April 21, 2017 | Author: Anonymous Gtr0KFzD | Category: N/A
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1. What you will need. Hardware Burner Laptop Make sure this is not a laptop you or somebody you know has used for personal use. It is always best to have a fresh, mid range laptop that is capable of browsing the internet, accessing emails and running windows applications. You don't want any personal things on it in case you are caught with that laptop or some of the personal data on there is used to link you to a purchase (you would be surprised). Everything about this computer must be generic, from the computer name, to the username you use to log onto windows. Make it as generic and fresh as possible the idea is that every time you switch on that computer you are logging on as the cardholder for the first time. Burner Phone (Android or iOS) Very important to have a mobile phone that is capable of having apps as you will be carding via the apps sometimes. Website security is extremely high nowadays but security on apps is extremely relaxed at the moment. We can take advantage of this to process some payments and to add tools to our arsenal. There are some apps that allow you to have multiple phone numbers for instance, there are also apps to access email and store notes which we will use for cc information if we are ever called for a verification call from any of the merchants we have carded. Change your Google Account/Apple ID very frequently (weekly) because once your account is flagged for fraudulent charges you will need to change it, this is what most apps use to track maliscious users. We will simply change ours before it gives them a chance to build a paper trail as the chargebacks start to come in. Prepaid Sim Cards This is important to have to change our main phone number on our burner phone. Reason being you want to be able to be using the mobile internet without too many things linked to the same IP address or phone number, thus giving you reasonable level of anonymity (although limited). In an ideal world we will also be changing our burner phone as frequently as w echange our burner smartphone but sometimes this just isn't practical as we need to download all apps all voer again but it is definitely recommended to change both in unison as often as possible when finished using them. x2 USB Stick with minimum of 8GB (to put portable applications such as firefox and all your cc info onto) The USB stick is pretty much where everything is run from, the reason being is that you can easily throw the USB stick away after using it, then pretty much msot of the evidence and data storage is gone a slong as you also wipe your PC with the relevant software after each use also. Some people talk about using encrypted hard drives etc which are "uncrackable" etc but if this really was the case there would not be anywhere near as many high profile hacker arrests as there has been in the last 10 years. Let's make it easy for ourselves and be able to quickly get rid of physical evidence. Let's leave the arguments about who's encryption is stronger to the hackers who actually know what they are talking about. Make sure your usb is small and sturday, get it from a good trusted brand (not unbranded or name brand) so we know it is less likely to corrupt. We should also be "backing up" this usb weekly at the bare minimum to another USB we keep in a safe, locked away place that is not where we live. This USB should only ever be broguht out when we are doing our weekly backup, do not go around with both in case you can lose your stuff or they can become corrupted or damaged. I usually go for 64GB USB 3.0 sticks because they are big enough to store programs and are fast enoguh to run pretty alrge prgrams without lag also. Carded BT wifi or Mobile WiFi (second choice is proxies) BT WiFi (with FON) and BT Openworld are the cleanest IP's you will find and ar epretty much the stock Internet Service Provider (ISP) in the UK. When carding from one of these IP's it is way less likely to be flagged by a website's automated fraud system. Really IP's are extremely important and usually the first line of determining if an order is fraudulent. Along with the public IP blacklists such as SpamHaus, payment processors also have their own private blacklists that they do not publicize for obvious reasons. They use this in combination with other factors to determin if an ordr is fraudulent or not. They do this by taking into account the IP address and other factors I will cover later on to give the transaction a "fraud score". This fraud score tells the merchant whether they should accept, decline or call the cardholder/bank to run security checks. Using BT IP address is a good signal to lower your fraud score and make it mor elikely that your order will fly through no problems and without a security call or you order getting automatically declined once it goes to manual review by the merchant shop. Other alternative are using a mobile wifi dongle that can be easily bought at high street retailers (go for the prepaid option so you don't have to give ID etc) but this usually only gives one IP address unless you move location. With BT WiFi the beauty is you cna simply disconnect then conenct to it again and it can give you a whole new IP address also BT WiFi is prett much everywhere in major cities around the UK and even in built up residential areas also so you are really spoil for choice. Your last resort should be using proxy services because alot of other carders, domestic and international use them

and although the IP may not be flagged on public blacklists, it can be flagged by payment processor's private blacklists which you do not have access to. You really don't want to be wondering why your orders are not going through or your cards are getting locked at vbv so it's best to go with a clean IP address. If you are abroad or not able to access the first two Ways of getting clean IP addresses then the only two serious and reliable services I can recommend are and but for these you really must know your IP's along with hostnames and IP ranges to be able to get the most out of them. UK Credit Cards Yes I said credit. In my experience, debit cards usually have lower balances on average and charge back alot more quickly because people check their current account balances alot more frequently than they check their credit card balances. I've noticed people only really check their credit card balance at the end of the month when the bill comes as they use it as their secondary card and are not typically paid into this card so don't check for when their wages go in etc. I also go for credit cards that ar enot issued by a typical high street bank so it is less likely to come up on the same online banking dashboard, thus making it even less likely they will see their balance getting closer and closer to their limit while you are charging their card. You identify cards by the first 6 digits in the card number, known in the industry as the BIN (Bank Identifier Number). The Bin is very important as it tells you the issuing bank/lender, the card type (visa/mastercard/amex) and the level of the card (classic, premier, platinum, signature, world). Usually it's best to go for the card that is from a credit card issuer exclusively (not a high street bank) and is a mid range card which is either premier or platinum. For day to day purposes such as £500 - £1000 orders there is no need to be using super powerful cards such as visa signatures and mastercard new world cards because these have a more sopisticated security system in place to prevent fraud thus diabling your purchases form being made. Mid range cards are good because they have a juicy balance from £1,000 usually up to about £10,000 and have okay security for your average affluent person. The reason we do not want to use cards from a high street bank is because most have invested heavily in systems to combat fraud and usually have dedicated fraud teams which are extremely annoying to come into contact with. Credit card issuers/lenders just seem to allow mroe transactions through without as much scrutiny which is why these will aways be our first port of call. We will be covering a bit mroe on chosing cards and how to find the best BINs a bit later on.

Software: Mozilla Firefox Portable User Agent Switcher (Firefox Add-On) Technitium MAC Address Changer CCleaner BleachBit 2. Setting up Securely Disable your Wifi Run CCleaner: Use both cleaner and registry tabs. Run BleachBit: Tick all boxes if this is the first time your running it. Restart machine. Turn on MAC Changer, select "Wireless Network Connection", tick all boxes at bottom of window then click "Random Mac Address", click change now and it should say you have been successful, if not fucking google it. Connect to BT WiFi Openzone or FON, start Firefox, user agent switcher to Mac > Safari (whatever the latest version is), that step is optional but usually a safe bet. Card BT WiFi if you havent already, it's pretty fucking easy. Usually you willl change user agent to whatever is on the CC info, most good supplier include header info, if they don't request they add it from now on. If you are dealing with the direct supplier and it is not a reseller this should not be a problem. Next thing you need to do is get your burner number and drop addy then set some emails up in the account holder name. OUtlook/Hotmail will do. A good alternative is AOL. email format should be as close as it can to: "[email protected]" where the name here would have been "Card Holder" 3. Preparation Before you start you want to have your drop address and burners ready and turned on. You can check your card is

live by visiting and setting up a trial there fill all the info with card info but put the phone number as your burner. Business name can be anything you make up. This is good as it also gives you a landline you can put on order forms which improve your carding success rate when orders go to manual review. Put all your burner and ereceptionist numbers into one text file which will be stored on your USB. When choosing the area of the number pick one with the same area code as your drop or the billing address. Billing address is usually better but I have had success with both, Under that you will put all your drop addresses where you are going to be carding things to. This preparation is very important so to speed up the process of your carding. Usually it is best to have drop address not too far away from card holder as I have had orders declined because of this but work with what you have or even pay for a drop service. Reshipping and locker boxes are well known to UK merchants so I usually do not bother but thats up to you. Business address (one a business has been registered to in the past) are good because you can tell them if they call for security that you are sending it to your work address. This is also another reason the drop address cannot be too far from billing address. 3.1 Get Drops (BONUS) This is my personal method I use to get drops week in week out. You can get drops by carding (no vbv checkout) and delivering items to those addresses. I usually card appartments in nice areas for a week and always move onto the next one. All other holiday appartments sites work I just find wimdu to be the easiest to card, airbnb and 9flats also works but asks for ID like alot of others. Seems simple but works like a charm and I've never been asked for ID or to see the payment card as it is usually individuals renting out their second home or a property they own. Another, less sure-fire way to get drops is find houses or appartments which have recently been sold/let within the area you are working from. You cna find these easily by typing in your postcode on zoopla or looking at estate agent websites. They always display proudly when a house has been let or sold. The idea is simple you card the items to those drops and turn up when you know they've been delivered and simpl say you where a previous tenant and the company refused to send naywhere but the existing billing address. It works more often than you would think and mos people are all too happy to help out. Aagain the area is important here as you will have the best luck in affluent areas, other areas are just scumbags who will tell you nothing came in the post and just take your carded items for themselves. These are just some ideas to get you going. The best results I have had is finding somebody who lives somewhere half decent to receive packages for me and I give them money every week until I can't card to their home anymore. All the while I am always looking for new people to accept carded items for me and I give them a set fee per package granted they do not open it. 3.2 Techniques for carding There are 3 main techniques we use for carding here; NON-VBV, Fulls and over the phone. NON-VBV carding involves finding websites that do not have 3D-Secure protocol (verifiied by visa, mastercard securecode, amex safekey) as part of the transaction process. Fulls carding involves using Fulls data that have enough information such as account number, sort code and date of birth to reset the vbv password or simply enter this information to authorise the transaction as the card holder. Having fulls allows us to get past this extra layer fo security some merchants and payment gateways have chosen to implement. Usually orders being manually reviewed on this type of carding are a little less likely and alot of websites used 3D-Secure now and belive it is relatively safe way of reducing fraud. Over the phone carding is one of the oldest form of carding, typically you will be targetting catalouge companies or manufacturers, companies who sell to tradesmen or other businesses. These are the most typical places that accept orders over the phone. With over the phone carding they have a whole different way they do security which is mostly to do with address verification and other metrics which are not often shared. 3.21 NON-VBV NON-VBV carding is my favourite type of carding but comes with it's own challenges. At first glance entering CVV data and waiting for your order to ship seems extremely easy but there is alot more that goes into it than that as the

majority of websites that do not have 3-D Secure enabled have a host of other security features that are not visibly evident. The reasonning behind not having 3D-Secure enabled on a website ease for ease of use for the users or if alot of customers have expessed difficuly being able to order because of vbv locks etc. We are going to exploit that sweet spot between ease of use for genuine customers and the risk of being attacked by fraudsters like us. Here we assume that because the website does not have 3D-Secure, they have a host of other security features (usually provided by the payment processor) to combat fraud and to give each transaction a "fraud score". We can artificiall lower our fraud score by following the principles of using a clean IP address such as BT Wifi or mobile broadband, if not we use proxy providers that have the BT Openworld, Virgin Media or Sky Broadband hostnames as these are the best for carding as they are home broadband providers and not in some datacenter in London which has been blacklisted or clearly shows itself as a webhosting company to the website we are trying to card. You want to be coming to this website like their average user from a clean, home based IP address as geenric as possible and if we ca it should be as close to our drop as possible. The next thing we need to be worried about is having a clean user agent. You can check all details about your IP address you are using ( and then click the blacklist check button and look to make sure your IP has no more than 3 crosses next to all the blacklists shown, if not choose another proxy. As I've already mentioned I like Apple user agents so go ahead and select the latest version of Safari under the Mac user agents on User Agent Switcher. Now time to clear all cookies, close firefox and run ccleaner, restart firefox, google your cardable site, browse your site like 4-5 pages add to basket and checkout. Important to note when going to checkout on NON-VBV websites is to not copy and paste any information, not the billing address, shipping addres, email or phone number and especially not the credit card information as suually these websites can determine if data has been pasted or typed in. Type in all information exactly how a normal customer would to lower your fraud score and make your order much less likely to be flagged and declined or be picked up for manual review. Once you have succesfully placed your order keep your card and order information to hand throughout today as well as your burner phone number you entered as phone number because 50% of the time you will get a "security call" to determine you are the cardholder so basic info that can be found on your card like the last 4 digits of card, the cvv and expiry but sometimes also the phone number for your bank on the back of your card (very rarely but good to have to hand). They can also ask you about your billing address and shipping address and usually just to confirm those addresses are correct and they may ayyempt although it is very rare to ask you how long you have lived there and who you live with, this is information can easily be found on the electoral roll which is just a google search away. So loaded with the tools to mask ourselves as a genuine customer, following best practice and being armed with the knowledge to deeat the security call we are ready to card NON-VBV websites with overwhelming success. 3.22 Fulls Fulls carding is the most common and popular form of carding right now and retailers have become extremely aware of this so do not solely rely on 3D-Secure any longer but also a host of other security features provided by their payment processor and some in house techniques. There are some sites that really do still belive are protected from fraudsters by 3D-Secure and these are the ones you should truly deem cardable. Here I cover how one would successfully card websites that are deemed cardable so mostly reliant on the 3D-Secure protocol and how we set ourselves up to bypass the 3D-Secure protocol. First things first not all fulls are created equal, not all fulls can you reset the password for or are able to enter the card holder information before it locks and tries to call the cardholder or declines the transaction. The best cards I like to use are credit cards from smaller banks or credit card issuers as they are typically easier to reset (Capital One, MBNA, Virgin etc) usually only need info on the card dob and sometimes postcode or MMN. Meanwhile debit cards from Halifax, RBS and TSB hardly ever give you the opportunity to enter the cardholders information and give you the automated message that they will call the card holder on the vbv page which is exactly what you don't want. When you experiment with fulls you will find what works for you, which will be that sweet spot between being able to reset the VBV or enter the cardholder info in order to bypass it and a good balance as well. Another option to reset VBV info is to locate the place on the bank or credit card issuer's website to reset this information before even attempting to card you cardable shop. Not all card providers have this feature but more and more are implementing it. When it comes to fulls I do not like to recommend exact BINs because what works for me I knwo full well does not work as well for any one of my other carding partners, we all have our unique style. When approaching the checkout for a website that requires fulls to get past the 3D-Secure feature, it is best to use the same setup as described in carding a non vbv website with one alteration. Most fulls data comes with the user agent information, what we can do with the is is create a brand new user agent on useragentswitcher and paste this information right into the plugin under a new user agent we will clal "cardholder". User agent information is very important when using fulls as 3D-Secure software uses it as a metric on whether to allow a transaction through or not or whether to allow the user to enter cardholder data/password in order to complete the transaction. We ensure at all times we are following best practice as detailed in the NON-VBV carding section and when we are on the order

successful page we brace ourselves for the security call although this is less likely. One trend I am noticing nowadays is a decreased faith in the 3D-Secure protocol form online shops probably because of the increaed use in fulls, do not be surprised if your order gets rejected if you have not followed best practice, getting to the transaction successful page is like a third of the battle. We still have to vigilant about card verification by the shop and payment processor as well as fraud scores and after that we have to know how to handle security calls also as detailed above. It is always best to be calmand act as if you are the customer, it is their aim to make this as easy as possible for you, if you need them to call you back at a more coninient time then tell them that but from my experience always answer the phone because they do not usually hesitate to cancel the order as they have hundreds of calls like that to make in a day. Security calls even with fulls is still vital. Also if an order is cancelled after you have paid you are well within your right to email or clal the store back to ask why just as the cardholder would and then you will either get your answer or in some luck cases actually get your order put through. 3.23 Over the phone Phone carding is by far the easiest in terms of setup and complexity but definitely the most time consuming as you have to stay on the phone an average of ten minutes and wait ages to find out if your order has gone through. Many online shops allow ordering by phone. The best way to find this out is by looking if they have their phone number in their banner with a title like "call the sales team" or "customer service", you can also find out by checking their FAQ's but it is always best just to give them a ring nayway and ask about a product you are interested in ordering. One thing you have to understand about over the phone carding is that it is the oldest form of carding out there. People have been hitting this since having a home phone was a regular occurence and have been extremely successful at it to the point that alot of business do not accept orders over the phone and some insit that if they do they will only send items to the billing address. Even though this may not be 100% technically accurate or representative of the industry as a whole; experience has shown me that AVS (Address Verification System) is extremely important in this type of carding, if the biling address is off then your order is not going through at all, even just one line of the address in alot of cases. Your name on card should also be accurate and you should really know the full name of the card holder not just "MRS C HOLDER". You can find full names of people who live at an address on and that can give you an indicator as to whether the cardholder actually does live there as well and for how long. Search for people who live at an address and then enter the house number and name and the postcode, make a note of all people who live at the address and then deduce which is the full name for the card you have. Once armed with this information you either want to spoof your phone number or put it on private so their system does not log multiple calls from the same number for separate orders. We can spoof our phone number with an app called spoofcard which is insanely easy to card via their website with any cc as they do not have vbv and they have little if nay security at all to buy credits. Once we have done that and spoofed our phone number to the area code close to our card holder (can find this on a simple google search) we put our best accent of that region on and make the call to enquire about a product seen on the website and usually i ask either about the warranty or returns and if the call centre agent is helpful they will ask if you would like to purchase that item now and if not you ask them if you can. You add the items to your shopping cart like you would on a website then tell the person you would like to pay when finished. It's that easy! But always lead the call with a question like a genuine customer and actually quiz about certain products. The best companies I find to do over the phone are specialist products and shops that sell to businesses as they are more accustomed to taking ordrs over the phone in this day and age where everybody can easily order things on the internet. 3.3 Finding Low-Risk items to card What do I mean by low risk? These are items that typically a shop would believe a fraudster wouldn't go for; most fraudsters go for the big ticket item they can resell like the highest spec iphone that nobody else usually buys. Low risk items are the alternatives, the products most customers worried about their pocket and getting the msot out of their money will buy. An example of this would be to get a mid range HP Laptop instead of a Macbook at an electronics store. All Apple products are known as high risk whereas retailers are really actually trying to get rid of the HP Laptops which are still worth a bit. Too many orders get cancelled because you people are just beginning and going for the biggest item, the fraud score is ridiculous and the order gets declined by store as soon as they are asked to manually review it they see its an apple product. Whereas if it were a mid range product and the fraud score may still be bad but the reatiler is more willing to take that gamble because it is unlikely to be fraud. This little trick has upped my success rate at least 3 fold. There is no need to constantly be chasing hard to do £1500 orders when you can fly very comfortable on x3 £500 orders with not even a single security call and more to fall back on if an order gets cancelled you know at least one or two will arrive, this not leaving you out of pocket. Low risk items include catergories like furniture, tools, wholesale, luggage, workwear, white appliances - there is a reason they are low risk because other fraudsters are not trying to card them. You will have a much higher succes rate and stress free life following this when you are starting out. Remember aim to hit each one of you cards for just over £500 each and you

are in a very good and stable position. You will be surprised that places where you can sell carded goods are actually saturated with dodgy Apple products and as a result you take a much bigger hit on the resale price for all that work you put in getting that order shipped (in some cases providing ID scan and bank statements) and you are selling your Apple products for 50% or lower because you want to get rid of it fast. Meanwhile if you keep a good stock of items people do not feel are dodgy and feel they will run into less problems with you can often resell for up to about 75% but usually around 65-70%. 3.4 Sourcing places/people to resell to for 60%+ We have 3 choices to approach people (while always using an alias to stay anonymous as possible): Online Marketplaces such as ebay, amazon, gumtree or even just a small website you know that stocks the product you have and can get week in/out. Social Media through searching hashtags for products you have on twitter and instagram you will be surprised people are already sleling this stuff. Face to Face by going to local family run or one off stores that you know stock the product you have, they are always looking for a bargain but make sure you speak to the boss Using a Fence which is that one guy we all know that can sell anything, only downside is he will want to take a percentage and if you don't know that guy yet then definitely get to know him or her as the case may be. Using a fence is probably the easisest most stress free option when you have a good one. 4. Sites and methods. 4.1 Electronics NO VBV/NO CVV Order under £100 to billing address first using slowet mail. Once that shipment is confirmed, order again to your drop address which you would have added in your "address book" up to £500. HAS VBV Bill/Ship Will call for high value orders so use burner number HAS VBV Bill/Ship Has NEVER called. HAS VBV Bill/Ship Has NEVER called. HAS VBV Bill/Ship Has NEVER called. 4.2 Clothing & Accessories NO VBV Bill/Ship Order under £200, one item tp:// NO VBV Bill/Ship but drop must be close to cardholder Have done £250 with a Platinum card and NEVER called. NO VBV

German compay always carded them with UK cards, have some decent brands on there. Do under 200 EUR on first order. They cancel some orders if your fraud score is too high they will email to say they could not charge your credit card. HAS VBV Bill/Ship Has NEVER called. HAS VBV Bill/Ship Has NEVER called. HAS VBV Bill/Ship Have done £450 and never called. HAS VBV + Accepts AMEX Bill/Ship Will ask for online statement or picture of card. Photoshop works. 4.3 Health & Wellbeing HAS VBV Bill/Ship Have done £350 and never called. NO VBV Bill/Ship Max £150 a time or they flag order HAS VBV Bill/Ship Have done £100 and never called. 4.4 Food HAS VBV Have done under £100 and never called. Over £100 they will do security checks. HungryHouse app does not have VBV. HAS VBV Have done under £100 and never called. HAS VBV Under £50 on first order or they do verification call and call bank HAS VBV Have done under £100 and never called. Over £100 they will do security checks.

4.5 Travel Apps (iPhone + Android) Uber NO VBV Will block on iPhone once charged back, just need to reset iPhone. Addison Lee NO VBV Will call if several card attempts fail + will block app. Kabbee Has VBV on first account top up and none after that. Top up £20 first time, £50 next time then £100+ after that if cc is still alive. Set up account and top up on PC then they do not block you on app. Trainline App NO VBV Add your card on your burner phone to the app and go anywhere you like. When going to collect from automated ticket kiosk put in any card then it will default to allowing you to put in the reference number.

5. Tips Rinse & repeat. Now you have somewhere to start from, be organised and plan your marks. Best time to card is after the 27th of each month and before the 17th of month. Card monday to wednesday, next day delivery on all orders and only use the same card again once the previous order has been dispatched. Don't use a different card and name with the same drop on the the same store. Seems obvious but many people do it then wonder why their orders not shipping anymore or there is police at their door. Once you card a store and it ships, if card still live go for a 2nd order using the exact same setup and there is a good chance it will go through again if there's balance left on the card. Most important this is to stay organised and TRACK your progress. Once you are making money, you can test out new sites you have seen as vulnerable. is a price comparison site but lists the various websites security features, so you can see which ones don't have VBV but sometimes the data is outdated. Alot of cardable sites come from this site.

6. End Note

Thanks for buying. I'm releasing new content soon so stay in touch and share a new site you have found cardable. This is all just advice, just remember you can do whatever the fuck you want to do. Either way, I'm going to get paid regardless. Contact (OTR ONLY): [email protected] 695453577 7. Resources Buy CC Check BINs Check Cards Socks5 Proxy Services Get UK Phone Numbers APPS Nextplus Upptalk Textplus TextMe Free Email Providers (easy to sign up) Hotmail AOL Yahoo (multiple addresses to choose from) Burner Emails (not recommended) I have only included these for the lazy who do not want to set up email addresses. - Forums

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