Dan Harlan - Crazy 8.pdf

April 25, 2017 | Author: J Andres Daza | Category: N/A
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CHfr\.Y_8 A SIGNED"mis-mode" restorationll!

A 5I6NED pieceof paperis torn, rearranged, and restored "mis-mode" ondit's stilf 5I6NED!Get it?l A SIGNED"mis-mede" restorotionl!l

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@Copyright2001 by Daniel D. Harlan

Secrct:The piece of paperthe spectatorsignsappearsto be a rectangle,yet it is actuallymore like two rectanglesintersecting.One of thesehasstraightedgeswith a circle in the centerand the other has torn edgeswith an "eight of diamonds" in the center.The torn edgesare folded back and hicldenat the outset,then the straightedgesaretorn off and seeretlydisposedof during the performance,leaving the resultingconundrumasa souvenir.You havebeenprovided with a few pre-maclegimmicks,somefolded,somenot, and an "original" sheetwith the necessaryzu'twork.By purchasing this effict, you havebeengrantedpermi,rsionto reprorluce as rn(utycopies afthis artwork,(tsyou w-antfor your own persona,L use. Youmay not sell ctr give uty copiesto (rn.yotJrcrpersux or you wiLl upsetthe delicatebalnnceof th,eun.iversecausing u.ntoldmisfortuneto.fall upotxyoLr. Preparation: First make a few copies.Then cr,rtthe full sheetsin half verticallyand horizontally,usingthe marks provided, to createfour smaller sheets(figu.rel). On each of thesesheets,cut betweenthe setsof marks designated "C{JT" and tear betweenthosemar:ked"TEAR''to create the necessaryintersectingrectangles(figure 2J. With the pen you will use during the performancewrite "yollr" and "card" in the torn cornersthat will be the top of the "eight (figure3). Folclback the long edge of diamonds"soLrvenir




Okay,onemoretime.ft's SfGNED,torn into four pieces,they are re-arranged with the torn edgeson the outside, cornerson the inside(mis-mode,ys know),then it is restoredbockto one piecewith the tonnedgesstilf outside, ONd TT5 STILL SIGNEDI Yourspectotormoykeepit qs o souvenir. rT5 5IGNEDI

of the "eight of diamonds"to match the cut edge o1'the rectangleandcreaseit sharply(figure4).FoId the remaining part of the "eight of diamonds"down behind the cr"rt rectangleand creaseit sharply(.figure5). Finaily, fold the remainingrectanglein half lengthwise,then in half again to coverthe folded"eight of diamonds,"Placeoneo1'these folded papers,your pen (the sarneone you usedto write "your card"),and a deckofcards in a convenientpocket.

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" and "magic." Script:I'd like to demonstratethedffirence betweena " trick," a "pu.?7,1e, just the first two folds to revealthe ftake the folded paperout of your pocket andunfold "normal" rectangle,keeping the "eight of diarnonds"folded and hidden] I'lI use this piece of paper which has an unusttaldesignfeaturing a circle right in the center.fremove the pen from your pocketl If you sign your name on that circle, I'll be ahle to receiveyou.r thouglrfs.frefold the paper to insurethat the spectatorcan only sign the portion of the circle that appearson both rectangleslPleasesignyour namehere.lhand the pen and the folded paperto the spectatorlNctw,to insurethat you are thinking about one particular thing, I'd.like you to selecta card. fremovethe deck from your pocket and force the eight of diamonds,then put the deck away] Concentrateon tlxatcnrd and I't.l be ctltleta write it here. ltake the pen and paperfrom the spectator,openthe paper iralfway,and write "your" and "card" on the semi-circleduplicatingyour previouswriting (figtrre 6)l Wouldyon be impressedif I wctssble to write your ca.rdon thispiece ot' paper? fplacethe pen in your pocket] Well,I have written "yolrr card." fopenthe rectangle fully keeping the "eight of diainonds" folded and hidden behindl See,it sa1ts, "),orl,,card" right next to your signature. Not very impressiveis it? That is a "trick." Youthougltt I was going to tell you the nameof your card, but I trickedyou. Now,.for thepuzz,le.fhold the rectangleup with the writing facingthe spectatorand the folded "eight of diamonds"sectjonat the top underyour thumb andbegin tearing(figure 7)l If I tear this paper in half, but stopjust beforeth.eedge,thenthe two piecesarc .stillcrntnectedwith one dctngling.fromthe other lhold the "eight of diamonds"fo]ded uncleryour thumb as you show the clanglingpiece (figure 8)l 1'l/ place thenztogetlter an,dteu.rthernagairz.fkeepingthe edgeconnected,lay the danglingpieceover the hidclen"eight of diamonds" and tear from the torn edgedown to the straightedges,carefully lining the two piecesup and stoppingbeforeyou tearcompletelythroughthe edge at tJzeiredges.[displaythe (figure 9)lThis cre(fiesil "cllain" of Jbur piecesconnected (figure 10)l'Wltentlte piecesare arciiain keeping the "eight of dianroncls"hidden rangedproperly, yott seeyour signatureon the circle in thecenter,the tctrned.gesin.the middte, and the corners on the outside.[anangethe torn rectangleback to its originai shapeand display it (figure t I )l B.yrotating thepieces,I'll. changethedesign,[rotateall of the pieces around as you begin to form the new picture (figure I2)l I ccmget the corners inta the center,the torn edgesbecomethe corners,and thedesignin the center i,snow a diamondwith a nurnbereight insidelt ldisplaythepiecesin the new configuration (figure I3)l "Your card" is written at the top and yaur signatureis in the corner. fpull all the pieces apart placing the three single piecesbehind the fo]cled"eight of diamonds"sectionand hold thesepiecesat your fingertipswith the spectator'ssignature visible on the frontl This meansyour card is the eight of dicmcsnds. ftake the card from the spectatorand clisplayrtl This is ct "Stuz,zle." fput the card away] Hctw did I know yau would.choctsethe eight of'diamonds? but whcttabout "magic?" [countthe piecesfrom I've showrtyou cttrick, tutd a puz,zle, hand to hand keepingthe "eight of diarnonds"folded] Here is the strangepart. lasyau squarethe pieces,fingerpalmoff the threesinglepiecesanddisplaythe folded "eight of diamonds"as thoughit is all four pieceslThesefour pieceshavebeenrenrrangedto revealyour card, but I'd.Iike to give yott a lustirtgnxenloryof this moftlel'Lt. freachinto yor-rrpocket for the pen, but ieervethe fingerpalmedpiecesbehindas you bring the pen you sign,e d a piece of paper,I tore it into.fourpieces, outl You'll tell all your.fi,iendskr',+,, diamonds. reveal the eight of rearranged to uncl them fusethe pen as a magic wand to tor-rchthe edgesas you "restore"thern] Thenslowly rejoined.thefonr piecesctne-by-one in their new positiotzs,with no tape or ghte. [Lrnfoldthe "eight of diamonds"l The tont still.in the edgeson the outside, "your card" written at tlrc top, ttnd with your sig,nature you. conler Thot'srnagic.[give it to the spectator]And that's.for

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CR frZY-CfrSH To perform the Signed,Torn & Mis-made Dollar you'll needto purchasea full sheetof 32 uncut dollars available from the Bureau of Engraving and Printing Store:

www.moneyfactorysto re.gov Becauseof the nature of the gimmick you will only be able to make 8 gimmicks from one full sheet,so this is an expensivetrick which is best reservedfor specialoccasions! First, cut the full sheetof 32 bills into 8 sections of 4 bills eachin a2xZ grid.In otherwords,you need to have four (and only 4) bills attached so thattheir cornersall touch in the center.The lower left bill will be the "normal" dollar. The other three will be torn. Begin by tearing vertically through the center of the two right-hand bills. The center of a dollar is George'sright cheekjust below his forewardmost eye. Next, tear horizontally through the center of the top two bills. Then, tear vertically from the centerof the top left bill down to the center of the border and STOP.DO NOT TEAR any of the lower left bill. Next tear horizontally from the center of the bottom right bill to the centerof the border and STOP.Finally, cut the bordersfrom the edgeto the end of each tear to make a"Crazy-8" style gimmick. If you have doneeverything correctly,the lower left bill is complete and there are 3 quarter sectionsof the other bills attachedaround its upper right corner. There are ihree serialnumbers on the gimmick -- two on t'tlenonnal-biltand one on the upper rightrnost quadrant (this is the lower left quarter of a different bill). Becauseof the Tatureof full-sheet printing, they will only be off by one or two digits. It is time-consumingto try to alter one to match the other and often resultsin obvious workmanship. Instbad,during the performancethe spectatorwill be instructedto sign their nameright over the middle serial number! When you instruct them to do this, you will point with the Sharpieand "accidentally" draw a blob which obscuresthe incorrect digit(s)! Folding is similar to "Crazy-8." First, fold the right torn section back, then the top torn section down. Then fold the remaining bill in half back and down, leaving the serial number on top. Now fold this packagein half so that the serial number remains on the outside. Put this gimmick and a Sharpiein the samepocket. nl'd like you to mark your bill to identify During the performance,borrow and fold a dollar to resemblethe gimmick. Say, it," as you reachin your pocket and remove the Sharpiewith the gimmick fingerpalmed in the samehand. Using the hand hotding the borrowed dollar, take the cap off the pen.This causesthe dollar to becomefingerpalmed in the hand holding the cap. Immediately grab the fingerpalmed gimmick and unfold it so that the serial number showsand point to it with the Sharpie "Just sign your name right here." Give the gimmick and pen to the spectatorwhile you hold the cap and hidden dollar. When you take the pen back, cap it and place it and the hidden dollar in your pocket. You can now cleanly open the signed dollar and show it "unprepared"with both of your hands empty. Tear it into four pieces, but keep the signatureshowing. Take your time with this. Placethe torn pieces behind the signed gimmick (as in "Crazy-8"). The torn piecesmust be folded in half (for fingerpalming) but the signed gimmick should remain extended with the signatureshowing. This is easyto do as you talk about restoring it. Once the torn piecesare folded, reach into the center layers of the signed gimmick and pull them slightly out as if fanning the torn pieces.This takes the heat off of the necessaryditch. you may secretlyditch the fingerpalmedtorn piecesany way you like, including getting the pen back out of your pocket as in the original "Crazy-8." Concludeby slowly restoringand openingthe signedmis-madedollar and give it to the lenderto keep.That's it!

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