David Gonsalez - Vajrayogini Powa (Father and Mother)

January 29, 2017 | Author: Zealander | Category: N/A
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Buddhism, Vajrayana...



Composed by Tuken Dharmavajra Dechen Ling Press




THE TRANSFERENCE OF CONSCIOUSNESS FOR JETSUN VAJRAYOGINI NARO KACHÖ SUPPLEMENTED WITH LIFEESTABLISHING PRACTICE NAMO GURU VAJRAYOGINI YA Here are the instructions for practicing the transference of consciousness for Vajrayogini. Go for refuge and generate bodhichitta. Just behind the Brahmin aperture of myself appearing clearly as Vajrayogini is a lion throne with a lotus and sun seat upon which is Glorious Heruka. He is the nature of my root guru and treads upon Bhairava and Kalarati appearing with a dark blue body, one face, and two hands holding a vajra and bell crossed at his heart. He stands with his right led outstretched and embraces Vajravarahi. The father is adorned with six mudras and the mother with five. Surrounding him is a limitless entourage of heroes and dakinis. Some send down a rain of flowers, some hold things such as victory banners and produce the sound of music. Some sing auspicious melodies while others dispel obstructing forces. They dwell amidst a tent of rainbows. It as though I am directly perceiving Dakpa Kachö pure land.


At [Heruka’s] crown is an OM, at his throat an AH, and at his heart a HUM from which light rays radiate and invoke the assembly of gurus, personal deities, buddhas, bodhisattvas, heroes, dakinis, dharma protectors, and guardians from their natural abode filling the realm of space. DZA HUM BAM HO They dissolve into the guru on the crown of my head and he becomes the embodiment of all objects of refuge. In this way develop devotion. If you wish to make extensive offerings do so in accordance with the field of merit of Heruka as follows: With folded hands recite: By whose kindness the state of great bliss Can be obtained in an instant At the feet of my jewel-like Guru The Vajra-holder- I prostrate. The Samvarodaya Tantra states: To the great hero, glorious Heruka, With power of his completely pure vajra, And to Vajravarahi, the great one Who generates desire; humbly I bow. To all the heroes, heroines and powerful dakinis Who abide in the places, near places, Fields, meeting places and charnel grounds; 4

To all of you I respectfully prostrate. From the HUM at my heart arise offering goddesses: White flower goddesses, Smoke-colored incense goddesses, Orange light goddesses, Green perfume goddesses, And multicolored food goddesses. They have four hands: the first two hold a vajra and bell, and the other two hold a precious vessel filled with the individual offering substances such as flowers and so forth. The white Rupavajra goddesses, Blue Shaptavajra goddesses, Yellow Gandhavajra goddesses, Red Rasavajra goddesses, Green Parshavajra goddesses, And white Dharmadhatuvajra goddesses. They have four hands, the left two hold a skullcup and katvanga, in the first right hand respectively a mirror, lute, a vessel of scents, a vessel of tastes, silk garments and a phenomena source, and in the other right hand a damaru. OM AHRGHAM PRATITZA SÖHA OM PADÄM PRATITZA SÖHA OM VAJRA PUPE AH HUM SÖHA OM VAJRA DHUPE AH HUM SÖHA OM VAJRA DIWE AH HUM SÖHA OM VAJRA GÄNDHE AH HUM SÖHA 5

OM VAJRA NEWIDE AH HUM SÖHA OM VAJRA SHAPTA AH HUM SÖHA OH AH VAJRA ADARSHE HUM OM AH VAJRA WINI HUM OM AH VAJRA GÄNDHE HUM OM AH VAJRA RASE HUM OM AH VAJRA PARSHE HUM OM AH VAJRA DHARME HUM Again from the HUM at my heart arise the four heart yoginis who offer four skullcups filled with the five nectars. OM SARWA VAJRA KAMINI SARWA BHAKSHAM SHODAYA GUHYA VAJRANI SÖHA Through the father and mother entering into embrace and generating great bliss all the deities experience great bliss. I go for refuge to the Three Jewels, And confess each of my negative actions, I rejoice in the virtues of migrating beings, And hold with my mind a buddhas’ enlightenment. To buddha, dharma, and the supreme assembly I go for refuge until I am enlightened, And to accomplish the welfare of myself and others I will generate the mind of enlightenment. Having generated the mind of supreme enlightenment, I shall invite all living beings to be my guest To engage in the pleasing, supreme practices of enlightenment. 6

May I attain buddhahood to benefit living beings. To clear away all obscurations of every living being, I request all the buddhas, infinite as space, to turn the wheel of dharma. For the well-being and happiness of all, And in order to liberate all living beings, I request all the buddhas who may wish to pass beyond sorrow To stay for as many eons as there are atoms in the earth. To free all beings from the ocean of samsara, so difficult to cross, I offer this momentary self to all the buddhas. If you are doing it in an abbreviated fashion proceed as follows: I prostrate to Glorious Heruka father and mother Whose body is the embodiment of the Three Jewels and the lineage gurus. I make mundane and supramundane outer, inner, and secret offerings, Both actually set out and emanated by mind. I clearly confess the variety of negative actions and downfalls From beginningless time until now and promise to refrain from them. I rejoice in the pure white virtues of myself and others.


I request you to turn the wheel of the vast and profound dharma And remain without passing into nirvana for a hundred eons. I dedicate these virtues to great enlightenment. Then make either an extensive or concise mandala offering. Recite the following with extremely powerful longing: Guru-Heruka, the embodiment of all objects of refuge I request you, please bless my mental continuum. Please protect me from fearful murdering lord of death Please liberate me from terrifying narrow passage of the intermediate state Please retrain me from falling into the abyss of the lower realms, so difficult to bear, Please lead me to the Dakini Land, the abode of great bliss. Once you have lead me there please establish me in state of enlightenment, I have no hope other than you—please rescue me with your compassion. Make this request several times. Finally: From the navel of myself appearing clearly as Vajrayogini up to the crown of my head is my central channel the width of a middling sized bamboo stalk. It is red in color and like an upside down trumpet. The upper end reaches the Brahmin aperture at the crown of my head and is like 8

a completely unobstructed skylight. The lower end reaches four finger widths below my navel. At the hole at the lower end of the central channel is sun seat which blocks it like a joint of bamboo. Upon that is my consciousness in the aspect of Jetsun Vajrayogini complete with the face, arms, ornaments, and attire. She is the size of thumb and on the verge of flying. Contemplate in this way and establish divine pride. My Vajrayogini mind looks upward through the central channel to the broad opening and sees the guru-deity father and mother. Being so eager to go to their heart I am on the verge of flying. Contemplate in this way with powerful longing and faith. Verbally proclaim: HIK Through this, my Vajrayogini mind travels through my central channel and reaches the crown of my head. Recite HIK again very forcefully through which: [My Vajrayogini mind] emerges from the crown of my head and goes to the heart of guru-Heruka father and mother and my mind and my guru’s mind inseparably mix. Remain in meditative equipoise for a short while. Then recite:


KA Through this, your mind exits your guru’s mind and reenters through the Brahmin aperture and sequentially descends through my central channel and comes to rest upon the sun seat at the lower end of your central channel. Once again recite “HIK” through which you transfer [to your guru’s heart] and “KA” through which you descend. Repeat this process a hundred, twenty-one times and so forth. Between visualizations make the supplication and alternate between visualization and supplication. At the end of the session recite: The father and mother deities at the crown of my head descends through my Brahmin aperture and comes to rest at my heart. The Vajrayogini at my navel ascends, dissolves into the mother [at my heart] and the father and mother frolic in embrace. They are delighted by great bliss through which they melt into the aspect of light rays from which the nectar of immortality descends, completely filling my entire body. My Brahmin aperture is blocked by a double vajra of light and I obtain the attainment of immortal life. This “Transference of Consciousness for Jetsun Vajrayogini Naro Kachö Supplemented with Life-Establishing Practice” was requested by the Tibetan official Ngawang Tendar from Dungnag Chökor Ling with pure faith and an offering of gold leaf and a khata of the finest substance. It was written down by Gelong Ngagwang Tenpel in accordance with the oral instructions of his guru Dharmavajra. 10



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