Dain Heer

March 18, 2018 | Author: Mirela Eftimie | Category: N/A
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Dain heere...


So, the tool for today is ‘Who does this belong to?’ How much of your life have you spent believing that the sense of wrongness you perceive is really yours, when in actuality it’s what you’re aware of in the world around you? So, truth, is it yours or someone else’s? Or a lot of someone elses’? This is the time to ask this question: Who does this belong to? If all of a sudden you get lighter, it is because it isn’t yours. You can return it to sender. Yes! Just return it. Please get this: 98 percent of all your feelings, emotions and thoughts do not belong to you! They are someone else’s. But what you’re aware of feels just like you—even though it’s not. The only way you’re ever going to tell the difference is by asking the question: Who does this belong to? Ask it, and if it lightens up at all, it isn’t yours. You, being you, are light. You trying to be someone else, are heavy. It is that easy! What if none of it was yours? Would there be a whole lot less trauma and drama in your life? Would you have more peace and knowing of what is true for you? You know… change can be easy… and what if being a little different is all it takes to create this ease? Would you be willing to be the difference that makes everything you truly desire possible? It truly is just a choice! Go play… I would love to know what becomes possible for you as you use this tool.

“I thought all the stuff in my head was mine. And then I discovered that it was actually all the stuff I was aware of in the world around me. Do you know you can’t handle a problem that isn’t yours? You don’t have to do anything about it!”

Have you noticed how often we go ‘That’s impossible’… making our limited thinking into a statement of fact, or a foregone conclusion? One of the greatest tools I ever discovered is how asking a question can open up possibilities. What’s different with this tool is we ask questions to open doors to possibilities, rather than trying to find the answer to our questions. Did you know that answering questions mostly just limits our possibilities? “A question empowers, an answer dis-empowers.” Has your incessant search for the right answer given you what you desire yet? If not , what if you started to ask some questions that could create more possibilities? Start with: What else is possible here? So, what else is possible? What if you could change anything? These four questions is a great place to start! Remember to leave a few moments between your questions to allow the energy to show up — and whatever you do, don’t go searching for answers! 1. 2. 3. 4.

What is this? What do I do with this? Can I change it? How do I change it?

This is a simple way of following the energy rather than getting lost in your own private labyrinth of conclusions. What if you are way more aware than you’ve ever been willing to see before? What if using these questions could create more possibilities than you can imagine? Thank you for BEING YOU!

“The question is the key to opening other doorways of possibility. You’ll never see those doors and you’ll never even know they are there – let alone be able to open them – if you don’t ask a question.”

Here’s how it works: When you ask a question (just like we talked about in the last video) it brings up the energy that is creating the limitations. None of your limitations are as solid as it feels like they are! Ask your question… wait for a few moments, then use the clearing statement: “Right and Wrong, Good and Bad, POD and POC, All 9, Shorts, Boys and Beyonds” to create space where before it felt solid. When you create space around the situation, new possibilities can show up. It really is that easy! What would YOU like to change with ease? If you playfully ask any of the questions in the video 3 – 30 times, you’ll start to feel the energy as it shifts and changes. So, would you be willing to keep asking ‘What process could I run that could change this situation?’ between now and the next video? I wonder what could show up in your world if you keep POD & POC’ing everything that doesn’t allow you to choose more ease and joy for you? Remember, you can never destroy you… You can only let go of, uncreate and destroy what is defining you, limiting you and keeping you stuck. So we’re just uncreating and destroying all the globs of stuff that are hiding your beauty from the world! Go shine!

“If you look at the room you are in now, the walls look solid right? But science tells us that the walls are 99.99999% space. What if the limitations in your life work in exactly the same way? What if you can’t walk through the wall but there is a lot of space there and you just can’t see it right now?”

Another super-powerful tool! Have you noticed that what is true for you, is not always true for the other person? So ask: is this light or heavy? If it is true for you the energy will feel light, nurturing and spacious. If it is not true for you, it will feel twisted, heavy or dense. Light = True for you. Heavy = Not true for you. So would you be willing to choose more what is true for you? What if you started to hang out with people that feel nurturing to you? What if you only ever eat food that feels light and nurturing for your body? What if you only make the choices that feel light for you? What if heavy or light could be your barometer, instead of always judging everything as right or wrong? Would that create just a little more ease for you? So, go hangout with some people… animals… places, books or movies that make YOU feel light… and watch how this creates change in your world!

“Polarity is the way this reality is created by most people. They decide what is right and try to head for that. Then they decide what is wrong and try to eliminate that. What if you could embrace it all?”

What if your life could be about the lightness of it? What if you could have fun, abundance, money and a great relationship? What if you don’t have to “deserve” all of these things to have them? By being “right”? Imagine never being wrong again! What if you could see everything and everyone through the eyes of no judgment? Imagine including every possibility that could exist without judging any of it? Would you be willing to try something very different? One day without judgment? From the time you wake up tomorrow, until you go to bed, what if you chose not to judge you? As soon as you go to the wrongness of you – STOP! Just stop. Don’t judge you, for one whole day. Then perceive the difference in your universe… Go play! What a wondrous gift you be in the world…

“Somebody who is truly judgmental never thinks they are judgmental ever! They just know they are right. What if the idea that you are judgmental is one of the biggest lies you have ever bought?”

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