Dark Sun - Pathfinder Campaign Setting

March 23, 2017 | Author: Jorge Valiente | Category: N/A
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Rules for Dark Sun in d20 (Pathfinder) New Spells and New Rules...




Credits Designer: Jonathan Freund Development: Corwin Atwood-Stone, Matthew Oatman, Tristan Vrolijk Development Inspiration: The team of the Dark Sun 3 Campaign Setting

Acknowledgments Athas.org: The origin of many of the ideas in this document, and quite a lot of the mechanics as well. The incredible work put into the Dark Sun 3 Campaign Setting has inspired this Dark Sun fan, and many others besides. Without Athas.org, Dark Sun might well have faded into obscurity, and their work to preserve the grittiest and most compelling D&D setting is deeply appreciated. Paizo and the Pathfinder Team: For making an already excellent game system into a stellar one. Product Identity: The following items are hereby identified as Product Identity, as defined in the Open Game License 1.0a, Seection 1(e), and are not Open Content: All trademarks, registered trademarks, proper names (characters, deities, etc.), dialogue, plots, storylines, locations, characters, artworks, and trade dress. (Elements that have previously been designated as Open Game Content are not included in this declaration.) Open Content: Except for material designated as Product Identity (see above), the game mechanics of this Paizo Publishing game product are Open Game Content, as defined in the Open Game License version 1.0a Section 1(d). No portion of this work other than the material designated as Open Game Content may be reproduced in any form without written permission. OPEN GAME LICENSE Version 1.0a The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and is Copyright 2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc (“Wizards”). All Rights Reserved. 1. Definitions: (a) “Contributors” means the copyright and/or trademark owners who have contributed Open Game Content; (b) “Derivative Material” means copyrighted material including derivative works and translations (including into other computer languages), potation, modification, correction, addition, extension, upgrade, improvement, compilation, abridgment or other form in which an existing work may be recast, transformed or adapted; (c) “Distribute” means to reproduce, license, rent, lease, sell, broadcast, publicly display, transmit or otherwise distribute; (d) “Open Game Content” means the game mechanic and includes the methods, procedures, processes and routines to the extent such content does not embody the Product Identity and is an enhancement over the prior art and any additional content clearly identified as Open Game Content by the Contributor, and means any work covered by this License, including translations and derivative works under copyright law, but specifically excludes Product Identity. (e) “Product Identity” means product and product line names, logos and identifying marks including trade dress; artifacts, creatures, characters, stories, storylines, plots, thematic elements, dialogue, incidents, language, artwork, symbols, designs, depictions, likenesses, formats, poses, concepts, themes and graphic, photographic and other visual or audio representations; names and descriptions of characters, spells, enchantments, personalities, teams, personas, likenesses and special abilities; places, locations, environments, creatures, equipment, magical or supernatural abilities or effects, logos, symbols, or graphic designs; and any other trademark

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15. COPYRIGHT NOTICE Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc. System Reference Document. Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, based on material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson. Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook. Copyright 2009, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Author: Jason Bulmahn, based on material by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, and Skip Williams.


1 Flaws

Vital Statistics Aarakocra Dwarves Elves Goliaths Half-Elves Half-Giants Halflings Humans Muls Pterrans Thri-kreen

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12



Character Advancement Barbarian Bard Cleric Druid Fighter Monk Paladin Psion Psychic Warrior Ranger Rogue Wilder Wizard

13 13 13 15 24 28 30 31 35 39 42 43 43 48

Action Points Voluntary Poverty Wild Talents

77 80 81 82



Academy Warden Arch Defiler Assassin Duelist Elemental Savant Healer Adept Iron Defender Loremaster Metamind Mindbender Prodigy Soulbow Veiled One Wasteland Predator Wildling Outrider

83 85 86 88 90 91 94 96 98 99 101 103 105 107



Wealth and Money Weapons Armor Ammunition Special Materials Adventuring Gear Enchanted Items

51 54 66 67 72 76 77

Injury Temperature Sustenance Terrain Environmental Hazards Urban Life

Divine Magic Primal Magic Arcane Magic Readying Spells Psionics Spell Lists Bardic Excellencies Cleric Spells Druid Spells Paladin Spells Psionic Talents Psion/Wilder Powers Psychic Warrior Powers Ranger Spells Wizard Spells General Errata Spell Errata Power Errata Bardic Excellencies Psionic Talents New Powers New Spells Summon Monster List Summon Nature's Ally List

109 109 115 115 116 Appendix 1: DS3 Spells 118 123

3 – CHARACTER OPTIONS 51 6 – COMBAT & SURVIVAL 127 Skills General Feats Item Creation Feats Psionic Feats Racial Feats Raze Feats Defunct Feats


127 128 130 131 136 140

143 143 144 144 145 145 147 147 147 152 156 158 158 164 166 167 179 179 180 180 185 189 189 190 191



The races in this chapter replace those found in the Pathfinder Core Rules.

Height and Weight

D Vital Statistics

Base Height

Race Aarakocra, male


70 lb.


x4 lb.


60 lb.


x4 lb.


150 lb.


x7 lb.

Dwarf, female


120 lb.


x7 lb.

Elf, male


150 lb.


x4 lb.

Elf, female


130 lb.


x4 lb.

Goliath, male


310 lb.


x7 lb.

Goliath, female


285 lb.


x7 lb.

Half-Elf, male


130 lb.


x5 lb.

Half-Elf, female


120 lb.


x5 lb.

Half-Giant, male


1,400 lb.


x10 lb.

Half-Giant, female


1,100 lb.


x10 lb.

Halfling, male


40 lb.


x1 lb.

Halfling, female


35 lb.


x1 lb.

Human, male


120 lb.


x5 lb.

Human, female


85 lb.


x5 lb.

Mul, male


250 lb.


x7 lb.

Mul, female


220 lb.


x7 lb.

Pterran, male


130 lb.


x5 lb.

Pterran, female


110 lb.


x5 lb.


450 lb.


x3 lb.

The following section determines a character's starting Aarakocra, female age, height, and weight. Dwarf, male


You can either generate your character's age randomly or select it yourself, but any character of Middle Age or older must be approved by your DM. As a character ages, his physical ability scores decrease and his mental ability scores increase. The effects of aging are cumulative; however, no ability score may be reduced below 1 by aging. At venerable age, the DM should secretly roll to determine each character's maximum age. Once that age is reached, the character dies at some point during the year.

Height and Weight

To determine a character's height, roll the modifier dice indicated on the Height and Weight table and add the result, in inches, to the base height indicated by race and gender. Multiply the result by the weight modifier and add that number to the base weight.



1 Thri-kreen are 40 + modifier inches longer than their height. .

Random Starting Ages

Aging and Maximum Age


Basic Class1

Simple Class2

Complex Class3


8 years





25 years


30 years





100 years


18 years





70 years


12 years






16 years





25 years





24 years




15 years



18 years

Pterran Thri-kreen


Base Weight Weight Modifier Modifier


Maximum Age

35 years

40 years

+1d10 years

150 years

200 years

+6d10 years

75 years

80 years

+1d10 years

35 years

55 years

80 years

+3d10 years


40 years

60 years

75 years

+2d10 years


60 years

90 years

120 years

+5d10 years



50 years

80 years

110 years

+5d10 years




35 years

50 years

70 years

+2d10 years





45 years

65 years

90 years

+2d10 years

8 years





30 years

40 years

50 years

+1d10 years

4 years







25 years

+1d10 years


Middle Age1


1 Barbarian, rogue, and wilder. 2 Bard, druid, fighter, paladin, psychic warrior, and ranger. 3 Cleric, monk, psion, and wizard.

1 -1 to Str, Dex, and Con; +1 to Int, Wis, and Cha. 2 -2 to Str, Dex, and Con; +1 to Int, Wis, and Cha. 3 -3 to Str, Dex, and Con; +1 to Int, Wis, and Cha




D Aarakocra

Aarakocra are a freedom-loving race of vulture-like humanoids. From their nests in the high mountain ranges, the aarakocra can avoid the “ties of the dust” that drag down the groundling races. Aarakocra believe that life is a test of skill and worth, drawing them into constant competitions for status and leadership. Aarakocra do not relish petty triumphs, but rather seek out opportunities for meaningful challenges. Their fierce independence makes aarakocra wary of forming bonds with non-aarakocra, but if an aarakocra overcomes this natural reticence, he is a fiercely loyal friend. Physical Description: Aarakocra are usually about 7 feet tall, with a wingspan of roughly 20 feet. Aarakocra are covered in feathers: heavy feathers on their wings and back, but with light, downy feathers on their inner torso and head. Their plumage is always in natural colors, but when they feel secure aarakocra enjoy dying their feathers in kaleidoscopic patterns. At the center of each wing, an aarakocra has a threefingered hand, and their foot talons are prehensile, with two opposable thumbs on each. An aarakocra in flight can manipulate objects with his feet just as well as he might with his hands. Aarakocra heads are dominated by their large, flat beak. Their eyes are proportionally small, and their ears mere tufts. Homeland: Winter Nest, the largest known aarakocra community, lies in the White Mountains. Others may be found in mountains all over the Tablelands. Each major nest may be home to several different tribes, who swear neutrality within the nest.

Society: Each aarakocra tribe is led by a chieftain and a shaman, who is almost always a cleric of Air. Most important occasions in aarakocra life, such as the ascension of a chieftain or a child's rite of passage, are sanctified by summoning an air elemental and receiving its blessing. Aarakocra chieftains must win their position through some feat of great skill which benefits the tribe; no aarakocra views simple combat prowess as a true sign of excellence. If an aarakocra believes that the chief is leading the tribe poorly, he must both argue his case and perform a deed to match the one which earned the chief his position. Similarly, each shaman trains several apprentices, who are expected to compete for primacy within the tribe. Relations: Aarakocra are extremely territorial, and fiercely defend their nests from any strangers not known to them. They are a confident and proud race, with little empathy for land-bound “dusteaters.” Other races, for their part, usually mistrust aarakocra for their disdain for groundling laws and mores. This lack of trust is compounded by the aarakocra tradition of taking “tolls” from passing caravans by force. Adventurers: Many young aarakocra leave the tribe for a time to explore the world and develop their skills outside the comfort of home. This is a common and respected practice, known as aarthikma, or “freeflying”. Other aarakocra adventurers are usually outcastes from their tribes. Male Names: Awnunaak, Cawthra, Hraakata, Kraah, Krekkekelar, Nakaaka, Thraka. Female Names: Arraako, Erakee, Kariko, Kekko, Lisako, Taawthra, Troho. Tribal Names: Cloud Dancer, Far Seer, Peak Master, Rain Catcher, Sun Diver, Wind Talon.

Aarakocra Racial Traits

+2 Dexterity, +2 Wisdom, -2 Constitution: Aarakocra are clever and agile, but their light bones make them frail. Medium: As medium creatures, aarakocra have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size. Movement: Aarakocra base land speed is 20 feet, and they have a flight speed of 60 feet (average). Low-light Vision: Aarakocra can see twice as far as humans in moonlight and similar conditions of dim light. Natural Weapons: Aarakocra have two claws that deal 1d4 damage, and a secondary bite attack that deals 1d6 damage. Natural Armor: Aarakocra have a thick bony plate in their chests, granting them +1 natural armor. Aerial Pounce: When an aarakocra makes a diving charge attack, it can make a full attack using only its natural weapons at the end of the charge. Strange Physiology: The base price of any armor made for an aarakocra character is double the normal price. Claustrophobia: Aarakocra have a racial fear of enclosed spaces. Any time an aarakocra is in any building or natural feature smaller than 20 feet on each side, or is trapped in a crowd of people or animals, or is in any place where it cannot readily see the sky, it becomes shaken. Language: Aarakocra characters automatically speak Common and Auran.


D Dwarves

Dwarves are a stern and stoic race characterized by incredible passions. All dwarves have a focus, a task that they devote their lives to accomplishing. The focus becomes the essence of the dwarf's being – he defines his own worth by the progress of his focus. Dwarves spend most of their adult lives with a focus, and usually acquire a new one within one week of completing their previous focus. Nothing makes a dwarf happier than single-mindedly pursuing his focus, and no enemy is more implacable than a dwarf whose focus has been thwarted. Physical Description: Dwarves are short and stocky, standing roughly one foot shorter than the average human but considerably wider. Dwarves of both genders are naturally hairless on their heads and faces, and have a strong cultural revulsion for the human practice of growing out hair in these areas. Most dwarves eschew all decoration, believing that the unadorned physical form is the highest beauty. Homeland: Most dwarves live among humans in the city-states, often as slaves or laborers. A few fully dwarven communities are scattered through the Tablelands, most notably the fortified town of Kled, near Tyr, and the twin villages of North and South Ledopolus along the Estuary of the Forked Tongue.

Society: City-born dwarves conform to human social norms, and are often stronger adherents than the humans themselves. All dwarves believe in the value of a stable hierarchy, and insist that the best course for any person is to determine their place in that hierarchy and to remain there. Even if this obedience to hierarchy seems detrimental, it is far better than anarchy. Dwarves place great importance on kinship, and each dwarf is expected to uphold the honor of his family at all times. Relations: Though in many respects dwarves are a subject species, few beings are less servile than a dwarf. A dwarf's relationship with other species is highly individualized. All centers around the focus: those beings who assist the dwarf in accomplishing his focus are worthy friends and allies, while any who stand in the dwarf's path are, at best, obstacles to be avoided, and at worst, enemies to be slaughtered. Adventurers: Dwarves seek adventure for many of the same reasons that a human might – to obtain wealth, to earn status, to simply explore the world. Many adventuring dwarves leave their homes to follow an especially demanding focus. Male Names: Caro, Dolgrin, Grunyar, Harsk, Kazmuk, Morgrym, Rogar. Female Names: Agna, Bodill, Fyra, Ingra, Kotri, Palashi, Rusilka, Yangrit. Family Names: Arn, Gurk, Mern, Ordik, Tolin.

Dwarf Racial Traits +2 Constitution, +2 Wisdom, -2 Charisma: Dwarves are both tough and wise, but also a bit gruff. Medium: As medium creatures, dwarves have no penalties or bonuses due to their size. Movement: Dwarves have a base land speed of 20 feet. Slow and Steady: Dwarves are never slowed by armor or encumbrance. Darkvision: Dwarves can see in the dark up to 60 feet. Dwarven Concentration: Dwarves gain a +2 racial bonus to Autohypnosis checks and to checks to concentrate on spells or powers. They can also use Autohypnosis without training. Focused: A dwarf's focus may be any task, but anything that would take less than one week to accomplish is too simple to become a focus. Any check or roll made in pursuit of the focus gains a +1 morale bonus; this bonus also applies to the save DC of spells or psionic powers cast to advance the focus. Hardy: Dwarves receive a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against wounds, poison, and disease. Stability: Dwarves receive a +4 racial bonus to their Combat Maneuver Defense when resisting a bull rush or trip attempt while standing on the ground. Stonecunning: Dwarves receive a +2 bonus on Perception checks to notice unusual stonework, such as traps or hidden doors in stone walls. They automatically make a check to notice such features whenever they pass within 10 feet of them, whether or not they are actively looking. Racial Weapons: Dwarves are automatically proficient with impalers and warhammers, and they treat the heartpick and urgrosh as martial weapons. Language: Dwarf characters automatically speak Common and Dwarven.


D Elves

Elves view life as an opportunity for excitement and pleasure, making them perhaps the greatest optimists on Athas. They roam the Athasian wastelands in nomadic tribes, always on the lookout for an angle – an item of value, a reason to laugh, or just a chance to do something new and interesting. Elves prefer a short life of surprise and adventure to a long, dull existence. Other races believe elves to be lazy and dishonest, which is true so far as it goes. Elves are notorious thieves, with no respect for any property that is not their own, and they prefer to avoid labor whenever possible. They would say, however, that leisure is a privilege and a sign of their own magnificence. Physical Description: Elves are much taller than humans, but their thin and graceful forms give an impression of speed rather than ponderous bulk. Even the strongest elf shows scarcely any muscle in his wiry frame. Elves tend toward a tanned complexion even when living out of the sun. Their ears come to long points, and combined with their slanting features make them seem very exotic an desirable. Homeland: Elves would say that the entire waste is Elven land, but most tribes show little interest in enforcing such claims. There are no known elven villages, and apart from the few elves who take up permanent residence in the city-states, no claims of elven communities outside of the tribes. Society: Elven culture is based around the ideal of tribal unity. Any true elf would make great sacrifices to benefit his tribe; selfishness is one of the greatest

sins among elves. All members of the tribe are expected to contribute, and to keep up. Any elf who cannot run with the tribe is left to find his own way. Elves spurn the use of mounts for transport, believing that riding a beast is a sign of degeneracy. Relations: Elves prefer the company of their tribe and their personal friends whenever possible. They view strangers as enemies, marks, or both, so elves look for anything which might give them an edge. Elves always attempt to con, cheat, or steal from other races when given a chance, though if hostility breaks out, they usually prefer flight to violence. If an elf believes that someone might be a worthy friend, he will arrange tests of loyalty to determine if that person would be willing to take risks and make sacrifices for him. Once gained, an elf's trust is unshakable. Adventurers: All elves are afflicted by curiosity and wanderlust, making them natural adventurers. Most choose to keep their tribal affiliations, so that they may boast of their accomplishments when they return. Adventuring elves are expected to allow their chieftain periodic choice from their spoils; those who hold out are seen as disloyal and selfish. Naming: Elven children remain nameless until they are strong enough to keep up with the tribe, usually around four years old. At this time, the child is taught to run in the elven fashion, and named after the first interesting thing it does during the training. All elven names have meaning, and an elf's name is believed to reveal his true nature and his destiny. Names: Botuu (Water Runner), Dukkoti (Wind Fighter), Ekee (Wild Dancer), Lobuu (First Runner), Shaanto (Fire Leaper), Traako (Metal Stealer).

Elf Racial Traits +2 Dexterity, +2 Charisma, -2 Constitution: Elves are agile and very personable, but their bodies are frail. Medium: As medium creatures, elves receive no bonuses or penalties due to their size. Movement: Elves have a base land speed of 40 feet. Low-light Vision: Elves can see twice as far as humans in moonlight and similar conditions of dim light. Elven Immunities: Elves gain a +2 racial bonus to saving throws against charm and compulsion effects. Keen Senses: Elves receive a +2 racial bonus to Perception checks. Long Hustle: Elves can hustle over long distances without penalty. Overland Run: Elves can run for a number of hours equal to their Constitution score without making any checks. After this time, they must make a Constitution check every hour (DC 10 + 1 per previous check) or become exhausted until they receive at least eight hours of bed rest. Temperature Regulation: Elves resist the effects of heat stroke more easily than most races. They gain heat protection +2. Racial Weapons: Elves are automatically proficient with the elven longblade and the longbow, and they treat the doubletipped spear and the elven curveblade as martial weapons. Language: Elf characters automatically speak Common and Elven.


D Goliaths

Goliaths are a race of mountain-dwelling humanoids who live in the mountains of the Dead Lands, south of the Tyr Valley. Their history tells of an ancient journey through the wreckage of a dying land, which ended when they found their current home of Halatargasha, the Mountain That Lives. Today, goliaths must eke out their survival in the harsh obsidian wastes. Goliaths have a deep-seated love of competition, keeping score as a way of measuring their prowess compared to that of their companions. They believe strongly in the value of rules and fair play, and disapprove of cheating in any situation. However, they also value fitness above all other traits; goliaths have no sympathy for those who can't pull their own weight. Physical Description: Most goliaths stand at least a head above any humans they meet, though they are still shorter than elves. However, the average goliath is half as wide as he is tall, and very muscular besides. Goliaths have tough grey skin, mottled with darker patches that form rippling patterns. Their faces are heavy-set, with a jutting eyebrow ridge and wide jaw. Goliaths do not grow hair as such, but thin, fuzzy organic growths similar to lichen sprout all over the upper bodies of both male and female goliaths. Homeland: The only goliath communities exist in the Dead Lands, deep inside the trackless obsidian wastes. A few goliaths have traveled to the Tyr Valley, but none have revealed the location of their home. Society: Goliath society is deeply structured, guided by an intricate code of etiquette called

Vaimarantakka (“The Way of Deep-Held Blood”). Goliaths are organized in large kinship-linked clans, each clan competing for honor, precedence, and the scarce resources of the Dead Lands. Within their clans, goliaths place great importance on rank, but are much more willing to relax protocol and simply enjoy the company of their friends and relatives. The natural goliath love of competition is channeled into specific outlets by the precepts of Vaimarantakka, with the consequence that even a simple game or sport can become a contest for dominance between clans. Relations: Goliaths are aware of the civilization of the Tyr Valley, and fear for their freedom from the rapacious sorcerer-monarchs. However, goliaths hold the only known adamantine mine in Athas, granting them the trading leverage to obtain worked wood and other goods that they cannot produce themselves. Adventurers: Most goliaths find the struggle for survival in their obsidian hell to be adventure enough. Those who leave the Dead Lands are usually outcasts from their clan, though just as many are exiled for political expediency as for actual crimes. Honorifics: Adult goliaths, once they have completed their rite of passage, receive an honorific name which highlights their greatest skill or deed. An honorific might change several times during each goliath's life to reflect new accomplishments. Male Names: Aukan, Eglath, Gauthak, Ilikan, Keothi, Lo-Kar, Maveith, Meavoi, Thotham, Vimak. Female Names: Gae-Al, Kuori, Manneath, Nalla, Orilo, Paavu, Pethani, Thalai, Uthal, Vaunea. Clan Names: Anakalathai, Gathakanathi, Kalagiano, Ogolakanu, Thuliaga, Vaimei-Laga.

Goliath Racial Traits +2 Strength, +2 Constitution, -2 Dexterity: Goliaths are tough and strong, but their size makes them clumsy. Medium: As medium creatures, goliaths receive no bonuses or penalties due to size (but see powerful build). Movement: Goliaths have a base land speed of 30 feet. Low-light Vision: Goliaths can see twice as far as humans in moonlight and similar conditions of dim light. Altitude Adaptation: Goliaths do not take penalties at high altitudes, and they do not lose their acclimation. Athletic: Goliaths can make long jumps and high jumps as if they had a running start. Dead Land Survivor: Goliaths are well-adapted to their brutal homeland. They receive heat protection 1, and resistance 5 against negative energy damage. They also receive a +2 racial bonus to saving throws against disease. Mountain Movement: Goliaths do not take any penalties using the Climb skill for accelerated climbing. Powerful Build: Goliaths are large, stocky creatures. They are treated as Large for the purpose of maneuvers: they gain a +1 size bonus to CMB and CMD, and count as Large for determining whether maneuvers (such as whirlwind or swallow whole) can affect them. Social Observer: Goliaths have an instinctive grasp of body language, and receive +2 racial bonus to Sense Motive checks. Language: Goliath characters automatically speak Terran. Most adventuring goliaths find it helpful to learn Common.


loyal members are half-elves, and they often find leadership positions in resistance cells that oppose the sorcerer-monarchs. Having experienced repression Many humans find themselves drawn to the beautiful and cruelty their whole lives, half-elves are often and exotic elves, with their grace and their honeyed sympathetic to slaves and other subjugated groups. words. Such unions usually end in broken hearts Few half-elves are able to find honest employment when the elven partner moves on to follow the tribe. due to human distrust of their elven heritage, leading Sometimes, however, and against most conventional many of them into the underworld economies of the logic, a child is conceived from the tryst. Half-elves are city-states. Half-elves are usually quite attractive, usually shunned by their parents; the elves cast halfmaking them popular in brothels, but those who can breed children from the tribe, abandoning them to the afford instruction prefer the bard's life. Quite a few wastes, while humans believe that the child inherits become adept spies and assassins. the shifty and duplicitous nature of its elven parent. Relations: Half-elves tend to have a very complex This rejection leaves half-elves depressed and bitter. relationship with humans and elves. They often feel Most suffer from a crushing need for respect and neglected and betrayed by their parent races, leading admiration, especially from humans and elves. Halfthem into a bitter resentment. On the other hand, they elves always feel that they will be judged as inferior crave approval, acknowledgment that they measured unless they prove their worth to their companions. up to the standards of “real people.” Ironically, though Physical Description: Most half-elves favor their other races are more likely to give half-elves the praise human parent, though they are taller than average that they seek, half-elves usually see such accolades as and bear the pointed ears and slanted eyes of elves. poor substitutes for the acceptance that they crave. Many find it relatively easy to pass for human. Adventurers: Half-elves who still seek recognition Homeland: Almost all half-elves dwell in the city- in society often take to an adventurer's life, hoping states, where elves and humans are most likely to that valor and wealth might overcome the stigma of mingle. They do not form racial communities. their ancestry. Others may take up a cause – half-elf Society: Half-elves generally adopt the practices of clerics are often the most devout of all, while those the local human society. Their hunger to prove their who throw their energies into resistance movements worth to humans has lead many sorcerer-kings to work toward their goals with frenetic energy. Halfrelax their prejudice against non-humans enough to elves have an amazing versatility which can lead them allow some half-elves to enter the Templarate. Only to success in any path that they choose. the most ambitious and ruthless half-elves follow this Names: Half-elven children usually take human path, but they often make very effective templars. names, or at least the names of whatever species might On the other side of the same coin, many halfadopt them. They are never given elven names, and elves choose to devote their lives to liberation any full-blooded elf who finds a half-elf claiming an movements. Quite a few of the Veiled Alliance's most elven name will react poorly, and likely violently.

D Half-Elves

Half-Elf Racial Traits +2 to One Ability Score: Half-elves are very versatile, and skilled at many professions. Medium: As medium creatures, half-elves receive no bonuses or penalties due to size. Movement: Half-elves have a base land speed of 30 feet. Elf Blood: Half-elves count as both elves and humans for the purposes of any effect related to race. Low-light Vision: Half-elves can see twice as far as humans in moonlight and similar conditions of dim light. Adaptability: Half-elves receive Skill Focus as a bonus feat at 1st level. Elven Immunities: Half-elves gain a +2 racial bonus to saving throws against charm and compulsion effects. Keen Senses: Half-elves receive a +2 racial bonus to Perception checks. Multitalented: Half-elves may choose two favored classes instead of one. Temperature Regulation: Half-elves inherit some of their elven parent's resistance to heat. They gain heat protection +1. Language: Half-elf characters automatically speak Common.


D Half-Giants

Legends tell that in ages past, a sorcerer-queen used wizardry to blend the race of giants with her human subjects in order to create a powerful race of slaves. Though some have disputed the accuracy of this tale, it remains the most popular account of the origins of half-giants. Bred for captivity and slavery, half-giants have the strength of three grown humans and less intelligence than one. They are well aware of their mental limitations, and batten onto the cleverest and most charismatic person that they know as a guide for the world. Half-giants tend to have weak, or at least unformed personalities, and rely on their “little master” to show them the proper way to act. Some people, especially humans in the city-states, have been mislead by this behavior into believing that half-giants are docile and peaceful. This is a mistake. Violence comes naturally to half-giants, and they are well adapted to its use. A half-giant can pull down a building with his bare hands, and will do so without hesitation if threatened. Physical Description: Half-giants are an imposing sight, standing over 11 feet tall and weighing more than 1,000 pounds. Their hair is thick and tough, though not so strong as that of their giant forbears, and most half-giants delight in shaping it into thick braids. Half-giants usually have dark skin, verging on ebony, but their eyes are always a dull, bland brown.

Homeland: Half-giants have very little sense of racial identity, and as a slave race, normally live among humans in the city-states. Society: Despite their prowess as warriors, halfgiants seem content to dwell in humanity's shadow. Though there are many free half-giants roaming the Tyr Valley, there are very few half-giant communities. Their simple and uncomplicated personalities make them poor leaders and worse organizers. By the same token, however, one could find some half-giants in nearly any part of the Tablelands. Most half-giants take great pride in stories of great heroes from their own race, and some actively collect these tales. Relations: Half-giants get along well with all races. Aware of their own mental inferiority, they tend to adopt an attitude of good-natured servility. Moreover, half-giants are social mimics who easily pick up mannerisms and customs from those around them. A half-giant among elves will undertake to con and deceive those around him, while among dwarves he might learn to quarry stone for his living. Adventurers: Half-giants are occasionally taken by wanderlust, and seek out new customs and practices that might satisfy them. Most often, though, half-giant adventurers are simply following an interesting companion of another race. Names: Enslaved half-giants are usually given human names. Free half-giants, or those who gain their freedom later in life, often take new names from whatever race they most admire.

Half-Giant Racial Traits +6 Strength, +4 Constitution, -2 Dexterity, -4 Intelligence, -2 Charisma: Half-giants are very powerful and tough, but their size makes them clumsy, and they are famously dimwitted. Large: Half-giants take a -1 penalty to Armor Class and attack rolls due to their size. However, they have a reach of 10 ft. The base price of equipment for large creatures is twice that listed in the Equipment chapter. Movement: Half-giant base land speed is 40 feet. Darkvision: Half-giants can see in darkness out to 60 feet. Natural Armor: Half-giants have thick, leathery skin which grants them a +2 natural armor bonus to AC. Natural Psionics: Half-giants gain 1 bonus power point at 1st level, thereby allowing them to qualify for psionic feats. Malleable Alignment: When creating a half-giant character, choose one axis of his alignment (good/evil or law/chaos) to be fixed. The other axis may be changed once each day when the half-giant wakes. Half-giants often find interesting members of other species to pattern themselves on, and adopt the personality characteristics of their “little masters.” A little master usually has a strong personality, but half-giants may change allegiance (and identity) without warning. Racial Weapon: Half-giants treat the swatter as a martial weapon. Language: Half-giant characters automatically speak Common. Level Adjustment: Half-giant characters count as 1 level higher for the purposes of determining their character level. For example, a 1st-level half-giant barbarian would count as a 2nd level character when determining his strength in the group and the experience he needs to level up.


D Halflings

Those few explorers from the Tablelands who travel the Ringing Mountains return with fantastic stories of a lush jungle in the mountain heights. They also bring tales of the terrible dangers of the forest – ferocious beasts, deadly plants, and worst of all, tiny children who fight like demons. These are not children in truth, though halflings may appear to be human toddlers to the untrained eye. Halflings have had little contact with the people of the Tyr Valley, in part due to the dangers of the impassable mountains between them. More importantly, however, halflings are deeply xenophobic and see other races primarily as potential dinners. They are not true cannibals as some would claim, for no halfling would ever eat another halfling, but they are extremely predatory and do not see sentience as a relevant consideration in choosing their meals. However, halflings are also a deeply mystical people with strong ties to the land. They believe that they are the guardians of the most fertile land on all of Athas, and will take any measure to protect their forest home from the depredations of lowlanders. Physical Description: Halflings stand barely more than three feet high, but make up for their size with an incredible ferocity. Their bodies tend to be lithe rather than muscular. Halflings eschew clothing whenever possible and walk barefoot, which leaves their skin tough and thickly calloused all over. Halflings have a deep love for their hair, but express this love in different ways. While some keep their hair carefully styled and clipped, the more primitive jungle tribes view such grooming as a sign of weakness, and value a wild, unkempt mane pulled into dreadlocks.

Homeland: Halflings have a thriving tribal civilization in the Forest Ridge. A few halflings have also chosen to establish villages in the Tyr Valley. Society: Halflings share a common culture that is as complex as it is ancient. Their traditions enshrine the value of halfling life, which makes any fighting among their tribes an extremely rare occurrence. Halfling tribes assist each other whenever possible, and are quick to unite against any external threat. All halflings are raised with a rich background of their cultural lore. Halflings are so steeped in their own culture that much of their communication relies upon analogies and allusions to classical tales. An admonition of caution, for example, might take the form of simply saying the name of a halfling hero who met a bad end due to rash action. These references are nearly impossible for other races to decipher. Relations: Halflings see other races as a combination of dangerous invaders and dietary supplements. Halflings are omnivorous, but strongly prefer meat-heavy diets, and they are quite happy to experiment with the new taste sensations that an interloper might offer. On those occasions when they talk to non-halflings, they often become frustrated by the difficulty of communicating with “uncultured” beings who do not understand halfling culture. Adventurers: Halflings are naturally inquisitive, and sometimes decide to explore other lands and cultures. Others may seek opportunities for profit in the Tablelands, though these are often renegade halflings who have been exiled from their tribe. Male Names: Antal, Boram, Jamir, Kaleb, Lem, Miro, Nok, Sumak, Talik. Female Names: Amyra, Anafa, Belli, Etune, Filya, Lissa, Marra, Rillka, Sistra.

Halfling Racial Traits +2 Dexterity, +2 Wisdom, -2 Strength: Halflings are agile and strong-willed, but their small stature makes them weaker than other races. Small: As small creatures, halflings gain a +1 size bonus to attack rolls and AC and a +4 size bonus to Stealth checks. However, they take a -1 penalty to their CMB and CMD. Movement: Halfling base land speed is 25 feet. Fearless: Halflings receive a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against fear. Halfling Luck: Halflings gain a +1 racial bonus to all saving throws. Sure-Footed: Halflings receive a +2 racial bonus on Acrobatics and Climb checks. Culture Shock: Halflings receive a -2 penalty to Diplomacy and Intimidate checks when dealing with non-halflings. Racial Weapons: Halflings are automatically proficient with atlatls and slodaks. Language: Halfling characters automatically speak Halfling. Most adventuring halflings find it helpful to learn Common.


D Humans

Humans possess a drive to expand and control unmatched by any other race on Athas. This drive has lead them to become the dominant species of the Tyr Valley, and arguably the single most powerful species in the world. Humans justify their actions as necessary measures to preserve order and civilization in the harsh wasteland that Athas has become. Human societies are turbulent, but they still constantly strive for a sense of order in a chaotic world. Above all else, though, humans are ambitious. They believe that, with effort, they can truly create a perfect world. Physical Description: The humans of the Tyr Valley tend to have dark skin, ranging from deep bronze to solid black, with similarly dark eyes. Human faces are thick-boned and heavy-set with widely spaced features and strong jaws. Women tend to be small-breasted in the parched climate of the Tablelands. Human hair is usually dark and kinked, and while the exact fashions vary between cities, they normally wear their hair cropped short. Humans of both genders have an attachment to jewels that most other races find obnoxiously superficial, and humans like to display their social status by wearing heavier and finer adornments as their rank increases. Homeland: Humans can claim most of the Tablelands as their territory. Human cities dominate the trade routes and the limited agriculture possible in the desolate wastes, making humanity the de facto masters of the Tyr Valley and its environs. Society: Human social structures tend heavily towards totalitarian monarchies, no matter where they may flourish. Humans instinctively turn to authority figures for reassurance in troubled times, and often create systems which give over control of society so that the rest of humanity can “get on with their lives.” This basic tendency of humans has been exploited by many cunning and ambitious individuals over the

course of Athasian history, and none have been more successful in doing so than the tyrannical sorcererkings. Even when humans have pulled down corrupt leaders, their desire to enforce social order usually leads them to create new overlords in short order. Relations: Humans view themselves as a superior race, and believe that their dominance of the Tyr Valley is derived from inherent mastery rather than historical circumstance. While humans willingly acknowledge the success of other races, and agree that dwarves are better stonecutters and elves superior runners, they argue that human versatility has made humanity the ideal ruling race. Most humans don't vocalize this sense of superiority, but it colors all relationships with non-human races. Religion: Humans are nearly unique among the races of the Tablelands in having actual religions, as opposed to the more common worship of the elements and paraelements, which have no orthodoxy and few consistent rituals. Humans, by contrast, have been known to create religions in the classical sense, with deity figures, sacred texts, and regular ritual observances. The people of Gulg and Draj venerate their sorcerer-monarchs as incarnate gods, while the sorcerer-queen of Raam poses as the Grand Vizier of an all-powerful being known as Badna. Even in cities without state religions, however, humans are prone to ascribe supernatural events to the actions of gods. Divine cults are common in human communities, often based around charismatic leaders preaching an apocalyptic or racist theology. Adventurers: Humans become adventurers for many reasons – desire for wealth or fame, devotion to a cause, even simple wanderlust and curiosity. Names: Human names vary widely by region. The names below are common near the city-state of Tyr. Male Names: Agis, Borys, Craster, Erthos, Milo, Mehendi, Pavek, Tithian, Walthar. Female Names: Akassia, Essen, Karla, Maron, Neeva, Sadira, Triana.

Human Racial Traits +2 to One Ability Score: Humans are the ultimate generalists, and are skilled at any profession. Medium: As medium creatures, humans receive no bonuses or penalties due to size. Movement: Human base land speed is 30 feet. Bonus Feat: Humans receive a bonus feat of their choice at 1st level. Skilled: Humans gain an additional skill point at every level, including 1st. Language: Human characters automatically speak Common.


D Muls

Born from the unlikely mixture of dwarf and human blood, muls combine the size and adaptable nature of humanity with the strength and resilience of dwarves. The whole is far greater than the sum of its parts; muls are tireless workers who can toil or fight for hours without respite. Unfortunately, this fact has been noted by human slave breeders, for muls are not easily born. Humans and dwarves do not share the interspecies fertility and attraction that gives rise to half-elves, meaning that even conception takes months. Worse, muls are unnatural children who can severely injure the mother. More often than not, anxious overseers will save a mul child by cutting it from the body of its dying mother. Muls themselves are sterile, and cannot create more of their own kind. But despite the costs and trauma of mul breeding, it is still very common, for the sheer physical prowess of muls makes them ideal gladiators, the most valuable sort of slave. Physical Description: Second only to half-giants, muls are the strongest of the common humanoid races of the Tablelands. Muls can grow as tall as seven feet, and both men and women are thickly muscled and broad shouldered. Like dwarves, muls do not grow body hair of any sort, and their skin tends toward dark shades. Their faces take after those of humans, except for their ears, which are slanted and pressed close to their heads. Nearly all muls have tattoos over most of their torso which identify their owner and their skills. These tattoos are excruciating to remove. Homeland: Muls have no homes except those given to them by their human masters. Most slave

tribes include at least one or two escaped muls. Society: Between their birth into slavery and their inability to bear children, muls have almost no sense of racial identity. They are quite literally incapable of forming a real culture without progeny to inherit that culture. However, muls can reasonably be said to understand the culture of slavery better than any other race. Their sheer value and their ability to ignore physical pain make muls well able to survive life in the slave pits. Muls learn from their mistakes better than other slaves, not because they are more clever, but because they tend to survive those mistakes. Muls learn to manipulate their masters and fellow slaves alike, and often become the most popular slaves. Relations: Muls are remarkably free of racial prejudice. They dislike their masters, but meet enough enslaved humans that they do not associate slavery with humanity as so many other races do. With their background as gladiators, muls assume that most people that they meet are strong and dangerous (though not as dangerous as themselves). Some escaped muls are surprised to learn that not all beings are trained in weaponry and combat from infancy. Free muls must constantly watch their acquaintances, for slaver bands have found captured muls to be extremely profitable commodities. Adventurers: Most muls long for freedom from their captivity, and once they have escaped, they find that adventuring is one of the safest and most lucrative professions available. Names: As a slave race, muls are normally given human names. Some are only given titles, to better indoctrinate them to their destiny in the arena. Freed muls often choose new names to signify liberty, which are generally traditional dwarven names.

Mul Racial Traits +2 Strength, +2 Constitution, -2 Charisma: Muls are bred for power endurance, but their low status makes them insecure. Medium: As medium creatures, muls have no special bonuses or penalties due to size. Movement: A mul's base land speed is 30 feet. Dwarf Blood: Muls are treated as dwarves for all purposes related to race. Hardy: Muls receive a +2 racial bonus to saving throws against poison, disease, and wounds. Rapid Recovery: Muls heal from damage with remarkable speed. They naturally recover hit points and physical ability score damage twice as fast as normal. They also gain a +2 racial bonus to checks to stabilize and regain consciousness. Tireless: Muls receive a +4 racial bonus to checks for performing extended physical actions (running, lifting, holding their breath, etc.). They also receive this bonus to resist any effect that would cause them to become fatigued or exhausted. Toughness: Muls ignore the minor scrapes that might pain a weaker race. They gain resistance 1 to non-lethal damage. Language: Mul characters automatically speak either Common or Dwarven (player's choice).


D Pterrans

Pterran history-chants tell that once, the pterrans were a race of simple hunter-gatherers, living in peaceful coexistence with their environment. Most pterrans are too respectful to doubt their loremasters, but they find it difficult to believe that their perspective was ever so limited, or their race so weak. In the intervening years, the pterrans encountered a terrible enemy who subjugated their whole species as slaves and food sources. A century of brutal guerilla warfare defeated this enemy, but left the pterrans permanently changed. All pterrans are trained in tactics and strategy from a young age; they instinctively assess their surroundings for ambush points and defensive positions, and approach challenges with calm, rational planning. Pterrans believe in conserving their energy for survival, and usually attempt to solve problems with diplomacy or subterfuge before resorting to force. However, as soon as a pterran decides that only violence can resolve his difficulties, he will attack with relentless ferocity and expect others to do the same. Physical Description: As reptiles, pterran bodies are covered in light, smooth scales instead of skin. Their scales are light brown, speckled with white and grey flecks. Pterrans have internal genitals, and see little use for clothing apart from armor. Pterrans are usually thin and willowy, and walk upright with an awkward gait, though at need they can move as quickly and surely as any other race. Their three-

fingered hands bear sharp claws, and a heavy, fin-like ridge protrudes from their skulls. Homeland: Pterrans originate to the west of the Ringing Mountains, but have begun to travel east in recent years, establishing several villages south of Tyr. Society: Pterran society was shaped by terrible war. They are now highly militaristic, with most of their people receiving combat training of some variety. All pterrans have a life path, which guides their natural talents to fruition along the three traditional roles of warrior, druid, and psion. Life paths are chosen when each pterran is 8 years old, and each has found use in the pterran military life. Violence among pterrans is strictly prohibited by law and custom, which has made most pterrans adept negotiators. Intractable disputes are resolved by psionic mediators, who have absolute authority to render judgments. Relations: Pterrans are wary of other races, but see them as potential allies against future threats. Pterrans know that they are strong, both individually and as a species, but fear that the next threat might be too great for them to survive on their own. Pterrans formed a strong and successful alliance with the kreen in the fight against their last enemy, and have strong bonds with the several thri-kreen khans. Adventurers: Most pterrans outside of their native land view themselves as emissaries and outriders for their people. They seek knowledge, power, and allies that could increase their species' chance to survive. Male Names: Eeshan, Hrisskar, Nathhos, Sthisu. Female Names: Ahova, Evathho, Rinvath, Vvatha.

Pterran Racial Traits +2 Charisma, -2 Dexterity: Pterrans are cunning diplomats, but their bodies are inflexible. Medium: As medium creatures, pterrans have no special bonuses or penalties due to size. Movement: Pterran base land speed is 30 feet. Type (Humanoid [Reptilian]): Pterrans are humanoid creatures with the reptilian subtype. Low-Light Vision: Pterrans can see twice as far as humans in moonlight and similar conditions of dim light. Natural Weapons: Pterrans have two claws that deal 1d4 damage, and a secondary bite attack that deals 1d6 damage. Life Path: All pterrans choose a life path, which influences their abilities and skills. Once selected, it cannot be changed. Path of the Warrior: The pterran gains +2 Strength, a +1 bonus to Fortitude saves, and a +2 bonus to Ride checks. Path of the Druid: The pterran gains a +2 Wisdom, a +1 bonus to Reflex saves, and a +2 bonus to Survival checks. Path of the Psion: The pterran gains +2 Intelligence, a +1 bonus to Will saves, and a +2 bonus to Diplomacy checks. Militarism: Pterrans treat Knowledge (wacraft) as a class skill, and gain a +2 racial bonus to Knowledge (warcraft) checks. Poor Perception: Pterrans have bad eyesight and mere slits for ears. They take a -2 penalty to Perception checks. Racial Telepathy: Pterrans can always choose to gain missive as their wild talent, rather than rolling for their wild talent. Racial Weapons: Pterrans treat the thanak as a martial weapon instead of an exotic weapon. In addition, all pterrans gain proficiency with one martial weapon of their choice. Language: Pterran characters automatically speak Saurian. Most adventuring pterrans find it helpful to learn Common.


D Thri-kreen

Thri-kreen, or just “kreen,” are a race of nomadic hunters who roam the world in search of food. Kreen hunt all through the night and day, having no physical need for rest, and have never shown any desire to settle or establish any sort of permanent legacy. Thrikreen have produced no great works of art, and their cultural stories are closer to hunting instruction than entertainment. As active carnivores, kreen need to eat regularly to survive, and their packs range far across the land. Thri-kreen packs rarely number more than two dozen individuals, but each one is a ferocious and agile fighter capable of terrible destruction. Physical Description: Thri-kreen resemble large, bipedal insects. Their legs are extremely powerful, but incapable of fine manipulation, while their four arms, though tipped in claws, are quite dextrous. Thri-kreen bodies are encased in a heavy, dun-colored chitin exoskeleton; they have no internal bone structure of any sort.A thri-kreen has eyes and ears as any other humanoid might, but they also rely heavily on the large, feathery antennae that sit on the top of their heads. Kreen eyes are multi-faceted, and their mouths consist of small, jagged pincers. There is no visual difference between male and female thri-kreen; they

can tell the difference by pheromones. Homeland: Most thri-kreen live in the vast dustlands of the Crimson Savannah. Thri-kreen do not create cities or any other permanent community. Society: Thri-kreen are lead by the strongest member of the pack. Interactions with other races are often complicated by this fact, as any kreen introduced to a new group will attempt to establish dominance, which process closely resembles real violence. Within their packs, thri-kreen act harmoniously for the best interests of the group. There are no resentments or secrets between pack mates; all members of the pack share knowledge and resources to benefit the whole. Relations: Thri-kreen see other humanoids as competition, and sometimes as food. They do not eat dra (sentient meat races) unless desperate, with the exception of elves. Kreen are fond of the taste of elves, which makes relationships with them rather tense. When in the company of other races, thri-kreen instinctively attempt to create pack-like relationships. Adventurers: Thri-kreen who have been separated from their packs may attempt to form new ones with new companions. They will sometimes sojourn among the dra to observe their hunting techniques or to learn new psionic principles, which fascinate all kreen. Names: Chat'akcha, Ga'tik'chik, Kachka, Ko-k'kyl, Ka'Ka'Kyl, T'Chai, Tu'tochuk, Vzch-clik.

Thri-Kreen Racial Traits +2 Strength, +4 Dexterity, +2 Wisdom, -2 Intelligence, -2 Charisma: Kreen are strong and fast, but their “clutch-mind” instincts leave them with a poor sense of individuality. Medium: As medium creatures, thri-kreen receive no bonuses or penalties due to size. Movement: Thri-kreen base land speed is 45 feet. Type (Monstrous Humanoid): Thri-kreen are not subject to any effects that target humanoids only, such as charm person. Darkvision: Kreen can see in darkness out to 60 feet. Multiple Limbs: Thri-kreen have four independently-mobile arms, allowing them to take Multiweapon Fighting. Natural Armor: Thri-kreen bodies are covered in thick chitin plates, granting them a +1 natural armor bonus to AC. Natural Weapons: Thri-kreen have four claws that deal 1d4 damage, and a secondary bite attack that deals 1d6 damage. Sleep Immunity: Kreen do not sleep – they simply have no physiological or psychological need for rest. They are immune to sleep effects. Kreen spellcasters and manifesters must still rest to recover spell slots and power points. Camouflage: Thri-kreen blend in with the desert, gaining a +4 racial bonus to Stealth in sandy or arid areas. Leap: A kreen's powerful legs grant it a +8 racial bonus to Acrobatics checks to jump. Pack Telepathy: Thri-kreen gain missive as a bonus wild talent. Strange Physiology: The base price of any armor made for a thri-kreen character is double the normal price. Racial Weapons: Thri-kreen treat the chatkcha and gythka as martial rather than exotic weapons. Language: Thri-kreen characters automatically speak Kreen. Most adventuring kreen find it helpful to learn Common. Level Adjustment: Thri-kreen characters count as 1 level higher for the purposes of determining their character level. For example, a 1st-level thri-kreen psychic warrior would count as a 2nd level character when determining his strength in the group and the experience he needs to level up.



The harsh realities of Athas and the dangers of arcane magic are a constant factor in everyday life. Just as Athasian races are different, so too are the classes.

tradition. To refuse a bard from your house is a terrible crime, no matter your suspicions about the bard's motives. Enemies often send each other bards as gifts, to keep the other on edge and, eventually, to deliver the final kiss of death.

Character Advancement

Except as noted here, characters progress as specified in the Pathfinder Core Rules. Ability Score Increases: At every even-numbered level, you may increase two different ability scores by one point each. You do not need to advance the same ability scores every time you level.

Class Features

D Barbarian

Except as noted here, barbarians have the class features listed in the Pathfinder Core Rules. Skills: Barbarians receive 5 + Intelligence modifier skill points at each level. Escape Artist and Profession are class skills for barbarians. Swim is no longer a class skill. Wasteland Instincts: Long experience with the wastes of Athas has taught barbarians caution. They gain a bonus equal to one-third their barbarian level to Reflex saves and Armor Class against natural hazards, such as sandstorms or a stampede. This replaces the barbarian's trap sense ability.

D Bard

Bards hail from the shadowy corners of Athas' most unsavory dives, walk out of the most dangerous shadows. Athasian bards are the unquestioned masters of oral tradition and forgotten lore, but such gifts are not available to just anyone. Bards hoard their secrets like a merchant guards his stock, and for the same reason. A bard is a dealer in the obscure, the rare, and the hidden. Worst of all, none but the bard know the truth of the bard's tales. The bard that you hire might well have been purchased already by your enemy, and his every word is a slow poison, leading you onward toward death. Bards are masters of the subtle arts of murder; many are master poisoncrafters, having gleaned the secret lore of toxins from their research. Nonetheless, bards are protected by long

The bard class has undergone considerable changes. Unless specified here, they have none of the class features listed in the Pathfinder Core Rules. Hit Die: d8. Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: Bards are proficient with all simple weapons, plus the bard's friend, elven longblade, garrote, hand crossbow, master's whip, repeating crossbow, scimitar, shortbow, slodak, splashbow, starknife, whip, and widow's knife. Skills: Bards receive 8 + Intelligence modifier skill points at each level. Bards have the class skills listed in the Pathfinder Core Rules. Bardic Excellencies: Bards are capable of a variety of unique and specialized skills known as bardic excellencies. Bards learn new excellencies regularly, as shown on the table below. A bard can always choose to learn a lower-level excellency in place of a higherlevel excellency. The full list of excellencies may be found in the Magic chapter, although excellencies are not themselves magical effects. Unless specifically noted, using excellencies does not provoke attacks of opportunity. The saving throw DC against an excellency equals 10 + excellency level + Charisma modifier. Maximum Excellency Level: Bardic excellencies are divided into levels, much like spells. Higher level bards can learn stronger and more complex excellencies. Bards cannot learn any excellency higher level than one-third their class level. Bardic Knowledge: This is exactly like the bard feature of the same name specified in the Pathfinder Core Rules. Bardic Performance: This is exactly like the bard feature of the same name specified in the Pathfinder Core Rules.



Hit Die: d8

Level Base Attack Bonus

Skill Points: 8 + Int mod/level

Fort Save

Ref Save

Will Save Special

Excel. Max Known Level






Bardic knowledge, bardic performance, poison use, countersong, distraction, fascinate, inspire courage +1








Efficient alchemist, versatile performance








Guardian of knowledge, inspire competence +2








Improvisation, trade secret








Chance 1/day, inspire courage +2, loremaster 1/day








Improved poison use, quick reactions +2, suggestion, versatile performance








Inspire competence +3








Dirge of doom, trade secret








Inspire greatness, loremaster 2/day








Chance 2/day, jack-of-all-trades, versatile performance








Inspire competence +4, inspire courage +3








Quick reactions +4, soothing performance, trade secret








Loremaster 3/day








Frightening tune








Chance 3/day, inspire competence +5, inspire heroics








Trade secret








Inspire courage +4, loremaster 4/day








Mass suggestion, quick reactions +6








Inspire competence +6








Chance 4/day, deadly performance, trade secret



Poison Use: Bards have a reputation as skilled poisoners second only to their reputation as loremasters. At 1st level, bards never risk accidentally poisoning themselves when applying poison to a weapon, and the save DC against any poison applied by a bard increases by +1. Efficient Alchemist: Bards work hard to be selfsufficient, and extend their efforts to their trademark skills with poisons and alchemy. Starting at 2nd level, bards gain a competence bonus equal to their Charisma modifier to Craft (alchemy) checks to create poisons and alchemical items. Well-Versed: This is exactly like the bard feature of the same name specified in the Pathfinder Core Rules. Guardian of Secrets: Bards are frequently information dealers, spies, and assassins. No matter what their profession, they have valuable information and they know how to keep their mouths shut. Starting at 3rd level, bards receive a +2 morale bonus to all saves against telepathic powers, enchantment spells, and charm effects.

Versatile Performance: This ability is exactly like the bard feature of the same name specified in the Pathfinder Core Rules. Improvisation (Ex): Bards have always relied on their luck to see them out of bad situations. At 4th level, a bard gains a “luck pool” of 4 points per bard level that refreshes itself each day. He can expend points from his luck pool to gain a +1 luck bonus per point spent on a single attack roll, saving throw, skill check, or ability check. The bard must declare his expenditure of these points before making the roll, and cannot spend more points than one-half his bard level on a single roll. Any points remaining at the end of the day are lost and do not carry over to the next day. Trade Secret: Each bard develops their skills in different ways. At 4th level, and every four levels thereafter, bards learn a new trade secret from the following list. Agile (Ex): You gain a +1 dodge bonus to AC. This secret may be taken multiple times; its effects stack.


Awareness (Ex): You are not caught flat-footed in surprise rounds. You also gain a +4 competence bonus to Perception checks. Cool Negotiator (Ex): You may take 10 on Bluff and Diplomacy checks. Fast Stealth (Ex): This secret is exactly like the rogue talent of the same name specified in the Pathfinder Core Rules (p. 68). Healing Tonic (Ex): You are able to brew restorative potions. Treat this ability as a specialized version of the Create Limited Item feat which can only be used to create potions of cure wounds. You do not need to know any spells to create tonics. Treat your bard level as your caster level for this purpose. A bard's healing tonics are not magical. Major Psi Talent (Ps): You gain 2 power points and knowledge of a single 1st level psion power. Your manifester level is equal to your bard level. The save DC is 11 + your Intelligence modifier. Your Intelligence score must be 11 or higher to select this talent. This talent may be taken multiple times; each successive time, you gain 1 additional power point and knowledge of a different 1st level power. Prerequisite: psi talent. Master of Alchemy (Ex): When you craft alchemical items, you only need to pay half the normal cost for materials. You may also use improvised materials to create alchemical items, which doubles the creation time but cost only one-quarter of the normal material cost. Master of Venom (Ex): When you craft poisons, you only need to pay half the normal cost for materials. You may also use improvised materials to create poisons, which doubles the creation time but cost only one-quarter of the normal material cost. Scorpion's Touch (Ex): The save DC against any poison that you apply increases by +1. This secret may be taken multiple times; its effects stack. Poisonbane (Ex): Add one-half your bard level as a competence bonus to Craft checks to create antitoxin and poison antidotes. You only pay one-half the normal material cost to create these items (this stacks with the bonus from Master of Alchemy). You gain a +2 bonus to saving throws against poison. Poison Gas (Ex): You can apply up to three doses of inhaled poison to a smokestick. All creatures within the area that the smokestick covers are affected by the

poison. If you applied more than one dose, the save DC increases by +2 for each additional dose. Poisons applied this way have no onset time. Precision (Ex): You gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls against creatures with armor or natural armor. This secret make be taken multiple times; its effects stack. Psi Talent (Ps): You can use a single non-discipline psionic talent as a psi-like ability three times per day. Your manifester level is equal to your rogue level. Your Intelligence score must be 10 or higher to select this talent. Sneak Attack (Ex): This secret is exactly like the rogue feature of the same name specified in the Pathfinder Core Rules (p. 68). Your sneak attack deals +1d6 damage. This secret may be taken multiple times, each time increasing the sneak attack damage by +1d6. Skilled (Ex): Add one-half your bard level as a competence bonus to one of the following skills: Appraise, Bluff, Craft (specify type), Diplomacy, Heal, Perform (specify type), Profession, Sense Motive, or Sleight of Hand. This secret may be taken multiple times, selecting a different skill each time. If the bard selects this secret for a Performance skill, the competence bonus it grants does not apply to the use of his Versatile Performance ability. Chance (Ex): Bards live on the edge by habit and by profession. Once per day per five class levels, a bard may reroll a single d20 roll. He may keep the better result. Loremaster: This ability is exactly like the bard feature of the same name specified in the Pathfinder Core Rules, except that bards gain an additional use for every four levels, not every six. See the table above. Improved Poison Use (Ex): Starting at 6th level, bards can apply poison to a weapon as a free action. Quick Reactions (Ex): Bards must react swiftly to danger in their profession. Starting at 6th level, bards gain a +2 bonus to initiative checks. This bonus increases to +4 at 12th level, and to +6 at 18th level. Jack-of-All-Trades: This ability is exactly like the bard feature of the same name specified in the Pathfinder Core Rules.

D Cleric

Except as noted here, clerics have the class features listed in the Pathfinder Core Rules.


Build Options: When Cleric: Spells Readied Per Day Cleric: Spell Slots Per Day taking your first level of Level 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 cleric, you must decide 1 5 2+1 1 3 whether to advance as a 2 6 3+1 2 3 standard cleric or as a 3 6 3+1 2+1 3 3 2 templar. If you already 4 7 4+1 3+1 4 4 3 have one or more paladin 5 7 4+1 3+1 2+1 5 4 3 2 levels, you must follow the 6 8 5+1 4+1 3+1 6 4 4 3 same choice that you 7 8 5+1 4+1 3+1 2+1 7 5 4 3 2 selected for paladin. See 8 9 6+1 5+1 4+1 3+1 8 5 4 4 3 the Templar Priest kit 9 9 6+1 5+1 4+1 3+1 2+1 9 5 5 4 3 2 below for details. 10 9 7+1 6+1 5+1 4+1 3+1 10 5 5 4 4 3 Skills: Knowledge 11 9 7+1 6+1 5+1 4+1 3+1 2+1 11 5 5 5 4 3 2 (nature) and Survival are 12 9 8+1 7+1 6+1 5+1 4+1 3+1 12 5 5 5 4 4 3 class skills for clerics. 13 9 8+1 7+1 6+1 5+1 4+1 3+1 2+1 13 6 5 5 5 4 3 2 Clerics receive 4 + 14 * 9+1 8+1 7+1 6+1 5+1 4+1 3+1 14 6 5 5 5 4 4 3 Intelligence modifier skill 15 * 9+1 8+1 7+1 6+1 5+1 4+1 3+1 2+1 15 6 5 5 5 5 4 3 2 points at each level. 16 * 9+1 9+1 8+1 7+1 6+1 5+1 4+1 3+1 16 6 6 5 5 5 4 4 3 Elemental Worship: 17 * 9+1 9+1 8+1 7+1 6+1 5+1 4+1 3+1 2+1 17 6 6 6 5 5 5 4 3 2 Athasian clerics follow one 18 * 9+1 9+1 9+1 8+1 7+1 6+1 5+1 4+1 3+1 18 6 6 6 5 5 5 4 4 3 of the elements or 19 * 9+1 9+1 9+1 8+1 7+1 6+1 5+1 4+1 3+1 19 6 6 6 6 5 5 5 4 4 paraelements, rather than 20 * * 9+1 9+1 9+1 8+1 7+1 6+1 5+1 4+1 20 6 6 6 6 5 5 5 5 5 gods. Some choose to * You ready all spells of this level. +1 represents a domain spell. anthropomorphize their living creatures and elementals aligned with his elements, but this is a personal decision. Your choice element, and damages undead and elementals of domains is restricted by the element that you opposed to her element. For purposes of channeling worship. energy, Rain opposes Magma and Sun opposes Silt. Spells: Clerics cast divine spells, drawn from the Rebuke Elemental: Clerics can use their channel list found in the Magic chapter. Clerics now ready energy ability to restrain elementals aligned with their spells instead of preparing them. See the Magic element. All such elementals within a 30-foot radius chapter for information about how to ready spells, and the tables below for the number of readied spells must make a Will save (DC 10 + ½ cleric level + Charisma modifier); on failure, they are unable to and spell slots that clerics gain. Clerics gain an additional readied spell of each spell level which must attack the cleric and his allies for a number of rounds come from the spell list of one of their domains. They equal to the cleric's Charisma modifier. Attacking an affected elemental ends this effect. may also ready the spells of the other domain if they Create Element: All clerics may use create element so choose. as a spell-like ability once per day per two class levels. Energy Spellgift: Clerics have natural skill with See the Magic chapter for details. manipulating positive and negative energies. A good cleric automatically readies all cure spells that she is able to cast, while an evil cleric automatically readies all inflict spells. A neutral cleric must choose whether to ready cure or inflict spells upon taking her first cleric level; once this choice is made, it cannot be changed. Channel Energy: The effects of channel energy are no longer dependent on alignment, but rather on element. When a cleric channels energy, he heals

Templar Priest

Templars are the civil servants within a city-state's government, belonging to organizations with such sinister-sounding names as “bureau” or “order”. Mostly, however, they are referred to, collectively and singly, as the Templarate. Each templar swears absolute obedience to his temple, and absolute fealty


to his sorcerer-king patron. In return, the sorcerer-king grants them magical powers stolen from the elemental planes. The templars are devoted to upholding the veneration of the sorcerer-kings, and have responsibility for the secular enforcement of that monarch's laws. In most city-states, templars are the ultimate authority. Not all templars are equal, of course. Some are merely tax collectors or glorified clerks. However, competition within the ranks of the Templarate ensure a constant drive for success – and constant political infighting. The Templar Priest kit is a build option for clerics. Templar priests are devoted servants of the sorcererkings, and only acknowledge the elements so as to steal their gifts and persecute their worshippers. Templar priests do not gain a true cleric's control over elementals, and their powers are not influenced by a cleric's natural gift for manipulating positive and negative energy. However, they gain the extraordinary secular powers of their station, and can channel energy through their sigil to manifest the power of their sorcerer-king. Multiclassing Note: All templar priests must be accepted into the Templarate and undergo rigorous training and indoctrination before they are allowed to swear fealty and receive their powers. A 1st level character starting as a templar priest is assumed to have already accomplished these tasks. Any character who wishes to multiclass into the templar priest kit, however, must complete these requirements. Given the political brutality of the Templarate, this could easily become an adventure by itself. Skills: Bluff, Intimidate, and Knowledge (local) are class skills for templar priests. Spells: Templar priests use Charisma as their primary spellcasting ability (for purposes of bonus

Granted Domains of the Sorcerer-Kings Abalach-Re

Charm, Death, Protection


Community, Law, Nobility


Chaos, Madness, Trickery


Law, Strength, War


Animal, Luck, Plant


Knowledge, Magic, Trickery


Good, Healing, Liberation


Destruction, Glory, Strength

* All templars of Nibenay must be female. ** All templars of Oronis must be good-aligned.

spells, saving throw DCs, and other such statistics). Templar priests also have a slightly different spell list than clerics. Domains: A templar priest's domains are selected based on the sorcerer-king he serves. See the table below for details. All domains available to templar priests may be found in the Pathfinder Core Rules. Aura: A templar priest's aura is always lawful neutral. Energy Spellgift: Templar priests do not automatically ready cure or inflict spells. Channel Energy: Templar priests determine the daily uses and save DC of their channel energy ability with their Wisdom modifier instead of their Charisma. They cannot rebuke elementals. Create Element: Templar priests do not gain the ability to use create element. Secular Authority: All templar priests have been accepted into the Templarate, and can use their authority as they choose. Templar priests gain the Secular Authority feat as a bonus feat at 1st level; they do not need to meet its prerequisites. In addition, they gain a bonus equal to one-half their templar priest level to checks related to using Secular Authority. Sigil: A templar is marked by his sigil, a complex tattoo somewhere obvious on his body that serves as badge, rank insignia, and focus all in one. As a templar's rank increases, his sigil is updated to reflect his new status. The sigil also serves as the templar priest's divine focus. Sigils are distinct to each sorcerer-monarch and instantly recognizable. Monarch's Aspect: A templar priest can draw power from his sorcerer-monarch to grant him a commanding and fearful presence. Once per day per two templar priest levels, he may use a swift action to give himself a +4 bonus on one Diplomacy or Intimidate check. He may do this after the result of the check has already been determined. This ability cannot be used to enhance a Secular Authority contest.


Elemental clerics choose from the elemental domains listed below. A cleric chooses two domains associated with the element she serves.

Broken Sands

Worshippers: Magma, Silt


Granted Powers: You are at home in the sandy wastelands of Athas, happily calling the most desolate regions your refuge. Dunestalker (Sp): You always gain the benefits of the spell pass without trace. You also gain a bonus equal to one-half your cleric level to Survival checks to follow tracks across sand or similarly loose soil. Wasteland Survivor (Ex): Starting at 4th level, you eat use sand or silt in place of food. One pound of either is just as nutritious for you as an equivalent weight in regular food. Sand Wraith (Su): Starting at 8th level, you gain the ability to transform your body into sand and move freely within the earth. You may transform as a swift action. While you are in sand form, you gain DR 5/and tremorsense 60 feet. If you are standing on sand or another type of loose ground cover, you are able to burrow at a rate equal to your land speed. While burrowing in this fashion, you gain a +20 circumstance bonus to Stealth checks and your damage reduction increases to 15/-, but you cannot attack or cast spells. If you end this effect while burrowing, you travel straight up to the surface and reform without harm. You may stay in sand form for up to 3 + Wisdom modifier rounds per day. Domain Spells: 1st–sand pitDS, 2nd–curse of the black sandsDS, 3rd–sand sprayDS, 4th–sand trapDS, 5th–sand flowDS, 6th–blade barrier, 7th–glass stormDS, 8th–moltenDS, 9th–fissureDS

in your eyes, shining a flare of light on things of import. You gain a bonus to Perception checks equal to one-half your cleric level. In addition, you can gain darkvision for one round per two cleric levels each day. These rounds do not need to be consecutive. This darkvision pierces even magical darkness, allowing you to see normally. Visions in the Flames (Sp): Starting at 6th level, you begin to see images dancing in fire. You can use clairaudience/clairvoyance for one round per cleric level per day. These rounds do not need to be consecutive. Your caster level for this ability is equal to your cleric level. To use this ability, you must concentrate on an open flame of any size; you can also use the sun for this purpose without risk of harm. Domain Spells: 1st–faerie fire, 2nd–clues of ashDS, 3rd– continual flame, 4th–fire trackDS, 5th–true seeing, 6th–find the path, 7th–watch fireDS, 8th–confessor's flameDS, 9th–spirit of flameDS

Cold Malice

Worshippers: Fire, Sun Granted Powers: Your eyes glow with an inner fire, the penetrating gaze of a seer. The flames guide your mind onto the proper path. You gain a bonus equal to your Wisdom modifier to saves against any ability with the Light keyword. Soul Beacon (Su): Fire marks danger and deception

Worshippers: Rain Granted Powers: The air around you chills naturally; not the comforting coolness of shade, but the cold of death and ice. You gain a bonus equal to your Wisdom modifier to Fortitude saves against cold hazards. Cold Snap (Sp): As a standard action, you can create an area of coldness around yourself. All creatures within a 20-foot radius emanation take 1d6 cold damage, +1 per two cleric levels you possess (Fortitude save to negate; DC 10 + ½ cleric level + Wisdom modifier). In addition, for one minute per cleric level after you use this ability, the temperature in a 20-foot emanation is two bands lower (e.g., severe heat becomes temperate, or temperate becomes severe cold). You may use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier. Cold Resistance (Ex): At 6th level, you gain cold

Elemental Domains

Paraelemental Domains

Burning Eyes


Desert Mirage, Ill Winds, Rolling Thunder, Sky Blitz, Soaring Spirit


Broken Sands, Dead Heart, Ill Winds, Mountain's Fury


Decaying Touch, Earthen Embrace, Forged Stone, Mountain's Fury, Ruinous Swarm


Cold Malice, Drowning Despair, Furious Storm, Living Water


Burning Eyes, Fiery Wrath, Light's Revelation, Smoldering Spirit


Broken Sands, Dead Heart, Decaying Touch, Soul Slayer


Desert Mirage, Drowning Despair, Living Water, Sky Blitz


Burning Eyes, Desert Mirage, Fiery Wrath, Light's Revelation, Sun Flare



resistance 10. This resistance increases to 20 at 12th level. At 20th level, you gain immunity to cold. Domain Spells: 1st–chill touch, 2nd–chill metal, 3rd–ice storm, 4th–enervation, 5th–cone of cold, 6th–cerulean hailDS, 7th–freezing sphere, 8th–horrid wilting, 9th–energy drain

Dead Heart Worshippers: Magma, Silt Granted Powers: The dead and dying call to you, whispering in your mind. Gain a bonus equal to your Wisdom modifier on all Knowledge checks related to the undead. Deathsight (Sp): The undead appear in your vision as faded fires; the dying as bursts of light. You constantly gain the benefits of detect undead and deathwatch. Unliving Servant (Sp): Starting at 6th level, your touch can reanimate a corpse to serve you. This effect is like the spell animate dead, with the following exceptions. First, you may only reanimate one creature at a time with this ability, and you must touch your target. If you raise a second servant, the first one ceases to be animated. Second, the animation only last for a limited time. You may have an unliving servant from this ability for a number of rounds per day equal to twice your cleric level. Third, your unliving servant does not count toward the hit die limit of undead that you can control. Raising an unliving servant is a standard action. Domain Spells: 1st–death knell, 2nd–speak with dead, 3rd– animate dead, 4th–vampiric touch, 5th–unliving identityDS, 6th–gray beckoningDS, 7th–finger of death, 8th–gray riftDS, 9th–vampiric youthfulnessDS

per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier. Life from Death (Su): Starting at 6th level, you can reclaim energy and nutrition from a corpse as a standard action, recovering two hit points per cleric level. You also gain the benefits of having eaten a full, healthy meal and drunk a full waterskin. You cannot “store” nutrition gained from this ability. You must touch the corpse to do this. The corpse completely decomposes over the course of one minute after you use this ability, and you cannot use it on the same corpse more than once. You may use this ability a number of times per day equal to your Wisdom modifier. Domain Spells: 1st–return to the earthDS, 2nd–rusting grasp, 3rd–contagion, 4th–acid rain, 5th–sands of timeDS, 6th– disintegrate, 7th–destruction, 8th–power word, blind, 9th– time stop

Desert Mirage

Worshippers: Air, Sun, Water Granted Powers: The wavering phantasms of heat and moisture in the desert are your allies, not the enemies supposed by other travelers. You gain power from understanding their secrets. Vision of Haze (Su): As a melee touch attack you can fill an enemy's vision with wavering light and bursts of color. All creatures have concealment from that enemy. This effect lasts for one round per cleric level, and may be used a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier. Cloaking Mirage (Sp): Starting at 8th level, you can wrap yourself in a concealing illusion as a standard action. You gain the benefits of improved invisibility. You can use this ability for a number of rounds per Decaying Touch day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier. These rounds do not need to be consecutive. Worshippers: Earth, Silt st nd rd Granted Powers: You have a deep appreciation for the Domain Spells: 1 –entropic shield, 2 –glitterdust, 3 – DS th DS th curse of choking sands , 4 –coat of mists , 5 –shining sustenance that the dead can provide to the earth. DS th th th Death is not a tragedy, but a celebration of life-energy. sands , 6 –mislead, 7 –prismatic wall, 8 –horrid wilting, 9th–prismatic sphere Decomposition (Su): As a melee touch attack, you can cause one creature that you touch to rapidly decay, dealing 1d6 damage per round. This effect lasts Drowning Despair for one round per two cleric levels. It can be ended Worshippers: Rain, Water with a successful Heal check (DC 15) or by any spell Granted Powers: The deeps are deadly and fearful. or power that heals hit point damage. If you use this You take care to instill that fear in your foes. Swim is a power on a corpse, it decomposes completely in one class skill for you. minute. You may use this ability a number of times Fear's Embrace (Su): You can fill your enemy with a


crushing terror with a ranged touch attack. One target within 30 feet is shaken for one round per two cleric levels you possess. If it fails a Will save (DC 10 + ½ cleric level + Wisdom modifier) it is also frightened for one round. You can use this ability a number of times each day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier. The Drowning Dark (Su): Starting at 8th level, one enemy that you hit with a melee touch attack becomes convinced that it is falling into deep water. It is dazed and silenced for 2d3 rounds, and takes 1d4 damage each round from the psychic frission. This is a mindaffecting ability that may be used a number of times each day equal to your Wisdom modifier. Domain Spells: 1st–cause fear, 2nd–surface tensionDS, 3rd–control tidesDS, 4th–lungs of waterDS, 5th–water trapDS, 6th–drown on dry landDS, 7th–whirlpool of doomDS, 8th–flash floodDS, 9th–storm of vengeance

points of fire damage + 1 point for every cleric level you possess. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier. Fire Resistance (Ex): At 6th level, you gain resist fire 10. This resistance increases to 20 at 12th level. At 20th level, you become immune to fire. Domain Spells: 1st–burning hands, 2nd–fire trap, 3rd–resist energy (cold or fire only), 4th–sunstrokeDS, 5th–elemental strikeDS, 6th–fire seeds, 7th–flame harvest, 8th–sunburst, 9th–conflagrationDS

Forged Stone

Worshippers: Earth Granted Powers: You create a natural connection with the stone of the world. It hears your calls and rises to your aid. Stone's Grasp (Su): As a standard action, you can cause stone to flow up from the ground and writhe Earthen Embrace about one enemy that you hit with a melee touch Worshippers: Earth attack. The target is entangled for one round per two Granted Powers: You are as strong and enduring as clerics levels that you possess. If the target is standing the earth itself. on solid stone, its land and fly speeds are also reduced Earth Bond (Ex): You draw strength from the land to zero. If the target breaks contact with the ground, while you are touching the grand. You gain a +2 bonus this effect ends immediately. You can use this ability a to your CMD and a +1 bonus to your Armor Class number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom while you are standing on solid ground. modifier. Earth Shock (Su): As a standard action, you are able Stone's Shield (Su): Starting at 8th level, you can call to create ripples through the earth. Any creature upon the stone to protect you, encasing you in a hard touching the ground within 15 feet of you falls prone. shell of living rock. You gain damage reduction x/-, You may use this ability a number of times per day where x is equal to one-half your cleric level. You can equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier. use this ability for a number of rounds each day equal th Acid Resistance (Ex): At 6 level, you gain resist to your cleric level. acid 10. This resistance increases to 20 at 12th level. At Domain Spells: 1st–sandstoneDS, 2nd–soften earth and 20th level, you become immune to acid. stone, 3rd–stone shape, 4th–spike stones, 5th–transmute mud st nd Domain Spells: 1 –magic stone, 2 –bear's endurance, to rock, 6th–move earth, 7th–statue, 8th–repel metal or stone, 3rd–secure shelter, 4th–wall of stone, 5th–stoneskin, 6th–flesh 9th–legendary stonecraft to stone, 7th–whirlpool of doomDS, 8th–iron body, Furious Storm 9th–imprisonment Worshippers: Rain Fiery Wrath Granted Powers: You can command the powers of the Worshippers: Fire, Sun storm, bringing gale winds and lightning bolts with Granted Powers: You can call forth fire at your will. your simple whim. Flame obeys your commands and smites your foes. Storm Burst (Sp): As a standard action, you can Fire Bolt (Sp): As a standard action, you can create a localized storm around a single enemy within unleash a scorching bolt of elemental fire from your 30 feet. This requires a successful ranged touch attack. hand. You can target any single foe within 30 feet as a The storm burst deals 1d8 points of nonlethal damage ranged touch attack. If you hit, the fire bolt deals 1d8 + 1 for every cleric level you possess. In addition, the


target is buffeted by powerful winds, causing it to take a -2 penalty to attack rolls for 1 round. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier. Lightning Lord (Sp): At 8th level, you become able to call lightning from the sky. You can call a number of bolts each day equal to your cleric level. It requires a standard action to call lightning, but you can call as many bolts as you want at once. Each bolt deals 3d6 electricity damage (Reflex save for half, DC 10 + ½ cleric level + Wisdom modifier), or 3d10 damage if you are outside in stormy weather. The bolts fall vertically from the sky, and strike anything directly above your target. No creature may be targeted by more than one bolt in a single round, and no two targets may be more than 10 feet apart. Domain Spells: 1st–gust of wind, 2nd–eye of the stormDS, 3rd–sleet storm, 4th–ice storm, 5th–control winds, 6th– summon Tyr-stormDS, 7th–whirlwind, 8th–storm legionDS, 9th–storm of vengeance

Ill Winds

Worshippers: Air, Magma Granted Powers: The toxic fumes of volcanic vents and swamp gas are yours to command. You gain a bonus equal to your Wisdom modifier to saving throws against poison. Poisonous Breath: You can expel a burst of poison gas from your mouth at one adjacent enemy as a standard action. The target is sickened for one round per two cleric levels. In addition, if it fails a Fortitude save (DC 10 + ½ cleric level + Wisdom modifier) it is nauseated for one round. You may use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier. Toxic Gale: Starting at 8th level, you can create a foul-smelling and poisonous whirlwind as a standard action. It manifests as a five foot-radius cloud within 50 feet of you. All creatures within the cloud are nauseated and take 1d6 damage for each round that they remain inside it (Fortitude save to negate DC 10 + ½ cleric level + Wisdom modifier). As a move action, you can shift the cloud 30 feet to any point within the range. You are immune to the cloud's effects, as is any creature immune to poison. You can use this ability for a number of rounds each day equal to your cleric level.

Domain Spells: 1st–channel stenchDS, 2nd–pyrotechnics, 3rd–breeze loreDS, 4th–stinking cloud, 5th–cloudkill, 6th–acid fog, 7th–poisoned galeDS, 8th–incendiary cloud, 9th–wind trapDS

Light's Revelation

Worshippers: Fire, Sun Granted Powers: You embrace the cleansing light as an arbiter of truth and righteousness. You gain a bonus to Sense Motive checks equal to one-half your cleric level. Judgment of the Pyre (Su): You can call down the wrath of the heavens on perjurers as a standard action. Any creature within 30 feet of you that has lied in the last 5 rounds takes up to 1d10 fire damage per two cleric levels. You may choose how many dice you want to roll for damage when you use this power. This ability may be used a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier. Sunstroke (Su): Starting at 6th level, you may inflict an enemy with terrible sunstroke with a melee touch attack. The target is nauseated for one round per two cleric levels. You may use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier. Domain Spells: 1st–detect secret doors, 2nd–zone of truth, 3rd–invisibility purge, 4th–discern lies, 5th–true seeing, 6th–find the path, 7th–legend lore, 8th–discern location, 9th– foresight

Living Waters Worshippers: Rain, Water Granted Powers: Water is more than just sustenance, it is the essence of life. Swim is a class skill for you. Healing Water (Su): Using just a drop of water, you can restore health to the dying. As a swift action you can restore one dying or unconscious creature that you touch to 1 hit point. It instantly regains consciousness. Alternately, you can choose to heal one creature that you touch for 1 hit point. You may use this ability a number of times each day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier. Blessing of the River (Su): Starting at 6th level, you can remove one of the following conditions from yourself or one adjacent creature with a swift action: bleeding, dazzled, deafened, fatigued, nauseated, shaken, or sickened. You may use this ability once per day per cleric level.


Domain Spells: 1st–clear waterDS, 2nd–fog cloud, 3rd– resist this effect. On failure, it is dazed and deafened DS th DS th DS th worm's breath , 4 –pact of water , 5 –sweet water , 6 – for 1d3 rounds. You may use this ability a number of awaken water spiritsDS, 7th–waters of life (DS), 8th–flash times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier. DS th DS flood , 9 –waterways Voice of Command (Su): Starting at 6th level, you can make your voice loud, booming, and powerful as a Mountain's Fury swift action. You gain a bonus equal to your cleric Worshippers: Earth, Magma level to one Diplomacy or Intimidate check. You may Granted Powers: The ancient power of the mountains use this ability a number of times per day equal to fills you with might and vigor. one-half your cleric level. Wrath of the Mountain: You can fill yourself or an Overpowering Command (Sp): Starting at 8th level, adjacent ally with the consuming ferocity of a volcano you may use suggestion as a spell-like ability once per as a swift action. The target gains a bonus on melee day. You may use it twice per day at 13th level, and damage rolls equal to one-half your cleric level for one three times per day at 18th level. The save DC against round. You can use this ability a number of times each this suggestion is equal to 10 + ½ cleric level + Wisdom day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier. modifier. Endurance of the Mountain: Once per day, you can Domain Spells: 1st–command, 2nd–sound burst, 3rd–wind grant yourself a bonus on a single Fortitude save equal wall, 4th–shout, 5th–greater command, 6th–power word, to your Wisdom modifier. stun, 7th–greater shout, 8th–power word, blind, 9th–power Fissure (Su): Starting at 8th level, you can spend a word, kill standard action to create a fissure in the earth the releases super-heated steam. The fissure is a line from Ruinous Swarm your square that is 5 feet long per cleric level, vents Worshippers: Earth steam fifteen feet in the air, and lasts for one round per Granted Powers: The devastation of the swarm is at two cleric levels. Any creature that starts its adjacent your command. to the fissure, or moves adjacent, takes 1d4 damage Aura of Vermin (Su): You are able to surround from the steam + 1 point for every two cleric levels you yourself with a swarm of supernatural insects which possess. Any creature standing directly on the fissure cluster around any wound and chew their way inside takes 2d4 damage + 1 point for every two cleric levels their victim's body. This aura has a 20 foot radius. All you possess. Creatures that are standing directly on attacks made against a target in the aura (including the vent when it opens may take an out-of-turn five yourself) deal additional damage equal to one-half foot step after they have taken their damage. When your cleric level, and all critical threats mad against a the vent closes, the earth around it returns to normal. target within the aura are automatically confirmed. You can use this ability a number of times each day You may maintain this aura for one round per cleric equal to your Wisdom modifier. level each day. These rounds do not need to be Domain Spells: 1st–enlarge person, 2nd–heat metal, 3rd– consecutive. spike stones, 4th–oil sprayDS, 5th–flesh to stone, 6th– Writhing Curse (Su): Starting at 8th level, you you earthquake, 7th–repel metal or stone, 8th–magma tunnelDS, can use a standard action inflict a horrible fate on one th DS 9 –fissure creature that you hit with a melee touch attack. Tiny insects appear within the target's body and swarm Rolling Thunder under its skin. For 2d4 rounds, the target takes Worshippers: Air damage equal to your Wisdom modifier each round, Granted Powers: Your voice echoes with thunder, and is shaken for the entire duration. If you have aura giving you an aura of command and power. of vermin active, add its damage bonus to the damage Thundering Word (Su): As a standard action, you from this effect. If the target dies while this effect is can cause one creature within 30 feet to hear and feel a active and you have readied summon swarm, you may powerful thunderclap. The target is entitled to a Will cast it as a free action to cause the swarm to burst forth save (DC 10 + ½ cleric level + Wisdom modifer) to from the target's corpse. You may use this ability a


number of times each day equal to your Wisdom modifier. Domain Spells: 1st–animal messenger, 2nd–summon swarm, 3rd–repel vermin, 4th–giant vermin, 5th–insect plague, 6th–infestationDS, 7th–creeping doom, 8th–sympathy, 9th–swarm of anguishDS

Sky Blitz Worshippers: Air, Water Granted Powers: The power of a living storm comes freely at your call. Lightning Arc (Su): As a standard action, you can unleash an arc of electricity as a ranged touch attack, targeting two foes within 30 feet. This bolt deals 1d4 points of electricity damage + 1 point per two cleric levels you possess. The targets cannot be more than 15 feet apart. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier. Electricity Resistance (Ex): At 6th level, you gain resist electricity 10. This resistance increases to 20 at 12th level. At 20th level, you become immune to electricity. Domain Spells: 1st–shocking grasp, 2nd–water shockDS, 3rd–call lightning, 4th–quenchDS, 5th–lightning storm, 6th– control weather, 7th–chain lightning, 8th–liquid lightningDS, 9th–water lightDS

who attacks you. While the flameshield is active, any creature who attacks you in melee takes 1d6 fire damage + 1 per two cleric levels for each attack that it makes. You also gain a +2 AC bonus against ranged weapon attacks while the flameshield is active. Activating the flameshield is a standard action, and you can maintain it for one round per day per cleric level. These rounds do not need to be consecutive. Domain Spells: 1st–burning hands, 2nd–pyrotechnics, 3rd– fireball, 4th–blindscorchDS, 5th–fire shield, 6th–delayed blast fireball, 7th–elemental stormDS, 8th–incendiary cloud, 9th– blazing wreathDS

Soaring Spirit

Worshippers: Air Granted Powers: You are as light and free as the wind, reveling in the joy of travel and exploration. Your base land speed increases by 10 feet. Agile Feet (Su): As a free action, you can gain increased mobility for one round. For the next round, you ignore all difficult terrain and take no penalties for moving through it. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier. Air Stride (Su): At 8th level, you can teleport up to 10 feet per cleric level per day as a move action. This teleportation must be used in 5-foot increments, and does not provoke attacks of opportunity. You must Smoldering Spirit have line of sight to your destination to use this ability. Worshippers: Fire You can bring willing creatures with you, but you Granted Powers: You know that the soul is fire, burning and twisting to find its way free. You channel must expend an equal amount of distance for each creature brought. your own soul into your powers. Domain Spells: 1st–feather fall, 2nd–spider climb, 3rd–fly, Burning Stare (Su): As a standard action you can 4th–air walk, 5th–teleport, 6th–wind walk, 7th–greater cause one creature within 30 feet to burst into teleport, 8th–reverse gravity, 9th–greater elemental chariotDS supernatural flame (Reflex save to negate DC 10 + ½ cleric level + Wisdom modifier). The target takes 1d6 fire damage for each round that it is on fire. It may use Soul Slayer Worshippers: Silt a standard action to attempt to extinguish itself, Granted Powers: Your magic cleanses the world of the gaining another saving throw against the effect. Jumping into large bodies of water or silt will instantly unworthy, quickly and efficiently removing the obstacles in your path. extinguish the fire. The fire lasts for a number of Rend Soul (Su): You can tear into the soul of an rounds equal to one-half your cleric level, or until the enemy with a melee touch attack. Any target of this target successfully puts out the flame. You may use ability is takes 1d4 damage and is sickened, and takes this ability a number of times each day equal to 3 + a further -1 penalty to saving throws against any effect your Wisdom modifier. th applied by you. This effect lasts for one round per two Flameshield: Starting at 6 level you can surround cleric levels that you possess. You can use this ability a yourself in a burning corona that scorches anyone


number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier. Scream of the Damned (Su): Starting at 8th level, you can force the spirit of a dying creature to manifest itself in the physical world, filling the minds of all nearby with its death pains. As a standard action, choose one creature that has died in the last round. You must have line of sight to its body. All creatures within 20 feet of the target must make a Will save (DC 10 + ½ cleric level + Wisdom modifier) or be frightened for 1d4 rounds. You are immune to this effect. Further, the dead creature targeted by this ability cannot be resurrected for 10 minutes. You may use this ability a number of times per day equal to your Wisdom modifier. Domain Spells: 1st–ray of enfeeblement, 2nd–death markDS, 3rd–death whipDS, 4th–black tentacles, 5th–slay living, 6th– harm, 7th–circle of death, 8th–trap the soul, 9th–wail of the banshee

Sun Flare

Worshippers: Sun Granted Powers: Though the sun beats down upon you, its warmth does not harm you. The heat of noon bolsters your spirit and your faith. Sunstrider (Ex): You are not harmed by heat, and the sun does not drive you to thirst. You treat all heat hazards as two levels lower than they are (e.g., severe heat is temperate for you, and extreme heat is only very hot). You can go without water for an additional number of days equal to your Wisdom modifier before suffering from thirst. Your natural healing rate is 50% better than normal during the day. These abilities stack with any others that grant similar effects. Dessicating Curse (Su): Starting at 8th level, you can scorch the water from the bodies of an enemy with a ranged touch attack. The target becomes fatigued and takes 1d6 points of damage per three cleric levels you possess. It immediately begins suffering the effects of thirst as if it had not drunk water for two days. You may use this ability a number of times each day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier. Domain Spells: 1st–color spray, 2nd–daylight, 3rd–searing light, 4th–rainbow pattern, 5th–air lensDS, 6th–sunbeam, 7th– prismatic spray, 8th–incendiary cloud, 9th–prismatic wall

D Druid

Except as noted here, druids have the class features listed in the Pathfinder Core Rules. Skills: Stealth is a class skill for druids. Diplomacy is no longer a class skill for druids. Druids receive 5 + Intelligence modifier skill points each level. Spells: Druids cast primal spells, drawn from the list found in the Magic chapter. Druids now ready spells instead of preparing them. See the Magic chapter for information about how to ready spells and the nature of primal spells, and the tables below for the number of readied spells and spell slots that druids gain. Natural Spellgift: A druid can always find aid in the wilds. Druids automatically ready all summon nature's ally spells that they are able to cast. Nature Bond: Athasian druids who elect to learn a domain can choose any of the elemental domains available to clerics. They gain an additional spell slot of each level and automatically ready the spells associated with the domain. Druids who desire an animal companion now choose from the list of companions presented below. Nature's Speech (Ex): Starting at 4th level a druid may speak with animals just as well as any humanoid, as if under the effects of speak with animals. This replaces their resist nature's lure ability.

Animal Companions

A druid's animal companion receives two skill points for each druid level that its master attains. This replaces the skill point gain noted in the Pathfinder Core Rules. Clarification: The first attack listed in a companion's entry is its primary attack; all others are secondary attacks (made at a -5 penalty). The only exception to this rule is creatures with two different primary attacks that they may choose from, such as the inix (“bite or tail slap”). Such creatures can only use one of those attacks in a round, not both.

Boneclaw Boneclaws are small reptiles that are almost entirely covered by a shell of thick, spiny bone. They are normally timid and often scavengers, but are nonetheless feared for


Druid: Spells Readied Per Day

Druid: Spell Slots Per Day






































































































































































































































































































































































natural armor; Attack bite (1d4 + trip), 2 claws (1d2); Ability Scores Str 12, Dex 21, Con 13, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6; Special Qualities low-light vision, scent, poison resistance (+4 racial bonus to saves vs. poison) 4th-Level Advancement: Size Medium; Attack bite (1d6 + trip), 2 claws (1d3); Ability Scores +2 Str, +2 Con; Special Qualities sprint (charge at 10x move speed 1/hour)


Crodlu look much like a velociraptor/ostrich hybrid. 17 * 9 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 17 5 5 5 4 4 4 3 2 1 Their hides are pebbly scales, 18 * 9 9 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 18 5 5 5 4 4 4 3 3 2 they stand upright on 19 * 9 9 9 8 7 6 5 4 4 19 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 3 3 powerful legs, and their 20 * * 9 9 9 8 7 6 5 5 20 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 weaker arms end in wicked* You ready all spells of this level. looking claws. They are their poison. They are omnivores and often scavengers, and sometimes used as mounts by the daring, though they must avoided by most predators due to their toxic blood. normally be raised to domestic life from birth. Starting Statistics: Size Small; Speed 40 feet; AC +3 Starting Statistics: Size Large; Speed 50 feet; AC +3 natural armor; Attack bite (1d4 + grab); Ability Scores natural armor; Attacks 2 claws (1d6), bite (1d8); Str 10, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 1, Wis 10, Cha 4; Special Ability Scores Str 14, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 2, Wis 14, Abilities grab (+4 CMB/CMD to grapple, injects Cha 8; Special Abilities rake (while grappling; 2 poison each round maintained), poison (Frequency 1 claws, 1d6) Special Qualities low-light vision, scent round (4), Effect 1 Con and 1 Str damage, Cure 1 save, 7th-Level Advancement: Attacks bite (1d8 + grab); Con-based DC) Special Qualities low-light vision, Ability Scores Str +4, Dex +2; Special Abilities grab scent (+4 CMB/CMD to grapple), pounce th 4 -Level Advancement: Size Medium; AC +1 natural armor; Attack bite (2d4 + grab); Ability Scores Str +4, Dire Rat Dex -2, Con +2 A common sight in the wastes and cities alike, dire rats are a scourge to the commoners of Athas. They grow to the size Cheetah of many dogs, with commensurate strength and far greater The Athasian cheetah has adapted to the harsh desert that natural brutality. The worst threat, however, is the diseases its home has become. Cheetahs are usually spotless, and that dire rats often carry. they have developed a special organ in their throat designed Starting Statistics: Size Small; Speed 40 feet, climb 20 to facilitate blood-drinking. Cheetahs are among the few feet, swim 20 feet; Attack bite (1d4 + disease); Ability predators willing to eat boneclaws and kivits, as this organ Scores Str 10, Dex 17, Con 12, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 4; filters the poison out of blood. Bards pay well for the bodies Special Abilities disease (injury, onset 1d3 days, effect of elderly cheetahs, as the organ in question has often 1d3 Dex and Con damage, cure 2 consecutive saves, become incredibly toxic. Con-based DC); Special Qualities low-light vision, Starting Statistics: Size Small; Speed 50 feet; AC +1


scent 4th-Level Advancement: Attack bite (1d6 + disease); Ability Scores Str +2, Con +2


Eagle Athasian eagle are large, dark birds that are common all over the Tablelands. They are inquisitive and not often afraid of humans. Like many vultures, eagle are frequently found in the wake of caravans, on the safe assumption that someone will die and become a meal. Starting Statistics: Size Small; Speed 10 feet, fly 80 feet (average); AC +1 natural armor; Attack bite (1d4), 2 talons (1d4); Ability Scores Str 10, Dex 15, Con 12, Int 2, Wis 14, Cha 6; Special Qualities keen eyes (+4 racial bonus to Perception) 4th-Level Advancement: Ability Scores +2 Str, +2 Con

Erdlu Erdlu are tall, flightless birds which look quite similar to scaled ostriches. Their useless wings are thin and leathery, but they have very strong legs and powerful beaks to make up for the lack. Erdlu are very common herd animals; their eggs can substitute for food or water and their beaks are often reshaped into weapons. Starting Statistics: Size Medium; Speed 40 feet; AC +2 natural armor; Attack 2 claws (1d4), bite (1d4); Ability Scores Str 14, Dex 16, Con 13, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 3; Special Qualities low-light vision 4th-Level Advancement: AC +2 natural armor; Attack bite (1d6); Ability Scores Str +2, Con +2

Giant Lizard

These enormous lizards are much like the small scavengers common all over Athas, but far larger. Giant lizards have been known to attack crodlu herds or caravans to find the meals that their size necessitates. Starting Statistics: Size Medium; Speed 40 feet, burrow 20 feet; AC +4 natural armor; Attack bite (1d8 + grab); Ability Scores Str 14, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 1, Wis 9, Cha 9; Special Abilities grab (+4 CMB/CMD to grapple) Special Qualities low-light vision 7th-Level Advancement: Size Large; AC +3 natural armor; Attack bite (2d6 + grab); Ability Scores Str +8, Dex -2, Con +4; Special Abilities powerful bite (bite receives 2x Strength mod to damage instead of 1.5x)

Inixes are an evolutionary off-spurt of mekillots which, legends say, removed their tongues to make their tails long. Inixes do indeed have no tongue, despite their large beaked mouths, and their tails are their most notable feature, threequarters the length of their torso and ending in a heavy paddle. Inixes have a low-slung frame and strong backs, making them ideal beasts of burden. Starting Statistics: Size Medium; Speed 40 feet; AC +6 natural armor; Attack bite (1d6) or tail slap (1d8); Ability Scores Str 14, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6; Special Qualities low-light vision, improved carrying capacity (double Strength for carrying purposes) 7th-Level Advancement: Size Large; AC +3 natural armor; Attack bite (1d8) or tail slap (1d10 + stun); Ability Scores Str +6, Dex -2, Con +4; Special Abilities stun (Fort save; on failure, target is dazed for 1 round, or 1d4 rounds on crit; Str-based DC)

Jhakar Jhakar look much like reptilian bulldogs, but with much larger and stronger jaws. The mouth of a jhakar seems to fill most of its face. Jhakar roam the wastes in large packs, surrounding and pulling down their prey. Jhakar are feared for their intelligence as much as their jaws – packs have driven caravans to flee over cliffs, or lured hunters into dead-end canyons or natural deadfalls. Starting Statistics: Size Small; Speed 30 feet; AC +2 natural armor; Attack bite (1d6 + trip); Ability Scores Str 11, Dex 17, Con 12, Int 3, Wis 12, Cha 8; Special Qualities low-light vision, scent 4th-Level Advancement: Size Medium; Speed 40 feet; AC +1 natural armor; Attack bite (1d8 + trip or grab); Ability Scores +6 Str, -2 Dex, +2 Con; Special Abilities grab (+4 CMB/CMD to grapple)

Kivit Kivits look much like small, slick-bodied bobcats with gray far. Their oily sheen is a product of their primary defense, a strong poison exuded by musk glands in their skin. Anything that bites a kivit regrets it, but usually not for long. Kivits hunt the plains and wastes, and are renowned for their efficient metabolism, which lets them go for over a week without water at need. Starting Statistics: Size Small; Speed 30 feet; AC +1 natural armor; Attack bite (1d4), 2 claws (1d3); Ability


Scores Str 10, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 9; Special Attacks poison (ingested, Onset 1 round, Frequency 1/min (10), Effect 1d2 Con damage + sickened until cured, Cure 1 save, Con-based DC) Special Qualities low-light vision 4th-Level Advancement: Size Medium; Speed 40 feet; AC +2 natural armor; Attack bite (1d6), 2 claws (1d4); Ability Scores Str +4, Dex -2, Con +2

Lion The Athasian lion is a dying species. Despite their strength and cunning, lions must compete with the more-numerous lizards, who are better-adapted to retain water and can hide from the sun under the sands. Lion prides often find shade and water at oases, which has lead to a bounty on their heads by fearful caravans. Starting Statistics: Size Medium; Speed 40 feet; AC +1 natural armor; Attack bite (1d6), 2 claws (1d4); Ability Scores Str 13, Dex 17, Con 13, Int 2, Wis 15, Cha 10; Special Attacks rake (while grappling; 2 claws, 1d4) Special Qualities low-light vision, scent 7th-Level Advancement: Size Large; AC +2 natural armor; Attack bite (1d8 + grab), 2 claws (1d6); Ability Scores Str +8, Dex -2, Con +4; Special Attacks grab (+4 CMB/CMD to grapple), pounce, rake (1d6)

Owl The owls of Athas are as much scavengers as predators. They tend to be tan or gray, to better blend with the harsh rocks of the desert. Owls are common in the city-states, and often viewed as pests. The expression “waking to an owlshit sunrise” is roughly analogous to “having a case of the Mondays”, and is used in much the same way. Starting Statistics: Size Small; Speed 10 feet, fly 80 feet (average); AC +1 natural armor; Attack bite (1d4), 2 talons (1d4); Ability Scores Str 10, Dex 15, Con 12, Int 2, Wis 14, Cha 6; Special Qualities low-light vision 4th-Level Advancement: Ability Scores +2 Str, +2 Con

Pterrax The pterrax looks very similar to a pterodactyl, but with strong legs tipped in long claws. Pterrax are rare in the Tablelands, and normally only arrive in the company of a pterran warrior or druid. They are well-respected, however, for their strength, their notable intelligence, and their innate psionic abilities. Starting Statistics: Size Medium; Speed 10 feet, fly 30

feet (clumsy); AC +1 natural armor; Attack bite (1d6), 2 claws (1d4); Ability Scores Str 12, Dex 20, Con 12, Int 3, Wis 14, Cha 13; Special Attacks psi-like abilities (ML 1, self only; empathy 1/day, thicken skin 1/day) Special Qualities low-light vision, darkvision 60 feet 7th-Level Advancement: Size Large; AC +2 natural armor; Attack bite (1d8), 2 claws (1d6); Ability Scores Str +6, Dex -2, Con +4; Special Attacks psi-like abilities (ML 3; biofeedback (DR 2/-) 1/day) 12th-Level Advancement: Special Attacks psi-like abilities (ML 5; body adjustment (2d12) 1/day)

Snake (Constrictor)

Large constrictor snakes are common in the wastes, which is just as well, as they are a major dietary staple of mekillots and other large lizards who rarely need to fear a snake's coils. They can also be found in the scrublands near the Ringing Mountains. Halflings from the forests enjoy capturing and taming the larger specimens, and even using them as riding beasts. Starting Statistics: Size Medium; Speed 20 feet, climb 20 feet, swim 20 feet; AC +2 natural armor; Attack bite (1d4 + grab); Ability Scores Str 15, Dex 17, Con 13, Int 1, Wis 12, Cha 2; Special Attacks grab (+4 CMB/CMD to grapple); Special Qualities scent 4th-Level Advancement: Size Large; AC +1 natural armor; Attack bite (1d6); Ability Scores Str +8, Dex -2, Con +4; Special Attacks constrict (1d4+Str mod; autodamage when successfully grappling)

Snake (Viper) Venomous snakes can be found all over the Tablelands. They have a solid niche in the faltering ecosystem of the wastes, but their most successful habitat has proved to be the citystates. Bardic poisonmasters import rare and dangerous vipers to aid their craft, and enough of these snakes have escaped over the centuries to create breeding populations. Efforts to wipe out the snakes have failed universally. Starting Statistics: Size Small; Speed 20 feet; AC +2 natural armor; Attack bite (1d3 + poison); Ability Scores Str 8, Dex 17, Con 11, Int 1, Wis 12, Cha 2; Special Attacks poison (Frequency 1 round (6), Effect 1 Con damage, Cure 1 save, Con-based DC); Special Qualities scent 4th-Level Advancement: Size Medium; Attack bite (1d4 + poison); Ability Scores Str +4, Dex -2, Con +2


D Fighter

Except as noted here, fighters have the class features listed in the Pathfinder Core Rules. Build Options: When taking your first level of fighter, you must decide whether to advance as a standard fighter or as a gladiator. See the Gladiator kit below for details. Skills: Knowledge (warcraft) and Perception are class skills for fighters. Swim is no longer a class skill for fighters. Fighters receive 3 + Intelligence modifier skill points per level. Weapon Groups: The weapon groups have been updated in light of the new setting-specific items. Axes: battleaxe, handaxe, heartpick, impaler, light pick, throwing axe, and urgrosh. Blades, Heavy: elven curve blade, gythka, heavy macahuitl, jagged macahuitl, lotulis, macahuitl, scimitar, scythe, and thanak. Blades, Light: bard's friend, dagger, elven longblade, kama, kukri, sickle, slodak, small macahuitl, starknife, widow's knife, and wrist razors. Bows: composite greatbow, composite longbow, composite shortbow, greatbow, longbow, and shortbow. Close: garrote, heavy shield, heavy tonfa, light shield, puchik, sap, spiked armor, spiked gauntlet, spiked shield, talid, tonfa, and unarmed strike. Crossbows: hand crossbow, heavy crossbow, light crossbow, repeating crossbow, siege crossbow, and splashbow. Double: dire flail, double-tipped spear, gythka, lotulis, quarterstaff, and urgrosh. Flails: alhulak, dire flail, flail, heavy flail, master's whip, morningstar, nunchaku, spiked chain, and whip. Hammers: club, datchi club, heavy tonfa, greatclub, heavy mace, light hammer, light mace, maul, swatter, thanak, tonfa, and warhammer. Monk: chatchka, kama, nunchaku, quarterstaff, siangham, unarmed strike, and wrist razors. Natural: unarmed strike, gauntlet, spiked gauntlet, talid, and all natural weapons. Polearms: crusher, duom, halberd, tkaesali, and trikal. Spears: alak, double-tipped spear, duom, lance,

longspear, shortspear, trident, and zerka. Thrown: atlatl, bolas, blowgun, chatchka, dart, dejada, double-tipped spear, javelin, lasso, light hammer, net, sling, throwing axe, trident, and zerka.


The arena is the battlefield of the gladiator. From hand-to-hand combat in the mud pits of small forts to the grand games of the city-states, the gladiator is a warrior who fights to the sounds of people cheering his name or cursing his presence. A master of crowd control and the art of prolonged combat, gladiators are expert showmen as well as deadly fighters. They train to best wild beasts in the deadly games, or to slay the most skilled champions of the arena. They fight for glory, wealth, prestige, and power. They fight to survive. Some are merely slaves, fighting for the prospect of freedom, while others enter the arena of their own will, for the thrill of the sport or the promise of riches and fame. The Gladiator kit is a build option for Fighters. Gladiators, unlike most fighters, are expert showmen who can delight an audience and infuriate their enemies. They are also excellent at prolonging a fight, the better to encourage the crowd. However, they lack some of the versatility and pure death-dealing prowess of a normal fighter, as their entertainer's instincts are not always well-suited to the brutality of pitched battle. Skills: Gladiators receive one additional skill point per level (4 + Int mod/level). Acrobatics, Bluff, Knowledge (local), Perform, and Sense Motive are class skills for gladiators. Knowledge (dungeoneering), Knowledge (engineering), Ride, and Survival are no longer class skills for gladiators. Bonus Feats: Gladiators do not gain bonus feats as quickly as normal fighters. They receive a bonus feat at first level, and at every fourth class level (4th, 8th, etc). Weapon Training: Gladiators do not train for maximum efficiency with their weapons, instead practicing techniques to draw out a fight. Gladiators gain weapon training every eight class levels (8th and 16th). Weapon Mastery: Gladiators do not gain the fighter's weapon mastery feature. Gladiatorial Display: The hallmark of a gladiator


Fighter (Gladiator)

Hit Die: d10

Level Base Attack Bonus

Fort Save

Skill Points: 4 + Int mod per level

Ref Save Will Save Special






Gladiatorial display, chant +1, team strike +1/+1d4, mercy






Bravery +1, exotic weapon






Armor training 1, taunt






Bonus feat






Chant +2, no mercy






Bravery +2, exotic weapon, shake it off






Armor training 2, team strike +2/+2d4






Bonus feat, weapon training 1






Confounding feint






Bravery +3, chant +3, exotic weapon, gladiator's presence






Armor training 3






Bonus feat






Terror walking






Team strike +3/+3d4, bravery +4, exotic weapon






Riposte stance, chant +3, armor training 4






Bonus feat, weapon training 2






Dragon's fury






Bravery +5, exotic weapon






Armor mastery






Master of the arena, chant +4, bonus feat


is his performance. A good show focuses the gladiator, excites the crowd, and unnerves the opponent. He can use this ability for a number of rounds per day equal to 4 + his Charisma modifier. At each level after 1st a gladiator can use gladiatorial display an additional two times per day. Each round, the gladiator can produce any of the types of gladiatorial display that he has mastered. Starting a gladiatorial display is a standard action, but it can be maintained each round as a free action. A gladiatorial display is not interrupted by damage, but it ends if the gladiator cannot spend a free action to maintain the display (unconsciousness, paralysis, etc.). Starting at 7th level, gladiators can begin a gladiatorial display as a move action. Starting at 13th level, they may do so as a free action. While engaged in a gladiatorial display, gladiators gain a bonus equal to their class level to any Bluff, Diplomacy, or Perform checks made to influence an arena crowd. Chant: A 1st-level gladiator can start a resounding chant, granting confidence to himself and his allies. The gladiator and all allies who can hear him gain a +1 morale bonus to AC and to saving throws against fear

effects. At 5th level, and every five gladiator levels thereafter, this bonus increases by +1. Team Strike: At 1st level, gladiators know special tricks for group-fighting, using their own attacks to drive their enemies onto the blades of their allies. Once per round, when a gladiator hits an enemy with a melee attack while using this display, he may designate one ally who threatens that enemy as the beneficiary of the team strike. That ally's next attack against that enemy gains a +1 bonus to hit and deals an additional +1d4 damage. This bonus is lost if the enemy moves out of the ally's threat range. The bonuses granted by team strike increase for every seven gladiator levels (+2/+2d4 at 7th level, +3/+3d4 at 14th level). Taunt: Starting at 3rd level, gladiators learn to unnerve their opponents with just a glance. While using this display, a gladiator may attempt to demoralize an opponent as a swift action (see Intimidate, Pathfinder Core p. 99). For this purpose, use the gladiator's class level + his Charisma modifier or his Intimidate bonus, whichever is higher. All abilities which affect a normal use of the Intimidate skill to demoralize an enemy also apply to this display.


Shake It Off: Starting at 6th level, gladiators can shrug off fear and discomfort, or help an ally do the same. For each round that this display is active, the gladiator can attempt to end a mind-affecting effect on himself or one adjacent ally. The beneficiary can reroll a failed save or opposed skill check against the DC of the original effect. If the effect allows no save or check to resist it, the effect ends automatically. Confounding Feint: Starting at 9th level, gladiators can drive foes into confusion and distraction. As a swift action, the gladiator can make a Bluff check against a single target, opposed by that creature's Combat Maneuver Defense. If the gladiator wins the contest, the target is dazed for 1 round. A creature that has been targeted by a confounding feint in the last hour gains a +2 cumulative bonus to its CMD to resist successive feints, whether or not the feint was successful, and no matter which gladiator attempted the feint. Riposte Stance: Starting at 15th level, gladiators develop the ability to counter enemy attacks with their own. Once per turn, when an enemy attacks the gladiator while he is using this display, he may choose to either use his Armor Class to defend against the attack or to roll an opposing attack roll at his highest base attack bonus. Treat the result of this attack roll as the gladiator's Armor Class against that attack. If the attack misses, the gladiator automatically counterattacks and deals damage equal to his Strength modifier to the attacker Dragon's Fury: At 17th level, a gladiator can enter a passionate frenzy, fill himself with ferocity. He gains the benefits of freedom of movement, gains temporary hit points equal to twice his class level, and receives a morale bonus to damage rolls equal to his Charisma modifier. He also gains a +4 bonus to his CMB and CMD. Mercy: At 1st level, a gladiator suffers no penalties when attacking to inflict non-lethal damage. Exotic Weapon: At 2nd level, and every four gladiator levels thereafter, a gladiator gains Exotic Weapon Proficiency as a bonus feat. No Mercy: At 5th level, a gladiator can execute a coup-de-grace as a standard action instead of a fullround action. Gladiator's Presence: At 10th level, gladiators gain either Inspiring Presence or Intimidating Presence as a

bonus feat. They must meet the prerequisites for the feat. If they do not meet the prerequisites at 10th level, they gain the feat as soon as they do meet its prerequisites. Terror Walking: At 13th level, when a gladiator successfully demoralizes a creature with the Intimidate skill, it becomes panicked instead of shaken the first time that it is demoralized in that day. If the gladiator later successfully demoralizes the same creature again, it is shaken as normal. Master of the Arena: At 20th level, a gladiator has perfected the skills of the arena. He can maintain two different gladiatorial displays. Doing so does not require him to expend additional daily uses of his gladiatorial performance ability.

D Monk

Not all psionic talents are as direct or apparent as a kineticist's fire bolts or a telepath's command. Psychic academies teach some with psionic gifts to turn their power inward, toward perfection of body and soul rather than the mind. Monks are the end-products of this training, committed practitioners of the Way who have learned to focus their Will on their own bodies. Monks are deeply meditative by nature, as it is their deep knowledge of the Way that allows them to channel their energies. Some few retreat from the world to ensure the peace of mind that their study demands. Most, however, make their way as skilled warriors. Monks are often found working as protectors for the merchant houses and the academies, or as bodyguards for the wealthy. In the culture of corruption found in the city-states, monk guardians are considered highly reliable. Unscrupulous monks can find easy employment as assassins, thieves, and spies. There are even a few monks living in the citystates who join the Templarate. Most monks belong to a secret fraternity, holding membership in one of the seven known to exist. Only monks are invited to join any of the fraternities, and only after a careful analysis of their character by established members. Some monks refuse to join, while others are never offered a chance. Though few outside the academies of the Way know of these societies, there is a great deal of speculation among the scholars about the purpose of each group.


Monks come from all sorts of backgrounds. Unlike psions, whose ranks include many of the well-born who desire a soft life of power for their children, becoming a monk is rarely considered appropriate for a child from a wealthy family. Even well-established monks are rarely better than mercenaries or adventurers. Some choose to follow the monk's path because they were rejected from the more rigorous disciplines expected of psions. Others were brought into the academy by the patronage of a powerful member; depending on the patron in question, the motives may range from nepotism to generosity. More than one successful monk began his career as a scholarship student from a poor family who had shown early promise to some master's chance study. And sometimes, very rarely, such masters have retired away from the academy and trained a few select pupils outside the strictures of the formal system.

D Paladin

When defilers poison the land with their magic, or rogue psions distort the Way for their own gain, the ordinary people of Athas have few defenders. There are not many who can stand against the supernatural powers of spell and mind. Those who can are known by different names in different places, but the spirit of all such titles may be found in the word “paladin”. It is somewhere between an office, a duty, and a calling. Paladins track down the supernatural enemies that hunt the wastes and city-states of the Tablelands. Their duties are respected by all, their power feared. But most terrible of all is the strength of a paladin's conviction. The majority of paladins have been scarred by reckless or abusive powers, and their hatred of intemperate spellcraft runs deep. Most paladins are wanderers, roaming across the Tyr region in search of the renegade mages who are their lawful prey. A paladin's craft is illegal in the cityExcept as noted here, monks have the class features states, where they are labeled disturbers of the peace listed in the Pathfinder Core Rules. and exiled upon discovery, but many paladins still Weapon Proficiencies: Athasian monks are operate covertly within the walls of the cities. Templar proficient with the chatchka, club, crossbow (light or are loathe to confront a paladin without heavy), dagger, handaxe, javelin, kama, nunchaku, overwhelming superiority. Paladins, in turn, are nearquarterstaff, shortspear, siangham, sling, spear, tonfa, universally contemptuous and hostile toward the and wrist razor. Templarate, and are usually keystones in resistance Skills: Autohypnosis, Disguise, Knowledge movements against the sorcerer-kings. Finally, (psionics), and Psicraft are class skills for monks. paladins will congregate at major magical disasters Knowledge (history) and Swim are no longer class which tend to reanimate the dead. Paladins view the skills for monks. Monks gain 5 + Intelligence modifier undead as one of the worst consequences of sorcery, skill points per level. and will go to great lengths to destroy them. Psionic: Monks are treated as having a power Many paladins follow the elemental and point reserve for the purpose of acquiring psionic feats paraelemental powers, drawing their abilities from the and mainting a psionic focus pseudo-divinities of the planes. Others draw their Ignore Heat: Athasian monks control their bodies power from deep meditation on the Way, which they to remain cool even during a summer noon, or warm see as a divinely inspired source of stability. Still during the coldest night. Starting at 5th level, monks others claim atheism, and say that their abilities come gain heat protection +3. from their deep convictions. Though all paladins are Ignore Thirst: Athasian monks can suppress their capable of a form of spellcasting, most prefer to refer body's need for water, reducing both their awareness think of them as miracles or talents instead. of thirst and their expenditure of moisture. Starting at 9th level, monks can last without any hydration for a number of days equal to their Wisdom modifier. After that time, start applying penalties for thirst as normal. The paladin class has undergone considerable changes. Unless specified here, they have none of the Diamond Soul: Athasian monks gain psi class features listed in the Pathfinder Core Rules. resistance instead of spell resistance.

Class Features

Class Features


Alignment: Athasian paladins serve the elements and the people of Athas, but their morals and methods are as varied as in any other profession. For every paladin who would hold trials and careful investigations to determine the identity of a village's defiler, there is another who would simply slaughter the entire village in their beds to ensure that the mage could not escape. Paladins have no alignment restrictions. They are usually not chaotic, but this is not a requirement. Hit Die: d10. Build Options: When taking your first level of paladin, you must decide whether to advance as a standard paladin or as a templar. See the Templar Knight kit below for details. Paladins who lose their calling often “fall” and become templar knights. Class Skills: Autohypnosis, Craft, Diplomacy, Heal, Intimidate, Knowledge (arcana), Knowledge (psionics), Knowledge (religion), Knowledge (warcraft), Profession, Ride, Sense Motive, Spellcraft, and Survival. Skill Points: Paladins gain 4 + Intelligence modifier skills points at each level. Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: Paladins are Paladin

Hit Die: d10

Level Base Attack Bonus

Fort Save

proficient with simple and martial weapons, with all types of armor, and with all shields except tower shields. Detect Mage (Sp): Paladins can use detect psionics and detect magic at will, as the power and spell. Detect Defiler (Sp): Paladins constantly gain the benefits of the defiler scent spell. Smite Foe (Su): This is exactly identical to the smite evil ability described in the Pathfinder Core Rules, with the following exceptions. First, it deals no additional damage to evil outsiders. Second, the alignment of the target does not matter. Finally, the paladin gains 5 + paladin level spell and power resistance against the spells and powers of the smite target. Divine Grace (Su): At 2nd level, paladins gain the feature of the same name described in the Pathfinder Core Rules. Lay On Hands (Su): At 2nd level, paladins gain the feature of the same name described in the Pathfinder Core Rules. Aura of Courage (Su): At 3rd level, paladins gain the feature of the same name described in the Pathfinder Core Rules.

Skill Points: 3 + Int mod per level

Ref Save Will Save Special






Detect mage, detect defiler, smite foe 1/day






Divine grace, lay on hands






Aura of courage, divine health, judgment, mercy






Channel positive energy, smite foe 2/day, spells






Mageslayer's weapon 1/day












Smite foe 3/day






Aura of resolve






Mageslayer's weapon 2/day, mercy






Smite foe 4/day






Rally the hunters












Mageslayer's weapon 3/day, smite foe 5/day






Aura of sanctity












Smite foe 6/day






Champion's aegis, mageslayer's weapon 4/day












Smite foe 7/day






Magebane, mageslayer's weapon 4/day



Divine Health (Ex): At 3rd level, paladins gain the feature of the same name described in the Pathfinder Core Rules. Mercy (Su): At 3rd level, paladins gain the feature of the same name described in the Pathfinder Core Rules. Judgment (Su): Starting at 3rd level, a paladin can choose to forgo the bonus damage of her smite foe ability to instead cause her target to be afflicted by a status condition. A paladin may use this ability to inflict any status condition that she could could cure with a mercy, with the following exceptions: cursed, diseased, poisoned, and staggered. This effect is applied to all attacks that the paladin makes in a round, and must be chosen before the paladin rolls the attacks. Each condition lasts for one round. No more than one status condition may be inflicted at one time. Channel Positive Energy (Su): At 4th level, paladins gain the feature of the same name described in the Pathfinder Core Rules. Spells: At 4th level, paladins gain the feature of the same name described in the Pathfinder Core Rules, with the following exceptions. Paladins cast divine spells, drawn from the list found in the Magic chapter. Paladins now ready spells instead of preparing them. See the Magic chapter for information about how to ready spells, and the table to the right for the number of readied spells and spell slots that paladins gain. Mageslayer's Weapon (Su): The hallmark power of a paladin is her ability to render a mage completely vulnerable to her attacks. Starting at 5th level, a paladin may spend a standard action to concentrate on a melee weapon, empowering it. This empowerment lasts for one minute per paladin level. For the duration, the weapon gains a +1 enhancement bonus. In addition, the first time that the weapon strikes a spellcaster or manifester in a round, the target of the attack must succeed on a concentration check (DC 5 + damage dealt) or be unable to cast spells or manifest powers the following round. The enhancement bonus granted by this ability increases by +1 at 8th level, and every three paladin levels thereafter. These bonuses can be added to the weapon, stacking with existing enhancement bonuses (to a maximum of +5), or they can be used to add any of the following weapon properties: acidic, defending, disruption, flaming, freezing, keen, psychokinetic, shocking, suppression (choose

Paladin Spells Spells Readied

Spell Slots




















































































































































































































magical or psionic), or any burst enchantments for the elemental enchantments on this list. These bonuses are added to any properties that the weapon already has, but duplicate abilities do not stack. If the weapon is not already magical, at least a +1 enhancement bonus must be added before any properties. The bonuses and properties are determined when the paladin empowers her mageslayer's weapon, and cannot be changed until she does so again. Any other character holding a mageslayer's weapon gains none of the benefits of this ability, but they return if the paladin wields the weapon again. These bonuses apply only to one end of a double weapon. A paladin can use this ability once per day at 5th level, and one additional time per day for every four additional levels, to a maximum of four times per day at 17th level. Aura of Resolve (Su): This is exactly identical to the aura of resolve ability described in the Pathfinder Core Rules, except that the immunity and save bonus also apply to compulsion effects. Rally The Hunters (Su): This is exactly identical to the aura of justice ability described in the Pathfinder


Core Rules, except that it applies to smite foe instead of smite evil. Aura of Sanctity (Su): At 14th level, paladins gain 5 + paladin level spell and power resistance. The spell and power resistance granted by their smite foe ability increases to 10 + paladin level. Allies within 10 feet of the paladin gain spell and power resistance equal to the paladin's level. Champion's Aegis (Su): At 17th level, a paladin gains DR 5/cold iron. She also becomes immune to the effects of a defiling radius, and to the effects of a defiler's raze feats. Magebane (Su): At 20th level, a paladin becomes the ultimate hunter of the supernatural. Her damage reduction increases to 10/cold iron. Whenever she channels positive energy or uses lay on hands to heal, she heals the maximum possible amount. Finally, when she uses smite foe against an arcane spellcaster or psionic manifester, she may attempt to sunder the target's powers. Every time she hits the target, it must make a Will save (DC 15 + the paladin's Charisma modifier); on a failure, the target cannot cast spells or manifest powers for 24 hours.

Templar Knight

Templars are more than just functionaries for a sorcerer-king. They are the police investigators, the bodyguards, the military commanders – in short, they are leaders of the sorcerer-king's forces in all their capacities. Those who emphasize martial prowess over learning and mystical training are given many titles, but as a group they are known as “templar knights”. A templar knight has no less authority than a priest, and in practice many have found that even the fear of magic is less intimidating than the fear of magic and edged weapons. Templar knights use their ability to suppress the supernatural abilities of enemies to effectively police the academies and the official defilers sanctioned by the sorcerer-kings. The former have found effective ways to coexist with templars in the past, and the bribery of a templar is a standard part of Athasian governance. The defilers, however, are feared and detested by the Templarate, who view them as competition for the favor of their monarch. The culture clash between the Templarate and the official defilers is complex, brutal, and often deadly. Templar

knights view themselves, with some cause, as the only barrier between the mages and control of society and government. The Templar Knight kit is a build option for paladins. Templar knights are a sorcerer-king's generals and enforcers, and have no interest in hunting mages. They work for the most abusive mages in the world without a qualm. Templar knights gain the authority due to their position and a ranksigil that denotes their rank and privileges. Multiclassing Note: All templar knights must be accepted into the Templarate and undergo rigorous training and indoctrination before they are allowed to swear fealty and receive their powers. A 1st level character starting as a templar knight is assumed to have already accomplished these tasks. Any character who wishes to multiclass into the templar knight kit, however, must complete these requirements. Given the political brutality of the Templarate, this could easily become an adventure by itself. Conversion: Unlike clerics, paladins are not necessarily bound by an oath or conduit to the elemental planes. Any paladin can forsake his path to enter a sorcerer-king's service. Mechanically, the conversion process is simple: remove all abilities that templar knights do not receive, and add all those that they do. Class skills are not affected by this process. This may only be done while leveling up. Characterwise, this decision is likely complex and harrowing for the PC, which emotional aspect should be emphasized. Despite the ease of converting a character's statistics, the loss of a paladin's calling should never be a simple matter. Skills: Bluff, Knowledge (local), and Knowledge (nobility) are class skills for templar knights. Autohypnosis and Survival are not class skills. Detect Defiler: Templar knights gain no special ability to identify defilers. Secular Authority: All templar knights have been accepted into the Templarate, and can use their authority as they choose. Templar knights gain the Secular Authority feat as a bonus feat at 1st level; they do not need to meet its prerequisites. In addition, they gain a bonus equal to one-half their templar knight level to checks related to using Secular Authority. Sigil: A templar is marked by his sigil, a complex tattoo somewhere obvious on his body that serves as


badge, rank insignia, and focus all in one. As a templar's rank increases, his sigil is updated to reflect his new status. The sigil also serves as the templar knight's divine focus. Sigils are distinct to each sorcerer-monarch and instantly recognizable. Spells: Templar knights have a slightly different spell list than paladins. See the Magic chapter for details.

Skill Points: 2 + Intelligence modifier per level. Manifestation: Psions are able to manifest psionic powers. They have a power point reserve, they know psionic powers, and they have a manifester level equal to their psion level plus their levels in other classes that grant power manifestation. Psions can manifest any power that has a power point cost equal to or lower than their manifester level. The Difficulty Class for saving throws against psion powers is 10 + the power's level + the psion's Intelligence modifier. To learn or manifest a power, a psion must have an The psion class has undergone considerable changes. Intelligence score of at least 10 + the power's level. They have none of the class features listed in the Power Points: A psion's ability to manifest powers Expanded Psionics Handbook. is limited by the power points he has available. His Hit Die: d6. base daily allotment of power points is given on the Starting Money: 3d4 x 10 Cp (average 75 Cp). table below. In addition, he receives bonus powers Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: Psions are each day if he has a high Intelligence score (see proficient with the club, dagger, heavy crossbow, light Expanded Psionics Handbook, p. 18). A psion's race may crossbow, quarterstaff, and short spear. They are not provide bonus power points per day, as may certain proficient with any armor or with shields. feats and items. A psion must rest in order to recover Class Skills: Autohypnosis, Craft, Fly, Knowledge his power points. Each hour of rest allows the psion to (all), Linguistics, Profession, Psicraft. (In addition, see regain one-quarter of his daily power point pool. Disciplines.) Powers Known: Psions begins play knowing

D Psion


Hit Die: d6

Level Base Attack Bonus

Fort Save

Ref Save

Skill Points: 2 + Int mod per level Will Save Special
















Power Powers Talents Points Known Known

Discipline, Swift Focus

Max Level








































































Bonus feat










Multidisciplinary (powers)





































Bonus feat










Multidisciplinary (talent)









































Bonus feat

Multidisciplinary (talent)

Bonus feat



several psion powers. Each time they reach a new level, they unlock the knowledge of new powers. Choose the powers known from the psion power list, or from the list of powers associated with your discipline. You cannot learn powers from disciplines other than your own (but see Multidisciplinary, below). The number of times that a psion can manifest powers in a day is limited only by his daily power points. A psion simply knows his powers; they are ingrained in his mind. He does not prepare or ready powers, although he must rest each day in order to recover all of his power points. Talents: All psions have talents, special knacks or abilities which they may use freely. Talents are psionic powers that cannot be augmented and have no power point cost. Thus, they may be used as many times each day as a psion desires. Each psion has only a few talents – see the table below for details. Psions receive a free talent specific to their discipline at 1st level. Discipline: All psions are specialists in one of the six psionic disciplines. Each discipline provides its devotees with additional class skills, a talent, special abilities, and a list of unique powers that can only be learned by specialists. Psions cannot learn powers restricted to disciplines other than their own (but see Metadisciplinary). Swift Focus: Psions gain Swift Focus as a bonus feat. Bonus Feats: Psions gain a bonus feat at 5th, 10th, 15th, and 20th levels. These feats are supplemental to those gained by normal leveling, and must be selected from psionic, metapsionic, or psionic item creation feats. Metadisciplinary: As a psion advances, the distinctions between the disciplines begin to blur. No psion ever completely escapes his own training and inclinations, but advanced disciples of the mental arts can learn to act outside their specialty. At 8th and 16th levels, when a psion learns a new talent, he may choose that talent from those granted by other disciplines. Starting at 11th level, a psion becomes able to learn the lesser powers of other disciplines. He may learn powers from a different discipline's list, but he treats his psion level as 10 levels lower than it is for determining which powers he can learn. This does not affect his ability to manifest those powers.


A discipline is one of six groupings of powers, each defined by a common theme. The six disciplines are clairsentience, metacreativity, psychokinesis, psychometabolism, psychoportation, and telepathy. Each discipline offers its specialists additional class skills, a unique talent, a special ability, and a list of restricted powers that only members of that discipline can learn.


A psion who specializes in clairsentience is able to extend the reach of their physical senses. This includes precognitive faculties, which aid both in information-gathering and combat, as well as the ability to see distant places. Title: Seer Class Skills: Appraise, Perception, Sense Motive. Granted Abilities: Seers gain a bonus to initiative checks equal to one-half their psion level (minimum +1). Forewarned (Su): A seer is always able to take action during a surprise round, although he is still flatfooted. Selective Precognition (Su): Once per day, a seer can gain a +2 bonus to Armor Class or to one saving throw after he has learned the result of the attack or save. This ability may be used an additional time each day for every five psion levels the seer possesses. Know Enemy (Su): A seer may attempt to gain detailed knowledge of any creature he can see as a swift action. He makes a Knowledge check with a bonus equal to his Intelligence modifier, using his class level in place of his ranks if the former is higher. The seer must be able to see the creature that he is learning about. Scryseeker (Su): Starting at 8th level, a seer is always aware of attempts to supernaturally observe his actions. He constantly gains the benefits of detect remote viewing. In addition, whenever he uses his abilities to scry on something, he treats the subject as one category more familiar to him. Very familiar subjects take a -10 penalty to their saving throw. Perfect Warning (Su): At 20th level, a seer may take 20 on initiative and Perception checks. Talent: Sensory Ghost

Metacreativity A psion specializing in metacreativity learns to manipulate


ectoplasm, a semi-real substance drawn forth from the Grey. Ectoplasm may be used to create objects or tools, as well as animated constructs to serve the psion's will. Title: Shaper Class Skills: Disguise, Heal, Survival. Granted Abilities: Shapers gain a bonus to Craft checks equal to one-half their psion level. Stabilize Ectoplasm (Ex): Whenever you manifest a Metacreativity (creation) power, increase its duration by a number of rounds equal to one-half your psion level (minimum 1). Ectoplasmic Shard (Sp): A shaper can create a piece of psychically-charged ammunition from ectoplasm with a swift action. An ectoplasmic shard can be a standard item of ammunition for a crossbow, bow, sling, or blowgun, and can be fired normally from any appropriate weapon (i.e., an ectoplasmic bolt could be fired from any crossbow). Alternately, the shaper can cause the shard to leap toward any creature within 30 feet as a free action. In either case, the shard requires a ranged touch attack to hit, and deals 1d8 damage + 1 point per psion level. A shaper may not have more than one ectoplasmic shard in creation at once, but one that he has created is permanent until it is used. This ability may be used a number of times each day equal to 3 + Intelligence modifier. Psychic Phalanx (Su): Starting at 8th level, a shaper can create a solid barrier that protects himself and his allies. All allies within 30 feet of the shaper gain a +2 deflection bonus to AC while the barrier is active. Furthermore, any enemy that makes a melee attack against an ally protected by the barrier receives a psychic shock that deals damage equal to the shaper's Intelligence modifier. The AC bonus granted by this ability increases to +3 at 13th level, and to +4 at 18th level. Creating the barrier is a standard action, but it can be lowered as a swift action. Shapers may use this ability for a number of rounds each day equal to 3 + Intelligence modifier. Astral Guardian (Ex): At 20th level, a shaper can choose to make the duration of astral construct permanent. No shaper may have more than one permanent astral construct at once; if he makes another construct permanent, the previous one immediately vanishes. Talent: Create Tool


Psions who specialize in kinesis are skilled at the manipulation of physical objects outside themselves. The scope of their manipulation ranges from simple movement or agitation to powerful energy blasts, making kineticists widely-feared as artillery masters. Title: Kineticist Class Skills: Disable Device, Intimidate, Sleight of Hand. Granted Abilities : Kineticists gain a bonus equal to one-quarter their psion level (minimum +1) to ranged attacks for psionic powers or abilities. Piercing Energy (Su): Any power that a kineticist manifests that deals hit point damage gains a bonus to its damage roll equal to one-half the kineticist's psion level. This bonus also applies to class features of psionic classes that create damaging energy effects. The bonus damage is only applied once per power; if a power targets several creatures, such as by creating multiple missiles or rays, the psion may divide the bonus damage between each projectile. The damage dealt by this ability is the same type as the power. Telekinetic Bolt (Sp): As a standard action a kineticist can release a bolt of force to strike any target within 50 feet. The bolt requires a ranged touch attack and deals 1d8 + Intelligence modifier bludgeoning damage, and gains the benefits of the kineticist's piercing energy ability. This ability can be used a number of times each day equal to 3 + Intelligence modifier. Metapsionic Devastation (Ex): At 8th level, kineticists can apply any one metapsionic feat that they know to a single Psychokinetic power that they are about to manifest. This metapsionic feat does not increase the power point cost of the power, and does not count toward the augmentation limit. A kineticist can do this once per day, and an additional time per day for every two psion levels he possesses beyond 8th level. Pierce Resistance (Ex): At 20th level, a kineticist may roll twice to defeat an enemy's psi resistance against his Psychokinetic powers. In addition, once per day he may force one enemy to reroll its saving throw against one of his Psychokinetic powers, and use the worse result. Talent: Far Hand, Greater


to resolve the fall, activating this ability halves any falling damage that the nomad would otherwise take. A psychometabolic specialist has learned to alter his th physical form, or the forms of nearby creatures. This allows At 6 level, the nomad's maneuverability increases to Good. At 10th level, his speed increases to twice his the psion to heal and to harm, or to augment his physical land speed. At 14th level, his maneuverability increases capabilities. to Perfect. Title: Shifter Teleport Other (Su): As a standard action, a nomad Class Skills: Acrobatics, Escape Artist, Heal. can cause one ally within 50 feet to teleport. The ally Granted Abilities: Shifters gain a bonus to Fortitude saves against environmental hazards equal exits its own space and enters any space within 50 feet of the nomad. The ally does not provoke an attack of to one-quarter their psion level (minimum +1). opportunity for this movement, although the nomad Physical Enhancement (Su): Shifters gain a +1 does provoke for manifesting this ability. Nomads enhancement bonus to a single physical ability score may use this ability once per day per three class levels. of their choice (Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution). Dimensional Stride (Su): Starting at 8th level, a This bonus increases by +1 every five psion levels. The nomad can teleport up to 30 feet per psion level each shifter may change which ability score this bonus day as a standard action. This teleport must be used in applies to with one hour of meditation. five-foot increments. Teleporting in this fashion does Healing Reserve (Su): Shifters maintain a pool of not provoke an attack of opportunity. You can bring mental energy that allows them to heal their own other willing creatures with you, but you must expend injuries as a standard action. A shifter may use this an equal amount of distance for each creature other energy to regain a number of hit points equal to five times his psion level each day. These hit points may be than yourself. Freedom of Sky (Su): At 20th level, a nomad can divided up as the shifter desires. using his psychic lift ability at will. Energy Absorption (Su): At 6th level, a shifter gains Talent: Lightfoot an amount of energy absorption equal to three times his psion level each day. Whenever he take energy Telepathy damage, apply immunities, resistances, and The most feared and mistrusted psions are those who have vulnerabilities first. If he still would take damage, learned to control the minds of others. Such psions can send reduce your daily absorption total by that amount. mental communications, read thoughts, and seize power Any damage in excess of the absorption limit is over the minds of other beings. applied normally. th Title: Mindbender Perfect Conditioning (Su): At 20 level, shifters apply their enhancement bonus to two physical ability Class Skills: Bluff, Diplomacy, Sense Motive. Granted Abilities: Telepaths gain a bonus equal to scores. one-half their psion level to Sense Motive checks. Talent: Endurance Influence Mind (Su): Telepaths gain a +2 Psychoportation enhancement bonus to Bluff, Diplomacy, and Psions who develop the discipline of psychoportation learn Intimidate checks. This bonus increases by +1 for the skill of moving themselves and others with their powers. every five psion levels the telepath obtains, up to a maximum of +6 at 20th level. Title: Nomad Dazing Touch (Su): A telepath can cause a creature Class Skills: Acrobatics, Climb, Swim. Granted Abilities: A nomad's land speed increases by to become dazed for one round with a melee touch attack. Creatures with more hit dice than the telepath's 5 feet per four psion levels (minimum +5 feet). manifester level are unaffected. This mind-affecting Psychic Lift (Su): A nomad can fly for one round ability may be used a number of times each day equal per psion level each day at a rate equal to his land to 3 + Intelligence modifier. speed (average maneuverability). Choosing to fly in Project Emotion (Su): Starting at 8th level, a telepath this manner is a free action. If activated while falling from any height that would take less than a full round can broadcast a powerful emotion to all creatures



within 30 feet. for a number of rounds each day equal to his psion level. These rounds do not need to be consecutive. Each aura affects a specific category of creature – allies, enemies, or all creatures. This is a mind-affecting ability. Activating the aura is a standard action, but it can be lowered as a free action. The psion may change which emotion he project with a swift action. Awe: The telepath gains a +4 bonus on Diplomacy, Intimidate, and Perform checks with all creatures. Calm: Allies gain a +2 bonus to Will saves and Autohypnosis, Sense Motive, and concentration checks. Good Will: All creatures or enemies move up one attitude category relative to all creatures (see Diplomacy). This ends immediately when the aura fades. Rage: All creatures, allies, or enemies take a -2 penalty to AC and gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls. Static: All creatures except the psion are dazed; the psion is staggered and loses his Dexterity bonus to AC. Each round, affected creatures may make a Will save (DC 10 + ½ psion level + Intelligence modifier) to become staggered for that round. Terror: Enemies are shaken. Mirrormind: At 20th level, whenever a telepath succeeds on a saving throw against an enchantment spell or telepathy power, that spell or power is reflected back at its caster, as per spell turning. Talent: Contact Mindlink

D Psychic Warrior

The psychic warrior class has undergone considerable changes. They have none of the class features listed in the Expanded Psionics Handbook. Hit Die: d8. Starting Money: 5d4 x 10 Cp (average 125 Cp). Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: Psychic warriors are proficient with all simple and martial weapons, with light, medium, and heavy armor, and with all shields (except tower shields). Class Skills: Acrobatics, Autohypnosis, Climb, Craft, Fly, Intimidate, Knowledge (psionics), Knowledge (warcraft), Profession, Psicraft, Ride, Perception, Survival. Skill Points: 3 + Intelligence modifier per level.

Manifestation: Psychic warriors are able to manifest psionic powers. They have a power point reserve, they know psionic powers, and they have a manifester level equal to their psychic warrior level plus their levels in other classes that grant manifestation. Psychic warriors can manifest any power that has a power point cost equal to or lower than their manifester level. The Difficulty Class for saving throws against psychic warrior powers is 10 + the power's level + the psychic warrior's Wisdom modifier. To learn or manifest a power, a psychic warrior must have a Wisdom score of at least 10 + the power's level. Power Points: A psychic warrior's ability to manifest powers is limited by the power points he has available. His base daily allotment of power points is given on the table below. In addition, he receives bonus powers each day if he has a high Wisdom score (see Expanded Psionics Handbook, p. 18). A psychic warrior's race may provide bonus power points per day, as may certain feats and items. A psychic warrior must rest in order to recover his power points. Each hour of rest allows the psychic warrior to regain onequarter of his daily power point pool. Powers Known: Psychic warriors begins play knowing several psychic warrior powers. Each time they reach a new level, they unlock the knowledge of new powers. Choose the powers known from the psychic warrior power list. The number of times that a psychic warrior can manifest powers in a day is limited only by his daily power points. A psychic warrior simply knows his power; they are ingrained in his mind. He does not prepare or ready powers, although he must rest each day in order to recover all of his power points. Maximum Power Level: Psychic warriors are more limited in their knowledge of the Way than psions. They cannot know any psychic warrior power with a level higher than one-third their psychic warrior level (rounded up). Talents: All psychic warriors have talents, special knacks or abilities which they may use freely. Talents are psionic powers that cannot be augmented and have no power point cost. Thus, they may be used as many times each day as the psychic warrior desires. Each psychic warrior has only a few talents – see the table below for details.


Psychic Warrior Level Base Attack Bonus

Hit Die: d8 Fort Save

Ref Save

Skill Points: 3 + Int mod per level Will Save Special

Power Powers Talents Points Known Known

Max Level






Psionic glyph, glyph power










Glyph power










Combat training (+1)










Glyph power










Mindward +1










Glyph power










Combat training










Glyph power










Mindward +2










Greater glyph power










Combat training (+2)










Greater glyph power










Mindward +3










Greater glyph power










Combat training










Greater glyph power










Mindward +4










Greater glyph power










Combat training (+3)










Glyph of mastery, greater glyph power





Psionic Glyph (Su): Psychic warriors are unique in their ability to utilize psionic glyphs, special psychic tattoos that invest their wearers with enchantments and augmentations. Each psychic warrior starts with a basic psionic glyph which he improves over time as his mastery of the Way improves. Despite being a tattoo, a psionic glyph does not always need to be visible; psychic warriors can adjust the opacity of their glyphs as a swift action. A psionic glyph always appears when viewed with detect psionics or similar powers, however. It also appears spontaneously whenever the psychic warrior manifests a power with a Visual display. A psionic glyph can be enchanted or augmented as if it were a magical item. Glyphs hold two enchantment “slots”: one weapon slot, and one armor slot. Enchantments for either slot must be purchased at their normal price, and any spellcaster or manifester can contribute to the enchantment of a glyph. Psychic warriors with the Craft Magical Arms and Armor feat, or its psionic equivalent, can enchant their own glyphs. Each slot can hold a maximum equivalent enhancement bonus equal to one-half the psychic

warrior's class level. Once a psychic warrior's glyph has been enchanted, any weapon or armor he bears gains the enchantments of the appropriate slot in his glyph. The glyph's enchantments do not stack with any that are naturally present in the item; unless the psychic warrior wishes otherwise, the glyph overrides the item's own enchantments. If the psychic warrior is wielding two weapons or a double weapon, only one weapon (or one end of the double weapon) gains the glyph enchantments. The other benefits from any natural enchantments that are present. Glyph Power (Su): At 1st level, 2nd level, and every even-numbered level thereafter, psychic warriors gain further bonuses from their glyphs. These bonuses are chosen from the following list. Channeling Strike: The psychic warrior can use touch powers against enemies that he strikes with a weapon. While holding the charge on a touch power, he can make a single melee attack at his highest base attack bonus as a standard action. If he hits, he can discharge the power against the target.


Glyph of Alacrity: All movement speeds that the psychic warrior possesses naturally increase by 5 feet. Those gained through the use of items, spells, powers, or other such temporary and non-intrinsic means are not affected. This glyph can be selected more than once; its effects stack. Glyph of Competence: Choose one of the following skills: Acrobatics, Climb, Escape Artist, Fly, Ride, Stealth, Swim. While maintaining his psionic focus, the psychic warrior gains a competence bonus to the chosen skill equal to one-half his psychic warrior level (minimum +1). Glyph of Defense: The psychic warrior gain a bonus equal to one-half his psychic warrior level (minimum +1) to all concentration checks made in combat. Glyph of Deflection: The psychic warrior can surround himself with a kinetic barrier as a swift action. This barrier provides a +1 deflection bonus to AC for one round. This bonus increases to +2 at 5th level, and by a further +1 for every five psychic warrior levels thereafter. The bonus doubles if the psychic warrior takes the Total Defense action. The psychic warrior may use this ability a number of times each day equal to 3 + Wisdom modifier. Glyph of Devastation: When the psychic warrior threatens a critical hit, he can automatically confirm it. He can use this ability a number of times each day equal to his Wisdom modifier. Glyph of Focus: As a free action, the psychic warrior retains his psionic focus when he would otherwise lose it. This ability can be used once per day, and one additional time per day for every five psychic warrior levels. Glyph of Resilience: Once per day, the psychic warrior can grant himself temporary hit points equal to his psychic warrior level as an immediate action. This ability can be used in response to being reduced below 0 points; in this case, the psychic warrior remains conscious and able to act normally. These temporary hit points last for one minute. If his hit points drop below 0 due to the loss of these temporary hit points, he immediately fall unconscious and start dying as normal. Glyph of Storage: The psychic warrior can tuck items away in an extra-dimensional pocket. Storing or retrieving an item requires a swift action. To store an item, the psychic warrior must touch it with his hand.

A recovered item appears in his hand; if it is a weapon, it is ready to wield. The storage can hold a maximum of 20 lb., plus an additional 5 lb. per psychic warrior level. Glyph of Suppression: The psychic warrior can shrug off supernatural effects while maintaining his psionic focus. If he makes a successful Fortitude or Will save against a an attack that normally deals half damage or has a reduced effect on a successful save, he instead takes no damage and does not suffer any effects. Martial Training: Instead of developing his glyph, the psychic warrior concentrates on improving his mundane combat skills. Gain a bonus combat or psionic feat. This glyph power may be selected more than once. Combat Training (Ex): At 3rd level, and every four class levels thereafter, psychic warriors develop their abilities with ordinary martial combat. Combat training provides a +1 bonus to a specific aspect of a warrior's combat routine. At 11th level, this bonus increases to +2; at 19th level, it increases to +3. Choose one of the following benefits: Armor Flexibility: Choose one group of armor (light, medium, or heavy). Reduce the armor check penalty and increase the max Dexterity bonus of the chosen armor type by the listed bonus. Armor Maneuverability: You take no movement speed penalties for wearing medium armor. If you take this benefit twice, you apply this feature to heavy armor as well. Weapon Training: Choose one group of weapons from those listed for fighters. You gain the listed bonus to attack and damage rolls with those weapons. You also gain the listed bonus to your CMB when using those weapons, and to your CMD when defending against disarm or sunder attempts while wielding those weapons. If a weapon belongs to multiple groups, it only benefits from this ability once. Mindward (Su): At 5th level, psychic warriors learn to defend themselves against psychic attacks. They gain a +1 bonus to all saving throws against enchantment spells and telepathy powers. This bonus increases by +1 every four class levels, to a maximum of +4 at 17th level. Greater Glyph Power (Su): Starting at 10th level, a psychic warrior can choose glyph powers from this list


instead of the glyph power list if he wishes. He can still choose a lower-level glyph power. Channeling Flurry: The psychic warrior can discharge touch powers against enemies while making a full attack. If he takes a Full Attack action holding the charge on a touch power, he can discharge that power against the first creature that he hits. Prerequisite: channeling strike. Glyph of Alertness: The psychic warrior gain the improved uncanny dodge feature (Pathfinder Core, p. 69). Treat his psychic warrior level as his rogue level for the purpose of this ability. Glyph of Disjunction: The psychic warrior can temporarily disrupt the enchantments on magic items. When he makes a sunder maneuver, he can choose to disjunct the item. If he succeeds on the maneuver, he deals no damage to the item, but all magical or psionic enchantments that it possesses cease to function for one round per psychic warrior level. Artifacts cannot be disjuncted, and unenchanted items are unaffected by this ability. This ability can be used a number of times each day equal to 3 + Wisdom modifier. Glyph of Reprisal: The psychic warrior can expend his psionic focus as an immediate action to strike back at an attacker. One creature that has just attacked him in melee is engulfed in a psychic blast that deals 3 damage per psychic warrior level (Reflex half, DC 10 + ½ psychic warrior level + Wisdom modifier). Glyph of Striking: Once per round, the psychic warrior can make an attack of opportunity against an opponent who has just been hit by a melee attack. This counts toward his normal limit of opportunity attacks each round. This ability may only be used once per round, no matter how many opportunity attacks the psychic warrior is able to make. Glyph of Vampirism: When the psychic warrior hits with a melee attack, he can suck the life out of his target, regaining hit points equal to his psychic warrior level. He may use this ability a number of times each day equal to his Wisdom modifier. Greater Glyph of Competence: The psychic warrior can take 10 on any skills that he has chosen for glyph of competence, even if he would not normally be able to do so. Prerequisite: glyph of competence. Greater Glyph of Devastation: Once per round, when the psychic warrior scores a critical hit, he may deal bonus damage equal to his psychic warrior level.

Prerequisite: glyph of devastation. Greater Glyph of Resilience: As glyph of resilience, but the psychic warrior can expend his psionic focus to gain the benefit of this ability even if he has already used it that day. Prerequisite: glyph of resilience. Mindsearing Glyph: Before the psychic warrior make an attack, he can choose to spend 5 power points to augment the attack with a mind-tearing psychic blast. If he hits, the target takes 1d4 points of Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma damage. The affected ability score must be chosen before the attack is rolled. If the attack misses, all power points spent on this ability are lost. For every 3 additional power points spent, this ability deals +1 damage to the chosen attribute. This ability is subject to normal limits on how many power points can be spent to augment a power. Spacebending Glyph: While maintaining his psionic focus, the psychic warrior can teleport as a move action. He must have line of sight to his destination, and he must be able to fit there. He can move as far as he wants in a single jump, but he cannot travel more than 20 feet per class level per day using this ability. Glyph of Mastery (Su): At 20th level, a psychic warrior has perfectly balanced the disciplines of martial combat and the psionic Way. Whenever he manifests a psionic power, he gains a +10 bonus to the damage dealt by his next weapon attack. When he successfully hits with a weapon attack in combat, he regains 1 power point. He can also regain his psionic focus as a swift action.

D Ranger

Except as noted here, rangers have the class features listed in the Pathfinder Core Rules. Favored Enemies & Terrain: The geography of Athas is different from that of the Pathfinder setting, and Athasian rangers have different favored enemy and terrain options. See the table below for details. Spells: Rangers cast primal spells, drawn from the list found in the Magic chapter. Rangers now ready spells instead of preparing them. See the Magic chapter for information about how to ready spells and the nature of primal spells, and the tables below for the number of readied spells and spell slots that rangers gain.


Ranger Favored Targets Favored Enemies

Ranger Spells

Favored Terrains




Spells Readied

Spell Slots


































Humanoid (dwarf)

Obsidian Waste











Humanoid (elf)

Planes (elemental, pick one)











Humanoid (giant)

Planes (the Grey)











Humanoid (gith)

Planes (the Black)











Humanoid (halfling)

Ruins, Green Age











Humanoid (human)

Salt Flat











Humanoid (jozhal)

Sandy Waste











Humanoid (psionic)

Scrub Plains











Humanoid (pterran)

Silt Basin (includes the Sea of Silt)











Humanoid (other subtype)

Stony Barrens











Magical beast

Twisted Waste











Monstrous humanoid
























Outsider (by element)

Water (surface and underwater)











Outsider (shadow giant)














































Hunter's Bond: A ranger who elects to gain an animal companion can choose can choose his companion from the following list: boneclaw, cheetah, crodlu, dire rat, eagle, erdlu, jhakar, kivit, owl, snake (viper or constrictor).

D Rogue

Except as noted here, rogues have the class features listed in the Pathfinder Core Rules. Rogue Talents: Rogues can choose the following talents in addition to those presented in the Pathfinder Core Rules. Athasian rogues cannot choose the minor magic or major magic talents. Dune Trader: You gain a +4 bonus to Diplomacy checks to buy or sell goods. Once per day, you can retry a Bluff or Diplomacy check that did not produce a satisfactory result. Major Psi Talent: You gain 2 power points and knowledge of a single 1st level psion power. Your manifester level is equal to your rogue level. The save DC is 11 + your Intelligence modifier. Your Intelligence score must be 11 or higher to select this talent. This

talent may be taken multiple times; each successive time, you gain 1 additional power point and knowledge of a different 1st level power. Prerequisite: psi talent. Psi Talent: You gain a single psionic talent as a psilike ability usable at will. Your manifester level is equal to your rogue level. Your Intelligence score must be 10 or higher to select this talent.

D Wilder

The wilder class has undergone considerable changes. They have none of the class features listed in the Expanded Psionics Handbook. Hit Die: d8. Starting Money: 4d4 x 10 Cp (average 100 Cp). Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: Wilders are proficient with all simple weapons, with light armor, and with shields (except tower shields). Class Skills: Acrobatics, Bluff, Climb, Craft, Diplomacy, Fly, Handle Animal, Intimidate, Knowledge (psionics), Perception, Perform, Profession, Psicraft, Sense Motive.


Skill Points: 4 + Intelligence modifier per level. Manifestation: Wilders are able to manifest psionic powers. They have a power point reserve, they know psionic powers, and they have a manifester level equal to their wilder level plus their levels in other classes that grant power manifestation. Wilders can manifest any power that has a power point cost equal to or lower than their manifester level. The Difficulty Class for saving throws against wilder powers is 10 + the power's level + the wilder's Charisma modifier. To learn or manifest a power, a wilder must have an Charisma score of at least 10 + the power's level. Power Points: A wilder's ability to manifest powers is limited by the power points she has available. Her base daily allotment of power points is given on the table below. In addition, she receives bonus powers each day if she has a high Charisma score (see Expanded Psionics Handbook, p. 18). A wilder's race may provide bonus power points per day, as may certain feats and items. A wilder must rest in order to recover his power points. Each hour of rest allows the wilder to regain one-quarter of his daily Wilder

Hit Die: d8

Level Base Attack Bonus

Fort Save

Ref Save

power point pool. Powers Known: Wilders begins play knowing several wilder powers. Each time they reach a new level, they unlock the knowledge of new powers. Choose the powers known from the wilder power list. The number of times that a wilder can manifest powers in a day is limited only by his daily power points. A wilder simply knows her powers; they are ingrained in her mind. She does not prepare or ready powers, although she must rest each day in order to recover all of her power points. Talents: All wilders have talents, special knacks or abilities which they may use freely. Talents are psionic powers that cannot be augmented and have no power point cost. Thus, they may be used as many times each day as a wilder desires. Each wilder has only a few talents – see the table above for details. Psychic Aspect (Su): A wilder's powers are fueled by driving passions. These passions can be channeled into specific configurations called psychic aspects, which grant the wilder powerful abilities. She can only display one aspect at a given time. Changing aspects requires one minute of concentration.

Skill Points: 4 + Int mod per level Will Save Special

Power Powers Talents Points Known Known

Max Level






Psychic aspect, wild surge +1










Surging euphoria +1










Wild surge +2



















Aspect, volatile mind (+1 PP)










Wild surge +3










Surging euphoria +2










Rapid display










Volatile mind (+2 PP)










Aspect, wild surge +4










Resist enervation 1/day










Surging euphoria +3










Volatile mind (+3 PP)










Wild surge +5





























Surging euphoria +4, volatile mind (+4 PP)










Wild surge +6










Diminished enervation










Dual-aspect mind







A wilder knows two different psychic aspects at 1st level, chosen from the list below. At 5th level, 10th level, and 15th level, she can learn an additional aspect. Wild Surge (Su): A wilder can let her passion and emotion rise to the surface in a wild surge when she manifests a power. During a wilder surge, a wilder gains phenomenal psionic strength, but may harm herself by the reckless use of her power. A wilder can choose to invoke a wild surge whenever she manifests a power. When she does so, she gains +1 to her manifester level for that power, and bonus points equal to the manifester level bonus. These power points can only be used to augment that power, and are lost if not used immediately. The manifester level boost gives her the ability to augment her powers to a higher degree than she otherwise could. A wilder cannot use the Overchannel feat in conjunction with her wild surge. At 3rd level, a wilder can choose to boost her manifester level by +2 instead of +1, and by a further +1 for every four wilder levels thereafter. She does not need to use the strongest boost if she does not wish to; an 11th level wilder (maximum wild surge +4) can surge for +2 manifester levels freely. A wild surge represents a dangerous burst of energy, which can easily harm the wilder. Immediately following a wild surge (after the power has manifested), a wilder may be overcome by psychic enervation. The chance of suffering psychic enervation is 5% per manifester level added with the wild surge. A wilder affected by psychic enervation is dazed until the end of her next turn and loses a number of power points equal to her wilder level. Surging Euphoria (Ex): Starting at 2nd level, when a wilder uses her wild surge ability, she gains a +1 morale bonus to all attack rolls, damage rolls, and saving throws for a number of rounds equal to the manifester level boost of the wild surge. A wilder who is overcome by psychic enervation does not gain this bonus. At 7th level, and every five wilder levels thereafter, this bonus increases by +1. Volatile Mind (Ex): A wilder's temperamental mind is hard to manipulate. When any telepathy power is manifested on a wilder of 5th level or higher, the manifester must pay 1 power point more than he would otherwise have spent. This extra cost cannot be used to augment the power; it is simply a wasted

power point. Power points that can only be used for augmentation cannot be used for this purpose. The manifester still cannot exceed the normal limits on how many power points he may spend at once; if this ability would raise the cost past that limit, the power fails and the power points spent on it are lost. Similarly, if the manifester does not have enough power points in his reserve to pay the extra cost, the power fails and the power points spent on it are lost. The additional cost increases by 1 power point for every four wilder levels earned past 5th, to a maximum of 4 extra points at 17th level. As a swift action, a wilder can choose to lower this effect for 1 round (for instance, to allow an ally to manifest a beneficial telepathy power on her). Rapid Display: At 8th level, a wilder becomes able to quickly display or change her psychic aspect. A number of times each day equal to her Charisma modifier, she may change her psychic aspect as a fullround action. At 14th level, she can instead change her aspect as a standard action. At 20th level, she can use this ability to switch aspects as a swift action. Resist Enervation: At 11th level, a wilder can reduce the effects of psychic enervation by redirecting the energy into her aspect. If she does so, she suffers no ill effects from the enervation, but her aspect is suppressed for one round per manifester level gained from the wild surge. She cannot wild surge until she regains her aspect, and she still does not gain the benefits of surging euphoria. Diminished Enervation: At 19th level, a wilder affected by psychic enervation is staggered for one round instead of dazed. Dual-Aspect Mind: Starting at 20th level, the wilder becomes a perfect master of her internal chaos. She can display two psychic aspects at once, and gain the benefits of both. If she uses resist enervation to avoid the harmful effects of psychic enervation, only one aspect of her choice is suppressed, and she can continue to use wild surge as long as at least one aspect is active.

Psychic Aspects

A wilder's signature is her ability to display psychic aspects, towering emotional projections which empower her with the ability to channel powerful emotions into nearby creatures.


Aspect Skill (Su): Each aspect is associated with a skill. A wilder gains a +2 bonus to the aspect skill associated with the aspect that she is displaying. This bonus increases by +1 for every five wilder levels. This bonus does not stack with itself. Surging Projection (Su): When a wilder uses wild surge, she can choose to release a wave of emotion as well. The surging projection occurs even if the wilder suffers from psychic enervation from the wild surge. Unless otherwise noted, a surging projection affects either all allies or all enemies within 5 feet per modified manifester level of the wilder. If the projection calls for a saving throw, it is a Will save (DC 10 + wilder's Charisma modifier). Granted Abilities: Each aspect grants one or more special abilities that can only be used while displaying that aspect. If a granted ability specifies a limited number of daily uses, those uses do not reset when the wilder changes aspects. Aspect Powers: While displaying an aspect, a wilder gains access to a specific set of powers associated with that aspect. She can manifest these powers as if she knew them normally. A wilder gains access to her first aspect power at 3rd level, and to another one every four wilder levels thereafter.

Aspect of Awe Aspect Skill: Diplomacy. Surging Projection: Enemies must save or become shaken for 1d3 rounds. Granted Abilities: The wilder projects an aura of incredible power, making herself an object of awe and veneration. Sacrosanct (Su): The wilder makes herself appear to be too powerful to risk angering. The first time that an enemy attempts to harm the wilder, it must make a Will save (DC 10 + ½ wilder level + wilder's Charisma modifier). If it fails the save, it cannot take any action that would harm the wilder for one round. No creature may be affected by this ability more than once every 24 hours. Starting at 8th level, a creature that fails its save takes a -5 penalty to attack rolls against the wilder for one minute. A creature that succeeds on its save takes the same penalty for 1 round. Kneel Before The Master (Su): Starting at 4th level, the wilder may project a wave of awe as a standard action

to force a creature that she can see to surrender. The target must make a Will save (DC 10 + ½ wilder level + Charisma modifier). If it fails, it kneels before the wilder, becoming dazed and prone for 1 round. If the wilder desires, she may then make a Diplomacy check to improve the target's attitude as a free action. The wilder may use this ability a number of times each day equal to her Charisma modifier. Aspect Powers: 3rd–deflect strike; 7th–psionic dominate; 11th–precognition, greater; 15th–reddopsi

Aspect of Confidence

Aspect Skill: Bluff. Surging Projection: Allies gain +2 bonus to next attack roll or skill check. Granted Abilities: The wilder projects absolute confidence to her allies. Competence (Su): The wilder and all allies within 10 feet gain a +1 bonus to skill checks. This bonus increases by +1 at 5th level, and by a further +1 for every five wilder levels thereafter. At 9th level, the radius of the aura increases to 15 feet. At 17th level, it increases to 20 feet. Dire Risk (Su): Starting at 8th level, the wilder can cause an enemy to take a terrible chance. When an enemy the wilder can see takes a five-foot step or uses the withdraw action, the wilder can use an immediate action to make that movement provoke attacks of opportunity. She may use this ability a number of times each day equal to her Charisma modifier. Aspect Powers: 3rd–calm emotions, psionic; 7th–freedom of movement, psionic; 11th–second chance; 15th– hypercognition

Aspect of Elation Aspect Skill: Diplomacy. Surging Projection: Allies can remove one of the following conditions: fatigued, shaken, or sickened. Granted Abilities: The wilder projects a sense of joy and relaxation that her allies find empowering. Aura of Vigor (Su): As a swift action, the wilder can grant herself and all allies within 10 feet temporary hit points equal to one-half her wilder level. Joyful Stride (Su): The wilder and all allies within 60 feet gain a +5 bonus to their movement speed. This bonus increases to +10 feet at 8th level, and to +15 feet at 15th level.


Aspect Powers: 3rd–levitate, psionic; 7th–accelerate; 11th– psionic revivify; 15th–temporal acceleration

Aspect of Lust

Aspect Skill: Bluff. Surging Projection: Enemies must save or become fatigued for 1d4 rounds. Granted Abilities: The wilder projects an aura of lust and passion. Caress (Su): The wilder may choose to manifest any mind-affecting power as a touch power. If she does so, she gains a +2 bonus to the power's save DC and to caster level checks to overcome power resistance. She may use this ability a number of times each day equal to 3 + her Charisma modifier. Stupefaction (Su): Once per day, the wilder may stop an attacking enemy in its tracks as an immediate action. When the wilder is the target of a melee attack, she may activate this ability to force the attacker to make a Will save (DC 10 + ½ wilder level + Charisma modifier) or become stunned for 1 round. She gains an additional use of this ability for every four wilder levels she attains. Aspect Powers: 3rd–psionic charm; 7th–control body; 11th– psionic dominate; 15th–true metabolism

which enemy she is targeting. The subject is entitled to a Will save (DC 10 + ½ wilder level + Charisma modifier) to resist this ability. Enemies affected by this ability do not lose any actions on their own turn. Aspect Powers: 3rd–id insinuation; 7th–false sensory input; 11th–form of doom; 15th–insanity

Aspect of Shame

Aspect Skill: Diplomacy. Surging Projection: Enemies take a -2 penalty to AC and saving throws for 1 round. Granted Abilities: The wilder projects a sense of terrible shame and failure. Crushing Failure (Su): Once per day, after an enemy has rolled an attack roll, skill check, or ability check, the wilder can make the result a natural 1. She may do this after seeing the result of the check. She gains another daily use of this ability for every five wilder levels she attains. Inflict Self-Loathing (Su): Starting at 8th level, once per day when the wilder manifests a power she can force one creature that she can see to suffer from terrible self-doubt. The target must make a Will save (DC 10 + ½ wilder level + Charisma modifier) or become nauseated and sickened for 1d4 rounds. Using this ability is part of manifesting the power. The Aspect of Madness wilder gains an additional use of this ability for every two wilder levels she attains beyond 8th level. Aspect Skill: Bluff. Surging Projection: 1d4 enemies must save or become Aspect Powers: 3rd–aversion; 7th–death urge; 11th– repugnance; 15th–null psionics field confused for 1 round. Granted Abilities: The wilder projects burning Aspect of Suffering anxiety and mental chaos, confusing the thoughts of Aspect Skill: Intimidate. her foes. Surging Projection: Enemies take a penalty to their Echoes of Madness (Su): Once per day, when the next damage roll equal to one-half the wilder's class wilder successfully saves against a mind-affecting ability, she may use an immediate action to manifest a level (minimum -1). Granted Abilities: The wilder projects pain and mind-affecting power against the creature that targeted her. She gains an additional daily use of this anguish onto her enemies. Channel Agony (Su): Whenever the wilder damages ability for every five wilder levels she obtains. a creature with a mind-affecting power, she recovers 1 Maelstrom of Chaos (Su): As a standard action, the power point per level of the power. The wilder only wilder can do one of the following things to a single gains this benefit once per power. random enemy within 60 feet: force that enemy to Crippling Blast (Su): Starting at 8th level, when the move its speed in a random direction, force that to wilder manifests a power that deals hit point damage, make a natural or weapon attack against another she can choose to forego dealing that damage to cause random enemy, or if that enemy is on the ground, force it to drop its weapons and fall prone. The wilder 1 Constitution damage for every die of damage that the power would have dealt. Powers that deal damage may choose which effect to cause after she knows


over more than a single round only deal Constitution damage on the first round. If the power does not normally allow the subjects to make a saving throw, they are entitled to a Fortitude save for half damage. The wilder gains another daily use of this ability for every four wilder levels after 8th. Aspect Powers: 3rd–mind thrust; 7th–empathic transfer, hostile; 11th–fuse flesh; 15th–ultrablast

Aspect of Terror

Aspect Skill: Intimidate. Surging Projection: Enemies must save or become shaken for 1d3 round. Granted Abilities: The wilder projects crippling fear into her enemies' minds. Terror's Shield (Su): Once per round, the wilder is threatened by an enemy, she may use a free action to instill fear in that enemy. It must make a Will save (DC 10 + ½ wilder level + Charisma modifier); if it fails, it must move 5 feet away from the wilder. This movement does not provoke opportunity attacks. The wilder can affect one additional enemy with this ability for every five wilder levels she attains. Cause Fear (Su): Starting at 8th level, once per day when the wilder manifests a power she can force one creature that she can see to flee. The target must make a Will save (DC 10 + ½ wilder level + Charisma modifier) or become panicked for 1d4 rounds. Using this ability is part of manifesting the power. The wilder gains an additional use of this ability for every two wilder levels she attains beyond 8th level. Aspect Powers: 3rd–demoralize; 7th–aversion; 11th–psychic crush; 15th–recall death

Aspect of Wrath Aspect Skill: Intimidate. Surging Projection: Allies gain a bonus to their next damage roll equal to one-half the wilder's class level (minimum +1). Granted Abilities: The wilder projects an incredible sense of anger and rage. Vengeance (Su): When the wilder deals damage to an enemy, she gains a +2 bonus to future damage rolls against that enemy. This bonus lasts until the wilder goes a round without dealing damage to that enemy. The benefits of this ability stack; thus, if the wilder deals damage to the same enemy three rounds in a

row, she deals +2 damage on the second round, +4 damage on the third round and if she damaged the enemy on the fourth round, she would deal +6 damage. Damage bonuses from this ability are static (that is, a power that deals multiple dice of damage only gains the bonus once) and may only be applied once per round. At 8th level, the damage bonus increases to +3. At 15th level, it increases to +4. Berserker's Tenacity (Su): Starting at 6th level, the wilder and all allies within 30 feet of her do not become unconscious when reduced below 0 hit points. They are still dying and take damage as normal. Any ally that moves farther than 30 feet from the wilder immediately becomes unconscious. Aspect Powers: 3rd–energy missile; 7th–share pain, forced; 11th–accelerate; 15th–disintegrate, psionic

D Wizard

Except as noted here, wizards have the class features listed in the Pathfinder Core Rules. Skills: Bluff and Disguise are class skills for wizards. Spells: Wizards now ready spells instead of preparing them. See the Magic chapter for information about how to ready spells, and the tables below for the readied spells and spell slots that wizards gain. A wizard's spells are divided into three groups: Simple, Complex, and Exotic. Simple spells represent basic magic, and can be readied by any wizard who can ready spells of the appropriate level. Complex spells represent a fundamental insight into the nature of magic. Wizards must choose which schools of Complex spells they can ready at first level. A specialist wizard can ready Complex spells of his specialized school, plus the Complex spells of five other schools. A universalist wizard can ready all Complex spells. Finally, Exotic spells are a wizard's own custom creations, and are almost always unique. A wizard can ready any exotic spell that he knows. Spellbooks: Wizards no longer store their spells in spellbooks. Instead, a spellbook contains the complex formulae, diagrams, and notes that a wizard needs. A wizard without his own spellbook cannot ready Complex or Exotic spells, and he readies two fewer spells of each level. If he uses another wizard's spellbook, he can only ready Complex spells that both


he and the other wizard Wizard: Spells Readied Per Day Wizard: Spell Slots Per Day were able to ready. Level 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Wizards usually find it 1 5 3 1 3 necessary to conceal the 2 6 4 2 3 nature of their spellbooks 3 6 4 3 3 3 2 from strangers, who are 4 7 5 4 4 4 3 unlikely to be friendly to a 5 7 5 4 3 5 4 3 2 known mage. Wizards can 6 8 6 5 4 6 4 4 3 use the Disguise skill to 7 8 6 5 4 3 7 5 4 3 2 disguise their spellbooks 8 9 7 6 5 4 8 5 4 4 3 as innocuous objects. 9 9 7 6 5 4 3 9 5 5 4 3 2 Many braid their spells 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 10 5 5 4 4 3 into giant hair ropes, or 11 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 11 5 5 5 4 3 2 pass them off as especially 12 9 9 8 7 6 5 4 12 5 5 5 4 4 3 complex sketches. A 13 9 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 13 6 5 5 5 4 3 2 successful Perception or 14 * 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 14 6 5 5 5 4 4 3 Spellcraft check, against 15 * 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 15 6 6 5 5 5 4 3 2 the DC set by the wizard's 16 * 10 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 16 6 6 5 5 5 4 4 3 Disguise result, reveals the 17 * 10 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 17 6 6 6 5 5 5 4 3 2 true nature of a spellbook. 18 * 10 10 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 18 6 6 6 5 5 5 4 4 3 Defiling: Athasian 19 * 10 10 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 19 6 6 6 6 5 5 5 4 4 mages draw their power 20 * * 10 10 10 9 8 7 6 5 20 6 6 6 6 5 5 5 5 5 from the life essence of * You ready all spells of this level. living things. Many mages, called defilers, draw this essence quickly and brutally, prestige classes require that a character be either a preserver or defiler. obtaining more power in the process but killing Because a wizard's power comes from the lifenearby flora and making fauna weak and ill. When energy around him, his magical strength varies based casting an arcane spell, any wizard can extend the casting time of the spell to a full-round action to gain a on how many living things are nearby. See the Magic chapter for details. +1 bonus to the caster level and the save DC of that Specialization: Specialist wizards only choose one spell. Doing so kills all plants in a radius equal to 5 school of opposition. It takes two readied slots to feet per spell level. (Cantrips kill all plants in the ready a spell from an opposed school, and two spell caster's own square.) All living creatures except the defiler inside the defiling radius suffer a -1 penalty to slots to cast a spell from an opposed school. Specialist wizards choose five schools of spells at all checks for 1 round. Plant creatures also suffer 2 character creation. They can cast Complex spells from damage per spell level. The power of defiling can be these schools, as well as Complex schools of the increased with Raze feats. Some wizards, called preservers, choose not to use specialized school. Universalist wizards can cast this power and maintain the health of the life around Complex spells from all eight schools. Specialist wizards do not receive additional spell them. Even to a preserver, however, defiling is an slots. However, their caster level is one higher than ever-present temptation. A preserver who defiles must normal for spells of their specialized school, and they make a Will save (DC 10 + spell level + number of gain a +1 bonus to save DCs of spells from their times previously defiled) or become a defiler – a spellcaster addicted to defiling. Even if he succeeds, he specialized school. They also gain a +2 bonus to saving loses his preserver status and becomes tainted. Tainted throws against spells of their specialized school. mages and defilers can cleanse the taint and ease their Universalist wizards do not gain any of these benefits. Some specializations have been modified as addiction with the conversion spell. Some feats and


follows. Conjuration: The acid dart ability deals 1d8 acid damage + 1 per wizard level. Evocation: The force missile ability deals 1d8 + Intelligence modifier force damage. It is still enhanced by intense spells as normal. Transmutation: The telekinetic fist ability deals 1d8 bludgeoning damage + 1 per wizard level. Craft Limited Item: Wizards receive Craft Limited Item as a bonus feat at 1st level. This replaces their Scribe Scroll feat. Exotic Spells: At 2nd level, and again at each wizard level thereafter, a wizard devotes himself to studying the arcane arts and creates a custom spell. This spell is an Exotic spell, a jealously-guarded secret among all wizards. A specialist wizard cannot create an Exotic spell from his opposed school. Players must present their proposed Exotic spell to the DM for revision, and are encouraged to take Exotic spells from other source material, such as the Spell Compendium. Bonus Feats: Wizards can use their bonus feats to select Raze feats or any Arcane Armor Training Feat. Preservers can also use them to select the Path Dexter feat; defilers can select Path Sinister.



The options presented here supplement those in the Pathfinder Core Rules except where noted.

numbers, diagrams, or sigils. You do not need to understand the meaning of something that you memorize. If a document is longer than one page, you can make additional checks for each additional page. You can memorize a similar amount of spoken The predominance of psionics in Athas requires new language or other active interaction. You retain skills to address psionic abilities. Other skills have information memorized this way forever; however, new or expanded roles in Athas. you can only recall it with another successful Autohypnosis check. Resist Death: Your body naturally attempts to ; attain equilibrium even while you are unconscious. You have trained your mind to achieve incredible focus, gaining mastery over both mental and physical You can make an Autohypnosis check instead of a Constitution check to stabilize while you are dying. processes. Resist Fear: In response to any fear effect, you make Check: The DC and the effect of a successful check a saving throw normally. If you fail the saving throw, depend on the task you attempt. you can make an Autohypnosis check on your next Ignore Pain: If you are inhibited by some sort of round even while overcome by fear, with a DC equal pain-based effect, such as a caltrop wound, a minor to the original save DC against the fear effect. If you wound, or a symbol of pain spell, you can attempt to ignore it. The DC of this check is either 15 or the Save succeed, you shrug off the fear without further DC of effect that created the pain, whichever is higher. penalty. If you fail, the fear affects you normally and If you succeed, you can ignore all penalties associated you gain no further attempts to shrug off that particular fear effect. with the pain for one round per point by which your Resist Poison: You can choose to substitute an Autohypnosis check result exceeded the DC. Autohypnosis check for one saving throw against Ignore Privation: If you are suffering from the negative effects of hunger, thirst, heat, or cold, you can poison. You cannot resist the initial application of poison in this way. make a DC 20 Autohypnosis check to resist them. If Resist Unconsciousness: If reduced to 0 hit points, you succeed, such penalties do not hinder you for one you can make a DC 20 Autohypnosis check. If hour per point by which your Autohypnosis check successful, you can take an action without taking result exceeded 20. damage for doing so. A failed Autohypnosis check in Memorize: You can attempt to memorize a long this circumstance does not prevent you from acting, string of numbers, a long passage of verse, or some but does mean that you take damage as normal for other particularly difficult piece of information. doing so. Memorizing information requires a successful DC 15 Action: An Autohypnosis check normally requires Autohypnosis check. Each check allows you to either no action (when used reactively, such to resist memorize a single page of text (up to 800 words), an effect) or a standard action (to ignore an effect). Task Autohypnosis DC Memorization requires as much time as would Ignore pain 15 or saving throw DC normally be required to study the material to be Ignore privation 20 memorized (normally about one minute). Recalling Memorize 15 memorized material is a free action. Try Again: Yes, for memorization and resisting Resist death Con check DC unconsciousness, although a success does not negate Resist fear saving throw DC previous failures. No, for other uses. Resist poison saving throw DC

D Skills

Autohypnosis (Con Trained)

Resist unconsciousness




Bluff (Cha)

Bribery Etiquette

Subject Status Bribe Spellcasters may use Bluff to conceal the fact that they Unimportant (slave, workman) 8 Cp are casting a spell. This is an especially important skill for wizards, who are frequently the target of lynch Middling (ordinary guard, street merchant) 16 Cp mobs when they are too obvious about the use of their Important (academy psion, low-rank templar) 30 Cp powers. When casting a spell, the caster may attempt Notable (middle-rank templar, popular gladiator) 50 Cp to conceal the verbal and somatic components by Famous (champion gladiator, high-rank templar) 100 Cp making a Bluff check, opposed by Sense Motive or Spellcraft. On a success, the caster managed to distract Bribe Cost Modifiers Cost the audience or weave the words and gestures into the PC is renowned -50% conversation. Casting a concealed spell still provokes PC's profession is illegal +50% opportunity attacks in combat. PC is a foreigner +50% Special: The caster suffers a -20 penalty to his Bluff PC is wanted +100% check if he is defiling. Subject is a slave -25% The target gains a +5 bonus to its Sense Motive or Subject is a noble +25% Spellcraft check if it closely observing the caster. Subject is a templar +50% The target gains a +5 bonus to its Sense Motive or Spellcraft check if it knows that the character is a shown on the table above. Various circumstantial spellcaster. factors can affect the amount of the bribe; the DM may modify these values as he sees fit. All cost adjustments are additive (e.g., a wanted PC (+100% bribe cost) attempting to bribe a templar (+50% bribe cost) would The Diplomacy skill can be used to bribe an NPC to do what the PC wishes without question. Many NPCs, pay 250% of the base cost). Like a normal Diplomacy check, bribery etiquette takes at least one minute of especially in the corrupt city-states, will demand continuous interaction. bribes as well as ordinary persuasion. Templars can

Diplomacy (Cha)

also use Diplomacy to enforce their authoirty in their home city (see Secular Authority, below). Bribery Etiquette: You can precisely determine how to offer a bribe in any circumstance. You know how to time the offer, the amount that will garner the desired reaction, and the best way to disguise a bribe so that it doesn't call attention from witnesses. A bribery etiquette check is a Diplomacy check opposed by the subject's Sense Motive check. The subject takes bonuses or penalties to its Sense Motive check as if you were attempting to adjust its attitude (see Pathfinder Core Rules, p. 94). If you fail this check, you have insulted the subject. Its attitude toward you falls by one category, and you must spend twice as much on the bribe if you wish the subject to do as you ask. If you fail this check by 10 or more, you call attention to yourself in some way (the subject attempts to inform the authorities, you were clumsy in passing the bribe and alerted witnesses, etc.). To bribe a character, you must give him a number of ceramic pieces, or an item valued equivalently, as

Heal (Wis)

The Heal skill can be used to restore a dehydrated creature to health, treat minor wounds, and reduce the effects of major wounds (see the Combat & Survival chapter). Ameliorate Major Wound: A successful DC 15 Heal check reduces the effect of one major wound. The penalties of the major wound are reduced by 1 point, plus 1 additional point for every 5 points by which the Heal check result exceeded 15. Even if all penalties from the wound are eliminated, the wound persists and can become a serious wound or permanent injury as normal. Ameliorating a major wound takes five minutes. Prevent Permanent Injury: If a healer acts quickly, he Task Ameliorate major wound


Prevent permanent injury


Treat dehydration Treat minor wound .


Heal DC

15 or 20 15

can prevent his patient from becoming crippled by a critical wound. A successful DC 25 Heal check, administered within one minute of the subject receiving a permanent injury, cures the permanent injury. Any other penalties that the target has received from injuries, such as ability damage from severe wounds, are not affected by this check. Preventing a permanent injury takes 2d10 minutes, which do not count against the one minute time limit. (That is, the healer must begin the Heal check within one minute, but does not need to finish his operation within that time.) Treat Dehydration: Treating dehydration requires long-term care (DC 15, as normal). Dehydration requires 24 hours to heal, and twice as much water as would normally be required each day for the local conditions (see the Combat & Survival chapter). If the patient had also taken damage from heat, the DC of the Heal check increases by 5 and healing requires 48 hours. Treat Minor Wound: A successful DC 15 Heal check completely cures a minor wound. The subject is healed of one additional minor wound for every 5 points by which the Heal check result exceeded 15. Treating a minor wound takes one minute. This check can be rushed and accomplished in a standard action, but the healer takes a -10 penalty to the Heal check. Try Again: No wound can be treated more than once by any of these abilities.

Knowledge (Int)

Dark Sun features two new types of Knowledge. Both are used exactly like existing Knowledge skills. Knowledge (psionics) covers ancient psionic mysteries and traditions, psychic symbols, locations of psionic academies and proper conduct within an academy, astral constructs, and psionic races. Knowledge (warcraft) covers combat tactics, campaign strategy, troop formations, military logistics and organization, the common tactics of each citystate, and the strategies of famous generals.

Languages of Athas Language

Typical Speakers



Water elementals



Air elementals



Humans, half-elves, half-giants



Druids (only)



Dwarves, muls



Elves, half-elves



Insectoid creatures









Fire elementals






Found in Green Age ruins



Jozhals, pterrans, yuan-ti



Halflings, aarakocra



Earth elementals


* This language is not spoken.

order to read anything. For each rank in Linguistics, a character may choose to either learn a new spoken language or a new written language. It is not necessary to speak a language in order to read it, or vice versus. The Literacy feat allows characters to learn to read without putting points in Linguistics.

Psicraft (Int, Trained Only)

The manipulation of psionic abilities is a special and unique skill, distinct from the equivalent manipulation of magic. Psicraft allows a psionic character to identify powers and psionically-enchanted items, to craft psionic items, and other practical applications of psionic knowledge. Psicraft can do the same things as Spellcraft, but for psionic abilities and items.

Survival (Wis)

The local terrain affects the difficulty of foraging for supplies, as shown on the table below. In addition, Survival can be used to detoxify food. Detoxify Food: Many creatures of the wastes use poison, and even the plants often contain virulent toxins. Usually such toxins are not dangerous enough The ability to read has been outlawed for thousands of to inflict ability damage on characters, but they do prevent anyone from eating them (or at least, from years by the sorcerer-kings. All characters in a Dark keeping the food down). A character trained in Sun campaign begin the game without the ability to Survival can attempt to detoxify such food sources in read or write, and must take ranks in Linguistics in order to make them safe to eat. Detoxifying food

Linguistics (Int)


Survival: Terrain Modifiers for Foraging Terrain


DC Modifier


Forests, oceans, gardens



Savannahs, swamps, mud flats



Badlands, stony barrens



Boulder fields, scrublands



Sea of Silt, salt flats



Obsidian wastes


Arcane Armor Training: Journeyman


requires two checks: a Knowledge (nature) check (DC 10) and a Survival check (DC 15). If both are successful, the character renders up to one pound of food safe for consumption. Detoxifying food takes ten minutes.

Use Enchanted Device (Cha) Enchanted objects in Athas can be created through arcane, divine, or psionic power, but all share basic similarities. The Use Enchanted Device skill allows a character to perform the functions of Use Magic Device, but for an enchanted object with any of the three power sources. Use Enchanted Device replaces both Use Magic Device and Use Psionic Device. Any character with either skill on their class skill list treats Use Enchanted Device as a class skill.

D General Feats

These feats are available to all characters, and supplement the feats presented in the Pathfinder Core Rules except where noted in the Defunct Feats section.

Arcane Armor Training: Apprentice You have learned how to make the complex gestures of arcane spellcasting while wearing light armor. Prerequisites: Ability to cast arcane spells Benefit: You gain proficiency with padded and leather armor. As a swift action, you can reduce the arcane spell failure caused by your armor by 10% for any spells that you cast this round.

Arcane Armor Training: Initiate

You can now cast arcane spells in any light armor without penalty. Prerequisites: Ability to cast arcane spells, and either Arcane Armor Training: Apprentice or Light Armor Proficiency

Benefit: You gain proficiency with studded leather and chitin armor. As a swift action, you can reduce the arcane spell failure caused by your armor by 20% for any spells that you cast this round. This bonus replaces that provided by Arcane Armor Training: Apprentice.

You can now cast arcane spells in some medium armors without penalty. Prerequisites: Ability to cast arcane spells, Arcane Armor Training: Initiate Benefit: You gain proficiency with hide and scale armor. As a swift action, you can reduce the arcane spell failure caused by your armor by 25% for any spells that you cast this round. This bonus replaces that provided by Arcane Armor Training: Initiate.

Arcane Armor Training: Adept

You can now cast spells in any medium armor without penalty. Prerequisites: Ability to cast arcane spells, Arcane Armor Training: Initiate, and either Arcane Armor Training: Journeyman or Medium Armor Proficiency Benefit: You gain proficiency with shell and breastplate armor. As a swift action, you can reduce the arcane spell failure caused by your armor by 30% for any spells that you cast this round. This bonus replaces that provided by Arcane Armor Training: Journeyman.

Arcane Armor Training: Master You can now cast spells in some heavy armor without penalty. Prerequisites: Ability to cast arcane spells, Arcane Armor Training: Initiate, Arcane Armor Training: Adept Benefit: You gain proficiency with banded and splinted armor. As a swift action, you can reduce the arcane spell failure caused by your armor by 35% for any spells that you cast this round. This bonus replaces that provided by Arcane Armor Training: Adept.

Arcane Armor Training: Grandmaster You can now cast spells in any heavy armor without penalty.


Prerequisites: Ability to cast arcane spells, Arcane Armor Training: Initiate, Arcane Armor Training: Adept, and either Arcane Armor Training: Master or Heavy Armor Proficiency Benefit: You gain proficiency with half-plate and full-plate armor. As a swift action, you can reduce the arcane spell failure caused by your armor by 45% for any spells that you cast this round. This bonus replaces that provided by Arcane Armor Training: Master.

Arcane Armor Superiority

Your mastery of spellcasting in armor has reached its pinnacle. Prerequisites: Ability to cast arcane spells, Arcane Armor Training: Initiate, Arcane Armor Training: Adept, Arcane Armor Training: Grandmaster Benefit: You no longer suffer from arcane spell failure from any armor or shield. In addition, you can choose to use your Intelligence modifier instead of your Dexterity modifier to improve your Armor Class. Any circumstance that restricts or denies your Dexterity bonus to AC (such as armor max Dex limits or being flatfooted) restricts your Intelligence bonus to AC in the same way.

Brutal Attack (Combat)

Your decisive attacks are frightening to your foes. Prerequisites: Cha 13, Improved Critical, Perform 5 ranks Benefit: When you confirm a critical hit, all enemies with 10 feet who can see you must make a Will save (DC 10 + ½ your level + your Charisma modifier) or become shaken for a number of rounds equal to your Charisma modifier. This is a mindaffecting fear effect. Whether or not the save is successful, no creature can be affected by your brutal attack more than once per combat encounter.

Clandestine Network

You have access to a group of spies or informants who pass you information. Prerequisites: Bluff 3 ranks, Knowledge (local) 1 rank, access to a spy network (see Special) Benefit: This feat grants three new uses for the Bluff skill and one new use for the Sense Motive skill. Identify Agent: Each spy network leaves tells, subtle signs which indicate to those in their network that this person is also a member. Tells vary between each network, and are usually changed regularly to avoid detection. Identifying an agent for any network whose tells you know requires a DC 10 Sense Motive check. Arena Clamor (Combat) Once you have identified an agent in your own Your blows inspire your companions to greater efforts. network, you can use any of the following abilities Prerequisites: Cha 13, Improved Critical, Perform with that agent. 5 ranks Black Market: You use your network to requisition Benefit: When you confirm a critical hit, all allies supplies from the local black market. Obtaining the within 60 feet who can see you receive a +2 morale supplies requires a DC 20 Bluff check; you gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls for 1 round. Characters cannot bonus to the check if your network is especially strong gain this benefit more than once per round. in this region or city. Black market supplies obtained in this way are delivered to you within 1d4 hours, and Born Leader your agents' discretion reduces the likelihood of People seem to want to trust you. templar entanglements. If the result of your Bluff Prerequisites: Must be taken at 1st level check was 35 or higher, your agent managed to get Benefit: You gain a +3 bonus to Diplomacy checks. you a 20% discount. The DM may rule that some Further, people who are indifferent or friendly toward objects are not available on the black market in your you are more likely to trust you than they are to trust current region or city. another person with whom they have an equivalent Contact Informant: You pass a tip to one or more relationship. For example, if you and another person informants that you want to meet to discuss new were both accused of theft by a mutual friend, the information. Passing the tip requires a DC 14 Bluff friend would believe you over the other person. check. Such a meeting requires 1d4 hours to arrange. Finally, you gain a +1 bonus to the DC of compulsion Once the meeting has convened, you can make a effects that you create. special Diplomacy check to gather information. This


check takes only ten minutes, and you gain a +1 bonus to the check for every 2 points by which your Bluff check result exceeded 14. Your network is much more likely to have access to secret or obscure information than ordinary people, but its knowledge is subject to the DM's discretion as normal. Tradecraft: You pass a request that one of your agents obtain a confidential or personal item for you. This requires that you have an agent in place to obtain that item; this is subject to the DM's discretion. If you do, you must convince the agent to undertake the acquisition for you with a successful Bluff check. The DC of this check depends on the nature of the item and the danger of the assignment. A simple item or easy task (such as taking an item from a slave) is DC 10, an important item or difficult task (such as copying a noble's family seal) is DC 20, and a critical item or dangerous task (such as obtaining pre-sealed Templarate papers) is DC 30 or higher. If you succeed on this check, the DM will roll to determine the outcome of the assignment. It will take 1d4 days to complete most tradecraft assignments, although it may take longer for especially complex or difficult assignments. You can only make use of a network in an area where you have agents. Since each network is different, you must work with your DM when you take this feat to determine the nature of your network. Special: To qualify for this feat, you must have access to a clandestine network of some sort. This network can be your own creation, if you have had the time and resources to create one. More likely, you have been granted access to the networks associated with a merchant house, the psionic academies, the Veiled Alliance, or the Templarate of a city-state. You must have membership in such an organization to gain access to a network this way, and you must also be in a position of trust.

Communion of the Ancients

You can consult the spirits of the land on a question of importance. Prerequisites: Wis 13, ability to cast primal spells Benefit: You can spend ten minutes of uninterrupted meditation to pose a question to the spirits of the land and receive an answer. After this time has passed, you can make a check using any

Knowledge skill. You gain a +5 insight bonus to the check. If you are successful, you learn the information that you sought. You make this check as if you were trained in the Knowledge skill in question, even if you have no ranks in the skill.

Cornered Fighter (Combat) You fight ferociously when trapped. Prerequisites: Wis 13, Base attack bonus +3 Benefit: You receive a +2 bonus to attack rolls and AC when you are flanked, or when you are threatened and have your back to a wall.

Crushing Terror (Combat)

The terror of your presence causes your enemies to flee. Prerequisites: Cha 17, Intimidate 10 ranks, Intimidating Presence, Persistent Terror, Quick Demoralization Benefit: Once per day, when you successfully demoralize an enemy, you can cause one creature that you demoralized to become frightened instead of shaken. If you have 14 or more ranks in Intimidate, you can do this twice per day; if you have 18 or more ranks in Intimidate, you can do this three times per day.

Deadly Precision (Combat) Your sneak attacks always inflict serious damage. Prerequisites: Dex 15, base attack bonus +3 Benefit: When you make a sneak attack, you can reroll any result of 1 on your sneak attack's extra damage dice. You must keep the new result, even if it is another 1.

Defender of the Land You draw power form the spirits of the land to destroy those who would threaten them. Prerequisites: Ability to cast primal spells Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls against defilers. You gain a +1 bonus to your caster level when casting spells against a defiler (this bonus does not apply to non-defilers affected by the same spell), and your spells deal +1 damage per die to defilers.

Devoted Companion

Your animal companion has continued to grow in strength


General Feats



Arcane Armor Training: Apprentice

Ability to cast arcane spells

Reduce arcane spell failure by 10%

Arcane Armor Training: Initiate

Ability to cast arcane spells, Arcane Armor Training: Apprentice or Light Armor Proficiency

Reduce arcane spell failure by 20%

Arcane Armor Training: Journeyman

Arcane Armor Training: Initiate

Reduce arcane spell failure by 25%

Arcane Armor Training: Adept

Arcane Armor Training: Initiate, Arcane Armor Training: Journeyman or Medium Armor Proficiency

Reduce arcane spell failure by 30%

Arcane Armor Training: Adept

Reduce arcane spell failure by 35%

Arcane Armor Training: Master

Arcane Armor Training: Grandmaster Arcane Armor Training: Adept, Arcane Armor Training: Master or Heavy Armor Proficiency Arcane Armor Superiority

Reduce arcane spell failure by 45%

Arcane Armor Training: Grandmaster

Use Intelligence for AC instead of Dex

Arena Clamor*

Cha 13, Improved Critical, Perform 5 ranks

Critical hit grants allies +2 attack bonus

Born Leader

Must be taken at 1 level

+3 Diplomacy, +1 compulsion DC, people trust you more than others

Brutal Attack*

Cha 13, Improved Critical, Perform 5 ranks

Critical hit makes enemies shaken

Clandestine Network

Bluff 3 ranks, Knowledge (local) 1 rank, access to a spy network

You have a network of spies who report to you and can perform tasks for you

Communion of the Ancients

Wis 13, ability to cast primal spells

Spirits of the land answer your questions

Cornered Fighter*

Wis 13, base attack bonus +3

+2 attack and AC when cornered or flanked

Deadly Precision*

Dex 15, base attack bonus +3

Reroll 1s on sneak attack damage

Defender of the Land

Ability to cast primal spells

Attacks and spells are stronger vs. defilers

Devoted Companion

Animal companion

+4 level for animal companion, up to HD

Discipline of the Way

Flurry of blows, ability to manifest 1st level powers, lawful alignment

Stack levels in monk and psionic classes for class features

Drake's Child

Must be taken at 1st level, Str 13, Wis 13

+1 Fort and Will, +1 to certain saves, +3 to one Craft, Profession, or Knowledge skill

Field Officer

+2 Diplomacy and Knowledge (warcraft)

Force of Will

Iron Will

Make Will save against psionic powers

Gladiatorial Entertainer

Gladiatorial performance

Gain six rounds of performance per day

Greasing The Wheels

Cha 13, Diplomacy 3 ranks, Knowledge (local) 3 ranks

Gain +4 bonus to Diplomacy checks to bribe someone, halve bribe cost


Base Fortitude save +1

+3 to saves vs. wounds, avoid major wound

Heat Endurance


+2 heat protection, +2 saves vs. fire

Heroic Destiny

Hidden Talent

Must be taken at 1 level

Manifest a psionic power

Improved Called Shot*

Int 13, Combat Expertise

+2 CMB/CMD, called shots don't provoke

Int 13, Combat Expertise, Improved Called Shot, base attack bonus +6 or higher

Enemies take -4 to save against your called shots and bleed when you wound them

Improvisational Brawler*

Base attack bonus +1

No penalty for using improvised weapons

Insect Handler

Handle Animal 1 rank, Knowledge (nature) Train vermin as if they were intelligent 1 rank animals

Inspiring Presence*

Cha 15

Diplomacy check 1/round grants bonuses to an ally

Intimidating Presence*

Cha 13, Intimidate 3 ranks

Demoralize Cha mod creatures at once

Quick Demoralization*

Intimidate 6 ranks, Intimidating Presence

Demoralize single enemy as swift action

Persistent Terror*

Intimidate 4 ranks, Intimidating Presence

Demoralization lasts longer, can be repeated

Greater Called Shot*


Gain more action points, action dice st

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General Feats, cont.



Cha 17, Intimidate 10 ranks, Intimidating Presence, Presistent Terror, Quick Demoralization

Frighten enemies that you demoralize

Cha 15, Intimidate 7 ranks, Intimidating Presence

Deal extra damage to fearful creatures

Keeper of the Balance

Ability to cast primal spells, Knowledge (arcana) 3 ranks

Stack levels in druid and paladin for class features


Become literate, +2 Linguistics

Metamagic Preparation

Any metamagic feat

Ready metamagic-enhanced spells

Path Dexter

Wizard, preserver

Improve two defensive spells

Path Sinister

Wizard, defiler

Improve two offensive spells

Point Blank Precision

Dex 15, Point Blank Shot

Add Dex mod to ranged damage

Power Attack*

Str 13, base attack bonus +1

Take attack roll penalty for damage bonus

Practiced Manifester

Ability to manifest powers

+4 manifester level, up to HD

Practiced Spellcaster

Ability to cast spells

+4 caster level, up to HD

Ritualistic Action

+1 bonus when taking 20


Move freely over sand

Stealth 3 ranks, Sandskimmer

Gain Stealth bonus in areas of loose earth

Stealth 7 ranks, Sand Camouflage, Sandskimmer

Move quickly without penalties when using Stealth on areas of loose earth

Acrobatics 3 ranks, Sandskimmer

Kick sand in enemy's face after tumbling

Acrobatics 7 ranks, Sand Dancer, Sandskimmer

Kick up cone of sand after tumbling

Second Impression

Bluff 3 ranks, Disguise 3 ranks

Make Bluff check to maintain disguise

Secular Authority

Diplomacy 5 ranks, Intimidate 5 ranks, Persuasive, accepted into Templarate

Use the Diplomacy skill to exert your authority as a templar

Monarch's Favorite

Secular Authority, Diplomacy 5 ranks

More Secular Authority uses, +2 to contests

Secular Specialty

Secular Authority

+4 bonus to specific Sec. Authority action

Sidestep Charge*

Dex 13, Dodge

+4 AC vs. charges, make OA against enemy


Dex 13, Stealth 1 rank

Reduce penalty for sniping

Social Recovery

Bluff 5 ranks, Diplomacy 3 ranks

Recover from a failed Diplomacy check

Templarate Agent

Bardic knowledge, sigil

Stack bard and templar levels

Vow of Poverty

Good alignment

Swear yourself to asceticism


+1 Fortitude saves, +2 Survival

Wild Talent Master

Gain two wild talents

Wildling Ascetic

Flurry of blows, wild surge

Stack wilder and monk levels

Item Creation Feats



Craft Limited Item

Ability to cast 1 -level spells or powers

Create single use or charged enchantments

Craft Simple Item

Ability to cast 2nd-level spells or powers

Create minor permanent enchantments

Craft Complex Item

Ability to cast 3 -level spells or powers, Craft Simple Item

Create permanent enchantments with multiple effects

Craft Powerful Item

Ability to cast 5th-level spells or powers, Craft Limited Item or Craft Simple Item

Create enchantments with very powerful effects

Craft Construct

Ability to cast 5th-level spells or powers, Craft Complex Item, Craft Powerful Item, Craft Simple Item

Create a construct to serve you

Crushing Terror*

Reap The Fearful*

Sand Camouflage Sand Stalker Sand Dancer Sand Spinner




even without your active participation. Prerequisites: Animal companion Benefit: Treat your level in the class that gave you the animal companion as four levels higher than it is, up to a maximum of your hit dice, for the purpose of determining your companion's statistics and abilities. If you have multiple classes that grant you an animal companion, you may also add their levels together to determine your companion's statistics and abilities.

Knowledge (warcraft) checks. This bonus increases to +4 if you have 10 or more ranks in either skill.

Discipline of the Way

Gladiatorial Entertainer

Force of Will

You can resist psionic attacks with pure willpower. Prerequisites: Iron Will Benefit: Once per round, when targeted by a psionic effect that allows a Fortitude or Reflex save, you can instead make a Will save to avoid the effect.

Your time in the academies has taught you to merge every aspect of the Way and the Will into a cohesive whole. Prerequisites: Flurry of blows, ability to manifest st 1 level psionic powers, lawful alignment Benefit: You may add your level in one manifesting class that you possess to your monk level to determine your ki pool and class-based AC bonus. You may also use your Intelligence modifier instead of your Wisdom modifier to determine your AC bonus and the effectiveness of your Stunning Fist. You may still use Wisdom for these functions if you wish. As a swift action, you may spend 1 power point to gain a +1 insight bonus to attack and damage rolls with your unarmed strike or monk weapons until the beginning of your next turn. You may spend additional power points to augment this ability; for every 2 additional power points you spend, the insight bonus increases by +1. You cannot spend more power points in this way than your manifester level, as normal.

You can make gladiatorial performances more frequently. Prerequisites: Gladiatorial performance class feature Benefit: You can use gladiatorial performance for 6 additional rounds each day. Special: You can gain Gladiatorial Entertainer multiple times. Its effects stack.

Drake's Child

Greater Called Shot (Combat)

Greasing The Wheels

You know that the proper application of money ensures that bureaucracy works in your favor. Prerequisites: Cha 13, Diplomacy 3 ranks, Knowledge (local) 3 ranks Benefit: You gain a +4 bonus to Diplomacy checks to use bribery etiquette. In addition, whether or not you succeed on the bribery etiquette check, you only pay half as much as normal for the bribe. (This means that you pay the full listed amount when you fail the check.) If you have 10 or more ranks in Diplomacy, this bonus increases to +6.

You were born on an auspicious day and are believed to have the soul of a drake, granting you luck and wisdom Prerequisites: Must be taken at 1st level, Str 13, Wis 13 Benefit: You gain a +1 bonus to Fortitude and Will saves. You also gain a +1 luck bonus to all saving throws against ability drain, ability damage, energy drain, and death effects. You gain a +3 bonus in one Craft, Profession, or Knowledge skill of your choice.

Your called shots inflict deep wounds, causing your opponent to bleed heavily. Prerequisites: Int 13, Combat Expertise, Improved Called Shot, base attack bonus +6 or higher Benefit: Enemies that you target with a called shot take a -2 penalty to their Fortitude saving throw to resist the wound. If you successfully wound an enemy using a called shot, it also takes bleed damage each round equal to your weapon's critical multiplier.

Field Officer


You have served as an officer in one of the city-states and have learned a great deal about military organization. Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus to all Diplomacy and

You are able to avoid injury and resist pain. Prerequisites: Base Fortitude save +1 or higher Benefit: You gain a +3 bonus to Fortitude saves


against wounds and permanent injuries (see the Combat & Survival chapter), and to saving throws against pain and disease. Once per day, when you are rendered unconscious by damage, you can prevent yourself from taking a major wound. You gain a +4 bonus to Autohypnosis checks to ignore pain and resist unconciousness, though you must still be trained in Autohypnosis to use these abilities. Normal: Whenever you are rendered unconscious by damage, you automatically take a major wound.

opponent attempts a called shot against you. Normal: You provoke an attack of opportunity whenever you attempt a called shot.

Heat Endurance

Insect Handler

Improvisational Brawler (Combat) You are skilled at using makeshift weapons. Prerequisites: Base attack bonus +1 Benefit: You do not suffer any penalties to attack rolls for using an improvised weapon, and gain a +2 morale bonus to damage rolls while doing so.

You can train vermin creatures such as kanks and cilops. Prerequisites: Handle Animal 1 rank, Knowledge (nature) 1 rank Benefit: You can use the Handle Animal skill on vermin as though they were animals with an Intelligence score of 1. You do not take the normal Heroic Destiny penalty for handling non-animal creatures. You also You have been marked by fate for greatness. gain a +2 bonus to Handle Animal checks. This bonus Benefit: You start with two extra action points, increases to +4 if you have 10 or more ranks in Handle and gain two extra action points at each level. When Animal. you roll action dice, you roll d8s instead of d6s. Normal: You cannot use Handle Animal to train or control creatures without an Intelligence score, and Hidden Talent you take a -5 penalty for Handling a non-animal You have natural psionic abilities far beyond those available creature. to your race. Inspiring Presence (Combat) Prerequisites: Must be taken at 1st level Benefit: You gain 2 bonus power points and Your mere presence can strengthen your allies' resolve. knowledge of one talent and one 1st-level power from Prerequisites: Cha 15 any psionic class. You cannot learn discipline-specific Benefit: Once per round, you can make a powers or talents in this way. If you have no levels in a Diplomacy check as a swift action. One ally within 30 psionic class, you can manifest your talent and powers feet who can see and hear you gains one of the as if you were a 1st-level manifester. If you have following benefits: a morale bonus to attack rolls equal psionic class levels, you can manifest the power as if it to one-tenth the result of your check, a morale bonus were one appropriate to your class. If you have no to Armor Class equal to one-tenth the result of your psionic class levels, you must have a Charisma score check, or a morale bonus to his Will saves equal to of 11 or higher to manifest the power. one-fifth the result of your check. All benefits from granted by this feat last until the beginning of your Improved Called Shot (Combat) next turn. You cannot use Inspiring Presence on You are skilled at striking to wound your enemies. yourself. Prerequisites: Int 13, Combat Expertise Intimidating Presence (Combat) Benefit: You do not provoke an attack of opportunity when performing a called shot maneuver. You are adept at weakening your enemy's will. In addition, you receive a +2 bonus on checks made to Prerequisites: Cha 13, Intimidate 3 ranks perform a called shot. You also receive a +2 bonus to Benefit: When you use the Intimidate skill to your Combat Maneuver Defense whenever an demoralize an enemy, you can attempt to demoralize a You can easily resist the heat of the Athasian day. Prerequisites: Endurance Benefit: You gain +2 heat protection (see the Combat & Survival chapter). You also gain a +4 bonus to saving throws against fire and dessication effects.


number of enemies equal to your Charisma modifier. Roll a single Intimidate check and compare it against the DC for each enemy. Normal: You can only demoralize a single enemy with a single Intimidate check.

Keeper of Balance

standard action. Normal: You cannot ready spells modified with metamagic feats. Metamagic-enhanced spells require a full round action to cast.

Monarch's Favorite

You are in the good graces of your sorcerer-monarch, You understand that sometimes it is not enough to guard allowing you to act with great impunity. the wilds and hope that no defiler will assault their purity. Prerequisites: Secular Authority, Diplomacy 5 Sometimes it is necessary to hunt down those who would ranks defile before they can strike. Benefit: You can use Secular Authority four more Prerequisites: Ability to cast primal spells, smite times each day than normal. Furthermore, you receive foe class feature, Knowledge (arcana) 3 ranks a +2 bonus on Diplomacy checks when resolving Benefit: You can use your Wisdom modifier to Secular Authority contests. determine the benefits of your smite foe and lay on Normal: Without this feat, a templar can only use hands abilities. You may use your mageslayer's blade Secular Authority once per day per templar level. A ability while wild shaped, if you possess it, and add its non-templar can only use Secular Authority once per benefits to your natural attacks. Your paladin and day per two levels. druid levels stack for determining the daily uses and Special: You can gain Favorite multiple times. Its power of wild shape and smite foe. effects stack. If you take an action that seriously displeases your sorcerer-monarch, you may lose the Literacy benefits of this feat until you regain favor. You are literate in several languages. Path Dexter Benefit: Choose three languages that you speak. You become able to read and write in those languages. You have dedicated yourself to the path of preservation, If you do not speak three languages, you gain literacy which inclines your talents toward defensive magic. in the next languages you learn until you have gained Prerequisites: Wizard, preserver literacy three times through this feat. In addition, you Benefit: Choose two spells of each spell level. gain a +2 bonus to Linguistics. This bonus increases to These spells must be chosen from the Abjuration, +4 if you have at least 10 ranks in Linguistics. Divination, or Transmutation schools. You gain +1 caster level when casting the chosen spells. Metamagic Preparation Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Its You can ready specific combinations of spells and effects do not stack. Each time you take this feat, it metamagic feats. applies to different spells. Prerequisites: Any metamagic feat If you cease to be a preserver, you lose the benefits Benefit: You can ready spells modified by of this feat until you rid yourself of the defiling taint. metamagic feats. Such a spell uses a readied slot Path Sinister appropriate to its modified level. Thus, a silent nd st summon monster I would use a 2 -level readied slot (1 You have tuned your magic to defiling, and have developed level spell modified by a +1 level metamagic feat), skill with spells of destruction and dominance. while an empowered fireball would use a 5th-level Prerequisites: Wizard, defiler rd readied slot (3 level spell modified by a +2 level Benefit: Choose two spells of each spell level. metamagic feat). These spells must be chosen from the Enchantment, Any metamagic-enhanced spells that you ready in Evocation, or Necromancy schools. You gain +1 caster this way do not suffer the normal casting time penalty level when casting the chosen spells. for metamagic feats. In the case of silent summon Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Its monster I, for example, you could cast the spell as a effects do not stack. Each time you take this feat, it


applies to different spells. If you cease to be a defiler, you lose the benefits of this feat until you once again become tainted.

Persistent Terror (Combat) Most people can shake off fear relatively quickly, but you know how to instill a deep and abiding terror. Prerequisites: Cha 13, Intimidate 4 ranks, Intimidating Presence Benefit: When you demoralize an enemy with the Intimidate skill, the fear effect lasts for a number of additional rounds equal to one-quarter your ranks in Intimidate. In addition, the DC of successive Intimidate checks does not increase. Normal: The demoralization effect lasts for 1 round + 1 round per 5 points by which you beat the Intimidate DC. Each Intimidate check to demoralize an enemy after the first has a cumulative +5 DC penalty which resets after 1 hour.

Point Blank Precision (Combat)

When your base attack bonus reaches +4, and every 4 points thereafter, you can choose to increase the attack roll penalty by a further -1 in order to increase the damage bonus by +2. You do not need to apply the maximum penalty; for example, a level 8 fighter (base attack bonus +8) could apply a -1, -2, or -3 penalty to his attack rolls to gain a +2, +4, or +6 bonus to damage rolls, respectively.

Practiced Manifester You continue to improve your mastery of the Way and the Will despite your dabbling in other fields. Prerequisites: Ability to manifest powers Benefit: Choose one manifesting class. You gain a +4 bonus to your manifester level for that class' powers. This bonus does not allow your manifester level to exceed your Hit Dice, and does not allow you to learn higher-level powers more quickly than normal. A character with multiple manifesting classes must choose one to gain the benefits of this feat. Special: You may select this feat multiple times. Each time you choose it, you must apply it to a different manifesting class.

You can make devastatingly precise shots at close range. Prerequisites: Dex 15, Point Blank Shot Benefit: When attacking an enemy within 30 feet with a ranged weapon, you gain a bonus to damage Practiced Spellcaster rolls equal to your Dexterity modifier. This bonus does Your magical abilities have continued to increase even while not stack with the Strength-based damage granted by you pursue other paths. a composite bow. Prerequisites: Ability to cast spells Benefit: Choose one spellcasting class. You gain a Power Attack (Combat) +4 bonus to your caster level for that class' spells. This You can make deadly melee attacks by sacrificing accuracy bonus does not allow your caster level to exceed your for strength. Hit Dice. A character with multiple spellcasting classes Prerequisites: Str 13, base attack bonus +1 must choose one to gain the benefits of this feat. Benefit: You can choose to take a -1 penalty on all Special: You may select this feat multiple times. melee attack rolls and combat maneuver checks to Each time you choose it, you must apply it to a gain a +2 bonus on all melee damage rolls. This bonus different spellcasting class. is increased by half (+50%) if you are making an attack with a two-handed weapon, a one-handed weapon Quick Demoralization (Combat) wielded in two hands, or a primary natural weapon You can terrify an enemy with just a glance. that adds 1-½ times your Strength modifier on Prerequisites: Cha 13, Intimidate 6 ranks, damage rolls. This bonus is halved (-50%) if you are Intimidating Presence making an attack with an off-hand weapon or Benefit: You can attempt to demoralize a single secondary natural weapon. You must choose to use enemy as a swift action. this feat before making any attacks on your turn, and Normal: Demoralizing an opponent is a standard its effects last until the beginning of your next turn. action. Intimidating Presence allows you to The bonus damage does not apply to touch attacks or demoralize multiple opponents as a standard action. to attacks that do not deal hit point damage.


Sand Dancer feat to throw sand at an enemy, you can instead throw up a 15-foot cone of sand in the direction of the creature you attacked. All creatures in the cone must make the Fortitude save or be blinded for 1 round.

Reap the Fearful (Combat)

A frightened enemy makes mistakes – fatal mistakes. Prerequisites: Cha 15, Intimidate 7 ranks, Intimidating Presence Benefit: When you hit a creature that is currently suffering from a fear effect, you deal additional damage equal to your Charisma modifier or your Strength modifier, whichever is higher. You only deal this additional damage once per turn.

Sand Stalker

Ritualistic Action

You know simple rituals for every possible task, which you firmly believe will bring you luck and skill. Benefit: When you take 20 on any check, you gain a +1 bonus to the result.

Sand Camouflage

You can easily conceal yourself in a sandy environment. Prerequisites: Stealth 3 ranks, Sandskimmer Benefit: As a standard action, you can quickly camouflage yourself in any area of dust, sand, silt, or other loose earth that is at least 1 inch deep. In areas with 1 to 11 inches of loose soil, you gain a +4 bonus on Stealth checks. In areas with 12 or more inches of loose soil, you instead gain a +10 bonus on Stealth checks. You must still have cover or concealment to make a Stealth check, as normal.

Sand Dancer

You can move rapidly over the sand, using the land itself to muffle your approach. Prerequisites: Stealth 7 ranks, Sand Camouflage, Sandskimmer Benefit: You do not take a penalty to Stealth checks for moving at your full speed in any area of dust, sand, silt, or other loose earth that is at least 1 inch deep. You can make a Stealth check while running in such an environment, but you take a -10 penalty to the check. In addition, creatures with tremorsense treat that sense as having half its normal range when attempting to perceive you. Normal: You take a -5 penalty to Stealth checks when moving faster than half your speed, and you cannot make a Stealth check while running.


While moving through loose soil, you can kick dust into your opponent's face to blind them. Prerequisites: Acrobatics 3 ranks, Sandskimmer Benefit: In any round in which you use Acrobatics to tumble through an area covered in at least 1 inch of dust, sand, silt, or other loose earth, you can supplement one melee attack made in that round with flung or kicked material. Regardless of whether the attack hits, your target must make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + ½ your character level + your Wisdom modifier) or be blinded for 1 round.

You can move freely through loose earths. Sand and silt do not slow you down at all. Benefit: You treat shallow sand as normal terrain and deep sand as shallow sand. Sand crusts do not break beneath your feet, allowing you to move along them as if they were normal terrain. Special: You can take this feat twice, allowing you to treat all sand as normal terrain.

Second Impression

You can convince someone of your identity even if your disguise fails. Prerequisites: Bluff 3 ranks, Disguise 3 ranks Benefit: If an observer sees through your disguise, you can use an immediate action to make a Bluff check to convince him that he's mistaken. Use the observer's Perception or Sense Motive roll as the DC for your Sand Spinner Bluff check. If you succeed, the observer ignores your You can now throw up a large blast of sand, blinding slip. several creatures at once. You must be aware of the observer's discovery in Prerequisites: Acrobatics 7 ranks, Sand Dancer, order to use this feat. No observer can be affected by Sandskimmer this trick more than once per day. If your disguise was Benefit: When you use the ability granted by your penetrated by other means (for example, a disguise self


spell viewed under true seeing), this feat cannot aid you.

personal use; that requires a Requisition check. Accuse: You may have a suspect arrested and imprisoned indefinitely, for any cause or none. If you Secular Authority succeed on the check, you or guards under your You are a member of the Templarate of a city-state, able to command can haul the suspect into a cell. use your authority to confiscate property and issue Judge: You may pass judgment on a citizen for any judgment. offense, real or imagined. Any punishment not Prerequisites: Diplomacy 5 ranks, Intimidate 5 expressly forbidden by law is acceptable. If you ranks, Persuasive, accepted into Templarate succeed on the check, the punishment that you specify Benefit: This feat grants four new uses of the is carried out as soon as possible. Diplomacy skill. All uses of Secular Authority are Failure on a Secular Authority check means that opposed Diplomacy checks with a suspect or property the subject does not accept your authority. You are still owner. The exact request that you make may increase able to use more conventional means of enforcing the difficulty of the check; see the table below for your will (such as coercion and violence), and as a details. All appropriate penalties are applied. templar, you are unlikely to be punished if you choose Requisition: You can demand the use of a slave, to do so. However, creating a fuss in this fashion item, or other bit of property or resources. If you brings you to the negative attention of your superiors succeed on the check, you gain control of the resource in the Templarate, and may result in slowed in question without regard for the owner's wishes. promotion, stricter enforcement of disciplinary rules, Requisitions are subject to various modifiers based on and other sorts of petty inconveniences. the value of the resource, as shown on the table below. Any use of Secular Authority can be contested by Search: You can, at any time, search the home, another character with the Secular Authority feat with person, or possessions of any person. If you succeed another opposed Diplomacy check. If the challenger on the check, you enter without fuss and may wins the opposed roll, the defending templar's action confiscate and impound anything that you find. You is reversed. The use of Secular Authority can only be cannot keep items impounded through searches for contested once in each particular case. A defending templar who loses the opposed roll cannot contest the result, nor can he use Secular Authority to repeat the Secular Authority same action. Subject Status Modifier You may use Secular Authority once per day for Subject is a slave +2 every two class levels you have (but see Special). Subject is a noble -2 Secular Authority can only be used within your own Subject is a royal defiler -3 city-state, and attempting to do so elsewhere will Subject is a templar -5 usually lead to extreme hostility and violence. Special: Templar priests and templar knights gain Requisition Modifiers Modifier Secular Authority as a bonus feat, and gain a bonus Property (value 100+ Cp) -2 equal to one-half their templar level to Secular Property (value 1,000+ Cp) -3 Authority checks. Templar priests and templar knights Property (value 10,00+ Cp) -5 can use Secular Authority once per day per templar Property (value 100,000+ Cp) -10 level, plus one additional time each day for every two Property (enchanted) -5 levels in other classes. Slave (laborer) -0 Slave (gladiator)


Spellcaster or manifester


Troops (10 or more)


Troops (50 or more)


Troops (250 or more)


Troops (1,000 or more)


Secular Specialty Your position in the Templarate make you especially adept at exerting your authority in certain areas. Prerequisites: Secular Authority Benefit: You gain a +4 bonus to Secular Authority


checks related to one of the following uses of Secular Authority: requisitioning slaves, requisitioning soldiers, requisitioning property, searches, accusations, or judgments. This bonus applies to performing the action and to resolving contests of your Authority. If you have at least one level in a templar class, the bonus increases to +6. Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Its effects do not stack. Each time you gain this feat, you choose a different use of Secular Authority to gain the bonus.

Sidestep Charge (Combat) You easily dodge and punish charging enemies. Prerequisites: Dex 13, Dodge Benefit: You gain a +4 dodge bonus to Armor Class against charge attacks. If a charging opponent misses its charge attack, you can immediately make an attack of opportunity against it, subject to normal restrictions on the number of opportunity attacks that you can make in a round. If you are flatfooted or otherwise denied your Dexterity bonus to Armor Class, you do not gain the benefits of this feat.

Prerequisites: Bardic knowledge class feature, sigil class feature Benefit: Your bard and templar levels stack to determine your bonus to Secular Authority checks and your daily uses of Secular Authority. You can add your bard level to your templar level to the daily uses of your smite foe ability and the strength of your domain powers. You do not learn new domain powers in this way. You can add your templar level to your bard level to determine the daily uses of your bardic music ability and the skill bonus granted by your bardic knowledge ability.

Vow of Poverty

You have sworn yourself to poverty to sharpen your understanding of duty and to help others. Prerequisites: Good alignment Benefit: You are imbued with a sacred power, slowly bringing you toward a state not unlike an avangion transformation. See the section on Voluntary Poverty for details. Special: To fulfill your vow, you must not own or use any material possessions, with a few exceptions. You may carry and use ordinary simple weapons, and Sniper (Combat) wear simple clothes. You may carry enough food and You are skilled at moving from cover to cover while firing water to sustain yourself for one day in an ordinary ranged weapons. sack or bag. You may carry and use an ordinary divine Prerequisites: Dex 13, Stealth 1 rank focus and a spell component pouch, but you may not Benefit: The Stealth penalty for sniping is reduced possess any material components or non-divine foci to -15. If you have 10 or more ranks in Stealth, it is with a listed value. You may not use a magic item of instead reduced to -10. any sort, though you may benefit from one that is used on you – a potion of cure wounds that a friend Social Recovery feeds you, a remove disease scroll cast upon you, etc. You can talk your way out of the problems that you talked However, you may not “borrow” or otherwise possess yourself into. such items even for a single round. You may not own Prerequisites: Bluff 5 ranks, Diplomacy 3 ranks valuable goods for your own use or gain; however, Benefit: If you fail a Diplomacy check to influence you may carry such items so long as you find a an NPC's attitude, haggle over prices, or utilize charitable use for them at the earliest opportunity. Secular Authority, you attempt to use Bluff to recover. (“Charity” does not include giving such items to party Make a Bluff check with a -5 penalty. Use the result of members for the purposes of new magical items.) You this check in place of your original Diplomacy result. may not use valuable items for your own gain. If you You cannot improve an NPC's attitude by more than violate these conditions, you lose the benefits of this one step in this fashion. feat until you receive an atonement and undergo a quest to expiate your failure.

Templarate Agent

Your service to your sorcerer-monarch is not the overt Wastelander police action of most templar. You follow a more subtle path. You are an experienced survivor of the wastes.


Benefit: You gain a +1 bonus to Fortitude saves and a +2 bonus to Survival checks. If you have 10 or more ranks in Survival, this bonus increases to +4.

This does not allow you to create a type of item that you could not create before.

Craft Construct

You can build and animate constructs. Prerequisites: Ability to cast 5th-level spells or You have devoted your time to developing your psionics. powers, Craft Complex Item, Craft Powerful Item, Benefit: You learn any two talents from the wild Craft Simple Item talent list. See the Wild Talent section for details. Benefit: You can create any construct whose Wildling Ascetic prerequisites you meet. To create a construct, you must use up raw materials costing half its base price, Despite your meditative nature, you have psionic abilities plus the full cost of the basic body created for the that surge and swell almost beyond control. You have learned to move with the tides, however, and have developed construct. Each construct has a special section that summarizes its costs and other prerequisites. A newly a balance all your own. created construct has average hit points for its Hit Prerequisites: Flurry of blows class feature, wild Dice. surge class feature Benefit: You may add your wilder level to your Craft Limited Item monk level to determine your ki pool and AC bonus. You can create items which has a permanent limit on how You may also use your Charisma modifier instead of often it can be used, such as wands, potions, or dorjes. your Wisdom modifier to determine your AC bonus Prerequisites: Ability to cast 1st-level spells or and the effectiveness of your Stunning Fist. You do not gain a ki pool if you do not already have one, and your powers Benefit: You can can create any item that has a wilder levels do not grant you new ki abilities. single use or charges and that mimics the effect of one As a swift action, you may spend 1 power point to spell or power of 4th level or lower. Each type of item gain a +1 insight bonus to attack and damage rolls with your unarmed strike or monk weapons until the has different costs, restrictions, and creation times. beginning of your next turn. You may spend Craft Powerful Item additional power points to augment this ability; for every 2 additional power points you spend, the insight You can create enchanted items of extraordinary quality. Prerequisites: Ability to cast 5th-level spells or bonus increases by +1. You cannot spend more power powers, and either Craft Limited Item or Craft Simple points in this way than your manifester level, as Item normal. Benefit: You can create items that mimic the effect of any spell or power, and have no limit on the enhancement bonus, skill bonus, or energy resistance These feats replace those found in the Pathfinder Core that they may provide. This does not allow you to Rules and the Expanded Psionics Handbook. create a type of item that you could not create before.

Wild Talent Master

D Item Creation Feats Craft Complex Item

You can make items with complex, interlocking enchantments. Prerequisites: Ability to cast 3rd-level spells or powers, and either Craft Simple Item or Craft Limited Item Benefit: You can create items with any number of enchantments. The total enhancement bonus of weapons and armor that you create cannot exceed +5.

Craft Simple Item You can create items with simple enchantments. Prerequisites: Ability to cast 2nd-level spells or powers Benefit: You can create any permanent item that provides a bonus to attack rolls, damage rolls, Armor Class, saving throws, energy resistance, or skill checks. Your energy resistance enchantments cannot grant more than resistance 10 to one energy type, you


cannot provide a bonus to skill checks higher than +5, can give it one additional special ability from any and no other bonus can exceed +3. You can also make menu that the construct already has an ability from. any permanent item that mimics the effect of a spell or Burrowing Power (Metapsionic) power of 4th level or lower. You cannot create items Your powers gain the ability to bypass obstacles. with more than one enchantment. Benefit: To use this feat, you must expend your psionic focus. You can attempt to manifest your powers against targets that are sheltered behind a wall Psionic feats are special options available only to or force effect. Your power is channeled through the psionic characters. To take a psionic feat, characters Grey in order to bypass the barrier. must have a power point reserve or an ability which The strength and thickness of the barrier specifically allows them to utilize psionic feats. determine your chance of success. To successfully All psionic feats are supernatural abilities. They bypass the barrier with your power, you make a cannot be disrupted in combat, as powers can be, and Psicraft check (DC 10 + barrier's hardness + 1 per foot do not provoke attacks of opportunity unless it is of thickness). Assign hardness 20 to barriers without a specifically mentioned that they do. Supernatural hardness statistic, such as force effects or a wall of abilities are not subject to spell or power resistance, ectoplasm. Force walls or walls of ectoplasm are assumed and cannot be dispelled. However, they do not to have less than 1 foot of thickness unless otherwise function in areas where psionics are suppressed, such noted. as a null psionics field. If a power requires line of sight (which includes Many psionic feats can only be used when you are most powers that affect a target or targets instead of psionically foucsed; others require you to expend your an area), you cannot manifest it as a burrowing power psionic focus to gain their benefits. See the Magic unless you can somehow pinpoint your target (such as chapter for information on gaining, maintaining, and with blindsight or clairvoyant sense). expending psionic focus. Using this feat increases the power point cost of Metapsionic Feats: Metapsionic feats are a special the power by 2. The power's total cost cannot exceed category of psionic feats which allow a manifester to your manifester level. alter how a power is manifested. Metapsionic feats allow a manifester to manifest a power that last for a Chain Power (Metapsionic) longer duration than normal, or to manifest a power You can manifest powers that arc to hit other targets. incredibly quickly, or any number of other effects. Benefit: To use this feat, you must expend your Metapsionic feats cost the manifester additional power psionic focus. You can chain any power that affects a points to use. Points spent to add metapsionic effects single target and that deals energy damage. After the to a power count toward the normal limit of power primary target is struck, the power can arc to a points that can be spent to augment a single power. number of secondary targets equal to your manifester Although using a metapsionic feat is similar to level. The secondary arcs each strike one target, and augmenting a power, the two are different, and power deal just as much damage as the primary arc did. points designated for augmenting powers cannot be Secondary targets are allowed to make a saving throw spent to add metapsionic feats to a power. Manifesting against the power as normal, and receive a +2 bonus to a metapsionic-enhanced power does not take any their saving throw. All secondary targets must be longer than manifesting a normal power. within 30 feet of the primary target, and no creature may be struck by a chain power more than once. You Boost Construct (Psionic) can choose to affect fewer secondary targets than your Your astral constructs have more abilities. maximum if you wish. Prerequisites: Knowledge of the astral construct Using this feat increases the power point cost of power. the power by 6. The power's total cost cannot exceed Benefit: When you create an astral construct, you your manifester level.

D Psionic Feats


Combat Manifestation (Psionic)

You are skilled at manifesting powers while threatened in combat. Benefit: You gain a +4 bonus to concentration checks made to manifest a power or use a psi-like ability defensively, or to manifest a power while you are grappling or pinned.

when the delayed power activates. A delayed power can be dispelled during the delay, and can be detected normally by the use of powers or abilities that detect psionic effects. Using this feat increases the power point cost of the power by 2. The power's total cost cannot exceed your manifester level.

Deep Impact (Psionic)

Empower Power (Metapsionic)

You charge your weapon with psionic energy, cleaving through all defenses. Prerequisites: Str 13, Psionic Strike, base attack bonus +5 Benefit: To use this feat, you must expend your psionic focus. You can resolve your next attack with a melee weapon or unarmed strike as a touch attack. You must decide whether to use this feat before making your attack roll. If you miss, you still expend your psionic focus. You spend 3 power points to make the effects of this feat apply to one additional attack you make in the round that you use this feat. You can do this for as many attacks as you wish, but you cannot spend more power points in this way than your manifester level.

You can manifest powers with stronger effects. Benefit: To use this feat, you must expend your psionic focus. You can empower a power. All variable, numeric effects of an empowered power are increased by one-half. An empowered power deals half again as much damage as normal, cures half again as many hit points, and so forth, as appropriate. Saving throws and opposed checks are not affected, nor are any nonvariable effects of the power. Using this feat increases the power point cost of the power by 2. The power's total cost cannot exceed your manifester level.

Enlarge Power (Metapsionic)

You can manifest powers at a greater range than normal. Benefit: To use this feat, you must expend your Delay Power (Metapsionic) psionic focus. You can alter a power with a range of close, medium, or long to double its range. An You can manifest powers that go off in a short time. enlarged power with a range of close thus has a range Benefit: To use this feat, you must expend your psionic focus. You can manifest a power as a delayed of 50 feet + 5 feet per level, a medium-range power has power. A delayed power doesn't activate immediately. a range of 200 feet + 20 feet per level, and a long-range power has a range of 800 feet + 80 feet per level. When you manifest the power, you choose one of Powers whose ranges are not defined by distance, as three trigger mechanisms: (1) the power activates well as powers which have non-standard ranges, are when you take a standard action to activate it; (2) the power activates when a create enters the area that the not affected. Using this feat does not increase the power will affect (only powers that affect an area can power point cost of the power. use this trigger condition); (3) it activates at the Expanded Knowledge (Psionic) beginning of your turn after up to five rounds have You learn a new power. passed. If you choose one of the first two conditions Benefit: Add to your list of powers known one and the condition is not met, the power automatically additional talent or power of any level, up to one level activates after five rounds have passed. lower than the highest-level power that you can Only area and personal powers can be delayed. manifest. You can choose any talent or power, even Any decisions that you would make about the one from a discipline list or another class' list. delayed power, including attack rolls, designating Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. targets, or determining or shaping an area, are Each time, you learn one new power of any level, up decided when the power is manifested. Any effects to one level lower than the highest-level power that resolved by those affected by the power, including you can manifest. saving throws and power resistance, are decided


Psionic Feats



Boost Construct

Knowledge of astral construct power

Your astral constructs have an extra ability

Combat Manifestation

+4 bonus to combat manifestation checks

Expanded Knowledge

Learn a new power from any source

Ghost Strike

Base attack bonus +3

Roll twice for incorporeal miss chance


Wis 13

Expend psionic focus to detect lies

Mental Leap

Str 13, Acrobatics 1 rank

Psionic focus grants Acrobatics benefits


Take damage to improve manifester level


Avoid damage when overchanneling

+2 to checks to overcome power resistance

Power Penetration

Expend psionic focus to gain +4 bonus to power resistance checks

Expend psionic focus for +1 power DC

Psionic Endowment

Psionic Endowment bonus increases to +2

Dex 13

Psionic focus grants extra ranged damage

Fell Shot

Dex 13, Psionic Shot, base attack bonus +5

Make ranged attacks as touch attacks

Greater Psionic Shot

Dex 17, Psionic Shot, base attack bonus +8

Increases damage bonuses of Psionic Shot

Str 13

Psionic focus grants extra melee damage

Deep Impact

Str 13, Psionic Strike, base attack bonus +5

Make melee attacks as touch attacks

Greater Psionic Strike

Str 17, Psionic Strike, base attack bonus +8

Increases damage bonuses of Psionic Strike

Psionic focus grants +10 foot land speed

Psionic Charge

Speed of Thought

Make complex maneuvers while charging

Up The Walls

Speed of Thought

Run on walls while psionically focused

Swift Focus

Gain psionic focus as a move action

Metapsionic Feats



Burrowing Power

Bypass barriers and obstacles with power

Chain Power

Power bounces to additional targets

Delay Power

Delay activation of power

Empower Power

Increase power's effects by 50%

Enlarge Power

Double power's range

Extend Power

Double power's duration

Maximize Power

Maximize power's effects

Opportunity Power

Make opportunity attack with touch power

Quicken Power

Manifest power as a swift action

Split Psionic Ray

Ray power hits two targets

Widen Power

Double power's area

Overchanneling Talent Power Penetration Greater Power Penetration Psionic Endowment Greater Psionic Endowment Psionic Shot

Psionic Strike

Speed of Thought


Extend Power (Metapsionic)

the power by 2. The power's total cost cannot exceed your manifester level.

You can manifest powers that last twice as long as normal. Benefit: To use this feat, you must expend your Fell Shot (Psionic) psionic focus. You can manifest an extended power. You charge a projectile with shearing psionic force that rips An extended power lasts twice as long as normal. A power with a duration of concentration, permanent, or through all protections. Prerequisites: Dex 13, Psionic Shot, base attack instantaneous is not affected by this feat. bonus +5 Using this feat increases the power point cost of


Benefit: To use this feat, you must expend your psionic focus. You can resolve your next ranged attack as a ranged touch attack. You must decide whether or not to use this feat prior to making an attack. If your attack misses, you still expend your psionic focus. You spend 3 power points to make the effects of this feat apply to one additional attack you make in the round that you use this feat. You can do this for as many attacks as you wish, but you cannot spend more power points in this way than your manifester level.

Greater Psionic Strike (Psionic)

Ghost Strike (Psionic)

You know when others lie. Prerequisites: Wis 13 Benefit: To use this feat, you must expend your psionic focus. You gain a +10 bonus on a Sense Motive check to oppose a Bluff check. You must decide whether or not to use this feat prior to rolling the Sense Motive check. If your check fails, or your opponent isn't lying, you still expend your psionic focus.

Your psionic energy allows you to press home attacks against insubstantial beings. Prerequisites: Base attack bonus +3 Benefit: You must be psionically focused to use this feat. When you make a melee or ranged attack against an incorporeal creature, you can make two rolls for your miss chance and use the higher result.

Greater Power Penetration (Psionic)

Your powers can break through even the strongest antipsionic defenses. Prerequisites: Power Penetration Benefit: You must expend your psionic focus to use this feat. You gain a +4 bonus on manifester level checks to overcome a creature's power resistance. This bonus stacks with the bonus from Power Penetration.

Greater Psionic Endowment (Psionic) You can use meditation to focus your powers. Prerequisites: Psionic Endowment Benefit: When you use the Psionic Endowment feat, you add +2 to the save DC of the power that you manifest instead of +1.

Greater Psionic Shot (Psionic)

You can charge your weapon with destructive energy. Prerequisites: Str 17, Psionic Strike, base attack bonus +8 Benefit: The bonus to melee weapon damage that you gain while psionically focused increases to +2. When you expend your psionic focus to deal additional damage with a melee weapon, the damage bonus increases to +4d6.

Inquisitor (Psionic)

Maximize Power (Metapsionic)

You can manifest powers to maximum effect. Benefit: To use this feat, you must expend your psionic focus. You can maximize a power. All variable, numberic effects of the power are maximized. A maximized power deals maximum damage, cures the maximum number of hit points, and so on, as appropriate. Saving throws, opposed checks, and other non-variable effects of the power are not affected. Using this feat increases the power point cost of the power by 4. The power's total cost cannot exceed your manifester level.

Mental Leap (Psionic)

You can charge your ranged attacks with additional damage. Prerequisites: Dex 17, Psionic Shot, base attack bonus +8 Benefit: The bonus to ranged weapon damage that you gain while psionically focused increases to +2. When you expend your psionic focus to deal additional damage with a ranged weapon, the damage bonus increases to +4d6.

You can make incredible jumps. Prerequisites: Str 13, Jump 1 rank Benefit: While you maintain your psionic focus, you gain a +2 psionic bonus to Acrobatics checks. You can expend your psionic focus as part of making an Acrobatics check in order to gain a +4 psionic bonus to the check. If you have 10 or more ranks in Acrobatics, these bonuses increase to +4 and +8, respectively.

Opportunity Power (Metapsionic)

You can use psionc powers to make opportunity attacks.


Benefit: To use this feat, you must expend your psionic focus. When you make an attack of opportunity and have at least one hand free, you can use any power you know with a range of touch in place of the attack. Manifesting this power is an immediate action. You cannot use this feat with a touch power whose manifesting time is longer than a full-round action. Using this feat increases the power point cost of the power by 6. The power's total cost cannot exceed your manifester level. Normal: Attacks of opportunity can be made only with melee weapons.

Overchannel (Psionic)

psionic focus as part of a charge. Your movement during the charge ignores difficult terrain, and you do not need to end the charge in the closest square to the target (although you must still end adjacent to the target). You do not provoke opportunity attacks from the target during this charge, though other creatures may make opportunity attacks as normal. Normal: Movement during a charge is affected by difficult terrain, and you must end the charge in the closest adjacent square to the target. If you move through squares that the target threatens, you provoke attacks of opportunity from the target.

Psionic Endowment (Psionic)

You can meditate briefly to make your powers stronger. You can strengthen your powers at the cost of your own life Benefit: To use this feat, you must expend your energy. psionic focus. You add 1 to the save DC of a power Benefit: While manifesting a power, you can gain that you manifest within the next round. a +1 bonus to your manifester level, but you take 1d8 Psionic Shot (Psionic) points of damage for doing so. At 8th level, you can You can charge your ranged attacks with psionic damage. gain a +2 manifester level bonus at the cost of 3d8 th Prerequisites: Dex 13 damage. At 15 level, you can gain a +3 manifester Benefit: While you maintain your psionic focus, level bonus at the cost of 5d8 damage. you deal +1 damage with ranged weapons. You can The effective increase in manifester level increases expend your psionic focus to deal +2d6 damage on a the number of power points you can expend on a single ranged attack that you make this round. If the single power manifestation, as well as increasing all attack misses, you do not lose your psionic focus. manifester level-dependent effects.

Overchanneling Talent (Psionic) You can overchannel low-level powers without risk. Prerequisites: Overchannel Benefit: To use this feat, you must expend your psionic focus. When manifesting a power of 3rd level and using the Overchannel feat to increase your manifester level, you do not take damage from overchanneling.

Power Penetration (Psionic)

Your powers are especially potent. Benefit: While you maintain your psionic focus, you gain a +2 bonus to manifester level checks made to overcome a creature's power resistance.

Psionic Charge (Psionic)

Nothing can hinder your charges. Prerequisites: Speed of Thought Benefit: To use this feat, you must expend your

Psionic Strike (Psionic) You can charge your ranged attacks with psionic damage. Prerequisites: Str 13 Benefit: While you maintain your psionic focus, you deal +1 damage with melee weapons and unarmed strikes. You can expend your psionic focus to deal +2d6 damage on a single melee attack that you make this round. If the attack misses, you do not lose your psionic focus.

Quicken Power (Metapsionic) You can manifest a power with just a moment's concentration. Benefit: To use this feat, you must expend your psionic focus. You can quicken a power. A quickened power may be manifested as a swift action. Manifesting a quickened power does not provoke attacks of opportunity. You can only manifest one quickened power per round. A power whose


manifesting time is longer than 1 round cannot be quickened. Using this feat increases the power point cost of the power by 6. The power's total cost cannot exceed your manifester level.

attacks against you while you are on the wall if you move through squares that they threaten. Creatures with reach have vertical reach as well as horizontal. Like any ground, walls may include special terrain features such as crumbling pieces or difficult terrain. If you can take other actions while moving (such as with Speed of Thought (Psionic) the Spring Attack feat), you can still take them while You channel psionic energy to allow yourself to move faster. moving along a wall. Benefit: As long as you are psionically foucsed, Widen Power (Metapsionic) your land speed increases by 10 feet. If you are wearing heavy armor, this bonus decreases to 5 feet. You can increase the area of your powers. Special: You can take this feat a second time to Benefit: To use this feat, you must expend your apply the bonus to all movement modes that you psionic focus. You can alter a burst, emanation, line, or possess. spread-shaped power to increase its area. Powers with non-standard areas of effect are not affected by this Split Psionic Ray (Metapsionic) feat. Any numeric measurements of the power's area You can affect two targets with a single ray. are doubled. Benefit: To use this feat, you must expend your Using this feat increases the power point cost of psionic focus. You can split psionic rays that you the power by 4. The power's total cost cannot exceed manifest. The split ray affects two targets that are both your manifester level. within the power's range and within 30 feet of each other. If the ray deals damage, each target takes as much damage as a single target would take. These feats enhance a character's racial abilities or Using this feat increases the power point cost of cultural tendencies. the power by 2. The power's total cost cannot exceed

D Racial Feats

your manifester level.

Aerial Reflexes

You know how to dodge and weave in mid-air. Prerequisites: Fly speed You can regain your psionic focus with just a moment's Benefit: While flying, you gain a +2 bonus on effort. Benefit: You can gain your psionic focus as a move Reflex saves and a +1 dodge bonus to Armor Class against opponents who cannot fly or that have a lower action. Normal: Gaining psionic focus requires a standard maneuverability than you. action.

Swift Focus (Psionic)

Up The Walls (Psionic)

Ancestral Knowledge

You can run along walls. Prerequisites: Speed of Thought Benefit: While you are psionically focused, you can run along walls or other vertical surfaces so long as you begin and end your movement on a horizontal surface. If you do not end your movement on a horizontal surface, you fall prone and take appropriate falling damage. Treat the wall as a normal floor for the purpose of measure your movement. Passing from floor to wall or wall to floor does not cost movement. Opponents on the ground can make

You have a strong connection to the ancestors of your people. Prerequisites: Wis 13, dwarf Benefit: You can add your Wisdom bonus to Knowledge checks instead of your Intelligence modifier. In addition, you can make any Knowledge check untrained. Normal: A character can only make untrained Knowledge checks if the DC is 10 or lower.

Auspicious Markings

The patterns on your skin foretell a great future.


Prerequisites: Goliath Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus on Charisma-based skill and ability checks. Once per day, you can reroll action point dice if you dislike the result. In addition, you gain two extra action points at every level.


Awesome Blow (Combat)

Druid's Transformation

Your devotion to your focus is all-consuming Prerequisites: Dwarf, Focused racial feature Benefit: The bonus granted by your Focused racial feature increases to +2.

You strike an incredible blow that sends your opponent flying. Prerequisites: Str 25, Power Attack, Improved Bull Rush, size Large or larger Benefit: You can perform the awesome blow combat maneuver. If your maneuver succeeds against a corporeal creature smaller than you, you deal damage as if you had hit the target with a melee attack and send the target flying 10 feet in a direction of your choice. The target falls prone at the end of its flight. You can only push the target in a straight line, and it cannot end closer to you than it started. If an obstacle prevents the completion of the target's movement, both the target and the obstacle take 1d6 damage and the target falls prone adjacent to the object. You can perform this maneuver as part of a full attack, but only once. Any bonuses or effects that affect your bull rush also affect your awesome blow.

Cannibalism Ritual

You can assume the form of an animal. Prerequisites: Pterran, path of the druid, Knowledge (nature) 5 ranks Benefit: You gain beast shape I as a spell-like ability usable once per day with a caster level equal to onehalf your character level. If you are able to wild shape, you also gain another daily use of your wild shape feature.

Dwarven Vision

You have inherited your dwarf parent's vision. Prerequisites: Mul Benefit: You have darkvision out to 60 feet.

Flyby Attack (Combat)

You can make an attack on the move while flying. Prerequisites: Fly speed Benefit: When flying, you can take a standard action at any point during a move action. You cannot make a second move action in a round where you make a flyby attack. Normal: You cannot take a standard action until you have completed your move action.

You know the secrets to let your dead foes make you stronger. Prerequisites: Wis 13, halfling Benefit: When you have slain a creature in combat with Hit Dice equal to or greater than your level, you Hunter's Awareness may devour its remains to gain its strength. This You have a keen perception of danger. requires a ritual that takes ten minutes. After Prerequisites: Halfling performing the ritual, you receive a +2 enhancement Benefit: You gain a competence bonus to initiative bonus to either Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution for and Perception checks equal to your Wisdom 24 hours. You cannot benefit from more than one modifier. cannibalism ritual at once.


Hunter's Ferocity

You can rush foes and deliver many attacks before they can You extend your clutch mentality to your allies. respond. Prerequisites: Thri-kreen Prerequisites: Halfling Benefit: Allies within 10 feet of you gain a +1 Benefit: If you take the charge action against a flatbonus to Reflex saves, a +2 bonus to Perception checks, footed opponent, you can make a full attack at the end and a +2 bonus to Survival checks to notice natural of the charge. hazards such as blowouts. These benefits do not apply when you are flatfooted.


Racial Feats



Aerial Reflexes

Fly speed

+2 Reflex saves and +1 AC while flying

Ancestral Knowledge

Wis 13, dwarf

Add Wis bonus to Knowledge checks

Auspicious Markings


+2 to Cha-based checks, extra action points

Awesome Blow*

Str 25, Power Attack, Improved Bull Rush, size Large or larger

Perform maneuver that knocks enemies through the air

Cannibalism Ritual

Wis 13, halflling

Consume enemies to gain their strength



Extend clutchmind benefits to nearby allies


Dwarf, Focused racial feature

Focused bonus increases to +2

Druid's Transformation

Pterran, path of the druid, Knowledge (nature) 5 ranks

Transform into an animal shape once per day

Dwarven Vision


Gain darkvision out to 60 feet

Flyby Attack*

Fly speed

Make attack in the midst of flight

Hunter's Awareness


Add Wis mod to initiative and Perception

Hunter's Ferocity


Make full attack when charging

Improved Natural Attack

Natural weapon, base attack bonus +4

Improve damage of one natural attack

Little Master


Protect little master in combat

Markings of the Blessed


Roll saving throw twice 3/day

Markings of the Maker


Roll skill check twice 3/day

Markings of the Warrior


Roll attack twice 3/day


Two different natural weapons

Reduce penalties for secondary attacks

Multiweapon Fighting*

Dex 13, three or more hands

Reduce penalties for multiweapon fighting

Natural Telepathy

Pterran or thri-kreen

Extend the range of telepathy

Psion's Detection

Pterran, path of the psion

Locate living creatures within 30 feet

Sensitive Antennae


Gain scent

Social Chameleon


+4 Diplomacy, +4 Sense Motive

Social Stability


+2 to Cha-based checks

Versatile Learner


Gain 1 extra skill point each level, +1 bonus to trained cross-class skills

Warrior's Strike

Pterran, path of the warrior

Melee attack dazes enemy


Fly speed

Turn without Fly check or extra movement


Benefit: You can make someone your “little master,” the person who you pattern your attitudes Your natural weapon leaves vicious wounds. and beliefs from. Your Malleable Alignment racial Prerequisites: Must have a natural weapon, base feature must be used to match your alignment to your attack bonus +4 Benefit: Choose one of your natural weapons. You little master's. You can change little masters at any count as one size category larger for determining that time, although you should have a reason for doing so. If you are in combat with your little master as an weapon's damage. For example, a thri-kreen's claws would deal 1d6 damage if it took this feat for its claws. ally, you gain a +2 bonus to Will saves. If your little master is inside your reach, you can use an immediate Special: You can select this feat multiple times, action to grant him a +1 bonus to Armor Class against selecting a different natural weapon each time. one attack or a +1 bonus to one Reflex save. You must Little Master do so before the attack or save is rolled. You form strong ties to your “little masters” that help you Markings of the Blessed protect them in combat. Your markings reveal that you are protected by the spirits. Prerequisites: Half-giant

Improved Natural Attack


Prerequisites: Goliath Benefit: Up to three times per day, you can roll a second d20 when attempting a saving throw and use either result.

Powerful Grip

Markings of the Maker Your markings show that you have been granted great skill. Prerequisites: Goliath Benefit: Up to three times per day, you can roll a second d20 when attempting any skill check and use either result.

Markings of the Warrior Your markings show that you are a fearsome warrior. Prerequisites: Goliath Benefit: Up to three times per day, you can roll a second d20 when attempting an attack roll and use either result.

Multiattack (Combat) You are particularly skilled at attacking with your natural weapons. Prerequisites: Two different natural weapons Benefit: Your secondary attacks with natural weapons only take a -2 penalty. Normal: Secondary attacks with natural weapons take a -5 penalty.

Multiweapon Fighting (Combat)

Your thick, stony hands have extraordinary strength. Prerequisites: Goliath, Str 15, base attack bonus +4 Benefit: You are treated as if you were Large for the purpose of wielding weapons and for class features that relate to your damage (such as a monk's unarmed strike).

Psion's Detection You can use your telepathic abilities to scan your environment. Prerequisites: Pterran, path of the psion Benefit: As a move action, you can pinpoint the location of any living creature within 30 feet, even if you cannot see the subject or gain line of sight to it. Any opponent that you cannot see still has total concealment.

Sensitive Antennae

Your antennae are highly developed. Prerequisites: Thri-kreen Benefit: You gain the scent ability (Pathfinder Core Rules p. 564).

Social Chameleon You can use your natural empathy to understand social situations. Prerequisites: Half-giant Benefit: You gain a +4 bonus to Diplomacy and Sense Motive checks.

You can easily balance weapon attacks with all your arms. Prerequisites: Dex 13, three or more hands Social Stability Benefit: Penalties for fighting with multiple weapons are reduced to -2 with the primary hand and You apply your basic steadiness to social situations with -6 for off hands. You still have only one primary hand. great results. Normal: Wielding multiple weapons inflicts a -6 Prerequisites: Dwarf penalty on primary hand attacks and a -10 penalty on Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus on all Charismaoff-hand attacks. linked skill and ability checks. Special: This feat counts as Two-Weapon Fighting Versatile Learner for the purpose of qualifying for feats. You are good at a wide range of skills. Natural Telepathy Prerequisites: Human Your innate telepathic abilities are stronger than normal. Benefit: You gain 1 extra skill point at each level. Prerequisites: Pterran or thri-kreen This bonus is retroactive; for example, a level 5 Benefit: You gain missive as a wild talent if you do character who selected this feat would gain four skill not have it already. The range of your missive ability points immediately for levels 1-4. You also gain a +1 doubles (to 50 feet + 5 feet/level), and you can send bonus to any cross-class skill which you have at least messages of up to twenty words with your missive. one rank in.


Warrior's Strike

Controlled Raze (Raze)


Defoliating Raze (Raze)

You can perform a mighty blow that leaves your enemy reeling. Prerequisites: Pterran, path of the warrior Benefit: When you make a melee attack, you can choose to make it a warrior's strike. If you hit, the target must make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + ½ your level + your Wisdom modifier) or be dazed for 1 round. You can make a warrior's strike once per day per two character levels (minimum 1/day).

You can expend your defiling radius or exempt certain areas from its effects Benefit: You can increase your defiling radius by up to 10 feet. When you defile, you can specify one five-foot square per point of your Intelligence modifier that is unaffected by your energy gathering. Creatures in that square do not suffer the adverse effects of being caught in a defiling radius, vegetation is not damaged, and so on.

You can easily make sharp turns in flight. Prerequisites: Fly speed Benefit: Once each round, you can turn up to 180° as a free action without making a Fly skill check. This free turn does not consume additional movement. Normal: A flying creature can turn up to 90° by making a DC 15 Fly check and expending 5 feet of movement, or up to 180° by making a DC 20 Fly check and expending 10 feet of movement.

Your defiling techniques are especially damaging to plant creatures. Benefit: Plant creatures caught in your defiling radius suffer 5 points of damage per spell level. Normal: Plant creatures caught in your defiling radius suffer 2 points of damage per spell level.

Destructive Raze (Raze)

You can channel the energy of destruction that defiling grants to make your spells more damaging. Prerequisites: Path Sinister Benefit: When you defile to cast a spell that deals Raze feats allow an arcane spellcaster to enhance their damage, it deals +1 damage per die. defiling abilities. They only have effect when the spellcaster is defiling. A mage can apply multiple raze Distance Raze (Raze) You can move your defiling radius to gather energy at a feats simultaneously. For example, a mage with the distance. Distance Raze, Destructive Raze, and Fast Raze feats Benefit: You can move the center of your defiling can benefit from all of them at the same time. radius up to 10 feet per caster level. The center of your Agonizing Raze (Raze) defiling radius must remain on the ground. You are Your defiling causes extraordinary pain to living creatures not affected by your own defiling, as normal. Normal: A spellcaster's defiling radius is centered in your defiling radius. on him. Benefit: The penalties for being caught in your defiling radius increase by one (i.e, from -1 to -2).

D Raze Feats

Raze Feats



Agonizing Raze


Increase penalties for defiling radius by 1

Defiler, Agonizing Raze

Creatures in defiling radius are nauseated

Controlled Raze


Make areas exempt from defiling radius

Distance Raze


Move center of defiling radius

Destructive Raze


Increase damage when defiling

Efficient Raze


Terrain is one step better when defiling

Exterminating Raze


Increase defiling damage to plant creatures

Fast Raze


Defile with move action

Sickening Raze

Instantaneous Raze

Defiler, Fast Raze, any two other Raze feats Defile as swift action



Item Creation Feats Brew Potion You can gather energy more efficiently, using the maximum Craft Magic Arms & Armor energy potential of your environment. Craft Rod Benefit: When you defile to cast a spell, treat the Craft Staff terrain type as one step more positive. For example, a Craft Wand spell cast in barren terrain (-1 save DC, -1 to caster Craft Wondrous Item level checks) is treated as if it were cast in infertile Forge Ring terrain (no penalties). In abundant terrain, the bonus Scribe Scroll to save DCs and caster level checks increases to +3. This feat has no effect in the Obsidian Plains or other dead environments.

Efficient Raze (Raze)

D Flaws

A flaw is effectively a reversed feat. Whereas a feat allows a character to excel at some skill or ability, a You can gather energy for defiling faster than normal. flaw restricts a character's abilities or imposes some Benefit: You can gather energy for defiling as a move action and cast your spell as a standard action. If sort of penalty. A player may select one flaw during character creation in exchange for a bonus feat. After you defile to cast a metamagic-enhanced spell, you 1st level, a character cannot take additional flaws can do so as a full-round action that includes casting unless the DM specifically allows it. A flaw is an the spell. entirely negative characteristic which imposes severe Normal: It requires a full-round action to cast a penalties. The penalties imposed by flaws are stronger spell while defiling, and one round to cast a than the benefits of feats to counteract a player's metamagic-enhanced spell while defiling. natural tendency to choose the flaw with the least impact on their character. For that reason, the DM Instantaneous Raze (Raze) You can gather life energy for your spells in only a moment. reserves the right to veto any flaw choices if the flaw Prerequisites: Fast Raze, any two other Raze feats will not have a significant impact on the character. Note that flaws do not disqualify you from feats. A Benefit: Once per day per two caster levels, you character with the Meager Fortitude flaw can still take can gather energy for defiling as a swift action. the Great Fortitude feat, which would allow him to Sickening Raze (Raze) partially compensate for the weakness imposed by his Your defiling aura makes creatures around you violently ill. flaw. Prerequisites: Agonizing Raze Calm Savage Benefit: In addition to any other penalties that they suffer, creatures within your defiling radius must Despite your best efforts, you cannot easily enter a rage. Prerequisites: Barbarian make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + your caster level) or Effect: You can only rage for 2 + Constitution become nauseated for 1 round. modifier rounds per day, instead of 4 + Constitution modifier rounds. You only gain one additional round at each successive class level. For various reasons, certain feats from the Pathfinder Core Rules are not used in Dark Sun. Claustrophobia You become incredibly anxious in enclosed spaces General Feats Prerequisites: Cannot be an aarakocra Arcane Armor Mastery Effect: Any time you are in any building or natural Arcane Armor Training feature smaller than 20 feet on each side, are trapped Dazzling Display in a crowd of people or animals, or in any place where Power Attack you cannot readily see the sky, you become shaken.

Fast Raze (Raze)

D Defunct Feats





Calm Savage


Fewer daily rounds of rage


Cannot be aarakocra

Become shaken in enclosed spaces

Clumsy Grasp

Strength 20

Crush objects or creatures that you touch


Make Will save or flee danger


-1 hp per HD, -1 penalty to certain saves


-3 to saves vs. enchantment, -4 Sense Motive

Heat Intolerance

-3 heat protection, +1 damage from fire


-4 Perception, -4 Sense Motive


½ weight, -2 CMB/CMD, -2 Str-based checks

Living Target

-2 penalty to Armor Class

Meager Fortitude

-3 penalty to Fortitude saves


-1 to attack rolls, -1 to Armor Class

Obvious Spellcaster


-6 penalty to disguising spellcasting

Pathetic Reactions

-6 penalty to initiative checks

Poor Reflexes

-3 penalty to Reflex saves

Restricted Sorcery


Choose two restricted schools


-2 penalty to attack rolls


Make Will save or flee supernatural effects

Trivial Performer


Fewer daily rounds of performance



Full-round action to gain psionic focus

Weak Bond


Nature bond is weaker

Weak Position

Templar priest or templar knight

-4 Diplomacy, Intimidate, -2 Sec. Authority

Weak Will

-3 penalty to Will saves


Clumsy Grasp You don't know how to control your own strength. Prerequisites: Strength 20 Effect: Whenever you attempt to touch another creature without harming it, grasp a fragile object, or attempt to perform a delicate task, you must make a Dexterity check (DC 10 + Strength modifier). If you fail, you deal damage to the creature or object that you are touching equal to twice your Strength modifier. You cannot use the effects of this flaw to intentionally harm any creature or object. The exact definition of a delicate task or object is up to the DM.

Coward It takes an act of will for you to remain in battle. Effect: You take a -2 penalty to saving throws against fear effects, and must make a Will save (DC = 10 + enemy's CR) to continue to engage in combat after having been damaged for the first time. If you fail this save, you become frightened for 1d4 rounds. You must also make this save when you are bloodied, and again at a -5 penalty if you regain consciousness

after having been knocked unconscious by wounds. Even if you succeed on these saves, you are shaken for one round.

Frail You are emaciated and perpetually weak. Effect: You gain one less hit point per Hit Die. You also take a -1 penalty to saving throws against disease, poison, and starvation.


You are easily led. Effect: You take a -3 penalty to saving throws against Enchantment, Illusion, and Telepathy effects, and a -4 penalty to Sense Motive checks.

Heat Intolerance You are very bad at handling the wasteland heat, and must remain in shade to survive for long. Effect: You take a -3 penalty to heat protection (see the Combat & Survival chapter). This can reduce your heat protection to negatives, at which point you start


taking appropriate penalties (saving throw penalties, additional heat damage, etc.). You also take an additional 1 point of damage per die from fire effects.

Poor Reflexes


Restricted Sorcery

Your reflexes are very slow, leaving you vulnerable. Effect: You take a -3 penalty to all Reflex saves.

You have little ability in certain aspects of magic. Prerequisites: Wizard Effect: Choose two schools of magic. You do not know Complex spells from those schools, and you must spend two slots to ready or cast a spell from those schools.

You are utterly oblivious to important cues. Effect: You take a -4 penalty to Perception and Sense Motive.


You are extremely light for your size and species. Enemies have no trouble pushing you around in combat, and you are Shaky very vulnerable to toxins. Effect: Your body weight is only half the norm for Your hands and arms jitter, making it difficult to land an attack. your race. In addition, you take a -2 penalty to your Effect: You take a -2 penalty to all attack rolls. Combat Maneuver Bonus and Combat Maneuver Defense, a -2 penalty to all Strength-based skill and ability checks (this does not include attack rolls), and a Slow You move in a limping, plodding fashion that makes poor -4 penalty to saving throws against poison. use of your legs and momentum. Effect: Your base speed for all movement modes is Living Target 10 feet slower than is normal for your race. You move stiffly, making you an easy mark. Effect: You take a -2 penalty to AC.


Meager Fortitude

Your body cannot stave off disease and privation easily. Effect: You take a -3 penalty to all Fortitude saves.


Your combat training is minimal or contains critical gaps, leaving you slow and vulnerable. Effect: You take a -1 penalty to all attack rolls and to AC.

Obvious Spellcaster

You use flashy gestures and complex, booming phrases to cast your spells, marking you out as a mage to any observers. Prerequisites: Wizard Effect: You take a -6 penalty to Bluff checks to conceal your spellcasting. If you wear armor, the complexity of your gestures imposes a 10% spell failure chance.

Pathetic Reactions You are slow to respond to threats. Effect: You take a -6 penalty to initiative checks.

You are terrified of the supernatural, and hostile towards those who utilize it. Effect: You must make a Will save (DC 10 + twice the level of the spell or power or the CR of the supernatural effect) whenever you see a spell cast, power manifested, or other display of supernatural ability. If you fail, you become frightened for 1d4 rounds. You are also naturally hostile toward anyone who you know to use supernatural abilities on a regular basis, taking a -6 penalty to Diplomacy checks against such individuals.

Trivial Performer

Your music is of the ordinary sort, rarely taking on the supernatural qualities associated with bardic skill. Prerequisites: Bard Effect: You can only use bardic performance for 2 + Charisma modifier rounds each day, instead of 4 + Charisma modifier rounds. You only gain one additional round at each successive class level.

Uncentered You have difficulty finding and holding your center.


Prerequisites: Psionic Effect: Gaining your psionic focus is a full-round action. This time cannot be reduced in any way. In addition, whenever you suffer a critical hit, or a target of one of your powers rolls a natural 20 on its saving throw, or you roll a natural 1, you lose your psionic focus.

Using Action Points

You can spend 1 action point either to improve a d20 roll, to reroll a failed d20 roll, or to use a special ability. You can spend only 1 action point in each round. If you spend a point to use a special ability, you cannot spend another one in the same round to improve a die roll, and vice versa. Improve A Roll: When you spend an action point Weak Bond to improve a d20 roll, you roll your 1d6 and add the Your bond to the natural world is weaker than normal. result to the roll. You can declare the use of your Prerequisites: Druid action point to improve a roll after you have already Effect: If you chose to gain a domain for your rolled the die but before the result is announced. You Nature Bond, you do not gain the first-level domain cannot use an action point to alter the result of a d20 powers for that domain. If you chose to have an roll when you are taking 10 or taking 20. Depending animal companion, treat your druid level as 3 levels on your your level, you may roll more than one d6 lower than normal for the purpose of the companion's when spending action points to improve a roll, as progression. shown on the table below. If so, roll all dice and add only the highest result to your roll. Weak Position Reroll: When you spend an action point to reroll a Your authority in the Templarate is suspect, and your d20 roll, you roll the d20 again and use whichever fellows do not respect or trust you. result is better. Prerequisites: Templar priest or templar knight Special Ability: When you spend an action point Effect: You take a -4 penalty to Diplomacy and to use a special ability, choose one of the following Intimidate checks, and a stacking -2 penalty to Secular benefits. Authority checks. Activate Class Ability: You gain another use of a class ability with limited daily uses, such as a druid's Weak Will wild shape or cleric's channel energy. If the ability is You have a simple mind, easy to penetrate and alter. limited by rounds per day, you instead gain another Effect: You take a -3 penalty to all Will saves. six rounds of use. Boost Defense: You gain a +2 bonus to Armor Class, and double the benefits of fighting defensively until the beginning of your next turn. Action points represent the extraordinary skill, luck, Crushing Blow: After hitting with an attack, you and toughness that any character can pull out in a can use this ability to gain a bonus to the damage roll crunch point. They give characters the means to affect equal to your level. gameplay by improving important rolls, preventing Dash: Your speed in all movement modes increases critical failures, or unlocking special abilities. by 10 feet until the beginning of your next turn. Extra Attack: When you take the Attack or Full Attack action in this round, you gain one more attack A 1st-level character starts the game with 5 action than normal at your highest base attack bonus. points. A character starting above 1st level starts the game with a number of action points equal to 5 + ½ Action Dice current character level. Character Action Every time a character gains a new level, he gains Level Dice Rolled a number of action points equal to 5 + ½ his new 1st– 7th 1d6 st th character level. Action points stack, and can therefore 8 – 14 2d6 st th accrue over time. 15 – 20 3d6

D Action Points

Acquiring Action Points



Ignore Wounds: You ignore all wound penalties for one round, including attribute damage inflicted by severe wounds. Power Boost: You gain a +2 bonus to the caster or manifester level of the next spell or power that you use. Spell Swap: You can immediately trade one readied spell for a different spell that you are able to cast. Stabilize: If you are dying, you immediately become stable. Unstoppable Effect: Roll action dice as if improving a d20 roll. Increase the save DC against the next spell, power, or spell/psi-like ability that you use by the result of the action dice.

charity. An ascetic is scarcely likely to turn aside any person seeking aid. Ascetics are universally opposed to the tyrannical sorcerer-kings, and to defilers for the blight that they bring to all living beings. Ascetics gain great strength from their spiritual purity, allowing them to perform near-miraculous feats. In game terms, these benefits compensate characters for the magical items that they cannot own. Holy Armor: Starting at 1st level, an ascetic gains a protective aura which shields her from harm. She receives a +3 armor bonus to Armor Class. This bonus increases to +4 at 3rd level, and by an additional +1 for every three levels thereafter. Eschew Water: A 1st-level ascetic can last for days without water – a vital necessity under the hot Athasian sun. Ascetics can go one additional day without water per character level before they begin to Poverty is unfortunately common in the harsh lands of suffer penalties. This benefit stacks with similar effects the Tyr region, but asceticism is an unheard-of from a different source. Starting at 15th level, an ascetic wonder. To most citizens of Athas, whose ideals about no longer needs to drink water at all. their possessions can be summarized in the words Bonus Feat: At 2nd level, an ascetic gains a bonus “more please,” the voluntary and pious abstention feat. She gains an additional bonus feat for every four from material goods is strange and even unnatural. levels thereafter. There are a few, however, who follow such a path. Some are clerics seeking to temper their faith with Vow of Poverty Powers adversity, eager for the power and clarity that comes Level Benefits Gained from such a spiritual life. Others are psions, devotees 1 holy armor +3, eschew water of the Way looking for much the same thing. Some 2 bonus feat preservers take up an ascetic life in the hope of 3 exalted strike +1, holy armor +4 compensating even further for their use of magic and 4 resistance +1 give even more of themselves back to the world. The 5 energy resistance 5, eschew sustenance greatest number come from the hidden city of New 6 natural armor +1, holy armor +5, bonus feat Kurn, where there are whole organizations among the 7 exalted strike +2 people who have sworn off their material possessions 8 deflection +1, mind shielding in the hopes of aiding their fellow citizens and 9 holy armor +6, resistance +2 hastening the completion of Oronis' great dream. 10 exalted strike +3 (good), energy resistance 10/5, DR Any ascetic, however, adopts their philosophy out 5/magic of a deep commitment to helping their fellow 11 eschew breath sentients. Poverty is not a step lightly taken, especially 12 holy armor +7, natural armor +2 on Athas, where simple survival is a terrible challenge. 13 exalted strike +4 Ascetics embody the highest and most noble 14 freedom, resistance +3, deflection +2 principles, and are viewed with awe by those who 15 holy armor +8, energy resistance 15/10/5, DR 5/evil know of their calling. Most ascetics spend their free 16 exalted strike +5 time helping others, whether by ministry or medicine 17 regeneration or spell and sword. Adventuring ascetics often claim 18 true sight, holy armor +9, natural armor +3 their pay, as might be expected of any other 19 exalted strike +6, resistance +4 mercenary, only to turn around and give it away as

D Voluntary Poverty




Energy resistance 20/15/10/5, deflection +3, DR 10/evil

Exalted Strike: A 3rd-level ascetic can channel energy into her attacks. Any weapon the ascetic wields gains a +1 enhancement bonus to attack and damage rolls. This bonus rises to +2 at 7th level, and by an additional +1 every three levels thereafter. Starting at 10th level, an ascetic's exalted strike bypasses damage reduction against good. Resistance: A 4th-level ascetic gains a +1 resistance bonus to all saving throws. This bonus increases by +1 for every five character levels thereafter, to a maximum of +4 at 19th level. Energy Resistance: At 5th level, an ascetic may choose one type of energy to gain resistance against: acid, cold, electricity, fire, force, or sonic. She gains resistance 5 against any effect that inflicts that type of damage. Every five levels thereafter, she may pick another type of energy. She gains resistance 5 against that energy, and all her other resistances gained through this ability increase by 5. At 20th level, she becomes immune to the element that she has the greatest resistance against. Eschew Sustenance: A 5th-level ascetic no longer needs food. Natural Armor: At 6th level, an ascetic gains a +1 natural armor bonus to AC. This bonus increases to +2 at 12th level, and to +3 at 18th level. Deflection: At 8th level, an ascetic gains a +1 deflection bonus to AC. This bonus increases to +2 at 14th level, and to +3 at 20th level. Mind Shielding: At 8th level, an ascetic becomes immune to detect thoughts, discern lies, and any attempt to discern her alignment, as well as the psionic equivalents of these abilities. At 10th level, she gains a +4 bonus to all saving throws to resist divination and enchantment spells, and to resist clairsentience telepathy powers. At 18th level, she constantly gains the benefits of mind blank. This is a supernatural ability. Damage Reduction: At 10th level, an ascetic gains DR 5/magic. At 15th level, this improves to DR 5/iron. At 20th level, this improves to DR 10/iron. Eschew Breath: An 11th-level ascetic no longer needs air, and does not suffer penalties for suffocation or drowning. Freedom: Starting at 14th level, an ascetic constantly gains the benefits of freedom of movement. This is a supernatural ability.

Regeneration: Starting at 17th level, an ascetic begins to heal much faster than normal. She regain hit points equal to her level every hour instead of every day. Nonlethal damage heals at a rate of one hit point per level every five minutes. Once per day, the ascetic may focus her mind as a standard action to enter a healing trance. For every round that she remains in this trance she regains hit points as if she had rested an hour (one hit point per level per round). True Sight: Starting at 18th level, an ascetic constantly gains the benefits of true seeing. This is a supernatural ability.

D Wild Talents

The people of Athas are naturally inclined toward psionics. Most are born with some small aptitude for the mental arts, which could be trained to become fully controlled psionic abilities. At 1st level, characters may elect to gain a wild talent. Roll 1d10 and gain the talent indicated on the table below. At the DM's discretion, players may be allowed to choose their wild talents rather than determining them randomly. See the Magic chapter for rules on the use of psionic talents. Like any other psionic talent, wild talents may be used at will and have no power point cost. Characters with wild talents do not need to meet any ability score requirements to use their wild talents. Wild Talents Roll Talent






far hand






hammer, lesser











CHAPTER 4: PRESTIGE CLASSES The 14 prestige classes in this chapter replace the ones found in the Pathfinder Core Rules. They are available to any Dark Sun character who meets their prerequisites. You should still consult your DM before taking any prestige class. The prestige classes in this chapter are summarized below. Academy Warden: A monk trained in the psionic arts who can alter the flow of time. Arch Defiler: A dark mage who has perfected the art of defiling. Assassin: A hired killer who specializes in poisons and can kill with a single devastating blow. Duelist: An agile warrior who relies on mobility and rapid blows to harry enemies. Elemental Savant: A devoted cleric who seeks perfection by turning himself into an elemental. Healer Adept: A mage who channels primal magic to heal the land. Iron Defender: A nearly-invulnerable warrior who hinders enemies and controls the battlefield. Loremaster: Master of knowledge with great learning and supernatural skill. Metamind: Psionicist who sacrifices knowledge and finesse for raw power. Mindbender Prodigy: A mindreading expert who can predict an enemy's actions in battle. Soulbow: Psionic archer who can guide projectiles with his mind. Veiled One: Mage of the Veiled Alliance who can call on the resources of the secret society. Wasteland Predator: A fierce warrior who embodies the predatory nature of wild beasts. Wildling Outrider: A mounted fighter who can form a powerful bond with his mount.

The precise origins of this time mastery are unknown (three different academies claim that their founder discovered the principles), but its effects are a wellknown and heavily romanticized subject: unarmed fighters who move with unnatural speed and act before anyone else could be aware of danger. Most academy wardens follow tradition and remain to serve their home academy, but some venture out into the world as adventurers and mercenaries. Qualifications: A character must have some background as a monk to become an academy warden, but his psionic training may vary widely. Psions, wilders, and psychic warriors all value an academy warden's ability to manipulate time like clay.


To become an academy warden, a character must fulfill all of the following criteria. Skills: Knowledge (psionics) 5 ranks, Psicraft 5 ranks. Class Feature: Flurry of blows, still mind. Manifesting: Ability to manifest 2nd level powers.

Class Features

All the following are class features of the academy warden class. Hit Die: d8. Class Skills: Acrobatics, Climb, Escape Artist, Fly, Knowledge (psionics), Psicraft, Stealth. Skill Points: Academy wardens receive 4 + Intelligence modifier skill points at each level. Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: Academy wardens gain no proficiency with any weapon or armor. Manifesting: At the indicated levels, an academy prodigy gains additional power points, manifester levels, powers known, and talents known as if he had Academy wardens are best known as the guardians of increased his level in a manifesting class he belonged the psionic academies, though in fact they may follow to before adding the prestige class. He does not, however, gain any other benefits a character of that many vocations. It is well known, however, that the class would gain. If the academy warden had more security forces of each academy are based around a core of fearsome warriors who can move through time than one manifesting class before becoming an as easily as a normal man might move through the air. academy warden, he must decide which class she

D Academy Warden


Academy Warden

Hit Die: d8

Skill Points: 4 + Int mod



Fort Save

Ref Save Will Save Special







Accelerate, ki strike (magic), monk abilities






Fold time 1/day (move action)

+1 level of existing class






Capricious step

+1 level of existing class






Temporal strike (touch power)

+1 level of existing class






Fold time 2/day (standard action)






Superior accelerate

+1 level of existing class






Temporal strike (ray power)

+1 level of existing class






Fold time 3/day

+1 level of existing class






Diamond soul






Master of time

+1 level of existing class


improves with this feature. This choice may be changed at each level, but it cannot be changed retroactively. Monk Abilities: An academy warden adds his class level to his monk level to determine his his flurry of blows attack bonus, his unarmed strike damage, his unarmored speed, his class-based AC bonus, and his daily uses of Stunning Fist. He does not gain any other features of advancing as a monk, such as a higher Combat Maneuver Bonus from monk levels, an increased ki pool, or new class features. Accelerate (Su): Academy wardens can fold time around themselves, allowing them to act at incredible speed. As a free action at the beginning of his turn, an academy warden can choose to accelerate his actions until the beginning of his next turn. Academy wardens can spend up to 2 + Wisdom modifier rounds per day accelerated, plus two additional rounds per class level after 1st. While accelerated, an academy warden gains a +1 bonus to attack rolls and Combat Maneuver Bonus, a +1 dodge bonus to Armor Class, Combat Maneuver Defense, and Reflex saves, and a +10 foot bonus to movement speed. He also gains one extra swift or immediate action in that round. Ki Strike (Su): An academy warden gains a ki pool of 1 point. If he already has a ki pool, its size increases by 1. While he has at least 1 point in his ki pool, his unarmed strikes are treated as magic weapons for the purpose of bypassing damage reduction. Fold Time (Su): At 2nd level, an academy warden can warp the flow of time to act much more rapidly than normal. Once per day as a free action, an academy warden can grant himself an additional

move action. At 5th level, he can fold time twice per day and grant himself a standard action when he does so. At 8th level, he can fold time three times per day. An academy warden can fold time no more than once per round. Academy wardens cannot use action points to gain additional uses of fold time. Capricious Step (Ex): At 3rd level, an academy warden can maneuver rapidly around his enemies to deliver crushing attacks. In any round in which he makes no movements other than a 5-foot step, he can take a second 5-foot step as a free action. This second 5-foot step is treated in all ways as a normal 5-foot step, except for the restriction on when the academy warden may use it. Temporal Strike (Su): At 4th level, an academy warden can expend one of his daily Stunning Fist attempts to manifest and deliver a melee touch power as part of an attack with unarmed strikes or monk weapons. He rolls the attack for the touch power separately from his other attacks. Manifesting this touch power does not provoke an attack of opportunity. At 7th level, the academy warden can do the same with a ray attack. If he uses the ray to attack a creature that he also attacked with an unarmed strike or weapon, he does not provoke an attack of opportunity for manifesting the power. Superior Accelerate (Ex): At 6th level, an academy warden's bonuses from his accelerate class feature improve to +2, and the movement speed bonus increases to +20 feet. Diamond Soul (Ex): At 9th level, an academy warden gains spell and power resistance equal to 10 + his monk level + his academy warden level.


Master of Time (Ex): At 10th level, an academy warden's bonuses from his accelerate class feature improve to +3, and the movement speed bonus increases to +30 feet. In addition, when the academy warden uses his fold time class feature, he can grant himself either a full-round action or both a standard action and a move action.

Spells: Ability to cast 3rd level arcane spells. Alignment: Any non-good. Special: Must be a defiler.

Class Features

All the following are class features of the arch defiler class. Hit Die: d6. Class Skills: Bluff, Knowledge (arcana), Spellcraft. Skill Points: Arch defilers receive 2 + Intelligence Ordinary defilers are dangerous and vile beings, but modifier skill points at each level. for some, even the life-destroying power of defiling is Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: Arch defilers insufficient to slake their thirst for magic. Those gain no proficiency with any weapon or armor. driven to even greater blasphemies by their lust for Metamagic Raze (Su): While defiling, an arch power become arch defilers, who have raised the defiler can draw additional energy to power her callous use of life energy to a truly unpleasant art. So metamagic feats. Once per day, as part of defiling to foul is the magic commanded by an arch defiler that cast an arcane spell, she can eliminate the additional her very soul becomes tainted. Every spell that she casting time required to apply metamagic feats to that casts reveals the malice in her heart, and her fellow spell. In addition, she reduces the spell level cost of mages can feel her vileness as a crawling horror in the metamagic feats that she applies by an amount their minds. For this reason, arch defilers tend to be equal to one-half her class level (minimum 1 level). loners, or at most form small cabals. The most Doing so increases the defiler's defiling radius by 5 depraved, however, often find employment as royal feet per spell level of metamagic reduced by this defilers for the sorcerer-monarchs, where they receive ability. For example, Narin (wizard 5/arch defiler 6) the greatest scope for their inventive cruelties. can use her metamagic raze to apply the Empower Qualifications: Only a wizard can become an arch Spell (2 spell levels) and Silent Spell (1 spell level) defiler. feats to her spell without increasing its casting time or paying the additional spell levels to cast the spell. If she does so, her defiling radius increases by 15 feet. To become an arch defiler, a character must fulfill all At every odd-numbered class level after 1st, an of the following criteria. arch defiler gains another daily use of metamagic raze, Skills: Knowledge (arcana) 3 ranks, Spellcraft 5 up to an five uses per day at 9th level. ranks. Tainted Aura (Su): An arch defiler's spells are Feats: Any Raze feat, any Metamagic feat. tainted with defiling energy. Their very structure

D Arch Defiler


Arch Defiler

Hit Die: d6

Skill Points: 2 + Int mod per level



Fort Save




Ref Save Will Save Special +0


Metamagic raze 1/day, tainted aura

Spellcasting +1 level of existing arcane class






Defiler feat

+1 level of existing arcane class






Metamagic raze 2/day

+1 level of existing arcane class






Invigorating destruction +1

+1 level of existing arcane class






Defiler feat, metamagic raze 3/day

+1 level of existing arcane class











Metamagic raze 4/day

+1 level of existing arcane class






Defiler feat, invigorating destruction +2

+1 level of existing arcane class






Metamagic raze 5/day

+1 level of existing arcane class






Raze mastery

+1 level of existing arcane class

+1 level of existing arcane class



indicates the rushed, power-intensive style of their caster. When examined with detect magic, the auras of an arch defiler's spells reveal that they were cast by an arch defiler. Furthermore, other spellcasters become uncomfortable in the arch defiler's presence, so strong is the taint surrounding her. A successful Knowledge (arcana) check (DC 25 – arch defiler level) reveals to any character capable of casting arcane or divine spells that there is an arch defiler within 100 feet. This does not identify the specific identity of the arch defiler, though that may be uncovered by other means. Defiler Feat: At 2nd level, 5th level, and 8th level, an arch defiler gains a bonus feat. This feat must be a Raze feat or Path Sinister. Invigorating Destruction (Su): At 4th level, an arch defiler starts to draw intense pleasure from the act of defiling. Whenever she defiles, she gains a +1 bonus to skill and ability checks for a number of rounds equal to the level of the spell. At 8th level, this bonus increases to +2. Raze Mastery (Ex): At 10th level, an arch defiler can imbue his spells with defiling energy while preparing them. She permanently reduces the spell level cost of her metamagic feats by 1 when she defiles. If she has the Metamagic Preparation feat, she can gain the benefits of this ability by defiling a 5-foot square when she readies a metamagic-enhanced spell. She must defile a number of 5-foot squares equal to the number of metamagic-enhanced spells that she readies.

D Assassin

A mercenary undertaking his task with cold, professional detachment, the assassin is equally adept at espionage, bounty hunting, and terrorism. At his core, the assassin is an artisan, and his medium is death. Trained in a variety of killing techniques, assassins are feared and respected. Athasian assassins are notorious as skilled poisoners, and the number of bards that fill the ranks of the assassins does little to reduce this reputation. Some people become assassins with good intentions, seeking to correct a terrible evil or avenge a past wrong. However, assassins must make their living as hired killers, and the good-atheart inevitably flee the profession or grow callous to the brutality that they employ.

Qualifications: Nearly any character can become an assassin. However, the assassin's abilities make it most useful for bards, rangers, and rogues. Spellcasters and manifesters with melee inclinations can make deadly assassins by taking advantage of their touch-attack abilities and skill at illusionary concealment, though they cannot easily take advantage of an assassin's ability with poisons. Straight-forward melee fighters tend to make poor assassins, as their preference for heavier armor and fewer skill points limit their ability to approach their targets from stealth.


To become an assassin, a character must fulfill all of the following criteria. Skills: Disguise 2 ranks, Stealth 5 ranks. Special: The character must kill someone for no other reason than to become an assassin.

Class Features

All the following are class features of the assassin class. Hit Die: d8. Class Skills: Acrobatics, Bluff, Climb, Diplomacy, Disable Device, Disguise, Escape Artist, Intimidate, Linguistics, Perception, Sense Motive, Sleight of Hand, Stealth, Use Enchanted Device. Skill Points: Assassins receive 4 + Intelligence modifier skill points at each level. Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: Assassins are proficient with the bard's friend, crossbow (hand, heavy, and light), dagger, garrote, shortbow (normal and composite), tonfa, and widow's knife. Assassins are proficient with light armor, but not with shields. Death Attack (Ex): If an assassin studies his victim for 3 rounds and makes a sneak attack with a melee weapon that successfully deals damage, the sneak attack has the additional effect of either paralyzing or killing the victim (assassin's choice). If the victim fails a Fortitude save (DC 10 + assassin level + Intelligence modifier), it either dies instantly or becomes paralyzed for 1d6 rounds + 1 round per assassin level. For purposes of immunities, a death attack is not considered a death effect, but it is considered a sneak attack. If the target succeeds on its saving throw, the


attack is just a normal sneak attack. Studying the victim is a standard action. Once the assassin has completed the 3 rounds of study, he must make the death attack within the next 3 rounds. The death attack fails if the target detects the assassin or recognizes the assassin as an enemy (although the sneak attack might be successful if the target continues to meet the conditions for a sneak attack). If the death attack is attempted and fails, or if the assassin does not launch the death attack within 3 rounds of completing his study, another 3 rounds of study are required before he can attempt another death attack. Poison Use (Ex): Assassins are trained in the use of poison and cannot accidentally poison themselves when applying poison to a weapon. In addition, assassins can safely identify poisons without risking harm to themselves. If the assassin already has poison use from another class, he instead gains a +1 bonus to saving throws against poison. Sneak Attack: This is exactly like the rogue ability of the same name. The additional damage dealt increases by +1d6 every other assassin level. If an assassin gains a sneak attack from another source, the bonuses to damage stack. Dosage (Ex): Assassins know how to apply poison with special tars and oils that cling to the weapon. Starting at 2nd level, when an assassin applies poison to a weapon, he gains two uses of that poison instead of one. No more than one dose may be applied by a single attack, as normal. Uncanny Dodge (Ex): At 2nd level, an assassin cannot be caught flatfooted, even if the attacker is invisible. He still loses his Dexterity bonus to AC if immobilized. An assassin with this ability can still lose his Dexterity bonus to AC if an opponent uses the feint action against him. If the assassin already has uncanny dodge from another class, he instead gains improved uncanny dodge. Alignment Shift: No matter their original motivations, assassins eventually become inured to the brutality and violence of their profession. Those who started with good intentions lose sight of their goals, and the amoral become callous and depraved. The only way to avoid this is to leave the profession before one becomes too scarred. At 3rd level and 7th level, an assassin's alignment shifts one step toward evil. This means that even a purely good character will

Assassin Level BAB

Hit Die: d8 Fort Save

Ref Save

Will Save Special






Death attack, poison use, sneak attack +1d6






Dosage, uncanny dodge






Alignment shift, empower poison +1, sneak attack +2d6






Delay poison, hidden weapons






Improved uncanny dodge, sneak attack +3d6






Empower poison +2, quiet death, swift death 1/day






Alignment shift, sneak attack +4d6






Hide in plain sight






Empower poison +3, sneak attack +5d6, swift death 2/day






Angel of death, quicken poison


eventually become a malevolent killer. Empower Poison (Ex): At 3rd level, an assassin can execute attacks that apply poison more efficiently than normal. The saving throw DC of any poison used by the assassin increases by +1. This bonus increases by +1 for every three additional assassin levels (+2 at 6th level, +3 at 9th level). Delay Poison (Ex): At 4th level, an assassin can administer poison so that it has a longer onset time. The assassin can add one minute to a poison's onset time per assassin level. The assassin can choose how much time to add, but only in intervals of one minute. For example, a 4th level assassin can add between one minute and four minutes to a poison's onset time, while an 8th level assassin could add between one minute and eight minutes. Hidden Weapons (Ex): At 4th level, an assassin can add his class level to Sleight of Hand checks to conceal weapons from notice. Improved Uncanny Dodge (Ex): At 5th level, an assassin can no longer be flanked. This defense denies a rogue the ability to sneak attack the assassin by flanking him, unless the attacker has at least four more rogue levels than the assassin has class levels. If the assassin already has improved uncanny dodge, the levels from the classes that grant improved uncanny dodge stack to determine the minimum rogue level


required to flank the assassin. Quiet Death (Ex): At 6th level, whenever an assassin kills a creature using his death attack during a surprise round, he can also immediately make a Stealth check to avoid notice. Nearby creatures oppose this check with a Perception check. If the assassin is successful, nobody notices the assassination or the assassin's presence, and it may take them several rounds to even learn that the victim has died. Swift Death (Ex): At 6th level, once per day, the assassin can make a death attack against a creature without studying it first. He must still deal sneak attack damage with a melee weapon that deals damage. At 9th level, the assassin can use this ability twice per day. Hide In Plain Sight (Su): At 8th level, an assassin can use the Stealth skill even while observed. As long as he is within 10 feet of some sort of shadow, an assassin can hide himself from view in the open without anything to hide behind. He cannot, however, hide in his own shadow. Angel of Death (Su): At 10th level, the assassin ensures that his targets will not rise again. When he succeeds on a death attack and kills his victim, he can cause the victim's body to crumble into dust. This prevents psionic revivify, raise dead, and resurrection from returning the target to life (although true resurrection still works normally). Quicken Poison (Ex): At 10th level, an assassin can concentrate his poisons to act with incredible speed. The onset time of any poison that the assassin uses is halved, as is the duration. However, victims of a quickened poison takes twice as much damage each round. For example, a poison that deals 1d6 Strength damage every round for 6 rounds would instead deal 2d6 Strength damage every round for 3 rounds.

lightning swordplay and quick maneuvers. Qualifications: The path of the duelist is natural for rogues and bards, who prize the sort of reflexes and cunning that a duelist needs. Some also come from the ranks of fighters and rangers who prefer to eschew armor in favor of maneuverability.


To become a duelist, a character must fulfill all of the following criteria. Base Attack Bonus: +5. Skills: Acrobatics 5 ranks. Feats: Dodge, Mobility, Weapon Finesse.

Class Features

All the following are class features of the duelist class. Hit Die: d10. Class Skills: Acrobatics, Bluff, Escape Artist, Perception, Perform, Sense Motive. Skill Points: Duelists receive 4 + Intelligence modifier skill points at each level. Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: Duelists are proficient with all simple and martial weapons and light armor, but not with shields. Canny Defense (Ex): When a duelist has at least one hand free and is wearing light or no armor, she can add 1 point of Intelligence bonus (if any) per duelist level to her Dexterity bonus to modify Armor Class. If a duelist is caught flat-footed or otherwise denied her Dexterity bonus, she also loses this bonus. Improved Called Shot: A duelist gains Improved Called Shot as a bonus feat. If she already has it, she instead gains Greater Called Shot. Skirmish (Ex): A duelist relies on her mobility to confound enemies and strike where she isn't expected. In any round in which she moves at least 10 feet, she deals an additional +1d6 damage on a melee attack with a light or one-handed weapon. This damage can only be applied once per turn. Creatures immune to Duelists are a rare breed in the harsh wasteland, refined weaponmasters who prize agility and cunning critical hits are also immune to skirmish damage. Since the duelist can deal damage once per turn, over pure toughness. Duelists move with a grace enemies that provoke attacks of opportunity from her unmatched by most opponents, parrying blows and countering attacks with flashy ripostes. Most duelists may also take the extra skirmish damage. The bonus damage improves to +2d6 at 5th level, and to +3d6 at 9th eschew armor altogether, preferring to rely on their wits to keep them alive. They thrive on the edges of a level. Starting at 3rd level, whenever the duelist moves at melee, where they can make the most of their

D Duelist


least 10 feet in a round she gains a +1 dodge bonus to her Armor Class until the beginning of her next turn. This bonus applies as soon as she has moved 10 feet. This bonus improves to +2 at 7th level. Parry (Ex): At 2nd level, a duelist learns to counter an enemy's attacks with her own weapon. Whenever the duelist could make multiple attacks on her turn with a light or one-handed melee weapon, she can choose to forgo one of those attacks in order to set up a parry. At any time before her next turn, she can attempt to parry a melee attack against herself or an adjacent ally as an immediate action. To parry the attack, the duelist makes an attack roll, using the same bonus as the attack that she gave up in the previous round. If her attack roll is greater than the roll of the attacking creature, the attack automatically fails. The duelist takes a -2 penalty to her attack roll for each size category that the attacking creature is larger than herself, and she also takes a -2 penalty if she is defending an ally. The duelist must declare the use of this ability before the attack roll is made. Improved Reaction (Ex): Starting at 2nd level, duelists gain a +2 bonus to initiative checks. This bonus increases to +4 at 8th level. Enhanced Mobility (Ex): At 3rd level, whenever the duelist is wearing light or no armor and has at least one hand free, she gains a +4 dodge bonus to Armor Class against attacks of opportunity provoked when Duelist Level BAB

Hit Die: d10 Fort Save

Ref Save

Will Save Special






Canny defense, Improved Called Shot, skirmish (+1d6)






Improved reaction +2, parry






Enhanced mobility, skirmish (+1d6, +1 AC)






Combat Reflexes, crippling strike






Riposte, skirmish (+2d6, +1 AC)






Acrobatic charge






Elaborate defense, skirmish (+2d6, +2 AC)






Improved reaction +4






Deflect arrows, no retreat, skirmish (+3d6, +2 AC)






Crippling critical

she moves out of a threatened square. Combat Reflexes: At 4th level, duelists gain Combat Reflexes as a bonus feat. Crippling Strike (Ex): At 4th level, a duelist becomes skilled at hobbling and wounding her enemies. The DC of saving throws against wounds that she inflicts increases by an amount equal to onehalf her Intelligence modifier, up to a maximum bonus equal to her duelist level. Riposte (Ex): Starting at 5th level, whenever a duelist successfully parries an attack with her parry class feature, she can make an attack of opportunity against the attacker. The attacking creature must be within her reach. Acrobatic Charge (Ex): At 6th level, a duelist may charge into combat where others cannot. She can charge at her normal speed over difficult terrain. Depending on the circumstances, she may still need to make appropriate checks to successfully cross the terrain. Elaborate Defense (Ex): At 7th level, when the duelist chooses to fight defensively or to take the total defense action, she gains an additional +1 dodge bonus to her AC for every three duelist levels she has attained. Deflect Arrows (Ex): At 9th level, a duelist gains the benefits of the Deflect Arrows feat whenever she is wielding a light or one-handed melee weapon. She does not need a free hand to use this feat. No Retreat (Ex): At 9th level, enemies adjacent to the duelist that take a withdraw action provoke an attack of opportunity from the duelist. Crippling Critical (Ex): At 10th level, a duelist increases the threat range of all light or one-handed melee weapons she wields by 1. This bonus is applied after other effects that improve a weapon's threat range. For example, a duelist with the Improved Critical (longsword) feat would treat the longsword as having a threat range of 16-20 (19-20 base threat range, doubled by Improved Critical to 17-20, and augmented by Crippling Critical to 16-20). Whenever a duelist successfully inflicts a wound on an enemy, she may always choose which wound she inflicts. In addition, whenever she inflicts a minor wound with a critical hit, she may choose to inflict a major wound instead.



Class Features

D Elemental Savant

All the following are class features of the elemental savant class. For most clerics, their patron element defines a way of Hit Die: d8. life, a perspective on the world and a set of goals to Class Skills: Fly, Heal, Knowledge (arcana), achieve. For some, however, their element is a path of Knowledge (planes), Knowledge (religion), Spellcraft, transformation. These individuals, known as Survival. elemental savants, do not merely seek to embody the Skill Points: Elemental savants receive 3 + virtues and goals of their element. They wish to Intelligence modifier skill points at each level. become part of it, to be themselves a dancing flame or Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: Elemental the rushing water. Through a righteous joining with savants gain no proficiency with any weapon or their element, they find the perfection of themselves armor. and of their world. Such a desire hardly seems sane, Spellcasting: At the indicated levels, an elemental though of course an elemental savant would say savant gains new spells per day, caster levels, readied otherwise. But they are devoted and zealous in their spells, and spells known as if she had increased her cause, for it is in the path of elemental transformation level in a divine spellcasting class she belonged to that an elemental savant finds the worth of her own before adding the prestige class. She does not, soul. however, gain any other benefits a character of that Qualifications: Only an elemental cleric can class would gain. If the elemental savant had more become an elemental savant. Others lack the devotion than one divine spellcasting class before becoming an to gain the greatest blessings of the elements. elemental savant, she must decide which class she improves with this feature. This choice may be changed at each level, but it cannot be changed To become an elemental savant, a character must retroactively. fulfill all of the following criteria. Create Element: An elemental savant gains an Class Feature: Channel Energy, Create Element. additional daily use of her create element class feature Skills: Knowledge (planes) 3 ranks, Knowledge at every elemental savant level. (religion) 5 ranks. Rebuke Elemental: When an elemental savant Spellcasting: Able to cast 3rd level divine spells. uses her channel energy ability to rebuke elementals, Special: Must have access to two elemental or she adds her elemental savant level to the saving paraelemental domains. throw DC.


Elemental Savant

Hit Die: d8

Skill Points: 3 + Int mod per level



Fort Save




Ref Save Will Save Special +0


Create element, rebuke elemental, elemental +1 level of existing divine class form (Medium), resist energy 5







Elemental substitution

+1 level of existing divine class






Elemental apotheosis (immunity to sleep, 25% fortification)

+1 level of existing divine class






Elemental form (Large), resist energy 10

+1 level of existing divine class






Elemental apotheosis (darkvision 60 feet)






Elemental apotheosis (immunity to poison) +1 level of existing divine class






Elemental form (Huge), resist energy 20

+1 level of existing divine class






Elemental apotheosis (50% fortification)

+1 level of existing divine class






Elemental apotheosis (immunity to paralysis)

+1 level of existing divine class






Perfect apotheosis



Elemental Form (Su): An elemental savant can draw upon the power of her patron element to make herself the embodiment of that element's power. For ten minutes per day per elemental savant level, she can transform herself into a Medium elemental, as if with the elemental body II spell. An elemental savant can only assume the form appropriate to her patron element or paraelement. Entering or leaving the elemental form is a swift action. While in elemental form, the elemental savant can speak and cast spells normally. Her equipment merges with her body as normal, but if she desires, she may retain melee weapons and use them in place of her natural attacks. Any melee weapon used in this way is immune to harmful effects of the elemental form. At 4th level, an elemental savant can instead turn into a Large elemental, as if using the elemental body III spell. At 7th level, she can instead turn into a Huge elemental, as if using the elemental body IV spell. Resist Energy (Ex): An elemental savant gains resistance 5 to the energy type associated with her patron element. See the table below for details on elemental associations with energy types. At 4th level, the elemental savant's resistance increases to 10. At 7th level, the resistance increases to 20. Elemental Substitution (Ex): Starting at 2nd level, whenever an elemental savant casts a spell that deals energy damage, she can choose to convert that damage to the energy type associated with her patron element. Elemental Apotheosis (Ex): At 3rd level, an elemental savant's true transformation begins as she slowly becomes an elemental of her patron element. She becomes immune to sleep effects, and no longer requires sleep. She must still rest in order to recover spell slots, as normal, but she does not need to sleep. In addition, whenever the elemental savant would suffer a critical hit or a sneak attack, she has a 25% chance of avoiding the additional damage, effectively converting it into a normal hit. Element


Paraelement Energy

















At 5th level, the elemental savant gains darkvision out to 60 feet. At 6th level, the elemental savant becomes immune to poison. At 8th level, the elemental savant's fortification against critical hits and sneak attacks improves to 50%. At 9th level, the elemental savant becomes immune to paralysis. Perfect Apotheosis (Ex): At 10th level, the elemental savant's transformation is completed. She must undergo a ceremony that lasts one full day. When this ceremony is complete, the elemental savant's type changes to outsider (elemental), with the elemental subtype appropriate to her patron element. She becomes immune to stunning, critical hits, sneak attacks, and all forms of aging. She no longer needs to eat, drink, or breathe. She gains immunity to the energy type associated with her patron element. Finally, she can sustain her elemental form for as long as she desires. Unlike most outsiders, an elemental savant who has reached a perfect apotheosis can still be returned to life by resurrection spells.

D Healer Adept

Healer adepts are mages who use their magical talents to restore life to the land. A healer adept believes that when magic has twisted and damaged the land, only magic has the power to restore that land to health. They match their arcane prowess with a druid's connection with the spirits of the land to channel their own life-energy into healing the scorched ecosystem. Unlike defilers, who steal from the land, and preservers, who merely attempt to balance the power they take, a healer adept repays the land with more energy than he draws away. This drains their own life energy, weakening their health and shortening their lives. However, most healer adepts consider this a reasonable price to pay for the restoration of the land that they protect. Qualifications: Only a character who is both a wizard and a druid can reasonably become a healer adept. It is theoretically possible for a high-level ranger/wizard to become a healer adept, but they gain little from the healer adept's skills.




To become a healer adept, a character must fulfill all of the following criteria. Skills: Knowledge (arcana) 5 ranks, Knowledge (nature) 5 ranks. Feats: Cannot know any Raze feats. Spellcasting: Ability to cast 2nd level arcane spells, ability to cast 2nd level primal spells. Special: The character must spend at least one week studying the energy flow of a fertile or abundant natural setting. This area must be in the wilderness, and not a cultivated region like a garden or farmland.

Class Features

All the following are class features of the healer adept class. Hit Die: d6. Class Skills: Bluff, Knowledge (arcana), Knowledge (nature), Spellcraft, Survival. Skill Points: Healer adepts receive 2 + Intelligence modifier skill points at each level. Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: Healer adepts gain no proficiency with any weapon or armor. Spellcasting: When a new healer adept level is gained, the character gains new spells per day, caster levels, readied spells, and spells known as if he had increased his level in an arcane spellcasting class he belonged to before adding the prestige class and a primal spellcasting class he belonged to before adding the prestige class. He does not, however, gain any other benefits a character of that class would gain. If the healer adept had more than one arcane spellcasting class or more than one primal spellcasting class before becoming a healer adept, he must decide which class he improves with this feature. This choice may be changed at each level, but it cannot be changed retroactively. Oath of Life: Healer adepts take sacred oaths to nourish and protect the land from defiling. Violation of this oath cuts the healer adept off from his abilities. A healer adept who defiles for any reason loses all class features of the healer adept class and his ability to cast primal spells, and must receive both an atonement and a conversion to recover his abilities. Consorting with defilers or others who seek the harm of the land may also result in the healer adept

breaking his oath. Draining Arcana (Su): The goal of a healer adept is to return to the land more energy than he takes. This process is accomplished in two different ways. First, at the end of each day in which he cast arcane spells, the healer adept must expend a number of primal spell levels equal to twice his healer adept level. This magical energy returns to the land and restores it, though the healer adept receives no direct benefit from doing so. If he cannot do so, he builds up a debt to the land equal to the number of spell levels that he fell short. If a healer adept's debt ever exceeds twice his healer adept level, he loses the ability to cast divine spells until he pays off his debt. No other person or force can pay a healer adept's debt to the land – he must do so himself, using his own energy. Second, the healer adept supplements his own life energy with that of the land when he casts arcane spells. This imposes a terrible strain on his body, and causes him to age at twice the normal rate. For every year that passes, a healer adept ages two years. Only a wish, miracle, or protection from time spell can prevent this aging from occurring. Healer's Bond (Su): A healer adept forms a magical link to the land around him, allowing him to mingle his own energies with the land's when he casts spells. A healer adept can ignore terrain penalties to saving throw DC and caster level checks for his arcane spells. He does not gain bonuses from terrain modifiers when he would not normally, however. A healer adept can also cast arcane spells in areas without plant life, such as the Dead Lands. Doing so is extremely draining, however, leaving the healer adept exhausted for one minute per level of the spell. A healer adept cannot cast arcane spells in such an environment while exhausted. Strength of the Land (Su): At 2nd level, the healer adept's deep ties to the land help fuel his druidic magic. If he would gain a terrain bonus to his arcane spells, he also gains that bonus for his primal spells. Combine Spells (Ex): At 3rd level and beyond, a healer adept can merge his reservoir of primal power with his knowledge of arcane magic. He combines his daily 1st level spell slots for his primal and arcane classes. He can use this combined pool to cast any readied primal or arcane spell. At 5th level, and every odd-numbered level thereafter, the healer adept


applies this benefit to the next highest level of spells, finally combining his 6th level spell slots at 13th level. Counter-Raze (Su): At 3rd level, a healer adept gains the ability to prevent a defiler from stealing enough energy to defile. When a mage with a caster level equal to or lower than the healer adept's primal caster level defiles within 10 feet per class level of the healer adept, he automatically senses it and can use an immediate action to counter the defiling. The defiler still spends the normal actions to defile, but he gains no additional benefit from doing so. The spell does not gain a bonus to its caster level or saving throw DC, Raze feats are not activated, and no creature or plant suffers from the defiling radius. The defiler's spell still goes off unless the healer adept uses some other means to counter it. Aura of Growth (Su): At 4th level, a healer adept begins to project a healing energy into the land nearby, nourishing plants in his area. All mages within 10 feet Healer Adept

per class level of the healer adept, including the healer adept himself, treat the terrain as one category higher for the purposes of casting arcane spells. Plant creatures in the area gain fast healing 1 unless the healer adept specifically wills otherwise. Timeless Body (Ex): At 6th level, a healer adept's bond with the land stabilizes his body from the deleterious effects of aging. He continues to age normally, but no longer takes ability score penalties for doing so. Any penalties that he has accrued remain in place, however. The healer adept also becomes immune to all forms of magical aging apart from that imposed by his draining arcana feature. Bonuses for aging still accrue, and the healer adept still dies of old age when his time is up. Aura of Vigor (Su): At 7th level, the healer adept's ability to project healing energy increases to allow him to affect living creatures. When he casts an arcane or primal spell, living creatures within 5 feet per level of

Hit Die: d6

Skill Points: 2 + Int mod per level



Fort Save

Ref Save Will Save Special







Draining arcana, healer's bond, oath of life

+1 level of existing arcane class +1 level of existing primal class






Strength of the land

+1 level of existing arcane class +1 level of existing primal class






Combine spells (1), counter-raze

+1 level of existing arcane class +1 level of existing primal class






Aura of growth

+1 level of existing arcane class +1 level of existing primal class






Combine spells (2)

+1 level of existing arcane class +1 level of existing primal class






Timeless body

+1 level of existing arcane class +1 level of existing primal class






Aura of vigor, combine spells (3)

+1 level of existing arcane class +1 level of existing primal class











Aura of conservation, combine spells (4)

+1 level of existing arcane class +1 level of existing primal class






Healer's restoration

+1 level of existing arcane class +1 level of existing primal class






Combine spells (5)

+1 level of existing arcane class +1 level of existing primal class






Aura of healing

+1 level of existing arcane class +1 level of existing primal class






Combine spells (6)

+1 level of existing arcane class +1 level of existing primal class






Immortal guardian

+1 level of existing arcane class +1 level of existing primal class

+1 level of existing arcane class +1 level of existing primal class



the spell gain a +1 morale bonus to attack rolls, ability checks, and skill checks. The healer adept is not required to use this ability; he may disable or enable its use at will. Aura of Conservation (Su): At 9th level, a healer adept can protect land near himself from defiling. A defiler who attempts to defile land within 10 feet per class level of the healer adept must make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + class level + Wisdom modifier) or take 2 damage per healer adept level. This may cause the defiler to lose the spell if he fails a concentration check. Otherwise, this ability does not prevent a defiler from successfully defiling, though the healer adept may still use his counter-raze ability as normal. Healer's Restoration (Su): At 10th level, a healer adept may focus his energy to restore life to a desolate region. He must choose an area of the wasteland with an infertile or worse terrain type. He can then work powerful magic to reshape the land: moving groundwater from deep in the ground close to the surface, adjusting soil acidity and consistency, building shielding rock formations, and other such techniques to ensure sustainable fertility. Doing so takes twelve hours of work each day for seven days, and requires the expenditure of all arcane and primal spell slots that the healer adept possesses. He can miss no more than two days in a row in this process before the effort is wasted and he must begin again. If the healer adept has access to a tree of life which he can root in the center of his terrain, this process only takes two days. Upon completing this process, a region encompassing one square mile is restored to verdant health. Its terrain type moves up three steps, to a maximum of abundant. Lands restored by a healer adept are self-sustaining, requiring no special upkeep to continue their good health. Moreover, they expand naturally at a rate of 50 feet per month in all directions, or twice that rate if based around a tree of life. A healer adept who has restored the land in this fashion forms a permanent bond with that land. He becomes immune to the negative effects of a defiler's defiling radius, regardless of that defiler's level. The rate at which he naturally recovers hit points and ability score damage doubles. Finally, he can sense the presence and location of defiling in his restored land

at any distance, and can cast backlash and conservation within his restored land at any distance. While within his restored land, the healer adept gains damage reduction 5/evil, fast healing 2, and spell resistance equal to 10 + his class level, and he gains a +2 bonus to caster level and saving throw DC for his arcane and primal spells. Aura of Healing (Su): At 12th level, a healer adept perfects his healing projection so that it actually heals living creatures. When he casts an arcane or primal spell, living creatures within 5 feet per level of the spell gain fast healing 1 for one round per class level. Immortal Guardian (Ex): At 14th level, the spirits of the land reward a surviving healer adept for his dedication by fueling his body with their own energies. His type changes permanently to fey, and he becomes an immortal creature. He no longer ages for any reason, and cannot die of old age. In addition, he gains damage reduction 10/evil. Very few healer adepts live to reach this age, but those few are revered for their power and wisdom.

D Iron Defender

Iron defenders are named for two signature qualities of the metal. First, their value: an iron defender is held to be “worth his weight in iron” to anyone looking for a quality warrior or bodyguard. Second, their endurance. An iron defender specializes in being very, very tough. He trains in combat control, to use the movements of his enemies against them, and in maneuverability, to avoid their blows. Most importantly, however, he trains a deep awareness of his surroundings that allows him to fight effectively while barely moving at all. Some have compared an iron defender's calm, simplistic combat style to the flowing martial arts of a monk – often to the detriment of the monks. When it comes to staying alive and protecting his own, an iron defender has no peer. Qualifications: Iron defenders come from a variety of backgrounds. Many fighters value the defensive mastery that an iron defender's skills provide, but so do barbarians, rangers, and psychic warriors.


To become an iron defender, a character must fulfill all


of the following criteria. Base Attack Bonus: +5. Skills: Perception 5 ranks. Feats: Combat Reflexes, Stand Still, Toughness.

Dexterity bonus to AC if an opponent uses the feint action against him. If the iron defender already has uncanny dodge from another class, he instead gains improved uncanny dodge. Damage Reduction (Ex): At 2nd level, the iron defender gains damage reduction 1/–. This damage reduction increases at every even-numbered level All the following are class features of the iron thereafter, as shown on the table. defender class. Painful Immobilization (Ex): At 3rd level, an iron Hit Die: d12. defender can combine the use of his Stand Still feat Class Skills: Climb, Perception, Sense Motive. with an ordinary attack of opportunity. He can make Skill Points: Iron defenders receive 2 + both the attack of opportunity and the combat Intelligence modifier skill points at each level. Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: Iron defenders maneuver to immobilize his target at the same time. are proficient with all simple and martial weapons, all He uses only a single attack of opportunity for the round when he does so. light, medium, and heavy armor, and all shields. Mobile Defense (Ex): At 4th level, an iron defender AC Bonus: Iron defenders gain a +1 dodge bonus to Armor Class. This bonus increases as he levels, to a can make minor adjustments to his position while in defensive stance. He can take one 5-foot step each maximum of +4 at 10th level. round without breaking the defensive stance. In Cunning Opportunist (Ex): An iron defender addition, if the iron defender ends his defensive relies as much on awareness of his environment as stance, he can resume it after five rounds instead of sheer reflexes. He may use his Wisdom modifier to one minute. determine the number of additional attacks of Improved Uncanny Dodge (Ex): At 5th level, an opportunity that he gains from the Combat Reflexes iron defender can no longer be flanked. This defense feat. He may still use his Dexterity modifier if it is denies a rogue the ability to sneak attack the iron higher. defender by flanking him, unless the attacker has at Defensive Stance (Ex): An iron defender can least four more rogue levels than the assassin has iron assume a defensive stance as a free action. While in defender levels. If the assassin already has improved this stance, he gains +2 Strength, a +2 bonus to all saving throws, a +4 dodge bonus to Armor Class and Combat Maneuver Defense, and temporary hit points Iron Defender Hit Die: d12 equal to twice his Hit Dice. An iron defender can Fort Ref Will AC Level BAB Save Save Save Bonus Special remain in defensive stance for 5 + Wisdom modifier 1 +1 +1 +0 +0 +1 Cunning opportunist, rounds per day, plus three additional rounds per iron defensive stance, defender level. The defensive stance ends immediately uncanny dodge if the iron defender moves from his current location. 2 +2 +1 +1 +1 +1 Damage reduction 1/– Any sort of voluntary movement immediately ends 3 +3 +2 +1 +1 +1 Painful immobilization the stance, though involuntary movement (as from a 4 +4 +2 +1 +1 +2 Damage reduction 3/–, bull rush) does not. Standing from prone does not mobile defense count as movement for the purpose of a defensive 5 +5 +3 +2 +2 +2 Improved uncanny stance. The iron defender can also voluntarily cancel dodge his defensive stance as a free action. Once the 6 +6 +3 +2 +2 +2 Damage reduction 4/–, defensive stance has ended for any reason, it cannot be opportunity trip resumed for one minute. 7 +7 +4 +2 +2 +3 Defensive reach Uncanny Dodge (Ex): An iron defender cannot be 8 +8 +4 +3 +3 +3 Damage reduction 6/– caught flatfooted, even if the attacker is invisible. He 9 +9 +5 +3 +3 +3 Perfect defender still loses his Dexterity bonus to AC if immobilized. 10 +10 +5 +3 +3 +4 Damage reduction 7/–, An iron defender with this ability can still lose his retaliation

Class Features



uncanny dodge, the levels from the classes that grant improved uncanny dodge stack to determine the minimum rogue level required to flank the iron defender. Opportunity Trip (Ex): At 6th level, when the iron defender makes an opportunity attack, he can choose to attempt to trip his target instead of immobilizing it. He still provokes an attack of opportunity for doing so if he does not have the Improved Trip feat. Defensive Reach (Ex): At 7th level, an iron defender's reach increases by 5 feet when he is in defensive stance. Perfect Defender (Ex): At 9th level, an iron defender can extend his protective stance to his allies. Any ally within the iron defender's reach while he is in his defensive stance gains a +1 circumstance bonus to saving throws and a +2 circumstance bonus to Armor Class and Combat Maneuver Defense. Retaliation (Ex): At 10th level, an iron defender in defensive stance can instantly riposte against an enemy who gives him an opening. Once per round, he can make an attack of opportunity against an enemy he threatens that misses him with a melee attack. That enemy is denied its Dexterity bonus to Armor Class against this attack. If the iron defender chooses to attempt to trip that enemy and succeeds, any further attacks that enemy might have made are automatically canceled.

manifesting. Most loremasters are psions and wizards, although a few are wilders with a scholarly bent. Clerics can also benefit from the loremaster's abilities, though most are too concerned with their own element's necessities to worry about the timeconsuming task of gathering knowledge. A few templars become loremasters, either out of personal interest or a desire to fulfill their bureaucratic tasks more efficiently, though such individuals are seen as dangerously well-informed. Druids are poorly suited to the loremaster's life, being able to gain their own knowledge from the spirits of the land.


To become a loremaster, a character must fulfill all of the following criteria. Skills: Knowledge (any three) 7 ranks in each. Feats: Any two metamagic, metapsionic, or item creation feats, plus Skill Focus (Knowledge [any]). Language: Literate in at least two languages. In addition, a character must meet one of the following requirements. He does not need to meet both. Manifesting: Ability to manifest 3rd level powers. Spellcasting: Ability to cast 3rd level spells.

Class Features

All the following are class features of the loremaster class. Hit Die: d6. Class Skills: Appraise, Diplomacy, Handle The loremaster is a gatherer and keeper of secrets. He Animals, Heal, Knowledge (all), Linguistics, Perform, Spellcraft, Use Enchanted Device. is often obsessed with gathering written records to Skill Points: Loremasters receive 4 + Intelligence form an archive of the surviving history of the modifier skill points at each level. Tablelands. Holding to the adage that knowledge is Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: Loremasters power, the loremaster often forsakes material wealth and personal glory for rare or unusual information, an gain no proficiency with any weapon or armor. Manifesting/Spellcasting: When a loremaster endless quest that brings him closer to his gains a level in the loremaster class, he must choose unattainable goal: perfection through edification. one of the following benefits. This choice may be Often rejecting what he views as the pointless changed at each level, but it cannot be changed affectations and transitory pleasures of his shortretroactively. sighted neighbors, the loremaster believes that the Manifesting: The loremaster gains additional power only worthwhile goal in life is the acquisition and points, manifester levels, powers known, and talents preservation of knowledge. known as if he had increased his level in a manifesting Qualifications: The loremaster class holds little class he belonged to before adding the prestige class. appeal for those without academic training, and its He does not, however, gain any other benefits a benefits focus directly on spellcasting and

D Loremaster



Hit Die: d6

Skill Points: 4 + Int mod per level



Fort Save

Ref Save Will Save Special








+1 level of existing class







+1 level of existing class







+1 level of existing class






Bonus language

+1 level of existing class







+1 level of existing class






Greater lore

+1 level of existing class







+1 level of existing class






Bonus language

+1 level of existing class







+1 level of existing class






True lore

+1 level of existing class


character of that class would gain. If the loremaster had more than one manifesting class before becoming a loremaster, he must decide which class he improves with this feature. This choice may be changed at each level, but it cannot be changed retroactively. Spellcasting: The loremaster gains new spells per day, caster levels, readied spells, and spells known as if he had increased his level in a spellcasting class he belonged to before adding the prestige class. He does not, however, gain any other benefits a character of that class would gain. If the loremaster had more than one spellcasting class before becoming a loremaster, he must decide which class he improves with this feature. This choice may be changed at each level, but it cannot be changed retroactively. Secret (Ex): At 1st level and every two class levels thereafter, a loremaster may choose one secret from the list below. He can't choose the same secret twice unless the secret specifically notes otherwise. Applicable Knowledge: The loremaster gains a bonus feat. This secret may be gained more than once. Battle Lore: The loremaster gains a +1 dodge bonus to Armor Class. This secret may be gained more than once, up to three times. Its benefits stack. Eldritch Power: The loremaster gains a bonus 1stlevel spell slot, as if from a high ability score. This secret may be gained more than once. Each successive choice increases the level of the spell slot gained by 1, to a maximum of a 3rd-level spell slot. A loremaster who could not otherwise cast spells does not gain the ability to do so by gaining this secret. Hidden Knowledge of the Mind: The loremaster gains 1 power point, as if from a high ability score. This secret may be gained more than once. Each successive

choice increases the number of power points gained by 2, to a maximum of 5 power points per choice of this secret. A loremaster who did not otherwise have a power point reserve does not acquire one by gaining this secret. Instant Mastery: The loremaster gains 6 skill points which must be spent on Knowledge skills. This secret may be gained more than once. Lore of True Stamina: The loremaster gains a +2 bonus on Fortitude saving throws. Mystical Health: The loremaster gains a number of bonus hit points equal to 3 + twice his class level. This bonus improves as the loremaster's level increases. Revealed Power: The loremaster gains knowledge of a single spell or psionic power that he did not know before. This spell or power does not need to be on the loremaster's class list for a previous manifesting or spellcasting class, but it must be a spell or power that he can cast or manifest. He can ready, cast, and/or manifest that power normally. A loremaster who is also a specialized wizard can use this secret to ready and cast a spell of his opposed school normally. This secret may be gained more than once. A loremaster who could not otherwise cast spells or manifest powers does not gain the ability to do so by gaining this secret. Secrets of Inner Strength: The loremaster gains a +2 bonus on Will saving throws. Secret Knowledge of Avoidance: The loremaster gains a +2 bonus on Reflex saving throws. Lore (Ex): At 2nd level, a loremaster gains an insight bonus equal to his class level to all Knowledge checks. In addition, he treats all Knowledge skills as if he had training in them.


Bonus Languages: At 4th and 8th level, a loremaster learns a new language. He learns both the spoken and the written form of that language. Greater Lore (Ex): At 6th level, the loremaster may apply the insight bonus granted by his lore ability to Appraise, Psicraft, and Spellcraft checks. True Lore (Ex): At 10th level, a loremaster's vast knowledge allows him to instantly uncover useful information. Once per day, the loremaster may use one of the following effects. Analyze Auras: The loremaster may view magical and psionic auras as if he were under the affects of an analyze dweomer spell. Unlike normal, this analyze dweomer effect can view psionics. The loremaster can use this ability as if he were a 20th level wizard. Hypercognition: The loremaster may rapidly process the information known to him as if he were benefiting from the hypercognition power. Legend Lore: The loremaster may gain instant knowledge as if he had benefited from the legend lore spell. No matter the loremaster's access to or knowledge of the subject, the “casting time” of this effect is 1 minute.

Qualifications: Most metaminds are psions or wilders who are willing to trade versatility and finesse for raw power. A few psychic warriors become metaminds, but rarely follow the path to its end.


To become a metamind, a character must fulfill all of the following criteria. Skills: Knowledge (psionics) 5 ranks, Psicraft 3 ranks. Feats: Psionic Endowment. Manifesting: Manifester level 5th.

Class Features

All the following are class features of the metamind class. Hit Die: d6. Class Skills: Autohypnosis, Knowledge (psionics), Psicraft. Skill Points: Metaminds receive 2 + Intelligence modifier skill points at each level. Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: Metaminds gain no proficiency with any weapon or armor. Power Point Reserve: At every level, a metamind gains additional power points as if he had increased his level in a manifesting class he belonged to before Metaminds know that accumulating the most power adding the prestige class. He does not, however, gain in the shortest time is the key to psionic superiority. any other benefits a character of that class would gain. All metaminds strive for “power to burn” – they are If the metamind had more than one manifesting class unconcerned with glamor in favor of single-minded before becoming a metamind, he must decide which determination to accumulate as much psychic power as possible. They are willing to forgo the development class he improves with this feature. This choice may be changed at each level, but it cannot be changed of new abilities in favor of increasing their mental retroactively. strength to phenomenal levels.

D Metamind


Hit Die: d6



Fort Save




















6 7

Skill Points: 2 + Int mod per level

Ref Save Will Save Special

Power Point Reserve


Psychic battery 3/day

+1 level of existing class

Psychic reserves (5 PP)

+1 level of existing class

+1 level of existing class


Psychic battery 4/day

+1 level of existing class



Psychic reserves (9 PP)

+1 level of existing class

+1 level of existing class




Psychic battery 5/day

+1 level of existing class





Psychic reserves (13 PP)

+1 level of existing class

+1 level of existing class





Psychic battery 6/day

+1 level of existing class






Psychic reserves (17 PP)

+1 level of existing class

+1 level of existing class






Psychic battery 7/day

+1 level of existing class






Font of power

+1 level of existing class

+1 level of existing class



Manifesting: At every even class level, a metamind gains manifester levels, powers known, and talents known as if he had increased his level in a manifesting class he belonged to before adding the prestige class. He does not, however, gain any other benefits a character of that class would gain. If the metamind had more than one manifesting class before becoming a metamind, he must decide which class he improves with this feature. This choice may be changed at each level, but it cannot be changed retroactively. Psychic Battery (Su): Metaminds can tap psionic resources that other manifesters cannot even fathom. Three times per day, a metamind can gain additional power points equal to his metamind level while manifesting a power. These power points can only be used for the purpose of augmenting the power or paying the cost of metapsionic feats. Any power points gained this way that are not spent immediately are lost. The metamind gains an additional daily use of this ability at every odd-numbered metamind level. Psychic Reserves (Ex): At 2nd level, a metamind's power point reserve increases by 5 power points, as if by having a high ability score. He gains an additional 4 power points at every even-numbered metamind level thereafter. Font of Power (Su): At 10th level, a metamind learns how to temporarily access a reserve of nighinfinite power. Once per day, for up to 1 minute, the metamind can manifest and augment any of his powers without drawing on his power point reserve. In effect, he has infinite power points for this time. He still cannot spend more power points on any single power than his manifester level. If a metamind using this ability enters a metaconcert, his regular power point reserve is accessed normally for the purpose of his contribution to the pool. Metaminds cannot use action points to gain additional uses of font of power.

feared as telepathy. Telepaths have adopted the pejorative name “mindbender” as a skewed badge of pride, openly acknowledging their ability to read and distort the thoughts of any who cross their paths. The strongest of all mindbenders is the mindbender prodigy, to whom thought-sensing is as natural as ordinary speech. A mindbender prodigy can form coherent images and plans from a creature's mind, learning exactly what they plan to do and how they plan to do it. She does not react to her opponents – she simply anticipates from her enemy's surface thoughts. A mindbender prodigy can break even the strongest mental defenses against her insidious powers, and delights in revealing the deepest secrets of her foes' minds. Qualifications: Mindbender prodigies come from two primary backgrounds: mindbender psions wishing to develop their thought-sensing powers to their peak, and psychic warriors who have undertaken special training for the combat advantages of mindreading.


To become a mindbender prodigy, a character must fulfill all of the following criteria. Skills: Psicraft 5 ranks, Sense Motive 3 ranks. Manifestation: Ability to manifest read thoughts as a psionic power or psi-like ability.

Class Features

All the following are class features of the mindbender prodigy class. Hit Die: d8. Class Skills: Bluff, Knowledge (psionics), Psicraft, Sense Motive, Stealth. Skill Points: Mindbender prodigies receive 3 + Intelligence modifier skill points at each level. Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: Mindbender prodigies gain no proficiency with any weapon or armor. Manifesting: At the indicated levels, a Psionics are an honorable and respectable avocation in the Tablelands in most of their forms. Many members mindbender prodigy gains additional power points, of the nobility and the merchant houses have received manifester levels, powers known, and talents known as if she had increased her level in a manifesting class training in the academies, and benefited from the discipline imposed there. However, not all psionics is she belonged to before adding the prestige class. She does not, however, gain any other benefits a character well-liked, and no branch of the psychic arts is as

D Mindbender Prodigy


of that class would gain. If the mindbender prodigy had more than one manifesting class before becoming a mindbender prodigy, she must decide which class she improves with this feature. This choice may be changed at each level, but it cannot be changed retroactively. Anticipate (Su): A mindbender prodigy specializes in reading the thoughts of her enemies, which show her when and how they will strike. While sustaining read thoughts, she gains a +1 insight bonus to her Armor Class, Combat Maneuver Defense, and Reflex saves against attacks from a creature whose surface thoughts she is reading (the target has failed its Will save against her read thoughts power), as well as an identical insight bonus to her attack rolls, Combat Maneuver Bonus, and damage rolls against such creatures. If the mindbender prodigy is denied her Dexterity bonus to Armor Class, she also loses this insight bonus. At every odd-numbered class level after 1st, the bonus granted by this ability increases by +1. Irresistible Telepathy (Ex): A mindbender prodigy can break the defenses of even the strongest minds. She can add her mindbender prodigy level to her manifester level for the purpose of manifesting read thoughts. The saving throw DC of her read thoughts power increase by +1, and by a further +1 for every three mindbender prodigy levels she attains. In addition, she gains the ability to augment read thoughts as follows. For every additional power point she spends, the length of the cone increases by 10 feet. For every two power points she spends in this way, the saving throw DC of the power increases by +1. Mindbender Prodigy

Spherical Read Thoughts (Ex): If the mindbender prodigy chooses, she can distort the area of her read thoughts power into a sphere rather than a cone. The radius of the sphere equals one-half the length of the cone. She can switch between the two forms of the power as a swift action. Sustained Telepathy (Ex): A mindbender prodigy's extensive practice with her telepathic abilities allows her to use them effectively in the thickest combat. While maintaining her psionic focus, she can concentrate on read thoughts as a free action. If she takes damage, she must still make a concentration check to sustain the power as normal, but she may add her mindbender prodigy level to her manifester level for this purpose. If she expends her psionic focus for any reason, she resume spending standard actions to concentrate on read thoughts until she regains her focus. Insinuation (Ps): At 2nd level, a mindbender prodigy can weave her own commands into her enemies' thoughts. She gains psionic suggestion as a psi-like ability with a manifester level equal to her class level, usable once per day. If an enemy is already affected by her read thoughts power, it takes a -5 penalty to its Will save against this psi-like ability. At every even-numbered mindbender prodigy level after 2nd, she gains another daily use of this ability, to a maximum of five times per day at 10th level. Pierce Resistance (Su): At 3rd level, a mindbender prodigy can extend her command to creatures that resisted her power initially. As a standard action on the round after she manifests a telepathy power or psi-

Hit Die: d8

Skill Points: 3 + Int mod



Fort Save




Ref Save Will Save Special +0


Anticipate +1, irresistible telepathy (DC +1), spherical – read thoughts, sustained telepathy







Insinuation 1/day

+1 level of existing class






Anticipate +2, irresistible telepathy (DC +2), pierce resistance






Coordinate defense, insinuation 2/day

+1 level of existing class






Anticipate +3, shatter mind blank 1/day






Insinuation 3/day, irresistible telepathy (DC +3)

+1 level of existing class






Anticipate +4, coordinate offense






Insinuation 4/day, shatter mind blank 2/day

+1 level of existing class






Anticipate +5, irresistible telepathy (DC +4)






Insinuation 5/day, predict tactics

+1 level of existing class



like ability, she can force any targets that successfully saved against that power to make another Will save against the same DC. If they fail, they immediately fall under the influence of the original effect. A mindbender prodigy may only attempt to pierce resistances once for any given manifestation of a power or psi-like ability. Coordinate Defense (Su): At 4th level, a mindbender prodigy can share some of her psychic perceptions to her allies. Any allies affected by the mindbender prodigy's read thoughts power gain onehalf of the insight bonus to Armor Class, Combat Maneuver Defense, and Reflex saves granted by her anticipate class feature. Allies can, as normal, choose to voluntarily fail their saving throw against read thoughts to be sure of gaining this benefit. The mindbender prodigy can grant or withhold this bonus from any creature affected by her read thoughts power as a free action. Shatter Mind Blank (Ps): At 5th level, a mindbender prodigy learns to break the strongest defenses against her powers. She gains shatter mind blank as a psi-like ability with a manifester level equal to to twice her class level, usable once per day. At 8th level, she gains another daily use of this ability. Coordinate Offense (Su): At 7th level, a mindbender prodigy's ability to share her telepathic insights with her allies improves. Any allies affected by the mindbender prodigy's read thoughts power gain one-half of the insight bonus to attack rolls, Combat Maneuver Bonus, and damage rolls granted by her anticipate class feature. Allies can still choose to voluntarily fail their saving throw against read thoughts to be sure of gaining this benefit. The mindbender prodigy can grant or withhold this bonus from any creature affected by her read thoughts power as a free action. Predict Tactics (Ex): At 10th level, a mindbender prodigy can predict her enemies' tactics from their thoughts, and from that reading determine when best to act. While sustaining read thoughts, she can take the delay action without losing her place in the initiative order. Moreover, she can interrupt the actions of any creature affected by her read thoughts power and take her full complement of actions immediately. If she does not choose to do so, she can take her actions at the end of initiative and act normally in the next

round. For example, Areina (psychic warrior 5/mindbender prodigy 4) is currently sustaining read thoughts and has chosen to delay her actions. The last creature in initiative is a gith warrior, who is currently affected by her read thoughts and has chosen to charge one of Areina's party members. At any time during the gith's turn, Areina can elect to take her actions. She chooses to act once the gith has begun its charge, moving adjacent to it in mid-move (thereby provoking an opportunity attack) and making an attack against the gith. After Areina has completed her actions, the gith's turn resumes, at which time it must choose whether to complete the charge (and thus provoke an opportunity attack from Areina). If Areina had chosen not to act during the gith's turn, she would have taken her action at the end of the round and resumed her normal place in the initiative in the next round.

D Soulbow

The great masters of ranged combat are renowned for their precision. Steady hands and unblinking eyes place arrows and bullets on target without fail. But even these accomplished warriors pale in comparison to the powers of the soulbow – a psionic archer who can literally will his shots wherever he desires. Soulbows can create arrows of pure force, place fragments of their own Will into their projectiles, and even fire arrows through creatures and solid objects. Soulbows may develop their talents from their natural psionic abilities, but most are psychic warriors trained in the academies. Most soulbows are eventually influenced by the teachings of Bental Legger, an Urikan hero who developed the skills of the soulbow to their limit, or Rrajthzthm, the thri-kreen sage famous for his prowess in the archer's skills. Qualifications: Most soulbows began their careers as psychic warriors, who can easily meet the prerequisites of the class and benefit from all of its abilities. Some also started as psions or wilders who branched out into more martial classes like ranger and fighter. No character without a psionic background can become a soulbow at all.


To become a soulbow, a character must fulfill all of the


following criteria. Base Attack Bonus: +4. Skills: Psicraft 6 ranks. Feats: Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Psionic Shot. Powers: Ability to manifest 2nd level psionic powers.

Class Features

All the following are class features of the soulbow class. Hit Die: d10. Class Skills: Perception, Ride, Stealth, Survival. Skill Points: Soulbows receive 4 + Intelligence modifier skill points at each level. Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: Soulbows are proficient with all simple and martial weapons, light armor, medium armor, and shields. Manifesting: At the indicated levels, a soulbow gains additional power points, manifester levels, powers known, and talents known as if he had increased his level in a manifesting class he belonged to before adding the prestige class. He does not, however, gain any other benefits a character of that class would gain. If the soulbow had more than one manifesting class before becoming a soulbow, he must decide which class he improves with this feature. This choice may be changed at each level, but it cannot be changed retroactively. Enhance Arrows (Su): Any unenchanted projectile that a soulbow fires gains a psionic charge that makes it deadlier. Despite the name of this ability, it is not restricted to arrows; a soulbow may augment bolts, bullets, pelota, atlatl javelins, or any other projectile he fires with this ability. Such projectiles gain a +1 Soulbow

Hit Die: d10

enhancement bonus to attack and damage rolls. The soulbow does not need to spend money or time creating enhanced projectiles, but his enhanced projectiles work only for him. As normal, an enhancement bonus on ammunition does not stack with enhancement bonuses from ranged weapons, but any other enchanted properties of the soulbow's weapon are applied normally. At 3rd level, the enhancement bonus granted by this ability increases to +2, and by a further +1 for every two soulbow levels thereafter, to a maximum of +5 at 9th level. At 5th level, this ability also provides all enhanced projectiles with the distance property (which doubles the range increment of the shot). Focused Shot (Su): A soulbow can enter a brief trance to steady and guide his shots with psionic power. As a full-round action while he maintains his psionic focus, the soulbow can make a single ranged attack with a +5 bonus to the attack roll. This attack deals normal damage. At 3rd level, the soulbow's focused shot deals an additional 1d10 damage. This damage increases to 2d10 at 6th level, and to 3d10 at 9th level. No other ability may be used in conjunction with this one. Imbue Arrow (Ps): At 2nd level, a soulbow gains the ability to manifest a psionic power on a projectile. When the projectile is fired, the spell activates when the projectile lands. A soulbow may only manifest an area power or a targeted power in this way. An area power activates when the projectile strikes, and the power's area is centered on the projectile, even if the power is normally centered on the manifester. A targeted power must include the projectile's target as one of its targets. The manifester may determine the

Skill Points: 4 + Int mod per level



Fort Save

Ref Save Will Save Special







Enhance arrows (+1), focused shot






Imbue arrow, Point Blank Precision

+1 level of existing class






Enhance arrows (+2), focused shot (+1d10 damage)

+1 level of existing class






Kinetic bolt, seeker arrow

+1 level of existing class






Enhance arrows (+3, distance)






Focused shot (+2d10 damage), phase arrow

+1 level of existing class






Enhance arrows (+4)

+1 level of existing class






Hail of arrows

+1 level of existing class






Enhance arrows (+5), focused shot (+3d10 damage)






Soulreaver arrow

+1 level of existing class



range for other targets as if he were standing where the projectile struck. In all other respects, an imbued power uses the weapon's range rather than the power's range. If the power requires a touch attack, it automatically hits the creature struck by the projectile. Using this ability requires as much time as manifesting the power. The projectile is fired as part of the manifestation. If the projectile misses, the power is wasted and all power points are still expended. Point Blank Precision: At 2nd level, a soulbow gains Point Blank Precision as a bonus feat if he does not already have it. If he does, he gains no other benefit. Kinetic Bolt (Su): At 4th level, a soulbow can create projectiles of pure force. As part of making a ranged attack, the soulbow can conjure a bolt, arrow, bullet, or other piece of ammunition appropriate to his weapon. These kinetic bolts deal normal physical damage, and are unenchanted. They do, however, benefit from the soulbow's enhance arrows feature as normal. Seeker Arrow (Ps): At 4th level, a soulbow can launch an arrow at any target known to him within his weapon's range, and the arrow travels directly to the target, even around corners. Only an unavoidable obstacle or the limit of the weapon's range prevent the projectile's flight. This ability negates cover and concealment modifiers, but otherwise the attack is rolled normally. This ability is a standard action that includes firing the projectile. A soulbow can use this ability once per day, plus one additional time each day per two soulbow levels beyond 4th, to a maximum of four times per day at 10th level. Phase Arrow (Ps): At 6th level, a soulbow can launch a projectile that teleports directly to its target. The target must be known to the soulbow and within the weapon's range, though the effect is blocked by any effect which would prevent dimensional travel. This attack is treated as a touch attack. Using this ability is a standard action that includes firing the projectile. A soulbow can use this ability once per day, plus one additional time each day per two soulbow levels beyond 6th, to a maximum of three times per day at 10th level. Hail of Arrows (Ps): At 8th level, the soulbow may fire a storm of arrows in place of a normal full attack once per day. He forgoes his normal attacks in order to make a single attack against every enemy within his

weapon's range, to a maximum of one enemy for every soulbow level he has attained. Each attack uses his primary attack bonus, and no enemy may be targeted by more than one projectile. Soulreaver Arrow (Su): At 10th level, a soulbow can craft a projectile which utterly destroys the mind of its target. Any creature damaged by a soulreaver projectile must make a Will save (DC 20 + Wisdom modifier) or die instantly. It takes one day to make a soulreaver projectile, and the projectile only functions for the soulbow who created it. A soulbow may only have one soulreaver projectile in existence at one time.

D Veiled One

The most powerful members of the secretive Veiled Alliance are known as veiled ones, though the actual head-covering is optional. A veiled one has access to the innermost knowledge of the Alliance, and to its stockpiles of arcane power and knowledge. In return for training and support, a veiled one is expected to devote much of her time to the Alliance's cause. She must do what she can to protect fellow preservers and Alliance members, strike what blows she may against the corrupt templars and the sorcerer-monarchs, and above all preserve the secrecy of the veiled order. Once a mage has joined the Veiled Alliance, she cannot leave short of death – the Alliance is justifiably fearful of the possibility of betrayal. Qualifications: Only a wizard can become a veiled one, though unfortunately for the Alliance, not all are preservers. In a few rare circumstances, defiler agents for the sorcerer-monarchs have managed to infiltrate the upper echelons of the Alliance, and have become veiled ones themselves to perfect their disguise.


To become a veiled one, a character must fulfill all of the following criteria. Skills: Bluff 5 ranks, Knowledge (arcana) 5 ranks, Spellcraft 5 ranks. Spellcasting: Able to cast 3rd level arcane spells. Special: Initiation into the Veiled Alliance.

Class Features

All the following are class features of the veiled one class.


Hit Die: d6. Class Skills: Bluff, Knowledge (arcana), Knowledge (local), Linguistics, Spellcraft. Skill Points: Veiled ones receive 2 + Intelligence modifier skill points at each level. Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: Veiled ones gain no proficiency with any weapon or armor. Spellcasting: Whenever a veiled one gains a level in the veiled one class, she gains new spells per day, caster levels, readied spells, and spells known as if she had increased her level in an arcane spellcasting class she belonged to before adding the prestige class. She does not, however, gain any other benefits a character of that class would gain. If the veiled one had more than one arcane spellcasting class before becoming a veiled one, she must decide which class she improves with this feature. This choice may be changed at each level, but it cannot be changed retroactively. Alliance Contact: A veiled one can draw on the resources of the Veiled Alliance to assist her. She does not necessarily know many other mages, but the Alliance has connections in many places and industries. At 1st level, the veiled one gains a contact in her home city who serves as her link to the Alliance. Once per week per class level, she can draw upon the Alliance's resources through the contact for one of the following purposes: • Receive general assistance (housing, transportation, etc.). • Purchase spell components at a 25% discount. • Find a mage for spellcasting assistance. • Find information (+4 bonus to one Diplomacy check to gather information). rd At 3 level, and every three veiled one levels Veiled One

thereafter, the veiled one can receive an introduction to a contact in another city-state who can provide the same benefits. She does not need to choose which city to gain a contact in immediately, but rather can accumulate potential introductions until they are needed. Secret Spellcraft (Ex): A veiled one can receive expert training in concealing her magical abilities from others. She gains a bonus equal to her veiled one level to Bluff checks to conceal spellcasting (minimum +1). Spellpool (Su): The Veiled Alliance has carefully accumulated magical power and knowledge over hundreds of years. In the process, they have learned a secret which permits them to pass arcane knowledge to other mages. None but the most advanced members of the Alliance know the exact mechanism for this transfer, but all veiled ones can benefit from it. A veiled one is given a special object or trinket which serves as her link to the spellpool. (This object is never a veil – Veiled Alliance members tend to avoid any sort of enchanted veil or face-covering, for fear of revealing their identities to outsiders.) A veiled one with a bonded object can use the bonded object as her link token. As a full-round action, the veiled one can focus her mind through her link token to call a spell from the spellpool. A veiled one can choose not to ready one or more spells each day in order to leave that mental space available for spellpool spells. When she draws upon the spellpool, she can “download” the knowledge of a spell, effectively readying it instantly. The spellpool contains all Simple and Complex arcane spells. The veiled one must still abide by the normal restrictions on which spells she can ready and the number of

Hit Die: d6

Skill Points: 2 + Int mod per level



Fort Save

Ref Save Will Save Special







Alliance contact, secret spellcraft, spellpool I +1 level of previous arcane class






Alliance secret

+1 level of previous arcane class






Alliance contact

+1 level of previous arcane class






Spellpool II

+1 level of previous arcane class






Alliance secret

+1 level of previous arcane class






Alliance contact

+1 level of previous arcane class






Spellpool III

+1 level of previous arcane class






Alliance secret

+1 level of previous arcane class






Alliance contact

+1 level of previous arcane class






Veiled master

+1 level of previous arcane class



readied slots required to do so. A veiled one can call one spell each day at 1st level, and one more for every two veiled one levels she attains. A veiled one gains access to the spellpool in phases as she proves her skill and loyalty to the Veiled Alliance. At 1st level, veiled ones can withdraw spells of 1st through 3rd level. At 4th level, they can withdraw spells of 4th through 6th level. At 7th level, they can withdraw spells of 7th through 9th level. Alliance Secret (Ex): At 2nd level, and every three class levels thereafter, the veiled one gains tutelage from fellow Alliance members. She can choose one of the following benefits. No secret may be gained more than once unless otherwise specified. Dispel Mastery: The veiled one gains a +2 bonus to caster level checks to dispel magic. Focused Casting: The veiled one gains a +3 bonus to concentration checks. Mindshield: The veiled one gains a +2 bonus to saving throws against charm and compulsion effects. Path Dexter: The veiled one gains Path Dexter as a bonus feat. She must meet its prerequisites. This secret may be learned more than once. Spell Lore: The veiled one gains a +3 bonus to Spellcraft checks. Study: The veiled one gains a +3 bonus to any one Knowledge skill. This secret may be learned more than once, each time applying to a different Knowledge skill. Subdual Magic: When the veiled one casts a spell that deals damage, she may choose to make half of that damage subdual. Veiled Master: At 10th level, the veiled one is inaugurated as a leader in the Veiled Alliance. She can call upon her Alliance contacts as often as she desires, and receives a 25% discount on any fees for their services (for a total of a 50% discount on spell components). She also gains access to the highest functions of the spellpool. As part of casting a spell, the veiled master may draw arcane energy from the spellpool's matrix. Doing so allows her to augment the spell with metamagic feats without increasing the spell level or casting time. She can add no more than four spell levels worth of metamagic feats to a single spell in this way, and no more than ten spell levels worth each day.

D Wasteland Predator

To most people, the deep wastes are a terror and a deadly danger. To the wasteland predator, they are a source of power and resilience. A wasteland predator has tested himself against the brutal landscape of Athas, and returned victorious and strong. He sees himself as a superior creature. Where others would have died, he lived, and in doing so has earned the right to prey upon the weak and unfit. In a land of pathetic herd animals, who rely on others to ensure their safety, the wasteland predator may roam freely and do as he wills. Amorality is not a requirement to become a wasteland predator, but it is an occupational hazard. Many wasteland predators are found in raiding tribes or elven communities, or even as guides through the most treacherous regions of the Tablelands. They tend to avoid the city-states, home of the “egg-brooders” who sit like erdlu on their carefully hoarded wealth. Qualifications: Most wasteland predators are barbarians, but some are rangers and fighters who have felt the call of the wastes. Subtle fighters like bards and rogues do not usually take up the wasteland predator's skills.


To become a wasteland predator, a character must fulfill all of the following criteria. Base Attack Bonus: +5. Skills: Intimidate 3 ranks, Survival 5 ranks. Feats: Power Attack. Special: The character must survive a journey through the wasteland alone. This journey must last at least one week, and the character cannot bring more supplies than he can carry personally.

Class Features

All the following are class features of the wasteland predator class. Hit Die: d12. Class Skills: Climb, Intimidate, Perception, Stealth, Survival. Skill Points: Wasteland predators receive 4 + Intelligence modifier skill points at each level. Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: Wasteland


predators are proficient with simple and martial weapons, and with light and medium armor, but not with shields. Rage (Ex): A wasteland predator can rage for 2 + Constitution modifier rounds per day, as the barbarian class feature. Wasteland predators can rage for one additional round each day for each class level past 1st. Wasteland predators who already had the ability to rage from another class can add their wasteland predator level to their level in that class for the purpose of determining how long they can rage each day. Sudden Strike (Ex): If a wasteland predator catches an enemy off-guard, he can lash out at a vital spot for extra damage. Whenever a wasteland predator's target is denied its Dexterity bonus to Armor Class (if any), his melee attack deals 1d6 extra damage. This damage is not applied to ranged attacks, and creatures that are immune to sneak attacks are also immune to sudden strikes. The extra damage from sudden strike may only be dealt once per turn. At 4th level, and every three levels thereafter, the extra damage inflicted by sudden strike increases by +1d6. Frightful Blow (Ex): At 2nd level, a wasteland predator can deal a powerful blow which stuns his target and strikes fear into his enemies. Once per day, when he makes a sudden strike melee attack, he can choose to attempt a frightful blow. If he hits, the target must make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + ½ wasteland predator level + Strength modifier) or become stunned for 1 round per two wasteland predator levels. If the target succeeds on its saving throw, it is instead nauseated for the same duration. In addition, if the attack hits all enemies within 30 feet who could see the attack must make a Will save (DC 10 + ½ wasteland predator level + Charisma modifier) or become frightened (if their Hit Dice are lower than the wasteland predator's class level + Charisma modifier) or shaken (if their Hit Dice are equal to or greater than the wasteland predator's class level + Charisma modifier). This fear lasts for one round per wasteland predator level. At 5th and 8th levels, the wasteland predator gains another daily use of frightful blow. Stalk the Prey (Ex): At 2nd level, a wasteland predator gains a bonus on Stealth and Survival checks

Wasteland Predator Level BAB

Fort Save

Ref Save

Hit Die: d12 Will Save Special






Rage, sudden strike (+1d6)






Frightful blow 1/day, stalk the prey






Deadly pounce 1/day






Sudden strike (+2d6)






Frightful blow 2/day, stagger prey






Deadly pounce 2/day






Sudden strike (+3d6)






Frightful blow 3/day, undying frenzy






Deadly pounce 3/day






Predator's flurry, sudden strike (+4d6)


equal to one-half his class level. Deadly Pounce (Ex): At 3rd level, the wasteland predator can make powerful surprise charges. Once per day, the wasteland predator may make a full attack at the end of a charge while raging. If he hits his target with one of these attacks, it immediately loses its Dexterity bonus to Armor Class until the beginning of the wasteland predator's next turn. At 6th and 9th level, the wasteland predator gains another daily use of deadly pounce. Stagger Prey (Ex): At 5th level, a wasteland predator can shock an enemy into flinching with just a look. While raging, he may use the Intimidate skill to feint instead of Bluff. He also gains Improved Feint as a bonus feat, regardless of whether he meets its prerequisites. Undying Frenzy (Ex): At 8th level, the wasteland predator can disregard pain and injury and continue to fight. When reduced to negative hit points while raging he does not become unconscious, though he still gains wounds as normal and will bleed out unless stabilized. If his rage ends, the wasteland predator immediately falls unconscious, though he does not take additional wounds for doing so. Predator's Flurry (Ex): At 10th level, a wasteland predator's rage gives him an unnatural ferocity in battle. While raging, the wasteland predator gains an additional attack at his primary attack bonus, and can make two attacks at his primary attack bonus when he takes the Attack action. If he has feats or abilities


which allow him to modify such attacks, such as Cleave or Vital Strike, he may only modify one attack.

D Wildling Outrider

Large bands of cavalry are rare in the Tablelands, as active cavalry mounts require vast supplies of water that are difficult to maintain in the wasteland. However, small groups of light cavalry serve vital functions as scouts and skirmishers for city-state and raiding tribe alike. The most skilled riders, however, are those rare individuals called wildling outriders. Able to form a nearly supernatural bond with their mounts, wildling outriders excel at the hit-and-run fighting style of a raider band. They use their superior mobility to harry their foes to exhaustion and defeat. Wildling outriders come from many different cultures and contexts; some are simple mercenaries, some are loyal soldiers, some are brigands, and some are simply wanderers. All of them, however, share the capacity to build an extraordinary trust in their beasts. Qualifications: Most wildling outriders started their career as rangers, whose skill set combines the martial prowess and skill with animals that characterizes the outrider's abilities. Others were druids who decided to develop a more combatoriented path, or fighters and barbarians with exceptional skill with animals.


To become a wildling outrider, a character must fulfill all of the following criteria. Skills: Handle Animal 5 ranks, Ride 5 ranks. Feats: Animal Affinity, Mounted Combat.

his mount's mobility to his best advantage, striking hard and leaving his enemies in his dust. In any round in which the wildling outrider's mount moves at least 10 feet, the outrider deals an additional +1d6 damage on a single attack. This damage can only be applied once per turn. Creatures immune to critical hits are also immune to skirmish damage. Since the wildling outrider can deal damage once per turn, enemies that provoke attacks of opportunity from her may also take the extra skirmish damage. The bonus damage improves to +2d6 at 5th level, and to +3d6 at 9th level. Starting at 3rd level, whenever the wildling outrider's mount moves at least 10 feet in a round, both mount and rider gain a +1 dodge bonus to Armor Class until the beginning of her next turn. This bonus applies as soon as the mount has moved 10 feet. This bonus improves to +2 at 7th level. Skilled Rider (Ex): A wildling outrider gains a bonus to Ride checks equal to his class level. Wildbond Mount (Ex): A wildling outrider's greatest advantage is his ability to form a special bond with his mount. Creating the wildbond takes one week of intensive training with the mount. At the end of this week, make a Handle Animal check (DC 20). If successful, the wildbond is formed. Only the wildling outrider can make this check – others cannot assist. A wildbond mount can be any species that could normally serve as a personal mount (DM's discretion). A crodlu or kank would work well, whereas a mekillot would not. A wildbond mount automatically becomes combat trained if it is not already. Wildling Outrider

Fort Ref Will Level BAB Save Save Save Special 1





Mounted skirmish (+1d6), skilled rider, wildbond mount






Light spur, wildbond defense






Mounted skirmish (+1d6, +1 AC)






Fighting dismount, stand in the saddle






Mounted skirmish (+2d6, +1 AC), wildbond offensive






Wildbond speed






Mounted skirmish (+2d6, +2 AC)






Wildbond evasion






Mounted skirmish (+3d6, +2 AC)






True wildbond

Class Features

All the following are class features of the wildling outrider class. Hit Die: d10. Class Skills: Handle Animal, Perception, Ride, Survival. Skill Points: Wildling outriders receive 4 + Intelligence modifier skill points at each level. Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: Wildling outriders gain no proficiency with any weapon or armor. Mounted Skirmish (Ex): A wildling outrider uses

Hit Die: d10



A wildbond mount gains Hit Dice, skill points, natural armor, ability scores, bonus tricks, and special abilities as if the wildling outrider had druid levels equal to his class level. It uses the normal statistics of its type at 1st level, and improves thereafter. Wildbond mounts do not gain the Share Spells ability. For example, at 2nd level, the wildling outrider's wildbond mount would gain 1 Hit Die, appropriate attack bonuses, saving throw bonuses, and feats for that Hit Die, and two skill points. At 3rd level, it would gain two skill points, +2 natural armor, +1 Strength and Dexterity, one bonus trick, and the evasion ability. And so on. If the wildling outrider has levels in druid or ranger, he can choose to make his animal companion his wildbond mount. If he does so, his wildling outrider levels stack with his druid or ranger levels to determine the bonuses to the mount. Light Spur (Ex): At 2nd level, when a wildling outrider uses the Ride skill to spur his mount, he only deals 1 nonlethal damage to the mount. Wildbond Defense (Ex): At 2nd level, a wildling outrider can use his bond with her wildbond mount to perform extraordinary defensive maneuvers. When the wildling outrider takes no action on his turn while mounted on his wildbond mount, both mount and rider gain a +2 bonus to Reflex saves and a +4 dodge bonus to Armor Class until the beginning of the rider's next turn. In addition, the mount gains a +20 feet bonus to its speed for that time. Fighting Dismount (Ex): At 4th level, when the wildling outrider successfully accomplishes a fast dismount in a round where his mount has moved at least 10 feet, he can attack a nearby enemy as a free action. If there is an opponent in a square that the wildling outrider threatens after he has dismounted, he can make a melee attack against that opponent, taking a +2 bonus on the attack roll and a -2 penalty to Armor Class for 1 round (just as if he had charged). The wildling outrider gains his skirmish bonus to damage on this attack as if he were mounted. Stand in the Saddle (Ex): At 4th level, a wildling outrider can stand upright while riding to clear a ranged weapon. Standing in the saddle is a free action that requires a Ride check (DC 20). If the mount does not actually have a saddle, the DC increases by 10. On failure, no penalty is assessed, but the rider cannot

attempt to stand again until his next turn. On success, the rider halves the normal penalties for firing a ranged weapon while mounted. If the wildling outrider has the Mounted Archery feat, he instead eliminates those penalties entirely. Wildbond Offensive (Ex): At 5th level, a wildling outrider can coordinate his actions with his wildbond mount to perform complicated attacks while riding. While riding his wildbond mount, the wildling outrider can make a full attack from the saddle so long as the mount takes no more than a single move action in the round. Wildbond Speed (Ex): At 6th level, the wildling outrider's connection to his wildbond mount allows the mount to exceed its normal physical limitations. The wildbond mount's speed permanently increases by 10 feet. When the wildling outrider uses the Ride skill to spur his wildbond mount, its speed increases by 15 feet. Wildbond Evasion (Ex): At 8th level, the wilding outrider gains the evasion ability while mounted on his wildbond mount. If he already has evasion from another source, he instead gains improved evasion. True Wildbond (Ex): At 10th level, the wildling outrider's connection with his wildbond mount allows both mount and rider to perform incredible feats. The mount gains a +5 bonus to attack rolls, ability checks, and skill checks while fighting with its wildling outrider. The rider gains a +2 bonus to Will saves when fighting with his wildbond mount. While riding his wildbond mount, the bonus damage from the wildling outrider's mounted skirmish ability increases to +4d6, and the dodge bonus to AC increases to +4 for both mount and rider. While riding his wildbond mount, the wildling outrider can use the Ride skill to move his mount through threatened squares without provoking attacks of opportunity. This works exactly like using the Acrobatics skill to do the same on foot, except that it uses the Ride skill and the mount cannot move through an occupied square in this way.



The scarcity of metals in Athas has forced technology to develop in different directions. Only rare and special weapons incorporate any metal at all, and the solid steel plates of medieval armor are entirely impossible. Athasian armor is made from bone plates and wood, weapons from sharpened bone and obsidian. Special materials such as adamantine are vanishingly rare, and too valuable to be used for such mundane creations as adventuring gear.

D Wealth and Money

In general, the Athasian economy in the cities is relatively stable thanks to the merchant houses. Under normal conditions, supply of basic necessities and materials is maintained by the caravans traveling back and forth between the cities. The constant flow of exports and imports necessitated the creation of a unified currency among the city-states, which resulted in the creation of the water standard.Each merchant house and city-state maintains a reservoir specifically designated to uphold the currency. The standard unit of exchange, the ceramic piece, is worth exactly five gallons of water. This system may make the Athasian economy sound more stable than it actually is. Barter is still very common in the cities, and in out-lying communities and desert villages, ceramic is often worth no more than the clay it's made from. Iron, silver, gold, jewels, and water are universally accepted items of value over the whole of the Tablelands; the same cannot be said of ceramic pieces. Conversion: One gold piece from the Pathfinder Core Rules is worth one ceramic piece in Dark Sun. A silver piece from Pathfinder is worth one bit, and so on.

Athasian Currency Currency




Lead bead (bd)






Ceramic bit (bit)






Ceramic piece (Cp)






Silver piece (sp)






Gold piece (gp)






1/1,000 1/10,000

D Weapons

Unlike the items presented in the Dark Sun Campaign Setting, this update's equipment list does not rely on tedious conversions between normal metal weapons and their Athasian counterparts. Unless you are entirely determined to create a stone longsword, there is no need to do so. The vast majority of standard Pathfinder items now have a direct equivalent in Athas; scan the table below to try to find the item you want. Names have been changed to protect the setting. Some new weapon characteristics exist in Dark Sun, and others are important enough to highlight. Weight: Weapon weights are listed for Medium creatures. A weapon for a Small creature weighs half as much as the value on the table below, while one for a Large creatures weighs twice as much. Type: Some weapons deal multiple types of damage, while others can deal different types depending on how they are used. The notation “X+X” refers to a weapon that deals two types (e.g., “B+P” means that it deals both bludgeoning and piercing damage). The notation “X/X” refers to a weapon that can deal one of two types of damage (e.g., on a double weapon, “S/P” means that the primary end deals slashing damage, and the secondary end deals piercing damage). Special: Four new weapon qualities exist that are not explained in the Pathfinder Core Rules. Reach: The reach property now has annotations. “Reach+” refers to a weapon with 15-foot reach, rather than 10-foot. Such a weapon can still only be used to attack targets at the extreme edge of its reach; thus, it can only threaten creatures 15 feet away from the wielder. “Reach*” refers to a weapon that can threaten all squares that its reach covers. Siege: Indicates that the weapon is designed to be affixed to a structure of some sort. The structure is specified in the weapon's description. Affixing the weapon takes one minute, as does removing it. Special: Indicates that the weapon has additional features that can be found in its individual entry. Thrown: Indicates a weapon that can be thrown.



Thrown weapons deal additional damage equal to the has extraordinary strength and a steady arm. The wielder's Strength modifier. Thrown weapons can attack roll takes a -4 penalty, and the wielder must usually be used as melee weapons without penalty. succeed on a DC 18 Strength check or be knocked prone, dropping the bow in the process. Reloading a siege crossbow takes a full-round action if it is Complete statistics for all weapons are available in the mounted, or two full rounds if it is not. Crusher: The crusher is a 15-foot flexible wooden table below. pole topped by a heavy weight, often covered in Alak: An alak strongly resembles a large grappling spikes. It is wielded by whipping the pole back and hook crafted of bone. It consists of a short shaft of forth, guiding the weight's momentum toward the wood or bone, sharpened to a spike at one end, with target, who usually develops a new understanding of four serrated bones lashed just below the point. At pain. Crushers ignore cover, but they cannot be used need, an alak can substitute for a grappling hook. Alhulak: The alhulak is simply an alak attached to to attack an adjacent enemy. Due to their size and the a long leather cord. The wielder holds onto the cord or difficulty of guiding the weight, crushers are usually seen attached to a heavy stone base, or stabilized by a ties it around his wrist, and attacks by whipping the carefully-drilled hole. It is possible to use a crusher sharp ends around his opponent. without this base, but extremely difficult, and without Atlatl: An atlatl is a long, grooved stick or panel designed to hurl javelins. Any projectile thrown by an the base no wielder can deal as much damage. Datchi Club: The datchi club is a glorified atlatl travels further and faster than by hand. Atlatls greatclub, a heavy log with teeth, claws, or obsidian use javelins as ammunition. shards lodged in the business end. Datchi clubs are Bard's Friend: Popular among poisoners, the intimidatingly primitive, and therefore popular in the bard's friend is a long, usually jagged dagger with a long curving crossguard. Spikes or barbs are affixed to arena. Skilled users can wield a datchi club in one the crossguard at irregular intervals. Each barb may be hand. Dejada: A dejada is a leather or cloth sling affixed coated with poison, which a skilled wielder can to a short staff, designed to hurl projectiles long deliver in the course of a normal blow. Up to four distances. Dejada can be used to fire sling bullets, but doses of poison may be applied to the bard's friend, deal -1 damage when doing so due to the low mass of though no more than two may be delivered in the the bulelts. They are designed to fire pelota, heavy same strike. Chatkcha: The chatkcha is a disk with three jutting ceramic globes, or spiked pelota, which are often coated with poison. points, usually chipped from obsidian or stone. The Duom: The duom is a long spear with a heavy edges of the points are sharpened. It is a thri-kreen point carved from a mekillot bone. Sharp blades of cultural weapon, and very common in their homeland, obsidian or serrated bone sweep back toward the haft but since the influx of kreen into the Tablelands, the from the point, ideal for catching weapons or an chatkcha has also become popular among monks. A thrown chatkcha returns to its wielder: make an attack enemy's leg. Garrote: A common assassination tool, the garrote roll against AC 10 using the same attack bonus used to throw the chatkcha. On failure, the chatkcha lands in a is made from two wood or bone handles with thick, random square within 10 feet of your position. Monks knotted strands of giant hair strung between them. A garrote must be used two-handed, no matter the automatically catch their own thrown chatkchas. wielder's size. When used to damage an enemy while Crossbow, Siege: These enormous crossbows include a mounting kit which lets them attach to most grappling, a garrote deals damage as if it had crit (for protruding surfaces. Siege crossbows are very popular a Medium creature, 4d4 + 1.5x Strength modifier). Gythka: The gythka is double weapon with paired among merchant caravans, who use them to fend off half-moon obsidian blades at either end. It is very wild mekillot and other large threats. They are also often seen lining the approaches to a city-state's gates. common among thri-kreen, who take pride in A siege crossbow can be fired “off-hand” if the bearer balancing the use of two gythkas at once.

Weapon Descriptions


Simple Weapons


Dmg (S)

Dmg (M)

Dmg (L)


Range Weight




2 Cp





10 ft

1 lb.



Gauntlet, spiked

5 Cp





1 lb.



Mace, light

5 Cp





4 lb.




2 Cp




6 Cp





1 lb.





2 lb.








10 ft

3 lb.



Mace, heavy

12 Cp


8 Cp





8 lb.







6 lb.




1 Cp





20 ft

3 lb.




5 Cp





2 lb.



5 Cp





9 lb.


brace, reach

Light Melee Weapons

One-Handed Melee Weapons Club

Two-Handed Melee Weapons Longspear Quarterstaff






4 lb.


double, monk


2 Cp





20 ft

6 lb.


brace, thrown

Tonfa, heavy

8 Cp





5 lb.




2 Cp





20 ft

1 lb.



Crossbow, heavy

50 Cp





120 ft

8 lb.



Crossbow, light

35 Cp





80 ft

4 lb.




5 bits





20 ft

½ lb.




1 Cp





30 ft

2 lb.








50 ft




Dmg (S)

Dmg (M)

Dmg (L)




Axe, throwing

8 Cp





10 ft

2 lb.



Hammer, light

1 Cp





20 ft

2 lb.




6 Cp






3 lb.




8 Cp






2 lb.



Macahuitl, small

25 Cp






2 lb.



Pick, light

4 Cp






3 lb.




1 Cp






2 lb.




Ranged Weapons

Sling Martial Weapons

Range Weight

Light Melee Weapons

18 Cp






4 lb.



Spikes, armor










Spikes, light shield










24 Cp





20 ft

3 lb.




7 Cp






6 lb.




20 Cp






9 lb.


disarm, reach*


10 Cp






6 lb.




8 Cp






5 lb.


disarm, trip


8 Cp






5 lb.



Starknife One-Handed Melee Weapons



Martial Weapons, cont.


Dmg (S)

Dmg (M)

Dmg (L)




Longblade, elven

90 Cp







35 Cp






3 lb.



5 lb.




15 Cp






4 lb.













15 Cp




12 Cp





10 ft

4 lb.


brace, thrown




5 lb.



Crusher (mounted)

60 Cp






24 lb.


siege, reach+

Datchi club

25 Cp






10 lb.




10 Cp






12 lb.


disarm, trip

Flail, heavy

15 Cp






10 lb.


disarm, trip


5 Cp






8 lb.




10 Cp






12 lb.


brace, trip


22 Cp






10 lb.



Macahuitl, heavy

50 Cp






10 lb.



Macahuitl, jagged

45 Cp






7 lb.




25 Cp






12 lb.




8 Cp






12 lb.




10 Cp






10 lb.




10 Cp





40 ft

6 lb.



Crossbow, siege (mounted)

200 Cp





150 ft

80 lb.




60 Cp





100 ft

3 lb.



Longbow, composite

125 Cp





110 ft

3 lb.




30 Cp





60 ft

2 lb.



Shortbow, composite

90 Cp





70 ft

2 lb.




Dmg (S)

Dmg (M)

Dmg (L)




Bard's Friend

20 Cp






1 lb.




140 Cp






1 lb.




6 Cp






2 lb.


monk, trip


3 Cp






2 lb.


disarm, monk


3 Cp






1 lb.




25 Cp






4 lb.



Widow's Knife

40 Cp






2 lb.



Wrist Razor

15 Cp






2 lb.


disarm, monk

Datchi club (one-hand)

25 Cp






10 lb.




9 Cp






2 lb.



Macahuitl, heavy (one-hand)

50 Cp






10 lb.



Macahuitl, jagged (one-hand)

45 Co






7 lb.




1 Cp






2 lb.


disarm, nonlethal, reach+*, trip

Whip, master's

20 Cp






5 lb.


disarm, reach+*, trip

Spikes, heavy shield

Range Weight

Two-Handed Melee Weapons

Ranged Weapons

Exotic Weapons

Range Weight

Light Melee Weapons

One-Handed Melee Weapons



Exotic Weapons, cont.


Dmg (S)

Dmg (M)

Dmg (L)


Range Weight



Chain, spiked

25 Cp






10 lb.


disarm, trip

Crusher (free)

60 Cp






24 lb.



Curve blade, elven

170 Cp






9 lb.



Flail, dire

90 Cp




25 Cp






8 lb.


disarm, double, trip




9 lb.




200 Cp






10 lb.



Spear, double-tipped

20 Cp





20 ft

6 lb.


double, thrown

Swatter Thanak

100 Cp






30 lb.



30 Cp






10 lb.




50 Cp






12 lb.


brace, double


5 Cp





10 ft

2 lb.


nonlethal, thrown, trip


15 Cp





20 ft

3 lb.


monk, special, thrown

Crossbow, hand

100 Cp





30 ft

2 lb.



Crossbow, repeating

300 Cp





80 ft

10 lb.



Crossbow, siege (free)

200 Cp





150 ft

80 lb.




20 Cp





60 ft

3 lb.




100 Cp





130 ft

5 lb.



Greatbow, composite

250 Cp





140 ft

5 lb.




2 Cp





10 ft

2 lb.


special, trip


20 Cp





10 ft

6 lb.




90 Cp





90 ft

20 lb.




30 Cp





30 ft

9 lb.


special, thrown

Two-Handed Melee Weapons

Ranged Weapons


Heartpick: This weapon is named for its purpose. It consists of a heavy hammer with a short haft and a long spike jutting out from the hammer. Impaler: Designed for arenas, the impaler is made from two long blades of serrated bone attached in a curving “T” to a four-foot haft. The blades cut horizontally, and their tapering points impale when wielded in a downstroke. Lasso: A lasso is a simple length of rope, knotted into a circle at one end that can be rapidly pulled closed. The range of a lasso depends on the length of the rope, but most are designed for no more than twenty feet. If you hit an enemy with a lasso, you can immediately start to grapple them or attempt to trip them. You can drop the lasso at enemy time to end or cancel either maneuver. You cannot damage a grappled enemy with the lasso alone. You can make a lasso from a normal length of rope with three rounds' work. Longblade, Elven: These blades are commonly wielded by an elf tribe's leader, though their

construction is no secret. The blades are made from thin treated wood, lined along one edge with alchemically-bonded metal to give them a cutting edge. Elven longblades are prized both for their craftsmanship, for building one is difficult, and for the rare metal (usually bronze) which is necessary for their construction. An elven longblade counts as a light weapon for the purpose of the Weapon Finesse feat. Lotulis: The lotulis is a double-weapon with a long haft tipped with two straight bone blades. Before the sorcerer-king Kalak's death, the lotulis was a popular weapon in the arenas of Tyr. The sight of the blade is now repulsive to the many liberated gladiators of the Free City. Macahuitl: These oddly-named weapons are among the most complex in common use. A macahuitl is built around a solid core of flawless wood, carefully etched to create grooves for the dozens of razor-sharp obsidian shards that are slotted into the wood. The effect is much like a chainsaw of volcanic glass. The


name is of Draji origin, and apparently only the Draji are able to pronounce it properly (“mah-kuh-HWEETluh”). To the rest of Athas, these weapons are “Draji swords” or “obsidian swords”. There are several different varieties of macahuitl, in various sizes and degrees of jaggedness. Those of exceptional skill can wield the largest versions of these swords in one hand. Puchik: Common in the arena, the puchik is a punching dagger with a wide basket and crossguard. The blade is made from obsidian or bone. Slodak: These wooden shortswords are carved from hardwood trees, usually by halflings, who are the most common wielders of this weapon. The green wood is treated with sap and id fiend blood to allow it to hold an edge. Travelers unfamiliar with the halfling customs are often contemptuous of the wooden blades, usually a fatal mistake. Spear, Double-Tipped: Possibly originating in a desperate improvisation, the double-tipped spear is simply an ordinary spear with a second tip where the butt should be. They are most commonly found in arenas, and also surprisingly among elves, who enjoy the weapon's versatility and lightness. Splashbow: This bow looks like an outsized crossbow with an unnaturally wide notch. Splashbows are not able to fire ordinary bolts; instead, they are used to fire pelota or hinged pelota. Alchemists with an interest in personal defense often work to master the splashbow, as it can hurl their concoctions much further than they could be thrown. Swatter: The swatter is a popular name for a halfgiant weapon consisting of a heavy spiked club made from hardwood, with a bronze or lead core in the tip for added weight. The swatter earned its name from the legend of a half-giant soldier who reputedly used a similar weapon to defeat an entire thri-kreen hunting party. Half-giants love the legend, as it is one of the few to portray their people in a positive light, and thus many half-giants develop weapons along the lines of the swatter. Few other races would be inclined to carry the vast weight of the weapon in any case. Talid: The talid, also known as the gladiator's gauntlet, is a blade-studded gauntlet strapped to its wielder's arm. Thick blades and spikes jut from the leather frame at all angles: spikes from each knuckle, blades along the back of the hand and the thumb, and a six-inch spike from the elbow. Talids are strapped to

the wielder's arm, and cannot be disarmed. Thanak: The thanak is a chopping weapon most commonly found among pterrans. It consists of multiple thin wooden boards compressed together, with teeth, claws, or obsidian shards pressed into the gaps between the wood. Pterran warriors take pride in crafting their own thanaks from the shed teeth of their own pterrax mounts. Tkaesali: The tkaesali is a simple anti-infantry polearm, made from a long haft with a half-moon blade at the end. Tonfa: The tonfa is a police weapon, especially popular among Nibenese templars. Tonfas are short sticks with heavy cores of alchemical lead and holes drilled through the shaft. The holes create the tonfa's characteristic shrieking noise when it is swung, and also raise painful welts on any unarmored creature stuck. A larger, heavier version of the tonfa also exists, designed to be wielded with both hands. Trikal: Three serrated blades project radially from the end of the trikal's five-foot haft, each tooth cut deep and jagged to catch in flesh. The trikal, unlike most polearms, has a heavy pommel to balance the weight of the blades. Whip, Master's: Despite the name, few slaveholders wish to risk maiming their property in the ways that this deadly object promises. A master's whip is thicker and heavier than an ordinary whip, braided from leather or giant hair, and its tip ends in bone or chitin blades designed to tear flesh. Widow's Knife: Another weapon associated with assassins, the widow's knife has a reputation for cruelty and brutality. The knife itself is an ordinary straight dagger with a strange triangular hilt, which makes it difficult to grasp properly. Concealed within the hilt on either side of the blade are two curving spikes, which can be released as a free action when a wielder hits with the widow's knife. The spikes deal additional damage equal to the knife's normal damage, and can be coated with poison, potentially allowing the widow's knife to apply two doses of poison to a target. Reloading the spikes is a full-round action. Wrist Razor: A flashy favorite among many monks, the wrist razor has a vast range of designs, from the simple-but-effective jury-rigged obsidian shard strapped to one's armor with leather ties, to


fitted and tooled leather braces with several different thin blades. All, however, are based on the simple principle of “stick them with the pointy end.” Zerka: The zerka is a barbed javelin, with an extralarge head and curving blades running down the haft. When it strikes its target, it has a chance to lodge in and inflict additional pain if the target fails a Reflex save (DC 5 + damage dealt). Once lodged, the zerka drags on the target, who cannot charge or run, moves at half speed, and has difficulty concentrating (-5 penalty to concentration checks to cast or manifest). Additional zerkas do not increase these penalties. Removing a zerka requires a move action.

D Armor

Athasian armor is crafted from animal hides, bones, wood, and resin. Despite these primitive materials, skilled armorcrafters can create armor with an air of refined elegance. Some masterwork armor has metal pieces, but this is rare and often expensive.

D Ammunition

Athasians use of a variety of special ammunition. Arrow, Blunt: Blunt arrows have heavy, weighted heads instead of points. Blunt arrows take a -1 penalty to attack rolls, but deal bludgeoning damage. They can be used to deal nonlethal damage without penalty. Arrow, Swiftwing: Elves like to claim that they can outrun these fast arrows. Swiftwing arrows halve the range increment penalty, reducing it to -1 per increment. Bolt, Blunt: These heavy bolts are adaptations of blunt arrows, and have the same properties. Bolt, Repeater: These bolts are specially designed to work with a repeating crossbow. Bolt, Siege Crossbow: These enormous three-foot bolts can only be fired from siege crossbows. Pelota: Pelota are small, hollow ceramic spheres. They are often drilled through with holes to make a loud whistling as they fly. Pelota are ammunition for


Armor/Shield Bonus

Maximum Dex Bonus


5 Cp





10 Cp



Studded leather

25 Cp



100 Cp



15 Cp



Armor Arcane Check Penalty Spell Failure

Speed 30 ft

20 ft



30 ft

20 ft

10 lb.



30 ft

20 ft

15 lb.




30 ft

20 ft

20 lb.




30 ft

20 ft

25 lb.





20 ft

15 ft

25 lb.

50 Cp





20 ft

15 ft

30 lb.


150 Cp





20 ft

15 ft

40 lb.

Breastplate, bone

200 Cp





20 ft

15 ft

30 lb.

Banded wood

200 Cp





20 ft

15 ft

45 lb.

Splinted wood

250 Cp





20 ft

15 ft

35 lb.

Half-plate, bone

600 Cp





20 ft

15 ft

50 lb.

Full-plate, bone

1500 Cp





20 ft

15 ft

50 lb.


15 Cp







5 lb.

Shield, light

3 Cp







5 lb.

Shield, heavy

7 Cp







10 lb.

Shield, tower

30 Cp







45 lb.

Armor spikes

+50 Cp







+10 lb.

Shield spikes

+10 Cp







+5 lb.

Light Armor

Medium Armor

Heavy Armor





Ammunition Type



Ammunition Type



Arrow (20)

1 Cp

Arrow, blunt (20)

2 Cp

3 lb.

Bolt, siege crossbow (5)

5 Cp

15 lb.

5 lb.

Bullet, sling (10)

1 bit

5 lb.

Arrow, swiftwing (20)

20 Cp

3 lb.

Dart, blowgun (10)

5 bits


Bolt (10)

1 Cp

1 lb.

Pelota (10)

1 Cp

2 lb.

Bolt, blunt (10)

2 Cp

2 lb.

Pelota, hinged (5)

5 Cp +

1 lb.

Bolt, repeater (5)

1 Cp

1 lb.

Pelota, spiked (10)

2 Cp

1 lb.


dejada and splashbows. Pelota, Hinged: The hinged pelota is not commonly seen, but always feared. They are like normal pelota, but instead of the holes, they are designed with a special hinged compartment that opens when the pelota hits its target. These compartments are usually filled with poison or alchemical compounds, which inflict their effects on the target of the pelota. Hinged pelota are sold empty, and must be filled after each use. Filling a hinged pelota takes a standard action. Pelota, Spiked: These pelota are not truly spiked, but rather covered in sharp obsidian shards. They deal slashing damage as well as bludgeoning damage. Splashbows cannot fire spiked pelota, as the shards catch in the notch.

all damage reduction against iron or adamantine. Armor made from adamantine is even stronger than iron, and grants DR 3/-, or 4/- if it is heavy armor. Adamantine shields grant DR 1/-. As with iron, items without metal parts cannot be made from adamantine. An adamantine item is always masterwork. Adamantine has 40 hit points per inch of thickness and hardness 20. Weapons and armor made from adamantine have half again as many hit points as an iron item of their type. Agafari: A rare wood found in isolated groves in the Forest Ridge and the Crescent Forest, agafari is harder and lighter than bronze, and almost as easy to work. Any wooden or mostly wooden item made from agafari is considered a masterwork item and weighs only half as much as a normal wooden item of its type. Wooden armor and shields made from agafari have their maximum Dexterity bonus increased by 2 and their armor check penalties reduced by 3. Medium Though most of the special materials discussed in the and heavy armors made from agafari are treated as Pathfinder Core Rules do not exist in Athas, there are one category lighter than normal for the purposes of local equivalents. In addition, the normal bone and movement and other limitations (heavy armors are chitin materials used in Athas have their hardness and treated as medium, and medium armors as light). This hit points listed here. does not affect the proficiency requirements for the Adamantine: Also known as “dwarven steel,” armor. Items made from agafari cost ten times as adamantine is an extremely rare natural alloy. Nearly much as normal. Agafari has the same hardness and all items made from adamantine are relics from the hit points as iron. past, scanvenged from ruins by elves and treasure Bone: The best crafting bones come from the hunters. Raw adamantine cannot be bought on the bodies of large beasts. Many axes are fashioned from a market, and weapons and armor constructed from mekillot's shoulder blades, while jhakar ribs form the adamantine are considered priceless relics. bladed hooks of alaks. Bone items have 10 hit points Adamantine items therefore have no purchase price – per inch of thickness and hardness 6. Bone weapons they must be found or gifted. and armor have one-half the hit points listed in the Items made from adamantine gain all the benefits Pathfinder Core Rules for iron items. of iron items. In addition, weapons made from Chitin: Chitin is obtained from the many insects of adamantine subtract 20 from an object's hardness and the Athasian wastes, usually kanks. Thri-kreen chitin 10 from a monster's damage reduction before dealing is also used, though any 'kreen who sees such armor damage. (This cannot reduce hardness or damage will do its best to eviscerate wearer and seller alike. reduction below 0.) Adamantine weapons can bypass Chitin items have 10 hit points per inch of thickness

D Special Materials


and hardness 6. Chitin armor has one-half the hit points listed in the Pathfinder Core Rules for iron armor. Dasl: This strange crystal is mined and treated by the thri-kreen, who often use it to create weapons. Dasl is harder than many metals, and therefore highly valued in the Tyr region. It also resonates with psionic energy, and can build a psionic charge. As a free action, the wielder of a dasl weapon can channel 1 power point into the crystal to cause it to deal an additional 1d6 damage on its next strike. Dasl remains charged for one minute or until its charge is expended. An item crafted from dasl costs ten times what it would normally cost. Dasl has the same hardness and hit points as iron. Drake Hide: The skin of a drake is of such value that most sorcerer-kings forbid its sale. They have instructed templars to confiscate any such items that appear in the market for the monarch. Because drakes are so rare it is easy for templars to claim that the item was stolen from the sorcerer-king and have the seller executed or enslaved. Elves, of course, defy these edicts at every turn, and make a fair profit selling drake materials one step ahead of the Templarate. Drake hide is usually around one inch thick, and so tough that drake hunters must carry masterwork steel skinning knives to successfully pare it away from the corpse of their prey. One drake produces enough hide for four suits of masterwork hide armor, three suits of masterwork banded armor, two suits of masterwork half-plate, or one suit of masterwork full-plate armor for a Medium creature. Armor made from drake hide is immune to the energy type associated with its drake's element, and provides resistance 2 to that energy for its wielder. This resistance stacks with any magical effects that grant energy resistance or absorption. Because drake hide is not metal, druids can wear drake hide armor without penalty. Armor made from drake hide is always masterwork, and costs three times as much as a normal masterwork armor of the same type. Drake hide has 15 hit points per inch of thickness and hardness 10. Drake Ivory: Drake ivory is extraordinarily strong and easy to work compared to the bone that most weaponsmiths must use. Since it can only be obtained from the claws and teeth of the rare drakes, it is uncommon, expensive, and illegal (see drake hide,

above). Weapons made from drake ivory cost an additional 2,000 Cp. A double weapon that is only half crafted using drake ivory increases its costs by 50%. For purposes of damage reduction, drake ivory is considered equivalent to cold iron. Drake ivory has the same hit points and hardness as iron. Giant Hair: Giant hair is very strong and frequently woven together to form a strong cord. While sometimes used in armor, its most common purpose is creating rope. Wizards also use giant hair to form complex textural spellbooks. Giant hair rope costs 1 Cp per foot, and has hardness 6 and 2 hit points per inch of thickness. (For comparison, normal rope has no hardness at all.) Iron: Iron, like most other metals, is very rare on Athas, but it is still used in creating many weapons and armors. Few craftsmen are able to work iron, but there are at least a couple in each city-state. The only current source of new iron is the Tyrian iron mine, which itself is the remnant of an older mine which had been exhausted of useful quantities of the metal by the standards of its age. Most iron objects available for sale have been scavenged from ruins. Weapons and armor made from iron or iron alloys (such as steel) are vastly superior to their bone, wood, and chitin counterparts. An iron weapon grants its wielder a +1 inherent bonus to attack and damage rolls. Iron weapons can also bypass the damage reduction of some Athasian monsters. Iron armor provides DR 1/- to its wearer, and reduces armor check penalties for medium and heavy armor by 1. Iron shields reduce armor check penalties by 1. Items without metal parts cannot be made from iron. Iron and its alloys have 30 hit points per inch of thickness and hardness 10. An iron item costs 100 times its normal price, and is subject to availability restrictions, even in Tyr. Leather: Leather is usually obtained from the many giant lizards that roam the Athasian wastes. Mekillot and inix hides are the most common source of leather armor. Leather and hide have 5 hit points per inch of thickness and hardness 2. Silver, Alchemical: The process of binding silver to weapons has been greatly refined on Athas. Very little silver is actually needed for the process. Alchemical silver can be applied to adamantine, bone, dasl, iron, and obsidian weapons. Applying


alchemical silver requires the services of both an alchemist and a weaponcrafter and takes one day. A weapon coated in alchemical silver deals -1 damage on each attack (with a minimum of 1 damage). However, it bypasses damage reduction against silver. The cost of alchemical silver depends on what sort of weapon it is applied to: ammunition costs 2 Cp per item, a light weapon costs 20 Cp, a one-handed weapon costs 90 Cp, and a two-handed weapon costs 180 Cp. One half of a double weapon costs the same as a one-handed weapon. Wood: Wood is a major export from Gulg and Nibenay, which share between them the only surviving forest in the Tyr Valley. It can also be obtained from the high forests of the Ringing Mountains, although at risk of offending the halflings who zealously guard their homeland. Wood has 10 hit points per inch of thickness and hardness 5.

D Adventuring Gear

Special gear helps wasteland denizens deal with the particular hazards and difficulties of the Athasian desert. These items are, unless otherwise noted, available in every city-state and should be viewed as common tools of the wastelander's life.

Special Substances

The items described below are supplementary to those described in the Pathfinder Core Rules. All such items can be purchased in the Bard's Quarter of any city. Alchemist's Fire: Alchemist's fire is illegal in most city-states, though its clandestine trade is tolerated for a suitable bribe. Armorbright: This heavy lacquer-like paint creates a shiny surface that reflects light and heat. It requires a very small amount of metal to obtain the brilliant reflectivity, diluted in a process similar to the creation of alchemical silver. Each pot of armorbright can coat one suit of Medium armor, and applying it takes ten minutes. The coating wears off over the course of 24 hours. During this time, the wearer of the armor gains a gains +1 heat protection (see the Combat & Survival chapter). Creating armorbright requires a DC 20 Craft (Alchemy) check. Blackeye: An oily paint smeared around the eyes and cheeks, blackeye provides immunity to sun glare

for 4 hours. Blitz: This common drug is widely trafficked by elves and bards. Blitz is used as often for its ability to improve the reaction speed of its users as it is for the euphoric rush that it provides. The drug is made into a fine powder, which is inhaled through a straw. Blitz users view the entire world in slow motion, and their own actions feel floaty and distant. The addiction DC for blitz is 15 (see the Combat & Survival chapter for details on addiction). Creating blitz requires a DC 25 Craft (Alchemy) check. Blitz users receive a +3 circumstance bonus to initiative chicks, gain a +1 dodge bonus to AC, and gain a +5 circumstance bonus to saving throws against pain effects. A blitz user remains conscious below 0 hit points, and can act normally without falling unconscious. All benefits last for thirty minutes, after which time the user takes 2 points of Dexterity damage and is fatigued for thirty minutes. Crunch: A true combat drug, crunch is heavily restricted and its trafficking is a serious offense. Crunch is taken in tablets, which are usually a sweetened shell around a core of the liquid drug. Crunch users become violent at the slightest offense, and often initiate brawls and worse. Crunch is illegal in every city-state, and the more moral bards will often find ways to report those who manufacture the drug to the Templarate. The addiction DC for crunch is 13 (see the Combat & Survival chapter for details on addiction). Creating crunch requires a DC 25 Craft (Alchemy) check. For four hours after taking crunch, users gain a +4 morale bonus to Strength and Constitution, as well as a +2 morale bonus to Will saves. These bonuses stack with those provided by a barbarian's rage ability. In addition, a crunch user takes a -2 penalty to Armor Class. While these effects last, the user must make a DC 22 Will save or respond violently to any sort of confrontational situation. A confrontation, to a crunch user, can be as simple as a question about a purchase or basic haggling. In addition, having begun combat, a crunch user must succeed on the same Will save to disengage. After the drug wears off, the user takes 2 points of Constitution and Wisdom damage and becomes exhausted and sickened for 1d4 x 10 minutes. Esperweed: This rare and notoriously addictive herb is found in the more magic-twisted sections of


Special Substances



Armorbright (pot)

50 Cp

1 lb.

Blackeye (vial)

1 Cp

1 lb.


30 Cp

0.1 lb.


50 Cp

0.1 lb.


250 Cp

0.1 lb.

Holy earth

25 Cp

1 lb.

Wine, Cactus (jar)

Ironthorn resin (pot)

25 Cp

1 lb.

Wine, Faro (jar)

20 Cp

1 lb.

1 bit

0.1 lb.


30 Cp

0.1 lb.

Mounts and Pack Beasts



Sunshade lotion (pot)

20 Cp

1 lb.

Crodlu, riding

200 Cp



30 Cp

0.1 lb.

Crodlu, warmount

400 Cp



25 Cp



10 Cp



Tools and Skill Kits



Food, Drink, and Lodging, cont.




3 bits

1 lb.


1 bit

1 lb.

2 bits

8 lb.

1 bd

1 lb.

1 Cp

1 lb.

Water Gallon Mug

Concealing weave

5 Cp

2 lb.


100 Cp


Distillation kit

50 Cp

20 lb.

Kank, herding

50 Cp


Filter mask

1 Cp


Kank, riding (Medium creature)

125 Cp



3 Cp


Kank, warmount

250 Cp



200 Cp








50 Cp

5 lb.

Vehicles and Transport


20 Cp

15 lb.

Chariot, transport

50 Cp


High templar

100 Cp

5 lb.

Chariot, war

125 Cp


Royal defiler

80 Cp

5 lb.

Chariot, great

250 Cp


2 bd

1 lb.

Howdah, inix

10 Cp


20 Cp

6 lb.

Howdah, inix war

100 Cp


Howdah, mekillot

20 Cp


Howdah, mekillot war

500 Cp


Slave Wastelander Food, Drink, and Lodging



Wagon, open, 1000 lb. capacity

20 Cp



2 Cp

8 lb.

Wagon, open, 2500 lb. capacity

35 Cp



4 bits

1 lb.

Wagon, open, 5000 lb. capacity

50 Cp


Wagon, open, 10,000 lb. capacity

100 Cp



Inn stay (per day) Good

20 Cp


Wagon, enclosed, 1000 lb. capacity

40 Cp



5 Cp


Wagon, enclosed, 2500 lb. capacity

70 Cp



2 Cp


Wagon, enclosed, 5000 lb. capacity

100 Cp


Wagon, enclosed, 10,000 lb. capacity

200 Cp


Wagon, armored caravan, 10,000 lb. capacity

900 Cp


Food (per day, Medium creature) Good

5 bits

1 lb.


the wastes, and cannot be cultivated. Preserved esperweed is highly valued, though it is incredibly difficult to keep stable. Preserving esperweed requires either a successful DC 25 Craft (Alchemy) check each week, or magical intervention (from a nurturing seeds spell or similar effect). Esperweed users are filled with a sense of vitality and power, as well as a towering superiority complex. Anyone being read by

esperweed's empathy power is aware of this fact, and usually feels a profound sense of danger and violation from the chaotic power of the drug. The experience is often described as a mind-rape, making esperweed one of the most feared drugs. Esperweed is illegal in most city-states, though this fact does not stop a thriving trade in the psy-charged narcotic. The addiction DC for esperweed is 15 + 1 per previous use


(see the Combat & Survival chapter for details on addiction). Any character who eats esperweed must make a DC 12 Fortitude save or vomit up the herb, becoming nauseated for one minute. If esperweed can be kept down, the eater becomes fatigued for one hour, takes 2 points of Strength damage, and experiences a profound psychic ecstasy. For one hour, the eater gains one temporary power point every five rounds, even if he does not otherwise have a power point reserve. Like temporary hit points, temporary power points are spent before normal power points, and vanish when their duration expires. In addition, the eater can manifest the empathy power with a manifester level equal to one-half its hit dice. Holy Earth: Holy water is quite rare, as it is valued more for its nutritive value than its ability to harm the undead. However, blessed silt, earth, or obsidian are common substitutes. Ironthorn Resin: The thick resin of the ironthorn bush, known for its tenacity in the wastes, is one of the staples of the armorcrafter's trade. Ironthorn resin is used to harden leather, bone, and chitin into armor plates. With proper alchemical treatment, it can provide similar benefits to ordinary cloth. An item treated with ironthorn resin is waterproof and gains a +1 bonus to its hardness. Clothing treated with ironthorn resin also provides a +1 armor bonus to its wearer's AC. Items that already provide an armor bonus do not gain this benefit. Ironthorn resin lasts for one week, or until the item is thoroughly washed. Creating ironthorn resin requires a DC 15 Craft (Alchemy) check. Nirf: This cheap drug is a common choice for the many poor in Athasian cities, who use it to reduce the empty feelings brought on by starvation. Nirf brings on a feeling of general contentment and satisfaction, taking the world and its troubles out of phase. Though technically illegal, nirf use is so common as to be utterly unremarkable, and any arrests related to nirf are understood to be a thin pretext for a templar's whims. The addiction DC for nirf is 10 (see the Combat & Survival chapter for details on addiction). Creating nirf requires a DC 10 Craft (Alchemy) check. For eight hours after taking nirf, the user suffers no penalties for starvation, thirst, heat, or cold. Any non-lethal or lethal damage from these conditions

continues to accrue normally, and penalties resume (and increase, if indicated) when the effects of the drug wear off. Nirf users must make a DC 15 Wisdom check to determine their actual physical condition while the drug is active. Shine: One of the most popular drugs, shine is also one of the most addictive. It is made from powdered leaves of the shinethorn cactus, which are mixed with into alcohol and swallowed. Shine fills its users with a deep, constant pleasure similar to orgasm, combined with a persistent disassociation. The addiction DC for shine is 15 + 1 per previous use (see the Combat & Survival chapter for details on addiction). Creating shine requires a DC 20 Craft (Alchemy) check. For one hour after taking shine, the user suffers no penalties for wounds or pain-based effects such as caltrops or a symbol of pain. Shine does not eliminate penalties from any permanent injuries that the user has suffered. Sunshade Lotion: This translucent lotion contains extracts from various plants. It darkens slightly on exposure to sunlight. One pot of sunshade oil protects a Medium creature from non-lethal damage due to sunburn for 4 hours. Tanglefoot Bag: Tanglefoot bags are illegal in most city-states. Thunderstone: Thunderstones are illegal in most city-states. Willquenchers: Usually obtained in small, dissolving paper packets, several mixtures of drugs are given the name “willquencher”. Diplomats, mindbenders, and enchanters often use these drugs to soften up targets clandestinely. Willquenchers dissolve almost instantly in drinks, and any creature who drinks an affected beverage must make a DC 15 Fortitude save or suffer a -2 circumstance penalty to Sense Motive checks and Will saves for one hour. Willquenchers count as a poison for the purpose of resistances or immunities to poison. Willquenchers are nominally illegal in most city-states, but their utility for the Templarate's mindbenders makes them a tolerated commodity. Creating willquenchers requires a DC 20 Craft (Alchemy) check.

Tools and Skill Kits

The items described below are useful either in specific


situations or to characters who have specialized skills. Concealing Weave: This kit consists of one or more related articles of clothing specifically designed to shroud the wearer's arms, making their movements difficult to see and interpret. Wearing a concealing weave grants a +2 bonus to Bluff checks made to conceal spellcasting. Distillation Kit: Water is often more precious than life in the deserts of Athas (or at least, more precious than someone else's life). This simple kit uses sunlight and ambient heat to evaporate pure water from bodily or cooking waste, salt lakes, toxic mud, or other waterrich but dangerous substances. This “solar still” consists of a sheet of thin glass fastened to a frame, below which is a small container. The bottom and sides of the frame are covered with black oilcloth, the edges sealed with tar to make it watertight. The kit is used by placing the dirty water in the bottom container, where it will evaporate and condense on the glass above. The condensation will then run down and collect in the frame. If the container is filled to capacity, it is possible to reclaim 1 gallon of water each day using a distillation kit. Filter Mask: A necessity for traveling the Sea of Silt, filter masks are used to protect the mouth and nose from dangerous substances. A filter mask is a mesh of fine cloth that covers the mouth and nose, with thin straps to attach it to the wearer's head. Wearing a filter mask provides a +2 bonus to saves against gas-based effects, and negates the suffocation hazards caused by airborne dust, sand, and silt. A filter mask can be used for four hours of exposure to these conditions. After this time, it has become too clogged with grit to remain useful. A clogged filter can be cleaned with thirty minutes of careful scrubbing. Navigator's Kit: Prized possessions of trading houses and wasteland wanderers, each of these kits is composed of a set of simple maps made from sticks or dowels and stones. A navigator's kit map marks roads with straight sticks and villages with stones, and special stones for landmarks and cities. The whole thing is lashed into a heavy wooden frame with twine. Anyone who succeeds at a DC 10 Knowledge (geography) check while using a navigator's kit gains a +4 bonus to his next Survival check to avoid becoming lost. A navigator's kit is too awkward to be carried around easily, but can be broken down in just

a few minutes for travel and storage. Parasol: Parasols range in design from simple practicality to refined fashion statement, but all serve a useful purpose during an Athasian noon. Most parasols are simple constructions of wood with hide or cloth strapped over the top to create a spot of shade. More complex designs are available for the upper classes, often involving complex folding agafari leaves and painted silk cloth covers. A parasol requires a free hand to use, and provides sufficient shade to protect from sun glare and sunburn. It also provides a +1 bonus to saving throws against dehydration.


In addition to the outfits in the Pathfinder Core Rules, Athasians can benefit from wearing these outfits. Elven Outfit: Although varying from tribe to tribe, all elven clothes are based on two concepts: functionality and flattery. This set of clothes usually includes a hooded cloak or stylized robes, although some make use of tight leather wraps or other heatshielding materials. An elven outfit is custom-tailored for its wearer, and designed to show that wearer's form to maximum effect. Elven outfits are often viewed as lewd by those who consider the elves licentious. Elven outfits are peculiar to each tribe, and any elf can easily identify the tribe of the wearer by the markings on their clothes. Elven outfits are not normally available to outsiders at all. In addition, various portions of an elven outfit are designed to be reversible, and carry camouflage patterns on the reverse. Reversing an elven outfit takes one minute, and provides the wearer a +2 circumstance bonus to Stealth checks in desert terrain. Elven outfits also provide a +2 bonus to any Bluff or Diplomacy checks made to seduce someone. Finally, an elven outfit provides +1 heat protection and immunity to sunburn (see the Combat & Survival chapter). An elven outfit can be crafted as masterwork, for the normal price for masterwork armor. Masterwork elven outfits can be worn over light armor. Heatsuit Outfit: This heavy suit is designed to protect against the brutal heat of the desert. It consists of heavy pants and coat, a specially treated leather apron, thick mittens, a thick hood, and goggles. A heatsuit provides +3 heat protection and immunity to sunburn (see the Combat & Survival chapter).


Although the outfit consists of heavy clothing, its heat-resistant materials negate the usual penalty for wearing heavy clothes in hot environments. High Templar's Outfit: The ultimate symbol of rank, the high templar's outfit differs between each city-state. This set of clothing is made of the best material produced in each city-state and is tailored to each individual. Wearing the proper high templar outfit for a city's Templarate grants a +2 bonus to Diplomacy checks in Secular Authority contests. Royal Defiler's Outfit: Royal defilers, who practice sorcery with the backing of a sorcerer-king, must clearly indicate their protected status if they are to be spared the mob's wrath. This set of clothing is made from the best materials available in a city-state, and is second in quality only to a templar's uniform. Wearing the proper defiler's outfit for a city provides a +2 circumstance bonus to Intimidate checks against citizens of that city. Slave's Outfit: This simple set of clothes consists of a loincloth, or a short skirt and sleeveless tunic, all made of rough-hewn materials. Wastelander's Outfit: Similar to the clothing of the elven tribes, this set of clothes usually includes a large hooded clothes, layers of heat-resistant cloth, and reinforced leather padding designed to protect against blowing sand and sharp rocks. A wastelander's outfit provides +1 heat protection, immunity to sunburn, and a +2 bonus to Stealth checks in badland, desert, or mountain terrain (pick one when the outfit is made). A wastelander's outfit can be crafted as masterwork, for the normal price of masterwork armor. Masterwork wastelander's outfits can be worn over light armor.

Wine, Cactus: Most Athasian wine is made from pressed and fermented cactus juices, carefully sweetened and filtered to eliminate toxins. Cactus wine varies from region to region, and along with broy is the common alcoholic beverage of the lower and middle classes. Wine, Faro: Once every ten years, the temperamental faro cactus blooms and produces fruit. Faro fruits are either sold plain or, more commonly, turned into valuable preserves and even more valuable wines. Faro wine is cool and dry, and generally considered far superior to ordinary cactus wine. Its scarcity and cost, however, restrict faro wine to the upper classes, to the point that simply possessing faro wine without a patent of nobility is a crime in Raam and Nibenay.

Mounts and Pack Beasts

Traveling across the Athasian wastes is dangerous and slow. Mounts can speed the crossing and provide valuable protection for wanderers and caravans. These mounts replace those in the Pathfinder Core Rules. Crodlu: A crodlu is a large bipedal lizard, resembling a scaled ostrich. A cordlu is an appropriate mount for a Medium humanoid. Crodlu can be difficult to control in battle without combat training. Crodlu benefit from stabling, can wear barding, and require feeding. Erdland: These creatures are large, flightless birds that weigh around 2 tons and can stand up to 15 feet tall. Erdlands are usually used to pull caravans, but are also often found as mounts for Medium or Large creatures. Erdlands are comfortable in battle, and do not require special combat training. Erdlands benefit from stabling, can wear barding, and require feeding. Many Athasian travelers can find free lodging and Erdlu: Erdlus are a smaller variety of erdland, sustenance courtesy of psionic academies, merchant mostly used as herd beasts. They stand 7 feet tall and houses, or similar organizations. Adventurers, weigh around 200 lbs. An erdlu can serve as a mount however, often find that they need to pay for for a Medium humanoid. Erdlus are hard to control in hospitality. The prices listed here replace those listed battle, and are very rarely combat trained. Erdlus in the Pathfinder Core Rules. Note that characters larger benefit from stabling, can wear barding, and require or smaller than Medium require different amounts of feeding. When properly maintained, erdlus regularly food; see the Combat & Survival chapter for details. lay enormous eggs which can serve as a day's rations Broy: Broy is made from fermented kank necter. for a Medium creature. Served plain, it is potent and foul tasting. However, Inix: The inix is a large reptile with a heavy, clubbroy is usually spiced with a common herb that like tail, commonly used as a beast of burden or disguises its sourness. mount. An inix is an appropriate mount for a Medium

Food, Drink, and Lodging


or Large humanoid, and are often fitted with howdahs (see below). Inixes are extremely strong beasts of burden, and can carry twice as much weight as their Strength would indicate. Inixes benefit from stabling, can wear custom barding (costing 50% more than normal), and require feeding. Kank: A kank is an eight-foot insect, commonly used as a personal mount. These insects cannot be used as food, as their meat is rancid and toxic to humanoids, but they regularly produce highly nutritious globules of honey when well maintained. Kanks can be encouraged to grow to various sizes, and serve as effective mounts for Small, Medium, or Large creatures. Any kank bred for a non-Medium creature costs 50% more than the listed price, and is usually more difficult to obtain. A kank is difficult to control in battle without combat training. Kanks benefit from stabling, but do not wear barding. A kank does not need to be fed – it will forage for basic necessities in any terrain, and can without any food or water for weeks. Mekillot: A mekillot is an enormous, six-ton shelled lizard. Mekillots are known for their skittish nature and foul temper, and usually require psionic handlers to manage. They are too large to serve as personal transportation, but are commonly employed as combat troop transports or for hauling heavy cargo or caravans. Mekillots benefit from stabling, can wear barding, and require feeding. A mekillot needs eight times as much food as a normal mount.

Vehicles and Transport

Sometimes it's too dangerous to ride through the desert on a kank. Traveling in small company, or with valuables, requires other forms of transportation. Vehicles in Athas are universally muscle-powered, pulled by beasts of burden or slaves. Beasts are controlled by the Handle Animal skill; creatures with Intelligence 3 or higher are controlled by Diplomacy; and slaves or forced labor are controlled by Intimidate. Chariot: A chariot is a two-wheeled vehicle used for transportation, racing, war, and processions. Transport chariots are very small and simple, requiring only a single animal to draw, or just as often, two human slaves. A war chariot is built for two riders and much better constructed. Usually one person will

drive the chariot while the other wields a bow or other ranged weapon. Great chariots are built for four people and are very heavily constructed, requiring at least two mounts. War chariots and great chariots offer cover to their occupants. Great chariots are fitted with blades on their wheel spokes which deal 1d10 damage to any creature adjacent to the chariot while it is moving. Howdah: A howdah is an enclosure mounted on a riding animal containing space for one or more people. Howdahs can be fitted for inixes or mekillots, and provide shade and cover from the elements. An inix howdah can hold only one person, while a war howdah can hold up to four. A mekillot howdah can hold up to two people, but a war howdah is much larger, a two-level tower that can hold up to sixteen. War howdahs for either beast provide cover to their occupants. Wagon: Wagons are a critical element of the Athasian economy, as they facilitate the caravans that make life in the wastes possible. Open wagons are basic, open-topped carts that can carry a certain amount of cargo. Enclosed wagons have thin walls which can exclude the elements, and generally carry people or light, fragile cargo. As Athasian wagons are built with little or no metal, their carrying capacity is strictly limited. Open and enclosed wagons require two beasts or one erdland to draw them. Armored wagons are a form of enclosed wagon uncommon outside merchant house caravans, designed to protect contents and riders. Their walls are reinforced by agafari wood, creating sturdy barriers. There are also mounts for siege crossbows on all sides of the wagon which allow the mounted bows to swivel 180 degrees, though only enough room to mount two bows at once. Anyone firing the crossbows from the wagon's “gunports” receives cover. Armored wagons require at least four smaller mounts to draw them, or two inixes, or one mekillot.

D Enchanted Items

Enchanted items are relatively uncommon in Athas, and certainly not available for sale. Despite the high level of psionic talent in the Athasian populace, few can afford to train that talent, and few of those so privileged go on to manufacture enchanted items. It is


occasionally possible to commission an enchanted item from a psion, but such commissions are costly indeed. Those interested in obtaining magical gear are best advised to seek the Bardic Quarter of the local city-state, where bards and alchemists can offer healing tonics and even, with a word in the right ear, connections to less-reputable enchanters such as mages. Do not be squeamish about the nature of the enchantments that you receive, however: enchantermages are often defilers who deal incredible damage to the land for ease in their labor.

Creating Enchanted Items

Except as noted here, creating an enchanted item works exactly as described in the Pathfinder Core Rules. Be aware that new item creation feats, which can be found in the Character Options chapter, have replaced the original Pathfinder item creation feats. Spell Knowledge: Enchanters no longer need to know specific spells to create enchantments. Any item may be created by any enchanter. The only exceptions are those items which cast or manifest specific spells or powers (scrolls, wands, dorjes, etc.). If the enchanter is a spellcaster, he must have the spell on his class list and be able to cast it. If the enchanter is a psion, he must know the power in question. Power Source: As a direct consequence of the rule on spell knowledge presented above, nearly any item may be crafted by any enchanter. It is irrelevant for most items whether the enchanter uses psionics, arcane magic, or divine magic. Though the enchanter's power source might affect the item's appearance, it will not change the item's function. Defiling: A wizard-enchanter faces a unique temptation, and has a unique tool: his ability to defile. The energy granted from defiling allows a mage to create enchanted items quickly and at little cost. Doing so halves the creation time of the enchanted item and reduces the material cost by 10% (to 45% of the market price of the item). However, the mage must defile an area of 100 square feet per caster level of the highest level enchantment on the item. For example, a sword with a +1 enhancement bonus (CL 3) and the flaming enchant (CL 10) would require the enchanter to defile an area of 1,000 square feet. Items enchanted by defiling cannot be discerned from items enchanted by other means.

Types of Enchanted Items

Athas can provide any classical sort of enchanted item, plus several new kinds designed for psionicists. Items can be crafted in a wide variety of forms, limited only by the creativity of their creator. However, some forms are more common than others. Items in this chapter have common shapes which might be unexpected, or may be entirely new types of items. Potions: Athasian potions take all sorts of forms. They are rarely found in glass vials, because glass is a valuable and rare commodity. Instead, potions often come in the form of oils, which can be quickly rubbed into the skin, or small fruits, which grant the potion's benefits when consumed. Potion-fruits are easy to discern from ordinary fruits, as they are often designed to glow slightly or tingle to the touch. The strangest of all are tattoos, which usually contain psionic powers rather than spells. Tattoos are made from a thick, oily ink which is applied directly to the skin. Even if scraped off, enchanted tattoos retain their shape when applied to another user. A tattoo can be activated by tapping it in a specific pattern. Scrolls: In the illiterate Tablelands, where even many mages are incapable of understanding the written word, scrolls are poorly designed to serve their purpose. They are usually replaced by small figurines carved from wood or bone, often designed to reflect the nature of the power that they carry. Scroll figurines crumble into dust when their magic is spent. Staves: Enchanted staves are not common in Athas, as the image of a staff-bearing mage is too ingrained in the public consciousness for most real mages to feel comfortable in providing any fuel for the fires of superstition. Heavy sets of linked bracelets are the most common substitute, each individual bracelet enchanted with a different spell. Stave-like objects called psicrowns can be crafted by psionic enchanters to hold powers just like a staff holds spells. Psicrowns follow all rules for staves, except as noted below. Each psicrown has a fixed manifester level which applies to all of its powers. The minimum manifester level for a psicrown is equal to the power point cost of the most expensive power stored in the crown. As with staves, the manifester level of the psicrown may be increased by spending more money to create the item.


A psicrown is created with a power point reserve rather than charges. A psicrown contains 50 power points per manifester level of the psicrown. The powers within the psi-crown may be manifested and augmented freely from the psicrown's power point reserve, though the user may not spend more power points than the psi-crown's manifester level on any single power. Wands: Like staves, wands are so strongly associated with arcane magic that mages fear to carry them. Wands have appeared in many forms, and are possibly the most variable of enchanted items, but one common variety is made to look like small weapons, such as daggers or saps. These items function quite handily as ordinary weapons, but can also be used to create magical effects like a wand. Wand-like objects called dorjes can be crafted by psionic enchanters to hold powers just like a wand holds spells. Dorjes follow all rules for wands, except as noted below. Unlike wands, a dorje can hold a power of any level. A dorje's manifester level can be increased when it is created by increasing the cost of the dorje, just like with a wand. If the power contained in the dorje is augmentable, it is augmented to the limit allowed by the dorje's manifester level. If multiple different augmentations are possible, the precise allocation of augmentations must be chosen when the dorje is created. Manifesters cannot augment a dorje's power with their own power points.

Armor Enchantments

The following enchantments supplement those found in the Pathfinder Core Rules. Gleaming: This armor gleams, flashes, and blurs the appearance of the wearer, granting him concealment. Faint illusion; CL 5; Price +3 bonus. Linked: This armor allows its wearer to form a telepathic bond with other wearers of linked armor within 10 miles. Establishing this bond requires line of sight to the bondee and mutual agreement to accept the bond. This effect is otherwise similar to the mindlink power. Moderate divination; CL 6; Price +6,000 Cp. Power Resistance: This kind of armor grants the wearer powr resistance while it is worn. The power

Armor Special Ability

Cost Modifier


+720 Cp


+1 bonus

Power resistance (PR 13)

+2 bonus


+6,000 Cp


+3 bonus

Power resistance (PR 15)

+3 bonus

Power resistance (PR 17)

+4 bonus


+4 bonus

Power resistance (PR 19)

+5 bonus


resistance can be 13, 15, 17, or 19, depending on the amount that was built into the armor. Strong abjuration; CL 15; Price +2 bonus (PR 13), +3 bonus (PR 15), +4 bonus (PR 17), or +5 bonus (+PR 19). Radiant: The wearer of this armor gains resistance 10 against energy attacks (acid, cold, electricity, fire, and sonic damage). When the wearer is struck by an energy attack, the armor converts the energy into harmless light and radiates bright light in a 60-foot radius for 1 round per point of damage prevented by the armor's resistance. Successive energy attacks add to the duration of this light radiation. Strong transmutation; CL 9; Price +4 bonus. Recovery: This armor grants its wearer a sudden burst of energy at need. It can restore up to 5 hit points per day as an immediate action. The wearer can divide up these hit points as he chooses. Faint conjuration; CL 2; Price +720 Cp. Swiftness: This armor increases the wearer's speed by +5 feet. Faint transmutation; CL 4; Price +1 bonus.

Weapon Enchantments

The following enchantments supplement those found in the Pathfinder Core Rules. Collision: Collision weapons transmute their ends with each swing to increase their mass, making their attacks hit much harder. Collision weapons deal +5 damage on each successful strike. Ranged weapons bestow this extra damage on their ammunition. Moderate transmutation; CL 10; Price +2 bonus. Dislocator: Up to three times per day, the wielder of this weapon can attempt to dislocate an enemy on his next attack with this weapon. On a hit, the foe is teleported 1-100 miles in a random direction unless it


succeeds on a Will save (DC 17). Ranged weapons extra damage is applied even if the psychokinesis bestow this effect on their ammunition. If the attack ability is not active. misses, the use is wasted. Strong evocation; CL 12; Price +2 bonus. Strong conjuration; CL 12; Price +3 bonus. Mindfeeder: When the wielder of this weapon scores a critical hit with the weapon, he immediately gains temporary power points equal to the damage dealt by the critical hit. These temporary power points last for 10 minutes, and are spent before normal power points. Temporary power points do not overlap – if a character gains temporary power points while he already has some, he keeps whichever total is higher. Any temporary power points not spent within 10 minutes are lost. The target of the critical hit does not need to have power points for the wielder of a mindfeeder weapon to gain temporary power points, but creatures immune to mind-affecting abilities do not grant temporary power points. Strong enchantment; CL 15; Price +3 bonus. Precognitive: A precognitive weapon perceives an instant into the future, and works of its own accord to position its wielder in the most favorable ways. The wielder of a precognitive weapon gains a +1 insight bonus to Armor Class, CMD, and all saving throws. Faint divination; CL 5; Price +8,000 Cp. Psychokinetic: When commanded, a psychokinetic weapon flows with deadly energy. The wielder of the weapon is not harmed by this energy, but any other creature risks harm. A psychokinetic weapon deals +1d6 damage on a successful hit. Faint evocation; CL 10; Price +1 bonus. Psychokinetic Burst: This weapon functions as a psychokinetic weapon that also releases a blast of destructive energy on a successful critical hit. In addition to the extra damage from the psychokinesis ability, a psychokinetic burst weapon deals +1d10 damage on a successful critical hit. If the weapon's critical multiplier is x3, add +2d10 damage instead, and if the multiplier is x4, add +3d10 damage. This Weapon Special Ability

Cost Modifier


+1 bonus


+2 bonus

Psychokinetic burst

+2 bonus


+8,000 Cp


+3 bonus


+3 bonus




The world of Athas is harsh and unforgiving. Reckless use of defiling magic has caused ecological collapse, dimming the sun and turning the land into a desert wasteland. The air itself is full of choking dust, and water is rare and precious. This chapter features new and expanded rules for surviving the hazardous wastes.

healing spell automatically cures one minor wound, plus an additional minor wound for every 10 hit points it restores. If a character is restored to full hit points by any means, all of his minor wounds are immediately healed.

Major and Severe Wounds

When a character is rendered unconscious by damage (either lethal or nonlethal), he automatically suffers a major wound. Roll on the table below to determine Combat is dangerous. This, above all other things, what sort of wound he suffers. should be understood. Even the greatest of heroes If the same character is rendered unconscious by should attempt to avoid fights. Obviously, death is a damage a second time before his major wound is risk, but seasoned adventurers also fear even simple treated, he gains a new major wound from the table wounds, for a hard blow in the wrong place can wreck and his existing major wound becomes a severe havoc on the body for days or weeks to come. Worse wound. If the character is rendered unconscious three yet, a wound left untreated can become aggravated or more times before his wounds are treated, he and inflict permanent disability. continues to gain a new major wound each time, his existing major wounds become severe wounds, and any existing severe wounds may become permanent A character struck by a severe blow in combat might injuries (see below). become injured. Whenever a character suffers a critical Minor wounds, major wounds, severe wounds, hit, or takes damage in excess of his wound threshold and permanent injuries all stack. For example, when a from a single attack, he must make a Fortitude save or character with a major leg wound becomes suffer a minor wound (DC 10 + one-quarter of the unconscious, he now has both a major leg wound and damage dealt). A character's wound threshold equals a severe leg wound (as well as another unspecified one-quarter of his hit points plus his Constitution major wound). score. If he fails the save, roll on the table below to A major wound persists until the character is determine what sort of wound he takes. All penalties restored to full hit points, no matter what means are from minor wounds stack. used to accomplish this goal. Characters without Minor wounds persist until they are treated with access to magical healing must accept the necessity of the Heal skill (see the Character Options chapter) or bed rest to recover. Severe wounds take the form of until the character receives magical healing. Each

D Injury

Minor Wounds

Wounds and Injuries Roll Wound Location Minor Wound

Major Wound

Severe Wound

Permanent Injury

-1 AC, +5% spell/power failure, -1 mental checks/skills

-3 AC, 20% spell/power failure, -5 mental checks/skills

4 CON damage, 2 INT damage, 2 WIS damage

-2 INT, -2 WIS, -2 CHA, -1 AC, 10% spell/power failure

6-10 Torso

-1 attack, -1 AC, -1 physical checks/skills

-3 attack, -3 AC, -5 physical checks/skills

2 STR damage, 4 CON damage, 2 DEX damage

-4 CON, -1 attack, -1 AC

11-15 Arm

-1 attack, -1 CMB, -1 CMD, -3 attack, -3 CMB, -3 CMD, 4 STR damage, 4 DEX -1 physical checks/skills -5 physical checks/skills damage

-2 STR, -2 DEX, -1 attack, -2 physical checks/skills

16-20 Leg

-5 ft move speed, -1 physical checks/skills

-4 DEX, -5 ft move speed, -2 physical checks/skills



Halve move speed, -5 physical checks/skills



4 STR damage, 4 DEX damage

ability score damage, and heal just like any other form of ability score damage. A successful DC 15 Heal check reduces the penalties from a major wound (see Temperature extremes are one of the greatest and the Character Options chapter for details). most common dangers of the Athasian wastelands. The large, dark sun heats the landscape to searing temperatures during the day, but the fall of night sees A character who is rendered unconscious while he has temperatures fall into brutal, hypothermia-inducing a severe wound must make a DC 20 Fortitude save or cold. Wasteland travelers have developed a variety of suffer a permanent injury. Permanent injuries means to cope with this enormous range of represent crippling wounds – a gimp leg, lost fingers, temperatures. Most Athasians, when forced to travel, a missing eye. Without magical aid, a permanent bring both cooling heat-resistant clothes and heavy injury is truly permanent – it cannot be healed by winter blankets to stave off the nightly chill. ordinary means. A restoration spell cast on the injured character halves the penalties from the injury, but only a regeneration, miracle, or wish spell can fully cure a Heat deals nonlethal damage that cannot be recovered permanent injury. A successful DC 25 Heal check, until the character finds some way to cool off (spends administered within one minute of a permanent time in the shade, bathes in water, and so on). Once injury, can prevent the injury entirely (see the the character has taken an amount of nonlethal Character Options chapter for details). damage equal to her total hit points, any further damage from a hot environment becomes lethal damage, which is also untreatable without cooling. Characters can strike specifically to wound their Once the character has found a way to cool off, she enemy using a called shot. Called shots are a new type responds normally to healing. of combat maneuver, and use all existing rules for Any character that takes damage from heat is combat maneuvers. A called shot can be used in place afflicted by heatstroke and becomes fatigued. If she of a normal attack in a full attack or in a monk's flurry takes nonlethal damage equal to her current hit points, of blows. Attempting a called shot provokes an attack she also becomes staggered, as normal. Characters of opportunity from the target. wearing heavy clothing or any sort of armor take a -4 If the maneuver is successful, roll damage as if for penalty to their saving throws against heat hazards. A a normal attack. The target takes half that damage, successful DC 15 Survival check grants a character a and must make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + one-half +2 bonus to saves against heat; they may grant this damage dealt) or suffer a minor wound of your choice. bonus to one additional creature for each point by If you rolled a critical hit on your combat maneuver which their Survival result exceeded 15. check for the weapon that you used to make the Heat is measured in temperature bands. Each attack, deal damage as if you had rolled a critical hit band imposes increasing damage and penalties from on an attack roll. If you have the Weapon Finesse feat the heat. and are using a weapon that receives its benefits, the Warm: Between 61° F and 90° F, characters are save DC against your called shots increases by +2. comfortable and able to act freely without penalty. If you have the Improved Called Shot feat, you do Sample Conditions: shaded area, dawn or twilight. not provoke an attack of opportunity for attempting a Hot: Between 91° F and 110° F, characters begin to called shot, and you gain a +2 bonus to your CMB and suffer from the heat and must make a Fortitude save CMD for called shots. If you have the Greater Called every hour (DC 15 + 1 per previous save) or take 1d4 Shot feat, enemies take a -2 penalty to their saving points of nonlethal damage. Characters reduced to throw to resist the wounds inflicted by your called unconsciousness begin taking 1d4 lethal damage per shot, and if you successfully wound an enemy they hour. Sample Conditions: early morning, early evening, also take bleed damage. normal oasis.

D Temperature

Permanent Injuries

Heat Hazards

Called Shots


Severe Heat: Between 111° F and 140° F, characters must make a Fortitude save once every 10 minutes (DC 15 + 1 per previous save) or take 1d4 points of nonlethal damage. Characters reduced to unconsciousness take 1d4 lethal damage every ten minutes. Sample Conditions: typical noon, cool times on a salt flat. Extreme Heat: Between 141° F and 180° F, characters automatically take 1d6 points of lethal damage every 10 minutes (no save). In addition, unprotected characters must make successful Fortitude saves every 10 minutes (DC 15 + 1 per previous save) or take 1d4 points of nonlethal damage. Any character wearing metal armor or coming into contact with metal is damaged as if affected by a heat metal spell as long as they remain in this area. Shade in an area of extreme heat reduces temperatures to Hot instead of Warm, preventing characters from recovering from heatstroke without further assistance. Sample Conditions: noon on a salt flat, high summer noon in the wastes, the Elemental Plane of Fire, the Paraelemental Plane of Sun. Unearthly Heat: Temperatures over 181° F are incredibly deadly, and very uncommon in the natural world. Characters take 1d6 points of lethal damage and 1d4 points of nonlethal damage per round (no save). Any character wearing metal armor or coming into contact with metal is damaged as if affected by a heat metal spell as long as they remain in this area. Shade in an area of extreme heat reduces temperatures to Severe Heat instead of Warm, preventing characters from recovering from heatstroke without further assistance. Sample Conditions: high summer noon on a salt flat, the Elemental Plane of Fire, the Paralemental Plane of Sun.

Heat Protection Level

Save Bonus Heat Resistance Heat Reduction







-1 band










-2 bands










-3 bands


Heat Resistance: For every two levels of heat protection that a character has, he automatically resists 1 point of lethal and nonlethal damage dealt by heat hazards. Heat Reduction: A character with heat protection is able to reduce the danger of heat hazards. High levels of heat protection reduce the effective temperature band that the character inhabits. A character with heat protection 2 treats the temperature as one band lower; heat protection 5 allows him to treat the temperature as two bands lower; and heat protection 8 allows him to treat the temperature as three bands lower. This also reduces a character's water needs by the same number of steps (see below). For example, a character with heat protection 5 would treat wasteland terrain as shaded for the purpose of determining water loss and dehydration.

Cold Hazards

Like heat, extreme cold deals nonlethal damage that cannot be recovered until the character finds some way to become warm. Usually this requires shelter of some sort. Any character that takes damage from cold begins to suffer from hypothermia and becomes fatigued. If she takes nonlethal damage equal to her To combat the extreme dangers of the day's heat, current hit points, she also becomes staggered, as Athasians have developed many tools and skills to normal. Heavy, warm clothing can protect a character cool themselves. In an effort to simplify the mechanics from extreme cold, allowing her to make saves against of such techniques, Dark Sun introduces a new hypothermia less frequently. A successful DC 15 mechanic called heat protection. Heat protection is a Survival check grants a character a +2 bonus to saves rating between 1 and 8. against cold; they may grant this bonus to one Save Bonus: A character with heat protection additional creature for each point by which their gains a +1 bonus to saving throws against heat. This Survival result exceeded 15. bonus increases by +1 for every 2 levels of additional As with heat, cold is measured in temperature heat protection. bands. Each band imposes increasing damage and

Heat Protection


penalties from the cold. Moderate: Between 60° F and 40° F, characters are relatively comfortable and may act freely, although such cool temperatures represent a sharp contrast from the heat of an Athasian day. Sample Conditions: early evening in the Tyr Valley. Cold: Between 39° F and 0° F, characters start to risk frostbite. They must make a Fortitude save every hour (DC 15 + 1 per previous save) or take 1d4 points of nonlethal damage. Characters reduced to unconsciousness begin taking 1d4 lethal damage per hour. Characters with reliable cold protection (shelter and heavy blankets, heavy cold-resistant clothing, etc.) are unaffected by Cold conditions. Sample Conditions: middle of the night in the Tyr Valley. Severe Cold: Between -1° F and -20° F, characters must make a Fortitude save once every 10 minutes (DC 15 + 1 per previous save) or take 1d4 points of nonlethal damage. Characters reduced to unconsciousness take 1d4 lethal damage every ten minutes. Characters with reliable cold protection need only make saving throws once every hour, and those protected by an endure elements spell are entirely unaffected by Severe Cold. Sample Conditions: winter midnight in the Tyr Valley, high passes of the Ringing Mountains. Extreme Cold: Below -21° F, characters automatically take 1d6 points of lethal damage every 10 minutes (no save). In addition, unprotected characters must make successful Fortitude saves every 10 minutes (DC 15 + 1 per previous save) or take 1d4 points of nonlethal damage. Characters with reliable cold protection need only make saving throws once every thirty minutes. Any character wearing metal armor or coming into contact with metal is damaged as if affected by a chill metal spell as long as they remain in this area. Sample Conditions: winter in the Ringing Mountains, Tyr-Storm.


D Sustenance


In the wastes, food is much scarcer than it seems. Many of the creatures that inhabit the Tyr Valley are poisonous, whether by way of being actually venomous or by consuming enough toxins to make their meat nauseatingly foul. Psionic beasts present a special hazard – many rely on their natural psychic abilities to maintain equilibrium in their bodies, and after death their flesh rapidly becomes toxic. Plants are also often dangerous; for every safe and nutritious bit of vegetation found in the wastes, there are five which cause a tearing illness when eaten. A Knowledge check will indicate which things are edible and which are too dangerous to eat. The Survival skill can be used to detoxify food to make it edible. A Medium creature requires at least one pound of food every day to avoid starvation. Double this amount for each size category above Medium, and halve it for each size category below Medium. Thus, a Small creature requires only half a pound of food, while a Large creature needs two pounds. This food must be reasonably nutritious – cactus needles can provide a filling breakfast, but they are hardly nourishing, while food that is too toxic to keep down cannot provide its nutrients to the body. A creature can go without sufficient food for 3 days without penalty. After that time, it must make a Constitution check each day (DC 10 + 1 per previous check). On failure, it takes takes 1d6 points of nonlethal damage and begins starving. This damage cannot be healed by any means until the creature can consume a day's worth of food. A starving creature is fatigued until it has eaten; if it has also taken damage from dehydration or heat, it is instead exhausted. A starving creature which has taken nonlethal damage equal to its total hit points treats all further damage from starvation as lethal damage.

While starvation is always a hazard in the wastes, In the wasteland, basic necessities are often difficult to the true killer is thirst. Burning heat and dessicating winds can reduce even the strongest man to a come by. The local animals are few, and usually shambling wreck, and eventually to another set of dangerous or toxic. Water is scarce, scattered across tiny oases. In such conditions, starvation and thirst are bleached bones in the desert. Very little moisture can be found in the Athasian wastes; even the Crescent an ever-present risk, especially as the heat of the Forest is dry, a woodland of evergreens and other burning sun pulls all moisture from the body. plants which need little water. The little rainfall in the


wastes comes from irregular storms coming over the Ringing Mountains, which are usually accompanied by vast mudslides and destructive floods. Consistent water supplies can be found at oases, well-known and well-marked locations around the wastes where groundwater has trickled to the surface. Oasis-water is usually tainted with heavy mineral deposits, but the thirsty travelers rarely care, for water spells life. A Medium creature requires one gallon of water each day. Double this amount for each size category above Medium, and halve it for each size category below Medium. Thus, a Small creature requires only half a gallon of water each day, while a Large creature needs two gallons. The terrain that the creature is traveling or living in affects these water requirements; see the table below for details. Water contaminated by toxins still provides its nourishment, but at the cost of illness and disease. In a Warm or cooler environment, a creature can last 24 + Con score hours without water before being affected by thirst. This time is reduced in particularly hot environments; see the table below for details. A salt flat is even less hospitable than the wasteland, and the Plane of Fire burns water directly out of the skin. A creature with heat protection sufficient to grant immunity to effects of the local heat can use the Warm times for dehydration. After this time, it must make a successful Constitution check every hour (DC 10 + 1 per previous check) or take 1d6 nonlethal damage and become dehydrated. Damage from dehydration cannot be healed by any means until the dehydration is treated. A dehydrated creature is fatigued until it has been treated; if it has also taken damage from starvation, it is instead exhausted. Furthermore, if a dehydrated creature would take nonlethal damage from heat, that damage is instead treated as lethal damage. A dehydrated character must be treated as with Dehydration Time By Terrain Daily Water (Medium Creature)

Time To Dehydration

Shade, underground

1 gallon

24 + Con hours

Forests, mountains

2 gallons

12 + Con hours

Wasteland terrains

3 gallons

6 + Con hours

Salt flats, obsidian plains

4 gallons

3 + Con hours

Elemental Plane of Fire

5 gallons

Con hours

Terrain Example

long-term care (see the Heal skill in the Character Options chapter). This treatment takes 24 hours and double the normal amount of water required each day for the conditions (for instance, 2 gallons of water for a Medium creature in a Warm environment). A character who has taken lethal damage from dehydration or heat is more difficult to treat; see the Heal skill for details. Once this Heal check has succeeded, the character may recover from dehydration and heat damage by normal means. The heal spell can be used to rehydrate a character in place of the recovery time, water, and Heal check.

D Terrain

It would be a mistake to imagine Athas as a desert world, a place of sand dunes and jagged escarpments. The more appropriate general term is “wasteland” – a desolate and unforgiving world, but with variety in its structure. The Tyr Valley encompasses many miles of rolling dunes, but also includes rocky, hard-baked fields, and bubbling mud flats, and shining salt plains. To the south lie the Dead Lands, a wasteland more terrible still, for few things can survive in a land where the earth is solid obsidian and no plant can grow. To the north, through the enormous passes hewn through the Ringing Mountains, the land grows wild and unnatural, a twisted horror full of unnatural creatures and dangerous magic. Even in desolate Athas, however, there are scattered regions of life and growth, and travelers from the Hinterlands have returned with tales of water lakes and great jungles in the lands beyond the Tyr Valley. Each sort of terrain has its own characteristics and hazards which travelers must take into account.


The rocky badlands of the Tyr Valley are labyrinths of narrow, twisting canyons winding their way through a region of high ground. The canyons are walled by cliffs of crumbling rock, and the hilltops consist of little more than knife-sharp ridges separating one canyon from the next. There tend to be concentrations of oases in the badlands, so they are a natural haven for hermits, raiding tribes, and creatures of all sorts. Mountains lie at the heart of the badlands, although they are usually little more than massive pinnacles of



rock rising from the surrounding hills. Occasionally, however, they are true mountains, rising thousands of feet high. Traveling through the badlands is not especially difficult so long as one is willing to stay in the bottom of the canyons and has no interest in moving in a straight line. Those wishing to go somewhere other than where the canyon leads quickly discover that scaling the canyon walls – often sheer cliffs – is practically impossible, especially if they have much cargo. The gulches of the badlands are often covered with diminutive trees bearing tiny silver, gold, or purple leaves. There is also an abundance of low-lying brush with serrated silver leaves. The twigs of the trees make excellent grazing for any reptile, but should not be fed to kanks, which die within days of eating even a mouthful of the stuff. The serrated leaves of the low bushes should not be eaten by any creature, as the edges are lined with sharp fragments that tear apart the insides of whatever eats them.

The other notable forest is a rather different proposition. High in the Ringing Mountains, the stony cliffs suddenly give way to a gently falling ridgeline covered in bamboo and towering birch stands. The Forest Ridge is an ecological marvel, one of the few environments known which remains lush and green. For some reason, a wide band west of the summit of the Ringing Mountains is surprisingly moist. Nearly every morning, a gentle drizzle falls, and at night there is sometimes snow. As a traveler enters the forest, he quickly discovers that the vegetation is so thick that he must cut a path through it. The unstable gravel footing of the mountains has been replaced by soft, thick moss. The slopes are still steep, the cliffs just as rocky, and the plunging abysses just as deep and fatal, but they are hardly visible behind the curtain of vegetation. Few large predators lurk in the thick jungle, strangely enough. Most of the fauna of the Forest Ridge are small and inoffensive, albeit poisonous enough to drop a half-giant in his tracks. They are timid and flee from travelers, and little threat so long as one watches where one steps. The true threat of this land are the halfling tribes, who view all other species Forests are a rare sight in the parched wastes, but there are two worthy of the title. The most accessible is as potential food. The more savage tribes prefer to eat the Crescent Forest in the center of the Tablelands, and foreigners alive and screaming. Others are more so valuable that it boasts two city-states that compete civilized, and have the decency to slaughter and cook their meals first. Halflings traveling with a party of for its resources. The Crescent Forest contains the most green life east of the Ringing Mountains, and its “the big folk” are spared if possible, but any protests shelter at the foot of the Windbreak Mountains places on behalf of their comrades are met with the it in moist area, but even it has been forced to adapt to assumption that the halfling has been enchanted or magically seduced. the parched wasteland nearby. Its plants are hardy evergreens and thorn brush, which need little water to survive. When the area does experience heavy precipitation, an event that occurs once every several The Tyr Valley is doted with small mountain ranges, years, enormous boulder slides roll out of the and surround by the towering expanse of the Ringing Windbreak Mountains all the way to the edge of the Mountains. All mountains in this region of Athas are forest, causing massive damage. The true value of the twisty, shattered heaps of stone. Passes are for the Crescent Forest is its agafari stands, which make the most part fresh and jagged, often leading nowhere at warriors of Gulg and Nibenay better armed than any all. Navigating the mountains is treacherous without a except the metal-bearing soldiers of Tyr, and also fuel guide, and those are difficult to find at all. There are the endless conflict between the two cities. There are almost no roads through any inland mountains; what many worthy natural hazards in the Crescent Forest, paths do exist are little better than goat trails. from deadfalls to animate thorn briars to its unique Dangerous creatures lurk in the deep caves of the high venomous sparrows, but the greatest risk of all is to be passes, adding yet another danger to any crossing found by Gulg's roving bands of guerilla-rangers and attempt. executed for trespassing on the Oba's lands. The Ringing Mountains are a special danger, for




they are far larger than any of the inland mountains. To the north and south, the wall of the mountains have been carved away as if with a knife, possibly the remnant of an ancient cataclysm or war. These gashes in the mountain make egress possible, but with the Dead Lands to the south and endless arrays of desert and twisted waste to the north, travel outside the Tablelands is scarcely encouraged. The western mountains rise sharply from foothills to proper peaks, a series of steep, scree-covered slopes that are impossible to cover while mounted. The only passable regions follow winding, jagged cliffs into the heights, eventually plateauing at the Forest Ridge. The Ringing Mountains are characterized by deep abysses where the ground falls away with almost no warning. Many would-be explorers have fallen to their deaths by traveling too long into the dark. The eastern expanse of the mountains are as parched as the barrens below; when rainfall does pass over from the Forest Ridge, it usually causes flooding which can sweep the mountainside clean. Travelers who hear the rumble of thunder to the west are well advised to seek shelter from the mudslide that could follow.

Mud Flats

Scattered through the Sea of Silt, and even in the smaller silt basins, are small areas where ground water beneath the Sea has filtered up to the surface and turned the dust into mud. Mud flats are usually between 100 and 1000 feet in diameter. Their waterrich soil makes them incredibly fertile, and they are often covered in lush vegetation that pokes out over a layer of the ever-present silt. If the wind has blown away this dusty shield and exposed the mud beneath, the surface may be solid enough to support a humanoid. More likely, however, a man will find himself wallowing in waist-deep mud and dust. While this may seem more hospitable than the normal fall to the silt bed in the rest of the Sea, mud flats are often the home of strange, ferocious, and above all territorial creatures who view travelers as a meal waiting to leap into their jaws. The vegetation is also hostile, and occasionally carnivorous. Mud flats produce the closest thing to a jungle that most inhabitants of the Tablelands could hope to see: towering, naked-trunked trees capped by frond-like leaves and strung with winding lianas, the floor

beneath full of heavy ferns and long grasses. The grasses are a particular hazard, as the sharp-edged blades have an edge superior to ground obsidian and can slice to the bone in an instant. Bubbling pools of mud should be avoided, for all their promise of easy water; such mud is both scalding hot and incredibly toxic.

Obsidian Wastes

The environment of the Dead Lands is even harsher than the worst desert. Even sand and salt are more amenable to life than solid obsidian. No one knows how deep the obsidian coating may be, or what sort of cataclysm could create such desolation. Frozen rivers of black obsidian cover the land to the horizon and beyond, forming an eerie mimicry of the natural flow the land before the disaster. Dipping river beds and towering cliffs of volcanic glass show that this land was once at least as hospitable as the Tyr Valley, which only seems an improvement when compared to the blasted emptiness of the Dead Lands. Sometimes the ground opens in jagged gashes, which vent ash and toxic fumes. Most of the ground is covered in a thin layer of ash and dust, scarcely enough to conceal the pure obsidian beneath. That obsidian itself is rarely smooth anymore, having shattered into shards which can rend a traveler's feet to tatters. Similar environments can be found near large, active volcanoes, though not nearly so large as the Dead Lands. It seems that nothing should be able to survive in such a terrible environment, and indeed few things can. There are no plants worth mentioning – the very few that can grow in ash are scattered and incredibly toxic to all beings. Various supernatural beasts make their home in the Dead Lands, especially elemental beasts of Earth and Magma. Goliaths are believed to live somewhere deep in the interior of the Dead Lands, though where their home may be and how they survive is a mystery to all. The most common denizens of the Dead Lands, however, are the undead. Zombies of all sorts roam obsidian wastes, drawn there by an unknown hunger. Why the undead prefer such desolate environments is unclear, but most people in the Tablelands may be grateful that it is so.


Salt Flats

heavy mud, but without the refreshing coolness or life-giving moisture of the mud. Moreover, the loose Salt flats are just what the name implies – immense sand is more likely to produce one of the feared plains of salt-crusted ground. Salt flats are generally level and packed stone-hard, so traveling over them is sandstorms, which at the best of times create an fast and easy. However, forage is rare, scanty, and salt- impenetrable cloud of dust that blocks vision and chokes breath. At the worst, a tornado wind pushes tainted, and any plantlife should be avoided entirely. the sand at incredible speed, rending flesh from bone Few creatures live in a salt flat (though there are in mere minutes. aberrations aplenty), making it difficult to hunt for Plants are few and far between in the sandy food. Water is the worst problem of all. There are no wastes, for they must fight a constant losing battle known safe sources of water in salt flats; what water with the wind as it works to bury them beneath the may be found is either saturated with salt or poisonever-shifting earth. Still, there are occasional clumps of tainted and deadly. Moreover, the lack of any shade tough grass or scrawny salt brush bushes. Sandyand the reflective sheen of the salt allow salt flats to heat to incredible temperatures. Travelers in a salt flat growing plants are rarely nutritious, though not should bring large quantities of food and water or risk harmful. Some are known to have strange psychotropic effects on reptiles, however, and should dehydration and delirium. They should also bring be kept away from any mekillots, inixes, or other giant parasols or other forms of portable shade, for their lizards. mounts as well as themselves.

Sandy Wastes

Scrub Plains

The sandy wastes fulfill the normal expectations of the open desert: vast expanses of yellow sand, either piled into dunes or forming an expansive flat plane. The blowing winds form dunes, which come in many types. The most notable of these are mekillot dunes and star dunes. Mekillot dunes are formed when the local winds are strong and uniform, constantly pushing more sand in a single direction. Over the years, this creates veritable mountains of sand. The name comes from the great size and shape of the dunes, which resemble the hump of a mekillot's back. Mekillot dunes can stretch for many miles, and rise as high as 1,000 feet, making them an oft-cursed phenomena for those who must travel through the deep desert. Star dunes, by contrast, are usually relatively low, and are created where winds from many different directions meet. The shifting pattern of the air currents creates a writhing shape with many radial arms of sand. Star dunes seldom change and do not move far or quickly, and for this reason they serve as excellent landmarks in the deep desert. When the desert is open and not covered in dunes, it is usually a flat or rolling expanse of yellow sand as endless as the Sea of Silt. Dunes are relatively solid, for all their tendency to collapse, but open sand is much more difficult to traverse. The conditions are brutal and exhausting, much like wading through

Scrub plains are small tracts of dusty land dotted with clumps of grass, thorny bushes, and occasionally even spindly trees. These tracts are relatively scarce in the Tablelands, and valued for their relative fertility. Most city-states grew in the center of an especially large scrub plain, and rely on them for the agriculture that supplies the population, but there are others scattered around the Tyr Valley which are uncultivated. Because the scrub provides the best forage available, herders tend to overgraze these plains, stripping the land of all foliage and reducing it to a barren or sandy waste. What herders do not destroy from their ignorance, defilers often annihilate from greed. Although the scrub plains are not lush by any objective standard, they contain more vegetation than nearly any other Athasian terrain. Because of this, defilers are often attracted to these areas when first learning their black arts or seeking a magic-rich refuge. Between these twin pressures, it is a wonder that there are any scrub plains at all in the Tablelands. The survivors are defended either by the sorcerer-monarchs or druids. The former strictly enforce the laws against defiling in their farmlands, knowing the inevitable consequences of destroying their cities' food supply. The outlying scrublands are often inhabited by a druid, who will defend his territory from encroaching defilers with incredible ferocity. Druids are more friendly toward


herders, but always prioritize the good of the land over the herders' livelihood. The fertility of the scrub plains make them a natural home for all sorts of creatures and people. Their scarcity make them a source of conflict, more often than not. Herder tribes have engaged in all-out wars over foraging grounds, and jozhal and gith view this terrain as ideal. Oases are relatively common in scrub plains, which helps account for their fertility, and they also tend to receive more rainfall than normal. A scrub plain which has seen recent rain is instantly recognizable, as it is usually covered with quick-growing ground cover and wild flowers. Most plants in a scrub plain are edible for any creature, though dwarves and halflings should avoid anything with purple spots.

Silt Basins

To the east of the Tablelands lies an enormous basin known as the Sea of Silt. Filled with tiny particles of dust and silt, this enormous and intimidating geographic feature commands the same awe as the half-mythical oceans of the distant past. Similar bodies can be found inland, albeit much smaller. Collectively, they are known as silt basins, although the Sea of Silt is truly a silt ocean for any practical purpose. Silt basins are very similar to lakes of water: they are mostly flat, they have moon-linked tides, and heavy objects sink to the bottom. This last characteristic represents the true danger of silt basins. Their bottoms are rarely less than 10 feet down, and any unwary creature that steps out onto the seemingly-solid dust will fall through it as rapidly as if it were quicksand. Such an experience is almost always fatal – the bones of all sorts of beings are carried ashore at high tide. On the rare still day, silt basins look like endless plains of shining powder, usually pushed by previous wind currents into enormous dunes. Usually, however, a silt basin is not even visible. The slightest breeze stirs up a silvery pall of dust that clings to the surface like fog. It becomes impossible to tell where the silt-laden air ends and the dust-bed begins. A stronger wind can raise a vast cloud of dust that obscures vision as thoroughly as the worst sandstorm. On these days the silt claims many victims, who walked too near the edge of the sea and fall into a

deep silt drift, never to see the surface again. Strong silt-storms block out the sun entirely for a day or more after the wind itself has died, and it may take as much as a week before the dust has settled out of the air. The giant clans of the Sea of Silt have, over the centuries, maintained their freedom by ensuring that they alone know the safe crossings of the Sea's estuaries. A giant's height allows him to cross through most blowouts and siltdrops without danger, and over time, the giants have literally stamped out solid pathways beneath the ever-shifting layers of surface silt. These safeways are winding and treacherous, and are never taught to non-giants. Giant lorekeeepers pride themselves in their knowledge of the safeways, which are passed down through the communities in a complex oral tradition that is incomprehensible to outsiders.

Stony Barrens

Stony barrens are the most common type of terrain in the Tablelands. They consist primarily of large sheets of exposed bedrock – mostly orange-red sandstone. Of course, the bedrock is constantly weathered away, so the barrens are littered with stones ranging in size from pebbles to boulders. Large areas of rock are covered by a thick layer of red dirt, as well as waisthigh drifts of coarse orange sand and puffy heaps of yellow dust. Most travelers prefer to avoid the open ground of barrens, for wandering off a well-worn path takes one into a field of loose rocks, which make for treacherous footing. Large beasts simply grind the stones to powder, but most humanoids must move carefully along the rock fields, and vehicles will see their axles snap and their wheels pulverized within a few miles. For every rock in the stony barrens, there are a dozen thorns. Cactus grows everywhere and in every conceivable shape: needles, twisted masses of groundhugging tubes, tall spine-covered barrels rising as high as twenty feet with tree-like limbs. Many of these cacti are sources of both food and water, provided you are willing to work your way past their thorns, provided that you are familiar with the cactus. An unknown cactus is more threat than opportunity. Many cacti are toxic, and some even shoot poisoned needles at passing animals. The infamous cannibal cactus expels a cloud of paralyzing gas before its roots


shoot up from the dirt and consume its now-helpless prey. The assassin cactus may be even more horrible, as its long, willowy tendrils conceal mobile needles that drive into the flesh of any creature they touch, there to move through the body to impale the heart. When moving off of a road or other path in stony barrens, any creature smaller than Gargantuan treats the land as difficult terrain. All vehicles treat the land as difficult terrain in such conditions, and have a cumulative 5% chance per mile traveled of breaking an axle, wheel, or other critical component. For example, a wagon that travels 1 mile off-road in stony barrens has a 5% chance of breakage after the first mile. If it then travels a second mile, once it completes that travel, it must roll again with a 10% chance of breakage. A successful Profession (driver) check (DC 15) reduces the breakage chance by 10%; such a check may be made every mile.

Twisted Wastes

North of the Tyr Valley, through the gaping passes of the Ringing Mountains, the land quickly grows strange and unnatural. It still holds all the normal dangers of the wasteland, where appropriate, but all things are subtly changed. Wanderers have returned with tales of stone mesas that melt into the ground during the day and reform by the next dawn, of strangely verdant trees growing happily in salt flats that seem to move if you look away, and of all manner of deformed and altered creatures. The effects are mild at first, but the further north one travels, the stranger and more perilous the land becomes. Some say that a great, pristine spire stands far to the north, and that the changes are all the result of ancient magic tied to that spire. Others claim that a defiler of supreme power, perhaps another Dragon, has gone mad and shaped the chaotic landscape to suit his twisted nightmares. Whatever the cause, any traveler knows that the north is an unpredictable and dangerous place.

D Environmental Hazards The weather and environment of Athas are just as much a danger as monsters or raiders. Shelter can protect travelers from its worst ravages, as can some of the specialized items shown in the Equipment chapter.

The greatest defense, however, is knowledge. The ability to watch a storm front and predict its path and intensity can save lives and fortunes out in the wastes.

Wind and Storms

One of the most feared hazards of the desert is the sandstorm, strong windstorms which throw ash, sand, silt, or other gritty materials at high speeds. A typical sandstorm lasts for several hours, but it may take a day or even longer for the dust to settle out of the sky. Contrary to popular belief, normal duststorms and sandstorms do not bury people alive. The accumulation does not occur so quickly as to prevent escape or digging, but a sandstorm can still suffocate and kill victims by burying them under the accumulation. Suffocation, in fact, is the greatest danger of most sandstorms, followed by the exhaustion and pain caused by the swift-moving particles hitting the body. See the table above for the effects of high winds and sandstorms. Duststorms: Duststorms arise in waste areas when the wind speed rises above 30 miles per hour. A duststorm blows fine grains of sand that reduce visibility, smother unprotected flames, and can even choke protected flames, such as a lantern's light (50%) chance. A duststorm leaves behind a deposit of 1d6 inches of sand or other loose soil. Sandstorm: Sandstorms arise in waste areas when the wind speed rises above 50 miles per hour. Sandstorms limit visibility to 1d10 x 10 feet, smother unprotected flames, and choke protected flames like lantern lights (75% chance). Sandstorms deal 1d3 nonlethal damage to exposed creatures each round and pose a serious suffocation hazard. A sandstorm leaves 2d3-1 feet of fine sand in their wake. Sandstorm, Flensing: Flensing sandstorms arise in waste areas when the wind speed rises above 74 miles per hour. Flensing storms limit visibility to 1d10 x 5 feet and put out all flames, protected or not. Ranged attacks are impossible in a flensing sandstorm. Flensing sandstorms deal 1d3 lethal damage per round to exposed creatures and pose a serious suffocation hazard. A flensing sandstorm leaves 4d6 feet of sand in their wake. Sandstorm, Vortex: The worst sort of sandstorms are those which are caused by tornadoes, which are called vortex sandstorms. A vortex sandstorm is


Wind & Sandstorm Effects Wind Force Sandstorm Grade

Wind Speed

Storm Damage

Suffocation Risk1

Ranged Attacks

Perception Fly Checked Blown Penalty Penalty Size2 Away Size3


0-10 mph



11-20 mph



21-30 mph








31-50 mph







Windstorm Sandstorm

51-74 mph

1d3 nonlethal








Sandstorm, Flensing

75-174 mph

1d3 lethal








Sandstorm, Vortex

175-300 mph

1d4 lethal







1 Suffocation Risk: Characters outside shelter in a sandstorm without a filter mask or expertly-wrapped cloth (DC 15 Survival check) risk suffocating on the choking grit. A poorly-wrapped cloth grants 1d10 x Con score rounds of protection. Once a character's protection has expired, he has 2 x Con score rounds to find shelter, after which time he must begin making Constitution checks each round (DC 10 + 1 per previous check). On failure, he falls to 0 hit points and becomes unconscious. The next round, he falls to -1 hit points and begins dying. On the third round, he dies. 2 Checked: Creatures of this size or smaller must succeed on a DC 10 Strength check or be unable to move against the wind. Flying creatures must succeed on a DC 20 Fly check instead. 3 Blown Away: Creatures of this size or smaller that are on the ground must make a DC 15 Strength check or be knocked prone and rolled 1d4 x 10 feet, taking 1d4 nonlethal damage per 10 feet. Flying creatures must make a DC 25 Fly check or be blown 2d6 x 10 feet and take 2d6 nonlethal damage.

usually smaller than a flensing sandstorm, but much more violent. In addition to the penalties inflicted by a flensing sandstorm, vortex sandstorms deal 1d4 lethal damage per round and can suck creatures into their funnel. Any creature that is blown away by the wind is sucked toward the center of the storm. If a creature comes into contact with the actual funnel cloud, it is picked up and whirled around for 1d10 rounds, taking 6d6 damage per round before being violently expelled (and taking appropriate falling damage). A vortex sandstorm's funnel normally moves at roughly 30 miles per hour (or around 250 feet per round), but in a chaotic fashion. Whirlwinds: Areas without enough loose soil to create a true sandstorm can still experience powerful whirlwinds and windstorms. Treat these storms as sandstorms, but the visibility distance is doubled and creatures do not take damage or risk suffocation.

Sand Travel

Most people immediately think of sand dunes when they imagine the desert, but in fact only the sandy wastes of Athas contain any notable dunes. Sand dunes are wandering things, although they travel no more than a few hundred feet each year. This is enough to eventually overrun other types of terrain, but rarely an immediate hazard. However, the constant action of wind on sand produces potentially hazardous situations.

Shallow Sand: Shallow sand is more common than deep sand. Areas covered by this terrain have a layer of loose sand about 1 foot deep. Shallow sand counts as difficult terrain. Deep Sand: Deep sand is most often found deep in the heart of sandy wastes, though it is also common where a sandstorm has just passed. Creatures unfamiliar with the desert often mistake deep sand for quicksand, though it bottoms out several feet down. Areas covered by this terrain have a layer of loose sand up to 3 feet deep. It costs Medium or larger creatures 3 squares of movement to move into a square with deep sand, and creatures Smaller than Medium must spend 4 squares of movement to do so. It is not possible to use the Acrobatics skill to tumble in areas of deep sand. Sand Crust: A sand crust appears as normal solid ground. Usually formed from a hardened crust of dried mud or salt, sand crusts sometimes cover areas of shallow or deep sand. Sand crusts cannot support more than 100 lbs., and anything above that limit falls through the crust and must deal with the effects of shallow sand or deep sand, as appropriate. Creatures moving through an area of sand crust leave a trail in their wake, turning the sand crust squares they pass through into shallow or deep sand squares. A successful Survival check (DC 10) can identify sand crusts. Collapse: A sand dune has a long, shallow back slope shaped by the wind and a sharp leading edge


with a steep drop on the lee side. This edge is precarious, with the pull of grass just barely balanced by the cohesive tension of the sand. However, the wind can swiftly shift the balance, blowing sand off the edge and triggering a sudden collapse. Once a collapse starts, it moves at between 200 and 400 feet per round. A successful DC 20 Perception check can give characters advance warning of the collapse when it is still 1d10 x 500 feat away, though lines of sight that long are less than common in the deep desert. If all characters fail their Perception check, the collapse moves closer and they automatically become aware when it closes to half the original distance. At that distance, the sound of the collapse, a heavy slithering noise, becomes very obvious. In loud conditions, such as in the middle of a sandstorm, characters might need to make another Perception to hear the collapse. (DC 15 or higher, depending on the conditions). A dune collapse consists of two distinct areas: the bury zone (in the direct path of the sand mass) and the slide zone (the area that the sand spreads to encompass). A typical collapse has a width of 1d6 x 100 feet from one edge of the slide zone to the other, with a bury zone half that size precisely in the middle. To determine the location of the PCs, roll 1d6 x 20; the result is the number of feet from the bury zone's path to the center of the party's location. Characters in the bury zone cannot avoid taking damage from the collapse, but characters in the slide zone might be able to avoid serious harm. Anyone in the bury zone takes 8d6 damage and becomes buried, or only half as much damage with a successful DC 15 Reflex save. Characters in the slide zone take 3d6 damage, or half as much with a successful DC 15 Reflex save. Characters in the slide zone become buried if they fail their save. A buried character is utterly trapped and cannot move their body in any way without succeeding on a DC 30 Strength check, which buys a single round of free movement. Buried creatures take 1d6 points of nonlethal damage each minute until freed; if knocked unconscious, this damage becomes lethal damage. Blowout: A change in wind direction can produce a blowout, hollowing out the center of a dune and leaving a large cavity. This cavity is not always visible, and a thin layer of safe-looking sand might cover a

vast tomb that swallows people and animals without a trace. The crust covering a blowout is too weak to support any creature weighing more than 30 lbs. Noticing a blowout requires a successful Survival check (DC 15); however, charging or running characters are not entitled to a check. Characters that walk onto a blowout automatically fall through the crust and take damage as though trapped by a dune collapse. Roughly one dune in one hundred conceals a blowout.

Sun Hazards

In the clear, dry air of the waste, nothing blocks the sun's rays, which can pose dangers of their own. Glare: The sun can be dangerous to unprotected eyes, drying and irritating the tissue. Areas of white sand, salt, gypsum, or similar light-colored material reflect the sun's glare into the eyes even without looking directly. Sun glare is doubly dangerous in the winter, when the sun is low on the horizon and thus difficult to avoid looking at. Characters traveling in the wasteland must cover their eyes with a veil or a similar covering, or make use of the alchemical compound blackeye to avoid sun glare. Those without eye protection are automatically dazzled. The penalties are doubled for creatures that have light sensitivity. Characters with appropriate protection do not need to fear glare in any way. Glareinduced blindness lasts as long as characters remain in an area of sun glare and for 1d4 hours thereafter, or for 1 hour if the character enters a shaded or enclosed area. The dazzling effect can be cured with a remove blindness spell, but an unprotected character entering an area of glare immediately becomes dazzled again. Sunburn: Sunburn is a serious hazard for wasteland travelers. A mild sunburn is merely uncomfortable, but sever burns can be lifethreatening. Avoiding sunburn requires covering up exposed skin, wearing hats or robes, or carrying a parasol. Protective lotions can help keep the skin safe. Characters who take even minimal care to protect their skin from direct sunlight (with a hat and bodyshrouding garment) do not suffer sunburn, but may take penalties for wearing heavy clothes in heat. Elven, heatsuit, and wastelander outfits automatically protect a character from sunburn (see the Equipment chapter).


If a character is caught out in the sun completely unprotected, sunburn can prove a serious threat. After 3 hours of such exposure, the character becomes mildly sunburned and takes 1 nonlethal damage. After another 3 hours of exposure, the character develops severe sunburn and immediately takes 2d6 nonlethal damage a -2 penalty to Fortitude saves against heatstroke until the nonlethal damage is healed.

Supernatural Hazards

Many kinds of waste terrain in Athas have been created by supernatural means, usually as the result of disastrous defiling backfires. In such places, magical and supernatural perils add even more formidable hazards to those of the mudane waste. Flaywinds: Sometimes, winds from the north sweep down with an unnatural speed, carrying anything from ordinary sand to cutting glass shards. In other places, a natural sandstorm that crosses magic-blighted land might be amplified by the magic into an awful maelstrom. Such storms are called flaywinds. A typical flaywind lasts for 1d4 x 10 hours, often hovering malevolently over a single area. Flaywinds are always storms of at least sandstorm grade, but with much worse effects. Creatures and objects caught in a flaywind take 1d6 damage per round from the cutting force of the wind. Wearing heavy clothing or any form of armor reduces the damage to 1d4 points per round. In general, creatures in an area about to be struck by a flaywind are entitled to a Survival check (DC 20) to receive 1 minute of warning before the storm engulfs them. This might not be enough time to escape the storm's path, but it could provide a chance to seek shelter or make other preparations. Glassfields: Very high temperatures can melt sand into glass. Lightning strokes or magical flames can produce small regions of broken glass, while a sustained wall of fire spell might create a wide expanse of fused sand that stretches for miles. The Dead Lands are most notable glassfield in Athas, covering hundreds of square miles. Traveling across a glassfield is treacherous. The surface is as slick as an ice sheet, and counts as difficult terrain. Segments are often fractured, with jagged shards sticking out in all directions along huge

fissures. Explosive attacks against a smooth glassfield throw up a cloud of slivers in a 5-foot radius which deal 3d6 piercing damage to creatures caught in the area (DC 13 Reflex save for half). The glass also reflects sound, amplifying the damage of sonic damage by 50% and creating a cloud of glass slivers whenever a sonic effect intersects the glassfield. Leech Salt Flats: Ordinary salt flats are dangerous enough, but in areas where a salt plain has been affected by arcane magic, the supernatural surface can suck the moisture out of living things. A leech salt flat appears to be normal terrain to ordinary sight, although it radiates a faint aura of necromancy. Living creatures that travel across a leech salt field require five time as much water as normal, as the environment draws the moisture from their bodies. Those who run out of water are in even more danger, however. After the normal grace period for dehydration, creatures must make Constitution checks against dehydration every 10 minutes instead of every hour, and take 1d6 lethal damage instead of the normal dehydration damage. This continues until the creature drinks at least half a gallon of water. However, since leech salt fields magically dehydrated creatures, they do not need to spend the normal 24 hours recovering from dehydration, and need merely to drink a day's worth of water. Mirror Sand: When ordinary sand mixes with quartz or other reflective crystals, and the resulting granules are polished by windblown dust to a mirror finish, the sand itself can reflect light – and heat. Travelers in the waste dread mirror sand, because it is extremely dangerous to cross in the daylight. In addition to raising the temperature by 20%, mirror sand can blind anyone who gazes at it, sometimes permanently. A creature that wishes to open its eyes while traveling over mirror sand must first make a Fortitude save (DC 18) or be unable to keep its eyes open. This save must be repeated each round that the creature holds its eyes open, but the DC increases by +2 each round. For every full round that a creature keeps its eyes open, it must make another Fortitude save (DC 10) or become temporarily blind from the incredible glare. A creature afflicted by blindness from mirror sand may be cured by any effect that heals blindness, or may make a Fortitude save (DC 10) for every 24


hours spent in the darkness or with its eyes closed to end the blindness. A creature that continues to keep its eyes open after being blinded must make a Fortitude save every hour (DC 10 + 1 per previous save) or become permanently blind. Tyr-Storms: Far from the Tyr Valley, hovering beyond the horizon over the Sea of Silt, lies the Cerulean Storm. Few know the origin or nature of this vast magical confluence, but most are familiar with its effects. The Cerulean Storm periodically spins off small storm fronts, which move rapidly over the Sea of Silt in an unpredictable pattern. Some of these storms come to land in the Tyr Valley, where they are called Tyr-Storms. A Tyr-Storm is a hurricane of incredible power, with the normal destructive force of its winds augmented by an unearthly cold and lightning strikes so constant that they almost form walls of electricity rather than discrete bolts. Treat a Tyr-Storm as a tornado-force wind, which causes a sandstorm if the environment permits. The environment inside a TyrStorm is below -50° F, making it an area of Extreme Cold. All creatures inside a Tyr-Storm take 2d8 damage each round from the freezing rain, hail, and ever-present lightning strikes. Tyr-Storms tend to flatten anything in their path, though the power of the sorcerer-kings has kept them well away from the citystates and their valuable croplands. A Tyr-Storm covers a 1d6 mile radius at any given moment, though its exact shape and size change unpredictably. The storms move quickly, but are instantly recognizable and usually allow characters approximately fifteen minutes to find what shelter they may. A Tyr-Storm usually covers a single area for no more than 5d6 minutes, after which time its movement has dragged it away. The banish Tyr-Storm spell allows a character to redirect the path of a TyrStorm. Shadowsand: This substance, if encountered in the daytime, appears to be ordinary sand, albeit slightly darker than normal and cool to the touch, though it has a faint aura of necromancy. The temperature in regions of shadowsand rarely rises above 90° even in during the hottest part of the day. At night, the true danger of shadowsand becomes apparent. The temperature of the sand plunges to -20° or even colder. Shadowsand sucks the heat out of campfires

and other blazes, preventing them from providing enough warmth to improve matters. A Survival check (DC 15) is required to realize that the radical drop in temperature in regions of shadowsand is not a natural occurrence. Worse yet, shadowsand gains a negative energy charge when it gets cold enough. When the local temperature falls below 0°, the sand begins to radiate negative energy, dealing 1d4 damage to living creatures each round, and healing undead an equivalent amount. For this reason regions of shadowsand are a favored home for many types of undead, especially vampires, spectres, and wraiths. They dwell under the sand during daylight and emerge at night to feed and bask in the dark power. Any patch of shadowsand has a 25% chance of hosting one or more such undead. Softsand: Though actual quicksand cannot exist in dry environments, softsand can provide an equivalent hazard. Softsand is not actual sand, but rather a powdery dust even lighter than silt. Generally scattered harmlessly by desert winds, it can sometimes collect in pits shielded from the wind, where it looks like ordinary sand. A character approaching a patch of softsand can attempt a Survival check (DC 10) to recognize their danger, though charging or running characters do not have the time to do so. A typical patch of softsand is 20 to 50 feet across. Running or charging characters move 1d2x5 feet into the softsand before beginning to sink. A character in softsand must make a DC 15 Swim check to move 5 feet in any direction, and must succeed on a DC 10 Swim check to simply remain afloat. Characters who fail this check sink below the surface and begin to suffocate. Characters that move to the edge of the pit can attempt to haul themselves out with a Climb check (DC 15). Any character not trapped in the pit can extend a rope, branch, or similar object to a trapped character, and then make a DC 15 Strength check to pull the victim 5 feet.

D Urban Life

In an ideal world, the cities of the Tablelands would be a refuge from the harsh environment of the wastes. In fact, entering a city simply trades one set of dangers


for another. Crime rates are very high in every Athasian city – theft, mugging, rape, murder, and worse acts are everyday occurrences. Templars try to promote stability, as no one wants to be seen as responsible for social unrest, but they are always more concerned with their own gain and instilling fear of their power. Nor are the ordinary citizens much help. The nobles don't care, the commoners are too cowed to risk their own hides, and the elves will take any opportunity to kidnap people for the slave block. Athasian cities are as harsh and bleak as the desert beyond their walls.

withdrawal and ceases to be addicted to the drug. However, he is permanently sensitized to that drug and suffers a -5 penalty to all future Fortitude saves to avoid addiction to that drug.


Where there are people, there is disease. Athasian cities are unsanitary to say the least, lacking even rudimentary plumbing and without any healers with solid understandings of disease. The poor cannot afford healers to curb the diseases which inevitably scythe through city slums every year. The following diseases are the most common, but others may exist. Blinding Sickness: Type ingested; Save Fortitude To escape the drudgery of their lives, many people DC 16; Onset 1d3 days; Frequency 1/day; Effect 1d4 Str turn to drugs and other forms of chemical recreation. damage, if more than 2 Str damage, target must make Such substances are almost always illegal, but that has an additional Fort save or be permanently blinded; not stopped their sale, only driven it underground. Cure 2 consecutive saves. Most drugs are quite addictive. Cackle Fever: Type airborne; Save Fortitude DC 17; Forming An Addiction: Each time a character Onset 1 day; Frequency 1/day; Effect 1d6 Wis damage; takes a drug, he must roll a Fortitude saving throw. Cure 2 consecutive saves. The DC depends on the drug; see the entry for each Filth Fever: Type injury; Save Fortitude DC 12; drug in the Equipment chapter for details. Some Onset 1d3 days; Frequency 1/day; Effect 1d3 Dex highly addictive drugs become more difficult to resist damage and 1d3 Con damage; Cure 2 consecutive every time they are taken. On a failed save, the saves. character becomes addicted to the drug. Leprosy: Type airborne, contact, or injury; Save Addiction and Withdrawal: An addict must take Fortitude DC 12 to avoid disease entirely, Fortitude at least one dose of the drug each day or risk DC 20 to avoid effects once contracted; Onset 2d4 withdrawal. Every day that he goes without the drug, weeks; Frequency 1/week; Effect 1d2 Dex damage and he must make a Will save (DC 15 + 2 per previous day 1d2 Charisma damage; Cure 2 consecutive saves. without the drug) or enter withdrawal. While in Mindfire: Type airborne; Save Fortitude DC 12; withdrawal, an addict is shaken and suffers a 10% Onset 1 day; Frequency 1/day; Effect 1d4 Int damage; chance of spell and power failure. These effects do not Cure 2 consecutive saves. end until the addict takes a dose of the drug. Red Ache: Type injury; Save Fortitude DC 15; Onset Recovering From Addiction: An addict in 1d3 days; Frequency 1/day; Effect 1d6 Str damage; Cure withdrawal can attempt to end his addiction 2 consecutive saves. permanently. Once per day he can attempt a Will save Shakes: Type contact; Save Fortitude DC 13; Onset 1 (DC 15) to kick the habit. An addict must succeed on day; Frequency 1/day; Effect 1d8 Dex damage; Cure 2 one such saving throw per point of the drug's consecutive saves. addiction DC. For highly addictive drugs with scaling Volcanic Fever: Type airborne; Save Fortitude DC DCs, count the addiction DC as 5 points higher. If the 16; Onset 1d3 days; Frequency 1/day; Effect 1d4 Con character receives long-term care with the Heal skill, damage; Cure 2 consecutive saves. he gains a +2 bonus to his Will save. The restoration spell provides the equivalent of 10 successful saves toward recovering from addiction. Most people in Athas are very poor. Player characters Once the character has succeeded on the necessary belong to an elite group – very few people have the number of Will saves, he no longer suffers from




talents or courage to become adventurers, the one career path that grants real social mobility. Even in Free Tyr, extreme poverty is the norm. The average free Athasian laborer makes roughly 4 Cp each week – barely enough to cover poor food, enough water to survive, and the normally usurious rent payments. Child labor is very common, and an economic necessity for most families. This is just as true in Tyr as any other city-state; Tyr's famed glass industry is built on the (anemic) backs of child glass-blowers, who can be trained to blow simple objects and are less of a loss when they die from lead poisoning. Prostitution is omni-present, and while most whores are slaves, some are women and men who have a desperate need for income, whatever its origin. While sex is not especially taboo or restricted in most Athasian cities, the conditions of the average brothel are too terrible to make many inclined to take up the prostitute's trade. Members of the psionic academies and merchant houses have expense accounts and guarantees of basic necessities, both at their homes and wherever they might travel. The houses and academies have a controlling interest in many businesses, and milk their stocks for all the money that they may. Unfortunately, the politics of these organizations are scarcely less brutal than those of the Templarate, and members must scheme constantly to maintain their positions, much less improve their lot. Thus, it is only the nobles and high-ranking officials that have anything resembling a stable lifestyle, and they are sure to make the most of their advantage. The power of the nobility varies greatly between each city-state, from Raam, where the nobles often have as much authority as the Templarate, to old Tyr, where Kalak once held the livelihood of the upper class in an iron fist. In all cities, however, anyone deserving the title of “noble” is far more comfortable than anyone other than a templar or academy master. Last of all are the slaves, who earn no wages and must rely on their masters' generosity, which is rarely noteworthy. Many slaves take to freelance theft or begging to gain some free coin, though such activities are prohibited by law and can result in severe punishments for both slave and master.



Magic in Athas is relatively scarce and universally feared, while psionic powers are a common and accepted part of life. While the supernatural is quite common in Athas, it follows somewhat different strictures than those described in the Pathfinder Core Rules.

D Divine Magic

Divine magic is granted to the practitioner by a specific outside power – either a being of great power, such as a sorcerer-monarch, or the chaotic energies of the elemental planes. A divine spellcaster knows all spells on her class list. Clerics have access to domains, which provide additional spells known. See the Classes chapter for details on the spells provided by domains. Except as noted in this chapter, divine magic works exactly as described in the Pathfinder Core Rules.

The Elements

Elemental magic is the most common source of “genuine” divine magic on Athas. The naturally strong bridge between Athas and the elemental planes allows clerics to draw on the power of the planes, or to make bargains with the powerful beings that dwell therein. Air: Clerics of Air are found wherever the wind is central to people's lives. Air worshippers help their communities by powering wind turbines to grind grain, listening to the wind to learn about the weather, and by helping uplift them with the freedom of the air itself. Followers of Air desire absolute liberty, and resent any attempt to restrain their actions. Earth: Worshippers of Earth care for the soil and the land. Earth clerics tend to take the long view in any situation, confident that constancy and resilience will pay off in the future. They also perform final ceremonies for the dead who return to the earth. Fire: Clerics of Fire are the most temperamental and unpredictable. They are passionate and kind, but may be taken with fits of rage or sorrow at any moment. Fire worshippers tend to seek excitement and adventure – anything that grants new experiences and fascinating challenges.

Water: Water is the giver of life, but the elemental lords of water give of their gifts only grudgingly. The Plane of Water has suffered terribly, as the devastation of the Athasian environment resonated across the planar bridge. Water clerics protect and preserve what water remains, often rationing it against greater need. Despite this, water clerics are beloved as restorers and healers, for the waters of their calling follow where they go.

The Paraelements

The paraelements exist as dark shadows of the true elements, admixtures of multiple elements infused with the eldritch essence of the Black. The paraelements are not evil, but they are ambitious, and seek to overthrow the true elementals as the primary governors of Athasian life. Paraelemental worshippers are more likely to care about power, and more likely to draw their powers from individual beings rather than the impersonal energy of the plane. Magma: Though volcanic activity is rare in the Tyr Valley, both the twisted lands to the north and the Dead Lands are home to many followers of Magma. Clerics of Magma emphasize the inexorable power of their element, and allow nothing to stand between themselves and their goals. Rain: Rain is the weakest element of Athas, for all that the parched land cries for it. Rain clerics revel in the fury of their patron's storms. They believe that all creation is balanced by destruction, and love the storm for its personification of that duality. Rain clerics are less beloved than water clerics, but most will argue that the source of the water is irrelevant next to its sheer existence. Silt: Silt worshippers may be found all along the Silt Sea. They protect villages by keeping silt storms at bay, and are in great demand for their ability to seek out the giants' safeways through the Sea. Silt worshippers tend to be highly pragmatic and ruthless, and are known to turn to piracy to supplement their lifestyle. Sun: Surely the most powerful element in the wastes, the Sun is a deadly danger to all life. Sun


worshippers are quick to take offense, and believe that they are justified in burning down those who oppose them. The paraelemental lords of Sun desire to reduce Athas even further, to scour it of life until it is nought but an endless, sun-scorched desert. People who follow the Sun usually do so for power, without care for the consequences for others. Sun clerics are the only ones likely to consort with defilers.

magical theory, as well as greater mental focus and more complex words and gestures. Specialist wizards know Complex spells from six schools; universalist wizards know all Complex spells. Exotic spells are the most complicated and rarest spells of all. Most Exotic spells are the unique creation of a single mage. Few mages are willing to share the knowledge of an Exotic spell. Specialist wizards cannot learn or create an Exotic spell from an opposed school. Learning another mage's Exotic spell requires a series of Spellcraft checks, which must be made in Primal magic is functionally identical to divine magic, succession. The caster must spend eight hours but instead of being drawn from a specific being or studying the spell, after which he may make a extraplanar force, the power and knowledge for Spellcraft check (DC 15 + twice the spell's level). He primal magic is drawn from the land. Druids and must succeed on one such check per level of the spell; rangers cast primal spells. Like divine spellcasters, a after doing so, he may record the spell in his spellbook primal spellcaster automatically knows all spells on and may ready and cast it as his own. No more than her class list. Druids are able to gain the powers of one day may pass between each Spellcraft check, or cleric domains, but their power still comes from the the entire process is wasted and must be undertaken land rather than an external agent. from the beginning. Primal magic uses techniques very similar to divine magic. Primal spellcasters count as divine spellcasters for the purpose of feats, prestige classes, The inevitable danger of arcane magic is its reliance and other things which require divine magic. upon, and damage to, the local environment. Most communities fear mages for their tendency to defile. All plants near a spellcasting defiler turn into black ash, without even the useful properties of ordinary Arcane magic requires intense study, and its power ash. Nothing can grow in a defiled area for years. comes from the life-force of living things. Only wizards can cast arcane spells; they are also known as Even if the ash is blown away, the ground beneath remains lifeless and barren. The common people of “mages.” Arcane magic demands a great amount of Athas revile defilers out of superstitious dread, but the scholarship, but is incredibly prone to abuse. learned also shun defiling magic for the desolation it Except as noted in this chapter, arcane magic creates. Many believe that the world was once green functions exactly as described in the Pathfinder Core and flowing with life, and that it was mages who Rules. turned this paradise into the wasteland that is now Athas. They are not wrong. The terrain in which a mage casts his spells affects Arcane spells are divided into three categories: Simple, Complex, and Exotic. Each category Terrain Modifiers for Arcane Magic represents the complexity of the spell and how widely Caster it is known among mages. Type Examples Save DC Level Check Simple spells are the easiest and most common. Desolate Salt flat, silt basin -2 -2 They require the least understanding of the nature of Barren Boulder field, stony barren -1 -1 magic and the simplest words and gestures. Wizards Infertile City, rocky badland, scrubland +0 +0 know all Simple spells automatically. Fertile Mud flat, savannah, swamp +1 +1 Complex spells require a genuine understanding of

D Primal Magic

Terrain Modifiers

D Arcane Magic

Spell Complexity

Abundant Forest, garden, ocean





the power of those spells, based on the abundance of plant life. Barren and desolate terrains weaken spells, while fertile regions empower them. The table above shows the effects of terrain. Some regions, most notably the Dead Lands and the Grey, have no plant life at all. If arcane spellcasters have no other energy sources, they are unable to cast spells in these areas.

D Readying Spells

All casters must ready spells before they can cast them. This simply means choosing the spells that they will be able to access when the time comes to use their spell slots to cast them. In effect, the caster is mystically “boning up” on the spells she wants to be able to cast. Once a spell is readied, it does not become “unreadied,” unless the caster readies a new set of spells that does not include this spell. This is true even when a character gains a new level and access to new spells – she does not change her readied spell selection until she readies the new spells. Readying spells takes one hour. Spellcasters with more than one spellcasting class still only require one hour to ready all their spells. It is not necessary to rest before readying spells.

Metamagic Feats

All spellcasters cast their spells spontaneously, and therefore must take a full-round action to cast any spell modified by a metamagic feat. Casters with the Metamagic Preparation feat can choose to ready spells modified by metamagic feats. Thus, an empowered burning hands (a 1st-level spell modified by a +2 level metamagic feat) would occupy a 3rd-level readied slot. Spells readied with metamagic feats cannot be cast without those feats, but they can be cast using their normal casting time. Defiling while casting a metamagic-enhanced extends the spell's casting time to one full round (that is, the spell takes effect at the beginning of the caster's next turn). Use of the Metamagic Preparation, Fast Raze, and/or Instantaneous Raze feats can reduce this time.

Weaving Spell Slots

Lower-level spell slots can be woven together to power a higher-level spell, if the caster can cast spells

of the higher level. A caster can combine three slots of one level to cast one spell of the next higher level. Conversely, she can convert the energy of one spell slot of a higher level to power two spells of the next lower level. No spellcaster is able to “reweave” spells – a spell slot gained from weaving cannot be used as part of a future weaving. For example, a wizard with two remaining 2nd-level spell slots cannot weave three 1st-level spells to create a 2nd-level slot and then weave his three 2nd-level slots to create a 3rd-level slot.

D Psionics

Where magic uses energy from outside the caster, psionics focuses the manifester's own power to create its effects. Psionicists talk of the Will and the Way as their primary tools. The former is the energy and focus that the manifester brings to the task of using psionic abilities; the latter is the set of disciplines and exercises that the manifester uses to focus his Will. The Way is taught in psionic academies found in every city in the Tablelands, making psionics the most common form of supernatural power on Athas. Except as noted in this chapter, psionics function exactly as described in the Expanded Psionics Handbook.

Psionics Are Different

In Athas, psionics and magic are fundamentally different forces that do not interact well with one another. Use the following guidelines to determine how magical effects interact with psionics, and vice versus. Detection: Detect magic does not detect psionic auras. Detect psionics does not detect magical auras. New spells and powers have been introduced to perform these functions. Dispelling: It is difficult for magic to remove psionic effects. When using dispel magic or similar spells against psionic effects, the caster takes a -5 penalty to his caster level check to dispel. The same is true for a manifester using dispel psionics against a magical effect. Dispel psionics cannot be used to counterspell against spells, and dispel magic cannot be used to counterspell against psionic powers. Negating Fields: An antimagic field or similar effect does not prevent the use of psionic powers. A null psionics field does not block spellcasting.


Resistance: Spell resistance does not have any effect against psionic powers. Power resistance does not have any effect against spells. Many creatures now have both spell resistance and power resistance.

Psionic Focus

Any character with a power point reserve has the ability to tap an internal reservoir of psychic energy. This ability is represented by the psionic focus. Many psionic class features and feats require that the user either maintain or expend his psionic focus. Gaining psionic focus requires a standard action to perform a rapid meditative sequence. Once a character has gained psionic focus, he does not lose it until he chooses to expend it (unless he has the Unfocused flaw; see the Character Options chapter for details). Any psionic character can expend their psionic focus to take 15 on a concentration check. It can also be expended to activate certain psionic feats and class abilities. The Swift Focus feat allows a character to gain psionic focus as a move action.

Psionic Talents

Talents are psionic powers that manifesters can use without limit. Talents do not cost power points to manifest, and cannot be augmented or benefit from metapsionic feats. In all other respects, talents are identical to powers.


Spell & Power Lists truth-detection effects. Good Hope: Your bardic performance grants a +2 bonus to most check to your allies. Graceful Evasion, Greater: Gain 50% miss chance and st easily hide from enemies for 1 round/level. Alarm: Create a simple warning system that alerts you Song of Haste: Your bardic performance inspires allies to move and attack with alacrity. to trespassers. Bafflement: Taunt one enemy into confusion for 1 th round. Conceal Scent: Remove scent from one subject. Bardic Cant: Create secret dialect that allows for fast Critical Strike: Brutalize a vulnerable enemy. and secure communication among your allies. Disguise: Make a rapid Disguise check with a +10 Freedom of Movement: Become immune to bonus. movement-hindering effects. Fast Talk: Convince any humanoid that he is your Indoctrination: Permanently change subject's good friend. memories of up to one day's time. Healthful Rest: Increase recovery speed for allies. Legend Lore: Research information about obscure Sprint: Gain +30 foot speed bonus for one minute. legends. Translator: Use Linguistics to perform quick th translations from unfamiliar languages. Ventriloquism: Throw your voice up to 30 feet. Cloud Mind: Your bardic performance inflicts a -10 penalty to Wisdom-based checks. nd Fast Talk, Perfect: You can control a person's actions. Bardic Cryptography: Use Linguistics to create nigh- Heroism, Greater: As Heroism, but stronger. unbreakable ciphers. Song of Discord: Your bardic performance causes Calm Emotions: Relax subjects and remove effects of enemies to attack each other. strong emotions. Coordinated Precision: Allies affected by your bardic music gain +2 attack, +1d6 damage against vulnerable enemies. Spells marked in green are available only to clerics. Graceful Evasion: Gain 20% miss chance and easily Spells marked in purple are available only to templars. hide from enemies for 1 minute/level. Head Shot: Blind or deafen target of attack. Heroism: Grant one ally heroic vigor. Silent Armor: Ignore armor check penalties to Stealth. Arcane Mark: Inscribes a personal rune on an object Song of Resolve: While using bardic performance, or creature (visible or invisible). you can allow an ally to reroll a Will save 1/round. Bleed: Cause a stabilized creature to resume dying.

D Bardic Excellencies 1 -Level Excellencies

4 -Level Excellencies

5 -Level Excellencies

2 -Level Excellencies

D Cleric Spells Orisons


3 -Level Excellencies

Bafflement, Greater: Render several creatures confused for 1 round/level. Crushing Despair: Your bardic performance inflicts a -2 penalty to most checks on your enemies. Fast Talk: As Fast Talk, but affects any creature. Glibness: Gain +20 bonus to Bluff checks and resist

Detect Element: Detect presence of element. DS Detect Magic: Detects spells and magic items within 60 ft. Detect Poison: Detects poison in one creature or object. Guidance: +1 on one attack roll, saving throw, or skill check. Light: Object shines like a torch.


Mending: Makes minor repairs on an object. Purify Food and Drink: Purifies 1 cu. ft./level of food or water. Read Magic: Read scrolls and spellbooks. Resistance: Subject gains +1 on saving throws. Stabilize: Cause a dying creature to stabilize. Virtue: Subject gains 1 temporary hp.

subject/level. Inflict Light Wounds: Touch deals 1d8 damage +1/level (max +5). Magic Stone: Three stones gain +1 on attack, deal 1d6 +1 damage. Magic Weapon: Weapon gains +1 bonus. Obscuring Mist: Fog surrounds you. Protection from Chaos/Evil/Good/Law: +2 to AC and st saves, plus other protection against selected alignment. Bane: Enemies take –1 on attack rolls and saves Remove Fear: Suppresses fear or gives +4 on saves against fear. F DS against fear for one subject + one per four levels. Black Cairn : Locates a corpse nearby. Sanctuary: Opponents can't attack you, and you can't Bless: Allies gain +1 on attack rolls and saves against attack. fear. M Shield of Faith: Aura grants +2 or higher deflection Bless Element : Make your element holy. * bonus. Cause Fear: One creature of 5 HD or less flees for 1d4 Summon Monster I: Summons extraplanar creature to rounds. fight for you. Command: One subject obeys selected command for 1 round. nd Comprehend Languages: You understand all spoken and written languages. Aid: +1 on attack rolls and saves against fear, 1d8 Cooling Canopy: Summon a cloud to provide shade temporary hp +1/level (max +10). and prevent dehydration. Align Weapon: Weapon becomes good, evil, lawful, or Cure Light Wounds: Cures 1d8 damage + 1/level chaotic. (max +5). AuguryMF: Learns whether an action will be good or Curse ElementM: Make your element unholy. DS bad. Deathwatch: Reveals how near death subjects within Bear's Endurance: Subject gains +4 to Con for 1 30 ft. are. min./level. Detect Chaos/Evil/Good/Law: Reveals creatures, Bull's Strength: Subject gains +4 to Str for 1 min./level. spells, or objects of selected alignment. Calm Emotions: Calms creatures, negating emotion NEW Detect Psionics: As detect magic, but for psionics. effects. Detect Undead: Reveals undead within 60 ft. ConsecrateM: Fills area with positive energy, Divine Favor: You gain +1 per three levels on attack weakening undead. and damage rolls. Cure Moderate Wounds: Cures 2d8 damage + 1/level Doom: One subject takes –2 on attack rolls, damage (max +10). rolls, saves, and checks. Darkness: 20-ft. radius of supernatural shadow. Endure Elements: Exist comfortably in hot or cold Death Knell: Kills dying creature; you gain 1d8 regions.* temporary hp, +2 to Str, and +1 caster level. Entropic Shield: Ranged attacks against you have 20% Delay Poison: Stops poison from harming target for 1 miss chance. hour/level. Grim Harvest: Drain the fluids from a dead creature DesecrateM: Fills area with negative energy, making NEW and recover its water. undead stronger. Hand of the Sorcerer-King: Your connection to your Eagle's Splendor: Subject gains +4 to Cha for 1 patron protects you against spells. DS min./level. Heat Lash: Subject suffers 1d4+1 damage and is Enthrall: Captivates all within 100 ft. + 10 ft./level. DS knocked back. Find Traps: Notice traps as a rogue does. Hide from Undead: Undead can't perceive one Footsteps of the QuarryM: Track a specific creature or

1 -Level Cleric Spells

2 -Level Cleric Spells


person overland. DS Gentle Repose: Preserves one corpse. Hold Person: Paralyzes one humanoid for 1 round/level. Inflict Moderate Wounds: Touch attack, 2d8 damage + 1/level (max +10). Make Whole: Repairs an object. Owl's Wisdom: Subject gains +4 to Wis for 1 min./level. Remove Paralysis: Frees creatures from paralysis or slow effect. Resist Energy: Ignores 10 (or more) points of damage/attack from specified energy type. Restoration, Lesser: Dispels magical ability penalty or repairs 1d4 ability damage. Return to the Earth: Turns dead and undead bodies into dust. DS Shatter: Sonic vibration damages objects or crystalline creatures. Shield OtherF: You take half of subject's damage. Silence: Negates sound in 20-ft. radius. Sound Burst: Deals 1d8 sonic damage to subjects; may stun them. Spiritual Weapon: Magic weapon attacks on its own. Status: Monitors condition, position of allies. Summon Monster II: Summons extraplanar creature to fight for you. Undetectable Alignment: Conceals alignment for 24 hours. Zone of Truth: Subjects within range cannot lie.

and gain bonuses while pursuing a specific task. DS Deeper Darkness: Object sheds supernatural shadow in 60-ft. radius. Dispel Magic: Cancels one magical spell or effect. Endure Elements, Mass: As endure elements, but protects multiple creatures.NEW Eye of the Storm: Protects a 30-foot radius from the effects of storms for 1 hour/level. DS Glyph of WardingM: Inscription harms those who pass it. Helping Hand: Ghostly hand leads subject to you. Image of the Sorcerer-King: Touched creatures must save or become frightened. DS Inflict Serious Wounds: Touch attack, 3d8 damage + 1/level (max +15). Invisibility Purge: Dispels invisibility within 5 ft./level. Lighten Load: Increases Strength for purposes of carrying capacity. DS Locate Object: Senses direction toward object (specific or type). Magic Circle against Chaos/Evil/Good/Law: As protection spells, but 10-ft. radius and 10 min./level. Magic Vestment: Armor or shield gains +1 enhancement per four levels. Meld into Stone: You and your gear merge with stone. Obscure Object: Masks object against scrying. Prayer: Allies get +1 bonus on most rolls, enemies –1 penalty. Protection from Energy: Absorb 12 points/level of rd damage from one kind of energy. M Remove Blindness/Deafness: Cures normal or Animate Dead : Creates undead skeletons and magical blindness or deafness. zombies. Bestow Curse: –6 to an ability score; –4 on attack rolls, Remove Curse: Frees object or person from curse. Remove Disease: Cures all diseases affecting subject. saves, and checks; or 50% chance of losing each Sand Pit: Excavates sand in a 30 foot wide and 50 foot action. deep cone. DS Blindness/Deafness: Makes subject blinded or Searing Light: Ray deals 1d8/two levels damage deafened. (more against undead). Contagion: Infects subject with chosen disease. Continual FlameM: Makes a permanent, heatless light. Speak with Dead: Corpse answers one question/two levels. Create Food and Water: Feeds three humans (or one Stone Shape: Sculpts stone into any shape. horse)/level. Summon Monster III: Summons extraplanar creature Cure Serious Wounds: Cures 3d8 damage + 1/level to fight for you. (max +15). Surface Walk: Subject treads on unstable surfaces as if Daylight: 60-ft. radius of bright light. they were solid. DS Dedication: Allow target to ignore bodily necessities

3 -Level Cleric Spells


Planar Ally, LesserM: Exchange services with a 6 HD extraplanar creature. Poison: Touch deals 1d3 Con damage 1/round for 6 rounds. Repel Vermin: Insects, spiders, and other vermin stay th 10 ft. away. RestorationM: Restores level and ability score drains. Air Walk: Subject treads on air as if solid (climb or Sand Spray: You fire a cloud of sand at incredible descend at 45-degree angle). speed, damaging and blinding creatures. DS Chaos Hammer: Harms and slows lawful creatures Sending: Delivers short message anywhere, instantly. (1d8 damage/2 levels). Control Tides: Raises, lowers, or parts bodies of water Spell Immunity: Subject is immune to one spell per 4 levels. * or silt. DS Summon Monster IV: Summons extraplanar creature Cure Critical Wounds: Cures 4d8 damage + 1/level to fight for you. (max +20). Tongues: Speak and understand any language. Curse of the Black Sands: Target leaves black, oily Unholy Blight: Harms and sickens good creatures footprints. DS (1d8 damage/2 levels). Death Ward: Grants bonuses against death spells and negative energy. th Dimensional Anchor: Bars extradimensional Air Lens: Make ranged attacks with beams of focused movement. sunlight, each dealing 2d6 fire damage + 1/level. DS Discern Lies: Reveals deliberate falsehoods. FM Dismissal: Forces a creature to return to native plane. Atonement : Removes burden of misdeeds from subject and reverses magical alignment change. DivinationM: Provides useful advice for specific Break Enchantment: Frees subjects from proposed actions. enchantments, transmutations, and curses. Divine Power: You gain attack bonuses and 1 Breath of Life: Cures 5d8 damage + 1/level and hp/level. restores life to recently slain creatures. Elemental Armor: Armor or shield gains enhancement DS Cleansing Flame: Hurl a dart of pure white flame that bonus and special quality. consumes agents of darkness. DS Elemental Weapon: Weapon gains enhancement Command, Greater: As command, but affects one bonus and special quality. DS subject/level. Fool's Feast: You conjure a sumptuous meal that M DS Commune : Patron answers one question per level. weakens the minds of those who eat it. Cure Light Wounds, Mass: Cures 1d8 damage + Freedom of Movement: Subject moves normally 1/level, affects 1 subject/level. despite impediments to movement. Giant Vermin: Turns centipedes, scorpions, or spiders Dispel Chaos/Evil/Good/Law: +4 bonus against attacks. into giant vermin. Holy Smite: Harms and possibly blinds evil creatures Disrupting Weapon: Melee weapon destroys undead. Elemental Strike: Smites foes with a column of divine (1d8 damage/2 levels). and elemental energy that deals 1d6/level. DS Imbue with Spell Ability: Transfer spells to subject. HallowM: Designates location as holy. Inflict Critical Wounds: Touch attack, 4d8 damage + Inflict Light Wounds, Mass: Deals 1d8 damage + 1/level (max +20). 1/level, affects 1 subject/level. Magic Weapon, Greater: Weapon gains +1 bonus/four Insect Plague: Wasp swarms attack creatures. levels (max +5). Neutralize Poison: Immunizes subject against poison, Klar's Heart: Living creatures within 20 feet gain +4 Strength and 1d4 temporary hit points/2 levels. DS detoxifies venom in or on subject. Mark of Justice: Designates action that triggers curse Order's Wrath: Harms and dazes chaotic creatures on subject. (1d8 damage/2 levels). Wind Wall: Deflects arrows, smaller creatures, and gases. Worm's Breath: Subjects can breathe underwater, in silt, or underground. DS

4 -Level Cleric Spells

5 -Level Cleric Spells


Plane ShiftF: As many as 8 subjects travel to another plane. Ragestorm: A miniature Tyr-storm deals 4d6 damage to creatures in its area and follows its targets. *DS Raise DeadM: Restores life to subject who died as long as one day/level ago. Rangeblade: One weapon gains non-threatening reach out to 5 feet + 5 feet/level. DS Righteous Might: Your size increases, and you gain bonuses in combat. ScryingF: Spies on subject from a distance. Slay Living: Touch attack deals 12d6 + 1 per level. Spell Resistance: Subject gains SR 12 + level. Summon Monster V: Summons extraplanar creature to fight for you. Symbol of PainM: Triggered rune wracks nearby creatures with pain. Symbol of SleepM: Triggered rune puts nearby creatures into catatonic slumber. True SeeingM: Lets you see all things as they really are. UnhallowM: Designates location as unholy.

6th-Level Cleric Spells

Animate Objects: Objects attack your foes. Antilife Shell: 10-ft.-radius field hedges out living creatures. Banishment: Banishes 2 HD/level of extraplanar creatures. Bear's Endurance, Mass: As bear's endurance, affects 1 subject/level. Blade Barrier: Wall of blades deals 1d6/level damage. Braxatskin: You cover yourself in spiky chitin, granting you strong armor and DR 5/iron. *DS Bull's Strength, Mass: As bull's strength, affects 1 subject/level. Create UndeadM: Create ghasts, ghouls, mohrgs, or mummies. Cure Moderate Wounds, Mass: Cures 2d8 damage + 1/level, affects 1 subject/level. Dispel Magic, Greater: As dispel magic, but with multiple targets. Eagle's Splendor, Mass: As eagle's splendor, affects 1 subject/level. Find the Path: Shows most direct way to a location. ForbiddanceM: Blocks planar travel, damages creatures of different alignment.

Geas/Quest: As lesser geas, but affects any creature. Glyph of Warding, GreaterM: As glyph of warding, but up to 10d8 damage or 6th-level spell. Harm: Deals 10 points/level damage to target. Heal: Cures 10 points/level damage, all diseases and mental conditions. Heroes' Feast: Food for one creature/level cures and grants combat bonuses. Inflict Moderate Wounds, Mass: Deals 2d8 damage + 1/level, affects 1 subject/level. Owl's Wisdom, Mass: As owl's wisdom, affects 1 subject/level. Planar AllyM: As lesser planar ally, but up to 12 HD. Rejuvenate: Increase the fertility of the land. DS Summon Monster VI: Summons extraplanar creature to fight for you. Symbol of FearM: Triggered rune panics nearby creatures. Symbol of PersuasionM: Triggered rune charms nearby creatures. Undeath to DeathM: Destroys 1d4 HD/level undead (max. 20d4). Wind Walk: You and your allies turn vaporous and travel fast. Wisdom of the Sorcerer-King: Apply metamagic feats to another spell for no cost. DS Word of Recall: Instantly return to designated place.

7th–Level Cleric Spells

Blasphemy: Kills, paralyzes, weakens, or dazes nonevil subjects. Confessor's Flame: Target that answers questions contrary to desire take increasing fire damage. DS Control Weather: Changes weather in local area. Crusade: Allies receive a +4 bonus to attacks and saves, temporary hit points, and immunity to fear. DS Cure Serious Wounds, Mass: Cures 3d8 damage + 1/level, affects 1 subject/level. DestructionF: Kills subject and destroys remains. Dictum: Kills, paralyzes, staggers, or deafens nonlawful targets. Elemental Chariot: Enhances chariot with elemental effects. DS Ethereal Jaunt: You become ethereal for 1 round/level. Holy Word: Kills, paralyzes, blinds, or deafens nongood subjects. Infestation: Several creatures are afflicted by a plague


of insects, which can cripple in various ways. DS Inflict Serious Wounds, Mass: Deals 3d8 damage + 1/level, affects 1 subject/level. RefugeM: Alters item to transport its possessor to you. Regenerate: Subject's severed limbs grow back, cures 4d8 damage +1/level (max +35). Repulsion: Creatures can't approach you. Restoration, GreaterM: As restoration, plus restores all levels and ability scores. ResurrectionM: Fully restore dead subject. Sands of TimeF: Reverses or accelerates aging of a non-living object. DS Scrying, Greater: As scrying, but faster and longer. Summon Monster VII: Summons extraplanar creature to fight for you. Symbol of StunningM: Triggered rune stuns nearby creatures. Symbol of WeaknessM: Triggered rune weakens nearby creatures. Unliving IdentityM: Return a zombie's soul, turning it into a thinking zombie. DS Word of Chaos: Kills, confuses, stuns, or deafens nonchaotic subjects.

8th-Level Cleric Spells

Antimagic Field: Negates magic within 10 ft. Cloak of ChaosF: +4 to AC, +4 resistance, and SR 25 against lawful spells. Create Greater UndeadM: Create shadows, wraiths, spectres, or devourers. Cure Critical Wounds, Mass: Cures 4d8 damage + 1/level for many creatures. Dimensional Lock: Teleportation and interplanar travel blocked for 1 day/level. Discern Location: Reveals exact location of creature or object. Earthquake: Intense tremor shakes 80-ft. Radius. Elemental Storm: Deals 1d6 energy damage/level. DS Fire Storm: Deals 1d6 fire damage/level. DS Holy AuraF: +4 to AC, +4 resistance, and SR 25 against evil spells. Inflict Critical Wounds, Mass: Deals 4d8 damage + 1/level, affects 1 subject/level. Planar Ally, GreaterM: As lesser planar ally, but up to 18 HD. Shield of LawF: +4 to AC, +4 resistance, and SR 25 against chaotic spells.

Spell Immunity, Greater: As spell immunity, but up to 8th-level spells. * Summon Monster VIII: Summons extraplanar creature to fight for you. Symbol of DeathM: Triggered rune kills nearby creatures. Symbol of InsanityM: Triggered rune renders nearby creatures insane. Unholy AuraF: +4 to AC, +4 resistance, and SR 25 against good spells.

9th-Level Cleric Spells

Astral ProjectionM: Projects you and others onto Astral Plane. Energy Drain: Subject gains 2d4 negative levels. Etherealness: Travel to Ethereal Plane with companions. GateM: Connects two planes for travel or summoning. Greater Elemental Chariot: As elemental chariot, but with stronger effects. DS Heal, Mass: As heal, but affects 1 subject/level. HeartseekerM: Creates a deadly weapon. *DS Implosion: Inflict 10 damage/level to one creature/round. MiracleM: Requests a deity's intercession. Soul BindF: Traps newly dead soul to prevent resurrection. Storm of Vengeance: Storm rains acid, lightning, and hail. Summon Monster IX: Summons extraplanar creature to fight for you. True ResurrectionM: As resurrection, plus remains aren't needed.

D Druid Spells Orisons

Defiler Scent: Smell the presence or absence of defilers. DS Detect Magic: Detects spells and magic items within 60 ft. Detect Poison: Detects poison in one creature or object. Flare: Dazzles one creature (–1 penalty on attack rolls). Guidance: +1 on one attack roll, saving throw, or skill


check. Know Direction: You discern north. Light: Object shines like a torch. Mending: Makes minor repairs on an object. Nurturing Seeds: Makes ten seeds or cuttings hardy and easy to transplant. DS Purify Food and Drink: Purifies 1 cu. ft./level of food or water. Read Magic: Read scrolls and spellbooks. Resistance: Subject gains +1 bonus on saving throws. Stabilize: Cause a dying creature to stabilize. Virtue: Subject gains 1 temporary hp.

Pass without Trace: One subject/level leaves no tracks. Plant Renewal: Restores one plant to good health from near death. DS Produce Flame: 1d6 damage + 1/level, touch or thrown. Shillelagh: Cudgel or quarterstaff becomes +1 weapon (2d6 damage) for 1 min./level. Speak with Animals: You can communicate with animals. Summon Nature's Ally I: Summons creature to fight.

2nd-Level Druid Spells

Animal Messenger: Sends a Tiny animal to a specific place. BacklashM: Protects a plot of land so that it damages Animal Trance: Fascinates 2d6 HD of animals. defilers who try to steal its energy. DS Barkskin: Grants +2 (or higher) enhancement to F DS Black Cairn : Locates a corpse nearby. natural armor. Calm Animals: Calms 2d4 + level HD of animals. Bear's Endurance: Subject gains +4 to Con for 1 Charm Animal: Makes one animal your friend. min./level. Cooling Canopy: Summons a cloud to provide shade Boneharden: Hardens bone, making weapons and prevent dehydration. stronger and impairing living beings. DS Cure Light Wounds: Cures 1d8 damage + 1/level (max Bull's Strength: Subject gains +4 to Str for 1 min./level. +5). Cat's Grace: Subject gains +4 to Dex for 1 min./level. Detect Animals or Plants: Detects kinds of animals or Chill Metal: Cold metal damages those who touch it. plants. Clear Water: Doubles the benefit of water. DS Detect Psionics: As detect magic, but for psionics.NEW ConservationM: Protects the land from defilement. DS Detect Snares and Pits: Reveals natural or primitive Darkness: 20-ft. radius of supernatural shadow. traps. Delay Poison: Stops poison from harming subject for Detect Undead: Reveals undead within 60 ft. 1 hour/level. Endure Elements: Exist comfortably in hot or cold Echo of the Lirr: Stuns creatures in a cone. DS regions.* Fire TrapM: Opened object deals 1d4 + 1/level damage. Entangle: Plants entangle everyone in 40-ft. radius. Flame Blade: Touch attack deals 1d8 + 1/two levels Faerie Fire: Outlines subjects with light, canceling blur, damage. concealment, and the like. Flaming Sphere: Rolling ball of fire deals 3d6 fire Goodberry: 2d4 berries each cure 1 hp (max 8 hp/24 damage. hours). Fog Cloud: Fog obscures vision. Grim HarvestF: Drain the fluids from a dead creature Gentle Repose: Preserves one corpse. and recover its water. NEW Gust of Wind: Blows away or knocks down smaller Hide from Animals: Animals can't perceive one creatures. subject/level. Heat Metal: Makes metal so hot it damages those who Jump: Subject gets bonus on Acrobatics checks. touch it. Longstrider: Your speed increases by 10 ft. Hold Animal: Paralyzes one animal for 1 round/level. Magic Fang: One natural weapon of subject creature Owl's Wisdom: Subject gains +4 to Wis for 1 gets +1 on attack and damage rolls. min./level. Magic Stone: Three stones gain +1 on attack rolls, deal Reduce Animal: Shrinks one willing animal. 1d6+1 damage. Remove Paralysis: Frees one or more creatures from Obscuring Mist: Fog surrounds you. paralysis or slow effect.

1st-Level Druid Spells


Resist Energy: Ignores 10 or more points of damage per attack from specified energy type. Restoration, Lesser: Dispels magical ability penalty or repairs 1d4 ability damage. Soften Earth and Stone: Turns stone to clay, or dirt to sand or mud. Spider Climb: Grants ability to walk on walls and ceilings. Sting of the Gold ScorpionM: Enchants a scorpion barb to inject a supernatural venom. DS Summon Nature's Ally II: Summons creature to fight. Summon Swarm: Summons swarm of bats, rats, or spiders. Tree Shape: You look exactly like a tree for 1 hour/level. Warp Wood: Bends wood. Wood Shape: Reshapes wooden objects to suit you.

detoxifies venom in or on subject. Plant Growth: Grows vegetation, improves crops. Poison: Touch deals 1d3 Con damage 1/round for 6 rounds. Protection from Energy: Absorbs 12 points/level of damage from one kind of energy. Quench: Extinguishes fires. Remove Disease: Cures all diseases affecting subject. Return to the Earth: Turns dead and undead bodies to dust. DS Searing Light: Ray deals 1d8/two levels damage (more against undead). Sleet Storm: Hampers vision and movement. Snare: Creates a magic booby trap. Speak with Plants: You can talk to plants and plant creatures. Spike Growth: Creatures in area take 1d4 damage, may be slowed. rd Stone Shape: Sculpts stone into any shape. Boneclaw's CutF: Cuts appear on the target, who takes Summon Nature's Ally III: Summons creature to fight. damage and begins to bleed profusely. DS Surface Walk: Subject treads on unstable surfaces as if Call Lightning: Calls down lightning bolts (3d6 per they were solid. DS bolt) from sky. Wind Wall: Deflects arrows, smaller creatures, and Claws of the TemboM: You grow powerful claws DS gases. which let you steal life from your target. DS Worm's Breath: Subjects can breathe underwater, in Clear-river: Blows away or knocks down creatures. silt, or underground. DS Contagion: Infects subject with chosen disease. M Cure Moderate Wounds: Cures 2d8 damage + 1/level Zombie Berry : Enchants 1d4 berries to cloud the minds of whoever eats them. DS (max +10).

3 -Level Druid Spells

Curse of the Black Sands: Target leaves black, oily footprints. DS Daylight: 60-ft. radius of bright light. Deeper Darkness: Object sheds supernatural shadow in 60-ft. radius. Diminish Plants: Reduces size or blights the growth of normal plants. Dominate Animal: One animal obeys your silent mental commands and orders. Endure Elements, Mass: As endure elements, but protects multiple creatures.NEW Eye of the Storm: Protects 30-foot radius from effects of storms for 1 hour/level. DS Magic Fang, Greater: One natural weapon gets + 1/four levels (max +5). Meld into Stone: You and your gear merge with stone. Neutralize Poison: Immunizes subject against poison,

4th-Level Druid Spells

Air Walk: Subject treads on air as if solid (climb or descend at 45-degree angle). Antiplant Shell: Keeps animated plants at bay. Blight: Withers one plant or deals 1d6/level damage to plant creature. Command Plants: Sways the actions of plant creatures. Control Tides: Raises, lowers, or parts bodies of water or silt. DS Cure Serious Wounds: Cures 3d8 damage + 1/level (max +15). Dispel Magic: Cancels one magical spell or effect. Elemental Strike: Smites foes with a column of divine and elemental energy that deals 1d6/level. DS Freedom of Movement: Subject moves normally despite impediments to movement.


Giant Vermin: Turns centipedes, scorpions, or spiders into giant vermin. Ice Storm: Hail deals 5d6 damage in cylinder 40 ft. across. Klar's Heart: Living creatures within 20 feet gain +4 Strength and 1d4 temporary hit points/2 levels. DS NondetectionM: Hides subject from divination, scrying. Reincarnate: Brings dead subject back in a random body. Repel Vermin: Insects, spiders, and other vermin stay 10 ft. away. Rusting Grasp: Your touch corrodes iron and alloys. ScryingF: Spies on subject from a distance. Spike Stones: Creatures in area take 1d8 damage, may also be slowed. Summon Nature's Ally IV: Summons creature to fight.

5th-Level Druid Spells

Animal Growth: One animal doubles in size. AtonementFM: Removes burden of misdeeds from subject. AwakenM: Animal or tree gains human intellect. Baleful Polymorph: Transforms subject into harmless animal. Braxatskin: You cover yourself in spiky chitin, granting you strong armor and DR 5/iron. *DS Call Lightning Storm: As call lightning, but 5d6 damage per bolt. Cleansing Flame: Hurl a dart of pure white flame that consumes agents of darkness. DS Coat of MistsM: Subject is surround by mist for 24 hours, granting fire resistance and 20% concealment. DS Commune with Nature: Learn about terrain for 1 mile/level. Control Winds: Changes wind direction and speed. ConversionF: Removes the burden of defiling from a repentant wizard. DS Cure Critical Wounds: Cures 4d8 damage + 1/level (max +20). Death Ward: Grants bonuses against death spells and negative energy. Groundflame: Create an expanding cylinder of acid that deals 1d6/level to creatures inside. DS HallowM: Designates location as holy.

Insect Plague: Wasp swarms attack creatures. Mark of Justice: Designates action that triggers curse on subject. Rejuvenate: Increase the fertility of the land. DS Righteous Might: Your size increases, and you gain bonuses in combat. Skyfire: You fire three bolts of flaming debris which explode on contact. DS StoneskinM: Grants DR 10/adamantine. Summon Nature's Ally V: Summons creature to fight. Transmute Mud to Rock: Transforms two 10-ft. cubes per level. Transmute Rock to Mud: Transforms two 10-ft. cubes per level. Tree Stride: Step from one tree to another far away. UnhallowM: Designates location as unholy. Wall of Fire: Wall of flame deals damage to creatures that stand near or pass through the wall. Wall of Thorns: Thorns damage anyone who tries to pass.

6th-Level Druid Spells

Allegiance of the Land: Gain temporary hit points, +5 natural armor, and 15 energy resistance. DS Antilife Shell: 10-ft.-radius field hedges out living creatures. Awaken Water Spirits: Gives sentience to a natural body of water. DS Bear's Endurance, Mass: As bear's endurance, affects 1 subject/level. Bull's Strength, Mass: As bull's strength, affects 1 subject/level. Cat's Grace, Mass: As cat's grace, affects one subject/level. Create Oasis*: Conjures a temporary oasis. DS Cure Light Wounds, Mass: Cures 1d8 damage + 1/level, affects 1 subject/level. Dispel Magic, Greater: As dispel magic, but with multiple targets. Find the Path: Shows most direct way to a location. Fire Seeds: Acorns and berries become grenades and bombs. Infestation: Several creatures are afflicted by a plague of insects, which can cripple in various ways. DS Ironwood: Magic wood is as strong as steel. Liveoak: Oak becomes treant guardian. Move Earth: Digs trenches and builds hills.


Owl's Wisdom, Mass: As owl's wisdom, affects 1 subject/level. Raise DeadM: Restores life to subject who died as long as one day/level ago. Repel Wood: Pushes away wooden objects. Spellstaff: Stores one spell in wooden quarterstaff. Stone Tell: Talk to natural or worked stone. Summon Nature's Ally VI: Summons creature to fight. Transport via Plants: Move instantly from one plant to another of the same kind. Wall of Stone: Creates a stone wall that can be shaped.

Repel Metal or Stone: Pushes away metal and stone. Reverse Gravity: Objects and creatures fall upward. Sirocco: You summon an enormous sandstorm that covers a half-mile area with choking sand. DS Summon Nature's Ally VIII: Summons creature to fight. Sunburst: Blinds all within 10 ft., deals 6d6 damage. Whirlwind: Cyclone deals damage and can pick up creatures. Word of Recall: Teleports you back to designated place.

7th-Level Druid Spells

Antipathy: Object or location affected by spell repels certain creatures. Cure Critical Wounds, Mass: Cures 4d8 damage + 1/level for many creatures. Elemental Swarm: Summons multiple elementals. Flash Flood: Conjures a flood. DS Foresight: “Sixth sense” warns of impending danger. HeartseekerM: Creates a deadly weapon. *DS Regenerate: Subject's severed limbs grow back, cures 4d8 damage +1/level (max +35). Shambler: Creates 1d4+2 shambling mounds to fight for you. ShapechangeF: Transforms you into certain creatures, and you can change forms once per round. Storm Legion: Transport willing creatures via a natural storm. DS Storm of Vengeance: Storm rains acid, lightning, and hail. Summon Nature's Ally IX: Summons creature to fight. SympathyM: Object or location attracts certain creatures. Swarm of Anguish: Transforms you into a swarm of agony beetle. DS Wild Lands: Attracts wild creatures to an area. DS

Animate Plants: One or more plants animate and fight for you. Changestaff: Your staff becomes a treant on command. Control Weather: Changes weather in local area. Creeping Doom: Swarms of centipedes attack at your command. Cure Moderate Wounds, Mass: Cures 2d8 damage + 1/level, affects 1 subject/level. Elemental Storm: Deal 1d6 energy damage/level. DS Heal: Cures 10 points/level damage, all diseases and mental conditions. Scrying, Greater: As scrying, but faster and longer. Summon Nature's Ally VII: Summons creature to fight. Sunbeam: Beam blinds and deals 4d6 damage. Transmute Metal to Wood: Metal within 40 ft. becomes wood. True SeeingM: Lets you see all things as they truly are. Waters of LifeM: Absorb another creature's ailments. DS Wind Walk: You and your allies turn vaporous and travel fast.

8th-Level Druid Spells

9th-Level Druid Spells

Animal Shapes: One ally/level polymorphs into chosen animal. Control Plants: Controls actions of one or more plant creatures. Spells marked in green are available only to paladins. Cure Serious Wounds, Mass: Cures 3d8 damage + Spells marked in purple are available only to templars. 1/level, affects 1 subject/level. Earthquake: Intense tremor shakes 80-ft.-radius. st Finger of Death: Deals 10 damage/level to one subject. Align Weapon: Weapon becomes good, evil, lawful, or Flame Harvest: Creates a timed fire trap. DS

D Paladin Spells

1 -Level Paladin Spells


chaotic. Arcane Mark: Inscribes a personal rune on an object or creature (visible or invisible). Bless: Allies gain +1 on attack rolls and saves against fear. Cure Light Wounds: Cures 1d8 damage + 1/level (max +5). Detect Poison: Detects poison in one creature or small object. Detect Undead: Reveals undead within 60 ft. Divine Favor: You gain +1 per three levels on attack and damage rolls. Endure Elements: Exist comfortably in hot or cold regions.* Hand of the Sorcerer-King: Your connection to your patron protects you against spells. DS Hide from Undead: Undead can't perceive one subject/level. Magic Weapon: Weapon gains +1 bonus. Protection from Chaos/Evil/Good/Law: +2 to AC and saves, plus other protection against selected alignment. Read Magic: Read scrolls and spellbooks. Resistance: Subject gains +1 on saving throws. Restoration, Lesser: Dispels magical ability penalty or repairs 1d4 ability damage. Return to the Earth: Turns dead and undead bodies into dust. DS Silence: Negates sound in 20-ft. radius.

Shield OtherF: You take half of subject's damage. Undetectable Alignment: Conceals alignment from magical detection for 24 hours. Zone of Truth: Subjects within range cannot lie.

3rd-Level Paladin Spells

Cure Moderate Wounds: Cures 2d8 damage +1/level (max. +10). Daylight: 60-ft. radius of bright light. Discern Lies: Reveals deliberate falsehoods. Halt Undead: Immobilizes undead for 1 round/level. Image of the Sorcerer-King: Touched creatures must save or become frightened. DS Magic Circle against Chaos/Evil/Good/Law: As protection spells, but 10-ft. radius and 10 min./level. Magic Weapon, Greater: Weapon gains +1 bonus/four levels (max +5). Prayer: Allies get +1 bonus on most rolls, enemies –1 penalty. Remove Blindness/Deafness: Cures normal or magical blindness or deafness. Remove Curse: Frees object or person from curse. Searing Light: Ray deals 1d8/two levels damage (more against undead). Spell Immunity: Subject is immune to one spell per 4 levels. *

4th-Level Paladin Spells

Break Enchantment: Frees subjects from enchantments, transmutations, and curses. nd Cleansing Flame: Hurl a dart of pure white flame that Aid: +1 on attack rolls and saves against fear, 1d8 consumes agents of darkness. DS temporary hp +1/level (max +10). Cure Serious Wounds: Cures 3d8 damage + 1/level Bull's Strength: Subject gains +4 to Str for 1 min./level. (max +15). Dedication: Allow target to ignore bodily necessities Death Ward: Grants bonuses against death spells and and gain bonuses while pursuing a specific task. DS negative energy. Delay Poison: Stops poison from harming subject for Globe of Invulnerability, Lesser: Stops 1st- through 1 hour/level. 3rd-level spell effects. * Dispel Magic: Cancels one magical spell or effect. Mark of Justice: Designates action that triggers curse Eagle's Splendor: Subject gains +4 to Cha for 1 on subject. min./level. Neutralize Poison: Immunizes subject against poison, Owl's Wisdom: Subject gains +4 to Wis for 1 detoxifies venom in or on subject. min./level. RestorationM: Restores level and ability score drains. Remove Paralysis: Frees one or more creatures from paralysis or slow effect. Resist Energy: Ignores 10 or more points of damage per attack from specified energy type.

2 -Level Paladin Spells


D Psionic Talents Universal

Detect Psionics: You detect the presence of psionics. Distraction: Target takes -4 to concentration, Perception, and Sense Motive. Far Hand: Move 5 lb. object from a distance. Figment: Create illusory sounds. Flamefinger: Jet of fire from your hand deals 1d4 damage. Float: Buoy yourself in water or silt. Focused Effort: +1 bonus on next skill check. Hammer, Lesser: Target of touch attack takes 1d4 damage. Locate: Unerringly find north. Mindknife: Psychic knife deals 1d3 damage. Missive: Transmit ten-word message telepathically. Purify: Cleanse food and drink you consume of toxins. Psychic Mark: Inscribe personalized psionic symbol. Spotlight: Project 30-foot cone of light. Stick: Affix object weighing 5 lb./level to another object. Watchcall: Instantly awaken nearby creatures.

D Psion/Wilder Powers 1st-Level Psion/Wilder Powers Universal

Astral Traveler: Enable yourself or another to join an astral caravan. AttractionA: Subject gains an attraction that you specify. Aura Reading: Reveal personal details about the subject.DS Bioflexibility: Gain +10 bonus to Escape Artist checks.DS BoltA: You create a few enhanced short-lived bolts, arrows, or bullets. Burst: Gain +10 feet move speed bonus this round.* Call To Mind: Gain additional Knowledge check with +4 bonus. Cast Missiles: Launch projectiles without a weapon.DS CatfallA: Instantly save yourself from a fall.* Cause SleepA: Put 4 HD of creatures into deep slumber.DS Conceal Thoughts: You conceal your motives. Control FlamesA: Take control of nearby open flame. Control Light: Adjust nearby ambient light levels. Discipline Cryokinesis: Cool an object or creature.DS Clairsentience Crystal ShardA: Ranged touch attack deals 1d6 Sensory Ghost: Move your perceptions 5 ft + 5 ft/level. piercing damage. Metacreativity Daze, PsionicA: Humanoid creature loses next action. Create Tool: Form tool weighing 10 lb. or less from DecelerationA: Target's speed is halved. ectoplasm. Deflect StrikeA: Target takes -20 penalty to next attack Psychokinesis roll.DS Far Hand, Greater: As far hand, but with heavier Deja VuA: Target repeats its last action. objects. DemoralizeA: Enemies become shaken. Psychometabolism Detect Magic: As detect psionics, but for magic.NEW Endurance: Ignore basic necessities like food, water, Detect Poison, Psionic: Detects poisonous and oxygen. substances.DS Psychoportation DisableA: Subjects believe that they are disabled. Lightfoot: Increase move speed by 5 feet, +1 to Dissipating TouchA: Touch deals 1d6 damage. movement skills. Ecto ProtectionA: An astral construct gains bonus Telepathy against dismiss ectoplasm. Mindlink, Contact: Form psychic link to creature you EmpathyA: You know the subjects' surface emotions. touch. Empty MindA: You gain +2 on Will saves until your next action. Energy RayA: Deal 1d6 energy damage to single target.


Entangling Ectoplasm: You entangle a foe in sticky goo. Force ScreenA: Invisible disc provides +4 shield bonus to AC. Ghost Writing: Create writing on surface touched.DS Grease, Psionic: Makes area or object slippery. HammerA: Melee touch attack deals 1d8 damage. HushA: Subjects become utterly silent.DS Inertial ArmorA: Field of force provides +4 armor bonus to AC. Know Direction and Location: You discover where you are and what direction you are facing. Matter Agitation: You heat a creature or object. Mind ThrustA: Deal 1d10 damage. PhotosynthesisA: Transform light into healing.DS Precognition, DefensiveA: Gain +1 insight bonus to AC and saving throws. Precognition, OffensiveA: Gain +1 insight bonus to attack rolls. Prescience, OffensiveA: Gain +2 insight bonus to damage rolls. Psionic Draw: Instantly draw a weapon.DS Psychic Tracking: Track a creature using Psicraft.DS Sense LinkA: You sense what the subject senses (single sense). Skate: Subject slides quickly along the ground. Synesthete: When one of your senses is stimulated, you also receive feedback from another sense. Tattoo AnimationA: Animate or steal psionic tattoos.DS Telempathic Projection: Alter the subject's mood. Trail of Destruction: Detects recent defiling.DS VigorA: Gain 5 temporary hit points. Wild LeapA: Make an additional leap and gain a bonus to Acrobatics checks.DS

Psychometabolism Thicken SkinA: Gain +1 enhancement bonus to AC for 10 min/level. Psychoportation Detect TeleportationA: Know when teleportation powers are used nearby. Levitate, Psionic: You move through the air via mental support.* Telepathy Charm, PsionicA: Make subject your close friend. MindlinkA: Create a mental link with another creature.

2nd-Level Psion/Wilder Powers Universal

Alter Self, PsionicA: Assume form of a similar creature.DS Bestow PowerA: Subject receives power 2 power points. BiofeedbackA: Gain damage reduction 2/-. Body Equilibrium: You can walk on nonsolid surfaces. Calm Emotions, Psionic: Calms creatures, negating emotional effects.DS Cloud Mind: You erase knowledge of your presence from the target's mind. Concealing Amorpha: Quasi-real membrane grants concealment. Concentrate Water: Collect all nearby moisture.DS Concussion BlastA: Deals 1d6 force damage to target. Control SoundA: Create very specific sounds. Detect Life: Reveals living creatures.DS Detect Hostile Intent: Detect hostile creatures within 30 feet. Ego WhipA: Deal 1d4 Cha damage and daze target. Discipline Elfsight: Gain low-light vision, +2 bonus on Clairsentience Perception checks, and notice secret doors. Destiny Dissonance: Existential uncertainty makes Energy Adaptation, SpecifiedA: Gain resistance 10 subject sickened. against one energy type. Precognition: Gain +2 insight bonus to one roll. Energy PushA: Deal 2d6 damage and knock subject Metacreativity back. Astral ConstructA: Create construct to serve you. Energy StunA: Deal 1d6 damage and potentially stun Minor Creation, Psionic: Creates one cloth or wood target. object. Feat LeechA: Borrow subject's psionic feats. Psychokinesis Id InsinuationA: Tendrils of thought disrupt target. Control Object: Telekinetically animate a small object. Inflict PainA: Telepathic stab causes penalties to foe.


Knock, Psionic: Open locked and sealed doors. Levitate, Psionic: You move through the air via mental support. Mental DisruptionA: Daze nearby creatures for 1 round. Missive, MassA: Send one-way telepathic message to an area. Molecular Bonding: Glue two surfaces together.DS Pheromone Discharge: Vermin react to you well.DS Psionic Lock: Secure a door, chest, or portal. Recall AgonyA: Foe takes 2d6 damage from old pain. Return MissileA: Weapon returns to you when thrown.DS Sense Link, Forced: Sense what the subject senses. Sensory Suppression: Victim loses one sense.DS Sever The TieA: Undead loses tie to the Grey and takes 3d8 damage.DS Share Pain: Willing subject takes damage for you. Sustenance: Go without food and water for one day. Swarm of CrystalsA: Spray of crystal shards deals 3d4 damage. Thought ShieldA: Gain PR 13 against mind-affecting powers. Tongues, Psionic: Communicate with any intelligent creature. Watcher WardA: You are aware of creatures inside the warded area.DS Weather Prediction: Predict the weather for one day.DS

score. Chameleon: Gain +10 bonus to Hide checks. Empathic TransferA: Transfer another's wounds to yourself. Share StrengthA:Temporarily transfer your Strength to another.DS Psychoportation Dimension SwapA: Two allies switch places. Telepathy AversionA: Subject has aversion you specify. Brain LockA: Subject cannot move or take any mental actions. Read Thoughts: Detect surface thoughts of nearby creatures. Suggestion, Psionic: Compel subject to follow stated course of action.

3rd-Level Psion/Wilder Powers Universal

Antidote SimulationA: Removes venom from your body.DS BeaconA: Creates ball of light that can grow larger with concentration.DS Blink, PsionicA: Randomly vanish and reappear for 1 round/level. Body AdjustmentA: You recover 1d12 hit points. Body PurificationA: You recover 2 points of ability damage. Danger SenseA: You gain a +4 bonus against traps. Discipline Darkvision, Psionic: See 60 feet in total darkness. Clairsentience Dismiss Ectoplasm: Dissipates ectoplasmic targets Clairvoyant Sense: See and hear a distant location. and effects. Locate, PsionicA: Indicates direction to familiar Dispel PsionicsA: Cancels psionic powers and effects. DS creature or object. Energy BoltA: Deal 5d6 energy damage in 120-ft line. A Object Reading : Learn details about object's past. Energy BurstA: Deal 5d6 energy damage in 40-ft burst. Sensitivity to Psychic Impressions: Learn about an Energy RetortA: Burst of energy automatically area's past. damages attacker for 4d6 each round. Metacreativity Energy Wall: Create wall of energy. Psionic Repair Damage: Repairs constructs for 3d8 hit Eradicate InvisibilityA: Negate invisibility in 50-ft points + 1/level. burst. Psychokinesis Keen Edge, Psionic: Double normal weapon's threat Control AirA: You gain control over wind speed and range. direction. Lighten Load, Psionic: Increase carrying capacity.DS A Energy Missile : Deal 3d6 energy damage to five Mass ManipulationA: Alter weight of creature or subjects. object. Psychometabolism Mental BarrierA: Gain +4 bonus to AC until your next A Animal Affinity : Gain +4 enhancement to one ability


action. Mind TrapA: Drain 1d6 power points from anyone who attacks you with a telepathy power. Nerve ManipulationA: Disrupt target's nervous system.DS Psionic Blast: Stun creatures in 30-foot cone. Psionic SightA: View psionic auras.DS Share Pain, ForcedA: Unwilling subjects take some of your damage. Solicit PsicrystalA: Your psicrystal takes over concentrating on a power. Telekinetic ForceA: Move an object in a controlled, sustained fashion. Telekinetic ThrustA: Hurl objects with the force of your mind. Time HopA: Subject moves forward in time 1 round/level. TouchsightA: Psionic field reveals your surroundings. Ubiquitous Vision: Gain 360-degree vision.


False Sensory InputA: Subject perceives something that isn't there.

4th-Level Psion/Wilder Powers Universal

Aura SightA: Reveals creatures, objects, powers, or spells of selected alignment axis. Correspond: Hold mental conversation at any distance. Death UrgeA: Implant suicidal urge in subject. Detect Remote Viewing: You know when others spy on you remotely. DetonateA: Make one object explode.DS Dimension Door, Psionic: Teleports you a short distance. Divination, Psionic: Provides useful advice for specific proposed action. Empathic FeedbackA: Your attackers take damage when they hit you. Energy AdaptationA: Your body converts energy into harmless light. Freedom of Movement, Psionic: You cannot be held or otherwise rendered immobile. Intellect FortressA: Protects nearby creatures from psionic abilities. MagnetizeA: Make metallic objects magnetic.DS MindwipeA: Wipes away subject's recent experiences, bestowing negative levels. Personality Parasite: Subject's mind calves selfantagonistic splinter personality. Power Leech: Drain 1d6 power points/round from target. Psychic Reformation: Subject can choose skills, feats, and powers anew from previous levels. RepugnanceA: Make subject repugnant to others.DS Shadow JumpA: Travel rapidly through shadows.DS Telekinetic ManeuverA: Use telekinesis to perform combat maneuvers. Trace TeleportA: Learn destination of teleportation. Wall of Ectoplasm: Create a protective barrier.

Clairsentience Detect MoistureA: Detect presence of moisture within 60 ft.DS Escape Detection: You become difficult to detect with clairsentience powers. Fate LinkA: You link the fates of two targets. Truthear: Gain +20 bonus to Sense Motive check.DS Metacreativity Concealing Amorpha, Greater: Quasi-real membrane grants total concealment. Ectoplasmic CocoonA: Encapsulate a foe so that it can't move. Psychokinesis Energy ConeA: Deal 5d6 damage in 60-ft cone. Psychometabolism AgingA: Make subject older.DS Death FieldA: Release life-draining energy from the Grey.DS Ectoplasmic Form: Become insubstantial and fly slowly. Psychoportation Discipline Astral Caravan: You lead a group into another plane. Clairsentience Telepathy Anchored NavigationA: Establish a mishap-free Crisis of BreathA: Disrupt subject's breathing. teleport beacon. Empathic Transfer, HostileA: Transfer your wounds to Remote Viewing: See, hear, and interact with subjects an unwilling subject.


at a distance. Metacreativity Fabricate, Psionic: Transforms raw goods into finished items. Quintessence: You collapse a bit of time into a physical substance. Psychokinesis Control BodyA: Take control of target's limbs. Energy BallA: Deal 7d6 energy damage in 20-ft burst. Inertial Barrier: Gain DR 5/-. Psychometabolism AccelerateA: Move faster, +1 to attack rolls, AC, and Reflex saves.DS Metamorphosis: Assume shape of creature or object. Psychic Vampire: Touch attack drains power points. Psychoportation Dimensional Anchor, Psionic: Bars extradimensional travel. Dismissal, Psionic: Forces creature to return to its native plane. Fly, Psionic: You gain a fly speed of 60 feet. Telepathy Dominate, PsionicA: Control target telepathically. HallucinationA: Phantasm causes psychosomatic damage.DS Mindlink, ThievingA: Borrow knowledge of subject's power. Modify Memory, Psionic: Changes 5 minutes of subject's memories. Schism: Split your mind in two, doubling your actions.

5th-Level Psion/Wilder Powers Universal

Plane Shift, Psionic: Travel to other planes. Power Resistance: Grant PR equal to 12 + level. Psychic CrushA: Brutally crush subject's mind, reducing it to -1 hit points. Shatter Mind Blank: Cancel target's mind blank effect. Tower of Iron WillA: Grant PR 19 against mindaffecting powers to nearby creatures. True Seeing, PsionicA: See all things as they truly are.


Clairsentience Clairtangent Hand: Emulate far hand at a distance. Second Chance: Visions of the future grant reroll on check. Metacreativity Hail of Crystals: Explosion of shards deals 9d4 damage in area. Pocket DimensionA: Create a small extradimensional storage space.DS Psychokinesis Energy CurrentA: Deal 9d6 damage per round to two or more creatures.* Fiery DiscorporationA: Cheat death by discorporating into nearby fire. Psychometabolism Psionic RevivifyA: Return recently-dead subject to life. Psychofeedback: Boost physical ability score at cost of another ability score. Restore Extremity: Return a lost digit, limb, or other appendage to subject. Psychoportation Baleful TeleportA: Destructive teleport deals 9d6 damage. Teleport, Psionic: Instantly transports you a long distance. Teleport Trigger: Predetermined event triggers teleport. Telepathy MetaconcertA: Combine the powers of two or more manifesters. Mind Probe: Discover the subject's inner thoughts.

Adapt Body: Your body automatically adapts to hostile environments. CatapsiA: Generate psychic static that inhibits psionics. Ectoplasmic Shambler: Fog-like predator deals 1 damage/two levels every round. ElectroerosionA: Create a ray that erodes iron.DS Incarnate: Make some powers permanent. th Leech FieldA: Leech power points each time you make a saving throw. Universal Major Creation, Psionic: As psionic minor creation, plus Aura AlterationA: Disguise subject's alignment or stone and metal. remove compulsions.

6 -Level Psion/Wilder Powers


Breath of the Black DragonA: Breathe acid for 11d6 damage. Cloud Mind, Mass: Erase knowledge of your presence from the mind of one creature/level. Contingency, Psionic: Set trigger for another power. Co-opt Concentration: Take control of foe's concentration power. Dimensional Screen: Create a shimmering screen that diverts attacks.DS Disintegrate, Psionic: Turn one creature or object to dust. Fuse FleshA: Fuse subject's flesh together. Overland Flight, Psionic: You gain a fly speed of 40 feet and can hustle over distances. Remote View Trap: Deal damage to those who attempt to scry on you. RetrieveA: Teleport an item you can see to your hand. Suspend Life: Put yourself in suspended animation. Temporal AccelerationA: Accelerate your personal time, gaining extra actions.


Energy Conversion: Absorb energy and retransmit it offensively. Energy WaveA: Deal 13d4 energy damage in 120-ft cone. Evade BurstA: Take no damage from burst on successful Reflex save. IncorporealityA: Become incorporeal for 1 round/level.DS InsanityA: Subject is permanently confused. Mindflame: Seriously harm nearby creature.DS Mind Blank, Personal: You are immune to scrying and mental effects. Moment of Prescience, Psionic: Gain insight bonus on a single check. Oak BodyA: Your body becomes as hard as oak. Phase Door, Psionic: Creates invisible passageway. Sequester, Psionic: Subject becomes invisible to sight and remote detection; renders subject comatose. UltrablastA: Deal 13d6 damage in 15-ft radius.


Clairsentience Clairsentience Fate of One: Reroll a failed check that you just rolled. Precognition, Greater: Gain +4 insight bonus to one Metacreativity roll. Ectoplasmic Cocoon, Mass: Encapsulate all foes in a Metacreativity 20-ft radius. Crystallize: Turn subject into crystal. Psychokinesis Fabricate, Greater Psionic: Transform large quantity Reddopsi: Powers targeting you rebound on the of raw material into finished items. manifester. Psychokinesis Psychometabolism Dispelling Buffer: Subject is protected from dispel Complete HealingA: Heal all damage.DS psionics. Fission: Create a short-lived duplicate of yourself. Null Psionics Field: Create an area where psionics do Poison SimulationA: Coat surface with toxins. not function. Psychoportation Psychometabolism Dream TravelA: Travel to other places through Restoration, Psionic: Restore level and ability score dreams. loss. Ethereal Jaunt, Psionic: Become ethereal for 1 Psychoportation round/level. Banishment, PsionicA: Banishes extraplanar creatures. Teleport Object, Psionic: Teleport object touched.DS Telepathy Telepathy A Mind Switch : Swap minds with another creature. Crisis of LifeA: Stop subject's heart.

7th-Level Psion/Wilder Powers Universal

Decerebrate: Remove portion of subject's brain. Divert Teleport: Redirect another person's teleport.

8th-Level Psion/Wilder Powers Universal

Bend Reality: Alters reality within limits. Iron Body, Psionic: Your body becomes living iron.


Matter Manipulation: Permanently increase or decrease an object's hardness. Mind Blank, Psionic: Subject becomes immune to mental effects and scrying. Recall Death: Subject shown moment of death and dies immediately. Shadow Body: You become a living shadow. Teleport, Greater Psionic: As psionic teleport, but infinite range and no chance of arriving off-target. True Metabolism: Regenerate 10 hit points/round.

Metafaculty: Learn details about any one creature. Metacreativity Genesis: Create a demiplane to your specifications. True Creation: As psionic major creation, except that items are completely real. Psychokinesis Tornado BlastA: Vortex of air deals 17d6 damage and moves targets. Psychometabolism Metamorphosis, Greater: Assume shape of any creature or object. Psychoportation Discipline Teleportation Circle, Psionic: Teleport nearby Clairsentience creatures. Hypercognition: Instantly correlate known Time Regression: Relive the last round. information and form perfect deductions. Telepathy Metacreativity Astral Seed: Plant the seed of your rebirth in the Grey. Mind Switch, True: Permanently exchange minds with subject. Psychokinesis Psychic Chirurgery: Repair psychic damage or grant Telekinetic Sphere, Psionic: Mobile force globe knowledge of new powers. encapsulates creature and moves it. Psychometabolism Fusion: Combine abilities with another creature's. Psychoportation Time Hop, MassA: Willing subjects move forward in time. Telepathy Mind Seed: Subject slowly becomes you.

D Psychic Warrior Powers 1st-Level Psychic Warrior Powers

9th-Level Psion/Wilder Powers Universal

Affinity Field: What happens to you also happens to others. Apopsi: Delete knowledge of powers from subject's mind. Assimilate: Incorporate creature into your body. Etherealness, Psionic: Become ethereal for 1 min/level. MicrocosmA: Target lives permanently in its own imagination. Reality Revision: As bend reality, but with fewer limits. Timeless Body: Ignore all effects for 1 round.


Clairsentience Cosmic Awareness: You perceive all things in range.DS

Astral Traveler: Enable yourself or another to join an astral caravan. BiofeedbackA: Gain DR 2/-. Bite of the Wolf: Gain bite attack. Bioflexibility: Gain +10 bonus on Escape Artist checks.DS Burst: Gain +10 feet move speed bonus this round.* Call WeaponryA: Create temporary weapon.* Cast Missiles: Launch projectiles without a weapon.DS CatfallA: Instantly save yourself from a fall.* Chameleon: Gain +10 bonus on Hide checks. CompressionA: You become smaller. Conceal Thoughts: You conceal your motives. Deflect Strike: Subject's next attack takes -20 penalty.DS Detect Psionics: As detect magic, but for psionics.NEW Dissipating TouchA: Touch deals 1d6 damage. Elfsight: Gain low-light vision, +2 Perception, and notice secret doors. Empty MindA: You gain +2 on Will saves until your next action.


ExpansionA: You grow larger. Force ScreenA: Invisible disc provides +4 shield bonus to AC. Grip of IronA: Gain +4 bonus on grapple maneuvers. HammerA: Melee touch attack deals 1d8 damage. Inertial ArmorA: Field of force provides +4 armor bonus to AC. Know Direction and Location: You discover where you are and what direction you are facing. Metaphysical ClawA: Natural weapon gains +1 enhancement bonus.* Metaphysical WeaponA: Weapon gains +1 enhancement bonus.* Precognition, DefensiveA: Gain +1 insight bonus to AC and saving throws. Precognition, OffensiveA: Gain +1 insight bonus to attack rolls. Prescience, OffensiveA: Gain +2 insight bonus to damage rolls. PrevenomA: Your natural weapon becomes poisoned. Prevenom WeaponA: Your weapon becomes poisoned. Psionic Draw: Instantly draw a weapon.DS Skate: Subject slides quickly along the ground. StompA: Subjects fall prone and take 1d4 nonlethal damage. Synesthete: When one of your senses is stimulated, you also receive feedback from another sense. Tattoo AnimationA: Animate or steal psionic tattoos. Thicken SkinA: Gain +1 enhancement bonus to AC for 10 min/level. VigorA: Gain 5 temporary hit points. Wild LeapA: Make an additional leap and gain a bonus to Acrobatics checks.DS

Detect Hostile Intent: Detect hostile creatures within 30 feet. Dimension SwapA: Two allies switch places. Dissolving TouchA: Your touch deals 4d6 acid damage. Dissolving WeaponA: Your weapon deals 4d6 acid damage. Empathic TransferA: Transfer another's wounds to yourself. Energy Adaptation, SpecifiedA: Gain resistance 10 against one energy type. Feat LeechA: Borrow subject's psionic feats. Hustle: Instantly gain a move action. Levitate, Psionic: You move through the air via mental support. Painful Strike: Your natural weapons deal +1d6 damage. Prowess: Gain another attack of opportunity. Psionic Scent: Gain the scent ability. Psionic Lion's ChargeA: Make a full attack after a charge. Recall AgonyA: Foe takes 2d6 damage from old pain. Return MissileA: Make thrown weapon return to you.DS Share StrengthA: Temporarily transfer your Strength to another.DS Strength of My Enemy: Siphon away foe's strength. Sustenance: Go without food and water for one day. Thought ShieldA: Gain PR 13 against mind-affecting powers. Wall Walker: Walk on walls and ceilings.

3rd-Level Psychic Warrior Powers

AccelerateA: Move faster, +1 on attack rolls, AC, and 2nd-Level Psychic Warrior Powers Reflex saves.DS Animal AffinityA: Gain +4 enhancement to one ability Claws of the Vampire: Your claw attacks restore your hit points. score. A Concealing Amorpha, Greater: Quasi-real membrane Antidote Simulation : Remove toxins from your grants total concealment. body. A Danger SenseA: You gain a +4 bonus against traps. Body Adjustment : You recover 1d12 hit points. Death FieldA: Release life-draining energy from the Body Equilibrium: You can walk on nonsolid Grey.DS surfaces. Dimension SlideA: Teleport a very short distance. Body PurificationA: You recover 2 points of ability Duodimensional Claw: Increase threat range of damage. natural weapons. Concealing Amorpha: Quasi-real membrane grants Ectoplasmic Form: Become insubstantial and fly concealment. slowly. Darkvision, Psionic: See 60 feet in total darkness.


Empathic FeedbackA: Attackers take damage when you are hit. Empathic Transfer, HostileA: Transfer your wounds to an unwilling subject. Escape Detection: You become difficult to detect with clairsentience powers. Evade BurstA: You take no damage from a burst on a successful Reflex save. Exhalation of the Black DragonA: Acid breath deals 3d6 damage to nearby target. Graft Weapon: You merge your arm with a weapon. Keen Edge, Psionic: Double normal weapon's threat range. Mental BarrierA: Gain +4 bonus to AC until your next action. Ubiquitous Vision: Gain 360-degree vision. Vampiric Blade: Your weapon attacks restore your hit points.

4th-Level Psychic Warrior Powers

Claw of Energy: Your claws deal energy damage. Dimension Door, Psionic: Teleports you a short distance. Energy AdaptationA: Your body converts energy into harmless light. Freedom of Movement, Psionic: You cannot be held or otherwise rendered immobile. Immovability: You gain DR 15/- and become nearly impossible to move. Inertial Barrier: Gain DR 5/-. Shadow JumpA: Travel rapidly through shadows.DS Steadfast Perception: Gain immunity to illusory effects, +6 to Perception checks. Truevenom: Natural weapons become horribly poisonous. Truevenom Weapon: Your weapon becomes horribly poisonous. Weapon of Energy: You weapon deals energy damage.

5th-Level Psychic Warrior Powers

Adapt Body: Your body automatically adapts to hostile environments. CatapsiA: Generate psychic static that inhibits psionics. MetaconcertA: Combine the powers of two or more manifesters.

Nerve ManipulationA: Disrupt target's nervous system.DS Oak BodyA: Your body becomes as hard as oak. Psychofeedback: Boost physical ability score at cost of another ability score.

6th-Level Psychic Warrior Powers

Breath of the Black DragonA: Breathe acid for 11d6 damage. Dispelling Buffer: Subject is protected from dispel psionics. Form of DoomA: You transform into a frightening beast. Mind Blank, Personal: You are immune to scrying and mental effects. Poison SimulationA: Coat surface with toxins.DS Suspend Life: Put yourself in suspended animation.

D Ranger Spells 1st-Level Ranger Spells

Alarm: Wards an area for 2 hours/level. Animal Messenger: Sends a Tiny animal to a specific place. Calm Animals: Calms 2d4 + level HD of animals. Charm Animal: Makes one animal your friend. Cooling Canopy: Summons a cloud to provide shade and prevent dehydration. DS Delay Poison: Stops poison from harming subject for 1 hour/level. Detect Animals or Plants: Detects kinds of animals or plants. Detect Poison: Detects poison in one creature or object. Detect Snares and Pits: Reveals natural or primitive traps. Endure Elements: Exist comfortably in hot or cold regions.* Entangle: Plants entangle everyone in 40-ft. Radius. Grim HarvestF: Drain the fluids from a dead creature and recover its water. NEW Hide from Animals: Animals can't perceive one subject/level. Jump: Subject gets bonus on Acrobatics checks. Longstrider: Your base speed increases by 10 ft.


Magic Fang: One natural weapon of subject creature gets +1 on attack and damage rolls. Nurturing Seeds: Makes ten seeds or cuttings hardy and easy to transplant. DS Pass without Trace: One subject/level leaves no tracks. Plant Renewal: Restores one plant to good health from near death. DS Read Magic: Read scrolls and spellbooks. Resist Energy: Ignores 10 (or more) points of damage/attack from specified energy type. Speak with Animals: You can communicate with animals. Summon Nature's Ally I: Summons creature to fight for you.

Command Plants: Sway the actions of plant creatures. Cure Moderate Wounds: Cures 2d8 damage +1/level (max. +10). Darkvision: See 60 ft. in total darkness. Diminish Plants: Reduces size or blights growth of normal plants. Eye of the Storm: Protects a 30-foot radius from the effects of storms for 1 hour/level. DS Magic Fang, Greater: One natural weapon gets + 1/four levels (max. +5). Neutralize Poison: Immunizes subject against poison, detoxifies venom in or on subject. Plant Growth: Grows vegetation, improves crops. Reduce Animal: Shrinks one willing animal. Remove Disease: Cures all diseases affecting subject. nd Repel Vermin: Insects, spiders, and other vermin stay 10 ft. away. Barkskin: Grants +2 (or higher) enhancement to Summon Nature's Ally III: Summons creature to fight natural armor. for you. Bear's Endurance: Subject gains +4 to Con for 1 Surface Walk: Subject treads on unstable surfaces as if min./level. they were solid. DS Cat's Grace: Subject gains +4 to Dex for 1 min./level. Cure Light Wounds: Cures 1d8 damage + 1/level (max Tree Shape: You look exactly like a tree for 1 hour/level. +5).

2 -Level Ranger Spells

Endure Elements, Mass: As endure elements, but protects multiple creatures.NEW Footsteps of the QuarryM: Track a specific creature or person overland. DS Hold Animal: Paralyzes one animal for 1 round/level. Owl's Wisdom: Subject gains +4 to Wis for 1 min./level. Protection from Energy: Absorbs 12 points/level of damage from one kind of energy. Snare: Creates a magic booby trap. Speak with Plants: You can talk to plants and plant creatures. Spike Growth: Creatures in area take 1d4 damage, may be slowed. Sting of the Gold ScorpionM: Enchants a scorpion barb to inject a supernatural venom. DS Summon Nature's Ally II: Summons creature to fight for you. Wind Wall: Deflects arrows, smaller creatures, and gases.

3rd-Level Ranger Spells

4th-Level Ranger Spells

Animal Growth: One animal doubles in size. Commune with Nature: Learn about terrain for 1 mile/level. Cure Serious Wounds: Cures 3d8 damage + 1/level (max +15). Freedom of Movement: Subject moves normally despite impediments to movement. NondetectionM: Hides subject from divination, scrying. Summon Nature's Ally IV: Summons creature to fight for you. Tree Stride: Step from one tree to another far away.

D Wizard Spells Cantrips Abjuration

Resistance: Subject gains +1 on saving throws.

Claws of the TemboM: You grow powerful claws which let you steal life from your target. DS


regions.* Remove Fear: Suppresses fear or gives +4 on saves Acid Splash: Orb deals 1d3 acid damage. against fear for one subject + one per four levels. Complex Divination Hold Portal: Holds door shut. Detect Magic: Detect all spells and magic items within Protection from Chaos/Evil/Good/Law: +2 to AC and 60 ft. saves, plus other protection vs. specific alignment. Detect Poison: Detect poison in one creature or object. Shield: Invisible disc gives +4 to AC, blocks magic Slave Scent: Divine's target's social class.DS missiles.


Enchantment Daze: A single humanoid creature with 4 HD or less loses its next action.


Ghost Sound: Figment sounds.

Simple Cooling Canopy: Summons a cloud to provide shade and prevent dehydration.DS Grease: Makes 10-ft. square or one object slippery. Obscuring Mist: Fog surrounds you. Unseen Servant: Conjure an invisible servant. Complex Mage Armor: Gives subject +4 armor bonus. Mount: Summons riding horse for 2 hours/level. Summon Monster I: Summons extraplanar creature to fight for you.




Dancing Lights: Creates torches or other lights. Flare: Dazzles one creature (–1 on attack rolls). Light: Object shines like a torch. Ray of Frost: Ray deals 1d3 cold damage.


Bleed: Cause a stabilized creature to resume dying. Disrupt Undead: Deals 1d6 damage to one undead. Touch of Fatigue: Touch attack fatigues target.


Mage Hand: 5-pound telekinesis. Mending: Makes minor repairs on an object. Message: Whisper conversation at distance. Open/Close: Opens or closes small or light things.

Universal Arcane Mark: Inscribes a personal rune on an object or creature (visible or invisible). Prestidigitation: Performs minor tricks. Read Magic: Read scrolls and spellbooks.

1st-Level Wizard Spells Abjuration

Simple Alarm: Wards an area for 2 hours/level. Endure Elements: Exist comfortably in hot or cold

Simple Detect Secret Doors: Reveals hidden doors within 60 ft. Detect Undead: Reveals undead within 60 ft. Identify: Gives +10 bonus to identify magic items. Complex Comprehend Languages: You understand all spoken and written languages. Detect Psionics: As detect magic, but for psionics.NEW True Strike: +20 on your next attack roll.


Simple Hypnotism: Fascinates 2d4 HD of creatures. Complex Charm Person: Makes one person your friend. Sleep: Puts 4 HD of creatures into magical slumber.


Simple Floating Disk: Creates 3-ft.-diameter horizontal disk that holds 100 lbs./level.


2nd-Level Wizard Spells

Shocking Grasp: Touch delivers 1d6/level electricity damage (max 5d6). Complex Burning Hands: 1d4/level fire damage (max 5d4). Magic Missile: 1d4+1 damage; +1 missile per two levels above 1st (max 5).


Simple Arcane LockM: Magically locks a portal or chest. BacklashM: Protects a plot of land so that it damages defilers who try to steal its energy.DS Complex Eye of the Storm: Protects a 30-foot radius from the effects of a storm for 1 hour/level.DS Obscure Object: Masks object against scrying. Protection from Arrows: Subject gains DR 10/magic against ranged attacks. Resist Energy: Ignores first 10 (or more) points of damage per attack from specified energy type.

Illusion Simple Illusory Talent: Provides the appearance of skill, though not its substance.DS Magic Aura: Alters object's magic aura. Ventriloquism: Throws voice for 1 min./level. Complex Color Spray: Knocks unconscious, blinds, and/or stuns weak creatures. Disguise Self: Changes your appearance. Silent Image: Creates minor illusion of your design.



Simple Chill Touch: One touch/level deals 1d6 damage and possibly 1 Str damage. Complex Cause Fear: One creature of 5 HD or less flees for 1d4 rounds. Ray of Enfeeblement: Ray causes 1d6 Str penalty + 1 per 2 levels.

Transmutation Simple Erase: Mundane or magical writing vanishes. Expeditious Retreat: Your base speed increases by 30 ft. Feather Fall: Objects or creatures fall slowly. Jump: Subject gets bonus on Acrobatics checks. Complex Animate Rope: Makes a rope move at your command. Enlarge Person: Humanoid creature doubles in size. Grim HarvestF: Drain the fluids from a dead creature and recover its water.NEW Magic Weapon: Weapon gains +1 bonus. Reduce Person: Humanoid creature halves in size.

Simple Acid Arrow: Ranged touch attack; 2d4 damage for 1 round + 1 round/three levels. Fog Cloud: Fog obscures vision. Glitterdust: Blinds creatures, outlines invisible creatures. Complex Summon Monster II: Summons extraplanar creature to fight for you. Summon Swarm: Summons swarm of bats, rats, or spiders. Web: Fills 20-ft.-radius spread with sticky spiderwebs that can grapple foes and impair movement.

Divination Simple Footsteps of the QuarryM: Track a specific creature or person overland.DS See Invisibility: Reveals invisible creatures or objects. Complex Detect Thoughts: Listen to nearby surface thoughts. Locate Object: Senses direction toward object (specific or type).


Simple Daze Monster: Living creature of 6 HD or less loses its next action. Wakefulness: Target can postpone sleep.DS


Complex Hideous Laughter: Subject loses actions for 1 round/level. Touch of Idiocy: Subject takes 1d6 penalty to Int, Wis, and Cha.


Simple Cerulean ShockM: Charges target with powerful static electricity, which discharges if the target moves.DS Darkness: 20-ft. radius of supernatural shadow. Gust of Wind: Blows away or knocks down smaller creatures. Complex Continual FlameM: Makes a permanent, heatless light. Flaming Sphere: Rolling ball of fire deals 3d6 fire damage. Scorching Ray: Ranged touch attack deals 4d6 fire damage, + 1 ray/four levels (max 3). Shatter: Sonic energy damages objects or crystalline creatures.

Illusion Simple Hypnotic Pattern: Fascinates 2d4 + level HD of creatures. Magic TrickF: Conceal your spellcasting.DS Magic MouthM: Object speaks once when triggered. Phantom TrapM: Makes item seem trapped. Complex Blur: Attacks miss subject 20% of the time. Invisibility: Subject is invisible for 1 min./level or until it attacks. Minor Image: As silent image, plus some sound. Mirror Image: Creates decoy duplicates of you. Misdirection: Misleads divinations for 1 creature or object.


barb to inject a supernatural venom.DS Complex Blindness/Deafness: Makes subject blinded or deafened. Command Undead: Undead creature obeys you. Ghoul Touch: Paralyzes one subject, which exudes stench that makes those nearby sickened. Scare: Frightens creatures of less than 6 HD.

Transmutation Simple Bear's Endurance: Subject gains +4 to Con for 1 min./level. Boneharden: Stiffens bone, making bone items more effective or locking the joints of a creature.DS Bull's Strength: Subject gains +4 to Str for 1 min./level. Cat's Grace: Subject gains +4 to Dex for 1 min./level. Darkvision: See 60 ft. in total darkness. Eagle's Splendor: Subject gains +4 to Cha for 1 min./level. Fox's Cunning: Subject gains +4 to Int for 1 min./level. Make Whole: Repairs an object. Owl's Wisdom: Subject gains +4 to Wis for 1 min./level. Pyrotechnics: Turns fire into blinding light or thick smoke. Sandstone: Turn ordinary sand or dirt into sandstone.DS Spider Climb: Grants ability to walk on walls and ceilings. Whispering Wind: Sends a short message 1 mile/level. Complex Alter Self: Assume form of a Small or Medium humanoid. Knock: Opens locked or magically sealed door. Levitate: Subject moves up and down at your direction. Rope Trick: As many as eight creatures hide in extradimensional space.

Simple rd Death Mark: Target becomes ill and vulnerable.DS Abjuration False Life: Gain 1d10 temporary hp + 1/level (max Simple +10). M Spectral Hand: Creates disembodied glowing hand to Conservation : Protect the land from defilement.DS Endure Elements, Mass: As endure elements, but deliver touch attacks. M protects multiple creatures.NEW Sting of the Gold Scorpion : Enchants a scorpion

3 -Level Wizard Spells


Explosive Runes: Deals 6d6 damage when read. Complex Dispel Magic: Cancels one magical spell or effect. Magic Circle against Chaos/Evil/Good/Law: As protection spells, but 10-ft. radius and 10 min./level. NondetectionM: Hides subject from divination, scrying. Protection from Energy: Absorbs 12 points/level of damage from one kind of energy.


Simple Daylight: 60-ft. radius of bright light. Wind Wall: Deflects arrows and smaller creatures. Complex Fireball: 1d6 damage per level, 20-ft. radius. Lightning Bolt: Electricity deals 1d6/level damage. Tiny Hut: Creates shelter for 10 creatures.



Simple Sepia Snake SigilM: Creates text symbol that immobilizes reader. Sleet Storm: Hampers vision and movement. Complex Phantom Steed: Magic horse appears for 1 hour/level. Stinking Cloud: Nauseating vapors, 1 round/level. Summon Monster III: Summons extraplanar creature to fight for you.

Simple Illusory ScriptM: Only select creatures can read text. Complex Displacement: Attacks miss subject 50% of the time. Invisibility Sphere: Makes everyone within 10 ft. invisible. Major Image: As silent image, plus sound, smell and thermal effects.


Simple Gentle Repose: Preserves one corpse. Simple Halt Undead: Immobilizes undead for 1 round/level. Arcane Sight: Magical auras become visible to you. Vampiric Touch: Touch deals 1d6 damage per two Speak with Animals: You can communicate with levels; caster gains damage as temporary hp. animals. Complex Complex Boneclaw's CutF: Cuts appear on the target, who takes Clairaudience/Clairvoyance: Hear or see at a distance damage and begins to bleed profusely.DS for 1 min./level. Death WhipF: Your whip is charged with negative Tongues: Speak and understand any language. energy, dealing 1d2 Str damage with each lash.DS Ray of Exhaustion: Ray makes subject exhausted.



Simple Dedication: Allow target to ignore bodily necessities and gain bonuses while pursuing a specific task.DS Deep Slumber: Puts 10 HD of creatures to sleep. Heroism: Give +2 bonus on attacks, saves, skill checks. Rage: Give +2 Str and Con, +1 on Will saves, –2 to AC. Complex Hold Person: Paralyzes one humanoid for 1 round/level. Suggestion: Compels a subject to follow stated course of action.

Transmutation Simple Flame Arrow: Arrows deal +1d6 fire damage. Keen Edge: Doubles normal weapon's threat range. Magic Weapon, Greater: Weapon gains +1 bonus/four levels (max +5). Sand Pit: Excavates sand in a 30 foot wide and 50 foot deep cone.DS Secret Page: Changes one page to hide its real content. Shrink Item: Object shrinks to one-sixteenth size. Worm's Breath: Subjects can breathe underwater, in silt, or underground.DS Complex Beast Shape I: You take the form and some of the


powers of a Small or Medium animal. Blink: You randomly vanish and reappear for 1 round per level. Fly: Subject flies at speed of 60 ft. Gaseous Form: Subject becomes insubstantial and can fly slowly. Haste: One creature/level moves faster, +1 on attack rolls, AC, and Reflex saves. Slow: One subject/level takes only one action/round, – 1 to AC, Reflex saves, and attack rolls. Zombie BerryM: Enchants 1d4 berries to cloud the minds of whoever eats them.DS


Simple Crushing Despair: Subjects take –2 on attack rolls, damage rolls, saves, and checks. Complex Charm Monster: Makes monster believe it is your ally. Confusion: Subjects behave oddly for 1 round/level. Geas, Lesser: Commands subject of 7 HD or less. GloomcloudM: A gloomy cloud hangs over the target, making it despair and take no action.DS


Simple Fire Shield: Creatures attacking you take fire damage; th you're protected from heat or cold. Abjuration Ice Storm: Hail deals 5d6 damage in cylinder 40 ft. Simple across. Fire TrapM: Opened object deals 1d4 damage + 1/level. Wall of Ice: Create wall or dome of ice. Remove Curse: Frees object or person from curse. Complex Complex Resilient Sphere: Force globe protects but traps one Dimensional Anchor: Bars extradimensional subject. movement. Sand Spray: You fire a cloud of sand at incredible Globe of Invulnerability, Lesser: Stops 1st- through speed, damaging and blinding creatures.DS 3rd-level spell effects.* Shout: Deafens all within cone and deals 5d6 sonic StoneskinM: Grants DR 10/adamantine. damage. Wall of Fire: Wall of flame deals damage to creatures that stand near or pass through the wall. Conjuration

4 -Level Wizard Spells

Simple Minor Creation: Creates one cloth or wood object. Secure Shelter: Creates sturdy cottage. Solid Fog: Blocks vision and slows movement. Complex Black Tentacles: Tentacles grapple all creatures within a 20-ft. spread. Dimension Door: Teleports you a short distance. Summon Monster IV: Summons extraplanar creature to fight for you.


Simple Detect Scrying: Alerts you to magical eavesdropping. Complex Arcane Eye: Invisible floating eye moves 30 ft./round. Locate Creature: Indicates direction to familiar creature. ScryingF: Spies on subject from a distance.


Simple Illusory Wall: Wall, floor, or ceiling looks real, but anything can pass through. Rainbow Pattern: Lights fascinate 24 HD of creatures. Shadow Conjuration: Mimics conjuration below 4th level, but only 20% real.* Complex Hallucinatory Terrain: Makes one type of terrain appear like another (field as forest, or the like). Invisibility, Greater: As invisibility, but subject can attack and stay invisible. Phantasmal Killer: Fearsome illusion kills subject or deals 3d6 damage.


Simple Bestow Curse: –6 to an ability score; –4 on attack rolls,


saves, and checks; or 50% chance of losing actions. Claws of the TemboM: You grow powerful claws which let you steal life from your target.DS Contagion: Infects subject with chosen disease. Complex Animate DeadM: Creates undead skeletons and zombies out of corpses. Enervation: Subject gains 1d4 negative levels. Fear: Subjects within cone flee for 1 round/level. Ghostfire: Instantly slays 2 HD/level of creatures with less than 5 HD.DS Touch the BlackM: A conduit to the plane of lifedestroying cold deals 1d6/level and disables creatures.DS

Transmutation Simple Stone Shape: Sculpts stone into any shape. Complex Beast Shape II: You take the form and some of the powers of a Tiny or Large animal. Elemental Body I: Turns you into a Small elemental.* Enlarge Person, Mass: 1 humanoid creature/level doubles in size. Reduce Person, Mass: As reduce person, but affects 1 humanoid creature/level.

5th-Level Wizard Spells Abjuration

Complex Break Enchantment: Frees subjects from enchantments, transmutations, and curses. Dismissal: Force creature to return to its native plane. Mage's Private Sanctum: Prevents anyone from viewing or scrying an area for 24 hours.

Cloudkill: Kills 3 HD or less; 4–6 HD save or die, 6+ HD take Con damage. Mage's Faithful Hound: Phantom dog can guard a location and attack intruders. Planar Binding, Lesser: Traps extraplanar creature of 6 HD or less until it performs a task. Summon Monster V: Summons extraplanar creature to fight for you. Teleport: Instantly transports you as far as 100 miles per level.

Divination Simple Telepathic Bond: Link lets allies communicate. Complex Contact Other Plane: Lets you ask question of extraplanar entity. Prying Eyes: 1d4 + 1/level floating eyes scout for you.

Enchantment Simple Mind Fog: Subjects in fog get –10 to Wis and Will checks. Symbol of SleepM: Triggered rune puts nearby creatures into catatonic slumber. Complex Dominate Person: Controls humanoid telepathically. Feeblemind: Subject's Int and Cha drop to 1. Hold Monster: As hold person, but any creature. ScapegoatM: All creatures blame the target for their problems and become hostile to the target. DS


Simple Sending: Delivers short message anywhere, instantly. Skyfire: You fire three bolts of flaming debris which explode on contact.DS Conjuration Sparkrain: You hurl a bolt of force which strips your Simple target of its magical force defenses.DS Major Creation: As minor creation, plus stone and Complex metal. Cone of Cold: 1d6/level cold damage. Secret ChestF: Hides expensive chest on Ethereal Interposing Hand: Hand provides cover against 1 Plane; you retrieve it at will. opponent. Wall of Stone: Creates a stone wall that can be shaped. Quietstorm: You fire five rays of sonic energy, each Complex M dealing 2d6 damage + 1/level.*DS Cerulean Hail : A terrible hailstorm deals 1d6/level in Ragestorm: A miniature Tyr-storm deals 4d6 damage 20 feet and panics weak creatures.DS


to creatures in its area and follows its targets.*DS Wall of Force: Wall is immune to damage.

animal. Beast Shape III: You take the form of a Diminutive or Huge animal, or Small or Medium magical beast. Elemental Body II: Turns you into a Medium Illusion elemental.* Simple Overland Flight: You fly at a speed of 40 ft. and can Dream: Sends message to anyone sleeping. M hustle over long distances. False Vision : Fools scrying with an illusion. Passwall: Creates passage through wood or stone Nightmare: Sends vision dealing damage, fatigue. wall. Shadow Evocation: Mimics evocation below 5th level, Plant Shape I: Turn into a Small or Medium plant. but only 20% real.* Polymorph: Gives one willing subject a new form. Complex Mirage Arcana: As hallucinatory terrain, plus Universal structures. Persistent Image: As major image, but with no Simple concentration required. PermanencyM: Makes certain spells permanent. Rangeblade: One weapon gains non-threatening reach th out to 5 feet + 5 feet/level.DS Seeming: Changes appearance of 1 person per 2 Abjuration levels. Simple Banish Tyr-StormF: Repel a Tyr-storm.DS Necromancy Guards and Wards: Varied magic effects protect area. Simple Complex Blight: Withers one plant or deals 1d6/level damage to Antimagic Field: Negates magic within 10 ft. plant creature. Dispel Magic, Greater: As dispel magic, but with Symbol of PainM: Triggered rune wracks creatures multiple targets. with pain. Globe of Invulnerability: As lesser globe of Complex invulnerability, plus 4th-level spell effects.* Magic JarF: Enables possession of another creature. RepulsionF: Creatures can't approach you. Waves of Fatigue: Several targets become fatigued.

6 -Level Wizard Spells


Transmutation Simple FabricateM: Transforms raw materials into finished items. Sand TrapM: You lay a magical trap in an area of sounding, damaging targets or attracting enemies.DS Sandflow: Reshapes sand dunes.DS Telekinesis: Moves object, attacks creature, or hurls object or creature. Transmute Mud to Rock: Transforms two 10-ft. cubes per level. Transmute Rock to Mud: Transforms two 10-ft. cubes per level. Complex Animal Growth: One animal doubles in size. Baleful Polymorph: Turns subject into harmless

Simple Acid Fog: Fog deals acid damage. Wall of IronM: 30 hp/four levels; can topple onto foes. Complex Groundflame: Create an expanding cylinder of acid that deals 1d6/level to creatures inside.DS Planar Binding: As lesser planar binding, but up to 12 HD. Summon Monster VI: Summons extraplanar creature to fight for you. Summon Tyr-StormF: Conjure a Tyr-storm, dealing 2d8 damage per round to creatures within it.DS

Divination Simple Analyze DweomerF: Reveals magical aspects of


subject. Complex Legend LoreMF: Lets you learn tales about a person, place, or thing. True SeeingM: Lets you see things as they really are.

(max 20d4). Complex Circle of DeathM: Kills 1d4/level HD of creatures. Create UndeadM: Raises ghouls, ghasts, mummies, or mohrgs from physical remains. Shroud of DarknessMF: Your cloak grants protection and the ability to travel to the Black freely.DS


Simple Heroism, Greater: Gives +4 bonus on attack rolls, saves, skill checks; immunity to fear; temporary hp. Symbol of PersuasionM: Triggered rune charms creatures. Complex Geas/Quest: As lesser geas, but affects any creature. Suggestion, Mass: As suggestion, affects 1 subject/level.

Evocation Simple Cleansing Flame: Hurl a dart of pure white flame that consumes agents of darkness.DS Freezing Sphere: Freezes water or deals cold damage. Complex Chain Lightning: 1d6/level damage and 1 secondary bolt/level. ContingencyF: Sets trigger condition for another spell. Forceful Hand: Hand pushes creatures away.


Simple Programmed ImageM: As major image, but triggered by event. Veil: Changes appearance of a group of creatures. Complex Mislead: Turn invisible and creates illusory double. Permanent Image: Permanent illusion, includes sight, sound, smell, and thermal effects. Shadow Walk: Step into shadow to travel rapidly.


Simple Eyebite: Target becomes panicked, sickened, and comatose. Symbol of FearM: Triggered rune panics nearby creatures. Undeath to DeathM: Destroys 1d4/level HD of undead


Simple Bear's Endurance, Mass: As bear's endurance, affects one subject/level. Braxatskin: You cover yourself in spiky chitin, granting you strong armor and DR 5/iron.*DS Bull's Strength, Mass: As bull's strength, affects 1 subject per level. Cat's Grace, Mass: As cat's grace, affects 1 subject/level. Control Tides: Raises, lowers, or parts bodies of water or silt.DS Eagle's Splendor, Mass: As eagle's splendor, 1 subject/level. Fox's Cunning, Mass: As fox's cunning, affects 1 subject/ level. Move Earth: Digs trenches and builds hills. Owl's Wisdom, Mass: As owl's wisdom, affects 1 subject/level. Shining Sands: Grains of sand rotate to reflect light as you desire, blinding nearby creatures.DS Complex Beast Shape IV: You take the form of a Diminutive to Huge animal or a Tiny to Large magical beast. Disintegrate: Reduces one creature or object to dust. Elemental Body III: Turns you into a Large elemental.* Flesh to Stone: Turns subject creature into statue. Form of the Dragon I: Turns you into a Medium dragon. Plant Shape II: Turns you into a Large plant creature. Sands of TimeF: Reverses or accelerates the aging of a non-living object.DS Stone to Flesh: Restores petrified creature. TransformationM: You gain combat bonuses.


7th-Level Wizard Spells

Insanity: Subject suffers continuous confusion. Power Word Blind: Blinds creature with 200 hp or less.


Simple Banishment: Banishes 2 HD/level of extraplanar creatures. Complex Sequester: Subject is invisible to sight and scrying; renders creature comatose. Spell TurningM: Reflect 1d4+6 spell levels back at caster.


Simple Delayed Blast Fireball: 1d6/level fire damage; you can postpone blast for up to 5 rounds. Complex ForcecageM: Cube or cage of force imprisons all inside. Grasping Hand: Hand provides cover, pushes, or grapples. Conjuration Mage's SwordF: Floating magic blade strikes Simple opponents. Infestation: Several creatures are afflicted by a plague Prismatic Spray: Rays hit subjects with variety of of insects, which can cripple in various ways.DS effects. Instant SummonsM: Prepared object appears in your hand. Illusion Mage's Magnificent MansionF: Door leads to Simple extradimensional mansion. Shadow Conjuration, Greater: As shadow conjuration, Teleport Object: As teleport, but affects a touched but up to 6th level and 60% real.*DS object. Complex Complex Invisibility, Mass: As invisibility, but affects all in Gray Beckoning: Summon a large number of Gray range. zombies to feast on the living.DS Project Image: Illusory double can talk and cast spells. Phase Door: Creates an invisible passage through a SimulacrumM: Creates partially real double of a barrier. creature. Plane ShiftF: As many as eight subjects travel to another plane. Summon Monster VII: Summons extraplanar creature Necromancy Simple to fight for you. M Teleport, Greater: As teleport, but no range limit and Symbol of Weakness : Triggered rune weakens creatures. no off-target arrival. Waves of Exhaustion: Several targets become exhausted. Divination Complex Simple Arcane Sight, Greater: As arcane sight, but also reveals Control Undead: Undead don't attack you while under your command. magic effects on creatures and objects. Finger of Death: Deals 10 damage/level to one subject. Complex Unliving IdentityM: Return a zombie's soul, turning it Scrying, Greater: As scrying, but faster and longer. into a thinking zombie.DS VisionM: As legend lore, but quicker.



Simple Symbol of StunningM: Triggered rune stuns creatures. Complex Hold Person, Mass: As hold person, but all within 30 ft.

Simple Reverse Gravity: Objects and creatures fall upward. Statue: Subject can become a statue at will. Complex


Control Weather: Changes weather in local area. Elemental Body IV: Turns you into a Huge elemental.* Ethereal Jaunt: You become ethereal for 1 round/level. Form of the Dragon II: Turns you into a Large dragon. Giant Form I: Turns you into a Large giant. Plant Shape III: Turns you into a Huge plant. Polymorph, Greater: Gives one willing subject a new, more powerful form.


Simple Limited WishM: Alters reality (within limits).

8th-Level Wizard Spells Abjuration

Complex Dimensional Lock: Teleportation and interplanar travel blocked for 1 day/level. Mind Blank: Subject is protected from mental/emotional magic and scrying. Prismatic Wall: Wall's colors have array of effects. Protection from SpellsMF: Confers +8 resistance bonus. Protection from TimeM: Makes creature or object immune to aging for 1 month/2 levels.DS


Simple Incendiary Cloud: Cloud deals 6d6 fire damage/round. Complex Maze: Traps subject in extradimensional maze. Planar Binding, Greater: As lesser planar binding, but up to 18 HD. Summon Monster VIII: Summons extraplanar creature to fight for you. Trap the SoulM: Imprisons subject within gem.


bonus on single attack roll, check, or save.


Simple Symbol of InsanityM: Triggered rune renders nearby creatures insane. Complex Antipathy: Object or location affected by spell repels certain creatures. BindingM: Utilizes an array of techniques to imprison a creature. Charm Monster, Mass: As charm monster, but all within 30 ft. Demand: As sending, plus you can send suggestion. Irresistible Dance: Forces subject to dance. Power Word Stun: Stuns creature with 150 hp or less. SympathyM: Object or location attracts certain creatures.


Simple Polar Ray: Ranged touch attack deals 1d6/level cold damage and 1d4 points of Dexterity drain. Sunburst: Blinds all within 10 ft., deals 6d6 damage. Complex Clenched Fist: Large hand provides cover, pushes, or attacks your foes. Shout, Greater: Devastating yell deals 10d6 sonic damage; stuns creatures. Telekinetic Sphere: As resilient sphere, but you move the sphere telekinetically.


Simple Shadow Evocation, Greater: As shadow evocation, but up to 7th level and 60% real.* Complex Scintillating Pattern: Twisting colors confuse, stun, or render unconscious. Screen: Illusion hides area from vision and scrying.

Simple Prying Eyes, Greater: As prying eyes, but eyes have Necromancy true seeing. Simple Complex M Discern Location: Reveals exact location of creature or Symbol of Death : Triggered rune kills nearby creatures. object. Moment of Prescience: You gain +1/level insight


Complex CloneMF: Duplicate awakens when original dies. Create Greater UndeadM: Creates shadows, wraiths, spectres, or devourers. Horrid Wilting: Deals 1d6/level damage within 30 ft.


Complex Dominate Monster: As dominate person, but any creature. Hold Monster, Mass: As hold monster, but all in 30 ft. Power Word Kill: Kills one creature with 100 hp or less.


Simple Iron Body: Your body becomes living iron. Complex Form of the Dragon III: Turns you into a Huge dragon. Giant Form II: Turns you into a Huge giant. Polymorph Any Object: Changes a subject into anything else. Temporal StasisM: Puts subject into suspended animation.

Evocation Complex Crushing Hand: Large hand provides cover, pushes, or crushes your foes. Meteor Swarm: Four exploding spheres each deal 6d6 fire damage. TempestM: Creates an obliterating storm that deals 10 damage/level to creatures in a 20-foot radius.*DS


9th-Level Arcane Spells Abjuration

Complex Freedom: Releases creature from imprisonment. Imprisonment: Entombs subject beneath the earth. Mage's Disjunction: Dispels magic, disenchants magic items. Prismatic Sphere: As prismatic wall, but surrounds on all sides.

Complex Shades: As shadow conjuration, but up to 8th level and 80% real. Weird: As phantasmal killer, but affects all within 30 ft.


Simple Vampiric Youthfulness: Steal vitality from the subject to restore your own youth.*DS Complex Astral ProjectionM: Projects you and companions onto Conjuration Astral Plane. Complex Energy Drain: Subject gains 2d4 negative levels. M Gate : Connects two planes for travel or summoning. Pact of DarknessM: Form a pact of service with a Gray Rift: A hovering rift to the Gray bolsters the shadow giant.DS undead and damages the living.DS Soul BindF: Traps newly dead soul to prevent RefugeM: Alters item to transport its possessor to your resurrection. abode. Wail of the Banshee: Deals 10 damage/level to 1 Summon Monster IX: Summons extraplanar creature creature/level. to fight for you. Teleportation CircleM: Teleports creatures inside Transmutation circle. Complex

Divination Complex Foresight: “Sixth sense” warns of impending danger.

Etherealness: Travel to Ethereal Plane with companions. Magma Tunnel: Carve a passage through the earth by transmuting it to magma.DS ShapechangeF: Transforms you into certain creatures, and lets you change forms once per round. Time Stop: You act freely for 1d4+1 rounds.


Generally, the spirit has at least as many Hit Dice as the original creature. A Grey spirit can be removed Simple from a body by any means that could normally WishM: As limited wish, but with fewer limits. remove an extraplanar entity, at which time the original creature's soul regains possession of the body. For this reason, Grey spirits usually attempt to flee as quickly as possible. They use the physical attributes and extraordinary abilities of the body, but retain their The following notes function as errata for all spells own mental attributes and abilities. Many Grey spirits and powers that create specific effects. Become who can possess a body are psionic. familiar with these rules, as they may apply to many The true resurrection spell is not subject to this different spells. Enhancement Bonuses to Attributes: Any spell or limitation. A true resurrection works without fail. power that creates an enhancement bonus to one or more ability scores is subject to a cap on its effectiveness. No enhancement bonus granted by any spell or power can cause an attribute to exceed 16 + ½ The following notes function as errata for the caster or manifester level before other bonuses. For th example, a bull's strength spell cast by a 5 level cleric individual spells mentioned. All general errata applies could raise a character's Strength score to a maximum to these spells as well. Braxatskin: You do not suffer spell failure, and the of 18 (16 + 2.5 rounded down). A barbarian with Strength 16 would have his Strength raised to 18. If the damage reduction is only 5/iron. Create Element: This spell does not exist for any barbarian were raging (+4 Strength), his Strength would increase from 20 to 22. If the spell's caster were character. Clerics receive the ability to use this spell as a class feature, but cannot learn it. instead 8th level, the cap would increase to 20 (16 + 4) Drown on Dry Land: Targets are now allows two and the barbarian would gain the full benefit of the saving throws: a Fortitude save to negate the effects, spell and have Strength 24. and a Will save for partial effect. Succeeding on the Enhancement Bonuses to Non-Medium Creatures' Attributes: This exception to the preceding Fortitude save prevents the spell from having any effect. A creature that fails the Fortitude save but rule is designed to preserve the utility of attributesucceeds on the Will save is staggered and sickened enhancing spells for non-Medium creatures. The for one round per caster level as its lungs seize up. If it threshold for Strength enhancements for Large or is already staggered, it is stunned instead. Failing both larger creatures increases by +4 per size category the Fortitude save and the Will save results in the beyond Medium. The threshold for Dexterity enhancements for Small or smaller creatures increases effects as written. Endure Elements: In place of its normal effects, by +4 per size category below Medium. endure elements provides immunity to cold Long-Term Resurrection Spells: Any spell or temperatures above -21 degrees, and heat protection 5. power which permanently resurrects any creature Elemental Form: Casting any elemental form spell which has been dead for more than one day risks allows the caster to assume a paraelemental form, if he catching the attention of a Grey spirit, which can so desires. “piggyback” on the spell's power and gain control of Magma: +2/4/6/8 Strength, -0/0/2/2 Dexterity, the body instead of its normal owner. There is a 10% +0/0/0/2 Constitution, +4/5/6/6 natural armor, chance of this occurring + 5% per point of difference between the caster level of the effect and the Hit Dice darkvision 60 feet, push, and burn. Rain: +0/0/2/4 Strength, -0/0/2/2 Dexterity, +2/4/6/8 of the creature being resurrected. The exact power and nature of the Grey spirit that Constitution, +4/5/6/6 natural armor, fly 60/70/80/100 feet (perfect), darkvision 60 feet, and whirlwind. claims the body is up to the DM, but no spirit with Silt: +0/0/2/4 Strength, +2/4/4/6 Dexterity, +2/3/4/4 less than 10 HD can steal a body in this way.


D General Errata

D Spell Errata


natural armor, swim 60/70/80/100 feet, darkvision 60 feet, constant effect worm's breath, and acid (as rust monster rust, save DC = 10 + ½ HD + Con mod). Sun: As fire elemental. Globe of Invulnerability: This spell also protects against powers costing 8 power points or less. Globe of Invulnerability, Lesser: This spell also protects against powers costing 6 power points or less. Heartseeker: A failed save does not automatically kill the target; instead, the target takes 15 damage per caster level. In place of an XP component, this spell requires a material component: a miniature runecarved agafari spear worth 250 Cp. Mage Seeker: This spell does not exist for any character. Quietstorm: The spell fires a fixed five rays. Each ray deals 2d6 + 1/level sonic damage. Ragestorm: If a target's saving throw exceeds the save DC by 5 or more on successive rounds, the storm stops following that creature. Shadow Conjuration: All shadow conjuration spells have the following restrictions. A shadow conjuration can only imitate the effects of a Simple Conjuration spell. If the caster is able to ready Complex Illusion spells, a shadow conjuration can also imitate Complex Conjuration spells. Shadow Evocation: All shadow evocation spells have the following restrictions. A shadow evocation can only imitate the effects of a Simple Evocation spell. If the caster is able to ready Complex Illusion spells, a shadow evocation can also imitate Complex Evocation spells. Spell Immunity: The caster can select psionic powers as well as spells when declaring immunities. Summon Monster: A new summon list for summon monster spells is presented below. Unless otherwise specified, all creatures come from Terrors of Athas. Summon Nature's Ally: A new summon list for summon nature's ally spells is presented below. Unless otherwise specified, all creatures come from the Pathfinder Bestiary. Tempest: Creatures that fail their saving throw take 10 damage per caster level. A successful save reduces the damage by one-half. Vampiric Youthfulness: The casting time is reduced to one minute, and there are no restrictions

based on the target's Hit Dice.

D Power Errata

The following notes function as errata for the individual powers mentioned. All general errata applies to these powers as well. Burst: This power is now a general psion/wilder 1st level power. Call Weaponry: The enhancement bonus of the weapon increases by +1 per five manifester levels, to a maximum of +3 at 11th level. Catfall: The distance that the power slows the subject's fall increases by 10 feet per manifester level. Energy Current: All secondary targets of the power take full damage, but the save DC against the power is 2 points lower. Sustaining the power is a standard action. Levitate, Psionic: This power is now a 1st-level discipline power for nomads. Nomads only pay 1 power point to manifest psionic levitate. Metaphysical Claw: The enhancement bonus granted by this power increases by +1 per five manifester levels, to a maximum of +3 at 11th level. Metaphysical Weapon: The enhancement bonus granted by this power increases by +1 per five manifester levels, to a maximum of +3 at 11th level.

D Bardic Excellencies

Bards gain access to special techniques and tactical abilities known as excellencies. Excellencies are not supernatural abilities, but they can perform some of the same functions. Some excellencies can only be used while the bard is using his bardic performance ability.


Level 1 Activation Time 1 minute Effect alarm protects one 5-foot square Duration until discharged Use at will Using simple supplies at hand, you create a basic alarm system in a single 5-foot square. Once in place, this alarm system is triggered the first time a creature passes through the square. You can have as many


alarms set at one time as you wish. When you use this excellency, you can choose one or both of the following alert types. Audible Alarm: A loud noise sounds when the alarm is triggered. The exact nature of the noise varies based on the materials at hand, but it is always clearly audible to any creature within 60 feet. Reduce the distance by 10 feet for each interposing closed portal and by 20 feet for each interposing solid wall. Telltale: There is no obvious alert, but when you next visit the location of the alarm, you can immediately tell that it has been triggered. A successful Perception check (DC 15 + ½ bard level) reveals the location and nature of your alarm. A successful Disable Device check (DC 15 + ½ bard level) allows a creature to bypass the alarm without triggering it. You can teach anyone special movements or memorized information that will allow it to bypass the alarm in this way. Someone that you have instructed in this way does not need to make checks to avoid your alarm. Ethereal and astral creatures cannot trigger an alarm.


Level 1 Activation Time 1 standard action Range 30 feet Target one creature Duration 1 round Save Will negates Use 1/day, +1 use per four bard levels past 1st You taunt a single creature, rendering it confused for 1 round. This is a mind-affecting ability.

Bafflement, Greater Level 3 Activation Time 1 standard action Range 30 feet Target one creature per point of Charisma modifier Duration 1 round/bard level Save Will negates Use 1/day, +1 use per four bard levels past 7th You taunt and confound several creatures, rendering them confused for the duration of this excellency. This is a mind-affecting ability.

Bardic Cant

Level 4 Activation Time none Effect create a system of codes and signs Use at will You develop an intricate system of code phrases and sign language that allow you to communicate easily and secretly with any creature who also knows your system. It takes one day to teach someone the cant. Anyone who knows the cant gains a +15 bonus to Bluff checks to communicate secretly with someone else who knows it, and takes no longer to deliver the message than it would take to speak it plainly. Bardic cant also allows its users to communicate any simple message with gestures alone, forming an effective tactical sign language.

Bardic Cryptography Level 2 Activation Time none Effect write using incredibly difficult codes Use at will You can use the Linguistics skill to devise and use nigh-unbreakable ciphers. The exact nature of the cipher varies from bard to bard, and many maintain several different ciphers for different uses. Each one, however, requires a Linguistics check to break (DC 10 + creator's ranks in Linguistics + ½ creator's bard level).

Calm Emotions

Level 2 Activation Time 1 standard action Range 30 feet Target one creature per point of Charisma modifier Duration concentration, up to 1 round/bard level Save Will negates Use 1/day, +1 use per four bard levels after 4th You soothe the affected creatures, evening out their emotional state. Targets are affected as if by calm emotions. This is a mind-affecting ability.

Cloud Mind

Level 5; requires bardic performance Activation Time 1 standard action Range 30 feet Target one creature per point of Charisma modifier


Duration 1d6 minutes; see text Save Will negates Use 1/day, +1 use per four bard levels after 13th You fill the minds of creatures listening to your bardic performance with strange images and confusing ideas, driving them to absolute distraction. Affected creatures take a -10 penalty to Wisdom-based checks, including Will saves, for as long as they observe your performance and for 1d6 minutes thereafter. Each round that you perform, you can target different creatures with this excellency, although you cannot target the same creature more than once. When you change your performance or cease to use it, this excellency ends (except for the after-effects on creatures who failed their saves).

Conceal Scent Level 1 Activation Time 1 minute Target one creature or object Duration 10 minutes Use at will You use a variety of alchemical compounds and special techniques to suppress the target's scent. Creatures with the scent ability like cilops cannot detect or track the target by smell for the duration of this excellency.

Critical Strike

Level 1 Activation Time 1 swift action Target you Duration 1 round Use 1/day, +1 use per four bard levels past 1st For the duration of this excellency, your melee attacks against any foe that you flank or that has lost its Dexterity bonus to Armor Class deal 2 additional damage + 1 damage per two bard levels. Any creature immune to sneak attacks is also immune to the extra damage from this excellency.

Crushing Despair Level 3; requires bardic performance Activation Time 1 standard action Range 20 feet Target one creature per point of Charisma modifier Duration 1 minute/bard level Save Will negates Use 1/day, +1 use per four bard levels past 7th You can tune your performance to cause a deep depression in nearby creatures. Affected creatures take a -2 penalty to attack rolls, damage rolls, saving throws, skill checks, and ability checks. This is a mindaffecting ability.


Coordinated Precision Level 2; requires bardic performance Activation Time none Range 30 feet Target one creature per point of Charisma modifier Duration length of bardic performance Use at will while sustaining bardic performance Allies affected by your bardic performance can coordinate their attacks against vulnerable enemies. Any ally targeted by this excellency who is flanking an enemy or attacking an enemy denied its Dexterity bonus to Armor Class gains a +2 insight bonus to attack rolls against that enemy and deals +1d6 damage to that enemy. Any creature immune to sneak attacks is also immune to the extra damage from this excellency. You can change which allies you target as a free action on your turn.

Level 1 Activation Time 1 minute Target you Duration instantaneous Use 1/day, +1 use per four bard levels past 1st Once you complete the activation of this excellency, you can immediately make a Disguise check to change your appearance with a +10 bonus. This bonus does not stack with that provided by polymorph effects.

Fast Talk Level 1 Activation Time 1 minute Range 30 feet Target one humanoid creature Duration 1 hour/bard level Save Will negates Use 1/day, +1 use per four bard levels past 1st


You spend one minute making an incredibly good impression, adjusting the target's attitudes with nearly supernatural ease. The target gains a +5 bonus to its save it is currently threatened by you or your allies. If it fails, it becomes your fast friend until it comes to its senses. In effect, it becomes subject to charm person for the duration. This is a mind-affecting ability.

Fast Talk, Commanding Level 5 Activation Time 1 standard action Range 30 feet Target one humanoid creature Duration 1 round/bard level Save Will negates Use 1/day, + 1 use per four bard levels after 13th You pitch your voice into a commanding, imperious tone that the subject cannot help but obey. In effect, it becomes subject to dominate person for the duration. This is a mind-affecting ability.

Fast Talk, Greater

Level 3 Target one creature of any type Use 1/day, +1 use per four bard levels past 7th As Fast Talk, except as noted. If the target fails its save, it becomes subject to charm monster for the duration.

Freedom of Movement

convince someone of the truth of your words. This bonus does not apply to any other use of Bluff, such as communicating a message via innuendo or feinting in combat. If a supernatural effect that would detect truth is used against you, the user of that effect must succeed on a caster level check against a DC of 15 + your bard level to affect you. Failure means that the effect does not detect your lies or force you to speak the truth, though the user of the effect receives no indication that this is the case.

Good Hope Level 3; requires bardic performance Activation Time 1 standard action Range 30 feet Target one creature per point of Charisma modifier Duration 1 minute/bard level Use 1/day, +1 use per four bard levels past 7th You can tune your performance to uplift the spirits of your allies. Affected creatures gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls, damage rolls, saving throws, skill checks, and ability checks. This is a mind-affecting ability.

Graceful Evasion Level 2 Activation Time 1 standard action Duration 1 minute/bard level Use 1/day, +1 use per four bard levels after 4th You begin a pattern of graceful dodges and weaves that allow you to easily avoid attacks. Enemies have a 20% chance of missing you with attacks. Furthermore, you count as having concealment for the purposes of making Stealth checks.

Level 4 Activation Time 1 standard action Target you Duration 10 minutes/bard level Use 1/day, +1 use per four bard levels past 10th Graceful Evasion, Greater You can avoid any effect that would slow your movement as if you were under the effects of a freedom Level 3 of movement spell. Duration 1 round/bard level Use 1/day, +1 use per four bard levels after 7th Glibness As Graceful Evasion, except as noted. You gain Level 3 50% miss chance, and count as having total Activation Time 1 standard action concealment. Duration 10 min/bard level Head Shot Use 1/day, +1 use per four bard levels past 7th Your speech becomes facile and persuasive, Level 2 causing those who hear you to believe every word you Activation Time 1 standard action say. You gain a +20 bonus on Bluff checks made to Range 30 feet


Target one creature Duration instantaneous Save Fortitude partial Use 1/day, +1 use per four bard levels after 4th You deliver a heavy blow to your target's head, seriously impairing him in the process. Make a normal attack against the target using any weapon you please. If you choose to use a ranged weapon, the target must be within 30 feet. If you hit, the target takes normal damage and must must make a Fortitude save or become blind or deafened (your choice) for one minute per bard level. If the attack misses, you do not waste your use of this ability.

Healthful Rest Level 1 Activation Time 30 minutes Target one creature per point of Charisma modifier Duration instantaneous Use at will You put on a short, relaxing performance, or simply talk to people and help them rest well. Any target of this excellency that rests immediately after your assistance recovers twice as many hit points and points of ability score damage as normal. This benefit stacks with that provided by long-term care.


Level 2 Activation Time 1 standard action Target one adjacent ally Duration 10 min/bard level Use 1/day, +1 use per four bard levels past 4th You bolster an ally with fierce words of encouragement. For the duration of this excellency, the target gains a +2 morale bonus to attack rolls, saving throws, and skill checks. This is a mind-affecting ability.

Heroism, Greater

Level 5 Duration 1 min/bard level Use 1/day, +1 use per four bard levels past 13th As Heroism, except as noted. The morale bonus improves to a +4 bonus to attack rolls, saving throws, and skill checks. The target also becomes immune to

fear and gains temporary hit points equal to your bard level.


Level 4 Activation Time one minute; see text Target one creature Duration instantaneous Save Will partial; see text Use 1/day, +1 use per four bard levels past 10th You convince the subject to alter its recollections of a subject matter, as if it were affected by modify memory. You can choose to modify up to one day of its memories in this way. If the subject fails its saving throw, it immediately accepts your version of events. If it succeeds on its saving throw, you can still attempt to alter its memory as long as the subject stays in your presence. You must spend one minute describing events and persuading the target to accept your viewpoint for every minute worth of memories that you wish to modify. If the subject leaves your presence before this is accomplished, this effect is lost.

Legend Lore

Level 4 Activation Time varies; see text Effect gain knowledge of legends Duration instantaneous Use at will Your research reveals long-hidden information about a legendary subject, as if you had cast the legend lore spell. Use the various casting times for legend lore as the activation time for this excellency.

Silent Armor Level 2 Activation Time none Duration permanent Use constant effect You ignore armor check penalties to your Stealth checks.

Song of Discord Level 5; requires bardic performance Activation Time 1 standard action Range 60 feet Target one creature per point of Charisma modifier


Duration 1 round/bard level Save Will negates Use 1/day, +1 use per four levels after 13th Creatures observing your bardic performance become deeply confused and lose track of their friends. Creatures that fail their save have a 50% chance of spending its turn attacking the nearest target. (Roll to determine each creature's behavior at the beginning of its turn.) A creature that does not attack its nearest neighbor is free to act normally for that round. Creatures forced to attack their allies employ all methods at their disposal, choosing their deadliest spells and most advantageous combat tactics. They do not, however, harm any unconscious target. This is a mind-affecting ability.

You pull out a burst of speed. For the duration of this excellency, your land speed increases by 30 feet. This excellency does not affect any other movement modes that you might possess.


Level 1 Activation Time special (see below) Effect form rough translation of unfamiliar language Duration instantaneous Use at will When you encounter a new language, you can attempt to translate it into something roughly comprehensible. As part of reading or listening to the new language, you can make a DC 20 Linguistics check to attempt to gain a rough conception of the meaning of the content. You must be able to read to do this for a written language. Your understanding is not perfect – you may miss details of complex material, such as engineering plans or spell formulae, at the DM's discretion. Furthermore, some languages (such as planar languages like Auran or Terran) might be more complex and thus have a higher Linguistics DC. A very few languages might be too complex to translate in this manner at all.

Song of Haste

Level 3; requires bardic performance Activation Time 1 standard action Range 30 feet Target one creature per point of Charisma modifier Duration 1 round/bard level Use 1/day, +1 use per four bard levels after 7th Your performance urges your allies to greater speed, giving them a bouncier stride and faster reflexes. Affected creatures gain the benefits of the haste spell.

Song of Resolve


Level 2; requires bardic performance Activation Time 1 immediate action Target one ally Duration instantaneous Use at will while sustaining bardic performance Once per round while sustaining your bardic performance, you can allow one ally benefiting from your performance to reroll a Will save that they just rolled. You must do so before you know the result of the save, and the ally must use the second result, even if it is worse.

Sprint Level 1 Activation Time 1 standard action Target you Duration one minute Use once per two minutes

Level 1 Activation Time special (see below) Range 30 feet Effect throw your voice Duration instantaneous Use at will Whenever you speak, you can make the sound of your voice appear to come from any place within 30 feet. A successful Sense Motive check (DC 15 + ½ bard level) allows creatures to determine the actual origin of the sound.

D Psionic Talents Create Tool

Discipline metacreativity (creation); Talent (D) Display Material (see text), Visual (see text) Manifesting Time 1 standard action Range personal Effect conjures one ectoplasmic tool


Duration concentration + 1 round/level You create a simple tool out of ectoplasm. An ectoplasmic tool has no weight, but is otherwise identical to a mundane tool of its type. You can create any item in this fashion that weighs 10 lb. or less and has a value of 10 Cp or lower. You do not need to touch an ectoplasmic tool once it has been created. However, when you cease to concentrate on this power, the tool slowly becomes insubstantial and eventually disappears. You can have no more than one ectoplasmic tool in existence at once, and you cannot use an ectoplasmic tool as a weapon.

Detect Psionics

Discipline clairsentience; Talent Display Auditory, Visual Manifesting Time 1 standard action Range 60 ft Area cone-shaped emanation Duration concentration, up to 1 min/level (D) This power functions exactly like detect magic, but it relies on Psicraft checks and can only detect psionic auras.

Distraction Discipline telepathy; Talent Display Mental (see text) Manifesting Time 1 standard action Range close (25 ft + 5 ft/2 levels) Target one creature Duration concentration, up to 1 min/level (D) Saving Throw Will negates Power Resistance yes You cause your subject's mind to wander, distracting it and reducing its ability to focus. The target takes a -4 penalty to all concentration, Perception, and Sense Motive checks.

Endurance Discipline psychometabolism; Talent (D) Display Olfactory Manifesting Time 1 standard action Range personal Target self Duration 1 min/level Saving Throw Fortitude negates (see below) Power Resistance no

While this power is in effect, a psionic field generates all of the resources that your body requires to function at full capacity. You do not suffer penalties for starvation or dehydration, you ignore penalties and damage from heatstroke and frostbite, and you do not need to breathe. When this effect ends, you must make a DC 10 Fortitude save or suffer 1 nonlethal damage for each set of penalties or conditions that you suppressed with this power.

Far Hand Discipline psychokinesis; Talent Display Visual (see text) Manifesting Time 1 standard action Range close (25 ft + 5 ft/2 levels) Target one unattended object weighing up to 5 lb. Duration concentration One object that you can see within the range lifts of its own accord and moves as you direct. As a move action, you can propel the object as far as 15 feet in any direction, out to the limit of the power's range.

Far Hand, Greater Discipline psychokinesis; Talent (D) Target one unattended object weighing up to 10 lb. + 1 lb/level This functions exactly like far hand, except that the object can weigh much more.


Discipline telepathy; Talent Display Auditory (see text) Manifesting Time 1 standard action Range close (25 ft + 5 ft/2 levels) Effect illusory sounds Duration 1 round/level (D) Saving Throw Will disbelief Power Resistance no Figment allows you to create an illusion of noise that any nearby creature can hear. The sound can rise, recede, move, or remain in a fixed location. You choose what sort of sound to create when manifesting this power, and cannot change its basic nature thereafter. The volume of the sound depends on your manifester level. You can produce as much noise as four normal humans per manifester level. Thus, talking, singing, shouting, walking, marching, or


running sounds can be created. The noise created can be virtually anything that you can imagine within the volume limit. A roaring lion is equivalent to roughly sixteen humans, for example, while a mekillot's bellow is equivalent to thirty-two humans.


Discipline psychokineses; Talent Display Material, Visual (see text) Manifesting Time 1 standard action Range personal Target you Duration concentration You create a six inch long jet of fire from your hand. This fire behaves in all ways like ordinary fire, except that it does not burn you. Combustible materials ignite if they come in contact with the flame. As part of manifesting or concentrating on this power, you can make a melee touch attack to deal 1d4 fire damage.


Discipline psychoportation; Talent Display Auditory Manifesting Time 1 standard action Range personal Target you Duration 1 round/level (D) You mentally support yourself in water, silt, or similar bouyant substances. You can swim at a speed of 10 feet through such substances using this power alone, or use it to boost an existing swim speed by 10 feet. This power does not grant you the ability to breathe such substances.

Focused Effort Discipline clairsentience; Talent Display Mental, Visual Manifesting Time 1 standard action Range personal Target you Duration 1 minute/level You concentrate your mind on your immediate task, gaining a +1 bonus to your next skill or ability check within the duration of this power. Checks that take an extended period of time, such as most Craft checks, cannot benefit from this power.

Hammer, Lesser

Discipline psychometabolism; Talent Display Auditory, Material Manifesting Time 1 standard action Range touch Target one creature Duration instantaneous Saving Throw none Power Resistance yes You project crushing force at one creature you hit with a melee touch attack, inflicting 1d4 bludgeoning damage.


Discipline psychokinesis; Talent (D) Display Visual Manifesting Time 1 standard action Range personal Target you Duration 1 round/level You use psionic energy to lighten your body, making you faster and more agile. Your land speed increases by 5 feet, and you gain a +1 bonus to Acrobatics, Climb, Fly, Stealth, and Swim checks. While this power is in effect, you always gain the benefits of a running start when making Acrobatics checks to jump.


Discipline clairsentience; Talent Display Auditory Manifesting Time 1 standard action Range personal Target you Duration instantaneous You instantly know the direction of north from your current position. This power is not effective in any environment without "north", such as the Grey. Your knowledge of north is correct at the moment of manifestation, but you can get lost again if you don't find an external reference point to help you keep track of direction.

Mindknife Discipline telepathy; Talent Display Mental (see text) Manifesting Time 1 standard action


Range close (25 ft + 5 ft/2 levels) Target one creature Duration instantaneous Saving Throw Will negates Power Resistance yes You slice the target's mind with psychic knives, inflicting 1d3 damage. This is a mind-affecting power.

Mindlink, Contact

Discipline telepathy; Talent (D) Range touch Duration 10 minutes/level (but see text) Except as noted, this power is identical to the power mindlink. Contact mindlink immediately ends if you cease to touch the subject.

Discipline telepathy; Talent Display Mental Manifesting Time 1 standard action Range close (25 feet + 5 feet/level) Target one creature you can see Duration instantaneous Saving Throw no Power Resistance yes (harmless) You send a telepathic message of up to ten words to any living creature within range. This power does not grant two-way communication; the subject can only passively receive your message. If you do not share a common spoken language with the subject, it only "hears" meaningless gibberish.

Discipline psychometabolism; Talent Display Olfactory Manifesting Time 1 standard action Range personal Target you Duration 10 min/level This power makes any food or drink that you consume pure and safe, no matter its original condition. Decay and spoilage are reversed, diseases and toxins are transmuted into harmless substances, harmful quantities of salt and lead are removed, etc. This power has no effect on enchanted substances.

Discipline psychokinesis; Talent Display Material, Visual (see text) Manifesting Time 1 standard action Range touch Effect one personal mark no larger than 1 sq. ft. Duration permanent This power allows you to inscribe your personal rune or mark. The mark can be visible or invisible. A psychic mark enables you to etch your mark on any substance without harm to the material on which it is placed. If you choose to make the mark invisible, a detect psionics power causes it to glow and reveal itself, though not necessarily its meaning.

Sensory Ghost



Psychic Mark

Discipline clairsentience; Talent (D) Range 5 ft + 5 ft/level Duration 1 round/level Except as noted here, this power is identical to the power clairvoyant sense.


Discipline psychokinesis; Talent Display Auditory, Visual Manifesting Time 1 standard action Range personal Effect: 30-ft cone of light Duration 10 min/level (D) You create a cone of light that projects from your eyes, your hand, or a physical object on your person. The light projects bright light in a cone out to 30 feet, and dim light for another 30 feet. You and other creatures can see normally in the light. The light is suppressed in areas of supernatural darkness, but resumes functioning when you leave such darkness.


Discipline metacreativity; Talent Display Material, Olfactory Manifesting Time 1 standard action Range touch Target unattended object weighing up to 5 lb./level Duration instantaneous This power affixes one object weighing up to 5 lb./level to another object. The two items may be separated by ordinary means, such as a far hand


power, a strong wind, or a move action by any corporeal creature.

Range close (25 ft + 5 ft/2 levels) Target one corpse/level within range Duration instantaneous You drain the fluids out of a fresh corpse, regaining the water in its body. The water sifts into a container that you hold while you cast the spell. You can recover four gallons of clean water from the body of a healthy Medium creature; you recover half as much for each size category below Medium, and twice as much for each size category above Medium. Thus, a Small creature would give you two gallons of water, while a Huge creature would give you sixteen gallons. If the creature had been suffering from dehydration before it died, you only gain half as much water as normal. Focus: One or more containers, which will hold the water that you collect.

Watchcall Discipline telepathy; Talent Display Mental Manifesting Time 1 swift action Area 15-ft-radius emanation Target all creatures in the area Duration instantaneous Saving Throw Will negates; Power Resistance yes (harmless) All creatures in the affected area immediately awaken. Those who are unconscious because of nonlethal damage wake up and are staggered. Creatures rendered unconscious by lethal damage are not affected by this power.

D New Powers Detect Psionics

Discipline clairsentience; Level psion/wilder 1, psychic warrior 1 This power functions like detect psionics, except that it detects magical auras instead.

D New Spells Detect Psionics

School divination (complex); Level cleric 1, druid 1, wizard 1 This spell functions like detect magic, except that it detects psionic auras instead.

Endure Elements, Mass

School transmutation (complex); Level cleric 3, druid 3, ranger 2, wizard 3 Range close (25 ft + 5 ft/2 levels) Target up to one creature/level This spell functions like endure elements, except as noted above.

Grim Harvest

School transmutation (complex); Level cleric 1, druid 1, ranger 1, wizard 1 Casting Time 1 minute Components V, S, F


Summon Monster List 1st Level Air incarnation hawk Air incarnation owl Black-touched dustgull Earth incarnation janx Fire incarnation dire rat Fire incarnation giant fire beetle Gray-touched sandcrawler Magma incarn. monstrous centipede, Med Magma incarn. monstrous scorpion, Small Rain incarnation skyfish1 Silt incarnation monstrous spider, Small Silt incarnation snake, Small viper Sun incarnation monkey Water incarnation octopus1

2nd Level

Air incarnation eagle Black-touched kes'trekel Earth incarnation riding dog Fire incarnation giant bombardier beetle Magma incarn. monstrous centipede, Large Magma incarn. monstrous scorpion, Med Rain incarnation jhakar Silt incarnation monstrous spider, Medium Silt incarnation snake, Medium viper Sun incarnation giant bee Water incarnation shark, Medium1

3rd Level

Air incarnation razorwing Black-touched dire bat Black-touched tagster Earth incarnation cave fisher Elemental, Small (any) [PB] Fire incarnation giant lizard Gray-touched rasclinn Gray-touched sand howler Magma incarn. monstrous centipede, Huge MRain incarnation black bear Silt incarnation snake, constrictor Silt incarnation snake, Large viper Sun incarnation ape Water incarnation kluzd 1

Aquatic environment only

4th Level Air incarnation giant owl Black-touched bog wader Earth incarnation lion Fire incarnation lirr Gray-touched pterrax Magma incarn. monstrous spider, Large Mephit (any) [PB] Shadow [PB] Silt incarnation snake, Huge viper Sun incarnation giant wasp Thoqqua [PB] Water incarn. Athasian shark, Large1 Xorn, minor [MM]

5th Level

Air incarnation dire ape Earth incarnation takis Elemental, Medium (any) [PB] Fire incarnation giant stag beetle Gray-touched tiger Gray-touched wall walker Gray-touched war crodlu Magma incarn. monstrous scorpion, Large Psi-Shadow Rain incarnation feylaar Rast [PB] Shadow giant Shadow mastiff [PB] Silt incarnation cha/thrang Silt incarnation brown bear Water incarn. Athasian shark, Huge1

6th Level

Black-touched tigone Earth incarnation monstrous spider, Huge Elemental beast (any) Elemental, Large (any) [PB] Fire incarnation dire lion Gray-touched kalin Gray-touched subterranean lizard Janni (genie) [PB] Magma incarn. monstrous centipede, Garg. Paraelemental beast (any) Silt incarnation brown silt horror2 Sun incarnation snake, giant constrictor


Silt environment only



7th Level Arrowhawk, elder [PB] Black-touched dark spider defiler Black-touched tembo Djinni (genie) [PB] Earth incarnation slimahacc Elemental, Huge (any) [PB] Gray-touched cilops Gray-touched hatori Invisible stalker [PB] Magma incarn. monstrous scorpion, Huge Sand bride Water incarnation giant octopus1

8th Level

Air incarnation aviarag Black-touched kirre Earth incarnation dire bear Elemental, Greater (any) [PB] Fire incarnation dire tiger Gray-touched gaj Gray-touched silt weird Greater shadow [PB] Magma incarn. monstrous centipede, Col. Silt incarnation white silt horror2 Sun incarnation monstrous spider, Garg. Water incarnation giant squid1

9th Level

Air incarnation Athasian roc Black-touched dark spider psion Black-touched obsidian retriever Earth incarnation Athasian treant3 Elemental, Elder (any) [PB] Fire incarnation dark spider queen Gray-touched high drik Magma incarn. monstrous scorpion, Garg. Sand mother Silt incarnation monstrous spider, Col. Water incarn. Athasian dire shark1


Abundant environment only

Summon Nature's Ally List 1st Level Dire rat Eagle Jhakar [ToA] Monkey Octopus1 Owl Skyfish1 [ToA] Snake, Small viper

4th Level Arrowhawk, juvenile Bear, brown Cha'thrang [ToA] Dire ape Elemental, Medium (any) Inix [ToA] Salamander, flamebrother Mountain spider [ToA] Sea cat1 Snake, Huge viper Strine [ToA] Subterranean lizard Tiger Tojanida, juvenile1 War crodlu Xorn, minor

2nd Level Bear, black Cheetah Dire bat Elemental, Small (any) Giant lizard [ToA] Kluzd [ToA] Razorwing [ToA] Shark, Medium1 Snake, Medium viper Squid1

3rd Level

Ape Athasian shark, Large [ToA] Eagle, giant Hej-kin [ToA] Lion Lirr [ToA] Owl, giant Snake, constrictor Snake, Large viper Takis [ToA] Thoqqua 1

Aquatic environment only

7th Level Arrowhawk, elder Athasian treant3 [ToA] Dire tiger Djinni (genie) Elemental, Greater (any) Invisible stalker Sand bride [ToA] Slimahacc [ToA] Squid, giant1 White silt horror2 [ToA] Xorn, elder

5th Level Arrowhawk, adult Athasian shark, Huge1 [ToA] Athasian sloth [ToA] Dire lion Elemental, Large (any) Feylaar [ToA] Janni (genie) Minotaur lizard [ToA] Rast Shadow giant [ToA] Snake, giant constrictor Tigone Tojanida, adult1

6th Level

Dire bear Elemental, Huge (any) Elemental beast (any) [ToA] Girallon Hatori [ToA] Octopus, giant1 Paraelemental beast (any) [ToA] Puddingfish1 [ToA] Salamander, average Xorn, average


Silt environment only



8th Level Athasian roc [ToA] Drik [ToA] Salamander, noble Tojanida, elder1

9th Level

Elemental, Elder Sand mother [ToA] Sink worm [ToA] Styr [ToA]


Abundant environment only


Spells and Powers from Dark Sun 3


  Ghostfire*:  Kills  2  HD/level  of  creatures  (max  40 HD).  Touch the Black*M: Cold deals 1d6 damage per  level, 40‐ft. radius. 


Vampiric  Youthfulness*:  Age  others  to  reverse  your aging.  Magma Tunnel*: Tunnels through solid rock.

  5th–Level Wizard Spells



Acid Rain

Ench  Evoc 


Cerulean  Hail*:  A  hailstorm  appears  and  does  3d8  damage  and  causes  less  than  10  HD  creatures to flee.  Scapegoat*M: Put the blame on a nearby target. Ragestorm*M:  Storm  rains  hail,  winds  and  lightning.  Quietstorm*:  Ranged  touch  attack  deals  8d6  sonic damage.  Skyfire*: Three exploding spheres each deal 1d6  bludgeoning damage and 3d6 fire damage.  Sparkrain*: Bolt dispels magical effects.  Rangeblade*: Can strike with melee weapons at  a distance.  Sandflow*: You shift the location of sand dunes.  Sand Trap*M: You entrap an area of sand. 

  6th–Level Wizard Spells Abj 

Banish Tyr–Storm*F: Repel a Tyr–Storm.


Summon  Tyr–Storm*F:  Call  a  powerful  Tyr‐ storm.  Cleansing  Flame*:  1d6/level  fire  damage  (max  10d6).  Groundflame*: Mist deals acid damage.  Shroud  of  Darkness*M:  Imbue  a  cloak  with  protective qualities.  Braxatskin*: Your skin hardens, granting armor  bonus and damage reduction.  Control  Tides*:  Raises,  lowers,  or  parts  bodies  of water or silt.  Control Water: Replaced by control tides.  Sands  of  Time*F:  Reverses  or  accelerates  aging  of a nonliving object.  Shining Sands*: Grains of sand rotate to reflect  light where you wish it to go. 


Necro  Trans 

  7th–Level Wizard Spells Conj  Necro 

Infestation*:  Tiny  parasites  infest  creatures  within area.  Gray  Beckoning*:  Summons  zombies  from  the  Gray.  Unliving  Identity*MX:  Transform  a  zombie  into  a thinking zombie. 

  8th–Level Wizard Spells Abj 

Protection  from  Time*MX:  Makes  creature  or  object immune to aging for 1 month/2 levels.

  9th–Level Wizard Spells Conj  Evoc  Necro 

Gray  Rift*:  A hovering  rift  to  the  Gray  bolsters  undead.  Tempest*M: Create an obliterating storm. Pact  of  Darkness*M:  Exchange  services  with  a  shadow giant. 

Conjuration (Creations) [Acid]  Level: Decaying Touch 4  Components: V, S  Casting Time: 1 round  Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft. / level)  Area: 20 ft. cube  Duration: 1 round/level  Saving Throw: Reflex half  Spell Resistance: No    A  mustard–colored  cloud  whirls  into  being.  It  unleashes  a  foul–smelling  rain  accompanied  by  sizzling  noises  as  it  eats  through metal, cloth and flesh.    A  toxic  shower  covers  the  area  of  effect.  Anything  caught beneath the rain takes 4d4 points of acid damage.  It is easy to move out of the cube, but if a creature cannot,  it  continues  to  take  damage  for  each  round  spent  in  the  rain.  If  a  creature  fails  its  saving  throw,  an  item  it  holds  could take damage, as if the creature had rolled a natural  1 (PH 177). Unattended objects also take damage from the  falling  acid.  When  the  spell  expires  the  acid  that  had  rained down instantly evaporates. 

Air Lens Transmutation [Air]  Level: Tmp 5, Sun Flare 5  Components: V, S, DF  Casting Time: 1 standard action  Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)  Effect: Magical lens  Duration: Concentration, up to 1 round/level (D)  Saving Throw: No  Spell Resistance: Yes    A lens flare appears in the sky as you raise your divine focus  to  harness  the  power  of  the  sun,  accompanied  by  the  smell  of  burnt hide.    You shape the air into a magical lens that you can use  to  direct  intensified  sunrays.  If  sunlight  becomes  unavailable,  the  spell  prematurely  ends.  You  can  make  ranged  touch  attacks  with  the  air  lens.  It  uses  your  base  attack  bonus  (possibly  allowing  multiple  attacks  per  round). The lens inflicts 2d6 points of fire damage +1 per  caster  level.  Creatures  that  are  especially  vulnerable  to  sunlight (such as some undead) take double damage. You  can  use  an  air  lens  attack  to  ignite  unattended  combustible  materials  such  as  dry  sticks,  straw,  parchment and cloth. 



Allegiance of the Land


Evocation  Level: Drd 6  Components: V, S, DF  Casting Time: 1 action  Range: Personal  Target: You  Duration: 1 round/level    A tangible, glowing, white–green aura surrounds you like a  sheath  of  flame  and  your  eyes  glow  with  life–giving  energy  as  you  are  infused  with  the  protective  powers  of  the  spirits  of  the  land.    You  call  upon  the  spirits  of  the  land  to  protect  you  from  harm.  You  receive  1  temporary  hit  point  per  caster  level and a +5 enhancement bonus to your natural armor  bonus.  You  ignore  the  first  15  points  of  energy  damage  per  round.  (For  example,  if  you  take  13  points  of  fire  damage  and  then  5  points  of  electricity  damage,  you  suffer only 3 points of electricity damage that round). 

Abjuration  Level: Drd 1, Wiz 2  Components: V, S, M  Casting Time: 1 standard action  Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)  Area: 40–ft–radius spread (S)  Duration: 1 day/level or until discharged (D)  Saving Throw: Fortitude half  Spell Resistance: Yes    The  ground  glows  with  a  translucent  sheen  of  green  light,  as you complete the casting of the preserver’s scourge.    Also known as the preserver’s scourge, this spell makes  the  ground  dangerous  to  defilers.  Should  a  defiler  try  to  tap  into  land  that  is  protected  by  a  backlash,  she  automatically takes 1d6+1 points of damage for every two  caster levels you have (maximum 5d6+5). The defiler must  make a Concentration check (DC 10 + spell level + damage  dealt) in order to continue casting her spell.  Once  it  has  inflicted  damage,  the  spell  is  discharged  and the ground returns to normal. Only one backlash can  be cast on any given plot of ground.  Material Component: A thorn. 

Awaken Water Spirits Transmutation [Water]  Level: Drd 6, Living Waters 6  Components: V, S, DF  Casting Time: 1 hour  Range: See text  Target: 1 body of water; see text  Duration: Permanent  Saving Throw: None  Spell Resistance: No    Your  touch  sends  ripples  through  the  water.  A  tingling  sensation  fills  your  mind  as  you  witness  the  sentience  of  the  summoned water spirit coming to life.    You  give  sentience  to  a  natural  body  of  water.  To  awaken  a  body  of  water,  you  must  touch  the  water’s  surface while calling on a water spirit.  You  can  communicate  with  any  body  of  water  that  you have awakened from any distance on the same plane.  Awakened water spirits are initially friendly towards you,  but not obliged to follow you. The awakened water spirit  has  no  offensive  or  defensive  combat  ability  and  cannot  move; it has no Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution score.  The  awakened  water  spirit  has  an  Intelligence,  Wisdom  and  Charisma  of  3d6.  The  water  spirit  can  sense  any  creature  within  200  feet  of  its  location.  The  water  spirit  can also channel spells cast by you. Any spell of 3rd level  or  lower  can  be  cast  through  the  water  spirit  as  if  the  caster  was  actually  the  location  of  the  water  spirit.  The  water spirit must be willing for you to use this function of  the spell.  Dispel magic and similar spells and powers destroy the  water spirit if successful—the water spirit gets no saving  throw  to  resist  being  dispelled.  The  spirit  is  treated  as  a  10–Hit Dice creature for purposes of turning and rebuking  water creatures. 

Banish Tyr–Storm Abjuration  Level: Wiz 6  Components: V, S, F  Casting Time: 1 round  Range: Long (400 ft. + 40 ft./level)  Duration: Concentration, up to 1 min./level (D)  Saving Throw: None  Spell Resistance: No    Holding  up  your  blue  lens,  you  feel  the  power  of  the  Tyr  Storm  surging  through  you.  At  your  trembling  command  the  storm changes the direction of its destructive wake.    This  spell  repels  Tyr–storms  from  a  particular  area.  You  are  able  to  force  the  storm  to  leave  its  normal  path  and  head  off  in  a  direction  of  your  choice.  The  storm  continues to rage and causes normal damage wherever it  goes,  but  the  spell  allows  you  keep  it  out  of  an  area  you  want to protect.  Focus: A blue lens worth 100 Cp. 

Battlefield Healing Conjuration (Healing)  Level: Tmp 2  Components: V, DF  Casting Time: 1 standard action  Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)  Target:  One  creature/level,  no  two  of  which  can  be  more than 30 ft. apart  Duration: Instantaneous  Saving Throw: None (harmless)  Spell Resistance: No (harmless) 


    You call upon the power of your king to save those who have  fallen  on  the  battlefield,  who  have  yet  to  succumb  to  the  Grey.  Their bloody and battered bodies continue to breathe for a little  longer.    You  stabilize  each  selected,  dying  creature  within  range. A dying creature has between –1 and –9 current hit  points. Upon stabilization they lose no further hit points.  The spell has no effect on undead creatures. 

Black Cairn Divination  Level: Drd 1, Tmp 1  Components: V, S, F, DF  Casting Time: 1 minute  Range: Long (400 ft, + 40 ft./level)  Area: Circle, centered on you, with a radius of 400  ft. + 40 ft./level.  Target: One corpse within range  Duration: Instantaneous  Saving Throw: None  Spell Resistance: No    A  cold  breeze  carrying  the  scent  of  rotting  flesh  raises  the  hairs  on  your  neck.  Its  direction  reveals  the  direction  of  the  corpse you seek if it is nearby.    This spell allows helps you determine the direction of  one  specific  corpse  (animal  or  otherwise)  within  the  spell’s radius. If the corpse is within range, you sense the  direction to the corpse.  Focus:  An  item  which  belonged  to  or  has  been  in  contact with the corpse. 

Blazing Wreath Evocation [Fire]  Level: Smoldering Spirit 9  Components: V, S  Casting Time: 1 standard action  Range: Personal  Target: You  Duration: 10 min./level (D)    Your body bursts into magnificent flames as you call upon  the true power of Fire. A wreath of divine flame surrounds you  and  leaves  a  fiery  trail  behind  you  as  you  move,  devouring  everything in your path.    Your  body  is  shrouded  in  flames  that  damage  opponents and protect you. Any creature within 10 feet of  you  takes  2d8  points  of  fire  damage  each  round  on  your  turn.  Any  creature  that  strikes  you  with  an  unarmed  attack  or  with  a  natural  weapon  catches  on  fire  (DMG  303). Any nonmagical weapon that strikes you must make  a Reflex save or be destroyed.  The flames grant you damage reduction 15/magic, and  total  immunity  to  fire.  When  you  move,  a  blazing  wall  forms in your wake in each square you pass through. The 

blazing  wall  deals  2d6  points  of  fire  damage  +1  point  of  fire  damage  per  caster  level  (maximum  +20)  to  any  creature  passing  through  it.  The  blazing  wall  dissipates  when the spell ends.  The  blazing  wreath  produces  light  as  a  daylight  spell  (bright light in a 60–foot radius, shadowy illumination for  an additional 60 feet). 

Bless Element Transmutation [Good]  Level: Clr 1  Components: V, S, M, DF  Casting Time: 1 minute  Range: Touch  Target: Element touched  Duration: Instantaneous  Saving Throw: Will negates (object)  Spell Resistance: Yes (object)    You channel divine energy into a physical manifestation of  your  element.  It  glows  for  a  moment  as  it  is  charged  with  positive power.    This  transmutation  imbues  a  small  amount  (no  more  than  1  lb  of  solid,  or  1  pint  of  fluid)  of  your  patron  element  with  positive  energy,  turning  it  into  a  holy  element.  Holy  elements  deal  2d4  points  of  damage  to  creatures  vulnerable  to  them,  such  as  undead  and  evil  outsiders.  Using  a  holy  element  in  this  way  expends  the  positive  energy.  No  matter  the  element,  it  functions  as  a  grenade–like weapon with a range increment of 10 ft. and  deals 1 point of splash damage to creatures within 5 ft. of  impact. Specifics for the elements follow:  Air:  An  air  cleric  can  bless  the  air  around  him.  After  this spell is cast, the air remains blessed for 1d4 minutes.  As a standard action, the cleric can direct the blessed air at  a creature.  Earth: An earth cleric can bless dirt, soil or sand.  Fire: A fire cleric can bless flames (ranging in size from  candles to torches) or obsidian. Blessed fire may deal fire  damage  in  addition  to  any  damage  to  undead  or  evil  outsiders.  Magma: A magma cleric can bless lava or any igneous  rock.  Blessed  lava  may  deal  fire  damage  in  addition  to  any damage to undead or evil outsiders.  Rain: A rain cleric can bless rain in a 5‐ft.–radius area  within 30 ft. that is currently receiving rain.  Silt: A silt cleric can bless silt or dust.  Sun:  A  sun  cleric  can  bless  the  light  around  him.  The  light  remains  blessed  for  1d4  minutes.  As  a  standard  action, the cleric can direct the blessed light at a creature.  Water:  A  water  cleric  can  bless  water  in  a  flask.  Alternatively, he can throw a small amount of water into  the  air.  This  water  forms  a  blessed  cloud  that  lasts  1d4  minutes and can be directed as a standard action.  Material  Component:  A  small  amount  of  powdered  silver worth 25 Cp. 



Blindscorch Evocation [Fire]  Level: Smoldering Spirit 4  Components: V, S, DF  Casting Time: 1 standard action  Range: Medium (200 ft. + 20 ft./level)  Target: One creature  Duration: Instantaneous  Saving Throw: Fortitude save partial  Spell Resistance: Yes    As  you  hold  out  your  palm  and  utter  incantations  of  fire,  your  enemy’s  face  is  engulfed  in  painful  crimson  flames  that  scorch  his  eyes.  The  smell  of  charred  flesh  and  burnt  hair  fills  the air.    You burn the face of one opponent. The subject takes  1d4 points of fire damage per level (maximum 10d4) and  is  permanently  blinded.  A  successful  Fortitude  save  halves the damage and negates the blindness. 

Boneclaw’s Cut Necromancy  Level: Drd 3, Wiz 3  Components: V, S, F  Casting Time: 1 action  Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft. per level)  Target: One creature  Duration: Instantaneous  Saving Throw: None  Spell Resistance: Yes    You viciously slice the air in front of you with a boneclaw  knife.  Wounds  appear  on  your  target’s  flesh,  which  bleed  profusely.    The victim of the boneclawʹs cut suffers wounds as if  from a boneclaw’s talons. The victim receives one cut per  four caster levels (to a maximum of five cuts at 20th level).  Each cut inflicts 2 point of damage and continues to bleed,  dealing an additional 2 points of damage per round for 10  rounds  (for  a  total  of  20  points  of  damage  per  cut).  A  successful  Heal  check  (DC  15)  or  use  of  a  cure  spell  prevents the wounds from bleeding further.  Focus: A knife made from a boneclaw’s talon. 

Boneharden Transmutation  Level: Drd 2, Wiz 2  Components: V, S, M  Casting Time: 1 standard action  Range: Touch  Target: One creature or object  Duration: 1 min./level  Saving Throw: Fortitude negates  Spell Resistance: Yes   

The targeted bones emit a cracking sound as they swell. You  complete the gestures for your spell, spilling mortar from your  hand.    When  this  spell  is  cast,  it  causes  bone  to  harden  and  become less brittle. Bones under the affect of this spell are  harder  to  break  than  normal.  If  used  on  an  inferior  bone  weapon, this spell removes the normal penalties to attack  rolls.  If  cast  on  a  creature,  the  creature’s  bones  harden,  causing  them  to  ache  and  the  joints  to  swell.  This  gives  the creature a –4 penalty to Dexterity. Creatures without a  skeleton  (elementals,  oozes,  plants  and  most  constructs)  are unaffected by this spell.  Material Component: A bit of mortar. 

Braxatskin Transmutation  Level: Clr 6, Drd 5, Wiz 6  Components: V, S, M  Casting Time: 1 standard action  Range: Personal  Target: You  Duration: 1 min./level (D)    Your skin hardens into chitin plates that grant you natural  protection, and spikes grow on your body, emerging from your  skin with a burst of pain.    You get a +5 enhancement bonus to natural armor, but  you suffer a –2 penalty to Dexterity and an additional 20%  chance  of  arcane  spell  failure.  The  spikes  act  as  +5  armor  spikes, and you gain proficiency with them. You also gain  damage reduction 10/metal.  Material Component: A piece of braxat hide. 

Breeze Lore Divination [Air]  Level: Ill Winds 3  Components: V, S  Casting Time: 1 standard action  Range: Personal  Target: You  Duration: 10 min/level    You inhale the air from the breeze, becoming attuned to the  scents and flavors carried on it. Your sense of smell become as  keen as a klar’s – a new world of sensory impressions opens to  you.    You  gain  the  scent  ability  (MM  314)  allowing  you  to  notice  creatures  by  scent  at  a  30–foot  distance  (60  feet  if  downwind, 15 feet if upwind). In addition, you can track  by  scent  and  gain  a  +4  competence  bonus  on  Survival  checks  to  track.  You  get  a  +4 competence  bonus  on  Craft  (poisonmaking)  checks  to  identify  poisons.  Enhanced  scent even gives you a limited reading of the emotions of  others—fear has a distinct smell, for example. You get a +4  competence  bonus  on  Sense  Motive  checks  if  you  are  within 10 feet of the person that you are observing. With a 


  successful  Wisdom  check  (DC  15)  with  a  +4  competence  bonus, you can determine by scent whether a person is a  defiler,  freeman,  slave,  templar,  or  noble.  Elemental  priests  who  can  cast  this  spell  claim  that  defilers  carry  a  bitter  scent  of smoldering  flesh,  that  nobles  can  be  noted  by  the  faint  lingering  smell  of  luxurious  spices  in  their  skin, etc. 

Cerulean Hail Conjuration (Creation)  Level: Wiz 5, Cold Malice 6  Components: V, S, M  Casting Time: 1 standard action  Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)  Area: 20‐ft.–radius spread  Duration: 1 round  Saving Throw: Reflex half and special (see text)  Spell Resistance: No    When you let a drop of water fall into a pinch of dust, a deep  blue–black cloud forms over the area and it rains blue hailstones  that fall with a piercing scream.    The  hailstones  deal  1d6  points  of  damage  per  caster  level  to  all  creatures  and  structures  in  the  area  of  effect  (maximum  15d6).  Half  the  damage  is  cold  damage,  and  the  other  half  is  bludgeoning  damage.  Creatures  who  make a successful Reflex save reduce the damage by half.  The  cloud  remains  for  one  full  round,  but  the  hailstones  are  instantaneous  –  they  fall  only  once  and  evaporate  upon impact. All creatures with 10 HD or less who come  within  60  feet  of  the  cloud  must  make  a  Will  save  or  become panicked for 1d4 rounds, fleeing from the storm.  Material  Component:  A  drop  of  water  mixed  with  a  pinch of dust. 

Cerulean Shock Evocation [Electricity]  Level: Wiz 2  Components: V, S, M  Casting Time: 1 standard action  Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)  Target: One creature  Duration: 1 round/level (D) or until discharged  Saving Throw: Fortitude half  Spell Resistance: Yes    The air hums and tiny electrical discharges spring from the  body  of  your  target.  Setting  the  charge,  you  wait  for  your  enemy to make the mistake of moving.    The target of this spell is imbued with static electricity.  If  the  target  leaves  its  occupied  square,  the  built–up  electrical  charge  is  discharged,  inflicting  2d6  points  of  electrical damage, plus another 2d6 per 4 caster levels.  If the affected creature touches someone or something  before  the  spell  is  discharged,  both  the  target  and  whatever it touched receives the damage. 

Material  Component:  Small  piece  of  glass  and  a  clump  of fur. 

Channel Stench Conjuration [Air]  Level: Ill Winds 1  Components: V, S  Casting Time: 1 standard action  Range: 15 ft.  Area: Cone–shaped burst  Duration: Instantaneous  Saving Throw: Fortitude negates  Spell Resistance: No    You  draw  in  a  deep  breath  and  expel  it  towards  your  opponents.  Noxious  odors  are  channeled  through  your  breath  and ejected in a vile cone of stench.    All  breathing  creatures  within  the  cone  must  make  a  Fortitude save. Those who fail become nauseated for 1d6  rounds.  Those  who  succeed  instead  become  sickened  for  1d6  rounds.  Creatures  with  5  or  more  Hit  Dice  are  immune to this effect. 

Claws of the Tembo Necromancy  Level: Drd 3, Rgr 3, Wiz 4  Components: V, S, M  Casting Time: 1 swift action  Range: Personal  Target: You  Duration: 1 round/level (D)    You feel an intense pain as vicious claws spring forth from  your hands, similar to those of a tembo.    You  grow  vicious  claws  similar  to  those  of  a  tembo.  You may make two claw attacks per round, each dealing  1d6 (1d8 if you are Large, or 1d4 if you are Small) points  of damage plus your Strength modifier. Like the dreaded  tembo,  your  claws  can  drain  a  victimʹs  life  force  and  transfer  it  to  you.  Every  time  you  hit  with  a  claw,  the  creature  struck  must  make  a  Fortitude  save.  If  it  fails,  it  takes  an  additional  1d4  points  of  damage,  and  you  heal  that  many  hit  points.  If  the  transferred  hit  points  bring  your  total  above  your  normal  maximum,  the  additional  hit points are temporary hit points. You are unable to cast  spells  with  somatic  components  while  this  spell  is  in  effect.  Material Component: A scale from a tembo. 

Cleansing Flame Evocation [Fire]  Level: Clr 5, Drd 5, Wiz 6  Components: V, S  Casting Time: 1 standard action  Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)  Area: One creature  Effect: Bolt of flame 


  Duration: Instantaneous  Saving Throw: None (see text)  Spell Resistance: Yes    By performing a throwing gesture as you complete the spell,  you launch an arrow–shaped, pure, white flame. A hissing noise  is heard as it darts towards its target.    You  create  a  bolt  of  flame  that  strikes  its  target,  dealing  1d6  points  of  fire  damage  per  caster  level  (maximum 10d6).  This  spell  can  only  affect  defilers,  templars  whose  sorcerer‐kings  are  defilers,  creatures  with  the  defiled  template, creatures with the evil subtype, and undead.  The  bolt  strikes  unerringly,  even  if  the  target  is  in  melee  combat  or  has  less  than  total  cover  or  total  concealment.  Specific  parts  of  a  creature  can’t  be  singled  out.  A  creature  killed  by  this  spell  has  its  remains  utterly  consumed  (but  not  its  equipment  and  possessions).  The  only way to restore life to a creature that was killed in this  way  is  to  use  wish,  true  resurrection,  reality  revision,  or  miracle. 

Clear Water Transmutation [Water]  Level: Drd 2, Living Waters 1  Components: V, S  Casting Time: 1 standard action  Range: Touch  Target: 1 gallon of water/level  Duration: Instantaneous  Saving Throw: None  Spell Resistance: No    Impurities  and  imperfections  are  removed,  as  you  change  the regular water into a truer elemental form with your magic.    You make water twice as effective at quenching thirst  and nourishing plant life. A creature only needs to drink  half as much clear water as it would need to drink normal  water.  For  example,  an  active  human  needs  only  1/2  gallon  of  clear  water  each  day  to  avoid  dehydration,  instead  of  the  normal  one  gallon.  When  used  to  grow  plants, clear water can double the yield of fruit or grain– bearing plants, but this benefit only comes if clear water is  used to irrigate the crop every day. 

Clear–river Evocation [Force]  Level: Drd 3, Wiz 3  Components: V, S  Casting Time: 1 standard action  Range: 50 ft.  Area: Cone–shaped burst  Duration: 1 round  Saving Throw: Fortitude negates  Spell Resistance: Yes   

A  roaring  stream  of  force  spreads  from  your  fingertip  towards your enemies, deflecting their arrows before slamming  them off their feet.    This  spell  functions  like  gust  of  wind;  except  that  the  effect is force–based and that the creature sizes affected by  the  spell  are  increased  by  one  size  category  (i.e.  Large  creatures are unable to move forward against the force of  the blast).  The  roaring  blast  is  sufficient  to  tear  objects  from  unsuspecting  hands  within  the  area  of  effect.  (A  Reflex  save allows a creature to maintain its grasp on an object.)  Arrows, bolts, and spears are deflected away and miss. (A  giant–thrown boulder, a siege engine projectile, and other  massive  ranged  weapons  are  not  affected.)  Incorporeal  creatures,  gases,  most  gaseous  breath  weapons,  and  creatures in gaseous form are shunted away from the area  of the blast. 

Clues of Ash Divination [Fire]  Level: Burning Eyes 2  Components: V, S  Casting Time: 1 minute  Range: Touch  Target: Ashes touched  Duration: Instantaneous  Saving Throw: None  Spell Resistance: No    You receive a smoky vision of the scene  before the moment  the item was destroyed by touching its ashes. Echoes of screams  resonate within your ears as its fate is revealed.    The  vision  begins  from  the  time  the  object  was  destroyed  or  killed,  going  backward  in  time  up  to  1  min./level.  For  example,  a  4th–level  cleric  would  see  the  last  4  minutes  of  the  item’s  existence.  You  can  also  tell  whether the object was destroyed by defiler destruction or  not. If vegetation destroyed by defiling is tested, you can  make a Spellcraft check (DC 15 + spell level) to determine  the school of magic cast. 

Coat of Mists Conjuration [Water]  Level: Desert Mirage 4, Drd 5  Components: V, S, M  Casting Time: 1 standard action  Range: Touch  Target: One creature  Duration: 24 hours  Saving Throw: None  Spell Resistance: No    Spilling the contents of your waterskin, you watch as mists  rise from the ground where the water lands. The mist coalesces  around your target, enveloping it in a bluish shroud.   


  You gather a magical mist around a creature. The mist  absorbs  the  first  5  points  of  damage  from  any  fire–based  effects  each  round.  It  also  provides  the  same  protection  against  hot  weather  as  the  endure  elements  spell,  and  grants the creature concealment (20% miss chance) as the  blur spell.  Further  castings  of  coat  of  mists  do  not  have  any  effect,  and  coat  of  mist’s  damage  absorption  does  not  stack with any other kind of energy resistance.  Material Component: 1 gallon of water. 

Confessor’s Flame Evocation [Fire]  Level: Burning Eyes 8, Tmp 7  Components: V, S, DF  Casting Time: 1 round  Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 level)  Target: 1 creature/round  Duration: 1 minute  Saving Throw: None  Spell Resistance: Yes    With  pupils  like  glowing  embers  you  turn  towards  the  victims  of  your  interrogation,  knowing  that  your  truth  is  the  only that matters. They will confess or die resisting.    This  spell  allows  you  to  demand  questions  of  any  creature within range. If the creature does not reply with  what  you  consider  to  be  the  correct  answer  to  the  question,  within  one  round,  part  of  the  creature’s  body  bursts into flame. While some claim that this spell detects  falsehoods,  in  fact  the  answer  is  pre–determined  by  the  caster.  Subjects can avoid damage by telling you exactly what  you  want  to  hear.  Ignorance  or  silence  is  no  defense.  Targets  can  escape  by  leaving  the  spell’s  range  or  by  silencing or killing you, preventing you from asking more  questions.  The  spell  is  limited  to  10  questions  –  one  per  round.  You  can  pose  all  the  questions  to  one  creature,  or  shift  your  questioning  to  another  creature  within  range,  as  suits  your  whim.  The  first  time  that  a  question  is  answered  “incorrectly”  (or  not  answered)  a  target  takes  1d12 fire damage, the second time, 2d12 damage, the third  time, 3d12 damage, and so on. A target must answer your  question (correctly) within one round or take damage.  Focus: An open flame. 

Conflagration Evocation [Fire]  Level: Fiery Wrath 9  Components: V, S  Casting Time: 1 standard action  Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)  Target: 20– ft.–radius spread  Duration: 1 round/level  Saving Throw: None; see text  Spell Resistance: Yes   

You  grin  as  this  gruesome  spell  explodes  in  a  fiery  burst,  setting  creatures  on  fire,  incinerating  their  hair,  clothing,  and  one layer of flesh at a time – slowly roasting them alive.    Creatures caught in the blast suffer 10d6 points of fire  damage  (no  save)  and  automatically  catch  on  fire  (DMG  303). Creatures on fire suffer 2d6 points of fire damage for  each  round.  Unlike  mundane  fire,  this  fire  cannot  be  put  out by normal means.  Spraying  a  creature  caught  on  fire  by  this  spell  with  water  or  sand  only  creates  a  billowing  cloud  of  steam  or  hot dust out to 20 ft. from the target; instead of the normal  damage,  creatures  within  the  cloud  suffer  5d6  points  of  fire  damage  and  are  sickened  for  one  round.  Complete  immersion  in  a  large  amount  of  water,  or  burial  beneath  the sand, reduces damage to 1d6 point per round for both  the  creature  on  fire  and  those  within  20  ft.  A  successful  dispel magic or quench spell puts out the fire. 

Conservation Abjuration  Level: Drd 2, Wiz 3  Components: V, S, M  Casting Time: 1 standard action  Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)  Area: 40‐ft.–radius spread  Duration: 1 day/level or until discharged.  Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless, object)  Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless, object)    Upon  completing  the  ritual  of  ash,  blood  and  water,  a  mysterious pattern appears on the ground. As it is absorbed by  the land, it secures its energy from those who would siphon it.    If a defiler tries to use land that is under a conservation  spell to power his spells, he must make a Will save or be  unable to use the land at all. Even if he succeeds, the land  is  considered  as  barren  terrain  for  the  purposes  of  determining the spell’s DC and level check modifier.  The  area  of  ash  the  defiler  actually  creates  when  tapping  land  under  a  conservation  spell  is  half  that  of  normal.  A  second  attempt  to  pull  power  from  the  same  area  for  the  duration  of  the  spell  fails  completely,  regardless of any success achieved the first time.  Material Component: A drop of water, a drop of blood,  and a sifting of ash. 

Control Tides Transmutation [Water or Earth]  Level: Clr 4, Drd 4, Wiz 6, Tmp 6  Components: V, S, M/DF  Casting Time: 1 standard action  Range: Long (400 ft. + 40 ft./level)  Area:  Water  or  silt  in  a  volume  of  10  ft./level  x  10  ft./level x 2 ft./level (S)  Duration: 10 minutes/level (D)  Saving Throw: None: see text  Spell Resistance: No   


  Stretching  your  hands  towards  the  sky  and  shouting  incantations  that  echo  off  into  the  distance,  you  witness  the  instant changing of the tide.    Depending on the version you choose, the control tides  spell raises or lowers the level of water or silt.  Lower Tide: This causes silt (or water or similar liquid)  to  sink  away  to  a  minimum  depth  of  1  inch.  The  depth  can be lowered by up to 2 feet per caster level. The surface  is  lowered  within  a  squarish  depression  whose  sides  are  up to 10 feet long per caster level. In extremely large and  deep bodies of silt, such as deep in the sea of silt, the spell  creates  a  whirlpool  that  sweeps  ships  and  similar  craft  downward,  putting  them  at  risk  and  rendering  them  unable  to  leave  by  normal  movement  for  the  duration  of  the spell. When cast on water or silt elementals and other  water–  or  silt–based  creatures,  this  spell  acts  as  a  slow  spell  (Will  negates).  The  spell  has  no  effect  on  other  creatures.  Raise Tide: This causes silt (or water or similar liquid)  to rise in height, just as the lower tide version causes it to  lower.  Silt  skimmers  raised  in  this  way  slide  down  the  sides  of  the  hump  that  the  spell  creates.  If  the  area  affected  by  the  spell  includes  riverbanks,  a  beach,  other  land near the raised water or silt, the water or silt can spill  over onto dry land. With either version, you may reduce  one  horizontal  dimension  by  half  and  double  the  other  horizontal dimension.  Arcane Material Component: A pinch of dust.  Note:  This  spell  replaces  the  control  water  spell  in  the  Player’s Handbook. 

Conversion Abjuration  Level: Drd 5  Components: V, S, M, F, XP  Casting Time: 1 hour  Range: Touch  Target: Living creature touched  Duration: Instantaneous  Saving Throw: None  Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)    You  share  the  herb  concoction  with  the  repentant  wizard,  establishing  a  link  between  the  two  of  you.  You  take  upon  yourself  the  burden  of  sacrifice  to  remove  his  taint.  As  if  sucking  poison  from  a  wound,  you  feel  a  sharp  sting  as  it  courses through your veins, slowly being diluted by your blood  until it is gone.    This spell removes the burden of acts of defiling from  an arcane spellcaster. The wizard seeking atonement must  be  truly  repentant  and  desirous  of  setting  right  their  destruction of plant life. If the subject defiled while under  some  sort  of  magical  or  psionic  compulsion  or  was  otherwise  unwilling,  conversion  operates  normally  at  no  cost  to  you.  However,  if  the  defiling  was  deliberate  and  willful,  you  must  expend  personal  energy  to  cleanse  the  subject.  This  costs  the  caster  500  experience  points  to  expunge  the  subject’s  taint  of  defiling.  Naturally,  many 

casters  first  assign  the  subject  some  sort  of  quest  (via  geas/quest) or similar penance to make sure the creature is  truly  repentant  before  casting  conversion  on  its  behalf.  The  caster  must  be  at  least  one  level  higher  that  the  subject.  Conversion  may  be  cast  for  one  of  several  purposes,  depending on being cast on a preserver or a defiler:  Preserver:  This  removes  all  taint  of  defiling  from  the  spellcaster. Thus, the Will save DC to resist falling to the  path of the defiler is now reset to 10 + level of spell cast by  defiling.  Defiler:  A  repentant  defiler  becomes  a  preserver  and  can cast spells without damaging plant life.  XP Cost: When cast for the benefit of a creature whose  guilt  was  the  result  of  deliberate  acts,  the  cost  to  you  is  500 XP. If the subject is a defiler, this cost is doubled.  Material Component: Burning incense.  Focus: Rare plants and herbs worth at least 500 Cp. 

Cooling Canopy Conjuration (Creation) [Water]  Level: Clr 1, Drd 1, Rgr 1, Wiz 1  Components: V, S, M, F  Casting Time: 1 standard action  Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)  Target: One creature  Duration: 12 hours  Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)  Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)    A blue cloud gathers in the sky above your target, providing  shade from the sun’s searing rays.    When cooling canopy is cast, a 30‐ft.–radius blue cloud  gathers in the sky far above the target’s head. This cloud  blocks  the  direct  rays  of  the  sun  and  provides  shade  for  anyone within the spell’s radius. Those so protected need  only one–half their normal water ration (or one–quarter if  resting  instead  of  traveling)  needed  to  prevent  dehydration. A creature must spend the majority of the 12  hours  underneath  the  cooling  canopy  to  decrease  their  required water intake.  Material Component: A drop of water.  Focus:  A  filmy  bit  of  material  (anything  will  do)  stretched over the top of a stick or twig. 

Create Element Conjuration (Creation) [see text]  Level: Clr 0  Components: V, S  Casting Time: 1 standard action  Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)  Effect: Element created (see below)  Duration: Instantaneous  Saving Throw: None; see text  Spell Resistance: No    By mere words and gestures you conjure a manifestation of  your patron element, a testament to your power as a cleric. 


    This spell creates a small amount of the caster’s patron  element. Specifics for each element follow:  Air: An air cleric can conjure a lungful of pure air. This  air can be breathed by any one character within range. If  that character is holding his breath or suffocating, he is no  longer  suffocating  and  if  he  must  continue  to  hold  his  breath, he does so as if he had taken a deep breath of air.  The  pure  air  also  invigorates  a  creature  if  it  is  not  drowning or suffocating. The creature receives a +4 bonus  on any check made for prolonged physical activity (as the  Endurance  feat),  provided  the  check  is  made  within  one  minute.  Earth:  An  earth  cleric  can  conjure  a  small  amount  of  elemental  earth.  This  earth  can  weigh  no  more  than  1  lb./level, but can be either loose earth or unworked stone.  This conjured earth appears level to the ground.  Fire: A fire cleric can conjure a torch–sized flame in the  palm of his hand. (This deals no damage to the cleric and  has  no  danger  of  setting  him  or  his  equipment  on  fire.)  This  flame  provides  light  as  a  torch  and  lasts  1  round/level.  The  torch  can  be  used  to  light  flammable  objects  aflame  or  as  a  weapon  that  deals  1  point  of  fire  damage  (like  a  normal  torch).  If  the  flame  is  used  in  this  way, it dissipates after hitting an object or creature.  Magma: A magma cleric can summon a small amount  of  red–hot  magma.  The  magma  appears  anywhere  in  range at ground level, provided that space is not occupied  by  a  creature. The  magma  is a  5‐ft.–radius  circle.  It  deals  1d6  points  of  fire  damage  to  any  creature  or  object  touching  it.  It cools  after  one  round  into  a block  of stone  that weighs 10 lbs.  Rain: A rain cleric can conjure a small rainstorm. This  storm  rains  1  gallon  of  water/level  over  a  5‐ft.–radius  circle.  It  puts  out  any  torch–sized  or  smaller  fires  in  the  area.  Silt:  A  silt  cleric  can  conjure  a  cloud  of  silt  that  surrounds  the  head  of  a  creature  within  range.  This  silt  obscures  vision,  inflicting  a  –1  penalty  on  attack  rolls  made  for  1  round  if  the  target  fails  a  Fortitude  save.  Sightless creatures are not affected by this cloud.  Sun:  A  sun  cleric  can  conjure  bright  light.  This  functions as the daylight spell but lasts only 1 round.  Water:  A  water  cleric  can  conjure  up  to  2  gallons  of  water/level.  This  function  exactly  like  the  create  water  spell from the Player’s Handbook.  Note:  This  spell  has  the  same  type  as  the  element  conjured. This spell replaces the create water spell from the  Player’s Handbook. 

Create Oasis Conjuration (Creation)  Level: Drd 6  Components: V, S, M, DF, XP  Casting Time: 10 minutes  Range: See text  Effect: A magic oasis  Duration: See text  Saving Throw: None  Spell Resistance: No 

  Between the four stone markers etched with druidic symbols  water  sprouts  from  the  ground  as  your  ritual  is  completed,  bringing  into  existence  what  will  be  a  lush  oasis  –  a  source  of  life in the wastes.    You create a lush oasis within the confines of a ring of  standing stones of your creation. The maximum radius of  the oasis is 50 feet per caster level beyond 10th; you may  create  a  smaller  oasis  if  desired.  Before  the  spell  can  be  cast, you must erect a circle of stones. Each stone must be  at least 12 feet tall and no more than 4 feet wide or thick,  rough–hewn and oblong, and set into the ground to stand  on  end.  Four  stones  must  be  placed  around  the  area  the  oasis will fill: one to the north, east, south and west points  of the oasis. Cutting and placing a single stone requires 48  worker–hours,  provided  stones  are  readily  available  in  the  area  and  the  workers  have  appropriate  tools  (chisels,  spikes,  hammers,  rollers).  If  tools  or  ready  stones  aren’t  available,  this  time  may  increase  or,  at  the  DM’s  discretion,  the  preparation  may  be  impossible.  Also,  particularly  skilled  or  capable  workers  may  cut  the  time  by  as  much  as  half.  You  can  erect  the  stones  yourself  through  physical  or  magical  labor,  or  you  may  enlist  the  help of any number of other creatures. After the last stone  is placed, you must cast create oasis from the exact center  of  the  ring.  Interruptions  during  the  placement  of  stones  do  not  negate  the  spell,  provided  all  the  stones  are  in  place at the time of casting.  Once  cast,  the  circle  inside  the  stones  is  instantly  transformed into a plant–filled, water–rich oasis. The trees  and  bushes  are  laden  with  nourishing,  delicious  fruits,  and  small  game  birds  and  animals  appear,  supported  by  springs and pools of fresh, cool water. The oasis can also  sustain  one  Medium  creature  for  every  50  square  feet  of  the  oasis.  Each  night,  lost  animals,  fruits,  and  water  are  automatically  replenished.  Defiling  magic  still  causes  permanent  damage;  subtract  the  damaged  area  when  considering the oasis’ ability to support living creatures.  The  oasis  remains  intact  until  you  physically  move  beyond  the  ring  of  standing  stones  or  until  you  voluntarily  end  the  spell.  Once  ended,  the  oasis  and  the  standing  stones  vanish,  leaving  the  exact  terrain  that  existed before. The spell also ends if you are slain.  Material Component: Four standing stones.  XP Cost: 100 per 50‐ft.‐radius of oasis created. 

Crusade Enchantment (Compulsion) [Mind–Affecting]  Level: Tmp 7  Components: V, S, DF  Casting Time: 1 round  Range: 20 ft.  Area:  The  caster  and  all  allies  within  a  20‐ft.  burst,  centered on you  Duration: 1 round/level  Saving Throw: None  Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)   


  Through  rallying  words  and  broad  gestures  you  summon  the  power  of  your  king  to  inspire  your  troops  to  a  crusade  against the infidels that would dare stand against you.    When  you  cast  this  spell,  you  fire  your  allies  with  a  divine fury. Your allies gain a +4 morale bonus on attack  rolls,  damage  rolls,  and  saving  throws,  and  they  are  immune  to  fear  effects.  They  also  receive  2d8  temporary  hit points for the duration of the spell. 

In  areas  of  silt,  a  black  streak  resembling  a  slow  current will follow the cursed character whenever he is in  contact with the surface. This includes wading or walking  on the top of the silt by spell or magical devices, but not  the use of a siltskimmer or floater. Should you cast several  of these spells on multiple targets, you will be able to tell  the  various  trails  apart,  even  if  they  should  cross  or  overlap.  The trail disappears when the spell expires. 

Curse Element

Curse of the Choking Sands

Transmutation [Evil]  Level: Clr 1  Components: V, S, M, DF  Casting Time: 1 minute  Range: Touch  Target: Element touched  Duration: Instantaneous  Saving Throw: Will negates (object)  Spell Resistance: Yes (object)    You channel profane energy into a physical manifestation of  your  element.  It  darkens  for  a  moment  as  it  is  charged  with  negative power.    This  transmutation  imbues  a  small  amount  of  the  caster’s  patron  element  with  negative  energy,  turning  it  into  an  unholy  element.  Curse  element  otherwise  acts  like  bless element, except that an unholy element damages good  outsiders  in  the  same  way  a  holy  element  damages  undead and evil outsiders.  Material  Component:  A  small  amount  of  powdered  silver worth 25 Cp. 

Transmutation  Level: Desert Mirage 3  Components: V, S, DF  Casting Time: 1 standard action  Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)  Target: One creature  Duration: 1 day/level  Saving Throw: Will negates  Spell Resistance: Yes    Uttering  the  dreaded  curse  makes  your  throat  feel  dry  like  sandpaper, but it is nothing compared to the fate of your victim  when he seeks to quench his thirst.    The unfortunate victim of this curse is unable to drink  water  for  the  duration  of  the  spell.  When  he  puts  a  container  to  his  lips,  the  water  inside  turns  to  sand,  usually  pouring  down  the  unfortunate  victim’s  throat.  If  the victim hasn’t died from dehydration (DMG 304) when  the spell ends, he may begin to drink normally. Of course,  everything  that  had  turned  to  sand  remains  sand.  The  spell  terminates  if  the  cursed  person  is  completely  immersed  under  water,  and  can  also  be  broken  by  spells  that end other divine curses. 

Curse of the Black Sands Transmutation  Level: Clr 4, Drd 3, Broken Sands 2  Components: V, S  Casting Time: 1 standard action  Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)  Target: One creature  Duration: 1 day/level  Saving Throw: Will negates  Spell Resistance: Yes    Oily  black  footprints  appear  in  the  earth  and  silt  in  which  the creature you designate steps. An inix would have an easier  time hiding its tracks.    When  this  curse  is  cast,  the  target  leaves  black,  oily  footprints  in  the  earth  or  on  silt.  The  prints  are  easily  tracked and cannot be erased or destroyed until the spell  expires.  Any  Survival  checks  to  track  the  target  have  the  DC reduced by 10. These tracks can be covered, but not by  earth.  A  giant  leaf,  for  example,  could  hide  a  few  footprints, but this would be a temporary fix at best. The  target  does  not  leave  these  tracks  if  he  flies,  teleports,  or  climbs  on  a  non–earthen  surface  (such  as  climbing  through trees). 

Death Mark Necromancy [Mind–Affecting]  Level: Wiz 2, Soul Slayer 2  Components: V, S, M  Casting Time: 1 standard action  Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)  Target: One creature  Duration: 1 min./level  Saving Throw: Will negates  Spell Resistance: Yes    The shard of obsidian turns to black dust. Your victim takes  a  gray  pall  to  the  skin,  which  feels  clammy  and  rubbery,  as  if  entering a severe shock.    This  spell  marks  the  target  for  death.  The  target  feels  hopeless and ill, feeling as if it had one foot in the grave.  The target becomes sickened and loses its Dexterity bonus  to armor class.  Material Component: A small shard of obsidian. 



Death Whip Necromancy  Level: Wiz 3, Soul Slayer 3  Components: V, S, F  Casting Time: 1 standard action  Range: Touch  Target: Whip touched  Duration: Concentration, up to 1 round/level; see text  (D)  Saving Throw: None  Spell Resistance: Yes    A  dull  streak  of  grey  trails  the  whip  and  a  faint  moan  is  heard  when  you  crack  it.  The  whip  feels  clammy  to  the  touch,  and those struck by it have limp motions.    This spell uses a whip as a conduit for negative energy  from the Gray. A creature damaged by the whip takes 1d2  points of temporary Strength damage. The damage is also  dealt  if  the  wielder  trips  a  creature  with  the  death  whip.  You  must  maintain  concentration  on  the  whip  to  sustain  this  spell,  but  if  you  wield  the  whip  yourself,  you  may  attack  with  the  whip  as  normal  while  maintaining  concentration.  Focus: The target whip. 

suffers 1d4 points of temporary Constitution damage, and  the spell has no other effect.  Material  Component:  A  small  piece  of  baked  clay  wrapped in cloth. 

Defiler Scent Divination  Level: Drd 0, Tmp 0  Components: V, S  Casting Time: 1 standard action  Range: 20 ft.  Area: 20‐ft.–radius burst  Duration: Instantaneous  Saving Throw: None  Spell Resistance: No    Your  nostrils  flare  open,  searching  for  the  bitter  scent  of  smoldering flesh which accompanies defilers.    You  can  smell  the  presence  of  defilers  within  the  spell’s area of effect. This spell does not reveal the number  of  defilers,  their  locations,  or  their  strength;  just  their  presence or absence. If there are defilers in the spell’s area  of  effect,  you  smell  the  very  strong  odor  of  smoldering  meat. 


Detect Element

Enchantment (Compulsion)  Level: Wiz 3, Tmp 3  Components: V, S, M  Casting Time: 1 minute  Range: Touch  Target: One creature  Duration: 24 hours  Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)  Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)    Clenching  the  cloth  into  the  target’s  hand  and  uttering  a  groan, you complete the spell. The smell of a sweaty mul worker  fills your nostrils.    This potent spell provides benefits to a single creature  that  is  engaged  in  an  ongoing  activity,  which  must  be  named  at  the  time  the  spell  is  cast.  Any  activity  that  requires focus or exertion can be named, such as digging a  large trench, repairing a wall, or reading a lengthy tome.  While  engaged  in  this  activity,  the  target  needs  no  sleep  for  the  duration  of  the  spell,  needs  only  one–half  of  the  food  and  water  it  normally  would,  and  cannot  becomes  exhausted or fatigued. The target also receives a +1 morale  bonus  on  all  attack  rolls,  damage  rolls,  saving  throws,  ability  checks,  and  skill  checks,  provided  that  it  relates  directly  to  the  aforementioned  task.  At  the  end  of  the  spell’s duration, the creature must rest for eight hours or  become  exhausted  and  suffer  1d4  points  of  temporary  Constitution  damage.  This  spell  can  only  be  cast  on  a  creature  once  every  72  hours.  If  dedication  is  cast  on  a  creature  more  than  once  in  a  single  72–hour  period,  it 

Divination  Level: Clr 0  Components: V, S  Casting Time: 1 standard action  Range: 60 ft.  Area: Cone–shaped emanation  Duration: Concentration, up to 1 min./level (D)  Saving Throw: None  Spell Resistance: No    Using  your  adoration  of  your  element,  you  reach  out  with  your magic and your mind to sense its presence.    You can detect a particular type of element (air, earth,  fire, magma, rain, silt, sun, or water). You must think of a  type of element when using the spell, but you can change  the  element  each  round.  The  amount  of  information  revealed  depends  on  how  long  you  search  a  particular  area or focus on a specific type of element.  1st Round: Presence or absence of that type of element  in the area.  2nd  Round:  Amount  of  element  and  the  location  of  each. If an element is outside your line of sight, then you  discern its direction but not its exact location.  3rd  Round:  The  strength  and  location  of  each  aura.  If  the object is in line of sight, you can make a Spellcraft skill  check to determine more information about a single item. 


    Check  Result  20 

25  30 

Elemental Armor Information Learned  Whether the item is natural or a spell effect. (A  normal  Spellcraft  check  against  DC  15  +  spell  level can then determine the nature of the spell  effect.)  Whether the item is a creature or an object.  The  exact  nature  of  the  item  (for  example,  whether an object is obsidian or stone, whether  air is breathable or not). 

  Each  round,  you  can  turn  to  detect  an  element  in  a  new  area.  The  spell  can  penetrate  barriers,  but  1  foot  of  stone,  1  inch  of  common  metal,  a  thin  sheet  of  lead,  or  3  feet of wood or dirt blocks it.  Detect  element  can  be  made  permanent  with  a  permanency spell. 

Drown on Dry Land Transmutation  Level: Drowning Despair 6  Components: V, S  Casting Time: 1 standard action  Range: Close (25 ft. + 5ft./2 levels)  Target: One air–breathing creature  Duration: 1 hour/level  Saving Throw: Fortitude negates  Spell Resistance: Yes    Drawing  the  shape  of  a  sea  creature  in  the  sand,  then  pointing at your target transforms its lungs to gills. It gasps for  air, but it can breathe only in water.    The subject gains the ability to breathe water, but loses  the ability to breathe in air. This spell can be used to make  a  creature  “drown  on  dry  land,”  i.e.  suffocate  unless  it  finds sufficient water to breathe in (DMG 304). 

Echo of the Lirr Evocation [Sonic]  Level: Drd 2, Rgr 2  Components: V, S, F  Casting Time: 1 standard action  Range: 30 ft.  Area: Cone–shaped burst  Duration: Instantaneous (see text)  Saving Throw: Fortitude negates  Spell Resistance: Yes    You  open  your  mouth  and  mimic  the  forceful  roar  of  the  lirr. A sound wave ripples the air in a cone before you, stunning  your enemies.    Creatures caught in the cone of sound you emit must  make a successful Will save or be stunned for 1d3 rounds.  Creatures that cannot hear are not stunned.  Focus: A lirr scale. 

Transmutation [see text]  Level: Clr 4  Components: V, S, DF  Casting Time: 1 standard action  Range: Touch  Target: Your shield or armor  Duration: 1 min./level  Saving Throw: None  Spell Resistance: No    Your  armor  glows  with  energy  as  it  is  imbued  with  elemental power, granting you additional protection.    You imbue a suit of armor or a shield with the powers  of your patron element or paraelement. The armor gains a  +1  enhancement  bonus  for  the  duration  of  the  spell,  and  an  additional  special  quality  depending  on  your  patron  element  or  paraelement  (see  the  list  below).  You  become  proficient  in  the  armor  this  spell  is  cast  upon  for  the  duration  of  the  spell.  Creatures  other  than  you  wearing  the armor enjoy no benefits from the spell’s effects. At 9th  level  and  every  3  levels  thereafter,  the  enhancement  bonus  of  the  armor  or  shield  increases  by  1,  to  a  maximum of +5 at 18th level.  Air: Arrow catching*.  Earth: Light fortification.  Fire: Fire resistance.  Magma: Fire resistance.  Rain: Electricity resistance.  Silt: Acid resistance.  Sun: Blinding*.  Water: Cold resistance.  *These  properties  can  be  applied  to  armor  with  elemental armor.  This spell’s subtype is the same as the type of energy  you cast. 

Elemental Chariot Transmutation [see text]  Level: Clr 7  Components: V, S, F, DF  Casting Time: 1 standard action  Range: Touch  Target: Chariot touched  Duration: 10 minutes/level  Saving Throw: None  Spell Resistance: No    A  brilliant  flash  of  light  dazzles  you  as  you  complete  the  spell.  When  you  regain  your  sight  a  magical  chariot  has  appeared, ready for use.    This spell imbues a masterwork chariot with elemental  magic. The caster must provide a crodlu and a driver with  the  Handle  Animal  skill  (though  the  caster  may  be  the  driver). The crew (crodlu, driver, and passengers) all gain  damage  reduction  10/magic  against  ranged  weapons.  All  ranged  weapons  fired  from  the  chariot  gain  a  +4 


  enhancement  bonus  and  deal  an  additional  5  points  of  elemental  damage  based  on  the  element  imbued  (see  below).  Clerics  must  choose  the  energy  type  that  corresponds  their  patron  element.  The  chariot  may  make  horizontal “jumps” using the driver’s Handle Animal skill  in lieu of a Jump roll (but the chariot’s ground speed still  affects the check).  Air: Sonic  Earth: Acid  Fire: Fire  Magma: Fire  Rain: Electricity  Silt: Acid  Sun: Fire  Water: Cold  This spell’s subtype is the same as the type of energy  you cast.  Focus: The masterwork chariot. 

Elemental Chariot, Greater Transmutation [see text]  Level: Clr 9  Duration: 1 hour/level    A  brilliant  flash  of  light  dazzles  you  as  you  complete  the  spell.  When  you  regain  your  sight  a  magnificent  chariot  has  appeared, ready for use.    This spell functions as elemental chariot, except as noted  above  and  as  follows.  The  spell  provides  the  following  additional benefits depending on the element imbued:  Air:  The  chariot  and  crodlu  gain  a  fly  speed  equal  to  the crodlu’s base land speed (poor maneuverability).  Earth:  The  chariot  and  crodlu  can  burrow  through  earth  or  solid  rock  at  the  crodlu’s  base  land  speed.  The  chariot leaves no tunnel  Fire:  You  can  concentrate  to  make  the  chariot  leave  a  wall  of  fire  in  its  wake  (on  one  edge  of  each  square  it  leaves). This fire acts as the spell, except that it emits heat  at  half  range  on  both  sides  and  lasts  1  round  per  caster  level.  The  chariot  cannot  leave  a  wake  two  rounds  in  a  row.  Magma: You can concentrate to make the chariot leave  molten  lava  in  its  wake  (on  one  edge  of  each  square  it  leaves)  that  takes  1  round  per  caster  level  to  cool.  Heat  rising from the lava has the same effect as a wall of fire, as  the spell, except it emits heat at half range on both sides.  The chariot cannot leave a wake two rounds in a row.  Silt:  You  can  concentrate  to  make  the  chariot  leave  a  wake of cloudkill. This wake acts as the spell, except that it  only fills each square the chariot leaves, the cloud doesn’t  move,  and  it  lasts  1  round  per  caster  level.  The  chariot  cannot leave a wake two rounds in a row.  Sun: The chariot shines with such dazzling brightness  that anyone within 60 feet that looks directly at the chariot  must make a Fortitude save or be blinded for 1d4 rounds.  Those who succeed at the save are instead dazzled for the  same duration.  Water or Rain: The chariot, crodlu, and crew all enjoy  the benefits of the displacement spell, and the chariot may 

pass  underwater  for  up  to  1  round  per  caster  level  at  a  time  without  the  animals  or  passengers  needing  air.  The  chariot  and  crodlu  have  a  swim  speed  equal  to  the  crodlu’s base land speed.  This spell’s subtype is the same as the type of energy  you cast. 

Elemental Storm Evocation [see text]  Level: Clr 8, Drd 7, Smoldering Spirit 7  Components: V, S  Casting Time: 1 full round  Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)  Area: Two 10‐ft. cubes/level (S)  Duration: Instantaneous  Saving Throw: Reflex half  Spell Resistance: Yes    Sheets  of  energy  rise  from  the  ground,  enveloping  the  area  in  destructive  elemental  energies.  Streaks  of  elemental  energy  fork and shoot back and forth with destructive power.    When an elemental storm spell is cast, the whole area is  shot  through  with  sheets  of  destructive  elemental  energies.  The  energies  do  not  harm  natural  vegetation,  ground cover, and plant creatures in the area you wish to  exclude.  Any  other  creatures  within  the  area  take  1d6  points  of  energy  damage  per  caster  level  (maximum  20d6).  The  type  of  energy  damage,  as  well  as  the  energy  descriptor  of  the  spell,  is  chosen  at  the  time  of  casting.  Clerics  must  choose  the  energy  type  that  corresponds  to  their patron element.  Air: Sonic.  Earth: Acid.  Fire: Fire.  Magma: Fire.  Rain: Electricity.  Silt: Acid.  Sun: Fire.  Water: Cold.  This spell’s subtype is the same as the type of energy  you cast.  Note: This spell replaces the fire storm spell in from the  Player’s Handbook. 

Elemental Strike Evocation [see text]  Level: Clr 5, Drd 4, Fiery Wrath 5, Tmp 5  Components: V, S, DF  Casting Time: 1 standard action  Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)  Area: Cylinder (10‐ft. radius, 40 ft. high)  Duration: Instantaneous  Saving Throw: Reflex half  Spell Resistance: Yes    A column of divine and elemental energy shoots downward  from  the  point  you  designate,  striking  those  caught  beneath  it  with the fury of your element. 


    An  elemental  strike  produces  a  vertical  column.  The  spell  deals  1d6  points  of  damage  per  caster  level  (maximum 15d6). Half the damage is energy damage, but  the  other  half  results  directly  from  divine  power  and  is  therefore  not  subject  to  being  reduced  by  resistance  to  energy–based attacks. The type of energy damage, as well  as the energy descriptor of the spell, is chosen at the time  of  casting.  Clerics  must  choose  the  energy  type  that  corresponds to their patron element.  Air: Sonic  Earth: Acid  Fire: Fire  Magma: Fire  Rain: Electricity  Silt: Acid  Sun: Fire  Water: Cold  This spell’s subtype is the same as the type of energy  you cast.  Note: This spell replaces the flame strike spell from the  Player’s Handbook. 

Elemental Weapon Transmutation [see text]  Level: Clr 4  Components: V, S, DF  Casting Time: 1 standard action  Range: Touch  Target: Your weapon  Duration: 1 min./level  Saving Throw: None  Spell Resistance: No    The  weapon  is  imbued  with  elemental  energy,  providing  additional offensive capability to its strikes.    You  imbue  a  melee  weapon  with  the  powers  of  your  worshipped  element.  The  weapon  gains  a  +1  enhancement  bonus  to  attack  and  damage  rolls  for  the  duration  of  the  spell,  and  an  additional  special  ability  depending  on  your  patron  element.  You  are  treated  as  being  proficient  with  the  enchanted  weapon.  Creatures  other  than  you  wielding  the  enchanted  weapon  do  not  benefit from the spell. If the weapon is a double–weapon,  only  one  end  is  affected.  At  9th  level  and  every  3  levels  thereafter, the enhancement bonus of the armor or shield  increases by 1, to a maximum of +5 at 18th level.  Air: Throwing.  Earth: Mighty cleaving.  Fire: Flaming.  Magma: Flaming.  Rain: Shock.  Silt: Keen.  Sun: Spell storing.  Water: Frost.  This spell’s subtype is the same as the type of energy  you cast. 

Eye of the Storm Abjuration  Level: Wiz 2, Clr 3, Drd 3, Furious Storm 2, Rgr 3  Components: V, S, M, DF  Casting Time: 1 standard action  Range: 30 ft.  Area: 30‐ft.–radius emanation centered on you  Duration: 1 hour/level.  Saving Throw: None  Spell Resistance: No    You create a magical calm in the center of the storm, an area  safe from powerful winds, rain and sand.    You create a pocket of calm in a 30 ft. radius centered  on you. The circle moves with you. Within the circle, the  air is calm, and people may converse at a normal volume.  Outsider the circle, there may be a raging sand storm or a  terrifying Tyr–storm. Like the eye of a hurricane, the area  affected by the spell remains unharmed. The storm roars  by but has no effect on those within the sheltered eye. Eye  of  the  storm  does  not  exclude  storms  created  by  spells  or  the storm–like abilities of creatures.  Material Component: A few grains of sand thrown into  the wind. 

Fire Track Divination [Fire]  Level: Burning Eyes 4  Components: V, S, M, DF  Casting Time: 1 round  Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)  Target: One creature  Duration: 1 round/level  Saving Throw: None  Spell Resistance: Yes    A fiery spark appears that follows the path of a creature as  doggedly as a desert hound follows a scent.    The  caster  identifies  a  target  when  casting  the  spell,  either by name or by physical description (e.g., “the man  who stole the high templar’s purse today,” or “the woman  I  saw  wearing  the  gray  eye  patch”).  A  spark  of  flame  appears  harmlessly  at  the  caster’s  fingertip—the  faithful  “hound” ready for the hunt.  If the target has not been within range during the last  24 hours, then the flame leaps off the caster’s finger, lands  on the ground nearby, and extinguishes itself. If the target  has  been  within  range,  the  flame  leaps  off  the  caster’s  fingertip  and  flies  toward  the  target’s  trail,  striking  the  ground as soon as it “picks up the scent.”  The fire track is like a brilliant flame traveling along a  fuse. In its wake is a faint line of scorched earth and dust,  marking the path of its prey. (The scorch marks are easily  swept  clean.)  The  flame  moves  from  0  to  240  feet  per  round,  at  a  speed  chosen  by  the  caster,  which  can  be  changed  as  a  free  action  once  per  round.  The  fire  track  burns  with  the  strength  and  brightness  of  a  torch.  It 


  inflicts  1d6  points  of  damage  upon  those  who  get  in  its  way  and  sets  combustible  materials  aflame.  (A  wise  spellcaster does not use this spell to investigate burglaries  in a cotton warehouse.)  The  fire  track  can  be  foiled  in  a  number  of  ways.  It  cannot cross water and is extinguished by doing so, but it  can  cross  silt.  It  can  be  snuffed  out  while  in  motion  by  strong  breezes,  blowing  sand,  and  heavy  rain.  If  the  pursued  individual  takes  to  the  air  or  teleports,  the  fire  track circles in place until its time expires. Mere climbing,  leaping,  or  jumping  (even  across  a  chasm),  however,  cannot  foil  the  fire  track,  which  always  pursues  in  the  correct direction.  Material  Component:  A  fragment  of  antennae  from  a  cilops,  wrapped  in  wax.  The  wax  is  melted  to  cast  the  spell. 

Firewater Transmutation  Level: Sky Blitz 1  Components: V, S  Casting Time: 1 standard action  Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./level)  Target: One gallon of water/level  Duration: 1 hour/level  Saving Throw: None; see text  Spell Resistance: No    The  water  smells  and  tastes  as  normal,  but  it  has  the  poisonous qualities of fermented cactus milk.    You  give  water  the  intoxicating  properties  of  brewed  spirits, such as wine or broy. A cup of this water acts as a  poison (the Fortitude save DC is equal save DC this spell  would  have)  that  deals  no  initial  damage,  and  1  point  of  Wisdom  damage  and  1  point  of  Dexterity  damage,  as  secondary  damage.  Detect  poison  positively  detects  firewater,  but  the  water  tastes  and  smells  like  normal  water. 

Fissure Evocation [Earth]  Level: Mountain’s Fury 9  Components: V, S, M  Casting Time: 1 standard action  Range: Medium (100 ft. +10 ft./level)  Effect: See text  Duration: Permanent until closed  Saving Throw: See text  Spell Resistance: No    The very earth itself comes alive with furious anger, which  is  unleashed  in  the  form  of  a  great  maw  spewing  forth  deadly  elemental matter, ravaging any creature unfortunate to be near  it.    You  open  a  fissure  in  natural  earth  or  stone;  you  can  seal the fissure with a word (a free action). You can leave  a  fissure  open  for  rounds,  minutes,  or  decades,  but  you 

can only have one fissure open at a time—until you close  a  fissure  that  you  created,  you  cannot  create  another.  Fissure offers several possible variant effects:  Aqueous  Fissure:  You  crack  open  the  ground  in  a  cylinder  with  5  ft.  radius  and  up  to  200  ft.  deep.  The  fissure  stops  when  it  reaches  underground  water,  if  any  exists.  In  all  but  the  wettest  areas  of  Athas,  that  ground  water  will  not  rush  up  to  the  surface  of  the  new  well;  someone needs to climb down into the fissure to retrieve  the water.  Billowing  Fissure:  You  cause  the  earth  to  first  burst  in  an  immediate  shower  of  rocks,  then,  the  next  round,  to  belch  a  gout  of  flame  from  the  fissure,  and  afterward  to  emit  nauseating  gasses  until  sealed.  The  initial  burst  of  rocks  inflicts  8d6  points  of  bludgeoning  damage  to  creatures  within  40  feet  (Reflex  save  for  half  damage).  Treat  the  gout  of  flame  as  an  elemental  strike  (fire),  and  the nauseating gasses that follow as a stinking cloud that  persists until 1d6 rounds after you seal the fissure.  Cavernous  Fissure:  This  variant  effectively  opens  a  jagged cave or tunnel into the rock, 10 feet long per caster  level.  Gaping Fissure: You open a crack in the ground in the  shape  of  a  cylinder  with  5  ft.  radius  and  depth  5  ft.  per  caster  level.  Creatures  standing  in  the  fissure  or  within  5  ft.  take  8d6  points  of  bludgeoning  damage  (no  saving  throw), and must make a Reflex save or fall into the crack.  Until you seal the crack, trapped creatures can attempt to  climb out (the fissure walls are natural rock).  Oily Fissure: Like with a billowing fissure, you cause a  burst of stones (8d6 points of bludgeoning damage within  40  ft.,  Reflex  save  for  half  damage),  but  in  the  second  round, a double–radius oil spray issues from the ground,  covering everything within a 40‐ft. radius with flammable  oil.  In  the  third  and  subsequent  rounds,  oil  continues  to  seep  from  the  earth,  but  at  an  almost  imperceptible  rate.  Until you seal the fissure, the ground within 40 feet of the  fissure will remain oily.  Steaming  Fissure:  Like  with  a  billowing  fissure,  you  cause  a  burst  of  stones  (8d6  points  of  bludgeoning  damage within 40 ft., Reflex save for half damage), but in  the  second  and  following  rounds,  scalding  steam  bursts  from the ground, continuing to issue from the fissure until  you seal it. The steam cloud has a 10‐ft. radius and is 40 ft.  high. A creature that starts his turn within the cloud takes  4d6 points of fire damage.  Volcanic  Fissure:  Like  with  a  billowing  fissure,  you  cause  a  burst  of  stones  (8d6  points  of  bludgeoning  damage within 40 ft., Reflex save for half damage). In the  second  round,  magma  issues  in  a  spurt  from  the  fissure,  inflicting 10d12 points of fire damage to those still within  40  ft.  Each  subsequent  round,  victims  take  an  addition  1d12  points  of  fire  damage  for  10  rounds  as  the  magma  cools. Each gallon of water used to cool the magma on one  victim  reduces  the  magma  cooling  time  by  1  round,  preventing 1d12 points of damage.  Material Component: A sculpture made of igneous rock  worth at least 50 Cp. You dash this sculpture against the  ground at casting time. 



Flame Harvest Evocation [Fire]  Level: Drd 8, Fiery Wrath 7  Components: V, S, DF  Casting Time: 1 hour  Range: Touch  Area: Up to 36 5‐ft. by 5‐ft. squares (S)  Duration: See text  Saving Throw: Reflex half  Spell Resistance: Yes    You  slowly  walk  the  area  to  be  trapped  for  an  hour,  envisioning the rising flames and setting on the conditions that  will trigger its activation.    You  create  a  trap  in  a  large  field,  copse  of  wood,  or  other  flammable  area,  to  be  triggered  by  predefined  conditions. You may leave the area, and the trap remains  set for 1 month.  The trigger conditions may be as simple or as complex  as  you  like,  but  they  cannot  be  changed  once  the  spell  is  placed. You should be careful about the wording, lest the  trap trigger unintentionally. Some possible conditions are:  whenever  anyone  sets  foot  in  this  grove,  or  whenever  a  templar draw his or her weapon. When the trap triggers,  the  area  is  engulfed  in  flames,  dealing  8d8  points  of  fire  damage  to  creatures  and  objects  in  the  area.  The  site  continues  to  burn  normally,  and  creatures  in  the  area  takes  1d6  points  of  fire  damage  until  the  fire  burns  itself  out. 

Flash Flood Conjuration (Creation) [Water]  Level: Drowning Despair 8, Drd 9  Components: V, S  Casting Time: 1 standard action  Range: Long (400 ft. + 40 ft./level)  Area: One mile upstream and downstream of a chosen  point, or a 100‐ft.–radius circle  Duration: Instantaneous or 1 min./level  Saving Throw: None  Spell Resistance: No    You open a gateway to the elemental planes, conjuring forth  a  powerful  wave  of  water,  which  floods  the  land.  The  flood  is  accompanied by the roars of the raging sea.    This spell is most effective in a river or stream’s flood  plain, or another contained area, such as a twisted canyon  in  a  mountain  pass,  in  rocky  badlands  terrain,  or  even  a  dried–out riverbed.  Flood  Plain:  If  cast  in  a  river  or  stream’s  flood  plain,  flash  flood  causes  the  river  to  overflow  its  banks  as  its  level rises 40 feet from the current level with fast–moving  water. You choose a point of the river. From that point to  a mile upstream and a mile downstream, the river’s flood  plain becomes full with water. All creatures caught in the  flood  must  make  successful  Swim  checks  (DC  20)  or  go  under.  Each  round  underwater,  a  victim  suffers  1d8 

points  of  nonlethal  damage  from  battering.  If  a  creature  stays afloat, it must continue to make a Swim check every  round.  After  5  successful  Swim  checks,  the  creature  successfully  reaches  the  bank  of  the  fast–flowing  river.  The flood carries creatures along with it downstream until  it empties into a larger channel, or a distance of 10 miles  (in  which  case  the  flood  has  run  its  limit),  whichever  occurs first. Creatures caught in the flood are carried at a  speed of 90 feet per round.  Outside  a  Flood  Plain:  This  spell  is  far  less  devastating  in an open plain. Water pours from the sky, seemingly out  of  nowhere,  absolutely  drenching  a  100–foot–radius  area  and reducing visibility to 10 feet. Tiny creatures are swept  off  their  feet  and  must  make  a  Swim  check  (DC  10)  each  round  to  stay  afloat;  Small  and  Medium  creatures  are  checked, and verbal communication is impossible for the  duration of the storm (1 minute per caster level). All fires  within  the  area  of  effect  are  instantly  quenched,  and  fire  spells such as fireball are impeded (as if underwater). 

Fool’s Feast Transmutation  Level: Tmp 4  Components: V, S, DF  Casting Time: 10 minutes  Range: Medium (100 ft. +10 ft./level)  Target: Feast for one creature/level  Duration: 1 hour plus 12 hours; see text  Saving Throw: None  Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)    Let  the  fools  feast,  lulling  themselves  into  perceived  safety.  Little  do  they  know  that  each  bite  makes  them  all  the  more  susceptible to your ploys.    You  turn  an  ordinary  banquet  into  a  nourishing  feast  with  the  same  12–hour  blessing  effect  as  the  food  and  drink  provided  by  the  heroes’  feast  spell.  In  addition,  you  receive  a  +4  circumstance  bonus  to  interaction  checks  (such as Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate, and Sense Motive)  when  dealing  with  those  who  have  consumed  the  feast.  This spell can only be cast on a sufficient supply of clean,  unpoisoned,  edible  food  and  wine.  This  spell  enhances  the food’s appearance, flavor, and texture to resemble the  ambrosia  and  the  sumptuous  food  available  through  heroes’ feast. 

Footsteps of the Quarry Divination  Level: Rgr 2, Tmp 2, Wiz 2  Components: V, S, M  Casting Time: 1 standard action  Range: Personal  Target: You  Duration: 1 hour/level (D)    If  your  quarry  has  passed  through  here  during  the  last  24  hours,  its  path  shall  be  revealed  to  you  in  the  form  of  ghostly  footprints. 


    This spell allows you to follow the tracks of a specific  creature  or  person  named  at  the  time  of  casting.  The  person  so  named  must  have  traveled  through  the  area  within the last 24 hours.  The  spell  creates  a  line  of  footprints  that  lead  in  the  direction  taken  by  the  person  being  tracked.  The  footprints fade into invisibility once you have passed. You  are  treated  as  having  the  Track  feat  and  receive  a  +20  bonus on Survival checks to follow tracks of you quarry.  If  the  quarry  travels  in  a  way  other  than  on  land,  the  trail  ceases.  Only  after  the  quarry  has  resumed  traveling  by land does the trail continue.  This  spell  works  against  trackless step  or  other  forms  of concealing tracks.  Material  Component:  A  piece  of  straw  and  a  bone  needle. 

whip about the storm’s area, leaving a 10‐ft. diameter eye  where  you  and  your  companions  may  stand  unharmed.  In  addition  to  the  effects  of  hurricane  force  winds  (DMG  94),  creatures  and  unattended  objects  take  2d8  points  of  damage  per  round  until  they  leave  the  area.  All  unprotected  flames  in  the  spell’s  area  are  extinguished.  Note  that  this  spell  does  not  create  the  tiny  shards;  sand  or silt must be within range for this spell to take effect. 


Necromancy [Death]  Level: Wiz 4  Components: V  Casting Time: 1 standard action  Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)  Range: 40 ft.  Area: Cone–shaped burst  Duration: Instantaneous  Saving Throw: Fortitude negates  Spell Resistance: Yes    After uttering the chant, a geyser of nebulous light springs  forth from your hand, covering your enemies in a crimson hue.  Then  as  the  hue  fades  they  begin  to  scream,  as  the  flesh  from  their bodies pours off.    This  spell  functions  like  circle  of  death,  except  that  the  spell slays 2 HD worth of living creatures per caster level  (maximum 40 HD) and no creature of more than 5 HD can  be affected. 

Enchantment [Mind–Affecting]  Level: Wiz 4  Components: V, S, M  Casting Time: 1 standard action  Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)  Target: One creature  Effect: Cloud that hovers over target’s head  Duration: 1 min./level (D)  Saving Throw: Will negates  Spell Resistance: Yes    A  gloomy  cloud  appears  over  a  creature  that  becomes  despaired  and  succumbs  to  apathy,  leaving  it  little  more  than  helpless.    Gloomcloud  creates  a  small,  gray  cloud  over  the  creature’s  head.  Only  the  creature  affected  by  the  cloud  can  see  it  and  it  moves  with  the  creature.  The  despair  caused by the gloomcloud is so profound that the victim  can  do  nothing  but  walk  slowly,  sit  silently,  or  weep  in  frustration.  If  attacked,  his  actions  are  determined  by  rolling d% at the beginning of his turn: 01–50, do nothing;  51–70, defends himself but is considered shaken and also  suffers a –1 penalty to AC; 71–100, reacts normally.  Attackers  are  not  at  any  special  advantage  when  attacking  an  affected  creature.  Note  that  an  affected  character will not make attacks of opportunity.  Material Component: A drop of dirty water and a small,  twisted length of chain. 

Glass Storm

Gray Beckoning

Evocation [Air, Earth]  Level: Broken Sands 6  Components: V, S  Casting Time: 1 standard action  Range: 0 ft.  Area:  Sphere  with  50‐ft.–radius  minus  10‐ft.–radius  eye  Duration: 1 round/level  Saving Throw: See text  Spell Resistance: No    A cyclone rises from the ground, whirling up sand and silt.  Tiny  crystal  shards  are  separated  from  the  particles,  and  they  are propelled by the howling wind.    This powerful version of the sand spray spell not only  lifts and separates tiny crystal shards from sand or silt; it  creates  a  100  mph  wind  to  propel  them.  The  particles 

Conjuration (Summoning) [Evil]  Level: Dead Heart 6, Wiz 7  Components: V, S, M  Casting Time: 1 round  Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)  Effect: One or more summoned zombies  Duration: 1 min./level  Saving Throw: None  Spell Resistance: No    A  small  vortex  appears  accompanied  by  the  stench  of  decaying  flesh.  A  rotting  hand  appears,  as  a  powerful  zombie  claws its way out of the dimensional portal.    This  spell  briefly  opens  a  conduit  to  the  Gray,  allowing  negative  energy  to  slip  through  and  form  Gray  zombies (TotDL 42). You may summon one Gray zombie  per  caster  level.  Summoned  zombies  attack  you  unless 



  you promise them payment for their services; the undead  can be satisfied by devouring living victims with total HD  equaling  the  number  of  zombies  summoned.  When  destroyed or when the spell ends, the summoned zombies  become insubstantial and melt back into the Gray.  Material Component: A gray cloth and a piece of bone. 

Gray Rift Conjuration (Creation) [Evil]  Level: Dead Heart 7, Tmp 9, Wiz 9  Components: V, S  Casting Time: 1 round  Range: Medium (100 ft. +10 ft./level)  Effect: Diamond–shaped rift 30 ft. high and 15 ft. wide  in the middle  Duration: Concentration + 1d6 rounds  Saving Throw: None; see text  Spell Resistance: No    Calling upon the negative energy of the Gray to bolster the  unliving, you conjure a two–dimensional diamond–shaped rift.  An  overwhelming  stench  of  decay  assaults  your  nose,  confirming the connection to the plane of the dead.    This  spell  tears  and  holds  open  a  rift  between  Athas  and  the  Gray.  The  rift  itself  is  a  two–dimensional,  diamond–shaped  plane  30  feet  high  and  15  feet  wide  in  the  middle.  Any  creature  that  touches  the  rift  is  affected  as  if  you  cast  harm  on  it.  A  character  that  attempts  to  dispel the rift and fails is also subjected to harm. Once per  round  as  a  move  action,  you  can  move  the  rift  30  feet  in  any  direction  within  range.  If  you  cease  concentration  or  are  slain,  the  rift  lingers  for  1d6  rounds  without  moving  and  then  dissipates.  All  undead  creatures  within  range  gain  a  +4  profane  bonus  to  Strength,  3  bonus  hit  points  per hit die, and fast healing 1. 

Groundflame Conjuration (Creation) [Acid]  Level: Drd 5, Wiz 6  Components: V  Casting Time: 1 standard action  Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)  Effect: Cylinder (20‐ft. radius, 5 ft. high)  Duration: Instantaneous  Saving Throw: Fortitude half  Spell Resistance: Yes    A  glob  of  fluorescing  green  gas  spews  from  the  ground.  In  the  blink  of  an  eye,  it  changes  color  to  vibrant  blue.  Then  a  blinding flash and all of your enemies are in suffering.    A  highly  corrosive  mist  deals  1d6  points  of  acid  damage per caster level (maximum 15d6) to each creature  in the area. 

Hand of the Sorcerer-King Abjuration  Level: Tmp 1  Components: V, DF  Casting Time: 1 standard action  Range: Personal  Target: You  Duration: 1 min./level    You call upon your sorcerer‐king’s protection to shield you  from malignant spells.    You receive a +2 sacred or profane bonus to all saving  throws  against  spells  and  spell–like  abilities,  depending  on the alignment of your sorcerer‐king. 

Heartseeker Transmutation  Level: Clr 9, Drd 9, Forged Stone 8  Components: V, S, XP  Casting Time: 1 minute  Range: Touch  Target: One piercing weapon  Duration: Permanent  Saving Throw: None; Fortitude partial  Spell Resistance: No    You transform the pointed weapon into a true harbinger of  death, a weapon which sprouts roots when it hits its target. The  roots  and  branches  seek  out  vital  organs,  instantly  killing  or  lethally wounding the victim.    This  terrible  spell  is  cast  on  a  piercing  weapon  made  partially of wood, usually a spear or an arrow. When the  weapon  damages  a  creature,  the  wooden  shaft  of  the  weapon  begins  to  sprout  as  if  growing.  The  roots  and  branches seek out vital organs as a source of nutrients. If  the creature fails a Fortitude save, the vines burst through  the victim’s vital organs, killing him instantly. If the save  is successful, the creature manages to pull the weapon out  but  takes  10d8  points  of  damage.  The  weapon  is  destroyed  after  being  used.  Creatures  immune  to  critical  hits automatically make their Fortitude save.  XP Cost: 100 XP. 

Heat Lash Evocation [Fire]  Level: Clr 1  Components: V, S  Casting Time: 1 action  Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft. per level)  Target: One creature  Duration: Instantaneous  Saving Throw: Fortitude partial; see text  Spell Resistance: Yes    A  gust  of  heat  strikes  your  foe,  as  if  exiting  a  cool  cellar  establishment to face the sun at noon in the city‐states.   



Necromancy [Fear, Mind–Affecting]  Level: Tmp 3  Components: V, DF  Casting Time: 1 standard action  Range: Touch  Target: Creature or creatures touched (up to one/level)  Duration: 10 minutes; see text  Saving Throw: Will negates  Spell Resistance: Yes    Upon  touching  your  enemy  with  your  sigil,  it  receives  a  frightening vision of your sorcerer‐king.    This  spell  protects  the  sorcerer‐king’s  agents  from  aggressors. You may make a melee touch attack with your  sigil  up  to  one  time  per  caster  level.  A  touched  creature  must  succeed  on  a  Will  save  or  become  frightened.  On  a  successful  save  the  target  is  shaken  for  one  round.  Creatures  with  more  than  10  Hit  Dice  are  unaffected  by  the spell. 

Duration: Instantaneous  Saving Throw: None; see text  Spell Resistance: Yes    You  hold  your  palm  in  front  of  your  face  and  gently  blow  the  magical  parasites  into  the  air.  They  dart  towards  your  enemies, taking root in clothes, hair and flesh.    Tiny parasites take root in the clothes, hair, and skin of  living creatures within the area. The victims rarely realize  a spell has been cast on them—they must make a Wisdom  check  (DC  20)  to  sense  the  parasites—so  the  symptoms  are  usually  the  first  sign  of  the  spell’s  effects.  It  takes  1  day  before  infestation  sets  in.  A  remove  disease  or  heal  spell  removes  the  parasites,  as  do  spells  that  repel  or  destroy insects.  Even  if  the  infestation  is  removed,  a  creature  must  heal its effects separately. Those who have lost their sight  to  eye  mites,  for  example,  need  a spell  that could  restore  vision,  such  as  remove  blindness/deafness.  A  heal  spell,  however, cures all injuries.  You choose the type of parasite from the following list:  Ear  Mites:  These  microscopic  creatures  cause  permanent deafness in 1d6+6 days.  Eye  Mites:  Eye  mites  cause  permanent  blindness  in  1d6+6 days.  Desert Lice: Desert lice cause their host to feel generally  unhealthy, uncoordinated, and dizzy. The victims suffer a  –4 penalty on all saving throws.  Sand  Fleas:  While  these  tiny  creatures  aren’t  deadly,  they  are  a  source  of  constant  itching  and  discomfort.  Anyone  infected  by  sand  fleas  cannot  heal  wounds  naturally,  due  to  misery  and  discomfort.  The  victim  becomes cranky and irritable, resulting in a –2 penalty on  all  interaction  checks  (such  as  Bluff,  Diplomacy,  Intimidate,  and  Sense  Motive)  and  initiative  rolls.  Sand  fleas  notoriously  leap  from  host  to  host,  almost  like  a  contagious  disease.  Anyone  coming  into  contact  with  an  afflicted  creature  must  make  a  Fortitude  save  or  become  infested as well.  Mind  Worms:  These  tiny  vermin  infest  a  victim’s  hair  and  secrete  a  drug  that  excites  certain  portions  of  the  brain, causing hallucinations, delirium, and hysteria. The  worms’  effects  grow  in  time,  so  the  first  few  hallucinations are mild and probably undetectable by the  victim’s  companions.  Eventually,  his  condition  deteriorates,  and  it  becomes  obvious  that  he  is  suffering  from  some  mind–altering  ailment.  Whenever  in  combat  (or  other  stressful  situations)  the  character  becomes  confused  (as  the  spell).  Each  day,  he  must  make  a  Will  save or become permanently confused. 


Klar’s Heart

The  target  suffers  1d4+1  points  of  fire  damage  and  is  knocked back 5 feet by the sudden heat. A successful save  reduces  the  damage  by  half  and  prevents  the  creature  from being knocked back. 

Illusory Talent Illusion (Glamer)  Level: Wiz 1  Components: V, S  Casting Time: 1 standard action  Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)  Target: You plus up to one willing creature  Duration: 10 min./level  Saving Throw: Will disbelief (if interacted with)  Spell Resistance: No    You disguise any imperfections in your act through magical  assistance, making it appear that you are far more skilled than  which is the case.    You  make  it  seem  as  though  you  and  a  single  other  willing  person  possess  talent  in  performance  ability.  You  both  receive  a  +10  bonus  on  Perform  checks.  This  spell  does not actually impart any skill or learning; you do not  perform  any  better  than  you  could  before,  but  it  appears  to  observers  that  you  do.  However,  simply  watching  or  listening  to  the  performance  counts  as  “interaction,”  and  observers  may  make  a  Will  save  to  notice  the  illusion.  Otherwise, the performance appears flawless. 

Image of the Sorcerer-king

Conjuration (Summoning)  Level: Clr 7, Drd 6, Ruinous Swarm 6, Wiz 7  Components: V, S  Casting Time: 1 standard action  Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)  Area: Living creatures in a 10‐ft.–radius sphere 

Transmutation  Level: Drd 4, Tmp 5  Components: V, S, DF  Casting Time: 1 round  Range: 20 ft.  Target:  All  living  creatures  within  a  20‐ft.  burst,  centered on you 


  Duration: 1 round/level  Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)  Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)    You  transform  nearby  creatures  into  beings  as  fierce  as  klars, increasing their fighting capacity.    You magically enhance the combat ability of all living  creatures,  allies  and  enemies  alike,  within  20  feet  (including  you).  Subjects  of  the  spell  receive  a  +4  enhancement  bonus  to  Strength  and  +1d4  temporary  hit  points  per  two  caster  levels.  When  the  spell  ends,  any  remaining temporary hit points from its effect are lost. 

Legendary Stonecraft Transmutation  Level: Forged Stone 9  Components: V, S, XP  Casting Time: 1 minute  Range: Long (400 ft. + 40 ft./level)  Target: You and other willing creatures within range  Duration: 12 hours; see text  Saving Throw: None  Spell Resistance: No    Time  slows  to  a  halt  when  you  embrace  solitude.  Tyr  was  not  built  in  one  day,  but  you  will  perform  great  acts  of  construction before nightfall.    This  spell  can  only  be  cast  at  sunrise,  in  an  isolated  location  with  no  onlookers.  Legendary  stonecraft  stretches  out  the  duration  of  the  day  with  respect  to  stonecraft— digging  ditches,  quarrying  stone,  building  masonry,  carving stone, etc. While the spell endures, the sun seems  to  stay  still  in  the  sky,  and  neither  you  nor  your  fellow  stone workers have need of food, drink, or sleep. The day  seems endless, and indeed, for you, it virtually is. You can  choose  how  long  to  make  the  day  last  in  terms  of  your  labor; however, you cannot make creatures work for more  than  a  year.  Every  subject  must  willingly  participate  in  this  spell  at  its  casting.  If  any  other  creature  enters  the  spell’s  range,  or  even  views  its  effects,  legendary  stonecraft  abruptly  terminates.  Similarly,  if  anyone  uses  the  time  to  do  anything  other  than  stonecraft,  the  spell  terminates.  All  subjects  age  as  normal  for  the  number  of  workdays.  For  example,  if  you  stretched  the  day  to  the  maximum one year’s worth of work, you and all your co– workers  would  age  one  year  during  this  time,  even  though only a day passed for the rest of the world.  XP Cost: 10 XP per subject per workday. For example,  if you have 19 workers (plus you) and wish to stretch the  day into 100 work days, it would cost 2,000 XP. 

Lighten Load Transmutation  Level: Clr 3  Components: V, S, DF  Casting Time: 1 standard action  Range: Touch  Target: Creatures touched  Duration: 2 hour/level  Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)  Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)    The rancid smell of a kank herd floats past you as you imbue  creatures with increased strength for carrying.    You  increase  the  carrying  capacity  of  up  to  one  creature  per  caster  level.  Divide  the  duration  by  the  number  of  subjects.  The  subjects’  carrying  capacity  is  quadrupled. 

Liquid Lightning Evocation [Electricity]  Level: Sky Blitz 8  Saving Throw: Fortitude half; Reflex half; see text;    You  prepare  a  deadly  trap  that  will  electrocute  those  who  dare approach the water.    This  spell  functions  as  water  shock,  except  as  noted  above and as follows. An effect similar to chain lightning  strikes  the  first  creature  to  touch  the  water,  with  secondary  bolts  striking  all  creatures  within  60  feet.  The  creature  that  triggers  the  trap  suffers  1d6  points  of  electricity damage per caster level (maximum 20d6) and is  paralyzed  for  1d6  minutes  if  it  fails  its  Fortitude  save.  Secondary  targets  receive  half  damage  and  are  not  paralyzed. 

Lungs of Water Conjuration (Creation) [Water]  Level: Drowning Despair 4  Components: V, S, M  Casting Time: 1 standard action  Range: Close (25 ft. + 5ft./2 levels)  Target: One breathing creature  Duration: Concentration (D)  Saving Throw: Fortitude negates  Spell Resistance: Yes    You  spit  towards  your  foe.  As  the  phlegm  trickles,  your  enemy’s  eyes  widen  as  it  coughs  up  water  and  begins  to  suffocate.    This  spell  magically  creates  water  inside  a  victim’s  lungs,  drowning  it  if  it  cannot  cough  the  stuff  up.  Creatures  that  do  not  need  to  breathe  are  unaffected  by  this spell.  If  the  target  succeeds  on  a  Fortitude  save  when  you  cast lungs of water, it is unaffected. If it fails its save, it can 


  still  continue  to  take  choking  breaths  each  round  with  a  standard action.  An  affected  creature  can  attempt  to  take  actions  normally  (instead  of  consciously  controlling  its  breathing),  but  each  round  it  does  so,  beginning  in  the  round  when  it  failed  its  Fortitude  save,  the  subject  risks  blacking  out  from  lack  of  oxygen.  It  must  succeed  on  a  Fortitude save at the end of any of its turns in which it did  not  consciously  take  a  breath.  The  DC  of  this  save  increases  by  1  in  every  consecutive  round  after  the  first  one  that  goes  by  without  a  breath;  the  DC  drops  back  to  its original value if the subject spends an action to take a  breath.  If a subject fails a Fortitude save, it begins to drown (0  hp). In the following round, it drops to –1 hit points and is  dying.  In  the  third  round,  it  drowns.  Curing  spells  or  powers  can  revive  a  dying  subject  normally,  so  long  as  this  power’s  duration  has  expired;  if  the  power  is  still  in  effect, a revived creature is still subject to Fortitude saves  in each round when it does not consciously breathe.  Material  Component:  Your  saliva,  spat  at  the  intended  victim. 

Mage Seeker Divination  Level: Wiz 4, Tmp 4  Components: V, S, F  Casting Time: 10 minutes  Range: Touch.  Target: One object used as focus  Area: 20 ft. + 20 ft./level radius circle centered on you  Duration: 1 day  Saving Throw: No  Spell Resistance: No    The pointer swirls until it comes to a rest, pointing out the  direction of the most potent wizard to be here the last day and  night.    When  mage  seeker  is  cast,  the  selected  object  (see  below) glows slightly and pivots to point in the direction  of the most potent wizard (not you) who has been in the  area of effect within the last 24 hours. The item becomes a  sort  of  compass  that  continually  readjusts  to  point  the  direction of the wizard it first located.  If  a  name  or  description  of  a  wizard  is  stated  at  the  time  the  spell  is  cast,  the  seeker  will  home  in  on  that  particular  wizard  if  he  has  been  within  the  area  of  effect  within  the  last  24  hours.  If  the  particular  wizard  is  not  detected, the seeker stays immobile to indicate failure and  can be used normally 1 round afterwards to seek out the  most potent wizard who has been in the area of effect.  Focus:  The  object  that  is  to  be  used  as  the  seeker  (an  arrow, dart, or piece of bone or wood that is shaped like a  pointer) and a few grains of sand.     

Magic Trick Illusion (Phantasm) [Mind–Affecting]  Level: Wiz 2  Components: F  Casting Time: 1 standard action  Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)  Area: 20‐ft.–radius spread  Duration: 1 min/level (D)  Saving Throw: Will negates  Spell Resistance: Yes    You  perform  your  tricks,  concealing  the  fact  that  you  use  magic  to  aid  you.  While  everyone  focuses  on  your  little  mask,  they fail to notice your lips moving and your hand gestures.    First developed by arena mages (APXII 7) who used it  to  help  disguise  their  spellcasting,  this  spell  conceals  the  casting  of  other  magic.  When  cast,  magic  trick  makes  other  magic  seem  to  be  the  result  of  ordinary  prestidigitator’s  tricks.  You  receive  a  +10  circumstance  bonus  on  resisted  Bluff  checks  made  to  disguise  spellcasting while the spell is in effect.  Focus: A tiny cloth mask with no eyeholes. 

Magma Tunnel Transmutation [Earth, Fire]  Level: Mountain’s Fury 8, Wiz 9  Components: V, S  Casting Time: 1 minute  Range: 0 ft.  Area: 10‐ft. diameter tunnel  Duration: 1 min./level  Saving Throw: None; see text  Spell Resistance: No    By  heating  the  very  fabrics  of  earth,  you  create  a  flow  of  magma, which burrows a tunnel. The magma is accompanied by  a  sulphurous  smell  and  misty  vapors.  When  the  magma  hardens, you can pass through unharmed.    You can tunnel through solid earth, rock, sand, or silt,  by  liquefying  it  into  flowing  magma.  The  liquid  rock  moves out of the way to allow you to pass, and hardens in  that  position,  creating  a  permanent,  nonmagical  tunnel.  The  tunnel  forms  at  a  rate  of  30  ft./round  through  sand,  silt,  or  wood,  20  ft./round  through  solid  earth  and  10  ft./round through rock or metal. Any creatures or objects  caught  in  the  magma  current  while  the  tunnel  is  being  created suffer 10d6 points of fire damage (Reflex save for  half damage).  It  takes  one  day  for  the  heat  to  dissipate  enough  for  the  unprotected  to  enter,  although  you  are  magically  protected for the duration of the spell. Creatures entering  the tunnel unprotected during this time suffer 1d6 points  of fire damage per round from the extreme heat.  The  tunnel  is  formed  at  a  rate  of  30  ft/round  through  sand, silt or wood, 20 ft/round through solid earth and 10  ft/round  through  rock  or  metal.  Any  creatures  or  objects 


  caught  in  the  magma  current  while  the  tunnel  is  being  created suffer 10d6 points of fire damage per round 

Molten Transmutation [Earth, Fire]  Level: Broken Sands 8  Components: V, S, M  Casting Time: 1 standard action  Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)  Area: Up to one 5‐ft. cube/level (S)  Duration: Concentration; see text  Saving Throw: See text  Spell Resistance: No    Rock  and  sand  heats  to  its  melting  point,  causing  blisters  and  searing  wounds  for  creatures  in  contact  with  the  earthen  ground. Concentrating, you cause the earth to burst open with  smoky flames, incinerating those still around.    This  spell  heats  rock  or  sand  to  its  melting  point  in  a  matter of rounds:  1st  Round:  Earth  dries;  rock  or  sand  heats  up.  Creatures  in  contact  with  the  ground  take  4d8  points  of  fire damage (Reflex save for half damage).  2nd  Round:  Creatures  in  contact  with  earthen  ground  take  2d6  points  of  fire  damage  (Reflex  save  for  half  damage).  Rock  continues  to  heat  up,  increasing  the  damage to 8d6 points of fire damage (Reflex save for half  damage).  Sand  liquefies  into  glass;  any  creature  still  standing  in  the  area  falls  into  the  molten  glass,  taking  16d6 points of fire damage (no save). Creatures outside or  above  the  area  but  within  10  feet  take  1d6  points  of  fire  damage (no save).  3rd  Round:  Earth  bursts  into  smoky  flames,  and  creatures  in  area  take  10d6  points  of  fire  damage  (Reflex  save  for  half  damage).  Rock  melts  into  magma;  any  creature  still  standing  in  area  falls  into  the  lava,  taking  20d6  points  of  fire  damage  (no  save).  Molten  sand  continues  to  burn  immersed  creatures.  Creatures  outside  or above the area but within 10 feet take 2d6 points of fire  damage (no save).  When  you  cease  concentrating,  the  spell  terminates,  and the molten area begins to gradually cool. Every hour  that passes, reduce the damage inflicted by stepping into  the  area  by  one  die  of  damage.  Eventually  molten  sand  cools to solid glass, while scorched earth and molten rock  cool into igneous rock and ash.  Material Component: A small piece of obsidian or glass. 

Nurturing Seeds Abjuration  Level: Drd 0, Rgr 1  Components: V, S, M, DF  Casting Time: 1 standard action  Range: Touch  Target: Up to 10 seeds touched  Duration: Permanent  Saving Throw: None  Spell Resistance: No 

  With utmost care you prepare a dung casing to protect the  delicate  seeds  and  cuttings,  so  that  they  may  be  transported  elsewhere and sprout new plants.    You  render  up  to  10  cuttings  or  seeds  dormant  and  suitable  for  transport.  The  seeds  or  cuttings  can  then  be  taken  to  an  area  where  inclement  weather,  lack  of  moisture,  or  other  problems  have  kept  plants  from  growing. The dormant seeds or cuttings are planted there  and will magically take root and can be used to start new  patches  of  vegetation,  anchoring  the  soil  and  creating  an  environment  suitable  for  more  plants  to  survive.  This  spell  protects  the  transplants  from  normal  weather  conditions,  but  defilers,  hungry  animals,  or  unnatural  phenomenon  (like  Tyr–Storms)  can  still  destroy  the  plants.  Material  Component:  A  tiny  bit  of  dung  and  a  drop  of  water. 

Oil Spray Conjuration  Level: Mountain’s Fury 4  Components: V, S, DF  Casting Time: 1 standard action  Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)  Area: 20‐ft.–radius spread  Duration: Instantaneous  Saving Throw: See text  Spell Resistance: No    Fountains  of  flammable  oil  spout  up  from  the  ground,  showering everything in vicinity with sticky, black liquid.    When  you  cast  this  spell  over  rough  earth  or  sand,  fountains  of  flammable  oil  spout  up  from  the  ground,  covering everything within a 20–foot radius. Creatures in  the area must make a Reflex save or be covered in oil. The  spell  effectively  causes  the  area  to  suffer  the  effects  of  a  grease  spell.  The  oil  itself  isn’t  particularly  dangerous  unless  ignited.  Burning  oil  inflicts  2d8  points  of  fire  damage + 2 points per caster level its first round, and 1d8  points  of  fire  damage  +  1  point  per  caster  level  in  the  second  round.  The  oil  burns  off  by  the  third  round,  but  creatures that were covered in oil still burn, as they have  caught fire, suffering 1d6 points of fire damage per round  until  the  fire  is  put  out.  If  the  oil  isn’t  ignited,  it  will  remain  until  removed  by  no  less  than  30  minutes  of  scrubbing or washing. Thus, any creature that is covered  with  the  oil  is  at  risk  of  being  ignited  by  as  little  as  a  spark. A creature that enters the oil–covered area after the  initial  gush  is  not  at  risk  of  being  ignited  because  it  was  not doused by the oil, but it still takes damage if it enters  the area when it is aflame. 

Pact of Darkness Necromancy  Level: Wiz 9  Components: V, S, M 


  Casting Time: 1 minute  Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)  Effect: One summoned shadow giant  Duration: Instantaneous  Saving Throw: None  Spell Resistance: No    Surrounded by shadowy illumination, you cut your finger,  letting  a  drop  of  blood  fall  to  the  ground  –  sealing  your  pact  with the shadow giant, which accepts your obsidian spheres as  payment for its services.    To use the pact of darkness spell, you must be in an area  of  shadowy  illumination.  You  create  a  pact  between  you  and  a  shadow  giant.  If  you  know  an  individual  giant’s  name,  you  may  request  that  individual  by  speaking  the  name  during  the  spell  (though  you  might  get  a  different  giant anyway).  You may ask the giant to perform one task taking up  to  one  hour  in  exchange  for  a  payment  of  10  perfect  spheres  of  obsidian.  This  payment  must  be  made  before  the  giant  agrees  to  perform  any  services.  The  bargaining  takes at least 1 round, so any actions by the giant begin in  the round after it arrives.  At the end of its task, the creature returns to the Black  (after reporting back to you, if appropriate and possible).  This spell cannot be cast in areas of absolute darkness.  Material  Component:  The  obsidian  spheres  (100  gp  value minimum) and a drop of the caster’s blood. 

Transmutation  Level: Drd 1  Components: V, S, M  Casting Time: 1 standard action  Range: Touch  Target: One plant  Duration: Instantaneous  Saving Throw: None  Spell Resistance: No    Your caring touch restores the dying plant to life. Its color  returns, and the air feels fresher for a moment.    You revive a single plant that has been mostly wilted  or dried out, but not completely turned to ash. The plant  may  have  suffered  from  a  lack  of  water,  partial  defilement, or insect predation that has left it on the verge  of  destruction.  This  spell  revives  it  and  makes  it  hardy  enough to transplant elsewhere. If the plant then receives  proper  care,  it  will  survive  and  thrive,  living  out  its  appointed  time  and  possibly  leaving  seeds  from  which  other plants may grow. If neglected or misused, the plant  does  not  remain  artificially  alive.  This  spell  has  no  effect  on plant creatures.  Material Component: A drop of water. 

Pact of Water

Poisoned Gale

Necromancy  Level: Living Waters 5, Tmp 5  Components: V, S, F  Casting Time: 1 minute  Range: Touch  Target: Two touched creatures  Duration: 1 year  Saving Throw: None  Spell Resistance: No    You clearly recite the terms of the pact, and fill a silver cup  with water. Both subjects entering the pact drink one half of the  cup, and the last few drops of the cup are poured into the dust.    You formalize a pledge between two living creatures,  one of which can be yourself. A creature that violates the  terms  of  the  pact  of  water  is  struck  with  a  curse  of  the  choking sands (no save).  Both  subjects  of  the  water  pact  must  be  willing  and  fully informed of the terms of the pact; otherwise the spell  has no affect. No creature can be coerced or deceived into  making  a  water  pact,  but  the  terms  themselves  may  be  coercive—for example, party A pledges not to kill party B  or  any  of  his  tribe,  as  long  as  party  B  delivers  10  silver  pieces per month to party A. There is an old story of the  desert  in  which  a  water  cleric  offers  a  water  pact  to  a  wanderer dying of thirst, in which the wanderer pledges  himself into slavery in exchange for the half‐cup of water. 

Conjuration (Creation) [Air]  Level: Ill Winds 7, Tmp 8  Components: V, S, M  Casting Time: 1 standard action  Range: 30 ft.  Effect: Line–shaped gust of poisoned wind emanating  out from you to the extreme of the range  Duration: 1 round  Saving Throw: Fortitude negates; see text  Spell Resistance: Yes    A  gust  of  toxic  green  fumes  flows  from  your  mouth  in  a  straight line, a debilitating poison to those who inhale it.    This spell resembles gust of wind, except that the range  is shorter and the wind is filled with inhaled poison. You  choose  the  ability  score  you  would  like  the  poison  to  damage. Poison gale creates a poison that deals 2d8 points  of  temporary  ability  damage  as  primary  and  secondary  damage. The exception is Constitution, which is damaged  1d8 points. The ability score damaged does not have to be  the same for the primary and secondary damage.  For  example,  you  could  create  a  poisoned  gale  that  deals  2d8  points  of  primary  Wisdom  damage  and  1d8  points  of  secondary  Constitution  damage.  Each  instance  of  damage  can  be  negated  by  a  Fortitude  save  (DC  10  +  1/2 your caster level + your Wis or Cha modifier). 

Focus:  The  silver  cup  (worth  at  least  50  Cp),  which  is  ornamented with drawings of rain. 

Plant Renewal


  Material Component: The stinger or fang of a poisonous  creature. 

Protection from Time Abjuration  Level: Wiz 8  Components: V, S, M, XP  Casting Time: 1 minute  Range: Touch  Target: One creature or object touched  Duration: 1 month/2 levels  Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)  Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)    The  sand  in  the  hour  glass  freezes  to  a  halt,  as  does  the  aging process of the spell’s recipient.    You  protect  the  target  from  the  adverse  effects  of  aging.  This  spell  makes  a  living  creature  immune  to  natural,  magical,  and  psionic  aging.  This  spell  continues  on beyond the creature’s death, and time limits for spells  like speak with dead or raise dead do not count the time  that protection from time is in effect. This spell can be cast  on a dead creature.  The  target  moves  through  time  at  the  same  rate  as  other beings. A living subject must still eat, drink and rest  as usual; it simply does not age. This spell does not affect  the duration of other spells.  Material Components: An hourglass.  XP Cost: 3,000 XP. 

Quietstorm Evocation [Sonic]  Level: Wiz 5  Components: V  Casting Time: 1 standard action  Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)  Effect: Several rays  Duration: Instantaneous  Saving Throw: None  Spell Resistance: Yes    A  beam  of  white  light  silently  shoots  from  your  fingertip  towards your enemy.    A  white  ray  of  subsonic  energy  springs  from  your  hand. You may fire seven rays, plus one additional ray for  every  other  level  beyond  10th  (to  a  maximum  of  twelve  rays at 19th level). Each ray requires a ranged touch attack  to hit and deals 8d6 points of sonic damage.  The rays may be fired at the same or different targets,  but  all  bolts  must  be  aimed  at  targets  within  30  feet  of  each other and fired simultaneously. 

Ragestorm Evocation [Electricity]  Level: Clr 5, Wiz 5  Components: V, S, M  Casting Time: 1 round 

Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)  Area:  30‐ft.–radius  emanation  centered  on  a  creature  or object  Effect: One storm  Duration: 1 round/level  Saving Throw: Reflex half  Spell Resistance: Yes    Lightning  flares  up  the  sky  accompanied  by  a  great  thunderclap.  Dark  clouds  appear  above  a  creature,  and  in  an  instant,  the  sky  opens  to  unleash  rain,  hail,  winds  and  lightning.    Ragestorm  creates  a  miniature  Tyr–storm,  the  affected  target becoming the focus of an intense force of rain, hail,  high  winds,  and  lightning  strikes  for  the  duration  of  the  spell.  The  storm  inflicts  4d8  points  of  damage  to  anyone  within  its  radius  on  a  failed  save  due  to  high  winds,  dangerous hail, and electrical discharges.  A  creature  that  fails  its  saving  throw  can’t  run  out  of  the  area  of  effect,  for  they  carry  the  storm  with  them  wherever they go.  If some container is left in the area (and it survives the  deluge), up to two gallons of water can be collected.  Material  Component:  A  drop  of  water,  a  pinch  of  dirt,  and  a  tiny  replica  of  a  lightning  bolt  carved  in  wood  or  bone. 

Rangeblade Illusion (Shadow)  Level: Clr 5, Wiz 5  Components: V, S  Casting Time: 1 standard action  Range: Touch  Target: Melee weapon touched  Duration: 1 round/level  Saving Throw: None  Spell Resistance: Yes    As  you  touch  the  weapon,  it  takes  on  a  ghostly,  ethereal,  gray hue.    One melee weapon touched by you takes on a ghostly,  ethereal  gray  hue.  For  the  duration  of  the  spell,  the  wielder of the weapon can strike opponents at a distance,  just  as  if  he  was  standing  directly  next  to  them.  The  maximum range for attacks with the rangeblade is 5 ft. + 5  ft. per 2 caster levels. Creatures struck by the rangeblade  see a faded, ghostly image of the weapon strike them, but  the damage dealt to them is real. A rangeblade threatens  no  area  and  cannot  provide  a  flanking  bonus.  This  spell  does not grant the wielder proficiency in the weapon. 

Rejuvenate Transmutation  Level: Clr 6, Drd 5  Components: V, S, M  Casting Time: 1 round  Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) 


  Area: Circle of ground extending out to range  Duration: Instantaneous  Saving Throw: None  Spell Resistance: None    Ash  and  dust  is  whirled  up  into  the  air  and  takes  on  a  bright  green  glow,  resembling  that  of  fireflies.  As  they  fall  on  the sterile land, the ground feels soft and moist once more.    You grant the ability to support vegetation to an area  of  ground.  In  the  case  of  ground  made  sterile  by  defiler  magic, rejuvenate dispels the ground’s sterility, making it  immediately capable of supporting vegetation. A circle of  ground  extending  out  from  you  is  enriched  and  moistened,  and  a  blanket  of  fine  grass  appears  instantly.  The  soil  and  grass  are  not  magical,  however,  and  are  subject to normal weather conditions. However, the grass  will  survive  for  at  least  a  week,  even  in  the  worst  of  weather.  The  spell  may  also  be  cast  on  any  ground  short  of  solid  rock.  If  cast  on  an  area  that  can  already  support  plant life, rejuvenate increases the ground’s fertility as the  enrichment effect of the spell plant growth, and the range  is a half mile.  Material  Component:  A  seed  (any  kind)  and  a  drop  of  water. 

Return to the Earth Necromancy  Level: Clr 2, Drd 3, Decaying Touch 1, Tmp 2  Components: V, S  Casting Time: 1 standard action  Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)  Target: Corpses or corpse–like creatures  Duration: 1 round/level  Saving Throw: None  Spell Resistance: Yes    Throwing  dust  at  the  body  and  uttering  a  prayer  of  destruction, you make the creature wither and decompose at an  unnatural  rate.  It  dries  to  become  a  lifeless  husk  before  it  decomposes into dust.    You  can  decompose  a  body  just  by  casting  dust  or  earth  at  it.  You  need  to  spend  4  rounds  to  decompose  a  Medium  corpse.  (Double  the  time  required  for  each  size  category larger than Medium; halve the time for each size  category  less  than  Medium,  to  a  minimum  of  1  round).  Corpses decomposed by this spell can still be restored to  life, but cannot be turned into undead.  You may throw earth or dust as a ranged touch attack  (maximum  range  10  ft.,  no  range  increment);  the  earth  deals  1d12  points  of  damage  to  corporeal  undead  and  constructs that are composed of dead flesh or bones. 

Sand Pit Transmutation [Earth]  Level: Wiz 3, Clr 3, Broken Sands 1, Tmp 3  Components: V, S 

Casting Time: 1 minute  Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)  Area: Cylinder (30 ft. radius, 50 ft. high)  Duration: Concentration (D)  Saving Throw: None  Spell Resistance: No    As  you  cast  this  spell,  sand  and  dust  within  a  circle  is  randomly dispersed, and an indentation appears in the sand.    This  spell  only  works  in  silt,  sand,  or  loose  gravel;  it  has no effect on rock, rich soil, or tightly packed earth. A  cylinder–shaped  pit  appears  in  the  sand.  Any  objects  other than dust and sand that were in the excavated area  become  visible,  lying  at  the  bottom  of  the  pit.  This  spell  lasts  as  long  as  you  concentrate;  when  concentration  ceases,  silt  immediately  collapses  into  the  empty  area,  while sand takes 1d6 minutes to do so.  This  spell  is  particularly  useful  in  excavating  ruins  that  have  fallen  beneath  silt  or  sand,  or  for  retrieving  companions that have been buried by sand storms or have  fallen into the silt. 

Sand Spray Evocation [Earth]  Level: Wiz 4, Clr 4, Broken Sands 3, Tmp 3  Components: V, S  Casting Time: 1 standard action  Range: 60 ft.  Area: Cone–shaped burst  Duration: Instantaneous  Saving Throw: Reflex half  Spell Resistance: Yes    Small,  glassy  particles  of  sand  or  silt  spray  towards  your  opponents’ eyes.    Creatures within the area are blinded for 1d6 minutes  and take piercing damage: 2d6 nonlethal and 2d6 lethal. A  successful  Reflex  save  halves  the  damage  and  blinds  a  creature for only one round. Note that this spell does not  create  the  tiny  shards;  sand  or  silt  must  be  within  range  for this spell to take effect. 

Sand Trap Transmutation [Earth]  Level: Wiz 5, Broken Sands 4  Components: V, S, M  Casting Time: 1 minute  Range: Long (400 ft. + 40 ft./level)  Area: Sand up to 100 ft. + 10 ft./level in radius  Duration: 1 day/level  Saving Throw: See text  Spell Resistance: Yes    Tearing the map to tiny pieces that disappear with the wind,  you  put  a  curse  on  the  sand  in  the  area,  providing  a  nasty  surprise for those who would cross it.   



Table: Sands of Time Caster Level 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th 17th 18th 19th 20th+

Time Reversed 30 days 1 year 2 years 5 years 10 years 20 years 50 years 100 years 200 years 500 years 1,000 years 2,000 years

Papyrus Faded Fragile Brittle Crumbled Dust — — — — — — —

You  trap  an  area  of  sand.  You  must  designate  a  30–  foot  radius  “trigger  area”  somewhere  within  the  larger  area. When a creature sets foot inside the trigger area, the  trap  is  sprung,  and  all  of  the  entrapped  area  is  affected  with one of the following effects (your choice):  Drum Sand: Every footstep taken within the entrapped  area of sand is amplified so loudly that it can be heard for  miles, typically attracting predators.  Sand Spikes: Treat the entire entrapped area as though  affected by spike stones.  Slip Sand: The entire area of sand becomes difficult to  travel. Treat the area as if affected by the grease spell.  Material Component: A paper map of the area affected. 

Sandflow Transmutation [Earth]  Level: Broken Sands 5, Tmp 5, Wiz 5  Components: V, S    The  work  of  50  slaves  is  performed  at  the  snap  of  your  fingers,  as  huge  barrows  of  sand  are  excavated  at  your  command.    This  spell  functions  like  move  earth,  except  that  this  spell can only be used to move sand. 

Sands of Time Transmutation  Level: Clr 7, Decaying Touch 5, Wiz 6  Components: V, S, F  Casting Time: 1 minute  Range: Touch  Target: Item touched up to 10 cubic ft./level  Duration: Instantaneous  Saving Throw: Fortitude negates  Spell Resistance: Yes    You  can  reconstruct  materials  of  the  past  or  deteriorate  them further through presenting either an hourglass or sundial  during your casting of this spell.    This spell has two modes.  Restoration:  You  can  reverse  the  effects  of  aging  and  erosion on any nonliving, material object. The amount of  aging  that  can  be  reversed  depends  on  your  caster  level,  according to the following table. 

Wood — — Faded Fragile Brittle Crumbled — Dust — — — —

Soft Stone — — — — — Paint — Etching Relief Form 1/2 mass 3/4 mass

Hard Stone — — — — — — — — Paint — Etching —

Metal — — — — — — — — — Paint — Etching

Erosion: You to speed up erosion dramatically on any  nonliving  object.  The  table  also  indicates  the  average  effects  of  time  and  the  elements  on  various  materials  (items  protected  from  the  elements  may  take  longer  to  erode, but use these times for all restoration). Papyrus and  wooden objects fade over time, making it difficult, but not  impossible,  to  read  or  identify  surface  features.  Fragile  objects only possess half of their original hardness and hit  points. Crumbled items are unusable but still identifiable  as papyrus or wood; dust is completely unidentifiable and  unusable.  Stone  and  metal  items  wear  away  over  time,  and  their  shapes  smooth  out  until  the  item  is  completely  worn  away.  Paint  indicates  that  artificial  coloration  is  gone  or  unrecognizable;  etching  means  carved  letters  or  pictures  are  worn  away;  relief  indicates  that  deeply  carved  letters  or  images  are  severely  eroded;  form  indicates that time has eroded away all but the basic form  of the original stone or metal. The fractions 1/2 and 3/4 tell  when  the  item  has  lost  that  amount  of  its  original  mass  (and also means the item’s present hardness and hp total).  Dust  means  the  original  item  is  completely  gone,  eroded  away to nothing.  A 15th–level cleric could, for example, turn even a pile  of dust back into the new, clean piece of papyrus it once  was,  or  turn  the  crumbled  remains  of  a  staff  back  to  its  original  form,  or  even  restore  a  painted  map  on  the  wall  of  a  temple  constructed  of  soft  stone.  This  spell  cannot  restore damage done to an object by anything other than  natural  aging  or  erosion.  Use  the  above  table  as  a  guide  for other objects that don’t exactly fit into these categories.  Focus:  A  tiny  hourglass  (during  the  spell,  the  sands  run upward), if restoring, or a miniature sundial that has  timed the passage of at least one year, if eroding 

Sandstone Transmutation [Earth]  Level: Forged Stone 1, Wiz 2  Components: V, S  Casting Time: 1 minute  Range: Touch  Target: 5‐ft. square/level  Duration: Instantaneous  Saving Throw: None  Spell Resistance: No    Sand and gravel clumps into sandstone at your touch.   


  You can transform into sandstone one 5–foot block of  sand or gravel per level. This spell allows you to reinforce  ditches  made  in  sand,  building  makeshift  walls.  Sandstone does not have the resilience of normal stone: It  has  a  hardness  of  6  and  only  10  hit  points  per  inch  of  thickness. A 1–foot–thick wall of sandstone created by this  spell has hardness 5, 25 hit points, and a break DC of 30.  Sandstone  is  useless  for  the  purpose  of  making  weapons.     

Scapegoat Enchantment (Charm) [Mind–Affecting]  Level: Wiz 5  Components: V, S, M  Casting Time: 1 standard action  Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)  Area: 20‐ft.–radius spread  Duration: 1 round/level  Saving Throw: Will negates  Spell Resistance: Yes    You  casually  throw  a  stone  in  the  direction  of  your  target  and then, by the top of your lungs, cry “Wizard!”    This  spell  causes  all  creatures  within  20  feet  of  the  target  to  believe  he  is  to  blame  for  all  troubles  or  difficulties  they  have.  All  creatures  in  the  area  become  hostile towards the target.  Affected  creatures  with  Intelligence  3  or  greater  are  allowed to make a Will save to come to their senses.  Material  Component:  A  strand  of  hair  and  a  stone  thrown in the chosen target’s direction. 

Shining Sands Transmutation [Light]  Level: Wiz 6, Desert Mirage 5  Components: V, S  Casting Time: 1 standard action  Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)  Area: Sphere (20 ft. radius)  Duration: 1 hour/level (D)  Saving Throw: Fortitude negates  Spell Resistance: No    The  sand  shifts,  every  single  grain  of  sand  realigning  to  reflect sunlight to your convenience.    This spell can only be cast outside, in sand, during the  daytime. It can be cast one of two ways:  Reflected  Outward:  All  creatures  outside  the  area  but  within 60 feet of its center are blinded for 1 round unless  they  make  a  Fortitude  save.  A  creature  must  save  each  round it remains in the area.  Reflected  Inward:  All  creatures  within  the  area  are  blinded  unless  they  make  a  Fortitude  save,  but  creatures  outside  the  area  can  look  into  it  with  no  risk  of  being  blinded. 

Shroud of Darkness Necromancy  Level: Wiz 6  Components: V, S, M, F  Casting Time: 1 round  Range: Touch  Target: Cloak touched  Duration: 1 min./level (D)  Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless, object)  Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless, object)    The  cloak  reflects  no  light  and  feels  heavier  after  you  cast  your  spell.  The  silver  you  sprinkled  on  it  has  disappeared,  but  you spot a faint trace line which leads to another dimension.    You  imbue  an  ordinary  cloak  with  magical  power.  While  wearing  it,  you  gain  damage  reduction  5/magic,  darkvision  out  to  60  feet  and  a  deflection  bonus  to  AC  equal to your Charisma bonus.  The  cloak  also  allows  you  to  enter  and  exit  the  Black  as a standard action.  If  you  enter  an  area  without  any  source  of  illumination, the spell ends.  Focus: A gray cloak.  Material  Component:  A  pinch  of  silver  dust  (worth  1  sp). 

Sirocco Evocation [Air]  Level: Drd 8, Furious Storm 6  Components: V, S, DF  Casting Time: 1 round  Range: Long (400 ft. + 40 ft./level) and cylinder (1,000  ft. radius, 400 ft. high)  Duration: 1 min./level  Saving Throw: None  Spell Resistance: No    You conjure forth a terrible sandstorm, the dreaded sirocco.  An  uncontrollable  force  which  sweeps  up  anything  on  the  ground  not  tied  down,  and  tearing  at  the  flesh  with  stinging  sand and chips of stone.    You create a raging storm over a vast area. To cast this  spell, you must be able to see the sky, and you must be in  an  area  covered  with  sand  or  loose  stone.  Calling  up  a  sirocco  is  perilous,  since  you  cannot  control  it,  and  you  are as affected by the storm as anyone else.  Once  formed,  the  sirocco  sweeps  along  the  ground,  whipping  up  small  objects,  dust,  and  sand,  and  carrying  them along with terrific speed. Each round of exposure to  the storm inflicts 2d8 points of piercing and bludgeoning  damage to all creatures and objects in the area. Creatures  with  total  cover  take  no  damage.  In  addition,  winds  of  windstorm force buffet the area. 



Skyfire Evocation [Fire]  Level: Drd 5, Wiz 5  Components: V, S  Casting Time: 1 standard action  Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)  Area: Three 5‐ft.–radiuses spreads; see text  Duration: Instantaneous  Saving Throw: None or Reflex half; see text  Spell Resistance: Yes    Three  bolts  of  crimson  flame  spurt  from  the  end  of  your  fingers,  quickly  moving  towards  their  target,  exploding  on  a  fiery blast upon contact.    This spell functions like meteor swarm, except that you  create  three  egg–sized  spheres  that  inflict  1d6  points  of  bludgeoning  damage  (no  save),  and  3d6  points  of  fire  damage in a 5‐ft.‐radius spread. 

Slave Scent Divination  Level: Wiz 0  Components: V, S, DF  Casting Time: 1 standard action  Range: Touch  Target: Creature touched  Duration: Instantaneous  Saving Throw: None  Spell Resistance: Yes    You  smell  the  air,  searching  for  the  unnaturally  musky  scent of sweat slaves are tainted with by their very existence.    This spell reveals whether or not the target is a slave,  runaway  slave,  freeman,  or  noble.  If  the  target  is  from  a  classless  society  (such  as  an  elf  tribe  or  a  small  village),  the spell reveals him as a freeman. 

Sparkrain Evocation [Force]  Level: Wiz 5  Components: V, S  Casting Time: 1 standard action  Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./ level)  Target: One creature or object  Duration: Instantaneous  Saving Throw: None  Spell Resistance: Yes    A  bright,  silver  and  gold  flare  shoots  out  of  your  hand,  filling the air with the smell of melting copper. As it strikes its  target it explodes in a deafening cascade of red and blue sparks.    A sparkrain spell allows you to hurl a bolt of force that  has two effects. You must make a ranged touch attack to  strike  a  target,  and  if  you  succeed  you  automatically  dispel  any  defensive  spell  or  power  with  the  force 

descriptor that affects the target, with no limit on the level  of the effect dispelled.  As  the  bolt  strikes  it  explodes  in  a  shower  of  sparks,  affecting  creatures  and  objects  within  a  20‐ft.–radius  burst. All defensive spells or powers of 1st level with the  force descriptor within the area of effect are automatically  dispelled. 

Spirit of Flame Divination (Scrying)  Level: Burning Eyes 9  Duration: 1 hour/level    In  the  dancing  flames  you  see  a  remote  vision  of  an  area  surrounding another fire. Your face appears in the fire as a dark  silhouette. If you will it, you appear at the site you see.    This  spell  functions  like  the  watch  fire  spell,  except  as  noted  above  and  as  follows.  In  addition  to  being  able  to  observe and communicate from any fire within range, you  can  cast  spells  as  if  you  were  actually  within  the  flames.  Spells  cast  through  the  fire  cannot  require  somatic  components.  The  risk  of  this  spell  is  that  creatures  can  target  you  through  the  fire  with  light–  and  sonic–based  attacks, and with mind–affecting effects.  In addition, you can walk into a fire and greater teleport  to  any  other  fire  up  to  the  limit  of  your  range.  If  you  choose  to  go  blindly,  you  will  appear  by  the  nearest  fire  within  range.  If  the  original  fire  that  you  used  to  scry  is  put out, you can still use other fires within range. 

Sting of the Gold Scorpion Necromancy  Level: Drd 2, Rgr 2, Wiz 2  Components: V, S, M  Casting Time: 1 action  Range: Touch  Target: Living creature touched  Duration: Instantaneous  Saving Throw: Fortitude negates; see text  Spell Resistance: Yes    The  dried  out  barb  of  the  gold  scorpion  once  more  seethes  with poison as you finish casting your spell, being careful not to  hurt yourself on the barb.    You  magically  enliven  the  barb  of  a  gold  scorpionʹs  tail and immediately make a normal melee attack against  a  living  creature.  (You  are  considered  armed  and  do  not  provoke  an  attack  of  opportunity.)  If  you  hit  the  target  with the scorpion barb, the victim suffers as if he had been  stung by a real gold scorpion. He must make a Fortitude  save  immediately  or  suffer  1d6  points  of  temporary  Strength  damage.  The  victim  must  make  a  second  Fortitude  save 1  minute  later.  If  the  secondary  save  fails,  the  victim  suffers  1d4  points  of  temporary  Strength  damage.  This  spell  does  not  affect  creatures  immune  to  natural  venoms  or  poisons.  The  barb  becomes  useless  once it is used. 


  Material Component: The barb of a gold scorpion. 

Storm Legion Transmutation [Air]  Level: Drd 9, Furious Storm 8  Components: V, S, F, DF  Casting Time: 1 minute  Range: Touch  Target:  You  and  other  creatures  with  total  Hit  Dice  5/caster level  Duration: 1 hour/level  Saving Throw: None  Spell Resistance: No    The powerful winds of the storm tear at your party’s bodies,  painfully  dissolving  layer  by  layer  of  skin,  then  bone  and  organs,  until  you  are  completely  dissolved.  The  storm  carries  your essence for a distance you have specified, upon which your  bodies are reassembled from raining bone, tissue and blood.    You  transport  willing  corporeal  creatures  via  a  storm  system.  The storm  may  not  be  created  magically; it  must  be  a  natural  storm,  such  as  a  dust  storm,  sandstorm,  windstorm,  or  lightning  storm  produced  by  natural  weather.  Note  that  Tyr–storms  are  magical  in  origin  and  thus cannot be used for storm legion.  The storm dissolves the subjects of the spell and all of  the  possessions  that  they  were  carrying.  Only  you  retain  consciousness, and you control the storm’s direction. The  storm moves at 8d6 miles per hour and cannot be affected  by  any  further  weather–affecting  magic,  including  another storm legion spell.  Once  you  travel  the  desired  distance,  or  if  the  storm  legion  is  dispelled  or  the  duration  expires,  you  and  the  other traveling creatures begin to rain down from the sky  as  fragments  of  bone,  tissue,  and  blood.  This  lasts  for  1  minute, as the fragments reassemble into the transported  creatures.  A  creature  is  helpless  as  its  body  is  reassembled.  Focus: A storm in the sky overhead. 

Summon Tyr–Storm Conjuration (Summoning)  Level: Wiz 6  Components: V, S, F  Casting Time: 1 round  Range: Long (400 ft. + 40 ft./level)  Area: Circle, centered on you, with a radius of 400 ft. +  40 ft./level  Duration: Instantaneous  Saving Throw: Reflex half  Spell Resistance: No    You  summon  a  Tyr–storm.  Ominous  cerulean  clouds  fill  the sky. Hail, lightning, hurricane  winds, slashing rain, acidic  vapors, and furious thunder rock the area.    The  spell  draws  a  Tyr–storm  into  an  area  designated  by  you.  The  storm  is  typical  of  those  spun  off  from  the 

Cerulean  Storm,  lasting  for  2d10  minutes  and  inflicting  2d8 points of damage per round.  A Tyr–storm is a violent tempest and can’t be used to  bring  water.  This  spell  does  not  imbue  you  with  the  ability to control the Tyr–storm.  Focus: A blue lens worth 100 Cp. 

Sunstroke Evocation [Light]  Level: Fiery Wrath 4  Components: V, S, F  Casting Time: 1 standard action  Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft. / level)  Effect: Rays  Duration: 1 round/level  Saving Throw: Fortitude half  Spell Resistance: Yes    Rays  of  brilliant  sunlight  fly  from  your  fingertips.  Those  struck  gasp  for  air  and  break  in  sweat,  as  if  having  spent  the  afternoon in the smoldering heat of the Smoking Crown.    Casting  this  spell  allows  you  to  fire  rays  of  brilliant  sunlight  that  cause  the  creatures  struck  by  a  ray  to  overheat as if suffering from sunstroke or fever. You may  fire  one  ray  per  round.  With  a  successful  ranged  touch  attack,  each  sun  ray  strikes  for  4d4  points  of  nonlethal  damage  and  causes  the  target  to  become  fatigued.  A  successful  Fortitude  save  halves  the damage  and  negates  the fatigue.  Creatures immune to heat effects or nonlethal damage  (such  as  constructs)  are  unaffected,  except  for  undead,  who suffer lethal damage from the sun rays.  This spell can only be cast in the sunlight.  Focus: A small mirror worth 1 sp. 

Surface Tension Transmutation [Water]  Level: Drowning Despair 2  Components: V, S  Casting Time: 1 standard action  Range: Medium (100 ft. +10 ft./level)  Area: Water in a 20‐ft.–radius circle  Duration: 1 hour/level  Saving Throw: None  Spell Resistance: Yes    The  water  becomes  cohesive  and  resilient,  making  it  impossible to drink but possible to cross on foot.    You  greatly  increase  the  surface  tension  of  water  within the affected area. This change has different effects,  depending on the size and shape of the affected water.  Bodies  of  water  become  cohesive  and  resilient,  allowing creatures to walk on the water at half speed (as  the water surface bends under their weight). However, if  a creature is already running when it reaches the water’s  surface, it can continue running at the same speed, much 


  as some tiny insects can run across the surface of normal  water.  A  swimmer  can  move  from  the  spell’s  area  underwater,  but  the  water’s  surface  proves  difficult  to  breach.  A  creature  attempting  to  break  through  the  water’s surface must make a Strength check (DC 5 + caster  level); a creature without a swim speed takes a –5 penalty  on  this  check.  You  may  affect  smaller  amounts  of  water  with surface tension, creating balloon–like containers that  can be burst with the same Strength check. You can carry  gallons of water without a water skin, or bounce them like  a  ball.  A creature  could  even  wield  a  water  bubble  as  an  improvised  sap.  Drinking  the  water,  on  the  other  hand,  becomes virtually impossible. 

Surface Walk Transmutation  Level: Clr 3, Drd 3, Rgr 3, Tmp 3  Components: V, S, DF  Casting Time: 1 standard action  Range: Touch  Target: 1 touched creature/level  Duration: 10 minutes/level  Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)  Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)    As  the  spell  is  completed,  the  recipients  feel  lighter,  as  if  they are floating on air. They hover slightly above the ground,  allowing them to walk on any surface.    The  transmuted  creatures  can  tread  on  an  unstable  surface  as  if  it  were  firm  ground.  Mud,  oil,  silt,  snow,  quicksand,  running  water,  ice,  and  even  lava  can  be  traversed  easily;  since  the  subjects’  feet  hover  an  inch  or  two above the surface (creatures crossing molten lava still  take damage from the heat). The creatures can walk, run,  charge, or otherwise move across the surface as if it were  normal ground.  If  the  spell  is  cast  underwater  or  under  silt  (or  while  the  subjects  are  partially  or  wholly  submerged  in  whatever  liquid  they  are  in),  the  subjects  are  borne  toward  the  surface  at  60  feet  per  round  until  they  can  stand on it.  Note:  This  spell  replaces  the  water  walking  spell  from  the Player’s Handbook. 

Swarm of Anguish Transmutation  Level: Drd 9, Ruinous Swarm 9  Components: V, S, DF  Casting Time: 1 standard action  Range: Personal  Target: You  Duration: 1 hour/level (D)    Your skin bulges and it feels as if hundreds of insects crawl  beneath it. In an explosion of flesh and blood, a swarm of agony  beetles  burst  from  your  body,  taking  the  shape  of  your  form,  accompanied by a loud buzzing. 

  Your body and equipment transform into a swarm of  agony beetles with a collective will. This spell functions as  shapechange:  You  gain  all  extraordinary  and  supernatural  abilities (both attacks and qualities) of the assumed form,  but  you  lose  your  own  supernatural  abilities.  You  also  gain the type  of the new form in place of your own. The  new  form  does  not  disorient  you.  Parts  of  your  body  or  pieces  of  equipment  that  are  separated  from  you  do  not  revert to their original forms. If the swarm disperses, you  die.   

Agony Beetle, Swarm 

CR 13

Always N Medium vermin (swarm)  Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Listen +0, Spot +0  Languages ―  AC 21, touch 21, flat–footed 18   (+3 Dex, +18 deflection)  hp 136 (16 HD)  Immune swarm immunities  Fort +14, Ref +13, Will +5  Weakness swarm vulnerabilities  Speed 5 ft. (1 square), fly 20 ft. (good)  Melee swarm (4d6 plus agony)  Space 30 ft.; Reach 20 ft.  Base Atk +12; Grp –9  Atk Options agony, distraction  Abilities Str 1, Dex 17, Con 19, Int ―, Wis 10, Cha 1  SQ swarm traits  Feats ―  Skills Listen +0, Move Silently +8, Spot +0  Agony  (Su)  Agony  beetles  attach  painful  tendrils  to  their  victims.  A  creature  that  takes  damage  from  an  agony  beetle  swarm  also  suffers  indescribable  pain,  causing  2d6  points  of  temporary  Constitution  damage.  Distraction (Ex) Any living creature that begins its turn  with an agony beetle swarm in its space must succeed  on  a  DC  22  Fortitude  save  or  be  nauseated  for  1  round. The save DC is Constitution–based. 

Sweet Water Transmutation [Water]  Level: Living Waters 5  Components: V, S  Casting Time: 1 minute  Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)  Area: Cylinder (15‐ft. radius, 20 ft. high)  Duration: 1 day  Saving Throw: None  Spell Resistance: No    You  create  a  honey–flavored  cocoon  of  purified  water,  imbued  with  positive  energy.  The  water  sparkles  in  the  sun,  a  testament to its healing qualities.    You  neutralize  all  poisons,  diseases,  curses,  or  other  maladies in water in the spell’s area, but water leaving the  area  becomes  as  foul  as  before.  Any  breathing  creature 


  can breathe normally in the water. Creatures who drink a  gallon of sweet water gain a +4 resistance bonus on saves  against poisons for the duration of the spell and they heal  1d8  hit  points.  A  creature  can  benefit  from  this  healing  only once per single casting of sweet water. 

Tempest Evocation  Level: Wiz 9  Components: V, S, M  Casting Time: 1 round  Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)  Area: 20‐ft.–radius spread  Effect: One storm  Duration: Instantaneous  Saving Throw: Reflex negates  Spell Resistance: Yes    You  create  a  monstrous  storm,  with,  ominous  cerulean  clouds rolling into the area and unleashing the full fury of the  Cerulean  Storm.  Hail,  lightning,  hurricane  winds,  slashing  rain, acidic vapors, and furious thunder rock the area.    Any living creatures in the designated area must make  a Reflex save or be completely obliterated.  Material  Component:  A  waterskin  full  of  water,  a  tiny  replica of a lightning bolt carved of wood or bone, and a  pinch of powdered silver. 

Touch the Black Necromancy [Cold, Death]  Level: Wiz 4  Components: V, S, M  Casting Time: 1 standard action  Range: 40 ft.  Area: 40‐ft.–radius burst, centered on you  Duration: Instantaneous  Saving Throw: Fortitude half  Spell Resistance: Yes    You open a conduit to the Black, gating forth an inky–black  cube  of  numbing  cold  nothingness,  sapping  the  life–force  of  anything it touches.    This spell calls into being a 40–foot cube of inky–black  nothingness that chills everything inside it and deals 1d6  points  of  cold  damage  per  caster  level  (maximum  15d6).  Those who are successful take only half damage from the  numbing cold.  All  within  the  cube  take  a  –2  penalty  on  attack  rolls,  saving throws, skill checks, and ability checks for the next  1d4+1 rounds whether they succeed or not.  Material Component: A shard of obsidian or glass. 

Unliving Identity Necromancy [Evil]  Level: Clr 7, Dead Heart 5, Wiz 7  Components: V, S, M, XP  Casting Time: 1 round 

Range: Touch  Target: One zombie  Duration: Instantaneous  Saving Throw: See text  Spell Resistance: See text    In  a  macabre  ritual,  you  sacrifice  some  of  your  essence  to  imbue  a  mindless  zombie  with  a  sentience  of  its  own.  You  restore its memory and skills it once knew in life.    You recall a mindless zombie’s consciousness from the  Gray,  transforming  it  into  a  thinking  zombie  (TotDL  78).  This  spell  restores  personality,  memory,  identity,  skills,  class  levels—everything  but  life.  The  creature  remains  undead, and if you previously controlled the zombie, you  may  elect  to  retain  control  of  it,  but  its  Hit  Dice  count  against the total you can control with animate dead; if you  exceed  that  number,  excess  undead  from  previous  castings become uncontrolled.  Many  creatures  prefer  not  to  return  from  the  Gray  to  inhabit  an  undead  body.  If  the  creature  is  unwilling  to  return, it can make a Will save using its save bonus from  life  (not  that  of  the  target  zombie).  The  spirit’s  spell  resistance, if any, also applies. Some clerics and all druids  transformed  into  thinking  zombies  become  ex–members  of  their  class.  The  “good  vs.  evil”  component  of  the  thinking  zombie’s  alignment  becomes  evil,  but  creatures  who  were  nonevil  in  life  usually  gain  the  death  wish  weakness (TotDL 18).  Material  Component:  An  item  significant  to  the  zombie’s  former  life,  such  as  an  article  of  clothing,  a  favorite piece of equipment, etc.  XP  Cost:  20  XP  per  HD  of  the  thinking  zombie  to  be  created. 

Vampiric Youthfulness Necromancy [Evil]  Level: Dead Heart 9, Wiz 9  Components: V, S  Casting Time: 1 hour  Range: Touch  Target: Living, corporeal creature touched  Duration: Instantaneous  Saving Throw: Fortitude negates  Spell Resistance: Yes    The powerful being heaves for breath, as you leech off its life  force.  Your  grey  hairs  are  reduced  and  wrinkles  smoothened  somewhat, while the other appears much older.    This  spell  makes  you  younger  at  the  expense  of  another creature. The victim must have Hit Dice equal or  greater  than  your  character  level  and  must  be  at  full  hit  points when you cast the spell. The caster and the victim  must  be  in  continuous  contact  throughout  the  casting  of  this  spell;  any  interruption  negates  the  spell.  At  the  completion  of  this  spell,  the  victim  ages  ten  years  while  you  become  one  year  younger.  Outsiders  and  plants  are  immune to this spell. 



Wakefulness Enchantment  Level: Wiz 2  Components: V, S  Casting Time: 1 standard action  Range: Touch  Target: Creature touched  Duration: 1 hour/level  Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)  Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)    You force a creature to remain awake for an extended period  of  time.  Bloodshot  eyes  that  see  tiny  sparkling  lights  will  not  close  before  the  spell  ends,  when  the  creature  collapses  from  exhaustion.    The  subject  of  this  spell  cannot  naturally  fall  asleep.  When  this  spell  ends,  the  subject  becomes  exhausted.  Another  wakefulness  cast  before  the  previous  expires  allows the subject to stave off exhaustion, but the subject  must afterwards get eight hours of sleep for each casting  to remove exhaustion or fatigue. This spell counters, and  is countered by, spells that induce magical slumber (such  as sleep). 

Watch Fire Divination (Scrying)  Level: Burning Eyes 7  Components: V, S, DF  Casting Time: 1 round  Range: 10 miles/level  Effect: Fiery sensor  Duration: 1 min./level  Saving Throw: None  Spell Resistance: No    In  the  dancing  flames  you  see  a  remote  vision  of  an  area  surrounding another fire. Your face appears in the fire as a dark  silhouette.    You use a small fire to scry through other fires within  range. You know how many fires burn within range and  the  approximate  location  of  each.  Once  per  minute,  you  may choose one of these fires and peer out of it as if you  were actually within the flames. Anyone watching the fire  sees a dark face within but can only dispel the visage by  extinguishing  the  flame  or  casting  some  form  of  protection  from  scrying.  You  may  communicate  through  the  flames  but  cannot  cast  spells  or  use  other  abilities.  If  your flame is put out, then the spell ends prematurely.  Focus: A fire as small as a candle flame that you light  yourself. 

Water Light Transmutation [Electricity]  Level: Sky Blitz 9  Components: V, S  Casting Time: 1 standard action  Range: Medium (100 ft. +10 ft./level) 

Area: 30‐ft.–radius emanation  Duration: 1 round/level  Saving Throw: None; see text  Spell Resistance: Yes    Tiny,  glowing  algae  appear  on  the  hide  and  flesh  of  those  with  bodies  containing  water.  The  algae  illuminate  the  area  with a bright light.    With the exception of you and everything that you are  carrying, all living creatures and objects that contain more  than  one  gallon  of  water  glow  as  if  affected  by  a  light  spell. Once per round, as a free action, you may cause an  affected  creature  or  object  to  emit  lightning.  The  affected  creature  or  object  takes  5d8  points  of  electricity  damage.  Creatures within 10 feet of the target also take 5d8 points  of electricity damage (Reflex save for half damage). 

Water Shock Evocation [Electricity]  Level: Sky Blitz 2  Components: V, S  Casting Time: 1 standard action  Range: Touch  Target: A quantity of water between 1 and 100 gallons  Duration: 1 hour/level or until discharged  Saving Throw: Reflex half  Spell Resistance: Yes    A low hum is heard as you touch the water, preparing your  trap.  Anyone  touching  the  body  of  water  will  experience  a  strong electrical current.    This spell entraps a small body of water (ranging from  1  pint  to  100  gallons)  with  an  electric  charge.  The  first  creature  to  touch  the  water  receives  a  shock  that  inflicts  1d6  points  of  electricity  damage  per  two  caster  levels  (maximum 5d6). The water instantly evaporates when the  spell discharges. 

Water Trap Transmutation [Water]  Level: Drowning Despair 5  Components: V, S  Casting Time: 1 round  Range: Touch  Target: Body of water up to 20 ft. in diameter  Duration: 1 day/level (D)  Saving Throw: Reflex negates  Spell Resistance: Yes    Tiny  air  bubbles  rise  from  the  water,  as  if  a  creature  lurks  near the surface. As the bubbles disappear, there is no evidence  of the trap set in place.    When a creature of Large size or smaller (but no larger  than  the  body  of  water)  touches  the  pool,  oasis,  or  watering  hole  altered  by  this  spell,  it  must  make  an  immediate Reflex saving throw. Failure indicates that the 


  victim  is  instantly  pulled  under  the  surface  and  trapped.  Creatures  pulled  under  by  this  spell  will  find  that  the  surface of the water now has a tough, rubbery consistency  that makes escape very difficult. Treat the water’s surface  as if affected by the surface tension spell. 

Waters of Life Transmutation [Water]  Level: Drd 7, Living Waters 7  Components: V, S, M, XP  Casting Time: 8 hours  Range: Touch  Target: One gallon of liquid  Duration: See Text  Saving Throw: None; see text  Spell Resistance: No    You create an elixir of potent herbs that heals wounds and  other ailments. The serum smells sweetly, like kank honey, only  purer, and glows in the darkness.    You  transform  one  gallon  of  any  liquid  into  sweet– smelling  serum  that  cures  hit  point  damage,  blindness,  disease,  poisoning,  and  fungal  growth  (such  as  the  transformation of flesh into green slime), regenerates lost  organs and limbs, and ends magical enchantments.  You give half of the potion to the subject and drink the  rest  yourself.  Drinking  the  half  gallon  requires  one  minute. If the subject is unconscious, then you can wet the  subject’s lips with the elixir  and anoint its face and body  with  the  rest  of  its  share.  Once  you  drink  your  half,  the  subject is healed as though it received the spells heal, break  enchantment, and regenerate.  The  subject’s  ailments  transfer  to  you.  You  suffer  all  hit  point  damage,  ability  damage,  poisons,  curses,  and  diseases—everything that previously afflicted the subject.  You fall into a near–comatose state for 1 hour while your  body fights off infections and repairs the damage. At the  end of the hour, you awaken and must make a Fortitude  save (DC 20). If you succeed, you are healed as the subject  was, and all is well. If you fail, you retain every injury and  ailment the subject had suffered, and you are exhausted.  You can use rare and expensive herbs to reverse even  death  itself,  as  long  as  the  subject  could  be  raised  by  the  raise dead spell. On drinking the elixir, the subject suffers  a loss in level. Raising the dead with this spell brings your  Fortitude save DC to 25; you die if you fail the save.  As  a  third option,  you  may  instead divide  the  waters  of  life  into  8  pint–sized  flasks,  which  require  only  a  standard  action  to  drink.  The  flask  heals  3d8  points  of  damage  and  cures  one  of  the  conditions  listed  above.  These smaller doses do not require you to drink them and  do not cause a coma.  XP Cost: 1,000 XP.  Material  Component:  Local  herbs  with  a  value  no  less  than 100 Cp. If you wish to raise the dead, you must use  rare herbs costing 5,000 Cp. 

Waterways Conjuration [Teleportation, Water]  Level: Living Waters 9  Components: V, S, DF  Casting Time: 1 standard action  Range: Touch  Target: You plus 1 creature/level (see text)  Duration: 1 min./level  Saving Throw: None  Spell Resistance: Yes    Your  skin  takes  on  a  bluish,  translucent  scaly  appearance.  Submerging yourself in water, you resurface in another locale.    You  can  use  natural  water  sources  (such  as  wells,  springs, lakes, or rivers) as conduits for teleportation. This  spell  functions  as  greater  teleport,  except  you  must  leave  from and arrive at a body of water.  As long as this spell endures, water does not adhere to  any  of  the  spell  subjects,  so  you  step  out  of  the  water  as  dry  as  a  bone.  The  waterways  spell  does  not  terminate  when  you  reach  your  destination.  As  long  as  the  spell  duration  persists,  you  can  reenter  any  natural  water  source  and  attempt  to  travel  again.  Thus,  you  could  use  this spell to travel from an oasis pool to a noble’s private  well,  rescue  a  prisoner  from  the  noble’s  dungeons,  dive  back into the noble’s well and “swim” to yet another body  of water far away. 

Whirlpool of Doom Transmutation [Earth]  Level: Earthen Embrace 7  Components: V, S  Casting Time: 1 round  Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)  Area: Cylinder (20‐ft. radius, 50 ft. deep)  Duration: 1 round/level  Saving Throw: Reflex negates  Spell Resistance: No    The  ground  collapses,  drawing  desperate  creatures  into  a  whirlpool  of  rock  and  sand.  Those  disappearing  in  the  vortex  will slowly suffocate to death.    This  spell  turns  earth  or  sand  into  a  swirling  sea  of  rock and earth. Anyone standing in the area must make a  Reflex save. Failure indicates that they have been sucked  into  the  center  of  the  whirlpool  and  must  make  a  Swim  check  (DC  20)  each  round.  Creatures  that  make  three  successful  checks  in  a  row  are  able  to  make  their  way  to  the  edge  of  the  pool  and  pull  themselves  free.  Failing  a  single skill check means that the creature is pulled below  the surface (and must hold its breath) until it succeeds at a  Swim check. Failing two Swim checks in a row means that  the character has been pulled 1d6x5 feet under the earth. 



Wild Lands Enchantment [Mind–affecting]  Level: Drd 9  Components: V, S  Casting Time: 4 hours  Range: 1 mile/level  Area: Emanation with radius 1 mile/level, centered on  a natural object  Duration: Permanent  Saving Throw: None  Spell Resistance: No    The  smell  of  raw  meat  and  sickly  sweet  flowers  permeates  the air and is caught by the  wind, attracting wild creatures to  your location.    An  object  you  designate  attracts  wild  animals  and  magical beasts. It must be a natural object, such as a tree  or  boulder,  of  at  least  Medium  size.  Wild  animals  and  magical  beasts  gravitate  slowly  over  several  weeks  to  occupy  the  area  of  effect.  Druids  use  this  spell  to  protect  their  guarded  lands.  Each  week,  creatures  with  total  HD  equal  to  the  caster’s  level  are  attracted  to  the  site  and  remain  if  the  environment  can  support  them.  If  there  is  not  sufficient  plant  and  animal  life  to  support  the  creatures, they will leave.  Wild  lands  can  be  dispelled  by  destroying  the  object  that serves as the focal point of the spell. 

Wind Trap Conjuration (Creation)  Level: Ill Winds 9  Components: V, S, M  Casting Time: 10 minutes  Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level  Area: Cylinder (50‐ft. radius, 30 ft. high)  Duration: 1 year or until discharged (D)  Saving Throw: Fortitude negates (see text)  Spell Resistance: Yes    You meticulously trace the path of the area to be trapped. As  you complete the pattern, you smear yourself with the dried egg  yolk, and bury the bronze sun dial in the ground.    This spell traps a large area, and the trap is triggered  by certain conditions that you must define ahead of time.  When  the  conditions  that  you  specify  are  met,  the  trap  discharges,  creating  a  cloud  of  fumes  30  feet  high.  You  can  designate  these  fumes  to  duplicate  stinking  cloud,  cloudkill,  acid  fog,  or  incendiary  cloud,  or  you  can  use  this  cloud  to  distribute  a  contact  or  inhaled  poison  used  as  a  material component.  Casting  this  spell  is  a  largely  mental  process;  you  slowly  walk  the  area  to  be  trapped  for  ten  minutes,  envisioning  the  rising  fumes  and  deciding  on  the  conditions  that  will  trigger  its  activation.  When  the  meditation  period  ends,  you  may  leave  the  area  and  the  trap remains set for 1 year. 

You  set  the  conditions  under  which  a  creature  in  the  area will trigger the trap. The conditions may be as simple  or  as  complex  as  you  like,  and  they  cannot  be  changed  once the spell is placed; the caster should be careful about  the  wording  lest  the  trap  trigger  unintentionally.  Some  possible  conditions  are:  whenever  anyone  steps  foot  in  this grove, whenever a templar draw his or her weapons.  When  the  condition  is  met,  the  area  is  engulfed  in  fumes,  and  everyone  inside  is  affected.  The  fumes  dissipate after 1 round per caster level. A moderate wind  (11+  mph),  such  as  from  the  gust  of  wind  spell,  disperses  the  trap  in  4  rounds.  A  strong  wind  (21+  mph)  disperses  the trap in 1 round.  Material  Component:  A  bronze  sundial  and  the  dried  yolk of an erdlu egg. If the cloud duplicates a poison, you  also need a dose of that poison. 

Wisdom of the Sorcerer-King Transmutation  Level: Tmp 6  Components: DF  Casting Time: 1 swift action  Range: Personal  Target: You  Duration: 1 round    The  omnipotence  of  your  liege  is  manifested  as  your  sigil  attains  an  ominous  yellow  sheen,  allowing  you  to  unleash  a  spell with maximum potential.    This spell grants spellcasting power directly from your  sorcerer‐king.  You  may  apply  one  of  the  following  metamagic  feats  to  a  spell  of  4th  level  or  lower  you  cast  this  turn:  Empower  Spell,  Enlarge  Spell,  Extend  Spell,  Maximize Spell, Silent Spell, or Still Spell. 

Worm’s Breath Transmutation  Level: Clr 3, Drd 3, Rgr 3, Tmp 3, Wiz 3  Components: V, S, M/DF  Casting Time: 1 standard action  Range: Touch  Target: Living creatures touched  Duration: 2 hours/level (see text)  Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)  Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)    The  skin  crawls  and  sharp  pain  stings  in  the  chest,  as  the  body ceases to breathe with its lungs, instead absorbing oxygen  into the capillaries under the skin’s surface.    The  transmuted  creatures  can  breathe  freely  regardless  of  being  submerged  in  water,  silt,  or  earth.  Divide  the  duration  evenly  among  all  the  creatures  you  touch.  The  subjects  can  breathe  normally  in  silt–filled  air  (commonly  known  as  the  gray  death),  but  otherwise  get  no  benefits  against  inhaled  poisons  or  gaseous  contact  poisons of any sort. 


  This  spell  does  not  make  creatures  unable  to  breathe  air.  Arcane Material Component: A worm.  Note: This spell replaces the water breathing spell in the  Player’s Handbook. 

Wrath of the Sorcerer-King Divination  Level: Tmp 4  Components: V, S, DF  Casting Time: 1 standard action  Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)  Area: 20‐ft.–radius burst  Duration: Instantaneous  Saving Throw: None; Will negates (see text)  Spell Resistance: Yes    Clenching your sigil, you call upon the omniscience of your  king  to  reveal  transgressions  of  the  law,  and  to  allow  you  to  swiftly exact justice.    With  this  spell,  you  know  whether  creatures  in  the  spell’s  area  have  broken  the  laws  of  your  city‐state,  and  you  can  exact  punishment  on  them  if  they  have.  You  instantly  know  what  crimes  the  creatures  committed,  when, and under what circumstances. There is no save to  avoid the divination.  If  you  have  one  of  the  following  spells  available,  you  may  immediately  cast  it  at  a  creature  within  the  area.  Casting the spell is a free action, like casting a quickened  spell,  and  it  counts  toward  the  normal  limit  of  one  quickened  spell  per  round.  You  may  choose  from  cause  fear, command, dispel magic, and hold person. The target can  make  a  Will  save  to  avoid  the  effect  (except  for  dispel  magic), and the spell functions normally in all other ways. 

Zombie Berry Transmutation  Level: Drd 3, Wiz 3  Components: V, S, M  Casting Time: 1 standard action  Range: Touch  Target: 1d4 berries from a zombie plant  Duration: 1 day/level; see text  Saving Throw: None; see text  Spell Resistance: No; see text    Purple  fumes  and  a  sickly  sweet  odor  momentarily  seep  from  the  berries  you  enchant  with  the  enslaving  feature  of  the  zombie plant.    Casting  zombie  berry  on  a  handful  of  berries  from  a  zombie  plant  temporarily  alters  them  so  that  instead  of  becoming  enslaved  by  the  zombie  plant,  the  one  who  consumes  such  a  berry  becomes  your  loyal  servant  instead.  You  can  always  tell  which  berries  you  have  affected.  Any  humanoid  eating  one  of  the  berries  must  succeed  at  a  Will  save  or  be  affected  as  by  the  charm  person spell (this is a mind–affecting effect). 

Material Component: The berries to be enchanted.   

Psionics in Athas Unlike  arcane  magic,  psionics  is  an  accepted  part  of  life  on  Athas.  Wild  talents  and  psionicists  aren’t  feared.  Instead,  a  community’s  psionic  members  are  valued  as  vital  assets  and  encouraged  to  improve.  In  many  ways,  psionics  has  become  the  edge  needed  to  compete  and  survive in this unforgiving and dangerous world. 

Manifesters Many creatures have learned to shape portions of their  own  psyche  to  attack  other  psyches, to  defend  their  own  psyche in unusual ways, or to directly affect the physical  world.  The  general  term  psionics  refers  to  the  ability  to  use one’s psychic energy to affect the world outside of the  mindscape.  Various  animals,  monsters,  humanoids,  and  even  plants  use  psionics  in  various  degrees  and  applications.  Those  who  specialize  in  psionics  are  called  psions;  those  whose  psionic  abilities  are  a  lesser  part  of  their lives are called wild talents; those who use any type  of telepathic psionics are called mindbenders. 

Magic Vs Psionics Athasian  magic  works  in  a  very  different  way  than  psionics  and  most  forms  of  protection  do  not  apply  to  both. Therefore, all Dark Sun 3 materials uses the Psionics  is Different variant rule (XPH 65). 

Services Most  Athasians  who  can  afford  supernatural  services  resort  to  psionics,  because  it  is  much  easier  to  find,  and  cheaper.  Almost  every  major  city‐state  or  settlement  has  some  sort  of  psionic  academy  that  can  perform  services.  However,  most  sorts  of  services  are  still  mundane,  especially when compared to other settings.  This  section  discusses  in  general  terms  the  kinds  of  psionic  services  that  are  available  and  their  impact  on  society. Specific prices are given in Chapter 5: Equipment. 

Communication The  specialist  area  of  many  telepaths,  long‐distance  communication is only one of the many services provided  by the adepts of telepathy, with abilities such as mindlink  and  correspond.  In  addition,  they  can  also  serve  as  interpreters  with  psionic  tongues,  and  repair  mental  damage with psychic chirurgery. 

Transportation Psionic transportation is available in a variety of forms  and  controlled  by  nomads  in  Athas.  Certain  psiologists  from  city  academies  can  use  psionic  teleport  to  travel  limited distances, carrying passengers for a fee.  Many  kineticists  create  and  operate  several  psionic  ships  powered  with  obsidian  engines,  making  them  able 


  Seer (Clairsentience) Discipline Powers 2.  Locate,  PsionicA*:  Indicates  direction  to  familiar  objects and creatures.  3. Detect MoistureA*: Reveals moisture within 60 ft.   Truthear*: Receive +20 bonus to Sense Motive checks.  9.  Cosmic  Awareness*:  You  perceive  all  things  in  range.    Shaper (Metacriativity) Discipline Powers 5. Pocket DimensionA*: Create a small storage area in  an extradimensional space.    Telepath (Clairsentience) Discipline Powers 4.  HallucinationA*:  Phantasm  cause  psychosomatic  damage. 

Psychic Warrior Powers The powers listed below are in addition to the powers  listed  for  psychic  warriors  in  the  Player’s  Handbook.  Powers new to this book are marked with an asterisk.    1st–Level Psychic Warrior Powers Bioflexibilty*:  You  gain  a  bonus  to  Escape  Artist  checks.  Cast  Missiles*:  You  can  launch  missiles  without  a  bow or other weapon.  Deflect Strike*: You psychokinetically deflect the next  attack of a creature within range.  Psionic Draw*: Instantly draw a weapon.  Tattoo  AnimationA*:  Animates  your  tattoos  or  steals  another’s.  Wild  LeapA*:  Make  an  additional  leap  and  gain  a  bonus to Jump checks.    2nd–Level Psychic Warrior Powers Antidote  SimulationA*:  Detoxifies  venom  in  your  system.  Return  MissileA*:  Make  one  weapon  return  to  you  after thrown.  Share StrengthA*: Temporarily transfer your Strength  to another.    3rd–Level Psychic Warrior Powers AccelerateA*: Move faster, +1 on attack rolls, AC, and  Reflex saves.  Death FieldA*: Release an energy burst from the Gray  that drains vital energy.  4th–Level Psychic Warrior Powers Shadow JumpA*: Jump into shadow to travel rapidly.    5th–Level Psychic Warrior Powers Nerve  ManipulationA*:  Disrupts  a  creature  nervous  system.    6th–Level Psychic Warrior Powers Poison  SimulationA*:  Coat  surface  with  potent  poisons. 

Powers Accelerate Psychometabolism  Level: Egoist 4, psychic warrior 3  Display: Auditory and visual  Manifesting Time: 1 standard action  Range: Personal  Target: You  Duration: 1 round/level (D)  Power Points: Egoist 7, psychic warrior 5    A  bright  flash  shines  on  your  body  for  a  moment  as  your  body is accelerated through the Will.    As haste (PH 239), except as noted here.  You  drastically  alter  your  own  metabolism,  gaining  speed  and  agility.  When  the  power  ends,  you  become  fatigued for a period equal to the power’s duration.  Augment: You can augment this power in one or more  of the following ways.  1.  For  every  2  additional  power  points  you  spend,  your  bonus  on  attack  rolls  and  bonus  to  AC  and  Reflex  saves increase by 1.  2.  If  you  spend  4  additional  power  points,  you  can  manifest this power as a swift action instead of a standard  action.  3. If you spend 5 additional power points, you do not  become fatigued at the end of this power’s duration. 

Alter Self, Psionic Psychometabolism  Level: Psion/wilder 2  Display: Auditory  Manifesting Time: 1 standard action  Range: Personal  Target: You  Duration: 10 minutes/level (D)  Power Points: 3    A faint humming sound can be heard as your frame begins  to change, altering your entire appearance.    As alter self (PH 197), except as noted here.  Augment: If you spend 4 additional power points, this  power’s duration increases to 1 hour/level. 

Antidote Simulation Psychometabolism  Level: Psion/wilder 3, Psychic Warrior 2  Display: Auditory and visual  Manifesting Time: 1 standard action  Range: Personal  Target: You  Duration: Instantaneous  Power Points: Psion/wilder 5, psychic warrior 3    Focusing  your  Will,  you  psionically  alter  the  molecules  of  the foul venom on your body, making it harmless. 


    You  instantly  neutralize  any  sort  of  venom  in  your  body. You suffer no additional damage or effects from the  poison,  and  any  temporary  effects  are  ended,  but  the  power  does  not  reverse  any  hit  point  or  ability  score  damage already dealt.  Augment: You can augment this power in one or more  of the following ways.  1. If you spend 4 additional power points, this power  can  affect  any  willing  creature  or  object  of  up  to  1  cubic  ft./level touched.  2.  If  you  spend  6  additional  power  points,  you  can  manifest  this  power  as  an  immediate  action,  quickly  enough to negate initial poison damage. 

Aura Reading Clairsentience  Level: Psion/wilder 1  Display: Mental  Manifesting Time: 1 standard action  Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)  Target: One creature/round  Duration: Concentration, up to 1 min./level  Saving Throw: Will negates  Power Resistance: Yes  Power Points: 1    Several  colored  halos  start  appearing  in  your  view,  revealing information about those around you.    You  learn  details  about  the  target’s  social  status  by  examining  the  psychic  aura  that  surrounds  it.  You  can  focus  on  one  target  within  range  per  round.  The  amount  of  information  you  discern  about  the  target  depends  on  how long you focus on the subject.  1st  Round:  Social  class  of  the  target,  such  as  slave,  freeman, templar or noble. If the target is from a classless  society  (such  as  an  elf  tribe  or  a  small  village),  the  spell  reveals him as a freeman.  2nd Round: Primary allegiance of the target, such as a  patron  element,  sorcerer–monarch,  a  slave’s  master,  or  a  druid’s guarded lands (reveals a brief glimpse of the land,  not  its  specific  location).  This  doesn’t  need  to  be  an  allegiance  the  character  embraces,  such  as  a  slave,  only  the  primary  one  in  her  life.  This  only  reveals  the  allegiance the character regularly projects, not any hidden  or secret allegiances.  3rd Round: Most commonly used name of target.  4th  Round:  Profession  of  the  target.  Again,  this  only  reveals  information  the  target  openly  projects.  So  if  a  wizard  masquerades  as  a  bricklayer,  this  power  reveals  that they are a bricklayer.  5th+  Round:  Any  additional  professions  held  by  the  character, currently or previously. 

Beacon Psychokinesis [Light]  Level: Psion/wilder 3  Display: Visual 

Manifesting Time: 1 round  Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)  Target: Light the size of a torch  Duration: 10 minutes/level (D)  Saving Throw: None  Power Resistance: No  Power Points: 5    A sphere of flashing light flies from your hand.    With  this  power,  you  create  a  bright  colored  ball  of  light  (the  exact  color  is  your  choice)  that  you  can  direct  anywhere  within  range.  The  sphere  normally  emits  as  much light as a torch, but by concentrating on this power  (as  a  standard  action);  you  can  increase  the  light  to  the  level of a daylight spell.  Augment: If you spend 4 additional power points, this  power’s duration increases to 1 hour/level. 

Bioflexibilty Psychometabolism  Level: Psion/wilder 1, psychic warrior 1  Display: Material  Manifesting Time: 1 standard action  Range: Personal  Target: You  Duration: 1 round/level  Power Points: 1    Your  skin  turns  into  a  silvery  hue  as  your  body  start  to  become more and more flexible.    You  become  extremely  flexible  and  malleable,  almost  fluidic  in  form.  You  can  manifest  this  power  to  escape  a  grapple, manacles, ropes or other restraining effects. This  grants  you  a  +10  competence  bonus  to  Escape  Artist  checks.  Augment: For every 4 additional power points spent,  you gain an additional +10 bonus to Escape Artist checks. 

Blink, Psionic Psychoportation  Level: Psion/wilder 3  Display: Visual  Manifesting Time: 1 standard action  Range: Personal  Target: You  Duration: 1 round/level (D)  Power Points: 5    A  bluish  hue  can  be  perceived  over  your  body  as  you  perceive  the  distance  between  the  Astral  Plane  becoming  smaller.    As blink (PH 206), except as noted here.  You  “blink”  back  and  forth  between  the  Material  Plane and the Gray. 


  Augment: If you spend 2 additional power points, this  power’s duration is 1 minute per level rather than 1 round  per level. 

Calm Emotions, Psionic Telepathy (Compulsion) [Mid–Affecting]  Level: Psion/wilder 2  Display: Mental  Manifesting Time: 1 standard action  Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)  Area: Creatures in a 20‐ft.–radius spread.  Duration: Concentration, up to 1 round/level  Saving Throw: Will negates  Power Resistance: Yes  Power Points: 3    A  peaceful  sensation  takes  over  your  body,  and  through  sheer force of will, you radiate it outward.    As the calm emotions spell, except as noted here. 

Cast Missile Psychokinesis  Level: Psion/wilder 1, psychic warrior 1  Display: Auditory  Manifesting Time: 1 standard action  Range: Personal  Target: You  Duration: 1 round/level  Power Points: 1    You  wave  your  hand  at  the  projectiles  nearby,  imbuing  them with telekinetic power and thrusting them at your enemy.    You  can  cast  sling  stones  without  a  sling,  launch  arrows  without  a  bow,  or  launch  bolts  without  a  crossbow.  The  ammunition  travels  as  if  it  had  been  fired  from a sling, shortbow, or light crossbow (as appropriate)  using that weapon’s damage, critical, and range. As long  as  you  have  the  ammunition  at  hand,  you  can  fire  one  missile  per  attack  without  needing  to  reload.  You  can  even  apply  feats  from  the  Point  Blank  Shot  tree  to  these  attacks.  Alternatively,  you  can  throw  objects  you  hold  as  an  improvised ranged weapon without suffering the normal  –4 penalty.  Augment: If you spend 2 additional power points, you  may  fire  ammunition  as  if  using  a  longbow  or  heavy  crossbow (as appropriate). 

Cause Sleep Psychometabolism  Level: Psion/wilder 1  Display: Material and visual  Manifesting Time: 1 standard action  Range: Touch  Target: 1 living creature  Duration: 1 min./level  Saving Throw: Fortitude negates 

Power Resistance: Yes  Power Points: 1    Your  fingertips  darken  until  they  are  as  black  as  the  moonless night.    As sleep (PH 280), except as noted here.  You  can  rearrange  a  living  creature’s  biorhythm,  making  it  slumber.  Doing  so  requires  a  successful  melee  touch attack.  Cause  sleep  does  not  affect  unconscious  creatures,  constructs, kreen, or undead creatures.  Augment:  For  every  additional  power  point  you  spend,  this  power  can  affect  a  target  that  has  Hit  Dice  equal  to  4  +  the  additional  points  and  its  save  DC  increases by 1. 

Complete Healing Psychometabolism  Level: Egoist 7  Display: Auditory and visual  Manifesting Time: 24 hours  Range: Personal  Target: You  Duration: Instantaneous  Power Points: 13    You enter a deep trance, leaving your body to heal itself off  all wounds and ailments.    This power allows you to heal yourself completely of  all  ailments,  wounds,  and  normal  diseases.  You  must  place  yourself  in  a  trance  for  24  hours  to  accomplish  the  healing. At the end of this manifesting, you are restored to  full hit points, no longer suffer from any temporary ability  damage,  are  no  longer  exhausted  or  fatigued,  and  lose  any negative levels you had. You also return to full power  points, less the cost of this power.  Augment:  For  every  2  additional  power  points  you  spend,  the  manifesting  time  is  decreased  by  2  hours  (minimum 2 hours). 

Concentrate Water Psychokinesis  Level: Psion/wilder 2  Display: Material and visual  Manifesting Time: 1 round  Range: 30ft  Area: 30–ft radius burst centered on you  Duration: Instantaneous  Saving Throw: None  Power Resistance: No  Power Points: 3    Focusing  on  your  Nexus,  you  cause  all  moisture  around  you to coalesce in front of you and form a small pool of potable  water.   


  You  draw  all  moisture  within  the  area  of  effect  as  water in a single container. The amount collected depends  on the local terrain type.  Sandy  wastes,  dust  sink,  or  salt  flats:  1d3  –2  gallons  (minimum 0).  Rocky  badlands,  stony  barrens,  or  boulder  fields:  1d4–1  gallons (minimum 1).  Mountains or scrub plains: 1d6–1 gallons (minimum 1).  Verdant belts or forest: 1d8 +1 gallons.  You  must  hold  the  container  while  manifesting  this  power.  If  the  container  is  too  small  to  hold  the  water  collected,  or  if  it  is  leaky,  the  excess  spills  onto  the  ground.  The  power  only  collects  uncollected  vapor  and  droplets around the caster. Free standing water in a glass,  pool,  or  other  container  is  not  collected.  It  does  not  adversely affect plants or animals in the area. The drying  effect  on  any  local  flora  becomes  evident  in  the  next  few  days,  but  most  plants  can  survive  the  temporary  loss  of  ground moisture. 

Cosmic Awareness Clairsentience  Level: Seer 9  Display: Visual  Manifesting Time: 1 minute  Range: 60 ft.  Area: 60‐ft. radius emanation centered on you  Duration: Concentration, up to 1 min./level  Saving Throw: None  Power Resistance: No  Power Points: 17    You  focus  all  your  Will  into  your  inner  self,  receiving  a  glimpse  of  your  surroundings  as  you  become  one  with  the  universe.    You  perceive  all  things  within  the  area  of  effect,  including  the  shallow  Gray.  The  amount  of  information  revealed by this power depends on how long you study a  particular area.  1st  Round:  You  see  all  inanimate  features  and  unattended  objects  within  the  area  of  effect;  you  can  see  what is on the other side of a hill, detect hidden caves, see  secret  doors  and  traps,  and  even  detect  lodes  of  unusual  minerals or other geological phenomena. You also hear all  sounds and detect all smells within the area.  2nd  Round:  You  perceive  forces  –  winds,  water  currents, or any free standing spell effects such as glyphs  of warding, areas of reversed gravity, null psionics fields,  and so forth.  3rd Round: You perceive all creatures within the area,  ignoring  effects  such  as  blur,  displacement,  and  invisibility, as well as any significant pieces of equipment  they  carry.  Creatures  who  are  shapechanged  or  polymorphed are noted and their true forms understood.  Illusions are perceived for what they are. 

Cryokinesis Psychokinesis  Level: Psion/wilder 1  Display: Auditory and material  Manifesting Time: 1 standard action  Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)  Area: 2 sq. ft. of surface area of an object or creature  Duration: Concentration, up to 1 min./level  Saving Throw: None  Power Resistance: Yes  Power Points: 1    A glowing white halo surrounds your target, stealing all its  kinetic movement, slowly and completely freezing it.    You  can  suppress  the  molecular  movement  of  a  mundane  object,  cooling  it  to  the  point  of  freezing  over  time.  The  suppression  grows  more  intense  in  the  second  and  third  rounds  after  you  manifest  the  power,  as  described below.  1st Round: Unprotected flames are extinguished, metal  becomes  cold  to  the  touch,  and  water  condenses  on  objects. Skin reddens (1 point of damage).  2nd  Round:  Protected  flames  are  extinguished,  bone  and  chitin  become  brittle  (ignore  half  of  object’s  hardness),  skin  becomes  frostbitten  (1d4  points  of  damage), and liquids freeze.  3rd  and  Subsequent  Rounds:  Metal,  wood,  stone  and  obsidian  become  brittle  (ignore  half  of  object’s  hardness)  metal  burns  with  cold  (1d4  points  of  damage  for  those  holding  metallic  objects);  flesh  freezes  (1d6  points  of  damage).  Cryokinesis negates and is negated by matter agitation. 

Death Field Psychometabolism  Level: Egoist 3, psychic warrior 3  Display: Olfactory and visual  Manifesting Time: 1 round  Area: 10 ft.–radius burst centered on you  Duration: Instantaneous  Saving Throw: Fortitude negates  Power Resistance: Yes  Power Points: 5    An exhalation of gray haze erupts from your body and steals  the life energy of all living creatures around you.    This  power  releases  an  energy  burst  from  the  Gray  that  drains  vital  energy.  When  you  manifest  this  power,  you  decide  how  much  hit  points  you  will  sacrifice.  (Damage  sacrificed  this  way  counts  towards  massive  damage  as  described  in  the  Player’s  Handbook.)  Every  living creature in the area of effect must make a Fortitude  save  or  receive  negative  energy  damage  equal  to  the  amount you sacrificed.  Since  undead  are  powered  by  negative  energy,  this  power  cures  such  creatures  of  a  like  amount  of  damage,  rather than harming them. 


  Augment:  For  every  4  additional  power  points  you  spend,  this  power’s  radius  increase  by  5  feet,  and  the  power’s save DC increases by 2. 

Deflect Strike Psychokinesis  Level: Psion/wilder 1, psychic warrior 1  Display: Auditory and visual  Manifesting Time: 1 standard action  Range: Close (25 ft +5 ft./2 levels)  Target: 1 creature  Duration: 1 round  Saving Throw: None  Power Resistance: Yes  Power Points: 1    A  loud  clang  can  be  heard  when  a  translucent  barrier  appears  in  front  of  you  just  in  time  to  deflect  you  enemy’s  attack.    This  power  psychokinetically  deflects  the  next  attack  of  a  creature  within  range.  The  target’s  next  melee,  missile,  or  ranged  touch  attack  that  round  suffers  a  –20  penalty to the attack roll.  Augment: If you spend 6 additional power points, you  can manifest this power as an immediate action. 

Detect Life Clairsentience  Level: Psion/wilder 2  Display: Visual  Manifesting Time: 1 standard action  Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./ level)  Area: Cone–shaped emanation  Duration: Concentration, up to 10 min./level  Saving Throw: None  Spell Resistance: No  Power Points: 3    Your eyes take a golden hue as your vision is able to detect  all life around you as it were a tangible object.    You  can  detect  living  creatures  in  a  cone  emanating  out from you in whatever direction you face. The amount  of information revealed depends on how long you search  a particular area.  1st Round: Presence or absence of intelligent life in the  area.  2nd Round: Number of individuals in the area, and the  condition of the healthiest specimen.  3rd  Round:  The  condition  (see  below)  and  location  of  each individual present. If a creature is outside your line  of  sight,  then  you  discern  its  direction  but  not  its  exact  location.  Conditions:  For  purposes  of  this  spell,  the  categories  of condition are as follows:  Normal: Has at least 90% of full normal hit points, free  of disease.  Fair: 30% to 90% of full normal hit points remaining. 

Poor:  Less  than  30%  of  full  normal  hit  points  remaining,  afflicted  with  a  disease,  or  suffering  from  a  debilitating injury.  Weak: 0 or fewer hit points remaining, afflicted with a  disease in the terminal stage, or crippled.  If  a  creature  falls  into  more  than  one  category,  the  spell indicates the weaker of the two.  Each round you can turn to detect creatures in a new  area. The power can penetrate barriers, but 1 foot of stone,  1 inch of common metal, a thin sheet of lead, or 3 feet of  wood or dirt blocks it. 

Detect Moisture Clairsentience  Level: Seer 3  Display: Visual  Manifesting Time: 1 standard action  Range: 60 ft.  Area: Cone–shaped emanation  Duration: Concentration, up to 1 min./level  Saving Throw: None  Spell Resistance: No  Power Points: 5    Suddenly after manifesting the power, you begin to sense all  moisture around you, as it had an intense smell as fordorran’s  husk.    You  can  feel  the  presence  of  water.  You  detect  all  creatures  greater  than  Tiny  that  have  moisture,  plus  any  concentration  of  one  gallon  or  more.  The  amount  of  information  revealed  depends  on  how  long  you  search  a  particular area.  1st Round: Presence or absence of moisture in the area.  2nd Round: Amount of moisture in the area.  3rd  Round:  The  location  of  each  individual  with  moisture  present  and  all  others  sources  of  moisture.  If  a  moisture  concentration  is  outside  your  line of  sight,  then  you discern its direction but not its exact location.  Each round you can turn to  detect moisture in a new  area. The power can penetrate barriers, but 1 foot of stone,  1 inch of common metal, a thin sheet of lead, or 3 feet of  wood blocks it. Note that dirt does not block the power.  Augment: If you spend 3 additional power points, you  can  tell  whether  the  source  of  moisture  is  poisonous  or  otherwise contaminated. 

Detect Poison, Psionic Clairsentience  Level: Psion/wilder 1  Display: Auditory and olfactory  Manifesting Time: 1 standard action  Range: 20 ft.  Target: One creature, one object, or a 5‐ft. cube  Duration: Instantaneous  Saving Throw: None  Power Resistance: No  Power Points: 1   


  Your eyes and nose become so keen that you are capable of  detecting even the slightest taint of poison.    As detect poison (PH 219), except as noted here. 

Dimensional  anchor  and  similar  effects  suppresses  this power.  The power ends if any object or energy bigger than the  screen become in contact with it. 



Psychokinesis  Level: Psion/wilder 4  Display: Auditory, material, and visual  Manifesting Time: 1 standard action  Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./ level)  Target: One object  Duration: Instantaneous  Saving Throw: Fortitude negates and Reflexes half  Power Resistance: Yes  Power Points: 7    A loud echoing boom can be heard as you unleash a burst of  telekinetic force.    You  cause  an  object  to  explosively  release  the  latent  energy stored within it. This power affects a single object  or  a  section  of  a  larger  object  (such  as  a  wall)  no  larger  than  a  10  foot  cube.  This  power  can  also  be  used  against  mindless  constructs  and  undead  (those  with  no  intelligence score). The target takes 7d6 points of damage;  creatures, and held or magical items can negate this with  a successful Fortitude save. An object or creature reduced  to  0  hit  points  is  completely  destroyed,  reduced  to  a  residue  of  fine  dust.  In  addition  all  creatures  and  objects  within  10  feet  of  the  target  take  an  equal  amount  of  damage (Reflex save for half damage); but not more than  twice the hit point total of the target.  Augment:  For  every  additional  power  points  you  spend,  this  power’s  damage  increases  by  1d6  points.  For  each extra two dice of damage, this powerʹs save DC (for  both saves) increases by 1. 

Psychokinesis [Electricity]  Level: Psion/wilder 5  Display: Material and visual  Manifesting Time: 1 standard action  Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)  Effect: Ray  Target:  One  mundane  metallic  object  (or  the  volume  of  the  object  within  3  ft.  of  the  affected  point)  or  one  metallic creature  Duration: Instantaneous  Saving Throw: Fortitude partial (object)  Power Resistance: Yes  Power Points: 9    Focusing  your  mental  power,  you  shoot  a  cackling  psychokinetic ray towards the metallic gear of your opponent.    You create a ray of energy that shoots forth from your  fingertip. You must make a successful ranged touch attack  to hit. If the item is so large that it cannot fit within a 3– foot  radius,  a  3–foot–radius  volume  of  the  metal  is  instantaneously vanishes. Magic or psionic items made of  metal are immune to this power.  A creature or object that makes a successful Fortitude  save  is  partially  affected,  taking  only  4d6  points  of  damage. If this damage reduces the creature or object to 0  or fewer hit points, it is entirely destroyed.  Augment:  For  every  additional  power  point  you  spend,  the  damage  this  power  deals  to  a  target  that  fails  its saving throw increases by 1d6 points. 

Dimensional Screen Psychoportation (Teleportation)  Level: Psion/wilder 6  Display: Visual  Manifesting Time: 1 standard action  Range: 0 ft.  Effect: 5 ft.–radius cylinder centered on you  Duration: 1 round/level  Power Points: 11    A  bluish  shimmering  screen  materializes  in  front  of  you,  sucking all missiles thrown at your and making them reappear  on the opposite side.    You  create  a  shimmering  screen  around  you,  any  physical  or  energy  attack  that  touches  it  (both  from  outside or from within), comes out at the opposite end of  the screen, causing you no harm.  Effects  and  ranged  attacks  that  are  transported  through  the  screen  affect  creatures  in  the  line  of  effect,  using the original attack roll, if applicable. 

Ghost Writing Metacreativity  Level: Psion/wilder 1  Display: Material and visual  Manifesting Time: 1 minute  Range: 10 miles/level  Target: One sheet of paper or parchment  Duration: Concentration, up to 1 round/level  Saving Throw: Will negates (object)  Power Resistance: Yes  Power Points: 1    With the power of your mind, you become able to write on  distant surfaces without any type of ink.    You can write messages on blank paper or parchment  at  a  distance.  The  sheet  can  lie  by  itself,  among  others,  rolled  into  a  scroll,  etc.  You  must  know  of  the  sheets  existence and its present location (if the sheet is no longer  where  the  psionicist  remembers  it,  the  power  automatically  fails).  You  mentally  darken  the  sheet  in  a  thin continuous line, forming, with time and effort, letters, 


  words, and sentences. You can form up to five words per  round.  This  power  does  not  confer  the  ability  to  write, if  the  character  is  illiterate.  You  receive  no  clairvoyance  during  the  power’s  use—he  does  not  get  any  impression  of  whether  or  not  the  intended  people  read  his  message,  only  that  it  has  been  so  written,  Anyone  can  read  the  message once transmitted. 

Hallucination Telepathy [Mind–Affecting]  Level: Telepath 5  Display: Mental  Manifesting Time: 1 standard action  Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./ level)  Target: One creature  Duration: Concentration  Saving Throw: Will disbelief (if interacted with)  Power Resistance: Yes  Power Points: 9    As you create the mental image of the illusion you carefully  considered, you send it to your foe’s mind like hungry maggots.    You  can  project  visions  or  images  in  the  subject’s  mind. This acts as major image, except the illusion is only  visible  to  the  target.  In  addition,  if  the  phantasm  attacks  the  target,  and  is  not  disbelieved,  the  victim  believes  she  is  taking  real  damage  appropriate  to  the  illusion.  However,  the  physical  effects  of  the  hallucination  are  psychosomatic–the  victim  may  believe  she  is  being  mauled  by  a  tembo,  but  she  is  not  really  being  harmed  physically.  Whatever  the  victims  believes  she’s  experiencing,  the  illusionary  damaged  is  nonlethal  and  is  at  most  9d6  points of damage.  Augment:  For  every  additional  power  point  you  spend  the  maximum  amount  of  nonlethal  damage  increases  by  one  die  (d6).  For  every  extra  two  dice  of  potential damage, this power’s save DC increases by 1. 

Hush Telepathy [Compulsion, Mind–Affecting]  Level: Psion/wilder 1  Display: Mental  Manifesting Time: 1 standard action  Range: 20 ft.  Area: Cone‐shaped emanation centered on you  Duration: 1 round//level (D)  Saving Throw: Will negates  Power Resistance: Yes    After  concentrating  on  the  image  of  a  calm  prairie,  you  release  a  subconscious  twinge  to  all  nearby  creatures,  making  them as silent as an elven pickpocket.    You send out a subconscious twinge that causes one or  more  creatures  of  4  Hit  Dice  or  less  to  be  as  silent  as  possible.  Creatures  with  the  fewest  HD  are  affected  first.  Among  creatures  with  equal  Hit  Dice,  those  who  are 

closest to the power’s point of origin are affected first. Hit  Dice that are not sufficient to affect a creature are wasted.  They  cannot  speak,  intentionally  pound  on  something  to  make  a  loud  noise,  etc.  Creatures  affected  by  this  power  cannot cast spells with verbal components nor use bardic  music.  Augment:  For  every  2  additional  power  points  you  spend, this power’s range increases by 5 feet and its save  DC increases by 1.  In  addition,  for  every  additional  power  point  you  spend  to increase  the  range and  the  save DC,  this  power  can  affect  targets  that  have  Hit  Dice  equal  to  4  +  the  number of additional points. 

Incorporeality Psychoportation  Level: Psion/wilder 7  Display: Visual  Manifesting Time: 1 standard action  Range: Personal  Target: You  Duration: 1 round/level (D)  Power Points: 13    You  see  you  body  quickly  become  enwrapped  in  a  silvery  sheen and all of a sudden, you find yourself between the Astral  plane and Athas.    You  shift  your  body’s  molecules  into  a  different  frequency  of  motion.  You  become  incorporeal,  bringing  along  with  you  objects  as  long  as  their  weight  doesn’t  exceed your maximum load.  While  the  power  lasts  you’re  insubstantial,  scentless,  inaudible  and  capable  of  moving  in  any  direction,  even  up  or  down,  albeit  at  half  normal  speed.  As  an  insubstantial  creature,  you  can  move  through  solid  objects, including living creatures.  You  can  harm  and  be  harmed  only  by  other  incorporeal  creatures,  by  magic  weapons,  or  by  spells,  spell–like effects, or supernatural effects.  Even  when  struck  by  magic  or  magic  weapons,  you  have a 50% chance to ignore any damage from a corporeal  source  —  except  for  a  force  effect  or  damage  dealt  by  a  ghost touch weapon.  Treat other incorporeal creatures and objects as if they  were material.  If  the  power  ends  while  you  are  inside  a  material  object  (such  as  a  solid  wall),  you  are  shunted  off  to  the  nearest  open  space  and  take  1d6  points  of  damage  per  5  feet that you so travel.  Augment: You can augment this power in one or both  of the following ways.  1. For every 2 additional power points you spend, you  can affect an additional 25 pounds of objects.  2. For every 2 additional power points you spend, this  power  can  affect  an  additional  target.  Any  additional  target cannot be more than 15 feet from another target of  the power. 



Lighten Load, Psionic Psychometabolism  Level: Psion/wilder 3  Display: Olfactory  Manifesting Time: 1 standard action  Range: Touch  Target: Creatures touched  Duration: 2 hours/level  Saving Throw: No  Power Resistance: Yes (harmless)  Power Points: 5    The  strong  odor  of  mul  sweat  can  be  felt  as  the  touched  creatures become able to lift heavier loads.    This  power  increases  the  recipients’ carrying  capacity  for  the  power’s  duration  (divide  the  duration  by  the  number  of  recipients).  For  purposes  of  carrying  capacity  only, treat the power’s recipients as though their Strength  were increased by 10 points. 

Locate, Psionic Clairsentience  Level: Seer 2  Display: Visual  Manifesting Time: 1 standard action  Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./ level)  Area:  Spread  with  a  radius  of  100  ft.  +  10  ft./  level,  centered on you  Duration: Concentration  Saving Throw: None  Power Resistance: No  Power Points: 3    A  thin  blue  and  silver  is  traced  on  the  ground,  leading  to  that which you seek.    As locate object (PH 249), except as noted here.  This power is not affected by lead or running water. It  can  be  fooled  by  cloud  mind,  escape  detection,  and  metamorphosis powers.  Augment: You can augment this power in one or more  of the following ways.  1. If you spend 2 additional power points, this power  can also locate a particular kind of plant.  2. If you spend 4 additional power points, this power  can also locate a known or familiar creature.  2. If you spend 1 additional power point, this powerʹs  duration  is  1  min./level  rather  than  concentration.  If  you  spend 2 additional power points, this powerʹs duration is  10  min./level  rather  than  concentration.  If  you  spend  4  additional  power  points,  this  powerʹs  duration  is  1  hour/level rather than concentration. 

Magnetize Psychokinesis  Level: Psion/wilder 4  Display: Material and olfactory  Manifesting Time: 1 standard action 

Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)  Target: 1 metallic object of up to 25 lb./level  Duration: 1 round/level (D)  Saving Throw: None  Power Resistance: Yes  Power Points: 7    A strong smell of rust can be felt as the metallic object you  pointed takes on a pulsating glow.    You  can  change  the  magnetic  orientation  of  a  mundane metal object, strongly magnetizing it to all metal  objects within 20 feet. The targeted object can be made to  attract  to  or  repel  all  metal  objects  within  the  field  of  influence  and  is  affected  according  to  its  size  category.  Magnetic  objects,  whether  they  are  being  attracted  or  repelled, move in relation to the target at a rate of 10 feet  for each size category difference.  A  creature  holding  or  wearing  an  object  under  magnetize  can  make  an  opposed  Strength  check  (DC  equal to the save DC of this power) to retain control of the  item.  Every  round  in  which  metal  creatures  or  creatures  wearing  metal  armor  remain  within  the  magnetic  field,  they must attempt an opposed Strength check (DC equal  to  the  save  DC  of  this  power)  against  the  force.  If  the  attracted creature wins this contest, it suffers no ill effects  this round. However, if the creature fails, then it becomes  immobile, rendering it helpless.  Augment:  For  every  2  additional  power  points  you  spend,  the  weight  limit  of  the  target  increases  by  5  pounds, and the power’s save DC increases by 1. 

Mass Manipulation Psychokinesis  Level: Psion/wilder 3  Display: Material and olfactory  Manifesting Time: 1 standard action  Range: 60 ft.  Target: 1 creature or object of up to 25 lb./level  Duration: 1 min./level (D)  Saving Throw: No  Power Resistance: No  Power Points: 5    Using  the  Way,  you  momentarily  alter  the  gravity  surrounding a small object.    You  can  alter  the  way  gravity  affects  a  creature  or  a  mundane  object’s  weight.  The  mass  can  be  increased  up  to 200% its normal weight or reduced to 25%.  A  creatureʹs  encumbrance  is  affected  by  the  new  weight of an object. The balance of an affected weapon is  greatly  altered,  thus  it  is  considered  one  size  category  bigger  (or  smaller,  if  decreased  in  weight)  for  every  50%  of  weight  increase  for  purposes  of  wielding  and  damage  (PHB  113).  Ranged  weapons  that  become  at  least  50%  lighter  have  their  range  increment  increased  by  one–half  (or decreased in half, if increased in weight).  Multiple  effects  that  increase  weight  do  not  stack,  which means (among other things) that you cannot use a 


  second  manifestation  of  this  power  to  further  increase  weight.  Augment: You can augment this power in one or both  of the following ways.  1.  For  every  additional  power  point  you  spend,  the  weight limit of target increases by 5 pounds.  2.  If  you  spend  4  additional  power  points,  you  can  alter the mass between 10% and 400%. 

Mindflame Telepathy [Mind–Affecting]  Level: Psion/wilder 7  Display: Mental  Manifesting Time: 1 standard action  Range: 40ft.  Area: Creatures in a 40‐ft. radius centered on you  Duration: Instantaneous  Saving Throw: Will negates  Power Resistance: Yes  Power Points: 13    Harnessing  all  the  hatred  you  have  within  yourself,  you  project a massive wave of mental force.    All  creatures  within  the  area  of  affect  who  fail  their  save suffer the following ill effects:    Hit Dice Effect Equal to manifester level Dazed Up to manifester level –1 Weakened, dazed Up to manifester level –5 Paralyzed, weakened, dazed Up to manifester level –10 Killed, paralyzed, weakened, dazed   The effects are cumulative and concurrent.  Dazed:  The  creature  takes  no  action  for  1  round,  though it defends itself normally.  Weakened:  The  creature’s  Strength  score  decreases  by  2d6 points for 2d4 rounds.  Paralyzed:  The  creature  is  paralyzed  and  helpless  for  1d10 minutes.  Killed: Living creatures die. 

Molecular Bonding Psychokinesis  Level: Psion/wilder 2  Display: Olfactory and material  Manifesting Time: 1 standard action  Range: 10 ft.  Area: 6 sq. ft. of surface area of an object  Duration: 1 min./level (D)  Saving Throw: No  Power Resistance: No  Power Points: 3    Waving  you  hand,  you  temporarily  fuses  two  items  together, like they were always the same object.    You can temporarily join two surfaces together at the  molecular level (i.e. an enemy’s boots can be joined to the 

floor,  his  sword  to  its  sheath,  or  the  joints  of  his  armor  fused together into a useless plug of metal).  Creatures that are somehow rendered unable to move  cannot  apply  their  Dexterity  bonus  to  Armor  Class.  The  power  otherwise  does  not  affect  creatures  (including  constructs and undead). 

Nerve Manipulation Psychometabolism  Level: Psion/wilder 5, psychic warrior 5  Display: Auditory and visual  Manifesting Time: 1 standard action  Range: Touch  Target: 1 living humanoid  Duration: See text  Saving Throw: Fortitude negates  Power Resistance: Yes  Power Points: 9    Your  target’s  body  writhes  in  pain  as  you  destroy  its  nervous system.    You can do terrible things with the nervous system of  a  creature.  Doing  so  requires  a  successful  melee  touch  attack. Unless the creature succeeds on a Fortitude save, it  becomes stunned for 1 round and suffers the following ill  effects.    Hit Dice Effect Equal to manifester level Spasms; sickened for 1d3 rounds Up to manifester level –1 Pains; exhausted for 1d3 rounds Up to manifester level –5 Unconscious for 2d6 rounds Up to manifester level –10 Disabled and dying in 1d3 rounds   Any  of  these  effects  can  be  neutralized  by  the  neutralize poison spell or the antidote simulation power. You  can manifest a weaker effect if you want.  Augment: You can augment this power in one or more  of the following ways.  1. If you spend 2 additional power points, this power  can  also  affect  an  animal,  fey,  giant,  magical  beast,  or  monstrous humanoid.  2. If you spend 4 additional power points, this power  can  also  affect  an  aberration,  dragon,  elemental,  or  outsider  in  addition  to  the  creature  types  mentioned  above.  In  addition,  for  every  2  additional  power  points  you  spend  to  achieve  any  of  these  effects,  this  power’s  save  DC increases by 1. 

Pheromone Discharge Psychometabolism  Level: Psion/wilder 2  Display: Olfactory  Manifesting Time: 1 standard action  Range: Personal  Target: You  Duration: 1 min./level  Power Points: 3   


  You  body  starts  to  emit  a  strange  and  pungent  smell,  captivating all insects around you.    Your skin emits a pheromone that vermin recognize as  their own species. Vermin and swarms of vermin react as  though  they  were  two  steps  more  friendly  in  attitude.  This  allows  you  to  make  a  single  request  of  a  vermin  or  swarm  of  vermin.  The  request  must  be  brief  and  reasonable.  Even  after  this  power  ends,  the  creature  retains its new attitude toward you, but only with respect  to that particular request.  Augment: If you spend 4 additional power points, this  power’s duration increases to 1 hour/level. 

Photosynthesis Psychometabolism [Healing]  Level: Psion/wilder 1  Display: Visual  Manifesting Time: 2 rounds  Range: Personal  Target: You  Duration: 1 hour/level (D)  Power Points: 1    Your body takes on a greenish hue as you feel the energy of  the sun provide you with vitality and nourishment.    You gain energy and rejuvenation from the energy of  the crimson sun. For every hour you rest on a sunny area  for  the  power  duration,  you  heal  5  hit  points.  As  usual,  when  regular  damage  is  healed,  an  equal  amount  of  nonlethal  damage  is  also  healed.  You  must  remain  immobile to receive the benefits of the power.  Augment: If you spend 4 additional power points, you  satisfy  the  need  of  a  meal  and  half  of  your  daily  water  requirement. 

Pocket Dimension Metacreativity (Creation)  Level: Shaper 5  Display: Visual  Manifesting Time: 10 minutes  Range: See text  Effect: One quasi–real storage area  Duration: 1 hour/level (D)  Power Points: 9    A  gray  mist  surrounds  a  small  object,  and  it  is  sent  to  safekeeping on the Gray.    You create a small storage area in an extradimensional  space  located  within  the  Gray.  The  storage  area  can  contain  up  to  1  cubic  foot  of  material  (regardless  of  the  area’s actual size, which is about 3 feet by 2 feet by 2 feet).  The storage area is accessed by a glowing doorway or  hatch about 2 square feet. The access point always stays in  the same place relative to you. 

If the power ends and any items left on it, the contents  of  the  pocket  dimension  appear  at  the  location  of  the  access point and drop to the ground.  Living  things  in  the  pocket  dimension  eat,  sleep,  and  age  normally,  and  they  die  if  they  run  out  of  food,  air,  water,  or  whatever  they  need  to  survive.  The  air  supply  lasts for about 15 minutes for a Medium creature. You can  leave  the  access  point  partially  open  to  allow  air  to  circulate.  You  cannot  enter  your  own  pocket  dimension,  but you can reach in and retrieve anything inside.  Augment:  For  every  2  additional  power  points  you  spend, the storage capacity increases 1 cubic foot. 

Poison Simulation Psychometabolism  Level: Egoist 7, Psychic warrior 6  Display: Material; see text  Manifesting Time: 1 swift action  Range: Personal or touch, see text  Target: You or weapon touched  Duration: 1 min./level or until discharged  Saving Throw: None and Fortitude negates; see text  Power Points: Egoist 13, Psychic warrior 11    By  focusing  on  foul  and  venomous  creatures  from  the  wastelands, you produce a vile purple poison.    You  can  use  this  power  to  produce  a  horrible  poison  that coats one of your claws or one of your weapons. On  your  next  successful  melee  attack  with  the  claw  or  weapon  during  the  power’s  duration,  the  poison  deals  2d6  points  of  ability  damage  (your  choice)  immediately  and another 2d6 points of ability damage (your choice) 1  minute  later.  The  target  of  your  attack  can  negate  each  instance of damage with a Fortitude save. 

Psionic Draw Psychokinesis  Level: Psion/wilder 1, psychic warrior 1  Display: Visual  Manifesting Time: 1 immediate action  Range: Personal  Target: You  Duration: Instantaneous  Power Points: 1    Your weapon appears on your hand, answering your mental  call.    An  item  on  your  person  is  telekinetically  drawn  into  your hand. You must have a free hand to use this power. 

Psionic Sight Clairsentience  Level: Psion/wilder 3  Display: Auditory and visual  Manifesting Time: 1 standard action  Range: Personal  Target: You 


  Duration: 1 min./level  Power Points: 5    Your  eyes  become  completely  blue,  revealing  all  psionic  auras within sight.    This power allows you to see psionic auras within 120  feet of you. The effect is similar to that of a detect psionics  power,  but  psionic  sight  does  not  require  concentration  and discerns aura location and strength more quickly.  You  know  the  location  and  strength  of  all  psionic  auras within your sight. An aura’s strength depends on a  power’s functioning level or an item’s manifester level, as  noted  in  the  description  of  the  detect  psionics  power.  If  the  items  or  creatures  bearing  the  auras  are  in  line  of  sight, you can make Psicraft skill checks to determine the  discipline of the power involved in each. (Make one check  per aura; DC 15 + power level, or 15 + one–half manifester  level for a nonpsionic effect.)  If  you  concentrate  on  a  specific  creature  within  120  feet  of  you  as  a  standard  action,  you  can  determine  whether  it  has  any  manifesting  or  psi–like  abilities,  and  the  strength  of  the  most  powerful  power  or  psi–like  ability the creature currently has available for use.  Augment: If you spend 8 additional power points, you  automatically  know  which  powers  or  psionic  effects  are  active upon any individual or object you see. 

Psychic Tracking Clairsentience  Level: Psion/wilder 1  Display: Auditory  Manifesting Time: 1 standard action  Range: Personal  Target: You  Duration: 1 hour/level  Power Points: 1    After  you  finish  your  manifestation,  several  ghostly  marks  on  the  ground  become  visible;  you  are  now  able  to  track  your  opponents as good as a cilops can.    You  can  track  a  creature  by  the  mental  “footprints”  left  behind  by  its  thoughts.  You  can  only  track  creatures  with  an  Intelligence  score  of  3  or  greater.  Pass  without  Trace  and  similar  effects  provide  no  protection  from  this  power;  however,  creatures  that  are  immune  to  mind– affecting  effects  (such  as  someone  under  the  effects  of  mind  blank)  do  not  leave  psychic  tracks  and  cannot  be  tracked in this way. To find tracks or to follow them for 1  mile requires a successful Psicraft check. You must make  another  Psicraft  check  every  time  the  tracks  become  difficult  to  follow,  such  as  when  other  tracks  cross  them,  or when the tracks backtrack and diverge.  You  move  at  half  your  normal  speed  (or  at  your  normal speed with a –5 penalty on the check, or at up to  twice your speed with a –20 penalty on your check). The  base  is  DC  15.  Several  modifiers  may  affect  the  Psicraft  check as given on the table below:   

Condition Every three thinking creatures in the group being tracked Every 24 hours since the trail was made Tracked party using conceal thoughts

DC Modifier –1 +1 +10

Repugnance Telepathy (Compulsion) [Mind–Affecting]  Level: Psion/wilder 4  Display: Olfactory  Manifesting Time: 1 standard action  Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)  Target: One intelligent creature  Duration: 1 round/level  Saving Throw: Will negates  Power Resistance: Yes  Power Points: 7    A  strong  stench  of  sulphur  and  boiled  cabbage  envelops  your target, making it completely abominable for all those who  smell it.    This  power  causes  a  creature  or  object  to  become  completely  repugnant  to  the  target.  Unless  the  target  makes  a  Will  save,  he  will  try  everything  reasonable  to  destroy it.  If  this  causes  the  target  to  something  against  his  alignment, he receives a new saving throw. 

Return Missile Psychokinesis [Force]  Level: Psion/wilder 2, psychic warrior 2  Display: Visual  Manifesting Time: 1 standard action  Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)  Target: One weapon with a total weight of 5 lb. or less  Duration: 1 round/level  Saving Throw: No  Power Resistance: No  Power Points: 3    You wave your hand towards an object and make it glisten  with silvery glows.    This power can only be  manifested on a weapon that  can be thrown. The affected weapon flies through the air  back  to  you.  It  returns  to  you  just  before  your  next  turn  (and is therefore ready to use again in that turn).  Catching a returning weapon when it comes back is a  free  action.  If  you  cannot  catch  it,  or  if  you  have  moved  since throwing it, the weapon drops to the ground in the  square from which it was thrown.  Augment: You can augment this power in one or both  of the following ways.  1. For every 2 additional power points you spend, this  power’s range increases by 5 feet.  2.  For  every  additional  power  point  you  spend,  the  weight limit of the weapon increases by 2 pounds. 



Sensory Suppression Telepathy [Mind–Affecting]  Level: Psion/wilder 2  Display: Mental  Manifesting Time: 1 standard action  Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)  Target: 1 living creature  Duration: Concentration + 1d6 rounds  Saving Throw: Will negates  Power Resistance: Yes  Power Points: 3    Focusing on your enemy’s brain, you sunder its connection  with one of his senses, forever.    You cause a creature to lose one of its senses—causing  it to be blinded, deafened, or to lose its sense of smell, as  you choose. A creature that loses its sense of smell cannot  use the Scent ability. 

To  use  shadow  jump,  you  must  be  in  an  area  of  shadowy  illumination.  You  are  then  instantaneously  transported  through  the  Black  to  any  other  spot  within  range in a shadowed area to which you have line of sight.  You  can  bring  along  possessions  that  amount  to  as  much as a medium load. Movement caused by the use of  shadow jump does not provoke attacks of opportunity.  If  you  somehow  attempt  to  transfer  yourself  to  a  location  occupied  by  a  solid  body,  location  you  cannot  see, or a location without shadows the power simply fails  to function.  Augment: You can augment this power in one or both  of the following ways.  1.  If  you  spend  2  additional  power  points,  you  may  also  bring  one  additional  willing  Medium  or  smaller  creature  (carrying  gear  or  objects  up  to  its  maximum  load).  2.  If  you  spend  6  additional  power  points,  you  can  manifest this power as a move action. 

Sever the Tie

Share Strength

Psychokinesis  Level: Psion/wilder 2  Display: Auditory and material  Manifesting Time: 1 standard action  Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)  Area: 20‐ft.–radius burst  Duration: Instantaneous  Saving Throw: None  Power Resistance: Yes  Power Points: 3    Using  the  Way  to  create  psychokinetic  scythes,  you  hurl  them  around  your,  disrupting  any  connections  to  the  Grey  nearby.    You disrupt an undead’s tie to the Gray, damaging or  destroying  it.  Your  psychokinetic  ʺscytheʺ  deals  3d8  points  of  damage  to  all  undead  within  the  area.  Undead  that  are  brought  to  0  hit  points  or  below  by  use  of  this  power  fall  limply  and  molder  into  dust  (if  corporeal),  or  slowly disperse (if incorporeal).  Augment:  For  every  2  additional  power  points  you  spend, this power’s damage increases by 1d8. 

Shadow Jump Psychoportation (Teleportation)  Level: Psion/wilder 4, psychic warrior 4  Display: Visual  Manifesting Time: 1 standard action  Range: 1000 yd.  Target: You  Duration: Instantaneous  Power Points: 7    You  become  shrouded  in  darkness,  being  instantly  hurled  into  the  Black  and  reappearing  into  the  designated  location  unscathed.   

Psychometabolism  Level: Egoist 2, psychic warrior 2  Display: Auditory and material  Manifesting Time: 1 standard action  Range: Touch  Target: Willing creature touched  Duration: 1 min./level (D)  Power Points: 3    By  touching  a  creature,  you  are  able  to  momentaneously  transfer some of your strength to it.    You  transfer  your  Strength  temporarily  to  another.  When  you  manifest  this  power,  you  can  transfer  up  to  your  manifesting  level  in  Strength.  The  target  gains  an  enhancement bonus to Strength equal to half that amount,  and  you  temporarily  receive  a  Strength  penalty  equal  to  that amount (to a minimum effective Strength score of 1).  If the target dies while the power is in effect, you take  an  amount  of  Strength  damage  equal  to  your  Strength  penalty.  Augment: If you spend 6 additional power points, you  can  manifest  this  power  as  a  swift  action  instead  of  a  standard action. 

Tattoo Animation Psychokinesis  Level: Psion/wilder 1, psychic warrior 1  Display: Visual  Manifesting Time: 1 standard action  Range: Personal or touch (see text)  Target: One or more touched tattoos  Duration: Instantaneous  Saving Throw: Will negates; see text  Power Resistance: No  Power Points: 1   


  You  psychokinetically  animate  a  tattoo,  making  it  come  to  live under you control.    This  power  allows  you  to  take  control  of  various  tattoos. There are two uses for this power:  Alter  Tattoo:  You  can  make  one  tattoo  on  your  body  per  manifester  level  move  across  your  body  as  if  they  were  a  psionic  tattoos.  You  can  even  transfer  a  tattoo  to  another  being  with  a  successful  melee  touch  attack.  An  unwilling  recipient  receives  a  Will  save  to  negate  the  transfer of the tattoo.  Steal Tattoo: You can attempt to “steal” a single tattoo  (mundane  or  psionic)  from  another  creature’s  body.  You  must either be able to see the tattoo you intend to steal or  have  seen  it  previously.  If  you  make  a  successful  melee  touch attack, the target must make a successful Will save  or the tattoo crawls from their body to yours. If the tattoo  is  psionic,  the  target  receives  a  bonus  to  the  Will  save  equal to the level of the tattoo’s power.  Augment:  For  each  additional  4  power  points  you  spent, you can transfer or steal an additional tattoo. 

Teleport Object, Psionic Psychoportation  Level: Nomad 7  Display: Auditory and visual  Manifesting Time: 1 standard action  Range: Touch  Target: One touched object of up to 50 lb./level and 3  cu. ft./level  Duration: Instantaneous  Saving Throw: Will negates (object)  Power Resistance: Yes (object)  Power Points: 13    A loud bang can be heard as an item you touched vanished  and reappears on your designated location.    As teleport object (PH 293), except as noted here.  Augment:  For  every  2  additional  power  points  you  spend, the maximum weight increases by 10 lb. 

Trail of Destruction Clairsentience  Level: Psion/wilder 1  Display: Visual  Manifesting Time: 1 standard action  Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)  Area: Emanation, centered on you to extent of range  Target: You  Duration: 1 round/level    A defiler trail of destruction become visible to your eyes as it  had been made just a few seconds ago.    You  can  detect  the  past  use  of  defiling  magic  in  the  area.  The  winds  and  sands  can  blur  the  ash  of  defiler  destruction  in  a  matter  of  hours,  but  the  power  shows  where  defiling  magic  has  been  used  within  the  past 

month.  The  sites  illuminate  for  your  eyes  only.  You  gain  an accurate impression of the magic’s power (the level of  the defiler spell cast) and how long ago it was cast (to the  nearest day).  This  power  does  not  reveal  information  about  the  spell or the caster. 

Truthear Clairsentience  Level: Seer 3  Display: Visual  Manifesting Time: 1 standard action  Range: Personal  Target: You  Duration: 1 min./level  Power Points: 5    A  faint  golden  glow  surrounds  you  body,  giving  you  the  ability to discern all lies.    You receive a +20 insight bonus on Sense Motive made  to tell whether someone is lying. 

Watcher’s Ward Clairsentience  Level: Psion/wilder 2  Display: Mental  Manifesting Time: 2 rounds  Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)  Area:  Sphere,  up  to  25  ft.  +  5ft./2  levels–radius,  centered on you  Duration: 1 hour/level (D); see text  Power Points: 3    You  close  your  eyes  as  you  attune  to  the  area  you  chosen,  becoming  one  with  it.  Not  even  a  fly  can  enter  it  unnoticed  now.    You  attune  yourself  to  the  area  of  this  power  and  become extremely sensitive to any disturbances within it.  You know if a creature enters or leaves the warded area,  although  no  other  insight  is  provided.  You  cannot  be  caught flatfooted and can always act in the surprise round  of combat. If you leave the warded area, this power ends  prematurely.  Augment: If you spend 3 additional power points you  know  the  exact  location  of  all  creatures  within  the  area  (although  you  know  where  they  are  this  power  does  not  enable you to see hidden or invisible creatures). 

Weather Prediction Clairsentience  Level: Psion/wilder 2  Display: Mental  Manifesting Time: 1 standard action  Range: 1 mile/level  Target: You  Duration: Instantaneous  Power Points: 5 


    Attuning  yourself  to  minor  disturbances  on  the  air  pressure,  humidity,  and  wind,  you  become  able  to  predict  the  weather.    You can accurately predict the weather conditions for  your  present  location.  The  forecast  reaches  24  hours  into  the  future,  gives  you  precise  knowledge  of  temperature,  wind  speed  and  direction,  cloud  cover,  and  any  natural  storms.  You  also  become  aware  of  any  changes  in  the  weather  pattern  during  that  period.  This  power  only  predicts  naturally  occurring  weather,  not  magically  induced conditions such as Tyr–storms. 

Wild Leap Psychoportation  Level: Psion/wilder 1, psychic warrior 1  Display: Auditory  Manifesting Time: 1 swift action  Range: Personal  Target: You  Duration: Instantaneous  Power Points: 1    You  catch  a  foothold  in  the  fabric  of  the  universe  for  a  fraction of a second, lasting long enough for you to leap off of it.    You are able make a Jump check, catch yourself for a  split  second  and  then  make  a  second  Jump  check.  In  addition,  you  receive  a  +5  competence  bonus  on  Jump  checks made in conjunction with this power.  Augment:  For  each  additional  4  power  points  you  spend,  you  gain  an  additional  +5  bonus  to  the  Jump  check.   


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