D4759-11 Standard Practice For Determining The Specification Conformance of Geosynthetics

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Designation: D4759 − 11

Standard Practice for

Determining the Specification Conformance of Geosynthetics1 This standard is issued under the fixed designation D4759; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of  original adoption or, in the case of revis original revision, ion, the year of last revision. revision. A number in paren parenthese thesess indicates the year of last reappr reapproval. oval. A superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval. This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the U.S. Department of Defense.

applied to the acceptance or rejection of a material in regards to a material specification.

1. Sco Scope pe 1.1 Thi Thiss pra practic cticee cov covers ers a pro proced cedure ure for dete determi rminin ning g the conformance of geosynthetic properties to standard specifications.

4.2 This practice has been developed developed with strong emphasis emphasis on pra practic cticalit ality y and the rea realiza lizatio tion n tha thatt all geo geosyn synthe thetics tics are subj su bject ected ed to a vi vigo goro rous us qu quali ality ty co cont ntro roll pr prog ogra ram m pr prio iorr to shipping.

1.2   This standar standard d doe doess not purport purport to add addre ress ss all of the safetyy co safet conc ncer erns ns,, if an anyy, as asso socia ciate ted d wi with th its us use. e. It is th thee responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro priate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.

NOTE   1—It 1—It is sug sugges gested ted tha thatt the use userr obt obtain ain the mean, standard standard deviation, and/or the coefficient of variation for given physical/mechanical proper pro perties ties of a pro produc ductt dir direct ectly ly fro from m the man manufa ufactu cturer rer.. If thi thiss dat dataa is unavailable, unava ilable, it is sugge suggested sted that users of this practice begin to accumulate

2. Referenced Referenced Documents Documents 2.1   ASTM Standards:2 D4354   Practice for Sampling of Geosynthetics and Rolled D4354 Erosion Control Products(RECPs) for Testing D4439 Terminology D4439  Terminology for Geosynthetics D4533 Test D4533  Test Method for Trapezoid Tearing Strength of Geotextiles D7273 Guide D7273  Guide for for Acceptance Testing Requirements for Geonets and Geonet Drainage Geocomposites

data that can be used to estimate product averages and standard deviations for each product. NOTE   2—The 2—The ris risk k to the pur purcha chaser ser of buy buying ing out of spe specifi cificat cation ion materials is minimal when conformance requirements are detailed in the purchase specification and adequate conformance testing is performed. It is the producer’s responsibility to perform thorough quality control testing for all properties requiring certification. The producer’s risk of rejection is minimal with the performance of this thorough quality control testing.

5. Summ Summary ary of the Test Test Procedure Procedure 5.1   Procedur Proceduree A— This This procedure determines the confo conforrmance of geosynthetic materials properties to acceptable specifications values.

3. Terminology 3.1 For general general definitions used in this document, refer to Terminology  D4439  D4439..

NOTE  3—Conformance testing is done by the purchaser or designated person/organization. It is usually done as the geosynthetics are brought to the project site and justify the payment of the billing (D4354 ( D4354)). Typically testing is performed on the final product and no components to produce or assemble the final geosynthetic material need to be conformance tested.

3.2  Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard: 3.2.1sed  test n—  a value ation obtained a given test method, expres expressed asresult, a single determin determination or aby specified specifi ed combination of a number of determinations.

5.2   — This This procedure determines the conformance of geocomposite geosynthetic material properties to a set of acceptable specification values. Typically multiple individual components need to be tested together with the final geocomposite produc pro ductt to sho show w con confor forman mance ce wit with h the acce accepta ptable ble mate materia riall specifi spe cificati cation. on. Sin Since ce tho those se ind indivi ividua duall com compon ponents ents mig might ht or might mig ht not be alte altered red dur during ing pro produc ductio tion/ n/ ass assemb embly ly,, sam sample ple collection collect ion is typica typically lly execute executed d durin during g prod production uction/assemb /assembly ly at the manufacturing facility.

4. Signi Significan ficance ce and Use 4.1 This practice practice provides a means by which the purch purchaser aser can determine the conformance of geosynthetic properties as 1

This practice is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee  D35  on Geosyntheticsand is the direct respo theticsand responsibil nsibility ity of Subco Subcommitte mmitteee   D35.01   on Mech Mechanica anicall Properties. Current Curre nt editio edition n approv approved ed July 1, 2011 2011.. Publi Published shed August 2011 2011.. Origin Originally ally approved approv ed in 1988. Last previous edition edition appro approved ved in 2007 as D4759 D4759–02(07 –02(07). ). DOI: 10.1520/D4759-11. 2 For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website, www.astm.org, or contact ASTM Customer Service at [email protected]. For  Annual Book of ASTM  Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on

6. Pro Procedu cedure re A 6.1 Divide into lots lots and select lot and laboratory laboratory samples as

the ASTM website.

directed in Practice D4354 Practice  D4354..

Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States




D4759 − 11

specimens as directe directed d in the appli6.2 Test the number of specimens cable testing method.

7.3 If al 7.3 alll th thee av aver erag agee te test st va valu lues es fo forr th thee in indi divi vidu dual al lo lott sampling samplin g units meet all the acceptable specification specification values, the entire lot passes.

6.3 If the average test values values for the individual individual lot sampling unit meet all the acceptable specification specification values, the lot passes passes..

7.4 If the average test value for any individual individual lot sampling sampling unit does not meet one or more of the acceptable specification values, that particular lot sampling unit shall be catalogued as “failed” or non-conforming.

6.4 If the average test value for any individual individual lot sampling sampling unit does not meet one or more of the acceptable specification values,, the lot shall be resamp values resampled led and tested, except as noted in 6.4.3.. 6.4.3 6.4.1 6.4 .1 Any individua individuall lot sam sampli pling ng uni unitt whi which ch fai fails ls init initial ial testing shall not be included in the lot for resampling. 6.4.2 Dispos Disposition ition of individual individual lot sampling units which fail initial testing shall be agreed upon by purchaser and seller. 6.4.3 6.4 .3 If all lot samp sampling ling units units fail initial initial test testing ing,, rej reject ect the entire lot without further sampling and testing. 6.4.4 The resample resample size shall be at least that determined determined in 6.1.. 6.1

NOTE 6—Most individual ASTM standards describe within the standard procedure as of how to address “failed” or non-c procedure non-confor onforming ming measured measured values.

7.4.1 Any individu 7.4.1 individual al lot samp sampling ling unit whi which ch fai fails ls ini initial tial testing shall be retested for all the methods which did not meet the acceptable specification values. 7.4. 7. 4.2 2 If th thee av aver erag agee of bo both th tes tests ts fo forr an any y in initi itial ally ly no nonnconforming methods, confirm that the individual lot sampling unit is non-conforming, then the individual lot sampling unit failing the acceptable specification value need to be rejected. 7.4.3 7.4 .3 Individu Individual al lot sam sampli pling ng uni units ts bef before ore and afte afterr the failed individual lot sampling unit or units in the lot will be resamp res ampled led and ret reteste ested d for all app applica licable ble tes testing ting met method hodss (“blocking tests”). 7.4.4 Finally, the sequence of non-conforming non-conforming individual lot samp sa mplin ling g un units its in th thee lo lott sh shall all be bo boun unde ded/ d/de delin lineat eated ed by

NOTE  4—The larger the number of samples in a resample, the smaller will be the consumer’s risk of accepting an undesirable product.

6.5 Pass the lot if the averag averagee test values for the individual individual lott sa lo samp mplin ling g un unit it fr from om th thee re resa samp mple le me meet et th thee ac accep ceptab table le specification values. 6.6 Fail the lot if the avera average ge test values for any individual individual lot sampling unit from the resample do not meet one or more of the acceptable specification values. 6.7 Reject any failing failing lot.

passing individual lot sampling units (“blocking tests”). NOTE   7—It 7—It sh shou ould ld be no noted ted th that at if an any y te test stss on th thee in indi divi vidu dual al components of the geocomposite are non-conforming, availability of those individual components for blocking tests could be limited to the selected individual lot sampling units prior to production/assembly.

6.8 6. 8 A nu nume meri rical cal ex examp ample le of th this is pr prac actic ticee is in inclu clude ded d in Appendix X1. X1. 7. Pro Procedu cedure re B 7.1 Divid Dividee into lots and select lot and laboratory laboratory samples as directed in Practice D4354 Practice  D4354..

7.4.5 Dispo Disposition sition of individual individual lot sampling units which fail confor con forman mance ce test testing ing sha shall ll be agr agreed eed upo upon n by pur purcha chaser ser and seller.

NOTE   5—typically 5—typically for geoco geocompos mposite ite samp samples, les, the speci specificatio fication n will require sampling during manufacture, select the units for the lot sample and potentially the multiple individual components at uniformly spaced timee int tim interv ervals als thr throug oughou houtt the pro produc duction tion per period iod at the pro produc ductio tion/  n/  assembly facility (Procedure C in D4354 in  D4354)).

7.5 Reject the sequen sequence ce of non-conformin non-conforming g indivi individual dual lot sampling units in between the bounding samples in the lot, if  the average test values for any individual lot sampling unit do not meet one or more of the acceptable specification values.

7.2 Test the number of specimens specimens as directe directed d in the appli-

7.6 A numerical numerical example example of thi thiss pro proced cedure ure is inc includ luded ed in Appendix X2. X2.

cable testing methods.


X1.1   Assumptions—This example assumes the following:

X1.1.3 Test Test Metho Method d   D4533   spec specifi ifies es th ther eree wi will ll be on onee laboratory sampling unit taken from each lot sampling unit and requires the following number of test specimens per laboratory sampling unit in each direction:

X1.1.1 A geotexti X1.1.1 geotextile le is to be test tested ed aga agains instt a spe specific cificatio ation n that requires a minimum of trapezoid tear strength of 356 N (80 lbf).

n  5  ~ tv /  A  A !   2

X1.1 X1 .1.2 .2 For th this is ex exam ampl ple, e, th thee lo lott co cons nsis ists ts of 30 300 0 ro rolls lls.. Practice  D4354  D4354,, Procedure C requires two lot sampling units per lot for lots of 201 to 500 rolls. The 300 rolls in the lot were assigned numbers and the five rolls to be used as lot sampling units were selected using a table of random numbers.

where: n   = numb number er of test specimen specimenss per laborator laboratory y sampling sampling unit (rounded upward to the next whole number),




D4759 − 11 three. The three rolls in the second sample were selected using a table of random numbers excluding the roll from which lot sampling unit 2 was taken.

reliabl blee es estim timate ate of th thee co coef efffic icien ientt of va vari riati ation on fo forr v   = relia individual observations based on similar materials in the user’ss labora user’ laboratory tory under conditions of single single-oper -operator ator precision, t    = th thee value value of Stu Stude dent nt’s ’s   t   for one side limits, a 95 % probability level, and the degrees of freedom associated with the estimate of  v  v , and  A   = 5. 5.0 0 % of th thee av aver erag age, e, th thee va valu luee of th thee al allo lowa wabl blee variation.

X1.4   Data for Sample Set 2—The data are given in  Table X1.2.. No X1.2 None ne of th thee lo lots ts sa samp mplin ling g un units its failed failed.. Th Thee lo lott wa wass accepted.

X1.1.4 X1. 1.4 Base Based d on a value of   v  = 6.3 lbf associated with an infinite number of degrees of freedom ( t   = 1.645): TABLE X1.1 Test Results for Sample Set 1

[(1.645) (6.3)/5.0 (6.3)/5.0]]2 = 4.3 4.3 = 5 specim specimens ens per labora laboratory tory n   = [(1.645) sampling unit in each direction

Lot Sampling Units Specimen

X1.2   Data for Sample Set 1—The data are given in  Table X1.1..   Lot sampling X1.1 sampling uni unitt 2 fail failed ed in the mach machine ine dir directi ection. on. Since Sin ce lo lott sa samp mplin ling g un unit it 2 do does es no nott me meet et th thee sp speci ecific ficati ation on requirement, the lot was resampled.

1 2 3 4 5 Average

X1.3   Resampling—The supplier and the purchaser agreed to increase the number of rolls in the second lot sample to

Mach Ma chin ine e Di Dire rect ctio ion n

Cros Cr osss-Ma Mach chin ine e Di Dire rect ctio ion n




84 83 82 82 83 82.8

79 78 79 80 81 79.4

84 85 84 83 82 83.8

2 80 81 83 84 82 82.0

TABLE X1.2 Test Results for Sample Set 2 Lot Sampling Units Specimen 1 2 3 4 5 Average

Machine Direction

Cross-Machine Direction







86 85 83 81 82 83.4

92 94 90 91 93 92.0

78 80 82 84 83 81.4

87 87 86 84 83 85.4

93 94 95 92 91 93.0

80 81 83 85 84 92.6




D4759 − 11


X2.1 Assum Assumptio ptions ns This exam example ple assumes the follo following: wing:

direction tested. Lot Sampling Unit 105 failed in the machine direction.

X2.1.1 X2.1 .1 A ge geon onet et ge geoc ocom ompo posi site te is to be tes teste ted d ag agai ains nstt a specific spe cificatio ation n tha thatt req requir uires es all the met method hodss as ide identi ntified fied in D7273..   Specific D7273 Specifically ally the upp upper er and lower geo geotext textile ile use used d to manufacture the geonet geocomposite requires a minimum of  trapezoid tear strength of 356 N (80 lbf) in machine and cross

X2.3   Retesting— Since Since lot sampling unit 105 does not meet the specification requirement, the lot sampling unit 105 was retested.

machine direction. X2.1 X2 .1.2 .2 For th this is ex exam ampl ple, e, th thee lo lott co cons nsis ists ts of 17 175 5 ro rolls lls.. Practice  D4354  D4354,, Procedure C requires one lot sampling units perr lo pe lott fo forr lo lots ts of 1 to 20 200 0 ro roll lls. s. Ho Howe weve verr, th thee ma mate teri rial al specification required sampling during manufacture at a frequency of every 35 rolls; the units for the lot sample were selected sele cted at uni unifor formly mly spa spaced ced time int interv ervals als thr throug oughou houtt the production period. Each individual sample unit consisted of a 3 ft by roll width of geonet, upper and lower geotextile and laminated geonet geocomposite. The 175 geonet geocomposite rolls in the lot were assigned sequentiallylabeled numbers and the six rolls to be used as lot sampling units were roll numbers 1, 35, 70, 105, 140, and 175.

X2.4   Data for Retesting Lot Sampling Unit 105– The data are given in Table in Table X2.2. X2.2. The average test data for lots sampling units 105 is 66.25 lbf. The individual lot sampling unit 105 was rejected. X2.5   Boun Boundi ding ng Lo Lott Sa Samp mplin ling g Un Unit it 10 105—  5— Pur Purcha chaser ser and seller check availability of samples. Lot Sampling Unit 100 is available with individual components. No individual components nen ts are available available to upp upper er bou bound nd Lot Sampling Sampling Uni Unitt 105 105,, only Lot Unit Sample 140 was available. X2.6   Data for Retesting Lot Sampling Unit 100– The data are given in Table in  Table X2.3. X2.3.  That individual lot sampling unit 100 was accepted since it was passing the specification requirement.

X2.1.3 X2.1. 3 Test Method   D4533   spec specifie ifiess th ther eree wi will ll be on onee laboratory sampling unit taken from each loty sampling requir req uires es five testt spe tes specim cimens ens per labora lab orator tory sampli sam pling ngunit unitand uni t in each direction (see X1.1.3 (see  X1.1.3). ).

X2.7 The sequence of nonnon-confo conforming rming individual individual lot sampling plin g un units its in th thee lo lott wa wass bo boun unde ded/ d/de delin lineat eated ed by pa pass ssin ing g individual lot sampling units (“blocking tests”).

X2.2  Data for Initial Sample Set— The average test data are given in Table in  Table X2.1 per X2.1  per tested Lot Sampling Unit (roll) in each

X2.8 Reject the seque sequence nce of nonnon-confo conforming rming individual individual lot sampling units in the Lot Sampling Unit 101 to 139, since repres rep resenta entativ tivee lot uni unitt sam samples ples do not mee meett the acc accept eptable able specifi spe cificat cation ion val values ues fo forr tra trapez pezoid oidal al tea tearr in the mac machin hinee direction.

TABLE TA BLE X2.1 Test Results for Initia Initiall Sample Set Lot Sampling Units (Roll numbers)

Machin Mac hine e Dir Direct ection ion

CrossCro ss-Mac Machin hine e Dir Direct ection ion

1 35 70 105 140 175

95.8 82.2 80.1 65.4 80.0 85.2

105.3 94.6 94.1 80.4 89.3 102.6

TABLE X2.2 Test Results for Retested Sample Lot Sampling Units (Roll numbers)

Mach Ma chin ine e Di Dire rect ctio ion n

Cros Cr osss-Ma Mach chin ine e Direction




TABLE X2.3 Test Results for Bounding Lot Sample Unit Lot Sampling Units (Roll numbers)

Mach Ma chin ine e Di Dire rect ctio ion n

Cros Cr osss-Ma Mach chin ine e Direction







D4759 − 11 International takes no positi ASTM International position on respecting the validi validity ty of any patent rights assert asserted ed in connec connection tion with any item mentio mentioned  ned  in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk  of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility. This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and  if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards  and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the  responsible respon sible technical technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not receiv received ed a fair hearing you should  make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below. This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above  address or at 610address 610-832832-9585 9585 (pho (phone), ne), 610610-832832-9555 9555 (fax (fax), ), or serv service@ ice@astm astm.org .org (e-m (e-mail) ail);; or thro through ugh the ASTM webs website  ite  (www.astm. (www .astm.org). org). Permission Permission rights to photocopy the standa standard rd may also be secure secured d from the Copyri Copyright ght Clearance Center, Center, 222  Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923, Tel: (978) 646-2600; http://www.copyright.com/ 


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