Dark Side Hypnosis Exposed

April 22, 2017 | Author: Charl Viljoen | Category: N/A
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Exploring the dark side of hypnotic phenomena....


Darkside Hypnosis Darkside Hypnosis Exposed!

Hey this is Cameron Crawford with Darkside Hypnosis. First of all I want to thank you and say congratulations. You are about to become a master of social manipulation… because you’ve now got your hands on a body of knowledge that is light years beyond the rest of the world and armed with this technology you will have the upper hand in any social dynamic or any social situation, this knowledge will put you 50 moves ahead of anyone you talk to. So if you’re looking for covert hypnosis… and you’re looking for mind control…and you’re looking for persuasion tactics then you’re in the right place. Because this is the real deal, this is Darkside Hypnosis. And you can use these techniques out there in the real world any where you want any time any place and it can be used on complete strangers who you’ve just met, completely unannounced and you can come in completely under the radar so no one even knows you’re using it. So it doesn’t matter if you choose to use these techniques on a friend, or someone you’ve just met. You can persuade them to do whatever you want, and the best part is… they’ll think it was all their idea. Now I just want to take a second here to clarify something, and that is that I’m in no way talking about using these techniques for bad or for making people do immoral things because when I refer to this kind of persuasion or mind control you need to understand that it’s the same kind of stuff that people use everyday but just on a more advanced level. And one of the most common places you will see these kinds of techniques used is in the advertising industry. Next time you’re watching TV, just notice how when the advertisements come on they all tend to follow a similar process. They show you sexy people, having fun, having a good time, they make those images bigger, brighter and closer, and they bring you into it, they elicit those positive feelings from you that they’d like you to attach to the product and then… BOOM, there’s that image of the product, or the product name or the logo. So what they’ve done is they’ve anchored those good, positive feelings to their brand so the next time you see the product in the store you feel good about buying it. Now I know if you’re new to hypnosis and NLP then you’ve probably never heard of this concept called anchoring but that’s just one of the many techniques that’s we are going to be talking about as we progress through the course.

Now most people have probably never even giving the advertisement much thought at all as to why it’s structured the way it is. But the truth is it’s designed in a way to get you to buy the product and that’s what real mind control is all about. And that’s what Darkside Hypnosis is about, it’s about using what works to get a desired result. And people use this stuff everyday in all types of situations, but people just don’t know they’re doing it. And the truth is you’ve probably used a few of these techniques in your lifetime and but you just didn’t know that you were using it, so what I hope you get from this course is an understanding of how these skills work and an understanding of how to use them in everyday life. And once you do, you won’t even know how you used to get through life not knowing this stuff. And this course is designed so that you will actually use it. And what I mean by that is this course uses advanced learning techniques so that you can really get to grips with the concepts we talk about as soon as possible and you can start using them right now, today. And when you do start using these techniques, just imagine what it will be like and how you’ll be able to change your life. I mean imagine 2 months from now when you’re at work, and your boss is giving you a hard time, asking you why you haven’t filed the paper work, or why you didn’t let him know two weeks in advance that you needed Tuesday off. What you’ll be able to do now because you’ve taken the time to learn and to master these techniques is you have the choice of how you want to deal with the situation. So let’s say you decide to use a Handshake Induction and then you put your boss into an instant trance and then you completely reprogram his mind so that he respects you and he thinks you’re his best friend. And then you make him insist that you take Tuesday off and maybe you even decide to make him insist you take every Tuesday off… and as well as that he wants to give you a raise, who knows? And then let’s say you use the Amnesia technique so that your boss completely forgets everything that just happened in the last few minutes and you make it so that he can’t even remember you stepping into his office in the first place. I mean just imagine what that’ll be like when you have the power to bend someone’s mind like that, and you will be able to do that by the time you get to the end of this course.

As another example, imagine the next time you’re in Starbucks getting your morning coffee and you see that beautiful girl, or that good looking guy that you’ve secretly been watching every time you go in there. And now because you’ve taken the time to learn about human interaction and social dynamics, you know exactly what you need to say to get that person instantly attracted to you. So you quickly trigger the Empire Man technique to give you that instant, rock-solid confidence that you need. And then you walk over there and you use one of the openers that you’ve memorised to instantly make them want to talk to you, and then you use the Dark Shadow technique to instantly make them like you. Then you use The Looking Glass technique to make them feel like you understand them more than anyone they’ve ever met. And then you finish up using The October Man Sequence to make them so turned on they want to start making out with you right there in the middle of the coffee shop. What will that be like when two months from now that is what your life looks like, what will it be like when this is the reality you live in because this is what your life will become if that’s what you want. Because these techniques… 99.9 percent of the world don’t even know they exist. So as you go through this course, don’t be surprised if you begin to notice that these kind of situations are happening to you every day and don’t be surprised that you actually enjoy being in them because you now posses the knowledge to control and to bend any situation so that it suits you, so that you can finally get what you want out of life. Alright, so before I dig right into the course, I want to tell you what is possible when you use this knowledge. With Darkside Hypnosis you can make people treat you like a celebrity, you can go to a busy restaurant and if you want the hostess to sit you immediately… no big deal. If you want to go to a bar and get free drinks then that’s easy. If you want to get a new wide screen TV for half off then you can do that. If you want to make someone fall in love with you then you will know the exact steps you need to take to make that a reality. If you want to make someone forget any event in time or any piece of information then this is the course for you.

If you want to get back your ex girlfriend or your ex boyfriend then we have techniques for that. And we’re going to be covering all of that and a lot more in this course, so by the time you reach the last video in the course you will know the exact steps you need to take to achieve anything you want so then all that’s left to do is to go out there and to take action. Now one thing I will say is that this course is not just a collection of advanced techniques that let you hypnotize, persuade and control someone’s mind. Darkside Hypnosis is a lot more than that. It’s about building a lifestyle for yourself where you can walk through life with the right mindset so that people naturally allow themselves to be influenced by you, where people naturally find themselves attracted to you, and where people naturally turn to you as a leader. And the other thing you need to understand is that these techniques are so much more powerful when you really have an understanding of how and why they work. Because that’s when true mastery comes into play, when you can walk into any situation and you know exactly what to say and exactly what to do to control the social dynamic and to get people reacting to you, and that’s my goal for you… to get you to that point. So with Darkside Hypnosis anything is possible if you just become aware of what it is you want and then just break down the steps you will need to get you there… Darkside Hypnosis is all about being more aware than anyone else you meet, it’s about out thinking, out planning and it’s about being 50 moves ahead of anyone who you happen to come across. And once the information inside this course has been downloaded into your brain then you will feel the change inside your self, and the best way to describe it is it’s almost like seeing the matrix, you know in the movie when Neo realises he is the one and then he is able to see the code that makes up the world... Well that what it’s like, it’s like everything just slows down and you can see all the pieces as they fit together and you can understand in an instant how to manipulate a situation to make it go your way or how to persuade someone to do whatever it is you want. With Darkside Hypnosis anything is possible. The good news is that over the course of these videos you will learn everything that you need to know to get you to this point.

So right now I’m going to go into detail about exactly how this course is laid out. Because I designed this course to give you the biggest results in the shortest amount of time. So what I’ve done is broken the course down into sections so that you can learn each lesson in a step by step process so that with each part of the course you learn something new and with each step you take the techniques will get more advanced. So each recording is directly focussed on one part of Darkside Hypnosis so the entire course is laid out in a linear way and as I said the deeper we dig into the course the more advanced the concepts we talk about so a lot of them will require you to spend a little more time to really internalise and to really understand how to use the techniques. And with each audio we first of all go into detail about the particular concept or technique so that you have a full understanding of exactly what the technique is, how it works and how you can put it to work you, and once you understand all of those things I then give you an example of how the technique works so that you can see how all the pieces come together. Then I will break down each example for you and I will tell you here’s what I’m saying here, here’s why I’m saying it so that you can really begin to understand why these techniques work and your mind will begin understand in even more detail how you can use these same techniques in your life anytime you want to. And the thing is once you get to this point of the course and you begin to understand how these principles work, you’ll see people using different forms of these techniques in everyday life… the things is a lot of times people just don’t know they’re using it. Because a lot of the techniques we will discuss in his course have been backwards engineered from social situations and one of the things you’ll discover is that mastering this stuff is all about thinking more than every one else, being more aware than everyone else and automatically breaking down social dynamics so that you can control any one you want any time anywhere. And that leads me to the next section of the course which is what I call the “homework” section, but this is fun homework. I’ll be giving you assignments that will get you out there in the real world and using these techniques. So the way it works is you’ll have a normal conversation with someone… it could be someone you know or it could be a complete stranger… and don’t worry we will go through techniques that will allow you to walk up to a complete stranger and start a conversation where they actually want to talk to you. And it’s easy when you know how. So you will have a normal conversation with this person and you will be using one or more of the techniques and they will have no idea you are doing it and you will see the results you get right in front of your eyes.

And I believe that this is the most powerful part of the course as it will give you a positive feedback loop. Now if you don’t know what a positive feedback loop is it’s basically where you go out and you do something and when you get positive results you mind tells you “wow this is working, this feels good” so you do those same things some more with even more confidence, then you see it works again but because of your new confidence it works even better. And this beauty of the positive feed back loop is it’s a continuous process it just keeps on getting more and more powerful so the more you do something the better at it you will become. And that’s something that I want you to remember as you go through this course. So right now I’m going to talk about why Darkside Hypnosis is so powerful compared to regular hypnosis. So one thing you definitely need to understand is that Darkside hypnosis is so powerful because it’s evolved over the years to go from mainly consisting of techniques just for covert hypnosis and persuasion to techniques to completely take control of area of your life… And the reason why it’s become so powerful is because it’s evolved and become a combination of the 4 most effective, most persuasive backgrounds so Darkside Hypnosis is actually a combination of hypnosis, NLP, seduction and social engineering. So the first background is obviously hypnosis, and there’s going to be some really advanced hypnotic techniques that I want to get into later in the course and we’re talking about instant covert trance inductions that you can actually use out there in the real world and then you can use amnesia to make a person forget everything that’s just happened, which is so powerful because no one will have any idea that you’ve even hypnotized them. And it gets even more powerful when you combine this type of hypnosis with all the elements of NLP, Seduction and Social Engineering and that’s the reason why it’s still a very important part of the system. Next is NLP, now for those who don’t already know NLP stand for Neuro Linguistic Programming and it was originally developed in the 1970’s, and as a lot of you probably know, NLP got its roots from hypnosis anyway but in many ways it’s very different and there are some major parts of NLP that have become essential to Darkside Hypnosis like anchoring and eye accessing cues and they’re both things which we will be talking about throughout the course. The third major part is seduction and back in the day when Darkside Hypnosis was first being developed it was obvious that one of the most powerful persuasion skills to acquire was seduction, because if you can seduce someone then they will follow you

anywhere, they will do anything you ask and they will be completely under your control. And the fourth part to Darkside Hypnosis is social engineering which is all about covertly manipulating people into doing something or into making them give you something and this type of psychological manipulation is all based on specific attributes of human decision making known as cognitive biases. And the way it works is these biases are exploited in various combinations, and in various ways to make it a lot easier to get whatever it is you want from someone, so it’s really powerful stuff and that why we use it. And that’s why Darkside Hypnosis is the most powerful form of influence and persuasion out there… because you have the 4 major persuasion backgrounds of Hypnosis, NLP, seduction an social engineering all working together to create something which is ten times more powerful than anything else out there right now. And when you learn the techniques in this course you’re able to control any social dynamic, any person, any group of people or any situation covertly and you can come in completely under the radar so no one has any idea that you’re even doing anything and that’s why it’s so devastatingly powerful. So first of all I want to go into detail about exactly what hypnosis is because I know a lot of people who are listening to the course right now are absolute beginners and they don’t really know much about hypnosis, and their only knowledge of it is from what they have seen on the TV or from what they’ve read online So with this section of the course I’m going to dig deep into the truth about hypnosis so that we can get rid of any misconceptions you might have about it and by the end of this section you will have a much better understanding about what exactly is possible with hypnosis and why it works. So the easiest way for me to get you to understand what hypnosis really is, is for me to tell you that a hypnosis type trance state is something that we go in and out of all the time, so if you’ve ever been day dreaming, watching TV or driving a car and you’ve just zoned out completely then you’ve been in a trance and that’s exactly what hypnosis is. So you know that trance like state when you’re sitting there and you mind just starts to drift and you’re thinking about something completely different to what you’re doing, or you’re driving and you’re not even thinking about it and before you know it you’ve driven miles past your destination. Well that’s how natural trance states are, but what hypnosis does is actually trigger those states, hypnosis puts you in a state where you’re completely relaxed and when we’re relaxed our critical Factor is turned off. So what is the critical factor?

Well everybody has a critical factor, and it’s that part your brain that accepts or rejects information and decides whether or not that information is allowed to get to the subconscious mind. Another thing the critical factor does is check whether or not the information that’s being given is inline with the beliefs, values and ways of thinking previously stored within the subconscious mind. So as an example, if someone walks up to you and they’re holding a shoe in their hand and then they tell you “here I got you an ice cream” and then they hand you the shoe. It’s your critical mind that tells you this information is wrong and a shoe is not actually an ice cream, a shoe is in fact a shoe and it’s something you wear on you feet. So the critical mind rejects that information and does not allow that information access to the subconscious mind. So at the same time when someone tells you “I got you an ice cream” and it actually is an ice cream they’re handing you then again it’s the critical mind that accepts that information as true and so it lets it into the subconscious mind. So basically what the critical factor does is distinguishes between what you already feel to be true about yourself, others and the world and labels most of the other information that is not inline with your previously held beliefs as not true. So when the critical factor is turned off the mind is open to suggestion, it makes a person extremely suggestible. And that’s what hypnosis does, it turns off a persons critical factor and puts them into a highly suggestible state and that’s exactly why we can use it to change a persons beliefs. So if you wanted to use hypnosis to make someone believe that a shoe was actually and ice cream then you can do that. Or if you want to make someone think that a glass of vinegar is actually a glass of Pepsi then you can do that. So by now you should have a pretty good understanding of exactly what hypnosis is, and we’re getting to the end of this introduction. So I just want to give you some closing words and the first thing I want you to understand is that if you keep doing what you’ve always done, you’re going to keep getting what you’ve always gotten, so what I’m going to ask is that you indulge in some of my suggestions and try some new things over the next few weeks and if you do, I promise you’ll see results. And just remember that there’s no such thing as failure, only learning lessons, so the only time when you actually fail is when you give up.

Alright, so one of the big questions I get asked is how long does it take to get good at this stuff… Well that’s entirely up to you…but if you really want to master Darkside Hypnosis then you need to know what your desired outcome looks like. Because one thing that I’ve learnt is that when you state your desired outcome, it brings that outcome into your minds focus which is very important because it gives you clarity about what it is you want to gain. So the point is what you focus on determines your actions, so if you focus on that desired outcome then you will do whatever it takes to get there. So as your first homework assignment which I want you to do right now… I want you to get a pen, and honestly it’s in your best interest to do this right now because if you don’t then you’ll just put it off and you’ll forget or you’ll get lazy and you won’t do it. Ok, so pause the CD and go and get a pen right now! Ok, now I want you to write down these questions on your paper. Number 1 – What is your desired outcome for buying this course? So write down that question and then answer the question honestly, because remember this is only for you, no one else is going to see the answer that you write so write it down honestly… So an example might be “my desired outcome for buying this course is to have more confidence in any social situation I’m in, to become a naturally attractive man and to be the guy who people look up to.” Ok, so just write your own answer, whatever your desired outcome looks like just write it down. Now, question number 2: How will you feel when you’ve achieved it? So again write down an honest answer, and an example might be “I will feel finally happy with myself, like I am good enough for people and like no one is better than me”. So write down your own answer, and again it doesn’t matter what it is, just be truthful. Question number 3: How will you know when you’ve achieved it?

So an example might be “I’ll know I’ve achieved it when I can walk into any situation and I have people actually wanting to come up and talk to me and when I talk they listen. Question number 4: what does x feel like? Ok so that’s question number 4 and x is your answer to the last question. So if you take my example then x would be being able to walk into any situation and I have people actually wanting to come up and talk to me and when I talk they listen. So question 4 would be “what does being able to walk into any situation and have people actually wanting to come up and talk to me and when I talk they listen feel like? So then I would answer that question, and the answer might be… It feels like complete fulfilment, like being the person I’ve always wanted to be. Ok, so there’s your 4 question and I also gave you 4 examples, so if you haven’t gone thought the questions and answered them then do that now and if you have then your answers to these questions are what I want you to focus on as you go through the rest of this course. Because as I said, what we focus on determines our actions, so if you really focus on what it is you want to achieve then you will get it and I promise you that. And that’s true for any area of your life, and you can use this exercise for anything you want, just ask yourself the questions and answer truthfully. Ok, I want to give you a little bit of advice of where to get started with the course…Um, as you know I’ve laid out the course in a certain way and I did it like that so that you start off by giving yourself a really solid set of foundations to build on and then you can move on and learnt the more advanced techniques. So as you know next up you have The Godfather Method and what that’s all about is teaching exactly what it means to be the controller, how to magnetically make groups of people like you, exactly what it means to be the alpha in any social dynamic and really I would say this is the best place for you to start. Then I have the section which goes over The Authority Hijack, that is an awesome 40 minute audio which goes over exactly how to control your environment, exactly how to rise up the social ladder and how to literally become the alpha in any social situation. And as I’ve said before, this is the main thing that’s at the heart of Darkside Hypnosis, becoming the alpha, becoming the leader… and a lot of people think that they won’t be able to do it, but later on once they know these techniques, they can’t believe how easily and how quickly they’re able to become the alpha and really start to implement these techniques and put it into practice.

Next up we have The Empire Man section of the course which is teaching you how to control your frame of mind, how to have no fear when you walk into any situation, and how to give yourself complete confidence in every area of your life. Then after that we have The Dark Shadow technique which is making anyone instantly like you, and this technique is so powerful it even works on celebrities and people of high social status. And then we have the Controlled Environment Hypnosis section, and if right now you know nothing about hypnosis at all except what I’ve already told you then that’s ok because this section is for you, if you’re completely brand new to all this then I would recommend that you check out this section. It will walk you through step by step how to put someone into a trance in a controlled environment, and that means that you have their permission, so that is not the same as the covert hypnosis that you’ll be learning. Then after that we’ve got The Hidden Persuaders section of the course and that’s all about using hypnosis out there in the real world, using hypnosis on people you know and using it on complete strangers. Then after that we’ve got The Looking Glass technique which is one of the most powerful social proof technique that you can learn and it’s a lot easier than you would think as well. Another section that we’ve got for you is The October Man Sequence and this is the section that I know a lot of you have been looking forward to, for those of you who don’t know, the October man is one of the most sought after sequences of techniques out there and not a lot of people know it. I’ve been a student of this kind of technology for a long time now and this is the most complete version of the October man sequence that I’ve ever seen and I’m basically giving you a word for word script of exactly how I use it, it goes over exactly what to say so I think that’s going to prove to be an invaluable part of this course. You also have The Lie Detector which goes over exactly how to tell if someone is lying to you and how to detect lies and that is something which is going to benefit anyone who learns those techniques. And another thing that people really love about that I’ve already mentioned briefly is the photographic memory section, and the reason they find it so powerful is because first of all how practical these techniques are, I mean I have people tell me they find they never need to write things down anymore because they just remember the thing instead and plus as well as those kind of benefits having a photographic memory is a really powerful tool to have in your arsenal as it works really well for social proof, I mean if you’re the guy who can remember a whole deck of cards and you can recall them all in order then how cool does that make you, I mean how many people can say they can do that.

I bet in your life time you won’t come across anyone else who can memorise a pack of cards, now I don’t know about you but I think that makes you pretty special…and people will talk about you which again adds to your social proof which help you become an alpha male. So there’s a lot of stuff here for you to go through, and it’s going to take you a while to internalise everything. But the thing about Darkside Hypnosis is it’s a continuous process of learning and if you go out and you start using this stuff a couple of days a week then this stuff will change you… You’ll see your friend in a couple of years and they will not know you…and that’s not an exaggeration. So I really hope you get as much out of this knowledge as I have, and I look forward to hearing about your success. Thanks a lot.

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