
November 25, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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  Common Use Terminal Equipment (CUTE)/ Common Use Passenger Processing Systems (CUPPS)  SPECIFICATION


Content of CUTE/CUPPS •

General Standards Design Requirements Structural Design IWS and Peripherals Integration Requirements


  General of CUTE /CUPPS  

 The design capacity of the departure and arrival system shall each be capable of handling 1,780 passengers per hour.

All peripherals and software shall be complied with both CUTE and CUPPS platforms 

 The CUTE/CUPPS system should be designed on IP-based protocols and must offer true end-to-end IP connectivity, from the mainframe


  General of CUTE /CUPPS   –




self-service which is expected to proliferate from from check-in to security and self-boarding, ticket tick et less travel and the use of 2D bar codes on boarding passes to replace expensive tag stripe preprinted passes. Ready for the latest industry standard Common Use Processing (CUPPS)) as (CUPPS perPassenger IA I ATA resolutions resolu tions


  Standards Requirements  

IATA Airport Terminals Reference Manual : The Contractor shall design,

manufacture and install the CUTE/CUPPS

in accordance with the IATA Airport  Terminals Reference Manual  The CUTE/CUPPS solution should comply with the latest version of the IATA resolution 1797 (system functionalities and peripherals shall be complied with CUPPS) and 1774 (Protection (Pr otection of Privacy and Transporter Data Flows of Personal Data used in International Air Transport of  Passengers and Ca Cargo). rgo). Alternative internationally recognised industrial standards could be used but

it must be e uivalent or hi her than the


  Design Requirements  •

CUTE/CUPPS will use a high-speed LAN architecture architectur e fully redundant and resilient while providing flexibility and scalability CUTE/CUPPS should use TCP/IP TCP/IP as its LAN network protocol and Simple Network Management Protocol Protocol (SNMP) 

Login authentication and network communications should be secured . Antivirus, firewall, vendors and intrusion from multiple shoulddetection be integrated into both CUTE/CUPPS & CUSS

  Structural Design of  CUTE/CUPPS


CUTE/CUPPS system shall be complied with IATA RP 1797 Intelligence Workstation Workstation (IWS): : A all standard PC capable of(IWS) hosting the required platform and application software, together with their associated peripherals . The Microsoftt Windows/XP or better is Microsof IWS platform . It can be automatically restarted . The operation of IWS should be simple

for user .


Structural Design of  CUTE/CUPPS •

 Technical View :


Structural Design of  CUTE/CUPPS •

 Technical View : IWS power on . The user enters their user group ID and password .The CUTE/CUPPS Server downloads certified applications – typically typic ally the Terminal Emulat Emulator or (TE). The user selects the desired  TE from the desktop menu .The Gateway and the TE communicate to assign addresses and establish connection to airline host. User signs in to the departure control

system and begins work  

Structural Design of  CUTE/CUPPS •

Inactivity Timer : When user logs on , the CUTE/CUPPS platform monitors the workstation. When it detects no keystroke activity during the timeout the platform causes the application to exit and relinquish control over any resources it may be using (such as host addresses). Common Use Peripherals : DCP,BGR,ATB,BPP,ATP


Structural Design of  CUTE/CUPPS •

Peripheral Interfaces : Parallel port for document printers , Serial port for all peripherals ,TCP/IP for ATB BTP and BGR  The CUTE/CUPPS Platform Server:The CUTE/CUPPS Platform Server centralizes login security, stores all workstation and user configurations in an SQL database,distributes application software to the workstations .At least must be two servers installed to provideto load balancing and redundancy a site . It

use use hot swappable RAID 5  

Structural Design of  •

CUTE/CUPPS Software & File Distribution :All application software and files should be downloaded to an IWS from the server IP Addressing: CUTE/CUPPS networking should be based upon TCP/IP TCP/IP On-line Backu Backup: p: Servers should be b e backed-up backe d-up daily using an integrated network back-up system 

WAN Protocol Support:P1024B, P1024C,  TCP/IP,  T CP/IP, X.25, Tn3270E, TCP/IP, including ALPS and MATIP, ALC (P1024B), UTS


  IWS and Peripherals 

Intelligent Work Station (IWS) :Intel 32 bit CPU ,2GB of RAM ,160GB of  HDD,17” LCD monitor,Windows XP or better Boarding Pass Printers with 1D/2D Barcode and magnetic printing capabilities : With the airlines to moving in line with the IATA initiative move to 2D bar-codes bar-codes it is assumed that all carriers will have achieved target dates as de defined fined by IIA ATA exp direct direct  Thermal printing , Double rear feed ,


IWS and Peripherals 

BTP Baggage Tag Printer : Direct  Thermal printing, Capable of handling different tag lengths , Future capability to be enhanced for RFID encoding of  baggage tags , etc DOC Document Printer : Dot matrix printers may be proposed . LSR (Laser Scan Reader To read e Boarding Pass ) / BGR (Boarding Gate Readers) with 2DBC reading capabilities :The proposed BGR should have a scanner head for the reading the 2D bar codes


  Integration Requirement Requirements s  •

 To  T o the FIDS systems for above counter signage to allow check-in and boarding agents to locally control FIDS display  To  T o Revenue Manage Management ment Syste System m: charging for CUTE/CUPPS used by airlines, based onservices time based usage.

 ToSystem MIS, BHS and Airport Security

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