enviable treasure on the earth.

Don’t only read these words, think them, talk them and do them. They will mould your destiny. God’s presence is for only revived souls.— Hosea 6:1-3The beauty and colour of the end-time Church hinges on divine presence.— Psalm 16:11You can also grab God’s presence with praise.— Psalm 22:3When you become God’s sanctuary, trouble can’t stand your appearance.— Psalm 114:1-8God’s presence is what establishes a man’s dominion.— Acts 10:38Every move of God is characterized by divine presence.— Zephaniah 3:17You provoke God’s presence with practical righteousness.— John 8:29When you walk in the fear of the Lord, you enjoy divine presence.— John 8:29Evil can’t stand where God stands; and God will not stand where evil stands.— Psalm 68:2Until you’re set for God, He doesn’t come. — Revelation 3:20God’s presence is the ultimate of a man’s search.— Matthew 11:28No matter how weak or un- talented a man is, if he has God’s presence, he will make a difference.— Exodus 4:1012When God’s presence dominates you, everything loses taste to you; then God begins to make your life tasteful.— John 4:32When you praise, you create a conducive atmosphere for God to come.— Exodus 15:11It is iniquity that turns God off. His eyes are purer than to behold evil.— Isaiah 59:1-2 One genuine

encounter with God can last a man a lifetime! — Genesis 32:24-30God’s presence is your guarantee for victory in every conflict of life.— Isaiah 43:2God commits His presence to anything He has commissioned.— Mark 16:17-20No price is too much to pay to secure God’s presence.— Psalm 45:7God’s presence makes you unbeatable, unmolestable, and invincible!— Romans 8:31In His presence is fullness of joy and pleasures forever, not pressures.— Psalm 16:11God’s presence is the magnetic force that causes a release of the supernatural.— Psalm 114:1-8Every revival is a celebration of God’s presence.— Zephaniah 3:17The presence of God is what makes your praise powerful.— Psalm 22:3It is divine presence that makes the difference.— Acts 10:38When the Allwise God comes in the midst of a people, their mentality shines forth!— Acts 2:1-47 God’s presence automatically confers blessings.— Ezekiel 36:33-36The presence of God revolutionizes mentality.— Acts 4:13When God’s presence comes, everything around you comes alive.— Genesis 47:27 With God’s presence, you enjoy divine backing.— Romans 8:31The ultimate of every revival is encounter with divine presence.— Hosea 6:13 When you be- come God’s sanctuary, sickness can’t wait for you!— Psalm 114:1-8 God will not come until He’s prepared for.— Exodus 19:10-13You

can’t have God’s presence until you give it what it takes.— Exodus 19:10-16 Every failure is a proof of God’s absence— Numbers 14:40-45God’s presence is your strongest evidence in your Christian walk.— Hebrews 2:4There’s a level of walk with God that brings you to a place where trouble can’t wait for you!— Psalm 114:1-8Divine presence is always proved by mighty acts.— Zephaniah 3:17If God is not there, nothing is sure!— Numbers 14:40-45When God dominates you, you dominate your world! — Acts 10:38When God comes, every evil leaves.— Psalm 68:1-2God’s holiness demands our holiness to enjoy His presence.— Amos 3:3You work your way into divine presence.— Philippians 2:12Be thankful and bless Him, and you will command His presence 24 hours of the day.— Psalm 100:4If you’re on course with God, Satan has no power over you.— 1 Peter 3:13God’s presence makes you a demonstrator of mighty acts.— John 3:2When God is not given His place, you’ll be displaced.— Deuteronomy 28:15When God’s presence dominates you, things begin to answer to you.— John 15:7God’s presence makes your life tasteful. — John 8:29If God is there, the proofs will be there. — Mark 16:20God’s presence will mark you out!— Acts 10:38Everytime you’re connected to God, you’re connected to good.— Mark 16:20Problems flee when God’s presence is there.— Psalm 114:1-4 When God

comes, lack is converted to plenty.— Joel 2:2327 When you are "God-full", every devil is subject to your authority.— Acts 10:38Just being "thanks-full" makes you "God’spresence-full"!— Psalm 100:4Until you stay out of touch with sin, you will not be in touch with God.— Proverbs 1:23The nearer you are to God, the brighter your light shines here on earth.— Psalm 16:11What makes heaven heavenly is God’s presence; when God’s presence comes your way, heaven has come down for you!— John 14:21God’s presence is the end of man’s struggles on the earth.— Psalm 114:1-4Everytime you’re beaten, it’s a proof that God is not there.— Romans 8:31You don’t confess God’s presence, you work it out!— John 14:21It’s one thing to feel His presence, it’s another thing to have His presence.— John 8:29God’s presence guarantees total victory in all spheres of life.— Acts 16:26It is the presence of God that makes you a celebrity.— Mark 16:20Every obstacle trembles at God’s presence; so when you begin to tremble, God is not there.— Psalm 114:1-4It is divine presence that determines the effect of the anointing.— Acts 10:38God’s presence is the answer to all your struggles.— Psalm 16:11Without God’s presence, you can’t make the difference.— John 5:19It is God’s presence that will give you all

the dignity you need, in your earthly walk.— John 5:30When you dwell in His presence, you’re unreach-able.— Psalm 125:1-3Show me a man that carries God’s presence; he can’t carry problems at the same time.— Psalm 114:1-4There’s a level, a realm where you become war-free; it is in His presence!— Revelation 12:7-12The presence of God demands holiness.— 1 Peter 1:16When you break through into His presence, you have broken through indeed!— Psalm 16:11When you carry God’s presence, heaven comes down to announce you on the earth.— Matthew 3:16-17When love is not there, God is not there.— 1 John 4:12When you succeed in carrying God’s presence, Satan sees you from afar and runs.— Psalm 114:1-5If His presence in the midst of Israel could neutralise snake poision, imagine what it will do today.— Numbers 21:9 God’s presence eliminates weakness and sickness.— Exodus 23:2526God’s presence is the trigger for signs and wonders.— Mark 16:20The more of God you encounter, the more you shine, because He’s the Bright and Morning Star!— Revelation 22:16 When God’s presence is secured, anything goes.— Psalm 16:11Just get His presence like Jesus got it, then you’ll be able to do the works He did.— Acts 10:38Jesus knew no sin; no wonder God’s presence never eluded Him.— John 8:29With God’s

presence, you walk in authority that provokes dominion.— Acts 10:38The absence of His presence is the reason many are frustrated and stagnated.— Psalm 16:11

Wisdom Diary on Prosperity Introduction Wisdom Diary is a collection of powerful, faithbuilding, success-motivating and life-transforming quotes from Dr. David O. Oyedepo. These quotes, as you meditate on them (along with the corresponding scriptures), will fortify and encourage you to rise up to a more meaningful and productive Christian life. They are words you will never forget! They are words you go to bed with, and you wake up full of electric ideas that will make a shining star out of you. They are words brewed in a hot pot of a heart full of insights and revelations, with spiritual understanding that has been proved in 27 years of adventurous Christian living, and 15 years of committed ministry. They are not words of an academic mind, No! They are words of a mind that is breathing with the intensity of the life of God, contacted through a diligent study life. They are words coming from a wealth of knowledge, gathered through excited fellowship

with anointed books, and ceaseless search in the Bible—"God’s wisdom bank", as Dr. Oyedepo calls it. As you treasure these words of wisdom, your life will surely blossom into an enviable treasure on the earth. Don’t only read these words, think them, talk them and do them. They will mould your destiny. If God enthrones you, no environment or situation can dethrone you.— Psalm 75:6-7Life is not designed for struggles, it is designed for fulfilment.— Jeremiah 29:11It’s not the will of God for you to be small.— Jeremiah 30:19Where you are is not what determines who you are; who you are is what determines where you are.— 1 Chronicles 4:910Your imagination makes or mars you. — Genesis 11:6You’ll never rise higher than your thoughts.— Mark 5:28What you think determines where you end.— Proverbs 23:7When you imagine good, good comes; when you imagine evil, evil comes.— Proverbs 4:23God’s Word renews your mind to think God’s thoughts.— Romans 12:2The devil knows he has no access to you without your mind, so he seeks to corrupt your mind.— Job 3:25Any day you fail to tithe your blessings, you’ve unconsciously made life tight for yourself.— Malachi 3:8-10Your spiritual well-being will determine your material and physical wellbeing.— 3 John 2Just walk with God, your enemies

will walk away.— Proverbs 16:7Where you are today is a good enough place to step out from.— Joshua 1:3When you dodge the demand of scriptures, you miss profits.— 2 Timothy 3:16-17Those who dodge the challenges, never get at the crown.— 1 Corinthians 9:24Every time you’re undoing your workmen, you’re undoing your destiny.— 1 Timothy 5:18When you enslave your workmen, you enslave your destiny without knowing.— Ephesians 6:9When heaven backs you up, everything bows to you.— Romans 8:31Eat it all and lose it all.— Psalm 41:1Where you’ve not made any input, don’t expect any output.— 2 Thessalonians 3:10The true God is the only true source of true riches.— 1 Timothy 6:1718Those who worship God with their means never lack means.— 1 Chronicles 29:2-5When you’re running after God for means, you will always run out of means.— John 4:23Those who live for means will always lack it; but those who live for God will never lack means.— Joshua 7:2025Covenant sense makes a star!— Genesis 26:1214Anything you will worship, God won’t let you have it.— Isaiah 42:8The Almighty that manages the heavens and the earth cannot mismanage your little life.— Jeremiah 32:17Get out of afflictions, step into additions! It’s your birthright.— Psalm 84:11Until you enter into an oath of love with God, you’re not a candidate for the power to

get wealth.— Deuteronomy 8:18When your heart begins to go after God, good begins to pursue after you.— 1 Kings 3:3-14Do not live for gold or you’ll miss God; when you miss God, you live with lack!— 1 Timothy 6:10The windows of heaven are eternally open when you do what it takes to make them open.— Malachi 3:10You can’t look sickly and live healthy.— Joel 3:10God is your heavenly Father, not your heavenly banker!— Deuteronomy 26:10The richest man that lived (Solomon) never asked for it; he just worshipped into it!— 1 Kings 3:4-14You worship into God’s abundance; you don’t pray for it.— Proverbs 3:9-10A good understanding of the covenant will free you from every tension in life.— Luke 6:38If God will bless your bread and your water, it is because you serve Him with your bread and your water.— Exodus 23:25If your blessing is not coming from God, it will disappear.— Proverbs 10:22Pay your tithe so that things will stop being tight for you.— Malachi 3:8-10No matter what blessing you stumble into, God’s portion must be preserved, or the blessing becomes a curse.— Malachi 1:6You have! Don’t carry the look of "I don’t have."— 2 Peter 1:3Everytime you despise a good thing, you reject it for yourself.— 2 Kings 7:1-2Every good thing you hate, you’ll never live to share in it.— 2 Kings 7:2When leadership is grieved against you, it causes

you grief.— Romans 13:3When God makes you, no devil can unmake you.— Numbers 23:20If you live in the midst of profit and you’re recording losses, you’re an odd man out.— Hebrews 4:2It’s more dignifying to live a life that blesses, than to live a life that collects.— Acts 20:35If you must win, you must be joyful.— Isaiah 12:3When God empties His heart on a man, no devil can stop that man!— Numbers 23:8When you touch God’s heart, He touches your life with favour.— Genesis 22:17Except God be for you, nothing will work for you.— Psalm 127:1-2When you go the way He shows you, you won’t push; you just win!— Psalm 32:8If you’re not a happy son of God, you will never be a winning son.— Deuteronomy 28:47-48For your voice to be heard, you cannot afford to be poor.— Ecclesiastes 9:16A winner does not quit, and a quitter does not win and cannot win.— 1 Samuel 4:9His commandments are not to grieve you, but to groom you.— 1 John 5:3There is something to do in the secret in order to shine in the open.— Matthew 6:3-4You will never become a financial star until you engage in financial covenant exercises.— Psalm 126:5-6Titles are mere identities, but status is an accomplishment. It is worked for.— 1 Corinthians 15:9-10It takes covenant exercises to become a kingdom high-flyer.— Job 29:2-25Never mind the environment; mind the instructions

from heaven.— Proverbs 22:13It takes the key of sacrifice to gain access into the realm of sweat-less success.— Psalm 126:5-6When you reflect the marvellous light, you begin to exhibit the marvellous life.— 1 Peter 2:9-10You are not in lack because you are black; you are in lack because you are unconnected to the covenant.— Romans 10:12It is your Word-position that determines your life-position.— Proverbs 13:13When you stop considering testimonies you begin to fall.— Psalm 119:14If you must shine, you must position yourself at a covenant angle to the Sun of Righteousness.— Malachi 4:2If you don’t arise, you will remain in darkness.— Isaiah 60:1-2If you reject His counsel, you will be rejected of Him.— Hosea 4:6Until a man gets the Helper, he is still miserable.— Psalm 60:11You don’t become acclaimed until you proclaim the Word.— Daniel 12:3Everytime you appear in Zion, there is a ‘rainfall’. Zion is a city of blessings.— Obadiah:17Those who serve God don’t beg bread.— Psalm 34:10When your blessing is of God, it is irreversible.— Numbers 23:20Outside the blessings of God, there is nothing called riches; everything else out there in the world is fake.— Proverbs 10:22The true riches are the results of the blessings of God.— Proverbs 10:22Because God is truth, His riches are true riches.— Psalm 112:3When your due season comes, it announces itself.—

The road is never closed walking with Jesus.— Ecclesiastes 9:4It is His blessings that guarantee plenty, not our struggles.— Proverbs 10:22When you want to go through men to rise, He makes sure you don’t rise.— Psalm 147:10-11It is the blessings of God that make the difference, not man’s profession or expertise.— Psalm 1:1-3Whatever can disconnect you from His blessings has disconnected you from plenty.— Job 36:11There’s nothing you have that can compare with His blessings.— Proverbs 10:22Most of the "Money bags" in the world are also "Sickness-bags". But when God enriches, He enlivens!— Exodus 23:25-26God’s favour is superior to any connection on the earth.— Psalm 132:13-18Financial unfaithfulness leads to financial failure.— Matthew 25:24-28You don’t travel the devil’s track and expect to encounter God’s blessings.— Jude 11If it’s God that makes rich, then get on the line for His riches.— Psalm 75:6-7If you don’t want to see the people under you rise, God won’t let you rise.— Ephesians 6:9As long as you’re spiritually resourceful, you’ll never lack material blessings.— 1 Corinthians 9:8-11The reason many businesses are down-trodden is because the ones in charge want it all, yet will not do it all.— James 5:4As long as you can’t do it all, don’t eat it all!— Luke 10:7We are not called for a life of spending; we’re called for a life of Acts 10:4

investment.— Ephesians 5:16Anytime you lean on men, your future becomes uncertain.— Jeremiah 17:56Don’t join the protestants, settle with the progressives.— Proverbs 13:20God will direct you, instruct, rebuke and correct you, so He can position you.— Hebrews 12:6If you’re not openhearted, you’ll be stranded.— Proverbs 28:14The things you seek don’t come from abroad, but from above.— James 1:17Not every open door is God’s door; many are traps in disguise.— Proverbs 14:12When you’re encumbered by the cares of this world, your spiritual ears go deaf.— 1 Corinthians 2:14Do you want to see God in action? Free yourself from worries.— 1 Peter 5:7If you’re careful for things, God won’t hear you from heaven.— Philippians 4:6Every prayer you pray under worries does not go through.— James 1:6-8Those who celebrate problems never get free from them.— 1 Thessalonians 5:18Everytime you want a rise, get a song, and the Voice that raises men will come.— 2 Kings 3:15The cheapest way up is to forget the past, make the best of today, and be excited about tomorrow.

Bible Sense for Destiny The Commission "The hour has come to liberate the world from all oppressions of the devil, through the preaching of the Word of Faith; and I am sending you to undertake this task."

Introduction People have erroneously thought that fate and destiny are synonymous. According to them, destiny is wherever you find yourself. But this is not so. Wherever you find yourself in life is fate, not destiny. Destiny is about driving towards a definite goal or destination. Unlike fate, where you accept whatever comes your way, destiny is based on the knowledge of your purpose on the earth. Your destiny is delivered to you by God. God hasn't created you a purposeless being on the earth; you are a creature of purpose, and have a clearly defined destiny. Hear what He says about you in Jeremiah 29:11: For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end. God has an expected end for you; that is your destiny. But it is your responsibility to discover it through a search. Discovering your destiny in life begins with your identifying your purpose. To be purposeless is to be powerless, because energy is only released when you are driving towards a well defined goal or destination. I once drove for 17 hours 30 minutes to Maiduguri and discovered that as long as your destination is defined, no matter how long it takes, there is a constant supply of energy to accomplish your goal. After every 100 kilometre, there was always a fresh supply of energy urging me on towards my destination. Nothing produces energy like purpose or goal. That is why a day without any set goal is a very tiring one. Destiny begins with an identified purpose; men of purpose are men of power. Martin Luther King Jnr. said if a man has no purpose for living, he is not fit to live. Life remains a burden to him, because he is a burden to existence.

God's Destiny For You Moreover whom he did predestinate, them he also called: and whom he called, them he also justified: and whom he justified, them he also glorified. Romans 8:30

If you are born again, God has destined you for dignity. You are redeemed to be glorified, not "shamified". God's purpose or destiny for you as a Christian is not failure, frustration or mediocrity. So, if you fail, it's your choice, not your destiny. Some have chosen to fail because some fellows have told them that they are jinxed or that they are being hunted by some witch. But my Bible tells me that goodness and mercy are what follows you if you are following the Shepherd. As long as you are born again and justified by the blood of the Lamb, your destiny in God's scheme of things is glorification. He wants you to end your journey on earth as a glorified and dignified Christian. You must, therefore, locate where you are going in life, as that is the only way to generate a continous supply of energy that will take you there. God bringing you in contact with this book means that He has concluded that you have a great role to play in your generation. You have an impact to make, and your generation will thank God that you were born. Let us now consider the scriptural steps to take in approaching the issue of your destiny.

Catch It! The first step to realizing your destiny is to catch it. You catch it by a Delivery, Discovery or Desire. Let us examine them individually:

Delivery. This is when God directly unfolds to you where you are going. You stand upon the tower and watch what God will say to you, and then you write down the vision (Hab. 2:1-2). This occurs often in receiving a call to ministry. It has nothing to do with your natural abilities, but God's ability at work in you, because, "Faithful is he that calleth you, who also will do it" (1 Thess. 5:24).

Discovery. There are certain endowments in you, which when discovered can be traded with. Jesus told a parable, in which the master gave each of his three servants talents to occupy them till He comes. The first two traded with the talents, gaining five and two more. To them, the master said, "Well done" (Matt. 25:14-

30). Another way of locating your destiny is by your discovering the giftings of God within you that can profitably occupy you till He comes. Hear this brother's testimony: "I came to Winners' Chapel in January, 1995. Miraculously, God led me into doing business and I became a distributor of some foreign products. But in 1996, the business dwindled, because it seemed like the source of those products had closed up. This was about the same time the Bishop launched the Creativity Support Scheme. So, I decided to apply for a loan, because I felt if I had money I would be able to do some other things. I came to church that day (the last Tuesday in November 1996) and sat in one of the overflow classes, writing the application. As I wrote, God said to me, `My son, it is not money you need; you need more ideas to shake the devil.' I said, `God, I don't have ideas.' He said, `I will give you ideas. Now, turn the back of that application paper.' I did, and He started dictating things to me. The wonderful thing is that I studied English Language, but what God dictated to me was how to produce and package food and spices. He directed me to where to go for more information, if I needed any, and even told me what should be on the labels of the packages. To the glory of God, today, we have five products in the market, and more are still coming! Olafusi, O. There is no ungifted person on the earth. Everyone is divinely endowed for a profitable life. This brother's destiny would have been lost, if he had not discovered it. In case you have not heard a voice or seen a vision, look inward, with a view to locating what natural endowments you carry, that can be profitably traded.


Your destiny may also be determined by what you desire; that is, a particular area of life where you desire to make an impact. This is because God respects your choice. Delight thyself also in the Lord; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart.

Psalm 37:4 ...I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live: Deuteronomy 30:19 God made man a creature of choice, so He respects the desires of a man's heart. If your destiny is not delivered to you through God's call, and you are unable to discover one for yourself by locating the giftings inside you, you can locate your destiny by a choice. This is especially in areas like academics, business and professional practice. Your career can take you to your place of destiny. And your desire is as potent as the delivery of God's plan. So, God has not left you purposeless. You are a creature of purpose, and you can catch it by delivery, discovery or desire. You cannot just go about saying, "I'm waiting for what God will say to me." The same way He has given you profitable talents, He has also given you the right of choice, to desire a productive goal. Which ever way, your discovery, delivery or desire are equally potent in the determination of your purpose or destiny, so catch one! After this, you move on to the second stage.

Believe It And he brought him forth abroad, and said, Look now toward heaven, and tell the stars...So shall thy seed be. And he believed in the Lord; and he counted it to him for righteousness. Genesis 15:5-6 It is not enough to catch a purpose, you need to believe it before you can become it. What you don't believe, you can never become. The Bible says: And blessed is she that believed: for there shall be a performance of those things which were told her from the Lord. Luke 1:45 So, no matter what you have seen or heard, there is a demand on faith. Until you believe it, it may never be performed. Abraham believed God, and today we are children of Abraham by faith. As Isaac was, we also are children of promise. We are the fulfilment of all that Abraham saw up there when he counted the stars in the sky.

Prophecy often go unfulfilled in many people's lives because they do not know their faith is required for the prophecy to be fulfilled. It takes faith to fulfil your purpose, whether it is received by delivery, discovery or desire. You are going somewhere, but you need God to get there, and it takes faith to get God. To get faith, you need the Word of God, for faith cometh by hearing and hearing the Word of God (Rom. 10:17). The faith required here is not the one that only confesses, "I know God will do it", particularly when your confession is not based on any discovered truth. The faith needed for the actualization of your purpose is the one based on the Word of God. Men of faith have the greatest accomplishments in life. All the great deeds recorded in Hebrews 11 were produced by men of faith. Therefore, if your journey must end with good report, you require true faith as oppossed to mere mental assent, for the just shall live by his faith (Hab. 2:4). So, catch it and believe it, as you commit God by laying hold on His Word, and you are on your way to the third step.

Understand It God says, "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge..." (Hos. 4:6). They know where they are going, but they don't have an understanding of what it entails to get there. Every outstanding result in any field of human endeavour is a function of the operator's understanding. Your understanding of a business, for example, will determine how outstanding you will become in it. This, therefore, calls for the acquisition of relevant information that will help give motion to your purpose. You need to invest time to get detailed and up-to-date information on that career, job or profession. It will make the difference between your succeeding or failing in it. The Bible says: Good understanding giveth favour: but the way of transgressors is hard. Proverbs 13:15 Hardship in the realization of any goal is, therefore, a function of inadequate understanding.

For instance, as a minister of God, I knew I was going to be very rich, because I had a good understanding from Scriptures of what it takes to be rich. I knew that a pastor didn't have to go from house to house, looking for someone who God has laid in his heart to give his ministry something. Such hardship is unnecessary, if you have the understanding that divine provision operates on the basis of impact. When your ministry begins to touch the lives of men, God will move them to communicate material substance to you. That is the whole essence of Galatians 6:6: Let him that is taught in the word communicate unto him that teacheth in all good things. When Jesus was going about ministering in Luke 8, the Bible says the people He ministered to ministered back to Him of their substance. And it came to pass afterward, that he went throughout every city and village, preaching and showing the glad tidings of the kingdom of God: and the twelve were with him, And certain women, which had been healed of evil spirits and infirmities, Mary called Magdalene, out of whom went seven devils, And Joanna the wife of Chuza Herod's steward, and Susanna, and many others, which ministered unto him of their substance. Luke 8:1-3 Prospering in ministry doesn't require running about town. It takes running around God to impart men and command abundant supply that will change you from a beggar to a distributor of every good thing. As large as our church is, and filled with loving people, I have learnt not to knock at anybody's door. With good understanding, I am able to command supplies from heaven with dignity, simply by doing my work from my heart. I have so many sons and daughters with big ministries all over the world today, who come to greet me with heavy substance because of impact. A long time ago, the Lord said to me, "I sent you TO them. You're not sent BY them, you're sent to them. So, if you carry out My assignment to them, you won't need to look unto them to enjoy the best of life."

Nothing is outstanding without understanding. You need good understanding to enhance the dignity of your destiny. That shame around you is not programmed by God. Its source is inadequate understanding. If somebody knows the way to where you are going, even though he may be younger than you, ask him to show you the way. If you are going into a business, be humble enough to sit under somebody who is ahead of you in that same business, and let him educate you on the things you need to know. The truth is, if you refuse to use your brain, no matter how born again and anointed you are, you will soon lose value. God said to be spiritually minded is life and peace. That means to be spiritually mindless is death and crises. Not to use your mind to appreciate and logically analyse and understand what God is asking you to do will keep you on the same spot.

Pursue It! Catch it, believe it, understand it, and then pursue it. ...Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it. Habbakuk 2:2 It takes physical input to attain outstanding results. The vision you don't pursue, you never obtain. The race of life answers to runners (1 Cor. 9:24-26), not sleepers or idlers. If you must win a prize in athletics, you must have very good legs, which must be put to work in constant exercises long before the day of the contest. Life becomes very exciting when you start pursuing your destiny. So put your feet on the ground, knowing that you never accomplish a purpose you don't pursue. It is pursuit that culminates in accomplishment. God told Abraham to get out of his country and his father's household to a place He will show him. In addition, God promised to make of him a great nation, to bless him and make his name great, and to bless them that bless him and curse them that curse him (Gen.12:1-3). And the next verse says, "So Abraham departed, as the Lord had spoken..." In other words, the pursuit of his purpose began immediately.

Pursuit is the mystery behind accomplishment. You don't just sit down, waiting for your discovered destiny to accomplish itself. Some people took delivery of visions many years ago, but today, the visions have died, and they are still celebrating stories around it. They tell you, "Do you know what I had in mind?" I don't want to know what you had in mind, I want to see what you are doing now! When Paul discovered his purpose, he said he immediately arose in its pursuit, not conferring with flesh and blood (Gal. 1:16). When Jesus called Peter and Andrew from their boat, the Bible says "straightway" they forsook their nets and followed Him (Mk. 1:18). He called Matthew from the tax collection point, and he arose immediately and followed Jesus (Mk. 2:14). Distinction answers to men of action, not story tellers. In case you have disappointed God in time past, start afresh in the pursuit of your glorious destiny, and stop telling stories all about town. Pursuit is what gives life to purpose. The next thing to do after pursuit is to persist.

Persistence Persistence in the pursuit of your destiny is what breeds prominence. Don't stop until you achieve your goal, for the Bible says: And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. Galatians 6:9 Every notable man in any area of life is a man of persistence. He has encountered challenges that would have discouraged others, but he stayed on. For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry. Habakkuk 2:3 The vision shall only speak at the end, not at the beginning or at the middle. So, while it tarries, you are to tarry as well, because it will surely come. Don't disappoint destiny by giving up before the appointed time. There is a due season for your reaping, if you faint not. That due season is not when you are in need, but when

you are considered due. For instance, if you are the boss of a company, and one of your staff has a financial need on the 10th day of the month, are you obliged to pay him his salary? No! You owe him nothing, since he is not due for his pay until the end of the month. So, your due season is not when you are in need. Your times are in God's hands (Ps. 31:15). He is the One to determine when you are due for the next phase of life. He assess what you have done with the pursuit of your purpose to determine when you are due for a lifting. Psalm 75:6-7 tells us that promotion cometh neither from the east, nor from the west, nor from the south. But God is the judge. Your reward will only come to you when God judges that you are due for it. But before it comes, keep on going. Persistence is a requirement, if your destiny in life must be realised.

Accept Responsibility Now you know what to do to realise your destiny. All these goalless utterances such as, "God will do it" have kept many down for ages. It is true God will do it, but He has left you with some responsibilities. He has given you the brain, so you can give Him rest. If you refuse to use your brain, no matter for how long you have been born again or how anointed you are, you will lose value on the earth. Someone says, "When I first gave my life to Christ, things were happening for me of their own accord, but it's not so anymore." Things are not working the way you expect them to because you have not accepted responsibility. God now considers you old enough to take steps on your own; so He watches you, and won't step in until you first take a step. When a new baby is born, the feeding bottle is held in his mouth for him. After some time, he is left to hold it up by himself. And as time goes by, the bottle is no longer put in his hand; he is told where his food is, so he can help himself when he is hungry. As the child grows older, he is simply told where the food stuff is, so he can cook for himself when he returns from school. Finally, a time comes when he is not even told anything, but left to take

decisions for himself. So, destiny is where your purpose in life is concerned. If you don't accept responsibility for your destiny, you will live like a destitute and liability. You are a child of destiny, so accept the responsibilities. Please make these declarations: "I am a child of destiny, I stepped into my destiny the day I met Jesus. No one can come to Jesus except the Father draws him. The Father has drawn me, because I'm a child of destiny. He justified me, so He can glorify me. I will not disappoint destiny, in Jesus' name!" I curse whatever makes you ineffective in the pursuit of your purpose, in the name of Jesus! I curse whatever drains you of energy and makes you weak in the pursuit of your purpose, and command a restoration of health and vitality to your body, in the name of Jesus!

Bible Sense for Progress The Commission "The hour has come to liberate the world from all oppressions of the devil, through the preaching of the Word of Faith; and I am sending you to undertake this task."

Introduction God has programmed the end-time Church for enlargement. Isaiah 2:2 says: And it shall come to pass in the last days, that the mountain of the Lord's house shall be established in the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills; and all nations shall flow unto it. This is echoed in Micah 4:1-2 and several other Scriptures throughout the Bible. However, this enlargement is not for the Church as a body alone, but also for the individuals that make up the body. The Bible describes the end- time as a time when at least ten unbelievers will take hold of a believer by his skirt and say, "We will follow

you, for we have heard that God is with you" (Zech. 8:23). This will be as a result of the divine prominence believers will be enjoying, and which will be so glaring for all to see. It means that as an end-time saint, you too should expect to end your journey in prominence, by reason of God's liftings. Moreover, the path of a just man is as the shining light that shines more and more unto the perfect day (Prov. 4:18). So, continuous progress and promotion are your heritage, if you are born again. Since God showed me this truth, I have never had a better last year; every year has been a plus on the previous. I see you enjoying the same in Christ from henceforth. When life is void of progress, it becomes a burden. But living is exciting when everything you do yields good results. Progress is your heritage, because you are created to go from glory to glory (2 Cor. 3:18). Also, Jesus said you are a city set upon an hill that cannot be hid (Matt. 5:14). So, getting to the top in life is not just your desire, it is your destiny. You are destined to wax great, and go forward, and grow, until you become very great (Gen. 26:13). However, it is important to note here that progress is in phases, and that every advancement is traceable to the quality of information available to you. As I share the scriptural principles for progress with you in this book, I see your story of stagnation change into testimonies of continuous progress and enlargement, till Jesus comes. You are created to be great, you shall not die small! You will go forward, in Jesus' name!

1. The Laws Of Progress Vision The first law of progress is vision. You must have a target you are striving to achieve or attain in life, a goal that keeps you going. Having a mental picture of your destination is what motivates you to get there. After Lot departed from Abraham, God told him: ...Lift up now thine eyes, and look from the place where thou art northward, and southward, and eastward, and westward: For all the land which thou seest, to thee will I give it, and to thy seed

for ever. Genesis 13:14-15 Abraham had a mental picture of all the fruitful lands of Canaan (a goodly land flowing with milk and honey) and his descendants eventually possessed it (Josh. 23:3-5). You can only possess as far as your eyes can see. The largest church in the world today is in South Korea, pastored by David Yonggi Cho. Each stage of the church's enlargement was born out of vision. In April 1982, before our ministry was officially commissioned, I was addressing members of the prayer group, and said, "We are going to have a tent that will sit 50,000 worshippers." When I said this, we didn't have a plot of land anywhere on the earth, but I had a vision. I also told them that we would soon be flying around in our own aircraft, preaching the everlasting Gospel to the heathen nations of the earth. I said we were going to have a printing press that would operate at an industrial scale. Today, all these things have come to pass. What you can't see today, don't expect to possess tomorrow. That little business you are managing today will remain little, until you begin to see farther. In the early days of our ministry, when there were only about 21 people in the congregation, I would preach with all my might, till the sweat on my body would be seen through my three-piece suit. But one day, I said to the people, "You must be wondering why I am shouting like this. I am preaching to the crowd outside that you can't see." Today, there is never a service in our church, where thousands of people are not seated outside. Every enlargement or progress you encounter in life begins with vision. Wherever you find yourself tomorrow is a function of what you see today. God said to Abraham, "Look at the stars, see if you can count them." He couldn't, and God said to him, "So, shall your seed be" (Gen. 15:5). Abraham saw an uncountable number of stars that day, that is why the earth is full of sons and daughters of Abraham today, including you and me, who belong to that lineage by the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ (Gal. 3:14).

Vision is it! So, begin to see your business affect the economy of Nigeria. Begin to see yourself as a commander in your career and of the wealth of the land. That is where you belong, and you will surely get there. Dreamers are rulers, and visionaries are commanders. You are a son(daughter) of the Most High, you are not created to live like a pauper. So see yourself as the head and not the tail. See yourself get ting to the top in your area of endeavour, and you will surely get there.

Faith After God said to Abraham, "So shall your seed be", the Bible says, "And he believed in the Lord" (Gen. 15:6). Today, the earth is filled with men and women who are sons and daughters of Abraham by faith. It is not enough to have a vision, you must also believe God for its realization, for the just shall live by his faith (Hab. 2:4). Faith is not mental assent, which merely agrees that the vision is possible. Rather, it is having the substance that will make it happen from the Word. So, you have tosearch out the Scriptures that guarantee your progress, and keep them in your heart. Faith is what gives motion to vision; and motion leads to enlargement. No matter the nature or quality of your dream, it will never see the light of the day without God. The Bible says, "Except the Lord build the house, they labour in vain that build it" (Ps. 127:1). Also, "It is not of him that willeth, nor of him that runneth, but of God that showeth mercy" (Rom. 9:16). Please, appreciate the place of faith in your quest for progress and enlargement, because without God you can do nothing (Jn. 5:30). And without faith, it is impossible to move God (Heb. 11:6).

Meekness The third law of progress is meekness. Your height in life is determined by the depth of your meekness. That is why the Bible says, "The meek shall inherit the earth..." (Ps. 37:11). Lucifer, who is now known as the devil, was originally one of the commanding angels in heaven. He was in charge of praise and worship. But his heart was lifted up within him, and in his pride,

he planned to enthrone himself above God (Isa.14:12-15). He and the angels who rebelled against God were forcefully ejected from heaven (Rev. 12:7-8). Since then, God has determined never to let any man get higher than his humility. That is why the Bible says: ...Be clothed with humility: for God resisteth the proud, and giveth grace to the humble. 1 Peter 5:5 Meekness is a yardstick for enlargement. Jesus established this truth in Matthew 5:5, where He said: Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth. Your inheritance is largely a function of God's assessment of your meekness. It has nothing to do with your pious looks or religious posture. Meekness is an issue of the heart, and God is the only One that searches the heart and tries the reins (Jer. 17:10). His eyes run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself mighty on the behalf of them whose hearts are perfect toward Him (2 Chron. 16:9). God won't lift you to a point where He can't find you in church any more. He, therefore, determines your size per time by assessing the state of your heart. Jesus said, "I am meek and lowly in heart..." (Matt. 11:29). His humble heart is what led to His lifting, and the Bible says, "...Of the increase of His government... there shall be no end" (Isa. 9:7). Only God knows how many people are daily being drawn into His kingdom the world over. And it is simply as a result of Jesus' meekness. The Bible says: And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross. Philippians 2:8 People get born again daily in large numbers, because Jesus humbled Himself and died a death of shame on the cross, that God might harvest more sons to glory. Your meekness determines how much grace is available to you, and grace determines your ultimate height in life. Meekness is a must for anyone who wants to progress in life. If at every stage of attainment in life, you see God as the doer, and not yourself, then you are set for great heights.

If while people are clapping for you, you are acknowledging and giving the glory back to God, then you are on your way up. Let every commendation and promotion that comes your way, rather than elate you, humble you. That is the way to go up. If God is sure that no matter your height in life, you will still maintain your service in His kingdom, that your Christian character and modesty in all things will still be in place, and that as a multi-billionaire you will still remain a committed Christian, He will ensure that your lifting will know no limit. If you will promise from a genuine heart to always acknowledge Him as your source, in truth and indeed, and that no matter what you become in life, you will never withdraw your dedication and commitment to Him, He will not hesitate to set you up above all the nations of the earth (Deut. 28:1). Meekness is not prayed for; it is a decision you make. Jesus took upon Himself the form of a servant. He made Himself of no reputation and didn't consider Himself to be equal with God, but was obedient even unto death (Phil. 2:7-8). Hence His reward came in verse 9: Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name: 1 Peter 5:6 says: Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time: I see meekness pave a way for you to the top, in Jesus' mighty name.

Diligence Hard work is another law of progress. For you to go forward in life, you must be spiritually, mentally and physically committed to your task. Seest thou a man diligent in his business, he shall stand before kings and not before mean men. Proverbs 22:29 Progress or enlargement has no room for idleness. It is for the diligent. God told Abraham: ...Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house, unto a land that I will show thee: And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy

name great; and thou shalt be a blessing: And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed. Genesis 12:1-3 That was a promise of enlargement or progress; but the Bible says in the next verse, "And Abraham departed..." Abraham didn't depart to start wandering around; he departed and started working very hard as a cattle rearer. In Genesis 13:2, the Bible says, "And Abram was very rich in cattle, in silver, and in gold." Every accomplishment in life is a function of your commitment to duty. You must know what it takes to make it to the top in your field, and then give it your all. Progress doesn't just jump on people. That is why Isaiah 54:2-3 says: Enlarge the place of thy tent, and let them stretch forth the curtains of thine habitations: spare not, lengthen thy cords, and strengthen thy stakes; For thou shalt break forth on the right hand and on the left... You are the one to set the stage for your breaking forth on the right hand and on the left. You enlarge your tent by increasing your spiritual, physical and mental input, in preparation for increased output. You need to be mentally committed to what you are doing, because mental commitment is what leads to mental enlargement, and mental enlargement guarantees progress. You must also invest your energy and resources into your assignment, in order to get the desired results. Enlargement begins with vision, it is propelled by faith, guaranteed by meekness and realized by commitment. Commitment is the price you pay for attainment. So sit in your shop or place of assignment with excitement. Be involved in everything that makes the business work, and not be a busybody.

2. The Place Of Favour Every glorious destiny is a product of favour. Jesus enjoyed honour and dignity on the earth. This, the Bible attributes to the favour He had with God and men (Lk. 2:52). Favour was part of what made Him.

The Bible says in Psalm 30:5, "...In his favour is life..." That means, the quality of life a man lives is determined by the level of favour He enjoys. The Psalmist said, "Lord, by thy favour thou hast made my mountain to stand strong..." (Ps. 30:7). God's favour determines the strength of your life; it determines how much you progress. The word "favour" also means mercy, goodness, and grace. That is why in Psalm 102:13, David said: Thou shalt arise, and have mercy upon Zion: for the time to favour her, yea, the set time, is come. Remember the Bible says, "it is not of him that willeth, nor of him that runneth, but of God that showeth mercy" (Rom. 9:16). That means no matter how much a man wills to progress in life, no matter how much he exerts himself physically, except he enjoys God's favour, he can't make much progress in life. That is why many are dying under hard labour, yet nothing is happening for them. Favour is absent. Apostle Paul said, "I am what I am by the grace of God" (1 Cor. 15:10). That is, "I am what I am by the favour of God." Thank God for vision, faith, meekness and diligence. But all these must be crowned with favour, for you to enjoy continuous progress and enlargement in life. Remember, promotion cometh neither from the east, nor from the west, nor from the south (Ps. 75:6). When you have favour with God, He compels all men to favour you. You can't have favour with God and be despised by men. Favour opens doors for you where others are turned back. It makes room for you where your peers would never dream of treading. It makes you a sweatless high-flyer. When you are in favour with God, helps from heaven flow in your direction, especially in times of need. For thou, Lord, wilt bless the righteous; with favour wilt thou compass him as with a shield. Psalm 5:12 Favour is the heritage of the righteous. But what causes the flow of favour in a man's life?

Sow Seeds Of Favour

First, know that favour is a seed. Jesus said, "Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy" (Matt. 5:7). Only those who sow seeds of favour enjoy the harvest of favour. Favour doesn't answer to prayer; it responds only to the law of seedtime and harvest. Whatsoever a man sows, that also shall he reap (Gal. 6:7). If you don't show favour to people, don't expect to enjoy favour as well. Favour is not your automatic heritage (by redemption); it is your acquired heritage. Jesus said, "As ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise" (Lk. 6:31). He also said, "Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again" (Lk. 6:38). Favour is a seed whose harvest is sure. Don't withhold good from others when it is in your power to meet their needs (Prov. 3:2728), because they too might not come to your aid when you are in need. Many are struggling, praying and fasting, yet heaven seems to be locked against them. It is because they did not show favour to those who needed their favour. When you favour others, even your children's children will reap the harvest. We had some tenants when I was a child. From time to time, my mother would cook for all their children. This used to bother me, because they had their own mothers, and moreover, it was my duty to wash the plates used. I didn't feel it was right. One day, I asked my mother, "Why are you doing this?" Her reply was, "I am giving these children food, so that when my children get to places where I am not, someone else will give them food."

Favour The Kingdom Of God Another way to provoke the flow of God's favour is by kingdom addiction. Psalm 102:13-14 says: Thou shalt arise, and have mercy upon Zion: for the time to favour her, yea, the set time, is come. For thy servants take pleasure in her stones, and favour the dust thereof.

When you favour the kingdom of God, you harvest favour in return. You will begin to flow in fearful blessings and increases. I see you entering into your season of enlargement by favour. Don't be a consumer, only waiting to receive from people. Rather, be a distributor of the grace of God, and it won't stop multiplying to you. Good understanding giveth favour: but the way of transgressors is hard. Proverbs 13:15 Most of the hardships people suffer can be traced to ignorance. But good understanding will help you escape them. You must have a good understanding of the covenant walk with God and give it what it takes. It will keep you permanently in favour with God. And when you are in favour with God, who can stop your rising? I see God's favour promote and enlarge you, in Jesus' precious name.

3. Overcoming The Enemies Of Progress There are certain things that hinder progress. They are things to guard against, if you must obtain, enjoy and maintain progress. Past Achievements Glorying in past achievements is a subtle enemy that has held many captive. One wise man said, "The greatest enemy of best is good." Once you say, "I think this is good enough," you cut your chances of going for the better and may never get to your best. But Paul said: Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. Philippians 3:13-14 Paul means to say, "My best is yet to come. I have not come to the end of my journey. No matter where I am now, I am not at my peak yet, I am still striving to get there." No matter your present achievement, you must not allow it to stop your vision for progress. Where you are now may be

glorious, but it is not God's ultimate for you. His ultimate for you is "above all nations of the earth", where you will lend to nations and shall not borrow. Can't you see how far you are from there? No matter how glorious your present position, it is not your rest. A greater future awaits you. Progress stops when you think you have arrived; but remember that there is always room at the top. There is still a place called forward, so press towards the mark. Keep your eyes on the target, till you are indeed above all nations of the earth. God is faithful, He will take you there. Remember, the path of a just man is as a shining light, that shines more and more unto a perfect day. God's plan for you is progress; don't cut it short!

Negative Past Another enemy of progress is the negative past. Regrets, self-pity and fear of failure are clogs in the wheel of progress. That is why God said in Isaiah 43:18-19: Remember ye not the former things, neither consider the things of old. Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert. New things are made known only to those who put the past behind them. They are reserved for those who refuse to be paralysed by their past, but set themselves for the new things God has in stock for them. Paul said, "This one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before." It is important to lay your past to rest, so you can make the most of the present and secure a bright future. Refuse to give in to past failures; rather, reach forth unto those things which are before you. Reaching forth means confronting the present, clearing the obstacles on your way and gunning for the top. Isaiah 9:10 says:

The bricks are fallen down, but we will build with hewn stones: the sycamores are cut down, but we will change them into cedars. You can turn every stumbling block to a stepping stone. Your best is yet to come.

Present Challenges When thou passest through the waters, I will be with thee; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee: when thou walkest through the fire, thou shalt not be burned; neither shall the flame kindle upon thee. For I am the Lord thy God, the Holy One of Israel, thy Saviour... Isaiah 43:2-3 God means to say, "Don't let the water stop you, neither let the fire scare you. Go ahead, you can't be stopped, you can't get drowned, because I am with you." To be able to deal with present challenges, you must understand that as a covenant child, you are too much for whatever you are faced with. No challenge before you is superior to the grace of God in your life. Hear what the Bible says: There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it. 1 Corinthians 10:13 This is how God sees every challenge before you. Whatever you are faced with now is common. You are not the first person to encounter such a challenge, neither will you be the last. Secondly, you can count on God's faithfulness. He will not allow what is greater than you to come your way. Thirdly, there is a solution to that problem. There is a way of escape. All you need do is relax, give it the attention it requires, and you will locate the answer. See how David cleared every challenge that came his way, and arrived at his glorious destiny. He handled the lion, dealt with the bear, killed Goliath and arrived on the throne! If he had avoided any of these challenges, he would not have arrived at the throne. There are things you must deal with in order to arrive at the top.

Running away or dodging them won't solve the problems or make them disappear. You must confront them. When Goliath appeared, the children of Israel went into hiding. Yet the Bible says he presented himself morning and evening for forty days, defying the armies of Israel (1 Sam. 17:16). Until David confronted him and brought his head down, Goliath remained an insurmountable challenge to the children of Israel. You must possess an overcomer's mentality, otherwise stagnation will frustrate you. That was David's secret. He approached Goliath in battle, counting on God's faithfulness. He declared, "The Lord that delivered me out of the paw of the lion, and out of the paw of the bear, he will deliver me out of the hand of this Philistine." And God did. Stop suffering under inferiority complex; you are superior to that challenge. Confront it, and it will give way to you. Don't stand at the entrance of your Canaan, weeping helplessly because of the giants. That will be disappointing God, because He has loaded you with what it takes to deal with them. Moreover, He knew there were giants in the land before He gave it to you. His plan is not to destroy you, but to give you victory. I see you overcome every challenge before you from henceforth, in Jesus' name.

Discouragements This is another enemy of progress. The best way to treat it is to focus on the future. Your future is your picture. So, paint it the way you want, and stay focused on it. Let it motivate you to progress. When discouragements come, with that picture of a glorious future in your mind, you will be propelled into motion, and before you know it, you are back on your feet again. The most difficult people to discourage are those who have found a future and are focusing on it. Those easily discouraged are people who don't see anything in their tomorrow. If you must go forward in life, you must believe and live in the reality of your future and despise the present discouragements. I heard a story about President Nelson Mandela of South Africa. At age 12, he was in church one day when it occurred to him that

he would some day become the president of his nation. In the midst of all the horrors he went through in prison for 27 years, his focus on his future was his strength. And it has come to pass just as he saw it! Referring to his ordeal in prison, he said he only saw himself paying the price for presidency. That is why he was never discouraged. God respects your imaginations (Gen. 11:6). So, go ahead and imagine your glorious future in accordance with God's Word. Then stay focused on it, till it becomes a reality. Our ministry had a financial controller from the outset, even when there was no money to count, and our monthly balance read three naira, twenty kobo. I had a picture of a very wealthy ministry that would require a financial controller, so we had one from the outset. I was living in the reality of the future, so I couldn't be discouraged by anything, and today that picture has become a reality. No year has ever met me on the same spot. It has been enlargement after enlargement. You will encounter the same from henceforth. Appreciate God for your positive past, but don't sit with it. Bury your negative past, and don't let it paralyse your tomorrow. Face the present challenges, because you have what it takes to overcome. No matter the discouragement, celebrate your future, because only people who are excited about the future make progress in life.

4. Keep On Pressing! The crowning of all your efforts in your quest for progress is to keep on pressing. Paul said, "I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus" (Phil. 3:14). If you are not ready to press, you are neither a candidate for the prize nor are you qualified for progress. No matter how great your faith or how bright your vision, until you press, you don't enjoy progress. Habakkuk 2:2 says, "Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it."

A lot of people love to live very relaxed lives, not remembering that everything precious comes out of pressure. Progress is sweet, but it comes through the channel of pressure. As anointed as Paul was, he had to press. He was a man of pursuit, who paid the price for progress by pressing. He emerged the greatest among the apostles. So, it's up to you to press into your dreams and desires in life. Refuse to remain on the same spot. Apply the relevant covenant forces of progress to ensure that you go forward. Remember, nothing happens until you cause it to happen. So keep on pressing, till you get to the goal set before you. Whatever your profession or vocation, God has established a destiny of glory for you. Don't tolerate stagnation; take steps that will move you forward. Be progress conscious. Whenever you notice stagnation, react against it. Carry out regular personal appraisals and self-examinations. You are destined for progress, don't let complacency rob you of it. Progress is never ending in the kingdom. Our destiny is to be established above all the nations of the earth. You know how far you are from achieving that. So don't relax, keep on pressing, you will get there. Solomon, the wisest man that ever lived, got to a point in his life when he felt he couldn't go any further. He began to rot from then on. The Bible says he finished all that was in his heart (1 Kgs. 9:1). After building only one temple, he couldn't think of any other project, so the devil gave him enough work to keep him busy. He began to marry all manner of women, till he had seven hundred wives and three hundred concubines, who turned his heart away from following God (1 Kgs. 11:3-4). Instead of building many more temples in Israel, he began building shrines for his wives. May you never finish all that is in your heart! The day you accept that you have reached your peak, you will begin to rot away. When your heart stops being enlarged towards God, death sets in. Don't give it room. Micah 2:10 says: Arise ye, and depart; for this is not your rest: because it is polluted, it shall destroy you, even with a sore destruction.

The top is your destination, so keep moving. Before you finish one project, start thinking of another one. That is the way to stay alive and to keep moving forward. No matter my level today, I always tell myself, "I am just beginning. I am still far from where I am going." So I keep taking steps that will take me there. If you are not going forward, you will surely envy those who are. When once envy sets in, bitterness follows. And bitterness leads to hatred, which brings about death (1 Jn. 3:15). The only way to avoid that is to keep moving. Keep pressing, till you reach the mark. Anytime something tells you you have arrived, look around you, you will always find many who have gone far ahead of you. Let the success stories of such people motivate you to keep on pressing. For instance, I once read of a man, a Christian, who has an organization that has 625,000 people in its pay roll. How many people do you have on your pay roll now? The Bible says the kings of the earth came from all around to hear the wisdom of Solomon (1 Kgs. 10:24). Jesus, talking about Himself, said, "A greater than Solomon is here" (Matt. 12:42) . And as the Father sent Him, so has He sent you and I (Jn. 17:18). It, therefore, means that potentially, you are greater than Solomon. The kings of the world will also come to hear your wisdom. They will gather to learn covenant principles from you. Until that happens, the race is not over. Also, Jesus said, "The works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do" (Jn. 14:12). Can you see how far you are from that? So, keep on pressing. As you stay in that your little kiosk selling, stay excited; because it will soon become a supermarket, and one day, you will become a manufacturer of goods, with international connections. Keep rejoicing in hope. God is set to bless you, till you become a blessing to all the nations of the earth. I see you get there, as you keep pressing towards the mark. ● You will make it to the top and get the prize, in Jesus' name! ● From now on, every week will take you a major step forward! ● No year will ever find you on the same spot again! ● Your progress will attract multitudes to Jesus!

You will never experience stagnation any more forever! Peace, in Jesus' name! ●

Bible Sense for Destiny The Commission "The hour has come to liberate the world from all oppressions of the devil, through the preaching of the Word of Faith; and I am sending you to undertake this task."

Introduction People have erroneously thought that fate and destiny are synonymous. According to them, destiny is wherever you find yourself. But this is not so. Wherever you find yourself in life is fate, not destiny. Destiny is about driving towards a definite goal or destination. Unlike fate, where you accept whatever comes your way, destiny is based on the knowledge of your purpose on the earth. Your destiny is delivered to you by God. God hasn't created you a purposeless being on the earth; you are a creature of purpose, and have a clearly defined destiny. Hear what He says about you in Jeremiah 29:11: For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end. God has an expected end for you; that is your destiny. But it is your responsibility to discover it through a search. Discovering your destiny in life begins with your identifying your purpose. To be purposeless is to be powerless, because energy is only released when you are driving towards a well defined goal or destination. I once drove for 17 hours 30 minutes to Maiduguri and discovered that as long as your destination is defined, no matter how long it takes, there is a constant supply of energy to accomplish your goal. After every 100 kilometre, there was always a fresh supply of energy urging me on towards my destination. Nothing produces energy like purpose or goal. That is why a day without any set goal is a very tiring one.

Destiny begins with an identified purpose; men of purpose are men of power. Martin Luther King Jnr. said if a man has no purpose for living, he is not fit to live. Life remains a burden to him, because he is a burden to existence.

God's Destiny For You Moreover whom he did predestinate, them he also called: and whom he called, them he also justified: and whom he justified, them he also glorified. Romans 8:30 If you are born again, God has destined you for dignity. You are redeemed to be glorified, not "shamified". God's purpose or destiny for you as a Christian is not failure, frustration or mediocrity. So, if you fail, it's your choice, not your destiny. Some have chosen to fail because some fellows have told them that they are jinxed or that they are being hunted by some witch. But my Bible tells me that goodness and mercy are what follows you if you are following the Shepherd. As long as you are born again and justified by the blood of the Lamb, your destiny in God's scheme of things is glorification. He wants you to end your journey on earth as a glorified and dignified Christian. You must, therefore, locate where you are going in life, as that is the only way to generate a continous supply of energy that will take you there. God bringing you in contact with this book means that He has concluded that you have a great role to play in your generation. You have an impact to make, and your generation will thank God that you were born. Let us now consider the scriptural steps to take in approaching the issue of your destiny.

Catch It! The first step to realizing your destiny is to catch it. You catch it by a Delivery, Discovery or Desire. Let us examine them individually:

Delivery. This is when God directly unfolds to you where you are going. You stand upon the tower and watch what God will say to you, and then you write down the vision (Hab. 2:1-2).

This occurs often in receiving a call to ministry. It has nothing to do with your natural abilities, but God's ability at work in you, because, "Faithful is he that calleth you, who also will do it" (1 Thess. 5:24).

Discovery. There are certain endowments in you, which when discovered can be traded with. Jesus told a parable, in which the master gave each of his three servants talents to occupy them till He comes. The first two traded with the talents, gaining five and two more. To them, the master said, "Well done" (Matt. 25:1430). Another way of locating your destiny is by your discovering the giftings of God within you that can profitably occupy you till He comes. Hear this brother's testimony: "I came to Winners' Chapel in January, 1995. Miraculously, God led me into doing business and I became a distributor of some foreign products. But in 1996, the business dwindled, because it seemed like the source of those products had closed up. This was about the same time the Bishop launched the Creativity Support Scheme. So, I decided to apply for a loan, because I felt if I had money I would be able to do some other things. I came to church that day (the last Tuesday in November 1996) and sat in one of the overflow classes, writing the application. As I wrote, God said to me, `My son, it is not money you need; you need more ideas to shake the devil.' I said, `God, I don't have ideas.' He said, `I will give you ideas. Now, turn the back of that application paper.' I did, and He started dictating things to me. The wonderful thing is that I studied English Language, but what God dictated to me was how to produce and package food and spices. He directed me to where to go for more information, if I needed any, and even told me what should be on the labels of the packages. To the glory of God, today, we have five products in the market, and more are still coming! Olafusi, O.

There is no ungifted person on the earth. Everyone is divinely endowed for a profitable life. This brother's destiny would have been lost, if he had not discovered it. In case you have not heard a voice or seen a vision, look inward, with a view to locating what natural endowments you carry, that can be profitably traded.


Your destiny may also be determined by what you desire; that is, a particular area of life where you desire to make an impact. This is because God respects your choice. Delight thyself also in the Lord; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart. Psalm 37:4 ...I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live: Deuteronomy 30:19 God made man a creature of choice, so He respects the desires of a man's heart. If your destiny is not delivered to you through God's call, and you are unable to discover one for yourself by locating the giftings inside you, you can locate your destiny by a choice. This is especially in areas like academics, business and professional practice. Your career can take you to your place of destiny. And your desire is as potent as the delivery of God's plan. So, God has not left you purposeless. You are a creature of purpose, and you can catch it by delivery, discovery or desire. You cannot just go about saying, "I'm waiting for what God will say to me." The same way He has given you profitable talents, He has also given you the right of choice, to desire a productive goal. Which ever way, your discovery, delivery or desire are equally potent in the determination of your purpose or destiny, so catch one! After this, you move on to the second stage.

Believe It And he brought him forth abroad, and said, Look now toward heaven, and tell the stars...So shall thy seed be. And he believed in the Lord; and he counted it to him for righteousness. Genesis 15:5-6

It is not enough to catch a purpose, you need to believe it before you can become it. What you don't believe, you can never become. The Bible says: And blessed is she that believed: for there shall be a performance of those things which were told her from the Lord. Luke 1:45 So, no matter what you have seen or heard, there is a demand on faith. Until you believe it, it may never be performed. Abraham believed God, and today we are children of Abraham by faith. As Isaac was, we also are children of promise. We are the fulfilment of all that Abraham saw up there when he counted the stars in the sky. Prophecy often go unfulfilled in many people's lives because they do not know their faith is required for the prophecy to be fulfilled. It takes faith to fulfil your purpose, whether it is received by delivery, discovery or desire. You are going somewhere, but you need God to get there, and it takes faith to get God. To get faith, you need the Word of God, for faith cometh by hearing and hearing the Word of God (Rom. 10:17). The faith required here is not the one that only confesses, "I know God will do it", particularly when your confession is not based on any discovered truth. The faith needed for the actualization of your purpose is the one based on the Word of God. Men of faith have the greatest accomplishments in life. All the great deeds recorded in Hebrews 11 were produced by men of faith. Therefore, if your journey must end with good report, you require true faith as oppossed to mere mental assent, for the just shall live by his faith (Hab. 2:4). So, catch it and believe it, as you commit God by laying hold on His Word, and you are on your way to the third step.

Understand It God says, "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge..." (Hos. 4:6). They know where they are going, but they don't have an understanding of what it entails to get there. Every outstanding result in any field of human endeavour is a function of the operator's understanding. Your understanding of

a business, for example, will determine how outstanding you will become in it. This, therefore, calls for the acquisition of relevant information that will help give motion to your purpose. You need to invest time to get detailed and up-to-date information on that career, job or profession. It will make the difference between your succeeding or failing in it. The Bible says: Good understanding giveth favour: but the way of transgressors is hard. Proverbs 13:15 Hardship in the realization of any goal is, therefore, a function of inadequate understanding. For instance, as a minister of God, I knew I was going to be very rich, because I had a good understanding from Scriptures of what it takes to be rich. I knew that a pastor didn't have to go from house to house, looking for someone who God has laid in his heart to give his ministry something. Such hardship is unnecessary, if you have the understanding that divine provision operates on the basis of impact. When your ministry begins to touch the lives of men, God will move them to communicate material substance to you. That is the whole essence of Galatians 6:6: Let him that is taught in the word communicate unto him that teacheth in all good things. When Jesus was going about ministering in Luke 8, the Bible says the people He ministered to ministered back to Him of their substance. And it came to pass afterward, that he went throughout every city and village, preaching and showing the glad tidings of the kingdom of God: and the twelve were with him, And certain women, which had been healed of evil spirits and infirmities, Mary called Magdalene, out of whom went seven devils, And Joanna the wife of Chuza Herod's steward, and Susanna, and many others, which ministered unto him of their substance. Luke 8:1-3 Prospering in ministry doesn't require running about town. It takes running around God to impart men and command abundant supply that will change you from a beggar to a distributor of

every good thing. As large as our church is, and filled with loving people, I have learnt not to knock at anybody's door. With good understanding, I am able to command supplies from heaven with dignity, simply by doing my work from my heart. I have so many sons and daughters with big ministries all over the world today, who come to greet me with heavy substance because of impact. A long time ago, the Lord said to me, "I sent you TO them. You're not sent BY them, you're sent to them. So, if you carry out My assignment to them, you won't need to look unto them to enjoy the best of life." Nothing is outstanding without understanding. You need good understanding to enhance the dignity of your destiny. That shame around you is not programmed by God. Its source is inadequate understanding. If somebody knows the way to where you are going, even though he may be younger than you, ask him to show you the way. If you are going into a business, be humble enough to sit under somebody who is ahead of you in that same business, and let him educate you on the things you need to know. The truth is, if you refuse to use your brain, no matter how born again and anointed you are, you will soon lose value. God said to be spiritually minded is life and peace. That means to be spiritually mindless is death and crises. Not to use your mind to appreciate and logically analyse and understand what God is asking you to do will keep you on the same spot.

Pursue It! Catch it, believe it, understand it, and then pursue it. ...Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it. Habbakuk 2:2 It takes physical input to attain outstanding results. The vision you don't pursue, you never obtain. The race of life answers to runners (1 Cor. 9:24-26), not sleepers or idlers. If you must win a prize in athletics, you must have very good legs, which must be put to work in constant exercises long before the day of the contest.

Life becomes very exciting when you start pursuing your destiny. So put your feet on the ground, knowing that you never accomplish a purpose you don't pursue. It is pursuit that culminates in accomplishment. God told Abraham to get out of his country and his father's household to a place He will show him. In addition, God promised to make of him a great nation, to bless him and make his name great, and to bless them that bless him and curse them that curse him (Gen.12:1-3). And the next verse says, "So Abraham departed, as the Lord had spoken..." In other words, the pursuit of his purpose began immediately. Pursuit is the mystery behind accomplishment. You don't just sit down, waiting for your discovered destiny to accomplish itself. Some people took delivery of visions many years ago, but today, the visions have died, and they are still celebrating stories around it. They tell you, "Do you know what I had in mind?" I don't want to know what you had in mind, I want to see what you are doing now! When Paul discovered his purpose, he said he immediately arose in its pursuit, not conferring with flesh and blood (Gal. 1:16). When Jesus called Peter and Andrew from their boat, the Bible says "straightway" they forsook their nets and followed Him (Mk. 1:18). He called Matthew from the tax collection point, and he arose immediately and followed Jesus (Mk. 2:14). Distinction answers to men of action, not story tellers. In case you have disappointed God in time past, start afresh in the pursuit of your glorious destiny, and stop telling stories all about town. Pursuit is what gives life to purpose. The next thing to do after pursuit is to persist.

Persistence Persistence in the pursuit of your destiny is what breeds prominence. Don't stop until you achieve your goal, for the Bible says: And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. Galatians 6:9

Every notable man in any area of life is a man of persistence. He has encountered challenges that would have discouraged others, but he stayed on. For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry. Habakkuk 2:3 The vision shall only speak at the end, not at the beginning or at the middle. So, while it tarries, you are to tarry as well, because it will surely come. Don't disappoint destiny by giving up before the appointed time. There is a due season for your reaping, if you faint not. That due season is not when you are in need, but when you are considered due. For instance, if you are the boss of a company, and one of your staff has a financial need on the 10th day of the month, are you obliged to pay him his salary? No! You owe him nothing, since he is not due for his pay until the end of the month. So, your due season is not when you are in need. Your times are in God's hands (Ps. 31:15). He is the One to determine when you are due for the next phase of life. He assess what you have done with the pursuit of your purpose to determine when you are due for a lifting. Psalm 75:6-7 tells us that promotion cometh neither from the east, nor from the west, nor from the south. But God is the judge. Your reward will only come to you when God judges that you are due for it. But before it comes, keep on going. Persistence is a requirement, if your destiny in life must be realised.

Accept Responsibility Now you know what to do to realise your destiny. All these goalless utterances such as, "God will do it" have kept many down for ages. It is true God will do it, but He has left you with some responsibilities. He has given you the brain, so you can give Him rest. If you refuse to use your brain, no matter for how long you have been born again or how anointed you are, you will lose value on the earth.

Someone says, "When I first gave my life to Christ, things were happening for me of their own accord, but it's not so anymore." Things are not working the way you expect them to because you have not accepted responsibility. God now considers you old enough to take steps on your own; so He watches you, and won't step in until you first take a step. When a new baby is born, the feeding bottle is held in his mouth for him. After some time, he is left to hold it up by himself. And as time goes by, the bottle is no longer put in his hand; he is told where his food is, so he can help himself when he is hungry. As the child grows older, he is simply told where the food stuff is, so he can cook for himself when he returns from school. Finally, a time comes when he is not even told anything, but left to take decisions for himself. So, destiny is where your purpose in life is concerned. If you don't accept responsibility for your destiny, you will live like a destitute and liability. You are a child of destiny, so accept the responsibilities. Please make these declarations: "I am a child of destiny, I stepped into my destiny the day I met Jesus. No one can come to Jesus except the Father draws him. The Father has drawn me, because I'm a child of destiny. He justified me, so He can glorify me. I will not disappoint destiny, in Jesus' name!" I curse whatever makes you ineffective in the pursuit of your purpose, in the name of Jesus! I curse whatever drains you of energy and makes you weak in the pursuit of your purpose, and command a restoration of health and vitality to your body, in the name of Jesus!

Bible Sense for Total Health The Commission "The hour has come to liberate the world from all oppressions of the devil, through the preaching of the Word of Faith; and I am sending you to undertake this task."

Introduction And ye shall serve the Lord your God, and he shall bless thy bread, and thy water; and I will take sickness away from the midst of thee. There shall nothing cast their young, nor be barren, in thy land: the number of thy days I will fulfil. Exodus 23:25-26 Right from the creation of the world, God's plan for man was total health. Man was not programmed for sickness and disease, hence God did not make any provision for his healing in the garden of Eden. Sickness and disease only gained access to man after man fell. Since the fall, however, God has in His mercy, made provisions for man to live a very healthy life while on earth. Jesus took away your sickness on the cross of Calvary. But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed. Isaiah 53:5 So, as a child of God, total health is your heritage! Jesus was never sick, and as the Father sent Him, so He has sent you (Jn. 20:21). You are not sent to see sickness, and you will no more see it in your life, in Jesus' name. What it takes to enjoy total health in life will be delivered to you in this book, in the mighty name of Jesus.

1. Provisions For Health Total health is your heritage, if you are born again. God has made certain divine provisions for you to enjoy total health. For clarity, I have classified these provisions under two divisions — The Spiritual and Covenant Provisions.

2. Spiritual Provisions In this section, I will be discussing some vital spiritual provisions or requirements for total health: Faith Faith is a key you must operate, if you must enjoy total health. The Bible in Isaiah 53 gives us a prophetic insight into the messianic mission of Jesus Christ for our health.

Who hath believed our report? and to whom is the arm of the Lord revealed? Isaiah 53:1 You cannot see the hand of the Lord, until you have believed His report. And what does the report say? It says: He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief: and we hid as it were our faces from him; he was despised, and we esteemed him not. Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted. Isaiah 53:3-4 From the original text, the word "grief" means "sickness," while "sorrow" means "pain". By Jesus' griefs, He bore our griefs and sickness, and by His sorrows, we can be free from sorrows and pains. Jesus paid the price for your health on the cross of Calvary. By hanging on the tree, He became a curse for you and me, thereby crushing the effect of the curses of the law, one of which is sickness (Gal. 3:13). Deuteronomy 28:15-66 is a catalogue of the curses of the law. But you are free from them, if you are redeemed by the blood of the Lamb. That means you are free from sicknesses and diseases. So, you are not permitted to be sick. Though the price for your total health has been fully paid, faith is what grants you access into that provision. It is only when you be lieve the report that you will see the hand of the Lord. Jesus said in Matthew 9:29, "According to your faith be it unto you." It is according to your faith, not according to your cry. Faith is so important in receiving God's provision for health, that the Bible says, "Blessed is she that believed: for there shall be a performance of those things which were told her from the Lord" (Lk. 1:45). It is your faith that compels God's performance. Faith in the report of redemption is your gateway to total health. Know that sickness has no spiritual right over you. I see you begin to experience the hand of God upon your health, in Jesus' name! The Word Of God

My son, attend to my words; incline thine ear unto my sayings. Let them not depart from thine eyes; keep them in the midst of thine heart. For they are life unto those that find them, and health to all their flesh. Proverbs 4:20-22 The Word of God is another spiritual provision for your health. You must give it the right place in your life, because it carries inbuilt healing virtue, and guarantees the flourishing of your health. The Bible commands that you attend to the Words of God. The Word of God should never depart from your eyes. You are also to meditate upon them and "keep them in the midst of thine heart" because, "they are life unto those that find them, and health to all their flesh." Psalm 107:20 tells us how effective God's Word is: He sent His Word, and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions. Also, Luke 5:17 says that as Jesus was teaching, the power of God was in His Words, bringing healing to those who heard Him. Power was communicated through the Words He was speaking. The Word of God carries healing virtues for man's total health. So, every attention given to it guarantees sound health. A testimony that excites me a lot is that of Kenneth E. Hagin. He said he had not felt even an headache for sixty years. This is because he spends quality time in the Word daily. The Word of God is life unto him and health to his flesh. The Word has a physiological effect in your body. The Bible says: Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth. 3 John 2 The Word of God is what determines the prosperity of your soul. The health of the soul is a function of the spiritual nutrition it is exposed to. So, the quality of revelation you have determines the health of your soul, which invariably determines the health of your body. As far as God is concerned, you won't be healthier outside, than you are on your inside. In Matthew 23:26, Jesus said, "Cleanse first that which is within the cup and platter, that the outside of

them may be clean also." Simply put, your body enjoys health to the same level that your soul prospers. The more acquainted you are with the Word of God, the more light you infuse into yourself. A healthy spirit guarantees a healthy body. And to keep your spirit healthy, always feed it with the Word of God. The Communion The Communion or the Lord's Table is yet another spiritual provision for total health. You can tap into divine health through the mystery of the Communion Table, as it carries virtues of health. Jesus said: I am the living bread which came down from heaven: if any man eat of this bread, he shall live for ever: and the bread that I will give is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world. Whoso eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, hath eternal life; and I will raise him up at the last day. John 6:51,54 He means to say, "I assure you total health if you eat My body and drink My blood. You can enjoy every kind of strength and vitality you want. I will keep you on your toes and you will be alive and agile." The mystery of the Holy Communion ensures absolute health and longevity for the believer. That is why Jesus said, "This do ye, as oft as ye drink it, in remembrance of me." (1 Cor. 11:25). Paul in 1 Corinthians 11:23-30 showed us his revelation about the Communion. One remarkable thing he said about the Communion was about taking it worthily. For he that eateth and drinketh unworthily, eateth and drinketh damnation to himself, not discerning the Lord's body. For this cause many are weak and sickly among you, and many sleep. 1 Corinthians 11:29-30 In order words, if you take the Communion worthily, and with an understanding of what it carries, expect to be strong, healthy and to enjoy long life. Those who take it unworthily are weak, sickly and even die. But as you take it worthily, it services your body organs and system. The power in the Communion is able to destroy any sickness that might be hiding in your body.

Smith Wigglesworth used to serve himself the Communion daily. As a result, at the age of 87, he was still very strong and handsome. Everything about him was still buoyant and radiant. Commentators agree that Wigglesworth did not die. They are all of the opinion that he just stepped to the other side, because there was no traceable sickness or disease found in his body! Do you want a healthy life? Do you want increased longevity? The Communion is what it takes to enjoy total health. As you constantly take the body and blood of Jesus, total health and longevity shall be your portion, in Jesus' name! Prayer Prayer is another spiritual provision for total health for the believer. Your health and life as a believer, will be sustained and strengthened largely by your prayer life. A wise man once said, "A prayerless Christian is a powerless Christian." You are advised to always pray and not to faint (Lk. 18:1). James 5:13 says, "Is any among you afflicted? Let him pray..." Prayer grants you access to total health. Also, James 4:2 says, "...Ye have not, because you ask not." That means your heavenly Father is waiting for you to ask for total health, if you desire it. Do you desire health? Then ask for it in prayer, and your desire shall be granted. Hezekiah was sick unto death and God sent Isaiah to tell him he would die. But Hezekiah didn't lose hope. Rather, he resorted to the weapon of prayer and chased death away with it. Besides, God added 15 more years to his life (Isa. 38:1-6). As Hezekiah did, you can also pray to establish your total health. All the ailments you think are normal are abnormal. Is stomachache normal? Is headache normal? If you don't stop sickness, it may stop you! As you turn to God in prayer, total health and vitality shall be your portion! The Anointing Oil Is any sick among you? let him call for the elders of the church; and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord: ...And the Lord shall raise him up... James 5:14-15 The mystery of the anointing oil is another provision for total health. When a sick man is anointed with oil, the result is

that "the Lord shall raise him up." It is not the oil, but the Lord that raises up from sickness. The anointing oil is not merely a chemical product. It is the Spirit of God mysteriously put in a bottle, and designed to inject the power of God into your body. It is God's power for the destruction of sickness. The anointing is a yoke-destroying weapon (Isa. 10:27). Smith Wigglesworth was a man of one book and one bottle the Bible and the oil. As I said earlier, he died at 87 and never needed to use any form of medicine. Friend, the anointing oil works! Confession By confession, you give expression to what you believe with your words. What you believe is what you speak (2 Cor. 4:13). What you don't say, you never see. What you are too big or too ashamed to confess, never expect to see it work in your life. When you confess, you say exactly what God says. So, if you believe in divine health, go on and give it expression through your utterances. Talk health! Say it loud and clear! Your deliverance from sickness and disease is in your mouth. Jesus said, "For I will give you a mouth and wisdom, which all your adversaries shall not be able to gainsay nor resist" (Lk. 21:15). I had a very interesting experience many years back. I was down physically, and one of my uncles, out of concern, said, "Now that you are not healed, why don't you go to the hospital?" I shouted at him, saying, "Who told you I am not healed?" And as I was shouting it, the healing virtue of Jesus came into force in my body, and I was made whole. Friend, sound health is your heritage in Christ, and your confession is a spiritual requirement for its manifestation.

3. Covenant Provisions Having dealt with the spiritual provisions, we shall now be considering the following covenant provisions for total health: What You Eat The first law of health has to do with what you eat. And the Lord God commanded the man, saying,

Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat: But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die. Genesis 2:16-17 Mind what you eat, lest it eats you up. God told Adam, "Eat freely of every tree of the garden, but don't eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil." But when Adam and Eve disobeyed God and ate the forbidden fruit, their destiny was dashed. They lost paradise and entered into the wilderness of sickness and disease. There are certain things that shouldn't be eaten. In 2 Kings 4, some sons of the prophets went to look for vegetables for food. They gathered some wild gourds also, which they used in cooking. But when they tasted the food, they screamed, "O thou man of God, there is death in the pot." Some of the things we call food are poisons. This, therefore, calls for caution. In order to avoid eating things that are not helpful to your body, seek advice from a dietician. Let him prescribe the necessary nutriments you need, based on your age, job, sex and body constitution. Note that no one is above counsel. I took time to seek advice from specialists on what food is best suited for me at my age. That is why I am looking younger everyday. Psalm 103:5 says, "Who satisfieth thy mouth with good things; so that thy youth is renewed like the eagle's." So, don't eat just every food you see! Not all kinds of food are good for your consumption. Do you want your youth to be renewed like the eagle? Then watch what you eat! Some people consume a lot of sugar, thinking it is good for their health. When you consult a specialist, you will discover that sugar is not good for you. I discovered that vegetables are good for my body, so I eat a lot of them, and fruits too. Please be guided by experts, so you can prolong your days on the earth. If you like good health and long life, then you should be prepared to do what it takes to have them. I have a little book entitled, Bible Foods. It was a product of research conducted to determine why people of the Bible days lived long. The book focused on

what they ate and the things their food contained. They were mindful of what they ate, so they lived long. That shall be your experience too, as you pay more attention to what you eat. Diligence Diligence is defined as careful and conscientious hard work. If God didn't see anything good in being diligent, He wouldn't have given Adam the responsibility of dressing and keeping the garden (Gen. 2:15). Working or diligence is one of your guarantee for total health. When you stop working, certain organs of your body will become inactive, causing you to start ageing. Not only that, with time, the organs will break down. Ecclesiastes 10:18 says, "By much slothfulness the building decayeth; and through idleness of the hands the house droppeth through." Slothfulness is often the reason for physiological breakdowns in people's lives. An idle man is poor, not only in finance, but also in health. The lives of our covenant fathers (Abraham, Isaac and Jacob) were characterised by diligence, hence they lived long and in good health. Some people don't want to do hard work. They do not understand, however, that they need to be diligent to maintain their health. But note that while being diligent, you need to guard against overworking yourself. When you get to your limit, withdraw and take a break. This way, you won't be a victim of breakdown. This caution ushers us into the next covenant provision rest. Rest Wherefore the children of Israel shall keep the sabbath, to observe the sabbath throughout their generations, for a perpetual covenant. It is a sign between me and the children of Israel for ever: for in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, and on the seventh day he rested, and was refreshed. Exodus 31:16-17 That is the Almighty and Omnipotent God speaking. He needed to rest to stay refreshed. And He says rest is a perpetual covenant between Him and us forever. Rest is a vital covenant provision for total health. After working so hard, you need to rest, in order to be refreshed. Those who refuse to rest by themselves are laid to rest by other men. That

shall not be your portion, in Jesus' name! One day, David Yonggi Cho, the pastor of the largest church in the world, was asked, "How are you able to keep this high energy level?" His reply was, "After lunch everyday, I take a nap, so I can break the long day." Rest is important for maintaining good health. As you go about your work or business, when you get to a point where you can't go any further, just stop and take a rest. If not, your body might experience tissue breakdown, which will eventually culminate in sickness. One day, my driver and I were returning from a trip. After we passed Jos, I noticed he had veered off the road. I asked him if he was sleeping, and he said he wasn't. I collected the car key from him and told him to sit at the back seat. Five minutes later, a man who just told me he wasn't sleeping started snoring! He was tired and needed some rest. If I hadn't taken over the steering from him, he would have crashed the car somewhere on the highway, due to tiredness. This is an example of how defenceless your body becomes when you have overdriven it. When you have overdriven yourself, you need rest. From the Scripture we quoted earlier, we discover that rest is a perpetual covenant between God and His children. Nothing can cancel covenant. The prayer of elders and the prophetic utterance of your pastor can't cancel it, because God says, "My covenant will I not break..." Don't say because it had been prophetically declared that nobody will die this year, then you start working for 24 hours without rest. Watch it, for you might be courting death! As you obey the covenant of rest, good health and longevity shall be your experience, in Jesus' name! Joy Another covenant provision for total health is joy. Most physical breakdowns are traceable to emotional breakdowns. Proverbs 17:22 says: A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones. This proves that a merry heart has medicinal virtues which give medicinal values to the body.

The Bible again says, "Rejoice in the Lord alway: and again I say, Rejoice" (Phil. 4:4). Also, 1 Thessalonians 5:16 says, "Rejoice evermore." That is, it is your responsibility to be joyful. Joy is not endowed or given; rather, you have to consciously generate it. You don't know what you are missing when you are not rejoicing. If you are not joyful, you miss a nice countenance and good health. The joy of the Lord is one of the mysteries for your strength (Neh.8:10). Joy strengthens and revitalizes the body system. It is joy on your inside that invigorates your body. Some people are fond of brooding over their past. Your past is irreparable, so don't let it destroy you. If you are tied to the apron strings of the past, you will never have a colourful future. Note that life without challenges is life without meaning. The present challenges you are facing are normal. Remember that every champion is a product of challenges. Don't let the challenges of the day steal your excitement. Face life with a sense of mission, and don't bow to any challenge, no matter its magnitude, for they are joy killers. For you to remain joyful and excited, you must break every connection with the negative past. Have a colourful picture of your future, and begin to celebrate it with joy. Somebody once asked me, "Do you ever have problems?" I said, "Maybe it came and I didn't know." To retain my joy, I don't brood over problems or hold on to the past. Joy constitutes a form of immunity against sickness and disease. It destroys every attack of sickness by releasing strength into your system. The Bible records that Jesus rejoiced in the Spirit (Lk. 10:21). He maintained His joy all through His stay on the earth, so He enjoyed sound health. You need joy! As long as you are joyful, you are sure to have total health. Love We know that we have passed from death unto life, because we love the brethren. He that loveth not his brother abideth in death. Whosoever hateth his brother is a murderer: and ye know that no murderer hath eternal life abiding in him. 1 John 3:14-15

Another covenant requirement for total health is love. The life of God does not flow where hatred exists; it only flows where love reigns. Hatred afflicts the body. ...Lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you, and thereby many be defiled; Hebrews 12:15 Bitterness troubles the body. It is an emotional poison that dries up the body. The life of an unforgiving person is characterised by sickness. This is because anyone who harbours bitterness is unknowingly harbouring poison. Not only that, it defiles one's destiny and health. That is why you must steer clear of bitterness, hatred, bickering and rancour. Love one another, for love is of God (1 Jn. 4:7). As you do so, the life of God will begin to flow in you, and you will enjoy total health. Medical Attention So far, I have told you what you must do to enjoy total health. However, in case you are sick, God has made a provision to help you out. This provision is medicare. Medicare is an emergency tool to keep you alive or to rescue you, so you can enjoy all your benefits in the covenant. The personnel involved are doctors, nurses and midwives. Note that it is God that cures, they are only caring agents. A combination of the cure and care ministry is what certifies total health. In Luke 10:30-37, Jesus narrated the parable of the good Samaritan. When a priest and a Levite saw the wounded man, they passed by him, without rendering any help. But the Samaritan had compassion on him, and took him to a caring centre. He gave the host two pence to take care of the wounded man, with a further promise to pay whatever extra amount was spent in nursing him back to health. Jesus ended the parable by saying, "Go, and do thou likewise." That is an approval for medicare ministry. Going to the hospital is not a sin; but only the sick go there. If you have eaten certain things that have ruptured your body, the doctors, with the knowledge they have acquired, can help restore you to a state of

sound health. The doctor is not your enemy, and God is not against medicare either! For instance, if your pregnant wife is due for delivery, you don't keep her in your room and start speaking in tongues, waiting for her to deliver there! What you should do is to move her to a hospital, where she would be adequately attended to by qualified doctors and midwives. That way, she will deliver her baby safely. A young man was brought to me almost dead. He had been coughing for a long time. I prayed for him and sent him straight to the clinic. The next time I saw him, life had been restored to him. He would have died on his knees praying. Let me stress that God is not an enemy of medical science. It is an instrument in His hands to salvage the lives of covenant people when they are sick. Jesus, the Son of God, is the Great Physician. He is the Lord that healeth thee. He is Jehovah Rapha. Yet, He said in that parable, "Go, and do thou likewise." So, when you need medical attention, go for it without hesitation or a feeling of guilt. Physical Exercises For bodily exercise profiteth little... 1 Timothy 4:8 Some people think that physical exercise is not important, and so are nonchalant about it. Physical exercise is one of God's design for your total health. The Bible says, "Bodily exercise profiteth little..." That means there is some form of profit in it, so endeavour to catch the "little" profit it carries. A wise man is quoted as saying, "From little, the greatest often grows." No matter what you do for a living, you need to exercise yourself. Don't adopt a regimented pattern of moving from your room to the car, from the car to the office and back home everyday. You must make out time to ensure that your body, as well as your brain is in good shape. So, take a walk and exercise your hands,legs and whole body. This will enhance your circulatory system. I also engage in physical exercises to maintain physical fitness. That way, I do not miss the little profit physical exercise offers.

Do you know that the renowned servant of God, T. L. Osborn, still engages in exercises? He still jogs twice every week, at his age. This is responsible for his physical fitness. Do you want your body to be in good shape too? Do you want to enhance your physical fitness? Do you want to stay alive and enjoy total health? Then engage in physical exercises. It is the dawning of a new day for you! Every sickness and disease will lose total grip on your life! You are entering into your season of total health right now! When you are 100 years, you will move about like a 40-year-old!

A Final Word You have through this book encountered Bible sense secrets for total health and longevity. Total health is your heritage, and it is the will of God for you (3 John 2). God, through Bible Sense For Total Health, has opened your eyes to the spiritual and covenant requirements, so that your health and long life would really be satisfying, and not be filled with sickness and sorrow. Your responsibility now is an absolute obedience in following these divine provisions. I welcome you to the realm of total health and longevity. As you practise what is written in this book, your health won't fail, in Jesus' name! Make the following declarations: Total health is my heritage! God said it! I believe it! And it is settled!

Bible Sense for Deliverance The Commission "The hour has come to liberate the world from all oppressions of the devil, through the preaching of the Word of Faith; and I am sending you to undertake this task."

Introduction To the intent that now unto the principalities and powers in heavenly places might be known by the church the manifold wisdom of God

Ephesians 3:10 God has a very simple, but powerful deliverance tool for you. It is His desire and intention that through His manifold wisdom, the Church would disarm all principalities and powers, and rule over them. We are in that age now. No longer would the Church need to sweat to cast out devils and to take charge. She can do it cheaply, through the great weapon God has delivered to her. I want to show you what you possess, that will give you your place of honour in every conflict of life. No longer would you need to roll up your trouser, or pull off your suit in dealing with the devil. God has given you what it takes to do this with ease. You can even be at table eating, and at the same time cast out devils!

1. A Mouth God has not given anyone the gift of miracles. What He has given is the gift of working of miracles (1 Cor. 12:10). If you want a miracle, then you must work it out. Also, in His infinite wisdom, God has programmed it in such a way that every work has its own tools. For instance, cutlasses are not meant for the dining table, nor are bows and arrows. If you want to eat, the tools you need are spoon, fork and a knife. Likewise, in the Spirit, God has programmed the tongue for your deliverance. For I will give you a mouth and wisdom, which all your adversaries shall not be able to gainsay nor resist. Luke 21:15 Your deliverance is in your tongue! Death and life are in the power of the tongue (Prov. 18:21). Jesus said you are either justified or condemned by the words you speak out of your mouth (Matt. 12:37). What becomes of you is largely determined by the words you speak. You can never be condemned except by the words of your mouth. A brother shared a testimony in church, of how out of thirst, he rushed to the refrigerator in his office and mistakenly began to drink acid, instead of water. He said when the chemist in charge of the laboratory screamed, "Acid, acid! You are drinking acid," it occurred to him that he was face-to-face with death. He

immediately remembered the scripture in Isaiah 43:26, that says, "...Declare thou, that thou mayest be justified." He said he knew right away that his declaration then was the only thing that would save him. So, he declared, "No! It cannot be acid, it is water!" To prove it was acid, the chemist tested the contents of the cup from which the brother drank and discovered that it was negative. But, on testing the contents of the container the brother poured from, it was positive, proving that it was acid. But this brother was miraculously delivered by the right use of his tongue! The Bible says, "No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgement thou shalt condemn" (Isa. 54:17). You are to condemn every tongue or thing that rises up against you with your mouth. You are too quiet to be victorious; you are too silent to be a winner. Goliath cursed David by his gods, and David cursed him in return in the name of his own God. He didn't allow Goliath to have the final say. David said: This day will the Lord deliver thee into mine hand; and I will smite thee, and take thine head from thee; and I will give the carcases of the host of the Philistines this day unto the fowls of the air, and to the wild beasts of the earth; that all the earth may know that there is a God in Israel. 1 Samuel 17:46 If you sit silently, watching the serpents of the magicians, they may kill you. In the world of the spirit, you can't afford to be silent. By closing your mouth, you are keeping your heavens closed. No sound, no deliverance. Negative sound leads to destruction, whereas positive sound brings deliverance. In March 1981, I declared boldly, "I can never be poor!" I spoke it loud for all the devils in hell to hear, and that day poverty ended in my life! Also, after catching a revelation from the Scripture, "He himself took my infirmities", I boldly declared, "I can never be sick!" That was the end of sickness in my life!

2. Believe It, Say It!

The spirit of faith demands that you say or declare whatever you believe. You don't have any proof that you believe a thing, if you do not say it out. We having the same spirit of faith, according as it is written, I believed, and therefore have I spoken; we also believe, and therefore speak; 2 Corinthians 4:13 For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. Romans 10:10 A combination of belief and confession is what equals faith. The greatest of all miracles was that of creation. God believed the earth could be inhabited, so He made bold declarations, which brought about outstanding manifestations. Why is your deliverance in your mouth? There are three reasons: Your Words Are Seeds The Bible says, "The seed is the Word of God" (Lk. 8:11). Since you are created in the likeness of God, and you are an heir of God and joint-heir with Christ, the words you speak out of your mouth are also seeds. Because your words are seeds, they are bound by the covenant of seedtime and harvest (Gen. 8:22) to produce for you according to what you say. When you talk freedom, you will reap freedom. You can't talk wealth and reap poverty. Whatever you say is what you will reap. Your words are forces of deliverance, so sow the right words. Your Words Commit God That confirmeth the word of his servant, and performeth the counsel of his messengers… Isaiah 44:26 God is committed to perform whatever you release from your mouth; and when God is committed, no devil can resist Him. God has nothing to act upon, until you have uttered a word. Until you open your mouth wide against sickness, you won't be free from it. Until you open your mouth wide against poverty, lack and want won't leave you alone. God Himself never saw a world, until He issued forth a command "And God said..." If He couldn't escape the law of utterance for performance, you can't.

When the first set of disciples were released on the miracle mission, the Bible says in Mark 16:20: And they went forth, and preached every where, the Lord working with them, and confirming the word with signs following. What God confirmed was the words they spoke. Long time therefore abode they speaking boldly in the Lord, which gave testimony unto the word of his grace, and granted signs and wonders to be done by their hands. Acts 14:3 God has not changed. Until you learn how to speak, you won't enjoy deliverance. Every fortune and misfortune you see is as commanded by your mouth, because death and life are in the power of the tongue. When your tongue is Word-ruled and bridled, you will enjoy deliverance at will. Before my wife and I got married, we went to a respectable Christian leader for counselling. In the course of the counselling, he turned to me and asked, "What are you looking forward to in marriage?" My reply was, "A hitch-free married life." And just as I said it, I've enjoyed a happy and peaceful home. What I said was what God confirmed. God has given you a mouth and a wisdom over all your adversaries, so He watches over what you say, to perform them (Jer. 1:12). Therefore, be careful what you say, because they shall surely come to pass. Angels Carry Out Your Orders Angels pick up whatever you say and carry them out to the letter. They are ministering spirits, sent forth to minister to them who shall be heirs of salvation (Heb. 1:14). Angels are agents of deliverance (Ps. 34:7), and they hearken to the voice of His Word. And because you are an heir of God, they hearken unto your voice as well. They are your spiritual messengers, and they excel in strength (Ps. 103:20). So, when you speak, they run with it, to perform with precision what you have commanded. When you say, "I am sick", they deliver sickness to you on the spot. But when you say, "I cannot be sick", they deliver divine health, and keep watch with their flaming swords, to stop any devil that is coming towards you with sickness. When you

declare, "No armed robber can step to the door of my house", they make sure that is exactly what happens. That is why the Bible warns us in Ecclesiates 5:6: Suffer not thy mouth to cause thy flesh to sin; neither say thou before the angel, that it was an error: wherefore should God be angry at thy voice, and destroy the work of thine hands? There is power in your tongue to effect your deliverance. The words of your mouth are a living force; they are seeds, God is committed to perform them and they set the angels into motion. So, you can be relaxed in battle. Speak the right words always, and your deliverance will come.

3. Stuff Your Heart There is no technique for speaking good or right words, except by you stuffing good words into your heart. The Bible says in Matthew 12:34-35: ...Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh. A good man out of the good treasure of the heart bringeth forth good things: and an evil man out of the evil treasure bringeth forth evil things. No fountain can bring forth sweet and bitter water at the same time (James 3:11). If your heart is Word-loaded, you will always utter words of deliverance and miracles. Speaking faith-filled words of deliverance will become a natural thing to you. When it is abundant in your heart, it will flow through your mouth. When you are drunk with the Word of God, the Word of life will come out of your mouth naturally. So, fill your heart with right words. The Bible is the best source for faith-filled words. Perhaps you would like to pray this prayer the Psalmist prayed in Psalm 19:14: Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer.

4. Say It Loud! Open thy mouth wide and I will fill it. Psalm 81:10 This is a commandment you have to obey, to effect your deliverance. Open your mouth wide against your enemies and they all would be levelled. Your tongue is the answer as far as

your enemies are concerned. For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith. Mark 11:23 That is why the louder you talk, the freer you become. Remember that you have been given a mouth and a wisdom that no adversary can resist nor gainsay. Open your mouth wide against all the devils mocking your destiny in Christ, and they will not be able to resist or mock you any more. When you say, "I will never beg," no matter the enemies against you and your business or career, God is committed to ensure that what you have said is what you will see. When in faith you say, "I can never be stranded", you have devastated the camp of the enemy, no matter how many of them are gathered against you. A sister shared this wonderful testimony of deliverance in church recently: "Since I started worshipping here, I have always believed that untimely death is not for me and my Family. This was proved last week. On Sunday November 22, my 19-year-old daughter left home in the morning for church, and didn't return for six days. On Monday morning, we brought out her picture, anointed it and prayed. On Tuesday, my cousin brought her name to the church for prayer. Whenever Satan brought evil thoughts to me concerning my daughter, I would say, `No, my Bishop has said we would not bury our children.' While walking along the street, I would keep declaring, `I will not bury my child, I will not bury my child', forgetting that I was on the street. I also kept saying to myself , `This is my year of laughter, I will not cry.' Unknown to me, I kept making these declarations on the street, and at times, even began to dance. The curious gaze of passers-by was what always made me remember that I was on the road.

This continued until Friday night, at about nine o'clock, when I heard a knock on the door. I opened the door and, behold, it was my daughter! She said as soon as she boarded the bus on her way to church that Sunday morning, she lost her senses. She and those in the bus with her were taken to an unknown destination, where they were all bound hand and foot. She didn't know for how long they were held captive, but according to her, a woman drove a car to the place, took a knife, cut the rope off her, put her in her car and drove her to safety!" This lady's deliverance was a case of angelic intervention, as she did not know the woman that rescued her! Other captives were still tied by the ritual killers, but God sent His angels, in response to her mother's faith-filled declarations. You have been too silent, that's why you have been tormented all this long! Open your mouth wide, like this precious daughter of Abraham did, and let them know that you know who you are in Christ Jesus. Whenever the enemy is raging against you, put your tongue to work. It is your only way out. No matter in what areas you have been tormented or harassed by the enemy, when you open wide your mouth, you will subdue them all. No power of the enemy is stronger than the power of your tongue. This is the Bible sense for deliverance. When confronted by enemy forces, say out loud: ● "He has given me a mouth and I have His Word too; no adversary can resist or gainsay what comes out of my mouth." ● "I cannot be oppressed! He has set me free, so I am free indeed." ● "He died for my sins; I shall no longer die in sin." ● "He became poor that I might become rich; I shall not live in poverty any more!" ● "I determine what becomes of me by my tongue. I shall live and not die, to declare the works of the Lord."

"I shall not bury my children; I shall not bury my younger ones; I shall live to fulfil the number of my days." ● "I shall possess my possessions today, and with my tongue, I walk on in liberty." Shout it, believe it, and God will back it up! If the devil can silence you, he has made a cheap prey of you. If he can get you to keep your mouth shut, he has succeeded in shutting up your destiny. The louder you shout your victory, the freer you become. With knowledge of this truth, I keep shouting loud for all, including the devil, to hear: "I cannot be sick. I can't imagine being dragged from a car wreck. Many years to come, I will still be here. I have a programme that stretches till the year 2039, if Jesus tarries." As I continue to say these, I'm sowing seeds into my future, which God is committed to perform and the angels to obey and carry out. Look at any area that seems to be a problem to you right now, and open your mouth wide against it. It is God's decree that you shall have whatsoever you say. May you keep on saying the right things! May you never be caught saying, "It is better to die", "The future is bleak", "It can't work." At the outset of our ministry, I kept on declaring, "We shall never borrow. I can't imagine us borrow," and we have never been tempted to borrow. "Open your mouth wide, and I will fill it." Start talking your way to success, abundance, sound health, a happy home and great increases today. That's God's strategy for personal deliverance. All the blessings and security I'm enjoying today are what I spoke into existence years back. Likewise, you won't see good tomorrow, if you don't speak them into existence today, because seedtime and harvest shall not cease. You must first put the seed into the ground today, for you to be able to reap a bountiful harvest tomorrow. ●

5. Speak Against... You have been given power over the devil and all his cohorts, so open your mouth wide and speak out against whatever the world calls you that your Father in heaven has not called you. Have

you been called "Barren", open your mouth wide and speak out against it, for He has called you a "Joyful mother of children." Jesus looked at Pilate and said, "You don't have power over me." In the same vein, I say to you right now, look at that issue and begin to harass it with your words of power. Look at that financial embarrassment, that deadly habit, and say to it, "You don't have power over me. Stop there, enough is enough!" Most times, we plead with God to help us speak to our situation, when what we should do is to face the enemies and speak against them. God said, "You shall say to the mountain…", not, "You shall cry to Me." Here is another testimony of the effective use of the tongue for deliverance: "I woke up at 3:30 a.m. and heard a big bang, as though a drum fell. When I looked out through the window, I saw ten armed robbers. I immediately remembered what the Bishop taught us, that we must talk right, in order to live right. Then I said, `If I be a man of God, let the fire of God come down and consume all of you.' One of my sons went to the neighbours and ordered them to stop shouting `Thief, thief.' Instead, we drew the blood line around the premises. Another son ran upstairs and took the liquid fire (the anointing oil), and began to splash it around. Before he got downstairs, the robbers had already opened the iron door at the back. The boy then began declaring to the robbers, `You cannot come in. There is fire burning here.' Those upstairs were praising the Lord for victory, and were dancing. Then I remembered what the Bishop said one day. He said if armed robbers were terrible, then we as children of God, are more terrible. I said to myself, `Today is the day.' After some minutes, the heavens came down, and the robbers who came with vanity went back destroyed!" I have good news for you. Hear what the Scripture says: As soon as they hear of me, they shall obey me: the strangers shall submit themselves unto me. The strangers shall fade away, and be afraid out of their close places. Psalm 18:44-45

Everything you speak against shall submit themselves to you and heed your voice of command. They shall fade away and be afraid out of their closed places! That sickness has no power over you! That embarrassing situation has no power over you! Put your weapon of deliverance to work and watch them all fade out of their hiding places!

6. Deliver Yourself! I love this verse of Scripture: Shake thyself from the dust…loose thyself from the bands of thy neck, O captive daughter of Zion Isaiah 52:2 You are the one to deliver yourself. How? you may ask. Through the right use of your tongue! You can stop that deadly habit that is injuring your spiritual life. You are to say to it, "Stop there, you don't have power over me! Enough is enough! I'm walking into my liberty now, because greater is the One in me, than the one in the world. I've been raised up with Christ, and am seated in heavenly places with Him, far above all you principalities and powers. I'm no longer under your authority, but you are under my foot; so take your hands off me now!" With the right use of your tongue at all times, nothing can hold you captive. You are loosed and delivered, in Jesus' name!

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