1 Causes of Dam failure: Major causes of dam failure are overtopping, sliding, spillway failure etc. A dam may fail because of low standard materials or techniques used. Gleno Dam in Italy is eample which failed due to sub!standard material. "pillway design error is the other probability of dam failure. Geotechnical instability caused by changes to water levels during #lling or poor surveying. Malpasset dam in $rance is eample of poor geotechnical investigation. %ajont Dam in Italy is unique type of dam failure because it did not collapse and is still standing but it appeared to be fatal for neighbors &illing '((( people. Actually the geotechnical engineers didn)t investigated the vicinity so a large volume of roc& felled in dam and displacing and overtopping the water. "ha&idor dam in *asni *a&istan failed because of etreme in+ow. Internal erosion or pipping also causes failure especially in earthen dams. eton Dam is an eample of piping failure.
Case Studies of Dam failure: 2 Machhu Dam (India-1979):
$ailed on August --, -/.
he Machchu!' dam, situated on the Machhu 0iver. he failure was caused by ecessive rain and massive +ooding leading to the disintegration of the earthen walls of the four &ilometer long Machchu II dam. he spillway capacity provided for 1223 m45s. he actual observed +ow following the intense rainfall reached -23(/ m45s, thrice what the dam was designed for, resulting in its collapse. During reconstruction of the dam the capacity of the spillway was increased by 6 times and #ed at about '-,((( m45s More than '((( people died.
3 St. rancis Dam (!S"-192#)
It was a curved concrete gravity dam, built to create a large regulating and storage reservoir for the city of 7os Angeles, 8alifornia. he dam was designed and built between -'6 and -'2 by the 7os Angeles Department of 9ater and *ower,
9ater began to #ll the reservoir on March -', -'2. It rose steadily and rather uneventfully, although several temperature and contraction crac&s did appear in the dam and a minor amount of seepage began to +ow from under the abutments. At --:1/pm on March -', -';, the dam catastrophically failed, and the resulting +ood too& the lives of as many as 6(( people. he failure is because of foundation failure according to an investigation committee.
$ig -. "t. $rancis Dam after failure
$ Mal%asset Dam (rance-19&9):
he Malpasset Dam was an arch dam on the 0eyran 0iver, he dam was a doubly curved equal angle arch type with variable radius. It was built to supply drin&ing and irrigation water for the region. 8onstruction began in April -1' and was #nished in -16. It collapsed on December ', -1, &illing 6'3 people in the resulting +ood he dam was breached at '-:-3. he entire wall collapsed with only a few bloc&s remaining on the right ban&.
A tectonic fault was later found as the most li&ely cause of the disaster. alochistan.
It was constructed in '((3 to provide irrigation for nearby farms.
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