Dai Vernon - Revelations Manuscript

March 30, 2017 | Author: VinokurovAlexandr | Category: N/A
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This is t he book I have always wanted to write.

For nearly fifty years

I have been :Ln touch with active card men, ethical and other1vise, and have discovered that Erdnase as an author is general-ly misunderstood and misinterpreted. My object in writing, this book is threefold.

F:Lrst, it


to stress the utter practicability and logic of his instruction. to clarify many points of

Second, I hope

procedure so that t hey may be acquired with greater

Lastly, I propose to include sundry new and original methods and


These, I trust, , will aid in

practices generally unknown in Erdnase 1 s day. bringing the old cl assic,


The Rlcpert of the Card Table 11 thoroughly up to date.

The Il' esent volume will in no simply as a companion volume. reference

be attempted



The &cpert at




supersede the Erdnase work.

.Indeed, it cannot be t~e

understood without constant

Therefore, I cannot stress tQ,:»strongly

Card Table".

t he t Ho books

It is intended

shoul d be studied together.

The Erdnase ''ork has often been spoken of as being a textbook on geOllletry or higher mathematics

and too essentially theoretical to be taken seriously.

No greater mistake '-ras ever made.

Erdnase is

at once logical and practical.

Surel y no one, before or since, has written as lucidly on the subject of card table artifice. To me t here is in Erdnaije a timel ess and uni.versal quality ~Tllich the years }lave changed only superficially. stated, a number of


Neverthel ess, I have mde bold to add, as above and original

:1\-P:O methods~



Under this heading Erdnase stresses the fact that t he real secrets of card table artifice have been held sacro.sanct.

Tnis statement largely holds true today.

Even the ••ell posted magician has little or no knowledge of t he actual uethods .

and dodges employed



con1petent professional 1'mechanics. 11

he know how tbe subterfuges are empl oyed 11under fire."

Even less does


Erdnase 1 s discussion of card table artifice should be read tead of t he left band sei:!}ing the


t he left thwnb and second and outer


by their s ides as Erdnase directs,


fingers grasp the top card by

near l eft corner and it will be found t hat a very slight

movement o! the l eft second f'inger vr.i.ll be sufficient to p:Lv-ot card into palm . THE DOUBLE PALH

This change observed.



highly practical i f one small cetail is

As the right hand· advances to take the packet for

palminr t he r:tcht thumb must go fuectly to en1of packet and not be


to assume t he telltale "fishhook" positiono TRANSFORV~TIONSJ



Instead of holding deck at fingertips it may be held jJ1de:allt;.g

29 position with thumb along the left side and beyond corner.



This effectually conceals t he projecti'On of bottom

card ,rhen pushed for1•Tard.

I f t he hand is ;easah'llbly lllOist

:Lt 5.s pos sible to make t he change by pushing t he card f'crward even leas

than a quarter inch. SECOND ?£ THOD

This me·!;,hod has beer used by top card men hi ghly popular.

and is still

It •ras a great favorite of .Mc;.x lhlini. who

astounded the most observing people vlith his perfect harrlling. Particular attention s hould be given to figure


of the

Elt'dnase ser hand ( pair of queens) going to the fourth player . A pair of quuens are on top and t he


aces below them. Separate

pock for riffle and secretly execute the one card cut .



shuffling the top three of left pa cket under top two or rit,ht • ..iquare up. Again divide cards for riffle but eliminate the one


out .

Repeat riffle, again shuffling three under two . Again divide cards for riffle shuffling tHo cards under one. For final riffle simply shuffle three on top . These last two operations can be done in one riffle by retaining fiva with the left thumb and allowiing two of thom to fall below top oard of


packet and the other three atop all .


The formula for any number of hands is determined as foll ows :



Vl'?\De P~ f)o iN r; /~t-~;:; .::t.r~O c,v-r '' {o¥Lt.~~ e"- -h{;t '~wsent ial we akness of the trick is that it l acks a definite climax or


its JJrosant;ation to

.,aso it .must be perforrae(l on a tab le which lim.its


s :n.all number ~of people .

- 48-

In our version a spectator is invited to

as~ist .

7erforroer holds

a packet of ton cards arranged consecutively from oce to ten , the ace beinP; uppermost . It

Jj) Performer illustrates v;hot he v?ishes done ~vo


openly transferring

cards, one by one from too to bottom of packet .


J pectator iS

then requested to transfer, in. sil:niliar ..:'ashion , any number fro.m one to ten and as he does


performer turns his back.

Ue will as.;ume that seven cards are transferred .;o takins packet performe r fans cards, remarking, .-It v1ould be quito impos..; ible for me to know the exact number of cards you transferred but watch!" So saying ho secre ·tly obtains a break above the two lowermost cards and squares .

Then he dramatically lifts tho block of eight

cards above break and displays the seven spot on bottom. Before repeating , per forme r must secretly determine the value of bottom card


adding number

tho..;e reri'.oining in le ft hand .




by tipectator (seven) to

This permi ts the trick to be repeated

and we suggest that thtree tilnes is quite sufficient . For the climax , the perfor mer simply recalls the last number transferred and fanning out pa cket he fip-ures ahead to t he eig ht spot and outs it to bottom.


IIe then announces that he will make a


so from the fanned

cards he removes the second card from top {tho ten spot ) and places i t aside in fUll view . ~pectator

again transfers any number of cards devired (thiS time

betv1een one and nine) and top card uill always denote the number tronsferred . · It iS now only necessary to exchange the top card of packet for the one previously set a.:lida .

"\/e personnaly


our own switch

involving the •renkai palm (so e the Dai Vernon Book of Magic , Chapter six)

In the present case, of course, tho card must be held face down .


'rhe s·-;i tch can alSo be mode by the famiL.ar ton or bottom chanc e . 1/ith a sli ·ht adjustnent the Curry 'rurnover can likEmise



;. FJ::',! TIPo

l\lost cord moves are greatly squared .


by havine; tho dock neatly

Normally the deck should be ho l d by tips of loft fingers

and thumb with forefinGer curled against face of pacl(. table

~/i th

deck on

it should be squared as doccribed by E'dnaso in his instructions

for riffle shuffline. ~lhen

v1idening a break i'or insertion of a fint;er avoid lifting upper

packet but lov;er under portion .

wt.,,.... ~} ()Jl..{_

, ,o

4¥\ ulways keep oposite side of pack firm.l y gripped in crotch of thumb thus preventing the two halves from sep3rating or breaking. Otllcrw5.se diffJ.culty will be encountered


squa rint: up rerfe ctly. 1/hen holding a break nith little finGer actual breuk should be held

near first j ..)int so that tip of finger is clearly visible.

If this

simple direction is followed it iS i mp ossi ble tor anyone to discern v1hethor or not a break is held. i1~any

an awkward

in pro:>entation.

rflove oDn be made i


a by f;;;l ic;ht chanr'e

For exal!lple , a bad t;wo handed pass .may be covered by

a nide svmop of the hands ot same ttme ,rnrnarking,


.Jome tbcioians make

quick moves like this bu·l:i ob::;erve I do nothin.
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