D20 Potions of the Witcher

January 25, 2017 | Author: Ron Leiper | Category: N/A
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Potions of the Witcher

Witcher Potions Witcher potions are unique in that, unlike magical potions, are wholly mundane in design. Using strong, distilled alcohol as a base and brewed from natural ingredients that can be found in even the harshest terrain, witcher potions aggressively alter the body's physical makeup. Only witchers can benefit from the consumption of a witcher potion. Witcher potions are toxic. When a witcher drinks a potion, they suffer an amount of toxic damage based on the potion consumed. Toxicity damage is added together separately and does not subtract from hit points. When toxicity exceeds the witcher's constitution score, he vomits - losing the benefits of all active potions - and is nauseated for 1 round and sickened for 1d6 rounds. A witcher cannot drink a potion while nauseated or sickened. Toxicity is healed 1 point per hour or fully removed after 8 hours of uninterrupted rest. A witcher can be under the influence of up to three potions at any one time and, unless otherwise mentioned, potions of the same type do not stack. If more than three potion effects are consumed, the witcher suffers the same effects as if his toxicity exceeded his constitution. If two of the same potions are drunk, the duration of the old potion is reset while toxicity increases as normal. Any non-witcher that imbibes a witcher potion is nauseated for one round as they vomit the liquid and must succeed on a fortitude save or suffer the toxicity damage in HP. Witcher potions are volatile but easily diluted. If mixed with any other liquids, it becomes foul but impotent. A witcher potion is instantly identifiable by witchers through smell and appearance; non-witchers know the brew is poisonous by smell alone. There's little to no market for witcher potions. Some peddlers offer them to witchers as payment for their services but there are few, if any, businesses that sell these concoctions despite their ease of creation. If a vendor happens to have a witcher potion, assume it's default market value is equal to 4d4 times it's craft DC in gold pieces. Witcher Potions Description Blizzard Blizzard improves reflexes and reaction time, allowing a witcher to better parry and evade attacks. It grants a +4 bonus to dexterity and Uncanny Dodge for the duration of the potion. If the imbiber has Uncanny Dodge, they acquire Improved Uncanny Dodge. Duration 20 minutes; toxicity 1d6; craft DC 20 Black Blood Black Blood turns imbiber's blood into acid. If the imbiber suffers damage from a melee attack, their opponent suffers 1d6 acid damage per 2 levels (reflex save for half). Creatures attacking with reach weapons don't suffer damage but must save for their weapon. Creatures with natural reach but not wielding reach weapons still suffer the damage. Creatures that drain blood or constitution (such as a vampire's bite) suffer the damage each round they continue to drain. Duration 8 hours; toxicity 1d8; craft DC 25 Swallow Swallow accelerates the regeneration of vitality. The imbiber gains fast healing 1 for the

duration of the potion. Unlike other potions, multiple swallows can be taken and the effects are cumulative. Duration 2 hours; toxicity 1d6; craft DC 20 Bindweed The Bindweed potion increases resistance to acid and acid-based poisons. The imbiber receives acid resistance 10 for the duration of the potion. Duration 8 hours; toxicity 1d6; craft DC 15 Full Moon Full moon grants 1d12 temporary hit points per hit die of the imbiber. Temporary hit points are subtracted first, cannot be healed, and go away when the duration ends. Duration 8 hours; toxicity 1d8; craft DC 25 Thunderbolt This potion causes the imbiber to enter a battle trance, increasing their damage at the cost of accuracy. The imbiber gains a +4 morale bonus to strength but suffers a -2 penalty to AC for the duration of the potion. Duration 8 hours; toxicity 1d8; craft DC 25 Willow This potion grants the imbiber superhuman awareness, increasing their combat maneuver defense by +10. Duration 8 hours; toxicity 1d8; craft DC 15 De Vries' Extract Created by a famed sorceress, this potion allows the imbiber to come under the effects of detect hostile intent as a supernatural ability for the duration of the potion. Duration 1 hour; toxicity 1d6; craft DC 25 White Honey This potion increases soothing enzymes in the witcher's digestive track, healing all toxicity but also removing the effects of any potion currently in effect. Duration instantaneous; toxicity 0; craft DC 15 Kiss Kiss causes instantaneous clotting of injuries. For the duration of the potion the witcher is immune to bleeding or any effect that drains blood such as a vampire's bite. Duration 8 hours; toxicity 1d6; craft DC 15 Wolf Wolf increases the witcher's critical threat by 1 and grants a +4 bonus to confirm critical hits. Duration 8 hours; toxicity 1d6; craft DC 25 Cat Cat dramatically improves the witcher's vision, granting him 60 foot darkvision.

Duration 8 hours; toxicity 1d4; craft DC 15 Petri's Philter Designed by the mage Petri, this potion increases a witcher's magical signs. The damage of all signs increases by +1 per die, the DC to save against any effects increases by 2, and the range of all effects is doubled. Duration 8 hours; toxicity 1d10; craft DC 25 Wolverine Named after the ferocious animal, wolverine increases the witcher's strength by +4 when his hp is equal to or less than half. Duration 8 hours; toxicity 1d8; craft DC 25 White Raffard's Decoction Based on a healing potion developed by famous mage White Raffard, this potion instantly heals 3d8+4 damage. Duration instantaneous; toxicity 1d8; craft DC 20 Maribor Forest Passed on by druids, this potion increases a witcher's endurance in regards to casting signs. The witcher can cast two signs per combat before needing to clear his mind which requires a move action vice a standard action. Focusing while fatigued or exhausted requires a standard action vice a full round action. Duration 8 hours; toxicity 1d6; craft DC 20 Golden Oriole This potion grants the witcher an additional +4 bonus on saves against poisons. It does not restore any damage caused by poison but provides immunity to the secondary effects of poisoning. Duration 8 hours; toxicity 1d6; craft DC 20 Witcher Oils Witchers often coat their blades with potent oils. Oils can only be applied to metal weapons. Only one weapon can be under the effect of a single oil and last for a set duration. Applying a second oil to a coated weapon negates both coats. Oils can be removed with distilled alcohol of at least 100 proof; removing oil from a weapon before the duration expires requires at least an ounce of alcohol and a full round action to scrub. Unlike potions which are exclusive to witchers, oils can be used by anyone. As a result, they have a distinct market value. The default price for a single oil is 100gp. Hanged Man's Venom This potent oil inflicts an extra +1d4 damage to humanoids and monstrous humanoids. duration 24 hours; craft DC 25 Argentia This oil strengthens alchemical silver. When applied to a silvered weapon it negates the penalty to damage, increases the damage die by one step (1d4 to 1d6, 1d6 to 1d8, and so on), and increases the critical threat range by 1. This oil has no affect on any other metal.

duration 24 hours; craft DC 25 Crinfrid Oil Crinfrid oil damages the body's ability to clot wounds. Coated weapons inflict 1 point of bleeding damage. duration 24 hours; craft DC 25 Ornithosaur Oil This oil inflicts +1d4 damage to reptilian, dragon, and magical beast creatures. duration 24 hours; craft DC 25 Necrophage Oil This oil inflicts +1d4 damage to non-incorporeal undead. duration 24 hours; craft DC 25 Insectoid Oil This oil inflicts +1d4 damage to vermin. duration 24 hours; craft DC 25 Specter Oil This oil inflicts +1d4 damage to incorporeal creatures and allows the wielder to reroll his miss chance. duration 24 hours; craft DC 25 Witcher Bombs and Grenades Witchers have revolutionized alchemical bombs, taking over the position of once-popular options such as alchemist's fire. Bombs function as splash weapons and anyone can utilize them. The base DC to resist bombs is 15. For every 2 points the crafter exceeds the craft DC, the save DC increases by +1. Taking 24 hours to craft a bomb counts as having a +10 to the craft check. Like oils, bombs have a distinct market presence. The default market price for bombs is 100gp. Dragon's Dream This bomb creates a cloud of flammable, choking gas in a 10 foot radius spread. Creatures caught in the gas must succeed on a fortitude save or become sickened. A source of fire can ignite the gas inflicting 2d6 fire damage to all within the area and inflicting an additional 1d6 damage the next round. If desired, the target can use a fullround action to attempt to extinguish the flames before taking this additional damage. Extinguishing the flames requires a DC 15 Reflex save. Rolling on the ground provides the target a +2 bonus on the save. Leaping into a lake or magically extinguishing the flames automatically smothers the fire. Igniting the gas with a flaming object, such as swinging or tossing a torch, requires a standard action. The gas is heavier than air and dissipates in 10 rounds. A moderate wind (11+ mph), such as from a gust of wind spell, disperses the fog in 4 rounds. A strong wind (21+ mph) disperses the fog in 1 round craft DC 25 Samum

Designed in desert lands, samum blasts opponents with the white hot intensity of the sun. Creatures in a 10 foot burst suffer 1d6 damage, 1d4 fire damage, and must succeed on a reflex save or be stunned for 1 round. craft DC 20 Zerrikanian Sun This bomb creates a blinding flash as bright as sunlight. Creatures within a 20 foot burst must succeed on a reflex save or become blinded for 1d4+1 rounds. craft DC 20 Devil's Puffball This bomb instantly spreads poisonous spores throughout the air in a 10 foot spread. Creatures breathing in the spore must succeed on a fortitude save or suffer 1d4 points of damage per round for 5 rounds. A delay poison spell stops the spores’ growth for its duration. Bless, neutralize poison, or remove disease kills the spores, as does sprinkling the victim with a vial of holy water. craft DC 20 King and Queen This bomb creates a magical 10 foot burst causing fear against creatures who fail a will save. The fear effect lasts for 1d4+1 rounds. craft DC 20

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