A number of dierent thing or !"rt th"t "re !ut or grou!ed together to form " #ho$e but rem"in ditin%t entitie& A conglomerate i " %ombin"tion of t#o or more %or!or"tion eng"ged in entire$( dierent buinee th"t f"$$ under one %or!or"te grou!) uu"$$( in*o$*ing " !"rent %om!"n( "nd m"n( ubidi"rie& Often) " %ong$omer"te i " mu$ti-indutr( %om!"n(&
Formed in +,. b( /te*en "nd Mit%he$$ R"$e It gre# b( t"rgeting !ri*"te$( o#ned %om!"nie #ith et"b$ihed br"nd) !ro!riet"r( te%hno$og() high m"r0et h"re "nd room for im!ro*ement in o!er"ting !erform"n%e It "*er"ged +1 "%2uiition !er (e"r A%2uiition #ere %on%entr"ted in . "re"3 4re%iion %om!onent5%r"ftm"n h"nd too$6) "utomoti*e "nd tr"n!ort"tion) intrument"tion5ret"i$ !etro$ !um!6 "nd e7truded !rodu%t&
MOTIVATION FOR ACQUISITIONS D"n"her "%2uired " buine on$( if it er*ed one of the t#o !ur!oe9 •
Platform establs!"# tra"sa$to"3 en"b$ed them to enter " ne# m"r0et& :ed to enter high gro#th m"r0et #here the %om!"n( #ou$d g"in %om!etiti*e "d*"nt"ge through o!er"tion"$ e7%e$$en%e %olt o" tra"sa$to"3 he$!ed in the trengthening of " !re-e7iting $ine& :ed t m"0e e7iting buinee more %om!etiti*e
" e7e%ution of !$"n reg"rding the t"rget The( de%ided on #ho #" to t"( "nd #ho to "borb)
org"nied for tr"ining for ne# buine unitBhire) "imi$"ting !rodu%t $ine into the o!er"tion) e"r%hed for #"( to im!ro*e !erform"n%e in the m"nuf"%turing !ro%e) int"$$"tion of D"n"her
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