Data Migration - SAP MM

May 11, 2017 | Author: minakshi.karan9209 | Category: N/A
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Technical Paper Data Migration

Data Migration (SAP MM Module)Customer Project  This technical paper would elaborate the technical details, issues during data migration activity specific for Material Management module experienced in Customer Project.

Contents Acknowledgment Abbreviation Executive Summary Introduction Problem Definition High Level Solution Solution Details Business Benefits Summary or Conclusion References

Smita Paste

Functional Consultant

Santosh Joshi

Lead Functional Consultant

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Technical Paper Data Migration

Acknowledgement We would like to acknowledge and thank Bharathkumar Talla (MM Module), & Technical Team members Hemanth Devineni, Rupali Jadhav, Meenal Dighe, Snehal Khasale and Srinivas Golla for their recommendations and contributions made to this document

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Technical Paper Data Migration

Abbreviations Abbreviation



Purchase Order


Goods Receipt


Sale Order


Goods Receipt Note


Materials Management


Human Resource




Business Intelligence


Sales and Distribution


Material Master Record


Key Data Structures




Fujitsu Consulting India


Data Migration

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Technical Paper Data Migration

Executive Summary Purpose  The purpose of this document is to elaborate the technical details, issues during data migration activity specific for Material Management module.  The purpose of this document is to share our experience and lessons learnt during the data migration activity.  This describes a methodology for data migration we used successfully in the project.  This data migration was carried out from one SAP system to another SAP system. This provides you with a procedure to assist you organizing and performing the data transfer from the legacy system to another SAP system.  Please consider this document as one of the guideline which can be used for One SAP to another SAP Data Migration projects. It most probably will not be 100% accurate or adequate for your use. There may be omissions and the templates can be for different SAP versions. It is a base to help you build your own template.

Project Overview This project is aimed at developing Global template and subsequent rollout to other countries .SAP footprint would be adopted for template development. Only legal and statutory requirements will be included during country wise rollouts. Project is spread across phases with below phases: Global Template Development Rollout to other countries The rollouts will be divided into three phases Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 The data migration activity described in this document was carried out as a part of Implementation for Customer country in PHASE 1 phase. Characteristic

Details This is one of a kind large enterprise project involving template development and rollout in six countries.

Global Template Development and Rollout

Template development will be based on the existing CUSTOMER SAP footprint Difference in time zone

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SAP Landscape

SD, MM, FICO, HR, PS, BASIS – Security, ABAP, workflow SAP ERP ECC 6.0 EHP 5, Portal, BI / BW reports

Project Execution

Project will be executed using a combination of onsite and offshore resources. Functional leads will be based on-site for the duration of the project

Solution Characteristics Characteristic



SD, MM, FICO, HR, PS, BASIS – Security, ABAP, workflow

EHP 5, Portal, BI / BW Enterprise Portal for ESS/MSS and BI/BW/BO for reporting reports CUSTOMER SAP footprint would be adopted for template development, Only legal and Template Development and statutory requirements will included during rollouts Rollout Any additional requirements from target entities will be assessed whether they are mandatory and critical for business operations

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Technical Paper Data Migration


Data Migration - Overview  The major change in the CUSTOMER legacy SAP system to CUSTOMER new SAP system was the enterprise structure for Plants.  In legacy system 33 plants were there which were minimized to 3 and all data like material master, open Purchase Orders, Open Sales Orders and Inventory belong to these 33 plants are loaded to these 3 new plants.  In the legacy system all the materials were maintained with plant wise profit centres. All financial analysis was carried out on the basis of those various profit centres. The reason was to make such analysis feasible  In the legacy system each plant was having around 100 store locations which reduced to 4 storage locations for each plant.  Preparation of mapping rules for data migration was a major challenge as we had to map data of 33 legacy plants to 3 plants in new system.  Data Reconciliation In this document we will describe the data migration program details, issues occurred and the resolutions. It involves data migration for –  Material Master  Open Purchase Order  Open Purchase Order History  Initial Inventory Balance

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General Guidelines – Data Migration  Think SAP

Forget your actual system and understand SAP. First and foremost, get familiar with the SAP business process you will be implementing. Then, according to the SAP process needs, establish what the Master Data requirements are. Then, and only then, see what can be salvage from your legacy system. Think SAP; do not try to fit in your old system into it.  Prepare the Legacy Database

Clean the data on your legacy system. It is easier to start from a sound legacy system than trying to fix inconsistencies during the conversion. Delete obsolete data and make the rest of it coherent. These two steps are called data purging and data cleansing. This can be done without specific knowledge of SAP and can begin way before the project Kick Off. It will save you a lot of time.  Before the last test run, take into account the customizations of your new system

Because both the organizational structure and the actual customizing influence the data you transfer for business objects, finalize all customizations before the last test run. Customizing changes after the final transfer may result in additional required fields; this requires preparing and transferring more data. It can also invalidate the loaded data, which leaves you with an incoherent data set that will be very costly to correct after Go Live.  Reduce the amount of historical data to be transferred

If your system has lot of historic data, think about archiving data. There is no need to spend large amount of money to keep live data that are otherwise used sporadically and could very well be stored in an archive database. Large data set due to non-archiving of your LS will add a lot of strain on your SAP implementation and will make the data conversion more difficult because of the volume. Also, because data tend to be less accurate when they were created a long time ago, it will be much more difficult to adapt them to SAP.  Use controls edition in SAP

Data entered in SAP should be cheeked using some controls reports. This is especially useful for manual data entry and transactional data.  Be wise

The full data integration in your production system is the end of the process and should mostly be a technical operation where we push some buttons to get some results. To reach this goal, it implies that all functional and technical issues where dealt with before starting the full size transfer from the Legacy System. The hard work is in the mapping and establishment of conversion rules from the old to the new system. That is where you will make or miss your conversion. Don't even think about loading large volumes into production if you are not completely ready.

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 Small is beautiful

Start small. The first time you transfer data, begin with a few records of a business object. This way, you learn how the program works. After transferring some records successfully, try transferring a larger amount of data. Make sure that you transfer each different type of data before you transfer on a larger scale.  Play it safe

We strongly suggest that you perform a system backup (or client copy) after transferring a significant amount of data. The backup allows you to secure a specific level you have reached during the data conversion process. If you have any problems, you can return to this level, and you do not have to begin the process all over again.

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Problem Definition

 The business requirement was to migrate master and transactional data from one SAP to another SAP environment considering the new key data structures as per new SAP system.  Open PO 1. SAP system was configured such way that whenever new PO gets generated in the system an automatic workflow mail will get triggered to the respected approvers. 2. As Open PO migration volume was big we need to find out solution to avoid triggering of huge workflow emails. So, we designed PO migration program in such a way that PO should get immediately released after it is created.  Open PO History As two SAP environments were having different enterprise structure components like plants, store locations, we need to define various conversion programs additionally.

SAP has provided tool to migrate purchase order history from one company to another within one SAP environment. Here the challenge 1. To migrate Open PO history between two SAP environments with new key data structures (KDS) rules. 2. Also, the further transactions like GRN for open PO, Invoice verification for already GRN PO in old system should also get completed in new SAP system.

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Technical Paper on Data Migration

High Level Solution Methodology - Data Migration

• Data will be extracted in Excel sheet from Legacy SAP System

Conversion • The extracted data will be converted as per new system values in excel.

• The converted data will be uploaded in new system



As the data migration was from one SAP system to another, the methodology followed as below  Data Extraction from Legacy SAP System The data will be extracted from Legacy SAP tables as per the business rules defined.  Data Conversion The extracted data will be converted to new system values as per the Mapping Rules defined.  Data Upload The converted data will be then uploaded in new SAP System.

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The data migration activity was carried out with below sequence –  1st - Material Master Data Upload  2nd – Vendor Master Data Upload  3rd - Initial Inventory Upload  4th – Open PO Upload  5th – Open PO History Upload Data Reconciliation –  The standard dumps in excel were taken from respective tables for validating the uploaded data.  The Data was then reconciled using ‘VLOOKUP’ functionality in excel with ref. to the legacy data.

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Solution Details – Data Migration Material Master Material Master – Data Extraction Xds

Excel List • Extract list of Material Masters from legacy System which are active for last 2 years and having Open SO/PO /Stocks.

Legacy Custom Program

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• Extraction program will remove duplicate material codes legacy extracted list. • The program output will be a excel sheet with material master data of various views like basic data, sales data, purchase data, plant data, accounting data.

• The data from tables MARA,MARC,MVKE, MAKT and MBEW will be extracted in excel sheet.

MMR Extraction Program

Technical Paper on Data Migration

Material Master – Data Conversion

• The excel sheets with Mapping Rules for old system values vs new values data will be prepared .

Conversion Program • The Extracted Data sheet and Mapping rules will be passed as Input to the conversion program.

The program output will be converted data in a excel sheet which will be used for Data Upload in new system

O/P as Converted data in excel sheet

Mapping Rules and Extracted Data

Material Master – Data Upload

• The converted data will be passed to data upload program in a program specified template as input in excel sheet.

Converted Data in Excel Sheet

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used in the Material Master Upload Program to create the material master.

• Material Masters will be created in SAP System. • The data will be updated in SAP tables MARA, MARC, MVKE, MBEW and MAKT.

Data Created in SAP System

Technical Paper on Data Migration

Key Points – Material Master DM  In the legacy system material codes are maintained externally and in new system also it was maintained externally.  In the legacy system material master with same nature but having different price are maintained with (. Dot, _ underscore) e.g. CAB-T3E3-RF-BNC-F_ and CAB-T3E3-RF-BNC-F.  Business has fine-tuned such material codes and made final filtered list of materials to be migrated in to the new system.  Unit of measures were created in the new system same as per legacy system.  Before migration we checked for the common materials which were created for CUSTOMER to avoid any changes for the client level data due to data migration.  For such materials it was mutually decided by business that Customer will adopt same values for Client level data (e.g. Material group, product hierarchy) from CUSTOMER system.

Issues and Resolutions– Material Master DM 1. Product Hierarchy values incorrect after extract –  Issue – For Product hierarchy (15 digits only numeric values) values are not correct after extracted in Excel sheet.  Root Cause – This is excel behaviour, as excel treats the number as long put zero for the last 3 digits.  Resolution – No solution found for this. The product hierarchy values were checked and corrected manually in excel sheet before upload.

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Solution Details – Data Migration Open Purchase Orders Open PO – Extraction Xds

• Take Out Open PO List using standard Report from the Legacy System


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Excel List • Prepare Excel sheet with Open PO Number and item which will be passed as input to extraction program

• This is a custom program developed to extract the SAP tables data. • The data from tables EKPO, EKKO,KONV and EKKN will be extracted in excel sheet.


Technical Paper on Data Migration

Open PO – Conversion

• The excel sheets with Mapping Rules for old system values vs new values data will be prepared .

Mapping Rules and Extracted Data

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Conversion Program • This is a custom program developed to convert extracted data into new values as per the mapping rules given as input.

The program output will be the converted data in an excel sheet which will be used for Data Upload in new system

O/P as Converted data in excel sheet

Technical Paper on Data Migration

Open PO – Upload

• The converted data will be passed to data upload program. • It is important to ensure the sequence of data field columns in the excel sheet passed.

Converted Data in Excel Sheet

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Data Upload Program • The standard BAPI 'BAPI_PO_CREATE1' is used in the Data Upload Program to create the PO • 'BAPI_PO_RELEASE‘ is used to release the PO immediately after creation.

• The new PO will be created in SAP system and released automatically. • The legacy po number will be updated as requirement tracking number at item and collective number at header level.

Data Created in SAP System

Technical Paper on Data Migration

Key Points – Open PO DM  All the conditions are extracted for legacy purchase order (KONV table) to upload in new system.  The currency key % should be given for Condition type SKTO, as if we give PO currency e.g. USD or SGD, system will not upload the correct value for the SKTO condition.  The reason is that if we give currency instead of %, PO upload BAPI throws error as it reads this condition in % value and not as amount.  For purchase orders created in new system, the document date, and exchange rate was uploaded as per the legacy PO creation date and exchange rate.  As we are releasing purchase orders immediately after it is created and if there is no delay between two operations, program does not release the purchase order and moves to next purchase order creation, hence the upload program was designed in such a way so that a time delay can be inserted.

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Issues and Resolutions– Open PO DM 1. Purchase Order Quantity with Decimal Places for EA unit

Issue – The PO quantity with decimal places will not get uploaded for EA/ST units.

Root Cause – This is standard behaviour of BAPI used in the upload program. 2.

When we try to create the purchase order with decimal quantity for ST/EA unit, system gives warning message as shown below and PO will get generated with decimal places successfully.

 Resolution - The program is changed so that BAPI can by-pass this warning message and PO will be created successfully. 3. PO Currency in JPY

Issue – Wrong condition values get extracted and uploaded if PO currency is JPY.

Root Cause – As per SAP standard behaviour, the values entered in JPY currency will be saved with ‘divide by 100’ value in the tables. For e.g. – While creating PO, we have entered as 515 JPY as shown in below screen shot. But in KONV table the value will be saved with ‘divide by 100’ value.

 Resolution – The extract program changed so that it will extract correct values when the currency is JPY.

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4. Freight/Discount conditions will get copied as per last PO created  Issue – When the purchase orders are created using this upload program, the discount, freight conditions get copied in the PO created for the same combination of Material, vendor and plant of last purchase order created.  Root Cause – This is a SAP standard behaviour.  Resolution – Maintain Price adoption as ‘Do not Copy’ configuration ‘Default Values for purchasing’ then assign this parameter with environment variable ‘EVO’ in the user profile. With this system will not copy the last PO conditions in the newly created POs.

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5. OA partner function not copied in PO from Vendor Master  Issue – The partner functions maintained (other than VN) in Vendor master were not copied in the purchase orders uploaded using the upload program.  Root Cause – While Manual creation of PO we observed that, when we enter all the details in PO and then if we press enter, system does not copy the partners (other than VN) maintained in Vendor master. And when we upload PO using BAPI, the behaviour is same i.e. commit is done after all the details are entered, and so the partner functions are not copied in PO.  Resolution – The partner functions should be marked at ‘Higher Level’ in the partner schemas.

6. Multiline Header and Item Texts not extracted fully Issue – The header and item text was not getting extracted fully. Only first line used to get extracted.  Root Cause – Program was extracting only first line of the texts.  Resolution – New Text upload program developed using RFC which will copy the texts directly from Legacy system to new System.

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7. Error while uploading PO for one time Vendor  Issue – System was giving error while uploading purchase order for one time vendor.  Root Cause – The reason is it is required to have vendor address in PO and for One time vendor the address is not maintained in vendor master, so system does not copy it in PO.  Resolution – Purchase Orders created manually for one time vendor.

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Solution Details – Data Migration Open PO History Upload Xds Open PO

History - Extraction

• Take Out Open PO List using standard Report from the Legacy System


Excel List • Prepare Excel sheet with Open PO Number and item which will be passed as input to history extraction program

• This is a custom program developed to extract the SAP tables data. • All the data fields from tables EKBE, EKBZ will be extracted in 2 seperate excel sheets


Note: The Standard 2 BAPI 'BAPI_PO_UPDATE_HISTORY and BAPI_PO_CHANGE' are available, but there is no provision to update Freight Information (Table – EKBZ) with these BAPI. So instead of BAPI, we have used Function Module ‘ME_UPDATE_GOODS_RECEIPT’.ME_UPDATE_GOODS

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Open PO History – Upload

• The Open PO History extract in excel sheet will be passed as input to History Upload Program.

History Extract in Excel Sheet as I/P

History Upload Program • This is a custom program developed using below function module ME_UPDATE_GOODS_RECEIPT • This FM has been used to update PO History with Schedule Line and Freight Information.

• The PO History tables EKBE, EKBZ will be uploaded. • The Schedule line table EKET will be updated auotmatically by the program.

PO History Uploaded SAP System

Note: The Standard BAPI 'BAPI_PO_UPDATE_HISTORY and BAPI_PO_CHANGE' are available, but there is no provision to update Freight Information (Table – EKBZ) with these BAPI. So instead of BAPI, we have used Function Module ‘ME_UPDATE_GOODS_RECEIPT’.ME_UPDATE_GOODS

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Key Points – Open PO History DM  The PO history upload program is designed with a specific codification technique for material document numbers (EKBE-BELNR).  The first 2 digits of the material document number will be replaced as per below rule : For 5XXXXXXXXX = EXXXXXXXX 49XXXXXXXX = DXXXXXXXXX The reason for this was to avoid the duplication of the material document numbers in existing system. 

It is easy to identify in the reports due to this unique codification for material document numbers.

Error while MIRO as Reference Doc. Field (EKBE- LFBNR) not updated properly Issue - Error while MIRO against PO for which GR document has been uploaded as a part of history uploads in data migration.  Root Cause – The reason is field Reference Doc. (EKBE- LFBNR) is blank. If it is GR based Invoice verification, it is required that GR document number is updated in Reference Doc field.

 Resolution – The program for PO History Upload corrected to update the EKBE-LFBNR field.

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Solution Details – Data Migration Initial Inventory Ds Initial

Inventory - Extraction

MB52 • The selection input Plant will be given to MB52 Report.

Selection I/P

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• The Stocks for Normal

• The standard SAP report 'MB52' will be used to download the Open Stocks Report from the legacy system.

stock and Special stocks like Sale Order and Project stocks will be downloaded in excel sheet.

Open Stock in Excel Sheet

Technical Paper on Data Migration

Initial Inventory - Conversion

• The excel sheets with Mapping Rules for old system values vs new values data will be prepared .

Mapping Rules and Exctracted Data

Conversion Program • The Open Stock Report and Mapping rules will be passed as Input to the conversion program. • The conversion program is a custom program.

• The program output will be converted data in a excel sheet which will be used for Data Upload in new system

O/P as Converted data in excel sheet

Initial Inventory – Upload

• The converted data will be passed to data upload program in a program specified template as input in excel sheet.

Converted Data in Excel Sheet

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Inventory Upload Program • The standard BAPI BAPI_GOODSMVT_CREAT E is used in the Initial

Stock Upload Program to Upload the Stocks.

• The Stocks will be uploaded in the SAP System with Movement type '561'. • The material documents will be created in SAP tables MKPF and MSEG

Stocks uploaded in SAP System

Technical Paper on Data Migration

Key Points – Initial Inventory DM  While designing BAPI, it was ensured that there will be separate material document created. The reason is, we can have only 999 line items in the Accounting document. Also, In case of document reversal it is easy to reverse the single document.

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Solution Details – Data Migration General Issues Xds Data Migration

– General Issues

 Most importantly the care should be taken while preparing input template for data upload as this is an ‘Excel Sheet’. All the data in columns should be left aligned and trimmed for spaces as this may cause issue in data upload as character length of data field is fixed and data uploaded may get truncated.  The leading zero should be given manually in the upload template in case it is there in any of the key data fields. For e.g. we had storage location as 0010 which is 4 digit and the legacy extracted data in excel will show only ‘10’. The data in upload template should be exactly as per the same column sequence defined in the upload program

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Business Benefits 1) The tools/programs can be used for migration of below data from one SAP to other SAP systems –   

Material Master Open Purchase Orders with History Initial Inventory

2) The data migration time is faster and more accurate as the programs are designed using SAP standard BAPI’s.

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Summary or Conclusion Data Object Material Master Upload

Open PO Upload

Open PO History Upload

Initial Inventory Upload

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Upload Template Materialmaster upload.xlsx

PO_Upload_Accounti ng_file.xlsx

PO History_EKBE.xlsx

PO_Upload_Main_Fil e.xlsx

PO History_EKBZ.xlsx

Initial_Stock_Upload _Template.xlsx

Technical Paper Data Migration

References  SAP “Data Transfer Made Easy guidebook” available on “SAP Simplification Group” web site  System Landscape (Landscape-II.pdf) available on SAP website  “Quick Reference Guide LSMW available on

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