Cypher Path Catalog for State Department

June 22, 2016 | Author: kevin_rogers6489 | Category: N/A
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2011-2012 Cybersecurity Course Catalog

Cybersecurity Training Cyber Warfare, Cyber Terrorism, Cyber Espionage, CBRNE

Cybersecurity Education  

Introduction 4 5 6 7

Are you CyberReady?

Welcome Letter Cypherpath HQ’s Kevin Coleman BIO Kevin Coleman Signature Author

Cyber Warfare , Espionage, and Terrorism Training 8 9 10 11 12 13

Cyber Warfare Distance Learning Cyber Warfare 3 day Onsite Cyber Terrorism, Emergency Services Counter Terrorism CBRNE+ Cyber Terrorism, Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity Assessment Tool

Cybersecurity Training


14 15 16 17 18 19 20-21 22-23

Role-based, Certifications, & Custom Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA) Certified Information Systems Manager CISM) Incident Response, Planning and Defense Beyond the CISSP Certified Advanced Security Practitioner SpyOps Briefs, Certifications and Virtual Training Agent Surefire, Immersive 3D IA learning

Monthly Advisories 24-25

Cyber Intelligence Advisory & Cyber Terrorism Review

Virtual Labs 26 27 28-29

Virtual Lab OnDemand Introduction Lab OnDemand Benefits Virtual lab delivery services

Learning Management Services 30-31 32-33

Precision Path Platform Cyber Intelligence Portal (coming soon)


Information 34-35 36-37

Cypherpath Learning Credits About Cypherpath


Cyber Intelligence Advisory All students attending any courses will get free yearly subscription to the Cyber Intelligence Advisory. This a $289 value.

Free Offer 2

Greetings! The cyber threat to the United States affects all aspects of society, business, and government, but there is neither a broad cadre of cyber experts nor an established cyber career field to build up, particularly within the Federal government. As thought leaders in the training and education in cybersecurity and technology for 20 years, we have gained the insight to clearly define the executable strategies, and resulting outcomes that produce the needed solutions to address these important questions in cybersecurity education. Over the last several years we have worked closely with the Federal Intelligence community, DoD, DHS, and many other entities to formulate cybersecurity human capital plans that map to our Federal cybersecurity standards. A critical element of a comprehensive cybersecurity strategy is to have the precise people at every level to classify, assess, train, validate, and deploy defenses to reduce the risk to our nations organizations. The Cyber Intelligence Series is comprised of relevant courses that focus on today’s issues while we forecast future threats to reduce organizational risk. We bring valuable and relevant insight on the latest topics in the areas of; Cyber Espionage, Cyber Warfare, and Cyber Terrorism which enables organizations to create a stronger cybersecurity posture.


Kevin Rogers President, CEO, and Founder Cypherpath


About Cypherpath Cypherpath innovation helps organizations create CyberAware and CyberReady individuals through highly effective training and education programs


Kevin Coleman Cypherpath Signature Author Kevin G. Coleman is a seasoned technology executive with a comprehensive background in cyber security. Having twenty years of success in the development and implementation of cutting-edge technology strategies, he continues to work with innovative leaders in business, government and industry on strategic issues of critical importance. Coleman served for six years as a Science and Technology Advisor to the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Lab, an institution known for conducting nearly $1.3 billion in advanced research on topics including Asymmetric Warfare, Cyber Warfare, Unrestricted Warfare and other areas. In addition, he has briefed executives in more than 20 countries around the world.. With strong expertise in security assessments, analysis, design, development and implementation, Coleman has built a reputation for solving strategic client’s issues in the area of enterprise security, risk management and innovation. Currently, he advises clients with combined revenues nearing $100 billion as well as numerous government agencies. Coleman has personally briefed over 30 boards of directors and spoken at numerous corporate and industry events. In addition, he has twice briefed U.S. STRATCOM, participated in multiple studies with them and worked on recommendations to address the cyber breach that struck the Pentagon/ CENTCOM in November of 2008. His work on cyber terrorism is highly regarded and is referenced in the U.S. Army’s Cyber Operations and Cyber Terrorism Handbook as well as their Critical Infrastructure Threats and Terrorism Handbook. 5

H b p m i o e C w t p

A d

He has testified twice before Congressional Commissions in addition to briefing over fifty members from the U.S. Intelligence Community, and has presented on cyber terrorism at the United Nations, as well as briefing numerous Wall Street analysts on the impact of cyber warfare on the defense ndustry. Additionally, in October of 2009 he presented at the FBI’s briefing on Cyber Espionage. He has lectured at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government, Senior Executive Program addressing National and International Cyber Security. Most recently, he participated in a U.S. Army War College working group exploring cyber situational awareness, cyber deterrence and the integration of cyber operations throughout the Department of Defense program.

A Kellogg School of Management Executive Scholar, Coleman has authored dozens








Role-based, Certification, & Custom Training Ideal Training for Executives, Managers, Intelligence Officers, & Technical Experts


Benefits 

Insight into domestic and international cybersecurity issues that affect your mission


A course curriculum specifically tailored to your organizations needs


Industry recognized thought leaders that can provide relevant deep dive experiences and insights to the class


Flexible length: We can deliver targeted one-day briefings, comprehensive week-long programs, and anything in between.


Our experts will work with you to tailor a program to your strategic mission.

Contact Information Cypherpath 21010 Southbank Street, Suite 470 Potomac Falls, VA 20165 14

Phone: 855-297-4377 [email protected]

Certification Training

New Cybersecurity Role-based Training and Certifications

Over 25 Courses Available

Coming Q4 2011 15


30 Hour Course Delivery Formats  On-site  Virtual Instructor-led

What You'll Learn in CISM 1. Information Security Governance 2. Information Risk Management 3. Information Security Program Development 4. Information Security Program Management 5. Incident Management and Response

CISM Prerequisites Five years of experience with audit, IT systems, and security of information systems; systems administration experience; familiarity with TCP/IP; and an understanding of UNIX, Linux, and Windows. This advanced course also requires intermediate-level knowledge of the security concepts covered in our Security+ Prep Course.



12 Hour Course

Delivery Formats  Virtual Instructor-led What You'll Get in IRPD Expert Level Instruction The IRPD Review Manual 2011 Reference Charts and Tables Course Related Readings Exercises to Reinforce Memory Recall

What You'll Learn in IRPD Incident Response Malware Search and Destroy Forensics Fundamentals Forensics Tool Kit IRPD Prerequisites Systems administration experience, familiarity with TCP/IP, and an understanding of UNIX, Linux, and Windows.



30 Hour Course

Delivery Formats  Virtual Instructor-led What You'll Get in Beyond the CISSP Expert Level Instruction The I Beyond the CISSP Review Manual 2011 Course Related Readings Exercises to Reinforce Memory Recall

What You'll Learn in Beyond the CISSP Risk Management Writing and enforcing policies Incident management Integrated ISMS essentials Beyond CISSP Prerequisites Five years of experience with audit, IT systems, and security of information systems; systems administration experience; familiarity with TCP/IP; and an understanding of UNIX, Linux, and Windows. This advanced course also requires intermediate-level knowledge of the security concepts covered in our Security+ Prep Course.


SpyOps Training Briefs, Certifications, & Virtual Instructor-led Training Spy-Ops Provides Individual Training Briefs on a variety of topics. Our Training Briefs provide a comprehensive and in-depth review of a topic that is directly related to current events and targeted threats. Each course takes approximately one and one half hours to complete and includes:          



A list of objectives An Abstract (note: abstracts for all available briefs are included in this course catalog) A 6-20 page brief – which provides detailed information on the topic at hand. Course summary. List of key words, and a glossary of terms. Current facts, alerts, notes, etc. that are applicable to the brief topic. Reference List A 5 question multiple choice examination. An on-line exercise to reinforce key learning objectives. Upon successful completion of the exam as well as the on-line exercise, continuing education units and a certificate of completion.

SpyOps Certifications  

Counter-Terrorism Corporate Crime - Business Professionals Industrial Safety & Security Corporate Security & Safety Personal Protection for Elected Officials Personal Protection for Executives Advanced Security Services Private Investigation Services Executive Protection Services (for use by Body Guards) Personal Protection for Individuals School Violence Educator Threat Awareness Anti-Money Laundering Un-restricted Warfare Tradecraft 101 Computer and Information Security Mortgage Fraud Terrorism: Chemical - Biological - Radiation Nuclear - Explosives Enterprise Risk Management Certificate in Cyber Warfare Custom Certification Program Specialty CD Gift Certificate


Protecting from the Insider Threat

Imagine if you could place each employee in a virtual learning environment sce

each user has to instinctively find over 100 different vulnerabilities in an office e that can be customized to meet your organizations needs.

Imagine that you can achieve this in day and weeks and not months. Agent su

only Information Awareness platform in the world that offers hundreds of el

the ability to tailor the platform around your organizations requirements with programmer.


Are you CyberR

Benefits v 

to 90% and keeps learners engaged up to 400%


longer. v 

Custom vulnerability development with continuous injection into the platform that enhances the learn-

urefire is the

ing experience.

ements and



sensory learning that increases long term retention

enario where

hout being a

Linear learning is replaced with immersive

We guarantee your employees will learn and retain critical IA knowledge better than any other Information awareness e-course or we will give you 100% of your money back.

Features 

• • • • • • • • • 

Multi-layer interaction within screens and monitors The "Self-talk" narrative to increase learning retention Musical narrative system to engage learner User-specific action logging to keep accurate reporting Enhanced Scoring system which enhances learning Web-based delivery, easy to deploy Section 508 compliant Logging behavior for each action Enhanced reporting capabilities Impression counter Detailed reporting with LMS enables organizational analysis


Global Terrorism Re


eview & Cyber Intelligence Advisory 

Subscribe to our monthly publica ons wri en by the foremost authorita ve experts in the Cyber  Intelligence and Cybersecurity  sector.  Our monthly publica ons are provoca ve, informing, and  are wri en from a terrorist view point.  These briefs are designed  to update Execu ves  on the need to know informa on.  The  Cyber Intelligence Advisory is a  five minute  on the cri cal  cyber  a acks facing our Na on.  The Global  Terrorism Review Is an indepth look at the world wide treads that impact our security.  25

Our In Virtual Hands-On Training for Cybersecurity Enterprise Training

You, your customers and your partners no longer have the budget

required to train and attend live training sessions. But everyone sti needs to know how to install and use your complex


products. Cypherpath provides automated virtual labs for hands-o access and granular control of complex cybersecurity and Missio Critical Operating Systems.

Not just virtual machines, but heterogeneous environments that in

clude installation of complex devices, such as high-end networ

switches, SANs, virtual tape libraries, and firewalls. Students and in

structors can interact in ways not even possible in a traditional class

room, such as private student-instructor communications, or in structor control and broadcast of a student lab (not just their ow desktop).  

Cypherpath Lab Lock Technology Guaranteed to be 100% secure 26

nnovative cybersecurity virtual labs require no scheduling

Are you CyberReady?


ill e




v  v 






v v  v  v 

OnDemand whenever, wherever you need it, 24/7/365 Deliver instructor-led and self-paced training using the same equipment Globally to anyone, anytime, and anywhere Accelerate training and demo reload cycles from days to minutes Eliminate travel and equipment costs Scheduled in advance or on-demand Fully automated provisioning and reset Lab delivery that scales from 1 to 10,000 concurrent labs

Request your free login today [email protected] 27

Instructor-Led Cypherpath has the ability to schedule one-to-many remote complex hardware training sessions, with granular level control of physical devices. Multiple instructors in a single lab do not need to be co-located. Level of collaboration can be managed dynamically by the instructor. For example, an instructor can control and share a students' lab with the entire class during a session, or instructors can monitor a student's progress unobtrusively using "over the shoulder" tools. Self-Paced Students can independently access labs between or after training sessions for additional practice. These sessions can be initiated ad hoc by the student, but the duration can be constrained by the trainer if required. Self-paced training is offered over the web to enable self-paced learning. Customization Need to deploy your own labs? Use the Cypherpath Lab OnDemand Platform to build and launch your own labs. We offer two levels of lab deployment; Level One Customization– A learning sandbox with your lab images hosted and deployed quickly and effectively. No need to invest into Hardware or critical resources. Level Two—elearning environment built with you images and lab guides are embedded into the learning. Creating the ultimate learning experience.




Certification Tracking

Virtual Labs

Many enterprises build a profit center around policy proficiency

certification. Certification increases product adoption rates, improves product visibility, and provides value for both the student and the enterprise. Cypherpath allows you to track, record, and report certification progress in real-time and allows you to combine this data with in-house customer demographics.


Cyber Intelligence Portal    Precision Path Platform Your single source for unclassified and sensitive information pertaining to Cybersecurity and Cyberintelligence! 

Your single source for unclassified and sensitive information pertaining to Cyber



My Learning   



Cri cal Skills 

     My Role 

My Lab OnDemand

Assess Cyber Competencies  v  CyberIntel Analyst  Take a virtual class  Advanced Forensics  v  September 11-13, 2011      Self-paced learning  Cyber terrorism using malware  v  Complete by August 5, 2011   Whitepapers, Blogs, & Wikis 


Live Lab—six server config  Red Team/Blue Team   v  Complete by August 15, 2011  Live Lab— PenTest Live  v  Cyber Defender 101   Complete by August 19, 2011   

Cypherpath Lab Lock Technology Guaranteed to be 100% secure

Cybersecurity and CyberIntel Portals


Dr. Steven Carter  Forensics Expert 


Mr. Kevin Dr. Susan Jones  Cybersecurity Policy  US Cert in Response Expert 

security and Cyber intelligence! 

n Klien   ncident  e Expert 

    Cypherpath’s Precision Path Learning Solu ons deliver superior  cybersecurity training because it is: role-based, con nuous, proac ve, and validated.   Role-based – each learner gets training, both  knowledge and skill-based labs, that is specific to their  job role.  

 Con nuous – since cyberspace is ever changing, content and labs are con nuously updated to stay fresh  and to deal with emerging cyberthreats.   Proac ve – the organiza on can proac vely reach out  to the team to assess competencies and/or role-play  cybersecurity situa ons and keep skills well honed. 

 Validated – skills and competencies are con nuously  validated to provide the organiza on with measurements on the ability of team members to perform required skills at any given  me.   

Mr. Bob White  Cyber Intel Analyst 

September 11, 2011 Time: 21:05


Cyber Intelligence Portal


Your single source for unclassified and sensitive information pertaining to Cyber




Cri cal Skills 


     My Role 

Cybersecurity and CyberIntel Portals


Dr. Steven Carter  Forensics Expert 


Mr. Kevin Dr. Susan Jones  Cybersecurity Policy  US Cert in Response Expert 

CyberCop’s mission is to provide individuals an ultra-secure

rsecurity and Cyber intelligence! 

n Klien   ncident  e Expert 

web-based environment to promote and facilitate the sharing of sensitive information among a cohesive network of law enforcement, first responders, homeland defense, intel, and law enforcement related professionals from all levels of government; international, federal, state, local and the private sector, regardless of department affiliation and jurisdictional boundaries. CyberCop is committed to providing a safe and secure environment where ideas can be freely exchanged to aid individual efforts and to foster cooperative efforts in the fight against crime, terrorism and the security of our homeland. In 2009, CyberCop passed a stringent testing and auditing by the U.S. Government demonstrating leadership in providing a secure collaboration platform. Benefits The CyberCop Portal demonstrates the potential for highly secure collaboration among users from diverse organizations without the expense and administrative burdens of VPN’s or similar security strategies. By combining the use of 256-bit U.S. Government Certified Encryption (supporting 128 bit for less capable browsers), security hardened operating environments, and tools with highly granular access controls, the portal can be securely accessed from organizations over which the sponsors have no systems configuration control and with no need to install and maintain client software.

Mr. Bob White  Cyber Intel Analyst 

September 11, 2011 Time: 21:05


Invest in the Future Purchase Cypherpath Learning Credits

How Does it Work

Don’t run out of time to meet your Cybersecurity training requirements. The 2012 year promises to be s difficult budget year. Maximize your downtime by investing in Learning credits. Learning credits can be applied towards every product, service, and solution offered by Cypherpath. You can lock in the sav ings today and see how easy it is to manage your team's training throughout the next 12-24 months using your learning credits. Our learning credits never expire!

The flexibility continues with your choice of delivery options. Choose from our expert Instructor-led Classroom, Virtual Instructor-led Training, Labs OnDemand, or Self-Paced e-Learning delivery method. Pricing

Learning Credit Value = $100.00

Quantity of Credits Investment



Cost per Credit

















Maximize Year-End Training Dollars Special Year End—Purchase by August 15th and get a free 12 month subscription to the Cyber Intelligence Advisory valued at $289.00 Learning Credits can be used towards:    


    


    



Assessments Lab OnDemand All Cypherpath Courses Certification Testing Testing Vouchers 8570 CEU yearly subscriptions Program Management Tracking & Reporting /Continuing Education Training Post Training/Testing LMS Development Subscription services Cypherpath Course Books Custom Lab Development Agent Surefire 3D IA learning game

Terms and Conditions      

This offer is available only to US CONUS and OCONUS personnel. Learning must be purchased between July 1, 2011 and September 30, 2011. Courses must be completed by December 31, 2012. Full payment is due upon billing. Courses are subject to availability. Cypherpath assumes no responsibility.


Who is Cypherpath? We are a group of thought leaders that bring value to the education & training to any individual that may suffer from a cyber breach. Our thought leaders offer detailed insight in Cybersecurity, Cyber warfare, Cyber terrorism and Cyber espionage.


We help organizations starting with the fundamental levels of cybersecurity and physical awareness training leading to the development of the technical and management staffs critical knowledge, skills, and abilities. Our Precision Path platform enables us to deliver the right content to each individual while saving time and money by only charging the organization for what each individuals consume. This valuable service keeps skills fresh and serves as valuable tool to help organizations identify and validate their workforce. 36

Our Team & Advisory Board Our Team Kevin Rogers, CEO and President Art Payne, Senior VP of Sales Brenda Oldfield, VP of Cybersecurity Programs Matt Donlon, Director of Business Development Rick Thompson, VP of Marketing Greg Yerger, Director of Products and Services Sharon Clarke, Senior Marketing Manager Phillip Sparks, Cybersecurity SME Dan Shoemaker, Director of Content Strategy and Delivery Nora Roth, Accountant Advisory Board Miriam Browning, Rick Smith, Ken Wasnock, Tony Matthews, Kevin Coleman 37


Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Armored Vehicles Human Intelligence Gathering Techniques Digital Spying Interrogation Long Range Microphones Biological Warfare Chemical Weapons Introduction to Intelligence Technology Domestic Terrorism Directed Energy Weapons Digital Footprints Secret Intelligence Extremist Groups Scenario Based Intelligence Analysis Terrorism - Strategies & Tactics Money Laundering Information Warfare Gang Activity Personal Protection Situational Awareness Smuggling Nuclear Weapons International Law Warfare Critical Infrastructure Protection

Are you CyberReady?

Technology Warfare Psychological Warfare Environmental Warfare Cultural Warfare Resource Warfare Mortgage Fraud Transient Electro-Magnetic Devices (TEDs) Body Language Insider Threats Suicide Bombers Fraud in Business Secret Codes and Encryptions

Cybersecurity Training Cypherpath LLC [email protected] 1-855-cypherpath

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