Data Migration Test Results Template
July 13, 2016 | Author: Mark Anthony Palma | Category: N/A
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Data Migration Test Results Template...
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SAP Project Manager
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Anthony Berland
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June 21, 2011
First draft of a template for data migration test results
REVIEW AND APPROVAL Name Key Stakeholder
Name Key Stakeholder
TABLE OF CONTENT Purpose of the document ............................................................................................................................... 3 Intended Audience ........................................................................................................................................... 3 Project Overview.............................................................................................................................................. 3 Description ......................................................................................................................................................... 3 Organization and contact responsibilities .......................................................................................................... 3 Related documents ............................................................................................................................................ 3 Scope and limitations of testing .................................................................................................................... 3 Test Report ....................................................................................................................................................... 4 Report Identification ........................................................................................................................................... 4 Test Cases Summary Report ............................................................................................................................ 4 Defects Summary Report .................................................................................................................................. 4 Open issues ..................................................................................................................................................... 5 Appendix .......................................................................................................................................................... 5
PURPOSE OF THE DOCUMENT This document is to provide a deliverable that will report results of individual test cycles. Adapt the purpose regarding on the project. INTENDED AUDIENCE List the categories of people the document is addressed to; no name lists should appear here. PROJECT OVERVIEW Description Overall project description; a brief description may be enough here since a sub-section refers below to all the existing documents Organization and contact responsibilities Organization and contact responsibilities; it is best practices to gather the name of all the people involved in the project, business or technical ones, in order to react quickly and to get fast answers to any question Name
e.g. John Doe
e.g. Project Manager
e.g. SAP
Related documents Relevant documents that can be useful for test reporting. A row for every identified document appears here, the location must be indicated, should be a link or a path (if no document applicable, delete the row or put ‘N/A’ in the Location column). Category
Data Quality Plan
Data Quality Metrics
Presentation containing possible dashboards for tracking data migration quality
Data Quality Strategy and Design
Template to capture the organization structure (people) and process required to capture and report data quality throughout the data migration effort.
Testing Strategy
Outlines an overall test strategy for the data migration.
Unit Test
Captures test plans by business object.
Final Data Quality Assessment
Final Data Quality Assessment
Documents and reports assessment.
Data Migration Test Results
Data Migration Test Results
Captures results of individual test cycles.
Testing Strategy
Current Document
SCOPE AND LIMITATIONS OF TESTING Objectives of testing effort, testing priorities and focus. Relevant non scope areas must be reminded here.
TEST REPORT The test report shall contain tree sections: the header of the report, then the status of each trial run in terms of test cases, and finally the status of each trial run regarding on the number of defects (first an overview of the detected defects, then an overview of the defects that are still open). Report Identification This sub section is aimed to present what has been tested and how. This is kind of a header for the report. Total number ID Completed by Date Testing name of test cases report project identifier
tester name who completed the report
date of the report
type of test (e.g. unit, integration, acceptance)
total number of project test cases
Test Cases Summary Report This sub section contains the status of the different trial runs regarding the test cases that were planned. Total number of Trial run % Started % Passed % Failed test cases describe the test period (Week, Month) there is usually three trial runs
number of test cases planned to be run during the period
total number of test cases started / total number of test cases
total number of test cases passed / total number of test cases
total number of test cases failed / total number of test cases
Defects Summary Report Overall status of the defects. Detected Defects Summary Report This report contains a row for each trial run and aims to sum up how many defects have been detected and their weight in terms of severity first, and priority then. Total % % Trail Total % High % Low % High % Low Closed Medium Medium Run Defects Severity Severity Priority Priority Defects Severity Priority as above
number of non rejected defects detected within the whole testing project
number of closed defects
percentag e of the most critical defects, regarding the total defect number
percentag e of the mid critical defects, regarding the total defect number
percentag e of the least critical defects, regarding the total defect number
percentag e of the most urgent defects, regarding the total defect number
percentag e of the mid urgent defects, regarding the total defect number
percentag e of the least urgent defects, regarding the total defect number
Open Defects Summary Report This report contains a row for each trial run and aims to sum up how many defects are still open and their weight in terms of severity first and then priority.
Trail Run
Total Open Defects
% High Severity
% Medium Severity
% Low Severity
% High Priority
% Medium Priority
% Low Priority
as above
number of defects still open
percentage of the most critical defects that are still open
percentage of the mid critical defects that are still open
percentage of the least critical defects that are still open
percentage of the most urgent defects that are still open
percentage of the mid urgent defects that are still open
percentage of the least urgent defects that are still open
Open date
Due date
APPENDIX Glossary, acronyms, etc.
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