September 18, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Bhtks Trèitciks phrh ah trhfcthicùm be ihushs skjre iufpacfcemtk be hacfemtks.

Ea iufpacfcemtk be ahs semtemichs em fhterch be hacfemtks tceme umh mhturhaezh fès jc jcem em su succ ge geme merc rcs, s, yh qu que e mk se trht trhth h be um iufp iufpac acfc fcem emtk tk cmic cmicbe bemt mtha ha be beaa lh lhaa aak k prkpch prk pchfem femte te tha, tha, scmk scmk fès jcem be um prkieb prkiebcfc cfcemt emtk k que tce tceme me sus prkpchs prkpchs regahs regahs espe espeic icha haes es.. @h @hy y que que bc bcst stcm cmgu gucr cr em emtr tre e ea um umh h ih ihus ush h sk skjr jre e iu iufpa fpacfc cfcemt emtk k be aks hacfemtks y umh ihush ihush skjre  oucick eoeiutcvk be hacfemtks, hacfemtks, pues skm bks ikshs bcleremtes. Ihushs prkvemcemtes be ouzghbks be femkres y icvcaes Ikm hmterckrcbhb h ah irehicùm be aks trcjumhaes be lhfcach, ahs fhterchs que `ky em bæh estks ikmkiem, pertemeiæhm h aks hmtcguks ouzghbks be femkres y h aks ouzghbks icvcaes, pkr esth rhzùm em ea ihsk be que querhfks skacicthr ea iufpacfcemtk be umh semtemich k hiuerbk hprkjhbk pkr umk be estks trcjumhaes, bejefks cmstrucr ha usuhrck phrh que se bcrcoh ha trcjumha que bcitk ah semtemich que querefks `hier iufpacr, phrh que skacicte ea beshri`cvk be ah ihush. Umh vez que ea usuhrck usuhrck `hyh skacicthb skacicthbk k ea beshri`c beshri`cvk vk beje bcrcgcrse bcrcgcrse h ah Umcbhb be Iufpacfcemtk   be aks Rrcjumhaes be Lhfcach (bãicfk pcsk bea fcsfk ebclcick bkmbe Iufpacfcemtk estèm aks trcjumhaes be lhfcach). Em ah umcbhb umcbhb be iufpacfcem iufpacfcemtk, tk, phrh sujcr aks hmteiebemt hmteiebemtes es ha scstefh scstefh cmlkrfèt cmlkrfètcik cik YCRLH, se ae hscgmhrh um um ZCR mkrfhafemte mkrfhafemte ikm ah aetrh ‑_‖ k ‑w‖, bepembcembk bepembcembk be ah fhterch. Mkrfha Mkr fhafem femte te estks estks trè trèfct fctes es yh aks `h rehacz rehaczhbk hbk ah usuhr usuhrch ch pkr cmstru cmstruiic iicùm ùm be ahs hscs hscste temt mtes es sk skic icha haes es,,

qu quce ceme mes s

reha rehacz czhm hm ah pr prcf cfer erh h

em emtr trev evcs csth th y

bkiufe bki ufemth mthicù icùm m phrh phrh cmgres cmgreshr hr ah ihush ihush h muestr muestrh h èreh èreh

ae skac skacic icth thm m


ikfk ikfk um iufpacf iufpacfcem cemtk tk be

hacfemtks. Ykacicthr ah acqucbhicùm be pemsckmes hacfemtcichs hbeubhbhs Umh vez que ah usuhrch mks prkpkrickme ea ZCR be ah ihush k em ea ihsk gemerha em que yh ikmkiefks ea ZCR y ea trcjumha pkrque ah ihush pertemeie h um trcjumha be lhfcach, bejefk bej efks s presem presemthr thr um esirct esirctk k em ea iuha iuha skacic skacicthf thfks ks ah acqucb acqucbhic hicùm ùm be pemsck pemsckmes mes hacfemtcichs hbeubhbhs. Ea esirctk em ea iuha se skacicth ah acqucbhicùm beje ikmtemer ah scgucemte sufh?

‑EM AK TZ ‑EM TZCM CMIC ICTH THA? A? Ykaci Ykacicth cth Acquc Acqucbhicù bhicùm m be Tems Temsckmes ckmes Hacf Hacfemtci emtcichs chs Hbeub Hbeubhbhs hbhs>> Bkiufemtk > YEGUMBK KRZKYÆ? TZCFEZ KRZKYÆ? Hikfphøh Bkiufemtk KRZKYÆ? Trcvcaegck be pkjrezh>

REZIEZ KRZKYÆ? Thtrkicmck y pkber‖. Aks bkiufemtks que bejem hikfphøhr skm?



Ikpc Ik pch h sc scfp fpae ae be Ac Acjr jret eth h be Jh Jhmi mik k Es Esth thbk bk hi hitu tuha hacz czhb hbh h h ah le lei` i`h h be presem pre semthi thicù cùm m. Bej Bejem em hit hituha uhaczh czhrr ah acj acjret reth h em Ye Yervc rvcick ick ha Iac Iacemt emte e bea Jhm Jhmik ik Esthbk k em um Ihoerk Hutkfètcik (tcemem umh rhmurh phrh feter ah acjreth hjcerth) hjrcembk ah acjreth em ah uatcfh `koh bkmbe excste regcstrk bea uatcfk fkvcfcemtk (`èghmak bks veies phrh que quebe ikm ah lei`h em que ah estèm hituhaczhmbk).


Ihrtkah `cstùrcih be ah iuemth be H`krrk. (iuhmbk ah hperturh seh fuy hmtcguh y mk lcgure em ah acjreth que trhe ah usuhrch) Ah ihrtkah ah beje skacicthr ea tctuahr be ah iuemth, pkr ak thmtk bejem cmstrucr ha usuhrck be que ah trhfcte ikm um bæh be hmtcicphicùm (tcefpk que befkrh ah suiur su iursh shaa em `h `hier ierah) ah) y que kohah este tcf tcfjrh jrhbh bh ik ikm m lei lei`h `h bea bæh em que presemthrhm ea esirctk.

Tkr ÿatcfk ea esirctk beje ikmtemer ikmtemer um ÿatcfk ktrksæ ktrksæ ikm phtrkicmck phtrkicmck y pkber, em ihsk ihsk be que qu e ak aks s hj hjkg kghb hbks ks be ah Ih Ihoo Ah La Lakr krcb cbh h mk te temg mghm hm .H .Hbe befè fès s be beje jem m hi hikf kfph phøh øhrr y Lktkikpch Ihrmet lcrfhbh pkr ea usuhrck (skak sc hjkghbks be Iho Ah Lakrcbh mk tcemem phtrkicmck). Excstem bks kpickmes phrh su presemthicùm? 8. Beoh Beohrr pkr juzùm juzùm bea trcjumha trcjumha bespuãs bespuãs be ahs ahs 82? 44 `krhs `krhs y hutkrczh hutkrczhrr pkber ha ha ktrk bæh ikm ah ikpch ikpch emtre 0?44 y 0?94 `krhs. `krhs. :. Ak fès reikfe reikfembh mbhjae jae es aaevhr aaevhr ea esi esirct rctk k h ah klcicmh klcicmh be lhfcach lhfcach,, oumtk h um umh h pahmcaah be esirctks be pahzk (es bcleremte h ah pahmcaah be ahs befhmbhs, esth em aks hri`cvhbkres bea puagksk), tkbk ikm su respeitcvh ikpch, hmtes be ahs 8:?94 `krhs, y bejem seøhahr h ah seirethrch que se trhth be um esirctk be pahzk.

Ea esirctk be skacictub be acqucbhicùm be beubh serè prkvecbk?

‑Ikfk se pcbe, phsem aks hmteiebemtes ha lumickmhrck ikfpetemte h lcm que se acqucbem ahs pemsckmes bevemghbhs y hbeubhbhs pkr ea hacfemthmte‖.

Thshrh Ths hrhm m aks hm hmtei teiebe ebemte mtes s ha lumick lumickmhr mhrck ck ikfpe ikfpetem temte te qucem qucem acqucb acqucbhrh hrh ah beubh beubh y iertclcihrh iuha es ea fkmtk hbeubhbk. (se befkrh fès k femks 84 bæhs)


Ah Acqucbhicùm, serè prkveæbh pkr ea trcjumha krbemhmbk que se pkmgh em pkmgh  em ikmkicfcemtk be ahs phrtes y seøhahmbk que se tembrè pkr hprkjhbh em ihsk be mk ser kjoethbh lumbhbhfemte, bemtrk be terierk bæh be mktclcihbh. Bejem revcshr ah pesthøh be mktclcihicùm be YCRLH phrh shjer que bæh lue mktclcihbh ah ktrh phrte y besbe esh lei`h ikmthr ea pahzk be 9 bæhs. Umh vez trhmsiurrcbks aks 9 bæhs scm que ea befhmbhbk `hyh `ei`k presemthicùm hagumh, bejefks skacicthr skacicthr se  se temgh h lcrfe ah acqucbhicùm y aks respeitcvks hprefcks hprefcks.. Bemtrk bea pahzk be 9 bæhs ah ktrh phrte puebe kjoethr ah beubh seøhahmbk pkr eoefpak que yh ah ihmieak, k que beje femks. Ah kjoeicùm se reskaverè ikfk cmicbemte, pkr ak que se ae bhrè trhsahbk h ah phrte befhmbhmte, bejcembk evhiuhrak bemtrk be pahzk seøhahmbk ak pertcmemte. Ykacictub be hprefcks Rrhmsiurrcbks 9 bæhs scm que ah phrte befhmbhbh `hyh kjoethbk ah acqucbhicùm, y esth `hyh `hy h quebhb quebhbk k lcr lcrfe, fe, skacicth skacicthfks fks h trhvãs trhvãs be um esirct esirctk k pkr febck bea juzùm juzùm bea trcjumha aks scgucemtes hprefcks?



Zeiauscùm mkiturmh>




Yuspemscùm be Aciemich be ikmbuicr> y


Zetemicùm be ahs bevkauickmes be Cfpuestks h ah Zemth.

skacictub be hprefck puebe ser prkveæbk Ea esirctk be skacictub prkveæbk pkr ea trcjumha trcjumha be ahs scgucemtes fhmerhs? 8‖ Zesk Z eskav avce cemb mbk k

bere berei` i`hf hfem emte te

hp hpre refc fck k

pers perskm kmha ha

sk skac acic icth thbk bk,,


ik ikml mlkr krfe fe

 prhitcihbh, y be ikmlkrfcbhb ikm ak bcspuestk em ea hrtæiuak 82 be ah Aey 82.340, hrtciuak < y :7 be ah Ikmvemicùm be Berei`ks bea Mcøk, IKFK YE TCBE, TCBE,   bespèi`ese krbem be hrrestk mkiturmk besbe ahs ::.44 `krhs bea bæh `hsth ahs 4
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