Dan Harlan - The Awakening

December 7, 2017 | Author: Barron Mario | Category: Dance Science, Human Anatomy, Primate Anatomy, Arm, Musculoskeletal System
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Funniest, The Fastest, Most YisualVersion ofProfessor's Nightmare Ever!


THE AIVAKINING issoFASI, soYISUAI, that soMAGICAI when puzzled, it is repeated, theaudience becomes more amazed and

ropes areshown... ashort one, amedium one, and Three SIPARAIE N0folding, N0suspicious moves ofany along one. N0looping, With instantly change totheexact same length! Theropes kind, theropes yetequal, piqces displayed asthree SIPARAIE, clearb arestillvery justbypulling yourhand, they them once through Then, ofrope. ashort, amedium, anda return totheiroriginallengths... instantly and easy! Really, it isjustthatquick long.

amused each timetheropes Theropes change. seem tochange allby themselves. lt looks likeR[Al,MAGIC! Theincluded scriptoffersthe mostlogical,andhumorous, "l don'tknow." explanafon forhowit'sdone... You'll lovetheway (and thisfrrnroutine brilliant breathes new lifeintoaclasic, nrethod) andaudiences willdelight atjusthoweffortless it allappears. NoSnaps, NoMagnets, NoYelcro, nocomplicated sleight-of-hand!

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THEAWAKENING bvDANHARTAN A DEPARTT]RE IN METHOD, EFFECTAND PRESENIATION The Method of "The Awakening"emplovsFOUR topes and a rrcrysubdegimmickwhich actuallymakesthe handling look cleanetandmote casual! The simplegimmickallo'wsfot a very telaxedhandling. The Effect of "The Awakening"happens "auto-magicallf'asthe ropeschangelengths,backandfotth, instandy..yet thevtemainthteeseparate topes! The Presentationis basedon a funny/sttangeconcept. \X&atif you coulddo magicwithout havingto know the sectets? Intetesting,I cotrldwdte an entireessayon thattopic, but norvis not the time.Sufficeit to saydtat "The Awakening" wascreatedentirelywith that conceptin mind.If yeu .^t "allou/' this effectto happento )'ouasvou perfotmit, t'ouwill enjovit iust asmuchasvour audience. SHOWING THE ROPES You havebeenprovided'*'ithfout piecesof rope(Figure 1).T*o piecesateapptoximately 23 inches(58.5centimeter$in length.Tl'rereis a shottpieceapproximate\'9 inches(23 centimetets) in length.The temainingpiece,apptoximately 14 inches(35.5centimeters) in length,is gimmickedon oneend with a cieatloop.Noticethat the shortropeandgimmicked rope togethefequaltheiengthof the othertwo fopes.In essence, you havedrree"medium"lengthfopes,oneof which hasbeencut into two piecesandgimmicked.So,althoughit mayseemodd at fust, we will refet to the trvoidenticalropesas MEDIUMrcpes. The shortropewill be calledJHORT,and the gimmickedrcpe will be calledGIMMICIGD. Thereis, technicallyno "long" tope in the toutine.Tl"reaudience believestheyseea long topewhenoneof theMEDNMrcpes is held againstthe GIMMICIG,D rope. Fitst, siip the cleatloop of theCIMMICIG.D ropeover I'out tight middle fingerwith the rcpe hangrngon the palrnside of yout dght hand(Figure 2). The positionof the CIMAIICKED rope neverchangesduring the toutine and the clearloop insutesthat you don't haveto worr)'aboutdropping it. Now, takeoneof theMEDIUM ropesandpinchits end betweenvout tight thumbandthe baseof vourtight index finget (Figure3) v'ith the rest of the rope hangingoverthe backof ]'ouf fight hand.From the audience viewit lookslilie vou areholdingonelong pieceof tope (Figure 4). In fact,you cankeep)'out right fingersopen and telaxeddue to the CIM ACKED rope,thus aidingthe illusion immensehrFinally, dtapethe othetMEDIL|Mrope andthe JHORTrope over rcut nght fingets (Figure 5) and vou arereadyto begrn,

To displaythe "thteedifferentropes"sepafate, first takeboth the .fHORTandMEDIUMtope into yourleft hand,dtopping1'our right handto yout side(Figure 6). Then,asyou taise)'ourright atm up Qent slighdyat the elbow),dtapevout left hand's MEDMMrope ovet)'ourdght atm at its elboq anddispiavthe JHOMrcpe at yourleft fingettips(Figure 7). Once,\'ouhave displayedthe "three" lengthsof tope,you will changethem to the samelengthsusingthe followingsequence of moves. Bttngyout dght andleft handstogethetinftont of yourself, placingthe lowet end of the JHORIrope underyour right thumb next to the clippedendof theMEDNMtope (Figure 8). Let go of the-lHORTropewith yourleft handand,in a continuousaction, reachovet to yeul tight elbowandgtab rheMEDI\ tM rope there (Figote 9). To the audience, it shouldlook like you droppedoff the in otdet to pick ap theMEDIUMtope. Now,asyour JH0RItope left handreturns,the magichappens. Insteadof retrievingthe JH0RTpiece,fout left handsimplvgabs the otherMEDNM rope (theonestickingout of yout dght hand,actinglike a long rope)adjacentto the fteeendof the-fHOMrope (Figure 10)and pullsit ftee ftom yourright hand(Figure 11).If 1'ouwantto, you can"snap"yout handsapanslight\'asyou do this to adda litde *ff^fu."You now appearto beholdingthreemediumlengdrropes! Acrually,you havemerelyexchanged the -fHOMtope for the MEDIUM topethatrvasheldby yout tight hand. To displaythe "thteeequalropes"simplydrapeoneof vout left liandt MEDIUMtopes over1'ourdght atm at its elbow,and displaytlreothetMEDI\tMtope at )'outleft fingertips(Figure 12). Remembetto keepyout right handrelaxed.You only haveto plr:ch the end of the .fHORTrope.Justlet the GIMMICKED rope hang dreteandfotgetaboutit. Once,you har,'e displayed the "drfee" fopes,you will changethem backto threedifferent lengthsusrngthe followingsequence of moves. Tossyourieft hand'sMEDIUM rcpeinto yourright handand evenup its endswith the SH)RTICIMMICIGD rope,thus showingthat the "two" topesarethe samelength.With yourleft hand,gmb tbeMEDILLMropeoff of yourright elbowandplaceit in yout tigirt handnextto thercpesalreadythete.Evenup all of the ends.Then, gtab the tops of the ropeswith ysuf left hand (Figute 13) and slowlypull them forwatd andto the left througir I'out tigirt hand,allowingthe endof the .fHORlrope to pop into view (Figure 14).Continuep"lli"g the ropesqdth your left hand until both loq/etendsof both MEDNLI ropesarein vour right hand(Figure 15).Allow oneof theMEDNMropes to fall out of your right handvfiile vou pinch the end of the other/'l4EDlUM ropeunderyour thumb (FrgurelQ. Your right handnow pullsits pnchedLEDNM ropedownandftee from vour Ieft hand, retutningto thepositionin Figure 6.

In fact,if you tintpl" continueon to Figure 7, youwill have completedone "q1,6|s"of Display Different, Changeto Same, Display Same, Gather and Even Up, Cihangeto Different, and back to Display Different. It is this cple upon whichtheroudne is based.I stronglysuggest you ntn throughit overandoverundl vou cando it without anyconsciouseffott.

PRESENTATION AND SCRIPT Onceyou havemasteredthe moves,you caneasilvincorpotate thisroutine theminto the follor.ving scriptrvhetenoted.Remembet, is "fast-paced"but shouldnot be rushed.Sttiveto perfofmit smooth1l,without hesitation,in a ve$'telaxedmannef.Beginwith the ropesheldin vout right handasin Figure 5, 'Afu-I puform szmemagic,pmplc (ten nk, Ifon,didJow do that?' andI honut! can'rrcll then. Firctof a//,I'ru sn'ontto .reu'ety, ltut euenif I nmnT I still nuldnT nllyu hon,arytthingis done.You see,I don'tknom I neuerbothercdto ltarn thesenvts.I ah,ay foand or' theseuvtsto mostmagictticks to beffiu.ilt or disappointing both.., n l.iu;t skippedthen. Itt magiue an cxanple.In tlte-firrt nagic bookI eru'rvad, -yoa tltetvnas a ttick n,iththrceropes.Therluniption of thehirk nadeit soandlikr rvalnagic.It said,ya lteginu,iththve ropesof dffirun hngths." [Display Differentl 'There'sa longrope,a nndiamrope, to and a shortt'ope.Tltut,ltou rnagimllymakts all tJvverupeschange flienme lengtb."[Change to Same] "So,1ouendnp n,itbthrve identitalropes."[Display Same] 'This onefuthesauea.rthat one, andthis oneis therameasthor." [Gather and Even Upl 'Then, andtbgytltatryeback it.conlinued,-yotr ntn thercpesthruugh-yon'ltand tq a short,a ncdium,and a longrope." fChange to Different] 'Ve/l, that nuadedpvltJ goodto me,soI n,enfoat andgot tryself thrcepiuu of rope." fDisplay L)ifferentl 'A longone,a nediun one,attd a shoftone,ltecannI n,antedto learnhon,lo ruake to thesamelength."[Change to Same] all rbreerupu rhange 'Th'ee identimltupw."[Display Same] 'This oneis thesancas tbat one,and this onei.r theidmea: thoJe."[Gather and Even Upj 'Then, I n,onldlearnbon,torhangethen ltackto a short,a mediam,and a longrupe." lChanee to Differentl '\f,/ell,I gotnrythreerupcstvad1.fDisplayDiffercnt] A bng a mediun,and a shortone,and I $atted to rcadtbesen'etof the dirvrtions on thrveropes.It tr.uvts outtlterca,ervall thesecomplicated hon'to rcn'et\fold thelongropein half to makea loop."[Openly (long" fold the rope in half (Figure77)l'Then,Jllt nere strpposed to take theshoftrcpenun tontltmt get it into that loopand fold it in ha/f." lOpenly insert the SHORT rope into the loop and fold it (Figure 18)l 'Then it saidif yu pat theruediunropenext to thefoldedropes and hid thefoldedpart, tbat it n,oaldlook like thE a'uv thesame lettgtlt."[Put the MEDIUM rope from your elbow next to the others and hold all of the ropes with both hands (Figue 19)7' D happointi ng anddffinrlt. "

[Return the ropes to Display Different position] 'IH mufi rutberdoit likt theduniptionsaid,n'huvlottstart n,iththreedffirentroltuandnagitalfinakethentherarile." [Display [Charrgeto Same] 'Thrveidenticalropu." those." one and rJtis and tbat one, and 'This one Samef [Gather and Even Up] fiangetheubackto a shoff,a medittm, 'And tbm t76v'/1 anda bngrupe." [Change to Different... BUT don't pull the "long" rope out of your left hand yet. Stop at Figure 16.You are preparing to perform an'sinstant" change sequence] thetln'ce don'tatk raehon,I dntheltick n,heru "Soplease thesamelengtlt." dffiruntlengrtropesbemnte [Btit g your right hand up to the bottom of the JHORTrope in preparation to clip it under your thumb (Figure 20). The moment your right thumb clips the JHOMrope, pil it to the right out of your left hand and releaseyour right hand's grip on its MEDIUMTope (Figure 21),instantly changing the ropes to the same sizell rupu."[Display Same] "Th'eeidentical donlaskmeltou,I takethreeropesthe.same 'Andplcase hngtlt..." [Gather and Even Up getting into position at Figure 13,preparing for another ttinstant" changel tlteru ltatk..." "...andchangc hand up slightly then quickly your right [Move down the ropes,leaving the -fHORTrope in your left hand (Figurc2?).Your right hand clips the bottom of one of the MEDIUMtopes and returns to Figure 16.1 rope,anda .rboftt'ope." a medittm "...irltoa longtope, [Display Different] to sa1I don'tknon" "Sof 1oaaskmehon,Idoit, III haae [Gather up the ropesvrith both hands so your left fingers can grip the GIMMICKED loop, allowing your right middle finger to slide out of it.l "Obuioas!, I neuer I candoir... I jast canltellyr hon'Idoit... ltuaruse bothervd to learnthe.renvt."[Take your bow and place the ropes away] Copyright 20fiby Daniel D. Harlan. All rights reserved.

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Gather andEven Up

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