Dallah PDF

April 12, 2017 | Author: Ryan Danish | Category: N/A
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Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

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Delour ahead

Warni ng sign on a




Cone wilh flag



Work zone signs are mostly in orange co lor

4·4 Traffic control at intersections The types of traffic contro l may differ regard less III the intersection's shape and the diversity of the mntrol devices as per the traffic dev ice used, as fo l. lows:

Traffic sigml! conlrol

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Stop sign control




Traffic I'olicc Control

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Rou ndabout lntersection


At the roundabo ut you see the yie ld ~ which indicates that you sho uld \ 1I,.' ld the right-of-way 10 the vehicles inHll' the roundabout approaching from lilt' left. In case of pass ing or many vchi\ k ... inside the roundabout you m~ly enIn whe never YOll find an appropriate space amongst tlll' lIl which allows you to enter without d ist urbin g the \I' hides in side the roundabout ,l g II

Right-or-way in the mundilbout is to dri ven. approaching from len

[)o "ou know? The numher oflru!1ic \iolaliol1" rl'AiSlI:rl'd on the Kingdom's rtluds durinJ! thl' periud 1980-2008G \.l'el'dl'd 8_' millinn \'iolutions at the rutl' of 4 milliun \'inlutions pl.'r )'cur

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Q ui z

Q.l A Circuhu sign with a \Vhite Color background and red frame always indicates: A. B.


D. Q2. A.




Mandatory. Warning. Prohibition. Regulation.

This sign means No Park ing & wait ing. No left turn. Do 1101 enter. No U turn.

Q3. This sign indicates: A. B. C. D.

Maximum speed is 70 Kmlh. Minimum speed is 70 Kmlh. Average speed is 70 Km/ h. All of the above.

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\ white continuous line with a broken line at the other side indicates: A

B. (' D.

Pass in g and turning left. Pass ing and turning rig ht. No pass ing o r turnin g le ft. Do not stop.

The Shape or the Yield Sign is: ,

n (' I).

A triang le with apex lip. Square. A tria ngle w ith apcx down. C ircu la r.

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Safe Driving

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SI)ccd T he main purpose of specifing a maximum speed for vehicles on the road is to enhance safety through el iminating the ri sks resulting from the tendency of the drivers lO choose a speed which they beli eve is reaso nable. The posted s peed limit s represent the max imum speed the driver is legall y allowed to drive wi thin its range. However, the driver s hould take into t'onsideralion thaI Ihi s speed lim it suit s the engineering design of the road and sa fety measures applied to it. A road des ign based on a specific speed and exceed ing thi s speed will represent a vio lation to the engi neering safety measures of that road and consequently creating a risk of having a traffic acc ident. T here is another matter of significan t importance; the speed lim it is specified assuming natural conditions and circumstances such as good weather conditions, day light, clearance of any traffic jam or maintena nce work or any other ci rcumstances wh ich may hinder the traffic. Therefore. the driver should choose a speed that suits the road cond itions without exceeding the specified speed . Always remember th at 40% of the traffic accidents in the Kingdom are caused by cxcessi ve speeds. T he vehicl e's speeds can be detected by radars and .. urveillance cameras.

2 Running red light Passing the traffic light o n red is call ed " running the traffic s ignal". Thi s problem together with Ihe excess ive speed can be cons idered the main cause o f fa I.t! accidents in our country. The entering of a vehicle mto the intersection whi le the signa l is on red m ca ll ~ that the driver has comm itted a vio lation , name ly the running of the traffic s ignal. Therefore. s lowi ng down the speed in preparation for stopping when the yellow light appears. makes it unlikely for the driver to run

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the traffic signal and hence he will save his life and the li ves of others by avoiding a fatal accident. The presence of the traffi c police is not necessary at the intersection to arrest the vio lators of the traffic signal, as there are sec ret traffic police, or the surveillance cameras to perform this fun ction and arrest or register the vio lators. In th is connection , it is worth mentioning here that such action contradicts the teachings of our religion, Islam . In this regard, His Eminence, the Late Shei kh Abdul Aziz Bin Baz was once asked thi s question: what is the ru le or Islam ic judgme nt pertaining to the persons who violate the traffi c regulations, fo r example those who run the traffic signal on rcd? The answer of his Eminence was as foll ows "any Mu slim may not violate the Government's traffi c regul ations as this invol ves great danger and risk to that person and to others. The Government has set these regulations out of its desire to secure the inte rests of all its subjects and punishing such violators" and he cited thi s verse from the Holy Quran (And most of mankind will not be lieve even if you desire it eagerly) ve rse" I03-sufilt-Yusuf' Hi s Eminence. She ikh Bin Ethaymeen had also been asked the above ment ioned questi on and he replied by cit ing thi s ve rse from the Holy Quran (you who be lieve! Obey Allah and obey the Apostle (Mu hammad. PB UH) and those of your (Muslims) who arc in authorit y) ve rse 59-S ufilt-A n-Ni sa (Thc Wome n) and he went on to say that " If the ru lers have laid down signs suc h as: stop signs, or proceed signs, we shoul d abide by these signs as thi s mcan s we obey our rul ers",

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5.3 Drifting; (TuOlealh) Drifling is considercd a traffic viol ution . The driver who commits drifting is penel ized for the first vio lation by detention of the veh icle for fifteen days and a fine of 1000 (One thousand) S.R. and by detention of the vechilc for one mo nlh and a fine of 1500 (One thousand Five hundred) S. R. in the second offence. and detention of the vehicle and a fin e of 2000 (Two thousa nd)S.R. in the third time. In all cases the offe nder is refered to court to consider jailing him and co nfiscation of the vehicle.

5A Csing Mobile Phone by Imnd While Driving One of the great ri sks whi le driving is the use of mobiles. That is because, driving requires focusing and paying , - - - - - - - - , attentio n 10 the road , and being busy with the mobi le affects thi s focus and hence reduces the driver's reactio n time when confronted with a hazard situation and may commit accident due to improper reaction. Moreover, speaking on the mob ile may disturb the d ri ver's thinking o r may become excited wh ich may make him more like ly 10 cause .....- - - - - - - - ' an accident

.51>cfenshe DrivinJ.! The de fensive dri ver is a driver who always rakes a posi ti ve attitude tow.a rds driving by focusi ng mainly on sa fcty. Such a dri ve r is always pati ent, obscrvc!
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