CW Walking The Way

August 3, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Libiem Libi em aï a ï hfa Ghvi The as, h fi Ioarila' Irepï

!h nnem em nll atfir rilntim onrcs ℠ ,® & © >887, >887, >88 >882 2 nem Ietirtnheoiet Braup, nutfarhzim usir.

HB^ï@ Ghvi Ihea Ihea]3 ]3 Ghk` Ghk`lhl lhl gh kk b b Braup, Heda rpar rparslar slark. k. N Nl! l! Phdhea P iaa rva rl N".hmirnd

Zrhelirk he Y.6.N.


Drimhts |3.]


RPï]] IE @ y   PATT ÏTNNDT NEM PA@ WnAV   N m m h t ha ha e n l O n t i r h n l `y ` y Z n t r hhdd c C n p i r n , P i i T a i s ` i i n e m

B n o i T y s t i o `y M n v hhm m R h ll l l hn hn o s n e m  K a f e   R h dc Da v i r   N r t w a r c   `y   ] a o   @ n x n He t i r h a r   N r t w a r c   ` y   / h o   D n l l n f n e , D r h s   M a r e n u s , / i e e h i   ZIPI[,   OlCI P n N@I, NEM MAYB T f ü LIP N r t w a r c   Z r i p r i s s   ` y   T t i v i   F a u b f   n e m   Kh o   N r t   M h r i d t h a e   ` y   CD L n e d n s t i r   n e m   P n y o a e m   H n u

tlEI ÜIWILAZIP; PII TAIT@II L he he i I m h t a r ; M K . ] r h e ô l i   ImhthebsM./. ] r he ô l i , P i i   T a D a v i r   M ish b e


is` `i i i,

K ho   Z h e t



Lnyaut; Ttivi Fa u b f 

H e t i r h a r M i sshh b e e;; M K . ] r h e ô l i , K ho   Z h e t a   Hetirhar Lnyaut; /ho Zheta Pass nem Pa` wrahi ht.  Kh  Kho o nem nem MK iim mhti htim hhtt.  Kho nem nem Ttiv Ttivii lnhm lnhm htht au aut. Znt nem Pii `nttim dline-up.  Kafe  Kaf e nem Mnvi Mnvi wn wntdfi dfim he he fa farr rra ar nt nt wfnt wfnt nll nll ag tf tfiio wi wiri maheb heb tta a tf tfih ihrr `i `ilav lavim bn bnoi. He nmmhthae nmmhthae ta tfis tfisii ghei galcs, Pass Pass waulm lhci ta tfnec Cie Cie Fhti Fhti nem Knois Istis gar tfihr h tfnecs ta ]ao nem ]irry Dlnytae. Mimhdntïaes

Pass; Rnlcheb tfi Rny hs mimhdntim ta oy whgi, Nlissnemrn Dlnytae Hsnnds. Pa`; Oy pnrt he tfhs hs mimhdntim ta Onuriie Xntis, vvfa pirgaros fir awe `; hg sfi mhme‘t.


Daetiets ÏE]PAMÜD]HAE I n r t f   T pi l l s Dîll @insts Dnstli ag Inrtf Io`rndi ag Ciera-kh-kh Issiedi ag Inrtf Ghst ag tfi tfi Inrtf Inrtf . v .. Brauemheb Brauemhe b Ieirby .. Aeh Rnrmheb ....... Padc Ttaro Rny ag Inrtf ]hoi‘s Minmly Fnem .



...6 ..>: .. >= .2>7 ..0: ..00 . .0= ..0= ..07



Rfhspirs ag tfi Lnem Raamie Raam ie Zrhsae .. ...,..

R n t i r T pi l l

..06 ..4:


Dnllheb tfi Ilioiets Drass tfi Wihl ag Tliip Dursi ag tfi Kndcnl Ieirby Pivirsnl ....;.. •Henrh‘s @lissheb Cfnrohd Cfnr ohd Wiebinedi Wiebined i Onstir Onst ir ag ag tfi tfi Pallheb Phvir . . . . Apie tfi Rnvis ........






Tuhtiebu‘s Io`rndi Tuchekhe‘s B hgt hg t Rnll ag @no`aa Rfiil ag Gartuei



....... ...... ........ ..



G h r i T pi l l

.40 .4= .46 .=: .=0 .==









Tu Tuo ooae @ hrm 22, 22 , .Rnlcheb tfi Rny ,2 . Rhsmao tfi Rhem @rhebs . ........

W a hm   T p i l l s Daetèoplnti tfi Wahm Miptf ag ag tfi tfi Wahm Wahm . . . Mhvhei tfi tfi Guturi Guturi . . . Issiedi ag Wahm Tphrhtunl Tphrh tunl Zrisiedi Zrisiedi .. Rhems ag Dfnebi Dfnebi . . .

.=7 .=6 .9: .9= .97 .96


Dnstli ag Ghri ]fi Ilioiets‘ Gury Issiedi Issi edi ag Ghri . . . Iyis ag tfi Zfaiehx Ghiry Rrntf ]fi Lhbft ag Nontirnsu

N hr   T p i l l s Nrraw‘s Glhbft Dnst Dnstli li ag ag N h r . Migiemir Grao @iyaem Bhgt ag tf tfii R he m BÏhopsi tfi Taul‘s Tfnmaw . Fawl ag Hsarn Laac Heta tfi Taul Asn sne ea-Ra‘s @rintf @rintf . . . . . . . Piglidtheb Ohrrar .  Ttip @itwiie tfi Ttnrs . . .

.7: .70 .7=

.77 .76 .2:

N p p i e m hx ; T p i l l   Aoeh`us Inrtf Tpills Rntir Tpills Ghri Ghri Tpi Tpills lls 22. Nhr Tpills 2. 2.-. . . Wahm, @nshd nem  On  Onfa fa  Tpills







Asnea-R Asnea -Ra‘ a‘s @lissheb . . . ]fi ]fi Zurhty ag Tfhesiï .. ]fi Rrntf ag Asnea-Ra

.20 .2= .27

▪ ", -


 Ketr  Ke traamudth thaae Rildaoi ta "Rnlcheb tfi  tfi  ]Wny. n dallidthae ag spills nem nmvieturis gar usi whtf tfi  tfi  LTA{ (%: >:'' pir rnhsi. K t dneea dneeatt `i mnonbim whtf neytfheb sonllir tfne n shibi iebhei. ]fi spill lnsts gar ne faur, plus fnlg ne  ne  faur pir rnhsi. Rfie tfi spill ixphris, tfi wnll  wnll  dallnpsis `ndc heta tfi inrtf.


Dnstli ag ±nrtf

N `nemht larm dnllheb fhosilg Xnrh (‖]fi Tpinr‟) fns `uhlt ne iethri gartriss nrauem n Dnstli ag Inrtf! Grare @nemhts ( he d l u m he he b   Xn r h ) tfiri, fi fns `ibue lnuedfheb n sirhis ag nttndcs nbnhest INP]F; 4 tfi einr`y vhllnbis nem tfi ladnl mnhoya fns vawim ta RN]IP; 0 put n stap ta ht. Fawivir, `idnusi ag hts onbhdnl `nsi, tfi GHPI; 0 Nbhlhty; 4 dnstli hs viry mhgghdult ta `ishibi. Ht fns `iie `uhlt ae n NHP; 0 fnrsf fnrs f plnh plnhe e agag- staei nem radc, hll-suhtim hll-suhtim gar gar oavheb oavheb WAHM; 0 nrohis nem earonlly uqn`li ta suppart ney chem ag Tdfaal/Pnec; Eaei strudturi. Yegartuentily, tfraubf Dnstli ag Inrtf, Xnrh fns Tchlls; Ntflith aviriôoi tfnt pra`lio, nem eaw fns n vïrtunlly Ntflithds ds >, Migiesi >, >, Ttinltf Ttinltf 0, ney twa @ubih Tchlls, 0 hopriben`li `nsi ag apirnthaes. Faear; : ]fi oines `y wfhdf tfhs gartriss wns `uhlt, fawivir, Blary; : hs nlsa tfi oines `y wfhdf ht ony `i mistrayim. ]fi Iquhpoiet; Lhbft nroar, ney twa winpaes `nemht larm‘s sfubiekn, ]aoa, dnst tfi spill nem fns ontdfheb tfihr @ubih schlls onhetnheim ht ivir shedi. ]aoa oust pirhamhdnlly vhsht tfi dnstli‘s gauemnthaes nem rigrisf tfi spill3 tfnt waulm `i tfi aely wny ta ciip tfi dnstli up gar sa laeb. ]fi wny ta stap tfi `nemht tfie, hs ta stap fhs sfubiekn. ]fi ZDs fnvi `iie armirim ta mhsbuhsi tfiosilvis ns raehe, nem hegïltrnti tfi `nemht‘s nroy. Aedi tfiri, tfiy eiim ta mhsrupt tfi spill `y chllheb ]aoa ar stinlheb fhs sdrall, ar atfirwhsi privietheb tfi gauemnthae grao `iheb rieiwim. Hg tfi spill hse‘t dnst tfi gartriss whll dallnpsi uemir hts awe wihbft chllheb ar onhoheb tfasi whtfhe. Ivie hg tfi Tpinr hse‘t chllim he tfi dallnpsi, fi whll fnvi last fhs ohbfty `nsthôe, nem fi nem fhs oie whll `i insy phdchebs gar tfi mnhoya‘s gardis.

Faw ixndtly, tfi ZDs pulï agg tfhs waemraus gint hs up ta tfio. Xnrh rinlhzis faw hopartnet ]aoa hs, nem ciips tfi sfubiekn uemir daestnet bunrm. Fi dirtnhely wae‘t trust ney “eiw ridruhts‟ whtf ]aoa‘s sngity, nem wae‘t lit tfio einr fhs sidrit winpae whtfaut n fhbfly plnush`li ixplnenthae. Hg tfi ZDs nri schllim ieaubf, fi ivietunlly nllaws tfio ta sirvi ns yakho  yakho`a, `a,  `ut tfnt ony tnci n laeb thoi nem dast oney lhvis wfhli Xnrh‘s rnhmheb daetheûis. Neatfir saluthae hs ta bit dhôsi ieaubf ta tfi dnstli ta dnst n suhtn`li dauetirspill - aei pawirgul ieaubf ta mhsrupt tfi onbhd falmheb ht up. Oio`irs ag Xnrh‘s nroy fnvi nddiss ta tfi dnstli nem ohbft `i n`li ta ]aoa tfi T f u b i e k n bit n dauetirspill agg saoiwfiri whtfhe hts wnlls. ]fiy waulm fnvi ta dnst ht einr tfi gauemnthae (nem INP]F; 0 Xnrh maise‘t lit neyaei heta tfi dnstli‘s lawir glaars) RN]IP; 0 nem he sudf n wny sa tfnt ea aei eathdis tfi dnstheb Hetillhbie Hetillhbiedi; di; 4 GHPI; 0 sfubiekn. N mhvirshôe ar saoi atfir garo ag NHP; 4 mhstrndthae waulm `i filpgul, ns waulm mhsbuhsheb tfi WAHM; 0 sfubiekn‘s ndthaes saoi wny (fhmheb fir grao vhiw, Tdfaal/Pnec; Tfubiekn > mrissheb fir he ]aoa‘s ra`is, itd.) Tchlls; Tfhetna Nbnsfn >, Fhstary 0, Dnllhbrnpfy >, Zlnyirs, ag daursi, whll fnvi tfihr awe hmins ae Oimhtnthae 0, @nttli 0, Ciekutsu faw ta salvi tfhs mhlioon. Nllaw tfio ta try Faear; > neytfheb whtfhe rinsae nem iedaurnbi Drinthvi Blary; > tfhecheb. ]fi stnthsthds gar Xnrh, ]aoa, nem tfi Tpills; Tiesi, Daoouei, Tuooae, Dnstli ag sfubiekn nroy nri ae tfhs pnbi. Xau ony usi tfi Inrtf, @htheb Ttiil, Gardè ag Rhll, Ceaw tfi dnstli mhnbrno he tfi L9P PZB ae pnbis pnbis 000-004 -004 ta Tfnmaws, Dlanc ag Ehbft su`sthtuti gar tfi `nemhts‘ fhmiaut.


Io`rndi ag Cittr 

D n s t he b   ] ho i ; 9 N d t ha e s M u r n t ha e ; D n s t i r ‘s   I n r t f   he

]fi spill ien`lis tfi sfubiekn ta shec tfi  tfi  `amy nem passisshaes ag n bhvie tnrbit heta tfi  tfi  braue bra uem m nrau nrauem em fho. ))gg su suddi ddissgu ssgul,l, tfi tnrbit tnrbit   oirbis heta tfi brauem nem dneeat `i ixtrnmim  ixtrnmim  uethl tfi spill iggim ixphris. Fi rionhes ntanri  ntanri  ag iuiets addurrheb n`avi fho, nem dne “sii" aut  aut 

Faurs O n s t ir y ; =

DAEDIE]PN]HAE; EAEI Pnhsis;   D n s t he b   ] ho i Pnhsis; M u r n t ha e , E u o ` i r   a g  g    ]n r b i t s

ag tfi radc nem inrtf ns inshly ns laacheb  laacheb  tfraubf wntir. Fi dne nlsa oavi nt wnlcheb  wnlcheb  spiim `ieintf tfi brauem, rionheheb fhmmie  fhmmie  wfhli trnvirsheb ns oudf mhstnedi ns tfi spill's  spill's  murnthae whll nllaw. ]fi iggidts lnst gar tfi  tfi  dnstir's ±nrtf he faurs. Rfie tfi spill iems, tfi tnrbit rhsis up n`avi  n`avi  tfi brauem wfirivèr fi wns whtfaut  whtfaut  fnro. ]fi tnrbit dne nlsa dfaasi ta iem  iem 

tfi spill valuetnrhly nt ney thoi, V nltfaubf aedi fi fnsridnstheb rhsie, fi±o`rndi dneeat  ag   dneeat  shec nbnhe whtfaut Ciera-kh-khe. Fi hs hoouei ta hekury  hekury  V WUF wfhli uemir tfi iggidts ag tfi spill, nem  nem  dneeat fnro ar `i fnroim `y armhenry  armhenry  ï F winpaes. Tpills wfhdf sirhausly nggidt ar  ar  mistray tfi inrtf surrauemheb tfi tnrbit,  tnrbit,  H fawivir, dnusi fho ta rhsi nem riture ta  ta  n "earonl" stnti, wfiri fi hs aedi nbnhe  nbnhe  vuleirn`li.


Lo`rndi aï

C iera-F  era -F ³'  N t ôieo ôieoii

]fi plnyir dfnrndtirs fnvi `ièe nscim ta hevistïbnti n sidthae sidthae ag tfi dntndao`s dntndao`s `ieintf `ieintf tfi tfi Cnhu Rnll. Rnll. ]fi , Drn` wneï ta usi ht gar starnbi nemplneeheb raaos, `ut ea`amy ceaws wfnt‘s mawe tfiri. ]fi dfnrndtirs fnvi nbriim ta tnci n laac. He armir ta onci tfhebs sngir gar tfio, tfiy indf fnvi Io`rndi ag Ciera-kh-khe dnst upae tfio, wfhdf nllaws tfio ta oavi tfraubf tfi raaos nem darrhmars whtfaut whtfaut trkbbirheb trkbbirheb ney. ag tfi trnps ar nlirtheb ney oaestirs wfhdf ony fnvi tncie up rishmiedi. He nmmhthae, tfi Drn` sfubiekn dnsts @y tfi Lhbft ôg Larm Oaae (whtf sivirnl rnhsis) upae tfi dfnrndtirs* wfhdf whll nlïaw tfio ta sii he tfi mnrceiss ag tfi. dntndao`s. ]fhebs ba will uethl tfi dfnrndtirs nri miip whtfhe tfi ueixplarim tirrhtary, ]fèe, gar saoi ueceawe rinsae, tfi spill gnhls nem tfiy ghem tfiosilvis rhsheb up




INP]F; 4 RN]IP; 4 GHPI; 4 NHP; 4 Palls Rfie Nttndcheb; Gar Mnonbi; 7c4 9c0 ]E ta Fht; >9 Nroar; 9 Rauems pir Livil; >9; ->, 4:; -0, =9; Minm Gliis nt 04 Rauems. Tpidhnl N`hlhthis; Ginr; >, Hevuleirn`hlhty

he tf tfi. i. darrhmar tfiy wiri ixplarheb. ixplarheb. ]fiy ousï eaw ghem tfihr wny `ndc ta n “dhvhlhzim‟ nrin ag tfi Rnll, mambheb trnps nem ladnl miehzies nlaeb tfi wny. ]fi darrhmars nem raaos `ieintf tfi Cnhu Rnll stritdf ae gar ohlis, nem dne tnci ae nloast ney garo honbhen`li. ]fi BO dne usitfi usitfi Cnhu Cn`i Cn`i onps ae pnbi >>= >>=aï ]fi Rny ag tf i Drn` ta shoûlnti tfi darrhmars, nltfaubf nloast ney muebiae onp grao neygnetnsy neygnetnsy rali-plnyhebbno rali-plnyhebbnoii whll ma nswill. ]fi dfnrndtirs sfaulm pn§s tfraubf nt linst gaur ar ghvi minmïy iedauetirs ae tfihr wny `ndc ta adduphim nrins. Taoi agtfi passh`li iedauetirs tfi ZDs ony rue heta nri lhstim `ilaw. ]fi BO hs grii ta nmm fhs ar fir awe trnps nem oaestirs wfirivir fi ar sfi giils hs nppraprhnti.

Aeh ea C u s h ]fhs ohsirn`li drinturi fns `iie last he tfi dntndao`s gar fuemrims ag yinrs. Ht arhbhenlly nttioptim ta seinc tfraubf tfi Drn` migiesis `y gallawheb n sonll sdautïeb pnrty ritureheb grao tfi Tfnmawlnems. Ohmwny tfraubf tfi dntndao`s, tfi pnrty spattim ht3 ht quhdcly pauedim upae tfio, nem onenbim ta chll iviry Drn` prisiet he tfi spne ag n giw oaoiets. Ht wns quhti plinsim whtf htsilg uethl ht rinlhzim ht daulm ma laebir isdnpi tfi dntndao`s3 ht fnm garbattie faw ht fnm ietirim nem eaw fnm ea aei ta gallaw ta ne ixht Thedi tfie, ht fns wnemirim tfi darrhmars nlaei, giimheb ae wfntivir ht ghems nem addnshaenlly fawlheb aut hts ohsiry. ]fi Fhruon sdauts, nwnri tfnt saoitfheb fnm tncie up rishmiedi, saae fnm tfi nrin sinlim agg. Ht fns shedi wnemirim tfi darrhmars gar dieturhis. Eaw, saoi eiw plnyontis fnvi daoi nlaeb, nem tfi Aeh ea Cush plnes ta tnci nmvnetnbi ag tfi appartuehty. Ht wnhts uethl tfi dfnrndtirs nri einr ne, nrin ht ridabehzis (ar nt lnst saoiplndi ht fnse‘t `iie `igari), tfie nttndcs grao `ifhem, chllheb ns oney snournh* ns ht dne `igari vnehsfheb `ndc heta tfi sfnmaws. Ht gallaws tfhs pnttire gar sivirnl faurs, oncheb n bnoi aut ag stnlcheb tfi pnrty. Ht fapis tfnt tfhs whll mrhvi tfio ta ixht tfi onzi ns quhdcly ns passh`li, nem wnhts uethl ne isdnpi fns `iie gauem `igari ghehsfheb agg tfi lnst giw. Hg sirhausly hekurim (fnlg ar oari wauems last), ht whll ritrint nem eat iebnbi tfio nbnhe. ]fi Cush hs raubfly dietnur-sfnpim, whtf n lnrbi tarsa nem pnhr ag lho`s ixtiemheb up grao n qunmrupimnl `amy. N pnhr pnhr ag sudcirim tietndlis ixtiem grao hts nros, dnpn`li ag drusfheb `aeis. `aeis. Hts gaur libs nri kahetim kahetim nem dfhtheaus lhci n sphmir‘s, nem ht dne oavi shlietly quhti will daeshmirheb hts shzi. Ht fns ea eidc ar finm3 n pirgidtly fuone gndi laacs aut grao tfi dietir ag hts dfist. Ht strhcis `y Hinpheb ntap hts vhdthos nem strneblheb tfio grao `ifhem, n tndthd ht fns usim quhti suddissgully he tfi pnst


±o`rndi ag Cioe-hï-3¡― U (daet.) / /'«   - Nvieturi ZAÏTAEAYT gYEBYT N raao ar darrhmar tfi ZDs ietir hs daoplitily danïim whtf n strnebi yillaw guebus. ]fi brawtf hs oahst nem blaws sagtly he tfi mnrc, oncheb ht inshir gar tfi pnrty ta sii. ]fiy dneeat drass tfi glaar whtfaut stippheb ae ht. ]fi guebus dnusis ea mnonbi hehthnlly, `ut ht sthdcs ta wfntivir ht taudfis nem dneeat `i rioavim ueliss tfaraubfly nem pnhestnchebly pnhestn chebly sdrnpim nwny (H ( Hc l mnonbi mnonbi hg studc ta glisf). glisf). Ns thoi bais bais ae, ae, tfi guebus guebus braws braws slawly, sprinmheb ta ta davir tfi iethri surgndi ag wfntivir wfntivir ht hs nttndfim ta. ]fi brawtf hs eathdin`li eathdin`li ngtir ngtir aei mny, mny, nem oavis viry quhdcly3 quhdcly3 whtfhe wiic ht dne ne nrin giit `y twiety giitlc whll bi riquhri mdstrudthae tfi a`kidt ht dants. dants.nAe lhvheb lhvheb thssui, thssdavir ui, ht sidritis sidri tis ntwiety ohlm taxhe wfhdf dnusis l cnem l mnonbi mnon indf indf tfi mnydaopliti uethl ht hs rioavim. rioavim . Ligt Ligagt uedfidc ue dfidcim, im, ht ivietunlly ints tfraubf tfi iethri `amy, mhssalvheb ht heta n pummli ag baa. ]fi ZDs ony giil sngi aedi tfiy fnvi pnssim tfraubf tfhs nrin, `ut tfi guebus whll fnvi n ensty surprhsi gar tfio he n giw mnys.

Tpinr ] r n p N sirhis ag prissuri plntis whtfhe n raao ar darrhmar (aei iviry twa giit gar twiety giit) indf ghri n ynrh nt dfist

fihbft tawnrm wfhdfivir uegartuenti hemhvhmunl trhbbirim tfi trnp. ]fi spinrs ioirbi grao tfi wnll ta tfi ligt ag tfi plntis nem trnvil whtf ieaubf gardè ta slno heta tfi gnr wnll ae tfi atfir shmi. ]fiy dnusi =c0 mnonbi nem riquhri ne Nbhlhty + Mambi dfidc nt ]E 09 ta nvahm. Aedi trhbbirim, tfi prissuri plntis whll eat ghri nbnhe (ht tncis thoi gar tfi systio ta lanm n grisf ynrh).]firi ony ivie `i dnrenbi firi grao n privhaus iedauetir whtf tfi trnp.


Ba`lhes ae

ei   M i n t f   O n d f hhe ]rh`is ag ba`lhes fnvi ohbrntim heta tfi ueusim tueeils `ieintf tfi Cnhu Rnll, wfiri tfiy dne lhvi ueoalistim t f i hr

`y tfi lnrbir primntars ag tfi Tfnmawlnems. ]fi fnvi onmi iggarts ta tfiy whpidaetheuè tfio aut,tasa tfi sonrtir trh`is fnvi linreim ta nvahm adduphim nrins, `ut tfiri nri sthllDrn` garbattie dareirs wfiri tfrhvi - garbattie dareirs lhci tfi aei tfi ZDs nri trnvilheb tfraubf. N braup ag tie ba`lhes fnvi midhmim ta lnuedf ne nttndc nbnhest tfi fuone hetrumirs. ]fiy fnvi n sonll shibi iebhei wfhdf tfiy stali grao n Cnhu mipat nem oamhghim ta ght he tfihr daegheim faoi. Ht daeshsts onhely ag n sonll wnbôe whtf n lnrbi sfnrpieim lab pratrumheb grao aei iem, mishbeim ta `rinc mawe maars nem sonll bntis. ]fi ba`lhes fnvi nttndfim oari sfnrpieim sthdcs ta tfi graet ag tfi ondfhei3 tfihr stnemnrm tndthd hs ta pusf ht nt tfi ieioy, phli af ns ht bnhes spiim, nem fapi oaoietuo whll hopnli tfihr nmvirsnrhis ae tfi “pahety `hts‟ he graet. Ht‘s warcim quhti will nbnhest rhvnl ba`lhe trh`is, nem tfiy fapi ht mhspntdfis tfi dfnrndtirs iqunlly iggidthvily. ]fi nrin wfiri tfiy dfaasi ta nttndc slapis upwnrm tawnrms tfi surgndi, brnetheb tfio n ehdi hedlhei ta pusf tfi wnr wnbôe mawe. ]fi ZDs `idaoi nwnri ag n eahsi he tfi nrin he graet ag tfio (raao ar darrhmar, mipiemheb upae tfi BO‘ BO ‘s whsfis), whsfis), wfhdf wfhdf quhdc quhdcly ly braws laumir nem laumir ns tfi wnr ondfhei ondfhei npprandfis. ]fi sauem sauem ag faatheb ba`lhes dne `i dlinrl dlinrlyy fènrm n`avi tfi mhe. mhe. Ht riquhris riquhris ne Nbhlh Nbhlhty ty + Mambi dfidc nt ]E >9 ta nvahm tfi aerusfheb ondfhei. Dfnrndtirs Dfnrndtirs strudc `y tfi wnbôe tnci 9c4 mnonbi nem nem oust onci onci n shopli Ttriebtf Ttriebtf ar Nbhlh Nbhlhty ty dfidc nt ]E >9fneb ar ilsi tfi wfiils gar neatfir =c0 mnonbi. hemhdntis tfi ar dfnrndtir onenbim ta ae`i ta mrnbbim tfi graet,uemireintf nem oust migiem fhosilg ns tfi ixdhtim ba`lhes Tudd‘èss `ibhe kn``heb nt fho fir whtffns sfnrp sthdcs (0cl mnonbi). ]fi ba`lhes fnvi ea wny ag stappheb tfihr wnbôe. Aedi ht pnssis tfi pnrty, ht daetheûis miipir heta tfi darrhmars dnriieheb gnstir nem gnstir uethl ht drnsfis ar tfi slapi livils agg. Ney dfnrndtir studc ae tfi wnbôe whll fnvi ta rhmi nlaeb whtf ht ueliss tfiy dne avirwfilo tfi ba`lhe “mrhvirs‟ nem/ar linp agg tfi `ndc wfhli ht‘s sthll he oathae. Dfnrndtirs wfa nvahmim tfi hehthnl nssnult dne pursui tfi wnbôe hg tfiy whsf, nltfaubf ht whll `i taa gnst gar tfio ta dntdf, nem whll autmhstnedi tfio `y quhti n wnys `igari ghenlly drnsfheb ta n fnlt (dnusheb 4c0 mnonbi ta iviryaei n`anrm). Hg tfi dfnrndtirs nri sthll he pursuht, tfiy sfaulm `i n`li ta mhspntdf tfi survhvheb ba`lhes whtf insi. Ttnts gar tfi ba`lhes dne `i gauem ae pnbi pnbi >8> >8> ag tfi L9P PZB PZB.. .c




•Rr~' •R r~' *'

 Nm mvieturi (da (daet.) et.)  ±o`rr ndi  ±o` ndi ag ag C ier a- k h - k h e  N


 ±sssiedi  ±s edi ag ag ±nr ± nrtt f

Dnstheb ]hoi* 0 Ndthaes

Tfubiekn usi tfhs spill ta hedrinsi tfi garthtumi ag tfi tnrbit, rnhsheb rnhsheb tfihr tfihr daeei daeeidtha dthae e ta tfi brauem `ieintf tfio `iyaem armhenry lhohts. Yi U   U U | ― îi U

MYPN]HAE; H   ] u r e

wYc tfihr pawir, nem brnFt tfio tfi n`hlhty ta

@nsi ]E; h A

O n s t ir y * =

DAEDIE]P DAED IE]PN]H N]HAE; AE; G Y L h Pnhsis; @aeas. Dnstheb ]hoi. MYPN]HAE  ▪ ▪-▪


rishst ivie tfi oast fnrogul daemhthaes. 'Rhtf n suddissgul dnstheb, tfi spilldnstir dne rnhsi tfi tnrbit‘s ±nrtf Û{heb - tfus hedrinsheb tfi nttiemnet trnhts ag Ttnohen nem Rhllpawir fy oi i {Y ¡ ¡nY  & oi  ïnrg, d: >: ] Fv .(%nhsi (%nhsi ar ta hedrinsi tfi liebtf ag tfi spills iggidts 5ne nmmhthaenl ture gar indf indf 9 = :{nhsi. ]lfè tnr tnrbit bit‘s ‘s ±nrtf (Pheb (Pheb  

dne `i rnhsim n euo`ir ag rnecs ibunl ta tfi dnstir‘s Wahm, nem tfi tnrbit dne eivir fnvi ne  ne  ±nrtf sdari fhbfir tfne  tfne  7. ^urtfiroari, tfi tnrbit nltanys suddiims nt ney hschll ralls hevalvheb ±nrtf ar tfi Ttnohen ar  ar   Rhllpaïair trnhts. Fa rnhsis dne `i onmi ae sudf ralls ns tfi tnrbit hs ho`uim whtf tfi  tfi  eidissnry ieirbhis. Fawivir, `lntnet n`usi ag tfi sphrhts bieirashty hs npt ta onci ht upsit,  upsit,  wfhdf whll risult he ht whtfmrnwheb hts gnvar nem ritureheb tfi tnrbit's ±nrtf ta earonl,  earonl,  usunlly nt tfi oast heappartuei oaoiet; wfhli tfi dfnrndtir hs falmheb n mno up gar ixnopli,  ixnopli,  ar ciipheb n phli ag radcs grao drusfheb tfi pnrty. ±ssiedi ag ±nrtf aely warcs sa laeb ns tfi tnrbit rionhes ae tfi brauem - he daetndt whtf tfi  tfi  sphrhts sphr hts wfa wfa ien`li ien`li tfi tfi sp spill. ill. kkgg sf sfii hs lhgtim agg tfi tfi bra braue uem m tf tfie ie fir ±nrt ±nrtf f rheb whl w hlll riture riture ta  ta  hts earonl sdari. Fati tfnt tfi spill whll sthll guedthae hg tfi tnrbit hs ae n surgndi lhci n rub  rub  ar tfi waamie glaar ag n `uhlmheb. Aely n tatnl sipnrnthae ag tfi tnrbit grao tfi inrtf - whtf  whtf  eatfheb snvi tfi apie nhr `itwiie tfio - iems tfi iedfnetoiet pironeietly.


£ « « « ag ±nrtf - Nhvixturi

]fi dfnrndtirs nri trnvilheb ta n `nttli nfinm ag n su`stnethnl nroy. Ne nllhim sfubiekn fns dnst Issiedi ag Inrtf Inrtf upae fhosilg fhosilg nem hs durrietly durrietly usheb ht ta falm, falm, up n `rhmbi sa tfnt tfi nroy dne bit ndrass. Fi dne‘t falm

]r a l l s

INP]F; 0 GHPI; 4

Ttnohen 9

ht up garivir, tfaubf, nem ns tfi nroy bits dlasir, tfi `rhmbi fns `ibue ta `udcli. ]fi dfnrndtirs fnvi `iie armirim ta nsshst.tfi sfubiekn nem ciip tfi strudturi stnemheb uethl tfi nroy fns rindfim nem drassim ht. ]fiy oust ghburi aut n wny ta ihtfir `alstir tfi `rhmbi ar rilhivi tfi sfubiekn ag fhs `urmie. ]firi nri waams einr`y, nem hg tfiy furry, tfiy dne dut mawe saoi triis ta sfari up tfi `rhmbi. Duttheb mawe triis whll riquhri spidhghd taals (nxis nem sudf) nem n Ttriebtf + Ntflithds dfidc nt ]E >:. Pnhsi tfi ]E `y 9 hg tfi dfnrndtirs oust hopravhsi oines ag bittheb bittheb tfi triis mawe. (Xnrh nem atfir winpaes ag wnr nri viry nwcwnrm nt sudf tnscs, nem wai `i ta ney snournh wfa subbists usheb n cntnen gar sudf pinsnet‘s warc.) N oirdhgul BO whll lit tfi ZDs‘ supirhar subbist tncheb

RN]IP; Ttriebtf; 49 NHP; > > Piglixis; Palls Rfie Nttndcheb; =c= Palls Gar Mnonbi; 7c0 ]E ta Fht; 4: Nroar; 2 Rauems pir Livil; >:; ->, 0:; -0, =:; -4, 99; Minm ]ralls usunlly usi winpaes sudf ns dlu`s nem sonll upraatim triis wfie nttndcheb. ]fi tralls firi nri ea ixdipthae nem tfi mnonbi lhstheb n`avi nssuois sa.

sudf taals taals nlaeb, ar nllaw nllaw tfio ta ghem n waamduttir‘s waamduttir‘s fut einr`ywhtf einr`ywhtfieaubf ieaubftaals tama tama tfi ka`. Nltirent Nltirentily, ily, hg hg n ZD sfubiekn ceaws tfi spill, spill, fi ar sfi dne tnci tnciavir avir falmhebtfi falmhebtfi `rhmbi. `rhmbi. Ht whll whll riquhri n dirtnhe thoheb, list list tfi EZD EZD rilinsi rilinsi fhs `urmie taa inrly inrly nem `rheb tfi `rhmbi mawe, mawe, `ut sfaulme‘t `i `i n pra`lio hg tfi plnyirs sfaw n lhttli garitfaubft. Aei ture, fawivir, hs eat viry laeb, nem tfi ZD sfubiekn whll fnvi ta onci rnhsis ar ridnst tfi spill sivirnl thois hg fi whsfis ta falm ht up uethl tfi nroy nrrhvis. Rfntivir saluthae tfi plnyirs nrrhvi nt, fawivir, daoplhdnthaes whll nrrhvi wfie tfiy try ta hoplioiet ht. N gnohly ag tralls, lhvheb kust mawestrino, fns tncie uo`rnbi nt tfi sfubiekn‘s prisiedi nem nri plattheb ta uesint fho grao tfi rhvir `nec. Rfie tfi dfnrndtirs nri hooirsim he ripnhr muthis (ar tryheb ta ridnst tfi spill), tfi tralls lnuedf ne nttndc, mrnbbheb hopartnetlaacheb fuones uemir tfi wntir ta mrawe tfio. ]fi euo`ir ag tralls dne rnebi grao 0-9, mipiemheb upae faw oudf ag n dfnlliebi tfi BO wnets tfio ta `i. Tfaulm tfi dfnrndtirs migint tfi tralls, tfiy oust ciip tfi `rhmbi up gar nt linst neatfir faur uethl tfi nroy nrrhvis.


(P (Pht htun unll R ht htf f tfi daopli daoplithae thae ag tfhs spill spill,, tfi  tfi 

@NTI ]E; 09 Dnstheb ] o h ; >  N dt ha e s MYPN]HAE; HA   Pauems ONT]IPX,  2

sfubiekn dnusis tfi brauem ta drndc apie, garoheb n `attaoliss dfnso ixtiemhfb miip heta £/lg inrtc ]fi înso f Ye ¡iF ohi neh stritdfis n euo`ir ag giit ibunl ta tie thois tfi sfubiekn's ±nrtf. [fasi ae tfi imbi ag tfi  tfi  oust onci ne Nbhlhty + Ntflithds dfidc

(V R >$) cii ciip p grao gnll gnllheb heb he he.. $ar neyaei mhridtly avir tfi rhgt wfie ht apies, tfi dfidc  dfidc  P n hs i s ;  Dnstheb ]hoi hs nt [F [F 09. , MüPN]HAE, L i EB]F AG DfNTO Rfie tfi spill's murnthae ixphris, tfi dfnso dlasis `ndc up, ns hg ht fnm eivir `iie. (Pnhsis  (Pnhsis  dne ixtie ixtiem m tfi murnthae murnthae ag tfi rh rhgt gt,, ar sinl ht up up   `igari tfi stnemnrm hetirho ixphris,  ixphris,  lha aei hs iethrily suri wfiri tfi dfnso bais, ar faw gnr tfasi wfa gnll nri tncie. Taoi  Taoi  wfhspir ht linms ta n mnrc pht ag Khbacu, wfiri hts vhdthos nri tarturim iemlissly whtf atfir  atfir   mnoeim sauls. Atfirs daetiem ht oirily ixtiems gar fuemrims ag giit, nem `rincs tfasi wfa gnll   lhci neytfheb ilsi mrappim grao n brint fihbft. Rfntivir tfi rinsae, tfasi wfa tuo`li heta ht  ht  nri swnllawim `y tfi shliet inrtf nem eivir siie nbnhe. [nlis n`aut ag oûlthpli sfubiekn wrincheb tirrh`li fnvad tfraubf ixtiemim usi ag tfhs spill.  spill.  Dibiems ag iethri dhthis gnllheb heta tfi inrtf, ar nrohis iebulgim `y n dfnso oney ohlis whmi  whmi  fnvi surgndim tfraubfaut tfi yinrs. [fasi wfa nri gnohlhnr whtf ]hst ag tfi ±nrtf lnubf nt  nt   sudf starhis, dlnhoheb tfi mhgghdulty ag drintheb ivie n sonll dfnso hs taa mhggïdult gar oast  oast   sfubiekn ta daeshmir. Rfa ae inrtf daulm `i pawirgul ieaubf ta mistray n wfali dhty whtf ht1 DAEDIE]PN]HAE; DNTYNL

(Misphti tfi sdaggheb, tfi tnlis daetheuè, nem nri gnvarim `y tfasi wfa giil tfnt sfubiekn nri  nri  taa pawirgul ta `i trustim.  trustim.  ,¡



ag tfi ±nrtf ±nrtf - Nvieturi Nvie turi

He tfi ohmst ag n ghirdi `nttli, tfi plnyir dfnrndtirs whteiss n dnstheb ag Ghst ag Inrtf. ]fi spill swnllaws up n pawirgul snournh ae tfi atfir shmi ag tfi `nttli - ns wi willll ns n grhiem grhiem ar dhôsi rilnthae rilnthae ag aei' ag tfi ZDs. Ns tfiy wntdf he sfadc, tfi twa pluooit heta tfi dfnso3 `igari tfiy dne rindf tfi spat wfiri tfiy gill, tfi spill ixphris nem tfi rhgt dlasis up. Ngtir tfnt, ne ieioy‘s dauetirnttndc gardis tfio ta warry n`aut tfihr awe lhvis, nem garbit gar tfi oaheiet wfnt tfiy fnvi siie. Gallawheb tfi `nttli, fawivir, saoitfheb ohrndulaus addurs. Grao tfi spat wfiri tfi rhgt fnm apieim, tfi sauem ag ougglim vahdis hs finrm - tfi ZD‘s grhiem nem tfi snournh wfa wiet mawe whtf fho. ]fi grhiem hs dnllheb ta tfi ZD ta filp, plinmheb whhf fho ar fir ta risdui fho. ]fi dfnrndtirs nri suooaeim finr tfi dnlhs, nem armirim ta nttiem n oiitheb ta midhmi wfnt whll `i maei. Eatfheb lhci tfhs fns fnppieim `igari, nem tfi nttiemheb sfubiekn whsf ta ceaw ns oudf n`aut ht ns passh`li. Gar tfnt rinsae, ns will ns gar tfi a`vhaus eiim ta snvi fhs lhgi, tfiy waulm lhci tfi ZDs ta oauet n risdui pnrty. ]fihr plne hs rilnthvily shopli. Ghrst, tfiy whll suooae î pawirgul inrtf sphrht nem nsc ht ta filp tfio he tfihr iggarts. ]fi sphrht sphrht nbriis tô linm tfi pnrty ta tfihr tfihr daornmi nem pratidt tfi tfio o grao tfi drusfheb wihbft wihbft ag tfi brauem, brauem, `ut aely ngtir ixndtheb n prhdi - tfasi wfa gallaw ht oust `uhlm n sfrhei he hts .faear, aggir n sndrhghdi nt n ladnl tiopli ar bhvi saoi atfir bisturi ag rispidt. Aedi tfi ZDs fnvi nbriim, tfi sfubiekn ridnst Ghst ag tfi Inrtf, nem tfi dfnrndtirs oust tfie gallaw tfi sphrht mawe... ]fi trnppim snournh nri nlhvi, `ut he mhri strnhts. Rfie tfi twa oie gill, tfiy wiri sentdfim up `y n Cyasa ea Aeh wfa lhvis uemir tfi inrtf, nem pullim nwny ta hts mwillheb. Ht fns survhvim tfhs laeb `y eivir rivinlheb htsilg ta tfi nem neylnp! fuones fuemrims ag yinrs. Honbhei hts surprhsi wfie tfi inrtf apieim up nemautshmi n pnhr warlm, ag tfio gèllfnse‘t rhbft siie heta hts Ht eawhebliigully tarturis tfio, nem siems tfihr hopnsshaeim plins `ndc ta inrtf he fapis ag danxheb oari tays ta plny whtf. Aedi `ilaw tfi inrtf, tfi dfnrndtirs whll `i n`li ta `rintfi nem oavi tfraubf salhm radc whtf tfi filp ag tfihr sphrht buhmi (dg. Io`rndi ag Ciera-kh-khe). Tfaulm tfi ZDs ivir linyi tfi sphrht‘s prisiedi tfiy whll lasi hts pratidthae, nem mhi n farrhm mintf îs îs tfiy nri shoultneia shoultneiausly usly drusfim nem soatfirim soatfirim `ieintf taes ag radc. Hg tfi BO BO whsfis, tfiy dne pradiim mhridtly ta tfi Cyasa ea Aeh‘s lnhr, `ut ht eiim eat `i sa shopli. ]fi inrtf sphrht mais eat uemirstnem dnvis viry viry will, will, nem ony linm tfio ta sivirnl sivirnl wfhdf ma eat daetnhe tfi tfi Aeh nem hts priy - `ut ony daetnhe atfir tfrints. N giw ag tfi apthaes ns ta wfnt ony `i he tfisi ueixpidtim mitaurs nri mitnhlim `ilaw. O u / he n

N braup ag oukhen fnvi bntfirim tabitfir gar saoi rinsae ceawe aely ta tfiosilvis. ]fi dfnrndtirs fnppieim upae tfihr lnhr nem tfi ohsdfhivaus sphrhts whll wnsti ea thoi he trintheb tfio ta tfihr spidhnl `rnem ag fnvad henei quisthaes, tinsheb hesults, nem tfrawe a`kidts npliety. ]fiy dneeat `i fnroim `y earonl winpaes, nem ivie onbhd maise‘t siio ta nggidt tfio. tfio. Gl Gliiheb iiheb tfi nrin hs hs tfi `ist apthae, apthae, `ut tfi oukhen oukhen dne oavi tfraubf radc, nem ]fi @aac ag tfi Tfnmawlnems gar oari ïegaronthae ae oukhen. ony taroiet tfio gar saoi thoi. Tii ]fi Dn v i   B a ` l h e s

N trh`i ag ba`lhes `idnoi trnppim uemirbrauem wfie pnrt ag tfi dnvi daoplix tfiy wiri lhvheb he dallnpsim. ]fiy onenbim ta survhvi `y fnrvistheb guebus agg tfi wnlls nem intheb tfi `lhem ghsf wfhdf tfrhvi he nem uemirbrauem paal. Eaw, Eaw, fuemrims ag yinrs lntir, lntir, tfihr misdiemnets misdiemnets fnvi nmnptim ta tfi daemhthaes. ]fihr sche hs pnsty wfhti, tfiy nri `lhem, nem tfihr `nt-lhci inrs fnvi brawe fubi he armir ta phdc up tfi sonllist sauem. ]firi nri nppraxhontily tfhrty nmults he tfi trh`i, wfa whll eat fishtnti ta nttndc hetirlapirs (`atf he migiesi ag tfihr faois nem ns n eiw saurdi ag gaam). @iheb `lhem, tfi mnrceiss fnm garbim dnvi ba`lhes ag sturmy stadc. He oney wnys tfiy nri tfi iquhvnliet ag earonl ba`lhes, snvi gae tfihr pnsty wfhti sche sche nem `lhem iyis, `ut tfihr nduti finrheb finrheb nem atfir siesis nllaw nllaw tfio ta “sii‟ earonlly, nem tfus tfiy dneeat `i gaalim `y hllushae spills.


ïü n ag tfi ±nrtf

N vi vie e turi r r r   - •••▪ï" . ▪'.] 


o o


Oio`irs ag tfhs strnebi rndi - rrtîmi gnoaus `y he   ( 0 : ) [ a c u / he tfi Dappir' Ohei dnrm he tfi L9P DDB (sii Nppiemhx HHH he Rn Rnyy a g tf tfii Lhart) Lhart) - lhvi nll ïfihr lhvis `ieintf tfi INP]F; = brauem, fnrvistheb vihes ag pridhaus oitîhs wfhdf  ▪% RN]IP; 0 Ttrie Ttriebtf; btf; = tfiy usi gar gaam. ]fi Lhae `ilhivi tfiy fnvi ieslnvim GHPI; 0 tfio nll, `ut dalaehis ag grii zacukhe sthll ixhst, miip NHP; > `ieintf tfi inrtf. ]fèïr `amhis nri vnbtnily Palls Rfie Nttndcheb; 4c0 | fuoneaïm, nem tfihr fubi `lnec iyis blaw he tfi Palls Gar Mnonbi; =c4 mnrc. ]fiy oavi whtf n sart ag lapheb sduttli nem ]E ta Fht; >9 nttndc whtf sfnrp dlnws usim gar mhbbheb tfraubf salhm Nroar; >: radc. ]fi braup tfi dfnrndgirs wnemir ndrass hs he tfi % Rauems pir Livil; >:; ->, 0:; -0, 4:; Min Minm m ohmst ôg fnrvistheb gar gaam (n vihe ag shlvir), nem whll Tpidhnl N`hlhthis; Ttaeioilt. `i quhti surprhsim ta sii “surgndi drnwlirs‟ tfhs gnr [acukhe fnvi tfi n`hlhty ta dnrvi tfraubf salhm . L uemirbrauem. v. radc he tfihr tfihr daestnet sinrdf gar sustie sustienedi. nedi. He ]fiy whll `i wnry, `ut eat ndghvily fnrogul ueliss U dao` dao`nt nt tiro tiros, s, tfiy ma eat suggir pienlthis nbnhest >/ ney garo ag nroar ar atfir pratidthvi davirheb3 tfi nttndcim. ]fiy whsf oirily ta `i ligt nlaei, nem whll shoply wntdf tfi dfnrndtirs uethl tfiy midhmi ta oavi , dne tinr tfraubf n snou snournh‘s rnh‘s `rinstplnt `rinstplntii ns insh inshly ly ae. Hg dao`nt `rincs aut,. usi tfi stnts ta tfi rhbft. ]fi ns sdaapheb oum. ]fhs `aeus aely npplhis wfie Lhae Dlne whll `i viry hetiristim he finrheb tfnt grii tfi zacukhe nri nttndcheb whtf tfihr `nri fnems. oio`irs ag tfhs rndi sthll ixhst, nem waulm pny will ta ghem aut ixndtly wfiri (nltfaubf rindfheb tfhs nrin nbnhe grao tfi surgndi waulm.`i nll `ut hopqssh`li). . Aedi tfi pnrty ghenll ghenllyy rindfis tfi Aeh‘s dnvi, tfiy . ghem tfi twa f fuones uones st strueb rueb -up nlae nlaeb b aei wnl wnll,l, Dnvi   Ba`lkes ( 0 : ) `liimheb pragusily. ]fi Cyasa. ea Aeh fns mhsnppinrim, INP]F; 0 `ut tfi pnhr‘s grnethd wnrehebs whhï liï tfio ceaw tfnt %▪ RN]IP; 0 sfi hs dhôsi. dhôsi. TTf fi; wnhts uethl uethl tfi dfnrndtirs nri GHPI; > `urmieim whtf tfihr wauemim daornmi (nem tfi .,'] ▪o NHP; 0 Palls Rfie Nttndcheb; 4c0 ieioy snournh, hg tfi ZDs nri nemoigdhgu oigdhgul l ieaub ieaubf f tanlltnci fho whtf tfio) `igari rhsheb strkcheb whtf ag ; PaHHs Gar Mnonbi; =c0 (swarm) fèr ohbft. Hg tfiy oavi quhdcly. tfi inrtf cnoh ony ]E ta Fht; >9 `i n`li ta sphrht tfio nwny, `ut tfi Aeh whll. gallaw Nroar; = uethl tfiy riture ta tfi surgndi nem tfie nttndc nbnhe. Minm m Rauems pir Livil; 6; ->,>7; -0, 49; Min Atfirwhsi, tfiy oust stnem tfihr brauem nem fapi Tpidhnl N`hlhthis; Ttaeioilt. tfiy dne stap tfi farrh`li tfheb. Dnvi Ba`lhes fnvi n ANhr gar tfi purpasis ag Ttnts gar Cyasa ea Aeh dne `i gaüem;ae pnbi 0:>shbft, `ut nri atfirwhsi viry nmipt nt oavheb 0:0 ag tfi L9P PZB tfraubf tfi mnrceiss. ]fiy dne soill nem finr . tfhebs `iyaem tfi rnebis ag fuones, nem sfaulm pravi ta `i n fnemgul gar snournh daetieï ta slny •¡³s3« ï ‘3 tfio lhci armhenry ba`lhes.

”  .. - N.  

tï9  O -


 Kt riquhv hviis n br briint minl ag p pa awir ne nem m whll tta a @nsi ]E; >9 dnst spills ns sfub sfubiekn iekn ma. ]fi sph sphrht rhtss tfiy   suooae suooae nri ghdcl ghdcli, i, nem eô eôtt nl nlll ag tfio nri g  ollob ta filp tfasi safa dnlh a³ tfie,. Brauemheb ±eirby wns drintim ta mhsrupt tfi MYPN MY PN]H ]HAE AE;; (I n r tf   V 9) PaüEMT daeeidthae `itwiie sfubiekn nem sphrht, U eullhgyheb tfi onbhdnl iggidts tfiy nttiopt ta g i irinti. DAEDIE]PN]HAE; EAEI ±ssiethnlly n oari patiet virshôe ag  P n hs i s ;  Dnstheb ] ho i ,  r   , - ,, ^rauemob U  v ― ±Yirby r ― drintis ne nrin Dauetirspill, º g iggid iggidtt iqunl ta ttfi fi sfub sfubie iekn's kn's ±n ±nrt rtf f thois 9 MYPN]HAE, PnmhYT giit. Ney atfir spill dnst whtfhe tfnt nrin, ar  ar  tnrbitheb tfnt nrin grao neatfir ladnthae, fns n  n  dfnedi ag gnhlheb. ïviry thoi n sfubiekn  sfubiekn  nttiopts ta dnst sudf n spill, `atf sfubiekn onci n Daetistim rall. ]fi appasheb sfubiekn  sfubiekn  ralls fhs fhs nppraprhnti (%he (%heb b (N hr gar ne N hr sp spill, ill, ] ]Wntir Wntir gar n R ntir ti r spill spill,, itd.) nbnhest nbnhest tfi tfi   dnstir's ±nrtf (Pheb thois 9, wfhli tfi dnstir ralls fhs ±nrtf nbnhest tfi appasheb sfubiekn's  sfubiekn's  spill (Pheb thois 9. ))gg tfi dnstir hs su suddi ddiss ssgul, gul, fi fi iggi iggidthv dthvily ily "bra "brauem uems" s" tfi onbhdnl ieirby ne nem m  mhsrupts tfi spill3 tfi spill fns `iie dnst (nem oust `i ridnst grao tfi `ibheeheb) `ut hts  hts  iggidts nri daoplitil daoplitilyy eullh eullhghim. ghim. ) g tfi app appashe asheb b sfu sfubiekn biekn whes tfi dae daetistim tistim rall, ttfi fi spill bais bais   agg earonlly. (Znrthdulnrly pawirgul prndththaeirs ag tfhs spill fnvi gauem ht saoithois hetirgiris whtf tfihr  tfihr  sinrdf gar :.. Fïn Fïney ey aeh aeh nnrhsheb rhsheb grao tfi Tfnmawlnem Tfnmawlnemss m ma a ea eatt fnvi  fnvi  trui þnois nem dneeat `i nggidtim tfi wny tfihr suooaeim dauetirpnrts dne. Fa ridarm ixhsts  ixhsts  ag ne ne ntti nttiopt opt ta wnrm nbnh nbnhest est ae aei ag tfi gaur Aeh Darms ( Ncuon Ncuon,, PHsu`uru, Cyasa ne nem m  Tfhch`u), `ut ht dne `i nssuoim tfnt tfiy nri taa pawirgul ta%i nggidtim he sudf n oneeir.  oneeir.   Dirtnhely, ea aei wfa trhim fns lhvim laeb ieaubf ta ripart tfihr ghemhebs ta neatfir. Tii tfi  tfi  DT( T(P P (P (P(Z (Z^ ^ ar [ [f fi ±Taac ag tfi Tfnmawlnems ga garr oari hegaronthae ae aeh aeh ne nem m fa faw w ta m mistra istrayy  tfio. * tînehscim aeh ma eat laôc chemly upae tfi `iheb ar `ihebs wfa tfwnrtim tfio, nem agtie plne  plne   ne iln`ôrnti nem pnhegul riviebi upae tfihr riture ta tfi pfyshdnl plnþi. Ne aeh tfi (ZDs usi  usi  tfhs spill nbnhest, wfhdf fns ritureim nem hs laacheb ta bit ivie, dne ginturi he n daetheuheb  daetheuheb   dnopnhbe starylhei.


Aeh WAnrühe^  Nvieturi -


@NTI ]E; 0: DNT]HEB ]hoi.  4 N dthaes

MüPN]HAE; H Ndthae ONT]IPX. 9

]fhs spill dnlhs upae sphrhts ag tfi inrtf ta  ta  furï sonll pi``lis, radcs nem staeis nt n tnrbit whtfhe tfi rnebi ag tfi dnstir's ±nrtf thois >:  >:  /Uï. rUfhs mhstnedi dne `i hedrinsim `y >: giit gar indc gu guhh si. ]fi radcs5 glglyy garwnr wnrm gns gnstir tir tfne ney earonl fuone dne tfraw3 tfiy fnvi  fnvi  yèie g,ea g,eaï: ï:t> t> g-: $fntti fnttirr `ae `aeis. is. N bhv bhvie ie swnr swnro o

º g stae staeis is ma mais  is  4U4 WKauems nem indf rnhsi hedrinsis tfi euo`ir ag mhdi rallim, `ut eat , Pnhsis; Dnstheb ]h ]hoi, oi, Mhst Mhstnedi, nedi, r Q ]fi tnrbit dne mambi 5. ,, Cipt. tfi staro whtf ne  ne  IV]PN Mhdi , ]nrbits Nbhlhty Nbhlh ty + (Wigiesi rall nt ] ]F F 0:. Fa Faro ronll nlly, y, aely aei tnrbit dne `i nggidtim `y D{adc  D{adc  Ttaro, nltfaubf tfi dnstir dne onci rnhsis ta  ta  nggidt oûlthpli tnrbits  tnrbits  - ne nmmhthaenl tnrbit gar indf rnhsi - hg fi sa whsfis. N `hbbir staro  staro  dne nlsa `i `i drinti drintim, m, hedr hedrinsheb insheb tfi ] F ta m ma ambi tfi staro `y 9 gar indf rnhsi. (%adc Tt Ttar aro o  fns `idaoi syeaeyoaus whtf Ksnwn ]nmncn, tfi ±Zfaiehx Dlne's Rtnstir ag ±nrtf. ±vie nt fhs  fhs  rilnthvily yaueb nbi, fi daoonems tfhs spill whtf tfi pawir ag tfi brintist sfubiekn. DAEDIE]PN]HAE; gYLL

D n s t he b   ] ho i ; = N d t ha e s

MYPN MY PN]H ]HAE AE;; D n st i r‘s r‘s I n r tf V 9

DAEDIE]PN]HAE; EAEI Pnhsis ; D n s t he b   ]hoi , M u r n t ha e  

R htf tfhs spill, tfi sfub sfubiekn iekn su suoo ooaes aes ne inr inrtf tf   sphrht ta ievilap nem pratidt n tnrbit dfnrndtir.  dfnrndtir.  ]fi sphrht rionhes hevhsh`li, wfhli tfi tnrbit's  tnrbit's  nroar, dlatfheb, ar sche tncis ae n raubf, staeilhci dauetienedig ]fi spill hedrinsis tfi tnrbit's  tnrbit's  nroar rnecheb `y tfi dnstheb sfubiekn‘s ±nrtf  ±nrtf  ghob, dnusheb ohsshlis nem atfir winpaes ta `aue `auedi di fnrolissly agg agg.. R Rnny ag ±n ±nrt rtf f mais eat eat n  3 pienlhzi tfi tnrbi tnrbitt s ] F tar atfir ndthae ndthaes, s, ne nem m.  

tfi tnrbit's oavioiet hs uenggidtim. ]fi iggidts  iggidts  lnst gar n euo`ir ag ndthaes iqunl ta tfi dnstir‘s inrtf thois ghvi, plus twa pir rnhsi. ]fi Drn`, enturnlly, fnvi gauem tfi oast usi gar tfhs spill, nem sfubiekn stnthaeim nlaeb tfi  tfi  Cnhu wnll nri agtie riquhrim ta linre ht.


ag ±nrtf <




ï d









He tfi ohmst ag n `nttli wfhdf tfi ZDs nri pnrthdhpntheb he, n sfubiekn dnsts Padc Ttaro nbnhest n `usfh pratidtim whtf Rny ag Inrtf. He sa maheb, fi phttim tfi inrtf sphrht fi fnm suooaeim nbnhest aei ag hts `ritfrie - tfi aei pratidtheb, tfi `usfh. ]fi risultheb daeglhdt wns oudf ïnrbir tfne neyaei fnm nethdhpntim, ns tfi sphrhts daedietrntim nll ag tfihr pqwirs nem n`hlhthis tfwnrtheb aei atfir. Ht fns drintim n brint sudcheb pht ae tfi `nttlighilm, wfhdf swnllawim up `atf tfi dnstheb sfubiekn nem tfi `usfh fi fnm nttndcim. Phgts he tfi brauem nem sihsohd mhstur`nedis fnvi `iie ioirbheb grao ht ivir shedi, nggidtheb `atf tfi `nttli nem tfi surrauemheb dauetryshmi. ]fi sihsohd iggidïs brnmunlly braw lnrbir ns tfi inrtf sphrhts isdîlnti tfihr daeglhdt. ]fi ZDs oust ghem n wny ta dhôsi tfi pht nem stap tfi mistrudthae `igari tfi iethri nrin hs riemirim uehefn`htn`li. ]fiy oust iem tfi fntrim tfnt stîrtim tfi `nttli - fntrim wfhdf tfi sphrhts nri riglidtheb nem onbehgyheb. (]fiy (]fiy dne mhsdavir tfhs whtf n shopli Daoouei spill, nscheb atfir einr`y sphrhts wfnt hs wraeb.) ]fi sphrhts oust `i onmi ta uemirstnem tfnt tfi `nttli wfhdf tfiy wiri suooaeim ta ghbft hs avir. He armir ta ma tfnt, tfi appasheb bieirîhs nem/ar mnhoyas oust midlnri pindi. ]fi `nttli wns dnusim‘`y n mhsputi avir tirrhtary - tfi brauem wfhdf hs eaw `iheb tfrintieim `y tfi inrtf sphrhts‘ daeglhdt. @atf shmis dne sii tfi mnonbi `iheb wraubfï, nem `atf waulm `i apie ta eibathnthaes. Gallawheb tfnt, tfi ZDs oust bit tfi `nttlheb sphrhts ta uemirstnem tfnt tfi ghbft hs avir. Dnstheb `atf spills he daekuedthae dne bit tfihr nttiethae. ]fi dnstirs oust renci aei rnhsi wfie nttioptheb tfi spills, shedi tfiy nrie‘t tfi aeis wfa suooaeim tfi tfi sphrhts sphrhts he tfi ghrst ghrst plndi (`atf ag tfi arhbhenl arhbhenl dnstirs nri minm). minm). Hg suddissgul, tfi tfi sphrhts sphrhts lhstie ta wfnt tfiy fnvi ta sny, nem hg tfiy dne `i daevhedim tfnt tfi `nttli hs risalvim (tfraubf nrbuoiets, ar pfyshdnl mhsplnys, sudf ns tfi twa bieirnl nppinrheb tabitfir nem pradlnhoheb pindi3 BO‘s mhsdrithae ns ta faw suddissgul tfi ZDs‘ tndthds nri), tfie tfiy whll dinsi tfihr daeglhdt nem ba n`aut tfihr awe `usheiss. ]fi pht dlasis nem tfi inrtfquncis dinsi aedi tfiy fnvi ligt. Hg tfi dfnrndtirs nri eat daevhedheb, tfie tfi sphrhts whll rionhe hemighehtily - nem tfi nrin `idaois ne n`nemaeim wnstilnem ag sfhgtheb inrtf nem miipieheb ghssuris.




 Kehthnlly mishbeim tta  Kehthnlly a mi mio oôestrnti tfi gli gliit ithe heb b  qun qunlht lhtyy ag ont ontir irhnl hnl pa pass ssis issha shaes es,, tfhs spill fn fnss `iie oamhghim ta mistray sudf htios. Ypae  Ypae  dnstheb, ht dnusis n tnrbit a`kidt ta rust nem darrami uethl ht hs phttim npm usiliss. Neytfheb grao stiil ta waam ta pnpir dne `i nggidtim,  nggidtim,  pravhmim ht hs eat lnrbir tfne tie du`hd giit ]fi htio whll `i uen`li ta guedthae nem whll gnll ta phidis ueliss fnemlim whtf utoast  utoast 

h `idaeti ¡Hlib `inr ea wihbft, nem winpaes `idaoi darramim  darramim   k  ku uec. ]fhs dne `i pnrthdulnrly ensty hg tfi a`kidt he quisthae quis thae fns fns sa sao oi gnoh gnohly ly vnluè. ]f ]fii B O ony nllaw dirtnhe nedistrnl gnohly htios ta rishst tfi pradiss `y gardheb tfi dnstir ta onci n  n  shopli VAhllpawir rall nt ]F ] F 0:. 8 8nhl nhluri uri oine oiness tfi htio hs spnr spnrim im tfi sspill's pill's iggi iggidt. dt. ]f ]fii  risults nri pironeiet nem dneeat `i uemaei `y ney earonl oines3 aedi n swarm fns rustim  rustim  tfraubf, viry lhttli dne `i maei ta filp ht. ]fi spill ]hris ]ao tfi ]rbi whll dauetir tfi  tfi  iggidts ag ]hoi's DMinmly Fnem, nem ristari n darruptim htio ta prhsthei daemhthae. Fiournenh,  Fiournenh,    kn  knmi, nem dr drys ystn tnll winpaes nr nrii ho hoo ouei ta tf tfhs hs sp spiill, shedi tf tfiy iy nr nrii ho`uim wht whtf f sph phrh rhts ts ag ttf fihr ihr  awe ta pratidt tfio. ôhidnusi ag hts mistrudthva iggidts, saoi sfubiekn sdfaals fnvi mieauedim tfhs spill ns ivhl nem  nem  rigusi ta fnvi neytfheb ta ma whtf ht. ]fiy sny ht pallutis ivirytfheb tfnt taudfis ht, nem hs  hs  aei stip nwny grao `laam onbhd nem aeh suooaeheb. Atfirs nrbüi tfnt ht oirily nddietuntis  nddietuntis  tfi dasohd dydli ag mistrudthae nem ri`hrtf, nem prnhsi ht ns n oines ag oncheb tfasi  tfasi  ueplinsnettrutfs ueplinsnet trutfs dlin dlinr. r. K g thoi thoi htsil htsilgg whlhlll iviet ivietunlly unlly w wrinc rinc tfi sno snoii mistr mistrudtha udthae, e, tf tfie ie fa faw w dn dne e aei aei da daem emio ioe e ht nnss ivhl ivhl whtf whtfaut aut nlsa nlsadae daemio mioehe eheb b tfi itirenl neï ued uedfne fnebheb bheb rin rinlht lhthis his ag tho thoi1 i1

 Ke ney dnsi, tf tfii spill hhss qu quht htii da dae etra travirs virshn hnll no noa aeb tf tfii sdfaals nne em lh lh`r `rnr nrhi hiss ag (g (gttacubne, nem  tfi mi`nti fns rnbim gar dieturhis. (ZD sfubiekn usheb ht dne ixpidt ta ghem tfiosilvis mrnwe  mrnwe   heta tfi nrbuoiet, ar ivie daemioeim ns onfa-tsucnh hg tfi wraeb pnrthis linre ag tfihr  tfihr  "hemhsdrithae."





























N ZD `usfh fns onenbim onenbim ta hesult n sfubiekn (ne ixhstheb EZD grao tfi dnopnhbe, hg passh`li3 hg eat, usi tfi mignult mignult sfubiekn firi) murheb «n oiitheb `itwiie `itwiie tfihr twa dlnes. Hminlly, tfi hesult sfaulm daoi n`aut ns n risult ag armhenry hetirndthae `itwiie tfi ZD nem EZD3 n plnyir‘s awe nebir nt tfi sfubiekn‘s daooiets, ar nrrabnedi nt n pirdihvim hegirharhty waulm `rheb tfi nmvieturi‘s pahets faoi .quhti will. @ut hg tfi plnyir wae‘t rhsi ta tfi `nht, fnvi tfi sfubiekn tnci slhbft nt n bieuhei ohsuemirstnemheb, ar n pirdihvim hesult wfhdf tfi ZD mhm eat hetiem. ]fi iem risult whll sthll `i tfi snoi.

C ït s u   F n t s u oh oh

INP]F; 0 NHP; 0 G HP I ; 0 Hetillhbiedi; Hetillhbiedi; 4 RN]IP; 0 WAHM; 4 Tdfaal/Pnec; Chtsu Tfubiekn 4 Tchlls; Ithquitti 0, Firnlmry 4, Fhstary 0, Dnllhbrnpfy >, Oimhtnthae 0, Migiesi 0, Fnem-taFnem >, Oimhdh Oimhdhei ei 0 Faear; 0 Blary; 0.6 Tpills; Tiesi, Daoouei, Tuooae, ]hoi‘s Minmly Fnem, nem up ta tie atfirs wfhdf tfi BO giils nri nppraprhnti.

]fi sfubiekn fns midhmim ta tnci rèviebi `y dnstheb ]hoi‘s Minmly Fnem ae tfi dfnrndtirs prhzim winpae. N cntnen waulm warc `ist, prigirn`ly aei wfhdf fns `iie he tfi gnohly gar sivirnl bieirnthaes. Hg eat ney winpae tfnt tfi dfnrndtir gnvars n`ayi atfirs whll ma. ]fi sfubiekn dfaasis tfi thoi nem plndi dnrigully gar oîxhouo iggidt. ]fi winpae whll darrami nem gnll npnrt he n viry pu`lhd plndi, sudf ns n wimmheb ar agg agghdhnl hdhnl daurt guedthae. Hg ht hs sfintfim, sfintfim, tfi fnemli whll wh ll gnll agg ns tfi tfi rustheb `lnmi gusis ta tfi. tfi. snyn. Atfirwhsi, ht whlhlll wnrp nem`rawe `ieintf tfi spdll‘s spdll‘s onbhd, risultheb he laum nem viry viry eathdin`li eathdin`li eahsis mrnwheb nttiethae nttiethae ta hts sfadcheb daemhthae. Eiimliss ta sny, sny, tfi mhsfaear nt sudf n shbft w whlhlll `i daeshmirn`li. Aedi tfi ZD fns n`sar`im wfnt fns fnppieim, fi hs grii ta pûrsui tfi onttir fawivir fi whsfis. Zrisuon`ly, tfiy whll ceaw saoi onbhd hs ngaat3 winpaes ma ept shoply darrami lhci tfnt, ngtir nll. Hg tfi plnyir rioio`irs tfi inrlhir inrl hir hes hesul ultt fi ar sfi sfi ony fnvi n baam baam hmin wfa hs rispaesh`li. Atfirwhsi saoi mitidthvi war warc c ony `i he armir3 tfi ZD whll fnvi ta trndc mawe tfi pnrthdulnr spiïl dnst tfi sfubiekn dnpn`li ag dnstheb ht, aei wfa waulm fnvi n rinsae (ar `i `inllh nllhim im ta saoèaei saoèaei whtf n rinsae) rinsae)gar gar heglhdtheb sudf n mhsfaear, nem aei wfa wns prisiet nt tfi dirioaey wfiri tfi winpae gill npnrt.Tpinc npnrt.Tpincheb heb ta tfi fast fast ag tfi iviet waulm `i n baam baam stnrt3 stnrt3 ZD sfubiekn ony `i nscim ta risinrdf tfi spill ar daesult supirhars einr`y ns will. Tpidhghds sfaulm `i nmkustim ta ght tfi hemhvhmunl dnopnhbe. Nc a m a   Ncü e a Eiimliss ta sny, tfi dnstheb sfubiekn fns whsily INP]F; 0 onmi fhosilg sdnrdi murheb nll ag tfhs, nem whll RN]IP; 0 Ttriebtf = riquhri n sinrdf ta ture up hg fhs hmiethty hs GHPI; 0 mhsdavirim. Hg fi dne `i gauem, fawivir, fi whll

NHP; 0 Piglixis; 4 WAHM; 0 Tdfaal/Pnec; Ncama @usfh 0 Tchlls; Nrdfiry >, Migiesi 4, Ciekutsu 4, Hnhkutsu Hnhkutsu 4, @nttli @nttli 0, @nrm >, Fhstary Fhstary 0, 0, Firnlmry Firnlmry 0, Ntflithds >, Hethohmnthae > Faear; 4.9 Blary; 4.4 Nmvnetnbis; Ttriebtf ag tfi Inrtf Mhsnmvnetnbis; @ietie‘s Dursi, Avirdaeghmiet

praumly nmoht ta mistrayheb tfi winpae, dlnhoheb ht wns tfi aely wny fi daulm rimiio fhs last faear. ]fi plnyir dfnrndtir dne mionem n muil ar wfntivir ilsi fi ar sfi giils hs eidissnry ta ribnhe last faear3 hg ht‘s n muil, tfi sfubiekm whll dnlh gartf n praxy ta sirvi he fhs ginrsaoi nem sinsaeim grao dlne.plndi ]fi -ZDn whll fnvi ta ghbft will ta `usfh rimiio fhs fhs ar fir faear.


@nsi ]E; 0: Dnstïeb ]ïoi; HA   Ndtïaes Ml/PN]ïAE; DNT]IP‘TINP]F DNT]IP‘TINP]F HE


]fi Chtsuch onbhstrntis nem atfirs wfa sinrdf  sinrdf  au autt tfi drhoheîhs drhoheîhs ag tfi ±oph ±ophri ri fnvi gaue gauem m tfhs spill hevnlun`li he dnrryheb aut tfihr muthis. o   . .. h . ,' Rfie dnst, ht dnusis tfi trnhl ag hts su`kidt ta  ta  qY w  whtf n sagt lhbft - nllawheb fho ar fir ta `i trndcim ueirrhebly. ±viry gaatprhet, iviry  iviry  `iet `rbedf, iviry they phidi ag ivhmiedi  ivhmiedi  onrcheb tfi tnrbit‘s pnssnbi hs lht up gar tfi

trndcir ta ghem. Fuemrims U , ag drhoheîhs . . . wfa tfaubft tfihr isdnpi rautis daedinlim fnvi PnïTIT; DNT]ÏEB ]hoi, gauem ±oirnlm Fïnbhstrntis dlasheb tfi mhstnedi he n finrt`int. ]fi spill guedthaes he ney  ney  M u r n t ïa e tirrnhe, nem he nmvirsi wintfir daemhthaes ns  ns  will3 trndcs tfnt tfi rnhe ony fnvi wnsfim  wnsfim  nwny sthl sthlll linvis n bfastly hoprh hoprhet et gar pursuirs pursuirs ta gallaw gallaw.. Ysi ag tfi spill ribuhris n ontirhnl daeeidthae ta tfi tnrbit  tnrbit  - n phidi ag dlatfheb, n ladc ag   fnhr, ivie n giw mraps mraps ag ag ` `la laa am. Rh R htf ht, tfi suooa suooaeim eim sphr sphrhtht dne gallaw tfi tnrbit tnrbit‘s ‘s pnssn pnssnbi bi   ndrass tfi inrtf, nem eati wfiri fi ar sfi fns pnssim. ]fi iggidts lnst gar sivirnl (gtacubneh  (gtacubneh   faurs, nem tfi spill dne `i ridnst whtf tfi snoi daopaeiet. ]fi Nbnsfn gnohly ghrst mivilapim Rfhspirs ag tfi Lnem, nem sdralls daetnheheb tfi spill nri  nri  sthll daooae he tfi eartfire fnlg ag tfi ±ophri. Kt hs ruoarim tfi ±opirar's pirsaenl  pirsaenl  sfubiekn falms tfi arhbhenl sdrall, nem tfnt iggarts nri `iheb onmi ta lhoht hts usi ta ±oirnlm   Fïnbhstrntis nlaei. 9arei sny tfnt tfi Fnetih nri ueinsy whtf tfi ±Mrnbôe onbhstrntis fnvheb  fnvheb  sudf pawir nem tfnt ±Kuhit piththaes fnvi `iie siet ta tfi Chtsuch nscheb tfio ta ture avir  avir   DAEDIE]PNPAE; GlHLL GlHLL  

tfihr daphis ag tfi spill. :' pntdf. Ttriebtf  Ttriebtf  + Ntflithds Ntflithds   (] F >9 >9)) ralls midrinsi midrinsi tfi thoi `y ae aeii rauem rauem pir rall3 rnhsis rnhsis dut tfi thoi ivie gurtf gurtfir ir `y aei aei  rauem pir rnhsi. ]fi Cueh onbhdhnes ag tfi Drn` lnems nri tfi straebist prndththaeirs ag ±Printf ag Fhhst. ]fiy fnvi slawim tfi nmvnedi ag oari tfne n giw Tfnmawlnems tardis whtf hts thoily nem  nem   ku  kumhdhaus us usi. ]fi ghe hem m ht pn pnrt rthd hdul ulnr nrly ly noushe heb b ta pl plndi n ` `a ab ` `iieintf n, ba`lhe lhe lht whtf whtf tfi  "onbhd oum", ns nlrinmy griezhim drinturi `idaois `abbim mawe - rhbft eixt ta ghgtiie ar  ar  twiety ag fhs daopntrhats.


n e a ta aï O hs t - Nvieturi N vhemhdthvi sfubiekn fns dnst @rintf ag Ohst ôe n vhtnl drassranms he n lnrbi dhty. ]rngghd fns `idaoi senrlim senrl im nem daooirdi fns fns slawim ta n stnemst stnemsthll hll,, ns tfi , vhsdaus oum ietrnps oie nem `insts nlhci. ]fi sfubiekn •vnehsfim heta tfi drawm hooimh hooimhntily ntily ngtir dnstheb tfi spill, linvheb tfi dhty mwillirs ta minl whtf tfi oiss fi fns drintim. ]fi plnyir dfnrndtirs ony fnvi ney euo`ir ag rinsaes ta pnss tfraubf tfi nggidtim nrin - pirfnps tfiy‘ri oiitheb saoiaei tfiri, ar eiim ta vhsht n `usheiss ladntim kust agg tfi hetirsidthae. Ony`i tfiy shoply eiim ta bit pnst he n furry, n tnsc onmi hopassh`li `y tfi fapiliss lnebli. Pibnrmliss ag wfy tfiy nri tfiri, tfi dhty bunrmsoie nrauem tfi nrin spat tfio nem nsc tfio ta filp. Hg ney sfubiekn nri he tfi

pnrty, tfi bunrms nri palhtily heshstiet he siicheb tfihr nsshstnedi. Ea aei ilsi siios ta ceaw faw ta minl whtf tfi swnop he tfi ohmmli ag tfi Ttriit ]fi ietrnppim piapli nem farsis dne `i slawly pullim aut ag tfi oudc, `ut tfnt sthll.linvis n fubi a`stndli he tfi wny ag tfi tfaraubfgnri. Faw dne tfiy dlinr tfi wny1 Hetillhbiet plnyirs whll mau`tliss daoi up whtf tfihr awe Taluthaes3 drinthvhty nem prndthdnlhty nri tfi wntdfwarm he midhmheb hg ney ag tfio hs suddissgul. ]fiy dne shec staeis heta tfi `ab uethl ht hs aedi oari salhm, wfhdf whll warc ghei uethl tfi spill winrs agg, wfiriupae tfi fnrmiehrhb slumbi dnusis tfi nrin ta `idaoi `racie nem radcy. Atfir pnrthis ohbft try mhlutheb tfi `ab whtf wntir, wfhdf waulm sprinm ht gurtfir `ut nlsa onci ht liss vhsdaus. Daestrudtheb n `rhmbi avir ht hs neatfir saluthae, riquhrheb thoi nem iggart `ut nlsa quhti iggidthvi. Birtnhely, tfiri nri ieaubf `ystnemirs ta daesdrhpt ns daestrudthae warcirs hgplnyirs‘ tfi ZDs eiim tfio. tfi aely lhohts nri tfi honbhenthaes nemNbnhe, tfi eiimgar tfio ta dlinr tfi oiss ns quhdcly ns passh`li. BOs dne usi tfhs ta `ibhe n lnrbir nmvieturi; Rfy mhm tfi sfubiekn dnst ht1 Rfa fhrim fho1 Rns ht ta stap n dnrnvne sa tfnt saoitfheb daulm `i stalie, ar nri tfi oathvis oari shehstir1


R ntir  tir  'Rhtf n suddissgul dnstheb ag   tfhs tfhs spill, tfi sfubiekn dne daoouehdnti whtf whtf saoiae aeii  tfraubf tfihr mrinos. ]fi sfubiekn oust ceaw tfi  tfi  pirsae tnrbitim `y tfi spill, nem oust nlsa `i he n  n  rilnthvily buhit nrin3 nrin3 ladnthaes sudf ns tfi n `nttli, ar  ar  tfi ohmst ag n pnrnmi nri eat daemudhvi ta tfi  tfi  eidissnry cnoh. Atfir tfne tfnt fawivir, mhstnedi hs  hs  hrrilivnet3 tfi spill whll ghem tfi tnrbit ivie hg fi lhis  lhis 

@nsi ]E; >9  Dnstheb ]ïoi; 0  0  Murnthae; Thebli Oissnbi  Oissnbi   Onstiry; 4 DAEDIE]PN]HAE; EAEI

ae tfi atfir shmi ag (gtacubne. ]fi tnrbit eiim eat `i  `i  nsliip nt tfi thoi ag tfi dnstheb3 tfi sfubiekn‘s  sfubiekn‘s  oissnbi whll “wnht" “wnht" uethl fi ar sfi `ims mawe `igari  `igari  onehgistheb. ]fi sfubiekn tfie nppinrs whtfhe tfi mrin mr ino o - wnlcheb wnlcheb up up ta fi firr h e   QQQQQQQQQQQ tfi ohmst ag n ba`lhe‘s daurt, gar  gar  ixnopli, ar rhsheb aut ag tfi sin  sin  ta oiit fir npprandfheb sfhp -  -  nem tnlcs ta tfi tnrbit  tnrbit   Kooi  Ko oimh mhnt ntil ilyy upae nwn nwncieheb, fi  ar sfi rioio`irs tfi oissnbi  oissnbi  buhti dlinrly, nem dne tfie ndt ae  ae  ht ns fi ar sfi siis ght. ]fi  ]fi   oissnbi oust `i gnhrly shopli; n  n  shebli stntioiet ar sietiedi, sudf  sudf  ns "]fi Dhae whll nttndc nt  nt   "  KK ‘o `i `iheb fi film 

P n hs i s ; D n s t He g a r on t

he b

  ] ho i , O

a r i 

ha e

prhsaeir `y `rhbnems he tfi  tfi  Tfheaoie $arist." ]fi ^Rh  ^Rh  sfaulm usi mhsdrithae he midhmheb  midhmheb  faw laeb aei sietiedi sietiedi dne `i. `i. Nmmhthaenl sietiedis dne `i nmmim  nmmim  tfi rnti ag aei sietiedi pir  pir  (gtnhsi.



Ney sfubiekn whtfhe tfi pnrty nri tfi puphls ag ne Hsnwn. risinrdfir (Fhsie), wfasi pirsaenl banl ht hs >: onbhdnlly “duri‟ renmeiss. Fi `ilhivis tfnt fi dne nddaoplhsf tfhs `y ieïirheb tfi rehems ag.fhs pnthiets wfhli tfiy sliip nem onehpulntheb tfihr tfaubfts. Tidritly, fawivir, fi hs rinlly tryheb ta daetral piaphi, `hemheb cnoh heta tfihr ohems, ta `i nwncieim nt n lntir thoi uemir fhs hegluiedi, ]fisi cnoh waulm tfie tnci avir tfi pfyshdnh `amhis tfiy nri trnppim whtfhe nem, tfraubf tfi onbhis pg tfi `hemheb rhtunl, gnll daophitily uemir Fhsie‘s daetral, pravhmheb fho whtf n euo`ir ag rinmy-onmi slnvis. Fhsie‘s durriet risinrdfhs fhs wny aut ag n sdfaalheb systio fi `ilhivis hs stuetheb. Ohs patiethnl. Fi fns, avir

tfi yinrs, `idaoi will-daef will-daefidtim idtim whtf tfi mnrc, a`sisshvi su`-dulturi su`-dulturi ag sfubiekn he Pacubne Pacubne tfnt minl he onfa nem tfi `lndc nrts. Fi `ilhivis tfnt tfhs plne - laxrinti n sontt gardè ag slnvis ta aggir tfio - hs fhs ghenl pntf ta brinteiss whtfhe tfihr rnecs. ]wa yinrs nba, fhs ixpirhoiets wiri viry einrly fnltim wfie aei agfhs vhithos (n Chtsu enoim Hracu) `ibne ixfh`htheb amm `ifnvhar. ]faubf tfi cnoh fnm eat yit `iie `auem heta fir, ht wns mitiroheim tfnt fir ohem fnm `iie nggidtim `y tfi iggarts ag tfi Hsnwn risinrdfir. Fi wns `lnoim gar fir “ho`îlnedi‟ nem sfnoigully rioavim grao tfi ïnd ïndhlht hlhtyy wfiri fi fi fnm spiet einrly nll fhs nmult lhgi. lhgi. . Hracu - wfa fns ne uefinltfy a`sisshae whtf mintf - wns rivhiwim nem ivietunlly “iurim" ag tfi ho`nlnedi {ar sa iviryaei `ilhivim). Ngtir twa yinrs ag a`sirvnthae nem tfi nsshboeiet ag n eita sfubiekn ta filp fir, sfi nem tfi hedhmiet wiri nll fuï garbattie. @ut sfi daetheûis ta fnvi' eïbftonris ag tfi thoi sfi wns uemir fhs hegluiedi, nem eata siics ta nviebi firsilg `y `rhebheb fho ta kusthdi. ]fi risinrdfir, gar fhs pnrt, fns daetheuim fhs warc nt n gnr liss pristhbhaus istn`lhsfoiet, dahedhmietnlly tfi snoi aei tfnt ney ZD sfubiekn nri sdfaalheb nt (ney `usfh he tfi pnrty dne `i îssuoim ta `i yakho`a gar tfihr ontis ar atfir sfubiekn hkh tfi sdfaal3 wfhdf dne dnusi n fast ag passh`li su`plagd ns wilï). Fi daetheûis fhs ixpirhoiets - eaw whtf tfi filp ag fhs stumiets - tfi ZDs. ]fi nmvieturi hs sit he tfrii stnbis, indf ag wfhdf hs aely misdrh`im he n-scilitae garo Firi (nem wfhdf dne `i hopravim upae ta nllaw indf ta `idaoi n gull nmvieturi he htsilg). ]fi gadus ag tfi îtthae hs tfi garoir pnthiet, Hracu, wfa nrrnebis gar tfi n`mudthae ag aei ag tfihr lavim arïis ar n.gillaw stumiet ar siesir tfiy dnri miiply n`aut. ]fie sfi daetndts tfio usheb tfi Drass tfi Wirh ag Tliip Tliip spill, mrnwhe mrnwheb b tfio miipir heta tfi .ïeysïi ïeysïiry ry ag tfihr siesih‘s garoir (nem durriet) prîdthdas. ]fi ghrst ghrst stnbi stnbi ag tfi nmvieturi heval hevalvis vis tfi n`mudthae ag tfi ZDs lavim aei (Mipiemiets nri pirgidt he tfhs ribnrm). ]fi ZDs sfaulm ceaw eatfheb n`aut tfi `ndcstary ag tfhs sdienrha baheb]e, aely `iheb gnohlhnr whtf tfi risinrdfir. Rfhli tfiy sliip aei ehbft, Hracu vhshts tfio - he khbacu. ]fiy nri upae n rhvir`im, sfnrp drnbs lheheb tfi wntirshmi, wmtf n ohst davirheb ivirytfheb nem n `rhmbi mhsnppinrheb heta3 tfi mhstnedi ndrass tfi rhvir. ]lhi mrino sfaulm giil garihbe, hodaogartn`li nem fuo`lheb. ]fi dfnrndtirs sfaulm giil.ns hg tfiy nri pawirliss firi. Hg tfiy fnvi eivir `iie vhshktim he tfihr sliip `igari, tfhs sfaulm `i ivie oari mhstur`heb, ispidhnlly ta`ie nll ag tfi dfnrndtirs nri tfiri nem dne ridauet tfi snoi mrino lntir. . Tfi. tills tfio tfnt sfi hs tfi sphrht ag n midinsim Pacubneh tfnt mishris tfihr “nsshstnedi‟ (wfitfir tfiy nbrii ar eat). Tfi whll eat `i hmiethghn`li `y e|ae ar atfir dlne onrcheb. Tfi whll ba ae ta till tfio tfît sfi fns nrrnebim tfi n`mudthae ag tfi lavim aei, nem whll `i falmheb fir rnesao uethl fir mionems nri oit. ]fi ghrst aei hs tfnt tfiy davir up tfi vhdtho‘s mhsnppinrnedi. Tfi snys tfnt sfi whll oiit whtf tfio he tfihr mrinos tfi eixt ehbft, nem tfnt - uethl uethl tfie - tfiy nri ta ta onhetnhe onhetnhe n daogartn`li shïiedi n`aut tfi chmenppheb. . ]fhs dne pravhmi n fast ag hetiristheb rali-plnyheb passh`hlhthis. ]fi lavim aei daulm `i pashthaeim nt tfi sdfaal, wfhdf whll, rnhsi n giw iyi`raws3 ar tfiy daulm fnvi n rilnthaesfhp whtf aei ag tficstumèets tfnt whll mrnw neatfir heeadiet heta mnebir. mnebir. Zirfnps tfiy nri shoply tfi su`kidt su`kidt ag oudf `hdcirheb `hdcirheb “spiduïnthae‟ “spiduïnthae‟ tfnt waulm earonll earonllyy linm ta tfi ZDs‘ eiim ta ta migiem migiem tfihr faear (wfhdf (wfhdf tfiy tfiy dneeat ma whtfaut daopraohsheb tfi nbriioiet). nbriioiet). Nll ag tfhs sfaulm plny aut ta `i mhgghdult gar tfi ZDs, `ut eat iethrily sfnoiguc gfiy map‘t eiim ta lasi Faear nt tfhs pahet - aely suggir nem warry. Ht‘s n baam hmin ta pravhmi `ndcbrauem gar nll ag tfhs ta plny aut (î ïaubf hmin


Tliip -


ag tfi gndhlhthis tfi ZDs nri nt, tfi pashthae nem stnthae ag tfi lavdm aei, saoi tfhebs gar tfi ZDs ta `i maheb murheb tfi mny tfnt whll linm tfio heta qudsthaes, itd.).

]fi eixt stnbi ag tfi nmvieturi rivalvis nrauem tfi ZDs‘ mrinos tfi eixt ehbft, wfie Hracu mionems tfnt tfiy `rinc heta heta tfihr tfihr siesih‘s siesih‘s pirsaenl dfno`irs nem stinl fhs spill sdrall sdrallss (wfhdf (wfhdf hedlumi hedlumi tfi onfa spills fi fns `iie usheb ta `hem cnoh whtf). ]fiy nri ta fnvi tfio `y tfi gallawheb ehbft ]fhs dne `i trhdcy, ns tfi ZDs nri fhs stumiets nem eat he n pashthae ta neswir qudsthaes n`aut tfihr ndthaes hg tfiy nri dnubft. @ut hg tfiy whsf ta sii tfihr lavim aei nlhvi nbnhe, tfiy whll fnvi ta daoply. ]fi sdralls nri ladntim he n ladcim sdrall dnsi whtfhe tfihr siesih‘s raaos, nem tfaubf tfi raao-hs eat bunrmim, tfi sdralls nri griquietly nddissim. ]fi aely thoi ag mny tfnt tfiy nri nll lhcily ta `i ligt nlaei hs ivieheb ar ehbft, nem tfhs hs wfie tfihr aweir hs whtfhe tfi raao. ]fiy dne seinc he nem stinl tfi sdralls, ivie baheb ta tfi trau`li ag trndcheb mawe nem phlgirheb tfasi eat he tfi daggir hg ht hs tncie murheb tfi mny, `ut n oari pramudthvi npprandf ohbft hevalvi risinrdfheb ïfi saurdi ag tfi mrinos mhridtly. ]fi usi usi ag ihtfir tfi “Nddau “Nddauets ets ag Tfarhfatsu‟ spill (L9P (L9P PZB P ZB,, p. >99) >99) ar tfi tfi Tpilldrng Tpilldrngtt schl schlll (Rny ag tfi Zfaiehx, p. 9:), dne pravhmi n rinmy wny ag mitiroheheb mitnhls linmheb ta tfi Chtsu. ]fi ZDs ony `i surprhsim ta ghem aut tfnt tfi “midinsim nedistar‟ hs rishmheb ae tfi sdfaal priohsis tfiosilvis. ]fiy ohbft `i ivie oari surprhsim ta sii tfnt sfi hs nlhvi, tfaubf eat iethrily “wi|l‟. Tfi fns `iie n`sar`im `y fir a`kidthvi - ta `rheb tfi risinrdfir ta kusthdi - gar sa laeb tfnt ht fns nloast daoplitily daesuoim fir. Tfi whll nt ghrst rindt fnrsfly - ivie vhalietly - ta tfi ZDs‘ ndthaes, `ut sfi whll eat ghbft tfio. Tfi whll `irnti tfio nem tfrintie tfihr lavim aei (tfaubf eivir whtf Thedirhty). Tfi ony ivie try ta isdnpi, nem hg suddissgul, linvi tfi ZDs ta daetiem whtf tfi ngtirontf ag tfihr ndthaes nem tfi oystiry ag fir nttiopt upae tfihr siesih (uethl sfi ritures, wfieivir tfi BO miios tfionthdnlly darridt). Ylthontily, tfi `ist dnsi sdienrha firi hs gar tfi ZDs ta tnlc ta tfi Chtsu, mhsdavir wfy sfi fns maei tfisi tfhebs, nem filp fir whtf fir ohsshae. ]firingtir, tfi nmvieturi `idaois n onttir ag rivinlheb tfi siesih‘s uedline pnst. Tfaulm tfi BO mishri oari daeglhdt he tfi ghenl libs ag tfi nmvieturi, apthaes hedlumi fnvheb tfi siesih ghem aut tfnt






U >v



tfi vihl ag sliip -

«eh e ea ae


fhs sdralls nri ohssheb nem ba laacheb gar tfio (ar ivie ceaw tfnt tfi ZDs fnvi tfio, nem gallaw tfihr ndthaes uethl tfi Chtsu hs rivinlim). Hg tfi siesih ivir siis Hracü, fi whll eat fishtnti ta ilhohenti fir nem, saae ngtir, ney whteissis (pra`n`ly tfi ZDs). Hg tfi ZDs ma eat hevistïbnti tfi saurdi ag tfi mrinos, nem wfitfir tfiy a`tnhe tfi sdralls ar eat neatfir vhshtnthae addurs tfi gallawheb ehbft. Hracu tfie tills tfio tfnt sfi mishris tfio tô grii nll tfi cnoh `auem heta tfi su`kidts nt tfi sdfaal nem tfiringtir bhvi tfi sdralls ta tfi Onstirs, pravhmheb tfio whtf ivhmiedi ag fhs vhli hetiet. Nt tfnt pahet, tfi lavim aei whll `i rilinsim nem tfi Chtsu whll rithri, fir viebinedi sntim. ]fi rhtunl ta grii tfi cnoh hs n shopli aei, tfaubf iln`ôrnti nem thoi-daesuoheb. Ht hs, fawivir, onfa, nem tfirigari hefirietly mhsfaearn`li nem darruptheb. ]fi bnoi oidfnetis gar tfi rhtunl nri eat ns hopartnet ns hts misdrhpthae, wmhhdf sfaulm `i gndt ixdisshvily mnrc nem oaamy, fhetheb finvhly nt tfi tfnt hts darrupthvi enturi hs nggidtheb ivirytfheb ht daois he daetndt whtf (hedlumheb tfi ZDs). Atfir tfne tfi passh`hlhty ag Fhsie mhsdavirheb tfihr ndthaes nem tryheb ta priviet tfio, tfiri sfaulm eat `i hedrimh`li mnebir hevalvim firi, fawivir. ]fi oiri gndt tfnt tfi ZDs nri lasheb Faear ta pirgaro n rhtunl tfnt whll aely sirvi ta ]nhet tfio sfaulm `i ieaubf ta onci tfio swint. Ag daursi, tfiy whll bnhe `ndc tfi Faear last gar tfi iggart nt tfi iem ag tfi nmvieturi, `ut mae‘t till tfio tfnt yit. Nem ribnrmheb tfi ]nhet, fnvi tfio onci stnemnrm ralls ta nvahm ndquhrheb tfi ]nhet - sii tfi Rny  ag tfi Drn` Drn` ar  ar @aa c a g tfi Tfnmawlnem Tfnmawlnemss  gar oari mitnhl. Hg tfi ZDs fnvi baei tfhs gnr whtfaut mivhntheb grao Hracu‘s mhridthvas, nem sfaulm tfiy pirgaro tfi rhtunl, tfiy whll ghem tfihr iggarts fnvi `iie faearn`li nll nlaeb (tfaubf saoi ag tfihr oitfams ony fnvi `iie suspidt). Nbnhe, hg tfi shopli rali-plnyheb patietïîl ag tfi shtunthae hs lndcheb gar ney BO, tfiy ony usi tfi nophi pawir ag tfi siesih nbnhest fhs stumiets. Fi hs n su`stnethnl tfrint, nem daulm prisiet tfi braup whtf n shbehghdnet dfnlliebi `igari tfi nmvieturi hs maei. ]fhs nmvieturi dne `i plnyim will whtf `ibheeheb dfnrndtirs, ar Pnec ü dfnrndtirs tfnt fnvi yit ta fnvi n  biopuc  bio puccu cu   dirioaey. Xaueb snournh seincheb nrauem “dnopus‟ dne `i n grisf `rinc grao tfi timhuo ag daurt palhthds.


R n t ir ir   D n s t he b   ] ho i ; = N d t

ha e s

MYPN]HAE; ï   Faue




MuPN]KAE, PITHT]NEDI P A LL, ]n r b i t s

]fhs vhdhaus spill fns hts arhbhes he tfi Yehdao  Yehdao  Dïne, wfa `raubft ht whtf tfio {rao tfi  tfi  `uoheb wnstis `iyaem tfi oauetnhes. )t nggidts  nggidts  tfi ohem nem dauetienedi ag hts tnrbit, rimudheb  rimudheb  `ho ar fir ta ne nehonl stnti. Rfhli tfi autir nppinrnedi rionhes uedfnebim, tfi hetirenl  hetirenl  psydfi suggirs daopliti mibrnmnthae. ]fi vhdtho  vhdtho  lasis tfi n`hlhty ta tfhec ar rinsae3 fi ar sfi wnlcs ae nll gaurs, sehggs tfi brauem lhci ne  ne  nehonl, nem a`iys `nshd ghb`t-ar-glhbft hesthedts o ris rispa paes esii ta tfrints. ]fi vhd vhdtho tho dne dneea eatt daedihui ar ixpriss iln`ôrnti tfaubfts nem dne  dne  aely daoouehdnti tfraubf n sirhis a{  a{ 

uehetillhbiet bruets ar `îrcs. $ar nll hetiets nem purpasis, tfiy nri ne nehonl gar tfi murnthae ag tfi spill oimhiss ta sny, tfi dhvhlhzim (gtacubneh ghem tfhs spill uttirly ripubenet,  ripubenet,   nem oast sfubiekn rigusi ta linre ht. O hs usunlly aely gauem noôeb Yehdao sfubiekn, nem  nem  ivie tfiy rnrily usi ht ixdipt he ixtrioi dhrduostnedis.  Ke bnoitiros, tfi spill‘ ll‘stnrbit oustonci oustoncinn Thopli Rhllpawir rall nt ]\h 0: ta nvahm suddu sudduo o`he `heb. b. K g tfiy gnhl, tfihr tfihrNwnrieissy NwnrieissyRh Rhllp llpaw awir ir nem nem Ketillhbiedi nri iggidthvily rimu rimudi dim m ta zira nem dneeat `i rnhsim `y ney oines. ^urtfiroari, tfiy whll `i uen`li ta spiem ney Wahm  Wahm   pahets, ar usi ney schlls `èyaem tfi shoplist nem oast rumhoietnry (Fuetheb, Ttinltf, dirtnhe  dirtnhe   hestnetis ag Ntflithds). ]fi iggidts lnst gar ne faur. (pnïsis dne `i usim ta liebtfie tfi  tfi  murnthae ag tfi spill >: >: ra raue uems ms pir rnhsi, hedrinsi tfi ] ]F F ag tfi rishstnedi `y `y   9 gar indf rnhsi,  rnhsi,  ar ne ne nmmhthaenl tnrbit hs nggidtim pir > >: :] ]F F rnhsi. KKgg tfi mu murnthae rnthae hs rnhsim shx thois tf tfii  dursi `idaois pironeiet uethl rioavim `y finlheb onbhd ar tfi wfho ag tfi spilldnstir.


 Kn n dO   Ngrietnri Dursi ag tfi  K '

N Yehdao sfubiekn, Hudfh Xarhta, fns `iie slhbftim `y n mnhoya. Fi praohsim ta filp guem n sfrhei he tfi Yehdare‘s faoi pravhedi, tfie rieibim ae tfi praohsi nem ligt Xarhta laacheb rhmhdulaus. He ritrh`uthae, fi plndim tfi Dursi ag tfi Kndcnl ae tfi mnhoya‘s mnubftir. Tfi‘s eaw rueeheb n`aut daurt ae nll gaurs,. lnppheb up mheeir sdrnps nem senrlheb nt neyaei wfa daois einr. ]fi mnhoya‘s riputnthae tiitirs ae tfi `rhec ag ruhe. Fi nscs tfi ZDs ta filp fho. Ns tfiy hevistïbnti tfi paar waone‘s hlleiss, tfiy linre n`aut Dursi ag tfi Kndcnl nem n`aut tfi sfubiekn wfa tfi mnhoya hesultim. ]fiy lôdnti Hudfh Xarhta, wfa heshsts tfnt ripnrnthaes `i onmi; fi wnets tfi sfrhei daestrudtim ns wns praohsim. Atfirwhsi, tfi bhrl whll rionhe ne nehonl. Fi wnres tfnt hg fi hs chllim, tfi dursiU whll eivir `i lhgtim. ]fi dfnrndtirs dne daegraet tfi mnhoya, `ut fi wae‘t ridnet. ]fi Yehdao nri faearliss, fi dlnhos, nem ma eat misirvi sudf n bhgt. Hg eiim `i, fi whll dfnlliebi Xarhta ta n muil - tfi sfubiekn waulme‘t Ttnem n dfnedi, `ut fhs mintf waulm sinl tfi bhrl bhrl‘s ‘s gnti. ]fi dfnrndtirs dne midhmi ta daestrudt daestrudt tfi sfrhei tfiosilvis tfiosilvis (ar nt nt linst put up tfi oaeiy3 ht whll dast nrauem 9: cacu ar sa), wfhdf pirsunmis Xarhta ta grii tfi mnubftir grao tfi dursi. Ht whll nlsa, fawivir, onci ne ieioy ag tfi mnhoya. Nltirentily, tfi mnubftir dne `i nttndfim saoifaw ta aei ag tfi ZDs - n `itratfim, pirfnps, ar ivie n whgi. ]fhs rnhsis tfi pirsaenl stncis daeshmirn`ly nem pirfnps gardè tfi dfnrndtir ta tnci oari mrnsthd ndthaes.


 ±ee ir b y  ±

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R nti tir  r  ]fi ilioiets nri daestnetly he oathae  oathae 

D n s t he b   ] ho i ; = N d t

ïa e s



tfraubfaut iviry lhvheb tfheb. Kt nggidts tfi  tfi  dfahdis tfiy onci he tfihr lhvis nem tfi wny he  he  wfhdf tfiy minl whtf atfirs. Taoiaei  Taoiaei  ielhbftieim ieaubf ta sii tfio dne tioparnrhly rinrrnebi tfi pnttires `itwiie twa piapli heta  heta  n oari `ieighdhnl daeghburnthae. Rfie dnst  dnst  suddissgully, tfhs spill swhtdfis tfi (%nec he n ]rnht `itwiie twa dfnrndtirs ns dfasie `y tfi  tfi  dnstir. ]fus, n pnsshvi Zfaiehx mhplaont daulm


, Migie Migiesi si >, Ttinlt Ttinltf f 0, ney twa tfiy fnvi finrm ag n sdrall daetnheheb ht einr`y. Puoar @ubih Tchlls 0 fns plndim aei he tfi pravhedis kust n giw mnys‘ rhmi Faear; : grao tfi mnhoya‘s gartriss. ghegartuentily, tfnt pravhedi Blary; : fns `iie swipt up heta n `laamy daeglhdt `itwiie twa Iquhpoiet; Lhbft nroar, ney twa winpaes `ratfirs vyheb gar tfihr midinsim gnt.fir‘s pashthae. ]fi ontdfheb tfihr @ubih schlls `armirs ta tfi pravhedi fnvi `iie dlasim uethl tfi ]fisi stnts dne nlsa `i usim gar `usfh ghbftheb shtunthae risalvis htsilg - tfi Iopirar daeshmirs ht n ae ihtfir shmi ag tfi daeglhdt, onbhstrntis faear tfnt oust `i midïmim `itwiie tfi nttioptheb ta bit rigubiis ta sngity, ar ney atfir `ratfirs nem ea aei ilsi. ]fi pravhedi fns sfnttirim nroim braup ag oie iedauetirim whtfhe tfi grao tfi liebtfy `nttlis, nem rigubiis glii tfi nrin daetistim pravhedi. mnhly. @ut saoiwfiri whtfhe ht lhis n `ureim lh`rnry, wfasi dndfi ag sdralls wns `urh `urhim im `ieintf ht `igari hts -  ▪  ▪---****   -%m' hefn`htnets glim glim.. . ]fi ZDs fnvi ôely tie mnys ta gulghll tfi ohsshae `igari piapli stnrt myheb. He tfnt thoi, tfiy oust seinc tfraubf tfi wnr-tare dauetryshmi ta ghem tfi lh`rnry, wfhdf lny ae n onhe ranm `igari tfi ghbftheb `ibne. Nlaeb tfi wny, tfiy oust minl whtf gardis ag indf shmi,.misirtirs, ranoheb `nemhts, nem pinsnets plinmheb gar sngity. BOs sfaulm hopravhsi wfntivir iedauetirs tfiy sii ght whtfhe tfi nrin3 twa ar tfrii nroim daegraetnthaes nem n euo`ir ag atfir, liss litfnl iedauetirs waulm `i ixpidtim he sudf ne nrin. Giil grii ta tfraw ns oney iedauetirs whtf lhci tfisi ns yau whsf `igari tfi ZDs ghenlly rindf tfi ruheim spill dndfi. ]fiy daulm, gar ixnopli draîs n ghilm he tfi ohmst ag `nttli, wfiri tfi `nttirim nrohis ae `atf shmis ghbft n wnr ag nttrhthae. ]fiy waulm fnvi ta tnci dnri eat ta `idaoi hevalvim he tfi ghbftheb. Hg tfiy mae‘t oavi dnrigully, tfiy ony `i ohstncie gar tfi ieioy `y aei shmi ar neatfir nem nttndcs.Ar tfiy daulm try Drassheb n rhvir wfhli n `nttlionmmieim sfubiekn lnuedfis spills nt tfio.Dndclheb onmly, fi waulm stnem nt tfi gnr sfari nem rnhe nll oneeir ag onbhdnl pawir mawe upôe tfio. ]fiy waulm fnvi ta lnuedf rnebim nttndcs ar dauetirspills nt fho wfhli he tfi ohmst ag n trindfiraus garmheb, aely ta‘fnvi fho rue nwny dndclheb aedi tfiy ghenlly rindfim tfi sfari. Atfir iedauetirs eiim eat `i sa mnebiraus. Pigubiis dfaci tfi ranms ag tfi pravhedi, nem saoi nri `auem ta `ib tfi ZDs gar filp. Oney fnvi last gnohly oio`irs nem whll nsc gar nsshstnedi he ghemheb tfio. Atfirs kust wnet ta bit aut nem whll plinm whtf tfi ea`li snournh ta pratidt tfio wfhli tfiy isdnpi. Nbnhe, tfisi sarts ag iedauetirs nri lhohtim aely `y tfi BO‘s honbhenthae nem whllhebeiTs ta put tfi ZDs tfraubf tfi wrhebir. Rfie yau giil tfiy fnvi fnm ieaubf, nllaw tfio ta rindf tfi ladnthae ag tfi spills. ]fi lh`rnry fns `uret ta tfi brauem, nem aely tfi gauemnthôe nem `ureim tho`irs rionhe ta onrc ht. Aedi tfiri, tfiy fnvi ta daptiem whtf n ghenl pra`lio; n squnm ag laatirs, fnvi nlsa finrm tfi ruoags nem fnvi daoi firi fuetheb gar tfi snoi dndfi. ]fiy fapi ta sill tfi sdralls `ndc ta ney sfubiekn wfa survhvi tfi wnr. ]fi ZDs oust `nrbnhe, `ully, ar `lnst tfio

ta a`lhvhae `igari daooieiheb tfihr sinrdf. ]fi sdralls tfiosilvis nri he n dfnrrim onfabney dfist `ieintf n sit ag `uret tho`irs3 ht sfaulm tnci tfi pnrty sivirnl oari faurs ta ghem tfio. ]fiy oust tfie riture ndrass tfi mivnstntim lnemsdnpi, sthll mambheb traaps nem wnr `nems, ta rindf tfi vhllnbi he thoi.


ld U i e ^ i n e d i

R $arntir  ti r  sfubiekn, tfhs pfrnsi  pfrnsi  fns n ght oineheb - n spill wfhdf dae-  dae-   k  ku uris up tfi tfi tirrh tirrh`l `lii miims ag ag n vh vhd-  tho‘s pnst ta fnuet tfio he tfi pri-  pri- 

@NTI ]E* >9  DNT] DN T]gE gEB B ]ïO ]ï O I ; 0 ND]HA ND]HAET ET

siet. ]fi sfubiekn tardis tfi tnrbit ta  ta  MYPN]gAE; DNT]IP‘T RN]IP rilhvi n pnhegul oaoiet, dnusheb  dnusheb  OnstirW; 4 drusfheb, but-wriedfheb buhlt. Kt ohbft  ohbft  `i n fuohlhntheb migint nt tfi fnems  fnems  DAEDIE]PN]HAE; gYLL ag n rhvnl, ar n gaalhsf daooiet onmi  onmi  PnïTIT; DNT]gEB ]lOI, nt tfi wraeb thoi. A`vhausly, tfi pnr-  pnr-  thdulnrs vnry grao tnrbit ta tnrbit, `ut  `ut  MüPN]gAE tfi tnrbit rilhvis fhs warst oioary  oioary  whtf pnhegul dlnrhty, nem suggirs  suggirs  tfraubf ht whtfaut oirdy. Yeliss fi  fi  suddiims nt n shopli Rhllpawir rall  rall  nbnhest tfi sfubiekn's Rntir thois  thois  ghvi, tfi tnrbit durls up heta n `nll ag   4 < î  silg-ridrhohenthae, silg-ridrhohe nthae, stnrheb `lnecly `lnecly heta > \ H /k\Î spndi, spn di, nem ony ma eatfheb eatfheb gar n euoeuo- /   X§|*k `ir ag rauems rauems ibunl ta tfi dnstir's dnstir's   'l ï l *• "Rntir "Rnt ir (Pheb. *  K g l K L •3 *t  R fhlhlii tfi sphrhts suo suooae aeim im ta warc g y k 'N   , Cfnrohd Wiebinedi ceaw tfi enturi  enturi$   ▪]FTgdkkk U ± «y * C KKb b ag tfi oioarhis tfiy hevaci, tfi dnst-  dnst-  ir ma mais is eat. ]fi sfubiekn sfubiekn dneeat usi 9 ta dae daemu mudt dt gur gurtfi tfirr ndthae ndthae tfnt tfnt rauem. rauem.   Tpills, hnhkutsu strhcis, ar atfir tnscs riquhrheb  riquhrheb  daedietrnrae nri ixnopcs ag ndthaes tfnt dne  dne  `i hetirruptim whtf tfi usi ag tfhs spill. Nmmhthaenl tnrbits dne `i nmmim nt tfi rnti ag aei  aei  eiw tnrbit pir (gtnhsi. ]fi rnebi ag tfi spill dne nlsa `i hedrinsim `y >: giit gar indf (gtnhsi.  (gtnhsi.  Tfaulm tfi tnrbit `i dhôsi ta n rhvir ar atfir enturnlly-addurrheb `amy ag wntir, tfi tsuenoh hs  hs   ivie oari pawirgul. ]fi wntir daois rallheb up grao tfi saurdi, nem tfi sphrhtunl ieirby tfnt  tfnt   waulm atfirwhsi `i usim ta `rheb tfi lhbuhm gartf dne eaw `i spiet he hedrinsheb hts tardi nem  nem  paw pawir ir.. ]fi ]f i (W û { ea eaw w ibun ibunls ls tfi sfubie sfubiekn kn s Rnti tirr (%¡eb plus plus 0 nem nem tfi ]F ] F gar tfi tfi uhdt uhdtho‘s ho‘s   rall ta rionhe stnemheb hs hedrinsim `y tie. 8nhluri hemhdntis tfnt tfiy fnvi `iie swipt agg   tfihr giit nem heta tfi wntir3 tfi durriet (hg tfiri hs ney) whll rnphmly dnrry tfio nwny. ]fi oast gnoaus gnoaus - nem pawir pawirgu gull - dnstheb ag tfhs tfhs spill addurrim addurrim tfrii fuemrim fuemrim yinrs nb nba a nt  nt  tfi (Pnttli ag tfi Dristheb Rnvi. ]firi, Cueh Asncu spiet tfi viry issiedi ag fir `iheb heta  heta 

n fubi tsuenoh wfhdf onmi tfi Tnhba (gthvir ne hopieitrn`li `nrrhir, nem cipt tfi nroy ag   tfi XFnw grao ietirheb Drn` lnems gar avir twa oaetfs. ]fi iggart ag fnreissheb sa oudf  oudf  ieirby ulthontily chllim fir, nem ea aei shedi tfie fns trhim  trhim  & ontdf fir gint3 tfiri fns  fns  eivir `iie dnusi.


 O nst ns t ir 


tf i

Ne ieioy nroy hs onrdfheb heta n mhspütim tirrhtary he ne nttiopt tp. sihzi ht Aei ag tfi dfnrndtirs‘ mnhoyas hs daevhedim fi dne stap ht `y garthgyheb n vhtnl strntibhd pahet einr n lnrbi rhvir (tfi ixndt ladnthae sfaulm mipiem ae tfi pnrthdulnrs ag tfi BO‘s dnopnhbe). Rhtf n sonll, gardè he plndi tfiri, tfi onrnumheb nroy sfaulm `i gardim ta stap nem ritrint, spnrheb oney hhvis nem privietheb tfi ieioy grao ixpnemheb. ]fi mnhoya siems tfi ZDs ta linm ne ixpimhthae ag n`aut n fuemrim oie t'a drass tfi rhvir nem `ladc tfi nroy‘s nmvnedi.

lh« ï a C

A tha i r -

N v i e t u r i

INP]F; 0 RN]IP; 4 GHPI; 0 Hetillhbiedi; 4 NHP; 4 WAHM; 0 Tdfaal/Pnec; Hudfh Tfubiekn 0 Tchlls; Tfhetna > , Fhstary 0, Dnllhbrnpfy >, Oimhtnthae 0, @nttli 0, Ttinltf >

Faear; ]firi hs n pra`lio, fawèvir. ]fi aely insy nddiss Blary; >> ta tfi nrin ndrass tfi rhvir hs n lnrbi `rhmbi - n Tpills; Tiesi, Daoouei, Tuooae, Dnstli ag `rhmbi tfi ieioy ceaws n`aut nem whsfis ta Inrtf, @htheb Ttiil, Xnrh ag Nhr, Ceaw tfi Tfnmaws, mistray. Ne ieioy sfubiekn (n raehe oirdienry Dlanc ag Ehbft, Onstir ag tfi Pallheb Phvir, Apie enoim Aburh) fns `iie siet ta mistray tfi `rhmbi tfi Rnvis `igari tfi dfnrndtirs‘ gardis dne bit tfiri3 whtf tfio ae tfi wraeb shmi ag tfi rhvir, tfi nroy whll `i n`li ta nmvnedi ueoalistim. Aburh nrrhvim he tfi nrin nem dnst Onstir ag tfi Pallheb Phvir he ne iggart ta mistray tfi `rhmbi daoplitily. daoplitily. Ludchly, ht gnhlim3 tfi 5 `rhmbi hs sthll stnemheb. Fawivir, tfi spill mhm glaam tfi nrin nrauem tfi `rhmbi3 tfi lnem wns law nem praei ta glaamheb. Eaw ht fns `idaoi n swnopy `ab gull ag oum nem stnemheb wntir - nll `ut hopassh`li ta oavi tfraubf. ]fi dfnrndtirs fnvi ta trnvirsi tfi onrsfy nrin. ]fi tapsahl hs eaw vhsdaus oum, nem tfi paals ag wntir fnvi hemitirohenti miptfs, wfhdf whll linm ta oney last `aats, trnppim libs, nem `ndctrndcheb he sinrdf ag wnys nrauem tfio. Ngtir euoiraus milnys, nem n giw dhôsi dnlhs ns dfnrndtirs `idaoi nloast hrritrhivn`ly studc he tfi oum, tfiy ghem n (rilnthvily) mry swntf ag lnem tfnt whll nllaw tfihr gardis ta rindf tfi `rhmbi - swnopim `ut sthll trnvirsn`li. Aburh, oinewfhli, fns wntdfim tfi ZDs‘ iggarts grao n mhstnedi. Rfhli upsit tfnt fhs hehthnl dnstheb gnhlim ta nddaoplhsf tfi ohsshae, fi‘s whllheb ta bhvi ht neatfir try. ]fhs thoi, fi nttiopts ta drusf tfi `rhmbi wfhli tfi


dfnrndtirs nri he tfi ohmst ag Drassheb ht - mraweheb tfio nem ns oney ag tfihr oie ns fi dne. Fi fns ta `i einr`y ta dnst tfi spill, `ut hs whllheb ga tnci tfi rhsc. ]fi dfnrndtirs sfaulm spat fho wfhli tfiy nri ohmwîy ndrass tfi `rhmbi. Fi hs stnemhebs n giw giit nwny grao tfi `rhmbi ietrnedi, whtfhe n giw ndthaes ag ghehsfheb fhs dnstheb Onstir ag tfi Pallheb Phvir. ]fi dfnrndtirs fnvi tfrii ar gaur rauems ta ma saoitfheb `igari tfi rhvir rhsès fhbf n`avi tfi tfio.. o.... Hg tfiy onenbi onenbi ta stap stap tfi tfi sardirir sardirir he thoi, tfiy dne pradiim pradiim ns ns earon earonll nem dne ture `ndc tfi nmvnedheb nroy `laamlissly. Hg eat, tfiy ony `i `i%wipt agg tfi `rhmbi* mrhvie mawestrino, nem passh`ly mraweim wfhli tfihr daoonem rionhes trnppim ae tfi gnr shmi (ar passh`ly ivie swipt nlaeb whtf tfio). ]fi `rhmbi whll `i daoplitily glaamim nem ueusn`li ngtir tfi sidaem dnstheb, upae wfhdf thoi Aburh oncis fhs isdnpi, Hg tfi dfnrndtirs dnpturi ar chll fho `igari tfie, tfiy dne ghehsf Drassheb whtf insi. Hg fi hs dnpturim nlhvi, fi whll aggir ta dlinr n pntf ndrass tfi rhvir nem tfi swnop - `y usi ag tfi Apie tfi Rnvis (p. =6) spill - he ixdfnebi gar fhs lhgi.

*:: giit ar ar tfirin`auts) gar gar Apie Apie tfi Rnvis nvis ta tafnvi fnvi ney iggi iggidt. dt. Phv P hviir durriets, durriets, thmnl thmnl dydlis nem nem atfir atfir enturnlly-addurrheb pfieaoieae nri eat nggidtim `y Apie tfi Rnvis - tfiy daetheuè earonlly  earonlly  MYPN]HAE, MlOIETHAET

ns hg tfi spill's mhsrupthae mhm eat ixhst. 8hsf nem atfir nbunthd drinturis dneeat pnss tfraubf  tfraubf  tfi apieheb, þar dne `ants, glantheb `rnedfis, itd.



R n v i s   -  N m v i e t u r i

]fi dfnrndtirs nri sirvheb ns nmvnedi sdauts nem fnvi spattim ne hevnmheb nroy npprandfheb tfihr mnh mnhoya‘s oya‘s lnem (passisshae ag tfi nrin fns `iie daetistim gar dieturhis, `ut reasg piapli fnvi `iie daetieï ta dimi ht ta tfi mnhoya‘s Dlne). ]fiy furry ta wnre tfihr supirhars ag tfi gardè, `ut tfihr pntf hs `ladcim `y n whlm nem rusfheb rhvir. ]firi hs ea `rhmbi nem ea garmn`li ladnthae einr`y3 ivie `ants dneeat bit ndrass nt tfhs plndi. ]firi hs, fawivip n sonll fausi einr rhvir`nec, wfiri ladnl sfubiekn oncis firtfi faoi. Tfi hs gnhrly will nceawe tfraubfaut tfi mnhoya‘s pravhedi ns n ridlushvi prndththaeir ag Rntir onbhd. Zirfnps sfi dne ghem n wny ndrass. ]fi sfubiekn‘s þnoi hs Hsnwn Enonca, nltfaubf sfi hs durrietly aut ag gnvar whtf tfi Zfaiehx Dlne (wfhdf hs wfy sfi hs lhvheb firi). Tfi hs eat fnppy ta sii vhshtars nem mhsohssis tfi dfnrndtirs‘ riquists whtf n surly “ba nwny!‟ Rfie sfi finrs tfnt tfiri hs ne nroy ae tfi wny, fawivir, sfi whll `i whllheb ta lhstie ta tfio. Tfi fns n spill - Apie tfi Rnvis tfnt ony nllaw tfio ta drass tfi rhvir, nem hg sfi hs daevhedim tfnt tfi hevnmirs nri n rinl tfrint

Hs n w n   E n o n c a

NHP; 4 INP]F; 0 G HP I ; 0 Hetillhbiedi; Hetillhbiedi; = RN]IP; 0 WAHM; 4 Tdfaal/Pnec; Hsnwn Tfubiekn 0 Tchlls; Hevisthbnthae 0, Tfhetna 4, Fhstary 0, Dnllhbrnpfy 0, Oimhtnthae 0, ]fialaby 4, Thedirhty > Faear; > Blary; > Tpills; Tiesi, Daoouei, Tuooae, Apie tfi Rnvis, ney sivie atfirs

(mitiroheim tfraubf rali-plnyheb nem tfi striebtf ag tfi phnyirs‘ nrbuoiets), sfi whll nbrii ta dnst ht he armir ta

nllaw tfio ta isdnpi. Ns tfiy linvi fir fut nem npprandf tfi rhvir`nec tfiy nri nttndcim `y n braup ag ieioy sdauts. ]fi sdauts fnvi `iie armirim ta ciip ney warm ag tfi nmvnedi n sidrit, nem oust trnp tfi dfnrndtirs ae tfhs shmi ag tfi rhvir. ]fiy gadus tfihr nttndc prhonrhly ae Enonca, nltfaubf atfir sfubiekn he tfi pnrty whll `i tnrbitim ns will. Hg tfiy dne priviet Apie tfi Rnvis grao `iheb dnst tfiy dne trnp tfi pnrty ae tfhs shmi ag tfi rhvir nem phdc tfio agg nt Td a u t s lihsuri. ]fi dfnrndtirs oust pratidt Enonca ns sfi dnsts tfi spill. Hg tfi Zfaiehx hs chllim, aei ag tfi ZD sfubiekn NHP; 0 whll fnvi ta tnci up tfi sdrall nem stnrt tfi dnstheb avir INP]F; 4 nbnhe. ]fi ieioy whll eat pursui tfi dfnrndtirs sfaulm GHPI; 0 Nbhl Nbhlhty; hty; 4 n pntf ndrass tfi wntir `i apieim, `ut whll ghri nrraws nt RN]IP; 0 tfio uethl tfiy nri aut ag rnebi. Hg tfi spill bais agg, tfi WAHM; 4 ZDs sfaulm giil ns hg tfiy fnvi isdnpim `y tfi sche ag Tdfaal/Pnec; tfihr tiitf. Tchlls; NtflithdsEaei >, Migiesi >, Ttdnltf 0, ney ]firi sfaulm `i ieaubf oie he tfi ieioy `nem ta twa @ubih Tchlls onci tfhebs taubf gar tfi ZDs. ]fi mignult euo`ir hs Faear; : sivie, `ut tfiy sfaulm auteuo`ir tfi dfnrndtirs `y nt Blary; : linst tfrii ar gaur. Iquhpoiet; Lhbft Nroar, ney twa winpaes ontdfheb tfihr @ubih schlls


R nti tir  r  @nsi ]E; 0 : Dn st st he b ] hoi hoi ; 2 Nd t hhae ae s MYPN]HAE;

  Z i r on e i e t


PNHTIT. Dnstheb ]hoi

Tuhtiebu hs n gartuei ag tfi sin wfa wntdfis  wntdfis  avir tfi sa sauls uls ag mra mrawe weim im snhlars. ]f ]fii sspill pill ± h wfhdf `inrs fhs þnoi fns n liss pratidthvi pur op a agg n Y r p t U Q k, o î i ¡¡o whtf sinwn whtf sinwntir. tir. Tuddissgulhy dnst dnst,, ht dnu dnusi siss tf tfii vhdtho ta `ibhe mrawehebns hg tfiy wiri  wiri  uemirwntir. ]fi dlhonti nem daemhthae tfi tnrt ▪] y ï9 he ma eat -▪3. onttir3 v1ï ' . vtfi wntir  k 3 * ""= =r nppinrs spaetneiausly whtfhe tfio, whtf primhdtn`li  primhdtn`li  risults. ]fi vhdtho ousï `i whtfhe n spndi ag  ghvi giit thois tfi dnstheb sfubiekn's "Rntir  "Rntir  Pheb wfie tfi spill hs dnst, ar ilsi tfi spill  spill 

UÜT >>: iUid* iU id*‟‟ (Wraweheb dfnrndtirs tnci Rauems ibunl ta  ta  ( W P > ae tfi ghrst ra rau uem, em, ((W W P 0 ae tfi sidaem, (W P   4 ae tfi tfhrm, nem sa ae. Npplyheb trn-  trn-  mhth mhthaen aenll rioimhis (v (vhb hbarau arauss pau pauemheb emheb a ae e tfi `ndc `ndc,, suspieshôe fi finmnm-ma mawe we,, nem sa ae) nllaws nllaws ttfi fi  

vhdtho vhdtho ta onci n ] F >$ Rhllp hllpaw awir ir rall rall ind indf f ture. N suddi suddissg ssgul ul rall rall rishn rishnrts rts tfi Rauem dla dladc dc   nt (W P   / ns tfi vhdtho daubfs up n bunethty ag wntir3 `ndc-ta-`ndc suddissis ixpil nll tfi  tfi  wntir nem iem tfi spill. Tuhtiebu's ±o`rndi hs viry rnri nem ceawe aely ae tfi hslnems ag tfi WFneths Dlne. Lhci   tfihr `usfh `ritfrie, tfi sfubiekn tfiri nri saoiwfnt oirdienry nem eat nvirsi ta usheb  usheb  tfihr pawirs he n litfnl oneeir hg saoiaei pnys tfio ieaubf. Fhney ieiohis ag tfi XFneths  XFneths   - nem tfi ioplayirs tfiy sirvim uemir - fnvi `iie gauem mrhgtheb ae tfi thmis ngtir sudduo`-  sudduo`-  heb ta Tuhtiebu's ±o`rndi.


uiet etur urii  ±o  ± o`r `rndi ndi  N t ui Tuhtie^u



]NCNPH, ]FI BYÏL]X DAYP]HIP ( m i g n u l t EZD)


Y'T ±ofrndi ±ofrndi - O a e t n r i (daet daet..) ladnthae pramudis eatfheb `ut ohshegaronthae nem susphdhaus stnris. ]fi garoirly grhiemly hslnem piapli wfa wiri oari tfne whllheb ta mrap ]nchenoh‘s þnoi `idaoi shliet nem ivnshvi. Hg tfi ZDs pusf taa fnrm, tfiy ony ghem shliedi tureheb ta nebir, nem whll `i oit oari nem oari `y nroim snournh rntfir tfne tfi sirvnets ar ea`lioie tfiy fnm ixpidtim ta tnlc ta.  Kust  Kust wfie tfi ZD ZDs fn fnvi `i `ibue ta ta b bra raw w grus rustrn trntim, tf tfiy whll whll ` `ii np nppra ranndfim `y `y n braup ag ag `usfh, wfa ttnnci ttf fio ta tfi Oneths pnlndi ta sii tfi mnhoya, Xarhtaoa. Xarhtaoa whll stnri mawe oiendhebly nt tfi dfnrndtirs `igari hegaroheb tfio tfnt fi fns tncie ]nchenoh heta pratidthvi dustamy uethl tfhs “onhelnem `üsheiss‟ hs sittlim. Fi dlnhos tfi sfubiekn fhs dlne‘s tieits ag faear fa ear nem “Taaeir tfnt ney`lnoi miimstfi fi wntir ony fnvi uemir tfihr lnw. “Xaunmfirim whsf tata daevhdt tfi winpaefi ruo`ïis. wfhdfdaoohttim mraweim nri fhoixdusn`li tfne ]nchenoh. @ut hg yau whsf ta ghem tfi whilmir ag tfi winpae, tfi trni ourmirir wfa wnlcs grii, laac gar tfi aei wfasi dahes ]nchenoh dnrrhis.‟ Xarhtaoa whll nllaw tfi sfubiekn ta tisthgy ta tfi dfnrndtirs, `ut aely hg fi hs dlinrim ag ney wraebmaheb nem nllawim ta rionhe upae tfi Oneths Hslis. Hg eat, eatfheb sfart ag apie wnrgnri whll oavi ]nchenoh grao tfi hslnem3 tfi Oneths mnhoya hs ixtrnarmhenrhly stu``are. Hg tfi dfnrndtirs ndquhisdi, ]nchenoh whll till ag faw fi wns fhrim `y

tfi suspidtim daurthir ta ma Ohourn he, faw fi usim Ceaw tfi Tfnmaws nem Rhem @arei Tpiim ta ietir tfi vhdtho s `imdfno`irs, nem faw Tuhtiebu‘s Io`rndi nllawim fho ta daooht tfi ourmir whtfaut neyaei finrheb. Fi whll blnmly shbe n tisthoaey hoplhdntheb fhs ioplayir, nem tfi dnptnhe ag tfi oirdienrhis dne nlsa `i pramudim nem shbe n shohlnr stntioiet hemhdntheb tfnt ]nchenoh nem tfi suspidtim daurthir spaci gar n brint minl ag thoi, nem tfnt n lnrbi noauet ag oaeiy pnssim `itwiie tfio. Rhtf tfisi twa pnpirs he fnem, tfi dfnrndtirs sfaulm' fnvi ieaubf ta pramudi n daegisshae grao tfi suspidt. Nll ag tfhs mipiems ae tfi ZDs n`hlhty ta staondf Xarhtaoa‘s finvy-fnemimeiss, nem whllhebeiss ta `aw `igari n “lèssir dlne‘s‟ rulhebs. Taoiaei‘s prhmi ony eiim ta `i sndrhghdim ta ndfhivi risults.


]fhs sdienrha warcs `ist hf n pnrty whtf oûlthpli sfubiekn. N sonll braup ag ag.. Zfaie Zfaiehx hx sfubiek sfubiekn, n, fnvi `iie `iie'' milvheb heta su`kidts `ist ïigt uemhstur`im. Gar`hmmie tixts, saoi autlnwim `y Hopirhnl midrii, gill heta tfihr fnems nem tfiy ueladcim sidrèts whtfhe tfio g   

INP]F; = RN]IP; = GHPI; 0

Hetillhbiedi; 9


NHP; 4 tfnt dfnlliebim, dfnlliebim, tfihr vir viryy 'sneh 'snehty. ty. ]fiy wiri mrhvie WAHM; = onm `y tfi rivilnthaes nem hooimhntily lnuedfim ne Tdfaal/Pnec; Hsnwn Tfubiekn Tdfaal 9 nttndc ae einr`y vhllnbis. Îgtir mistrayheb sivirnl Tchlls; Dnllhbrnpfy 0, Fhstary =, Hevisthbnthae 4, daoouehthis, tfiy `‘ibne oavheb sautf - mhridtly Lnw 0, Oimhtnthae 9, Tfhetna 9, ]fialaby =, tawnrms tfi pravhedi tfi ZDs durrietly addupy. ]fi Faear; 4 ladnl salmhirs ma eat fnvi tfi striebtf ta dao`ît Blary; 9 tfihr whlm onbhds, nem ea sfubiekn he tfi nrin fns Tpills; Tiesi, Daoouei, Tuooae, Ghris ag einrly ieaubf pawir ta gndi tfio. Ht‘s up ta tfi Zurhty, Inrtfqunci, ]arriethnl Pnhe, ]fi Ilioiets‘ dfnrndtirs ta put n stap ta tfihr rnopnbi. Gury, Nontirnsu's Nebir, ]iopist ag Nhr, ]fi Ghri Inshir snhm tfne maei. ]fi sfubiekn nri whilmheb Grao Rhtfhe, Ghst ag Asnea-Ra, Gury ag Asnea-Ra, saoi ag tfi oast mivnstntheb spills he ixhstiedi nem ]fi Rrntf ag Asnea-Ra, Finrt ag tfi Hegirea, ]fi fnvi nlrinmy chllim sivirnl fuemrim piapli. Tfubiekn Nrraw Ceaws tfi Rny, Knmi Ttrhc Ttrhci, i, Rinpa Rinpae e ag he tfi pnrty whll ceaw tfnt tfiy nri aut ag .tfihr | Nrraw -Inrtf, ney atfirs ns nppraprhnti. linbui. ]a drass tfio he ney oinehebgul wny waulm oine hestnet mintf. Zrisuon`ly, tfhs sfaulme‘t onttir nem tfi dfnrndtirs wh whllll pripnri ta rhmi aut nem gndi tfi -- r U 2 giding..Q . - ▪ 5 oiendi whtf nll tfi faear ag n lnst stnem, @igari tfiy linvi, fawivir, tfiy nri npprandfim `y n,strnebi one wht whtf f n davirim gndi nem n whm whmii pinsnet‘s fnt - Hsn Hsnwn wn ]nmncn, tfi durriet Onstir ag Inrtf. Fi dlnhos ta fnvi n oines ag stappheb tfi onrnumheb sfubiekn nem hs whllheb ta hopnrt ht ta tfi ZDs - ae aei daemhthae. Ea aei oust ceaw wfhdf dlne tfi hesnei sfubiekn dnrei grao. ]fi Ilioietnl Onstirs nri quhti io`nrrnssim tfnt tfisi sfubiekn `ilaeb ta tfi Zfaiehx, nem ma eat wnet tfihr riputnthae soinrim `y tfihr mistrudthvi `ifnvhar. He ndtunlhty - nem ]nmncn mais eat till tfi ZDs tfhs - tfi Zfaiehx ma eat wnet neyaei ta ceaw wfnt tfisi sfubiekn fnvi `iie stumyheb. Hg tfi Iophri ceiw tfnt tfihr‘dlne fns nddiss ta `neeim nem gar`hmmie tixts, ht waulm `i miiply pra`lionthd gar tfi Zfaiehx. Hg tfi dfnrndtirs nri whllheb ta ciip quhit, nem dlnho tfi sfubiekn tfiy mhspntdfim wiri “dlneliss onmoie,‟ ]nmncn bhvis tfio sivirnl sdralls (aei gar indf sfubiekn he tfi pnrty) daetnheheb Tuchekhe‘s Bhgt. Nroim whtf tfio, tfiy `i n`li turetfhec tfi onrnumirî‘ spills nbnhest tfio, ar ntfilinst ghbftheb dfnedirigusi. eat ta “H`idneeat mistrayim he neony hestnet. Hg tfitaZDs ta nsc ]ndkncn ta nddaopney tfio, whllfnvi `aw nlaw nem palhtily ture nbnhest oy `ratfirs,‟ fi snys. “Ea ontgir faw mnebiraus tfiy fnvi `idaoi.‟ ]fi pnrty ghems tfi sfubiekn he tfi ohmst ag n lîrbi ghilm, `ureim `lndc `ut inshly drassn`li. ]fi onmoie spat tfi pnrty hestnetly `ut wnht uethl tfiy bit he rnebi `igari uelinsfheb tfihr ghripawir. Ysi tfi stnts `ilaw nem rue dao`nt ns earonl. Hg tfi ZDs ioirbi vhdtarïaus, tfiy whll `i fnhlim ns firais nem suhtn`ly riwnrmim. Kg tfiy ciip quhit n`aut tfi onm sfubiekns‘ trui enturi, tfiy whll durry gurtfir gnvar whtf tfi Zfaiehx Dlne, wkfa, ony ivie nllaw tfio tfi ciip tfi sdralls tfiy usim (BO‘s mhsdrithae). Hg eat, ]nmncn whll daoi ta ridlnho tfi sdrplls sfartly ngtir tfi `nttli. g 

ï; h



R ntir  tir  @NTI ]E; HA

gônsim nrauem tfi snoi daedipt ns tfi 'Dnstli'  'Dnstli'   spills spills,, R n ll ag hgtno hgtno`aa `aa hs pirf pirfnps nps tfi linst

DNT]HEB ] ho i. ï



n T]IPX;




P n h s i s ; M u r n t h a e , T hz hz i

pawirgul. ]fi sphrhts suooaeim nri nttueim ta  ta  brawtf nem plnet lhgi, nem usi tfihr hegluiedi ta nppraxhonti tfi iggidts ag tfihr radchir daushes. Rfie dnst, tfi sfubiekn drintis n wnll ag   miesi `no`aa, wfhdf onbhdnlly sprhebs up  up  neywfiri whtfhe n ghgty gaat rnmhus. ]fi `no`aa hs tie giit fhbf nem ghvi giit whmi, plus s 5 .,. , , . .  , , . ne nmmhthaenl \hvi giit gar indf rnhsi tfi  tfi  sfubiekn oncis. ]fi wnll's liebtf hs ibunl ta  ta  tfi sfubiekn s Rntir thois ghvi giit, nem dne `i hedrinsim ne nmmhthaenl tie giit pir 9 ]F rnhsi.  

R li eat nsnestra straeb eb nns, s, gar hestnedi hestnedi, , Dnstl Dnstli i ag ±nrt ±nntrtf, f, tfitfrii spillrauems, dn dne e` `ii suddiimheb ddnst nst o oari ari ±kuhd ±kuhdcly, cly,  nem nem   sthllf hribuhris iggart ta fndc tfraubf. Kt tncis linst nt ne  ne Ntflithds   + Rin Ntflithds Rinpae pae rall rall nbnhes nbnhestt n ] ]F F ag 0 09, 9, indf raue rauem m ta `rinc n o onene-shzim shzim f fali ali tfrau tfraubf bf   ht. ]fi `no`aa whll spraut neywfiri, ivie tfraubf tfi staei glaars ag gartrissis nem atfir  atfir  `uhlmhebs. Ngtir tfi spill ixphris, tfi `no`aa `idaois `rhttli nem dne `i `racie mawe whtf n  n  giw salhm fhts.


VAnll  ag Tnet`aa Laeb nba, n sfubiekn dnst Rnll ag @no`aa ta pratidt n vhllnbi grao ne hevnmheb nroy. ]fi wnll fi drintim wns

laeb nem whmi, stritdfheb nloast n tfausnem giit, nem ht film up nbnhest n daedirtim nttndc `y tfi ieioy s gardis. ]fi nroy wns ivietunlly gardim ta ba nrauem tfi wnll, linvheb tfi vhllnbi he pindi. Rfie tfi nttndc iemim nem tfi spill wari agg, ktfi vhllnbirs ligt tfi mhlnphmntim `no`aa stnemheb3 ht wns aut ag tfi wny nem ea aei wnetim ta tnci tfi thoi ta ceadc ht nll mawe. Eaw, n dietury ar sa lntir, tfnt fns dfnebim. ]fi vhllnbi fns brawe nem tfi tawe's linmirs whsf ta dulthvnti tfi nrin tfi wnll adduphis. ]fiy ghburi tfiy dne kust ba avir npm ceadc ht mawe whtfaut ney pra`lios nt nll. @ut wfie tfiy nrrhvi, tfiy nri he gar n rumi sfadc; tfi wnll hs sthll straeb nem vh`ïnet, nem rishsts tfihr daedirtim iggarts nt mistrudthae. Thedi tfi `nttli, n trh`i ag Eizuoh fns gauem tfi wnll nem midhmim ht wraulm onci n pirgidt `urraw. ]fi trh`nl sfnone rikuvientim tfi `no`aa, wfhli tfi atfir rntlhebs `ushim tfiosilvis dnrvheb `urraws aut ag hts dietir. ]fihr sfnrp tiitf nem knw striebtf wiri n`li ta pieètrnti tfi waam‘s tfhdc dnrnpndi, nem tfiy saae fnm ne iethri eitwarc `uhlt whtfhe tfi strudturi. Rfie tfiy wiri maei, tfiy fnm n straeb, garthghim strudturi dnpn`li ag fausheb tfihr iethrè trh`i. Enturnlly, tfiy‘ri eat hetiristim he linvheb kust `idnusi tfi ladnl fuones wnet tfi spat. Ht‘s up ta tfi plnyirs ta ghburi aut saoi wny ag salvheb tfhs pri-hemustrhnl mivilapoiet mhlioon. ]fi vhllnbirs nri nmnonet n`aut oncheb usi ag girthli gnrolnem, wfhli tfi Eizuoh rigusi ta daoi aut ta mhsduss tfi onttir whtf tfi shlly fuones. Taoi ag tfi pinsnets wnet ta ghbft, `ut tfihr linmir ceaws tfnt nttndcheb tfi rntlhebs waulm `i n `hb ohstnci3 tfiy fnvi oney sidrit ixhts nem nri will virsim nt ghbftheb he tfi tueeils hg neyaei hs gaalhsf ieaubf ta ba he ngtir tfio. @ureheb tfi `no`aa mawe daulm `i trhim, `ut ht waulm tnci n brint minl ag iggart nem tfi rntlhebs waulm ghbft tfio nt iviry ture. @racirheb saoi chem ag minl `itwiie tfi twa pnrthis ony `i tfi aely apthae3 ta ma tfnt, tfi plnyir dfnrndtirs whll fnvi ta bit n Drn` ar saoiaei ilsi virsim he Eizuoh wnys. Faw tfiy ma tfnt hs up tfio3 tfiy ony fnvi ta ba ns gnr nwny ns tfi Drn` lnems ta ghem n Cueh sardirir ar Fhruon sdaut wfa ceaws faw ta minl whtf tfio. Hg tfiy onenbi ta ma tfnt ar dne bit tfi rntlhebs ta pnrliy saoi atfir wny, tfiy‘ri baheb ta fnvi ta daoi up whtf n saluthae tfnt `atf shmis dne nbrii ae. ]fi `ist apthae ohbft `i ta aggir tfi Eizuoh n sfnri ag tfi draps wfhdf whll `i brawe ae tfi eiw lnem, ar ta daevhedi tfi vhllnbirs ta linvi tfi Rnll ag @no`aa stnemheb ns gurtfir pratidthae grao nttndc. ]fi vhllnbi ohbft `i n`li ta pravhmi tfi rntlhebs whtf n eiw plndi ta stny (prigirn`ly ns gnr nwny grao tfio ns passh`li), ar ieaubf iquhpoiet ta onci n`nemaeheb tfihr faoi w'artfwfhli. ]fi spidhghds ag ney minl - nem faw fnpphly ihtfir shmi whll nddipt ht - nri up ta tfi ZDs nem tfi BO. ]fi rntlheb trh`i hs enoim, nppraprhntily, tfi Dfiwim @nrc. Ht daeshsts ag twilvi ghbftheb nmults, tfrii `usfh, aei sfnone nem tfi dfhigtnhe C‘chtndc (daeshmirim tfi iquhvnliet ag n `usfh gar dao`nt purpasis). Ttnthsthds gar nll ag tfio dne `i gauem ae pnbi >89 ag tfi L9P PZB ruli`aac.


UAfiil ag gartuei

R nti tir  r  D n s t he b   ] ho i ; 2 N d t ha e s  

Rfiil ag gartuei hs shohlnr he saoi wnys ta  ta  ±eirby (Pivirsn!, nltfaubf shoultneiausly oari pawirgul nem oari dfnathd. Tuddissgully dnst, o ,, spill ,, rinrrnebis ― ,tfi , ,tnrbits U ,, (Phebs /ï5. . n 


rnemao armir, sudf tfnt tfihr ilioietnl

@n si ] Eï 0 :


RN]IP Pheb g ONT]IP ONT]IPy; y; 7

SDAEDIE]PN]HA E; DNTYN> PNHTIT; DNT]HEB ]hoi, M u r n t ha e

fnroaehis risaenti oudf mhggirietly. ]fi  ]fi   tnrbit oust onci n shopli Rhllpawir rall nbnhest tfi sfubiekn‘s Rntir thois ghvi ta rishst; ^nhluri hemïdnlis tfnt fhs ar fir (Phebs  (Phebs  U U «, // , & ― n rR/ ag tfi tnrbit‘s (Phebs oavi dladcwhsi aei spndi (tfi tnrbit's ]hri `idaois Nhr, Nhr `idaois Rntir  Rntir   nem sa ae). Ae n =-7, tfi (Phebs oavi  oavi 

dauetir-dladcwhsi aei spndi. Ae n >-6, tfi  tfi  (Phebs oavi dladCwhsi twa spndis, nem ae n  n  8->:, tfi (Phebs oavi dauetir-dladcwhsi twa  twa  sp spnd ndis is.. ±vi ±vie e Wahm hs nggidtim he ttfhs fhs ontti onttir, r, ns tfi vvhd hdththo‘s o‘s si siesi esi a agg silg `i `idao daois sfncie ne nem m  daegusim. Nll sidaemnry trnhts (sudf ns Rauem (Pnecs) sfaulm `i ridnldulntim ta {ht tfi eiw  eiw  daeghburnthae. ]fi iggidts lnst gar tie rauems plus tfi dnstir's Rntir (Pheb. ±xnopli; ]abnsfh XlPhtsu (Zhri = SNbhlhty 9_, Nhr 4, Rntir 4, Wahm 4, nem ±nrtf = STtnohen  STtnohen   9_K hs nggidtim `y Rfiil ag gartuei. Fi gnhls tfi shopli Rhllpawir rnhl, nem ralls n 4 ae n  n  tie-shmim mhi. Fhs (Phebs oavi dladcwhsi aei spndi3 fhs eiw trnhts gar tfi murnthae ag tfi spill  spill  nri ]hri = (Nbhlhty 9), Nhr =, Rntir 4, Wahm 4, nem ±nrtf 4 (Ttnohen 9).


‘gglfiil ag gartuei

-  N v iet u r i

oo Murheb n daurtly bntfirheb ag saoi sart ar neatfir, tfi ZDs nri hetramudim ta nwhsi nem vieirntim oaec enoim Ncama Pyamie. Pyamie lhsties ta tfio tnlc, `ut dneeat daedinl n ohsdfhivaus blino he fhs iyi - ns ïg fi fns kush `iie talm n kaci tfnt aely fi fns finrm. Nt tfi iem ag tfi bntfirheb, tfi dfnrndtirs eathdi tfnt tfi lhttli one hs


eawfiri ta `i siie3 vnehsfim nhoast hooimhntily ngtir daevirsheb ]fi dfnrndtirs whllfisii fho nbnhe, nltfaubf aely `rhigly. He armir tawhtf tindftfio. n lissae he fuohlhty, tfi aïm oaec hs n rithrim sfubiekn nem dnsts Rfiil ag Gartuei upae tfi plnyir dfnrndtir whtf tfi oast ho`nlnedim stnts. ]fi spiïl aidurs kust `igari n `nttli,, muil, palïthdn! oiitheb, nrthsthd pirgaronedi, ar atfir iviet he wfhdf tfi ZD eiims fhs ar fir stnts he armir. Fi ar sfi eathdis fho sfartly `igari tfi iviet, aely ta sii fho `aw, sohli, nem vnehsf heta tfi `ndcbrauem. Nt ghrst, eatfheb siios nohss, `ut wfie tfi thoi daois ta onci n bhvie rall.. .tfi dfnrndtir oust eaw pirgaro whtf fhs ar fir, Phebs miiply aut ag nlhbeoiet, Gnhluri, io`nrrnssoiet, nem passh`ly sirhaus hekury whll lhcily gallaw. Pyamie fns ea whsf ta chll tfi dfnrndtir, fawivir3 hg tfi shtunthae hs taa mnebiraus he tfi BO‘s aphehôe, fi ar sfi sfaulm snvi tfi dnsthrhb gar neatfir thoi. Hg tfi dfnrndtir oncis ht tfraubf wfntivir fi ar sfi hs iebnbim he suddissgully, brnet fho ar fir ne ixtrn ghvi pahets ag ixpirhiedi. Hg tfi spill risults.he tfi ZD‘s hekury ar ivie mintf, tfi atfir pnrty oio`irs ony whsf ta tnci riviebi upae tfi sfubiekn wfa dnst ht Pyamie aedi mwilt whtf n daoouei ag Tfhesih oaecs he tfi Tautfire Mrnbôe lnems, `ut fi ligt ngtir n`aut n yinr, dlnhoheb n mishri ta sii tfi warlm nbîhe. ]fi fast wfa hetramudim fho ta tfi ZDs fns ea hmin wfiri fi dne `i ladntim, þar ma fhs gillaw oaecs nt tfè daoouei. ]fi dfnrndtirs dne sdaur Pacubne ns laeb ns tfiy whsf, `ut whll ghem ea shbe ag fho - uethl tfiy bhvi up tfi sinrdf nem riture ta tfihr usunl rauthei. ]fie fi whll nppinr ta tfio nbnhe,.wnhtheb ae tfi shmi ag n ranm tfiy nri trnvilheb. Fi siios oudf chemir wfie npprandfim, aggir fhs daemaliedis gar plnyheb sudf n “ensty trhdc‟ nem nsc fhs vhdtho wfnt fi ar sfi liîreim grao tfi hedhmiet. Hg tfi dfnrndtirs nri fasthli, fi whll sfrub nem lit tfio rnet; tfiy a`vhausly fnvi linreim eatfheb nt nll. Hg tfiy nttndc, fi whll nllaw tfio ta sïrhci fho mawe. Fi hs pripnrim gar mintf, nltfaubf fi ribrits tfi `lhbft sudf n dawnrmly ndt whll plndi ae tfi ZDs‘ sauls.



D n s t he b   ] ho i ; 0 N d t Murnt

ha e

ha e s

; 9 P auems

On s t i r y; 7

DAEDIE]PN]HAE; gADYTIM  P   n h s i s  ;  

Dnstheb ]hoi

M u r n t ha ha e , T h z


]fhs spill drintis n fubi tanll ag `lnzheb ghri  ghri  dietirim nrauem tfi sfubiekn. ]fi wnll  wnll  onehgists htsilg ns ne ivir-sfhgtheb îrili ag   llnois tfnt mnedis nem twhsts whtf `lnzheb gury  gury  n`aut tfi dnstir. ]fi dhrdulnr wnll ag gïnoi hs  hs  tie giit fhbf nem tie giit tfhdc, nem `idaois  `idaois  tfhdcir ar tnllir `y ghvi giit gar indf rnhsi. ]fi rnmhus ag tfi wnll ibunls tfi sfubiekn's  sfubiekn's  8-hri thois 9' nem dne `i hedrinsim `y ne  ne  nmmhthaenl >:' whtf indf rnhsi. Kt lnsts gar ghvi  ghvi  rauems plus n euo`ir ag rauems ibunl ta tfi  tfi  dnstir‘s ]hri (Pheb. ]fi dnstheb sfubiekn (nem  (nem  neyaei îrili)tfi giils fint tfi  spill, `utwhtfhe tfasitfi autshmi wnlleawhll `i grao shebimtfi 

hg tfiy bit taa dhôsi. ]fi wnll fns  fns  n (^A{ ag = gar neyaei nttioptheb  nttioptheb  |k|U   ta pnss tfraubf ht, nem dneeat `i  `i  mausim `y ney oines. ]noon`li  ]noon`li  a`kiits he tfi pntf ag tfi glnois  glnois  tyk SQ SQ£ £  whll hbehti, nem tfi dnstheb  dnstheb  sfubiekn hs eat sngi grao tfihr  tfihr  k ¡ | \ ghri. Nstuti prndththaeirs ag tfi  tfi  spill nvahm dnstheb ht he mry ghilms,  ghilms,  sonll vhllnb vhllnbis, is, ar neywf neywfiri iri ils ilsii g / g   g   tfnt ony dnusi ne hegirea.


 N t uiet uietur urii

]fi dfnrndtirs oust trnvil heta tfi Tfnmawlnems ta ritrhivi n dapy ag tfi sdrall. Ht `ilaebim ta n Cueh sfubiekn wfa kaureiyim heta tfnt mrinm lnem nem wns last. ]fi dfnrndtirs nri siet he ngtir ht3 hg tfiy ma eat fnvi n sfubiekn he tfi pnrty, aei ag tfi Drn` sfubiekn (n Cueh Ytsukh) whll trnvil whtf tfio. ]fiy ghem tfi midinsim sfubiekn‘s `amy nem ritrhivi tfi sdrall (Fhruon trndcheb schlls ar tfi spill Rfhspirs ag tfi Lnem whll blnmly `i pravhmim `y tfi Drn` hg tfi ZDs ma eat fnvi tfio), aely ta ghem tfihr trau`lis nri kust `ibheeheb. N gnhr-shzim nroy ag ba`lhes (twa fuemrim ar sa) fns `iie rnhsim nem hs daoheb ta nttndc tfi Cnhu Rnll - trnvilheb rhbft tfraubf tfi nrin tfi ZDs nri he. Ngtir n fnrrawheb dfnsi whtf farmis ag ba`lhes ehppheb nt tfihr fiils, tfi pnrty ghems htsilg he tfi ruhes ag n aïm Drn` tawe - n gnhrly Hnrbi aei `y nppinrnedis. ]fi ba`lhes, lim `y sivirnl wnroaebirs nem n ohear aeh, fnvi ieaubf siesi ta dut tfi dfnrndtirs agg nem quhdcly surrauem tfi nrin. ]fi ba`lhes `ibhe n Ttriit `y Ttriit sinrdf gar tfi mispirnti snournh. Ludchly, tfiy fnvi tfi Rnll ag Ghri sdrall whtf tfio, wfhdf ony `i n`li ta falm agg tfi farmi. ]fiy sfaulm `i iedaurnbim ta onci usi ag ht aedi tfi ba`lhes stnrt dlasheb he3 tfi dfnrndtirs nri surrauemim nem aely tfi spill fns tfi oines ta migiem tfio grao nll mhridthaes. ]fi wnll sprhebs ta lhgi kust ns tfihr ieiohis spat tfio nem dfnrbi, fawlheb. ]fi euo`ir nem nronoiets ag tfi ba`lhes nri up ta tfi BO, nem tfi ZDs nri grii ta ghbft `ndc usheb wfntivir odtfams tfiy fnvi nvnhln`li. Ngtir n giw ag tfi ba`lhes fnvi ohemlissly furlim tfiosilvis heta tfi onw ag tfi glnoheb wnll, neatfir gartûenti mitnhl ioirbis - saoi ag tfi ba`lhes wiri dnrryheb `nrrèhs ag onbhd oum. Rfnt fnm `iie ne armirly (gar ba`lhes) sinrdf nem mistray ohsshae saae mibieirntis heta uttir dfnas ns glnoheb tnr-soinrim ba`lhes rue pnehdcim tfraubf tfi striits nem heta tfihr gillaws. ]fi dfnrndtirs dne wntdf, snthsghim ns tfihr nmvirsnrhis gnll ta phidis nrauem tfio. Aedi tfi spill winrs agg, fawivir, tfiy ghem tfnt tfi ba`lhes nrèe‘t tfihr aely warrhis. He tfihr pnhe nem pnehd, tfi `ureheb ba`lhes fnvi sit tfi ruhes nlhbft, nem eaw tfi iethri tawesfhp hs iebulgim he gïnoi. ]fi dfnrndtirs nri baheb ta fnvi ta bit aut - gnst. Ysi tfi Garthghim Dhty onp ae pnbi 009 ag tfi L9P PZB gar tfi lnyaut ag tfi ruhes. Hg tfiy mhm eat spidhgy wfiri tfiy wiri oavheb, nssuoi tfi ZDs onmi tfihr stnem ae tfi Tautfire dôreir `itwiie `uhlmhebs 0 nem 4. Grao tfiri, tfiy‘ll eiim ta rindf tfi garthghim wnll, wfhdf fns sivirnl bnpheb falis he ht tfnt whll nllaw tfio ta isdnpi. Nll ag tfi bntifausis (`uhlmhebs 9) nri ae ghri, ns hs tfi iethri eartf wnll, wfhdf wns rnzim wfie tfi dhty gill nem wfhdf tfi glnois fnvi riemirim daoplitily hopnssn`li. Ns thoi bais ae, oari nem oari tfi wnlls whll `i iebulgim he gïnoi, trnppheb tfi dfnrndtirs o tfi hegirea. Ht sfaulm tnci tfio ghgtiie ndthaes nt n gull-aut rue ta rindf tfi instire ar wistire wnll, ghri nemnem neatfir ta ghem ne `hb ieaubf isdnpi aut ag. Ngtir ]fi tfhrtysautf ndthaes, `ibhe ta dntdf ngtirghvi tfhrty-ghvi, nll fali tfi ixhts whll `i tariemirim hopnssn`li. wnlltfiwhllwnlls sthllwhll `i nddissh`li gar neatfir twiety ndthaes ngtir ngtir tfnt3 ht w whlhlll tnci tfio tie ta rindf ht. Rhtf tfnt sart ag thoitn`li, ht sfaulm `i ea pra`lio gar tfi dfnrndtirs ta bit aut. Hg tfi BO whsfis ta thbftie tfhebs up, tfi pnrty dne rue heta n squnm ar twa ag trnppim ba`lhes, ar gardè tfio ta mitaur nrauem striits dfacim whtf ru``li. ]fi dfnrndtir sfaulm sugg£r ea hooimhnti mnonbi grao tfi glnois (ueliss tfiy ma saoitfheb stuphm lhci dfnrbi strnhbft heta n `ureheb wnll), `ut sfaulm onmi ta giil ns hg tfi fint nem soaci nri slawly bittheb ta tfio, Fnvi tfio onci n giw shopli Ttnohen dfidcs (]E 9 ar >:) whtfaut tillheb tfio wfy, till tfio tfihr iyis nri wntirheb grao tfi fint, iopfnshzi tfi shzi nem tatnlhty ag tfi glnois iebulgheb tfi ruhes. ]fi ZDs sfaulm giil ns hg tfi dladc hs thdcheb, nem tfnt ng ney oheuti, tfiy ony `i trnppim he tfi daeglnbrnthae garivir... ]fi rioenets ag tfi ba`lhe nroy fnvi laeb shedi sdnttirim, sa tfi dfnrndtirs whll `i ueoalistim wfie tfiy ioirbi grao tfi ruhes. ]fi soaci grao tfi ghri, fawivir, .dne `i siie gar saoi mhstnedi, nem hs `auem ta nttrndt nll oneeir ag uesnvary drinturis ta sii wfnt tfi daooathae hs. Ngtir ixtrhdntheb tfiosilvis grao tfi ghri, tfi pnrty fnm `ist `i quhdcly ae hts wny.


Ufi ±lioiets

Dnstheb ]hoi; gA Ndthaes  Ndthaes   Murnthae; l P a u e m   Ons ti r y ; 2 DAEDIE]PN]HAE; gYLL P n h s i s ;  Dnstheb ] ho i ,  ] n r b i t s

(Phtunl ]fhs ensty rhtunl mrnws upae tfi  tfi  pawir ag nll ghvi ilioieti ta drinti n wfhrlwhem  wfhrlwhem  ag rnebim mistrudthôe. ^ntfirheb he n îrili, tfi  tfi  sfubiekn dnlh upae oirdurhnl sphrhts ta liem  liem  tfio tfihr pawir, tfie sfaat ht gartf he n  n  minmly nrrny ag `alts, `inos nem ohsshlis.  ohsshlis.  Dhbftehfb gallaws glyheb dfuecs ag hdi, wfhdf  wfhdf  gallaw rnzarim staeis, wfhdf gallaw `nlls ag   lhvheb ghri. ]fi mhsplny hs truly nwisaoi, nem  nem  tfasi wfa survhvi ht spinc ag   tfi avirwfiloheb  avirwfiloheb  : T g± `inuty ag tfi oh ohss sshlis hlis   ▪ès&k ▪ès &kp siet nt tfio. )t hs usunlly usunlly  tTbzþ tTb zþ dnst dnst aely murheb brint

`nttli wfiri n lnrbi euo`ir ag tnrbits prisiet  prisiet  tfiosilvis. )e bnoi tiros, tfi rhtunl drintis n euo`ir ag rnebim nttndcs,  nttndcs,  U wfhdf gly aut aut ne nem m strhci strhci mgOc mgO c wfntivir tnrbit tfi sfubiekn dfaasi. ]fi  ]fi  >> ohsshlis fnvi n (Mnonbi (Pntheb ibunl ta tfi lawist ]ri noaeb tfi rhtunl pnrthîpnets, nem tfi euo`ir drintim iqunls tfi  euo`ir ag sfubiekn heualuim he tfi rhtunl (Pnhsis dne `i usim ta hedrinsi tfi euo`ir ag  tnrbits, `y aei tnrbit pir 9




± l i o i e t h ' g u - Nhaieturi

]fi dfnrndtirs fnvi kaureiyim ta n sonll gartriss film `y Ieioy @ u s f h grhiemly gardis (tfi Zfaiehx onci n baam dnemhmnta, .ns ma NHP; 0 ney ag tfi ohear dlnes), wfiri tfiy whsf ta daesult whtf n INP]F; 4 braup ag sfubiekn stnyheb tfiri. Rfhli uemir tfihr GHPI; 0 fasphtnlhty, n ieioy nroy nrrhvis nt tfi bntis mitiroheim>ta Nbhlhty 4 mistray tfi dnstli nem iviryaei whtfhe. ]fiy dlnho tfi dnstli RN]IP; 0 WAHM; 0 hs ae .tfihr tfihr nedistrnl nedistrnl lnem nem ne nggraet nggraet ta tfihr faear sa laeb ns ht stnems. ]fiy bhvi tfasi heshmi n shebli mny ta onci Tdfaal/Pnec; @nshd Dlne @usfh Tdfaal > pindi whtf tfihr nedistars `igari tfiy `ure tfio aut. ]fiy Tchlls; Ntflithds >, Migiesi >, ney twa @ubih Tchlls 0 nri uewhllheb ta eibathnti. ]firi nri n gnhr euo`ir ag sfubiekn (06) he tfi dnstli, `ut Faear; 0 Blary; >.9 giw trui wnrrhars3 kust n tïey bnrrhsae nem tfi dfnrndtirs tfiosilvis. ]fi mnhoya gènrs tfnt tfi wnlls ony inshly gnll Iquhpoiet; Lhbft nroar, ney twa winpaes `igari tfihr gai. Ngtir n quhdc daesultnthae, tfi linm sfubiekn ontdfheb tfihr @ubih schlls subbists n mispirnti saluthae; he n sfrhei n`aut n fnlg-mny‘s  ka  kaur urei eiyy nwny nwny (np (nppr prüx üxho honntily tily tw twietyty-ghvi hvi ohl ohlis is), ), fi fi ne nem fhs fhs daopnehaes fnvi n dndfi ag sdralls. ]fiy ligt tfio tfiri `idnusi tfiy ginrim tfi mnop daegheis ag tfi dnstli waulm mnonbi tfio. Oast ag tfio daetnhe pindigul spills wfhdf ma lhttli baam he tfisi dhrduostnedis. Fawivir, aei ag tfio hs n dapy ag ]fi Ilioiets‘ Gury. Hg tfiy fnm ht he tfihr fnems, ht waulm ba n laeb wny tawnrms ivieheb tfi amms tfiy gndi. ]fi dfnrndtirs nrè nscim `y `atf tfi mnhoya nem tfi sfubiekn ta uemirtnci n ohsshae ta ridavir tfnt sdrall. ]fi ZDs fnvi aely n sfart nopuet ag thoi `igari ne nttndc hs lnuedfim. ]fiy oust slhp pnst tfi ieioy nroy nem rindf tfi sfrhei (fapigully, tfi ieioy‘s sdautheb pntrals fnvi eat mhsdavirim ht yit). Hg tfi plnyirs fnvi n plne gar ixhtheb tfi gartriss, lit tfio usi ht3 tfi `ist wny aut hs tfraubf n strino wfhdf pnssis `ieintf tfi wnlls, tncheb wnsti nem bnr`nbi pramudïs whtf ht']fi ieioy hs wntdfheb dnrigully, `ut ht hs agtie dlaumy whtf oum nem mitrhtus grao tfi dnstli, sa ht ony `i passh`li ta slhp saoiaei pnst. ]fi sfubiekn dne dnst n spill upae tfi dfnrndtirs ien`lheb tfio ta `rintfi wntir, wfhdf lits tfio trnvil mawe tfi strino whtfaut fnvheb ta surgndi. Ht oines, fawivir, tfnt tfiy dneeat trnvil whtf nroar ar dluosy winpaes, wfhdf nri lhcily ta `ab tfio mawe he tfi strino`im. Aedi pnst tfi hegnetry lheis, tfi pnrty fns ta furry ta bit tfi sdralls. ]fi sfrhei hs n sonll `uhlmheb sit he n dapsi ag triis, nem hs insy ta ohss ueliss tfiy ceaw wfnt ta laac gar. ]fi ieioy nroy fns pntrals he tfi nrin (euo`ir nem griquiedy sfaulm `i `nsim ae tfi; euo`ir he tfi pnrty nem tfi BO‘s mhsdrithae), wfhdf tfiy oust mambi ar aviriôoi `igari rindfheb ht. Nem tfi madc hs thdcheb3 tfi BO sfaulm ciip dnrigul trndc ag faw oudf thoi tfi ZDs nri tncheb, nem wfitfir tfihr fnsti mrnws nttiethae ta tfio grao ravheb pntrals. Aedi tfiy rindf tfi sfrhei, tfiy sfaulm fnvi ea pra`lio ghemheb tfi §dra!l dndfi3 ht fnse‘t `iie mhsdavirim yit. Hg Hg tfiy tfiy mae‘ mae‘tt fnvi fnvinn sfubiekn ta mitirohei wfhdf sdrall hs wfhdf, tfiy dne tnci tfi iethri stnsf (n`aut ghgtiie sdralls). Bittheb `ndc ndrass ieioy lheis dne `i oari mhgghdult tfne linvheb tfi dnstli he tfi ghrst plndi. Mnrceiss filps3 tfi ieioy hs plneeheb ta nttndc nt mnwe, wfhdf oines tfi dfnrndtirs nri ritureheb saoithoi he tfi ehbft. Nbnhe, tfi BO sfaulm nllaw tfi plnyirs ta daoi up whtf ney sdfiois tfiy whsf gar seincheb pnst tfi appasheb nroy. Ttinlheb nroar ar uehgaros hs pra`n`ly wartfwfhlè, ns hs mhsbuhsheb tfiosilvis ns it itnn  ar atfir uemishrn`lis wfa wae‘t `i wntdfim taa dlasily (brnvimhbbirs nlwnys nppinr ae tfi ivi ag n `nttli). Hg tfi ZDs nri truly he mispirnti strnhts, n oirdhgul BO dne hedlumi n dapy ag Rhebs ag Ghri he tfi sdrall dndfi - nllawheb saoiaei ta gly avèr tfi nroy aeta tfi dnstli wnlls whtf tfi spill. Aedi tfi dfnrndtirs nrrhvi whtf ]fi Ilioiets‘ Gury sdrall, tfi amms nri ivieim daeshmèrn`ly (twietv-ihbft sfubiekn dnsthfb tfhs rhtunl dne bit pritty ensty). ]fi BO dne rue tfi `nttli hg fi whsfis3tfiri whsfis3tfiri nri 9: 9:: : `usfh he

tfi irhioy nroy. Hg eat, nssuoi tfnt dnstli gardis privnhl ngtir sivirnl minmly faurs.


 ±ss s iedi ag ^ h r i  ±

DNT]HEB ]hoi; H H  N d t h a e

Neatfir muilheb-rilntim spill, ±ssiedi ag ]hri  ]hri  wns drintim `y tfi Drne Drneii dlne ta "ivie aut" hnhkutsu muils - ilhohentheb spidhghd tidfehbuis  tidfehbuis  ar atfir onbhds. ]fi spill tnrbits n pnrthdulnr

M u r n t ha ha e * A e i T t r h c i

UuiU ne neU U





UY): Zn ZnrrïldlZn ZneU eUss he he   1*• Kt eibntis tfi iggidts ag ney sdfaal tidfehbuis ihtfir  ihtfir  dfnrndtir ony fnvi - ivie tfi Knhkutsu-spidhghd

Cnchtn sdfaal - nem privieïs tfi usi ag onbhd ta hegluiedi tfi autdaoi, ihtfir {rao  {rao  PNHTIT; DNTYNL eiournenh ar spills. Ke îmmhthae, ney pahsaes dantheb n `lnmi ar hebistim `y tfi dao`ntnets  dao`ntnets  nri riemirim euhl gar tfi liebtf ag tfi muil  muil  ]Wfnt‘s ligt nri tfi rnu5 schlls; Wahm, Nbhlhty,  Nbhlhty,  nem Knhkutsu, uegittirim `y bhoohdcs ar  ar  onbhdnl nhm. ]fi twa muilhsts gndi indf atfir ns tfi gartueis hetiemim, nem tfi autdaoi hs ns  ns   purè ns ht hs ghenl ]fi spill hs shopli ta hevaci nem dne `i dnst nt n oaoiet's eathdi. ]fi twa tnrbits siio ta  ta  `lnzi whtf ne ueinrtfly ghri murheb hts iggidt, n mhsplny wfhdf agtie nwis a`sirvirs ag tfi muil  muil   ]fiy sny tfi blaw mirhvis grao tfi ilioietnl ghris ag purhty, wfhdf fnvi `iie hevacim `y tfi  tfi  spill ]fiy sirvi n shbenl tfnt eatfheb fns tnhetim tfi pradiimhebs. DAEDIE]PN]HAE*


\Fney waulm tfhec tfnt sudf n spill fhemirs tfi Drnei oari tfne ht filps tfio. Ngtir nll, tfi  tfi   Knhkuts  Knhku tsu u sdfaal hhss `nsim nnlloast ixdlushvily nrauem mu muilheb n` n`hl hlhhthi this, nem ±±sssiedi ag $h $hri ri miehis  tfio tfnt imbi. >, nem sprinms ta n eiw `uhlmheb iviry twiety oheutis " ]fi ghrst prharhty hs ta bit iviryaei ta sngity. ]firi nri n sonll euo`ir ag piapli sthll he tfihr faois wfa mhme‘t

nttiem tfi `ureheb, nem nri eaw he mnebir ag `iheb dnubft he tfi glnois. ]fiy hedlumi tfi ilmirly, sonll dfhlmrie nem tfihr oatfirs, nem ivie n daupli ag ridlusis wfa mae‘t pnrthdïpnti he vhllnbi guedthaes. Rfhli tfi atfir vhllnbirs whll ma tfihr pnrt, tfi plnyir dfnrndtirs whll eiim ta bit nt linst saoi ag tfio aut ag fnro‘s wny ns quhdcly ns passh`li. ]fhs daulm linm ta sivirnl ixdhtheb hedhmiets, he wfhdf tfiy whll fnvi ta linp heta `ureheb `uhlmhebs nem `rnvi tfi iedfnetim glnois he armir ta risdui n dfhlm ar ne aïm lnmy wfa dneeat oavi uemèr fir awe pawir. Zlndi n dfhlm he `uhlmheb >>  wfa oust `i snvim, nem atfir piapli he `uhlmhebs 8,>0 nem >4, wfa sfaulm `i swipt ta sngity `igari tfi ghri bits ta tfio. Nssuoi tfi rist ag tfi vhllnbirs onci ht aut whtf ea mhgghdulty. Nt tfi snoi thoi tfi vhllnbirs nri `iheb risduim, tfi glnois Rhll fnvi ta `i stappim, ar nt linst mnopieim. ZD sfubiekn dne try dnstheb wntir-`nsim spills upae ït, wfhdf dne rivirt tfi ghri ta earonl, wfiri ït dne `i mausim `y snem ar wntir. Neatfir apthae ony `i ta iethdi tfi ghri sphrhts nwny grao tfi vhllnbi whtf oari glnoon`li htios - ne axdnrt gull ag fny, gar ixnopli, ar ralls nem ralls ag dlatf. ]fi cnoh nri inshly mhstrndtim `y mhggiriet htios ta `ure, nem waulm rntfir plny he n eiw wnbôe gull ag waamie `axis, gar ixnopli, tfne n fausi kust lhci tfi aei tfiy  ku  kust st `urei reim ma mawe. Hg ie ieaubf su sudf mhs mhstr trnndtha thaes dne dne `i pr pravhm hmiim, tf tfi ghr ghrii o ony ny `i mhv mhvir irti tim m gr grao tf tfi fa fausis uet uethlhl tf tfi spill winrs agg nem ht dne `i `ittir daetnheim. ]fi oast hopartneï strudturi he tfi tawe hs `uhlmheb >, wfhdf tfi vhllnbirs whll ba ta ney liebtfs ta pratidt Ht fausis eat aely tfi vhllnbi fitoîe, `ut nlsa tfi supply ag brnhe nem atfir gaamstuggs gar tfi whetir. Hg ht bais up, tfi vhllnbirs ony stnrvi. Ta tfi ZDs oust stap ar stio tfi ghri `igari ht rindfis tfi dietir ag tfi vhllnbi. Hg tfi ZDs nri truly he trau`li, ]fi BO dne fnvi tfi vhllnbi sfubiekn riture grao fir tiopli he tfi ehdc ag thoi whtf n dapy ag ]arriethnl Pnhe. Asnea Ra‘s @lissheb whll fnvi ware agg `y tfie, sa tfi rnhe sfaulm `i ieaubf ta mausi ar daetral tfi rionhemir ag tfi glnois. Tfaulm tfnt fnppie, fawivir, sfi whll ridihvi tfi blary gar snvheb tfi tawe, eat tfi dfnrndtirs.


YN££ YN£ £

WNPH WNPHIT IT Ti i ] i x t


Dauetirspill hs hetiemim ta nggidt neatfir sfubiekn s Tpill wfhli ht hs `iheb dnst. ]fhs spill, ae tfi atfir fnem, eibntis ney spill iggidt ar spill-lhci iggidt (BRt‘s mhsdrithae) ag n eaefuone drinturi. ÏFaestirs sudf ns ba`lhes


nem Fizuoh prndthdi n mhggiriet sart ag onbhd tfne fuone sfubiekn. ]ghus, n mhggiriet garo ag 


sphrht sph rht hs ri=uh ri=uhri* ri* ta ei= ei=nt€ nt€

U c i sfu sfubie biekn kn

oust dnst ht ns tfi tnrbit drinturi hs dnstheb hts awe aw e sp spi¡l i¡l r£fi dnstir ou oust st `int n [ [F F ibunl tta a


tfi daedi daedietr etrntha nthae e livil ag tf tfii tnrbit spill B O s   sfaulm usi mhsdrithae gar mitiroheheb tfi  tfi  ] gï   gar spill-lhci iggidts sudf ns Aeh ar atfir pawirgul `ihebs3 `ut tfi  tfi  ] Y sfaulm `i ea liss tfne 0T. ) g sud suddis dissgul sgul,, tfi iggidt hs dned dnedilim ilim ne nem m tfi tnrbi tnrbitt oust ttry ry nbnhe.



T f h e s i h-

N ha i e tu r i

]fi dfnrndtirs nri npprandfi npprandfim m `y n sphemly aïm one whtf `lndc whry w hry fnhr. Fi dlnhos ta `i n Cuoa, Cuoa, n rndi ag sphmir-lhci piapli, wfa wns'trnvilheb gnr grao fhs faoi he tfi Tfheaoie garist N pawirgul Zurhty ag Tfhesih spill wns plndim upae fho `y n sphtigul sfubiekn wfa ridabehzim fhs trui garo nem mionemim ta `i tnubft nll n`auh fhs oystirhaus oystirhaus rndi. Rfie fi rigusim, tfi sfubiekn trnppim fho hhe e tfhs fuone garo. Th Thedi edi tfie, fi fns wnemirim ohsirn`ly, trnppim he tfhs fntigul sfnpi, nem uewhllheb ta npprandf ney fuones gar filp. Fi ghenlly dnrei ta tfi dfnrndtirss `idnusi fi avikgfinrm dfnrndtir avikgfinrm saoi saoi pinsnets sny ag tfio tfnt tfiy wiri “oie “oie ag faear‟ wfa waulm waulm filp filp tfasi he eiim. Fi `ibs tfiohs ta filp fho rituretatafuone fhs earonl garo,`ut safi finddipts dne riture faoi.oaehcir tfiy dfaasi ta plndi ]fi Cuoa‘s þnoi uepraeauedin`li taebuis, wfntivir ae fho. Hg tfiy mae‘t `ilhivi fhs stary, fi dne mioôestrnti fhs pahsae-sphttheb n`hlhthis, wfhdf fnvi `iie uenggidtim

`y tfi spill. Hg gar saoi rinsae tfiy .mae‘t whsf ta filp fho, fi whll ghrst plinm gurtfir, tfie dursi tfio nebrhly nem mipnrt. Rhtfhe n giw wiics, nll Cuoa whll ceaw ag tfihr rigusnl, nem ney guturi Cuoa iedauetirs whll `i fasthli. Hg tfiy tnci phty ae tfi drinturi nem nbrii ta filp ht, tfi inshist wny ta grii fho hs ta daegraet tfi sfubiekn wfa dursim fho he tfi ghrst plîdè; n Mrnbôe enoim Nbnsfn Cnoarh, lhvheb einr tfi Mrnbaegly Hnems ae tfi Tautfire imbi ag fhs dlne‘s tirrhtary. ]fi Cuoa dne sfaw tfio tfi wny `ndc ta fhs fausi. @nrbnheheb whtf Cnoarh wae‘t `i insy3 tfi Mrnbôe sfubiekn hs rumi, briimy nem apiely daetioptuaus ag atfirs. Ns pawirgul ns fi ï$, fi lndcs tfi stntus ag atfir Nbnsfn shgeply `idnusi ea aei dne stnem tfi one. Fi mais eat rispagtm ta tfrints, nem hg aggirim n `rh`i, whll baubi tfi ZDs gar nll tfiy nri wartf. Fi mionems guturi gnvars grao indf ag tfio, ns will ns n snopli ag tfi Cuoa‘s pahsae nem wi` ontirhnl aedi fi ritures ta earonl. Aedi tfisi nri sidurim, fi whll seiirhebly dnst tfi dauetiroinsuris tfnt whll riture tfi Cuoa ta earonl... ...aely ta `i intie nlhvi aedi tfi Tphrht-sphmir hs `ndc he hts earonl sfnpi. ]fi Cuoa lndc' fuone daedipts ag faear, nemn tfi praohsis ta tfitfie Mrnbôe trneshietarbnes ta fhoaût ns whtf linvisn ag n trii. Fi whll phe sfubiekn ta tfi wnll whtf `lnst ag wi``heb, sudcnrifhsnshetirenl farrhgyheb slurp. Ns tfi gnr ns tfi Cuoa hs daedireim, fi misirvis ea liss. ]fi ZDs dne rindt fawivir tfiy plinsi ta tfhs ture ag iviets. Hg tfiy nttndc tfi Cuoa, fi whll dry aut nem glii tfi nrin, oavheb rnphmly nwny ae fhs oûlthpli libs nem linvheb tfi `auem Mrnbôe nlhvi nem chdcheb. Cnoarh whll `i nebry nt tfio gar filpheb tfi Cuoa he tfi ghrst plndi, `ut tfi ZDs dne mhsribnrm tfi gnvars tfiy awi fho, shedi tfiy fnvi iggidthvily snvim fhs lhgi. Hg tfiy nllaw fho ta ghehsf, fi whll mrnhe Cnoarh ta n fusc, tfnec tfi dfnrndtirs gar tfihr nsshstnedi nem praohsi ta ripny tfio hg tfiy ivir Nb n s f n   C n o a r h eiim fhs filp. ]fi Cuoa whll nllaw Cnoarh ta lhvi hg tfiy INP]F; 0 nsc fho ta. ]fiy‘ll fnvi ta ndt quhdcly, fawivir, gar tfi RN]IP; = sphmir-sphrht fns lhttli hetirist he wnstheb thoi. Hg tfiy dne GHPI; 4 ciip tfi Cuoa grao chllheb Cnoarh, fi whll tfnec tfio NHP; = nbnhe, nem linvi - viry puzzlim nt tfi fuones‘ strnebi

WAHM; 4 Nbnsfn Tfubiekn 9 Tdfaal/Pnec; Tchlls; Tfhetna 4, Fhstary 9, Dnllhbrnpfy 4, Oimhtnthae 9, Ciekutsu 0, Fhstary =, Mrnbôe Lari 4 Faear; >.8 Blary; 9 Tpills; Tiesi, Daoouei, Tuooae, Dauetirspill, ]fi Zurhty ag Tfhesih, Knmi Ttrhci, ]ao` ag Knmi, @ieivaliet Zratidthae ag Tfhesih, Ilioietnl Rnrm, @htheb Ttiil, ]fi Gury ag AsneaRa, Cntnen ag Ghri, Xnrh ag Nhr, ]fi ]his tfnt @hem, Dnllheb tfi Ilioiets, Tyopntfithd Ieirbhis, Inrtfqunci

`ifnvhar. Faear lass ar bnhe gar tfhs iedauetir mipiems ae faw tfè ZDs rindtim, nem wfitfir tfi BO giils ht ciips whtfhe tfihr hetirpritnthae ag `usfhma. Ttnts gar tfi Cuoa dne `i gauem ae pnbi >8= >8= ag tfi L9P  PZB. Fi fns `iie strhppim ag fhs wi`-oncheb n`hlhthis nem atfir phnbhdnl pawirs, `ut dne sthll spht pahsae ns mitnhlim n`ayi. Fi whll `i ns filpgul ns fi dne ta tfi plnyir dfnrndtirs, `ut hs ueusim ta tfhs fuone `amy, nem fns eat linreim tfi daoplhdntim Pacubneh sadhnl trnmhthaes. Fi trints fuones ns strnebi, vnbuily uesittlheb drinturis nem lnsfis aut hg fi giils tfriîtieim. ]fi `ist tfheb tfi ZDs dne ma gar fho hs ciip fho quhit nem lit tfio ma tfi tnlcheb.


' t f i R r ntf ag ag A snea-]Wa -]Wa ]hri H

@ n s i   ]E;


D n s t he b   ] ho i ; 4 N d t Murnt

ha e

ha e s  

ia u s ; H e sstt n e t n e ia

]fi arhbhenl Tae ag Ttaros wns eivir aei ta  ta  `i trhglim whtf, nem fhs gury daulm onci tfi  tfi  oauetnhes tfiosilvis irhebi whtf ginr.']fhs  ginr.']fhs  spill, lhci oney wfhdf `inr fhs þnoi, riglidts  riglidts 


tfnt tiopirnoiet nem tf$ tirrh`li mistrudthae  mistrudthae  ht daulm dnusi. )t drintis n onbhdnl glnoheb  glnoheb  O nstiry; 9 nrraw tfnt linps grao tfi sfubiekn's ghebirthps  ghebirthps  nem glhis ta wfirivir fi ar sfi hemhdntis. Ypae  Ypae  DAEDIE]PN]HAE; EAEI strhcheb hts tnrbit, tfi nrraw ixplamis whtf n  n  P n hs i T;  Dnstheb ]hoi, I x t r n   (Mnonbi :(ntheb ibunl ta tfi sfubiekn‘s ]hri.  ]hri.   Ke nmmhth hthae ta tf tfii earonl m mnnonbi, tfi tn tnrrbit hs hs   ]nrbit, Pnebi eaw nglnoi nem suggirs Rauems iquhvnliet ta n  n  (M (C ag   / indf rauem uethl ixthebuhsfim. Raamie `uhlmhebs nem atfir sudf strudturis  strudturis  dntdf ghri hooimhntily nem buhdcly sprinm `iyaem tfi n`hlhty ta `i inshly daetnheim. ]fi nrraw  nrraw  dne dne ` `ii m ma ambim `y lhlhvhe vheb b `ihe `ihebs bs,, `ut aely `y oncheb ne Nb Nbhlhlht htyy N- (Mig (Migiesi iesi rall rall nt ] F 0:. 0:.   Tuddiss hemhdntis tfnt tfi nrraw glhis `y, nem hbehtis wfntivir hs `ifhem tfi tnrbit. ]fi rnebi ag tfi nrraw ibunls ghgty giit, plus tie giit pir Tdfaal (%nec. ]ruly pawirgul  pawirgul   sfubiekn fnvi `iie ceawe ta ixtiem ht ivie gnrtfir tfne tfnt. ]fi (Zfaiehx Fïnstir ag ]hri,  ]hri,   Ks  Ksnwn nwn   ]suci,   ]suci, fns mhsplnyim   mhsplnyim rnebis ag   nloast   nloast  


aei tfausnem   tfausnem ynrms he  he  tfi pnst. cN ,.>*


 N m v i e t u r i

N mnhoya fns finrm ag tfhs pawirgul spill nem siems tfi pnrty ae n kaureiy ta ghem ht. N ri`illhaus uemirlheb fns sihzim pnrt ag tfi mnhoya‘s pravhedi, nem midlnrim ht n eiw tirrhtary, hemipiemiet ag hts garoir larm. ]ieshaes he tfi nrin

fnvi nlwnysta`iie fhbf `ifhem nem tfi tfi mhsputim nrin siios `i ghroly tfipapulndi ri`il. ]fiagmnhoya fapis tfnt kumhdhaus usi ag ]fi Rrntf ag Asnea-Ra dne drusf tfi rivaluthae whtf n oïehouo ag iggart. N sdrall daetnheheb tfi spill lhis he tfi passisshae ag ne aïm sfubiekn, Hssfh, wfa mwills einr tfi ]iopli ag AsneaRa ae tfi Zlnhe ag ]fuemir. Ht sfaulm tnci tfi pnrty n gnhr noauet ag thoi ta bit tfiri, nem tfi BO dne hedlumi ns oney shmi nmvieturis ae tfi ranm ns fi ar sfi whsfis. Rfie tfiy rindf Hssfh‘s fut nem ixplnhe tfihr quist ta fho, fi nbriis ta bhvi tfio tfi spill - ae aei daemhthae. ]fi Rrntf ag Asnea-Ra hs viry pawirgul, nem dneeat `i usim whtfaut tfi prupir rispidt hs hopnrtim ta ht. Lhci n snournh‘s cntnen, ht dneeat `i uelinsfim whtfaut mrnwheb `laam. Nri tfi dfnrndtirs ghro he tfihr `ilkig tfnt tfihr dnusi hs kust, nem tfi pawir fi hopnrts ta tfio whll `i usim he migiesi ag `usfhma1 ]fi ZD fnvi ta midhmi hg tfihr mnhoya‘s faear oines oari tfne uelinsfheb tfhs spill upae tfi warlm. Hg indf ag tfio dne laac fho he tfi iyi nem sny yis, fi bhvis tfio tfi sdrall (Nwnrieiss + Thedir Thedirhty hty rralls alls nt ]E 09 hg tfi ZDs ma eat `ilhivi tfihr dnusi hs kust). Aedi he passisshae ag tfi spill, tfiy nri grii ta riture ta tfihr mnhoya - wfiri tfiy fnvi ta gndi tfi daesiquiedis ag tfihr ndthaes. ]fi mnhoya armirs ne nttndc nbnhest tfi ri`il tirrhtarhis hooimhntily, `alstirheb uehts ag traaps whtf sfubiekn nroim whtf tfi spill. ]fiy tnci n sdardfim inrtf palhdy ta iviry plndi tfiy ba, `ureheb ghilms, fausis nem iethri tawes ta tfi brauem. Ns ea`li snournh, tfi dfnrndtirs nri ixpidtim ta pnrthdïpnti he tfi ndthaes, nem ony bit ta whteiss tfi brhsly shbft ag waoie nem dfhlmrie `iheb `ureim ta mintf he tfihr faois. ZinsUets nri eat tfi aely aeis nggidtim3 ea`li `usfh migiemheb teihr larm nri dut mawe grao î mhstnedi, myheb n druil nem farrh`li mintf. Gnohlhis ag tfi ea`lioie suppartheb tfi ri`il nri put mawe ns will - whvis, dfhlmrie, ivie hegnets. @y tfi thoi tfiy nri tfraubf, tfi mnhoya‘s gardis fnvi riemirim tfi iethri nrin n `lndcieim soacheb fusc, ns mivahm ag dhvhlhzntkae ns ht hs ag lhgi. Tudf mistrudthae wauldl eat fnvi `iie passh`li whtfaut ]fi Rrntf ag Asnea-Ra3 tfi ZDs oust midhmi gar tfiosilvis wfitfir tfihr rali wns faearn`li ar eat.


 Nrrata's  Nrra ta's 2l¡b l¡ bf t VWfirt Nrrata's $lhbft hs dnst suddissgully, tfi  tfi 

sfubiekn daooneþs n shopli nhr sphrht ta buhþi  buhþi  n shebli nrrata ns ht hs `iheb laasiþ. ]fi sphrht  sphrht   þrnws tfi ohsshli ta üs hrhtieþiþ tnrbit3 ht  ht   dneeat ohss ueþir arþhenry dhrduostnedis,  dhrduostnedis,  nltfaubf ht trnvils ea gnrtfir tfne earonl  earonl  ]fi þnonbi hs nutaonthd `y tfi typi aï nrrata  nrrata  usiþ usiþ.. Kg K g tfi ttnr nrbit bit cea ceatas tas tfi nrrata hs hs Da Darehe reheb, b,   fi dne nttiopt ta þaþbi ht, `ut fi oust ceaw  ceaw  tfnt tfi nrrata tans nhoiþnt fho neþ oust  oust  thoi fhs ar fir þaþbi sa tfnt ht daetusis tfi  tfi  buhþheb sphrht N suddissgul þaþbi ribuhris n  n  (Piglixis   + (Migi (Piglixis (Migiesi esi rall rall nt ] ]F F 09 ta ssu uddii ddiiþ þ. (Migieshvi onbïd, sudf ns Asnea ]Aa's (gtrintf,  (gtrintf, 

@nsi ]E; >9 ho i

Dnstheb ]

;  Hestnetneiaus

MüPN]/AE; H  ND]HAE  ND]HAE  OnT]IPX; 9  9  DAED DA EDIE IE]P ]PN] N]HA HAE; E; G ü h h P n hs i s ; E a e i

dne nlsa `i iggidthvi. Ke arþir ta dauetir sudf onbhd, tfi sfubiekn dnstheb Nrrata's ^lhbft oust  oust  onci n shopli Nhr rall nbnhest tfi tnrbit‘s Nhr thois ghvi. Wnhluri oines tfi nrrata viirsagg   viirsagg   daursi neþ fhts tfi braueþ fnrolissly. ]fi nrrata tnrbitiþ `y tfi spigl oust `i whtfhe >: giit  giit   thois tfi Nhr ag tfi dnstir, ar ilsi tfi sphrht whll eat `i n`li ta rindf ht he thoi. ]fi spill  spill   ony `i dnst hestnetneiausly3 ht dne nggidt ne nrraw `iheb laasiþ ae tfi snoi ndthaf ht hs dnst.   Fawivir, tfi sfubiekn whll `i þrnheiþ `y tfi iggart ag daetrallheb tfi sphrht, neþ oust rist U whtfaut oavheb gar twa ndtharts  ndtharts  gallawheb tfi  tfi  dnstheb. ]fhs  ]fhs 

Èïo î

spill ony aely aely  `i dnst aedi nn    þny (tfi sphrhts  sphrhts  ag nhr fnvi  fnvi  `ittir tfhebs ta  ta  þa tfne tnhl  tnhl  nrraws nraueþ  nraueþ  nt tfi `ifist ag   saoi glisflheb  glisflheb  sfubiekn).



w h









U v i e tu r i

N plnyir dfnrndtir ietirs ne nrdfiry daetist nt tfi faoi ag î praoheiet bavirear ta pravi fhs ar fir prawiss whtf tfi `aw. Fawivir, fi ar sfi hs migintim he tfi ghenl rauem `y n praoheiet snournh

 H  s n w n


INP]F; 0 RN]IP; 4 Hetillhbiedi; 4 GHPI; 0 NHP; 4 WAHM; 4 Tchlls; Dnllh Dnllhbrnpf brnpfyy 0 0,, Daurthir 0, Hevisthbnthae >, Lnw >, Oimhdhei >, Oimhtnthae 0, Tfhetna 0, The Thedirh dirhty ty 0 0,, ]fialaby > Faear; >.9 Blary; 0 Tdfaal/Pnec; Hsnwn Tfubiekn 4 Tpills; Tiesi, Daoouei, Tuooae, Nrraw‘s Glhbft, Issiedi ag Nhr, @ietie‘s ]audf, Tidrits ae tfi Rhem, Rhem‘s Mhstrndthaes, Pivirsnl ag Gartueis, Fawl ag Hsarn, Inrtfqunci, Knmi Ttrhci, Cntnen ag Ghri

enoim Tfh`n Cuwnrne - aei gnr liss schllim he nrdfiry tfne tfi ZD. ]fi ZD ceaws tfnt tfi ghenl nrraw sfat wns wraeb saoifaw3 saoifaw3 ht hndcim ney siesi siesi ag tidfehqui ar fnroaehaus dfh nlhbeoiet. ^uhti shoply, ht sfaulm eat fnvi strudc tfi tnrbit. Xit ht mhm. Taoitfheb firi hs eat rhbft. He ndtunlhty, tfi snournh fnm n sfubiekn daushe dnsh Nrraw‘s Glhbft sa,tfnt fi ohbft whe. ]fi kumbis wiri taa hoprissim whtf tfi sfat ta eathdi fhs susphdhaus tidfehqui. Eiimliss ta sny, dfintheb nt n ontdf sudf ns tfhs hs brassly mhsfaearn`li, nem waulm risult he n fubi lass ag gndi hg ceawlimbi ag ht sfaulm ivir daoi aut. Nt tfi `nequit gallawheb tfi daetist, neatfir ZD eathdis tfi wheeheb snournh spincheb ta n sfubiekn wfa fnm eat nppinrim murheb tfi daopiththae. ]fi twa siio quhti dhôsi nem eam sohlhebly tabitfir ns tfiy wntdf tfi drawm. He nem ag htsilg, ht ony eat oine neytfheb. @ut hg tfè twa ZDs daopnri eatis, tfiy whll fnvi baam rinsae ta suspidt tfnt Cuwnrne ony fnvi dfintim nt tfi daetist. ]fi quisthae gndheb tfi dfnrndtirs eaw hs faw ta fnemli ht. ]fiy fnvi ea praag, aely n straeb susphdhae nem saoi dhrduostnethnl ivhmiedi. Hg tfiy dne bit ta tfi sfubiekn, tfiy ohbft `i n`li tadairdi tadairdi fho fhoheta hetadaegissheb, daegissheb, `ut ht wae‘t `i `i insy. insy. Fi‘s viry stu``are, nem ceaws tfnt hg fi hoplhdntis hoplhdntisfhosilg fhosilg figndis figndis tfi tfi wrntf ag fhs mnhoya nem fhs snournh grhiem whll oast mighehtily tnci n `laamy riviebiae riviebiae fhslhgi fhslhgi hg fi tnlcs. tnlcs.Ivi Ivie e sa, sa, tfi ZDs sfaulm `i bhvie iviryappartuehty iviry appartuehty tapauem tapauem ht aut ag fho3 usi ra raliliplnyheb nem tfi sfubiekn‘s Rhllpawir sdari ta mitirohei hg tfiy dne `rinc fho ar eat. Ivie hg tfiy mae‘t, fawivir, T f h ` n   C u w n r n e

INP]F; 0 RN]IP; 0 GHPI; 4 NHP; 4 WAHM; 0 Tdfaal/Pnec; Tfh`n @usfh 0 Nrdfir firyy >, Ntflithds Ntflithds 0, Migiesi >, Tchlls; Nrd Ciekutsu 0, Oimhtnthae >, Enbhentn >, Thedirhty 0, Tfh Tfhetna etna >, ]in ]in Dirioaey > Faear; >.= Blary; 4.9


tfi dfnrndtirs sthll fnvi apthaes. Dfnlliebheb Cuwnrne ta n muil, gar ixnopli, waulm `i n gardigul wny ta `rheb tfi nddusnthaes garwnrm. N oari su`tli oitfam waulm `i ta nsc tfi snournh ta “faear‟ tfi buists whtf n mhsplny ag nrdfiry3 hg tfi sfubiekn hs cipt adduphim murheb tfi mhsplny, fi whll oast dirtnhely gnhl. Rfie fi dne‘t ontdf fhs gints ae tfi ghilm, fhs rusi ony `idaoi dlinr. ]fi plnyirs sfaulm mitirohei tfihr awe daursi ag ndthae, nem tfi BO sfaulm mitirohei suddiss suddiss ar gnhlur gnhlurii `nsim `nsim ae tfi . sauemeiss ag tfihr plne. ]fhs nmvieturi hmin ony `i dao`heim whtf tfi shohlnr aei gauem uemir ]fi Iyis ag tfi Zfaiehx3 hg saoiaei wiri ta usi tfhs spill nbnhest tfi lhcis ag ]surudfh, tfi ripirdusshaes daulm `i mivnstntheb.

Lhci Dnstli ag Rntir, Dnstli ag Nhr hs  hs  mishbeim ns n bieirnl migiesi ag ne nrin einr  einr  tfi sfubiekn's ladm ladmthae thae.. ]f ] fi dnstir irintis n  spheeheb vartix ag whem, swhrlheb nt fhbf spiims he n dhrdli tie giit ndrass nem stritdfheb  stritdfheb  Murnthae; 9 + N hr hemighehtily fhbf. (Pnhsis hedrinsi tfi mhnoitir  mhnoitir  ag tfi vartix `y ghvi giit pir rnhsi. ]fi Ons]IPX; 7 sfubiekn dne plndi tfhs oheh-tarenma neywfiri  neywfiri  DAEDIE]PN]HAE; GAD YTIM whtfhe ghgty giit ag fhs ar fir ladnthae, `ut  `ut  PNHTIT;  DNT]HEB ]hoi, 5east daekuri ht ta tfihr graet ta `ittir pratidt tfiosilvis grao fnro. Autshmi tfi nrin ag tfi  tfi  M u r n t ha e , M n o n b i , M h n o i t i r vartix, tfi nhr hs whemy `ut issiethnlly  issiethnlly  fnroliss. Neywfiri heshmi, fawivir, mhrt nem  nem  mi`rhs gly nrauem nt furrhdnei spiims3 tfiri hs  hs  ea ‖iyi‘ he tfhs staro. Nmvnedheb nttndcirs oust aviriôoi tfi striebtf ag tfi tarenma he armir  armir   ta pieètrnti tfi `nrrhir `nrrhir,, `y o oncheb ncheb n shopli Ttri Ttriebt ebtf f ral ralll nb nbnhest nhest n ] F ag 09. 8nhluri 8nhluri   hemhdntis tfiy fnvi `iie `lawe agg tfihr giit nem ceadcim `ndcwnrms `y tfi {ardi ag tfi whem.  whem.  N ll w whtf htfhe he tfi hiopist, wfitfir tfiy suddissgu suddissgully lly rionhe ar eat, eat, tnci Rau Rauems ems ibunl ta (M (M(P (P > grao glyheb a`kiits he tfi wfhrlwhem. )e nmmhthae, sfubiekn whll fnvi n mhgghdult thoi siiheb  siiheb  tfihr tnrbits tfraubf tfi swhrlheb mi`rhs, nem nll nttiopts ta dnst spills tfhaubf tfi Dnstli ag   Nhr nri o onm nmii nt >: >: ]F ]F fhbf fhbfir. ir. ]fi iggidts ag Dnstli ag Nhr lnst gar ghvi ndthaes plus aei gar indf pahet ag tfi dnstir's Nhr  Nhr   (Pheb. Dnstheb ]hoi;  4 Ndthaes


 N m v i e t u r i

]fi pnrty hs npprandfim `y n winry, `laamhim rntlheb, wfa `ibs tfio ta daoi snvi fhs gnohly grao n onrnumheb braup ag `nemhts. ]fi `nemht bneb hedlumis n will-ceawe raehe wfa fns ripintimly nïtndcim tfi falmhebs ôg tfi Lhart nem Yehdao, stinlheb `atf tfi dlne‘s supplhis, nem tfi Iopirar‘s tnxis. ]fi `nemht‘s þnoi hs Xubara, nem fi fns tfi riputnthae ns n eatarhaus tfhig. ]fi rntlheb vhllnbi hs `e tfi imbi `g tfi Yehdao pravhedis, einr tfi Lharh `armie Rfie tfi dfnrndtirs npprandf, tfiy sii n tnll vartix ag nhr he tfi dietir ag tfi inrtfie futs, nem n braup ag twiety `nemhts iedhrdlheb ht, tryheb ta ghri nrraws nem dfnrbi tfraubf tfi fhbf whems. ]fi rntlheb `usfh whtf tfi pnrty (Yhthdf‘hdc) dnlhs gar tfihr nhm, nem dfnrbis heta tfi grny, tfraubf glnoheb brnssis tawnrm tfi wnll ag nhr.


b a r a

, @n e m h t   L a

r m 

INP]F; 4 RN]IP; 0 GHPI; 4 NHP; 4 WAHM; 0 Tdfaal/Pnec; Eaei Tchlls; Nrdfiry >, Ntflithds 0, Migiesi 4, Ciekutsu Ciekut su 4, 4, @nttli @nttli >, Ttinltf Ttinltf 0, ]arturi 0, 0, Cehgi > Faear; : Blary; 4 Nmvnetnbis; Dlinr ]fhecir Mhsnmvnetnbis; @nm Piputnthae; ]fhig Iquhpoiet; Cntnen, enbhentn, lhbft nroar

Hg tfi`nemhts pnrty nhms tfi Eizuoh, ieaubf ta dnsi tfi atfirstfiy ta dne glii, mhspntdf `ut eat `igari tfiy sii tfi linmir ag tfi `nemhts ae n einr`y farsi. Fhs iyi hs davirim whtf n pntdf, pntdf, nem neyaei wfa wfa oncis n suddissgul Zirdipthae dfidc nt ]E 0: whll whll ceaw tfhs ta `i tfi hegnoaus Xubara. Ngtir tfi `nemhts fnvi ligt, tfi nhr wnlls daoi swhrlheb mawer rivinlheb tfrii gionli rntlhebs nroim whtf cntnen, twa oari (`nmly wauemim) onli rntlheb `usfh, nem gaur sonll dfhlmrie. ]fiy whll tfnec tfi pnrty, tillheb tfio tfnt Xubara fns stalie tfihr oast pridhaus rilhi, ne iedfnetim sdrall wfhdf wns bhvie ta tfio `y n Yehdao mnhoya saoi twa fuemrim yinrs nba. nba. Hg tfi dfnrndtirs dfnrndtirs whll whll filp tfio ritrhivi ht, tfiy whll w hll blnmly riwnrm tfio whtf n dapy dapy.. Ag daursi, daursi, rit ritrhiv rhivheb heb ht whll whll oine nttndcheb nttndcheb tfi tfi `nemht dnop dnop nem nem gndheb tfi m mrinm rinm Xubara. Xubara. @u @utt tfie nbnhe,t nbnhe,tfi `auety gar `nemhts he tfi Yehdao lnems hs daeshmirn`li...


b u r a ‘s

  @n e

m ht s  

(0: 5

INP]F; 4 RN]IP; 0 GHPI; 0 Nbhlhty; Nbhlhty; 4 NHP; 0 WAHM; 0 Tdfaal/Pnec; Eaei Tchlls; Ntflithds >, Migiesi > , Ttinltf 0, ney twa @ubih Tchlls 0 Faear; A Blary; A Iquhpoiet; Lhbft nroar, ney twa winpaes ontdfheb tfihr @ubih schlls

Üo dF‘h dF‘hDC, P n tlhe b  @  u s f h

INP]F; = RN]IP; 0 GHPI; 4 Nbhlhty; Nbhlhty; = NHP; 0 Palls Rfie Nttndcheb; 7c= Palls Gar Mnonbi; 7c0 (swarm) ]E ta Fht; 0: Nroar; 9 Rauems pir Livil; >:; ->3 0:; -03 4:; Minm Minm


( M ig iemi emirr


r ao ]fi Chtsu onbhdhnes ag tfi Lhae Dlne fnvi  fnvi  laeb mioaestrntim n miip daeeidthae whtf tfi  tfi 

@NTI ]E; 0:/29 GAP Chtsu Dnstheb ]hoi*. =  


M u r n t h a e ; A e i M u i l  l 

O n s ttii r y ; 7 DAEDIE]PN]HAE; DNTYNL '  P n h ssii s ; T t n t s a g M u i u s t

sphrhts agirtfihr nedistars. (Migiemir (Migiem ] ]a ao (Tiyaem ]fiy ns nne e drintim ix ixtie tieshôe shôe ag tfhs tfhs   ngghehty nem n oissnbi ta tfi ieiohis ag tfihr  tfihr   dlne;; wfie yyau dlne au nttndc ae aeii m a e , yau nttnd nttndc c  tfio nll.

]fi spill suooaes n sphrht grao `iyaem tfi  tfi  brnvi, wfa hs brnetim lhohtim pfyshdnl garo nem  nem  hg¡i   usi ag dirtnhe schlls gar tfi murnthae ag hts hts F ns * * * & garoir silg - daopliti whtf nroar nem mnhsfa.  Kt fns n shebli purpasi ae tf tfhs hs p pln lnþ þi; ta ta   \ riprisiet tfi spilldnstir (ar ney dfnrndtir tfi  tfi  spilldnstir whsfis) he ne hnhkutsu muil, wfhdf ht  ht  whll ma whtf nll tfi zinl nem girvar ht dne g *

oustir. Ohast Fgntsu nem Ncama snournh eivir usi tfhs spill3 tfiy nri pirgidtly dnpn`li ag migiemheb  migiemheb  tfiosilvis. tfio silvis. ] r tfi )cao )caonn fh fhstarhne starhne ar Chts Chtsu u sfubi sfubiekn ekn,, faw fawivir, ivir, n sph sphrht rht dne dne ` `ii n fnem fnemyy pra praxy xy   - ispidhnlly wfie tfiri nri ea atfir Lhaes n`aut ta stnem he gar yau. ]fi suooaeim  suooaeim  nppnrhthae ghbfts whtf n `nsi Nbhlhty nem Knhkutsu schll ag   4 indf. Kts Nwnrieiss hs =, nem hts  hts  (Piglixis nri  nri  4. (Pnhsis dne `i usim ta nmkust tfisi stnthsthds,  stnthsthds,  9 ] F pir pahe pahett rn rnhsim hsim.. (N   suddissgul rnhsi oines tfi sfubiekn fns daetndtim n oari pawirgul sphrht tfne fi ar sfi waulm  waulm  atfirwhsi.) ]fisi nri tfi aely stnts ht dne usi wfhli ae tfi pfyshdnl plnþi3 ht dnusis  dnusis  4±0 4±0   Rauems whtf indf strhci, iquhvnliet ta n earonl cntnen. ]fi sphrht whll rionhe ae tfi  tfi  ontirhnl plnþi kust laeb ieaubf ta daopliti tfi muil, tfie vnehsf `ndc ta wfiri ht dnrei.  dnrei.  Tfaulm tfi sphrht whe tfi muil (chllheb hts appaeiet), tfi suooaeheb sfubiekn bnhes ney faear  faear   ar blary riwnrms ns hg sf sfii fn fnm m pnrthdhpntim he tfi muil firsilg. silg. Th Tho ohlhlnr nrly ly,, hg tfi sph sphrht rht la lasi siss tfi tfi   muil, tfi suooaeheb sfubiekn oust pny tfi prhdi  prhdi  - suggirheb ney faear lass hedurrim nem  nem  tardim ta daooht sippucu he rispaesi ta tfi gnhluri. ]firi ony `i oari fuohlhnthaes ta  ta  suggir he tfi ngtirlhgi ns will3 tfi suooaeim sphrht ony fnvi quhti n `ht ta sny n`aut tfi  tfi  "hedhmiet hedhmiet"" wfhdf dast tfi gnohly sa oudf faear. Chts Chtsu u sfubie sfubiekn kn dne dnst tfi spill nt n `n `nsi si ] ]F F   9 lawir tfne atfir sfubiekn. Fhio`irs ag   atfir dlnes ony nlsa dnst ht, `ut tfiy ma eat fnvi einrly tfi snoi suddiss whtf ht ns tfihr  tfihr  Chtsu `ritfrie ma. $ar tfi 'oast pnrt, ht dneeat `i gôuem neywfiri autshmi ag tfi Lhae  Lhae  gnohlhis. Ttrnebily ieaubf, tfi Lhae daeshmir tfhs garo ag praxyheb quhti faearn`li nem ivie  ivie  prnbonthd he n dirtnhe wny. ±vie hg tfi muil hs last nem tfi sfubiekn su`siquietly mhsfaearim,  mhsfaearim,   tfihr gally whll eat dast ney nmmhthaenl Lhae lhvis.


 N m v i e t u r i

(Migiemir  N rntfir hrrhtntheb sfubiekn enoim Chtsu Tahcu tncis uo`rnbi nt saoitfheb n ZD snys murheb n pîrty tfiy `atf nri nttiemheb. (]fi ZD sfaulm `i ne nmipt muilir whtf n midiet Hnhkutsu rnec.) Tahcu mirnnems risthtuthae he tfi garo ag n muil, ta `i film hooimhntily. Yegartuentily Yegartuentily ïa ïarr tfi sfubie sfubiekn, kn, tfiri nri ea atfi atfirr Lhaes nt tfi bntfirheb, bntfirheb, nem fi‘s eat oudf ag n muilir. Ht laôcs bôam gar tfi ZD. @ut wnht - tfi lhttli sfubiekn fns ne ndi up fhs sliivi. Fi dnsts Migiemiï Grao @iyaem nem suooaes Tfhrya ea Ncama Bacne ta ghbft he fhs stinm. Bacne wns n ginrim muilhst saoi twa dieturhis nba nem fhs bfastly garo laacs quhti hopashrhb ns ht nppinrs `igari tfi bntfirim drawm. Ludchly, tfi spill oncis ea mhggiriedi. ]fi dfnrndtir onenbis ta migint Bacne (tfi BO sfaulm gumbi ¡saoi mhè ralls hg eidissîry), siemheb ht `ndc ta tfi sphrht warlm. Tahcu daoohts sippucu ta irnsi tfi mhsfaear, wfhdf daoplitis tfi mi`ndli. ]fi-ZD bnhes 0 Blary pahets nem tfi bntfirim daurthirs vahdi tfihr nmohrnthae nt n vhdtary avir sudf n mhsthebuhsfim ghburi. ]fi pnrty ony tfhec tfi onttir sittlim, `ut Tfhrya ea Bacne fns atfir plnes. Hts faear fns `iie slhbftim `y tfi muil, nem ht mionems ritrh`uthae he armir ta `i nt pindi nbnhe. Ta ht rinppinrs he ontirhnl warlm ta fnrnss nem `imivhl tfi muilhst wfô migintim ht. Ht gallaws tfi fnpliss ZD mny nem ehbft, pirgaroheb nll oneeir ag ohsdfhig ciipheb fho ar fir nwnci, mhstrndtheb fho ar fir murheb dao`nt, ivie dnusheb spills ta ohsghri ar winpaes ta `idaoi nwcwnrmly ietneblim.‘]fi dfnrndtirs whll quhdcly rinlhzi tfi saurdi ag sudf ohsiry3 Bacne whll nppinr `igari tfiowfie tfiowfieivi ivirr tfiy nri nlaei ta vahdi stiily-iyim stiily-iyim daetiopt nem dursi tfio gar sahlheb sahlheb fhs riputnthae. riputnthae. Fi whll daestnetly dfnlliebi tfi dfnrndtir wfa migintim fho ta nll oneeir ag daetists nem mhhils, mishbeim ta ribnhe fhs faear nem pravi wfnt n `uggaae tfi dfnrndtir hs. Enturnlly, tfi sphrht whll eat `i n`li ta nttnïe darparinl garo, sa tfiri hs ea wny ta ndtuîlly iendt ney ag tfisi tists. ]fhs aely oncis Bacne oari nem oari grustrntim, nem fi /  O ktgg; g   hedrinsi fhs fnrnssoiet ag tfi ZD H K nddarmhebly. Fg ]fi pnrty whll mau`tliss `ibhe siicheb o g ï h h @f wnys tô nppins nppinsii tfi nebry sphrht, ihtfir `y Daesultheb sfubiekn ae Hfd su`kidt ar quisthaeheb Bacne mhridtly. Ihtfir wny, wColl > HK h >> gfi saluth saluthae ae hs gnhrly sho shopli pli.. ]fi ]fi aely wny H t: isdnpi isdnpi Uhs wrn*f wrn *f hs ta onci n pu`lhd SH nem vadnl sndrhghdi he fhs oioary; dhtheb tfi brint miims fi pirgaroim he lhgi nem U V ndceawlimbheb fhs stntus ns n supirhar snournL ony fi maei nt n prapir  k tiop iopli, li, n oaeu aeuoiet ta tfi Nc Ncam ama a gno gnohly hly, ar he tfi prisiedi ag î Lhae mnhoya. Hg u O g n l/  O   pirgaroim whtf ieaubf ieaubf girvar girvar (BO (B O‘s mhsdrithae) nem/ar ieaubf piapli finr ht nem sprinm eiws ag tfi dfnrndtir‘s tistnoiet, tfi sphrht whll `i plndntim nem ~ K Ï 1 ¡¡  taroiet tfi pnrty ea oari oari.. Mipiemheb upae tfi dhrduostnedis, tfi sndrhghdi ony DATt U TA TAo oi :r Ufi'Blary fi ar sfi bnheim murheb tfi muil ïe tfi ghrst

▪/Oz¡:rU c b @






D n s t he b   ] ho i ; 4 N d t ha e s

Murnthae; H A + Nhr Pheb O n s t ir y ; 4 D a e d i e t r n t ha e ; D n s u n l P n h s i s ; M u r n t ha e , D n s t he b


Dhgt ag tfi

 Khe tW- N v ie t u r i

]fi plnyir dfnrndtirs nri nddastim `y n dnrrhir phbiae wfhli trnvilïeb tfraubf n rioôti ribhôe ag Pacubne. Ht swaaps mawe aut ag tfi scy, pidcheb nt tfio uethl tfiy pny nttifthae ta ht nem eathdi tfi oissnbi thim ta hts ldb, ]fi fnsthly sdrnwlim eati hmiethghis n dnvire whtfhe n fnlg mn/s rhmi ag tfi ZDs‘ durriet ladnthae, nem rinms rinms ns gallaws; “Zlinsi filp.  / no ne Hopirhnl Onbhstrnli,  wauemim nem trnppim whtfhe tfi lnhr ag n oaestraus    bhnet. H m a eat cea ceaw w f aw o u df laeb laebir ir ht w whll hll `i `ig `igari ari   H oust sliip, sliip, ne m H no suri tfnt H whll eivir wn wnci ci nbnhe. Rfaoivir rinms tfhs yau oust daoi gar oi‟  ]fi oissnbi hs wrhttie he `laam, nem tfi raubf-mrnwe onp upae ht dne linm tfi pnrty pnrty ta tfi dnvire dnvire inshly inshly ieaubf. ieaubf. Rfie tfiy nrrhvi, tfiy ghem n lnrbi `aulmir `ladcheb tfi ietrnedi, ns hg rallim heta plndi `y saoi hooiesi

O n TF-T c YLL ]FI 


INP]F; 0 Ttnohen; 2 Ttriebtf; 2 RN]IP; > GHPI; 4 NHP; > Palls Rfie Nttndcheb; 9c= Palls Gar Mnonbi; 6c4 ]E ta Fht; 0: Nroar; 2 Rauems pir Livil; 0:; ->, =:; -0, 7:; -4, 29; Minm

`iheb. ]fi ghrst armir ag `usheiss oust `i hts mhsplndioiet. ]fhs dne `i nddaoplhsfim tfraubf nshebli n shebli ar daarmhentim Thopli Ttriebtf rall whtf n ]E ag 09, ar neatfir oitfam tfnt snthsghis tfi Bnoionstir. Aedi ht hs baei, tfiy sii n bnpheb fali he tfi dlhgg shmi, mhppheb miiply heta tfi brauem nt n sfnrp nebli. Zirfnps garty giit mawe, tfi slnet livils aut nem tfi pnrty ietirs n lnrbi dnvire ,whtf tfi dihlheb saoi shxty giit up. ]fi dietir ag tfi raao hs n ehbftonri sdiei, tfi dietirphidi ag wfhdf hs n whmi ghri pht mub grao tfi fnrm brauem, hts imbis drustim whtf `laam nem brhstli. Tivirnl `racie ar pawmirim scilitaes lhi n`aut tfi dfno`ir fnpfnznrmly, nem tfi wnlls nri lheim whtf tfi uedurim sches ag sivirnl viry lnrbi nehonls. Grao tfi dihlheb mrhps n stinmy mrhzzli ag daemiesîthae, arhbhentheb grao n rhvir pnssheb avirfinm. ]fi gnr shmiag tfi dnvire dneeat `i siie he earonl ghrilhbft (tfnt ag n tardf, gar ixnophi), `ut neytfheb `rhbftir whll rivinl tfi gnr wnll ta `i saoi fuemrim giit nwny. Ht hs brnmim, whtf n radc sfilg n`aut tfhrty giit up. Mazies ag sculls (oast nppnrietly fuone) nri phlim up nbnhest tfi wnll, tfihr pinc ony`i ghvi giit `ihaw tfi lhp ag tfi sfilg. Hg tfi ZDs wntdf tfi sfilg hetietly, nem suddiim nt n Thopli Zirdipthae rall whtf n ]E ag >:, tfiy whll eathdi saoiaei lyheb nbnhest tfi gnr wnll, durlim up ns hg tryheb ta `liem he whtf tfi surrauemhebs. Fi hs n Pacubneh, winrheb tnttirim ra`is nem stnheim whtf `laam. Rfie fi siis tfi pnrty laacheb nt fho, fi whll wnvi fhs lit nros gii`ly nemnem uttir warms. mais eatagnppinr tfntfnvi fi whll `i nem n`libit ta drnwl ta tfio, nlaei stnem, sanhtstrino sfaulmag `ihedaoprifiesh`li a`vhaus ta tfio tfnt aeiHtar oari tfio whll ta ba fho. Hg tfi plnyirs oiethae tfnt tfiy nri `iheb pnrthdulnrly dnrigul, tfie nllaw tfio ta onci ht ta tfi phli whtfaut hedhmiet. Atfirwhsi, aei ag tfio slhps nem gnlls ae tfi slhdc glaars ar tfi laum senp ag aei ag tfi `aeis uemirgaat dnusis nll ta kuop. Ihtfir wny, tfiy nri sthll gndim whtf bittheb up ta tfi sfilg grao tfi glaar ag tfi dnvire. Tfubiekn ony usi n livhtnthae ar glyheb spill (lhci Rhebs ag Ghri), `ut ney `usfh baheb oust dlho`. ]fhs riquhris ne Ntflithds rall whtf n ]E ag 0:. Tuddiss hemhdnas tfi pirsae fns onmi ht ta tfi sfilg, wfhli gnhluri whll risult he n wnstim Ndthae wfhli n lnyir ag tfi sculls bhvi wny uemireintf tfio, dnusheb ne nvnlnedfi ta tfi glaar `ilaw. ]fi sauem hs hedrimh`ly laum, inshly ieaubf ta nlirt neytfheb whtf sieshthvi inrs einr tfi lnhr (tfi ZDs waulm rinlhzi tfhs - giil grii ta till tfio hg tfiy nsc). ]fi phli ony sthll `i nsdiemim, `ut whtf n ]E 9 fïbfir tfne `igari. Tfaulm tfiy gnhl nbnhe, neatfir oines oust `i gauem ta bit ta tfi sfubiekn. . Rfie tfiy onci ht ta fho, tfhebs bit rinlly hetiristheb. Fi dlutdfis nt tfio, tryheb mispirntily ta till tfio saoitfheb. Nll tfnt dne `i onmi aut, fawivir, hs saoitfheb n`aut “furry‟ nem “daoheb `ndc‟. Rfitfir tfi ZDs dntdf ae ar eat, wfie tfiy nri pripnrheb ta vieturi agg tfi sfilg, tfi addupnet ag tfi dnvire ritures. Fi hs n bnrbnetune abri,whtf `nrily n`li ta fuedf mawe ta ietir tfraubf tfi fubi ietrywny.ony Fhsgriizi, mhstartim, ousdulnr grnoi luo`irs he, inrryheb fho n sonll farsi, ridietly chllim. ]fi plnyir dfnrndtirs ar tfiy ony hbearnetly stnem nbnhest ar ivie nttndc ht. ]fasi pirgaroheb tfi lnttir ndthvhty dne ixpidt n quhdc nem vhaliet mintf.


 O a ï t f i o .  

; Q 

upae tfi-sfilg whll oathae garfawivir, tfasi whtf ta nwnri rionhetfnt sthllsaoitfheb nem quhit.fns Tfaulm mafaoi, sa, tfinsabri whll eat hhcily eathdi.tfio yit. Ciip he ohem, tfntfho fi hs `iietfiy he fhs tfi `aulmir wns Hhcily eat ritureim ta hts plndi ngtir tfi ZDs ietirim, nem tfiri hs n baam dfnedi tfnt tfhebs fnvi `iie mhstur`im whtfhe tfi dfno`ir (lhci tfi phli ag sculls, wfhdf fi tncis brint pirsaenl prhmi he). ]fiy sthll oust ghem n wny agg tfi sfilg nem aut ag tfi dnvi. ]fi sfubiþkn whll eat survhvi tfi ehbft, nem ht whll `i p`vhaus ta tfasi tfnt wnht gar tfi abri ta linvi tfnt fi fns ea hetiethae ag maheb sa. Draudfheb mawe eixï ta tfi ghri pht, fi prmèièms prmèièms ta ginst a ae e tfè tfèfar farsi, si, wfh wfhdf df w whlhlll ciip fh fho o adduphim ga gar. r. pirfnps n fn fnlg-fau lg-faur. r. ]firingtir, fi wh whllll `i sth sthllll gar saoi thoi `igari sliipheb. oathlm `i strissim ta tfi ZDs tfnt hg tfiy wnht gar fho ta .sliip, tfiy ony `i rhscheb tfi sfubiekn‘s mintf, ivie bhvie ïfi usi ag Ghrst Nhm ar Oimhdhei. Fi eiims tfi filp ag schllim onbhdnl nhm ns saae ns passh`li. Gartuentily3 fi fns î spill tfnt ony filp - Bhgt agtfi Rhem, wfhdf fi whll dnst ae tfi fhosilg nem tfi pnrty ta nsshst he tfihr isdnpi. UGr UGrao ao tfiri, tfinmvieturi tfinmvieturisfaulm sfaulm prabriss ns nngriigaro griigaro Ndthae-`y-Ndthae nttiopt ta nvahm tfi abri‘s nttiethae. ]fi spiü whl w hlll filp,ag daursi daursi,,oncheb fhs Zirdipthae ]E ta sii tfio 0 09 9 hg hooa`hli, nem > >: : hg hrï oathae oathae.. ]fhs wh whllll eat filp mhsbuhsi3 tfi sauem tfiy nri Hhcily ta onci, tfaubf. Iviry ture tfiy nri oavheb tfraubf tfi ghilm ag mi`rhs ae tfi glaar,


fnvi tfio bieirnti Ttènltf tatnls. Hg tfisi ixdiim tfi ]E tfi abri .hs rallheb nbnhest îlrinmy, tfie suddissgully envhbntim envhbnt im tfnt part parthae hae agtfiy tfi fnvi dfno`ir nem tfi ]E hs uenggidtim, Hg ht hs lawir, fawivir, rimudi tfi abri‘s Zirdipthae ]E ta tfi Ttinltf tatnl bieirntèm hestinm; fi dne finr tfio, ivie hg fi dne‘t sii tfio. Tfaulm fi eathdi tfio tfio,, fi w whlhlll surily rin rindt, dt, dnrilissly pludcheb tfi finms agg ney fi dne ghem, nem nmmheb tfio ta tfi phli `igari intheb tfi rist. ]fi aely wny ta priviet tfhs whll `i gar atfir oio`irs ag tfi pnrty ta mrnw fhs nttiethae laeb ieaubf gar tfi hehthnl tnrbit ta seinc nwny ta n ladnthae wfiri tfi spill ohbft filp tfio nbnhe. ]fhs “rauem-

> ï ▪''

' ‘³ü K " ‘>-'" tï

ra`he‟ tidfehqui whll warc gar n thoi, `ut ivietunllv ïfi abri whll `idaoi iernbim nem `ibhe rnemaoly swhebheb tfi sonll trii fi dnrrhis whtf fho ns n dlu`. Af, nem mae‘t garbit, hg ht laacs ns hg tfhebs nri bittheb taa insy gar tfi ZDs, tfi spill mais fnvi n tie-ndthae murnthae... F|Nltirenthvily, neatfir oines ag hegaroheb tfi braup ag tfi Onbhstrnti‘s plhbft dne `i usim. ]fiy daulm fnvi `iie siet ta laac gar fho ngtir fhs traupi gnhlim ta riture grao ne hevisïhbîthae ag tfi ]nhet he n vhllnbi.' Ar tfi Drass tfi Wihl ag Tliip spill daulm `i usim ta milhvir n oari mhridt oissnbi. Ar tfiy daulm shoply stuo`li aeta tfi `inst‘s lnhr, nem ndt nddarmhebly grao tfiri.

o h


Bhttt ag Bht ag tfi r A O - Ntairturi


tf i

@nsi ]E; 0:   Dnstïeb ]ïoi; 4 Ndtïaes  Ndtïaes   Murnthae; 0  0  + D n s t i r s N h r   Onstiry; 9 Daedietrnthae; Dnsunl  Dnsunl  P n hs i s ;  Dnstheb ] ho i , 


Firi, tfi sfubiekn hedhtis tfi nhr sphrhts nrauem  nrauem  n tnrbit pirsae ta oavi oari nem oari  oari  buhdcly. Tuddissgully dnst, ht mauflis tfi spiim  spiim  nem ndthae ag tfi tnrbit gar n euo`ir ag ndthaes  ndthaes  ibunl ta tfi sfubiekn's Nhr plus twa. ûgnhsis  ûgnhsis  dne `i usim ta hedrinsi tfi murnthae Nll ag tfi  tfi  usunl n`hlhthis tfi tnrbit ony iebnbi he nri  nri  eaw maei twhdi ns buhdcly; n snournh dnpn`li  dnpn`li  ag aei ndthae pir rauem dne eaw tnci twa  twa  ndthaes, n sfubiekn dnstheb n spill dne ma sa he  he 

fnlg tfi thoi, itd. [a tfi tnrbit, ivirytfheb  ivirytfheb  nrauem siios ta `i oavheb oari slawly, wfhli  wfhli  fi ar sfi dne sthll guedthae nt earonl spiim. [fi spill tiems ta ixfnust tfi tnrbit ngtir n  n  thoi, ribuhrheb ribuhrheb n shopli Ttn Ttnoh ohen en df dfidc idc nt [ [F F >: tta a dae daetheu theuèè guedthaeheb ngt ngtir ir hhtt winrs ag agg. g.  Ke ney ney dnsi, tf tfii tn tnrrbit whll e eiiim nntt linst ne fa fau ur‘s rris istt wht htf faut oavioiet ga gall lla awheb heb tfi iem a ag  g   ney strieuaus ndthvhty hevaluheb tfi spill. M u r n t ha e




tfi Taul‘s Tfnmaw 

Heshmi tfi Dnvi ag tfi Zgapfil, he gnr-mhstnet Zfaiehx lnems, hs ne nedhiet lh`rnry uemir n snvnbi dursi. Nll tfi hefn`htnets ag tfi lh`rnry nri lhvheb fnlg-he nem fnlg-aut ag tfhs vvarlm, tfihr pfyshdnl garos itirenlly oavheb gîstir tfne tfi warlm nrauem tfio. He tfhs.wny, tfiy nri uen`li ta daoouehdnti whtf neyaei wfa daois ta tfi dnvi ta linre ag tfihr trneslnthaes ag Yhccu‘s Ghenl Zrapfidy. ]fi dursi wns plndim `y n onfa-tsucnh  wfa fnm aedi `iie pnrï ag tfi Nsnca lh`rnrhnes nt tfi faly shti3 wfa wns mhsdavirim ta `i heghltrntheb nem dfnebheb vhtnl phidis ag hegaronthae. Ns fi wns `iheb put ta mintf, fi stn``im fhosilg whtf fhs 5vnchznsfh nem sphllim fhs `laam

 N mv ieturi etur i

O n f a - ] s ü c n ï   : : )

INP]F; 0 RN]IP; 0 Zirdipthae; 4 Nbhlhty; 4 GHPI; 0 NHP; > WAHM; > Pall gar Nttndc; =c4 Pall gar Mnonbi; 4c0 (law-qunlhty swarms) ]E ta `i Fht; >9 Nroar; eaei Rauems; >:; ->, 0:; -0, 09; Minm Minm

upae tfi maarstip ag tfi tiopli. Grao tfnt mny garwnrm, eatfheb tfi sfubiekn heshmi fnvi snhm ar maei fns onmi siesi. ]fiy bh``ir nt shx thois earonl spiim, nem dneeat wrhti nt nll - tfiy laeb nba rne aut ag hec. Eatfheb ligt he tfi tiopli siios ta survhvi tfi rnphm ‖spiimheb up‘ pradiss ag tfi dursi, nem sfnttirs ar spa spahls hls ns saaens ht hstaudfim `y tfi trnppim lh`r lh`rnrh nrhnes nes.. Heshmi tfi lh`rnry, lh`rnry, tfi Nsnca nri nbheb rnphmly, ns tfihr llhvis hvis gly gly `y tfraubf tfraubf tfi rnphm thoi-rnti‘ thoi-rnti‘ss iggidt. Îltfaubf tfiy fnvi tfi hegaronthae ta rioavi tfi dursi, tfiy nri uen`li ta bhvi ht ta neyaei. Tpills ag daoouehdnthae mae‘t warc, eihtfir dne neyaei. ietir tfi tiopli whtfaut `idaoheb dnubft he tfi spill nem mistrayim ns ht ‖gnst garwnrms‘ tfihr plndi he thoi. He gndt tfi aely wny ta daevirsi whtf tfio hs ta `i spim up ta einrly tfihr spiim. @y usheb Blhopsi tfi Taul‘s Tfnmaw, n dfnrndtir dne mhsduss whtf tfi sfubiekn, îltfaubf whtf mhgghdulty (tfiy nri sthll oavheb nt einrly twhdi fhs spiim). ]fi sfubiekn he tfi tiopli ceaw faw ta `rinc tfi onfa sfubiekn‘s sfubiekn‘s spill; spill; mistray mistray tfi maarstip upae wfhdf fi mhim `y wnsfheb htdline whtf wntir grao Yhccu‘s Tfrhei, aely n giw linbuis ta tfi eartf. Ag daursi, tfi rist ag tfi onfa-tsucnh he tfi nrin nrie‘t baheb ta `i whllheb ta wntdf tfihr `ratfir‘s ghenl libndy `i mistrayim sa inshly. Ns tfi dfnrndtirs kaureiy tawnrms Yhccu‘s Tfrhei, tfi dulthsts whll no`usf tfi pnrty, nttioptheb ta mistray tfio nem ciip tfi tiopli uemir hts dursi. Hg tfiy dne stap tfi ZDs, ar nt linst milny tfio uethl tfi lh`rnrhnes nll mhi grao prionturi aïm nbi, tfie tfihr pridhaus ceawlimbi whll `i mistrayim garivir. Gar tfnt, tfiy waulm `i whllheb ta lny mawe tfihr lhvis, nem tfiy whll ghbft lhciwhsi. ]fiy nri dlivir ieaubf ta dfaasi n baam spat gar tfihr no`usf - n fhbf pnss he tfi oauetnhes einr Yhccu‘s Tfrhei, ae tfi imbi ag n tnll dlhgg. ]fi onfa-tsucnh fnvi ea spills tfiosilvis (snvi n giw fnroliss rhtunls), `ut tfiy whll onci up gar ht he euo`irs nem ietfushnso. ]fiy whll ghbft ta tfi mintf nem try ta tnci ns oney ag tfi ZDs whtf tfio ns tfiy dne. ]ndclheb n snournh nem nttioptheb la pusf fheh' ar fir avir tfi dlhgg hs n prigirrim tndthd; neytfheb ta ciip tfi pnrty grao rindfheb tfi Tfrhei. Rfie nem hg tfi ZDs ghbft agg tfi dulthsts, tfiy sfaulm fnvi lhttli trau`li rindfheb tfihr misthenthae, `rhebheb tfi

wntir `ndc ta tfi dursim tiopli nem wnsfheb tfi maarstip dline - griiheb tfi lh`rnrhnes grao tfihr taroiet.


N `nshd Nhr spill, Fawl ag Ksarn suooaes n  n  sfart `ut hetiesi `lnst ag nhr wfhdf glhis gartf  gartf  grao tfi sfubiekn‘s ghebirthps. ]fi whem hs  hs  furrhdnei striebtf - straeb ieaubf ta sdnttir  sdnttir  lhbft a`kidts, `law avir gurehturi nem dnusi  dnusi  piapli ta lasi tfihr gaatheb. ±Ziapli nem  nem  fuoneahm fuonea hm irinturis nturis dnubft hhe e tfi `lnst `lnst   , oust suddiim he ne Nbhlhty  Nbhlhty  + Ntflithds  K rall rall nntt ] F 0: ar il ilssi sphll sphll f fiiils av aviir

Dnstheb ] ho i ;  0 Ndthaes Murnthae; H


O n s t ir y ; 4

DAEDIE]PN]HAE; GYLL Pnhsis;  Dnstheb ] ho i

Murnthae, L adnthae

finm ns tfi whem `uggits  `uggits  tfio `ndc. ]fiy oust  oust  spiem aei aei rrauem auem   stnbbirheb ta tfihr giit  giit  `igari tfiy dne tnci  tnci  neatfir ndthae. (Pnhsis  (Pnhsis  dne hedrinsi tfi liebtf  liebtf  nem hetieshty ag tfi  tfi  whem, nem gardè tfasi  tfasi  nggidtim ta rionhe mawe  mawe  gar laebir tfne aei  aei  rauem (plus ( plus aei rauem rauem   gar indf rnhsi). ]fi  ]fi  spill usunlly nggiits n  n  9' 

`y 9 daei ixtiemheb  ixtiemheb  garwnrm grao tfi dnstheb  dnstheb  sfubiekn, `ut dne `i  `i  tnrbitim ta neywfiri  neywfiri  whtfhe shbft hg tfi  tfi  dnstir hs schllim ieaubf  ieaubf  (>:: giit gar indf  indf  rnhsi).


 N mv ieturi etur i

]fi pnrty hs trnvilheb ae n mhplaonthd trhp ta tfi Oneths hslnems, fapheb ta sidnri trnmi rhbfts nem n dnmri ag oirdienrhis gar n supirhar ae tfi onhelnem. Ieiohis, fawivir, fnvi nlrinmy daetndtim tfi hslnem nem fhrim n Oneths sfubiekn ta dnst Fpwl ag Hsarn nt tfi npprandfheb sfhpl ]fi spill hs pawirgully dnst nem `laws tfi sfhp miiply agg daursè - nwny grao tfi ceawe sfhppheb lnþis nem heta tfi `lui ixpnesi ag Yoh Nontirnsu. Ht whll tnci tfio saoi thoi ta bit `ndc ta tfi Oneths hslnems. Ludchly, tfihr pashthae hse‘t ns `nm ns ht daulm `i. ]fi driw ôg tfi Cneh Hekn  (Firoht Drn`) - euo`irheb n mazie, plus tfi dnptnhe - nri ixpirhiedim snhlars nem ceaw wfnt tfiy‘ri maheb. ]firi hs ieaubf wntir ae `anrm ta sustnhe tfi driw gar sivirnl wiics, nem wfhli gaam hs sdnrdi, ghsfheb eits nem atfir binr nri he n`uemnedi. Hg tfiri nri sfubiekn he tfi pnrty, tfiy dne nmoaehsf tfi sphrhts ag Nhr nem Rntir ta filp tfio rindf sngity - gnhr whems nem dnlo sins waulm `i viry filpgul. Hgs kust n onttir ag sittheb daursi gar tfi Hslnem ag Thlc (tfi einrist shbehghdnet phidi ag lnem) nem pusfheb tfraubf. Ht‘s eat baheb ta `i tfnt insy, a`vhausly. He tfi ghgtiie mnys ht tncis ta bit `ndc ta tfi Oneths Hslis, tfi dfnrndtirs nem tfi driw oust daetiqm whtf n sirhis ag onrhthoi dfnlliebis. N giw ag tfi passh`hlhthis nri lhstim `ilaw. ]fi BO hs wildaoi ta usi ney, nll, ar eaei ag tfio, nem/ar ohx tfio whtf iedauetirs aï fhs ar fir awe. T in   O a e s t ir NY oneeir ag ginrsaoi drinturis rano tfi miptfs ag Yoh Nontirnsu, nem tfiy rnrily fnvi ne appartuehty ta tnsti tfi glisf ag one. ]fi Cneh Hekn  pravhmis n tnrbit taa tioptheb ta rishst Ns tfi pnrty snhls nlaeb tfraubf n dnlo nem plnqhm suesit, tfi wntirs nrauem-tfi sfhp summiely daoi ta n `ahl. @ieintf tfi tfio,. o,. ne uegntfaon`ly fubi, fubi, crncie-lhci drinturi fns ixtiemim ixtiemim n sirhis ag ag hooiesi sudcirim tietndlis nem hs pripnrheb ta mrnb tfi sfhp ta tfi

`attao. ]fi ZDs dne sii tfi bhbnethd `inc nem iyis stnrheb up nt tfio grao miip. `ilaw tfi surgndi ns tfi drinturi gadusis hts nttiethae ae tfi fnpliss sfhp. Thx ar sivie tietndlis wrnp ndrass tfi midc, wfhli neatfir gaur `ibhe pludcheb driwoie nem snournh agg gar n tnsty sendc. ]fi ZDs fnvi ta ndt quhdcly ta snvi tfihr sfhp nem tfihr tfihr driw-ontis driw-ontis grao tfhs opestraus tf tfrin rintt (Ht tncis sivie tietndlis shx ndthaes ta mrnb tfi sfhp

T in   O a e s t ir

Ttnohen; 6 INP]F; 0 RN]IP; > Ttriebtf; 8 GHPI; 4 NHP; > Palls Rfie Nttndcheb; 9c4 indf Palls Gar Mnonbi; =c=. Hg nttndcheb n pirsae, n suddissgul fht oines tfi tietndli fns wrnppim nrauem fho ar fir nem whll pulï tfio agg tfi sfhp he twa rauems. ]E ta Fht; >9 Nroar; >: Rauems pir ]ietndli; >:; ->, 0:; -0, 4:; Tivirim 3**. 3**.


uemir. Hg n tietndli hs sivirim, ht oust stnrt nbnhe. Gar purpasis ag dao`nt, ht fns ne heghehti euo`ir ag tietndlis.) ]fi stnts nri gar indf ag tfi drinturi‘s tietndlis. ]fi drinturi‘ drinturi‘s `amy dneeat `i hekurim hekurim ` `yy tfasi ae ae `anrm. ]fi oaestir gliis hg ghvi ar oari tietndli!, nri sivirim. ]   y p f a a e

]fi Tin ag tfi Tue Bammiss hs gtat nlwnys chem, nem ivie tfi oast `iehbe sphrhts dneeat falm agg enturi‘s gury garivir. Dnptnhe Tncifhsn siis tfi wnreheb shbes he tfi sthll nhr nem tfi `rhbft rim sue, `ut tfi typfaae sthll strhcis whtf mivnstntheb gury. Fubi wnvis wnsf upae tfi midc wfhli lhbfteheb nem rnhe pauem mawe lhci fnooirs. Tivirnl thois,, tfi sfhp daois thois daois dhôsi ta ta dnpshzheb. dnpshzheb. ]fi dnptnhe,oust onci ne Nb Nbhlh hlhty ty + Tnhlhe Tnhlheb b dfidc nt ]E >9 iviry ghgtiie oheutis gar n lhttli liss tfne aei Pacubneh faur (sivie ralls). Tuddiss oines ivirytfheb stnys ae `anrm. Gnhluris oine tfi lass ag tfi gallawheb htios, he prmir; tfrii mnys wartf ag wntir, fnlg tfi ghsfheb binr, twa driwoie, tfi rion)emir ag tfi ghsfheb binr, n wiic‘s wartf ag wntir, nem tfi onhe onst. Hg fi gnhls nll sivie ralls, tfi sfhp shecs nem nll n`ônrm whll mrawe.


 N v ie iett u r i ( daet daet.. ) ZD sfubiekn dne filp ïfi dnusi daeshmirn`ly. Gar Gar indf Daoouei spill suddissgul suddissgully ly dnst nt ]E >9, lawir tfi dnptnhe‘s dnptnhe‘s ]E ta >: gar aei dfidc. Pnhsis dne `i usim usim ta nggidt oari tfne aei dfidc ar ta lawir lawir tfi ]E ivie gurtfir. Aedi tfi staro pnssis, Dnptnhe Tncifhsn nssissis mnonbi nem bhvis iviryaei thoi ta mry agg. Ht whll tnci ne ixtrn twa mnys ta bit tfi `ant apirnthaenl nbnhe - sivie hg tfi onst fns `iie last. ZD `usfh whll pra`n`ly filp ripnhr tfi sfhp (Ttriebtf + Ntflithds nt ]E >9 dne rimudi rimudi tfi ripnhr thoi `y aei faur. faur. ]frii ralls pir `usfh pir mny). Tfubiekn dne filp ristadc supplhis `y Tuooaeheb grisf wntir ôr woam gar ripnhrs.


 N mv ietur et urii

DNZ]NHE TNCIFHTN NEM ]FI  DPIR A g   ]FI CNEH ÏEKN (>0) INP]F; 0 RN]IP; 0 Nbhlhty; Nbhlhty; 4 GHPI; 0 NHP; 0 WAHM; 0 Tdfaal/Pnec; Eaei Tchlls; Ntflit Ntf lithds hds>,0,Cehgi Migiesi Fnem-ta-Fnem >, >, Tnhlheb 0, @a sthdc 0 >, Fnem-ta-Fnem Faear; 0 Blary; : Iquhpoiet; @a sthdcs, snhlar‘s cehvis

eivir siie n `ant `igari, `ut tfiy fnvi finrm tnlis ag tfi fntim fuones wfa mistrayim tfihr lnems,.nem nri dneey ieaubf ta spat tfi Hekn‘s  driw grao tfihr wntiry pirdf. Ngtir n furrhim daevirsnthae, tfiy midhmi ta lnuedf ne nttndc. Dfnrndtirs wntdfheb tfi wntir dntdf n blhopsi ag tfi tralls' autpast, n sfart tawir dnrvim grao tfi radc ag tfi sin`im, nem tfi ghvi drinturis - risio`lhfb tralls `ut spartheb bhlls nem wi``im nppiemnbis - tfnt rhsi grao ht nem oavi swhgtlv tawnrms tfi `ant. Hg ea aei hs wntdfheb tfi wntir, tfi tralls dlno`ir ae `anrm `igari tfiy dne `i nttndcim. ]fiy nttiopt ta brnppli aei ar oari fuones, tfie tnci tfio avir`anrm wfiri tfiy dne mrawe tfio he tfi sin. Ney fht upae n fuone wfhdf dnusis oari tfne ghgtiie Rauems oines tfi trall fns brnspim fho ar fir he hts ru``iry brhp nem whll kuop avir`anrm eixt rauem ueliss stappim. tfi tralls nri taa stuphm ta surriemir, ivie he tfi gndi ag supirhar euo`irs, nem ghbft ta tfi mintf.


]fhs iedauetir sfaulm addur einr tfi iem ag tfi kaureiy, whtfhe n giw mnys ag tfi Oneths Hslnems. N sfhp hs shbftim npprandfheb tfi Hekn, tfi ghrst he wiics. Gar n oaoiet, tfi driw hs idstnthd, `ilhivheb risdui hs nt fnem. @ut ns tfi sfhp braws dlasir, Tncdfhsn‘s ixprèsshae tures brho. ]fhs hs ea Drnei trnmir ar Oneths ghsfheb vissil. ]fi sfhp wfhdf npprandfis hs sliic nem primntary - tfi sart tfnt phrntis usi. ]fi phrntis `ibhe `y pullheb up nlaebshmi tfi Hekn nem furlheb brnpplheb faacs nt fir shmi. Rfie tfiy bit dhôsi ieaubf, tfiy linp avir ta tfi Hkhkn‘s  midc, `rnemhsfheb winpaes nem fapheb ta daw ïfi driw heta surriemirheb whtfaut n ghbft. Earonlly, tfi driw waulm `i ea ontdf gar tfio3 thrim `y tfi kaureiy nem ueschllim he dao`nt, tfiy waulm quhdcly gnll `igari tfi onrnumirs. Ludchly, tfi Hekn fns n braup ag ZD snournh n`anrm. ]firi nri tie phrntis he tfi `anrmheb pnrty, plus neatfir gaur ae `anrm tfihr sfhp. ]fiy fnvi ea nroar, nem tfihr winpaes nri ohmmlheb qunlhty nt `ist. ]fi Hekn driw ma tfihr `ist ta filp tfi dfnrndtirs, `ut lndc ney winpaes atfir tfne

ghsfheb spinrs (trint ns enbi-ynrh) nem drumi waamie dumbils (trint ns `a sthdcs). Hg tfi phrntis suggir oari tfne gaur dnsunlthis, tfiy nttiopt ta `rinc agg nem isdnpi. Hg eiim `i, tfi pïrnti dnptnhe whll dut laasi nem n`nemae tfi `anrmheb pnrty ta tfihr gnti. Dnpturim phrntis ceaw lhttli3 tfiy‘ri XNTY XN TYCH CH ZlPN]IT ( > = ) oastly wfnrg tfubs grao Pacubne wfa shbeim ae gar saoi insy oirdfnet phdcheb. ]fi dnptnhe warcs gar tfi Xnsuch, INP]F; 4 nem fns `iie agghdhnlly armirim ta fnrnss Drnei sfhps aely. RN]IP; 0 Fi‘s viry lnx n`aut nmfirheb ta tfasi Hprmirs. Fawivir, hg GHPI; 0 Nbhlhty; Nbhlhty; 4 tfi pnrty dne saoifaw dnpturi tfi dnptnhe nlhvi, fi whll NHP; 0 sphll ivirytfheb ta snvi fhs lhgi, nem tfiy ony fnvi nusigul WAHM; 0 Tdfaal/Pnec;Eaei phidi ag livirnbi nbnhest tfi Xnsuch, Xnsuch, sfaulm tfi eiim eiim nrhsi. | ]fhs hs n lat ag brhig dnusim `y kust aei Fawl ag Hsarn. Ntflithds thds >, Migiesi >, >, Tn Tnhlh hlheb eb 0, ney twa Tchlls; Ntfli Fapigully, ZDs wh whllll linre ta rispidt rispidt tfhs atfirwhsi `nshd @ubih @ubih Tc Tchll hllss 0 nem uenssuoheb spill ngtir tfihr nmvieturis he tfi sin. Faear; : Blary; : > Iquhpoiet; ney twa winpaes ontdfheb tfihr @ubih schlls


] E; 0 : Dnstheb ]hoi-. HA   Ndthaes MYPN]HAE; ÏET]NE]NEIAYT ONT]IPX ONT ]IPX.. 7

]fi Tdarphae Tfasura gnethly drintim Laac  Laac   Keta  Ket a tfi Taul lnhrly in inrl rlyy he tfihr tfihr dln dlne's 's   fhstary, fhst ary, ns ne ixtieshôe ixtieshôe ag ag tfi tfihr hr muty tn pratidt tf tfii Fneti Fneti!! {rao

Ysi ag tf¡s  9g 9gg" g" , pirohts tfi dnstheb sfubiekn ta piir heta tfi  tfi  saul ag n tnrbit `iheb, `iheb, nem nem nsdirtnhe nsdirtnhe tfi ilioietnl daopashthae ag fhs ar fir sphrht. Ke sa  sa  ma maheb, heb, tfi sfubiekn linres linres fhs a arr fir str striebtfs iebtfs

nem winceissis  winceissis  - wfhdf ilioiets rue straeb he  he  tfio, nem wfhdf ohbft `i gauem wnetheb. Ke  Ke   P n hs i s ;  Dnstheb ]hoi,  ]hoi,  tfi hetireidhei platthebs ôg tfi Tdarphae Dlne,  Dlne,  sudf hegaronthae hs vnlun`li hemiim. Hegaro nthae nthae Bnheia Bnheia  Ke bnoi tir tiros, tfi tfi spi spill nnlllla aws tfi sf sfu ubiekn ta  mitirohei tfi (Phebs nem ]rnhts ag n bhvie  bhvie  tnrbit. N suddis suddissgu sgull dnstheb nt tfi `nsi `nsi ]F ]F  riviîhs twa (Phebs  (Phebs  ”tfi straebist nem tfi wincist (glhp n dahe hg tfiri nri this) - nem tfihr  tfihr   nttiemnet nttiem net ]rn ]rnhts hts.. $ar in indf df 9 ] ]F F rnhs rnhsi, i, neatfi neatfirr (Pheb (nem tfi ]r ]rnh nhts ts uemi uemirr hhtt) dn dne e `i `i  mitiroheim. ]fi tnrbit‘s Wahm dneeat `i rivinlim, fawivir, uethl nll ag tfi atfir (Phebs fnvi  fnvi  ghrst3 ta rinlhzi eatfheb, yau oust ghrst rinlhzi ivirytfheb. DMhsdavirheb n dfnrndtir's Wahm  Wahm  Daedietrnthae; Eaei  Eaei  

riviîhs `atf tfi `nsi rnec, nem tfi euo`ir ag pahets fi ar sfi fns ligt ta spiem.

/ g { vwrvl' \5 U \

c ï






¡ =\


▪ Zir9aolhty'

-U> > \T

W *~) >/

 Kt hs, a agg da daursi, u up p sUu:itïhn ïa mi mitir tiroh ohei ei faw ta usi tfhs hegaronthae  hegaronthae  aedi fi ar sfi fns ht. ]fi Tfasura nri nonzhebly nmipt nt mitiroheheb n tnr= tnr =it‘ it‘9 9 fhstar fhstary, y, U Tae U itfi T `nsim salily

tc & '* L U ] U / L Ï et‘ U: 

dao`henthae ag  ilioiets he tfihr


tfi Taul  -  N  Ntt v ir t t uri ur i

Murheb n pnrty, n Tdarphae sfubiekn, Tfasura Hti, dnsts Laac Heta tfi Taul ae n dfnrndtirs mnhoya (ar n mnhoya grhiemly ta tfi dfnrndtirs) nem linres n ciy winceiss he tfi aïm one. Fi fns n gnhlheb finrï, wfhdf ony bhvi aut uemir ixdisshvi sfadc ar strnhe. ]fi mnhoya fns ea whsf ta nppinr winc `igari fhs piirs nem uemirlhebs, sa fi fns tncie stips ta ciip fhs daemhthae quhit (ns will ns stnyheb nwny grao `nttli ar atfir fhbf-striss shtunthaes). Hg tfi Hopirhnl daurt ar Dlne mnhoya wiri ta linre ag tfhs, fawivir, fi waulm surily `i onmi ta stip mawe, ar warsn onmi ta daooht sippucu.  ]fi Tfasura fapis tfnt sudf n tfrint whll nllaw tfi Tdarphae ta daetral tfi mnhoya, nem usi fho ns tfihr pnwe gar saoi thoi ta daoi.! ]firi‘s aei pra`lio vUhtf tfi plne, fawivir; aei ar oari ag tfi plnyir dfnrndtirs whteissis Tfasura Hti dnstheb tfi spill. Hg n sfubiekn ZD hs noaeb tfi pnrty, fi ar sfi ony `i n`li ta hmiethgy tfi spidhghd prnyir Hti fns uttirim, nltfaubf fi ar sfi wae‘t ceaw wfnt fi fns linreim grao ht. ]fiy‘ri dirtnhe ta nsdirtnhe tfnt tfi Tdarphae hs up ta ea baam, nem whll mau`tliss whsf ta pratidt tfihr larm grao wfntivir plat tfi shehstir sardirir hs iebnbim he. ]fi oast `rutnl apthae hs ta chll Hti, iesurheb tfnt wfntivir fi linres dneeat `i pnssim ae. ]fnt daulm gastir ieohty whtf fhs gnohly, fawivir, nem tfi Tdarphae hs eat n Dlne ta onci ne ieioy ag. Atfir apthaes hedlumi pnyheb agg tfi sfubiekn ar nbrièheb ta brneï tfi Tdarphae n gnvar he riture gar eat trau`lheb tfi mnhoya. N pnrthdulnrly dneey ZD ony ivie whsf ta ba pu`lhd whtf tfi mnhoya‘s winceiss (sfaulm tfiy linre ht), wfhdf waulm ilhohenti tfi Tdarphae‘s falm avir fho. Hg prisietim will ieaubf, ht ony ivie priviet tfi mnhoya‘s gardim rithrioiet, ar nllaw fho ta ritnhe fhs faear he maheb sa. He ney dnsi, ea onttir wfnt tfi dfnrndtirs ma, tfi Tdarphae nri `auem onci tfhebs mhgghdult gar tfio. Gahlheb tfihr plnes hs mnebiraus he tfi `ist ag dhrduostnedis, nem hg Hti onenbis ta isdnpi misphti tfi ZDs‘ iggarts, tfiy ony midhmi ta sit tfio up gar `lndconhl ns will... ]fi dfnrndtirs sfaulm pradiim whtf dnuthae. Nltirentily, tfi BO ony midhmi ta lit tfi ZDs linre ag tfi `lndconhl aely ngtir tfi Tdarphae fns shpfaeim n giw gnvars grao tfi mnhoya. ]fi sidrits daulm `i linreim ns n eati hs hetirdiptim, n daushe hs siet ta ghbft he n mnebiraus `nttli iesurheb fhs mintf, n mnuetheb daurthir hs nscim ta stip mawe gar n thoi nem vhsht tfi faoi ag Hti gar tfi

whetir. Zirfnps ivie aei ag tfi ZDs hs tncie aut ag tfi ndthae gar n thoi `idnusi tfiy nri n tfrint ta tfi Tdarphae Dlne. BOs whsfheb ta heglhd heglhdtt si sirh rha aus fnro fnro a e . tfihr ZDs ony fnvi tfi U   : * ï Rk k §± Ï 1 / N ! ' Ï *   mnhoya mnho ya ixhli tfi tfi ,Ü * < K    gï 1 snournh grao tfi dlne ns V vW  H   e ï kOhe LL n lnst gnvar ta Hti, wfa U QQQQQ

mnhoya tfus oncheb tfi trnh trnhll ag ivhmiedi dalmir t º trndc. N mhspassissim snournh sno urnh wau waulm lm suri surily ly `i

| U ³ W y W kk || VD H % U

\ k ¡U \ W D

•L 2r! 2r! U U [Ï/î  Kb* '

îï  ' * >º º

autdnst `y fhs grhiems, wfitfir tfi dlne ar tfihr daursi, Hti daulm nlwnys fhri Paehe ta c hll n lnemliss snournh.

thta  | * R  


h h*


]O, H ^


ONT]IPX; 4 DAEDIE]PN]HAE; EAEI PNHTIT; DNT]HEB ]hoi, M urnthae, O O.. TT .L I T M i g h i d t i m

]fi gartuei Asnea-Ra hs partrnyim ns lnrbi  lnrbi  nem `lustiru  `lustiru  - ne io`amhoiet ag whem nem lhbfteheb, fhs staroy issiedi. ]fhs spill  spill  dfneeils tfi pawir ag Asnea-Ra tfraubf tfi sfubiekn‘s luebs, nllawheb fho ar fir ta ixfnli  ixfnli  n  /ÏYe.,DïogQ/:rdi whem whem.. KKtt dne dne `lat `lata a avir avir winc winc strudturis, tinragg `rnedfis grao Ae triis, ivie  lhgt sonll dfhlmrie tfi brauem. n oari  oari U

tfi oir oir prndüdnYy

hoouei ta ohsshli winpaes. ]fi pawir ag  Asnea-Ra's ±Crintf dne ture nrraws nem ynrh  ynrh 

nony no ny f o tfi ïpiüdn ïpiüdnsti stirh rh u foi lcio mnttir

fnrolissly ae tfi brauem. N suddissgul dnstheb  dnstheb  whll mitir aei ohsshli grao hts tnrbits. (gtnhsis  (gtnhsis  hedrinsi tfi euo`ir ag ohsshlis mighidtim; aei gar indf rnhsi. Atfir piapli dne `i pratidtim he  he  

tfhs oneeir, pravhmim tfiy nri whtfhe tie giit ag tfi dnstir. Aely tfi dnstheb sfubiekn ony  ony  ixirdhsi tfi pawirs ag tfi spill3 tfi iedfnetoiet dneeat `i plndim upae neyaei ilsi.  ilsi.  Asnea-Ra's `rintf hs pawirgul ieaubf ta siem ohsshlis glyheb `ndc ta tfihr arhbhenl usirs whtf  whtf  litfnl spiim, `ut lndcs tfi nddurndy ta dnusi ney rinl mnonbi - Asnea-Ra wns eat ceawe gar  gar  fhs gheissi. Fawivir, nbnhest dlasily-braupim uehts ag aei fuemrim ar oari, tfi euo`ir ag   tnrbits hs brint ieaubf ta eibnti tfi eiim gar nhoheb. Rfie iebnbim he onss dao`nt (sii tfi  tfi  LTA{ :{(ZDh, pnbis >> >>=->>2), tfi sfubiekn ony ony usi tfi spill spill ta bnhe =-> ^lary ^lary pahets nem  nem  ridihvi ghvi giwir wauems pir (Cnttli A(auem.


 Nm  N mv ieturi etur i

N plnyir dfnrndtir dnshs tfi spill he tfi ohmst ag n `nttli ar saoi atfir nltirdnthae. ]fi ohsdfhivaus cnoh   suooaeim `y tfi spill, fawivir, midhmis ta fnvi saoi gue; ht oncis tfi iggidt pironeiet, tfie mipnrts. ]fi dfnrndtir hs eaw n fuone furrhdnei, `lawheb mawe pinsnet faois, mhsruptheb gnrowarc nem dnusheb ea iem ag trau`li. Falmheb aei‘s `rintf aely warcs gar sa laeb3 nem wfie tfi fnpliss ZD ixfnlis, tfi whems riture whtf mau`li tfi gardè. ]fi aely fapi gar n duri lhis he tfi Zfaiehx lnems, wfiri n sfubiekn will-virsim he tfi ilioiet ag Nhr ohbft `i n`li ta rivirsi tfi iggidts. Nlaeb tfi wny, tfiy oust minl whtf tfi ripirdusshaes ag tfi spill, nem ony fnvi ta onci ripnrnthaes ta tfasi wfasi lhvis tfiy mhsrupt. Ivietunlly, Hopirhnl onbhstrntis whll linre ag tfi pnrty‘s npprandf nem `i dnllim aut ta fnlt tfihr nmvnedi - ea aei wnets n fuone mhsnstir nrin wnemirheb tfraubf tfihr

pravhedi. Aei passh`li saluthae ta tfi mhlioon ony `i ta rindf tfi Pacubneh danst nem fhri n sfhp ta snhl eartf ta Zfaiehx tirrhtary. ]fi iedfnetim dfnrndtir daulm `i usim ta pawir tfi snhls, wfhdf waulm iesuri n spiimy trhp, nem tfi apie sin fns lhttli wfhdf waulm `i mhsruptim `y irrnet whems. Aedi tfiy rindf tfi Zfaiehx lnems nem ghem n sfubiekn, tfi pnrty ony fnvi ta pirgaro n Tirvhdi he ixdfnebi gar fnvheb tfi spill rioavim - ghemheb n rnri glawir tfnt braws aely ae aei oauetnhe, tfi gintfir ag n `hrm eistheb he tfi Ch-Phe sfrhei, ar saoi shohlnr tnsc. ]fi sfubiekn whll pra`n`ly rioavi tfi iedfnetoiet ghrst nem rily ae tfi dfnrndtirs‘ faear ta falm up tfihr iem ag tfi minl. Hg tfiy mae‘t, mae‘ t, tfiy ony ghem tfi iedfnetoiet iedfnetoiet rihestntim rihe stntim... ... nt twhdi hts inrlhir striebtf. BOs ony nlsa midhmi tfnt tfhs druil twhst'ag gnti nttrndts tfi nttiethae ag n oaec, Nsnca, ar neyaei daedireim whtf onhetnheheb tfi Dilisthnl Armir. ]fiy ony mhspil tfi pawir ag tfi spill, `ut nsc tfi snournh ta ma tfio tfi sirvhdi ag isdartheb tfio ta tfi gnrtfist oauetnhe wfiri tfiy dne daetèoplnti lhgi‘s vhrtuis. Fi whll heshst tfnt tfiy ma tfhs misphti wfnt tfihr mnhoya ohbft fnvi plneeim gar tfio. ]ureheb mawe tfi riquist ag n oaec hs n suri wny ta durry `nm cnron. Ae tfi atfir fnem, mhsa`iyheb - ag ivie kust hbearheb - aei‘s mnhoya hs fnrmly tfi pntf ta faearn`li ielhbftieoiet, ihtfir. N baam rali-plnyheb sisshae dne `i fnm avir tfi hssui ag “wfnt ma H ma1‟ ]fi ZDs whl w hlll pra`n`ly pra`n`ly midhmi ta faear tfi oaec‘ oaec‘ss 3riquist, 3riquist, `ut whll fnvi ta ivietunlly minl whtf tfi daesiquiedis ag tfihr dfahdi.


Agiglidtheb Fhhrrar `rhebs ne hllushaenry  hllushaenry  muplïdntii ag tfi tnrbit heta ixhs muplïdnt ixhstie tiedi. di. ))tt nppinr nppinrss neywfiri `itwiie ghui giit. nem tfrii fuemrim giit ( sfu sfubie biekn's kn's dfahdi) grao tfi tnrbit, nem nem  ontdfis fhs ar fir dauetienedi ixndtly - rhbft  rhbft  mawe ta sdnrs, dlatfheb nem fnhr. ]fi honbi  honbi 

D n s t ïe b   ] ïo i ; 4 M u r n t ha e ;  9 Pauems

OnT]IPX; 7 DAEDIE]PN]gAE; DNTYNL Pnïsis; Dnstïeb ]ïoi, M u r n t

ha e


oavis hfi wny hts arhbhenl oavis, ohohdcheb  ohohdcheb  oathaes, spiidf nem gndhnl thds ixndtly. Tauems  Tauems  nem spiidf pnttires nri daphim ns will, nllawheb  nllawheb  tfi honbi ta inshly pnss gar glisf nem `laam.  `laam.  ]fi hllushae hs hoontirhnl nem a`kidts taudfheb  taudfheb 

Euo`ir a g M u ppll hd n t ]n r b i t   (0 P n ïs i s )

is ,

Ln rb ir

ht pnss rhbft tfraubf, rivinlheb hts trui enturi.  enturi.  ]fi hesu`stnethnlhty oncis ht mhgghdult ta  ta  sustnhe gar ney brint liebtf ag thoi, nem schllim  schllim  prndththaeirs ceaw eat ta usi ht he drawms ar  ar  atfir sudf shtunthaes.  shtunthaes.  ûtiglidtheb Fhhrrar's onhe purpasi hs ta  ta  mrnw nttiethae nwny grao n spidhghd tnrbit nem ta saw daegushôe he patiethnl  patiethnl  C k pursuirs. Ns sudf, ht hs papulnr whtf  whtf  H sdauts nem sphis. )e dao`nt, ht dne fhmi  fhmi  ▪c tfi tnrbit `ifhem sivirnl hmèethdn! muplhdntis, bhvheb fho ar fir thoi ta  ta  nttndc wfhli appaeiets strhci nt  nt  hesu`stnethnl pfnetaos. Oûlthpli  Oûlthpli  \ honbis - plndim he ney pashthae whtfhe  whtfhe  \) ¡h tnebi tfnt tfi sfubiekn whsfis - dne  dne  H W `i drintim gar indf  indf  9 ] F rnh rnhsi. si. Taoi Taoi   g ag tfi oa oari ri ga garon ronll sfubiekn sfubiekn sdfa sdfaals als   ¡ mhsda mhsdaurnb urnbii hts usi usi gar tfi dfna dfnass ht ti tiem emss  S> ta drinti, nem gar tfi "dawnrmhdi" ht dn dne e  Oc iedaurnbi, iedaurnbi, `ut atfirs sii ht ns n patiet patiet   wc tind tindfir fir a agg daetral, nem n stipph stippheb eb staei  staei  Hc ta oari pawirgul hlhllush lushae ae spi spills. lls. U


 g  gtt il l imh eq  Rïhrrar - Nvieturi


`itt w iie tfi `i tfi T t nrs nr s @nsi

]E;  09 09  

Dnstheb ]hoi; 9  9  M ur n t h a e; g F a ur Z i r Pn ec  ec  

a g D n s t i r s N h r  r  O n s t i r y ;  7 D a e d i e t r n t ha e ; G a d u s i m   P n hs i s ; D n s t he b   ] ho i ,  M u r n t ha e


]fraubf tfi usi ag tfhs spill, tfi sfubiekn  sfubiekn  drintis ne nrin ag ixtrnmhoieshaenl spndi,  spndi,  nddissh`li tfraubf n onbhdnl apieheb tfnt  tfnt  nppinrs neywfiri whtfhe tie giit ag tfi dnstir.  dnstir.  ]firi hs ieaubf raao whtfhe tfi spndi ta falm  falm  up ta shx piapli daogartn`ly, ar ne ibunl  ibunl  noauett ag hen noaue henehon ehonti ti a`kid a`kidts. ts. Kt hs hoouei ta ta  tfi iggidts ag tfi ilioiets nem dneeat `i  `i  ietirim ixdipt `y pirohsshae ag tfi spill dnstir.  dnstir.  WKinpaes nem ohsshlis dneeat pieètrnti ht he  he  ihtfir mhridthae  mhridthae  - nttndcs `y ar upae ney  ney  addupnets whll nutaonthdnlly gnhl. ]fi sfubiekn  sfubiekn  ony sinl tfi apieheb grao ihtfir shmi, tfiri`y  tfiri`y  privietheb tfasi whtfhe ar whtfaut grao  grao  ietirheb ar linvheb. ]fi iggidts lnst gar aei  aei  faur thois tfi dnstir's Nhr rnec. Nt tfi  tfi  ixphrnthae ag tfi spill, tfi nrin dinsis ta `i,  `i,  nem neytfheb whtfhe ht whll `i muopim  muopim  uedirioaehausly `ndc heta tfi "rinl warlm."


 Ttt ip  T

glitwiie t fi 

-  N  Nm mv ietur 

]fi dfnrndtirs fnvi ta ivndûnti n sinshmi vhllnbi grao n daoheb tsuenoh (tfi vhllnbi dne `i neywfiri he Drn`, Drnei, ar Zfaiehx tirrhtary, nltfaubf ht sfaulm `i eawfiri einr Atasne Ydfh). ]fiy fnvi nppraprhntim ieaubf dnrts nem axie grao helnem daoouehthis ta oavi nll ag tfi vhllnbirs. ]fi sin hs rhsheb nem tfi wnvds pauem fnrmir nem fnrmir nbnhest tfi sfari ns tfiy strubbli ta bit iviryaei aut. ]fiy sfaulm `i onmi nwnri ag tfi hopiemheb mhsnstir mürheb iviry oaoiet ag tfi ivnduntïae. Kust wfie tfiy giil tfiy fnvi battie iviryaei aut sngily, tfiy finr tfi dry

ag n ZDs sonlldne dfhlm daohebfir grao aei whsf, ag tfi`ut futs. N bhrl `itwiie saoi`irattheb nem battie studc. ]fi n`nemae hg tfiy wfnt chemfns ag gnllie firais waulm tfiy hg tfiyglaar`anrms mhm1 Bittheb tfi bhrl grii tncis saoi thoi, nem tfi ranr ag tfi îpprandfheb wnvi dne `i finrm ns tfiy ma sa. ]fiy stnbbir autshmi heta tfi rnhe aely ta sii tfi hooiesi tsuenoh dlasheb gnst. ]firi hse‘t ieaubf thoi ta rue nem tfi wnvi hs `hb ieaubf ta drusf ney gii`li sfiltir tfiy ohbft `i n`li ta ghem. He tfi ghenl oaoiets, fawivir, n maarwny nppinrs, nem n strnebi waone winrheb sfubiekn ra`is `idcaes tfi dfnrndtirs he. ]fi waone‘s þnoi hs Nsnfhen Cnsfhmn3 sfi fns dnst Ttip @itwiie tfi Ttnrs he ne iggart ta snvi tfi dfnrndtirs grao tfi gury ag tfi daoheb tsuenoh. Zrisuon`ly, Zrisuon` ly, iviryaei iviryaei fhbf-tnhls fhbf-tnhls ht heta tfi ixtrnmhoieshaenl ixtrnmhoieshaenl spndi3 tfiri hs ie ieaubf aubf raao heshmi gar iviryaei ta ght daogartn`ly, hedlumheb tfi lhttli bhrl tfiy trhim sa fnrm ta snvi. Farsis nem atfir lhvistadc whll eat fnvi raao, fawivir3 hg tfi dfnrndtirs mhme‘t nllaw tfio ta glii inrlhir, tfiy whll pny tfi prhdi gar tfihr onstirs‘ sfartshbftimeiss. (Yehdao `nttli-onhmies tnci eati.) Cnsfhmn siîhs tfi maar kust ns tfi wnvi fhts, nem tfi ranrheb sauems ag enturi summiely mhohehsf ta eatfheb ns tfi autshmi warlm vnehsfis grao vhiw. Aedi iesdaedim, Cnsfhmn hetramudis firsilg nem nscs gar tfi dfnrndtirs‘ filp. Tfi wns pursuheb `nemhts up tfi danstlhei, wfa fnm no`usfim n braup ag trnvilheb Nsnfhen nem stalie sivirnl pawirgul spills. ]fi `nemhts fnm fapim ta bit nwny dline up tfi danstlhei, `ut Cnsfhmn wns n`li ta trndc tfihr oavioiets nem gallawim tfio mabbimly. ]fi `nemhts wiri surprhsim `y tfi tsuenoh, nem fhm tfihr hll-bat bnhes saoiwfiri he tfhs vhllnbi. (]fi dfnas ag tfi ivnduntïae waulm fnvi bhvie tfio pliety ag thoi ta slhp he nem aut uesiie.) Tfi waulm lhci tfi dfnrndtirs ta filp fir ghem tfi sdralls `igari tfi `nemhts daoi `ndc. ]fi sdralls wiri he n wntir-praag dnsi, nem wiri pra`n`ly `urhim `y tfi `nemhts, sa tfiri hs n baam dfnedi ht whll sukrvhvi tfi thmnl wnvi. Tfi wae‘t gardè tfio ta stny hg tfiy mae‘t wnet ta, `ut su`tly fhets tfnt filpheb fir ghem ghemtfi tfisdralls waulm sirvi nspnyoiet nspnyoiet gar snvheb tfihr lhvis. Aedi tfi wintfi wintfirr mhis mhismawe mawenem nem tfi tsuenoh fns rue hts daursi, tfi tfi pnrty whl w hlll ` `ii n`li ta daoi daoi aut ag tfi onbhdnl sfiltir. Cnsfhmn ciips tfi lhttli bhrl `y fir shmi ns sfi filps tfi ZDs shgt tfraubf tfi `racie ru``li he sinrdf ag tfi sdralls. ]fi tsuenoh fns glnttieim tfi `uhlmhebs nem lnemonrcs. ]fi Drnei sfubiekn wns uen`li ta sii ixndtly wfiri tfi `nemhts fhm tfi sdrall dnsi, nem ht whll tnci quhti n `ht ag sinrdfheb ta ture up neytfheb ag vnluè. ]fiy wae‘t fnvi ta sinrdf gar laeb. ]fi `nemhts wfa arhbhenlly fhm tfi sdralls riture, nem wfhli tfihr euo`irs fnvi `iie miplitim `y tfi tsuenoh, ieaubf nri ligt ta onci tfhebs mhgghdult gar tfi pnrty. ]fiy try ta slhp he nem ridavir tfi sdralls (wfhdf nri `urhim uemir tfi eartfire iem ag tfi vhllnbi) whtfaut mrnwheb nttiethae ta tfiosilvis,  @  n e m h t s   ( Ï A )

INP]F; 4 RN]IP; 0 NHP; 0 GHPI; 0 Nbhlhty; 4 WAHM; 0 Tdfaal/Pnec; Eaei Tchlls; Ntflithds >, Migiesi >, Ttinltf 0, ney twa @ubih Tchlls 0 Faear; : Blary; : Iquhpoiet; Lhbft nroar, ney twa winpaes ontdfheb tfihr @ubih schlls


`ut tfiy fnvi tfi nmvnetnbi ag euo`irs ag tfihr shmi nem wae‘t `ndc nwny grao n ghbft hg aei daois. ]fi `nemht linmir nttiopts ta mrnw tfi ZDs nwny whtf n mhvirshôe3 fnlg ag tfi `nem npprandfis hfi vhllnbi grao tfi sautf nem trhis ta bnhe tfi pnrty‘s nttiethae, wfhli tfi rist quhdcly mhb, nem ritrint aedi tfiy fnvi tfi prhzi. ]fi dao`nthvi braup usis `aws nem tfrawe spinrs ta strhci nt tfi ZDs, whtfaut rhscheb fnem-ta-fnem dao`nr Hg tfi ZDs nri gully tncie `y tfi rusi, tfi lhttli bhrl tfiy gaubft sa fnrm ta snvi whll eathdi tfi rionheheb `nemhts mhbbheb ae tfi atfir shmi ag tfi vhllnbi. ]fiy glii aedi spattim, tncheb tfi sdrall dnsi whtf tfio. tfio. ]fi pnrty pnrty dne pursui tfio up tfi danst gar ns laeb ns tfiy whsf3 tfi `nemhts whlhlll plne ne no`usf nfind ag tfio he n `racie dapsi ag triis saoi twa ohlis eartf ag ;ei vhllnbi.

 Tuoo  T uooae ae : Pauems  

O n s t i r y ;  =  

Daedietrnthae; Dnsunl  Dnsunl  Pnhsis;  Dnstheb ]hoi,  ]hoi, 

nri ceawe ta tfi one tafa hs whsi."  whsi."  - ]na ag Tfhesih Rhems ag Dfnebi nllaws tfi sfubiekn, ar  ar  neatfir tnrbit whtf n Tfhetna sdari ag nt linst  linst  0, ta usi n schll wfhdf fi fns ea rntheb he, $ar  $ar  tfi murnthae ag tfi spill, tfi tnrbit guedthaes ns  ns  hg fi ar sfi fnm n rntheb ag twa he tfnt schll.  schll.  Fi dne ghbft, sheb, arnti, oimïtnti ar ma  ma  neytfheb ilsi ns hg fi fns prndthdim ht nll fhs  fhs 

lhgi. ]fi tnrbit mais eat uemirstnem ney ag tfi  tfi  daedipts ar uemirlyheb tfiarhis ag tfi schll he  he  Hsfhcie   Pnec 0 buisthae, nem dneeat misdrh`i fôw ar wfy fi  fi  mais wfnt fi mais. Fi dneeat, gar ixnopli,  ixnopli,  neswir buisthaes ae ciekutsu trnheheb  trnheheb  tidfehbuis kust `idnusi tfi spill brnets fho n Ciekutsu schll. ]fi spill hetieshghis hesthedthvi  hesthedthvi   Murnthae, ]nrbits  ]nrbits  

W. ~ï l  ▪=>

ceawlimbi, tfi uetnppim patiethnls ag tfi saul, eat garonl ceawlimbi hopnrtim tfraubf  tfraubf  hestrudthae ar ixpirhiedi. ]fi iggidts ag KWhems ag Dfnebi lnst gar tie ndthaes, plus aei ndthae gar indf rnhsi tfi  tfi  sfubiekn oncis. Tchlls tfi tnrbit nlrinmy passissis - ivie hg tfiy aely fnvi rnthebs ag aei  aei  -  dneeat `i hopravim `y tfhs spill. ]fi pnttires lnhm mawe `y garonl trnheheb priviet tfi  tfi   hesthedthvi nuboietnthae tfnt Rhems ag Dfnebi gndhlhtntis. Fïulthpli tnrbits dne `i nggidtim,  nggidtim,  pravhmim prav hmim tf tfii sfub sfubiekn iekn o oncis ncis n > >: :] ]F F rnhsi gar in indf df nm nmmhthaenl mhthaenl tnrbit avir tfi gh ghrst rst.. Tud Tudf f  tnrbits oust oust nll bnhe tf tfii sno snoii sschl chlll ( hg ae aeii b bit itss Firnlmry, tfiy ous oustt nll bit bit Fi Firnl rnlmr mry), y), wfh wfhdf df   ea eaei ei ony fnvi ne neyy rrnthe nthebs bs he `igari tfi spill tncis pln plndi. di. ))gg ney ma, tfi spill hs dned dnedilim ilim   whtfaut iggidt. ' ' 

O •!

▪ ' 2' ' ï


. ▪c  

' '

! W. ▪ ▪v



]Zheïs ag Dfn Dfneeba

N h v ietur i

N braup ag primaohenetly `usfh plnyir dfnrndtirs - finvy he dao`nt schlls, lhbft he ithquitti nem pratadal - fns `iie hevhtim ta pirgaro n garonl ridhtnthae ag n paio nt tfi Iopirar‘s Daurt. ]fi riquist hs tfi risult ag n dueeheb iggart `y ne ieioy ag tfihrs ta fuoïllnti tfio. N `nequit (rinm; palhthdcheb sisshae) hs `iheb film ngtirwnrms, vvfiri tfi paio hs mhsdussim nem tfi ridhtnthae drhthquim. Ht‘s `auem ta `i mivnstntheb gar tfasi ueusim ta tfi ehdithis ag dhvhlhznthae. ]fi plnyirs sfaulm `i farrhghim nt tfi primhdnoiet. N saluthae ony aggir htsilg he tfi garo ag Rhems ag Dfnebi. N grhiem ag tfihrs (prigirn`ly n sfubiekn ZD, n praoheiet EZD atfirwhsi) fns n sdrall daetnheheb tfi spill, nem ony `i pirsunmim ta dnst ht ae tfasi pirgaroheb tfi ridhtnthae. Ht whll `i trhdcy; tfi sfubiekn oust thoi tfi dnstheb ta dahedhmi whtf vnrhaus iviets ag tfi ivieheb tfi hehthnl ridhtnthae, tfi prapir wny ta `ibhe nem iem tfi ridhtnthae, tfi palhthdcheb murheb tfi `nequit, itd. @ut hg pullim agg suddissgully, tfi dfnrndtirs ony bnhe n brint minl ag gndi nem tfi rispidt ag ea`hlhty tfnt fnm privhausly daeshmirim tfio uedautf wnroaebirs. ]fi rinmheb tncis plndi whtf nll tfi paop nem garonlhty tfnt tfi hopirhnl daurt dne oustir. ]fi dfnrndtirs nri

ixpidtim ta nppinr he tfihr gheist dlatfis nem sfaw tfi prapir rispidt ta tfihr supirhars. Aedi iviryaei fns sittlim, tfi fast ag tfi ivieheb (ne Hcaon Xuka, ueliss tfi BO whsfis ta plndi tfi oiitheb autshmi ag Lhae lnems) dnlhs upae tfi dfnrndtirs ta ridhti. Iviryaei ixpidts tfi dfnrndtirs ta gnhl, `ut tfiy lhstie hetietly neywny nem bhvi tfi dfnrndtirs iviry appartuehty ta gnll ae tfihr gndis3 tfi daurts ag Pacubne nri ns oirdhliss ns ney `nttlighilm. ]fi' paio daeshsts ag gaur stnezns, indf ag wfhdf oust `i rinm he ture. Nt tfhs pahet, tfi dfidcs whll `ibhe; tfi dnstheb sfubiekn oust suddissgully hetaei Rhems ag Dfnebi (wfhli rionheheb fhmmie grao tfi onhe tfaraubfgnri, ag daursi), rnhsheb tfi tnrbit ZD‘s Zaitry livil. ]fi ZD oust tfie onci twa suddissgul Nwnrieiss + Zaitry dfidcs nt ]E >9. Gallawh Gallawheb eb tfnt, tfi eixt ZD oust ridhti tfi tfihr hr pnssnbi, pnssnbi, nem tfi sfubiekn oust ridnst tfi spill upae fho. ]fhs whll daetheuè gar ns laeb ns tfi BO whsfis, nltfaubf ihbft tatnl dfidcs hs ieaubf ta put tfi ZDs tfraubf. Paliplnyheb tfi pradimuri aut hs rèdaooiemim3 tfi BO sfaulm fnvi tfi ridhtheb plnyirs spaetneiausly drinti n fnhcu, spinc lheis grao n `aac ag Knpneisi paitry (]fi Nrt ag Rnr whll sugghdi hg atfirs nri eat nvnhln`li), bhvi tfio n taphd (sudf ns n sin-`arei suesit ar n whetir strino), nem nsc ta spinc ae ht nt liebtf, ar usi saoi atfir wny ta gndhlïtnti tfi ridhtheb ixpirhiedi. Zlnyirs, sfaulm `i iedaurnbim ta onci tfi oast ag tfi appartuehty, nem plny agg tfi rinmheb ns tfihr dfnrndtirs waulm. Hg tfi sfubiekn gnhls n dnstheb, tfi spincir gnhls n ridhtnthae, ar tfi thoheb ag ihtfir iviet hs agg (BO‘s mhsdrithae), tfi paio whll `i `atdfim - n warm stuo`lim avir, ne henppraprhnti pnusi, ar warsi. ]fi mingieheb shliedi gallawheb sudf n gnux pns daeviys tfi numhiedi‘s rispaesi, nem tfi BO sfaulm rioavi sivirnl `axis ag Blary nddarmhebly. ]fi `nequit ngtirwnrms whll `i nwcwnrm he tfi ixtrioi, nem oast ag tfi ea`lis sfue ar `rusf agg tfi dfnrndtirs he ne iggart ta mhstnedi tfiosilvis. Ae tfi atfir fnem, hg tfi pnrty pullim agg tfi rinmheb tfiri nri nddalnmis nll nrauem. Indf pnrthdhpnet whll bnhe twa `axis ag Blary, nem whll fnvi ne appartuehty ta fa` ea` whtf tfi Pacubneh ilhti ngtirwnrms. ]fiy ony `i n`li ta siduri n pashthae ns praoheiet yakho`a, n oio`ir ag n mnhoya‘s bunrm, ar atfir pristhbhaus stnthae. ]fi BO sfaulm nbnhe onci tfi plnyirs rali-plny aut tfi shtunthae, nem aggir saoi tnebh`li `ieight tfnt ghts whtf fhs ar fir hemhvhmunltfhs dnopnhbe. Hg fi whsfis oîlcisudf tfi ne ZDsappartuehty. onbhstrnlis,Rfntivir gar ixnopli, ar uemir tfi daoonem ag nnmohrnthae pnrthdulnr mnhoya, hs tfi pirgidt plndi tatahesirï tfi riwnrm, ht sfaulm riglidt tfi gilt `y tfi bntfirheb nt tfi paitry rinmheb (nem tfi gndt tfnt tfiy isdnpim grao sudf n patiethnlly io`nrrnssheb shtunthae), nem hopriss upae tfi ZDs tfnt dao`nt prawiss hs eat tfi aely wny ta bnhe wfnt tfiy mishri.



±nrtf Tpills Tpill Þnoi (Phtunls w/ *)


Dnstheb ]hoi (ndthaes)

Murnthae (rauems)




Nroar @nehsf Aeh @ieivaliet Zratidthae ag Tfhesir @hemheb, Ohear nem Onkar Dnlh @insts

0: >9

4 rauems 9

vnr. hest.

= 9

Gull ]atnl

D` >:9 TL 82

0: vnr. >9

4 4 mnys 9

suerhsi E/N >:

2 9 4

Eaei Gull Eaei

L >=7 D` >:9 RtR 7

> : >:

> 4

6 4: ohe.

= 7


L >=7 R tR 6






L >=7

DnhlhebagtfInrtf i Ilioiets* Dnstli Daurnbi ag tfi Tivie ]fuemirs*


Inrtf‘s Ttnbenthae Inrtfqunci Ilioietnl Rnrm Io`rndi ag Ciera-kh-khe Issiedi ag Inrtf Ghris grao tfi Garbi Ghst ag tfi Inrtf* Gardè ag Rhll Brauemheb Ieirby Fnems ag Kurakhe

9 >9 9 >: >: 9 09 >: >9 vnr.

> 9 0 9 0 > 0 0 0 >:

> 9 = vnr. > piro. >: 4 vnr. hest.

9 4 0 = = 4 2 = 4 4

Gadusim ]atnl Eaei Eaei Gull Eaei Dnsunl Eaei Eaei ]atnl

L >=2 L >=7 L >=2 RtR >: RtR >= L >=6 RtR >7 L >=6 RtR 0: L >=6

Homi oaTt rtrhci nci l Ttiil*  Kn  Knmi Ttrh Eat tfhs Mny! Aeh Rnrmheb* Padc Ttaro Tfnrheb tfi Ttriebtf ag Oney* Ttrhci nt tfi Paats ]itsu`a ag Inrtf ]hoi‘s Minmly Fnem ]ao` ag Knmi Rnll ag Inrtf Rny ag Inrtf Rfhspirs ag tfi Lnem

4>: : 9 4: 0:

> > faur 4 vnrhn`li 4

piro. hest. vnr. hest. >

7 = 7 2 9

Eaei Eaei Eaei ]atnl Gull

LL >=6 >=6 Y >:= RtR 00 RtR 0=

>9 vnr. >: >: vnr. >9 >: 0:

4 0 4 0 4 0 = >:

>: >: >: piro. vnr. vnr. vnr. vnr.

2 = 4 = 7 4 = 9

Gull Eaei Eaei Eaei Eaei Gull Eaei Gull

L >=6 L >=6 L >=8 RtR 07 L >=8 D` >:9 RtR 0= RtR 06

Raamie Zrhsae






RtR 4:

D` ? Rny ag tfi Drn` •De ? Rny ag tfi Drnei •M ? Rny ag tfi Mrnbôe •BO ? Bnoi Onstir‘s Zndc L ? Libiem Libiem ag ttfi fi Ghvi Phebs PZ PZB B (0em (0em Zrhetheb) Zrhetheb) •Zf ? Rny ag ttfi fi Zfaiehx •Ti ? Rny ag ttfi fi Tdarphae TL ? @aac ag tfi Tfnmawlnems 4Y ? Rny ag tfi Yehdao •RtR ? Rnlcheb tfi Rny



Rntir Tpills Tpill Þnoi (Phtunls w/ *)


Dnstheb ]hoi (ndthaes)

Murnthae (rauems)




@lissheb ag Dlinesheb @lissheb ag Zurhty @a ag Rntir @rintf ag Ohst* Dnlo Ohem Dnstli ag Rntir

>: >: >: >9 >: >:

0: ohe 0: ohe. 4 9 = 0

hest. hest. >: vnr. hest. 9 ohe.

4 4 = 7 4 7

Eaei Eaei Eaei Eaei Eaei Gadusim

TL 44 L >=8 L >=8 RtR 40 L >9: L >9:

Drass tfi Wihl ag Tliip



> oissnbi



RtR 4=

Dursi ag tfi Kndcnl Mnedi ag tfi Yehdao Ieirby Pivirsnl Gnlsi ]aebui Finrt ag Enturi Henrh‘s @lissheb Cfnrohd Wiebinedi Onstir ag tfi Pallheb Phvir Apie tfi Rnvis Tuhtiebu‘s Io`rndi Tuchekhe‘s Bhgt Piglidthaes ag Zne Cu

>9 9 0: >: >9 >9 >9

= 4 = > = > 0

> faur 0 vnr. vnr. > oaetf piro. vnr.

9 4 7 = 4 4 4

Eaei Gadusim Gull Gull Eaei Eaei Gull

RtR 46 Y >:= RtR =: Ti 88 L >9: RtR =0 RtR ==

>9 >: 0: vnr. >:

= 4 2 > 9

> daedietrnthae piro. hest. 9

9 = 7 9 4

]atnl Gull Eaei Eaei Gull

RtR =7 RtR =6 RtR 9: RtR 9= L >9:

Piglidthvi Pivirsnl agZaal Gartueis Phmi ]fraubf tfi Ehbft Tpiim ag tfi Rntirgnll Tyopntfithd Ieirbhis ]fi Farsi‘s Easi ]fi Zntf ta Heeir Zindi ]fi Zieitrntheb Mrap ]fi ]his tfnt @hem ]fi Rarlm Hs Eat Finvy ]arriethnl Pnhe* Rnll ag @no`aa Rfiil ag Gartuei Rfie Rf ie ]wa @ida @idaoi oi Aei

> >: : >: 9 vnr. 9 9 9 >: 9 4: >: 0: vnr. vnr.

9 4 = 4 4 0 0 >: 4 4 9 > 2 0

4>:oheutis vnr. vnr. 4 0 piro. hest. >: vnr. > faur 4: ohe. vnr. vnr.

9 = 7 = 9 4 = = 9 = 7 = 7 4

GEaadeuisim Dnsunl Eaei Eaei Dnsunl Eaei Eaei Gull Eaei Gadusim Dnsunl Dnsunl Eaei

LL > >9 9> > Y >:9 Y >:7 L >9> Y >:9 L >9: Y >:9 L >90 Y >:7 L >9> RtR 97 RtR 96 Y >:7

Raemirgul Arhbnoh Gurasfhch Xuch‘s @lissheb*

>: 9

lFaur 9

vnr. vnr.

7 9

Eaei Eaei

Y >:7 Y >:7

D` ? Rny ag tfi Drn` •De ? Rny ag tfi Drnei •M ? Rny ag tfi Mrnbôe •BO ? Bnoi Onstir‘s Zndc L ? Libiem ag tfi Ghvi Phebs PZB (0em Zrhetheb) •Zf ? Rny ag tfi Zfaiehx •Ti ? Rny ag tfi Tdarphae TL ? @aac ag tfi Tfnmawl Tfnmawlnems nems •Y ? Rny R ny ag tfi tfi Yehdao Yehdao •R tR ? Rnlcheb tfi tfi Rny


.U`H ü ï ü ` ï  

]hri Tpills Tpill Þnoi (Phtunls w/ *)


Dnstheb ]hoi (ndthaes)

Murnthae (rauems)




Nontirnsu‘s Nebir Nontirnsus @lissheb @htheb Ttiil ]fi @ureheb Tnems* Dnstli ag Ghri

>: 9 9 >9 >:

0 4 0 = 0

hest. vnr. 0 vnr. 9

9 0 = 9 7

Eaei Eaei Gull Gadusim Gadusim

L >90 L >90 L >90 Y >:2 RtR 7:

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