Daily pioneer 26-07-2015

June 1, 2016 | Author: email2pr2639 | Category: N/A
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Daily pioneer 26-07-2015...





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played to perfection by Ian McClean, however, do not come in the way of him, shaping the case of this film alongside retirement memories, beekeeping, relationship building and attempting to do everything he can to save his memory, which means he even goes to Japan to get the prickly ash which is meant to restore memory gaps. The director and the writer have done well to keep the movie powerful despite the lack of a real case or the fervency of youthful investigations. The film, going into frequent flashbacks, grows on you despite the frailties of your evergreen Arthur Conan Doyle hero. Here, he is more cynical than usual, does not wear the hat he is known to and prefers to smoke a cigar which he never has in any previous film. And Mr Watson is never seen even once though the director does well to keep his presence rather constant in the film. It is a slow moving, emotional Mr Holmes you have. But age and wrinkles keep you aptly buried in the proceedings nevertheless.

not really want to go through. A perfect pedestal for the launch of a directorial journey through big screen life. Richa Chadha holds forth well though one feels she could have been given more nuance than her singletrack role allows her histrionics skills.


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rime Minister Narendra Modi asked the agriculturP al scientists to give a new dimension to the green revolution and said a second green revolution will take place in the eastern States including Bihar, West Bengal, Odisha, Jharkhand, Assam and Eastern UP. Addressing the function of the Indian Council of Agricultural Research here on Saturday, the PM advised the scientists to take their research from laboratory to the field, from lab to land to achieve the target of a second green revolution. He asked them to give him a report in six months identifying priorities needed to be given for fast pacing the farm growth. He said the agricultural land is shrinking and there is a need to increase per acre productivity through newer research in the field of agriculture. The PM said that his Government’s priority was to usher in four-prong revolutions in tune with the four

which farmers’ income could be increased by adopting scientific innovations. “There is tremendous scope of increasing farmers’ income through honeybee production which had a huge global market. At present, five lakh farmers are engaged in honeybee production which could be expanded to five crore farmers who could gain tremendously by lucrative price in international market,” he said and added that the humming of honeybees would keep away the elephants who ruine the produce in the field. Similarly, Modi said, there was a huge scope for developing natural fruit juice. ?
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