D60 how to see

May 9, 2017 | Author: Hemant Bhatt | Category: N/A
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D60 how to see यततरककततररपप समपतररपतत कत रर षषठठरठ शकरपधपत । तततर नरशश न सनदद हश मम तरत द यसय वचश यथर ॥ १०८॥ yatrakutrāpi samprāptaḥ krūra ṣaṣṭhyāṃśakādhipaḥ । tatra nāśo na sandeho maitreyasya vaco yathā ॥ 108॥ yatrakutrApi samprAptaH krUra ShaShThyAMshakAdhipaH | tatra nAsho na sandeho maitreyasya vacho yathA || 108|| ch.3 p-1 BPHS khemraj edition in the chapter of 'shodasavarga viveka adhyaya' of BPHS it is said for D60 that " yatrakutrApi samprAptaH krUraShaShTyaMshakAdhipaH || tatra nAsho na sandeho prAchinAnAM vacho yathA || " Here what is cruel D60 lord or planet and how we could determine it? whether cruel D60 planet is required to be place in D1 bhava or bhava lord of D1 is required to be placed in cruel d60 or both to see the destruction of particular bhava.

If the bhava met with the cruel D60 lord then the bhava in question will be destroyed or suffer a defect is beyond doubt oh! sage Maitraya. Is it bhava lord of D1 met with cruel D60 or cruel D60 lord fall in D1 bhava or it works both way. In my opinion it works both ways. In other editions it is said as the bhava whose lord is in a malefic Shashtiamsa will diminish, so say Garga and others. We may take bhava and its lord and karaka for overall effect is the established rule in vedic astrology applied here also. This verse requires better understanding before applied to charts. To see transit and dasa effect in this context will be very interesting study. Male-RimsBhtt Date: June 18, 1986;Time: 22:10:00;Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of GMT);Place:72 E 56' 00", 20 N 38' 00"; Valsad, India;Nakshatra: Swaati (Ra) (38.97% left);Ayanamsa: 23-39-08.66

Body Lagna Sun Moon Mars (R) Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn (R) Rahu Ketu

Division Index In whose amsa in D-60 (Trd) 34 27 Kali-naasa 7 7 Bhrashta 30 30 Gulika 58 58 Payodhi 55 55 Kroora 57 57 Amrita 20 41 Kula-naasa 23 38 Amrita 10 10 Vahni 10 10 Vahni

krura shashti amsakaadhipaH = the lord of the kroora shashti amsa

yatra kutra api = when placed in those bhavas tatra naasho (karati)= shall destroy it (bhava) na sandeho= need not doubt (undoubtfully) yatha praacheenaam vacho= like this the ancient has told [the lord of the kroora shastiamsa when occupying a bhava shall destroy that bhava, This is as stated by the ancients]. That looks absurd. But how can ever imagine that the sages are talking nonsense? So there has to be better explanation to the above.

Look at the planets that are occupying the kroora shashti amsa and the bhavas ruled by those planets. The lord of that amsa shall do harm to that bhava at some point of time (or permanently) defined by dasa / bhukti / chidra / transit. [this explanation was given by Suresh ji] This is also in tune with other similar theories involving navamsa lords. I don't understand what exactly is the confusion here. Isn't it evident / logical that those planet in the kroora shashtiamsa are damaging?

to whom? A) to the bhava they own B) to the bhava in which they sit C) to the bhava they aspect D) to the bhava whose lords they are with. The same rules that determine the outcome / quality of bhava? [there is patabedha with the word 'gargaadeenam' instead of 'pracheenam' in the said verse]. sarvatra bhaavagrihatatpatikaarakakhyaistadyuktaviikshakakhagairapi tadgataischa chintyaani bhaavajaphalaanyakhilaani yuktyaa nrinaam vilagnabhavanndathavaa shashaankaath sarvatra = in all the instances / at all places / everywhere bhava griha = bhava rashi tat pati = lord of the bhava (rashi lord) kaarakahya = Karaka of bhava tad yuktaiH = planets along with them viikshaka khagair api = planets aspecting them also tad gataishcha = planets placed in those rashi chintyani = should be considered bhavaja phalaan akhilaani = all kinds of results of that bhava yuktya = intelligently nrinaam = by men vilagna bhavanath = from the rising lagna eva shashankath = and from moon.

paapagriha balayutaah shubhavargasamsthaah saumyaah bhavanti shubhavarggagasaumyadrishtaah praayena paapaganagaa vibalaashcha saumyaah paapaa bhavantyashubhavargagapaapadrishtaah paapaagrihaa= malefic planets balayutaa= becoming strong shubhavarga samsthaaH= (and) placed in shuba varga saumya shubha vargaga drishtaaH = aspected by saumya planets in shubha varga saumyaaha bhavatnti = becomes saumya (soft / mild etc) [strong malefic planets becomes shubha grihas if they occupy subha varga and are aspected by saumya grihas who are in shubha varga themselves]. prayena = in general paapaganaga = (occupying) paapa varga vibalashcha = who had lost strength saumyaaH= saumya planets paapa bhavanti= becomes papa grihas ashubha vargaga paapa drishtaaH= (when) aspected by malefic planets in ashubha varga. [generally, the banefic planets who have lost their strength, occupy malefic varga and are aspected by malefic planets in malefic vargas becomes malefic] So you can understand how the shubha varga and papa varga transform the guna of a planet. Kroora & Saumya Shashti amsas in each signs In male signs the following are termed as Kroora while other are Saumya. 1,2,8,9,10,11,12,13,16,28,31,32,33,34,35,39,40,42,43,44,48,49,52,59 In female signs, the above become Saumya amsa. Each of the amsa in Shashtiamsa are 00:30:00 (30 minutes) duration. so one can easily see if the amsa is kroora or saumya. The lords of the amsa is reckoned just like dwadasamsa (from that sign itself).

Namaste, Hemant Ji, you are citing from Ganesha Datta Pathak's version of BPHS. Other versions also contain this verse but with slight change in wording which does not change the real meaning. D60 lord is lord of lagna of D60. Two things are needed to decide whether D60 lord is cruel or not. First is the shashtyamsha in which D60 lord is placed. Shashtyamshas with auspicious names like Amrit, Sudhaa, etc are good, and shashtyamshas with inauspicious names are bad. For instance, if D60 lagna is Mithuna, then Mercury is D60 lord. If Mercury is in Sudhaa shashtyamsha than Mercury is auspicious and the house in which Mercury is placed gets the benefit. Second reckoning is the normal method of deciding beneficence / maleficence of planets on the basis of exaltation / debility, lordships of benefic / malefic houses, placements in good or bad houses, strengths, aspects and relations, avasthaas, yuddha, etc. All these reckonings of D60 should be viewed in D60 and not in D1. D60 and D1 are simultaneously compared only when Vargottama and Bhavottama need to be evaluated. BPHS clearly states that all sixteen vargas should have 12-houses (including D-2) and all vargas should be made and evaluated in the manner of D-1. But few astrologers do so in practice. Twelve-house D-2 is out of vogue, and only its two deities are taken into account. There are four other proofs in favour of 12-house D2 : Kundala in Shadvarga, Mukuta in Saptavarga, Shreedhaama in Dashavarga, and Shreevallabha in Shodashavarga imply that all vargas can be svavargas (i.e., their lagna-lords can be in own signs). D30 cannot allow Karka and Simha for lagna or for any planet's placement, while if 2-house D2 is accepted then the very concepts of Kundala in

Shadvarga, Mukuta in Saptavarga, Shreedhaama in Dashavarga, and Shreevallabha in Shodashavarga will become impossible and seem to be errors by rishis. Therefore, 12-house D2 is a reality. Higher divisions need correct birth-time, correct ayanAmsha and correct ganita-siddhAnta. Another problem is unheeded by Kaliyugi astrologers : if dashA-Arambha charts (DAC) have very strong planets with respect to birthchart, then birthchart is suppressed by DAC. In such cases, astrologers run from pillar to post without finding any solace, and imagines birth-time to be incorrect. DAC needs birth-time accuracy to the level of centi-seconds or milli-seconds which was possible when Garbhaadhaana Samskaara was done properly and Sootikaa-grih details were recorded. In such cases, Ashtaka varga and Sudarshana Chakra is the best way according to BPHS. thanks for the reply sirji can u pls explain this D60 analogy wrt to the chart below regarding his academical and professional career sir Male Date: June 18, 1986;Time: 22:10:00;Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of GMT);Place:72 E 56' 00", 20 N 38' 00"; Valsad, India;Nakshatra: Swaati (Ra) (38.97% left);Ayanamsa: 23-39-08.66 with due respect to our sages what is told is followed sir only thing is how one interprets it and utilise it is enhancement and betterment touch. D60 is a chart where each sign is divided into 60 shashtiamshas. There is a name given to each of the 60 Shashtiamshas and indicated whether it is a benefic/malefic shashtiamsha. One should determine in which shashtiamsha a planet falls and note whether it is a benefic or malefic shashtiamsha. A planet gives good effects if it is in benefic shashtiamsha, and adverse results if malefic shashtiamsha. However, a word of caution. I feel that we are not fully equipped to accurately study D60 yet. We are still grappling with different Ayanamshas. Any small variation could put the planets in a different shashtiamsha. Also, there is not much literature available on how to really analize D60. Hence, one can concentrate on other areas rather than breaking one's head on these hazy areas. Namste Hemant Ji, Although my software includes Drik (physical astronomy) as well, I left using Drik for astrology since March 1997 because SSS (Suryasiddhaanta) works far better in explaining events. SSS calculations differ from Drik, and higher divisionals show far greater differences.

LK = Lagna Kundali SK = Surya Kundali CK = Chandra Kundali --------------------------------------D-1 : Vimshottari MD of Saturn and AD of Venus. SK has malefic Saturn in 6H but svagrihi Jup in 10H, CK has yoga-giver Saturn in lagna conjunct with 10L Moon, while LK has 1L + 2L Sat with 7L Moon in 10H, with parivartana yoga between Moon and Venus, thereby giving the benefic yoga-giver Venus a great power over its 10H. Venus is of mixed nature in SK and CK but benefic in LK. Overall result is positive in spite of mixed traits. Varshaphala is excellent, with exalted Saturn in 10H of D1's LK, in 5H of SK as 9L + 8L, and in 2H of CK as 4L + 5L (rajayoga). --------------------------------------D-10 MD of Venus and AD of Rahu. Venus is debilitated (neecha) in 9H conjunct with malefic Mars (4L + 11L) while Rahu is 8L in 11H. Venus and Mars are both controlled by very high bhaavesha-drishti of lord Mercury from 2H. Venus is 5L + 10L, but debilitated which tarnishes the rajayoga. D10's SK has Venus and Mars reversed their roles : Venus malefic and Mars benefic, but Mercury afflicted in 8H. CK of D10 has Mercury again afflicted in 12H and malefic Venus with slightly positive Mars. On the whole, D10 is problematic, and calls for propitiation of Venus. D60 has 9L + 10L neecha saturn in 12H : VRY plus Rajayoga, with Saturn's friend Jup in 10H with 67% aspect of Saturn. If TOB is correct, D60 is fine for career, but current MD of Sun is malefic : Sun sits in 8H in LK, but as lagnesha in 5H in CK and as 9H in lagnesha in SK, but in Yama shashtyamsha. Since you have asked form, I am writing about D60, but as a rule I avoid D60 unless I have plenty of time to go into BTR with the help of lots of data. For career, D1 + D10 suffices. D10 of Varsha Pravesha Chart (VPC) is also excellent. But Venus is afflicted in D1 as D10 of VPC.

{ This is in answer to message number 111525 in JR, I tried for four hours but failed to post any mesage. I do not know what is the problem. If you like, you may post the following message in REPLY to message number 111525}

Namaste All : PNN (P N Neelakanta Ji) wites that Kroora and Saumya Shashtyamshas are arranged according to male and female signs. It is wrong. All versions of BPHS do so not on the basis of male or female signs, but on the basis of odd and even signs. He writes that following Shashtyamshas are Kroora : > "1,2,8,9,10,11,12,13,16,28,31,32,33,34,35,39,40,42,43,44,48,49,52,59" This list is quite wrong. Following Kroora Shashtyamshas are omitted in his list : 7 = Bhrashta 15= Kaala 30= Gulika 36= Kantaka 41=Kula-naasha 51=Kaalagni/Kaala-paavaka 55=Kroora Following Shashtyamshas are Saumya which he erroneously included among Kroora : 13=Apaam-pati (=Varuna, Lord of Waters) 28=Kshiteeshvara (Lord of Earth) 39=PoornaChandra 49=Chandramukhi (beautiful like Moon) Hence, after these corrections in PNN's wrong list, we get 27 Kroora Shashtyamshas , but there should be 30 Kroora and 30 Saumya Shashtyamshas to maintain symmetry (because mankind is half paapa and half punya yoni/specie).

Scanning the entire list of 60 Shashtyamshas, I think following three Shashtyamshas should be included among Kroora to preserve symmetry : 5 =Yaksha 6 =Kinnara 60=Indurekhaa / Chandra-rekhaa Marks on Moon are blemishes. Kinnara is not a positive trait. Yaksha is not associated to singing (Gandharva does that) as wrongly translated by R Santhanam in his translation of BPHS. Epics and Puranas associate Yakshas as dangerous creatures, but not as lowly as Rakshasas. Those who never use D60 in actual practice write hypothetical things about it. D60 needs a great deal of BTR which I have been able to carry out successfully only for a few charts, esp because I aim at getting correct DAC (Dashaa Arambha Chakras) for all divisionals, which is a troublesome job and needs mnay days of efforts for each native. Hence, PNN ji should not be blamed if he has no practical experience of handling D60. But he should refrain from posting misinformation in a public forum. { I had posted this message nearly three hours ago, but it has disappeared even from my yahoo mailbaox 'SENT' page. Surprisingly, all messages from PNN have vanished from my yahoo inbox : I have checked for past ten days !! Messages by others do not vanish. I do not charge anyone for hacking my email as PKT did, but something mysterious is happening to my mailbox which I fail to understand. } VJ Clasicals mainly BPHS has considered several important issues for delineation and the role of bhava lord through varga charts. Divisional charts guide astrologer in various aspects of life to assess capabilities of planets to produce good or bad results based on their lordship of the houses. D60 being a very minute division,it is not helpful to base predictions for several reasons.Though classicals have thrown light on the usage of shodasavarga charts,they serve very limited purpose for the astrologer to understand how effectively a planet can deliver results of a house during specific period of dasa of the native.


Malefic Shastiamsa - How to really interpret, if someone can give example with experience, attaching relevant shloka BPHS CHAPTER 8 Sholkas 1-8, From the Lagna or the Ascendant is to be considered physique, from Hora wealth, from Decanate happiness through coborn ( brothers) from Chaturthamsha fortunes, from Sapthamamsha sons and grandsons etc, from Navamamsha wife, from Dasamamsha effects of great importance ( one's influence on Government authorities, one's profession status etc.), from Dwadashamsha parents, from Shodashamsha should be known benefits and adversities through conveyances, from Vimshamsha worship is to be known, from Chaturvimshamsha learn, from Bhamsha strength and weakness, from Trimshamasha evils effects, from Khadvedamsha and Shashtiamsha from be considered all indications. There is no doubt in the destruction of that house whose lord is a malefics Shashtiamsha , so say Garg and others. Similarly, the growth and prosperity has also been spoken by Garg and others of that house The Lord of which is situated in a benefic Shodashamsha. It is in this way that I told you of the consideration of Shodasha Varga.

PNR Rao Mention of D60 with malefic & D16 with benefic made no sense to me. I always felt there was a corruption here.

Secondly, D60 MUST be a very important chart, but it needs a fresh approach - no examples we find in current literature are useful/reliable. It's too sensitive to ayanamsa and also the standard translation of its definition is certainly incorrect.

Hemant Bhatt regards sirji Divisional charts are very important for prognosticating horoscopes. They unlock that hidden door beneath the chart. Though astrologer examined the entire gamut of variables for analyzing particular house. Each house stands for different significations. Marshi Parasara first said the attributes of signs & Planets etc., then explains Divisional-Charts and then gives the evaluation of various houses through divisional consideration! For example: in D-12, 4th house denotes mother. In D-16, 4th house denotes vehicles. In D-4, it denotes residence. In D-9, it denotes domestic harmony (with spouse). In natal chart, it denotes heart, home land, behaviour etc. In D-24, it denotes formal educational environment and so on and so forth.

Vandna Gupta I personally use D60 to reveal the ultimate potential and quality of the planet's significations by lordship, fixed karkatwa (signification) and movable/Jaimini significations. I have not yet used the D60 as an independent chart (due to unreliability of accuracy of time). Here I must hasten to add that while I do glance through D60 codal names, I do not allow that to define my analysis due to the high degree of accuracy required. In charts of people I know intimately I do use D60 codal names. Also I synthesize overall dasha effects basis a synthesis and signification of different vargas and this has served me well. My education of vargas is thanks to Sir Shankar Nath Kapoor. . I will take a case to illustrate how I apply D60 - example Female/31/03/1959; 18:30 hrs (birth at home); Delhi 1. Moon (11L) - kantaka/thorn - enmity with elder sibling throughout life; enmity with every friend native has had in life. Mother died of cancer and was always sorrowful for native's lifestyle. As Amtya karak could not hold a steady job throughout life. 2. Sun (12L)- kalinash/ end of kaliyug - I cannot recall any specific association at this time except Sun is Bhratri karak- native's sibling is a highly moralistic person and cannot tolerate unethical acts. Father (Sun) had fled form Pakistan during partition (1947) and had gone through ending of one yug (epoch) and started a new life in India from scratch (riches to rags). 3. Mars (3L &8L) - Deva - as 8L in 10H (aspecting 4H) had much unearned (inherited and gifted) property (Mars). Has started MPhil (8L/Devas are learned) but left mid-way. as 3L, native has strong perseverance and goal orientation (Devas did not give up the nectar from the ocean and even convinced Goddess Saraswati to elicit the curse for sending Lord Rama to Vanvaas and Brihaspati to ensure that He stays in Vanvaas when Lakshman had come to beg forgiveness for his mother and aks that He return to be throned as the King of Ayodhya on their father's passing on). Native has been able to use her force and influence with those in power (as did the Devas) to obtain her goals. As the karak for borther, i have already described her brother's (elder sibling's) nature and he is charitable (Deva) and sevred with Govt. As her Dara Karak, her husband was also charitable and served as a senior, high ranking govt official (Devas have seats of authority) 4. Mercury (R) - (LL & 10L) - Yama/Messenger or God of Death - native is known widely as "yama' incarnate due to her rogue and cruel nature. She has been the cause of misfortune and misery to many (kith and kin, servants, friends, family) As Yama the punsiher, she has impliacted many people in false cases. She was punished (Yama) and turned out of all the three jobs she held in her life, with public humiliation. As the significator of entertainment, her sources of enjoyment ahve come back to haunt her (Yama) as her age is progressing. As the karak fo intellect, she is very intelligent, creative (Yama 'knows' what there is to know) however is now mentally deranged. 5. Ju(R) - (4L and 7L) - Kaala - Time personified. I have explained the nature of effect on Mother. Spouse died of liver cirrhosis in about 3-4 years of marriage. All partnerships (7H) have ended in a turbulent manner. Relations with Son-(Jup /only child) are spoiled. 6. Ven (2l and 8L) - Poornachnadra - Venus is Atma karak - native is extremely attractive, magnetic personality. Beautiful voice that she knows how to use to negotiate, manipulate, gain advantage.and has beautiful face (2L). This is only one aspect of her speech (Mercury-Yama is the other aspect). Accumulated wealth (2H) and ornaments (Ven) aesthetic lifestyle (Ven) are aplenty. 7. Sat (5L & 6L, natural Karm karak) - Khsitishwar/Ruler of the Earth - desires and goals were to acquire

infinitely (unabated greed). As Matru karak (lord of lands) - has prime properties in India (different states). Native's mother was known to have an heart as big as the earth (as heard from kith and kin of native). 8. Rahu (Lagna) & Ketu (7H) - Heramba - Lord Ganapati depicted with 5 heads and 10 arms - native (Asc) is very talented, intelligent, and, as Rahu in Heramba, used deception (rahu) to project a larger than life persona (5 heads, 10 arms). Native has a huge collection (countless) of various forms of Ganesha) in all her posh and aesthetic properties. (Ket + Mer = multiplicity) of Ganeshas (Herambas). M imrana Shastiamsa (D60) is a difficult field, where only a few astrologers like to play. In recent decades, various utility of D60 has been brought into print. For instance, reading D60 as stand-alone chart, connecting D1 with D60 etc (Rashi-Tulya-Amsa & Amsa-Tulya-Rashi). However, in my experience, benefic and malefic classification of Shastiamsha as narrated by BPHS and Sarwartha Chintamani works well. This classification is not uniform (like + then - then + etc.). Sometime, there successively appears a cluster of six or seven benefic Shatiamsas, and sometime continuous five or six malefic Shastiamsas appears in the list. I couldn't figure out the reason behind this random distribution of sixty division of a sign. Besides above, Sarwartha Chintamani is the only classic Jyotish text that maintains dozens of yogas involving planets in benefic and malefic Shastiamsa. We have no other clue from ancient astrological literature (at least in translated work, not sure about Nadi works dedicated to Shastiamsa). In practice, I've noted people having majority of planets in malign Shastiamsa happen cruel, ignoble, harsh and corrupt. While natives having more planets in benign happen rather gentle, thoughtful, learned and kind-hearted. When majority of planets depict a certain (benefic or malefic D60) trend then effect surely manifest. This is just my observation. It is said D60 foretells one's Karma. Prof. N.E. Muthuswamy gives a list of D60 associated with different kinds of career (Karma). I don't know what is the source (expanded version of JatakaTattvam or some other commentary). Muthuswamy's list fits well in some cases (but I've also found it is not too much dependable). Similarly, K.K. Pathak also explains how one's karma (career) can be determine with the help of Shastiamsa. Lastly, I've seen some of your research works on D60, which are somehow similar to Rashi-Tulya-Amsa & Amsa-Tulya-Rashi, and another ways is read D60 as stand-alone chart (if I'm recalling rightly). This is good a effort, and research endeavours should continue. Perhaps, what we call in showbiz, "the show must go on". Shankar nath kapoor I have had an unusual experience about simultaneous impact of Shodasama and Shastiyamsa.At the releant time,Dasa, Bhukti and Antara orsay Pratyantara of Saturn/Rahu/ Ketu were operating. On the night of 23/24 Feb.2004, fire took place at my residence in one of the rooms. Luckily we escapeed but wardrobe of my wife was virtually burnt to ashes. Entire flat had blakened and was unliveable.One Flat on the same floor was made available within hours.On next day, I shifte to my daghter residence.Justice M.B.Shah, the Then Chairman of N.C.D.R.C visted us and he ensured that flat that was allotted to me in Tilak Lane Few days earlier, was ready within 3 days . We shited there.In all we sufferred loss of about 4-5 lakhs. On 29th March, we purchased a car Ford Flair.With the gods grace, I recieved a few days before the fire incident,just enough money to take care of the loss, renovation of the flat and for purchasing Ford Flair.Now see that Saturn ,Rahu and Ketu all the three were in Vishnu Shodasamsa; While in Shastiyams Saturn was in Komal Shastiyamsa, Rahu and Ketu were in Bhrastha Shastiamsa. One of the reasons why I insist on readingVarga Charts since 1989, alongwith names attributed to them by Parashar is that, it helps us in understanding the impact of these Vargas in different segments of life. While Shodasamsa ensured that pre-planned devine protection; Malefic Bhrastha Shatimsas of Rahu/ Ketu did not pass without giving adverse result. This is an area which needs introduction to neo astrologers, as well as some indepth research..

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