Pfmt h~ Nzhie? Nzhie h~ m ~onhmc mgd enogoihn rfegoiegog mgd h~ m~ ocd m~ tfe fuimg ~onhetx' Nzhie h~ m ce`mc nognert mgd fm~ tfe ~mgnthog oa tfe cmp' Nzhie oz mg oaaegne h~ –m ce`mc pzog` tfmt nmg je aoccoped jx nzhihgmc rzoneedhg`~ pfhnf imx ze~uct hgto rugh~fiegt ^o# pfmt h~ Nxjez nzhie' Ht h~ mgx hcce`mc mnthqhtx u~hg` noirutez ~oatpmze# dmtm oz mnne~~ m~ tfe ojkent# ~ujkent oz hg~tzuiegt oa tfe nzhie' Nxjez nzhie h~ tfe cmte~t mgd rezfmr~ tfe io~t noirchnmted rzojcei hg tfe nxjez pozcd' Nxjez nzhie imx je ~mhd to je tfo~e ~renhe~# oa pfhnf# `egu~ h~ tfe nogqegthogmc nzhie# mgd pfeze ehtfez tfe noirutez h~ mg ojkent oz ~ujkent oa o a tfe nogdunt nog~thtuthg` nzhie Tfh~ tezi fm~ gop feze jeeg deahged hg mgx Mnt rm~~ed jx tfe Hgdhmg Rmzchmiegt' Iode oa noiihtthg` nxjez nzhie
Qhzu~ / pozi/Tzokmg~ mttmnl~)
Qhzu~e~ mze rzo`zmi~ tfmt mttmnf tfei~ecqe~ to m noirutez oz m ahce mgd tfeg nhznucmte tfei~ecqe~ to otfez ahce~ mgd to otfez noirutez~ og m getpozl' Tfex u~umccx maaent tfe dmtm og m noirutez# ehtfez jx mctezhg` oz decethg` ht' Pozi~# ugchle qhzu~e~ do got geed tfe fo~t to mttmnf tfei~ecqe~ to' Tfex iezecx imle augnthogmc norhe~ oa tfei~ecqe~ mgd do tfh~ zeremtedcx thcc tfex emt ur mcc tfe mqmhcmjce ~rmne og m noirutez~ ieiozx' E'`' coqe ju` qhzu~# pfhnf maaented mt cem~t 5 % oa tfe noirutez~ oa tfe `coje'
Ugmutfozh{ed mnne~~ to noirutez ~x~tei~ oz getpozl~ / Fmnlhg`)
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