COMPENSATORY DAMAGES: not to be givn to third party: exception in cae o! death or "hen there i #brogation in cae o! in#rance No$ina% da$age: genera%%y granted in cae "here there i da$age b#t no inry' Aggravated da$age: in it#ation "here there i not t a tort' b#t a%o the $anner it ha been dne i reprehenib%e' Retit#tiory da$ge: thoe in "hich the tort i o! #ch a (ind "her the tort !eaor ha gained adv co o! the #e o! any prop or anything !ro$ otr party )nnction pertainin to peci*c good: co#rt a( # to ret#rn the good ta(en' #ndo "at ha been dne Genra% inction: Reconci%e Reconci%e $a%ice "ith tort+: "here $a%ice c$e in tort State o! ap v govardhan%a%: govardhan%a%: ,--. /.0 SCA1E 2-3: goardhan %a% i o"ner o! %and and b#i%ding "hich "a givn on rent to r#n a (o% ince 2456 a a tenent7 The b#iding got dep%icated and he "anted to evict the tenent co thi b#i%ding ho#%d be de$o%ihed or h#ge repair be dne7 Rent contro%%er ay no' in appea% the order in hi !avor7 86 the atte c#d vacate' he goe to high co#rt !or i$$ediate vacation "hich "a granteed' granteed' no" atte giv an #derta(in #derta(in thatthey r goin goin to vacate on .- th apri% 24947 On ,thapri% tate invo(e their po"er o! e$inent do$ain7 )n c thi "a cha%%enged a $a%icio#7 Can ) ay i;o$e rong ha been co$$ited againt hi$ co there i $a%ice7 The $a%ice i that that they had been been hre !or a%% thi year and din app%y app%y thi ti% no" Ma%ic in !act:peron act againt otr "ith an intentto har$ hi$' it i not a tort ' agait tate b#t in cae o! individ#a% individ#a% it can be a%%eged Ma%ice in %a": one act againt otr in vio%ation o! %a" ' on%y thi can be a%%eged againt in tate
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