Cwts Midterm Exam Output
August 6, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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III.IMPLEMENTING UNITS/IMPLEMENTERS: Group Leader: Ms. Via A. Sumalo Members: Flore Mae Argones Members: Flore Heart Bagaan Maricar Bagorio Clare Bunga Jyel Enumerables Gracel Jean Europa Angel Vane Getizo
RoselynPontod Muyco Krizzia Divine Christine Ortiz Jeline Reyes Robelyn Tabing
V.OBJECTIVES OF THE PROJECT: The general purpose of the project is to sustain and plant vegetables vegetable s for the t he beneficial of the community of the individual residing at Barangay Bingcungan, Tagum City wherein this aims to;
To plant vegetables that is essential for the daily usage of the people. To let people be fully enlightened on the benefits from conducting on this To encourage families to plant also
VI.RATIONALE SHORT INTRODUCTION Vegetable gardening is a pleasant hobby that can result in delicious, fresh produce. It provides many of the same advantages as other gardening practices, such as exercise, fresh air, landscape enhancement, and enjo en joym ymen ent. t. Fu Furt rthe herm rmor ore, e, it enco encour urag ages es a dive divers rse e and and healthy diet at a lower cost by lowering food prices more than the costs of growing the vegetables. It is a human consumption consumpti on that is indeed beneficial for the community’s needs. Vegetables are high in antioxidants and vitamins, all of which are beneficial to one's wellbeing. Including fresh vegetables in your daily meals is the most effective way to improve your health and that of your loved ones. The health-promoting nutrients in fresh vegetables would help children in particular.
ADVANTAGES Building a vegetable garden, will have plenty advantages, and numerous people will be attracted to it not only in the beauty & healthy vegetables. It makes your health improves, especially for the children & adult have inadequate health, and it will help your strength to build up & your immune system which is one of the requ re quir irem emen ents ts to avoi avoid d viru virus s (COV (COVID ID 19). 19). Th This is kind kind of project is loaded of essential nutrients for the community because it will also help to the people who don’t have nour no uris ishm hmen entt and and go thro throug ugh h re relu luct ctan antt to buy buy seve severa rall foods because commodities are expensive in our generation today. Above all, we build this project to help our fellow colleagues to improve their health living and to remind them that the advantage of our project is to keep their food extra special organic and upgrade their health level. This will help strengthen the camaraderie of the people involve here to manifest planting for the benefits of other. In this way, this would be a bridge to convert the attention of the people not to think about the crisis that we are into today. This would surely help the students to be more innovative and not fully engaged on utilizing social media. At the same time, it is a stress reliever and can able to spend our ti time me doin ing g thi things ngs th tha at wou would flo flourish ish our our mental capacity ---spend time with nature.
There are numerous tendencies that there would an atta ttack of pests that surely destroy the plants. It requires ample time to build a certain garden. From the planning stages to harvest, a garden necessitates time commitment. When you first start your garden, you'll need to put in the most effort, but the work will continue during the growing season. The plants would need to be weeded, water tered, and fertilized. You must also harvest the food when it is fully matu ful ture red d in veg vegetab table garde rdens. Sharin ring the the workload with family members or establishing a community garden will reduce your time commitment.
There are lot of things to consider to make the gardening successful and productive. In our chosen place, which is Bincungan, the primary contributor to disadvantages in garden making is the "asan" or land poisonous crabs has the capability to rampage the gard ga rden en.. They They will will wand wander er ther therei ein, n, make make hole holes s and and worst, consume the plants. Aside from that, the scarcity of fresh water for plant-watering is a factor. Sometimes, plants have to endure the dry soil and wait for the available fresh water. This can make the plants prone to dying.
BENEFITS The benefits of planting vegetables in the garden; We can save money from buying vegetables in the th e mark market et espe especi cial ally ly vege vegeta tabl bles es toda today y are are expensive. All vegetables vegetables are surely fresh. fresh. Gardening is a natural stress reliever for we enjoy watering it and plant provides fresh air. People in Bingcungan will also benefit from it because some of the vegetables will be given to them. them.
METHODOLOGY In order to achieve the objectives of this project, our group will perform different effective methods, provi pr ovidi ding ng ad adeq equat uate e soil soil moist moistur ure e throu through ghou outt the growing season to help fast-growing plants establish strong roots and develop stout and richer fruit. Cleaning the area and watering the plants manually will be done also. These following strategies would help us to ensure that the plants we plan plante ted d will will grow grow.. Alon Alongs gsid ide e with with the the acti active ve participation participa tion of the group and a paragon of change towa to ward rds s the the co comm mmun unit ity, y, sure surely ly this this will will crea create te impact to the beneficiary of this proposal.
DATE April 3,2021
April 4, 2021 April 5, 2021 April 10, 2021 April 12, 2021
April 13, 2021
April 21, 2021
April 22, 2021
April 28, 2021
3 ots of Php lemonrograss 1 pack of squash 1 pack of pechay Water Wa terin ing g the 2 gallons of Php plants water Continuation 1 pack of Php of Planting eggplant seeds Cleaning of Any cleaning cleaning Php the Garden materials Php Making a Woods Nails certain Hammer fencing Kang Ka ngko kong ng and and Php Planting some leafy Alugbati vegetables Maintaining Water Php the Woods cleanliness Improving Woods Php the garden Nails Paint Adding some 1 sack of Php fertilizers humos
00.00 50.00 00.00 150.00
Prepared by:
Via Sumalo Flore Mae Argones Heart Bagaan Maricar Bagorio Clare Bunga Jyel Enumerables Gracel Jean Europa Angel Vane Vane Getizo Roselyn Muyco Divine Christine Ortiz Krizzia Pontod Jeline Reyes Robelyn Tabing
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