David Icke - Human Race Get Off Your Knees

May 12, 2017 | Author: humanityunited2013 | Category: N/A
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Black Sea

Caspian Sea

Anatolla/Asia Minor/Turkey

River Euphrates

River Tigris


Mediterranean Sea

SUMER Gizeh_


Figure 16: The land of Mesopotamia, and especially Sumer and Babylon, entered my life vel}' soon after my

initial 'awakening'

Okay, this is the story that the incredible synchronicity of my life since 1990 has led me to uncover, and I will tell it as much as pOSSible in the order that it has been given to me. In this chapter, I will outline the basic facts and then add the layers of detail as we go along.

The 'Golden Age' There are endless myths and legends across the world about lost lands that sank beneath the sea amid earthquakes, volcanoes and tidal waves. Different cultures have different names for these once highly-advanced civilisations, but the most common are Atlantis and Mu, also known as 'Lemuria'. Atlantis is said to have been located in the Atlantic Ocean, and Mu in the Pacific (Fig 17). Some researchers even suggest that these stories refer to a lost planet, the remnants of which are known today as the asteroid belt. I am open to anything if the evidence can be produced to support it, but what is without question is that the Earth has been subject in geologically-recent times to just the kind of cataclysmic events described in the stories and legends about the demise of Atlantis and Mu. These catastrophes are recorded in ancient myths and legends all over the world and in the geological and biological record. They are described in the Bible as the 'Great Flood', a story that was taken from much older accounts. The tale of Noah and the Great Flood is an almost verbatim repeat of stories told in Sumer (4000 BC to 2000 BC) and other andent Mesopotamian civilisations, including Babylon (2000 BC to 300 BC). These accounts have been found on clay tablets recovered from what is now Iraq, and they originate from thousands of years earlier than the biblical version. They tell of a man called Gilgamesh, which the Bible re-names 'Noah', and the Mesopotamian Epic of

'You only have to follow the clues ....


Gilgamesh sounds rather familiar: there was a great flood, and Gilgamesh built an ark to save animals and his family and sent out birds to see if the flood was receding. The ark eventually came to rest on a mountain. Another version is the Flood story which tells of how' the gods' decided to a I destroy humanity, and a god called 'Enki' warned the priest-king Ziusudra of a coming flood. He told him to build a great ship and take aboard 'beasts and birds'. Figure 17: The approximate locations of where Lemuria and After the rains and flood, Ziusudra Atlantis are believed to have been bowed in thanks before the sun god, Utu. The ancient Indian 'Noah' was called Manu, and similar accounts, using different names, can be found in Babylon (where 'Noah' is 'Atrahasis') and in Chaldea, Egypt, Assyria, Greece, Arcadia, Rome, Scandinavia, Germany, Lithuania, Transylvania, Turkey, Persia, China, New Zealand, Siberia, Burma, Korea, Taiwan, Philippines, Sumatra, Islamic belief, Celtic lore, and among native peoples throughout North, South and Central America, Africa, Asia, Australia and the Pacific. These stories tell of extraordinary geological upheavals that include: heat so fierce that it boiled the sea; mountains breathing fire; the disappearance of the Sun and Moon and the darkness that followed; the raining down of blood, ice and rock; the Earth flipping over; the sky falling; the rising and sinking of land; the loss of great continents; the coming of the ice; and virtually all of them describe a fantastic flood, a wall of water which swept across the Earth. The ancients said that this brought an end to the 'Golden Age'. There are endless legends and accounts all over the world of a Golden Age destroyed by cataclysm, and the subsequent 'Fall of Man'. The ancient Greek poet, Hesiod, described the world before this 'fall': Man lived like Gods, without vices or passions, vexation or toil. In happy companionship with divine beings they passed their days in tranquillity and joy, living together in perfect equality, united by mutual confidence and love. The Earth was more beautiful than now and spontaneously yielded an abundant variety of fruits. Human beings and animals spoke the same language and conversed with each other [telepathy]. Men were considered mere boys at a hundred years old. They had none of the infirmities of age to trouble them and when they passed to regions of superior life, it was in a gentle slumber. Hindu tradition tells of different 'epochs' or 'eras' it calls 'Yugas'. The Krita Yuga was their 'Golden Age', a time when there were no 'worldly desires', disease or fear. There was constant joy and happiness, it is said, and what people needed just spontaneously 'sprang from the earth everywhere and always whenever the mind desired it'. Then the paradise ended and the subsequent Yugas have seen what the Bible calls the 'Fall of Man'


Human Race Get Off Your Knees

into fear, suffering, disease, emotional pain and an obsession with materialism - five sense reality. It is hard to imagine the 'Krita Yuga' world from the perspective of today when the focus is on competition and survival, life is short and infirmity a pandemic; but that's how it was - and will be again. Geological catastrophe, and the intervention of a malevolent force, brought an end to the Golden Age. Earth's geological and biological record confirms evidence of many extraordinary upheavals, including three that happened in the general periods of 14,000 to 15,000 years ago; 11,000 to 13,000 years ago; and 7,000 to 8,000 years ago. Researchers D 5 Allan and J B Delair produced an excellent book, Wilen the Earth Nearly Died, in which they compare the ancient accounts with the geological and biological record and show how they tell the same story. Most people have no idea that the Himalayas, Alps and Andes only reached their present height around 11,000 to 13,000 years ago. Lake Titicaca on the Peruvian-Bolivian border is now said to be the highest navigable lake in the world at some 13,000 feet, but around 13,000 years ago much of that region was at sea level. I remember seeing David Attenborough, Britain's best-known natural history documentary-maker, pointing out fish and other sea fossils high up in a mountain range. How come? Those mountains were once at sea level, and recently so in geological terms. The ancient Greek philosopher, Plato (who lived in the period 427-347BC), wrote about Atlantis and its demise, and he said in his work Laws that agriculture began at high elevations after a gigantic flood covered the lowlands. The botanist, Nikolai Vavilov, studied more than 50,000 wild plants collected from around the world and concluded that they originated from only eight different areas - all of them mountainous terrain. It is plainly obvious when you put all the tangible evidence and ancient accounts together that the Earth has experienced a series of fantastic geological cataclysms, not just once but many times. This could easily have confused the timescale of Earth's perceived 'evolution' because a tidal wave on the scale described by the ancients could have produced pressures on the earth's surface of two tons per square inch, creating mountain ranges and fossilising everything within hours. Artificial stone today is created by pressures of this magnitude. There is widespread evidence that some fantastic event changed the Eartl1's surface in little more than an instant. Intact trees have been found fossilised, and that would be impossible unless it happened immediately because the tree would disintegrate before it could be fossilised in the time period that scientists talk about. There was also an instant freezing of some regions and this is why mammoths have been found embedded in ice, still standing up and in the process of eating. All tl-us supports the accounts passed down from ancient peoples in every comer of the world. In the course of writing this book I came to understand how, and by what means, this geological devastation was triggered. I will explain all later and it is a shocker. Atlantis would appear to have been located on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, which is part of a fracture line that continues for 40,000 miles. The Mid-Atlantic Ridge is in the region where four vast tectonic plates - tl1e Eurasian, African, North American and Caribbean - all meet and collide. It is extremely geolOgically unstable and one of the main locations for eariliquakes and volcanoes. The region where Mu/Lemuria is said to have been located is surrounded by fault lines and geological activity in ilie so-called 'Ring of Fire' (Fig 18). Islands like ilie Azores are said to be remnants of Atlantis, and the Pacific islands are said to be part of ilie land mass known as Mu/Lemuria. The Azores and ilie Canary Islands (named after dogs - 'canine' - and not canaries) were subject to


'You only have to follow the clues ....

• -Volcanoes

Figure 18: The highly unstable Mid-Atlantic Ridge passes through the suggested location of Atlantis while MulLemuria was in the same region as the Ring of Fire

• •

widespread volcanic activity in the time period that the ancient Greek philosopher, Plato, suggested for the end of Atlantis. In his works, Tilllaelts and CriNas, Plato appears to date the end of Atlantis at about 11,000 years ago. The seabed around the Azores confirms geologically-recent upheavals. Tachylite lava, which disintegrates in sea water within 15,000 years, can still be found there. Other evidence confirms that the seabed in this region was above sea level within the period we are talking about. This includes studies of beach sand gathered from depths of 10,500 - 18,440 feet. An article in National Geographic by the oceanographer, Maurice Ewing, concluded: 'Either the land must have sunk two or three miles, or the sea must once have been two or three miles lower than now. Either conclusion is startling: The volcanic activity that sank the land around the present-day Azores has been connected by geological and biological evidence to the same period that saw the break-up and sinking of the land mass known as Appalachia, which connected what we now call Europe, North America, Iceland and Greenland. Even the degree of submergence is closely related. What applies to the suggested location of Atlantis can also be found in the Pacific and the former land of Mu/Lemuria. Much has been written over the years about the so-called Bermuda Triangle - the region between Bermuda, southern Florida and Puerto Rico - and this is an area that has often been linked with Atlantis. The speculation has been fuelled by tlle discovery of submerged buildings, walls, roads and stone circles, even what appear to be pyramids, under the waters of the Bahama Banks near Bimini and within the 'triangle'. Walls or roads creating intersecting lines have also been discovered. In fact, all over the world evidence has been found of sunken cities and other structures.

Golden Age to Stone Age What we (often mistakenly) call 'intelligent life' on this planet goes back much further than is believed by mainstream science. So much evidence has been found to confirm


Human Race Get off Your Knees

this, but the 'scientific' establishment simply ignores it to protect the official version of human history. The 'pre-Flood' world was a 'Golden Age' global society that was far more advanced technologically than what we are today. I know that sounds far-fetched because advances only happen with the passage of 'time', right? It goes without saying that where we are today must be the 'cutting edge' of human development. But, hold on, why must it? Look around the world at the former lands of civilisations still acknowledged to be highly advanced for their time. Look at Egypt today compared with the incredible civilisation that once occupied that land; it's the same with Sumer, now Iraq; the Inca Empire of present-day South America, and so many other places around the world. The point is that human 'civilisation' and knowledge can decline as well as advance. Imagine what would happen to today's global society if we were faced with the staggering upheavals that were unleashed to end the 'Golden Age'. Within seconds, we would be a comparatively primitive society. Remove electricity from today's world and think what that would mean for the way we live our lives. Remember what happened in the immediate aftermath of Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans, and with every other such disaster. Think about the scenes of devastation we see after earthquakes, like the one in Haiti, and imagine what would happen in all these examples if there was no rescue operation coming because the rest of the world was in the same state. It would be a dog-eat-dog, everyone-for-themselves, find-your-ownfood, shelter and warmth, free-for-all. In the thousands of years that followed, the memory of the technological world we have today would fade, ever more rapidly, and only be preserved in stories and myths which would, more and more, be seen as crazy tales and figments of the imagination. Most people would deny such a world ever existed because it would be so at odds with their daily experience. We would have the same we-can't-do-it-so-it-can't-be-done mentality that once laughed at the very idea that we could fly into space. The official history in that post-catadysmic society would only begin with the records left by humanity once it had re-advanced to a certain level. Only then would they write or symbolise accounts of what had gone before, and this would be based on stories passed down verbally through the earlier generations. Such a point could take thousands of years after the global geological destruction. Could? This is precisely what did happen after the events that devastated the Earth and ended the 'Golden Age'.

'Primitive' Geniu5 Evidence of advanced knowledge from the ancient and prehistoric world is staring at us, while mainstream 'science' tries to explain it away, or just ignores it in order to

maintain the status quo. There are the 'mystery' structures built thousands of years ago all over the world that 'primitive' people could never have constructed. Some are beyond the capability of even modern technology. At Baalbek, northeast of Beirut in the Lebanon, three massive chwu
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