D&D 1e All That Glitters

March 26, 2017 | Author: Malek VonDrachenstein | Category: N/A
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Download D&D 1e All That Glitters...




I The lure of golb ,,"A draw,.p.nYn.y adventulcraellroughthe ages. Now a cryptic treasur map has come into your possession. Are you a match for the jungle and the unknow ' - i d s beyond?

Adventure Module for 5-8characters, levels 5-7

ALL X " GLITTERS*** 6yJhB s a h Not all that tempts your wand'ring eyes And heedless hearts, is lawful prize; Nor all that glitters, gold. . .





Jim Bambra, Graeme Morris, Tom Kirby Production: Phil Gallagher & TSR U K Design Team Typesetting: Paul Cockburn, Kim Daniel Cover Art: Brian Williams Internal Art: Tim Sell Cartography: Paul Ruiz


The Adventure Archaic Common Abbreviations

2 3

T H E INDICARA (Encounter areas 11-19: Map 1)


The Indicara Random Encounters


T H E WIND WALKERS' PASSAGES (Encounter areas Wl-W27: Map 2) How the Tunnel System Works

The Prisoner Encounters T H E ASH MIRE (Encounter areas Al-A3: Map 3) The Ash Mire Random Encounters Encounters The Hek'Islett Camp The Kidnap Attempt The Hek'Islett



8 10 10


18 18

19 19 20 21 21


Mao 2

T H E T E M P L E OF AUMATA-PERION (Encounter areas TI-T20: Map 3B) 22 Kegen &his Family Outside the Temple Inside the Temple

Ending the Adventure

01984, TSR, Inc.

All Rights Rcsclved.

This module is protected under the laws of the United States of America. Any reproduction or other unauthorized use of the material 01 artwork contained herein is prohibited without the express written permission of TSR, Inc. ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, AD&D and FIEND FOLIO arc registered trademarks owned by TSR, Inc. Printed in USA

2c: Map 3 : 3a: 3b:




2a: 2b:

22 23 23



TSR, Inc. POB 756 Lake Geneva WI 51147


MODULE BOOKLET (tear-out sheet) TILED MAP from area W2 page 31 TIKUES MAP page 3 1


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The Mill, Rathmore Road

Cambridge CRI 4AD United Kingdom

Distributed to the book trade in rhe United States by Random House, Inc. and in Canada by Rmdom House of Canada, Ltd. Distributed to the toy and hobby trade by regional distributors. Distributed in t h e United Kinedom bv TSR UK Ltd. ISBN 0-88038-180-9 394-54199-5TSR0600


THE ADVENTURE T h i s is a n ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONSB' mcxlulr, suitatilr lor a party of 5-8 chardrtrrs o f 5th-7th level. It is essential that theparty contains at least one cleric or druid.

'Ihr advcnturc hrgins w h r n thc party acquircs Iragmrnts of Tikul's m a p in thc form of pai~chmvntwrappings for carvd ivory sticks (lor usc i n augury sprlh). T h c sticks wcic m n d r by Mallata natives living tirai Krtt's Rapids in thr Indicara Junglr. 'Thcy tiad discovered 'Tikul's body. hut to thcm t l w ,nap was mr;ininglers and t h q lost' it up to use as Pdrkdgina for their goods (losing part in the proccns). W h o i thesrfragmrnts;irelaidorrt i n order, thry will look like thr illurtt~ationson the upprr part 01 thc tciii out shcer (pages 31



and :i2). T h e m a p shorz-s, in cryptic lorm, most of 'l'ikul's journey to thc temple of Aumata-Pcrion. T h r parts showing the wind paSSdges have been lost. Tikul drew a

pictogram at the end of the map showing the riches which he was convinced cxisted at Aumata-Pcsion. T ~ivory P sticks arc typical M a l l a t a workmanship, and thc party will hrahle to find thisout lrom tradrrs, whowill alsoidrntify Pori Elizabeth and the trading post at Kett's Rapids.?'hradvrnturers will nccd to journey to Post Elizabrth and then travel upriver to Kett's Rapids, a s m a l l settlcmrnt at thr rdgr of the jungle. Frw outsiders w n t u e hryond it, and nobody thew will have any information regarding Tikul or his journey other than that tie passed this way a year or so ago. T h e traders at Krtt's Rapids have no direct contact with the htem and know littlp of thrm e x c ~ p tthat

ARCHAIC COMMON During thc m u t s e of this adventure thr playrr charactcis will cncountrr a numbr.r Of NPCS who s p r d k a11 archaic form of thc cominon tonguc (archaic common). While hcarina a resrmhlante to modern sprrrh, archaic common will not hc totally ronprehensible to playrr charactrrs. Ckrtain wordsand phrasrs w i l l be rncaninglrssand some will convry a mratring diffrrrnt to that i n t e n d d Similarly, NPCs who speak archaiccommon will havcdifficulty understanding what the characters arc saying. I n any situation whcrv this occurs the DM should ham up thr rolc playinp, as much as possihle by using hroad acrcnts and possibly playing u p a n ) misundvnrandingr




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In lhis p a r t o f t h v ; d w n t u r e the party, it tollowing Tikul's map correctly, will cross thelndicara Jiingle to thcHadarna M o u n t ains.Alongthewaytheywillencountrran Atem village (SPY encountrr areas 14-6) and a seven-headed hydra (encountrr area 17). At the mountains they will meet Vanck, an insane lircgiant (seeencounterarca I9)and disrovrr an entrance to thr WIND WALKERS' PASSACES (see page 8). It is important that the players become accustomed to using Tikul's map as a guide. In addition to thc special points, it also shows important geographical features surh as rapids, river ronfluences, the swamp and thc mountains whirh are shown in more detail o n Maps 1-3. To give the players confidence in Tikul's map the DM should point o u t thcsr fratures when the party encounters them.

THE INDICARA T h e Indicara is a hot. humid and dcnse jungle trcming with wildlife of all kinds. T h e trees grow to a height of 100 feet or more, formin!: a thick green canopy over the jungle floor. Characters climbing one o l the larger trees will have an excellent



\ i ? w ot tlir junglr am1 thr mmmtairih. While thr parry 1s in the jungle, thc DM should check for disease and parasitic infection oncr per week ( s e r DMG p13-14).

tlic Indirara, tlir DM should makcoccasiona1 mention o f the hcat, humidity and mosquitors.

From Kett's Rapids onwards, the party's most ronvenient route lies along the bank of the Utdoo. T h r DM should use thc following description to set the scenc for this part of the adventure:


On both sidrs o l the river lush vegetation stretches skywards forminganarchover thewaterandgiving a grem tinge to the sunlight. I n places thr greenery is broken by brilliant splashes of colour Iron) large flowcrs and brightly coloured birds. But all is not as idyllic as i t first seems; soon the hot sticky air sends rivers of sweat down your backs, fares and arms. Wiping it from your eyes, you realise that this jungle crossing is not going to be easy. Already swarms of mosquitoes are gathrring and buzzing around you. In order to emphasise the atmosphere of

Characters following a river bank move at three quartcrs normal speed due to the density o f the undergrowth. Away from the river, the going is men more diffirult, requiring characters to chop their way through and reducing movement rates to a quartcr of normal. Nonc of thr rivers above Kett's Rapids arr navigable by watercralt. They are all too shallow and fast-flowingtoallow passage. However, this makes them easy to ford and characters will euperirnue n o problrms in so doing.

Natives T h e nati\,es at Kett's Rapids are the Mallata, a friendly people. Above the White Tooth Water (11) lie the lands of the Atem (see MEN AND MONSTERS - page 30). T h e Atem are fierce and warlike and attack intruders o n sight (see RANDOM ENCOUNTERS and encounter areas 14.6).

Wandering monsters occur o n a andevery8 hourbwhm thcyent and a n At< Jungle (roll d12)

Mountain (roll dl2)


Bo3 (roll d 12)

1 rhinoceros beetle: AC2; M V G"; H D I?; hp60; #r\l2; I) 3-18/2-16; Si\ N i l ; SD N i l : MR Std: I n t Non: A L N: S i x L x u 31 I O ; THACO 9:Mbl.

." , "





2 griffons: AC 3 ; M\' 1?"/30"; H D 7 ; 111) 48 w c h ; #A'r 3 ; D l-~~/I-4/?-16; SJ\ Nil; SD Nil; MR Std; Int Srmi; AL N; Siw L; x p 855 cad,; 'IHACKI 13; bIM.


I-Zrockreptiles:hC:.~l;hlV6"; H D 5 + l i ; h p : 1 2 . ~ i r h ;# X r I ; 1)7~10;SASiripiiwcm 1-9; SI) Chamcleon powrrs; M R Std; Int Animal; AL N; Sir? M (6' h i g i ; x p 624 cach: THACO 13; MMII.




11. White Tooth Water

Therapidsmark theedgeof Atrm tcrntory White wafer foams over sharp rocks in the riw-r. O n both sides of the rapids, skulls hang amongst brightly colourrd fcathers.

The skullsand fearhersare susprnrled horn vines and an. otherwise unremarkable. A feather mark!. this place o n Tikul's map.


SA on iniiiativc; SD Sprcial; MR S A as M u I ~ ~; n I.A; t AI. N ; Siw M: xp 885 each; THACO 12; MMII.

rout? and is worth 4OOgp. I t will ilttivaic 'Tikul's magic mouth (see cnrountrr arcit 13) and a crndr. drawing 01 ii mouth (like, Here, thrlJtdooisjoincdbyasmallrrrivcr. Rothdropiiitoih~ralleyover5O-bootrliffs thc onror1 T i k u l ' s map) has bcrn xratchcd onto its bladr. which are easy to climb. Nrarby the party will find Tikul's dagger automaticallv: 12. T w i n Falls



Sunlight flashes on the hilt of a jewcllcddaggcr thrust into thc,trunk of a dead tree.

The daggcr was l t f t by Tikul to mark his

13. Valley 01 the Mouth

In a shori, stecp-sidd box i a n y o n w h i w thr litdoo Riwr has its SOUKC, 'Tikul Irft a magic mouth s p d l which desrrihis how to find ilir ~ . ~ r i w a route I ~ d f r o m thih aiva t o the Arrm Villagc ( s w cncouritcr arm 15): THE INDICAHA J P ~ X U U ~ I P Inwp(1.~11-31 5 ...

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ _ _

As soon a s t h r y bvrorne a w a r of the prcsenrc of intrudmr, t h e c h i d a n d his hodyguards w i l l rush to attack. Ahu (sre below) will shapr-change, into Iropard form a t i d attack w i t h hci t w o pc't leopards. It rrdurrdtrr I r , " , I ~ w ~ I l i i t p ~ i ishewill it~, rctrcilt ( t a k i n g lirr Icopards w i t h hrt). Shy will t h r i i ciist s p r l l \ , starting with cure light wounds. If rhr fish1 is soing a5dinst ilir hteni shr will changr intn a bird and Slre into ihc bog in iccwrr l o s t hi1 points atid~p~lls.Ttiriicxrdavsh~w follow i l l the party and h a r r y thr.m a t ? w r y opportunity until killcd o r captured.


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