Dark Seduction

September 14, 2018 | Author: Sandeep Prakash | Category: Seduction, Romance (Love), Nonverbal Communication, Feeling, Self-Improvement
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Dark Seduction: The Dark Truth About Seduction And How To Use It To Get What You Want From Love Se! "e#ationshi$s And "omance  The Main Myths: Love Is Scarce: Everyone is replaceable

%en Want Se! Women Don&t : Women are in possession of the onlly or on orga gan n in th the e hu huma man n bod ody y wh whic ich h is de devo vote ted d en enti tirrel ely y to pleasur ple asure e and ar are e cap capabl able e of ex experi perienc encing ing con continu tinual, al, rep repeate eated d orga or gasm sm.. If an anyt ythin hing, g, wo wome men n ar are e the ge gend nder er mo most st de desi sign gned ed to enoy and ma!e the most of sexual pleasure. %one' Is Sed %one' Seduct uction ion: " lot of men are astounded and even o#ended when they $nd out that, in reality, women are willing to sleep with anyone who is able to ta!e action and arouse the right emotional states in them. "ttraction is not logical. There re is not nothin hing g mo more re at attra tract ctiv ive e th than an Show non(n non(needin eediness: ess: The someone who is entirely self%su&cient and who does not depend on anything or anyone outside of their self for their satisfaction and happiness. Thin! about the classic viewpoint of a smitten lover. 'uch a person views romance as being completely involved with someone else, constantly thin!ing about that person, craving them and desiring them. In actual fact, such behavior ends up repelling people of the opposite sex. If you as! people why they ended some of their relationships or romantic encounters over the course of their lifetime you are li!ely to come across at least a few people who state that it was due to the other person becoming needy, clingy or wanting more from them than they were willing to prov oviide. Th Ther ere e is no fa fast ster er wa way y to los ose e som omeo eone ne th than an to become too attached to them.

Don&tt )e Don& )ett to too o em emot otio iona na## * to too o a+ a+ec ecte ted d b' re re,e ,ecti ction on:: (ne cons co nsis isten tentt ch chara aract cteri eristi stic c of a da dar! r! se sedu duce cerr is the ab abil ilit ity y se see e nothing as a big deal. The most experienced dar! seducers have almost a )en li!e calm where nothing, either positive or negative, is able to fundamentally change their mood and emotion. The best dar! seducers are able to ta!e anything, extremely positive

or extremely negative, with almost a shrug of the shoulders and a calm way of ust carrying on.

-harismatic core con.dence:  The feeling of core con$dence experienced by the best seducers is one which does not depend on anything happening in their life at the time * it is simply who they are. They are as con$dent with a million dollars in their poc!et as they are with none. They are as con$dent wearing simple gym clothes as they are in a custom made "rmani out$t.  Time and time again studies have shown that one of the most !ey factors in being attractive is to be con$dent. +ar! seducers ta!e this to a level which is experienced by few other people. Don&t need va#idation: " dar! seducer never feels bad or in need of validation or approval from others. Se#/(centered: ecause a dar! seducer loves their own self more than they love anything or anyone else, the dar! seducer is always able to put their own interests $rst. They will never act in a way which puts anyone ahead of themselves. They are incapable of caring deeply about anything other than what they want to get out of life. "s a result of this, they are able to ma!e choices and decisions which always further their own interests.  They never allow the pursuit of romance or seduction to compromise what they want to get out of life. It is a )ame: " dar! seducer does not see anything as overly important. 'uch a person is able to see seduction, and life itself, as one giant game. "s a result of this the dar! seducer never succumbs to the pressure of life, because ultimately, they do not feel any. To the dar! seducer, nothing ultimately matters, and therefore nothing is able to impact them on a deep level. Whereas regular people become emotionally invested in various people and situations, the dar! seducer is able to operate in an environment and from a perspective of detached aloofness.

The' know there is no 0ri)ht& or 0wron)& wa' ( on#' what works and what doesn&t work1

+ar! seducers !now that what is said and done is irrelevant % all that matters is the impact it has.

Tone e'e contact $ausin):  '!illed dar! seducers !now that their tone of voice, the intensity of their eyes at any given time, the pauses they leave between syllables of words % all of these tiny details add up to have a profound e#ect. "s a result, dar! seducers do not leave a trace. They are stealthy and hard to detect. " dar! seducer-s art form lies in forging a connection with someone to the extent that they are able to gain their deepest level of trust and intimacy. " dar! seducer meets all of their basic needs, such as those for esteem, self%worth and purpose within themselves % they are not in need of anyone else. The $rst !ey di#erence is that many regular people attempt seduction and relationships to $ll a need they have. +ar! seducers, on the other hand, already have met all of their own needs. They therefore don-t need to play the game % they choose to through enoyment. onsider the following metaphor. Imagine two people gambling at a casino alongside one another. The $rst is desperately trying to win % they need to win money in order to a#ord to eat. The second has plenty of money and can easily a#ord to lose whatever they are sta!ing. They are simply playing for the thrill of the game. The $rst person will be attached to the outcome of the game and li!ely to feel a sense of desperation and emotion. " loss will devastate them while a win will elate them. The second person is able to carry out their moves from a detached perspective of  intellect rather than emotion. They need nothing from the game and ultimately don-t care about its outcome % only the act of  playing. +ar! seducers tend to have an incredibly strong concept of self.  They are not de$ned by the world around them or what happens to be popular or trendy at the time. They are certainly not de$ned

by anyone else in their life. +ar! seducers do not ta!e particular pride in being a boyfriend, girlfriend, husband or wife % they !now these are only labels. Their interaction with the opposite sex is merely something they do rather than something that they are. Whereas a mainstream person engaged in romance may thin! in terms of /the right way to treat someone-, a dar! seducer will thin! only with regards to /the e#ective way to treat someone-.  There is no moral dimension to the thought of a dar! seducer % only a ruthlessly e&cient focus on e#ect and outcome.

2resence is the ability of an e#ective seducer to switch o# their internal chatter and self%tal! and instead focus entirely on the moment in front of them. Most people are constantly preoccupied by their own thoughts, doubts and feelings which are wor!ing non%stop somewhere in their brain. This is a form of psychological distraction which ma!es it hard to be e#ective in the present moment. "fter all, how is it possible to focus on the here and now if you are reliving something that has happened in the past, or you are loo!ing ahead to something that may or may not happen in the future0 (ne of the ways in which presence helps seducers to be exceptionally e#ective is by allowing them to place all of their attention at any one time on their interaction with their seduction target. 'eeing as it is so rare for someone to have the experience of being the sole obect of another-s attention, when it does occur, it can have a profound impact. The particular type of eye contact displayed by a dar! seducer is an outer manifestation of  inner presence. 'uch eye contact tends to be very intense but without coming across as staring. If you thin! about the stereotypical smoldering model ga)e featured in advertising, it is something li!e that. It is a very intense but solid manifestation of  internal stillness and calm.  The $nal main inner aspect of dar! seduction is physical self% mastery. This may involve $nding the optimum combination of 

diet and sleep to have a high level of testosterone and an abundance of natural, clean energy. (ne of the traits of the most e#ective seducers is they are not reliant on alcohol, or other chemical crutches, which many average people use when pursuing seduction in order to have a feeling of con$dence and a lac! of inhibition. 'educers are able to draw their own con$dence, energy and expressiveness from within themselves % not through any external means. 1or example, thin! of a very simple verbal phrase % such as /hello-. +epending on how this is said, it can mean anything from 2I am shy and not con$dent in tal!ing to you3 to 2I want to have sex with you as soon as possible3. The tone of voice in which words are spo!en, the pace at which words are said and the way in which they coincide with body language are all !ey verbal aspects of dar! seduction.  The maor di#erence between a friendly interaction, and a sexual interaction, is the touch which ta!es place. Touch is a huge aspect which many people who don-t !now about dar! seduction struggle with. " silent open basically involves initiating contact and creating intrigue through ust gesture, eye contact and touch.

'omeone who seems to understand them better than they understand themselves % in other words an e#ective dar! seducer % is therefore incredibly attractive and hard to resist. " dar! seducer ma!ing use of emotional mastery understands the value in spi!ing a person-s emotional graph, either positively or negatively. y triggering either an unusually positive, or an unusually negative emotion, the seducer is instantly able to ta!e the target outside the boundaries of their everyday existence.  The s!illed dar! seducer aims to alternate strong positive or negative emotion se4uentially. onsider the following verbal

opener: /you are absolutely beautiful, if not a little unimaginative-.

 This strong alternating feeling is li!ely to cause confusion, attraction and intrigue in the target. The seducer becomes instantly valuable to the target % he has distracted them from their usual comfort )one.  The best seducers are able to mix in what seems to be fairly regular conversation, in order to build comfort and familiarity, with a mixture of positive and negative emotional spi!es, in order to build deep, irrational, emotional attraction. Many dar! seducers ta!e the approach of starting o# with smaller spi!es and then pushing things further as the interaction develops. onsider this in terms of a movie. Imagine the start of a movie featured a mixture of ama)ing action scenes 5positive emotional spi!es6 and gut wrenching emotional scenes 5negative emotional spi!es6.  This e#ectively /melts- the target-s logic and puts them in an emotional dreamworld for the rest of the interaction. 1or example, if a target states an opinion about something, the seducer may say something li!e /actually you-re wrong, that-s not a good 5band7 color7 restaurant7 degree7 anything6-. 'ome targets will respond with /yeah you-re right, I don-t actually li!e it that much-. This shows they are insecure and crave the seducer-s approval. The seducer will then capitali)e on this !nowledge in their pursuit of emotional manipulation over the remaining course of the interaction. '!illed seducers !now this, and are able to create a genuine rollercoaster ride through their use of interest and disinterest, approval and disapproval. 1ailure to alternate interest and disinterest in an e#ective way is one of the main reasons why a lot of seducers end up falling into the friend )one.

If they are consistently nice and positive and interested, the target ends up ta!ing them for granted. It is boring. There is no challenge, nothing special.  The target does not feel the seducer is high status or discerning % they are not a pri)e. This goes against mainstream thin!ing but also explains the common complaint of men that /women always go for the douche bags, they never go for nice guys li!e me-. 8ice guys $nish last, because nice guys are insu#erably dull. e interesting. 9ou owe it to yourself and to your target.

The %undane and The %a)ica# : Thin! about an epic piece of  music % perhaps a metal classic with an awesome guitar solo somewhere in the song. What ma!es such a song so great0 It is because it !nows how to mix in the s$ectacu#ar with the standard. If the entire song consisted of a series of epic guitar solos, and nothing else, it would sound ridiculous. 'imilarly, thin! of a gourmet meal. It might feature an epic, indulgent, elaborate dessert. ut are all the courses of this nature0 8o. If they were, it would be over the top. Too much. 8o one would want to eat a meal li!e this.  Trying to do too much is a huge mista!e to be avoided at all costs. 1irst, try to create a sense of connection and comfort with their target. This is achieved through the mundane % the sharing of  factual experiences, information about each other-s lives and other similar topics of rapport building chat. This, on its own, will lead to a friendly connection and nothing more. Instead, a good seducer needs to use /the magical- as a spice to vary the mundane. These are the emotional gambits that are able to create intense emotions that stem beyond comfort and rapport, and instead ma!e a target feel a strong sense of attraction as well.

%a)ic 3ames: 1inding a magic, special name to call a seductive target is a powerful verbal hallmar! of many great seducers. The name should be only between you and her. The best seducers

don-t ust give their targets a special pet nic!name % they give them one that really counts. This can have a variety of logic underpinning it. (ne option is to choose a nic!name about something the target is playfully insecure about (ne of the things that sets dar! seducers apart from other people is their ability to spea! in a measured way which is almost hypnotic to listen to. Words are li!ely to be spaced carefully and spo!en in a deep, resonant tone which is pleasant to listen to. Many dar! seducers listen to public spea!ers of great impact and carefully modify their method of verbal delivery to match what these great spea!ers have shown to be e#ective in the past. (thers match their tonality and rhythm to that of their target % a techni4ue !nown as /verbal mirroring- which is covered in the next chapter. Interestingly, mirroring is something human beings naturally do when they feel a sense of comfort and connection with one another. If you have doubts as to the truth of mirroring, !eenly observe pairs of people when you are next out and about. 9ou will notice that people who are spending time together often end up copying one aspect or another of the other person % such as their posture, their stance, the way in which they have folded their arms or the angle at which their head is tilted. This is proof that mirroring is a natural phenomenon which is hardwired into the human condition.  The best starting point for verbal mirroring is the pace of speech. "lmost no%one is aware of the pace at which they spea!, and the rhythm of their diction. "s a result, it is possible to imitate the other without them reali)ing it is happening. "side from the pace of speech, other aspects of verbal mirroring include the intonation used by the target. 'ometimes, targets will tend to place an unusual or distinctive verbal stress on the words they use. If the seducer is able to pic! up on this vocal signature, and mimic it, it can be a good way of building a sense of rapport with the victim.

 The fre4uency of speech is another aspect that can be verbally mirrored. 'ome people are very tal!ative % others less so. 9ou will !now from your own personal experience that being around someone who tal!s a lot more or a lot less than you do can be an annoying or di&cult experience. 'educers are aware of this and will therefore adust the fre4uency of their tal! to match that of  their target. It is important to note that verbal mirroring can wor! over text message and email in a similar way as it does via speech. ood seducers will mirror the type of language their target uses in a text, down to aspects such as complexity of  vocabulary, sentence length, format, choice of greeting and type of punctuation used. y doing so, when reading the written communication, the target automatically thin!s /this is my !ind of  person- without being consciously aware of where the feeling of  rapport is stemming from. ;hysical mirroring can relate to both gesture, expression and appearance. /
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