Dap an Tham Khao de 240916 Full Version_by Ngoc Bach
March 18, 2017 | Author: Thanh Nguyễn Thái | Category: N/A
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GIẢI ĐỀ THI IELTS WRITING NGÀY 24/09/2016 Bài viết sẽ được thu âm toàn bộ bởi giám khảo IELTS bản xứ ở UK và update cho các bạn đã mua sách task 1 và task 2 http://ngocbach.com/chuyen_muc/view/70001902/Sach-IELTS-Speaking %20Writing_Ngoc-Bach.html
TASK 1 Countries Total spending Different living costs Accommodati on Food Books Leisure Others
Country A US$ 5000
Country B 4500
Country C 1500
22% 3% 22% 8%
28% 9% 23% 5%
36% 21% 12% 1%
Report Plan:
paraphrase: one or two sentences. summary paragraph: [1] total spending highest for students in country A [2] students in all 3 countries spend most on accommodation and food. paragraph 3: compare total spending of students in the 3 countries – report all figures. paragraph 4: compare expenditure on accomm/food/books/leisure – select details to report.
ANSWER: The table compares the average annual expenditure of college students from 3 countries in terms of total costs and different living expenses. Overall, the total expenditure of students in country A was higher than the spending of students in countries B and C. In all the countries, students spent the highest proportion of their budget on accommodation and food.
Website: www.ngocbach.com Page: https://www.facebook.com/tuhocIelts8.0/
In country A, students spent a total of $5000 per year, compared with $4500 and $1500 for students in countries B and C respectively. Accommodation accounted for 45% of the total spending of students in country A, while the proportions were lower for students in country B at 35%, and country C, at only 30%. However, in terms of food, the figure was highest for students in country C, at 36% of their total expenditure. Students in country C also spent a high percentage of their budget on books – 21%, compared with 9% for students in country B and just 3% for students in country A. Students in countries A and B spent 22% and 23% respectively of their budget on leisure, whereas students in country C spent only 12% of their total budget on this category. 196 words Written by Ngoc Bach Vocabulary notes:
‘in terms of’ is a very useful phrase in task 1 reports. It is a clear and simple way to indicate which category you are referring to. See Simon’s blog of May 28, 2015. ‘accounted for’ = to be a particular amount or part of something. For example: ‘The Japanese market accounted for half of the company’s exports’. ‘however/whereas’ - these are very useful to indicate contrast. They are used in different ways. See Simon’s blog of November 14, 2010. ‘while’ can also be used to indicate contrast. See Simon’s blog of November 20, 2010. ‘proportion’ can be used instead of ‘percentage’ to avoid too much repetition in your report. See Simon’s blog of December 03, 2011. ‘figure’ - this can be used in lots of situations, to refer to a number, an amount or a percentage/proportion. See Simon’s blog of January 31, 2013.
TASK 2: Many countries use fossil fuels such as coal or oil as the main sources of energy. However, in some countries the use of alternative sources of energy is encouraged. To what extent is this a positive or negative development?
Website: www.ngocbach.com Page: https://www.facebook.com/tuhocIelts8.0/
Essay Plan: Introduction: Agree with/comment on the task statement. The switch to alternative energy has more benefits than drawbacks Paragraph 2: the negative aspects of alternative energy: [i] safety of nuclear power – example, accidents – Japan [ii] wind farms – noise pollution. Paragraph 3: the positive aspects: [i] fossil fuels have created many environmental problems of pollution, alternative sources of energy do not do so [ii] wind, solar power are renewable sources, so energy supplies are sustainable Conclusion: despite some concerns, use of alternative energy sources should continue to be encouraged.
As a result of the environmental problems which have resulted from traditional dependence on fossil fuels, some countries have invested in alternative energy sources. Although there are some dangers in this new approach, I believe that the benefits outweigh the drawbacks. On the one hand, there are certainly some negative consequences of increasing reliance on alternative energy sources. Perhaps the main concern is the issue of safety. Nuclear power is criticised for its potential to pollute the environment, and incidents such as the disaster at Fukushima Daiichi in Japan remind the public of the dangers of nuclear plants. The poisonous and radioactive emissions produced by the explosion not only killed many people, but also left a legacy of cancer deaths for the future. Another energy source, wind power, is criticised for a different reason. For example, many local communities oppose the installation of wind farms because they may affect the landscape and create too much noise from their generators. On the other hand, the key factor is that alternative energy sources do not cause as much pollution as the burning of fossil fuels, such as oil or coal. Firstly, green power sources are eco-friendly and do not contribute to air pollution. As there are no carbon emissions, problems of climate change and poor air quality can be tackled by increasing use of alternative energy. Secondly, wind and solar power are both renewable sources of enegy. Instead of depending on fossil fuels, which are becoming exhausted, the use of renewable energy will guarantee a boundless supply of energy for the future generation.
Website: www.ngocbach.com Page: https://www.facebook.com/tuhocIelts8.0/
In conclusion, I consider that it is important for governments and the public to support the use of alternative energy sources, despite the safety concerns and other impacts. 289 words Written By Ngoc Bach Vocabulary: dependence [on] [noun] the state of needing something in order to survive or be successful Example: After the war, the government’s dependence on aid from the USA increased. reliance [on] [noun] a synonym for ‘dependence on’ Example: There is more reliance on computers in education nowadays. nuclear plants [noun] a factory or place where power is produced Example: A Japanese car plant is located next to the nuclear power plant just outside the city. radioactive [adjective] sending out harmful rays when atoms are broken up Example: You must wear special protective clothing when dealing with radioactive substances. emissions [noun] substances that are sent out into the air Example: The government has promised to control chemical and radioactive emissions because of the dangers to public health. legacy [noun] a situation that exists now, because of something which happened in the past Example: The Chernobyl disaster left a legacy of cancer which has affected the lives of later generations of children. installation [noun] the act of fixing something in position, so that it can be used Example: After the installation of solar panels on the roof of his house, his electricity bills were reduced. wind farms [noun] areas of land on which there are many windmills to produce electricity Example: From her window, in the past you could see the mountains, but now you can only see wind farms located on the mountain side. eco-friendly [adjective] not harmful or damaging to the environment
Website: www.ngocbach.com Page: https://www.facebook.com/tuhocIelts8.0/
Example: The new detergent is eco-friendly – it will not harm fish or plants in rivers or the sea. contribute [verb] to be one of the causes of something Example: His lack of exercise contributed to his heart problems. carbon [noun] a chemical element, released when coal or oil, for example, are burned Example: A rise in carbon emissions has resulted from the increasing use of cars. renewable [adjective] that is replaced naturally and is unlikely to be exhausted Example: Renewable sources of energy such as wind, wave and solar power are non-polluting. boundless [adjective] without limits, seeming to have no end Example: The potential of wind power to meet all our energy demands is boundless.
Website: www.ngocbach.com Page: https://www.facebook.com/tuhocIelts8.0/
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