D. Lesson Plan-Matter-Recyclable Materials

October 1, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum Grade 5

FIRST QUARTER/ QUARTER/ FIRST GRAI!G "ERI# $ATTER C#!TE!T% 2. Changes that Materials Undergo   C#!TE!T STA!ARS% Materials undergo changes due to oxygen and heat "ERF#R$A!CE STA!ARS%  The learner uses uses local, recyclable solid and/ and/ or liquid materials in making useful products. &EAR!I!G C#$"ETE!C'%  The learner design design a product ou outt of local, recyclable solid a and/or nd/or liquid materials in making useful products.

C#E% !MT " #h " # " $


C(a)ter 2 * C(an+es t(at $aterials Under+o &esson , % Rec-cla.le $aterials %uration& 2'( days I


#.0ecties% ). #dentify local and recyclable solid a and/ nd/ o orr liquid materials in making useful products. 2. %escribe lo local cal and recyclable solid an and/ d/ or liquid m materials aterials in making useful products products.. (. Classify the rrecyclable ecyclable mat materials erials th that at can be des designed igned in making useful *roducts.   A $aterials% ' cartons ' tetra packs of +uices ' plastic bottle ' lliight bulbs ' food rapper ' empty glass ' soft drink can ' m miilk can '

empty shampoo bottle

' nespaper

B Reerences% -rcano, elyn nrique0, et. -l breaking Throu Through gh cience ! by C 1  publishing, #nc. *eralta, Carrie Carrie -nn ., et. -l 3eal " 4ife cience ! by -bia *ublishing 5ome, #nc. -bracia, 6orma -., et. -l cience in 7ur 8or 8orld ld ! by 9ibal :roup, #nc. C "rocess S3ills%  S3ills%  obsering, identifying, describing, inestigating,   classifying  4alues Inte+ration% olid Inte+ration% olid 8aste Management III

&earnin+ Tas3s% A En+a+ement ). 3eie&   -sk the children to get a piece of paper and anser this questions&   8hich of the !3s that e already studied can you commit to follo regularly; Choose at least one and plan on ho you can honor such a commitment on a regular basis. 8rite at least ! " < sentences.   2. #ntroduce the ne lesson   :ien this pictures, hae the pupils to name and describe the recyclable materials.


*ictures of old toys made of plastic, soft drink *ictures can, empty bottle, maga0ine

B E)loration%   -. -d -dance ance *r *reparation eparation =to be done a day bef before ore th the e conduct of the actiity>            

). *repare the e mater materials ials the actiity 2. *repar ee toeitth that mater materials ialsneeded ill be for distribu distributed ted equally to each group ?. %uring cience Class ). :roup the pupils into four four.. 2. * *roide roide each gr group oup of all the m materials aterials n needed. eeded. (. et nor norms ms to follo during group actiit actiity y. $. 5ae each group perform the actiit actiity y. -ctiity )& 3ecyclable Materials

8hat you need& ' maga0ine ' empty glass ' nespaper ' light bulbs ' cartons ' soft drink can ' empty plastic bottle ' milk can ' tetra pack +uice ' empty shampoo bottle 8hat to do& ). :et all the materials that you need from your teacher teacher.. 2. *lace all the materials on your table. (. 7bsere and describe the characteristics and properties of each of the materials. 3ecord 3ecord your description in chart ). $. -fter describing each of the materials based on their characteristics and properties, identify each of the recyclable materials hether they are made up of paper, glass, plastic or metals. !. 4ist the identi@ed materials in chart 2 under its corresponding column. Chart ) 6ame of Materials ) 2 ( $ ! < A B  )D


%escription hape Color



  C(art 2 "lastic




Guide Questions% ). 8hat materials did you use in the actiity; 2. 8hat can you say about a bout the materials you gathered; (. -re they still usable; $. 5o did you classify the materials; !. 8hich of the recyclable materials are made of paper; plastics; glass; metal;   C E)lanation%  -sk the pupils to present their output. 5ae the group repres representatie entatie present the anser to the guide questions. ). 8hat materials did you use in the actiity; = nespaper, cartons, maga0ine, plastic bottle, spoon, etc.> 2. 8hat can you say about a bout the materials you gathered; = the materials hae diEerent descriptions and characteristics> (. -re they still usable; =yes> $. 5o did you classify the materials; = according to hat are they made of> !. 8hich of the recyclable materials are made of paper; plastics; glass; metal; = nespaper,maga0ine and cartons are made from paper, empty shampoo bottle and plastic bottle are made of plastic, empty glass and light bulb are made from glass, softdrink can and milk can are made from metal>   ' piece piece of  ir ire e =ab =about out !D cm llong ong>> ' ir ire e mes mesh h =ab =about out 2 2D D x 2A c cm m> B Reerences% *eralta, Carrie Carrie -nn ., et. -l 3eal " 4ife cience ! by -bia *ublishing 5ome, #nc. 4arisma elyn T, et. -l The 6e cience 4inks ! by 3ex ?ook tore -bracia, 6orma -., et. -l cience in 7ur 8or 8orld ld ! by 9ibal :roup, #nc.

C "rocess S3ills%  S3ills%  obsering, demonstrating, synthesi0ing ideas, explaining, communicating  4alues Inte+ration%  Inte+ration%  Creatiity, 7bsere precautionar precautionary/safety y/safety measures in handling/using the materials III

&earnin+ Tas3s% A En+a+ement   ). *resent some pictures of useful products that are made up of recyclable   -sk& 8hat recyclable materials are mostly found in your community; B E)loration%




  -. -d -dance ance *r *reparation eparation =to be done a day bef before ore th the e conduct of actiity>   ). *repar *repare e th the e mater materials ials needed for the actiity   2. ee to it that mater materials ials ill be distribu distributed ted equally to each group   ?. %uring cience Class   ). :roup the pupils into four four..   2. * *roide roide each gr group oup of all the m materials aterials n needed. eeded.   (. et nor norms ms to follo during group actiit actiity y. $. 5ae each group perform the actiit actiity y.

:roup ) 1 ( ' -ctiity )& H6o7 to ma3e a )encil (older o monster 7it( s(am)oo .ottle 8 9s(am)oo:;
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