Dabur Pestel Analysis1 (1)

March 13, 2019 | Author: SumitAbrol | Category: Retail, Taxes, Foods, Brand, Economics
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Dabur Pestel Analysis1 (1)...


Dabur – Success Story Dr. Dr.

S.K Burman started Dabur in 1884

4th largest

FMCG comany in !ndia


"Dedicated to the health and #ell being o$ e%ery household" Core

Kno#ledge o$ &yur%eda as cometiti%e ad%antage


o$ 's ()*(+ Crore, Crore, - Maret Ma ret Caitalisation o$ /S0 

Billion Focus

on gro#ing its core brands 2 reaching out to ne# geograhies – le%eraging technology


Goods and Ser%ice 3a) #hich #ill relace the multile indirect taes le%ied on FMCG sector #ith a uni$orm) simli5ed and single2int taation system) is liely to be imlemented soon. 3he rate on goods is roosed to be 6*7 and on ser%ices 17

&s er Food Security bill) Kg o$ $ood grains er erson er month #ill be ro%ided at subsidi9ed rices $rom State Go%ernments under the targeted ublic distribution system. 3he agriculture #ould recei%e a boost and this could lead to more in%estment in imro%ing agriculture roducti%ity maing it cometiti%e

FD! in retail : Decision to allo# 17 in multi brand retail and 1**7 in single brand retail augers #ell $or the outloo $or the FMCG sector. 3he mo%e is eected to bolster emloyment) and suly chains) aart $rom ro%iding high %isibility $or FMCG brands in organi9ed retail marets) bolstering consumer sending) and encouraging more roduct launches

'elaation o$ license rules: !ndustrial licenses are not re;uired $or almost all $ood and agro2rocessing industries) barring certain items such as beer) otable alcohol and #ines) cane sugar) and hydrogenated animal

PESTEL &nalysis


!ncreasing consumerism  Fa%orable demograhics and rising income le%els   3otal consumtion eenditure set to increase 2 eected to reach nearly /SD+** billion by 6*6* $rom /SD 1+68 billion in 6*16  ** million by 6*+*  !ndia?s middle income oulation estimated to reach 6( million by 6*1 $rom 1* million in 6*11  'ural FMCG maret si9e to gro# $rom /SD 16 billion in 6*11 to /SD 1** billion by 6*6 dri%en by increase in er caita disosable incomes  Desite higher interest rates and ele%ated !n@ation) the !ndian FMCG gre# at a healthy 126*7 last year dri%en by robust rural and urban demand

PESTEL &nalysis


le%els : Aducation is one o$ the most imortant $actor #hich in@uence the buying o#er o$ consumer) #hile selecting a articular goods a consumer should no# all its $eatures so it can dierentiate them #ith another roducts. a#

aect social beha%iour : Dierent la#s are made by the go%ernment to sa$e guard the rights o$ consumers. For eamle2 Consumer rotection act) this la# indicates that a consumer can 5le a case against a seller i$ he 5nds that he is cheated.

PESTEL &nalysis


- inno%ation


in technology


3aen by Dabur : Dabur in%ested 's. 1 crores in hard#are and so$t#are $or its go2do#ns and branches to be directly lined #ith its head;uarters through direct emails


An%ironment regulations

An%ironmental rotection

PESTEL &nalysis


Comanies la# :

Amloyment la# :

Consumer rotection :

!ndustry2seci5c regulations :

SWOT Analysis

Aort Eortunities in Foreign Maret

&nity to#ards yoga Gro#ing
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