d6 Professional Education - How Does Peer Group

January 11, 2017 | Author: Maria Vanessa Jimenez Resullar | Category: N/A
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1. How

does peer group influence adolescence? a. Allows the young to free himself from too much dependence on his family b. Allows the young to stay away from home c. Stops the learning and developments of social roles d. Provides the adolescents the time to make unwise decisions 2. Which of the following explains why the plateau phenomenon often found in human being does NOT exist in animal learning experiments? a. Animals are unable to profit from errors. b. Animals are unable to spurt in learning. c. Animals have weak incentive in learning. d. The incentive in animal learning is constant. 3. Heredity has a part in determining intelligence. Which of the following statements support this principle? a. Environment affects both fraternal and identical twins. b. Intelligence hinges in physical structure. c. Intelligence is determined partly by pre – natal nutrition. d. Identical twins are more alike than fraternal twins. 4. Terman’s studies of superior children show that in moral and personal traits the superiority is significantly marked. What does this suggest to the teacher? a. Provide this group with more experiences in school outside of moral and personal. b. Expose this group to moral and personal experiences. c. Distribute the activities of this group equally between moral and personal. d. Limit the experience of this group to personal growth. 5. The Educational Act of 1992 expressly granted to institutions of higher learning the freedom to determine on academic grounds who shall be the subjects of study and research. This refers to ________. a. academic freedom c. institutional freedom

b. educational freedom d. constitutional freedom 6. Human development follows a pattern. Which of the following demonstrates this theory? a. In a Geography class, children learn the different provinces ahead of their own town. b. Petra names sampaguita, roses, and camia before learning the word flower. c. In Mathematics, learners know division ahead of addition. d. A child learns the word ANIMALS before he can name dog, cat, goat, and cow. 7. Who introduced the technique of using the drawing of a man as a measure of intelligence? a. Binet b. Aristotle c. Herbert d. good enough 8. How does a teacher demonstrate that the course of human development can be influenced positively by manipulating some aspects of the internal and external development? a. Providing learners with a set of routine activities to be followed strictly. b. Providing learners with a variety of enriched learning materials and aids for the different subjects. c. Arranging the seats in such a way that every learner feels comfortable. d. Keeping the room well – ventilated, orderly and clean. 9. Section V, Article XIV of the 1986 Constitution provides that the State shall assign the highest budgetary priority to education to _________. a. Ensure that all schools are provided with modern equipment and facilities b. Encourage teachers to conduct more researches and studies on the arts and culture. c. Attract the best available talents through adequate remuneration d. Curtail the exodus of teachers seeking employment abroad 10.With whose philosophy was pragmatism identified? a. Binet b. Pertalozze c. Terman d. Dewey 11.The psychological developmentalist made the child the center of the educational process through application of its law of learning. Teaching should therefore be primarily directed towards the _______. a. Use of effective media technology b. Systematic formulation of methods c. Promotion of the child’s social unconsciousness. d. Development of the child from within 12.Due to mismatch of manpower and high rate of unemployment trained Filipino professionals seek employment in foreign lands. This refers to the problem of _____.

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a. disadvantage workers b. Filipino domestic workers c. Filipino overseas workers d. Brain drain 13.When and adolescent combines ability to use deductive and inductive reasoning in constructing realistic rules that he can respect and live by, how does he perceive his environment? a. He sees the world and himself through the eyes of other people b. He interprets events from a limited view c. He sees events apart form himself and other people d. He views the world from his own perceptive 14.The primary objective of bilingual education is to prepare the learners to be _____. a. Proficient in Filipino and in eight major dialects b. Proficient in both Filipino and English c. Globally competitive d. Proficient in English and another foreign language 15.Pre – school education is a recognition that the period of greatest mental development among individuals is from _________ years. a. 9 to b. 3 to c. 6 to d. 12 to 12 6 9 15 16.All learning is bond connecting. In which of the following is this principle NOT applicable? a. b. c. d. attitudes reflexes skills habits 17.With whose ideas is the development of contemporary curriculum program in elementary education PRIMARILY associated? a.Horace c. Henry Barnard Mann b. John d. Edward Dewey Thorndike 18.Which of the following statements involving the relative mental abilities of delinquent and non – delinquent children has been supported by studies to be generally TRUE? a. Non – delinquent children are somewhat brighter than delinquent children. b. There are no significant differences between them. c. Delinquent children are slightly but significantly brighter. d. There are marked differences between the performance of the two groups. 19.Teacher A allowed the learners to do what the law permits within his class. She advocates one or the other of the following: I. Freedom and authority are not antagonistic II. Freedom is the legitimate offspring of authority


Authority is the legitimate offspring of freedom IV. Freedom and authority are antagonistic Which is it? a. I and II b. III c. II and IV d. I and IV and III 20.Professionalization of teachers and teaching as promulgated in Presidential Decree No. 1006, defines teaching as a profession concerned with classroom institution ______. a. At the elementary and secondary levels in both public and private schools b. By teachers of permanent status c. At the tertiary level in both public and private institutions d. By teachers on full – time basis 21.Which of these statements is TRUE regarding the indoctrination of a child in making decisions? a. This will facilitate the child’s ability to make decisions. b. This will make him dependent on the thinking of others. c. This will give him the opportunity to make right decisions at an early stage. d. This will enhance his ability to think and decide. 22.The 18th century doctrine advocates for education in accordance with nature. Educator who hold this view stressed that in learning the child should be ________. a. Trained in accordance with the standards set by the teacher b. Naturally disciplined for him to concentrate more c. Subjected to a specific regimen on training d. Allowed to develop according to his own inner impulses and inclinations 23.Social development means that acquisition of the ability to behave in accordance with ________. a. social insights c. universal norms b.stereotype d. social behavior expectations 24.Which of these contributions was the idea advanced by “Gestalt” psychologists? a. The best method of learning is through “conditioning” b. Each “faculty” of the brain must be provided with appropriate exercise c. The individual reacts to a total environment d. A particular stimulus will lead to a specific response 25.In content, this movement initiated a systematic objective analysis of curriculum materials in order to determine scientifically what should be taught. This refers to _____. a. social experimentalism b. rationalism

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c. developmentalism d. scientific determinism 26.Which policy of the State does the administration of the National Elementary Achievement Test (NEAT) enhance? a. The coordination of functions and activities of educational institutions b. The maintenance of the highest quality of education c. The revision of elementary education curriculum to make it responsive to the needs of the time d. The evaluation of elementary grade graduates 27.Which of the current classroom practices is influenced by Skinner’s operant conditioning? a. Connection between stimulus and response b. Involuntary response to a stimulus c. Progression of subordinate learning d. Reinforcement of correct practices 28.Development tasks are to be learned by the individual at each stage of development. If these tasks are not developed at an early stage, this may cause problems in later years. Arrange the following tasks according to the stages when they occur in one’s life span: I. Acquiring a set of values and an ethical system II. Developing conscience, morality and a scale of values III. Learning to distinguish right from wrong IV. Taking on civic responsibility a. III, I, II, IV b. II, IV, I, III c. III, II, I, IV d. I, II, III, IV 29.To strengthen teacher education the Teacher Education Council created under R.A. No. 7764 will choose a private or public college engaged in pre – service, continuing, formal and non – formal education of teachers in strategic places in each region of the country, based on certain criteria. This will be called _________. a. Department of Teacher Education b. Teacher Education Commission c. Teacher Education Center of Excellence d. Commission on Teacher Education 30.This system of learning includes ways and methods which are used in preserving and building certain traditions within cultural communities. This refers to _____. a. indigenous learning system b. non – formal learning system c. cultural learning system d. multi-level learning system 31.Values Education in the NSEC is offered as a separate subject as values development in the NESC is _____. a. Integrated with Technology and Home Economics

b. Integrated in all subject areas c. Emphasized in Science and Technology d. Emphasized for creativity and productivity 32.The environment must be interactive to facilitate learning, which of the following situations is an example of this? a. The class goes out ad discovers the habitat of insects. b. The teacher shows posters of the habitat of insects. c. The class copies a list of facts concerning the habitat of insects d. The teacher lectures on the habitat of insects 33.In teaching the major classification of plants and animals, which of the following will be MOST effective? a. Memorize the plants and animals under each classification b. Invite a speaker to lecture on this subject c. List down all plants and animals under each classification d. Let the students discover the characteristics of plants and animals under each classification 34.The Gabaldon Act of the Philippine Assembly helps greatly in the expansion program of the educational system by _____. a. Authorizing the levy of taxes for school purposes b. Providing local funds for educational facilities c. Providing for a highly centralized system of administering the public schools d. Appropriating a large sum for the construction of schools 35.Social experimentation believes that education should develop in the learner a social motive and intelligence to enable them to help solve problems of a changing society. Teachers are therefore encouraged to _____. a. Tell the learners to accept social traditions wholly because social heritage is of great value b. Teach the learners what to do as they know better in making right decisions c. Involve the community and discuss objectively relevant issues to guide learners in evaluating them d. Influence the learners in making choices and conclusions as regards controversial issues. 36.The operation “Return to the basics” saw its embodiment in the _____. a. National Elementary Achievement Test b. New Elementary School Curriculum c. New Secondary Education Curriculum

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d. National Secondary Achievement Test 37.Children in the early childhood stage consider teachers and parents as authorities and models. What does this statement imply? a. Teachers and parents should serve as role models at all times b. Parent – teacher conference should always be an activity in school. c. Teachers should demand complete obedience from the learners in school. d. Parents should enforce strict discipline at home and teachers in school. 38.How can the Athenian ideal of education of forming a cultural soul in a graceful and symmetrical body be achieved? a. By a well – balanced development of mind, body, and soul b. By giving more focus on vocational education c. By emphasis on physical education d. By adopting the philosophy “know thyself” 39.The principle of individual differences requires teachers to _____. a. Prepare modules for slow learners in the class b. Give more attention to the gifted students c. Provide varied learning activities to suit individual needs d. Treat all learners alike while in the classroom 40.Which of the following would you consider MOST indicative of actual maladjustment of a student? a. Finding fault with the work of his classmate b. Spending his entire allowance each week on science fiction paperbacks c. Inviting his classmates to eating places in an attempt to make popular d. Failing to take care of school properties 41.In which of the following teacher tasks is knowledge of children’s affective development LEAST significant? a. Understanding the emotionally – based causes of pupil behavior b. Helping children overcome negative emotions c. Sampling of classroom activities that generate excitement and happiness d. Exploring one’s own emotional reactions to various types of pupil behavior 42.Which of the following demonstrates that education and culture tend to be cyclical? a. Culture is transmitted by the school system, and the classroom becomes the place of transmission b. The school is shaped by culture and culture in turn is influenced by the school.

c. The school functions primarily as a transmitter of culture and is a change agent d. The school becomes the avenue by which individuals learn their culture 43.Section 5, Article XIV of the Constitution states that academic freedom shall be enjoyed in _____. a. Public assemblies b. All institutions of higher learning c. State colleges and universities d. All levels of learning 44.According to Magna Carta for teachers, a teacher assigned to a school ten or more kilometers from the poblacion without regular means of transportation to reach it, is entitled to _____. a. Service credits of one day for every five days of service during the whole year b. A hardship allowance of 2.5 percent of the monthly salary as additional compensation c. An additional compensation of 50 percent of the monthly salary d. The privilege of teaching only four days a week. 45.Which of the following statements regarding muscular development justify the selection of prospective contestants for an inter - collegiate tournament in weight lifting form the high school group? a. It continues to grow reaching its peak at age 20 b. It depends upon the proportion of muscles and fate which stabilizes after age 20 c. It reaches its peak at age 17 and stabilizes till age 20 d. It reaches full maturation after age 20 46.Free and compulsory education as mandated in the 1987 constitution holds true for _____. a. All children of school age b. Elementary and secondary education c. Grade VI pupils d. Education in the primary grade 47.Which of the following illustrates the Christian perspective of democracy in education? a. Education controlled by the government b. Equal opportunities of educating men and women c. Education subsidized by the government d. Education of all human beings without distinction of race, social, economic, or political status of the like. 48.Learning increases directly in proportion to the extent to which the learner is wholly bound up in his task. How does a teacher show this to her lesson? The teacher gives lessons that _______. a. Have significant and worth to the child b. Are easy to comprehend

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c. Portray complex ideas d. Are fictitious to appear to their imagination 49.Why are some administrators slow in accepting computers in their school in spite of its efficiency and effectiveness in the overall management? Which of these statements below are likely to be the reason? I. the cost of hardware is high II. computer literate teachers are few III. programs needed to run the computer are not available a. II and II only c. I and III only b. I and II only d. I, II, and II 50.Which of the following behavior indicates that a child has developed conventional maturity? The behavior is based on _____. a. Personal decisions based on his satisfaction b. The desire to avoid severe physical punishment by a superior authority c. Internalized ideals to avoid self – condemnation rather than social censure d. The expectations of the group or society in general to gain approval 51.A child in his early childhood has to be provided manipulative materials to develop _____. a.readingreadiness c.pre – handwriting skill skills b. social skills d. numeration skills 52.In each stage of development a psycho – social crisis occurs. This view is spoused by _____. a. b. c. d. Thorndike Freud Erickson Piaget 53.Those who teach children at the late childhood stage should be more attentive and patient with their numerous, endless, and often curious queries because _____. a. The questions need not be answered as long as the teacher listens b. At this age children enjoy listening more than talking c. This stage of development is the “questioning stage” d. Children at this stage are more prone to tease and irritate their teacher 54.How is curriculum designed to provide for individual differences? a. Providing realistic and meaningful experiences b. Including minimum essentials for each subject area c. Emphasizing social organization and procedures d. Making provision for some degree of flexibility 55.Which of the following teacher behavior BEST illustrates an instance in which a teacher provid0ed students with facilitative instructional feedback?

a. Teacher B graded the students composition by marking them “Pass” or “Fail”. He requested that students who failed repeat their work. b. Teacher D gave a department test in history. c. Teacher C gave a spelling test. Words missed by a number of students appeared in the next test. d. Teacher A walked around the classroom watching the learner do their work. She watches each student go through the process praising those who did it correctly and showing others how to correct their use of faulty procedures. 56.What does good teaching require the teacher to be MOST alert to? a. Family background of student b. Public concerns about education c. Appropriate behavior and proper rewards d. Poor behavior and use of immediate punishment 57.Freedom in a democracy as applied in the classroom means _____. a. Teacher’s freedom with restraint b. Pupil’s freedom to reason out their side of a question c. Teacher’s freedom to do anything that he pleases d. Teacher’s freedom to plan classroom activities the way she sees fit 58.Which of the following characteristics should an innovator consider in advocating a change? a. The direction of change must come under scrutiny of and control by intelligence and reason b. Changes occur at different levels of operation as well as at different levels of conceptualization c. All of these d. Change takes place at various rates 59.In which of these activities will the success of the teacher in the classroom depend? a. He can steer and guide pupils properly b. He employs various techniques she learns from books c. He implements suggestions on how to manage a class d. He makes decisions 60.What is Piaget’s practical implication in the field of education? a. Cognitive growth is independent of accommodation and assimilation b. Emphasis on children thinking should be on the products rather than the process c. Individual differences should be overlooked and accept that all children pass through all stages at equal rates d. Children cannot acquire cognitive cognitive skills for which they are not developmentally ready

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61. Piaget views the adolescent as a thinker. When confronted with a complex problem involving alternate solutions skills for which a number of variables, the adolescent can ___________. a. Solve the complex problem without isolating the variables b. Pretend that the problem has been resolved without even trying c. Think of ways to avoid the complex problem d. Mentally isolate the variables and try systematic combinations to arrive at the proper solution 62.Reducing certain class activities to routinely work helps to make teaching more effective. Which of these reasons is the MOST appropriate for this? a. It gives teachers and learners time to do more important task b. It provides learners valuable training and sharing of ideas in doing routine training c. It enables teachers and learners to spend more time with each other d. It allows teachers to write their lesson plans for the next day 63.Self – confidence in learning is best achieved when the teacher gives a child ______. a. Assignment that will challenge his best efforts b. Work that are of interest to him c. Tasks that are easy to accomplish d. Necessary direction to perform tasks successfully 64.Which of the following is the most positive factor of programmed instruction from the standpoint of teaching? a. It is based on technological progress b. It frees the teacher to do things besides teaching c. It provides the students with immediate feedback d. It is as effective and more economical than teachers 65.The development of modern complex devices such as TV, overhead projectors, videotapes, slide projectors, etc., is significant to teaching and learning because _____________. a. Materials which are commonplace or expensive have become obsolete b. The teacher is provided with more tools which add dimensions to his teaching c. Teaching devices that have been improvised must be replaced d. The teacher can show that she is up – to – date in her teaching 66.Psychologists have stressed the importance of feedback in motivating people. Which of these is the best feedback?

a. Correcting the papers immediately and calling the attention to good answers made by students b. Returning the graded papers and calling attention to mistakes made by students c. Returning the graded papers to the pupils with comments written on them d. Posting on the bulletin board a list of students with their grades ranked from highest to lowest 67.Young children have trouble attending to more than one event at a time. This is a principle that affects auditory perception. Which of the following implications for teaching can be derived from the principle? a. The teacher should set up lessons where accuracy is rewarded b. The teacher should determine the pupil’s readiness before a new lesson is introduced c. The teacher should have everyone’s attention when she is giving instructions d. The teacher should help the pupils develop devices to aid recall 68.The ultimate aim of good classroom management is to _________. a. Establish conditions that make possible effortless teaching and learning b. Set up condition that brings about effective teaching and learning c. Secure conformity to rules with ease d. Remove the physical conditions in the room that distract children’s attention 69.One of the distinct features of childhood is the increase of motor coordination and body control. In view of this, teacher should ___. a. Guard against too much physical exhaustion b. Set rules children should observe in playing c. Not forget that children have unique growth patterns d. Make available for the children various play equipment 70.A child needs enough challenge and stimuli in his surroundings to trigger additional development of his _____________. a. interest c. potentialities b. d.social/emotional intelligence development 71.The tendency to imitate elders is very strong in the early childhood stage. Teachers should therefore be very good ______________. a. Facilitator of c. role models learning b. disciplinarians d. counselors 72.In the evaluation approach, the following are true EXCEPT one. Which is this? a. Grade just to be different b. Emphasize objectivity c. Emphasize respect for evidence d. Represent the best thinking & effort

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73.Which of the following assumptions is based on principles of child development? a. Children should be expected to reach the average achievement for their age group b. Children may differ in rate of growth c. Children’s learning styles are unstable until early adolescence d. The growth patterns of children cannot be predicted 74.How should the penalty of an offending student be imposed by the teacher? a. Penalty should be retributive and based upon the offense b. Administer the penalty immediately c. Adjust the penalty to the motive behind the offense d. Penalty should be severe to give offender a lesson 75.A continuous program of in – service education in the skills is necessary to implement the innovation because ______________. a. It is not possible to provide a program of in – service education on a one–shot basis b. In the years ahead, there will be many sources of changes in the curriculum c. it takes time to convince teachers to implement such innovation d. of continuous teacher turn over 76.Who among these students will generally BEST demonstrate reading comprehension? a. One who has read a selection silently b. One who has read aloud to another student c. One who has engaged in reading aloud to the class d. One who has read aloud to the teacher 77.Repetition may facilitate the learning process when the repetitions are ___________. a. Undertaken in different settings b. Kept as short as possible c. Given in the same form each time d. Spared in such a way that there is short interval between repetitions 78.A child’s mental development is clearly revealed by his ________. a. ability to deal with abstract objects b. capacity to remember things c. ability to deal with reality d. ability to use language 79.Learning experiences in social studies can be taught in three primary ways EXCEPT one. Which is this? a. Experiences which provides opportunity for the development of group skills, attitudes and procedures b. Experiences which divert the interest and attitude of the learner c. Experience which develop necessary skills in the individual

d. Experiences which increase knowledge and understanding of social studies concepts and generalization 80.According to Freud’s psychoanalytic point of view, guilt develops when a child _____________. a. Turns unconsciously his pent up feelings towards himself b. Suppress his feelings to his work c. Sublimate consciously thru arts d. Identifies himself to adults he admires 81.After the test in Araling Panlipunan, the pupils corrected their own work .Their grades were not recorded. The pupils referred to their books for the correct answers. What is the advantage of this procedure to the learners? a. Attention was directed to learning itself, not grades b. Cooperation was developed when pupils compared answers c. The learners lost their fear of grades d. Undue competition was eliminated 82.Which is the MOST valid statement concerning the aim of a lesson? a. Each child should be asked to write the aim of each lesson in his notebook daily b. The teacher should write the aim on the blackboard at the beginning of each lesson c. The teacher should announce at the beginning of each period the aim of the lesson d. The aim should be an outgrowth of and developed from the motivations 83.Concepts are generally learned in sequence according to the learner’s stage of cognitive development. Below are some concepts. Arrange them in the order they come. a. Mother puts away a new bag. I know the bag still exists. b. A gallon is more than a liter of water. c. If 8 is to 16, 16 to 32, 32 to 64. d. Night is when there is no sun; there are moon and stars instead. a. A-C-B-D b. A-D-B-C c. B-C-D-A d. AC-D-B 84.Bossing defines lesson plans as a “statement of achievements to be realized and the specific means by which these are to be attained as a result of the activities engaged in day by day under the guidance of the teacher.” This definition emphasizes the following EXCEPT one. Which is this? a. Lessons are means of acquiring desirable habits, attitudes and skills b. Attention is focused on the learner rather than on the subject matter itself c. Knowledge is an end in itself d. The spotlight is on the child with teacher in the background serving as guide

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85.Which of these statements provides the BEST reason for the use of dramatization in the classroom? a. It allows the teacher to use psychodrama as a psychological tool b. Children enjoys character portrayal c. It allows children to make moral statements to the class d. It enables the students to learn cooperative self – expression 86.The theory of “identical elements” on learning holds that transfer is facilitated when the _________________. a. Development task is easily identified b. Teacher uses different teaching devices c. Learner has a mastery of specific responses d. Experience is similar to the application situation 87. A supervised study lesson is one whose purpose is to teach children how to study a given subject effectively. In the supervised study lesson ____________. a. The guidance takes place in the classroom b. The pupil is taught the technique of learning c. The teacher acts as guide in the various study procedures d. Guidance in on a one to one correspondent 88.As a teacher, it is important to view instruction from distinct vantage points _________. a. That which precedes the actual event of instruction b. The instructional situation itself c. The subject matter one has to reach d. That which follows instruction 89.If this need is not met the adolescent tends to be critical and always tries to find fault. This is the need _____. a. for c. for maternal security adventure b. for d. to belong recognition 90.Of the following, which is the LEAST valuable way for a teacher to present a new lesson? a. Explore some interest already possessed by the learner. b. Elicit an explanation of the importance of the subject c. Develop and overview of the subject d. Hand out a step – by – step outline of the lesson. 91.An observer can say that a classroom is well – managed if learners _____. a. Pursue their tasks without inhibitions b. Are earnestly engaged in activities that lead to lead the realization of a desired goal. c. Are under the control and supervision of the teacher

d. Observe silence as they go about their activities 92.As an effective learning tool, how should audiovisual aids be used? a. To reward outstanding scholastic achiever b. By disciplining children and focusing their attention on a subject c. As a stimulus to promote learning d. As part of a planned lesson 93.This is the stage when the learner become confused and starts to experience identity crisis. This is the ____________. a. earlyadulthood c. late childhood stage stage b. early childhood d. adolescent stage stage 94.The way a child talks, walks or manifests gestures may have been learned from models he had been exposed to. This explains ________ learning. a. cognitive b. affective c. insight d. social 95.In using individualized instruction, how should the teacher begin? a. Identify the abilities of the learners b. Evaluate the teaching – learning outcome c. Present the activities needed in the lessons d. Prepare the necessary materials 96.Concept formation starts with the _________. a. Child’s ability to develop a general ideas as he goes over his experiences. b. Use of audio-visual materials for meaning. c. Teacher’s providing rich experiences d. Question and problems that challenge thinking. 97.Mrs. Reyes attempts to draw every student into her classroom discussion. What students’ need is she trying to address? a. To get everything out in the open b. To be creative c. To feel significant and be a part of a large group d. To show their oral abilities to the rest of class. 98.The discovery approach refers to an inductive method of guiding pupils to discuss and organize ideas and processes by themselves. One of the chief responsibilities of the teacher in use of this method is to ______. a. Identify the controlled and manipulated variables present at the situation. b. Provide the proper setting for problem – solving within which children can discover solutions to the problem at hand. c. Provide continuity in the learning process. d. Interpret data recorded based on previous experiences.

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99.Audio – visual aids are used in classroom teaching to _______. a. Arouse and sustain student’s interest b. Help make learning more permanent c. Help clarify important concepts d. All of these 100. Which of the following are aspects of classroom management? a. Care of routine factors and classroom discipline b. Teacher’s right kind of interest in her pupils and in their schoolwork c. Teacher’s ability to handle snags in classroom activities and concern for her pupils d. Development of children’s positive attitude towards school rules and regulations 101. Which of the following is the MOST important purpose for using achievement test? To measure the ________. a. Capacity for future learning b. Quality and quantity of previous learning c. Educational and vocational aptitude d. Quality and quantity of previous teaching 102. What rank should be assigned to 92 in the following distribution of grade point averages of seven candidates for the Honor Roll? 97.5 90.5 93.5 92.5 95 991.5 a. 3 b. 2 c. 4 d. 5 103. Which of the items below will measure this objective. “The student will be able to solve word problems using percent.” a. Juan correctly answered 8 of 12 questions on a test. What percent is this? b. Is .02 = 20 percent TRUE of FALSE? c. Tricia ate ¾ of a pie. How much is left? d. Maria received a 90 percent on her test. Explain why this is a good score. 104. An item has a discrimination index of . 41 and a difficulty index of 35. What can a teacher conclude about the item? a. The item cannot discriminate between the poor and bright students. b. The item is a very difficult one c. The item can highly discriminate between the poor and bright students. d. The item is a moderately difficult one 105. Which of the different types of test covers a wide variety of objectives? a. essay b. matching c. multiple choice d. true – false 106. Which of the following statements about the use of tests is the best? a. Grades should reward effort b. Grades should be used as incentives c. Grades should follow a strict curve d. Grades should reflect quality and quantity of performances

107. In a multiple choice test, keeping the options brief indicates ______. a. Plausibility and attractiveness of the item b. Inclusion in the item irrelevant clues such as the use in the correct answer of a word found in the stem c. Inclusion in the item any word that must otherwise be repeated in each response d. Non – inclusion of options that mean the same 108. The first step in constructing test is ________. a. Outlining the subject matter content of the test b. Preparing a table of specification c. Defining the objectives d. Writing the test items 109. The most difficult and significant stage in research work is _______. a. subjects of the c. problem study identification b. statistical d. research treatment methods 110. To test whether a student knows what a particular word mean which of the following is best for her to ask the student to do? a. Select the correct meaning b. Define the word c. Use it in a sentence d. Identify its part of speech 111. Performance in Mathematics Test CLAS N MEAN STANDARD S 40 57.30 DEVIATION A 35 57.08 8.92 B 40 58.12 10.17 C 39 58.25 11.85 D 10.28 Using the mean as basis for comparison, what can you say about the four classes in the above table? a. Class D showed the best performance b. Classes B, C and D showed about the same performance c. Class D did better than Class C d. Classes A and B have about the same performance. 112. In psychology, what does “reciprocal modification” refer to? a. class interval c. standard deviation b. range d. variance 113. The simplest measure of the spread of scores is the ____________. a. class c. conditioned interval reflex b. range d. transfer of training 114. Below are objectives stated differently. Which one is stated as affective objective? a. After completing this unit, the teacher should be able to give two types of retention problems associated with learning disabled children

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b. After reading this unit, the teacher should be able to write clear behavioral objectives related to learning disabled children c. After reading this unit, the teacher should have a greater sensitivity to the characteristics of learning disabled children d. After reading this unit, the teacher should be able to indicate a language problem characteristic of learning disabled children 115. Which of the following describes a bi – modal distribution? a. A group of scores whose range scores fall within the 68.26% of the normal curve b. A group of score with two different scores with the same lowest frequency c. A group of scores with two different score with the same highest frequency d. A group of scores whose range of scores fall within the mean +1 S.D. of the normal curve 116. Studies show that children who make exceptionally good records in elementary grades also make superior in high school. What does this suggest? a. Expose elementary grade pupils to varied experiences b. Increase the appropriation for elementary schooling c. Promote all pupils in the elementary schools d. Strengthen the foundation in elementary education 117. Mr. Juan noticed that one of his students is a drug dependent. What should Mr. Juan do? a. Report the student to the rehabilitation center b. Talk to the boy’s parents for rehabilitation purposes c. Ignore the problem d. Report the problem to the principal for proper action 118. Students who make higher scores on a college entrance examination generally get better marks in college than those who get lower scores in the same year. Evidently, the test that was administered to them possesses what type of validity? a.Construct b. c. Predictive Content Concurrent 119. Which of the following does an aptitude test attempt to predict? a. An individual’s general knowledge b. Probable success in a given course c. Level of efficiency of an individual d. An individual capacity for improvement without training 120. When a parent keeps an appointment to visit a teacher to complain the progress of

her son, which of these should the teacher do? a. Carefully study the complete school record of her son and present these to the parent b. Point out that her son obtained low marks in previous curricular year c. Tell the parent that many students in the class are failing d. Ask the parent if she has supervised carefully her son’s homework 121. Which of these criteria is the most important in test construction? a. The stem should contain the central problem b. Items should be congruent with the objectives c. A table of specification should be prepared d. Options should be of almost the same length 122. Consider the following data: TEST IN TEST IN ALGEBRA BIOLOGY Total number of 80 100 items Susan’s score 74 94 Mean 50 70 Standard 12 10 deviation What can you say about Susan’s performance relative to other test takers? a. The given information is not sufficient to make any interpretation about Susan’s performance b. Susan performed better in Algebra than in Biology c. Susan performed better in Biology than in Algebra d. Susan performed equally well in both 123. Questions can be directed towards either convergent or divergent thinking. It is directed towards thinking if ________. a. it is prescriptive b. there is only one correct answer c. it calls for varied responses d. the behavior is not observable 124. Problems of discipline and class management should be considered in light of which of the following principles? a. Interests of the school and of the individual pupil are identical d. b. The child is the center of all activities and the school is nothing c. Interests of any individual must always give way before those of the group of which he is a member d. Interests of the school are supreme and must be maintained 125. Which of these terms cannot be used by itself to interpret individual score on an intelligence test? a. Standard c. Percentile deviation

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b. Stanine d. Standard score 126. A completely stated objective should be contain the following elements: object, behavior, conditions, performance level, target individual, and time. Below, you will find an objective. Read it carefully and identify the element in capital letters “Given a list of 5 passages, EIGHTY – FIVE PERCENT (85%) OF THE STUDENTS will identify correctly 3 of the passages which means compassion, after the discussion.” a. Performance c. Target level individuals b. Behavior d. Object 127. Generally speaking, the grading system adopted in our schools is appropriate in _______________. a. Appraising present achievement and potential b. Indicating weak points as areas for improvement c. Predicting success in the field of work and employment d. Identifying strong points for reinforcement purposes 128. In the achievement test of 150 items two students obtained the highest score of 143. What should be the rank of each score? a. One will be ranked 1 and the other 1.5 b. Both will be ranked 1 c. Both will be ranked 1.5 d. One will be ranked 1 and the other 2 129. Supposing a researcher wants to answer the question: “Will using high ability students to tutor low ability students increase the language skill of all students involved?” What research method is appropriate to use? a. Historical c. Descriptive b. d Casual – Experimental comparative 130. A teacher using the results of a formative evaluation can ________. a. Compare his students’ relative standing in class b. Give remedial instruction c. Improve his instruction d. All of these 131. Guidance is a part of a teacher’s role. Which of the following aspects to be promoted among students is the PRIMARY objective of guidance? a. Maximum achievement within the limits of their capacity b. Need to conform to school regulations c. Mastery of subject matter d. Increased capacity for self – direction 132. Which of the following is the BEST way to deal with a 12 – year – old boy who feels inferior to his peers? a. Provide tasks which he can master with little difficulty

b. Arrange situations carefully in which he will be obliged to show leadership c. Accept his manifestations of lack of confidence sympathetically d. Tell him how irrational his feelings are 133. You found out that your student sneaks out of his class room during class hours and goes to the library to read the Encyclopedia and other reading materials. What measure would you do to keep him in class? a. Change your teaching strategy b. Send him to the school’s guidance counselor c. Call for his parents and inform him of his behavior d. Give the student special assignments and varied activities in class 134. What percentage of a distribution of students falls into the highest quartile? a. 10 b. c. d. 25 15 50 135. Which of the following is a limitation of the true – false type of objective test? a. Two or more ideas can be elicited b. Answers come into regular pattern or sequence c. Proportion of true and false statements are even d. Minor details receive as much credit as significant details 136. Career guidance lessons can be integrated in any subject in the grade school to _____. a. Acquaint children of the different industries b. Assist children in the world of work c. Help children find jobs suited for them d. Expose children in the world of work and appreciate them 137. Which of the following is the MOST valid reason for keeping pupil personnel records? a. Referral to community agencies b. Provide a basis for sectioning of pupils c. Provide data for educational research d. For guidance of pupils and improve instructions 138. Which is the most obvious and familiar way of reporting variability? a. Distribution of raw scores b. Range between the highest and lowest score c. Standard deviation d. Standard error of the mean 139. Which type of test can assess a student’s ability to organize and express his ideas? a. essay c. multiple to choice b. completion d. modified true – false 140. Research has shown that neighborhood gangs tend to be more adhesive than groups of the same age in formal clubs or

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agencies. Which is the implication that you can deduce from these findings? a. Clubs will not function adequately in a given neighborhood where gangs already exist b. The activities of the gang meet the needs of its member better than those of the club do. c. The club is potentially longer – lived than the gang d. Young people join clubs only if they are not accepted by the gang. 141. Which of the following classified as an evaluate question? a. How would you distinguish a Filipino from a Chinese? b. What is your concept of morality? c. What could be done to preserve our lakes and forests? d. Are you in favor of legalizing divorce in our country? 142. In testing which of the following is referred to as cultural bias? a. Tests will show who is more cultured b. Test items are more familiar with some culture c. Cultured people do better on tests d. Some culture do better on tests than others. 143. In an experiment a characteristic of an independent variable is that it is __________. a. Manipulated by the researcher b. Predicted as the outcome c. Influenced by a dependent variable d. Present in the control group 144. Which of the following is a good example of a cognitive objective? a. To develop feeling of adequacy in beginning a new task b. To be able to identify the major goods and services produced in the Philippines. c. To make judgements on the basis of general principles d. To be aware of the ten pieces of art that have shaped history 145. When can an item be said to have positive discriminating power? a. When the pupils who answered the item correctly got higher total score in the test than those who answered it incorrectly b. When the pupils who answered the item incorrectly got higher total score in the test than those who answered it correctly c. When there is no significant difference between the general achievement of pupils who answered incorrectly d. When pupils who are low scorers answered more items correctly than the high scores. 146. A desirable and objective measure of a student’s academic progress indicates.

a. the amount of change in his achievement over a given period of time b. the status of his achievement at a given time c. the profile of present achievement d. the difference between present achievement and potential achievement 147. Which of the following tests measures the learner’s attainment of specific objectives at the end of a given period of time. a. standard test c. summative test b. norm referenced test d. criterion – referenced test 148. According to research, in terms of instructional planning, which of the following uses of test is best applied in the classroom. a. Instead of using objective test to facilitate learning it is best to give groups of students cooperative learning projects. b. Essay tests have higher reliability than objective examination. c. Several long tests given per term facilitate learning and retention. d. Many tests taken at short intervals are superior in terms of learning and retention to one long examination. 149. A new test of reading vocabulary was administered to a random sample of 3,000 third pupils and readministered two weeks later. The correlation of the scores from the two test administrations was 27. From the information’s was 27. From the information given the most defensible conclusion to the drawn is that the test is _______. a. insignificantly reliable c. insignificantly valid b. valid but not reliable d. reliable and valid 150. A test in English obtained a validity index of .59 and a reliability index .65. which of the following statement is TRUE about the test? a. The test is valid but not reliable b. The test is valid and reliable c. The test is not valid but reliable d. The test is not valid and not reliable. 151. A BSEE Graduate, eligible, needed advice in which job opening to accept: Domestic helper in Saudi Arabia with $350 monthly compensation or to teach on a distant barrio in her own province. You were approach to give advice to the matter. Which of the following will you advice? a. Accept the teaching position in your own province where you can share your service to your own countrymen. b. Follow the “first come first serve” basis.

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c. Tell both employers of your offers and who ever can increase the pay will be your choice. d. Accept the offer in Saudi Arabia, Save and send part of your income to your folks. 152. Which of the following will you do to an examinee you caught cheating and who offered you a certain sum of money to keep quite? a. Announce to all the examinees the name of the cheater. b. Confiscate his test paper and report him to the examination supervisor. c. Ignore him but let him after the examination. d. Motion him to keep quiet and watch for him after the examination. 153. Which of the following emphasized by Carl Rogers and Abraham Maslow in their theory of socialization? a. Conflicts during different stage of development have to be resolved. b. Conditioning plays a part in creating social skills. c. People grow toward the goal of self actualization d. Modeling plays a part in determining in social skills. 154. Which of the following is the best situation where in you can balance rights and authority? a. Mr. and Mrs Penida allow all their only daughter’s suitors to come an go as she pleases. b. Mr. and Mrs Penida censor all their only daughter’s suitors c. Mr. and Mrs Penida choose a life partner for their only daughter. d. Mr. and Mrs Penida caution their only daughter’s choice of boy friend. 155. Choose the best measure which a school official may resort in case of subordinate, hired by a previous official, who is without the necessary definite written contract specifying the terms and conditions which the subordinate it to work? a. Call the subordinate in his private office and inquire his relationship with the previous official who hired him. b. Get his service record and performance rating and promote him in meritorious. c. Recommend for dismissal the subordinate without a definite written contract. d. Have a definite written contract be made specifying the terms and conditions under which the subordinate is to work. 156. Which of the following will you do if you cannot attend an appointment with your Brgy. Captain because of a valid reason?

a. Forget the incident since there are many members who will attend. b. Ask from the other members what was agreed upon in that meeting. c. Send a proxy who will at the same time apologize for you and explain the reason for not coming. d. Apologize for the incident and give your reason. 157. Whose philosophy suggests that life and education should be interrelated and that schools should emulate life experiences as much as possible? a. Herbert b. Skinner c. Dewey d. Montessori 158. Which of the following situation will managed conflicting situations to bring values enhancing nation hood? a. Letting or helping convicted aliens to escape captivity for a fee. b. Filipino workers plight in foreign – controlled companies although miserable and immoral as in motel s and other similar establishments remains unchecked. c. The practice of some in authority to protect overstaying for a fee. d. A higher institutions of learning requires all staff to wear national dress on foundation day. 159. Whose philosophy states that God should be worshipped according to the dictate of one’s conscience and loved above all things for the creator is the foundation of truth, of all justice and all activities? a. Jose Rizal c. Andres Bonifacio b. Emilio Jacinto d. Apolinario Mabini 160. Which of the following is the best situation wherein you can balance right and authority? a. Mr. Rogue gave Roberto five more problems to solve after getting failing mark in a math exam. b. Mr. Rogue ordered Roberto to recompute the solution of a problem he missed during the examination c. Mr. Rogue suggested a tutor to Roberto after getting a failing mark in the math examination. d. Mr. Rogue requires Roberto to stay after class to clean the room for his failure to solve a Math problem. 161. The establishment of the secondary school type was one of the greatest contribution of what type of education. a. rationalism c. realistic b. humanistic d. disciplines 162. Which of the following situation is less evil? A dressmaker for ready-to- wear school uniform is competing with other dressmakers in price.

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a. She uses inferior kind of cloth b. she intentionally misfit the uniform and charge extra for the repair c. she shortens each uniform a bit d. she asks for additional payment after the uniform has been used 163. It is often very difficult for the parents of a mentally retarded child to accept their child’s retardation psychologist made a complete diagnostic study of the case. She was called upon to interpret the findings to the parent. Which of the following will she do to meet the parent’s resistant attitude? a. Explaining that the examination was thorough and objective and that reality must be accepted no matter how unpleasant. b. acknowledging how the parents must feel and attempting to alleviate such feelings of guilt that may be present by suggesting things the parents can do to help the child c. reassuring the parent that many retarded children have compensatory talents that many normal children do not have. d. reassuring the parent that the medical profession has recently embarked on a promising program of research that may discover means of improving the child’s condition. 164. Hereunder are philosophies of education. Which of these philosophies would require a teacher to take a direct and active role in the learning process. I. Humanism III. Realism II. Idealism IV. Pragmatism a. II and IV b. I and III c. II and III d. III and IV 165. What code of conduct is violated in relation of the teacher and his associates when a principal reprimands a teacher infront of her pupils? a. Every teacher has the right to present his side of any accusation b. Every teacher and school official should transact all official business through channels c. A school official should not make any false accusation against his teacher d. No criticism of an associate should be made in the presence of pupils or students. 166. Many of the modern sciences trace their origin from these sciences, which is the oldest and the most comprehensive of all studies known to man. Which is it? a. ideologyb. science c. metaphysics d. philosophy 167. Which of the following situation is less evil?

A carenderia owner who wants to make a big profit takes pride in her low-cost food. a. She boils and reboils tougher cuts of meats and bones for her soups b. she cooks inferior kinds of food c. she recycles left-over food d. she uses loose or separated vegetable leaves for her vegetable dishes. 168. The intellectual development which found interest in human nature through the revival of the classics is. a. humanism b. nationalism c. realism d. disciplinism 169. The American regime popularized mass education in the Philippines. Which of the following became the corner stone of democracy in this country. a. Monroe education survey of 1929 b. act. no. 74 of the Philippine commission in 1901 c. royal decree of December 20,1865 d. educational decree of 1863 170. From which philosophy is humanism attributed to? a. idealism b. realism c. pragmatism d. humanism 171. Which of the following is the best situation wherein you can balance rights and authority. a. Mr. Romero insists sitting with the couple everytime his 17-year old daughter entertains suitors in their house. b. Mr. Romero insists a chaperon everytime his daughter Liza asks permission to attend parties c. Mr. Romero insists chaperoning his 17 year old daughter Liza himself, everytime Liza wants to go out with friends d. Mr. Romero denies his 17-year-old daughter’s request to go out with friends. 172. Who among this philosophers use this writings to show the social ills in his country? a. Cresencio Peralta c. Jose Rizal b. Emilio Aguinaldo d. Antonio Isidro 173. Which of the following is the best situation wherein you can balance rights and authority? a. Mrs. De la Rosa insists that her daughter will wear the same gown that Mrs. De la Rose wore during her debut. b. Mrs. De la Rosa chooses the gown her daughter will wear on her debut. c. Mrs. De la Rosa consults her daughter on the gown her daughter will wear for her debut. d. Mrs. De la Rosa doesn’t care what care what ever style of gown her daughter chooses for her debut.

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174. Miss Reyes is a teacher who is very much respected in her community. She has helped improved the community and her baranggay officials depend much on her assistance. Her sister, an immigrant on Canada offered her a high paying job. Which of the following will Miss Reyes consider if she wants to manifest values enhancing nationhood. a. Tell her sister that the services she is extending to her community is very compensatory. b. Accept the offer and send assistance to the community. c. Tell her sister that teachers are now highly paid d. Thank her sister for the thoughtfulness. 175. Which of the following should a teacher do with a parent’s complaint against other teachers. a. Side with the parent and tell other things against the teachers being complained. b. Try to encourage the parents to see the principal and lay the problem to him. c. Try to defend the teacher and put blame on the pupil. d. Try his best to encourage the parent to talk the problem over with the teacher concerned. 176. The education is the indispensable requisite to freedom and that every citizen is entitled to acquired an education is whose philosophy? a. Apolinario Mabini c. Jose Rizal b. Emilio Aguinaldo d. Andres Bonifacio 177. The institute of national language was established through the enactment of Commonwealth Act No. 184. Who among the Philippine Presidents signed this act? a. Manuel L. Quezon c. Emilio Aguinaldo b. Carlos P. Garcia d. Manuel Roxas 178. You are teaching in an elite school with air-conditioning unit. Aware of the present economic condition of the country, which of the following is the appropriate to consider? a. Air conditioning is such a small matter the savings on it could hardly affect the economy. b. Students could not be made to sacrifice and recite in warm classroom. c. Saving on cutting down the air conditioning could be spent on other worthwhile activities. d. Cut – off the air conditioning of the classrooms on certain days. 179. Who among the following would most likely approved a subject centered curriculum? a. humanist c. an existentialist b. an essentialist d. a progressivist

180. With whom is the cumulative Learning School model mostly associated? a. Montessori b. Gagne c. Bruner d. piaget. 181. Which of the following is the best situation where in you can balance rights and authority? a. Mrs. Sison charges a higher electric bill who boarders who use more electricity. b. Mrs. Sison forbids the use of electric fans and other electric appliances to boarders to cut down electric consumption. c. To cut down electric consumption, Mrs. Sison, a landlady, sets an “ironing day” schedule for the boarders. d. Mrs. Sison does not mind her boarders excessive use of electric appliance for fear that they might transfer to other boarding houses. 182. Which of the following will you do if a parent of one of your failing pupil ask you to tutor her daughter in consideration of a certain amount of money which you badly need? a. Direct parent to another teacher, but ask for a commission. b. Accept the offer but do the tutoring at home. c. Direct the parent to another teacher for tutoring. d. Accept the offer with a discount. 183. What relationship between the teacher and student was violated when Mr. Rama carefully examined the damage done to a newly bought hammer than attend to Ryan, One of the boys in his carpentry class who slipped and fell from a ladder while repairing the roof of their shop? a. cooperation between students and teachers should be developed for harmonious relationship. b. The welfare of the pupil /students should be the first and foremost concerned of the teacher. c. It is the duty of the teacher to take good care of all school properties and equipment. d. Their should be a good and harmonious relationship between teachers and students. 184. Which of the following pleasures is morally good? a. Pleasure attends while watching a comedy film or presentation. b. Pleasure attained while buying extensive clothes at your favorite shopping mall c. Pleasure attained while watching a newborn baby grow day by day d. Pleasure attained while watching a favorite basketball team win

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185. Below are some motivational theories needed by teachers. Which of these, views the consequences of behavior as a regulator and controller of an individual’s action? I. Behaviorism II. Humanism III. cognitivism a. I only b. I and III only c. II only d. III only 186. What will you do if someone confided to you an anomaly which will implicate people close to you? a. encourage him to keep quiet so as not to harm your friends b. encourage the one who confided to you to seek the services of a lawyer c. tell him to call a radio broadcaster to air it d. tell him to go to the authorities and report the matter 187. The system of apprenticeship or cadet training was patterned after what country’s philosophy of education ___________. a. Egypt b. Syria c. Greece d. Rome 188. Which of the following is the best situation wherein you can balance responsibility and accountability __________. a. a teacher patiently and diligently explains to a below average child how to manipulate a simple machine b. a teacher tells below average pupil to tell his parents to get a tutor to teach him how to manipulate simple machine c. a teacher allows a below average child to find out himself how to manipulate a simple machine d. a teacher asks a brighter child to teach a below average pupil how to manipulate a simple machine 189. Which of the following is the best situation wherein you can balance rights and authority? a. a wealthy couple refuses to give a share of a convicted son’s inheritance b. a wealthy couple divided the share of the convicted son’s inheritance among their other children c. a wealthy couple gave to charity the share of inheritance of convicted son d. a wealthy couple reluctantly give the share of inheritance to their convicted son on the advice of their lawyer 190. A teacher scolds a boy who dribbles the ball in the classroom and sends him to the gym to practices there. This teacher wants the boy to be aware that ________. a. there is a proper place for every activity b. basketball is a game that has to be played outdoor c. there is a time when one’s interest overshadows discipline d. discipline is any part of a game and must be observed

191. The influence of humanism is reflected in the establishment _____. a. tertiary schools c. distance education b. non-formal classes d. secondary schools 192. Which of the following is the best situation wherein you can balance rights and authority? a. Mrs. Luna insists on having weekly “night – out” with her friends. b. Mrs. Luna gives her husband’s once a week “night – out” c. Mrs. Luna refuses her husband’s once a week “night – out” d. Mrs. Luna insists going along with her husband during his once a week “night – out”. 193. What teacher relationship illustrate Director Guevarra’s refusal to use pressure on his teacher to join a certain religious group? a. The teacher and his associate. b. The teacher and the community. c. The teacher and the state d. The teacher and his superiors 194. What provision in the code of ethical standards does sickly miss Miranda violate when she goes to school even late and not feeling well. a. Every teacher must sincerely believe in and endeavor to help carry out the declared the policy of the state. b. Devotion to duty honesty, and punctuality in the performance of once duty. c. Every teacher should be physically, mentally and morally fit to teach. d. Teachers may vote and exercise their constitutional rights but may not use their position to influence other people. Situation 1 – The Municipal Mayor Katapatan is conducting a survey on the human rights abuses in his municipality. His survey includes the violations committed in deferent areas. What human rights were violated if the offenses are as follows: 195. Religious persecution. a. right to worship c. right to own property b. right to work d. right to life 196. Contraception. a. right to own property c. right to life b. right to form family d. right to worship 197. Euthanasia. a. right to worship c. right to work b. right to life d. right to own property Situation 2: A neighboring municipality of Katapatan, Mayor Karunungan,

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conducted also a survey. He looked into different aspects of human rights violations. What human rights were violated in his municipality? 198. Sterilization: a. right to form family c. right to worship b. right to life d. right to work 199. Environmental pollution. a. right to life c. right to form family b. right to worship d. right to work 200. Racial discrimination. a. right to worship c. right to life b. right to work d. right to own property

“When making your choice in life, do not neglect to live.” Johnson, Samuel

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38.


39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76.


PROF. EDUCATION VI How does peer group

77. A 78. A 79. B 80. A 81. A 82. D 83. B 84. A 85. D 86. D 87. C 88. B 89. B 90. D 91. B 92. C 93. D 94. D 95. A 96. C 97. C 98. B 99. D 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. 110. 111. 112. 113. 114.


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115. 116. 117. 118. 119. 120. 121. 122. 123. 124. 125. 126. 127. 128. 129. 130. 131. 132. 133. 134. 135. 136. 137. 138. 139. 140. 141. 142. 143. 144. 145. 146. 147. 148. 149. 150. 151. 152.

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165. 166. 167. 168. 169. 170. 171. 172. 173. 174. 175. 176.


177. 178. 179. 180. 181. 182. 183. 184. 185. 186. 187. 188.


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189. 190. 191. 192. 193. 194. 195. 196. 197. 198. 199. 200.



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