Cyber Crime & Ethics in computer education

February 21, 2019 | Author: Rajan Manro | Category: Computer Security, Security Hacker, Cybercrime, Online Safety & Privacy, Cyberwarfare
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Presented Paper on “Cyber Crime and Ethics in Computer Education” in International Seminar on 3rd -4th October, 2008. (P...


Nxjez Nzhie ! Etfhn~ hg noirutez edunmthog

^ughtm Qezim + # Zmkmg Imgzo++ RHIT # Imgdh @ojhgd`mzf # ++ DJHIN^#Imgdh @ojhgd`mzf +~ughtm_5=18=Bzedhaaimhc'noi #++ zmkmgimgzoBzedhaaimhc'noi +

Nxjez Nzhie „ Mg Hgtzodunthog

Pfmt h~ Nzhie? Nzhie h~ m ~onhmc mgd enogoihn rfegoiegog mgd h~ m~ ocd m~ tfe fuimg ~onhetx' Nzhie h~ m ce`mc nognert mgd fm~ tfe ~mgnthog oa tfe cmp' Nzhie oz mg oaaegne h~ –m ce`mc pzog` tfmt nmg  je aoccoped jx nzhihgmc rzoneedhg`~ pfhnf imx ze~uct hgto rugh~fiegt ^o# pfmt h~ Nxjez nzhie' Ht h~ mgx hcce`mc mnthqhtx u~hg` noirutez ~oatpmze# dmtm oz mnne~~ m~ tfe ojkent# ~ujkent oz hg~tzuiegt oa tfe nzhie' Nxjez nzhie h~ tfe cmte~t mgd rezfmr~ tfe io~t noirchnmted rzojcei hg tfe nxjez pozcd' Nxjez  nzhie imx je ~mhd to je tfo~e ~renhe~# oa pfhnf# `egu~ h~ tfe nogqegthogmc nzhie# mgd pfeze ehtfez tfe noirutez h~ mg ojkent oz ~ujkent oa o a tfe nogdunt nog~thtuthg` nzhie Tfh~ tezi fm~ gop feze jeeg deahged hg mgx Mnt rm~~ed jx tfe Hgdhmg Rmzchmiegt' Iode oa noiihtthg` nxjez nzhie 

Qhzu~ / pozi/Tzokmg~ mttmnl~)

Qhzu~e~ mze rzo`zmi~ tfmt mttmnf tfei~ecqe~ to m noirutez oz m ahce mgd tfeg nhznucmte tfei~ecqe~ to otfez ahce~ mgd to otfez noirutez~ og m getpozl' Tfex u~umccx maaent tfe dmtm og m noirutez# ehtfez jx mctezhg` oz decethg` ht' Pozi~# ugchle qhzu~e~ do got geed tfe fo~t to mttmnf tfei~ecqe~ to' Tfex iezecx imle augnthogmc norhe~ oa tfei~ecqe~ mgd do tfh~ zeremtedcx thcc tfex emt ur mcc tfe mqmhcmjce ~rmne og m noirutez~ ieiozx' E'`' coqe ju` qhzu~# pfhnf maaented mt cem~t 5 % oa tfe noirutez~ oa tfe `coje' 

Ugmutfozh{ed mnne~~ to noirutez ~x~tei~ oz getpozl~ / Fmnlhg`)

Tfh~ lhgd oa oaaegne h~ gozimccx zeaezzed m~ fmnlhg` hg tfe `egezhn ~eg~e' Fopeqez tfe azmiez~ oa  tfe hgaozimthog tenfgoco`x mnt :222 fmqe go pfeze u~ed tfh~ tezi ~o to mqohd mgx nogau~hog pe poucd got hgteznfmg`emjcx u~e tfe pozd fmnlhg` aoz ‖ugmutfozh{ed mnne~~‘ m~ tfe cmttez fm~ phde noggotmthog' 

Tfeat oa hgaozimthog

Tfh~ hgncude~ hgaozimthog ~tozed hg hg noirutez fmzd dh~l~# zeioqmjce ~tozm`e iedhm etn' Tfeat imx  je ehtfez jx mrrzorzhmthg` tfe dmtm rfx~hnmccx oz jx tmirezhg` tfei tfzou`f tfe qhztumc iedhui'  Rfh~fhg`

Tfe mnt oa ~egdhg` mg e)imhc to m u~ez amc~ecx ncmhihg` to je mg e~tmjch~fed ce`hthimte egtezrzh~e hg mg mtteirt to ~nmi tfe u~ez hgto ~uzzegdezhg` rzhqmte hgaozimthog tfmt phcc je u~ed aoz hdegthtx tfeat' Tfe e)imhc dhzent~ tfe u~ez to qh~ht m Pej ~hte pfeze tfex mze m~led to urdmte rez~ogmc hgaozimthog# ~unf m~ rm~~pozd~ mgd nzedht nmzd# ~onhmc ~enuzhtx# mgd jmgl mnnougt guijez~# tfmt tfe ce`hthimte oz`mgh{mthog mczemdx fm~' 

Nxjez Rozgo`zmrfx =

Tfh~ poucd hgncude rozgo`zmrfhn pej~hte~< rozgo`zmrfhn im`m{hge~ rzoduned u~hg` noirutez~ &to  rujch~f  rujch~f mgd rzhgt tfe imtezhmc( imtezhmc( mgd tfe Hgtezget Hgtezget &to dopgcomd dopgcomd mgd tzmg~iht rozgo`zmrfhn rozgo`zmrfhn rhntuze~# rhntuze~#  rfoto~# pzhthg`~ etn'( 

Nxjez ^tmclhg`

Tfe Ovaozd dhnthogmzx deahge~ ~tmclhg` m~ *ruz~uhg` ~temctfhcx*' Nxjez ~tmclhg` hgqocqe~ aoccophg` m rez~og~ ioqeiegt~ mnzo~~ tfe Hgtezget jx ro~thg` ie~~m`e~ &~oiethie~ tfzemteghg`( og tfe   juccet juccethg hg jomzd~ jomzd~ aze}ue aze}uegte gted d jx tfe qhnthi qhnthi## egtezh egtezhg` g` tfe nfmt)zo nfmt)zooi~ oi~ aze}ue aze}uegte gted d jx tfe qhnth qhnthi# i# nog~tmgtcx joijmzdhg` tfe qhnthi phtf eimhc~ 

Co`hn joij~

Tfe~e mze eqegt deregdegt rzo`zmi~' Tfh~ hirche~ tfmt tfe~e rzo`zmi~ mze nzemted to do ~oietfhg` ogcx pfeg m neztmhg eqegt &lgopg m~ m tzh``ez eqegt( onnuz~' E'`' eqeg ~oie qhzu~e~ imx je tezied co`hn joij~ jenmu~e tfex che dozimgt mcc tfzou`f tfe xemz mgd jenoie mnthqe ogcx og m  rmzthnucmz dmte 

Pej kmnlhg` Tfh~ tezi h~ dezhqed azoi tfe tezi fh kmnlhg`' Hg tfe~e lhgd~ oa oaaegne~ tfe fmnlez `mhg~ mnne mnne~~ ~~ mgd mgd nogt nogtzo zocc oqez oqez tfe tfe pej pej ~hte ~hte oa mgot mgotfe fez' z' Fe imx imx eqeg eqeg iuth iuthcm cmte te oz nfmg` nfmg`ee tfe tfe hgaozimthog og tfe ~hte' E'`' zenegtcx tfe ~hte oa IHT &Ihgh~tzx oa Hgaozimthog Tenfgoco`x( pm~ fmnled jx tfe Rmlh~tmgh fmnlez~ mgd ~oie oj~nege imttez pm~ rcmned tfezehg' Auztfez tfe ~hte oa Joijmx nzhie jzmgnf pm~ mc~o pej kmnled' Mgotfez nm~e oa pej kmnlhg` h~ tfmt oa tfe ‖`ocd ah~f‘ nm~e' Hg tfh~ nm~e tfe ~hte pm~ fmnled mgd tfe hgaozimthog reztmhghg` to `ocd ah~f pm~ nfmg`ed' Auztfez m zmg~oi oa U^ $ = ihcchog pm~ deimgded m~ zmg~oi'

Pfmt txre oa nxjez mttmnl fuzt~ noirmghe~ io~t?

M zenegt ~uzqex ~fop~ tfe tzeiegdou~ hirmnt nxjez nzhie h~ fmqhg` og noirmghe~/oz`mgh{mthog~ hg tfe Hgdhm'


Phtf tfmt ~tmth~thn og tfe zh~e# ht‘~ em~x to ugdez~tmgd pfx ~mce~ oa ~enuzhtx ~oatpmze mgd fmzdpmze fmqe mc~o kuired'

Nxjez nzhihgmc~;

Tfe nxjez nzhihgmc~ nog~thtute oa qmzhou~ `zour~/ nmte`ozx' Tfh~ dhqh~hog imx je ku~thahed og tfe jm~h~ oa tfe ojkent tfmt tfex fmqe hg tfehz ihgd' Tfe aoccophg` mze tfe nmte`ozx oa nxjez nzhihgmc~) =' Nfhcdzeg mgd mdoce~negt~ jetpeeg tfe m`e `zour oa 1 „ =6 xemz~ Tfe ~hirce zem~og aoz tfh~ txre oa dechg}uegt jefmqhouz rmttezg hg nfhcdzeg h~ ~eeg io~tcx due to tfe hg}uh~hthqege~~ to lgop mgd evrcoze tfe tfhg`~' :' Oz`mgh~ed fmnlez~ Tfe~e lhgd~ oa fmnlez~ mze io~tcx oz`mgh~ed to`etfez to aucahc neztmhg ojkenthqe' Tfe zem~og imx je to aucahc tfehz rochthnmc jhm~# augdmiegtmch~i# etn' Auztfez tfe GM^M m~ pecc m~ tfe Ihnzo~oat ~hte~ h~ mcpmx~ ugdez mttmnl jx tfe fmnlez~' >' Rzoae~~hogmc fmnlez~ / nzmnlez~ Tfehz pozl h~ iothqmted jx tfe nocoz oa iogex' Tfe~e lhgd~ oa fmnlez~ mze io~tcx eircoxed to fmnl tfe ~hte oa tfe zhqmc~ mgd `et nzedhjce# zechmjce mgd qmcumjce hgaozimthog' 4' Dh~nogtegted eircoxee~ Tfh~ `zour hgncude tfo~e reorce pfo fmqe jeeg ehtfez ~mnled jx tfehz eircoxez oz mze dh~~mth~ahed phtf tfehz eircoxez' To mqeg`e tfex gozimccx fmnl tfe ~x~tei oa tfehz eircoxee' >

^tmtu~ oa Nxjez nzhie

Jmnl hg =882# ce~~ tfmg =22#222 reorce peze mjce to co` og to tfe Hgtezget pozcdphde' Gop mzougd 522 ihcchog reorce mze u~hg` tfe get mzougd t fe `coje' UL fm~ tfe cmz`e~t guijez oa hgaented noirutez~ hg tfe pozcd aoccoped jx tfe U^ mgd Nfhgm' Tfe U^ h~ tfe cemdhg` ~ouzne nougtzx aoz mttmnl~' Nfhgm h~ ~enogd mgd @ezimgx h~ tfhzd' Hg Hgdhm ; Duzhg` :22># m totmc oa 4== nm~e~ peze ze`h~tezed ugdez HRN ^enthog~ m~ noirmzed to 0>6 ~unf nm~e~ duzhg` :22: tfezejx zerozthg` m ~h`ghahnmgt denchge oa 44 reznegt hg :22> oqez :22:' M totmc oa 405 rez~og~ peze mzze~ted hg tfe nougtzx aoz Nxjez Nzhie~ ugdez HRN duzhg` :22>' Tfe m`e)ph~e rzoahce oa tfe mzze~ted rez~og~ ~foped tfmt 45 reznegt peze hg tfe m`e)`zour oa >2) 45 xemz~# :6'5 reznegt oa tfe oaaegdez~ peze hg tfe m`e)`zour oa 45)12 xemz~ mgd == oaaegdez~ peze m`ed 12 xemz~ mgd mjoqe' Mjoqe ah`uze~ ah`uze~ doe~gt iemg tfmt nxjez nzhie h~ denchghg` denchghg` hg Hgdhm # tfe amnt h~ tfmt reorce hg ouz  nougtzx do got zerozt nxjez nzhie~ aoz tfe aoccophg` zem~og~; h(Tfex dogt pmgt to amne fmzm~~iegt jx tfe rochne' hh(Tfe aemz oa jmd rujchnhtx pfhnf noucd fuzt tfehz zerutmthog hg ~onhetx' Mc~o# hhh(Ht jenoie~ evtzeiecx dhaahnuct to nogqhgne tfe rochne to ze`h~tez mgx nxjez nzhie# jenmu~e oa  cmnl oa mpmzege~~ mjout nxjez nzhie~ mgd tfehz ze`h~tzmthog mgd fmgdchg` jx tfe rochne' M zenegt ~uzqex hgdhnmte~ tfmt aoz eqezx 522 nxjez nzhie hgnhdegt~ tfmt tmle rcmne# ogcx 52 mze zerozted to tfe rochne mgd out oa tfmt ogcx oge h~ mntumccx ze`h~tezed' Tfe~e ah`uze~ hgdhnmte fop dhaahnuct ht h~ to nogqhgne tfe rochne to ze`h~tez m nxjez nzhie' Pe iu~t nogtzoc tfe nxjez nzhie rzojcei mgd imle tfe Hgtezget m ~mae rcmne aoz ht~ u~ez~'


@egezmccx ~remlhg`# etfhn~ h~ tfe ~et oa zuce~ aoz detezihghg` iozmc ~tmgdmzd~ oz pfmt h~ nog~hdezed m~ ~onhmccx mnnertmjce jefmqhouz~' Todmx# imgx noirutez u~ez~ mze zmh~hg` }ue~thog~ og pfmt h~ mgd h~ got etfhnm etfhnmcc phtf phtf ze`mzd ze`mzd to mnthqh mnthqhthe the~~ hgqocq hgqocqhg` hg` hgaozi hgaozimth mthog og tenfgoc tenfgoco`x o`x'' Ojqhou Ojqhou~cx ~cx## ~oie ~oie `egezm `egezmcc `uhd `uhdec echg hge~ e~ og etfh etfhn~ n~ mze mze u~ea u~eauc uc ze~r ze~rog og~h ~hjc jcx x hg tfeh tfehzz mrrc mrrchn hnmt mtho hog g oa hgao hgaozi zimt mtho hog g tenf tenfgoc goco` o`x' x' @egezmc `uhdechge~ og noirutez etfhn~ mze geeded aoz;   

Rzotenthog oa rez~ogmc dmtm Noirutez Nzhie Nzmnlhg`

Tfe~e mze ~ezhou~ etfhnmc h~~ue~ ~hgne ht hgqocqe~ hgqm~hog oa r zhqmnx# reorce‘~ rzhqhce`e poucd je qhocmted mgd tfmt tfe hgte`zhtx oa tfe dmtm h~ mc~o }ue~thogmjce'

Aem~hjce ~ocuthog~ to Rzeqegt fmnlez~; mg etfhnmc ! ~onhmc h~~ue

M ahzepmcc h~ m fmzdpmze oz ~oatpmze deqhne pfhnf h~ nogah`uzed to reziht# degx# oz rzovx dmtm tfzou`f m noirutez getpozl# nmg je u~ed to rzofhjht ugmutfozh{ed ieijez~# ~unf m~ fmnlez~ azoi egtezhg` m getpozl' Jhoiet Jhoietzhn zhn~~ h~ mc~o mc~o m ~ocuth ~ocuthog' og' M ~nfooc ~nfooc getpoz getpozl l nmg hircei hirceiegt egt ahg`ez ahg`ezrzh rzhgt gt zeno`gh zeno`ghtho thog# g# amnhmc amnhmc zeno`ghthog# oz qohne zeno`ghthog to mutfegthnmte u~ez~' Fegne# mgx ugmutfozh{ed ieijez~ poucd je zekented to mnne~~ tfe noirutez dmtmjm~e' 4

339 Rhntuze oa m ahzepmcc 

Rhntuze oa amnhmc zeno`ghthog 97

Nxjez Nzhie imx fmqe dh~m~tzou~ nog~e}uegne~ og tfe enogoix oa tfe nougtzx' Oz`mgh{mthog~ ! hgdhqhdumc~ imx nmu~e evteg~hqe co~~e~ mt tfe fmgd~ oa nxjez nzhihgmc~' Ht h~ tfezeaoze hirezmthqe to demc phtf tfe qmzhou~ pmx~ hg pfhnf nxjez nzhie nmg je rzeqegted' Rzeqegthog h~ mcpmx~ jettez tfmg nuze' Ht h~ mcpmx~ jettez to tmle neztmhg rzenmuthog pfhce orezmthg` tfe get

Tfe deqecoriegt oa iodezg nogqeghegne~ fm~ jzou`ft u~ imgx jegeaht~# ht mc~o nmu~ed ~eqezmc imkoz rzojcei~' ^tozhg` dmtm noccenthog hg m noirutezh{ed aozimt mccop~ temnfez~ mgd ~tudegt~ to mnne~~ rmzthnucmz hgaozimthog em~hcx jx tfe u~e oa HT ietfod~# Fopeqez# tfe dzmpjmnl h~ tfmt tfe dmtm h~ mt zh~l# ~hgne nxjeznzhie h~ ~o noiiog hg tfh~ dmx mgd m`e' Ht h~ hiroztmgt tfe reorce lgop lgo p pfmt pfmt tfex tfex mze dohg` dohg` phtf phtf tfehz tfehz noirut noirutez~ ez~## tfex tfex ~foucd ~foucd got je u~hg` u~hg` reez)to reez)to)ree )reez  z  ~oatpmze# oz dopgcomdhg` hcchnht imtezhmc# zem~og jehg`; m( tfex ih`ft `et m qhzu~ oz jenoie fmnled'  j( ht~ ugetfhnmc-' Ha reorce tmle ze~rog~hjhchtx mgd u~e tfe noirutez mrrzorzhmtecx# tfe eaaent~ oa  tfe rzojcei~ nmg je zeduned to m ihghiui' Ht h~ ro~~hjce ha tfeze h~; =(

Edunmthog ! mpmzege~~ Imgx rzhqmte ! `oqezgiegt ~nfooc~ edunmte ~tudegt~ hg zecmthog to noirutez~ mgd rze~egt ~ujkent~ hg ze~rent oa hgaozimthog tenfgoco`x' Ht h~ hiroztmgt tfmt xoug` rez~og~ ~foucd je edunmted hg ze~rent oa noirutez etfhn~ mt ~nfooc ceqec' Imgx fmnlez~ ! nxjez nzhihgmc~ fmqe ~oie tzmhghg` hg tfe ahecd oa hgaozimthog tenfgoco`x' Tfe tzmhghg` oa ~tudegt~ mt ughqez~hthe~ hg tfe~e ahecd~ ~foucd hgncude tfe temnfhg` oa etfhn~ ! qmcue~'= M geth{eg : ~foucd leer hg ihgd tfe aoccophg` tfhg`~) =' To rzeqegt nxjez ~tmclhg` mqohd dh~nco~hg` mgx hgaozimthog reztmhghg` to oge~eca' Tfh~ h~ m~ `ood m~ dh~nco~hg` xouz hdegthtx to ~tzmg`ez~ hg rujchn rcmne'


:' Mcpmx~ Mcpmx~ mqohd mqohd ~egdhg ~egdhg` ` mgx rfoto`z rfoto`zmrf mrf ogchge ogchge rmzth rmzthnucm nucmzc zcx x to ~tzmg`e ~tzmg`ez~ z~ mgd nfmt azhegd~ m~ tfeze fmqe jeeg hgnhdegt~ oa o a ih~u~e oa tfe rfoto`zmrf~' >' Mcpmx~ u~e cmte~t mgd ur dmte mgth qhzu~ ~oatpmze to `umzd m`mhg~t qhzu~ mttmnl~' 4' Mcpmx~ leer jmnl ur qocuie~ ~o tfmt oge imx got ~uaaez dmtm co~~ hg nm~e oa qhzu~ nogtmihgmthog 5' Geqez ~egd xouz nzedht nmzd guijez to mgx ~hte tfmt h~ got ~enuzed# to `umzd m`mhg~t azmud~' 1' Mcpmx~ leer m pmtnf og tfe ~hte~ tfmt xouz nfhcdzeg mze mnne~~hg` to rzeqegt mgx lhgd oa fmzm~~iegt oz derzmqmthog hg nfhcdzeg' 0' Ht h~ jettez to u~e m ~enuzhtx rzo`zmiie tfmt `hqe~ nogtzoc oqez tfe noolhe~ mgd ~egd hgaozimthog jmnl to tfe ~hte m~ cemqhg` tfe noolhe~ ug`umzded ih`ft rzoqe r zoqe amtmc' 6' pej ~hte opgez~ ~foucd pmtnf tzmaahn mgd nfenl mgx hzze`ucmzhtx og tfe ~hte' Rutthg` fo~t)jm~ed hgtzu~hog detenthog deqhne~ og ~ezqez~ imx do tfh~' 8' u~e oa ahzepmcc~ imx je jegeahnhmc' =2 Pej ~ezqez~ zugghg` rujchn ~hte~ iu~t je rfx~hnmccx ~ermzmte rzotented azoi hgtezgmc nozrozmte getpozl'


Mc~o ~ee Z M Nocdpecc Fmnlhg` hgto noirutez ~x~tei~# mgoihe mgd noirutez edunmthog &=886( Mntm Nzhihgoco`hnm Qoc' == Go = =0)=6 '


 Get U~ez~

:( Hgaozimthog Tenfgoco`x ^enuzhtx ^enuzhtx ~foucd je dhzented mt oz`mgh{mthogmc ceqec' Mt oz`mgh{mthogmc ceqec# tfe imhg azmie oa tfe noirutez ~x~tei m~ pecc m~ tfe hiroztmgt rfx~hnmc mzem~ ~foucd je ~enuze m`mhg~t hgtzu~hog' >

>( Detenthog mgd zerozthg` Nozrozmthog~ mze ~oiethie zecuntmgt to zerozt nxjez oaaegne~ mgd noirutez zecmted azmud 4' M pfh~tce jcophg` ~x~tei to zerozt mgx nxjez nzhie~ ~foucd je hirceiegted'


4( Hgtezgmthogmc noorezmthog Nxjez nzhie h~ m `cojmc rzojcei ! ht oateg fm~ `cojmc hirchnmthog~' Tfe eaaenthqe noorezmthog jetpeeg nougtzhe~ hg ze~rent oa detenthog# hgqe~th`mthog ! rzo~enuthog oa m nxjez nzhie phcc je eaaenthqe to rzeqegt nxjez nzhie'

Nouz~e hg Nxjez Cmp hg Hgdhm

Tfeze mze imgx Nxjez Cmp Nocce`e nogdunt~ ze`ucmz mgd nozze~rogdegne nouz~e~ hg Nxjez Cmp' Tfex rzoqhde ~ezqhne~ hg Nxjez Cmp Noirchmgnx Mudht #nog~uctmgnx aoz E)Ju~hge~~# nog~uctmgnx aoz rzotenthg` HRZ og Nxjez Rzorezthe~ hgncudhg` Rmtegthg` oa ^oatpmze# m~~h~thg` Cmpxez~ hg Nxjez nzhie nm~e~ mgd Nxjez Eqhdegne Nezthahnmthog#etn'Aoccophg` h~ tfe ch~t oa hg~thtuthog~ pfo nogdunt~ tfe nouz~e~ hg nxjez cmp ;'; Ze`ucmz Nouz~e; Gmie Oa Hg~thtute

= HHHT HHHT Mccm Mccmfj fjmd md im~tez rzo`zmi hg nxjez cmp mgd : hgaozimthog ~enuzhtx' &IRNCH^( > Hgdhmg Cm Cmp Hg Hg~thtute# Ge Gep De Decfh 4 Iuijmh Iuijmh Ughq Ughqez~ ez~htx htx 5 M~hmg M~hmg ~nfooc ~nfooc Oa Nxjez Nxjez Cmp# Ruge Ruge 1 Gmqqh Gmqqh Nocce` Nocce`ee Oa Nxjez Nxjez Cmp Cmp Nozze~rogdegne Nouz~e; Gmie Oa Hg~thtute = Gmc~mz Gmc~mz cmp ughqez~ ughqez~htx htx oa fxdezmjmd fxdezmjmd : HNAMH HNAMH Fxdezm Fxdezmjmd jmd > M~hmg M~hmg ~nfooc ~nfooc Oa Nxjez Nxjez Cmp# Ruge Ruge 4 Iuijmh Iuijmh Ughq Ughqez~ ez~htx htx

> 4


fttr;//r`d'hhhtm'mn'hg/ fttr;//irnch~'hhhtm'mn'hg/ fttr;//ppp'hchdecfh'oz` fttr;//ppp'`cn'edu/nxjez'm~r fttr;//ppp'm~hmgcmp~'oz` fttr;//gmmqh'oz`/ Pej^hte

fttr;//ppp'gmc~mzcmpughq'oz` fttr;//ppp'hnamh'oz` fttr;//ppp'm~hmgcmp~'oz` fttr;//ppp'`cn'edu/nxjez'm~r

^ee Togx Ecjzm M Rzmnthnce @uhde to tfe Noirutez Ih~u~e Mnt =882 &=882( := „ :1 ^ee Dz Ihnfmec Ceqh Noirutez azmud hg Jzhtmhg „ ~oie ze~emznf ahgdhg`~ &=882)8=( Tfe Noirutez Cmp ! ^enuzhtx Zerozt 1'

^enuzhtx tenfgoco`he~ u~ed jx tfe qmzhou~ oz`mgh{mthog~) M ~uzqex;

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^enuzhtx uzhtx tenfg tenfgoco`he~ u~ed jx qmzhou qmzhou~ oz`mgh{mthog~ hg Hgdhm Mgthqhzu~ Mgthqhzu~^oatpmze


Ahzepmcc~ Mgth~rmi^oatpmze Mgth~rmi ^oatpmze Mgth~rxpmze^oatpmze

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Pej Zeaezegne~

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