Daniel Garcia - Next

January 23, 2017 | Author: Minh Tô | Category: N/A
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Editing Daniel Garcia Proof reading Nobody Photography Alex Rangel Distributed by Daniel Garcia 14025 Patricia Ln. Alvin, TX 77511 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted without written permission from Daniel Garcia

Copyright © 2002 by Daniel Garcia All Rights Reserved

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Content cliptrip…………………………1 NO SMOKING…………….2 DISCHOVER ………………..4 Addict………………………………5 WHASSUP!!! ..………………6 Stretch ………………….7 Rubberbound………9 RING SHOT ………11 Ringlink bros. .…….13 Credits ………………………….………15

Copyright © 2002 by Daniel Garcia All rights reserved

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cliptrip……………………………….. effect: The magician displays a handful of paper clips and asks the spectator to select any one of the paperclips he or she chooses. The spec. then proceeds to bend the paper clip so that it is complete and unquestionably straight. The magician then takes the paper clip and holds it with only 2 fingers and visibly causes the paperclip to warp and melt down…. The paperclip is then immediately handed back as a souvenir.

explain: cliptrip is an effect that will take about 5 min to learn but 5 hours for the spectators to stop talking about it. The effect as well as the handling is strait forward and simple. To begin you must have a spectator straighten any paperclip that they want…..it is important that you emphasize to the spectator that the paperclip needs to be as straight as possible….if they are having difficulty with parts try to help them…..though it is very important that you touch the paper clip as little as possible to get the right effect …sometimes the spectator will have trouble straightening the very end…if you happen to carry a pair of pliers then give them that ..???? but if not like most of us just help them the best you can…it is very important that if you do help them you should make sure to give the clip back to them after you are done straightening ……you want to put the image in their head that you never touched the clip…. Once they are done take the clip back with your right 1st and 2nd finger and thumb a little to the right of center in a sort of “…I’ve got your nose...” position fig.1 now as you bring your hand back towards you, your thumb is going to push against the clip giving a rough 45 degree bend. Now the 1st finger and thumb pinch the clip right at the bend so that the clip is horizontal to the floor and the bend is even with their eyes….you now have the perfect optical illusion that you are simply just pinching a straight clip…..hehe…this is a nice spot to be in…hehe…. Now the secret to making the warp look good is all in how you handle the clip….what you want to do is let gravity take the clip down…..when you first start you are going to want to roll the clip down…but it is very very important that you not move your hands….just let the gravity take the clip down….also…the illusion looks much better if you keep the short side, or the side that is towards your palm, straight…so that it looks like the left side of the clip just melts down. Once the clip is warped look straight into the spectators eyes and hand them the paperclip…..many will think that they know how to do it but as soon as you give it to them all thoughts go away……

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In today’s times of new age smoke and mirrors it seems that everybody as been pushed to dig into the creative portion of their mind….although I am a big believer of thinking out side the box that does not mean that I am against performing classics of magic, professors nightmare, torn and restored newspaper, and many others are effects that have been made popular due to the fact that they are brilliant effects just because they are classics doesn’t mean that they cannot be done with a style suitable for today’s image. While away on a tour I had the privilege of meeting up with a friend of mine who happened to just get back from a tour that he had done in Japan. “Japan” need I say more …heheh. While showing each other our latest moves and double lifts , heheh, he decided to show me a bar stunt that was popular with the kids in Japan quite some time ago….although a bar stunt this little gem floored me….i had no idea how it was possible to make something like what I saw happen….tricky, tricky, tricky when I learned the secret….so like always I thought that this was to good to be a bar stunt and I combined this simple stunt with a classic of magic “The Traveling Match” the result was a beautiful piece of bar magic that looks unreal. The combination of the two turns the classic piece into nothing short of a modern miracle. The effect is as follows… The

Magician displays a matchbook with a number of matches inside … it is described that actually possible to make objects and matter travel by using smoke….everything is made up of smoke which is why things smoke when they are burnt..heheh… he then pulls a number of matches out of the book and places them on the table. He then proceeds to demonstrate the mumbo jumbo that is coming out of his mouth… a match is lit and is used to light the whole matchbook on fire. The book is extinguished and is places in a spectators hand. Another match is picked up and vanishes with out any kind of funny moves…..then suddenly smoke starts to billow from the magicians mouth….so much smoke comes out that the magician starts to blow it at the matchbook in the spectators hand. The spectator then opens the book and finds the unburned match still attached to the inside…everything can be examined before and after and the beauty is that there is no set up involved and the effect is 100% safe to perform…. i don’t recommend that you teach your 5 year old …but other than that the effect is as safe as can be. The only thing needed is a matchbook and your charming yet mysterious personality heheh

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Explain….ok the explanation for this effect is very very simple…. you begin with the standard traveling match scenario …only the opposite ….show the matchbook with your left hand and pull out about 5 – 8 matches and place them on the table….while you are placing them down bend one of the unlit matches down with your left thumb and hide it under your thumb fig.1…..now you are going to light the whole book of matches with one of the matches on the table….so pick it up and strike the match…but as you do so …as soon as the match lights hold the match about 8 – 10 directly below your nose and slowly inhale fig.2 ….this is going to shock you when you first try it…so be prepared… what is happening is that you are inhales all the clear sulfur fumes that are coming off the head of the match…..DON’T WORRY it’s safe… as soon as you stop feeling the fumes …stop inhaling and light the book of matches…after the whole book lights….shake it out and close the book while loading the unburned match back into the book and place it in the spec. hand. Remember you should still be holding your breath… fig. 3 …. Now….just mock picking up a match and pretend to stare at it….slowly open your fingers and show that it its gone….now open your mouth as in fig. 4 and let the smoke billow out….blow it at the matchbook and have the spec. open the book and start a religion over you!!!!!!

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DISCHOVER platinum …at any time the magician causes a credit card to float without any setup or gimmicks…..whatsoever…

This is one of those tricks that is meant to be as a through away….although it can stand up on its own …. The effect is much better when done off beat….the effect is very straight forward…at any time the magician can cause a credit card to float with out any set up or gimmicks…the trick relies on angles and the assumption….to do the effect you must get a credit card or drivers license….actually anything will pretty much work…..if you can do a card spin….then do one right now with your right hand…..this is flashy and will get the attention of the spec…..also sometimes spectators will think that the card hovers…this is perfect…..now turn 90 degrees to the left so that you right shoulder is facing the spec…. now……the trick from here relies on assumption….you want the spectator to assume that both of your hands are doing the same thing….but in actuality your left hand is going to do all the dirty dirty….Hold the card between both hands with all your fingers and line up your ring finger of your left hand in the middle of the card so that the card can balance on it….now you want both hand to look the same as you open them and stretch the fingers…but all the fingers are going to open except the ring finger which is what the card is being balanced on….now move your hands forward so that it appears as though the card is floating away from you…fig 1.2.3 shows you the angle and the hand positions.

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Addict Once again you have found yourself standing around a Coy pond with friends, chatting about the latest movie that you saw after you have just finished your 4th bee……….uuuuuu…..drink. Your friends all reach into their pockets and pull out a cigarette and with all the peer pressure you get out your own out and notice that it is you last..one and only…lucky cig. THEN out of the blue your friends say “…do a trick…” Unknown to them…you are good….no really……..so you light your cigarette with your fire wallet and proceed to do a trick…..You slowly lift the cellophane up on your cigarette box and just as slowly push your cigarette thru it all the way so that comes out the other side…..then after you take a drag while it is still in the plastic…you pull it out and mend the the plastic until it is fully restored…..now that’s impromptu magic…heheh Basically what this routine is, is another twist on a classic effect…the idea for this came behind the old Resealable Cig. Pack trick……the effect is very easy to do but get a great reaction…To start the effect what you do is pull the cellophane up about an inch off the box and turn it 90 degrees… now pull

the cellophane down again so that you know have 2 “flaps” coming off the box Fig. 1 . Now fold the flaps in and hold then against the box….. now take your cig. out of the box and light it…..pull the cellophane up about a ¾ inch. But keep the flaps down against the plastic Fig. 2 now push the cig. right through the center of the raised cellophane and extract it from the other side….if you want you can take a drag while the cig. is still in the plastic. Now to restore the wrapper all you have to do is reverse the moves that you did to set up the pack….just twist the wrapper and pull down….this is all done under the cover of you rubbing the pack….now when you look at the wrapper the holes will be on the sides of the box as opposed to the faces….take the box and put it away.

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The effect is a very simple cap in bottle routine that is completely impromptu….this routine is designed for a bar or club type atmosphere where alcoholic beer bottles are present…..if you happen to have a beer bottle at the next show you do then you can perform it there……actually I recommend you take a 6 pack to the next show you do just to perform this effect….but you have to have an empty bottle so you have to drink whole 6 pack first….don’t worry…..it will relax you and take away all the tension before the show….come on……every is doing it……ok ok ok….the best bottles for the effect are brown beer bottles…although pretty much any kind of beer bottle will work for the effect…The set up takes approx. 5 sec. And can be done right in front of the spectators……all you have to do is take a bottle cap and fold it in half….now put the cap in right hand thumbclip fig. 1 and you are ready to go….ask your friend for his bottle and grab the bottle with your left hand and load the cap into the bottle neck as you take hold of the neck with your right hand….you should now be holding the bottle and the cap in your right hand fig. 2 ….now ask for the bottle cap and place it in the palm of your left hand…now tap the bottom of the bottle with your left hand and the cap and on the second time slam the cap against the bottle so that the bent cap flies into the bottle…immediately drop your left hand ,still holding the reg. Cap, and begin to shake the bottle so that they can hear the cap in the bottle…shake it at their eye level so that they can see the cap in the bottle…now turn the bottle up side down..and continue to shake the bottle…the momentum will keep the cap from coming out….practice this so that you can do it as slow as possible….for extra safety..let your right ring finger cover the bottle opening so that the cap doesn’t fall out….fig. 3 now immediately place the bottle straight down into you left hand on top of the bottle cap…fig. 4 and tell them that

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there are many ways that you could get it out…”..you could shake it out…but the cap is to big for the opening….” As you say this shake the cap out of the bottle and into you closed right hand….now spin the bottle so the neck is facing up and say “ I could break the bottle….but that would get messy…” as you say this reach into your pocket and grab a coin or a lighter….anything that could possible break the bottle…and ditch the folded cap. Now say “ so we will take it out the way we put it in..” when you begin to say this cup your left hand and shake the bottle so that you hear the cap rattle against the bottle now lift up the bottle to eye level and let the cap fall out of you hand into the spec. cupped hands….had them everything so that they can exam it….then have them by you a cookie .

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What we have here in a nice 3 phase routine that uses two rubberbands and a spectators ring…the routines are easy to do but unfortunately hard to describe on paper….the photos will help so pay extreme attention to the hand placement and the placement of the ring and rubberbands or rubberband…as you will see…the routine starts with a spectators ring being tied to a rubberband … then suddenly the ring jumps from one band to another band…then back again to the other….then back again…and again…and again….and again….until you feel that you have abused the spectators enough….now you cause one of the band to vanish ….followed by the ring vanishing while still tied to the rubber band… the ring then reappears visibly and is taken off the band….the band is stretched and the ring is visibly pushed right onto the center of the band….it is then lowered into the spectators hand and is caused to melt off the band…..wow….oh wow…no way…how the ….son of a mother….wow…….its ok…kinda a cute trick….heheh……The routine is very easy but will take 5 years of practice…. Each segment is broken down and can be done on its own….but when put together it is some amazing magic with two rubbers and a ring…..please look at the credits so that I can give credit where credit is due...

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The first effect is and effect that is called rubberbound…..this is the actual ring jumping from band to band…as stated before …the effect is easy to do…..just hard to describe on paper…look at figures carefully so that you can see the exact positioning of the hands and rubberbands….to start off you need to have about 5 rubberbands around you right wrist…..you are

going to use these as camouflage for the next move coming up….take one of the bands off of your wrist and loop it through the ring and back on itself so that you have a not around the ring…fig. 1 now hold the rubber band stretched between your right second finger and thumb with the ring on the bottom and the closer to your thumb…fig. 2 you are now going to

mock or pretend to take off a rubber band from around your wrist….you left thumb goes under a single band and pulls up stretching it fig.3 now you rotate the band around you wrist so that the band is being stretched towards yourself….

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now you left 1st ans 2nd finger clip the band with the ring with you 2nd finger on top and your 1st on the bottom fig.4..now turn your left hand palm up and let the band on your thumb slip off back onto you wrist….you should now be in the position as fig. 5 your left thumb is now going to go into the loop closest to your left hand and you are going to pull you left 2nd finger out so that you are in the position as fig. 6 now just touch your you right second finger to your left 1st finger and it will appear as though you have 2 rubber bands..to

the left hand band and then briefly pull your right hand down to the back of your left thumb… fig. 8…it will show two separate band …now on to the next effect.

make the ring jump all you have to do is turn your wrist so that your thumbs touch and your fingers are separate fig.7 do this motion a couple of times and it will appear as though the ring is jumping from band to band…a nice subtlety is to make the band jump to

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This next effect is where you are going to make the one of the rubber bands and the ring vanish….you need to start off with the rubber band in the position as you ended the last routine [fig 8 on rubberbound] what you are going to do to make the one band vanish is squeeze your right fingers together that have the band on them and twist your hand to the left as you lower your hand down to the other band fig. 1 now rub the other band so that it appears that the band just melts into the other…now display the band and the ring and say that the band didn’t vanish it just got taken into the other band….explain that you will do the same with the ring….you will now reposition the ring so that you can stretch the ring on the band like a slingshot fig. 2 you are now going to point the ring at the spec. as you do this there natural reaction will be to squint their eyes and lean back….in this misdirection you are going to place the behind your fingers and close the gaps…fig. 3… regrip the band and let it snap as you show the palm of your hand fig. 4 this will look like the ring vanished..you are now going to do a card pivot type motion to show the other side of your hand empty…as you turn your hand open your fingers and let the ring slip to the palm side of your hand as you display the back of your hand…

Fig. 5 and 6 shows the motion that

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You are going to be doing. Now grab the ring and the rubber band with your right hand and stretch the band between you hand…the ring will be hidden behind your right fingers….if you want you can display the band palm out if you close your fingers….now place your left thumb into the band from the outside and twist your hand left hand palm up so that you look like you are going to shoot the hidden ring at the spectators knees fig. 7 now with one motion you are going to lower your right hand to the left hand..pinch the other side of the band and let go of the ring….it will appear as if the ring just appears on the rubber band…. Fig. 8 that is the end of the second phase…now on to phase 3….

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This is the last and final phase of the stretch routine….in this routine the spectators ring will penetrate the rubber band visibly….then melt off the rubber band in their hand….. the handling once again is very easy but difficult to put on paper….so make sure to pay attention to the diagrams….start by placing the ring on your right pinky and stretching the rubber band between your pinkies of both hands….now while you holding on with your pinky take the ring off your right pinky with your left 1st finger and thumb fig. 1 … now place the ring from your left hand to your right 1st and second finger…now place your right ring finger into the band fig. 2 … now close your fingers so that it appears that you are holding the band stretched between your left pinky and right ring finger and the ring at your right 1st finger and thumb fig. 3 … now turn your right hand so that the ring touches the band and at the same time extract your right ring finger from the band so that it looks like the ring penetrates the band at the point where you touched it …..you are now going to cause the ring to melt off the rubber band in the spectators hand… start off be repositioning the rubber band so that the ring is in the center of it and the band is stretched between the 1st, 2nd finger and thumb….make sure you are

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pinching the band and that you are not curling your fingers to much…..you are now basically going to do the crazymans handcuff move but with two hands…timing for this is very critical ask the spectator to hold out their hand palm up…start to lower the ring into their waiting hand while at the same time bringing you hands together….Now the time for this must be perfect….look up and ask them to close their hand around the ring and rubberband…as you look at them your finger tips touch each other….your right 1st finger and thumb let go of the rubber band so that it is only around the right 2nd finger…then the same two fingers regrip the band where the left hand is holding it fig. 4…at the same time the right 2nd finger releases the band and the right hand moves to the right allowing the band to “slide” so that everything is back to its original position except now the ring is off the rubber band…..now pull the band out of there hand as in fig. 5 and it will look as though the band penetrates right in their hand now everybody has their property and you can pull your lip over your head and swallow….fig. 6

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Credits__ There are many people who I would like to give credit to and others that would like me to give credit to them…for nothing more than sitting down and saying….” I were you I would…….” But that’s ok…credit needs to be given from those that inspired the tricks in these notes to those that merely stated “ You flashed…” heheh either way each one of you played and still play an important part in the role that I am continuously playing….First of all I would like to thank Chris Kenner for continuously putting up with my phone calls and tedious questions…without him these notes probably would not have been possible….it is always great when you become friends with someone that you have always admired…there is a certain amount of kindness that can be given to a person…and it seems that he has passes that limit 10 times over….i would also like to give credit to my good friend Brian Brushwood…for going to Japan and for sharing a silly little bar trick with me…..i would also like to thank the inventor of that bar trick…but im going to let you talk to Brian about who that is……next I would like to give credit to a very creative friend of mine who has more talent in his left afro curl than i will ever have in my right afro curl….Marcus Eddie needs to be given credit for being the total inspiration for parts of “Stretch” . His original idea and handling is great and if you ever see him have him buy you lunch…..i would also like to give credit to every other magician out there who

has come up with any kind of similar ideas or the exact same ideas as in this set of notes…there always seems to be at least one in every state that has come up with the same ideas all by themselves….ironically it seems that it is a week after I have left that state from lecturing or attending a convention…..isn’t that weird…..but in all seriousness those who have come up with similar ideas….i encourage you to keep thinking that way….you are the future of magic…no matter what I say about you…heheheh…just kidding …..last but not least…..i need to give thanks to the Houston Crew made up of ….Alex Rangel, David Rangel, Chris Grant and Gerald Torregosa…. Without this set of guys I would have never started doing anything with my magic career…. these are the men who constantly kept on me about getting off my assssss….and doing something productive….it almost seems weird that everything started with a 30 min. video that they we all were involved with called “Torn” These are the men that I am proud to call my brothers…thanks again for everything…I couldn’t have better friends if I paid them..hehehe. Special Thanks To Daniel & Diana Garcia for never giving up on me and for always giving me more support than I could ever ask for…without you this would not be possible….no really…you had me…

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