Dacion en Pago
Short Description
Sample format of Dation in Payment © Atty. Ralph Sarmiento's Everybody's Legal Forms...
(Dacion en Pago / Dation in Payment) DEED OF TRANSFER
KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: This Deed of Transfer made and executed by: _____________ !" #e$a# a$e %i#i&in! 'sin$#e ( ma))ied ( *id!*+ and a )esident !" ,,,,,,,,,,,,, Phi#i&&ines 'he)eina"te) )e"e))ed t! as the -TRANSFEROR -+. -+.
/ in "a0!) !" / ,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,, !" #e$a# a$e %i#i&in! 'sin$#e ( ma))ied ( *id!*+ and a )esident !" ,,,,,,,,,,,,, Phi#i&&ines 'he)eina"te) )e"e))ed t! as the -TRANSFEREE-+. WITNESSETH: That WHEREAS the TRANS%EROR has secu)ed a #!an ")!m the TRANS%EREE and as secu)ity "!) the &aymen &aymentt the)e! the)e!" " m!)t$ m!)t$a$e a$ed d a ce)tai ce)tain n &a)ce# &a)ce# !" #and #and t!$eth t!$ethe) e) *ith *ith a## the the bui#di bui#din$s n$s and(!) and(!) im&)!0ements the)e!n the #and m!)e &a)ticu#a)#y desc)ibed as "!##!*s:
'Technica# 1esc)i&ti!n !" P)!&e)ty+ *hich Rea# Estate M!)t$a$e is m!)e &a)ticu#a)#y desc)ibed as 1!c N!2 ,,,,,,,, Pa$e N!2 ,,,,,,,, B!!3 N!2 ,,,,,,,, Se)ies !" ,,,,,,,, in the N!ta)ia# Re$ist)y !" N!ta)y Pub#ic ,,,,,,,,,,,,, !" the P)!0ince !" ,,,,,,,,,,,,, and inc!)&!)ated by *ay !" )e"e)ence as &a)t !" this deed2 WHEREAS, in !)de) t! sett#e the said #!an the TRANS%EROR has !""e)ed t! t)ans"e) by *ay !" dati!n in &ayment the ab!0e/menti!ned &)!&e)ty in "a0!) !" the TRANS%EREE in "u## ac4uittance !" his !b#i$ati!n *ith the #atte) *hich !""e) *as acce&ted by the TRANS%EREE2 NOW THEREFORE "!) and in c!nside)ati!n !" the "!)e$!in$ sti&u#ati!ns and c!0enants and "!) the "u## ac4uittance !" the !b#i$ati!n !" the TRANS%EROR in "a0!) !" the TRANS%EREE secu)ed by the )ea# estate estate m!)t$a$e m!)t$a$e a"!)ementi!n a"!)ementi!ned ed the TRANS%ERO TRANS%EROR R d!es he)eby CEDE TRANSFER and CONVEY the a"!)ementi!ned &a)ce# !" #and t!$ethe) *ith a## the im&)!0ements "!und the)e!n in "a0!) !" the TRANS%EREE ")ee ")!m a## #iens and encumb)ances exce&t th!se a#)eady ann!tated &)i!) the )e$ist)ati!n !" the m!)t$a$e as a"!)ementi!ned2 IN WITNESS WHEREOF the &a)ties ha0e he)eunt! si$ned these &)esents at ,,,,,,,,,,,,, Phi#i&&ines !n ,,,,,,,,,,,,,2 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,2
,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
REP8BL57 O% THE PH5L5PP5NES+ 75TY(M8N575PAL5TY O% ,,,,,,+ SS2 x////////////////////////////////////x ACKNOWED!"ENT #EFORE "E a N!ta)y Pub#ic "!) and in the 'P)!0ince(7ity(Munici&a#ity+ !" ,,,,,,,,,,,,, &e)s!na##y a&&ea)ed ,,,,,,,,,,,,, *ith 7!mmunity Tax 7e)ti"icate N!2 ,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,, issued !n ,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,, at ,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,, &e)s!na##y 3n!*n t! t! me '!) *h!m *h!m 5 ha0e ha0e ident identi"ied i"ied th)!u$h th)!u$h c!m&e c!m&etent tent e0idence !" identity+ and *h! )e&)esented t! me that his(he) si$natu)e !n the "!)e$!in$ inst)ument *as 0!#unta)i#y a""ixed by him(he) "!) the &u)&!ses stated in the inst)ument and *h! dec#a)ed that he(she has executed the "!)e$!in$ inst)ument as his(he) ")ee and 0!#unta)y act and deed2
This This 5nst)u 5nst)umen mentt c!nsi c!nsists sts !" !n#y !n#y ,,,,,, ,,,,,, ',,,,+ ',,,,+ &a$e(s &a$e(s inc#ud inc#udin$ in$ this this &a$e &a$e in *hich *hich this this ac3n!*#ed$ment is *)itten du#y si$ned by ,,,,,,,,,,,,, and his(he) inst)umenta# *itnesses !n each and e0e)y &a$e he)e!"2 WITNESS "Y HAND AND SEA this ,,,,,,,,,,,,, at ,,,,,,,,,,,,, Phi#i&&ines2
1!c2 N!2 ,,,,,,. Pa$e N!2 ,,,,,,. B!!3 N!2,,,,,,. Se)ies !" 9,,,,2
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