Daftar Website Musuh Islam

February 2, 2017 | Author: swaranonmuslim | Category: N/A
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Download Daftar Website Musuh Islam...


Sumber; http://listislam.freeweb-hosting.org/ The complete list of sites offering an

Alternative View on Islam Name & link

2 Faces of Islam (Terror-Watch.net)

About Isa

Abrahamic Faith


Forum about Christian/Jewish Islam's two faces.

Review Forum and web site with news and general infos about Islam.


User friendly and available in Indonesian and Turkish language. Please look out for an Tells Muslims excellent comparision about Jesus between the Bible and the Koran. Interesting essays on known forgeries such as the 'Gospel' of Barnabas


Nobody is more competent to talk about Web site by the difference between an ex-Muslim Islam and Christianity as from Pakistan somebody who was member of both religions.







Al Nour



AIME was created in 1997 aimed at the North African World, to promote secularism, equality between women and men, to reject fundamentalis m and to take a critical look at religion. Documents muslim genocide against Assyrians News about Islamic terrorism and the Islamization of the West in French.

In French. Founded by a courageous Tunisian woman, Samia Labidi whose brother was an Islamic terrorist at one point in his life.

The suffering of the Assyrian nation under the Islamic rule

Very active website with current news about the Islamic threat.

Easy to understand discussions on the Tells Muslims fallacies of Islam and about Jesus common Islamic allegations about the Bible.

All 4 Israel

Allah News

Al-Quida Exposed (1) Al-Quida Exposed (2)





Altar of Democracy

America at War (1) America at War (2) http://www.salemthesoldier.us/A merica_At_War.html

American Defenders

America's Truth Forum An Atheist's Guide to Mohammedanism










Interesting web site with a complete coverage of the Islamic terrorism against Israel. Includes a list of all terror attacks since 1993.

News about islamic madness in the USA and other western countries. Exposes Enemies living in the West. Videos of Muslim extremists living in the West. Website about the silent islamization of Europe dedicated to Oriana Fallaci and Bat Ye'or

This site exposes the collaboration of neoconservatives with muslims,while at the same time pretending to fight against it.

Salem the Soldier's Homepage

This site tells us about America and its war against islamic terrorism.

Anti-Islamic, support antiJudeo-Christian terrorism actions website News and information US American, on terrorism Anti-Terrorism around the world

Anti Defamation League

Anti Terrorism Campaign

Organization to support terror victims in Israel

Member of Yahoo Groups. Informative Links and information on terrorists living in the West.

The emphasis of this web site is on the decline of Europe as a partner in the war against terrorism and its transformation into Eurabia.

a lot information, articles, images, political and ideological analysis, forecasts, solutions. Very professional website giving a complete overview of the terror activities of radical Islamo-Fascism.

Atheists debunking the myths about the quran and the mystical figure of Mohammed. Annaqed" (Arabic = "the Website by Arabs living in critic") is a website by Christian Arabs in the the USA in US, independend from Arabic and any influence of Arab English governments.

Islam explained rationally.

Official web site of the ADL, a Jewish organization against AntiSemitism Blog in Italian, which tries to open the eyes of Italians about Muslims and the real esence of Islam in the quran Exposing terrorist Nations.

The Arab world is today the center of AntiSemitism.

Against the the Islam apologetics in Italy.

Exposes General Pervez Musharraf and his backstabbing speech.

An Open Challenge to my Atheist Muslim Friends

Answering Islam



Answering Islam (Germany)

Answering the Claims of Islam

Anti-Jihad Canada

Anti-Jihad International

Anti-Jihad Nederland

Anti-Jihad : Portugal

Anti-Muslim Society

Anti-Terrorism Coaltion

Apostates of Islam

Arabia chrześcijańska


Questioning the Koran.

Funny facts about Islam and astronomy...includes a great drawing.

Devoted to refuting, and criticising Islamic claims, doctrines, history, and the Koran.

It is well-documented, and is one of the few anti-Islamic websites that is very careful to give the proper references, and thus one has all the more confidence in its pronouncements.

Small site, many links.

The links are good. Several of the Islamic claims are addressed in a non-biased manner. The link about Kuran and Yemeni scrolls are interesting.

Movement of concerned Canadians promoting Canadian awareness of threats from Islamic extremism in Canada. An international network "Kafir promoting Unity"/Internatio unity among nal those who face the threat of Islamic terror

Anti-Jihad Canada (formerly United Canadian Committee) is dedicated to promoting awareness of the threats within the Canadian borders. And the continued close monitoring of Islamic extremism.

Cool site for a crash course in resisting terrorism. Great links and forums.


Anti-Jihad forum for kafirs in the Netherlands in Dutch.

So far Anti-Jihad Nederland is no independend branch of Anti-Jihad, but only a forum. All depends on your participation.


Unofficial Portuguese branch of AntiJihad

Website against islamic terrorism in Portuguese.


Islamic claims and the FACTS.

Reveils the ugly side of Islam with many pictures and interesting data


International organization against Islamic terrorism.

Coalition to unite those who fight against terrorism. The ATC is anti-terrorism while underlining Islam as the greatest form of terrorism.


A website founded by ex-Muslims for exMuslims

Professional designed and very important website, because nobody can understand better, how Muslims think, than an exMuslim.


Web site aimed at acquainting Poles with the persecution of Arabic speaking

Christian Arabia is about Arabic speaking Christians living in many Islamic countries, like Assyrians, Chaldeans, Maronites, Copts, Armenians, Greeks, Christians in Turkey,

Christians and their hard situation in the Islamic world.

Arabic Bible


Arab World Ministries


Armenian Genocide




Atheist Foundation Of Australia:

Islam - Scraping Off The Whitewash

Atena Project


Attacks on Freedom

Aweful Truth about Islam

Ayan Hirsi Ali


Web site in Polish. Web site by Christians for Muslims in English and Arabic Web site in English, French, Italian and Dutch by Christians for Arab Muslims. Documents muslim genocide against Armenians Website about Armenian history from 800 BCE 2004, including the genocide during WWI. Atheists in Australia reveal the truth about Islam.

Web site in English and Polish against European/Polish the Islamization of Europe. Forum for atheist Turks Atheist/Turkish/F living in rench France. website in French Pro-American website. It is highly critical of Islam Secular exposes many facts about Islam and its founder Mohammed.

Christians in Israel, Maghreb, the Arabic Peninsula and the Middle East. It includes testimonials from exMuslims and some polemical articles about Islam.

Christianity explained to Muslims

Website to proclaim the gospel to Muslims of the Arab World.

The first genocide of the 20th century

Important historic data about the first holocaust of the 20th century by the hand of Muslims.

Qur'anic verses, hadith, quotes and incidents that Muslim apologists do not want you to know about

The main issue of this website is to prevent Turkey from joining the European Union.

There are more Turks in France that abandoned their religion as one would expect.

The site also raises many questions as regards the current politics.


Small site, great facts

Systematically dissects Islamist duplicity


Website in English, French, German and Dutch by a friend of the Dutch politician

Ayan is an atheist libertarian ex-Muslim, from Somalia.

Ayan Hirsi Alì, and martyr of liberty Theo Van Gogh. Academic

Good site, great facts

Thoughts on Islam by an Egyptian woman


Federal Association of civil organizations to conserve democracy, home region (Heimat) and human rights, great website in German.

Association of German citizens to protect liberty and democracy against a fundamentalist parallel society inside Germany.


An online book

The Truth-seekers (both Kafirs and Moslems) will find this book interesting. This is a thorough documentation on Islamic doublespeak and fallacies

Conservative Zionist

Wesite about Exposes Muslim the Islamic countries involved in terrorism threat


Hindu website, with on-line books, by K. Elst, R. Swarup, Sita Ram Goel, critical of Islam.

An informative and a must visit site for every Hindu who wishes to rediscover his roots and dharma.


A comparison of Islam and Christianity about many topics,

Includes a section about human rights and the different meaning of sins in Islam and Christianity.


Biggest and most effective Kafir organization in America with about 200+ (and growing) active members. KU now has over a 1000 members worldwide.

Really interesting site, Updated quite often. Has an active forum. Facts on various issues, like modern slavery in the Islamic world.

Born Again Christian Info Ex-Muslim

Website by Reza Fakour Safa, a christian exmuslim from Iran.

A former fanatical shiite Muslim. His testimony is important because the majority of converted authors writing critically about Islam comes from the sunni branch.

Brotherhood of the Lamb

Small collection of Muslim Videos.

Not Religion, Not Politics. Just Truth.

Bat Ye'or

BDB Bundesverband der Bürgerbewegungen zur Bewahrung von Demokratie, Heimat und Menschenrechten

Behind the Veil

Benyamin BenSchlimazel's Website

Bharatvani Institute

Biblical Christianity Exlained To Muslims

Blacks Who Oppose Islam


Bürgerforum Hannover


Bürgerforum Schlüchtern German

Bürgerinitiative Wertheim German

CAGE (Coalition Against Global Extremism)

Campus Watch

Chaldean News Agency

Chechen Truth





CHICK Publications


Christliche Mitte (1) Christliche Mitte (2) Christliche Mitte (3)


Citizen Soldier


Information about the dubious religion of Islam. Resistance against the construction of further mosques in German towns. German citizens protest against building a mosque in their town. Website of a group of students that have decided to organize against rapidly growing global extremism, primarily in Islam. This website reviews and critiques Middle East studies in North America. A small catholic nonarab community from Iraq. Tells the truth about the MuslimRussian war. Publishing house offering a lot of information about Islam They expose Islam and the strategies this cult uses to conquer European/We stern societies. Very informative, it exposes Islam for what it is, it also exposes the misguided politics of some politicians.

One-page website in German

Website in German

Website in German

Daily news and articles about Islamic extremism.

The project mainly addresses five problems: analytical failures, the mixing of politics with scholarship, intolerance of alternative views, apologetics, and the abuse of power over students. Tells about the ethnic clensing and religious prosecution in Iraq.

Informative site with many photos.

Useful resource

Great website in German

Patriotic site.

Clarity & Resolve

Coalition against Terrorism

Come And See

Concerned Voices speak out for israel

Contre l'islam


Anti-Islamic weblog CAT 2002 Serves $1 Billion Demand Letter Containing 178 Pages of Israeli-American Evidence on Terrorists, Banks, United Nations, European Union and Others Christian web site from Christian Nazareth in Palestinian the Arab controlled part of Israel. A group of Arabs, Jews, and Irish Americans Israeli united in support for Israel against islamic terrorism. This website is in French. It gives us a lot of information on Islam and French its barbaric laws, the Islamization of the West, the opression of women. The official site of the persecuted Christian (Christian) Copts in (Muslim) Egypt Atheist

Satirical blog by Patrick an atheist

Excellent and a very professional website.

Interesting web site from a point of view that you can't read much about in the media.

Biggerforum against Anti-Semitism in the Middle East.

Website also offers extensive news on current events and books dealing with the opression of women in Islam.

Daily documentation of Islamic atrocities on Christians of Africa, with links.


Experts analyzing the origin of the quran. website in French

A group of historians, experts of religions and sects as well as military science and politics investigating the background of Islam's holy scripture.

Critical Analysis of Islam


ChristianIslamic thoughts

Good links. The testimony of ex-Muslims make good reading. Also available in Arabic



A weblog promoting Exegesis of universal respect and quran sources tolerance.


Daniel Pipes is a Middle East expert hated by Muslims and political correct pseudointellectuals


Daniel Pipes

Daniel Pipes commenting the Middle East crisis


Democracy Frontline


Destroyed and Damaged Churches In Kosovo



Die konservative Informationsbasis im Internet: Islam

Disaffected Muslim

Blog with news and articles about Interesting essays and current news from all International Islam over the world. threatening the civilized world. Articles about Zoroastrians answering iranian Islam in Islam Persia Destroyed or Damaged Serbian Documents the Orthodox destruction of churches Serbian Churches and and monastries in Monasteries Kosovo in Kosovo and Metohija "(We) still endure the ravaging effects of an ideological movement that is International intolerant, Interesting. discriminatory , racist and even genocidal: a Radical Islamist-Jihad culture." Website focuses mainly on the history of dhimmis (Christians and Jews) Website shows how the under the lowly status assigned to Muslim rule. It the non-Muslims by Jewish-Christian explores the Muslim conquerors has oppression of made them secondcategory citizens in their non-Muslim own countries. majorities under the regime of what was originally Muslim minority. This site offers a number of essays on the Informative, great! Conservative subject of the Islamization of Europe. In German. Blog by a disappointed Reality check after Muslim American conversion to Islam. convert to Islam.

Dr. Homa Darabi Foundation

Egypt Weblog



European Women


Ex Muslim

Women's rights

Pictures, campaigns, articles and link

Mumdih Shawqi's blog, a member from Egyptian, Atheist the rapidly growing atheist community in Muslim Egypt. Web site in Spanish about Israel and Jewish Judaism and the Arab Antisemitism Polish people against the Islamization of Europe and European/Polish against Islamic terror. Webste in Polish A group called Europe an Women for Freedom provides background info and links about the contradiction Hungarian between Islam and democracy, with special regards to the situation of women. Website in Hungarian. Blog about Islam in Europe, Muslim human rights activism, European European politics, development, education. Website in German.

A great website for women wanting to learn the hidden face of Islam

A web site of the secularist/agnostic/athei st voice in the Egyptian society.

Forums and news related to Judaism and the Arab threat against Israel.

The main issue of this site is to show all facts hidden by media and muslim portals

The site was created for a special occasion, 8 March 2005, International Women's Day, and it was connected to an action in Hungary and several other countries in Europe. The aim of the action was to raise awareness about the situation of women in Islam in contrast to democratic countries.

Blog focusing on Islam and its influence all over the world.

Wonderful forum. Great info about ex muslims and how they left islam.

Ex Muslims

Muslims for Christ

Ex Muslim

Ex-Muslim life after Islam, the Christian Arab trouble with Islam and current trends in the Forum

Ex-Muslims about their

Ex-Muslim Forum

religion of the sword.

Faith Freedom Foundation Mirrors:

Golshan Ali Sina's site Czech Mirror

HUGE site by a former Apostate/Humani Muslim. Has E-X-C-E-L-L-E-N-T ! st everything one might

Pravda o islámu Gallery: www.faithfreedom.info

Fight Islam





Map on islamic worldwide population. Tells us how the Air India bombing was planned by khalistani millitants in 1985. Did Al Quida get their idea of crashing planes into buildings from this incident?

Audio-Video clips on islamic murders. Pictures etc.

These websites indirectly relate to the underground secret relationship between muslims and many khalistanis. The terrorist Khalistani Movement caused 20,000 deaths.


Site of Forum against Islamization

This Scandinavian site is mainly in Norwegian, with some information in English


Well indexed documentatio n of holocausts and genocide in the name of Islam

Even though this site is in Norwegian, the pictures do not need a language


Facts about Islam in Swedish

This site informs Swedish readers about the facts everybody should know about Islam.



Website in French about the Islamic invasion of France.

The advance of the Islamization of France is scaring. This website is a warning for what is about to come if there is no change in the French politics.

France Avenir


Website in French

Navigation of this website requires Java.



FOMI Sweden


Free Lebanon


Lebanese, US American

Website in French with news about the islamization of Western countries. States Commitee for a Free Lebanon, the most important organization for AmericanLebanese relations,Ame rica's proLebanon lobby.

Informative site that confronts the intifada, the islamization and the intellectual terrorism of the right-wing Islamists with daily news.

A group working to unify democratic and secularist forces in Lebanon in order to guarantee freedom, liberty and independence of the only non-Jewish democracy in the Middle East

Free Persia Now

Free Thinker

Freethought Mecca


Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry

From Islam to Jesus

Fulcrum of Destiny

Website exposes Islam and its immorality in a very straightforward Persian-Greek manner by quoting the sick "teachings" of Khomeini on women and sex. Agnostic website in Dutch with articles about Islamic Dutch, Agnostic creationism (Harun Yahya) and a critical view towards Islam in general. A very funny, and totally irreverent Humour look at Islam and Christianity. Website about Islam's antidemocratic Secular culture in English and Italian.

calls for HellenicPersian friendship. It provides the link to the Holy Crime site which deals with human rights abuses mainly in Iran.

Although the website is not primarily about Islam it contains critical articles about islamic teachings.

Cold facts and logical reasoning unraveling hot rumors and claims

Very profesionally made website with news and articles about Islam.

The Friends of Israel has been a prominent force in promoting better understanding between evangelical Christians and the Jewish community


Christians supporting Israel


Website from Switzerland in Testimonies of French, apostates Arabic and English.

US American

Resource on the worldwide caliphate (Khalifa) and the American response.

This is actually the web presentation of a book. Although very US patriotic, it has a very visuable way to explain the tenets and the mythology of the Islamic faith. Highly recommendable.

To stop

F-U-S-S (Free the US from the Saudis)


US American


buying oil from Saudi Arabia Liberate America from Saudi Arabia! Website in English and Hebrew by retired Israeli military officers devoted to news on struggle of

This website takes on a major problem, which is so far completely ignored by the US government.

Exposes lies from media, tells the truth about Islamic terror and crimes by the Palestinian tyranny.

Geo Islam

Glistrup Homepage

Grand Mosque No Thanks




Site with downloadable books and articles about Islam and Islamic Immigration (in Danish)


Website by a group of Danish citizens who want to stop a possible erection of a grand mosque.


A search engine covering the four most acknowledged collections of hadiths.

Not exactly anti-islamic, but nevertheless part of the truth and useful for reference.

Secular Democratic

Articles, hadits and links on Islam Excellent content and theocratic Iran

http://www.geocities.com/hammi hanirani/

Hammihan Irani

Exposes Islamic worldwide expansion via immigration.

Website in Danish and Swedish

(Swedish Version)


survival by Jews under Syrian and Palestinian terrorism. Made in a town in the Golan Heights,a territory liberated from Islam. Exposes Islamic teachings and goals in French Website by the former Member of Parliament Mogens Glistrup who was one of the earliest fighters against Islam in Denmark

http://hammihan.20fr.com/ Hammihan

Hillaire Belloc exposes pagan absurdities by muslims. Website by Christians for Muslims in English and Arabic.

A critical view by a foremost catholic theologian layman.

Heresy of Mohammad


He Sets Free


Hindu Jagran


Essays, articles.

Well written articles. Forum, archive.


"Real eye opener about muslim jihadi activities in south asia. Call for Hindus to unite and protect their motherland. "

Hindus from India tell us about their struggle with islamic and koranic terrorism.

Hindu Sitah

Opening the eyes of Muslims for their own religion.

Hindu Holocaust Museum

Hindu Human Rights

Hindu Struggle

Hindu Unity

Holy Crime

Honest Reporting

iAbolish The Anti Slavery Portal

In Defense of Islam

"The massacres perpetrated Hindu by Muslims in India are unparalleled in history..." Human rights abuses against Hindu hindus in Pakistan an Bangladesh Islam Exposed, Hindu Good Collection of Quotes. Excellent message board, huge collection on Hindu Nationalist islamic terrorist activities in India. The site exposes human rights abuses under the Islamic regime in Iran. Democratic It contains numerous GRAPHIC images of torture and executions. Media watch group against Israeli anti-Israeli media bias. US Anti slavery organization working to erradicate slavery particularly in Muslims Humanist countries. The Arab League and the Islamic Conference Organization block and boycott their work. Personal website of a Christian Lebanese Christian

http://www.angelfire.com/extrem e4/infidels_bunker/

Infidel's Bunker (1) Infidel's Bunker (2) http://cjpress.topcities.com/


About Israel and the US.

Sheds light upon a virtually unknown part of history.

Documentation with horrifying pictures of Muslim atrocities

A huge collection of hateful quotes from koran

A huge collection articles, and facts on islam and muslims.

It lists quotes from the Koran that justify cruelty, murder and violence. Not for fainthearted to look at but certainly very informative.

Reveals the truth behind faked stories against Israel

Includes the report of Frances Bok, an exslave who was freed from his sadistic Muslim masters in Sudan. It reveals the existance of slavery in Arabic/Muslim countries.

Objective comparison betwen Islam and Christanity.

Many interesting articles.

Informe sobre el Islamismo (older Mirror)


International Campaign Against Shari'a Court in Canada

Internet Haganah

Into the Light

Iran Politics Club

Isa al-Masih Tandoor


has been one of the first websites in Secular/Buddhist Spanish exposing Islam

FAQ about Islam, that reveals the truth behind the political correct misconcepts of this religion.


Tells Muslims Easy read for Moslems who wish to renounce about Jesus violence

Canadian, Humanist

Canadian humanists fighting for the rights of muslim women living in Canada.

Campaign to stop the "Institute of Civic Justice" in Toronto, an Islamic judicial tribunal established to impose a Shariah based family law on muslims in Canada.


The name. Haganah is Hebrew and means defense. Internet Haganah is a global opensource intelligence network dedicated to confronting internet use by Islamist terrorist organizations, their supporters, enablers and apologists

Internet Haganah is also a grass-roots activist organization which encourages businesses to not provide services to Islamic extremists.


Tells Muslims Thought provoking Muslim-Christian about Jesus discussions

Iranian Secular



Website explores Iranian history in great detail, especially the Arab Islamic conquest of Iran. It shows how these conquests destroyed the great Iranian civilization. It shows how Islam brought the oppression of women to Iran. Helpful articles and resources with a Pakistani flavor. Website of the Institute for the Study of Islam and Christianity

seeks to awaken Iranian people's awareness to stand up against the mullahs and abandon Islam. It's a very informative site.

A site bringing the mesage of jesus to the Muslim culture.

The Institute for the Study of Islam and Christianity is engaged in creating a Christian understanding of, and response to,

contemporary Islam.


Islam and Jihad

Islam and the Church




Byzantine Catholic

"The Institute for the Secularisation of Islamic Society (ISIS) has been formed to promote the ideas of rationalism, secularism, democracy and human rights within Islamic society." Examining the contradictions between the claims of muslims and reality. Website gives a brief but good insight into the history of Islam, its wars and expansion. It exposes the violence and brutality of Islam including the violence and brutality of Mohammed.

A good source of quotations, eventdocumentations and skepticism. This site addresses issues ailing the current Islamic world.

Documents reveiling the real face of Islam.

Shows the current Islamic terrorism as part of the fourteen centuries of Jihad.


A brief history Annoying structure, but includes a lovely song! of Islam


Questions Good layout, easy read, and answers Islamic and contradictions Kuranic 'miracles' on Kuran

http://members.aol.com/AlHaqq4 u/

Islam challenges Christianity Mirror:

http://debate.domini.org./newton/ Islam challenges Christianity (England)

Islam Danger

Islam Faith Examined!

Islamic Society

Website in French Secular/Humanis revealing the t true face of Islam.

Overview over everything Islam stands for: Anti-Semitism, Slavery, Homophobia, Social Injustice, Misogynism, Nazism, Pedophilia, Polygamy etc.


A Resource for the Study of Islam

Great material and good read on claims of Islam and Prophethood


Open directory and Great links, arguments links to islamic literature

Islamic Studies in Christian Perspective

Islamic Terror sites on the Web

Islamic Threat



Studies Islam from a Christian Perspective, and obviously tries to convert Muslims Gives a list of Islamic Websites which promote Jihad.

Blog by an Arab/Christian/U Arab Christian S American in America,

Web site in English and Polish against European/Polish Islam in Europe the Islamization of Europe. A Danish site with an alternative view on Islam, Danish Islaminfo and Danish Islam-related news. In Danish. The purpose of the site is to help students, lay people, professionals, politicians, Secular and clergy to Islamist Watch find out what the Islamist movement is, what its goals are, its methods, its beliefs. This site is about a campaign against Islam by the Swedish Islam i Sverige: Jihad nationalist Swedish mot folkhemmet? party (Islam in Sweden: Jihad Against nationalist Nationaldemo the Swedish Welfare State?) kraterna. They've made a brochure that one can read online. In Swedish. Blog in Swedish Swedish Islamkritik criticizing Islam.

Great web page, nice design, cool material on Islam and Kuran

Great web page, Links updated regularly. Feel Free to send them jihadi websites you come across.

A palestinian describes Islam as the biggest threat to humanity today.

The main issue of this website is to prevent Turkey from joining the European Union.

Excellent site for Scandinavians!

The idea of this website is to let the Islamists speak for themselves, and bring together into one place evidence that reveals the Islamist goal to overthrow secular democracies and replace them with a Caliphate. Islamist theory is the glue that holds together all the various groups involved with world jihad.

The professional look of the site, and the fact that an official party has launched this campaign, will hopefully give it the impact it deserves.

Daily news for those of us who speak Swedish




Islam Review

Islam: The Greatest Threat

Islam Undressed

Islam via Hadis

Islam Watch

Israel Storm


Jacob Richmann

The site may seem antiGerman but it was in fact created by a German - Leo Bauer. Website in English and German.

Le Bauer exposes proMuslim attitudes of some German politicians or political groups. . He also shows how Kaiserism of the old days contributed to the birth of Turkey and how it shaped later German politics.


Persecution of Christians by Islam

Great resource for persecuted Christians and Muslim converts into Christianity. Well documented atrocities with insights into the Jihad theory.


Great material and good Great articles read on islam, mohammed, human on islam rights in islam, quotes from koran and hadiths.


"This site is about Islam and not Muslims"









Discusses "THE GREATEST AND MOST IMMEDIATE THREAT TO HUMAN CIVILIZATION " E-book by Vernon Richards, available as ZIP-file to download and read off line as well as in HTML-format.

Good web design, good material and good read. An eyeopener to the mistreatment of blacks in Islam

Good page design, easy read, a 'gumbo' of quotations from The Bible, Hindu-Islamist dialogues and Kuran

Vernon Richards worked for many years in the US foreign service and developed a deep insight into the world of Islam during his stay in various Islamic countries.

Rudimentary web design A book by but great material on Ram Swaroop Islam and Islamists

Islam under scrutiny by ex-muslims This web site was built by a Hindu who supports the cause of Israel. Web site in Hungarian that tries to stop Turkey from joining te EU. Personal homepage with a complete list

Web site by ex-muslims about the questionable teachings of Islam that made them abandon their religion. A Must Read!

Pledoyer for Israel and against an Arab Palestinian State.

Hungarian group that organizes petitions and protest demonstratios to stop the influence of islamic culture and to protect women's rights. We often forget that there are real persons behind the anonymous numbers of terror

Jai Hinduism

Jesus is Lord

Jewish Task Force

Jewish Virtual Library

Jihad Watch

Kafir Nation

Kashmir: A Paradise turned into Hell Kashmir Information Network

Kashmir News Network

Know Islam






victims. Jacob Richman of recent terror attacks shows us their faces. agaist Israel including photos of the victims and the funerals. A critical look at Islam from a nationalist Hindus defeding India Hindu perspective.

Facts notebook

Basic design but great material on Islamists. Interesting facts on black Islamic movement

Pro-America, Israel and India

Right-wing, patriotic Jewish website. Selective verses from Koran. Facts backed by pictures on islamic barbarism.

Jewish Virtual Library articles providing a critical analysis of Islam and the Muslim world. Site created by Robert Spencer, the author of "Onward Muslim Soldiers: How Jihad Still Threatens America and the West".

Views oj Jewish scholars, used as reference in many universities.

Jihad Watch is dedicated to bringing public attention to the role that jihad theology plays in the modern world, and to correcting popular misconceptions about the role of jihad and religion in modern-day conflicts.


Where Islam hits the wall of truth.

Website with fatwas hadiths and Quran quotes. It also has the only on line copy of Al Sira: The Biography of the Prophet Mohammad. Updated weekly.


Exposes islamic terrorist activities in Kashmir.

Tells us about the persecution of Kafir Hindus and Buddhists in Kashmir at the hands of muslims.


Gateway to a lot of sites about Kashmir

Kashmir, a paradise turned into hell by muslim Terrorists


Excellent website that tells us about the history of Tells us about the genocide of Kashmiri Kashmir and Hindus by muslims. how islam destroyed Kashmir.


Informative Website in form of a blog.

Great analysis about the dubious atraction Islam as on some people in the West.

Kobe Headquarters

Kommt der Islam?

Koran Exposed

Koran Hadithe und Islamisten

Kurdish Women Action Against Honor Killing

Let us reason

Light of Life L'islam et la sounna du prophete

Computer Hackers who are united Secular against the fight against islam. This site describe it as fascism wearing the mask of religion. It also shows "Kafir" the difference between Christianity and Islam, and calls for kafirs to unite. In German. Off late there has been an attempt to show that the evils associated with this religion are simply the Anti-Terrorism doings of 'a handful of evil people called terrorists' This site proves quran is rootsource from these evil. Website by German students and teachers German about persecutions on nonMuslims. KWAHK is a network of Kurdish and non-Kurdish activists, lawyers and Kurdish/Feminist academic researchers against the Islamic tradition of "honor killings" Answers to Islamic Christian questions and claims

Website has news, humor and forum sections. They have members from all over the world

Really interesting site, it's great that it suggests what can be done about the problem...

The roots of islamic terror in the quran.

Website in German that shows how questionable the teachings of islam are.

Documentation oabout the most incredible atrocities of the Islamic society, the murder of female family members in order to restore the honor of the family.

Good material


Investigates Islam from a Christian point of view.


MSN Group Articles and message against Islam board for French antiIslamists. in French

Great webdesign, good material comparing Allah with God from a Christian perspective

L'islam, religion ou systeme politique?

Lone Wolf

Loving a Muslim

Manifeste de Libertés


Maryam Namazie


Defines Islamic ideology and roots in French.

Basic webdesign, good discussions on Islam as Imperialism rather than a peaceful religion, excellent references


Investigates 'scientific' claims of Islam

Basic design, advanced material


Support group, memoirs

Good page design, rivetting stories


Manifest of Freedom by people from Islamic background, mulims, as well as exmuslims

Manifest in French, English, Arabic and Italian


A Spanish anti-islamist writing about the current muslim attempts to Blog in undo the achievements Spanish about of the "Reconquista" Islamism that freed Spain from seven centuries of islamic oppression.


Website by an Iranian woman about islamic fundamentalis m.

Maryam Namazie is a commited activist for secularism in the Muslim world.

Western woman's

Real life experience

One page of actual experiences

http://www.domini.org/lam/warni ngs.html

Marrying a Middle Easterner Same article:

http://www.answeringislam.de/Marriage/warnings.html Marrying a Middle Easterner

Masada 2000

Media and their Atrocities



Synopsis of Israeli-nationalist the trouble spots

Good design, good material on the truth


Exposes the Liberal American Media and the lies it spreads about Serbia.

Tells us why Serbs were targeted for demonization because they were the largest nationality and the one most opposed to the breakup of Yugoslavia.


Blog in German with news about Islamism in the West.

Excepts from international news about the absurdities of Islam and how Political Correctnes deals with them.


Exposes what exactly the Muslims say in Arabic in their own TV channels. MEMRI's TV monitoring center focuses on political, cultural, religious, and

Website of the TV channel of the Middle East Media Research Institute with original video clips translated into English.

Menschenrechte auf islamistisch?

Middle East Info

Militant Islam Monitor

Military Week

Ministry of Truth

Minority Report

Miss Afghanistan

Human Rights (?)


US American



other developments and debates in the Arab and Muslim world and in Iran. An insight into the Shariah Islamic laws, and how Muslims seek Interesting to have these laws recognized. Text in English, and in German. The purpose of the website is to provide the Middle-East- reader with accurate Info.org aims information about the to advance Middle East , comprising democracy, 22 Arab countries, Iran pluralism and and Israel . The information presented mutual respect in the is, predominantly, from Middle East . recognized Arab, Iranian and international sources.

Website with similar purposes and objectives as Endorsed by Abrahamic Faith ministry and many the meanwhile other groups. disappeared Stop Islam group. Information on Islamic terrorist groups and Great website with links. their acts of terror. Information on Air India blast. Jesus said: "Beware of false prophets, which come Christian History and its view on Islam and koran. to you in Tells us about the true sheep’s side of Islam. clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves."


Essay about the systematic islamization of Europe.

12 Mb PDF file about the causes and the development of the islamization of Europe. The document is in German.


Comparison between Miss America and "Miss Afghanistan"

An elegant website run by an American webdesigner, Lizy Bordom, contrasts the life of a 'Miss America' and a 'Miss Afghanistan' under the Taleban.

Mission Prières Évangélisation Parmi Les Musulmans de France Mohammed's Believe It or Else! Mohammed - Terrorist or Prophet Monument to Muslim "Tolerance"

Mosque Watch



Murtads of Malaysia

Muslim Freethinkers

Muslim Hope

Mulim League Attack on Sikhs and Hindus in the Punjab 1947

Website to convert Muslims in French/Christian France to Christianity, in French.

Inckudes a comparison between the quran and the bible, the bible in Arabic and an open forum.


Online The Islamic faith in version of the pictures. comic book.


Website comparing Christianity with Islam



Talks about the walls of 952 human skulls in Serbia. Articles about Islamic terrorism threatening the US.

Islam is not just another Abrahamic religion. Read why! Interesting site, Pictures, History of Serbia and Islamic Jihadis operating in the Balkans. New web site with articles, nes, jokes and multi media material about Islamic terrorism.


Review of Islam

Sophisticated site with excellent information on issues pertaining to Islam and Christianity


Nice Bengali and English website.

This site exposes so called scientific myths of Quran and welcomes the other critical view on Islam.

Malaysian apostate


The site is basically exmuslim/apost ate. It is run by Malaysian apostates and deals in particular with people who have left islam in Malaysia. "Its goal is to combat against dogmatism and blind faith."

This site contains both articles and personal testimonials.

Good review of Ibn Warraq?s 'Why I am Not a Muslim', and some articles very critical of Islam.


Teaching Christian hope to Muslims.

Tragic events producing diverse reactions among Muslims. The website shows that Islam is a religion without hope.

Sikh/Punjabi Hindu

Online book by Sardar Gurbachan Singh Talib about the Muslim atrocities that drove 7 million Sikhs and Hindus out of their homes in West Punjab

This books describes the brutal way how Muslims typically acquire their lands on the Indiasn subcontinent using the example of Punjab in the year 1947..

Muslim Refusenik

Muslims Out

Musulmanes Online

National Unity Coalition For Israel

New Horizons

No To Political Islam

Observatório da Jihad


OneFamily Fund

Online Jihad

Webpage by Irshad Manji, Feminist a persian writer and feminist. Website with useful propaganda Secular material (posters, banners, etc.) against Islam. Satiric website in French that Satiric exposes the disgusting habits of Muslims. A site promoting solidarity with the only Judeo-Christian democracy of the Middle East. Has some info about Islam. Promotes the ideals of secularism, Iranian democracy, and rational inquiry to Iranians. Petition against political Islam promoting a Secular clear separation between religion and politics. Very professionally made blog with current Portuguese news about the islamic threat worldwide. Web site about the Islamic threat Western against Western culture in French.

website introducing women to the truth about islam, against the propaganda of feminist apologists.

Photos, videos and articles about the sickness of Islam.

Muslim women demanding to be oppressed.

Lots of advise and arguments that will help one win any debate about the Jewish-Islamic conflict in the Middle East.

Good design, some material, good links for Iranians, small discussion board

Website in several languages made by Muslims with a secular view who reject islamic laws imposed on the society.

Keeping updated about Islam in Portuguese.

General information about Islam

Bringing together people who have suffered by terror attacks.


Organization to help terror victims.


Blog by a Jewish woman living in the UK who Reveals how islamists speaks Arabic and western journalists which enables manipulate the media her to translate and analyze

jihadist propaganda

Orthodox Info (1) Orthodox Info (2)

Christian http://www.orthodoxinfo.com/gen Orthodox


Pakistan Facts - Secrets of a rogue nation


http://members.fortunecity.com/te rrorgate/

Pakistan: Terrorism (1) Pakistan: International Terrorism (2)


http://www.india.indymedia.org/f ront.php3?article_id=2741&grou p=webcast/

Palestinian Media Watch


Panun Kashmir

Kashmiri Hindu

Peaceful Islam


Persian World Outreach

Pre-Islamic Paganism

Primechoice Primer Action Center

Christian Orthodox demonstrate the moral/ethical superiority of Christianity over Islam. Exposes the role of Pakistani intelligence and Pervez Musharaf on the war on terror. Great articles on terrorism. Exposes pro jihad pakistan. Great articles on pakistani sponsored islamic jihadi terrorism. Web site that analyses the cause of the anti-Israeli hatred by what is published in the Palestinian media. Truth on Kashmir can be found here. Essays and links related to Islamic atrocities in Kashmir Education website by Florida First Baptist Church

Good information about eastern Europeans and middle east christians who suffered under islam.

Informative links on islamic republic of pakistan, which is the most dangerous place to live on the planet.

Informative links on islamic republic of pakistan, and its role in international islamic terrorism.

Understanding the Palestinian society through monitoring of Palestinian language media and schoolbooks

Informative video clips from kashmir about terrorists who confess on TV regarding their Jihad in Kashmir.

Christians show the truth about Islam without taboos.


Promotes the Good design, news, love of Jesus. good links for Iranians.


Reports from better times in the Middle East, before Islam.


Q&A on Islam material and links


Non-profit, non-partisan grass roots volunteer media watch

Facts about the preislamic civilization in Arabia. Don't let the muslims fool you to believe that Arab history begins with Islam. Basic design, good

Based in Florida and trying to counter hate propaganda against Israel and Jews.

Project: Open Book


Prophet of Doom



Questionable Teachings of Islam



group to counter antiJewish and anti Israel written, visual and oral messages. A watchdog, keeping an eye on the persecution of Christians in the Islamic World. Devotes some pages to the history of and theory behind the persecutions. On line book by Craig Winn about Mohammad, printed version also available.

Good documentation of atrocities on Christians by Muslims

Islam's Terrorist Dogma In Muhammad's Own Words

Psychoanalys On hatred of women and Islamic terrorism is

Comparative analysis between Islam Judeo-Christian and JudeoChristian teachings Online edition of the three most Islamic acknowledged English translations of the Quran.

Showing the incompatibility between Judaism and Christianity on the one side and islam on the other.

Not exactly anti-islamic, but nevertheless part of the truth and useful for reference.

The section on Islam at the website of this local radio station was probably the first antiislamic material on the Internet in Scandinavia.


Partly in Norwegian, and partly in English.

Kashmiri Sufism

Good design, great Writings of articles unraveling the Anwar Shaikh myth of peaceful Islam

Reality With Bite


New website about Islam

Articles, quotes, humour and links.



In French

A european platform against the islamisation.


Anti-Islamic website in Polish, very Includes a very good article on FGM (Female informative Genital Mutilation) and interesting to read.

Radio Bergen

Real Islam

Religia Pokoju

Religion of Peace


Revolutionary Association Afghan Women of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA)


Saffron Tigers

Sanningen om Islam


Shimshon 9

Sita Ka Sansar

Sixth Column Against Jihad

Website analyzing the different meaning of the word "peace" in the West and in Islam RAWA is the oldest organization of Afghan women struggling for peace, freedom, democracy and women's rights in Afghanistan.

reporting about Islamic terror attacks.

Reports about the situation of women in fundamentalismblighted Afghanistan before and after the US intervention.

Muslims should not get offended by this site. This site tells us about real islam. Instead they should learn something from this site.


Great site. Tells us about islam straight up!!


Wake up call Well designed website with a Shiv Sena for the Hindus perspective

A Swedish evangelical ministry created to inform swedish The website emphasizes people about on the opression of Christian/Swedis the true women under Islam and a critical perspective on h nature of islamic religious Islam, and teachings. reacting to liberal/socialis t pro-muslim propaganda. Web site in Swedish Contains articles and a New site under Danish FAQ-section construction with info in Danish on on islam. islam


Website about Israel and its struggle for survival.

The personal website of a Hindu patriot, Hindu-nationalist includes an "Islam exposed" section American patriots that identify the threat of Islam American and its particular dangers for the free world based on a

Many articles about current events in Israel cleaning up the false myths of Arab propaganda.

Well designed site, information on Hinduism and the truth on Islam

The blog of this site is highly recommended and updated daily.

philosophy of rationalism ad humanism.



Sources of Islam

Spirit of Islam

Spotlight On Muslim Misconceptions

Sword of Truth

Teach Kids Peace

Ten Myths About Islam



Website in French of the resistence against the Islamic infiltration of France

Website telling the truth about the situation in France and in Western Europe in general which is much different from the official policy of French politicians.

Website in French with interesting articles.

Europe, France, secularism, democracy, civilization and culture vs. Immigration, Islamization, Marxism, totalitarism, delinquency, racism

Online book, Academic/Resea by W. St. rch Clair-Tisdall

Good design, intricate details on the 'origin' of Koran Website by Dr. Labib Mikhail, a former professor of homiletics from the Faith Mission Bible College in Cairo, Egypt. He is a television speaker, journalist and has authored more than 60 books.


Website explaining Islam to Christians


To foster a better understandin g of Christianity among Muslims and Series of scholar to encourage debates the use of fair standards of inquiry between Muslims and Christians.


Hindu website; material on the writings of Anwar Shaikh, and Islam in India.

Very informative discussions on topics related to Hinduism. Excellent source for Islamic doublespeak and atrocities. Anwar Shaikh's (ex-Muslim) articles are eye openers

Middle Eastern

International human rights organization against islamic hate propaganda in the Middle East

Showing the propaganda of hate that is taught to Muslim children.

E-book by Timothy W. Dunkin

The site addresses issues concerning the message Islam puts forth to the West, across a range of theological and sociological issues. It basically deals with the *myths* we are told


by Muslims

Terror Tracker


Book by Neil Doyle, an expert in the fields of counterterrorism, alQaeda, and the Internet.

Australian Christian

Revealing the investigates the pagan pagan roots traditions of Islam that are still present in of Islam.

Information about Neil Doyle's book Terror Tracker including a forum with current news.

A website that

The Cult of the Moon God

modern Islam

The Good Way


The Islamic Monitor


The Islamization of Betlehem by Arafat


The Koran: Testimony of AntiChrist


The Organization of Iraqi, Feminist Women's Freedom in Iraq

The Prevailing Myth

The Quran

The Raphi



Pro-Israeli, Zionist

Tells Muslims Cool web page, great for Muslims attempting to about Jesus understand Christianity "The rising influence of Islam in the West will be the greatest threat to our rights to freedom of speech and religion." Info about persecution of Christians in the areas ruled by Muslim terrorist Arafat. In the same site you will also, among other things, find a list of books about Islamization... Essays, comparisons between Christianity and Islam Organization to protect the rights of women in Iraq's increasingly backward society. Unravels the inherent logical inconsistency of Islam "Examines" Islam from a Biblical perspective. Personal Website dedicated to Israel's struggle for survival against

Basic design but great material for everyone. Essay on Jemmima Goldsmith is revealing.

Great site, especially for Christians!

The color combination of this web page is tedious, but has good material for Christians After the US invasion of Iraq the situation of women has become much worse than under Saddam Hussein's rather secular regime. Fundamentalism must not prevail. Basic design, but has good material and links on logical inconsistencies of Islam

Has useful information.

News, Articles, Jokes, Links, Divrei Torah, Multimedia presentations and more from a young Zionist in Toronto.

Muslim terrorists.

Tidens Tecken


True Factor of Islam


Truth about Kashmir


Truth Alone Triumphs

United Canadian Commitee


The 20 articles help understand Islam Essays and without the usual links related to masquerade or frills. Islamic Eight links including one atrocities to the Armenian genocide page.


Movement of concerned Canadians promoting awareness of threats from Islamic extremism in Canada.

US American

Movement of concerned Americans promoting awareness of threats from Islamic extremism in America.


Seeking justice Charts imperialistic for victims of islamic agression jihad worldwide worldwide

(now Anti-Jihad Canada)

United American Committee

United Front for the Victims of Jihad

United Zionistic Israelites Pro-Israeli UNSR.US Victor Mordecai

Walid Shoebat

This link leads to one of the great articles Informative site with about Islam at useful information on persecution against the site Christians in Islamic Tidens countries. tecken. In Swedish. "Can you still say that Islam Good read, good materials and links and is the religion nice humor of peace?" Collection of pictures, articles, Tells us about islamic weapons on terrorists in Kashmir. islamic terrorists in Kashmir.

Anti-Jihad Canada (formerly United Canadian Committee) is dedicated to promoting awareness of the threats within the Canadian borders. And the continued close monitoring of Islamic extremism. A movement to promote citizen involvement in national security issues, and to awake Washington on the issue of Islamic extremism. A diverse group, all Americans, united, striving for a better tomorrow in America.

Israeli website

Great articles on islam.


Middle East conflict und religion issues deep Analysis.

Website with current news in German focusing on the events in the Middle East.


Home page on Great web design and Islamism and thought collection threats to peace


Web site by a former PLO terrorist who speaks out for Israel.

The Arab hatred against Israel as the modern form of Anti-Semitism.

War on Jihad

Welcome to the World of Hindu Holocaust


History of Iislamic Jihad Secular, Humanist worldwide and current news.


Documentation of the history of This is very useful Islamic information. GREAT!!! massacres against Hindus.


Religion and This website is in Politics in Islam German

Wenn der Papst den Koran küsst


Western Resistance


What Arab Civilization?

This site is fearless reporting and commenting to expose the Islamic Jihad.


It explores the al-Taqiyya strategy, and criticizes the politics of multiculturalis m, among other things... In German. Website with current news and essays about Islamic terrorism. A letter, about Islamic "achievements" and "tolerance", written by an Assyrian

A very good site!

Very active website with lots of new articles every day.

Exposes many myths. EXCELLENT!


Basic info on Islam geared to non-Muslims who don't know much about it

VERY IMPORTANT SITE! The experience of a woman who converted to Islam, but left it when she saw the true face of the Islamic cult.

What is the Quran?


Interesting article by Derafsh Kaviyani, an Persian Zoroastrian about the Quran and its origin.

New discoveries suggest that the Quran is not unaltered, but that there have been different versions of the holy book of Islam around.



On line encyclopedia about Islam

Information about Islam in Wiki format. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!


WAV was established in 1992 by a group of Arab women professionals and activists in Israel who were alarmed by the lack of public services for the rising number of abused Arab women turning to the ISRAELI government for help.

WAV seeks to address the problem of domestic violence and the paucity of support services for abused Arab women in Israel. We established the first full-service Arabic crisis hotline in Israel (the second Arabic language hotline in the country!), and Israel's first shelters and halfway-houses for Arab women and girls.

Israeli Nationalist

Women for Israel's tomorrow.

Israeli women concerned about the future of their country.

What is Islam?

Women Against Violence

Women in Green

Women Living Under Muslim Laws

Women's Forum Against Fundamentalism In Iran





Zennah Ministries, Inc.


Zionist Organization of America

Israeli/US American

Zukunft Europa


Women Living Under Muslim Laws is an international solidarity network that provides information, support and a collective space for women whose lives are shaped, conditioned or governed by laws and customs said to derive from Islam.Website in English, French and Arabic Website promoting a greater awareness of the challenges women face living under fundamentalist regimes such as that of Iran. Website about the Israeli struggle for survival and peace and against AntiSemitism True Story of an American woman who escaped from her muslim husband. A Pro-Israel lobby group fervently working to protect American and Israeli interests. Website in German against Turkey's plans to join the European Union.

For more than two decades WLUML has linked individual women and organisations. It now extends to more than 70 countries ranging from South Africa to Uzbekistan, Senegal to Indonesia and Brazil to France.

Oppression of women in Iran, about death penalties, forced veiling, and women driven into poverty.

Includes the Peace Encyclopedia

Marriage is one of the most dangerous weapos of the Islamic Jihad. The experience of W. L. Cati may be a warning.

Professional website from a zionist organization with long tradition.

Islamism and violations of human rights in Turkey create fears that its intentions to join the EU could accelerate the islamization of Europe.

Terror and terrorism. Jihad and Islam in Africa, Europe, Asia and America. Arafat of PLO, Osama bin Laden, Basayev and other Islamic terrorists. What can I do about terrorism? How can I fight it? Islamic. How to fight terrorism? Defending India, the US, Russia, Israel, England and all other countries threatened by it. Islam is Islam is Islam. Somalia, Iraq, Sudan, Afghanistan, Palestine, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Turkey and Chechenya. Women and Islam. Crusaders and Kafirs. Sharia, or the Hadith or even the Koran. Quran, facts, info and some information. What is the root? Islam, Judaism, Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism and Sikhism. Muslims, Jews, Christians, Buddhists and Hindus. The Fatwa by the Mullah and the Imam. The Mosque of Mecca and Medina. Muhammed, Mohammed, Muhammad or Mohammad, why not Aisha? Abu Bakr, Khalid or Ali. Links, anti and Islam. Islamic sites, anti-Islamic sites and Islamic resources. Hate and I. Islam.

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