David Dow's Petition for Declaration Judgment or, In the Alternative, Writ of Mandamus

May 31, 2016 | Author: jmgamso | Category: N/A
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Dow Petition...



IN RE DAVID DOW, Relator-Petitioner, v. THE TEXAS COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS, Respondent. ________________________________ DAVID DOW’S PETITION FOR DECLARATORY JUDGMENT OR, IN THE ALTERNATIVE, WRIT OF MANDAMUS ________________________________ Nicole DeBorde TBN: 00787344 712 Main St., Ste 2400 Houston, Texas 77002 Office: 713-526-6300 Fax: 713-228-0034 Email: [email protected]

Casie L. Gotro TBN: 24048505 440 Louisiana, Suite 800 Houston, Texas 77002 Office: 832-368-9281 Fax: 832-201-8273 Email: [email protected] Attorneys for Relator/Petitioner David Dow

IDENTITY OF PARTIES AND COUNSEL Relator/Petitioner certifies the following is a complete list of the parties and their attorneys in accordance with Texas Rules of Appellate Procedure 53.2(a). Respondent: The Texas Court of Criminal Appeals Relator/Petitioner: David R. Dow TBN: 06064900 University of Houston Law Center 100 Law Center Houston, Texas 77204-6060 TEL: (713) 743-2171 FAX: (713) 743-2131 Counsel for Relator/Petitioner: Nicole DeBorde TBN: 00787344 712 Main St., Ste 2400 Houston, Texas 77002 Office: 713-526-6300 Fax: 713-228-0034 Email: [email protected] Casie L. Gotro TBN: 24048505 440 Louisiana, Suite 800 Houston, Texas 77002 Office: 832-368-9281 Fax: 832-201-8273 Email: [email protected]


TABLE OF CONTENTS IDENTITY OF PARTIES AND COUNSEL ........................................................... ii TABLE OF CONTENTS ..........................................................................................iv INDEX OF AUTHORITIES.....................................................................................vi STATEMENT OF THE CASE .................................................................................. 1 STATEMENT OF JURISDICTION.......................................................................... 2 ISSUES PRESENTED............................................................................................... 3 STATEMENT OF FACTS ........................................................................................ 4 ARGUMENT………….. ........................................................................................... 9 I.

In suspending Dow, the CCA purported to exercise authority that is reserved to this Court. ........................................................... 9 A.

Contempt of court ................................................................................ 10


Power to sanction ................................................................................ 10


The ability to suspend an attorney absent fraudulent or dishonorable conduct or malpractice is within the exclusive jurisdiction of this Court..................................................………..13


Mandamus is appropriate............................................................................... 16


Declaratory judgment is appropriate. ............................................................ 19

PRAYER FOR RELIEF .......................................................................................... 21 CERTIFICATION……. .......................................................................................... 22 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE ....................................................................... 22 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE ................................................................................ 22 ii

APPENDIX………… ....................................................................................... A-001


INDEX OF AUTHORITIES Cases Bonham State Bank v. Beadle, 907 S.W.2d 465 (Tex. 1995) ......................................................................... 20 Brager v. State, No. 0365-03, 2004 WL 3093237 (Tex. Crim. App. Oct. 13, 2004) .............................................................................................................. 11 Chenault v. Phillips, 914 S.W.2d 140 (Tex. 1996) ........................................................................... 3 Christeson v. Roper, 135 S. Ct. 891 (2015)....................................................................................... 7 Eichelberger v. Eichelberger, 582 S.W.2d 395 (Tex. 1979) ....................................................................... 2, 9 Etan Indus. v. Lehmann, 359 S.W.3d 620 (Tex. 2011) ......................................................................... 21 Harbison v. Bell, 556 U.S. 180 (2009)....................................................................................... 18 In re Bennett, 960 S.W.2d 35 (Tex. 1997) ..................................................................... 10-11 In re Caballero, 441 S.W.3d 562 (Tex. App.—El Paso, no pet.) .............................................. 9 In re Paredes, 587 F. App’x 805 (5th Cir. 2014) .................................................................... 7 In re State Bar, 113 S.W.3d 730 (Tex. 2003) ...............................................................9, 15, 18 Kutch v. Del Mar College, 831 S.W.2d 506 (Tex. App.—Corpus Christi 1992, no writ) ....................... 11 iv

Mills v. Ghilain, 68 S.W.3d 141 (Tex. App.—Corpus Christi 2001, no pet.) ............................ 9 State Bar of Texas v. Gomez. 891 S.W.2d 243 (Tex. 1994) .................................................................2, 9, 14 Tabler v. Stephens, No. 12-70013, 2015 WL 327646 (5th Cir. Jan. 27, 2015) .............................. 7 TransAmerican Natural Gas Corp. v. Powell, 811 S.W.2d 913 (Tex. 1991) ......................................................................... 12 Walker v. Packer, 827 S.W.2d 833 (Tex. 1992) ......................................................................... 16 Rules and Statutes 5TH CIR. R. 8.10 ......................................................................................................... 8 18 U.S.C. § 3599 ...................................................................................................... 18 TEX. CONST. art. II ................................................................................................. 2, 9 TEX. CONST. art. V ............................................................................................... 3, 14 TEX. CRIM. APP. MISC. R. 11-003 (Exhibit B) ........................................................... 8 TEX. GOV’T CODE § 21.002...................................................................................... 10 TEX. GOV’T CODE § 22.108...................................................................................... 16 TEX. GOV’T CODE § 81.011..............................................................................2, 9, 14 TEX. GOV’T CODE § 81.072.................................................................................. 9, 14 TEX. GOV’T CODE § 82.061...................................................................................... 10 TEX. CIV. PRAC. & REM. CODE § 37.003.................................................................... 3 v

TEX. CODE CRIM. PROC. art. 11.071 ......................................................................... 17 TEX. R. DISCIPLINARY Preamble. ....................................................................... 14-15


STATEMENT OF THE CASE Nature of the case:

CCA case information:

On January 14, 2015, in a per curiam1 order, the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals (CCA) issued an order sanctioning David Dow and suspending him from practicing before the CCA, without leave of court, for one year. See Exhibit A. Dow seeks review of this order because the CCA lacks the lawful authority to suspend Dow. Only the Texas Supreme Court, under appropriate circumstances, may suspend a lawyer licensed by the State Bar of Texas. Even if the CCA had such authority (which it does not,) its order further deprived Dow his right to due course of law guarantee of the Texas Constitution and his right to due process of law guarantee by United States Constitution.3 IN RE DAVID DOW, CAUSE NO. WR-61,939-01

Motion for rehearing:

Dow filed a Motion for Rehearing on January 29, 2015. In a five to four decision, the CCA denied the motion for rehearing on February 25, 2015. The dissenting statements of Judges Alcala, Newell, and Richardson (joined by Johnson) are attached as Exhibits C, D, and E, respectively.

Relief requested:

Declaratory relief stating that the order of suspension issued by the CCA is unlawful. In the alternative, a writ of mandamus, directing the CCA to withdraw the invalid order.


Judge Alcala dissented and would not have suspended Dow.


Dow further contends that the CCA erroneously concluded that he violated the court’s Miscellaneous Rule 11-003 and failed to show good cause.


STATEMENT OF JURISDICTION The Texas Supreme Court has jurisdiction because: (1)

Pursuant to Article V, section 3 of the Texas Constitution, this Court has the power to issue writs of mandamus “necessary to enforce its jurisdiction” even permitting the issuance of a writ of mandamus to the CCA. TEX. CONST. Art. V, § 3(a).4 Relator has no adequate remedy by appeal and thus mandamus is the appropriate remedy. In re Coy Reece, 341 S.W.3d 360, 54 (2011). This is the only Court which can provide the relief to which Relator is constitutionally entitled.


This Court has exclusive authority to regulate the practice of law. TEX. CONST. art. II, § 1; TEX. GOV’T CODE § 81.011(c); see Eichelberger v. Eichelberger, 582 S.W.2d 395, 398-99 (Tex. 1979).


The State Bar Act further provides this Court has “administrative control over the State Bar and provides a statutory mechanism for promulgating regulations governing the practice of law.” State Bar of Texas v. Gomez, 891 S.W.2d 243, 245 (Tex. 1994) (citing TEX. GOV’T CODE § 81.011(c)).


Chapter 37 of the Civil Practice and Remedies Code grants the Court the authority to issue a declaratory judgment that has the force and effect of a final judgment or decree in this case because the Court has jurisdiction over the regulation of the practice of law. 5 TEX. CIV. PRAC. & REM. CODE § 37.003(a).


Section 3(a) adds that “[t]he Legislature may confer original jurisdiction on the Supreme Court to issue writs of quo warranto and mandamus in such cases as may be specified, except as against the Governor.” Tex. Const. Art. V, § 3(a). The Legislature has conferred additional jurisdiction to this Court pursuant to section 3(a). Moreover, while the additional jurisdiction conferred by statute expressly excludes the CCA as subject to a mandamus issued by this Court, the statute does not – and cannot – deprive this Court of its constitutionally-conferred jurisdiction, and that jurisdiction permits this Court to issue a writ of mandamus to the CCA. 5

The Court has held that district courts have jurisdiction in some cases to issue declaratory judgments related to this Court’s power to regulate the bar when those judgments are concerning a judicial (and not administrative) matter. Chenault v. Phillips, 914 S.W.2d 140, 142 (Tex. 1996). However, because the matter presented in this petition concerns whether the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals had the authority to sanction Dow in the manner it did, the matter is



Whether the Texas Supreme Court has the jurisdiction to either enter a declaratory judgment or issue a writ of mandamus declaring that the CCA impermissibly exceeded its statutory and constitutional authority when it suspended Dow from the practice of law?


Whether the CCA exceeded its authority and violated Dow’s constitutional rights, when it issued an order suspending him from the practice of law, absent fraudulent or dishonorable conduct or malpractice, because the ability to exact such a sanction is within exclusive jurisdiction of the Texas Supreme Court and the CCA further failed to give Dow his due course and process of law?

properly brought only in this Court. All lower courts are inferior to the CCA and incapable of declaring the CCA lacked the authority to sanction Dow in the manner that it did because procedurally, an “appeal” is a review by a superior court of an inferior court's decision. White v. State, 543 S.W.2d 366, 368 (Tex.Crim.App.1976) Republic v. Smith, Dallam 407, 409 (Tex.1841)


STATEMENT OF FACTS AND PROCEDURAL HISTORY I. Dow’s Work on Parede’s Death Penalty Case Leading Up to the Improper Suspension. David Dow regularly represents on appeal individuals who have been sentenced to death. Many of Dow’s death penalty cases are taken pro bono, and those that are not pro bono are appointed and only partially billed. Dow performs this work through the UH Law Center Death Penalty Clinic and the Texas Innocence Network. Dow (along with co-counsel Jeffrey Newberry, who is not a party to these proceedings) represented Miguel Paredes, a Texas death row inmate who was executed on October 28, 2014. See Show Cause Order, Exhibit F. After agreeing to represent Paredes in August 2014, Dow and his team undertook an extensive investigation in an extremely limited period of time. Statement of David R. Dow pursuant to Miscellaneous Rule 11-003, and Timeline Exhibits G and H Dow’s work included locating and reviewing medical records, locating and interviewing witnesses, evaluating extensive documentation from all phases of Mr. Paredes’ case, and researching previously unaddressed legal issues. Statement of David R. Dow pursuant to Miscellaneous Rule 11-003, and Timeline Exhibits G and H. Paredes first contacted Dow in May 2014, after his execution had been scheduled. See Motion For Leave to File with Timeline, Exhibit I at 5. Paredes 1

wrote and explained he had been under psychiatric care and was in fact suicidal at the time he waived his Wiggins claim, and requested assistance of counsel. Id. In August, Dow contacted Parades and Paredes’s federally-appointed habeas counsel, who accepted Dow’s offer to substitute in as lead counsel for any additional litigation and promptly handed over the case file. Id. Dow’s delay in reaching to Parades was due to his heavy caseload. Also in August, Dow was granted an extension on a state habeas application for another death row client, which had been his primary focus throughout the summer because of that case’s deadlines. Order Granting Extension, Exhibit J. In addition, Dow was involved in preparing federal pleadings for two other death row clients. The pro bono investigation by Dow and his team revealed a variety of new issues to be considered and developed. Suggestion to Reconsider, Exhibit K. To begin with, Dow discovered previously undisclosed medical records. Id. at 6-7. These records revealed that Paredes had been under psychiatric care and was receiving psychiatric medication both at the time of his trial and during state habeas corpus proceedings. Id. It was also learned that Paredes suffered from mental illness for most if not all of his life. Id. at 9-10. These facts were not revealed in any transcripts of the proceedings and were unknown to the courts. See id. at 8-9. Indeed, the jury that sentenced Paredes to death was unaware of either his history of mental illness, or the fact he was receiving mental health treatment at 2

the time of his trial. See id. at 9-10. In fact, Paredes’s trial lawyers called no witnesses at all at the punishment phase of his trial (XX R.R. at 124-26, State v. Paredes, No. 2000-CR-6067B (Bexar County 399th Dist. Ct. Oct. 24, 2001). When a capital murder defendant’s trial counsel presents no evidence aimed to persuade the jury to spare the life of the client, the death row inmate has a potential claim under Wiggins v. Smith, 539 U.S. 510 (2003). In Paredes’s case, however, at a brief hearing held in the state court following his conviction and sentence of death, Paredes purported to waive his Wiggins claim. Exhibit K at 8-9. At the time, Paredes remained under psychiatric care, although the court which permitted his waiver was unaware of this fact. See id. Having learned that Paredes was incompetent when he waived his Wiggins claim, Dow investigated further. Id. at 9-10. Previous counsel did not investigate for evidence of a Wiggins claim. See id. Throughout September and the first half of October, counsel obtained and reviewed medical, prison, and educational records, and located and interviewed approximately a half dozen witnesses who possessed salient information about Paredes’s background and could have been called as witnesses at the punishment phase of Paredes's trial. Id.; Exhibit I at 5. All of this information had to be located, considered, and applied in a legal context because again, his trial lawyers did not call any witnesses during the punishment phase of the trial. 3

The newly obtained medical records revealed the specific medications that Paredes was taking at the time of trial and during the state habeas hearing where he purported to waive his Wiggins claim. During trial, unbeknownst to the court or the jury, Paredes was receiving strong antidepressant and antipsychotic medications, often in conjunction with one another.

Exhibit K at 7.

medications included Doxepin, Torazine, Mellaril, and Xanax.


These And,

throughout the state habeas proceedings, Paredes was being treated with antidepressant medications, including Bupropion and Wellbutrin.

Id. at 6.

Another fact of which the court was unaware. Finally, Dow and Newberry were able to obtain additional affidavits suggesting that Paredes likely suffered from mental illness from the time he was very young. Id. at 10. Counsel also learned significant facts about Paredes’s background, that had also not been previously discovered and were unknown to the sentencing jury as well as the state and federal courts which reviewed his case. For example, when Paredes was seven years old, his family was chased out of Chicago and forced to move to Mexico because his older brothers were involved in a war with a Chicago gang. Id. After living in Mexico for several years, Paredes and his family moved to San Antonio where gang violence was as bad as it had been in Chicago. Id. Paredes was run over by a car driven by gang members when he was only eleven years old. Id. These facts are examples of the newly discovered mitigating 4

evidence that should have been presented to a jury considering the death penalty. See, e.g., Wiggins v. Smith, 539 U.S. 510 (2003). Having determined that the underlying Wiggins claim was meritorious, and that the purported waiver of that claim did not comport with the dictates of due process, Dow filed a motion to reopen federal habeas proceedings pursuant to Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 60 and litigated the matter through the Fifth Circuit. See Paredes v. Stephens, No. 5:05-cv-00870-FB, ECF No. 25; In re Paredes, 587 F. App’x 805 (5th Cir. 2014).11 In addition to the federal pleadings, Dow filed two pleadings in the state court. One asked the CCA, on its own motion, to reopen the proceedings where it had permitted Paredes to waive his Wiggins claim. Exhibit K. The other, filed at the request of Paredes’s previous counsel, raised a claim of actual innocence, which rested on two affidavits obtained by Paredes’s previous counsel. Subsequent Application, Exhibit L. All of the above pro bono, highly specialized legal work occurred in the less than three remaining months of Paredes’s life. Exhibit I at 5-6.


Although the Fifth Circuit subsequently denied Paredes relief, it appears likely that had Paredes’s Rule 60 motion been considered by the Fifth Circuit three months later, the court would have held differently, in view of the Supreme Court’s subsequent decision in Christeson v. Roper, 135 S. Ct. 891 (2015). In Tabler v. Stephens, No. 12-70013, 2015 WL 327646, at *1 (5th Cir. Jan. 27, 2015), in a case procedurally identical to Paredes’s, the Fifth Circuit withdrew its previous order which had denied Tabler Rule 60 relief and held that, under Christeson, he was entitled to develop the merits of his underlying claim. The claim Paredes raised was indistinguishable from the claim Christeson raised in the Supreme Court.


There are very few attorneys willing to take on the task of this very time consuming and difficult work. Had Dow and his team not agreed to assist Mr. Paredes, it is unlikely that Mr. Paredes would have had anyone present


complex legal and factual issues raised by Dow and his team, and the grounds that Dow raised are a settled basis for a new trial if proved in post-conviction proceedings. II. The Alleged Rule Violation. Paredes was scheduled for execution on October 28, 2014.

Counsel filed in the

CCA documents on Mr. Paredes's behalf seven days in advance – on October 21, 2014. Motions for Stay of Execution, Exhibits M and N. This was in compliance with the CCA’s Miscellaneous Rule 11-003, which requires that pleadings requesting the court stay an execution be “filed seven days before an execution.” (emphasis added). Using counting methods, such as those employed by the analogous Fifth Circuit rule, and by the Texas Rules of Appellate Procedure, Dow’s filing was timely. Tex. R. App. P. 4.1(a); Fed. R. Civ. P. 6.(a)(1); 5th Cir. R. 8.10, which states in part that in death penalty issues, filers “…must exercise reasonable diligence in moving for a certificate of appealability, for permission to file a second or successive habeas petition, or in filing a notice of appeal from an adverse judgment of the district court in any other type of proceeding, and a stay of 6

execution with the clerk of this court at least 7days before the scheduled execution. ” Dow’s Appearance Before the CCA and the CCA’s Subsequent Order of Suspension.

Despite the fact that the language in Rule 11-003 is analogous to the Fifth Circuit rule (and Texas Rule of Appellate Procedure 4.1(a)) and the CCA express statement that “rule is modeled upon an analogous rule adopted by the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeal,” see Misc. R. 11-003, Exhibit J at 2, the CCA interpreted Rule 11-003 differently. On November 19, 2014, the CCA issued a Notice to Appear and Show Cause Order directing Dow and Newberry to appear in court on January 14, 2015 to explain why they should not be sanctioned for “violation of Miscellaneous Rule 11-003”. See Exhibit F. In concluding that Dow was untimely, the CCA relied upon an example contained within the rules that purportedly indicated that such documents actually needed to be filed eight days before an execution. Misc Rule 11-003. Even though Dow disagreed with the CCA’s construction of the rule, he complied with the request to show cause and filed a statement explaining why counsel was not able to file the pleadings within eight days of the execution. Exhibits G and H,

Then on January 14, 2015, Dow appeared before the CCA.

See Show Cause Transcript, Exhibit O. A court reporter did not transcribe the 7

proceedings, but, there was an audio recording.

It is attached as Exhibit P.

Moreover, undersigned counsel has also attached a certified transcription of the audio from this proceeding for the Court’s convenience as Exhibit O. During the appearance, Dow is asked questions by various judges and he attempts to answer the questions. Most of the questions appear to have come from Judge Keller. Exhibit P And, owing to the inquiry into Judge Keller's actions following the execution of Michael Richard in 2007 that was conducted by the State Commission of Judicial Conduct, significant tension developed between Dow and Judge Keller, leading Dow to request that Judge Keller recuse herself in several cases where he was counsel as a result of her perceived bias toward him. Exhibit P and V In this proceeding, the CCA acted as prosecutor, judge and witness. See Exhibit P, Hearing Audio Indeed, no other witnesses were called nor sworn and there is no testimony in the usual sense given.

Neither was there an attorney present

representing either the CCA or the State Bar of Texas. The CCA issued a written order on the same day of the open court proceedings. It held that Dow had violated Rule 11-003 and that he had not shown good cause for doing so. Exhibit A As punishment, the CCA suspended Dow from appearing before it, absent leave, for a period of one year. Exhibit A. On January 29, and for the first time represented by counsel, Dow filed a motion for rehearing. Exhibit Q, Motion for Rehearing. The CCA, in a split decision, denied the motion 8

for rehearing on February 25, 2015. See Exhibits C, D, and E. ARGUMENT I. The Texas Supreme Court Has Jurisdiction to Issue a Declaratory Judgment Regarding Dow’s Ability to Practice Law, or in the Alternative, Issue a Writ of Mandamus Against the CCA for Exceeding Its Authority. A. The Court has the Authority to Issue a Declaratory Judgment. The Texas Supreme Court has jurisdiction over disciplinary actions. And, because a declaration would resolve the underlying controversy, a declaratory judgment is appropriate. Bonham State Bank v. Beadle, 907 S.W.2d 465, 467 (Tex. 1995); see Etan Indus. v. Lehmann, 359 S.W.3d 620, 624 (Tex. 2011). Declaratory relief is necessary in this case to avoid immediate injury to Dow's clients. See Exhibit R, Dow's current practice consists primarily of the pro bono representation of death-sentenced inmates in federal habeas proceedings. Exhibit R. The CCA's unlawful suspension order has significant potential impact on Dow's clients because each of Texas’ four federal district courts require that Dow report the suspension. 14 In addition, a disciplinary violation permits the


See S.D. TEX. DISCIPLINE R. 3(A) (“A lawyer disciplined by another court in the United States shall promptly notify this court in writing and furnish to the clerk of the court a certified copy of the order of discipline. A lawyer suspended or disbarred by another court in the United States shall immediately cease to practice before this court.”); N.D. TEX. R. 83.8(d) (“Any member of the bar of this court who has … been disciplined, publicly or privately, by any court … shall promptly report such fact in writing to the clerk, supplying full details and copies of all pertinent documents reflecting, or explaining, such action.”); E.D. TEX. R. AT-2(b)(1) (“A member of the bar of this court shall automatically lose his or her membership if he or she loses,


federal courts to impose reciprocal discipline. For example, the clerk for the Southern District of Texas took action to terminate Dow’s filing privileges in that district.17 Exhibit S In the Northern District, a hearing for one of his clients has been postponed as the district judge in that case awaits a decision from the district’s chief judge regarding whether reciprocal discipline will be imposed. Exhibit T Accordingly, without relief, Dow and his clients will suffer irreparable harm if Dow is not accorded a right of appeal to the unlawful sanction. The Court Has the Authority to Issue a Writ of Mandamus. The Court has held that a relator should not seek mandamus unless the error is of such importance to the jurisprudence of the state that it requires correction by the Texas Supreme Court. Walker v. Packer, 827 S.W.2d 833, 839 n.7 (Tex. 1992).

This case presents an error that rises to that degree of importance.

Additionally, the Texas Constitution gives this Court mandamus power. Texas

either temporarily or permanently, the right to practice law before any state or federal court for any reason other than nonpayment of dues, failure to meet continuing legal education requirements, or voluntary resignation unrelated to a disciplinary proceeding or problem.”); W.D. TEX. R. AT-7(e)(2) (“A member of the bar of this court must promptly report in writing to the clerk, with full details and copies of pertinent documents, if … the attorney loses or relinquishes, temporarily or permanently, the right to practice in any court of record….). 17

This appears to be an action automatically taken by the clerk’s office (and not an indication that any disciplinary panel has decided to impose reciprocal discipline). See S.D. TEX. DISCIPLINE R. 3(A). Counsel anticipates a similar response from the Eastern District may be forthcoming, See E.D. TEX. R. AT-2(b)(3) (“The clerk will thereafter enter a reciprocal order effective in the courts of this district.”)


Const. Art. 5, § 3 To the extent that Texas Government Code Section 22.002, which limits the authority of this Court to mandamus the CCA is in conflict with the Texas Constitution, the separation of powers requirement of the Constitution has been violated because the it would prevent the this Court from exercising its constitutionally assigned powers. Ex parte Lo, 424 S.W.3d 10, 28 (Tex.Crim.App. 2014) The Court of Criminal Appeals has the authority to promulgate procedural rules. Tex. Gov’t Code § 22.108. However, “its rules may not abridge, enlarge, or modify the substantive rights of a litigant.” Id. § 22.108(a).

Even with the

additional pleading, Dow filed the documents he filed on behalf of Paredes in the CCA by 6:30 p.m. on October 21, 2014 – seven days before Mr. Paredes was executed, and even by the eighth day standard, only half an hour into the eighth day. Even considering Dow’s reasons filed with the CCA for the “late” filing, the CCA still found that good cause did not exist to file the pleadings at most half an hour late. See Exhibit C. The CCA’s extraordinary construction of the rule, and decision that the penalty for the filing would be a one year suspension will undoubtedly cause other attorneys in Dow’s position to decide not to file documents for inmates facing execution. See Exhibit C at 10-11 (“This Court’s contempt order also carries with it the possibility of a chilling effect on attorneys 11

who might otherwise be willing to represent capital-murder defendants who are facing execution and are in need of competent counsel.”). As a result, people may die, some of them innocent, with valid claims their court appointed and publicly paid lawyers failed to develop out of fear of sanction by the CCA. This result would be at odds with the legislative objective, evidenced in Article 11.071 section 5 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, that such inmates be allowed to file subsequent applications. Had the Legislature intended there to be a time limit pertaining to an inmate’s right to seek to file a subsequent application, for postconviction relief, it could have enacted one. See Tex. Code Crim. Proc. art. 11.071 § 4(a) (setting a filing deadline for an initial application). Furthermore, this penalty imposed on Dow is already interfering with and will likely interfere further, with his duties and to inmates’ rights to pursue relief in the federal courts. Dow currently represents at least twelve death-sentenced Texas defendants in their federal habeas proceedings. Exhibit R (Dow’s Affidavit). Dow was appointed to represent these individuals pursuant to 18 U.S.C. § 3599. Pursuant to that federal statute, Dow is obligated to represent those individuals “throughout every subsequent stage of available judicial proceedings, including … all available post-conviction process, together with applications for says of execution and other appropriate motions and procedures….” 18 U.S.C. § 3599 (e); see also Harbison v. Bell, 556 U.S. 180 (2009). Fulfilling these obligations often 12

requires federal habeas counsel to return to the CCA to exhaust state remedies. Dow’s suspension therefore interferes with the duty he owes to his clients whose cases are pending in the federal courts. In addition, there exists a possibility that each of the federal district courts in this state may decided to impose reciprocal discipline upon Dow and suspend him from practicing for one year. This action would not be based on any finding that Dow conducted himself in any inappropriate manner in the federal courts. Rather, this discipline would be imposed reciprocally, out of respect for the CCA’s sanction – a sanction that it lacked the authority to impose because a federal court expects a member of its bar to be in good standing in state court. See Standing Order from Northern District, Exhibit U. This Court “has consistently granted mandamus relief when a lower court interferes with the disciplinary process.” In re State Bar, 113 S.W.3d at 733. The court that has interfered with the disciplinary process in this case is the Court of Criminal Appeals.

Due process requires that there must be a remedy. The

contempt punishment in Dow’s case, while not a lawful contempt punishment, is both punitive or criminal and coercive or civil (requiring him to seek leave to file before the court). In re Coy Reece, 341 S.W.3d 360 (Tex. 2010) The CCA exceeded it’s contempt authority.


The CCA Erred In Suspending Dow from the Practice of Law. There can be no doubt that the CCA’s order suspending Dow from practicing law before the court is an attempt to regulate his practice of law. Yet, the Texas Supreme Texas Supreme Court has the exclusive authority to do so. The CCA’s attempt to avoid usurping this authority by labeling it as punishment for contempt or a sanction is nothing but a game of semantics. There is no basis in the law or the fact that would support the severe sanction of suspension for the alleged one day late filing of documents that literally could change the course of whether a person lives or dies. The power to sanction is allowed to the extent necessary to deter, alleviate, and counteract bad faith abuse of judicial process, such as any significant interference with traditional core functions of court. Kutch v. Del Mar College, 831 S.W.2d 506, 510 (Tex.App.—Corpus Christi 1992, no writ) There is no way to construe the barely late, if it was late, filing as to interfere with the core functions of the CCA in a significant way, so the CCA’s punishment is also not an appropriate sanction. Accordingly, the CCA exceeded its authority and its order suspending Dow from practicing before the CCA should be vacated. A. The Texas Supreme Court Has the Exclusive Authority to Regulate the Practice of Law and Has Set Forth a Detailed Process for Disciplining Lawyers. The Texas Supreme Court has exclusive authority to regulate the practice of 14

law. TEX. CONST. art. II, § 1; TEX. GOV’T CODE § 81.011(c); see Eichelberger, 582 S.W.2d at 398-99. The Constitution states that: The Supreme Court is responsible for the efficient administration of the judicial branch and shall promulgate rules of administration not inconsistent with the laws of the state as may be necessary for the efficient and uniform administration of justice in the various courts. TEX. CONST. art. V, § 31; see also TEX. GOV’T CODE §§ 81.072(a), 81.011(c). The Tex. Rules Disciplinary Procedure preamble recognizes this authority:


Supreme Court of Texas has the constitutional and statutory responsibility within the State for the lawyer discipline and disability system, and has inherent power to maintain appropriate standards of professional conduct and to dispose of individual cases of lawyer discipline.” See also State Bar of Tex. v. Gomez, 891 S.W.2d 243, 245 (Tex. 1994). Any attorney admitted to practice law in Texas is subject to the disciplinary jurisdiction of the Court and the Commission for Lawyer Discipline for the State Bar of Texas. TEX. GOV’T CODE § 81.071.

An attorney is entitled to due course of law and due process before being disciplined To insure that an attorney’s due course of law and due process rights are met, the Texas Supreme Court has set has established minimum standards and procedures for processing grievances against attorneys and imposing sanctions for 15

professional misconduct. TEX. GOV’T CODE § 81.072. Disciplinary proceedings are initiated by referral to the Chief Disciplinary Counsel of the State Bar of Texas. TEX. GOV’T Code § 81.072(c); see generally In re State Bar, 113 S.W.3d 730 (Tex. 2003); In re Caballero, 441 S.W.3d 562 (Tex. App.—El Paso 2014, no pet.); Mills v. Ghilain, 68 S.W.3d 141 (Tex. App.—Corpus Christi, 2001, no pet.). If the CCA believed that Dow’s ability to practice law should be curtailed, it could and should have followed these procedures and initiated grievance proceedings, yet it did not. No prosecutor was appointed to handle the contempt proceedings against Dow. The lack of an independent prosecutor left the CCA in the position of prosecutor, witness and judge. In a case where a prosecutor also represents an interested party, there is an intolerable danger that the public interest will be compromised, and produces at least the appearance of impropriety. Young v. U.S. ex rel. Vuitton et Fils, 481 U.S. 787 (1987). By disciplining Dow outside the scope of its power and without referring the disciplinary matter to the appropriate court, the CCA has deprived Dow of his constitutional rights under the due process clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. The Due Process Clause of the United States Constitution is applicable in contempt proceedings. Dunn v. United States, 442 U.S. 100 (1979); Although counsel does not believe his conduct warrants suspension, imposing that sanction is within the authority of the Disciplinary Counsel and the 16

State Bar because this Court, which has exclusive jurisdiction over matters pertaining to attorney discipline, delegated that authority to BODA. Sanctioning Dow by suspending him from practicing before the court was not within the unilateral power of this Court of Criminal Appeals. Thus, the CCA usurped the Texas Supreme Court’s authority by suspending Dow from the practice of law. B. Dow’s Conduct Did Not Rise to the Level that Permitted the CCA to Suspend Him for Any Alleged Contemptuous Conduct. The CCA, like all other Texas courts, has broad authority to punish attorneys for contempt. TEX. GOV’T CODE § 21.002(a). And, the CCA did find Dow to be in contempt. See Exhibit A. However, this authority is not unbridled, and in this case the CCA’s decision to suspend Dow for contempt was improper. As a threshold issue, due process applies to contempt proceedings. Id Dunn Yet, the evidence conclusively shows that the CCA did not properly afford Dow due process. Dow never had a hearing before an appropriate court, the judges accusing him of misconduct acted as prosecutor and judge, and the contempt punishment meted out was not a permitted contempt punishment. There is no question that Dow was punished for contempt by a court that he has offended. Texas law states in these circumstances, a lawyer has a right to request that the contempt proceedings be adjudicated by a judge other than the one who claims to be offended. TEX. GOV’T CODE §21.002(d)(2004). 17

In what

amounted to contempt proceedings, Dow had the right to an impartial prosecutor and judge in a proper hearing before the proper court, and he was deprived of this right. In addition, the facts to do not support the CCA’s finding of contempt or suspension as punishment for such contempt. The Texas Government Code states clearly that “[a]n attorney may not be suspended or stricken from the rolls for contempt unless the contempt involves fraudulent or dishonorable conduct or malpractice.” TEX. GOV’T CODE § 82.061. The CCA did not make any fact findings about the nature of Dow’s conduct, much less conclude that it was fraudulent or dishonorable or malpractice. See Exhibits P and A Nor is there any evidence in the record to support such a finding. There is no question that Dow is a respected and effective advocated against the death penalty.

He has appeared numerous times before the CCA and as

mentioned, his criticism of its work has not always been kind. Yet, the ability to proffer and advocate differing opinions and for change is the essence of our judicial system. Lawyers are not only permitted to zealously and passionately represent their clients, but this is what the Bar strives towards.

The fact that a

court may find certain methods distasteful is of no consequence. Rather, only when an advocate crosses the line and acts fraudulently, dishonestly, or commits malpractice can he be punished for his actions. As detailed above, Dow’s conduct 18

did not reach such a threshold.

After receiving a letter from an inmate facing

execution and requesting assistance, Dow diligently investigated the case and prepared filings on his behalf. Exhibits I, K and L Nothing indicates that Dow’s actions were fraudulent or dishonorable. To the contrary, Dow’s pro bono services provide a needed and honorable service. In seeking to defend a client who was about to be executed, he acted in accordance with the highest ethical, moral and professional duties of the legal profession. Accordingly, there was no basis for suspending Dow as punishment for contempt. C. The Power to Sanction Dow Did Not Give the CCA the Ability to Suspend Him From Practicing Law. Courts also maintain the “inherent power to discipline an attorney’s behavior.” In re Bennett, 960 S.W.2d 35, 40 (Tex. 1997) (citing Eichelberger, 582 S.W.2d at 398-99); Brager v. State, No. 0365-03, 2004 WL 3093237, at *2-3 (Tex. Crim. App. Oct. 13, 2004) (not designated for publication). This includes the power to sanction attorneys for abuse of the judicial process, or for interfering with the court's core functions. See Bennett, 960 S.W.2d at 40; Brager, 2004 WL 3093237 at *2 (citing Kutch v. Del Mar College, 831 S.W.2d 506, 510 (Tex. App.—Corpus Christi 1992, no writ)). The CCA’s core functions include deciding issues of fact raised by the pleadings, deciding decisions of law, entering a final judgment on the facts and the 19

law and executing a final judgment. Armadillo Bail Bonds v. State, 802 S.W.2d 237, 239-40 (Tex. Crim. App. 1990). As noted by Justice Alcala, Dow’s actions in filing pleadings on behalf of Paredes seven days before his scheduled execution did not interfere with these core functions. Counsel filed all the pleadings they filed on behalf of Paredes by 6:30 p.m. on October 21 (167.5 hours before Paredes was scheduled to be executed) (6.97917 x 24 hour days). The CCA handed down its rulings denying relief on all of the pleadings filed by counsel on behalf of Paredes 39.5 hours after the final pleading was filed. Counsel’s actions in filing on October 21 did not interfere with the CCA’s ability to carry out its core functions. Justice Alcala noted that: Here, Dow filed his pleadings seven days prior to the scheduled execution date, on October 21. Two days later, this Court ruled on the matters raised in the pleadings, and the defendant was executed on schedule on October 28. The fact that this Court ruled quickly suggests that the matters presented in Dow’s pleadings were not so overly complicated that the delay impacted the defendant’s rights or prevented this Court from giving full consideration to those matters.”) See Exhibit C at 6. Even if a claim could be made that Dow’s actions had interfered with the CCA’s core functions, the CCA, in suspending Dow, acted without authority. First, counsel have not been able located any cases where a court acting unilaterally has suspended a member of the Texas Bar from practicing before it as a sanction. 20

And second, suspension was more severe than necessary to satisfy its legitimate purpose. See TransAmerican Natural Gas Corp. v. Powell, 811 S.W.2d 913, 917 (Tex. 1991); see also Brager, 2004 WL 3093237, at *3 (recognizing sanctions only available to the extent that “no lesser sanction was available to preserve judicial integrity and prevent … significant interference with core judicial functions”). Suspending a lawyer for a filing, which would be considered late by less than a day under even the CCA’s interpretation of the deadlines, is beyond excessive for the conduct, especially where the filing itself dealt with life and death issues. The CCA noted in its order announcing Dow’s suspension, that Dow was before the Court in 2010 after failing to timely file pleadings on behalf of Danielle Simpson. See Exhibit A at 3. At that time, the Court took no action against Dow. Id. This alleged failure over four years ago hardly makes the case for a repeat pattern of abuse though. Since 2010, Dow has timely filed pleadings in the CCA on behalf of at least five inmates facing execution. See Ex parte Garza, No. WR70,257-01 (Tex. Crim. App. Sept. 18, 2013); Ex parte Parr, No. WR-65,443-02 (May 3, 2013); Ex parte Cobb, No. WR-68,192-03 (Tex. Crim. App. Apr. 19, 2013); Ex parte Thurmond, Nos. WR-62,425-01, -02 (Tex. Crim. App. Feb. 29,


2012); Ex parte Adams, No. WR-65,598-02 (Tex. Crim. App. Feb. 18, 2011).18 Because the suspension was more severe a sanction than necessary to satisfy its purpose and is not an allowable even in a legitimate contempt action in these circumstances the CCA did not have the authority to suspend Dow, even if it determined that some sanction was warranted. PRAYER Relator/Petitioner David Dow request that the Court grant the petition for declaratory judgment, or in the alternative the petition for writ of mandamus, and hold that the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals exceeded its authority is in issuing an order suspending David Dow from practice before the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals for one year, except with leave of court, and further order the CCA to vacate the offending order. Dow requests all other relief to which he may be entitled. Respectfully submitted, /s/ Nicole DeBorde Nicole DeBorde TBN: 00787344 712 Main St., Ste 2400


On behalf of only one client since 2010 has the timing of Dow’s filings been such that a statement pursuant to the CCA’s Rule 11-003 was required, and as Dow explained in that case, the late filing was caused by the fact that the trial court’s order which was appealed to the CCA was not itself issued until less than a week before the execution. The CCA accepted his proceeding and ruled as if timely filed without complaint.


Houston, Texas 77002 Office: 713-526-6300 Fax: 713-228-0034 Email: [email protected] And Casie L. Gotro TBN: 24048505 440 Louisiana, Suite 800 Houston, Texas 77002 Office: 832-368-9281 Fax: 832-201-8273 Email: [email protected] CERTIFICATION Pursuant to Texas Rules of Appellate Procedure Rule 52.3(j), I certify that I have reviewed the petition and concluded that every factual statement in the petition is supported by competent evidence included in the appendix or pleadings filed in the Court of Criminal Appeals. /s/ Nicole DeBorde Nicole DeBorde CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE This is to certify that a true and correct copy of Petitioner/Relator’s Petition for Declaratory Judgment, or in the Alternative Writ of Mandamus has been served pursuant to Texas Rule of Appellate Procedure 9.5 on on Sian Schilhab, General Counsel of the Court of Criminal Appeals via an email to [email protected]. /s/ Nicole DeBorde Nicole DeBorde


CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE This is to certify that the Petition for Declaratory Judgment, or in the Alternative, Writ of Mandamus is 3496 words in accordance with Texas Rule of Appellate Procedure 9.4(i)(2)(D).

The following attorneys declare: I have read this motion and join in its filing.

/s/ Nicole DeBorde Nicole DeBorde

George McCall “Mac” Secrest Bennett & Secrest, PLLC State Bar Number 17973900 808 Travis Street, Suite 2400 Houston, Texas 77002 713-757-0679 713-650-1602 fax Email: [email protected] KENT A. SCHAFFER TBA No. 17724300 JPMorganChase Building 712 Main Street, Suite 2400 Houston, Texas 77002 Telephone: (713) 228-8500 Facsimile: (713) 228-0034 Email: [email protected] Past President TCDLA Dick Deguerin DeGUERIN, DICKSON, HENNESSY & WARD State Bar No. 05638000 1018 Preston, 7th Floor Houston, Texas 77002 (713) 223-5959 Telephone (713) 223-9231 Facsimile Email: [email protected] 24

DeGUERIN, DICKSON, HENNESSY & WARD /s/Matt Hennessy Matt Hennessy [email protected] State Bar No. 00787677 1018 Preston, 7th Floor Houston, Texas 77002 (713) 223-5959 Telephone (713) 223-9231 Facsimile Kevin Dubose State Bar No. 06150500 1844 Harvard Street Houston, Texas 77008 Marcy Hogan Greer State Bar No. 08417650 515 Congress Ave., Suite 2350 Austin, Texas 78701 TRICHTER & MURPHY, P.C. By: _____________________________ DOUG MURPHY SBN 24013215 The Kirby Mansion 2000 Smith Street Houston, Texas 77002 Tel: (713) 524-1010 Lydia Clay Jackson Law Office of L. Clay-Jackson, PLLC State Bar Number 04332450 504 W. Lewis Conroe, Texas 77301 Past President TCDLA


/S/ Edward A. Mallett EDWARD A. MALLETT Mallett | Saper | Berg, L.L.P. SBN: 12863000 4306 Yoakum Blvd., Suite 400 Houston, Texas 77006 Tel: (713) 236-1900 Fax: (713) 228-0321 ____________________________________ DAVID R. BIRES TBA No. 02335000 JP Morgan Bank Building 712 Main Street, Suite 2400 Houston, Texas 77002 Telephone: (713) 228-8500 Facsimile: (713) 228-0034 Email: [email protected] Past TCDLA President CHRISTOPHER L. TRITICO Tritico Rainey PLLC State Bar No. 20232050 1212 Durham Drive Houston, Texas 77007 (713) 581-3399 (713) 581-3360 (Facsimile) ____________________________ Randy Schaffer State Bar No. 17724500 1301 McKinney, Suite 3100 Houston, Texas 77010 (713) 951-9555 (713) 951-9854 (facsimile) [email protected]


__________________________________ Carmen Roe SBN: 24048773 440 Louisiana, Suite 900 Houston, Texas 77002 President of Harris County Criminal Lawyers Association (HCCLA) Chip B. Lewis State Bar Number 00791107 1207 S. Shepherd Houston, Texas 77019 713-523-7878 713-523-7887 Fax www.chiplewislaw.com [email protected] Alicia Devoy ONeill State Bar Number 24040801 1207 S. Shepherd Houston, Texas 77019 713-523-7878 713-523-7887 Fax www.chiplewislaw.com [email protected] DON DAVIDSON State Bar Number Attorney-at-Law 803 Forest Ridge Drive, Suite 203 Bedford, TX 76022-7258 Phone number: 817-571-4940 Fax number: 817-571-4940 Mobile: (817) 343-8042 Email: [email protected] SARAH ROLAND STATE BAR NO. 24049077 27

1409 NORTH ELM STREET DENTON, TEXAS 76201 TEL: (940) 323-9305 FAX: (940) 312-6830 EMAIL: [email protected] J. Michael Jaynes State Bar No. 10595800 4324 N. Beltline Road, Suite C111 Irving, Texas 75038-3594 972-570-7733 972-570-9094 fax [email protected] /s/ Tim Evans TIM EVANS SBN 06724000 115 W. 2nd St., Suite 202 Fort Worth, TX 76102 (817)332-3822 Phone (817)332-2763 Fax LAW OFFICE OF STAN SCHWIEGER /S/ Stan Schwieger Stan Schwieger 600 Austin Avenue, Suite 12 P.O. Box 975 Waco, Texas 76703‒0975 (254) 752‒5678 (254) 752‒7792—Facsimile E‒mail: [email protected] State Bar No. 17880500


Ali Fazel Scardino & Fazel State Bar Number Attorneys at Law SBN: 24012611 Sweeney, Coombs & Fredericks Bldg. 1004 Congress St., 3rd Floor Houston, Texas 77002 Tel: 713-229-9292 Fax: 713-229-9931 Robert Scardino Scardino & Fazel State Bar Number 17719500 Attorneys at Law Sweeney, Coombs & Fredericks Bldg. 1004 Congress St., 3rd Floor Houston, Texas 77002 Tel: 713-229-9292 Fax: 713-229-9931 Yalila Guerrero Bar 00788862 Guerrero Law Group, L.L.C. 440 Louisiana St Ste 1550 Houston, TX 77002 Office: 713-862-7997 [email protected] Anthony Scardino Scardino & Fazel State Bar Number 24066029 Attorneys at Law Sweeney, Coombs & Fredericks Bldg. 1004 Congress St., 3rd Floor Houston, Texas 77002 29

Tel: 713-229-9292 Fax: 713-229-9931 Jonathan Landers State Bar Number 24070101 2817 W T.C. Jester Houston Texas 77018 (713) 301-3153 (work) (713) 685-5020 (FAX) [email protected] Josh Schaffer SB 24037439 1301 McKinney, Suite 3100 Houston, Texas 77010 (713) 951-9555 (713) 951-9854 (fax) [email protected] www.schafferfirm.com

Maurie Levin Texas Bar No. 00789452 Robert J. Fickman Attorney at Law State Bar Number 06956500 1229 Heights Boulevard Houston, Texas 77008 (713) 655-7400 (o) (713) 224-5533 (f) www.fickmanlaw.com /s/ Randall L. Kallinen Randall L. Kallinen State Bar Number 00790995 Former President, Houston ACLU 30

Former board member, Harris County Criminal Lawyers Association Chair of Police Accountability Task Force, National Lawyers Guild-Texoma Region Law Office of Randall L Kallinen PLLC 511 Broadway Street Houston, Texas 77012 Telephone: 713/320-3785 FAX: 713/893-6737 E-mail: [email protected] /s/ Terence A. Russell Terence A. "Tiger" Russell Bar No. 17437070 PO Box 306 Hillsboro, Texas 76645 254-580-9282 254-582-5593 (fax) /s/ Deandra M. Grant Deandra M. Grant TBN# 00787578 800 E. Campbell Rd., Ste. 110 Richardson, TX 75081 Ofc (972) 943-8500 Fax (972) 432-7547 [email protected] Clinical Professor Robert C. Owen Texas Bar No. 15371950 Bluhm Legal Clinic Northwestern University School of Law 375 East Chicago Avenue Chicago, IL 60611 312.503.0135 voice 312.503.8977 facsimile [email protected] 31

/s/ Franklin Bynum Franklin Bynum Texas Bar Number 24069451 Bynum Law Office 501 North Interstate 35 Austin, Texas 78702 [email protected] (512) 887-3938 Jim Marcus Capital Punishment Clinic Bar Number 00787963 University of Texas School of Law 727 E. Dean Keeton Street Austin, Texas 78705 (512) 232-1475 – Tel (512) 471-3489 – Fax [email protected] Steven J. Lieberman Attorney at Law State Bar Number 122334020 712 Main St., Suite 2400 Houston, Texas 77002 (713) 228-8500 (713) 228-0034 (Fax) [email protected] Gemayel Haynes SBN 24059918 723 Main St. #1020 Houston, Texas 77002 Phone 713.256.1993 Fax 713.456.2322


Jordan M. Steiker Texas Bar No. 19126495 University of Texas Law School 727 East Dean Keeton Street Austin, Texas 78705 Tel. 512-232-1346 Fax 512-471-6988 Email: [email protected] Mekisha Jane Walker Attorney at Law State Bar Number 24037661 1714 Sunset Blvd. Houston, Texas 77005 713.228.2611Office 888.307.1772Fax [email protected] www.walkerlawhouston.com Alexander Bunin State Bar No. 03344700 501 Gale Street Houston, TX 77009 713-301-0381 [email protected] Clausell Parrish, PLLC. Damon Parrish II, Attorney State Bar Number 24061991 3033 Chimney Rock, Suite 205 Houston, TX 77056 O: 713-228-2255 F: 713-228-2265 [email protected]


Raoul Schonemann Texas Bar No. 00786233. Capital Punishment Clinic University of Texas School of Law 727 East Dean Keeton Street Austin, TX 78705 (512) 232-9391 office (512) 471-3489 fax [email protected] Sharon Curtis Board Certified in Criminal Law Bar No. 05286700 Law Office of Sharon Curtis, LLC 1216 N. Central Expy. Suite 205 McKinney, Texas 75070 214-726-1881, 214-269-5942-fax [email protected] /s/ Jennifer R. Gaut Jennifer R. Gaut SBN: 24068765 River Oaks Tower 3730 Kirby Dr., Ste. 1120 Houston, Texas 77098 Off: (713) 520 – 5223 Fax: (888) 680 – 6837 Email: [email protected]


/s/Gene P. Tausk_______ TBN: 24003035 1221 Studewood Houston, TX 77008 (713) 429-5476 (713) 490-3150 (fax) [email protected] JAVIER O. MARTINEZ TBA No. 24082538 JPMorganChase Bank Building 712 Main Street, Suite 2400 Houston, Texas 77002 Telephone: (713) 228-8500 Facsimile: (713) 228-0034 Email: [email protected] Sandra Oballe State Bar Number 24039093 Law Office of Sandra J. Oballe 1216 N. Velasco, Suite H Angleton, Texas 77515 713.524.6656 [email protected] Daniel De La Garza Law Office of Daniel De La Garza State Bar Number 24077965 115 E. Travis St., Ste. 1542 San Antonio, Texas 78205 210-222-1888 Office 210-579-9304 Fax [email protected]


/s/ Nicolas Hughes NICOLAS HUGHES Attorney at Law 1414 Cleveland St., Unit A Houston Texas 77019 (713) 256-3212 TBA No. 24059981 [email protected] W. Troy McKinney Schneider & McKinney, P.C.State Bar Number 13725020 440 Louisiana, Suite 800 Houston, Texas 77002 713-951-9994 713-224-6008 (fax) http://www.texascriminaldefenselawyers.com http://www.houstondwiattorneys.com/ [email protected] JAMES M. KENNEDY TBA No. 24008754 JPMorgan Chase Building 712 Main Street, Suite 2400 Houston, Texas 77002 Telephone: (713) 228-8500 Facsimile: (713) 228-0034 Email: [email protected] TAMMY BUTLER KIDD TBA No. 24012960 JPMorgan Chase Bank Building 712 Main Street, Suite 2400 Houston, Texas 77002 Telephone: (713) 228-8500 Facsimile: (713) 228-0034 Email: [email protected]


Gary Tabakman Law Office of Gary Tabakman, PLLC TBA No. 24076065 713-228-8500 | Fax: 713-228-0034 http://www.bsdlawfirm.com http://www.tabakmanlawfirm.com http://www.linkedin.com/in/garytabakman Kathryn M. Kase Texas Bar No. 11104050 Lee Kovarsky Texas Bar No. 24053310 Naomi Terr Texas Bar No. 24033379 Katherine C. Black Texas Bar No. 24064907 Burke M. Butler Texas Bar No. 24092205 Elizabeth Hoefer Bar No. 24092527 TEXAS DEFENDER SERVICE 1927 Blodgett Houston, Texas 77004 Tel. 713-222-7788 Fax 713-222-0260 Email: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Benjamin B. Wolff Texas Bar No. 4628228 Alma Lagarda Texas Bar No. 24055810 TEXAS DEFENDER SERVICE 510 South Congress 37

Suite 304 Austin, Texas 78704 Tel. 512-320-8300 Fax 512-477-2153 Email: [email protected] [email protected] Paul E. Mansur Texas Bar No. 00796078 TEXAS DEFENDER SERVICE P.O. Box 1300 Denver City, Texas 79323 Tel. 806-215-1025 Fax 806-592-9136 Email: [email protected] Mandy Welch Burr & Welch PC State Bar Number 21125380 Leggett, Texas 77350 Mandy Welch /s/ David A. Schulman _______________________________ David A. Schulman Attorney at Law SBN 17833400 Post Office Box 783 Austin, Texas 78767 [email protected] Tel. 512-474-4747 Fax: 512-532-6282 /s/ Curtis Barton Curtis Barton State Bar Number 24042649 1201 Franklin St., Fl. 13 38

Houston, Texas 77002 Phone: 713-368-0016 Lori A. Botello Attorney & Counselor at Law 9219 Katy Freeway, Suite 246 Houston, Texas 77024 TBN: 24055201 Tel: 713.202.9403 Fax: 713.467.6650 /s/ Larry Sauer State bar No. 17674000 Jolanda Jones Law Offices of Jolanda Jones TBN: 00794725 PO Box 8312 Houston, Texas 77288 David O'Neil Habern, O'Neil & Associates SBN 15284700 Cynthia Eva Hujar Orr State Bar Number 15313350 29th Floor Tower Life Building San Antonio, Texas 78205 210-226-1463 Best Lawyers in America in White Collar Crime Wendell Odom State Bar Number 15208500 440 Louisiana, suite 200, Houston, TX 77002


Steven H. Halpert Juvenile Division Chief Harris County Public Defender’s Office 1201 Franklin Street, 13th Floor Houston, Texas 77002 Tel: 713-368-0016 Fax: 713-437-4005 Keith S. Hampton Attorney at Law State Bar Number 08873230 1103 Nueces Street Austin, Texas 78701 512-476-8484 (office) 512-477-3580 (fax) 512-762-6170 (cell) Board Certified in Criminal Law and Criminal Appellate Law by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization /s/ Mark Hochglaube _____________________ Mark Hochglaube TBN 24005427 1201 Franklin Houston, Texas 77002 Attorney at Law Jim Darnell, P.C. State Bar Number 05391250 310 N. Mesa St., Ste. 212 El Paso, Texas 79901 Phone (915) 532-2442 Fax (915) 532-4549 [email protected]


Stan Brown P.O. Box 3122 Abilene, TX 79604 325-677-1851 fax 677-3107 cell 725-8882 [email protected] Ceola McDonald The Law Office of Ceola McDonald "For All Your Legal Needs" 19506 HWY 59 North, Suite 305 Humble, Tx. 77338 281-674-4876 office 310 601-1853 fax James Fletcher Criminal Defense Attorney Bar Number 24077619 Tyler Flood & Associates 1229 Heights Blvd. Houston, TX 77008 713.224.5529 office 713.224.5533 fax [email protected] s/____________________ Carl R Pruett Sbot 16364800 202 Travis, Ste 50 Houston, Texas 77002 713-228-6050 Fax 713-224-1214


/s/ Nancy Byrd Bunin sbot 03561500 Habern, O'Neil & Associates P.O. Box 8930 Huntsville, Tx 77340 (936)435-1380 (936)435-1089 fax [email protected] Vik Vij State Bar Number 24063855 The Law Office of Vikram Vij, PLLC 832-762-1409 Office 281-371-6533 Fax 713-452-0255 Cell Vivian R King 00784399 2202 Alabama St Houston, TX. 77004 (713) 222-2019 Office (877) 753-6706 eFax /s/ *THEODORE S. HARGROVE, III* Attorney at Law TCDLA District 2 Director San Angelo /S/ Hiram McBeth Hiram McBeth TBN: 13329500 6060 North Central Expressway, Set 560 Dallas, Texas 75206


Samuel E. Bassett Minton, Burton, Bassett & Collins, P.C. 1100 Guadalupe Austin, Texas 78701 (512) 472-0144 [email protected] SBN 01894100 Frank Sellers Texas Bar No. 24080305 Hurley, Guinn & Sellers 1805 13th Street Lubbock, Texas 79401 806.771.0700 tel 806.763.8199 fax [email protected] SCHEINER LAW GROUP, P.C. By: /s/ GRANT M. SCHEINER 2211 Norfolk St., Suite 735 Houston, Texas 77098-4062 Tel: 713-783-8998 Fax: 1-866-798-9854 TBN: 00784913 _/s/_____________________ STEPHANIE K. PATTEN 2101 Moneda St. Ft. Worth, TX 76117 817.348.0925 Fax 817.338.9525 State Bar No. 00784728 David Hurley Hurley, Guinn & Sellers State Bar Number 10310200. 43

1805 13th Street Lubbock, Texas 79401 (806)771.0700 (806) 763.8199 fax s/Ronald L. Goranson RONALD L. GORANSON 2828 Routh Street, Suite 675 Dallas, Texas 75201 (214) 651.1122 / (214) 871-0420 (fax) State Bar No. 08195000 Scott Markowitz SBOT# 00784527 5610 Southwest Fwy, Ste 104 Houston, TX 77057 713-521-7568 – telephone 713-521-0223 – fax www.highwaylawyers.com Law Offices of Jesko & Steadman 612 Earl Garrett Kerrville, Texas 78028 Tel.: (830) 257-5005 Fax: (830) 896-1563 /s/ Clay B. Steadman By: _________________________ Clay B. Steadman State Bar No.: 0785038 Email: [email protected] Jeremy Rosenthal, Esq. Certified in Criminal Law by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization State Bar No. is 24029807 Rosenthal & Wadas, PLLC 4500 Eldorado Parkway, Suite 3000 McKinney, TX 75070 (972) 369-0577 (972) 369-0532 (fax) 44

The Sharkey Law Office __Christopher Sharkey_____ Christopher Sharkey SBOT: 18114150 7807 Long Point Road Suite 435 Houston, Texas 77055 (713) 683-1007 (713) 683-1067 [email protected] /s/ John P. Denholm JOHN P. DENHOLM State Bar No. 24063596 SDTX Admission No. 933213 397 N. Sam Houston Pkwy E., Suite 325 Tel: 832-448-1148 Fax: 832-448-1147 [email protected] /s/ JoAnne Musick JoAnne Musick Attorney for Defendant Texas State Bar No. 24000371 Federal Admission No. 36104 397 N Sam Houston Pkwy E, Suite 325 Houston, Texas 77060 Phone 832-448-1148 Fax 832-448-1147 Matthew J. Kita Texas Bar No. 24050883 P.O. Box 5119 Dallas, Texas 75208 214.699.1863 (phone) / 214.347.7221 (fax) [email protected] 45

Danny Easterling Past President of Harris County Criminal Lawyers Association Bar # 06362100 1018 Preston Sixth Floor Houston, Texas 77002 713-228-4441 Fax 713-228-4072 [email protected] Justin C. Harris 24078634 1229 Heights Blvd Houston, Texas 77008 713-224-5529 713-224-5533 fax [email protected] Chris Raesz, P.C. 306 North Carroll Blvd Denton TX 76201 940-380-9505 940-382-2065 fax Linda Icenhauer-Ramirez SBN# 10382944 Attorney at Law 1103 Nueces Austin, Texas 78701 512-477-7991 512-477-3580 [email protected] Robert Pelton bar 15733500 4001 north shepherd, suite 110 Houston ,Texas 77018 713 524 8471 [email protected] 46

Carole J. Powell Carole J. Powell Deputy Public Defender 6400 Delta - Juvenile Probation Department El Paso, TX 79905 Phone 915-849-2014 Fax 915-849-2537 Wes Ball Board Certified Criminal Law Specialist Ball & Hase, P.C., Attorneys at Law 4025 Woodland Park Blvd., Suite 100 Arlington, Texas 76013 Tel.: (817) 860-5000 Fax: (817) 860-6645 Email: [email protected] Wayne A. Fowler 24069044 9500 Ray White Rd, Ste 200 Keller, TX 76244 (817) 609-4050 (817) 350-6346 [email protected] MARIA I. HERNANDEZ SBN 24000321 2110 East Yandell Drive El Paso, Texas 79903 Ph. (915) 838-0338 Facsimile (915) 808-6869 Roberto Balli Board Certified in Criminal Lawby Texas Board of Legal Specialization Balli Law Office P.O. Box 1058 Laredo, TX 78042 Tel (956) 712-4999 Fax (956) 724-5830 47

/s/ Vic Sasso Bar# 17653200 Turley Law Center 6440 North Central Expressway Suite 309 Dallas, Texas 75206 Phone (214) 265-5547 Fax (214) 919-7248 [email protected] George E. Renneberg Bar# 16778600 417 Nugent Street, Conroe, TX 77301 Phone 936-756-8181 Fax 936-756-8112 Email [email protected] Rick Oliver TBN: 24048179 1221 Studewood Street Houston, TX 77008 Phone: (713) 864-3700 Fax: (713) 864-3703 Email: [email protected] Don Flanary Goldstein Goldstein and Hilley 310 South St. Mary's Street, Suite 2900 San Antonio, Texas 78205 Texas Bar No. 24045877 210-226-1463 210-789-3181 cell 210-226-8367 fax Joseph Hoelscher, II SBN 24042972 48

The Hoelscher Law Office 115 E. Travis, Suite 1500 San Antonio, TX 78205 210-222-9132 210-223-7455 (Fax) [email protected] Paul Holt Walcutt SBN 24049855 600 W. 13th Street Austin, Texas 78701 (512) 322-9756 Phone (512) 451-5882 Fax [email protected] Christopher L King TXBN 24088864 100 N 6th St, Suite 902 Waco, TX 76701 (2540 717-8600 (2540 754-4824 [email protected] Drew Willey Bar#: 24093371 1215 Marconi St., Unit C, Houston, TX 77019 Phone: 713-739-9455 Fax: 713-510-1950 Email: [email protected] Bob Mabry Attorney at Law PLLC 304 North Main Street #6 Conroe Texas 77301-3002 (936) 228-7796 Fax 1-866-394-3113 [email protected] Texas Bar Association 12750980


Mark R. Thiessen Attorney At Law Bar Number 24042025 1221 Studewood Street Houston, Texas 77008 Office: 713-864-9000 Fax: 713-964-9006 Email: [email protected] www.thetexastrialattorney.com James Huggler State Bar 00795437 100 E. Ferguson, Suite 805 Tyler, Texas 75702 903-593-2400 903-593-3830 fax [email protected] Daniel L. McBride Bar# 13331600 6636 Spoonwood Lane Fort Worth, TX 76137 Phone 817-917-8847 Kurt Hopke Bar# 24039931 8303 Southwest Fwy, Ste 545 Phone 832-457-8702 Fax 832-413-5785 email [email protected] Robert Blankenship SBN 00792961 5128 Birchman Ave. Fort Worth TX 76107 817.332.2202 [email protected]


LAW OFFICE OF J. PAUL NELSON P. O. Box 934 207 N. Main St. Henderson, TX 75653 Tel. (903) 657-1424 Fax. (903) 657-6220 By: /S/ J. Paul Nelson J. Paul Nelson Texas Bar No. 14899250 Email: [email protected] Dan Cogdell SBOT 04501500 402 Main, 4th Floor Houston, Tx. 77002 713 426 2244 (Main) 713 426 2255 (Fax) [email protected] Don L Wilson State Bar number 21677500 334 Chestnut Abilene, Texas 79602 325-673-8124 325-673-9368 (fax) [email protected] Jed Silverman Law Offices of Jed Silverman 1221 Studewood Houston ,Texas 77008 713 226 8800 fax 713 222 7424 WWW.JEDSILVERMAN.COM sb 24013511 51

Virginia Marie Raymond 16617300 1006 East César Chávez Street Austin, Texas 78702 Office phone: 512.472.6270 Cello phone: 512.748.0940 Fax: 512.472.8263 [email protected] Raúl A. Cáñez Texas Bar Number 00794999 Law Office of Raúl A. Cáñez 301 College Avenue Fort Worth, Texas 76104 Phone: 817-886-0651 Fax: 817-886-0689 Email: [email protected] Virginia Carter Attorney At Law 300 Burnett, Ste 130 Fort Worth, Texas 76102 817-877-5151 Catherine Clare Bernhard Bar No. 02216575 P.O. Box 2817 Red Oak, Texas 75154 972-617-5548 fax-972-671-5547 [email protected] Cynthia Henley Bar# 17409100 7626 E. Jordan Cove, Houston, TX 77055 Phone 713-222-1220 Fax none Email: [email protected] 52

David Patrick Callahan Bar# 24037999 2216 Walter Smith Court, Azle, Texas 76020 Phone: (817) 905-5322 Fax: (817) 237-5532 Email: [email protected] R. Walton Weaver State Bar Number 00785198 Board Certified Criminal Law Board Certified Criminal Appellate Law HERRMANN & WEAVER Attorneys at Law 320 S. Polk, Ste. 902 Amarillo, TX 79101 806-372-9258 806-372-8444 F. Clinton Broden Bar# 24001495 2600 State Street, Dallas, Texas 75204 Phone 214-720-9552 Fax 214-720-9594 Jeffrey Hill State Bar No. 24075602 PO Box 763 Bushland, TX 79012 tel: 806-437-1302 fax: 806-437-1307 [email protected] Alex G. Azzo Bar# : 01475500 P.O. Box 801231, Houston, TX 77280 Phone: (713) 822-6915 email: [email protected] 53

Mario Del Prado 222 E. Main Plaza 05653600 San Antonio, Texas 78205 (210) 698-3533 Telephone (210) 698-3701 Fax www.delpradolaw.com [email protected] Board Certified - Criminal Law Texas Board of Legal Specialization Board Certified Criminal Trial National Board of Trial Advocacy Bud John "Bud" Ritenour Attorney at Law State Bar Number 00794533 Board Certified - Criminal Law Texas Board of Legal Specialization The Ritenour Law Firm, PC 115 E. Travis St., Suite 1716 San Antonio, Texas 78205 Ph:(210) 222-0125 Fax: (210) 222-2467 [email protected] Bobby D. Mims Bar# 12172200 216 W. Erwin Street, Suite 300A Tyler, Texas 75702 903-595-2160 Fax 903-596-0719 email [email protected] Mary Heafner Bar No. 09325500 5110 Mimosa Bellaire, Texas 77401 (713) 269 0467 54

[email protected] Patti Sedita Attorney at Law One Sugar Creek Center Blvd, Suite 1045 Sugar Land, TX 77478 [email protected] (O) 281.313.4225 (F) 866.827.2087 SBOT # 00787484 Board Certified- Texas Board of Legal Specialization Criminal Trial Law /S/ Bob Garcia Jr Attorney at Law SBN 07645200 413 N Texas Ave Odessa, Texas 79761 Tel: 432-332-6756 Fax: 432-332-6759 BGarciaLaw@ aol.com Dustin R. Galmor Galmor, Stovall & Gilthorpe SBOT: 24057525 485 Milam Street Beaumont, Texas 77701 409-832-7757 888-248-9161 fax Susan Schoon Bar# 24046803 200 N. Seguin Avenue New Braunfels, TX 78130 Phone 830-627-0044 Fax 830-620-5657 Email [email protected] John Grant Jones Bar# 10917000 208 Pipe Creek Lane 55

Georgetown, Texas 78633 Phone: 361-815-2470 Fax: 1-866-243-9810 email: [email protected] MORGAN A. BOURQUE SBN 24062627 24 Waterway Avenue, Suite 660 The Woodlands, Texas 77380 Telephone: (713) 862-7766 Facsimile: (832) 813-0321 Email: [email protected] T. Brent Mayr SBN 24037052 4101 Washington Ave, 2nd Floor Houston, TX 77007 713-808-9613 713-808-9991 fax [email protected] Anthony S. Haughton, Esq., Haughton & Associates 3013 Fountain View, Suite 145 Houston, TX 77057 (713) 782-6060 (713) 953-7482 [email protected] Ralph Dowden 24040828 1108 North Locust Street Denton, Texas 76201 (214) 436-5194 [email protected] /s/ Thomas H. Burton, III Thomas H. Burton, III


Attorney at Law SBOT No. 24009927 723 Main Street, Suite 905 Houston, Texas 77002 Cell (713) 933-5323 Tel. (713) 741-9301 Fax (713) 741-9302 David Suhler Attorney at Law State Bar Number 19465900 P. O. Box 540744 Houston TX 77254-0744 (713) 983-8818 /s/ Heather E. Hoblit Heather E. Hoblit The Hoblit Law Firm SBN: 24069930 318 N. Main St. Conroe, Texas 77301 (936) 828-1118 (936)-205-1417 (fax) [email protected] Mackenzie "Mack" Schaffer Attorney at Law State Bar No. 24093111 1301 McKinney St., Suite 3100 Houston, Texas 77010 p: (713) 951-9555 f: (713) 951-9854 William Savoie SBOT 24054558 One Financial Plaza 450 57

Huntsville Texas 77340 p 9364351380 f 9364351089 Jose R. Villanueva Law Office of José R. Villanueva Bar Number 00794794 PO Box 570 Waco, Texas 76703 (254) 230-2710 (866)821-1162 [email protected] CANDELARIO ELIZONDO Bar # 06521500 1018 Preston #200 Houston , Texas 77002. # 06521500 [email protected] /s/ Joseph A. Connors III Joseph A. Connors III Attorney At Law Texas Bar No. 04705400 P. O. Box 5838 McAllen, Texas 78502-5838 956-687-8218office 956-687-8230fax [email protected] Betty Blackwell Bar Card #12779300 1306 Nueces Street Austin, Texas 78701 512-479-0149 512-320-8743 Email: [email protected]


Steven Denny SBN:24005798 2414 Line Ave, Amarillo, TX 79106 806-379-2010 806-379-2012 [email protected] William E. Harrison State Bar #00789780 Harrison & Dietrich, PLLC 215 Simonton Conroe, Texas 77301 (936) 828-3898 (Telephone) (936) 828-3965 (Facsimile) [email protected] /s/ Frank Chelly FRANK D. CHELLY State Bar Number: 24071257 The Law Office of Frank Chelly, PLLC 308 N. Main Conroe, Texas 77301 936-701-1150 936-647-2592 (Fax) [email protected] JAMES EDD WOOLDRIDGE SB# 24010492 Attorney & Counselor at Law Chase Tower 600 S. Tyler Street Suite 1704 LB 12051 Amarillo, Texas 79101 Tel. (806) 418 8575 Fax (806) 418 8576 59

Barney Sawyer SBN 17693200 40 N.E. 8th Street Paris, Texas 75460 Ph. 903-784-0816 Fax 903-784-0834 Email: [email protected] Dustin E. Nimz Attorney at Law 900 8th Street Suite 1030 Wichita Falls, TX 76301 tel: (940) 766-5335 fax: (940) 322-1001 Gus A. Saper Attorney Mallett Saper & Berg L.L.P. Campanile South 4306 Yoakum Blvd., Suite 400 Houston, Texas 77006 Tel: (713) 236-1900 Fax: (713) 228-0321 State Bar No. 17646500 Lealand W. [Pete] Greene Texas Bar No. 08394000 Attorney at Law P. O. Box 125 Snyder, TX 79550-0125 325 573.3451 325 573.1445, facsimile M. Fox Curl M. Fox Curl & Associates, P.C. 1810 Decatur St. State Bar Number 24045737 Houston, Texas 77007 60

Phone: (832) 567-0846 Fax: (713) 863-9377 Email: [email protected] www.foxcurl.com Stewart S. Davis Tex. Bar No. 24049644 236 Junction Hwy Kerrville, Texas 78028 Tel. (830) 257-8851 Fax (830) 896-8730 C.J. McELROY Bar# : 13581995 301 S. POLK ST. SUITE 660/ AMARILLO, TEXAS 79101 Phone: 806-371-0555 DANIEL LAZARINE The Law Office of Daniel Lazarine SBN 24073197 440 Louisiana St, Ste 200 Houston, Texas 77002 Office: (713) 224-4000 Fax: (713) 224-2815 [email protected] Robert F. Alexander Texas State Bar Number 00997800 [email protected] 713-863-1072 MELVYN CARSON BRUDER Attorney & Counselor at Law 516 Turley Law Center 6440 N. Central Expressway Dallas, TX 75206 214.987.3500 214.987.3518 FAX [email protected] 61

Anne K. Ritchie Attorney at Law 4001 N. Shepherd Drive Suite 110 Houston, Texas 77018 Tel: 832-767-0406 Fax: 832-203-1525 /s/ Susan Criss SBOT 06630475 719 59th St. Galveston, TX 77551 409 771 4069 [email protected] Vaavia Edwards SBN 00796508 301 S. Polk, Suite 620 Amarillo, Texas 79101 Tel: (806)371-9333 Fax: (806)371-9335 email [email protected] Robert W. Doggett Texas Bar No. 05945650 4920 North IH-35 Austin, Texas 78751 Tel. 512-374-2700 Fax 512-447-3940 [email protected] Robert Blankenship SBN 00792961 5128 Birchman Ave. 62

Fort Worth TX 76107 817.332.2202 [email protected]

KEITH WOODLEY State Bar No. 21936500 WOODLEY & DUDLEY P. O. Box 99, 306 N. Austin Comanche, Texas 76442-0099 325/356/2502 – Phone 325/356-5193 Fax John A. Sickel SBN: 18339500 PO Box 5003 Mabank, Texas 75147 903-848-4500 Fax: 903-848-1168 Email: [email protected] J. Eric Reed 00794512 4131 N. Central Expy, Ste 680 Dallas, TX 75204 [email protected] Susan N. Kelly Law Offices of Susan N. Kelly State Bar # 14862020 510 N. Valley Mills Dr., Ste. 406, Waco, TX 76710 254-751-1818 254-751-9192 (fax) [email protected] 63

Jimmie P. Price Bar# 16287700 101 Simonton Conroe, Texas 77301 Telphone 936-756-5511 Fax 936-441-5745 Email :[email protected] Dennis R. Corman Bar# 05102000 420 West Second Street Irving, Texas 75060 Phone 972-2512333 Fax 972-254-4315 email [email protected] Lynda Smith Texas Bar Number 18632070 3611 Soncy Rd., Ste 4C Amarillo, Texas 79119 806.372.4720 Dianna L. McCoy SBN 24026865 112 S.W. 8th, Ste. 540, Amarillo, TX 79101 806-373-4025 806-350-5414 [email protected] David L. McClard TBN: 24076542 1810 Decatur Street 832-289-1825 713-863-9377 [email protected] 64

Jamie Balagia Bar# 00783589 313 south main ave san antonio, tx 78204 Phone 210-394-3833 Fax 210-271-3833 Email [email protected] Wm. S. Harris William S. Harris Attorney and Counselor at Law SBN 09096700 307 West 7th Street, Suite 1905 Fort Worth, Texas 76102 (817)332-5575; (817)335-6060 FAX [email protected] Board Certified in Criminal Law By the Texas Board of Legal Specialization Rober K. Loper TBN 12562300 111 W. 15th St. Houston, Texas 77008 (713) 880-9000 [email protected] Past HCCLA Board member


Joe Marr Wilson Board Certified Attorney - Family and Criminal Law Texas Board of Legal Specialization LAW OFFICE OF JOE MARR WILSON 905 South Fillmore, Suite 550 Amarillo, Texas 79101 Tel: (806) 374-7758 Fax: (806) 374-0315 [email protected] Charles L. Kessie SBN 11358050 209 Main Street, Canadian, Texas 79014 806 323 6542 (V) 6413(F) [email protected] Paul SchifferLaw Office of Paul Schiffer 2211 Norfolk St., Suite 610 Houston, Texas 77098 (713) 521-0059 [email protected] www.schifferlawfirm.com Clay S. Conrad LOONEY & CONRAD, P.C. State Bar Number 00795301 11767 Katy Freeway, Ste. 740 Houston, TX 77079 Tel: 281-597-8818 Fax: 281-597-8284 Paul Looney LOONEY & CONRAD, P.C. State Bar Number 12555900 11767 Katy Freeway, Ste. 740 Houston, TX 77079 Tel: 281-597-8818 Fax: 281-597-8284 66

Shannon FitzPatrick Bar# 00790690 P.O. Box 832, San Marcos, TX 78667 Phone: 512-245-2370 Fax: 512-245-9053 Mark D. Griffith State Bar# 00785928 108 West Main Street Waxahachie, Texas 75165 Phone 972-938-8343 Fax 972-938-8333 email [email protected] _____________________________ CELSO VIDAURRI SBN: 00794791 623 a West Division Street Arlington, Texas 76011 (817) 801-4444/FAX (817) 801-3400 [email protected] /s/Chris Abel Chris Abel Attorney At Law 2609 Sagebrush Dr. Suite 202 Flower Mound, Tx. 75028 972-584-7837 Fax: 972-947-3813 Anton E. Hackebeil Bar No. 08667150 P.O. Box 220 67

Hondo, Texas 78861 830-741-7001- office 866-743-4537 – fax Robert Hirschhorn Bar # 09719700 217 S. Stemmons, Suite 203 Lewisville, Teas 75067 Phone: 972-434-5879 Fax: 979-434-0176 Lanhom Odom Attorney At Law SBN: 15202700 103 N. Mason Street Bowie, Texas 76230 Telephone: 940-872-7095 Facsimile; 940-872-8095 Shannon Brady Geihsler Law Office of Shannon Brady Geihsler, PLLC 1001 Main St., Suite 803 Lubbock, Texas 79401 Office: (806) 763-3999 Mobile: (806) 781-9296 Fax: (806) 749-3752 E-Mail: [email protected] Stephen H. Miller Attorney at Law 704 E. 15th Street, Suite 203 Plano, TX 75074 (972) 578-7097 office; (972) 578-9677 fax Email: [email protected] Website: www.bestdefensetx.com AV rated -- Martindale Hubbell Peer Review Ratings 68

Steven Rosen SBN: 17266200 214 Morton Street Richmond Texas 713 227 2900 Susan E. Barclay SBOT# 24045449 Barclay Law Firm, PLLC 921 Ayers Street Corpus Christi, Texas 78404 Tel: 361.826.0678 Fax: 361.826.0679 Adam Battle Whiteside Bar# 24086103 430 Buckingham Rd., Apt. 536, Richardson, TX 75081 Phone: 214 991 6083 Email: [email protected] Semper Fi, Patrick McLain Texas Bar No. 13737480 McKinney Place 3131 McKinney Avenue, Suite 825 Dallas, Texas 75204-7426 phone: 214.416.9100 fax: 214.416.9107 e-mail: [email protected] Camille M. Knight Assistant Federal Public Defender Texas Bar No. 24027124 525 Griffin Street, Suite 629 Dallas, Texas 75202 (214) 767-2746 telephone (214) 767-2886 facsimile [email protected] 69

Dan Dworin Attorney at Law State Bar No. 00793663 1304 Nueces Street Austin, Texas 78701 (512) 479-4009 (512) 478-8643 (fax) [email protected] www.dworinlaw.com Board Certified – Criminal Law Texas Board of Legal Specialization James G. Graham Attorney at Law Durkin & Graham, P.C. 2125 Martin Drive, Suite 200, Bedford, Texas 76021 Tel: 817-545-9700 Fax: 817-545-5071 *545 East John Carpenter Fwy, Suite 300, Irving, Texas 76052 *Irving Office by appointment only www.durkinlegal.com Columbus Monroe Solomon III 24091483 4200 W. Vickery Blvd., Second Floor (817)928-4222 (817)385-6715 [email protected] Jason Galbraith TX Bar #24072100 2682 Calmwater Drive Little Elm, TX 75068 (469) 422-7663 Tel (469) 229-4515 Fax [email protected] 70

E. Alan Bennett SBOT #02140700 510 N. Valley Mills Dr., Ste. 500 Waco, TX 76710 phone: (254) 772-8022 fax: (254) 772-9297 email: [email protected]

Fred Stangl 24013556 1217 Avenue K Lubbock, TX 79401 Phone: 806/765-7370 Fax: 806/765-8150 [email protected] CJD Christopher J. Downey Board Certified, Criminal Law Texas Board of Legal Specialization The Downey Law Firm SBN: 00787393 2814 Hamilton Street Houston, Texas 77004 Tel. (713) 651-0400 Fax. (713) 395-1311 www.downeylawfirm.com David Kiatta Texas Bar No.11377750 77 Sugar Creek Center Blvd., Suite 565 Sugar Land, Texas 77478 Office 713-785-8005 Fax 866-785-8040 71

/s/ Jani Maselli Wood _______________________ JANI J. MASELLI WOOD Assistant Public Defender Harris County Texas State Bar Number 00791195 1201 Franklin, 13th Floor Houston Texas 77002 (713) 368-0001 (713) 368-9278 (Fax) [email protected] Sheldon A. Myers They Myers Law Firm SBN# 24002669 521 Texas Ave. El Paso, TX 79901 (915) 532-7700 (915) 532-7701 [email protected] /s/ Scott Pawgan Scott Pawgan State Bar No. 24002739 122 W. Davis, Ste 116 Conroe, TX 77301 Phone: 936-242-6975 Fax: 800-619-5113 Joaquin Jimenez Bar #24056858 7575 Gulf Fwy Houston, TX 77017 832.804.8440 ofc 832.804.8048 fax [email protected]


Donald Pieper 24088916 4401 Lido Lane Houston TX 77092 713-679-8623 [email protected] Bonnie R. Rogers The Weycer Law Firm, P.C. 4545 Bissonnet, Suite 294 Bellaire, Texas 77401 State Bar No. 24027813 Tel: (713) 668-4545 Fax: (713) 668-5115 By: Bonnie R. Rogers Kyle Hoelscher, Attorney at Law Bar no. 24066508 Law Office of Kyle Hoelscher 505 S. Water St., Suite 525 Corpus Christi, TX 78401 [email protected] ph# (361) 765-2907 fax# (361) 288-8422 Patrick F. McCann Law Offices of Patrick F. McCann Bar Number 00792680 909 Texas Ave, Ste. 205 Houston, Texas 77002 713-223-3805 713-226-8097 Fax


Kristin Brown, Attorney The Law Office of Kristin R. Brown, PLLC Bar Number: 24081458 18208 Preston Road, Ste. D9375 Dallas, Texas 75252 phone: 214-446-3909 fax: 214-481-4868 e-mail: [email protected]




Exhibit A Exhibit B Exhibit C Exhibit D Exhibit E Exhibit F Exhibit G Exhibit H Exhibit I Exhibit J Exhibit K Exhibit L Exhibit M Exhibit N Exhibit O Exhibit P Exhibit Q Exhibit R Exhibit S Exhibit T Exhibit U Exhibit V

Contempt order Miscellaneous Rule 11-003 Dissenting statement of Judge Alcala Dissenting statement of Judge Newell Dissenting statement of Judge Richardson Show Cause Order Statement of David R. Dow pursuant to Miscellaneous Rule 11-003 Statement of David R. Dow pursuant to Miscellaneous Rule 11-003 Motion for Leave to File with Timeline Order Granting Extension Suggestion to Reconsider Subsequent Application Motion to Stay Execution Motion to Stay Execution Transcript of Show Cause hearing Audio recording Motion for rehearing Dow affidavit Communication from Southern District Clerk Order postponing hearing Standing order from Northern District Recusal Motion

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