Date selection (part 4)

March 19, 2017 | Author: wei foo | Category: N/A
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Every Tuesday on “Morning Boss” FM103

The Nature of Chinese Metaphysics


Journey to The 9 Life Star (Part III)

玄學九星命 These notes are meant to complement the material and content of the title ‘The Nature of Chinese Metaphysics’ radio show on Melody FM. Use it to help you further understand the principles and techniques explained by Joey Yap Consulting Group during the show. Feel free to print out the notes prior to the show and have them on hand to assist and guide you in understanding the material as you tune in to the radio show. 請在收聽‘玄來就係甘’節目前細讀 此筆記。它有助您進一步了解 Joey Yap Consulting Group 在節目中所提 及的各種風水名詞或術語。您也可以 在節目廣播前把筆記打印出來以方便 了解節目的內容。

Plot Your Bazi Profile & Life Star Chart 排出您的八字性格分類法與星命圖 Please be reminded that you will need to plot your BaZi Profile & Life Star chart in order to facilitate your understanding of the notes and the radio program. Go to to plot your BaZi profile & Life Star chart. 為了能夠更加深入了解廣播節目和筆記中的內容,您必須先到 排出您本身的八字 性格分類法與星命圖。 Sample 例子: This is how your Chart look’s like 您的八字性格分類法與星命圖表就像如此 :

Life Star 星命

Your Feng Shui Gua 風水卦

Your Day Master 日主

Your Characteristics 你的特點

Your Luck Cycle 你的運程

How You Operate 你的行為


All rights reserved worldwide. Copyright © 2012 by Joey Yap.

Your Profile 你的性格

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日 元



Yin Fire

Snake Yin Fire

丙 Bing ㄗ IR




Yang Earth

Yin Metal

戊 Wu 比 F

時柱 Hour Pillar

癸 Gui 財 DW



Dragon Yang Earth

Ox Yin Earth

戊 Wu 比 F

乙 Yi 官 DO

日柱 Day Pillar

辛 Xin 傷 HO

己 Ji 劫 RW

傷 官 HO

辛 Xin

Yin Metal

地 支


Rabbit Yin Wood

癸 Gui

月柱 Month Pillar


Yi 官 DO

財 DW

天 干

Hidden Stems

戊 辛 辰 丑


Geng 食 EG

傷 官

年 Year

Earthly Branches

月 Month

Heavenly Stems


日 Day

年柱 Year Pillar

月 Month

年 Year

時柱代表你 的夢想、希 望和靈感 Hour Pillar Represents your dreams, hopes and inspiration.

日柱代表配 偶之間的 關係 Day Pillar Represents relationship with your spouse.

月柱代表工 作和事業 展望 Month Pillar Represents Career and business outlook.

年柱代表你 的健康和交 際手腕(例 如:朋友) Year Pillar Represents your state of health and social circle (ie. Friends)

天 干

地 支 Earthly Branches

日 Day

Heavenly Stems

時 Hour

藏干 Hidden Stems

Reading Recommendation 書籍推荐 _____________________________________________ 想要知道更多關於十二生肖與風水流年運程可在各大書 店購買蛇年運成上下卷。

joe yy

All rights reserved worldwide. Copyright © 2012 by Joey Yap.


Nine Life Star Summary 九星命概要 Life Star ONE WHITE Life Star 一白水星命

TWO BLACK Life Star 二黑土星命

THREE JADE Life Star 三碧木星命


Born in

Male 1927 1936 1945 1954 1963 1972 1981 1990 1999 2008

Trigram, Female Element

1923 1932 1941 1950 1959 1968 1977 1986 1995 2004

1926 1935 1944 1953 1962 1971 1980 1989 1998 2007

1924 1933 1942 1951 1960 1969 1978 1987 1996 2005

1925 1934 1943 1952 1961 1970 1979 1988 1997 2006

1925 1934 1943 1952 1961 1970 1979 1988 1997 2006

All rights reserved worldwide. Copyright © 2012 by Joey Yap.




Intelligent, Knowledgeable, Deep-thinker, Creative, Intuitive, Flexible, Observant, Sociable, Articulate

Vague, Noncommittal, Indecisive, Insecure, Jealous, Isolated, Scheming, Unable to express feelings and thoughts well

Kan, 聰明、知識淵博、 Water 深思熟慮、富有創 性格模糊、內向、 坎卦,水 意、有直覺能力、 優柔寡斷、缺乏安 靈活、細心、善於 全、嫉妒、孤僻、 交際、表達能力佳 狡猾、有表達能力 的障礙

Kun, (Yin) Earth 坤卦, 陰土

Zhen, (Yang) Wood 震卦, 陽木

Nurturing, Goodhearted, Diligent, Meticulous, Organized, Resourceful, Problem-solver, Forgiving, Kind, Altruistic

Anxious, Worrywart, Fussy, Nitpicky, Unrealistic, Submissive, Overly passive, Conservative, Stubborn, Rigid

有教養、同情心、 勤奮、謹慎、有組 織能力、足智多 謀、解決問題能力 佳、寬容、善良、 捨己為人

為人焦慮、杞人憂 天、挑剔、吹毛求 疵、不切實際,順 從、過於被動、保 守、固執、木納

Perseverant, Energetic, Bold, Can-do attitude, Emphatic, Generous, Compassionate

Stubborn, Inflexible, Unreasonable, Rash, Blunt, Tactless, Temperamental, Fickle

個性堅強、有活 力、大膽、勇敢、 體諒別人、大方、 富有同情心

固執、呆板、不近 人情、輕率、太過 樂觀、不知人情世 故、喜怒無常、 善變

j oey y a p . c o m

Nine Life Star Summary 九星命概要 Born in

Life Star

Male FOUR GREEN 1924 1933 Life Star 四綠木星命 1942 1951 1960 1969 1978 1987 1996 2005 FIVE YELLOW 1923 1932 Life Star 五黃土星命 1941

1950 1959 1968 1977 1986 1995 2004

SIX WHITE Life Star 六白金星命

1931 1940 1949 1958 1967 1976 1985 1994 2003 2012

joe yy

Trigram, Female Element

1926 1935 1944 1953 1962 1971 1980 1989 1998 2007 1927 1936 1945 1954 1963 1972 1981 1990 1999 2008

1928 1937 1946 1955 1964 1973 1982 1991 2000 2009

Xun, (Yin) Wood 巽卦, 陰木

Kun, (Yin) Earth 坤卦, 陰土

Gen, (Yang) Earth




Scholarly, Knowledgeable, Critical-thinker, Adaptive, Quickwitted, Friendly, Romantic, Liberal, Kind

Fickle, Mercurial, Vague, Dependent, Clingy, Proud, Superiority complex, Impractical, Greedy

Authoritative, Natural-born leaders, Reliable, Loyal, Sensitive, Impartial, Independent, Determined, Persistent

Headstrong, Domineering, Indulgent, Aggressive, Selfabsorbed, Egoistic, Calculative, Cunning

性格多變、反复無 常、模糊不清、依 喜愛文學、知識淵 賴、傲慢、複雜、 博、批判性思維、 不切實際、貪婪 適應力佳、機智、 友善、浪漫、慷 慨、善良

頑固、霸道、放 有權威、天生的領 縱、積極、自戀、 袖、可靠、忠實、 自私、計較、狡猾 靈敏、公正、獨 立、果斷、堅定

艮卦, 陽土

Qian, (Yang) Metal

乾卦, 陽金

Prestige, Just, Straightforward, Honest, Realistic, Ethical, Loyal, Committed, Respectable, Righteous, Efficient, Perseverant

Proud, Competitive, Unimaginative, Rigid, Distant, Insecure, Melancholic, Self-indulgent, Opinionated, Demanding, Controlling

有名望、公正、坦 率直接、誠實、現 實、道德觀念、忠 誠、守承諾、尊 敬、正義、高效 率、有毅力

驕傲、好勝、缺乏 想像力的、剛性 的、冷淡、缺乏安 全感、憂鬱、自我 放縱、固執己見、 要求高、喜歡控制 別人

All rights reserved worldwide. Copyright © 2012 by Joey Yap.


Nine Life Star Summary 九星命概要 Life Star


Trigram, Female Element

1921 1930 1939 1948 1957 1966 1975 1984 1993 2002

1929 1938 1947 1956 1965 1974 1983 1992 2001 2010

1929 EIGHT WHITE 1938 Life Star 1947 八白土星命 1956 1965 1974 1983 1992 2001 2010

1921 1930 1939 1948 1957 1966 1975 1984 1993 2002

SEVEN RED Life Star 七赤金星命

NIGHT PURPLE Life Star 九紫火星命


Born in

1928 1937 1946 1955 1964 1973 1982 1991 2000 2009

1922 1931 1940 1949 1958 1967 1976 1985 1994 2003

All rights reserved worldwide. Copyright © 2012 by Joey Yap.

Dui, (Yin) Metal

兌卦, 陰金

Gen, (Yang) Earth




Communicative, Loquacious, Engaging, Approachable, Vivacious, Cheerful, Resourceful, Observant, Sociable, Quick-witted

Narcissistic, Selfish, Egoistic, Arrogant, Condescending, Materialistic, Obsessive, Superficial, Possessive, Vindictive

為人健談、多言、 有魅力、平易近 人、活潑、開朗、 足智多謀、敏銳、 愛社交、機智

自戀、自私自利、 自大、鄙視別人、 重物質、執著、膚 淺、佔有欲盛、 記仇

Consistent, Reliable, Responsible, Fair, Versatile, Intelligent, Openminded, Optimistic, Considerate, Persistent, Energetic

Unyielding, Resistant to change, passive, non-competitive, Inexpressive, Loner, Skeptical, Suspicious, Possessive, Opinionated

安分守己、可靠、 艮卦,陽 有責任感、公平、 倔強,固步自封, 土 多才多藝、聰明、 被動,難於時並 進,冷漠,獨行 開通、樂觀、體 貼、堅持、有乾勁 俠,多疑,佔有欲 強,固執己見 Inspiring, Driven, Ambitious, Generous, Selfless, Nurturing, Spontaneous, Flexible, Enthusiastic, Warm

激勵、發奮圖強、 离卦,火 有抱負、慷慨、大 方、有教養、自發 性的、活潑、熱 情、和藹可親 Li, Fire

Mercurial, Noncommittal, Hasty, Impatient, Dependent, Superficial, Reliant, Fickle, Perfectionist

善變、內向、草 率、急躁、依賴性 強、膚淺、一切追 求完美

j oey y a p . c o m

Notes for You 不可錯過的筆記下載 Get ready to download the notes after each aired episode. Log on to 請點擊 以下載每一集的筆記內容。

Want to Know More? 想獲知更多? If you are interested in our 10-minute consultation or any of our courses, email us at [email protected]. We’ll be happy to tell you more. 如果你對我們的10分鐘諮詢服務或其他課程有興趣,請電郵至 [email protected]. 我們會很樂意提供您更多有關詳情。

Coming Up Next Week 下星期預告內容 In Episode 21, our consultant Jessie Lee will be sharing with us on the topic “Better Timing Better Outcome” 在第二十一集裡,顧問Jessie Lee 將會講解有關擇日的詳情。

Reading Recommendation 書籍推荐 _____________________________________________ Joey Yap’s Feng Shui Essentials Xuan Kong Nine Life Star series of books comprise nine individual titles that provide detailed information about each individual Life Star.

欲知更多詳請,請瀏覽網站www.JoeyYap.com或聯絡我們+60322848080 Available at and all major bookstores. 可在網站和各大書局購買

Joey Yap’s


風 水與流年 運 程 2013

癸 巳

在癸巳年實現好佳境、提升財富、改善健康、增進人緣 這是您積極改變的開始,國際著名風水顧問 Joey Yap 會在這場城中備受矚目的風水與 流年運程講座上分享他的流年預測—這會是您最好的流年指南,可以幫助提升自己並 成為更精明的人,讓您在癸巳年裡做出明智的決策。 您將 會 從 中 學 習 到 : • 如何在癸巳年裡把握良機

• 您個人化的流年運程(健康,財富和愛情)

• 如何躲避癸巳年裡的險境

• 在2013年裡如何擇好日以進行重要的活動

• 在2013年的財務展望中獲取商機

• 找出今年的風水煞位及了解它們如何影響您 的家

•了解流年裡會出現的障礙及應對方法 • 癸巳年 + 您的八字圖表 = 特別組合及了解當中的玄機

• 一整年都可以納入環境中的好氣:改變您的 環境 = 改變您的生活!

新一年的好運從這裡開始! 10am - 5pm (8.30am 開始報到) Kuala Lumpur (英文)

12 January 2013 (Sat)

Kuala Lumpur (粵語)

13 January 2013 (Sun)


27 January 2013 (Sun)

Kota Kinabalu

3 February 2013 (Sun)

門票優惠有效期: 一張

June 2012 - 1 Oct 2012 2 Oct 2012 - 13 Jan 2013 14 Jan 2013 - 19 Jan 2013

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: : [email protected]



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FENG SHUI CONSULTATION Need Guidance to Achieve Fulfillment in Life? Joey Yap and his team of qualified consultants at Joey Yap Consulting Group (JYCG) can help you.To achieve fulfillment in our lives, we need to tap into the positive Qi (energy) in our environment. By tapping into this naturally powerful energy, we are able to: • Increase our level of wellbeing • Bring harmony to the various aspects of our lives • Improve areas in which we are lacking • Restore us to the true goals and aims of who we want to be The Feng Shui in our home or workplace helps us with our endeavors, our goals and direction in life and whichever areas that need balance and attention. Beyond motivation and beyond ‘positive thinking’, perhaps nature, our living environment, has the ability and energy to help put us back on our feet, realize our goals, and more importantly, restore balance to our lives. For further information about our services or to make an appointment for a Feng Shui Consultation, please contact us at our office and we’ll be happy to discuss your needs and provide you with the relevant advice on your Feng Shui requirements. Phone: +603 – 2284 1213 Fax: +603 – 2284 2213 Email: [email protected] You may also visit the Joey Yap Consulting Group website at Keen to know more about the courses offered by Mastery Academy? Visit now.

需要指引來達到您生活上的成就? Joey Yap和Joey Yap Consulting Group (JYCG)旗下的合格顧問團隊可以幫你實現這一切。為了滿足生活上 的需求,在我們的環境里需要納入正面的氣(能量)。通過充分利用這些來自自然界的強大能量,讓 我們可以:

• 增加生活水平 • 給我們生活多方面帶來和諧 • 改善生活上不足的地方 • 可以恢復我們的真正想要達到的目的和目標 風水可以給我們的家中或職場帶來幫助,如我們的努力,目標和人生方向,甚至是在哪個領域上需要 注意和平衡的。除了動力和超越“正面思維”,我們的自然環境,生活環境,都有能力幫助我們重新 站立起來,實現我們的目標,更重要的是能恢復及平衡我們的生活。 在JYCG,我們專注於為您提供實用的風水解決方案,讓您可以很容易在現有的生活中運用。這些解決方 案目的是為了幫助您實現您的目標,以及讓您的生活更為充實。 欲進一步了解我們的服務,或者預約風水諮詢,請與聯繫我們的辦公室,我們的工作人員會很樂意為 您服務,告訴我們關於您的需求,我們將會提供您相關的風水諮詢。 電話:+603 – 2284 1213 傳真:+603 – 2284 2213 電郵:[email protected] 您可瀏覽Joey Yap Consulting Group網站 有興趣了解更多關於玄明館的課程?您可請瀏覽

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