D 4582 - 91 (Reapproved 2001)

May 15, 2018 | Author: bgdaniel07 | Category: Alkalinity, Ph, Carbon Dioxide, Physical Chemistry, Physical Sciences
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Designation: D 4582 – 91 (Reapproved 2001)

An American National Standard

Standard Practice for

Calculation and Adjustment of the Stiff and Davis Stability Index for Reverse Osmosis 1 This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 4582; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of  original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A superscript supers cript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

1. Sco Scope pe

3.2.1 For description description of term termss relat relating ing to rever reverse se osmo osmosis, sis, refer to Test Methods D 4194. 3.2.2  Stiff and Davis Stability Index (S & DSI) 5—an index calculated from total dissolved solids, calcium concentration, total alkalinity, pH, and solution temperature that shows the tendency of a water solution to precipitate or dissolve calcium carbonate.

1.1 This practice practice cove covers rs the calculation calculation and adju adjustme stment nt of  the Stiff and Davis Stability Index (S & DSI) for the concentrate stream of a reverse osmosis device. This index is used to determine the need for calcium carbonate scale control in the operation opera tion and desi design gn of rever reverse se osmo osmosis sis inst installa allations tions.. This practice is applicable for concentrate streams containing more than 10 000 mg/L of tota totall dissolved dissolved soli solids. ds. For conce concentra ntrate te streams strea ms containing containing less than 10 000 mg/L of tota totall diss dissolved olved solids, refer to Practice D 3739. 1.2   This sta standa ndard rd does not purport purport to add addre ress ss all of the safe sa fety ty co conc ncer erns ns,, if an anyy, as asso soci ciat ated ed wi with th it itss us use. e. It is th thee responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro priate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.

4. Summ Summary ary of Practice Practice 4.1 This practice practice consists consists of calculating calculating the S & DSI index forr a re fo reve vers rsee os osmo mosi siss co conc ncen entr trat atee st stre ream am fr from om th thee to tota tall dissolved solids, calcium ion content, total alkalinity, pH, and temperature of the feed solution and the recovery of the reverse osmosis system. 4.2 This practice practice also presents presents techniques techniques to lower the S & DSI by decreasing the recovery; decreasing the calcium and alkali alk alinit nity y con concen centra tratio tions; ns; or by cha changi nging ng the rat ratio io of tot total al alkalinity to free carbon dioxide in the feedwater.

2. Referenced Documents 2.1   ASTM Standards: D 511 Te Test st Methods for Calcium and Magnesium in Water Water 2 D 1067 Test Methods for Acidity or Alkalinity Alkalinity of Water Water  2 D 1129 Ter Terminology minology Relating to Water 2 D 1293 Test Methods Methods for pH of Water  2 D 1888 Test Methods for Parti Particulat culatee and Dissolved Dissolved Matt Matter er in Water 3 D 3739 Pract Practice ice for Calcu Calculati lation on and Adjustment Adjustment of Lange Lange-lier Saturation Index for Reverse Osmosis  4 D 4194 Test Methods for Opera Operating ting Characteris Characteristics tics of Reverse Osmosis Devices 4 D 419 4195 5 Gui Guide de for Wate aterr Ana Analys lysis is for Rev Revers ersee Osm Osmosi osiss Application 4

5. Signi Significanc ficancee and Use 5.1 In the desig design n and oper operatio ation n of reverse osmosis osmosis installainstallations, it is important to predict the calcium carbonate scaling properties of the concentrate stream. Because of the increase in total dissolved solids in the concentrate stream and the differences in salt passages for calcium ion, bicarbonate ion, and free CO2, the calcium carbonate scaling properties of the concentrate stream will generally be quite different from those of the feed solution. This practice permits the calculation of the S & DSI for the concentrate stream from the feed water analyses and the reverse osmosis operating parameters. 5.2 A positive positive S & DSI indicat indicates es the ten tenden dency cy to for form m a calcium calc ium carbonate carbonate scal scale, e, whic which h can be dama damaging ging to rever reverse se osmosis performance. This practice gives procedures for the adjustment of the S & DSI.

3. Terminology 3.1   Definitions—For definitions of terms used in the practice, refer to Terminology D 1129. 3.2   Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:

6. Proc Procedur eduree 6.1 Deter Determine mine the calcium concentrati concentration on in the feed solu solu-tion in accordance with Test Methods D 511 and express as CaCO3.

1 This practice is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D19 on Wa Water ter and is the dir direct ect resp respons onsibil ibility ity of Sub Subcom committ mittee ee D19 D19.08 .08 on Mem Membran branes es and Ion Exchange Materials. Currentt edition approved June 28, 1991. Publis Curren Published hed September 1991 1991.. Origin Originally ally published publis hed as D 4582 – 86. Last previo previous us edition D 4582 – 86 (1991). (1991). 2  Annual Book of ASTM Standard Standardss, Vol 11.01. 3 Discontinued Discon tinued;; see 1990 1990 Annual  Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Standards , Vol 11.01. 4  Annual Book of ASTM Standard Standardss, Vol 11.02.


Stiff, H. A. and Davis, L. E., “A Method for Predicting the Tendency of Oil Field Waters Waters to Deposit Deposit Calcium Carbonate,” Carbonate,” Petroleum  Petroleum Trans Transactions actions,, Vol 195, 1952.

Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.


D 4582 – 91 (20 (2001) 01) 6.2 Determine the total dissolved dissolved solids of the feed solution using Test Methods D 1888. 6.3 Determine the total total alkalinity of the feed feed solution using Test Methods D 1067 and express as CaCO 3. 6.4 Measure the pH of the feed solution using using Test Test Methods D 1293. 6.5 Meas Measure ure the temperature temperature of the feed solution. solution. 6.6 Meas Measure ure the conce concentra ntration tion of all major ions using the methods cited in Guide D 4195. At a minimum, measure the − concentration of Mg  + +, Na +, K  + , SO 5 4 , and Cl .

7.4 Cal Calcul culate ate the ion str streng ength th of the con concen centra trate te str stream eam from the ionic strength of the feed solution, the recovery, and the total dissolved solids of the feed solution by: Ic 5 If 

7.1 Calcu Calculate late the calc calcium ium concentration concentration in the concentrate concentrate stream from the calcium concentration in the feed solution, the recovery of the reverse osmosis system, and the calcium ion passage as follows:

NOTE   1—SPCa  can be obtained from the supplier of the specific reverse osmosis system. For most reverse osmosis devices, SPCa  can be considered to be zero, in which case the equation simplifies to:


NOTE   3—For seawater systems, the calculated pH of the concentrate stream can be 0.1 to 0.2 higher than measured pH values if the feed pH is above 7.0. In these cases, empirical correlations between the feed pH and the concentr concentrate ate pH as a fun functi ction on of conversion conversion can be used to mor moree accurately calculate the concentrate pH. Check with the supplier of the reverse osmosis (RO) device to determine if empirical correlations should be used.


This assumption will introduce only a small error.

7.8 Calculat Calculatee the Sti Stifff and Dav Davis is Sta Stabil bility ity Ind Index ex of the concentrate (S & DSI c) as follows:

7.2 Calcu Calculate late the alkalinity alkalinity in the concentrate concentrate stream stream from the alkalinity in the feed solution, the recovery of the reverse osmosis system, and the passage of alkalinity by: Alk c 5 Alk f  3


7.6 Cal Calcul culate ate the fre freee car carbon bon dioxide dioxide con conten tentt (C) in the concentrate stream by assuming that the CO 2  concentration in the concentrate is equal to the CO 2   concentration in the feed: Cc  = Cf . The concentration of free carbon dioxide in the feed solution is obtained from Fig. 3 as a function of the alkalinity and the pH of the feed solution. 7.7 Calcu Calculate late the pH of the concentrat concentratee stream (pH c) using the ratio of alkalinity (from 7.2) to free CO 2  in the concentrate (from 7.6), Fig. 3.

where: Cac = calcium calcium concent concentrati ration on in conce concentrat ntratee as CaCO CaCO 3, mg/L, Caf  = calc calcium ium conce concentra ntration tion in feed as CaCO3, mg/L,  y = recovery of the reverse osmosis system, expressed as a decimal, and SPCa = calc calcium ium ion ion passage, passage, expres expressed sed as a decimal. decimal.

1 1 2  y


pHs 5  pCa 1  pAlk  1 K 

1 2 y~SPCa! Cac 5 Caf  3 1 2  y



F1 21 G

where:  I c = ionic stre strength ngth of the conce concentra ntrate te stre stream am and TDSf  = total dissol dissolved ved solids solids of the feed feed solution, solution, mg/L. mg/L. 7.5 From Fig. Fig. 1, obtain  p Ca as a function of Ca c and pAlk  as a function of Alk c. From Fig. 2 obtain the constant K  as a function of concentrate ionic strength and feed temperature. 7.5.1 Calcu Calculate late the pH at which the conce concentrat ntratee stream is saturated with CaCO3(pHs) as follows:

7. Calc Calculati ulation on

Cac 5 Caf  3


10  6 2 TDSf  1 10  6 2 ~TDSf ! 1 2  y

S & DSIc 5 pHc 2 pHs

7.8.1   Adjustments of S & DSI c—If the S & DSIc   is unacceptable based on the supplier’s recommendation, adjustments can be made by one of the following means. A new S & DSI c can then be calculated. 7.8.1. 1 The recovery recovery ( y) can be lowered and the S & DSIc can be calculated as above by substituting a new value for the recovery. 7.8.1. 2 Decr Decreasin easing g the calc calcium ium and alkal alkalinit inity y conc concentra entra-tions in the feed solution by means of lime or lime soda ash softening will increase the pCa and pAlk and will therefore decrease the pHs. 7.8.2 Addit Addition ion of acid (HCl, CO2, H2SO4, etc.) to the feed solution either with or without lime or lime soda ash softening changes the Alk f , Cf , pH and may change the SP Alk . The slight chan ch ange ge in If    can usu usuall ally y be neg neglec lected ted.. Aci Acid d add additi ition on wil willl decrease the S& DSI c; however, since many variables change with acidification, trial and error computations are required to determine the amount of acid needed to determine the amount of acid needed to obtain the desired S & DSI c. 7.8.2. 1 For an assumed pH (pH acid), obtained obtained from addition of acid to the feed solution, obtain the ratio of Alk Acid /  CAcid   from Fig. 3. From this ratio, Alk f   and Cf , calculate the

1 2  y~SPAlk ! 1 2  y

where: Alk c = alka alkalini linity ty in conce concentrat ntratee as CaCO3, mg/L, Alk f  = alkalini alkalinity ty in feed as CaCO3, mg/L,  y = reco recove very ry of the the rever reverse se osmo osmosi siss syste system, m, exexpressed as a decimal, and SPAlk  = alka alkalini linity ty passage, passage, expres expressed sed as a decimal. decimal. NOTE   2—SPAlk  may be dependent on the pH of the feed solution, and its value shou should ld be obt obtaine ained d fro from m the supplier supplier of the specific specific rev revers ersee osmosis system system..

7.3 Calcu Calculate late the ionic strength strength of the feed stream by:  ( mi z2i If  5 1 /  2  2 (

where: ionicc strengt strength h of the the feed feed stream stream,,  I  f  = ioni = molal mola l concen concentrat tration ion of ion, i (moles/ (moles/1000 1000 g of water) water) mi in the feed solution, and  zi = ion ionic ic char charge ge of of ion, ion, i. i. To calculate I f   use at least all major ions: Ca  + +, Mg  + +, 5 − Na +, K +, HCO 2 3 , SO 4 , and Cl . 2

D 4582 – 91 (20 (2001) 01)

FIG. 1 Conversion of Calcium and Alkalinity to  p Ca Ca and  p Alk Alk

FIG. 2  K  versus Ionic Strength and Temperature

milligrams per litre of acid used ( x). For example, for H 2SO4 addition (100 %), calculate as follows: 7.8.2. 3 Usin Using g Alk Acid, CAcid, and the sup suppli plier’ er’ss val value ue for SPAlk for the new pH, calculate the S& DSIc  in accordance with Section 7.

~Alk Acid /CAcid! 5 ~Alk f  2 1.02 x! / ~Cf  1 0.90 x! If HCl (100 %) is used for acidification, acidification, the equation in is as follows: Calcu Calculate late the tota totall alka alkalini linity ty of the acid acidified ified feedwater (Alk Acid) and the CO2  content in the acidified feedwater (CAcid) as follows:

~Alk Acid /CAcid! 5 ~Alk f  2 1.37 y! / ~Cf  1 1.21 y !

Alk Acid 5 Alk f  2 1.02 x

where:  y = HCl HCl,, mg/L mg/L (10 (100 0 %).

CAcid 5 Cf  1 0.90 x


D 4582 – 91 (20 (2001) 01)

FIG. 3 pH versus Methy Methyll Orang Orange e Alkalinity/Free Alkalinity/Free CO2

8. Reve Reverse rse Osmosis Osmosis in Oper Operatio ation n

10. Keyw Keywords ords

8.1 Onc Oncee a rev revers ersee osm osmosi osiss sys system tem is ope operat rating ing,, the S & DSIc  can be directly calculated from the analysis of Alk c, Cac, pHc, and Ic  of the concentrate stream and compared with the projected S & DSI c   calculated in Section 7.

10.1 calcium carbonate; membrane membrane scaling; reverse reverse osmosis (RO); stability index for RO; Stiff and Davis Stability Index (S & DSI)

9. Use of Computers Computers for the Determinatio Determination n of S & DSI


9.1 The pre preced ceding ing cal calcul culati ations ons are ada adapta ptable ble to sim simple ple computer analysis. ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned  in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk  of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility. This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and  if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards  and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the  responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should  make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below. This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above  address add ress or at 610 610-832 -832-95 -9585 85 (ph (phone one), ), 610 610-83 -832-95 2-9555 55 (fax (fax), ), or serv service ice@as @astm.o tm.org rg (e-m (e-mail ail); ); or thro through ugh the AST ASTM M web websit site  e  (www.astm.org).


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