Custom Vibrational Healing Course Manual 2018 Updated 11-9-18

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This version of the manual contains Classes 1-4, and was posted online on 11-9-2018. Updated versions of tthis his manual will be posted as the next Classes are made available. All Contents Copyright 2018: Reproduction or Distribution without Prior Written Permission is Prohibited. WWW.VESICA.ORG 1



p. 4

a) The Three Courses in this this Series  b) 10 Principles to Remember for Vibrational Testing c) The Entrainment Process: Key to Self-Transformation d) Techniques & Tools Tools from the Personal Wavelength Training  e) Techniques & Tools Tools from the Universal Vibrational Spectrum Training  f) 3 Basic Things to Do before beginning a Testing Testing or Balancing Session  g) Prepare for Testing Testing by Clearing the Mind and Energy Field  h) Protecting Yourself Yourself and Clearing Detrimental Vibrations Vibrations from Practices  i) Determining if a Vertical Vertical Wave Source is Detrimental or Beneficial 

p. 4 p. 5 p. 6 p. 7 p. 8 p. 10 p. 11 p. 12 p. 15


p. 16

a) b) c) d) e)

p. 18 17 p. p. 21 p. 24 p. 29

  Principles of the Turenne Pendulum Testing with the Turenne Pendulum  Testing the 3 Fundamental Energy Flows  Practice:: Testing Practice  Testing esting the 4 Mixed Direction Energy Flows  Practice: T Practice: Summary: The 7 Settings & 3 Reactions of the Turenne Turenne Pendulum 


a) The Importance Importance of Direct Direct Experience Experience  b) Review of the Transcendental Nature of the Universal Vibrational Spectrum c) The Principle Principle of 12 and 144 d) Prepara tion for the Following Follow ing Practices Practi cesFunctions of the Bands e) Preparation Vibrational Entrainment with Practice: f) Practice: Absorbing Vibration through a Fingertip g) Practice: Detecting Fingertip Absorption with Vibrational Testing h)  Practice:  Practice: Detecting  Detecting the Invisible Vibrational Spectrum on an Unmarked Circle i) Practice: Practice:  Journey through the Creation Cycle of the Vibrational Spectrum


p. 31 p. 31 p. 33 p. 36 p. 40 39 p. p. 46 p. 49 p. 54 p. 61

p. 69

a) Introduction 

p. 69

b) Mind Power: Energy Follows c) Practice: Preliminary TestingAttention Testing of Mind Power Focus  

p. 75 74 p.



d) Practice: Testing the Emission Source for the Mind Power e) Connecting to Vibrations through Sense Correspondences f) Using Mind Power in Crystalize Intellectual Thought into Words  g) Tapping into the Key Sources of Centering Vibration for for BioEnergy Healing:   The Inner Smile and Divine Love   h) Practice: Practice: Establishing  Establishing the Centering Vibration in your Energy Field through the Inner Smile and Divine Love     i) The Breath  j) The Four Stages and Two Two Polarity Pairs in Breathing   k) Using the Energy Field Awareness Practice with BioEnergy Methods l) Practice: Observing Directional Movements in the Energy Field Created by Breath    m) Practice: Observing Energy Concentrations inside the Consciousness Center  n) Practice: Extending the Exhalation o) Bottom-Up Vs. Top-Down Breathing   p) Practice: Bottom-Up Vs. Top-Down Breathing   q) Regular Vs. Reversed Breathing  r) Practice: Regular Vs. Reversed Breathing     s) Focusing the Breath on Building / Collecting Energy in the Lower Abdomen t) Practice: Collecting Energy in the Lower Abdomen u) Absorption, Projection, and Etheric Extension


p. 77 p. 79 p. 82 p. 83 p. 87 p. 92 p. 93 p. 96 p. 98 p. 99 p. 101 p. 102 p. 103 p. 105 p. 107 p. p. 110 112 p. 116


I. INTRODUCTION TO CUSTOM VIBRATIONAL HEALING A. THE THREE COURSES IN THIS SERIES In the first course in this series, The Personal Wavelength , you learned how to test the specific strengthening and weakening effects of any vibration on a particular person (or on any living being.) You will need to understand the Personal Wavelength method, the the different types of Witnesses, etc. covered in that first course in order to perform the practices in this third course. In this second course in this series, The Universal Vibrational Spectrum  Parts  Parts 1 & 2, you learned how to detect and identify the full range of Vibrations present within the invisible world of Energy which surrounds us. Not only your ability to test the complete Vibrational Spectrum, but also the Entrainment process of your subtle body to the different vibrations, will be essential for the methods in this final course. In those first two courses in this series you learned two different techniques, which are both essential for complete Vibrational Testing Testing and Healing: Testing the Personal Wavelength  reveals  reveals the EFFECTS of a Vibration ON A SPECIFIC LIVING BEING; Whereas testing the Vibrational Spectrum  allows  allows you to know the EXACT TYPE OF VIBRATION VIBRATION which is present, and its intrinsic ENERGY POWERS / FUNCTIONS. This third and final course in this series, Custom Vibrational Healing , combines these two methods and moves into a wide range of practical applications. You have learned a tremendous amount in the first two courses in this series, which you will use as your skill and knowledge base for this third and final course. Be sure you are adept in the skills and knowledge of the first two courses before beginning the practices in this course. On the following pages of this first section, we have provided a short overview of some of the most essential knowledge and skills from the two previous courses which you need to know. know. Please use this overview to be sure you do understand each of tthe he items mentioned. For any items in this review which you do not recognize or understand, please refer back to the relevant section(s) of the two previous courses in series. 4


B. 10 PRINCIPLES TO REMEMBER FOR VIBRATIONAL TESTING At the end of the Personal Wavelength  Course,  Course, you were provided with a list of 9 Principles to Remember in Remember in your y our Vibrational Testing Testing work. It will be helpful to keep these in mind as you enter into the work in this final course. These principles are presented again below, in a slightly expanded form which also includes a 10th principle based on the Universal Vibrational Spectrum  course.  course. 1. Clear your Ener Energy gy Field and Mind before before you start working. working. 2. Energy foll follows ows Attenti Attention. on. 3. When first learning a new Vibrational Testing Testing technique, test things of a known vibrational quality first to make sure you can get the correct testing results for them, before testing unknown things. 4. Make sure you can get variable results in your testing, from one extreme to the other (from extreme strengthening to extreme weakening, etc.) 5. Observe any sensations you have in your body, body, and any inner perceptions which arise, when testing or balancing vibrations. These inner sensations and perceptions are valuable indicators of how your energy field is connecting & reacting to specific types of vibration. 6. Remem Remember ber that this training training has taught taught you how to practice , not given you skills. skills . Your skills can only be developed through regular practice, which allows your energy system to entrain to the vibrational methods. 7. Relax and enjoy the process, rather than than focusing on just the goal. This will take you much further than a stressful attitude. 8. This work is for your personal exploration; you do not have to prove yourself to anyone, or try to convince any skeptics. 9. Test yourself regularly on the Laminated Charts to be sure you st stay ay energetically clear, and are not picking up detrimental vibrations into your field by your testing other people and energy fields. 10. Remember that the Centering Vibration Vibration is the manifestation manifestation of the Divine Unified Source. The 12 Bands of the Vibrational Spectrum manifest the Divine Powers which create all specialized functions in the world. Through this work, your subtle body is activated to perceive the invisible Divine Powers behind all Creation.  Creation.   The methods in this series are in reality a Spiritual Initiation process; they can help activate your full potential and manifest your personal destiny. 5


C. THE ENTRAINMENT PROCESS: KEY TO SELF-TRANSFORMATION It is necessary to entrain your energy system to each Band of the Spectrum in order to detect it accurately; this requires regular practice of the techniques which follow. Without regular practice you will not develop the new “organs of perception” in your energy system which will allow you to perceive these subtle energies, which have such a profound (although virtually unknown to the public) effect on ourselves and on all living beings. Remember that the Vibrational Testing Testing Tool acts as a focusing device , which allows you to detect one precise vibration out of the “soup” of vibrations which surrounds us. Don’t make the common mistake of thinking that the use of the testing tool is “artificial” and should be abandoned as soon as possible: it is what allows the proper entrainment to take place. Persons who abandon the Radiesthesia tool before their entrainment process is complete, often end up testing only their own projected thoughtforms (although they are not even aware this is happening) instead of the actual empirical subtle vibrations which they think they are testing. If you commit to regular reg ular practice with these Vibrational Testing Testing tools, they will help you to engrave into your subtle body the new organs of perception through which you can accurately perceive the invisible world around you. This transformation of your subtle body can change your destiny; it creates structures within you which can be taken even beyond the Gate of Death, creating new subtle “sense organs” which you can use both here and beyond the Physical Plane. This is a foundation for the “New Etheric Clairvoyance” described in Part I of the Universal Vibrational Spectrum  course.  course. It is also the foundation for powerful new advanced Holistic Health testing and healing methods. The deeper implications of this work demonstrate that Spiritual Science and Vibrational Science are inextricably linked together. Please remember that all methods in this class are for your personal exploration only. The user assumes all responsibility for their exploration of these methods and concepts. I hope that you enjoy the process of awakening to the invisible world of Vibration and Spirit which awaits you in this course. I also hope that you will choose to put your new skills into service, to help those in need whenever and wherever possible. 6


D. TECHNIQUES & TOOLS FROM THE PERSONAL WAVELENGTH TRAINING In this course you will be using a number of techniques you learned in the Personal Wavelength  training.  training. Before you begin the techniques in this present course, please be sure you understand and have practiced the following techniques from the Personal Wavelength  course:  course: 1. How to Tune Tune the Pendulum String to Detect Polarity. Polarity. 2. How to Tune Tune the Pendulum String to Detect your own Personal Wavelength. 3. How to Tune Tune the Pendulum String to Detect another person’s (or object’ object’s) s) Personal Wavelength. 4. How to Differentiate Differentiate between Strengthening and Weakening Weakening Effects of an External Vibrational Source on a Subject using their Personal Wavelength. 5. How to Navigate through a Person’s Energy Field (Physical Body, Body, Acupuncture Meridians, and Subtle Body Structures). 6. How to Detect the Focal Point of a Disturbance in a person’s Body / Energy Field. 7. How to Identify the Vibrational Source which will Balance a Disturbance in a person’s Body / Energy Field. 8. How to Test Test a person for possible Reactions to Substances and Vibrations. 9. How to Test Test the specific quantities of a Substance a person needs. 10. How to Test Test the limits of a person’s Digestive Digestive System. 11. How to Test Test for Side Effects from Substances in a person’s body or energy field. 12. How to Test Test the Effects of Combined Substances Su bstances or Vibrations. 13. How to Detect the Presence or Absence of any specific Material or Vibration in the Energy Field of a Person, Place, or Thing. You will need to have the tools from the Personal Wavelength  training  training on hand for the practices in this course, specifically: * Neu Neutra trall Pendulu Pendulum m * Anatom Anatomy y Chart Chart * Acupuncture Acupuncture Meridians Meridians Chart Chart * Chakras and Subtle Subtle Body Body Chart 7


E. TECHNIQUES & TOOLS FROM THE UNIVERSAL VIBRATIONAL SPECTRUM  TRAINING  TRAINING This course will also be extensively using your skills from the Universal Vibrational Spectrum  training.  training. Before you begin learning the techniques in this course, please be sure you understand and have practiced the following techniques from the Universal Vibrational Spectrum   course: 1. How to Set the Dials on the Horizontal Wave Wave and Vertical W Wave ave Pendulums to detect any Band in the Vibrational Spectrum (including the correct Dial offsets for Positive Green or Negative Green Bands). 2. How to Calibrate String Length for Accurate Testing Testing on the Horizontal and Vertical Vertical Wave Pendulums. 3. How to Test Test for Beneficial Vibrations using the Horizontal W Wave ave Pendulum. 4. How to Test Test for Detrimental Vibrations using the Vertical W Wave ave Pendulum. 5. a) b) c)

How to Test Test for the Centering Vibration Vibration using: the Center Center of a Drawn Circle and a Neutral Pendulum. Pendulum. a Piece of Gold Gold and a Neutral Pendulum Pendulum.. the BG-16 BG-16 Pendu Pendulum lum..

6. How to Combine testing the Centering Vibration, Horizontal Horizontal Waves, and V Vertical ertical Waves in one testing session. 7. How to Test Test over a person’s Body or Energy Field for the Centering Vibration. 8. How to Test Test a person’s witness for the Horizontal Waves Waves of the 12 Bands of the Vibrational Spectrum. 9. How to Test Test an Object (including Stones) for Horizontal or Vertical Vertical Waves of the 12 Bands of the Vibrational Spectrum. 10. How to Test Test a person’s Body or Energy Field for Vertical Waves of the 12 Bands of the Vibrational Spectrum. 11. How to Test Test the Vertical Wave Wave of Negative Green from Electrical Home Power Systems, Appliances, and Radio Frequency devices. 12. How to Test Test for hidden Electrical Wiring using the Vertical Wave of the Negative Green Band along with the Vertical Wave of Infra-Red on the Vertical Wave Pendulum. 8


13. How to Test Test the Effects of EMF Sources or Earth Radiations on a Living Living Being, using a Neutral Pendulum with the Personal Wavelength method. 14. How to Test Test for and Map Toxic Toxic Earth Energy Lines (Geopathic (Geop athic Grids) with or without the use of the Length Extension Rods on the Vertical Wave Pendulum. 15. How to make a Direct Direct Application Vibrational Correction on an Electro-Magnetic Field source or Geopathic Line, and How to Test the Correction on a person or other living being using the Personal Wavelength method. You will need to have the tools from the Universal Vibrational Spectrum  training  training on hand for the practices in this course, specifically: * Vertical ertical and Horizontal Wave Wave Pendulum Set * BGBG-16 16 Pendul Pendulum um



F. 3 BASIC THINGS TO DO BEFORE BEGINNING BEGINNIN G A VIBRATIONAL TESTING OR BALANCING SESSION Also remember the 3 basic things to do before you begin a testing session, as described in the earlier courses in this series. Accurate Vibrational Testing requires that the energy in your body and energy system be open and flowing, so that you can energetically connect with the dynamic, invisible vibrational world around you. Before you begin: 1. Go to the bathroom, to bathroom, to empty your urinary bladder and bowels as much as possible before you begin. This will help your energy flow, and reduce tension in your body. 2.  Set up a bowl of Salt Water next to you, you , so that you can direct into it any toxic energy you are purging out from body as a result of these practices. Simply fill a non-porous bowl (for example glass, pyrex, or ceramic -- not plastic) with pure water, and add in Salt until it reaches saturation; ie, add salt until it no longer dissolves into the water and some crystals of salt gather at the bottom of the bowl. You do not need to use expensive sea salt, any salt will do. To save money if you use the Salt Water bowl technique regularly (and you should!) the cheapest way to get bulk salt that I have found is to buy pure Salt (USP Sodium Chloride) in 40 lb. bags which are sold for use in swimming pools; another option to get the large Salt Bags sold at a home supply store for pouring into home water filter systems, but in that case check the label to be sure they do not have any other chemical additives and are just pure salt. Dispose of the salt water in the bowl when you are done, by flushing it down the toilet (it has a similar vibration as other waste products from your body have.) Wash out the bowl well, and refill it clear water and salt for the next time time you need it. The salt water bowl should be a regular feature of your environment anytime you are doing vibrational work of any kind, so that it is ready for you to dump toxic energies into anytime that you may need it. Do not overlook the use of the Salt Water Water bowl! It is very common to to find energy practitioners today simply releasing toxic energy from themselves or their clients into the space they are in, contaminating the air or surfaces in the room; this is poor energy hygiene. Always direct toxic energy into the Salt Water Water bowl, where the water will collect the energy and the Green Vibration of the Salt will help disintegrate it. 3. Drink a large glass of pure water. It is essential that you stay hydrated when doing energy practices. A key principle known to many traditions is that water water allows energy to flow, whether that water is in your body, in the Earth, within a stone, etc.



G. PREPARE FOR TESTING BY CLEARING THE MIND AND ENERGY FIELD Both of the previous courses in this series included specific methods to clear your Mind and Energy Field before beginning Vibrational Vibrational Testing. Testing. In both courses, we established the need to do Clearing exercises before every Vibrational Testing practice, to ensure accuracy and beneficial results. These Clearing methods are even more important in this course, because you will not only be Testing Vibrations (where not having done prior clearing practices may lead to  to  incorrect testing results )),, but you will in this course be engaging also in more Energy Balancing and Vibrational Healing practices (where not having done prior clearing practices may result in your bringing detrimental vibrations into your balancing or healing work ..)) In both previous courses in this series you learned 7 methods to Clear your Energy Centers and Channels, before beginning Energy Ener gy Testing Testing / Balancing practices: pra ctices: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Clearing the Central Channel: Energy Flows of Heaven and Earth. Creating a Dynamic Sphere of Protective Energy: Torus Torus Exercise. Clearing the Energy Meridians. Clearing the 3 Key Areas in the Head . Clearing and Activating the Energy Flows to to the Pendulum. Simple Clearing Clearing Method with Crystals. Simple Clearing Method with Essential Oil Spray. Spray.

You also learned the important practice: Clear the Mind: Overcoming Mental Projections to Avoid Influencing the Testing. We will not repeat these methods in this course, for time purposes; if you do not remember how to perform each of these Clearing methods, please review them from either of the previous courses and practice them now, before going any further into the material in this third and final course in the series. Please be sure to perform whatever grouping of the Energy Clearing practices you have found to be the most beneficial for you (use at least three  of  of these energy clearing practices, of your choice, in a set routine), as well as the Clear the Mind practice, every time before you begin any of the practices in this this course. This will greatly improve improve your accuracy in Vibrational Testing Testing & Balancing. 



H. PROTECTING YOURSELF AND CLEARING CLEARING DETRIMENTAL VIBRATIONS FROM PRACTICES Chapters X and XII of the Universal Vibrational Spectrum Part 2  course  course discussed multiple methods to protect yourself during, and clearing yourself after, any session in which you test or are otherwise exposed to detrimental vibrations, so that these harmful energies are immediately removed and do not lodge in your energy field. These skills are even more important in this third and final course, as there are more practices here which could expose you to detrimental energies from sick persons or toxic locations. This concern is of course not unique to the type of Vibrational Testing and Healing which this series is based on; it is a concern for anyone who is ever around toxic energies, or who engages in any type of care for persons who are ill. Please be certain that you are clear on the methods for protection from and clearing these detrimental vibrations, which were discussed in the chapters cited above in the UVS course. These methods will combine with the methods from the Personal  course to test your personal wavelength on the Anatomy, Anatomy, Acupuncture, Wavelength  course and Subtle Body charts, to enable you to find any issues in your energy field. This way toxic energies can be removed before they become lodged deeply into your body. Here is short summary of some methods described in the previous courses for protecting yourself during, and clearing yourself after, testing detrimental vibrations. Remember that these methods are discussed in much more detail in the relevant sections of the earlier courses.

1. Use the “Sandwich” method of testing detrimental vibrations: In any session where you test detrimental vibrations, always start and end the session by testing the Centering Vibration. Vibration. This method “sandwiches” the testing of detrimental vibrations with testing (andRemember thus resonating with) beneficial vibrations before and after the detrimental energies. that this method method helps entrain your system to always resonate first with beneficial vibrations, and finishes the session with your system in resonance with the beneficial Centering Vibration.

2. Pro Protect tect you yoursel rselff during  testing  testing of detrimental vibrations, with one or more of these methods: * Wear sources of beneficial vibrations on your body during testing. * Use Blessing, Prayer Prayer,, Deep Breathing, Energy Circulation Practices, and/or Positive Visualizations to empower your energy field.



* Don’t test V Vertical ertical Wave sources for longer than the time it takes to get the initial reaction when doing practical work. * Don’t test too many Vertical Vertical Wave Wave sources in one session. Break up large projects of testing detrimental energies into multiple shorter sessions. * Drink good quality water tthroughout hroughout the testing, to stay hydrated and keep your energy strong. * Every few minutes, stop testing Vertical Vertical Waves and instead connect to a beneficial Vibrational Source to clear your energy system. * As a general rule, minimize minimize focusing on detrimental energies iin n your life.

3. Clear yourself after testing detrimental vibrations, with one or more of these methods: * Extern External al and Internal Internal use of Water. Water. * Check your energy system for any disturbances, using the anatomy chart, energy meridian, and subtle energy chart methods taught in the Personal Wavelength course. Clear any area which shows as disturbed and make sure it then tests as clear on the chart that found the disturbance, using the Personal Wavelength method. * Use Blessing, Prayer and Positive Visualizations to aid in the cleansing process. * Reinforce the cleansing eff effect ect with wearing items with highly beneficial energy qualities, or the ability to absorb and hold (or transmute) toxic energies, on the body. * Stay in areas which have been energy balanced, so that you are in an area clear of toxic energies and you are benefited by the beneficial vibrations in the location. * Use methods found in alternative medicine to remove detrimental radiation from the body, including ingesting purifying substances; for example consuming foods rich in chlorophyll, “super green” foods, miso soup, etc. * Move your body body,, and use percussive movements on the body body,, to help clear your body and energy field. The Clearing the Energy Meridians practice taught in the earlier courses is especially effective for this purpose, as it expressly taps or pats along all the main energy meridians on the body bo dy.. * Use specific Horizontal Wave V Vibrational ibrational Bands to clear the V Vertical ertical Waves from the body or energy field, as described in the previous course. This includes the “opposite



polarity” method, as well as using the functional qualities of Bands such as Orange and Positive Green. * Use a strong source of the Centering Vibration to help transmute the V Vertical ertical Waves; the Centering Vibration source may include, or can be combined with, needed Horizontal Wave Vibrational Bands. * Apply Neutralizi Neutralizing ng Vibrations Vibrations as described in the Universal Vibrational Spectrum course Part 2, such as those on the 144 Vertical Waves Antidote Card available from Vesica. The same neutralizing vibration can also be applied using the 144 Vertical Waves Antidote Insert for Insert for the Eco-Laser. * Apply a Stone (such or Indigo Gabbro) or Essential Oil Bl Blend end with good clearing and/  or transmutation powers. Also remember the method of using a bucket of Salt Water near you, to dump detrimental energy into as you become aware of it in your (or another person or object’s) energy field. This method will become even more important later in in this course.



I. DETERMIN DETERMINING ING IF A VERTICAL WA WAVE SOURCE IS DETRIMENTAL OR BENEFICIAL Although in general we can say that Vertical Waves tend to be detrimental -- as was discovered by Louis Turenne in his research which we described in Part 1 of the Universal Vibrational Spectrum  [UVS]  [UVS] course -- in reality some Vertical Waves may be beneficial. It is important during practical testing and balancing work to know if a source which tests for Vertical Waves is in fact highly detrimental, weakly detrimental, or in some cases even beneficial. In Chapter X, Section D of the UVS course Part 2, the method for checking to see if a Vertical Wave source is detrimental or beneficial was taught, using the Personal Wavelength method. Remember from that discussion that if the item’s Vertical Wave vibrations are harmful to you, you will see reactions when testing your Personal Wavelength which show weakening of your field: either a decrease in the clockwise spin of the neutral pendulum (showing lightly detrimental / weakening effects), or a complete reversal of the spin to go counter-clockwise (showing highly detrimental / weakening effects). If the Vertical Waves are not harmful to you, then the clockwise spin will stay the same or will increase while testing your Personal Wavelength. It is important to remember that if you are doing this testing on your own Personal Wavelength, then technically you are then testing ONLY if the V Vertical ertical Wave(s) in the item are harmful or beneficial to you specifically. specifically. If we want to know if those Vertical Vertical Waves from the item are harmful or beneficial to people in general , then of course you would need to test that item against the witnesses of multiple people, using of course the Personal Wavelength for each individual person. In the next section of this course, you will be using the Turenne Pendulum to detect the flow direction of both Vertical Vertical and Horizontal Waves. Bear in mind that the V Vertical ertical Waves that you will detecting may or may not be harmful; use the above method to check make this determination, when needed.



II. NEW VIBRA VIBRATIONAL TIONAL TESTING TESTIN G TOOL: THE TURENNE PENDULUM In the Universal Vibrational Spectrum  course  course Part 1, we introduced the radiesthesia discoveries of Louis Turenne. Turenne. Many of these discoveries relied on the Turenne Turenne Pendulum, which he developed for practical vibrational testing. Please see the discussion of the Turenne Pendulum in that course, and the excerpts from Turenne’s Turenne’s writings on this pendulum which were included there. These will provide more contextual background on the Turenne Turenne Pendulum, including its connection to French Radiesthesia concepts of Vertical and Horizontal Waves, the “Magnetic and Electric Waves” of de Belizal and Chaumery, Chaumery, etc. In this section we will focus on practical exercises, for you to learn basic methods of testing energetic flows with the Turenne Pendulum. You will need a Turenne Pendulum in order to learn the practices in this section, and to perform other practices which will follow in upcoming sections of this training. The Turenne Pendulum will be one of our core set of Pendulums which we use in this course to detect specific Vibrations, along with the * Neutra Neutrall Pendulum Pendulum,, * Vertical and Horizontal Wave Wave Pendulum Set, and the * BGBG-16 16 Pendul Pendulum. um. At the time of the original publication of the Universal Vibrational Spectrum  course,  course, there was no source for Turenne Pendulums on the market, and had not been for a number of years. However we have recently been able to acquire a small number of Turenne Pendulums, and they are now (at the time of the creation of this course) available from the Vesica Institute in our Online Store. We do not know how long we will be able to have these pendulums in stock, so we recommend obtaining one of these while they are still available. Because the Turenne Pendulum only recently became available, and how long we can keep this item in stock is unknown, this pendulum is sold as a separate item now and is not included in any of the Kits we sell for this Vibrational Testing and Healing  series.  series.



A. PRINCIPLES OF THE TURENNE PENDULUM We will be using the Turenne Pendulum to detect in which direction(s) energy is flowing in a system. This system can be virtually anything: an entire human body, body, any organ or gland or energy meridian in the body, any other living being, any location or environment, any object, etc. This can be extended to see how specific external vibrations introduced into an energy system will change  the  the energy flows in that that system. That has profound implications for for testing which external vibrational sources will heal a system, and which will harm it. French Vibrational Radiesthesia pioneer Louis Turenne did extensive research into the direction(s) which invisible waves traveled, a research focus which continued throughout decades of empirical testing. His system differentiated waves moving in a horizontal plane (Horizontal Waves) from those moving in a vertical plane (Vertical Waves.)  For this work Turenne needed a pendulum which could accurately detect the direction of energy movement of any and all waves. He created this by mounting standard Compass Needles on either side of a spherical pendulum; the alignment of the needles determined which waves were being detected. When both needles were pointing the same way at a horizontal orientation, the pendulum would only detect waves (shown by a rotation of the pendulum) moving horizontally from the direction the red pointers indicated; if the needles were pointing the same direction vertically then the pendulum would only detect waves moving vertically from the direction the red pointers indicated (either upward or downward moving.) Needles pointed in opposite vertical or horizontal orientations, or mixed vertical and horizontal aligned needles, would detect mixed waves with more than one flow direction of energy movement.



B. TESTING WITH THE TURENNE TURENNE PENDULUM The most important thing you need to know, is that the Turenne Pendulum detects energy flows coming from the direction that the Red Pointers are aligned to. This means that if you want to detect an energy flow coming from above and flowing downward -- ie a downward flowing energy -- that you would place the Red Pointers on the Compass Needle of the Pendulum pointing upwards , ie the direction the flow is coming from . If you want to detect an energy flow coming from below and flowing upward -- ie an upward flowing energy -- then you would place the Red Pointers on the Compass Needle on the Pendulum pointing downwards , ie again the direction the flow is coming from. This is the key thing to keep in mind - put the Red Pointer on the Compass Needle pointing to the direction the energy flow is coming from, NOT the direction the energy is going to. Once you understand that, the use of this pendulum is extremely simple and easy. Other important aspects of testing with the Turenne Pendulum [TP]: * The string length does not have to be calibrated, because we will not be using the TP to examine differences between ClockWise (CW) vs. Counter-Clockwise (CCW) spin directions. We are only looking for the “pull” on the pendulum to move it into a rotation, when it detects an energy flow coming from the direction the red pointer is aligned towards. Whether this rotation is clockwise or CCW is irrelevant; if the TP rotates either direction then it is detecting a flow from that direction.  direction.  The spin direction is related to polarity, so if you want to know polarity information specifically (in addition to directional energy flow) then calibrate the Turenne Pendulum string length on a battery for polarity detection, using the method and principle for polarity detection described in the Personal Wavelength  course.  course. As a general rule, we would like to have the TP rotation be clockwise when it detects an energy flow; this is because of the energetics of CW vs. CCW flows, where CW flows tend to be safer and more balanced in some situations. Here is a very simple method to have the TP rotate CW, when it detects the energy flow that the red pointers on the needles are aligned towards: if the TP rotates CCW upon detecting the energy flow, then simply change where you are holding the string (to slightly lower or higher on the string) so that it rotates CW upon detection. * You will use the basic “Search Position” method described in previous courses, when you test with the TP. TP. With the needles set in the correct position for the desired testing, you will put the pendulum in a straight back and forth movement (ie, “Search Position”) so that it crosses the line of (ie, moves perpendicular moves  perpendicular to ) the flow of the energy movement you are testing for. for. If there is no energy flow (or too weak an



energy flow to be detected) in the direction which the needles are set to detect, then the TP will simply continue in the back and forth Search Position. If the TP does detect energy flow(s) coming from the direction(s) the Red needles are pointed towards, then it will be pulled into a rotation. Note: When testing with the needles pointed different directions, you will only get a full Note: When rotation if the pendulum detects flows coming from BOTH directions that the needles are pointing. If there is an energy flow from only one direction, with only one needle (not both) on the TP pointing towards that flow (and not from the other direction which the second needle is pointing towards) then there will be a kind of “bump” in the movement of the pendulum back and forth, but not a full smooth rotation. This means that you can see the types of energy flows present by the reaction of the pendulum: - A continuation of the back-and-forth Search Position shows that the pendulum is not detecting any energy flow coming from the direction(s) the red pointer on the needles of the TP are pointed towards. - A “bump” in the Search Position back-and-forth movement, but not a ffull ull rotation of the TP,, shows that there is likely an energy TP ener gy flow from the direction that one, but not both, needles are pointing towards. - A full full rotation of the TP shows that there is an energy flow coming from the direction(s) that the red pointers on the needles are pointed towards. * Remember our basic rule, that we always start learning to use a vibrational detection tool by testing things of a known vibrational quality  and  and making sure we can detect it correctly, before we go on to test things of an unknown vibrational quality. quality. So this means that you will train first with the TP by testing energy flows which are clearly visible, to ensure you can detect these accurately before going on to test unknown / invisible energy flows. * Note that the reaction of the TP is to the presence of an energy flow from the direction(s) the red pointer of the needle is aligned to. This does not mean that there are no other energy flows in other direction that you have not yet tested; there may be, and you would only know by testing these other directions. * As with our other vibrational testing pendulums, the strength of the “Pull” on the the pendulum is shown by the rate of rotation (how fast the pendulum rotates) and the amplitude of the swing (how large the circle of rotation). Through developing sensitivity with the TP, TP, and highly precise pr ecise focusing of your yo ur attention, you can detect all energy flows and their relative levels of strength. * If the TP tests a field as having energy flows in more than one direction (mixed horizontal, mixed vertical, mixed vertical and horizontal) then both flows are relatively strong.



* Remember the first of the 10 Principles discussed in the previous section of this course: Energy follows Attention.  Attention.  This means that whatever you focus your attention on, that is what your energy field is connecting to. When you focus on your entire energy field, the Turenne Pendulum will show you what is / are the dominant energy flow(s) in your entire energy field; if you focus on a particular energy meridian in your body, the TP will show you which direction the energy in that meridian is flowing; if you focus on a particular energy meridian in your body and then connect also to an external vibrational source (a stone, essential oil, vibrational tool, perform an energetic practice, etc.) you will then detect if the added vibration changes  the  the direction of the energy flow or weakens/strengthens  its  its flow in the direction it was moving before.



C. PRACTICE: TESTING THE 3 FUNDAMENTAL ENERGY FLOWS The three most fundamental settings of the Turenne Pendulum are those used to find flows in a single  direction,  direction, either horizontal or vertical. For purposes of your initial practices to learn how to use the Turenne Pendulum properly, you will need a source which creates an energy flow which is visibl visible. e. For this purpose, we will use a flashlight in order to create the energy flow through its visible beam of light emission. Items you will need for this exercise: * Turenn Turenne e Pendulum Pendulum * Flashlight (preferably a cylindrical flashlight with a continuous beam, either LED or incandescent bulb.)

ENERGY FLOW 1: Testing a Single Horizontal Wave Flow Set the red pointers of the Turenne Pendulum horizontally, so that both pointers are aligned to point in the same direction. This is shown in the left hand illustration in tthe he picture above. Turn the flashlight on and hold it horizontally. horizontally. Hold the cord of the TP and orient the Pendulum so that both both red pointers are pointing in the direction of the flashlight and its beam, but do not put the pendulum in front of the beam yet. Then put the TP into Search Position, so that it swings in a straight back-and-forth movement through the flashlight beam; again sure that the two red pointers are pointingstraight in the direction towards the flashlight and be its beam emission. 21


As the TP moves through the light beam, you should feel a very strong pull on the pendulum, to pull it into a clockwise rotation. This indicates the presence of the energy flow from the direction the red pointers are oriented towards, in this case the emission of the light beam from the flashlight. Then turn the string in your fingertips slightly so that now the two red pointers are NOT pointed towards the flashlight and its beam, then again put the TP into Search Position to swing through the light light beam. With the red pointers not oriented toward the flashlight origin point of the light beam, the pendulum stays in back-and-forth Search Position and does not have the “pull” to rotate. You have now learned to detect energy e nergy flows which are moving horizontally.

ENERGY FLOW 2: Testing a Single V Vertical ertical Wave Flow Downwards (moving from Above to Below) Set the red pointers of the Turenne Pendulum vertically, so that both red pointers are aligned to point directly straight up (ie, both red pointers are pointing upward, parallel to the cord of the pendulum when you are holding it). Turn the flashlight on and hold it vertically pointing downwards, so that the light beam is moving down to the top of the table you are working at. Hold the cord of the TP with both red pointers aligned straight up, but do not put the pendulum under the beam yet. Then put the TP into Search Position, so that it swings in a straight back-and-forth movement straight through the downwards flashlight beam; again be sure that the two red pointers are pointing straight up towards the flashlight and its beam emission. As the TP moves through the light beam, you should feel a very strong pull on the pendulum, to pull it into a clockwise rotation. This indicates the presence of the energy flow from the direction the red pointers are oriented towards, in this case the emission of the light beam from the flashlight. Then move the flashlight to be under underneath neath the TP, TP, with the light beam going from the flashlight vertically upwards to the ceiling. Keeping the red pointers in the the same direction as before (ie, both aligned straight upwards), put the TP again into Search Position straight through the Flashlight Flashlight beam. There should be no pull on the pendulum, so that it stays in back-and-forth Search Position. This shows that the TP will respond with a rotation only when the red pointers are aligned towards the source of the the energy flow. When the red pointers were aligned upwards and the flashlight beam was above them pointing downwards, the TP rotated strongly because the flow was from the direction the red pointers faced. With the red



pointers at the same upwards orientation but with the flashlight beam beneath them (going from below to above) there was no pull on the TP and it stayed in Search Position, because the red pointers were now not facing in the direction of the energy flow. You have now learned to detect energy flows which are moving downwards. This can have important grounding and stabilizing effects.

ENERGY FLOW 3: Testing a Single V Vertical ertical Wave Flow Upwards (moving from Below to Above) Set the red pointers of the Turenne Pendulum vertically, so that both red pointers are aligned to point straight downwards. Turn the flashlight on and hold it at table top level, pointing vertically upwards, so that the light beam is moving up to the ceiling. Hold the cord of the TP wit with h both red pointers aligned straight down, but do not put the pendulum under the beam yet. Then put the TP into Searchthe Position, soflashlight that it swings in again a straight back-and-forth movement straight through upwards beam; be sure that the two red pointers are pointing straight down towards the flashlight and its beam emission. As the TP moves through the light beam, you should feel a very strong pull on the pendulum, to pull it into a clockwise rotation. This indicates the presence of the energy flow from the direction the red pointers are oriented towards, in this case the emission of the light beam from the flashlight. Then move the flashlight to be above the TP, TP, with the light beam going from the flashlight vertically downwards to the tabletop. Keeping the red pointers in the same direction as before (ie, both aligned straight down), put the TP again into Search Position straight through the Flashlight Flashlight beam. There should be no pull on the pendulum, so that it stays in back-and-forth Search Position. This shows that the TP will respond with a rotation only when the red pointers are aligned towards the source of the the energy flow. When the red pointers were aligned downwards and the flashlight beam was below them pointing upwards, the TP rotated strongly because the flow was from the direction the red pointers faced. With the red pointers at the same downwards orientation but with the flashlight beam above them (going from above to below) there was no pull on the TP and it stayed in Search Position, because the red pointers were now not facing in the direction of the energy flow. You have now learned to detect energy flows which are moving upwards. This can have important effects, including activating higher consciousness in the human energy system. 23



The illustration above shows on the top line the three single directional flow settings of the TP which you tested in Practice 1. The lower line in the illustration shows four mixed directional flows, which you will learn to test for in this practice. Items you will need for this exercise: * Turenn Turenne e Pendulum Pendulum * 2 Flashlights (preferably cylindrical flashlights w with ith a continuous beam, eit either her LED or incandescent bulb.) It is helpful if one of the two flashlights has a flat bottom base, so it can be set flat on the table to shine upwards for one of the practices. * A stand stand of some type, to rest the second flashlight on so you don’t have to hold it during the testing. One hand will be holding the TP, TP, the other hand will be holding the first flashlight, so you will need to have one flashlight rest on a stand during some of these practices. A cardboard box is an example of a simple item which can work as a stand.



MIXED DIRECTION ENERGY FLOW 1: Testing Horizontal W Wave ave Flows from Two Two Opposite D Directions irections Set the red pointers of the Turenne Pendulum horizontally, so that the red pointers are pointing in exactly opposite directions. directions. This is shown on the bottom right of the the picture on the preceding page. Place one flashlight to rest horizontally on a stand, so that the flashlight sends out a beam of light which is a bit above the top of the table. Hold the other flashlight horizontally, exactly opposite the first flashlight, so that their two beams merge. With your other hand, hold the cord of the TP with the two red pointers horizontal and pointing in two opposite directions. Put the pendulum into Search Position, then move the pendulum so that its back-and-forth movement crosses perpendicularly across the beam of the flashlights which are opposite one another. With one red pointer aligned towards one flashlight beam and the other red pointer aligned to the other flashlight beam directly opposite it, you should feel a strong pull on the pendulum to move into a clockwise rotation. Keep the Pendulum in the same position, but move away the second flashlight, so that only one beam is present; this means that one pointer is now toward the source of the remaining flashlight beam, but the other pointer is no longer detecting an energy flow since you removed the flashlight beam it was pointed towards. Note what happens when only one of the two pointers detects the flow it is set for. Rather than a pure rotation, you will feel a kind of “bump” or disturbance to the pendulum as it moves in back-and-forth Search Position across the single flashlight beam. This “bump” is the signal that one of the red pointers is detecting an energy flow from the direction it is pointing towards, but the other pointer is not; the result is that the Search Position movement is somewhat disturbed, but the pendulum is not pulled into a smooth rotation as it was when both needles detected an energy flow in the direction they each faced. Now take away the first flashlight as well, so that neither of the needles detects a flow from its direction. Note that now the pendulum simply has a smooth back-and-forth Search Position movement, with no disturbance or “bump” from one needle detecting a flow, nor the pull into a full rotation as when both red pointers detects a flow from its direction. You have now learned how to detect energy flows which have Horizontal Waves coming from two opposite directions.



MIXED DIRECTION ENERGY FLOW 2: Testing V Vertical ertical Wave Flows from Two Two Opposite D Directions irections Set the red pointers of the Turenne Pendulum vertically so that the red pointers are pointing in exactly opposite directions; directions; one up and one down. This is shown on the bottom line of the picture on the preceding page, second from the right. Place one flashlight to rest on its base on the tabletop, so that it shines its beam directly upwards. Hold the other flashlight vertically pointing downwards, exactly opposite the first flashlight, so that their two beams merge. With your other hand, hold the cord of the TP with the two red pointers pointing in the two opposite vertical directions, one up and one down. Put the pendulum into Search Position, then move the pendulum so that its back-and-forth movement crosses perpendicularly across the beam of the flashlights which are opposite one another. With one red pointer aligned towards one flashlight beam and the other red pointer aligned to the other flashlight beam directly opposite it, you should feel a strong pull on the pendulum to move into a clockwise rotation. Keep the Pendulum in the same position, but move away the second flashlight which you are holding, so that only one beam is present; this means that one pointer is now toward the source of the remaining flashlight beam, but the other pointer is no longer detecting an energy flow since you removed the flashlight beam it was pointed towards. As before, when only one of the two pointers detects the flow it is set for, you will feel a kind of “bump” or disturbance to the pendulum as it moves in back-and-forth Search Position across the single flashlight beam. This “bump” is the signal that one of the red pointers is detecting an energy flow from the direction it is pointing towards, but the other pointer is not; the result is that the Search Position movement is somewhat disturbed, but the pendulum is not pulled into a smooth rotation as it was when both needles detected an energy flow in the direction they each faced. Now take away the first flashlight as well, so that neither of the needles detects a flow from its direction. Note that now the pendulum simply has a smooth back-and-forth Search Position movement, with no disturbance or “bump” from one needle detecting a flow, nor the pull into a full rotation as when both red pointers detects a flow from its direction. You have now learned how to detect energy flows which have Vertical Waves coming from two opposite directions, flowing both upwards and downwards simultaneously.



MIXED DIRECTION ENERGY FLOW 3: Testing a Horizontal Wave Flow + a Downwards Downwar ds Vertical Wave Flow Set the red pointers of the Turenne Pendulum so that one red pointer is aligned horizontally,, and the other red pointer is pointing upwards vertically horizontally vertically.. This is shown in the far left illustration on the bottom line of the picture on the preceding page. Place one flashlight to rest horizontally on a stand, so that the flashlight sends out a horizontal beam of light which is a bit above the top of the table. Hold the other flashlight vertically pointing downwards, so that its beam crosses the horizontal beam of the first flashlight at 90 degrees, making a cross of light. With your other hand, hold the cord of the TP with one red pointer set horizontally, and the other red pointer set vertically vertically pointing upwards. Put the pendulum into Search Position, then move the pendulum so that its back-and-forth movement passes through the intersection point of the cross-beam of the flashlights. With one red pointer aligned towards one flashlight beam and the other red pointer aligned to the other flashlight beam, you should feel a strong pull on the pendulum to move into a clockwise rotation. Keep the Pendulum in the same position, but move away the second flashlight which you are holding vertically pointing down, so that only one beam is present; this means that one pointer is now toward the source of the remaining flashlight beam, but the other pointer is no longer detecting an energy flow since you removed the flashlight beam it was pointed towards. As before, when only one of the two pointers detects the flow it is set for, you will feel a kind of “bump” or disturbance to the pendulum as it moves in back-and-forth Search Position across the single flashlight beam. This “bump” is the signal that one of the red pointers is detecting an energy flow from the direction it is pointing towards, but the other pointer is not; the result is that the Search Position movement is somewhat disturbed, but the pendulum is not pulled into a smooth rotation as it was when both needles detected an energy flow in the direction they each faced. Now take away the first flashlight as well, so that neither of the needles detects a flow from its direction. Note that now the pendulum simply has a smooth back-and-forth Search Position movement, with no disturbance or “bump” from one needle detecting a flow, nor the pull into a full rotation as when both red pointers detects a flow from its direction. You have now learned how to detect energy flows which combine a downward flowing Vertical Wave Wave with a Horizontal Wave.



MIXED DIRECTION ENERGY FLOW 4: Testing a Horizontal Wave Flow + an Upwards Vertical W Wave ave Flow Set the red pointers of the Turenne Pendulum so that one red pointer is aligned horizontally,, and the other red pointer is pointing downwards vertically horizontally vertically.. This is shown on the bottom line of the picture on the preceding page, second from the left. Place one flashlight to rest horizontally on a stand, so that the flashlight sends out a horizontal beam of light which is a bit above the top of the table. Hold the second flashlight vertically pointing upwards, so that its beam crosses the horizontal beam of the first flashlight at 90 degrees, making a cross of light. With your other hand, hold the cord of the TP with one red pointer set horizontally, and the other red pointer set vertically vertically pointing downwards. Put the pendulum into Search Position, then move the pendulum so that its back-and-forth movement passes through the intersection point of the cross-beam of the flashlights. With one red pointer aligned towards one flashlight beam and the other red pointer aligned to the other flashlight beam, you should feel a strong pull on the pendulum to move into a clockwise rotation. Keep the Pendulum in the same position, but move away the second flashlight which you are holding vertically pointing up, so that only one beam is present; this means that one pointer is now toward the source of the remaining flashlight beam, but the other pointer is no longer detecting an energy flow since you removed the flashlight beam it was pointed towards. As before, when only one of the two pointers detects the flow it is set for, you will feel a kind of “bump” or disturbance to the pendulum as it moves in back-and-forth Search Position across the single flashlight beam. This “bump” is the signal that one of the red pointers is detecting an energy flow from the direction it is pointing towards, but the other pointer is not; the result is that the Search Position movement is somewhat disturbed, but the pendulum is not pulled into a smooth rotation as it was when both needles detected an energy flow in the direction they each faced. Now take away the first flashlight as well, so that neither of the needles detects a flow from its direction. Note that now the pendulum simply has a smooth back-and-forth Search Position movement, with no disturbance or “bump” from one needle detecting a flow, nor the pull into a full rotation as when both red pointers detects a flow from its direction. You have now learned how to detect energy flows which combine an upwards flowing Vertical Wave Wave with a Horizontal Wave.



E. SUMMARY: THE 7 BASIC SETTINGS AND 3 PRIMARY REACTIONS OF THE TURENNE PENDULUM THE 7 BASIC SETTINGS OF THE TURENNE PENDULUM You now have learned 7 Basic Settings of the Turenne Pendulum, to test single or mixed directional flows.

  These 7 basic settings of the Turenne Pendulum are: 1. Horizontal Wave flows in one direction: Red pointers of Pendulum both set horizontally in the same direction. (Top (Top left of picture above.) a bove.) 2. Horizontal Wave flows in two directions: Red pointers of Pendulum both set horizontally in opposite directions. (Bottom right of picture above.) 3. Vertical Wave Wave flow in one direction - Downwards (moving from Above to Bel Below): ow): Red Pointers of Pendulum both set vertically upwards. (T ( Top right of picture above.) 4. Vertical Wave Wave flow in one direction - Upwards (moving from Below to Above): Red Pointers of Pendulum both set vertically downwards. ((T Top middle of picture above.)



5. Vertical Wave Wave flow in both directions - Above and Below at the same time: Red Pointers of Pendulum set vertically vertically in both directions, one up and one down. (Bottom row, second from the right in the picture above.) 6. Combined Horizontal and Downward Vertical Vertical Flows: 1 Red Poi Pointer nter set straight upward (detecting energy flowing from above to below), 1 Red Pointer set horizontally in desired horizontal wave direction. (Bottom left of picture above.) 7. Combined Horizontal and Upward Vertical Vertical Flows: 1 Red Pointer set straight downward (detecting energy flowing from below to above), 1 Red Pointer set horizontally in desired horizontal wave direction. (Bottom row, row, second from the left in the picture above.)

THE THREE BASIC REACTIONS OF THE TURENNE PENDULUM As you have seen, there are three basic reactions of the Turenne Pendulum when testing energy flows: 1. A continuation of the back-and-forth Search Position shows that the pendulum is not detecting any energy flow coming from the direction(s) the red pointer on the needles of the TP are pointed towards. 2. A “bump” in the Search Position back-and-forth movement, but not a full rotation of the TP, TP, shows that there is likely an energy ener gy flow from the direction that one, but not both, needles are pointing towards. 3. A full rotation of the TP shows that there is/are energy flow(s) coming from the direction(s) that the red pointers on the needles are pointed towards.

The Turenne is absence a very responsive, and quite easy to use, vibrational tool for detecting the Pendulum presence or of energy flows in any system. You can now add testing for energy flows to the skills which you learned in the previous two courses in this series. You will be using various combinations of these skills in the upcoming lessons of this  course. Custom Vibrational Healing  course.



III. INNER JOURNEY THROUGH THE COMPLETE CREATION CYCLE A. THE IMPORT IMPORTANCE ANCE OF DIRECT EXPERIENCE In this course we will build on what you have learned in the two previous courses in this series, to practically apply specific vibrational powers to any energy system for purposes of healing or energy activation. Applying these specific vibrational powers will allow you to help manifest the full potential of a person or any other energy system. Our next step is to deepen our resonance with the complete Universal Vibrational Spectrum. We began this process in the previous course, with your learning to test for the Centering Vibration, as well as the 12 Bands of the Spectrum in both their Horizontal and Vertical Wave aspects. We will now deepen our resonance with these profound vibrational powers, through a series of exercises which will culminate in a deep inner journey through the 12 Bands of the Vibrational Spectrum. This experiential journey will guide you through the “Creation Cycle” of the Vibrational Spectrum, in which these powers manifest sequentially in each step of Divine Creation. Through this experience, you will create a deeper personal connection to the 12 Divine Powers which are the true source and essential nature of these Bands. An important principle in subtle energy healing is that: The more we fully understand -- and have directly directly experienced --  the higher divine source of any vibrations we are working with, the more effective these vibrations are in healing & energy activation. To illustrate this point, there is a wonderful story told by the Dutch Rosicrucian Bernard Lievegoed, regarding his experience as a healer in Holland at the end of World War 2. Much of the country around him had been destroyed; there was very little food and even less medicine available. Lievegoed made his own homeopathic remedies from scratch, deeply immersing himself in the process of their creation. He described his thought process at the time: that when he potentized natural materials in water with the homeopathic dilution process, he was actually holding in his hand a sample of the vibration of a substances future, morehad evolved of Earth’s evolution, the. divine vital forces within been state liberated from the physicalwhere material  31


Lievegoed described that despite the terrible conditions in the world around him, and the lack of any other medicines, he in fact had the best healing success of his entire life with these homemade homeopathic remedies in which he perceived these divine forces. Similarly the more we have directly experienced the true reality of the Universal Vibrational Spectrum as Divine Universal Forces, the more effective our application of these powers will be.



B. REVIEW OF THE TRANSCENDENTAL NA NATURE TURE OF THE UNIVERSAL VIBRATIONAL SPECTRUM As described in the Universal Vibrational Spectrum course, everything in creation arises from a primal state of Unity. Unity. This is known to both ancient Spiritual traditions (where is terms referred the Godhead, the ‘Wu Ji’,gave and rise other and to modern physicsit(in of to theas unified “Singularity” which tonames) Creation through the Big Bang.) The Centering Vibration connects to the original Unified Source which is beyond the physical plane, and in which there is no duality duality and no differentiation. differentiation. This Vibratory power connects us back to the Center, to the Source which creates ultimate balancing. The polarized specific vibrations of each of the 12 Bands are the Divine Powers which manifest all of the particular individualized systems & functions into “Ten Thousand Things” of the Physical Reality (what Chinese metaphysics calls the “Ten physical world.) Not only are the 12 Bands polarized in their having opposite / complementary powers between different Bands (for Bands (for example, Negative Green is connected to many forms of radiation, whereas its opposite Positive Green disintegrates toxic radiations), they are also differentiated in each Band having Vertical and Horizontal Waves. Horizontal Waves move along the surface of the  ie, they are carrying and distributing specific Earth; ie, Earth; types of Energy for the Beings living on the physical plane of the Earth. Vertical Waves Waves are moving opposite to this, not parallel to the surface of the Earth but perpendicular to it; either down  the Earth  the orin If C-D up away from  the  the Earth into the into  cosmos. the picture to the right is the plane of the Earth, then Vertical Waves Waves are moving in the perpendicular axis AB. The Vertical Waves then are bringing  things  things to the surface of the Earth (and into the atmosphere and beyond) from the depths of the Earth, and are also bringing things from the Cosmos into the Earth. However this means that Vertical Waves Waves also have the power to remove things from their existence on the surface of the Earth . This can have a spiritual dimension, and may also be a death process.



Thus Vertical Waves were found by Louis Turenne (as described in the previous online course in this series) to in some cases be related to illness and death , and in other cases to not be harmful . Taken further, this means that certain Vertical Waves potentially play a role in deep spiritual processes which are not yet fully understood, and which can now be researched directly. directly. It is important to understand that Vertical waves are not simply “bad”; they are in one aspect linked to the necessary Death and Recycling process for the complete cycle between Spirit and Matter to exist. In the work of David David Bohm’s “Holographic Physics”, this is described as the movement between the Implicate Order (which classical traditions would call the Spiritual World) and Explicate Order (manifestation into the Physical plane). So a termite is not bad when it is attracted to the Vertical Waves Waves of rotting wood to tear it down so the earth can reprocess it; a Compost Heap is not bad when it works with Vertical Waves to break down and reprocess decaying matter into something which can act as a potent fertilizer for new life. However when it comes to physical health, we of course want to keep many of these Vertical Waves Waves at bay, in order to protect our life and health. So on the one hand there are very destructive forces (including detrimental spiritual forces which may be very dangerous to human beings) which are connected to Vertical Waves, and this must not be underestimated; on the other hand, some vertical waves perform essential energetic and spiritual functions. Our fundamental method to differentiate harmful from non-harmful Vertical Waves is to test them with the Personal Wavelength  method.  method. With general PW testing we can detect if the Vertical Wave is strengthening or weakening to our whole energy field, and with more precise testing we can see how these waves affect specific physiological organs and energy centers / pathways in our body. Another important factor in understanding Vertical Waves (and also how the 12 Band Spectrum relates to the Centering Vibration), comes from the recent research of Dr. ibrahim Karim. Dr. Karim’s research in his BioGeometry system has shown that within each of the 12 Bands are specific sub-bands, which have a much stronger resonance with the Center than the majority of the sub-bands do. This research discovery was originally revealed at a Special Topics Topics class given by Dr. Karim for BioGeometry graduates, which was sponsored by the Vesica Institute in 2014 and held in Asheville, N.C. This information, along with with techniques for practically applying it, was added to the BioGeometry Advanced Training in 2017 and is now available publicly through that course.



As a simplification of deeper principles in Vibrational Science, we can directly test for whether a specific sub-band within any band -- in either its Horizontal or Vertical Wave component -- is one which has a particularly strong resonance with the Centering Vibration, by using the BG-16 pendulum to see if this vibration is present, and if so then in what intensity. intensity. If the Centering Vibration is present high intensity in aisspecific Vertical Wave sub-band, this will often indicate thatinthe Vertical Wave not harmful. However, this still would need to be confirmed  using Personal Wavelength  testing  testing for a specific individual, to see if that vibration is beneficial to them or not. Simply the presence of Centering Vibration alone is not sufficient to determine beneficial effects for a specific individual or energy system; Personal Wavelength testing should always be done.



C. THE PRINCIPLE PRINCIPLE O OF F 12 AND 144 In the previous course in this series The Universal Vibrational Spectrum , we described the importance of the power of 12 in Sacred Geometry; this included Rudolf Steiner’s observation that the minimum division of a system in order to isolate and identify all of its key aspects, is division into 12 parts. The next step of this process to identify each key power within the Universal Vibrational Spectrum, would be to sub-divide each of the 12 Bands themselves into 12 parts -- ie, divide each Band into 12 Sub-Bands -- creating a spectrum of 144 precise qualities. At the end of the previous course we showed some of the research equipment used at the Vesica Institute, for testing and applying the complete 144 Sub-band Vibrational Spectrum. In the Spiritual Science courses offered by the Vesica Institute, this division into 12 -and then into 144 -- is understood as a Divine Principle, literally a creative “Thoughtform in the Mind of God” which moves through the Planes of Creation to structure and build the manifest world. It is from the application of these kinds of Divine Principles that Vibrational Science draws its power. You are now opening up new organs of perception in your subtle bodies through the practices in this course; this is similar to the methods through which Initiates were trained in the Ancient Temple Temple Sciences. These new subtle organs will allow you to directly perceive, resonate with, and apply   these invisible Divine Powers which create and give life to our world. To set the tone for the rest of this lesson, here is an excerpt from the Book of by St. John which is relevant to the Powers of 12 and 144: Revelation   by



Revelation of St. John the Divine: Chapter 21 (Emphasis added)

1. And I saw a new heav heaven en and a new earth: for the the first heaven and the the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea. 2. And I John saw the holy city city,, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband... 10. ...And he carried me me away in the spirit to a great great and high mountain, mountain, and showed me that great city, the holy Jerusalem, descending out of heaven from God, 11. Having the glory of God: and her light was like unto a stone most precious, even like a jasper stone, clear as crystal; 12. And had a wall great and high, and had twelve gates, and at the gates twelve angels, angels, and names written thereon, which are the names of the twelve tribes of the children of Israel: 13. On the east three gates; on the north three gates; on the south three gates; and on the west three gates. 14. And the wall of the city had twelve foundations, foundations , and in them the names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb. 15. And he that talked with m me e had a golden reed to measure the city, city, and the gates thereof, and the wall thereof. 16. And the city lieth fou foursquare, rsquare, and the length length is as large as the breadth: and he measured the city with the reed, twelve thousand furlongs.. The length and the breadth and the height of it are equal. furlongs 17. And he measured the wall thereof, an hundred and forty and four cubits, according to the measure of a man, that is, of the angel. 18.  And the building of the wall of it was of jasper: and the city was pure gold, like gold, like unto clear glass... 37


The “New Jerusalem” is the alchemical perfection of our world, manifested through the combined efforts of human Initiates and of higher Beings. In the original Masonic tradition of the Sacred Builders (ie, those who have the advanced knowledge needed to build Temples Temples which vibrationally resonate reso nate with higher beings and worlds) this is connected to the mystery of the “Royal Art”, through which beings who are trained in for Spiritual andstage Vibrational Science   can create human the forms and vibrations needed the next of evolution.  evolution. In the section from Revelation excerpted above, some key passages which are especially relevant to this course are in Bold. We described in the previous course in this series how the Gold Vibration -- which Dr. Ibrahim Karim describes as the “Higher Harmonic of Gold” in BioGeometry ® -- is a core aspect of the Centering Vibration, and thus is a key component of the higher alchemical development of energy systems when they begin to resonate more powerfully with the Divine forces of Unity, of the Center. When human Initiates connect their own energy field to the Divine Unity forces of the Center, they develop a Golden radiance around their head or entire body; body ; this Golden radiance is shown and described by many different spiritual traditions around the world. In this passage from Revelation, St. John describes Gold as the standard of measurement: the use of “ a golden reed to measure the city ”, ”, and that the city itself “was pure gold ”. ”. The 12-fold nature of the Divine aspects which create and sustain the alchemical perfection of our world -- which we encounter as the 12 Bands of the Vibrational Spectrum in our exploration of invisible energies -- are described in Revelation as the “twelve gates ” of the city.

The higher, conscious Beings which embody and administer each of these 12 Divine Powers (Bands) are described as the “twelve “twelve angels ” which stand at the gates of the city. The principle of the 144 -- which manifests for us in the 12-fold division of each of the 12 primary Powers (Bands) -- appears with the “hundred “hundred and forty and four cubits, according to the measure of a man, that is, of the angel” angel” described in the text.



D. PREP PREPARA ARATION TION FOR THE FOLLOWING PRACTICES PRACTICE S The practices which follow are designed to deepen your direct perception and experience of the complete 12 Band Vibrational Spectrum, in its beneficial Horizontal Wave component. In Part 2 of the previous Universal Vibrational Spectrum  course,  course, we described the specific powers of each of the 12 Bands at four different levels: their Physical, Energetic, Emotional / Mental, and Spiritual levels.

Please review that information, before entering into the following practices. We will only touch on a few aspects of these powers in what now follows. Again, you will find specific applications of each band at the Physical and other levels described in detail in Part 2 of the Universal Vibrational Spectrum course. After you review that information, and before you begin any of the practices given in this lesson, remember to clear and balance your mind and energy field. See the “PREPARA “PREPARATION TION FOR TESTING: CLEARING THE ENERGY CENTERS & CHANNELS” section at the beginning of this course for the summary of methods you can use, each of which is given in full in the previous courses in this series. Try each of these methods for yourself, and then create your own set of practices out of those which you find the most essential and beneficial for you personally. Make a habit of going through the set of clearing exercises which you have assembled, every time before you begin any energetic practice. This is a vital part of energetic hygiene, which is sadly often overlooked in modern practices. Also remember the basic steps described earlier in this course, of going to the bathroom, drinking a glass of pure water, and setting up a bowl of salt water before you begin work.



E. PRACTIC PRACTICE: E: VIBRA VIBRATIONAL TIONAL ENTRAIN ENTRAINMENT MENT WITH FUNCTIONS OF THE BANDS This practice continues your process of entrainment to detect the separate Bands of the Vibrational Spectrum, which you began in the previous course in this series. In previous discussions we described how this entrainment will over time literally create new “organs of perception” in your subtle bodies, which allow you to perceive these invisible vibrations -- and in time also perceive other invisible realities. This is related to the “New Etheric Clairvoyance” described by Rudolf Steiner, a concept introduced in the Universal Vibrational Spectrum course. This next practice -- an entrainment exercise using the functional names of each Band -- is a preparation for the other practices coming later in this lesson. To deepen our understanding of what the 12 Divine Powers in the Vibrational Spectrum are, we will now explore a different way to describe these 12 Bands: rather than as Colors   (which (which is simply one “quality scale” in which they appear, and which became the primary shorthand method to refer to these Bands in French Radiesthesia) we will summarize the intrinsic nature of these 12 Powers through some of their key Functions . Please consider the summary name descriptions of each band in this section as being simply a first step in this direction; the alternative, functional names for each Band given here are just the beginning of the process, with more work being needed to create the optimal terminology. terminology. Creating this optimal terminology for the Bands of the Vibrational Spectrum is just one of many aspects which need further development, in order for this new Vibrational Science to reach its full potential in modern times. Please note that the names given in the next section are primarily geared towards describing the beneficial aspects of that Band. Names for the summarized Detrimental qualities of each band are beyond the scope of this present course and will, if sufficient resources become available, be the subject of future research at the Vesica Institute. Items you will need for this exercise: - The Circle Test Sheet. - The Polarized Polarized 12 Band Spectrum Sheet (Polarizer (Polarizer pattern pattern copyright by Dr. Dr. Ibrahim Karim). - BG-16 Pendulum Pendulum for testing testing the the Centering Centering Vibration. Vibration. - Horizontal Horizontal Wave Wave Pendulum for testing testing the Vibrational Vibrational Spectrum. Spectrum.



DIRECTIONS FOR THIS PRACTICE In this practice you will hold in your awareness the functional names given for each Band, while testing over that Band’s area on the Polarized Circle 12 Band Spectrum Sheet using the Horizontal Pendulum set to that specific Band. Allow yourself to sink meditatively into the direct vibrational experience of each Band, asBand, you continue to being test over it with thepowers Horizontal Pendulum set to that specific while also aware of the / functions described for each Band. This will deepen your inner connection to these powers.

BEGINNING STEP: CONNECTING TO TO DIVINE UNITY We begin with the Divine Unity, the Centering Vibration. Start with the Circle Test Test Sheet (shown to the right) and the BG-16 Pendulum. Test over the Center of the Circle with the BG-16 Pendulum while holding in your awareness the following aspects of the Centering Vibration. Unite your awareness of these aspects with your energetic experience when connecting to the Centering Vibration. * This is the manifestat manifestation ion in physical physical space of the Divine Divine Source. * The state of perfect Unity, Unity, without duality. duality. * “The T Transcendental ranscendental Gateway beyond Space and Time” Time” (quote from Dr Dr.. Ibrahim Karim). * The Center Center is Perfect Perfect Balance. Balance. * The Center is Zero-Point; the Point is Zero-Dimensional, with no axis of movement in physical space. Its axis of movement is between  Dimensional  Dimensional levels; it is where all Dimensions emerge from , and the location from where any Dimension can be moved into . Now put away the Circle Test Test Sheet and the BG-16 Pendulum.



SWITCH TO TESTING THE 12 BANDS IN THEIR HORIZONT HORIZON TAL WAVES WAVES Start with the Polarized Circle 12 Band Spectrum Sheet (shown to the right) and the Horizontal Wave Pendulum. For each of the below 12circle Bands, test around area of the perimeter of the which has the the initial of that Band -- with the dot marking the its centerpoint -- while using the Horizontal Pendulum set to this Band.   Band. Note that you are not   testing testing the energy of the written initial, or of the dot next to that initial which marks the centerpoint of that Band; you are testing the area on the perimeter of that circle where this energy naturally appears due to the Polarizer pattern at the top  top (which itself takes the place of orientation of the sheet to the North direction), as explained in the Universal Vibrational Spectrum  online  online course. For each Band, hold in your awareness the Functional Names of that Band, while testing around the initial and dot area of that Color Band on the Circle. (Many of these functional names will make more sense to you, if you have reviewed the full information on each of these Bands in the Universal Vibrational Spectrum course to provide a deeper context for these short descriptions.) Unite your awareness of the Functional Names of that Band, with the energetic experience of that Vibration through the Horizontal Pendulum which is set to that Band.

BAND 1: SET YOUR HORIZONTAL HORIZONTAL PENDULUM TO NEGATIVE GREEN (-G) AND TEST OVER THAT AREA OF THE CIRCLE. (Remember previously.) to set the pointer slightly to the right of the dot at -G, as described Functional Names for the -G Band: * Band of Energy Movement, Transmission, Transmission, and Penetration. * The Power of Creation Creation and Destruction Destruction of Life. Life. * Esoter Esoteric ic Balance Balance Point. Point.




* * * *

Band of Peace and and Silence. Silence. The Power of Absorption and Extraction. The Womb Womb of Creation. Creation. Divin Divine e Mystery Mystery..

BAND THAT 3: SETAREA YOUROF HORIZONTAL HORIZONTA L PENDULUM TO INFRA-RED (IR) AND TEST OVER THE CIRCLE. Functional Names for the Infra-Red Band: * Band of W Warmth armth and Movement into Physical Creation. * The Power of Activati Activation on and Regeneration. Regeneration. * Acute Acute Pain Pain Relief. Relief.

BAND 4: SET YOUR HORIZONTAL PENDULUM TO RED (R) AND TEST OVER THAT AREA OF THE CIRCLE. Functional Names for the Red Band: * Band of Strength and Wi Willpower llpower to manifest into into the Physical World. World. * The Power of Expansio Expansion n and Stimulation Stimulation.. * Passion, Desire, and Vitality to to Experience Physical Existence. Existence.

BAND 5: SET YOUR HORIZONTAL HORIZONTAL PENDULUM TO ORANGE (O) AND TEST OVER THAT AREA OF THE CIRCLE. Functional Names for the Orange Band: Band ofofJoy and Happiness. ** Power Purging and Extraction.

BAND 6: SET YOUR HORIZONTAL HORIZONTAL PENDULUM TO YELLOW (Y) AND TEST OVER THAT AREA OF THE CIRCLE. Functional Names for the Yellow Yellow Band: * Band of Brightening and Activating Consciousness. * Power of Starting Activities, Assimilation, and initiating the creation of Coherent Structures.



BAND 7: SET YOUR HORIZONTAL HORIZONTAL PENDULUM TO POSITIVE GREEN (G+) AND TEST OVER THAT AREA OF THE CIRCLE. As described in the Universal Vibrational Spectrum online class, the polarizer pattern appears at the location of the Positive Green energy quality. Test slightly to either side of the actual polarizer pattern   when when you test during this practice with the Functional Name of the Positive Green Band (because the Polarizer pattern itself contains some other energetics than simply the Green Band). Functional Names for the Positive Green Band: * Band of Growth and Physical Equilibrium. * Power of Disint Disintegrating egrating / Detoxifying detrimental radiations and substances. * Balanc Balance e Point of Physical Physical Manifestati Manifestation. on.

BAND 8: SET YOUR HORIZONTAL PENDULUM TO BLUE (BU) AND TEST OVER THAT AREA OF THE CIRCLE. Functional Names for the Blue Band: * Band of Containing and Contracting Energy. Energy. * Power of Cooling, Sedating, Anesthetic.

BAND 9: SET YOUR HORIZONTAL HORIZONTAL PENDULUM TO INDIGO (I) AND TEST OVER THAT AREA OF THE CIRCLE. Functional Names for the Indigo Band: * Band of Opening to Spirit and Transformative Transformative Processes. * Power of Condensing and Moving Energy from Physical to Spiritual levels. ** Catal Catalyst yst forthe Alchemic Alchemical al Processes. Balanc Balancing ing Physical Physical and Subtle Subtle bodies. bodies.

BAND 10: SET YOUR HORIZONTAL PENDULUM TO VIOLET (V) AND TEST OVER THAT AREA OF THE CIRCLE. Functional Names of the Violet Band: * Band of Alchemical Alchemical Transmutat Transmutation. ion. * Power of Amplification and Etheric Etheric Revitalization / Healing.



Functional Names of the Ultraviolet Band: * Band of Awakening Spiritual (Astral) Perception and Processes. * Power of higher level level Clearing. Clearing. * Chroni Chronic c Pain Pain Relief. Relief. ** Core DNA Cellular Cellular Repai r. reserves. Restor Restoration ationand of deep Yin YinRepair. energy reserves.

BAND 12: SET YOUR HORIZONTAL PENDULUM TO WHITE (W) AND TEST OVER THAT AREA OF THE CIRCLE. Functional Names of the White Band: * Band of Il Illumina lumination tion and Clearing Clearing.. * Power of resto restoring ring Resonance Resonance with Divine Divine Light. * General Safe Application for helping virtually any condition. ============= The cycle then returns to -G. End the Practice by putting down your pendulum. Place your hand over the entire Polarized Circle sheet, with your palm over the center and with fingers outstretched to touch the perimeter of the circle where the 12 Bands are. Experience the Centering Vibration resonating into your palm, and the 12 Band Spectrum resonating through your fingers. Be aware of the complete circle, of the Center with the 12 Bands at the Periphery, as the energetic system which directs and controls every phase of life, health, consciousness, and creation.



F. PRACTICE: ABSORBING VIBRATION THROUGH A FINGERTIP Up until this point in the series, we have connected to all vibrations through the medium of a vibrational pendulum; this was needed to detect and differentiate the different vibrational qualities, and to start the entrainment process of creating the new “organs of perception” in our subtle bodies to directly perceive these invisible realities. We are now going to add in the ability to directly absorb a vibration into parts of the human body and energy field. We will test the effectiveness of this absorption (and track our progress over time in developing this ability) through the Radiesthesia detection processes which you learned in the previous courses in this series. Later in this course, cour se, we will enter into a full process of combining Vibrational Testing Testing with Absorbing or Emitting specific vibrations through the fingertips, palm of the hand, or other energy centers. Our ability to consciously absorb subtle vibrations from outside of us into our own energy system is known to virtually every great spiritual tradition on Earth. Using our hands to absorb these vibrations is generally considered to be the safest method for this absorption, for multiple reasons; one of the most important is that the hands act as energetic “buffers” to protect our sensitive major energy centers (such as chakras) from directly absorbing potentially harmful, or overly powerful, vibrations. Seen from the perspective of Sacred Geometry and BioGeometry, even the design of the hand is related to its protective function; there are 5 fingers on each hand around the major energy center in the palm, with a major power of the number 5 being Protection (which is why some traditions teach their initiates to energetically create a 5 Pointed Star around their entire energy field for protection.) Our ability to absorb vibrations into our field is reflected on the physical level by the ability of our external physical layer -- the skin -- to absorb substances (ie, transdermal absorption). In esoteric traditions, this ability is taken much further, with methods to energetically absorb vibrations directly dire ctly from the elements ((Earth, Earth, Air, Air, Water, Water, Fire); cosmic bodies bod ies such as the Sun, Moon, or Stars; or even from physical objects such as trees, fruit etc. We will begin the process now with very simple first steps for consciously absorbing vibrations into our energy field.



STEP 1: ACTIVATING VIBRATION AT A FINGERTIP WITH THE ZERO-POINT CENTERING METHOD Focus attention on the index fingertip of your non-dominant hand (ie, the hand you do not  hold  hold the pendulum with). If you are missing the index finger of this hand or it is injured, choose another finger on this hand for this practice. Following the principle of “Energy follows Attention”, place your attention on your fingertip and you will begin to build up energy at that location. We will now use the Zero-Point Centering (ZPC) technique to enter into the center of the vibration you feel at the fingertip. To do this, simply focus on the vibration you feel in your fingertip and move all of your awareness into the very center of the vibration you feel there; then move your awareness into the center of that center  of  of vibration. Create a dynamic, ongoing on going movement into the center, of the center, of the center, of the vibration you feel in your fingertip. The feeling of Zero-Point Centering is that you are moving into the center of the area you are focusing on, like making a close-up with a camera lens, or a sphere collapsing to an infinitely shrinking centerpoint. centerpoint. This could also be thought of as releasing into the center of a vortex; as you make a constant dynamic movement into the center of the center, there is a vortex movement into the center which you can allow your energy and attention to move with.

STEP 2: LINK YOUR BREATHING TO THE FINGERTIP VIBRATION Now you can build up the intensity of the vibration in your fingertip further, by connecting it to the breath. T o do this, feeling simply the continue ZPCofinto fingertip into the abdomen, vibration thethe breath buildwhile up in breathing your lowerdeep abdomen at the same time as you feel the vibration in your fingertip. Now feel these two vibrations -- in the fingertip, and with the breath in the abdomen -and connect these by focusing on them simultaneously. As you breath in and out, feel your breath feed the vibration in your fingertip and increase its intensity. intensity. Now we will take take the linkage between your fingertip and your breath further further.. Rather than just building up the vibration at the fingertip through the power of the breath, you will now feel that you are breathing through your fingertip  on  on every inhale of physical breath.



Now breathe in and draw energy in through the fingertip with the inhale;  let the breath and energy penetrate through the fingertip into the hand, down the arm, into the trunk of your body and then flow down to the lower abdomen, where it joins with the breath vibration that is coming through the nose, throat, and lungs into the abdomen when you breathe. Then relax and outand normally, thenthe inhale again, feeling yourself inhaling vibration also through thebreath fingertip down into lower abdomen. (Note: for the purpose of this initial practice, you are only focusing on the vibration coming in through the fingertip with the inhale; we are not sending energy out the fingertip on the exhale. exhale. This will come with a later practice in this course.) Continue the cycle of breathing, feeling the vibration flow iin n through the fingertip. This is a fundamental practice for taking in an external vibration. You can of course absorb energy through the fingertip, or through other areas of the body,, without tying that into the inhalation of breath. body However tying this vibrational absorption through the fingertip into the breath makes the absorption much easier and more effective (especially for beginners, however it still has benefits for those who are highly skilled). There is also an advantage to taking in (or projecting) energy from the fingers or hands, rather than directly into other energy centers of the body (such as tthe he chakras). As mentioned earlier, this advantage is that the hands act as energetic “buffers” and “shock absorbers” between external energies and your core energy centers, so that you do not expose your core energy to these external energies directly. directly . You are now ready to detect how effectively this fingertip vibrational absorption method is working for you, by adding vibrational testing into the practice.



G. PRACTICE: DETECTING FINGERTIP ABSORPTION WITH VIBRATIONAL TESTING This practice teaches you how to confirm that you are absorbing / resonating with  a  a specific vibration. This is where Vibrational Radiesthesia becomes so useful:  useful:  it can show us if the vibrations of the item we are connecting to are actually present in our absorbing fingertip (or any other area of the body we choose to use for absorption or projection), and how strong the rate of absorption / projection / flow is. This vibrational testing allows us to confirm that our absorbing or projecting practice is actually effective; effective; all too often in modern holistic circles, these practices are either not fully effective or are not actually absorbing / generating the precise vibrations the practitioner thinks they are, because they have no ability to directly test and confirm this beyond their own mental perception (which is often clouded with their own mental projections). Energy Absorption or Projection, as well as testing with a pendulum, can all be done with either hand. However for simplicity, and to use the same hands as you have trained with thus far in this series, you will continue to use your dominant hand to hold the pendulum and now use your non-dominant hand’s index fingertip to absorb the energy. (So for example, if you are right-handed you will hold the pendulum in your right hand and use your left index fingertip for vibrational absorption). Note: If you find that you are not able to make the absorption function work well with the non-dominant hand, then in that case you can try switching hands so that your dominant hand becomes the one you test with the index finger of, and try using your nondominant hand to hold the pendulum for testing. Again remember that either hand  can  can perform any function of vibrational absorption, vibrational projection, or radiesthesia testing. When detecting for vibrations that you are absorbing through the hands or other areas of your body, there are two possibilities: pos sibilities: 1) That this this specific vibration vibration is already present in that part of your body and is now being intensified, or 2) That this this particular particular vibration vibration is not present  in  in that part of the body and is just now appearing there. Both possibilities are covered in the practice you will now learn.



Items you will need for this practice: - The Circle Test Test Sheet and the BG-16 Pendulum for testing the Centering Vibration. - The Polarized Polarized 12 Band Spectrum Sheet with Horizontal Horizontal Wave Wave Pendulum for testing testing the different Bands in the Vibrational Spectrum. - specific An Indigo Gabbro Gabbro Stone Ston e (if you notfor; have havthis e one, another anotthat her you stone which whyour ich has a for vibrational Band you candotest will use require test stone which of the Bands is the strongest in it). Here are the Steps of this Practice.

STEP 1: DETECTING THE ADDITIONAL ABSORPTION OF AN ENERGY QUALITY QUALITY WHICH MAY ALREADY BE PRESENT IN YOUR FINGERTIP. Place the Circle picture (shown to the right) in front of you. Then take the BG-16 pendulum and test the index fingertip of your non-dowsing hand for the amount of Centering Vibration you detect there. You may find a certain amount of Centering Vibration already there, because it is a part of your energy field and because there is a small energy vortex (mini-chakra) at the fingertip. The amount of of Centering Vibration you detect at your index fingertip will be your baseline reading. reading. Now place your non-dowsing hand’s index fingertip on the center of the circle picture. Focus your awareness on the Centering Vibration in the center of the circle where you are touching; this is like putting your finger in water and then focusing on how the water feels. Using the Zero-Point Centering + Breathing method from the previous practice, pull the energy of the Centering Vibration into your fingertip as you inhale, leave it there in your fingertip as you exhale, and bring more vibration into your fingertip as you inhale again. Continue this cycle of absorbing the Centering Vibration energy into your fingertip, coordinated with your breathing. Build up the intensity of the Centering Vibration Vibration absorbed into your fingertip. Now with your fingertip still touching the center of the circle, test your fingertip again with the BG-16 Pendulum for the amount of Centering Vibration; if you have absorbed the vibration into your finger, you should find a much larger and stronger (ie, wider and faster) spin on the BG-16 pendulum, showing a stronger intensity of Centering Vibration. 50


Then remove your fingertip from the center of the circle, so that it is no longer touching that Centering Vibration source, and test the fingertip again; if you have correctly absorbed the Centering Vibration into your finger, you should still test a much stronger amount of Centering Vibration at your fingertip than you did in your baseline testing. If you lose the additional Centering Vibration beyond your baseline, this shows that you were just getting the extra vibration you found a moment ago when you were touching   the center of circle, because of your direct contact with the Centering Vibration source, but you did not truly absorb it into the fingertip. If you find that there is still additional Centering Vibration beyond the baseline reading when you disconnected your finger from the center of the circle, then test down your finger from the fingertip and see just how far this additional amount of Centering Vibration is present. Did you pull the Centering Vibration down to the base of that finger where it joins the palm? To To the wrist? Down the arm to the Chest? Where did it run from there?

STEP 2: DETECTING THE ABSORPTION OF AN ENERGY QUALITY WHICH MA MAY Y NOT YET BE PRESENT IN YOUR FINGERTIP. FINGERTIP. For this practice we want to test an energy quality which your fingertip may not have to begin with, or has a very low intensity of. For this, we will use a piece of Indigo Gabbro stone for testing the Violet Band, which is quite strong in this stone. Y You ou will also need your Horizontal Wave Pendulum. (If you do not have a piece of Indigo Gabbro, test another stone for a strong vibrational band present in it which is not strong in your fingertip; you will then test for that vibrational quality and use that stone for the practice described below below.. However because of the highly beneficial effects of Indigo Gabbro, we recommend that stone for this practice.) First, set your Horizontal Hor izontal Wave Pendulum for Violet and test the Indigo Gabbro stone for the intensity of Violet Band present; it should test as having strong intensity of Violet (even though there is no visible Violet color on the stone, it is the invisible vibrational field we are concerned with). Now test your non-dowsing hand’s index fingertip for the amount of Violet present; you may not find much, or a relatively small amount in many cases (there may be exceptions; if you find strong Violet there already, then this test will be similar to the first test in that you will look for an increase in Violet beyond the baseline reading.)



Place your non-dowsing hand’s index fingertip on the Indigo Gabbro stone, and absorb the Violet vibration from the stone into your fingertip, in coordination with the ZPC + Breathing practice as described previously. Test your fingertip for an increasing amount of Violet building up there, as you continue to absorb the Violet band from the stone. Then remove your se fingertip from theintensity, stone andshowing test your fingertip to be sure thatthe it still tests for the increase increa in Violet band that you have absorbed Violet vibration into the fingertip, and that the increased intensity in your testing was not just from being in contact with the stone. If you find that there is still additional Violet vibration beyond the baseline reading when you disconnected your finger from the stone, then test down the finger from the fingertip and see how far this additional amount of Violet Violet vibration is present. Did you pull the Violet Vibration down to the base of that finger where it joins the palm? To To the wrist? Down the arm to the Chest? Can you trace where the Violet Violet vibration flowed to in your body from there?

3: Testing the absorption of all 12 Bands in the Spectrum. For Step 3 you will need the Polarized 12 Band Spectrum Sheet (shown to the right), along with your Horizontal Wave Pendulum. This exercise has several main goals: 1. To apply the absorption ability ability you just learned to all 12 bands of the spectrum. 2. To increase your resonance with all 12 bands, which will deepen your entrainment process to perceive invisible energies more clearly. clearly. 3. To give you more practice with this method, so that your energy system gets this technique into its “muscle memory” and you can easily flow tthrough hrough this exercise. This will allow you to go into the Creation Cycle practice (coming up later in this lesson) without having to think too much about how to do the exercise, allowing you to sink deeply into the direct experience of the Creation Cycle itself. Here are the Steps for this exercise. You will do all five steps, for each of the 12 bands. You will start with the Negative Green Band at the bottom of the Polarized 12 Band Spectrum Sheet; you will then move clockwise to Black, Infra-Red etc. until you complete the final band (White).



1. Test the index fingertip of your non-dominant hand with the Horizontal Wave Wave Pendulum for the baseline amount (the amount which is already present before beginning the practice) of the Band you are about to absorb. 2. Touch with your index fingertip the area of the Polarized 12 Band Spectrum Sheet which has the Band you will be testing. Put finger right next   toyour  to the dot on directly the Sheet has the Initial ofor the Band you your are testing; do not put finger onwhich the printed black dot the initial of the Band itself, because itself, because you do not want to absorb the energy of the printer ink, you want to absorb the vibration of the invisible energy Band which is present on either side of the printed dot / initial of the Band. 3. Use the ZPC + Breathing method to absorb the vibration of the Band you are touching on the Polarized Spectrum Circle into your fingertip. 4. Test your fingertip with the Horizontal Wave Pendulum for for an increase in the amount of that Band’s vibration, as your fingertip stays touching that Band on the Spectrum Circle. Be aware of any sensations you get in your fingertip or el elsewhere sewhere in your body when absorbing that vibration. Does the vibration of that Band feel comfortable? Does it feel pleasurable or stressful? Are you aware of any sensory sensations accompanying the vibration you are feeling, such as subtle forms of an inner sense of smell, taste, feel etc. associated with that vibration? 5. Remove your fingertip from touching the Spectrum Sheet. Retest your fingertip with the Horizontal Wave Pendulum for the amount of that Vibration still present from the absorption, and trace how far that higher intensity of the Band vibration extends from your fingertip through your finger, palm, wrist, arm, torso etc. Don’t worry if the vibrational absorption is not going much beyond your finger at this stage; absorption into your fingertip is all Over you will need order to dothe theability Creation Cycle practice coming up later in thisitself lesson. time youinwill develop to pull the energy in further and to circulate it wherever you choose in your energy system. After having gone through all five steps for each of the 12 Bands, you can help balance the effect of absorbing these 12 different vibrations by touching the center of the Circle picture and absorbing the Centering Vibration, while again testing with the BG-16 Pendulum for Pendulum for your pulling the Centering Vibration through your fingertip and into your energy system. Remember that the Centering Vibration helps keep other vibrations from the 12 Bands in balance in your energy system, especially when you are using multiple Band vibrations together. This completes the practice. 53


H. PRACTICE: DETECTING THE INVISIBLE VIBRATIONAL SPECTRUM ON AN UNMARKED CIRCLE In the preceding practices you experienced the functional power of each vibrational Band, and also learned to absorb the vibration of each Band from its location on the polarized circle. Up until now, you have detected the 12 Bands using witnesses which clearly indicate the location of each Band. Now, in order to more deeply develop your inner perception of these energies, you will detect each Band as it invisibly manifests on a Circle. There will be no marks on the circle showing you where each Band is located, you will detect and mark these locations on the circle yourself. However you will find that this practice is not particularly difficult, because you will begin by finding and marking the North direction on the Circle (which is the location of Positive Green, +G, on the Circle) and the other Bands will then manifest on the circle in the usual horizontal clockwise propagation of the Vibrational Spectrum. Note that this principle is shown in the illustration to the right; however in however in actuality the epicenter of each of the 12 Bands is evenly spaced -- ie, equidistant from the epicenter of the adjacent bands, with 30 degrees of arc between each epicenter -unlike their slightly unequal placements shown in the illustration. Detecting each of the Bands where they appear on the Circle was an initial discovery of De Belizal and Chaumery, which was described in the Universal Vibrational Spectrum  course.  course. This practice was then used by French Radiesthesiasts to develop skill and sensitivity in detecting the complete Vibrational Spectrum. As described in the previous course, the placement of the 12 bands on a twodimensional surface is based on the North-South magnetic line, creating a primary energy movement around which the 12 bands are manifested. French Radiesthesia tools were often created to be positioned towards the North, to take advantage of this 54


line of energy and the natural forming of the 12 Band Spectrum around it. The polarizer pattern created and copyrighted by Dr. Ibrahim Karim (seen at the top the Polarized 12 Band Spectrum Sheet, to the right) overcomes the need to orient towards theitself North direction, the polarizer pattern creates a linebecause of energy emanating from its base, around which the Bands form, taking the place of the line of energy from the North direction. This is why there is no Positive Green (+G) shown on the Polarized 12 Band Spectrum Sheet; the location of +G is where the polarizer pattern goes, to take the place of orientation to the North. If there were no polarizer pattern there, the 12 Bands would not form in their indicated locations unless the +G location was aligned towards magnetic North. For this practice we will use the original French method, using the alignment towards the North to create the manifestation of the 12 bands on a simple circle; we will not be using the Polarized 12 Band Spectrum sheet (above), only the simple Circle Test Sheet (below).

Items you will need for this exercise: - The Circle Test Test Sheet, shown to the the right. - Adh Adhesi esive ve tape. tape. - Horizontal Horizontal Wave Wave Pendulum. Pendulum. - A magnetic magnetic compass, compass, or a modern smartphone smartphone with a compass app. Preparation for the Practice: Place the Circle Test Test Sheet to lie flat fla t (horizontal) on a tabletop, which you are sitting in a chair next to. Then tape down the four corners of the test sheet onto the tabletop, so that the directional orientation of the paper does not shift. Place the magnetic compass on the center of the Circle Test Sheet to show you the direction of Magnetic North, then draw an arrow at the top of the Circle Test Sheet (above the circle and not touching  the  the circle) to show you the exact direction of Magnetic North.



THE PRACTICE: You will test for each of the Bands in sequence, to detect where the invisible vibration of that Band appears naturally on the paper. We will test for each Band starting with Positive Green at the top of the circle, directly beneath the line you put on the paper showing the direction of Magnetic North North. As just. described and shown, Positive Green appears on the circle in the direction of Magnetic North (which is why French Radiesthesiasts were able to use vibrational testing tools like a magnetic compass to find Magnetic North in any location.) Set your Horizontal Wave Pendulum to Positive Green; remember from the Universal  course that where the polarizer (emitter) pattern is on the Vibrational Spectrum  course base dial, is where Positive Green appears on the circle. Also remember that the pointer on the smaller Dial of the Horizontal Pendulum needs to point slightly to the right of the polarizer pattern on the Base Dial, so that there is an angle between the two polarizer patterns. (This is because we need to avoid having the two patterns be one directly above the other, which could lead to their two emissions combining into one emission, rather than allowing you to detect Positive Green through creating an angle between them.) With the Horizontal Pendulum set to Positive Green, put the Pendulum into Search Position over the edge of the Circle which is directly beneath the line you drew showing the direction of Magnetic North. You should find there is a band of around 30 degrees at the top of circle, where you get a reaction for Positive Green. Green. Notice where of the of Circle the Pendulum is the strongest; this should be  just slightly to the the intensity right of the partSpin of the the that is directly beneath Magnetic North Line you drew on the edge of the paper. The reason the reaction is the strongest slightly to the right  of  of the Magnetic North Line is that you set the Horizontal Wave Pendulum pointer to slightly to the right of the epicenter of Positive Green  on  on the Base Dial (where the Polarizer pattern is) and the Pendulum is detecting what it is set for.



Then draw a line vertically across the top of the Circle, directly beneath where you drew the line for Magnetic North above it, and it, and then write “+G” next to the line you drew through the top of the circle (see this position in the illustration to the right). This marks the epicenter of the Positive Green Band on the Circle. Then continue in a clockwise direction through the circle, testing each Horizontal Wave Band in sequence. As seen on the illustration to the right (and on the Base Dial of the Horizontal Wave Pendulum) moving clockwise from Positive Green (when testing on the horizontal axis) is Blue, then Indigo, Violet, Ultraviolet, White, -G, Black, InfraRed, Red, Orange, Orang e, Yellow, Yellow, then back to Positive Po sitive Green. As you move to test the next Band on the Circle in the clockwise progression, you will of course change the setting on the Horizontal Pendulum to match that next Band. For example, when testing for the Blue Band, the Horizontal Pendulum is set for Bu; testing for Indigo it is set on I, etc. Remember that when testing for +G and -G - G you must offset the pointer (T (Top op Dial on the Horizontal Pendulum) slightly to one side of the where the dot marking the epicenter of that Band is located. However when testing all 10 other Bands, put the pointer so it is pointing right at the dot marking the epicenter of that Band. As you go to each new Band, test over the range of that Band within the circle (the 30 degree of the Band, within theMake 360 degree to the findpart where youcircle get the strongest intensityarc response to that Band. a mark circle) through of the where you find the strongest response for that Band, and write the initial of that Band next to the mark, to indicate the epicenter of that Band.



When you finish this practice, you should have marked 12 roughly equidistant locations (about 30 degrees apart) on the perimeter of the Circle, each mark having next to it the Initial of that Band. Your test Circle should sho uld have 12 lines crossing the perimeter, epicenter Band, similar tomarking what isthe shown in the of each illustration to the right; however as described earlier, the epicenter of each of the 12 Bands should be evenly spaced -- ie, equidistant from the epicenter of the adjacent bands -unlike their somewhat unequal placements shown in the illustration to the right. (Remember that these marked locations only have these Bands present where they are marked when the paper with the Circle on it is oriented to Magnetic North as you have marked on the perimeter of the paper. If you were to change the orientation of the paper with the Circle on it, the Band positions would shift accordingly to the new orientation on the Circle vis-a-vis Magnetic North.) You have now demonstrated that you have developed the ability to detect each of the 12 Divine Powers (Bands) as they manifest invisibly around physical forms. Congratulations!

A NOTE ON DOING THIS PRACTICE FOR VERTICAL WAVES You have just completed c ompleted the practice of detecting the invisible 12 Band Vibrational Spectrum in its beneficial Horizontal Wave components. Doing this same practice for Vertical Waves is a great training practice, however we will not include that practice in this class because many people are highly sensitive to Vertical Waves. The danger of the Vertical Waves version of this practice is of course picking up the Vertical Wave resonance within your body and energy field, so proper clearing of yourself after the practice is crucial. If you would like to do the Vertical Wave version of this practice, please make sure to wear protective energy devices on your body during testing, and to clear yourself thoroughly after the practice, using the methods described earlier in this series. 58


Here are some key points for those of you who may choose to do this practice detecting the 12 Vertical Wave Bands on the Circle: 1. When you detected the 12 Horizontal Wave Bands on the Circle, you had the Circle image horizontally on the table table in front of you. So the paper was horizontal, and you tested for Horizontal Waves. Similarly, if you are going to detect the 12 Vertical Wave Bands on the Circle, you of Similarly, course have to have the Circle standing up vertically  in  in front of you. A simple way to do this is to tape the Circle paper onto a wall for testing, so it stays vertical during testing and does not shift orientation. 2. For our Horizontal Waves Waves on the Circle practice, we used a simple circle with no Polarizer pattern on it; instead we used the French method of orienting the Circle to Magnetic North to create the spread of the 12 Bands on the Circle. For testing the Vertical Waves on the Circle, it will be best if you add a Polarizer pattern to the Circle, or at minimum draw a hemisphere on the inside of the top of the Circle, to create the spread of the 12 Bands for you to test. This is because in the Vertical orientation, the Magnetic North effect is not as reliable as it is in the the Horizontal orientation. The Hemisphere or Polarizer pattern that you add will become the location of the Positive Green Band on the Circle with the other Bands forming around it, just as Magnetic North became the location for Positive Green in the earlier practice. (However see note 4 below regarding the placement of the Bands in the Vertical orientation.) Note that if you want wa nt to test the Vertical Waves in their purest for form, m, use simply a hemisphere shape at the top of the circle to create the polarizer effect; effect ; if you want to make the Vertical Waves slightly less toxic, use the full polarizer pattern developed by Dr. Karim, which includes the “BioGeometry L” shape at the bottom which has BG3 to help balance the energy a bit. (This polarizer pattern is a trademarked design of Dr Dr.. Karim’s, so it cannot be used for any commercial purposes -- such as on products for sale, or public illustrations -- without explicit signed consent from BioGeometry Energy Systems Ltd.) 3. You used the Horizontal Wave Pendulum for testing testing the Horizontal Wave Bands in the previous practice, so you will of course use the Vertical Wave Pendulum for testing the Vertical Wave Bands. You can either set both Dials on the Vertical Wave Pendulum to the desired Band you are testing (this gives the strongest resonance with that Band) or if you want to reduce your resonance (and thus reduce the intensity of being affected by the Vertical Wave) Wave) then you can take the Dials completely off of one side and only use the Dials on the other side of the Vertical Wave Pendulum to detect the desired Vertical Wave Bands. 4. Remember that the Vibrational Vibrational Spectrum reverses into a mirror iimage mage when you change from a Horizontal orientation to a Vertical orientation, as described in the Universal Vibrational Spectrum course. The primary axis remains the



Positive Green - Negative Green line, however the placement of the other 10 Bands on the Circle are reversed. So for example, when you moved to the right of Positive Green on the Circle in the Horizontal Wave exercise you did previously, you were testing Blue (Bu); however when testing the Circle on a Vertical orientation the Band to the right of the Positive Green is now Yellow (Y), as seen to the right. So you must set your Vertical Wave Pendulum accordingly to detect these Bands in this reversed sequence. This also of course means that your circle which you mark the Band positions on when in a Vertical orientation, will have this counterclockwise appearance of the Bands marked on the circle when you complete the Vertical Wave Wave testing practice. pr actice. Again, remember if you do this practice to detect the Invisible 12 Band Spectrum in its Vertical Waves, to be sure to wear protective energy devices on your body during testing, and to thoroughly clear your body and energy field after testing. If you are highly energetically sensitive, we recommend that you do not perform this exercise.



I. PRACTICE: INNER JOURNEY THROUGH THE CREATION CYCLE OF THE VIBRATIONAL SPECTRUM You have so far in this lesson practiced connecting with the vibrations of the 12 bands through: * Testing each Band with the Horizontal Wave Pendulum while contemplating its specific Powers; * Fingertip Fingertip absorption absorption of these vibrations; vibrations; * Detecting each Band as it invisibly manifests on physical forms. The final practice of this lesson will use the entrainment to the vibrations of the 12 Bands which you have now developed, to experience the Creation Cycle within the Vibrational Spectrum. For this practice, you will use the fingertip absorption capacity you have developed to connect to each Band in the Spectrum; you will not  use  use any Radiesthesia testing tools. This practice will further open up your awareness of the pure essence of these 12 Divine Powers, which manifest as the 12 Bands of the Vibrational Spectrum. We will also introduce a new aspect: to experience that these Powers are each a specific, sequential step in a full Cycle of Divine Creation. As mentioned earlier in this lesson, having this deeper understanding and experience will make your application of these vibrations more profoundly effective when we reach the later stages of this course. The key aspect of this practice is for you to immerse yourself meditatively into the living reality of each Band vibration. The Zero-Point Centering technique which we used in the previous exercise is excellent for moving your awareness into deep experiences of these energies; when done properly, you properly,  you will feel that you are surrounded by the vibration, as if you are immersed in an ocean of that specific Divine Power. For the practice, I will provide just a few words on the Creation Cycle function of each Band. However the essential thing is for you to dive deep into the vibration within your own consciousness, and have your own direct experience of the Power and Purpose



of that vibration within the Cycle of Creation. This will take you into realms far beyond any external indications of what lies within each Band. This process of inward movement into these profound vibrations is related to higher level initiations, which have been a part of virtually all spiritual traditions throughout history. Experiencing the Divine Power of each Band is similar to what in some earlier Temple Initiations would have been considered a specific “Gateway” to cross, which would lead to a profound encounter with its Gatekeeper (Spiritual Being / Guardian) and then an immersive experience of the specific “Heavenly Hall” of this Divine Power / Realm. In the Western tradition, this type of Initiatory process was described for example in the Egyptian “Book of Coming Forth by Day” (known popularly today as the “Egyptian Book of the Dead”) and in the Hekhaloth School of the Jewish Kabbalah (in which the “Merkava Riders” moved their consciousness into the Heavenly Halls).

Items you will need for this exercise: - The Circle Test Sheet. - The Polarized Polarized 12 Band Spectrum Sheet (Polarizer (Polarizer pattern pattern copyright by Dr. Dr. Ibrahim Karim). Your goal is to allow yourself to relax, to release, as deeply as possible into a direct experience of each of these Divine Powers / Bands. So for each Band: * Go into the Clear Mind State described previously in this series. We need the Clear Mind state because this is a receptive practice, where we need to have clear perception without projecting our own content onto what we experience. * Touch the area of the Vibration with your fingertip. When experiencing each of the 12 Bands, touch with your index fingertip the area of the Polarized 12 Band Spectrum Sheet which has the Band you will be testing. Put your finger right next to  the  the dot on the Sheet which has the Initial of the Band you are testing; do not put your finger directly on the printed black dot or the initial of the Band itself, itself, because you do not want to absorb the energy of the printer ink, you want to absorb the vibration of the invisible energy Band which is present on either side of the printed dot / initial of the Band. (This is the same 30 degree band of invisible energy on the circle which you discovered in the last practice). * Use Zero-Point Centering to move your awareness deeply into that that Vibration and absorb it into your fingertip.



* Focus your awareness on that Band’s Power within the complete Creation Cycle, then relax deeply into that Vibration so that it surrounds you; the vibration becomes an ocean of energy which you are immersed in. * It may be helpful to be aware of the Vibration of the Band around you as a vibrant Color; however be aware that in this inward experience the Color is far more vivid, intense, active, and ALIVE than our experience of the Color is in the physical outer world. Also be aware that this Color, as intense as it is, is only one small manifestation of the full Divine Power behind this Band. * Allow yourself to relax and immerse yourself into a di direct rect experience of each Band / Power for as long as you choose to. When you are immersed in the Vibration, the deeper realities held within this energy may express itself to you in various ways. You may experience them as images, as sounds, as feelings, as internal energy movements within you, as encounters with Beings and higher realms. * It is very important that you do not put any limit on your experience; relax into the Vibration and just observe what arises naturally, without trying to create any particular experience. * This can be a profound spiritual practice, if you are open to it. You may choose to begin with a Prayer (or a simple request) for Higher Beings to assist and guide you in this practice, using the concepts and methods of your own Spiritual Tradition or Belief System.



THE PRACTICE: First, have in front of you the Circle Circ le Test Test Sheet, as seen to the right. Begin with connecting to the Centering Vibration, by touching your Fingertip to the Center of the Circle Test Test Sheet. Enter into the Primal Unity, Unity, the Divine Source. It is the Original Center from which all specialized Powers emerge, and which creates Harmony in all other Powers. This is the Transcendental Gateway beyond beyon d Space and Time. It is the state of Perfect Balance. Put aside the Circle Test Sheet, and put in front of you the Polarized 12 Band Spectrum Sheet, as seen to the right.

1. NEGA NEGATIVE TIVE GREEN (-G): Touch with your fingertip the area just to either side of where -G is marked on the perimeter of the Circle. Move into that vibration with Zero-Point Centering, and begin to absorb that Vibration. You are now starting your journey through the Creation Cycle of the 12 Bands. Enter into the initial Divine Impulse to begin Manifestion / Creation. It is here that the Center (Shiva, the Male Polarity in the Indian tradition) enters into the Creation Cycle through Dynamic Creative Power. This Creative Power of “Negative Green” was understood in Spiritual Traditions around the world as the Divine Feminine Moving Force of God: Shakhti in the Indian tradition, Shekhmet in Ancient Egypt, Shekhinah in the Jewish Kabbalistic Tradition. This Band holds the impulse to move from Center into the complete spectrum of experience in the manifest world; a full cycle of Creation. This is the entry point into a cycle of all experiences, into the complete range of the Divine Powers.



As you relax into this Divine Vibration, experience Vibration, experience how it holds powers of movement, vital force, the power to manifest Life on all the Planes of Creation.   Relax more deeply into experiencing this Divine Power.

2. BLACK BLACK (B):  (B):  Touch with your fingertip the area just to either side of where B is marked on the perimeter of the Circle. Move into that vibration with Zero-Point Centering, and begin to absorb that Vibration. Enter into the Divine Power of the Radiant Darkness: Black, the Womb of Creation in which Life gestates. It is the Band of Peace and Silence, an entry into Divine Mystery. Relax more deeply into experiencing this Divine Power.

3.  INFRA-RED (IR):  (IR):  Touch with your fingertip the area just to either side of where IR is marked on the perimeter of the Circle. Move into that vibration with Zero-Point Centering, and begin to absorb that Vibration. Enter into the Power of Warmth and Support for Life, providing the impulse to cross the boundary into Physical Creation. Relax more deeply into experiencing this Divine Power.

4.  RED (R): Touch with your fingertip the area just to either side of where R is marked on the perimeter of the Circle. Move into that vibration with Zero-Point Centering, and begin to absorb that Vibration. Enter into the Power of Passion, Desire, Strength, and Willpower to manifest and experience in the Physical World. Relax more deeply into experiencing this Divine Power.



5.  ORANGE (O):  (O):  Touch with your fingertip the area just to either side of where O is marked on the perimeter of the Circle. Move into that vibration with Zero-Point Centering, and begin to absorb that Vibration. Enter into this radiating Power to expel whatever is harmful, to brighten the inner life into Joy and Happiness. Relax more deeply into experiencing this Divine Power.

6.  YELLOW (Y):  (Y):  Touch with your fingertip the area just to either side of where Y is marked on the perimeter of the Circle. Move into that vibration with Zero-Point Centering, and begin to absorb that Vibration. Enter into this radiating Power, which streams from the Center to the Periphery. Feel its Power to Brighten and Activate Consciousness, to initiate new Activities which will lead to creating coherent Structures both internally and externally. Relax more deeply into experiencing this Divine Power.

7.  GREEN (+G, where the Polarizer pattern is):  is):   Touch with your fingertip the area just to either side of where the Polarizer pattern is marked on the perimeter of the Circle. Move into that vibration with Zero-Point Centering, and begin to absorb that Vibration. Enter into this Power, which creates Planes and Surfaces to manifest harmonious Structures. Feel its Power to create Growth, while balancing the other forces of Physical Manifestation. Feel its Power to Disintegrate detrimental Substances and Energies. Relax more deeply into experiencing this Divine Power.

8.  BLUE (BU):  (BU):  Touch with your fingertip the area just to either side of where BU is marked on the perimeter of the Circle. Move into that vibration with Zero-Point Centering, and begin to absorb that Vibration.



Enter into this Power, which moves energy ene rgy from the Per Perimeter imeter into the Center. Feel its Power to Contain and Contract Energy. Energy. Relax more deeply into experiencing this Divine Power.

9.  INDIGO (I):  (I):  Touch with your fingertip the area just to either side of where I is marked on the perimeter of the Circle. Move into that vibration with Zero-Point Centering, and begin to absorb that Vibration. Enter into the Profound Spiritual Depths of this Mysterious Power. Feel its Power to open you to Inner Transformative Processes. Relax more deeply into experiencing this Divine Power.

10. VIOLET (V):  (V):  Touch with your fingertip the area just to either side of where V is marked on the perimeter of the Circle. Move into that vibration with Zero-Point Centering, and begin to absorb that Vibration. Enter into this Power of Alchemical Transmutation. Transmutation. Feel its Power to Amplify and Revitalize Vital Force, Feel its Power to protect the boundary of the Physical World, and to safely guide us back into the Spiritual World. Relax more deeply into experiencing this Divine Power.

11. ULTRA-VI ULTRA-VIOLET OLET (UV): (UV): Touch with your fingertip the area just to either side of where UV is marked on the perimeter of the Circle. Move into that vibration with Zero-Point Centering, and begin to absorb that Vibration. Enter into this Power of Awakening Spiritual Perception and Spiritual Processes. Feel its Power to clear Energy on a higher level, to relieve Chronic Pain, for core DNA and Cellular repair, to restore deep Energy Reserves. Be aware of the Spiritual Beings and Realms within this Power. Relax more deeply into experiencing this Divine Power.



12. WHITE (W): Touch with your fingertip the area just to either side of where W is marked on the perimeter of the Circle. Move into that vibration with Zero-Point Centering, and begin to absorb that Vibration. Enter into this Power of Illumination and Clearing. Feel its power to awaken our awareness of the Divine within us and within all of Creation. Feel its Power to bring Light into virtually any condition of Mind or Body. Relax more deeply into experiencing this Divine Power.

COMPLETING THE PRACTICE Touch with your fingertip the area just to either side of where -G is marked on the perimeter of the Circle. Move into that vibration with Zero-Point Centering, and begin to absorb that Vibration. Feel the completion of the Cycle, the return to the Origin Point: the Divine Moving Power behind all of Creation. Then you can put aside the Polarized 12 Band Spectrum Sheet, and put in front of you again the Circle Test Test Sheet. Complete the practice by touching the Center of the Circle and ZPC into its center. Experience how all the differentiated Powers of the Vibrational Spectrum return to Unity, the Divine Source, just as they emerged from Unity at the beginning. If you chose to begin the practice with a Prayer or Request for Higher Beings to assist and guide you in this practice, send these Beings now a Prayer of Thanks from your Heart for their assistance. Then write down any notes of experiences you had of specific Vibrations during the practice, so that you will not forget them. It is very important to write down these experiences to help to stabilize these deeper realizations inside yourself.

You have now completed this Lesson. You are now ready to learn to project each of these Divine Powers through your own Energy Field.



IV. PREPARATION FOR CONSCIOUS PROJECTION OF VIBRATIONS A. INTRODUCTION A major aspect of the development of the modern metaphysical and holistic health community has been the tremendous growth in Bioenergy healing systems. These are primarily based on classical systems of projecting vibrational qualities from the human energy field, with names ranging from those based on traditional terms for life energy (Pranic Healing, Medical Chi Kung, Reiki) to modern terms (Quantum Touch, Touch, Theta Healing). The wide range of Bioenergy healing systems today are often referred to under the umbrella term of "Energy Medicine". This section of our online course is not intended to be a complete training in Bioenergy healing, but rather to offer instruction for the first time on how to improve, expand, and refine  various  various methods of Bioenergy healing through integrating Vibrational Testing. We will start in this chapter of the training by briefly summarizing some key aspects of Bioenergy healing. This will also help to clarify the essential principles of Bioenergy work, which are often not discussed in the specific methods taught today (which ( which often focus only on the specific practices favored by the founder of the system, not the larger context which makes navigating between different systems possible .) .) If you use only one system of Bioenergy healing, this chapter will help you to understand reasons behindor some of thetospecialized methods used in that ifsystem (or how theythe may be improved adapted your particular needs); whereas you use multiple systems of Bioenergy healing, this chapter will help you to make an informed decision on how to construct your own composite system which is ideal for you, essentially choosing optimal methods from different systems (each of which have particular strengths and omissions). We will also feature in this chapter a variety of practices which will help you to understand the larger context for some specific methods you may have learned in various Bioenergy healing methods. These practices will also help to build up a skill base which we will use for practices in the later sections in this course. On a personal note, this section is based on the years that I have used Radiesthesia to test the accuracy and energetic hygiene of many different energy healers, and my study



of the perspectives these healers have been taught through the systems they use. From this process, I have found some common mistakes and energetic issues with the work of many healers. Unfortunately, because many healers do not have an ability to directly detect and differentiate all the various energies they may be working with, in most cases they have no awareness that there are any detrimental vibrations within the matrix of energies they are projecting. A few common issues found with many energy healers today, which can be improved: * Not projecting the exact vibrational quality / color that they think they are projecting. * Piggybacking toxicity out of their own system / chakras into the client through their own projections. * Cording the client (this is often done unconsciously, however it is a serious problem when done consciously by unscrupulous healers) or being corded by the client (consciously or unconsciously based on their grasping of the healer). * Projecting toxicity from their physical or etheric bodies unconsciously into the client. * Projecting toxic astral content (detrimental thoughts and emotions) unconsciously into the client. * Projecting toxicity from their chakras into the client, based on methods they have been taught regarding drawing energy qualities from their chakras as sources of specific vibrations. * Releasing toxic vibrations pulled out of the client into the location. Another variant is to “put the toxic energy in the earth” by projecting it downward, however in most cases the toxicity just goes all over the floor and not actually down into the Earth. Some healers release the toxicity upwards to the Sun or to a spiritual being to help, however again in many cases this just ends up going onto the ceiling and splattering there (and/or on the walls and floor) or just drifting through the room. With the Vibrational Testing Testing methods in this course, c ourse, the detrimental vibrations associated with the issues listed above can easily be detected and corrected. The methods in this course will also help create entrainment to the pure form of each energy quality in the vibrational spectrum , expanding the number of precise vibrations a person is capable of projecting to include each of the 12 Bands (or, in a more comprehensive form beyond this course, the 144 sub-bands) of the Vibrational Spectrum.



We will also in later sections be adding in the capacity to direct each vibration into a specific plane level of the human subtle body, and also to create custom vibrational formulas for a particular person's needs.

RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN SPIRITUAL SCIENCE AND VIBRATIONAL RELATIONSHIP VIBRATIONAL SCIENCE / BIOENERGY HEALING The "Vesica" pattern for which the Vesica Institute is named is based on the principle of balanced, integrated systems coming from the union of complementary polarities. A key complementary polarity is Consciousness and Energy , which manifests in the two areas of trainings offered by the Vesica Institute: * Spiritual Science   (focused (focused on the development of higher consciousness and cognition) and * Vibrational Science  (focused  (focused on the development of the ability to detect and apply specific energies). Although we divide trainings into these two large topic areas for clarity, they are actually integral parts of a unified whole; our consciousness determines the quality and direction of our energies, and our energetic development supports our manifesting higher states of consciousness. This means that the content of our Spiritual Science courses [such as our introductory course Essential Teachings and Practices of Spiritual Science (ETP) , the next course in the series Connecting to Spiritual Realities , and our other live and online Spiritual Science courses] are directly related to developing higher level abilities at this stage of your work with Vibrational Testing Testing and Healing. An example of this relationship is the development of Receptive and Active states of consciousness through specific meditative practices, as described and taught in detail in the ETP online class. Developing the ability to focus purely on either a Receptive or Active state in consciousness   provides provides a foundation for developing skill in Receptive or Active vibrational practices  in  in Bioenergy healing (ie Absorption or Projection of V Vibrations). ibrations). We will address this topic in more detail later.



BASIC PREP BEFORE THE PRACTICES IN THIS SECTION Be sure to perform the "Before You Begin" practices described in Part 2 of the Universal Vibrational Spectrum  course,  course, before you perform the various practices which follow in this chapter. cha pter. These practices are: 1. Go to the bathroom, to bathroom, to empty your urinary bladder and bowels as much as possible before you begin. This will help your energy flow, and reduce tension in your body. 2.  Set up a bowl of Salt Water next to you, you , so that you can direct into it any toxic energy you are purging out from body as a result of these practices. Simply fill a non-porous bowl (for example glass, pyrex, or ceramic -- preferably not plastic, although plastic could be used if nothing else is available) with pure water, and add in Salt until it reaches saturation (ie, add salt until it no longer dissolves into the water and some crystals of salt gather at the bottom of the bowl.) YouSalt do not need to use expensive sea salt, anywe salthighly will do. To save money if you use the Water bowl technique regularly (which recommend) the cheapest way to get bulk salt that I have found is to buy pure Salt (USP Sodium Chloride) in 40 lb. bags which are sold for use in swimming pools; another option is to get the large Salt Bags sold at a home supply store for pouring into home water filter systems, but in that case check the label to be sure they do not have any other chemical additives and are simply pure salt. Dispose of the salt water in the bowl when you are done, by flushing it down the toilet (it has a similar vibration to the other waste products from your body.) body.) Wash out the bowl well, and refill it with clear water and salt for the next time you need it. The salt water bowl should be a regular feature of your environment when you are doing vibrational work of any kind, so that it is ready for you to dump toxic energies into anytime that you may need it. Do not overlook the use of the Salt Water Water bowl! It is very common to to find energy practitioners today simply releasing toxic energy from themselves or their clients into the space they are in, contaminating the air or surfaces in the room; this is a serious issue and very poor energy hygiene. Always direct toxic energy into the Salt Water Water bowl, where the water will collect the energy and the Green Band Vibration of the Salt will help disintegrate it. 3. Drink a glass of pure water before the start of your practice session. It is essential that you stay hydrated when doing energy practices. A key principle known to many traditions is that water allows energy to flow, whether that water is in your body, in the Earth, within a stone, etc.



Also continue to perform the set of practices to clear your energy field which you had selected for yourself in the Universal Vibrational Spectrum  course,  course, from the menu of practices taught in detail in that course and which were summarized as follows: 1.  Clearing the Central Channel. This opens and balances the two most important major flows in the larger human energy field; the “Heavenly Flow” which descends from above through the Central Channel of the body, and the “Earthly Flow” which ascends from below through your Central Channel. 2. Torus Exercise. Exe rcise. This creates a flow through the Central Channel of the body, which then creates a dynamic sphere of energy that surrounds and protects the entire body. This is a core Sacred Geometry energy pattern which already exists in the human energy field; by consciously practicing this exercise, this Toroidal Toroidal flow pattern is activated and intensified. This exercise has the power to help protect a person’s energy field against the invasion of external pathogenic energies, leading to its use by some advanced energy healers (including Medical Chi Gong practitioners.) 3.  Clearing the Energy Meridians: This is a very ver y simple and fast method to help clear all 14 Major Energy Meridians in the Human Body. 4.  Clearing the 3 Key Areas in the Head: This clears important areas in the head which must be open and active in order for a person to be able to detect subtle energies; ie to accurately practice Vibrational Testing. Testing. 5.  Clearing and Activating the Energy Flows to the Pendulum: This clears the specific Energy Meridians (Lung and Large Intestine Meridians) which supply energy to the Thumb and Forefinger, i.e. the two fingers which hold the Pendulum in Vibrational Testing. Testing. Your energy must flow through the Pendulum in order for you to test accurately acc urately.. 6.  Simple Clearing Method with Crystals: This is a simple method to extract toxic vibrations from energy centers of the body using specific stones. 7.  Simple Clearing Method with Essential Oil Spray: This is a simple method to generally clear and freshen the energy field, through the use of specific essential oils. 8. Clearing the Mind: This is an essential practice to clear the mind and to ensure that you are not projecting thoughtforms, which could interfere with the accuracy of your testing vibrational fields. It is sadly very common today for people to think think that they are testing / perceiving the objective nature of an external energy field (of a person, an object, or a location) when in reality they are only testing their own projected thoughtforms. This fundamental mistake is due to their not having trained sufficiently to keep their mind clear during testing, an essential skill which was emphasized in classical esoteric systems but often overlooked in modern Western systems.



B. MIND POWER: ENERGY FOLLOWS ATTENTION In the summary just provided of the clearing practices given earlier in the Universal  course, the 8th and final practice listed was "Clearing the Mind". Vibrational Spectrum  course, This is essential in Vibrational testing in order to receptively  perceive  perceive which vibrations are empirically present in an energy field (without contaminating them with our own active  energetic  energetic and thoughtform projections). In preceding lessons in this series we also discussed how we use our mind to focus precisely on the target of our testing, to ensure we pick up only its specific vibrational information and no other vibrations around it. Now that we will be using not only the receptive practice of Vibrational Testing, Testing, but also add now the active practice of precisely crafted Vibrational Projections, we need to move into the next level of our work with Mind Power. Our fundamental principle p rinciple is that ENERGY FOLLOWS ATTENTION. ATTENTION. If we are going to project precise vibrations to a target, we need to use our Mind Power to connect to the following: 1. SOURCE: Connect to to the Source of the Vibration. In most systems, this is either from an area of the body (such as a Chakra) or from an external source (such as a stone, plant, etheric energy from an element of nature, or a projection from a higher spiritual source). 2. PATHWAY: THWAY: Flow the energy along the pathway, pathway, such as from a Chakra to the Palms of the Hands. 3. POINT OF PROJECTION: PROJECTION: Project the Vibration Vibration out of the body through a specific area of projection of the body / energy field. 4. TARGET: TARGET: Guide the vibration to the target. These four areas of attention are connected to our testing the projected Vibration with the appropriate pendulum, as we have covered in depth previously in this training series. An important aspect of the Mind leading the energy, is to actually place your mind INSIDE the place you are focusing; not thinking about it abstractly from outside, but actually placing your awareness deep inside the area. We will start here with a simple beginning practice to show how your energy projections follow your attention, and the importance of connecting your mind directly into the location you want to affect. We will use only a few very simple basics here, then add in more aspects later in this course.



C. PRACTICE: PRELIMINARY TESTING OF MIND POWER FOCUS ITEMS NEEDED: * Multiple Circles Test Sheet (6 copies) * Horizontal Wave Pendulum, set to Blue ('Bu') Print out 6 copies of the Multiple Circles Test Test Sheet, and stack them in front of you. STEP-BY-STEP GUIDE: 1. Close your eyes and generate a bright blue color in your mental field. If you have a hard time generating this color mentally (ie, you think you are not very good at visualizing) then in that case simply look at a bright blue color with your physical eyes for a couple of minutes, to then hold that color in your mind from observation. 2. Take a single page from the 6 pages you printed, and focus your awareness on just the top left circle of the smallest circle line on the page; then visualize (mentally paint) the complete interior of only that one circle with the blue color, with no blue outside of the perimeter of the circle. Then test the circle which you imprinted with your mind power, with the horizontal wave pendulum set to the dot next to the initial "Bu" for Blue on the Dial, to see if it tests for strong blue with no blue outside the circle and no blue on any other circles on the page. If that is the case, this shows you imprinted the color well with just your mind. Put that page aside. 3. Then take the other 5 remaining copies of the Multiple Circles Test Test Sheet and stack them on top of each other, so that each of the circles on every sheet is perfectly lined up with the same placed circle on the sheets above and below it. Then place your attention on only the 3rd sheet, ie the one at the MIDDLE of the stack. Hold up the top two sheets so you can look directly now at the top left circle (ie, the circle in the same position you imprinted with Blue on the first test sheet which you have now set aside) on the 3rd (middle) test sheet. Then drop the top two sheets back down on top of it so you can no longer see that 3rd page in the stack, but you know where it is in space directly beneath that same placed circle on the 2 sheets above it, and above the 2 sheets below it. 4. Focus your awareness (ie, placing your mind INSIDE, not thinking about it from the outside) only on that one circle on ONLY the 3rd sheet, and imprint that with the Blue



color, keeping the blue color inside the boundary of that circle with no Blue to the outside. 5. Then test the top left circle on each of the 5 sheets now with the Horizontal Pendulum set to Blue; if only that one circle (on only that middle 3rd sheet) tests for Blue, you did a good job of using your mind power to guide the energy to that specific location. if you find Blue imprinting on any other test sheet, or any other circle, or outside that circle's boundary in any way, then you know that you need to practice regularly to develop your focused awareness. If this worked well for you this first time out, congratulations! If it did not work perfectly this first time, then do not worry -- it just requires regular practice to develop. Be honest with yourself when testing - there is no one watching but you. Give yourself permission to take the time to develop these powerful new skills. With Vibrational Radiesthesia you now have the tools needed to confirm your development of remarkable abilities of Mind Power and Vibrational Projections beyond what the majority of humanity even knows is possible. NOTE: One reason we use the blue color in this practice is that a vibratory power of the blue band tends to isolate and localize energies, instead of spreading strongly as some other colors (like yellow) tend to. This was discussed in Part 2 of the Universal Vibrational Spectrum course regarding the specific powers of each Vibrational Band, and we will discuss this topic in more detail regarding specifically Bioenergy healing later in this course.



D. PRACTICE: TESTING THE EMISSION SOURCE FOR THE MIND POWER Now we will test to see what the actual emission source  was  was for the blue color coming out of your energy field to imprint the circle in the last practice. We did not specify for that practice where this vibration was coming from in your energy field, we simply had you focus your mind power there; however the Mind Power works in conjunction with the centers in your energy field. Later we will be using the hands as an interface between the core energy centers of the body and the target, however for the moment we will simply be looking for the energy center which is the primary emission source of the blue vibration you imprinted on the circle. In this exercise you will be testing baseline vibrations in your own energy field, so you will need to remove any vibrational items, jewelry, or stones from your body so they do not affect the testing (as we need to do for all baseline vibrational testing on our body). ITEMS NEEDED: * Multiple Circles Test Sheet (1 copy) * Horizontal Wave Pendulum STEP-BY-STEP GUIDE: 1. First, test your 7 major chakras (crown, brow, throat, heart, solar plexus, sex center at the top of the pubic bone, and base at the tailbone) for any baseline amount of Blue Color that is in the chakra. Some may have a certain baseline amount of Blue already, some may not; don't try to affect the testing, just observe. 2. Place 1 page of the Multiple Circles Test Test Sheet in front of you, and focus your mind power on "painting" now one circle -- this time use the top right circle of the smallest circle line on the page -- and use the Horizontal Pendulum set to Blue to test over your 7 major chakras as you do so. In which chakra did you find the most increase in blue vibration as you are actively using your Mind Power to place the blue vibration in the circle? In most cases you will find the major increase point to be the Brow chakra, showing that is the emission point in the energy body for this particular Mind imprinting. 3. Now again mentally paint the Blue color onto the bottom left circle (on the largest circle line on the page) while you test your Brow center specifically with the Horizontal Pendulum set to Blue. Continue to imprint the interior of this larger circle as you do the testing below be low..



Test to see the exact location on your forehead of the strongest increase of Blue vibration while vibration while you are imprinting the color on the page, starting at the space between the eyebrows (Ajna Chakra, called the "Third Eye" chakra in the West) and moving straight up the midline of the forehead to the hairline (this crosses other energy centers in the Brow, which are used and activated in higher initiation processes, including the location in the brow where the Uraeus emerges from the forehead in ancient Egyptian illustrations.) Where did you find the strongest location (nodal point) of emitting Blue vibration from your brow, when imprinting the Blue vibration on the circle with your Mind Power?



E. CONNECTI CONNECTING NG TO VIBRA VIBRATIONS TIONS THROUGH SENSE CORRESPONDENC CORRESPONDENCES ES Our mind uses our senses to perceive the physical world around us, and often uses an inner experience of these same senses to construct inner perceptions of invisible vibrations as well. We can call the inner variant of these physical senses "sense correspondences". With our moving now towards using Mind Power with Active Projection practices, in addition to the Receptive Detection practices we have developed earlier in this course, we can now consider how our various sensing capacities work with our mind power for both types of practices. In modern times it has become popular to focus particularly on three out of our five senses to understand how different people process information. These three modalities are Visual, Auditory, Auditory, and Kinesthetic Kines thetic (VAK): Visual - related to the sense of sight. Visual learners like images, graphics and other visual inputs to take in information; they like color, color, geometric forms and visual art. Our modern Western culture has become very visual, and with modern computer based learning is increasingly moving in this direction. Receptively, we may perceive invisible vibrations (or Beings) in terms of the colors we would test them for with our Vibrational Radiesthesia. Classically the concept of "Clairvoyance" refers to this ability to perceive non-physical realities through inner vision. Actively, visual persons may be able to visualize the vibrations through their corresponding color in order to manifest and project them in Bioenergy healing. Auditory - related to the sense of hearing. Auditory learners can take in information through spoken instruction, and are sensitive to music and sound. Receptively, we may perceive invisible vibrations in terms of tones and sounds which reveal the inner nature of that vibration (or of other invisible Beings or realities which are behind that vibration). Classically the concept of "Clairaudience" refers to this ability to perceive non-physical realities through inner hearing. Actively, auditory persons may be able to manifest the vibrations through their corresponding sounds, for their projections in Bioenergy healing. This is particularly true of persons with a background in (and sensitivity to) music and natural sounds.

Kinesthetic - related to the the sense of touch. Kinesthetic learners need to move ttheir heir bodies, and to touch the things they are learning about.



Receptively, we may perceive invisible vibrations (or Beings) in terms of touch sensations in our bodies and energy field. Classically the concepts of "Clairsentience" and "Empathy" refer to this ability to perceive invisible realities through inner feeling. Actively, kinesthetic persons may be able to manifest the vibrations through their corresponding feeling qualities, for projections in Bioenergy healing. The remaining two of the five senses, namely Smell and Taste, Taste, are considered peripheral and are not included in modern VAK analysis. However these senses may also come into play for both the receptive perception of subtle vibrations, and for the active projection of vibrations, based on how an individual has created internal connections in their own energy field between these senses and associations with specific vibrations. This was well understood in earlier cultures. With taste, the Himalayan tradition describes the inner experience of tasting the "nectar" of beautiful vibrations experienced in higher meditation or internal alchemy for example. With smell, Sufis and Rosicrucians describe the smell of the Rose when connecting to higher spiritual realities; realities; on the detrimental side, harmful qualities in a person or a spiritual being have been described in the Western tradition in terms of offensive or nauseating odors such as the inner smell of rotten eggs, sewage, spoiled meat, or burning sulfur. Thus persons highly attuned to taste may be able to perceive or project invisible vibrations in terms of their corresponding inner taste sensations, just as persons highly attuned to smell may be able to perceive or project invisible vibrations in terms of the corresponding inner smells. What is most common in modern Bioenergy projection methods however, is to use Visualization to create the emanation, emanation , often with a specific color that corresponds to the precise vibration desired. Other visual aspects may be added as well, such as shape / geometric form. However with visualization methods it is very important to ground them in direct sensations in the body. body. In other words, visualizations need to be connected to a kinesthetic feeling of the movement of energy created by the visualization. The visualization function exists primarily on the astral plane, whereas the kinesthetic connects strongly on the etheric / physical levels. It sometimes happens that visualizations stay abstract on the mental plane, rather than moving from the mental plane to the etheric vibratory level to affect things in the physical world. Thus for Bioenergy healing to be effective, the visualizations that manifest the vibrations must connect to the etheric / physical levels through kinesthetic feeling.



In coming sections, we will explore this primary pathway of connecting visualized color and/or shape to direct kinesthetic feeling. However feel free to adapt the methods described to what works well for you, using whichever of the five sensory correspondences work for you in perceiving or projecting vibrations (in addition to our Radiesthesia methods.)



F. USIN USING G MIND POWER TO CRYST CRYSTALIZ ALIZE E INTELLECTUAL THOUGHT INTO WORDS Our Mind Power not only works through the 5 senses, it also operates through our intellect via our ability to create concepts in the mind and crystallize them into words. The spiritual significance of this is discussed in the Vesica Spiritual Science courses in terms of the concept of "packed thoughtforms" (which is a direct experience of the living spiritual reality behind the thoughts) and "unpacked thoughtforms" (the deeper reality broken up and frozen into separate words, each word representing small parts of the whole). This manifests into the powerful Rosicrucian "Dissolving" spiritual exercise which allows us to dissolve a crystallized reality -- a word statement, a sacred text, or even a literal physical crystal -- back into the direct spiritual reality behind that crystallized physical manifestation. For our practical purposes in this course, this vibrations means that in addition to our using sense correspondences with our projecting specific from our energy field (most commonly through visualization combined with direct kinesthetic feeling), we can crystallize the thoughtform also into an expression in words. These expressions of thoughtforms (what tends to be called today "intent") through words are used in many Bioenergy systems to further crystallize the vibrations being created through the sense correspondences (visualization etc.). In some cases only the word statements are used to create the effect, however in years of Vibrational testing at the Vesica Institute we have found that vibrational emanations based only on word statements tend in many cases to have less accuracy and potency than those vibrational emanations based on visualization and kinesthetic grounding. We have found that usually the word crystallizations work best in conjunction with the visualization and kinesthetic grounding, rather than in isolation by themselves. In summary then, one key approach we will take in later parts of this course for creating vibrational projections will be creating visualizations  which  which are grounded in kinesthetic feeling , and may (if you choose) be anchored further through word statements .



G. TAPPING INTO THE KEY SOURCES OF CENTERING VIBRATION FOR BIOENERGY HEALING: THE INNER SMILE AND DIVINE LOVE Our Bioenergy projections are determined by what our Mind Power focuses on, in conjunction with the vibratory states we have already in our energy field. Because of this, we must cultivate inner states with the most beneficial qualities, to act as the background core vibration in our field that all of our bioenergy projections will pass through. In the previous course in this series, The Universal Vibrational Spectrum  (UVS),  (UVS), we described how the Centering Vibration literally connects us to Center, which is a gateway to higher realms; it is the force which balances and harmonizes all of the qualities in the Vibrational Spectrum which we apply or project in our practical work. It is also the laterenergy in this quality course.of connection to the Divine Plane, as we will discuss in more detail This means that we can cultivate the highest aspects of the Centering Vibration as the background quality of our entire energy field, which will then harmonize and optimize all of the vibrations from the Vibrational Spectrum which we project in our work. What is the optimal inner source of this Centering Vibration which can illuminate our entire energy field? In the UVS class we discussed how the Centering Vibration can be manifested by the most beneficial inner states of thought and emotion; this includes Happiness, Joy, and Love. Although often dismissed today as being simply sentimental cliches, cultivating inner states of happiness, joy, and love is in fact the essential foundation of a healthy vibrational body, and thereby of all beneficial projections coming from our field in Bioenergy healing. We begin by: 1. Connecting with these optimal states in our own energy body and consciousness, 2. then using these states in the Microcosm of our own energy field to create a resonant connection with these optimal vibrations in the Macrocosm, 3. where this Resonance connects at the highest level with Divine Love.



The generation of these optimal inner states in our thoughts and emotions (related to the mental body and emotional body, which in the European Rosicrucian system are referred to together as the Astral Body) is discussed in many traditions, with one major example in modern times being the popularization of the "Inner Smile" practice from Daoist Internal Alchemy in the Chinese tradition. A very important technique in modern Daoist Internal Alchemy practices is to focus our awareness on times of our life when we felt the most intense inner happiness and joy, an energy which manifests in the physical body as an authentic smile on your face. The generation of this energy internally is often linked to our feeling love for a particular person or thing in our life which brings us happiness and joy. This awakened smiling energy is then circulated through the energy circuits of the body, particularly in the Daoist system through the circuit of the 5 major organs in the body. body. This inner smile energy moves in this sequence: 1. Heart (Fire Element) 2. Spleen (Earth Element) 3. Lungs (Metal Element) 4. Kidneys (Water Element) 5. Liver (Wood Liver (Wood Element) and back to the Heart as the cycle continues. In our version of this practice we will then take this Inner Smile energy into the spine and brain, and then let it illuminate the physical eyes so that we "see with the eyes of love". There are also many other circulation patterns through which the Inner Smile energy may be moved, which may be explored in variants created by different groups. We want to always generate this Inner Smile before doing bioenergy projections  projections   on other people, living beings, or even inanimate objects. For all energy practices of this kind, it is helpful to touch the tip of the tongue to the roof of the mouth. This connects together the energy circuit up your back midline (the Governing Vessel) to the energy circuit up your front midline (the Conception Vessel), creating a stronger and smoother energy flow through your body. This is one part of the Daoist Internal Alchemy practice known as the Microcosmic Orbit. This authentic Inner Smile of Happiness and Joy inside of us manifests vibrationally as the Centering Vibration, along with various other potential Bands in the Vibrational Spectrum. This Centering Vibration will intensify as we develop the Joy and Happiness further inside of us into Love and Compassion.



This Love manifests as a warm glow which often appears first around the heart, and then manifests through the entire energy field with a very strong intensity of Centering Vibration. When this inner Love -- which is often connected to a particular thing which makes us happy -- transforms into Unconditional Love, this becomes our link to Divine Love. Divine Love is truly the essential vibration, and our link to higher worlds, which needs to be the basis of all of our Vibrational projections. Unconditional Love is Love which sees the true, immortal divine essence in the other person. It does not "grasp" the other person with any requirement for them to do any particular things which pleases us, or that we think they "should do" in order to be loved. Unconditional Love sees the eternal in the other, not the transitory superficial personality aspects which may be unpleasant and challenging to deal with. This is related to the Sanskrit expression "Namaste" meaning "I bow to the Divine in You", or alternatively rendered means "the Divine in me sees the Divine in you." One of the common obstacles we must overcome is our anger, hate, contempt, or any other form of antipathy towards a person we encounter. Compassion is the power of overcoming this antipathy, and the key to creating this compassion is described in both the Eastern and Western spiritual traditions. In Buddhism, this becomes the practice of seeing that the detrimental and unpleasant aspects of the other person are the result of how they are trying to cope with their suffering. Seeing that the person is iin n fact suffering is the key to opening compassion, and to forgiving our enemies. In the Western Tradition this same state of realization that the other person suffers is described in the essential statement of the esoteric Christian Holy Grail tradition, presented in the classic Grail Initiation document Parsival in the form of the question: "Brother (or sister) what ails thee?" This is the question which Parsival, as the Holy Fool, must learn to ask in order to become the Fisher King, the King of the Grail. Our conscious development of unconditional love, and compassion for the suffering of all sentient beings, creates a powerful Centering Vibration throughout our energy field. This can connect us through Resonance with the higher source of Divine Love,which is the core of true healing energy.



Divine Love is the master vibration which, by itself, can create tremendous clearing and healing in ourselves and in any energy system that we apply bioenergy work to. It is an important principle to always train using the exact same methods which we will use in actual work on a living being, so that we establish the correct energy pathways in our internal energy structure and create healthy habits which will benefit the quality of our work. This means that we need to now establish the pattern of always generating the Inner Smile and Divine Love Vibrations before we do BioEnergy Projections. There are many powerful healers whose work is in fact based primarly -- in some cases exclusively -- on their connection to Divine Love, which flows through them into everyone they work on. Divine Love is the essential core state for us to achieve, to which we will then add the specific Bioenergy healing methods and principles still to come in this course. In summary, we begin with generating the Inner Smile and circulating it through our energy system, then through this we resonate with the much larger and infinitely powerful energy field of Divine Love. This inner state of resonance with Divine Love creates the radiant outward projection of the Centering Vibration from us in Bioenergy healing (or any other activity). This Centering Vibration becomes the background matrix which will harmonize and optimize all the other vibrations in the Vibrational Spectrum which we will later project from our energy field.



H. PRACTIC PRACTICE: E: EST ESTABLISHI ABLISHING NG THE CENTERIN CENTERING G VIBRATION IN YOUR ENERGY FIELD THROUGH THE INNER SMILE AND DIVINE LOVE ITEMS NEEDED FOR THIS PRACTICE: 1. BG-16 Pendulum. We will be using this to test the increase of the Centering Vibration with the Inner Smile and Divine Love vibration. 2. Vertical Wave Wave Pendulum set for Negative Green (-G). ( -G). We will be using this to test the decrease of detrimental vibrations in areas of the body where they are present, as we build up the Inner Smile and Divine Love vibration in that location. 3. Horizontal Wave Pendulum set for Negative Green (-G). We will be using this to test the increase in the beneficial Carrier Wave of H-G. Remember the calibration of the pendulums which we have discussed in detail previously, especially that with the Vertical and Horizontal Wave Pendulums that you will need to make a slight offset of the pointer on the top dial towards the right on the Negative Green setting (ie, pointing to the letter 'G' in '-G' at the bottom of the base dial). As with all practices testing your body and energy field, make sure prior to the testing that you remove any vibrational tools, jewelry, or stones from your body which may affect the testing.

STEP BY STEP GUIDE TO THE PRACTICE: 1. The first step of the practice is to create the Inner Smile energy inside of yourself, by remembering a time in your life when felt true radiant Joy and Happiness most strongly. Allow that vibration to grow in your energy field, by doing Zero-Point Centering deeper and deeper into the core of these beautiful energies which you feel vibrating in your Heart Chakra. 2. Focus all of your awareness, your Mind Power, on this increasing radiance of Joy and Happiness growing in your heart chakra. Touch the tip of your tongue to the roof of your mouth, and keep it there for the rest of the practice. Now test the amount of Centering Vibration increasing in your heart chakra with the BG-16 Pendulum.



3. Feel the beautiful vibration of Joy and Happiness spread from your heart to your face, creating a wide authentic authentic smile on your face. Use the BG-16 Pendulum now to test the Centering Vibration radiating out from the smile on your face. How much Centering Vibration can you radiate to others from your smile? 4. We will now circulate the Inner Smile energy which is in your heart and on your face, into the Creation Cycle of the 5 elements in your internal organs. Begin by testing with the Vertical Wave Wave Pendulum the amount of Vertical -G at each organ, putting your attention into that organ while with your non-dowsing hand touching your body at the location of that organ; continue to test the organ as you then bring the light of the Inner Smile into it. Continue to test V-G at that organ as you increase the Inner Smile there. Observe the decrease in V-G as the Centering Vibration of the Inner Smile radiates increasingly from the organ, until no more V-G is present (or a small amount of baseline V-G which is not shifting is present). Then switch to the BG-16 Pendulum to test that same organ for the intensity of Centering Vibration radiating from it. You will then go to the next organ in the sequence to do the same procedure; testing VG there and seeing it decrease as you consciously bring the Inner Smile energy into it, then testing it for the intensity of Centering Vibration now radiating from the organ, etc. Here is the sequence of organs for testing: 4a. Test at the physical organ of your Heart, Heart, bringing the Inner Smile consciously into your Heart. 4b. Test at the physical organ of your Spleen, Spleen, underneath the lower left side of your ribcage, bringing the Inner Smile consciously into your Spleen. 4c. Test at the physical organ of your Lungs, Lungs, inside both sides of your chest, bringing the Inner Smile consciously into your Lungs. 4d. Test at the physical organ of your Kidneys at Kidneys at your lower back, bringing the Inner Smile consciously into your Kidneys. 4e. Test at the physical organ of your Liver, underneath Liver, underneath the bottom right of your ribcage, bringing the Inner Smile consciously into your Liver. Did all Organs have the same decrease or elimination of V-G, or did one or more have more V-G still remaining?



Did all Organs have the same intensity of Centering Vibration at the end of working on it, or did one or more have a higher intensity than the others? 5. Test Test your spine for its intensity of Centering Center ing Vibration using the BG-16 Pendulum, as you move your Mind down to the base of your tailbone, and let the Mind lead the Inner Smile energy now through the entire length of your spine. See the spine's intensity of Centering Vibration increase as the Inner Smile energy moves through it. 6. Now test your brain for the intensity of Centering Vibration with the BG-16 Pendulum, as your Mind leads the Inner Smile up the spine to where the spine enters the base of the skull (the "Jade Pillow" in Daoist Internal Alchemy). Then lead the Inner Smile energy up along the back of the skull rising to the crown of the head and down the front of the head to the forehead, at the same time as the Inner Smile energy also moves through the entire brain to the forehead to meet the stream coming over the top of the head. See the Brain's intensity of Centering Vibration increase as the Inner Smile moves inside of it. 7. Now lead the Inner Smile energy into your eyes, testing your physical eyes for Centering Vibration with the BG-16 Pendulum. Let the Centering Vibration illuminate your eyes, so that you literally "see with the eyes of Love". This illumination of the eyes with Centering Vibration from the Inner Smile is a very powerful method to create a beneficial link with any person or energy system you do Bioenergy healing for. Feel the muscles around your eyes relax, becoming soft and warm. Test for the increasing intensity of Centering Vibration radiating out from your physical eyes as the Inner Smile energy increases there. 8. With the Inner Smile energy having circulated through key aspects of your body and energy system, and now streaming through your eyes to transform your perception of everything you see to illuminate them with love, you can become aware of the ultimate source of the Centering Vibration in the universe: Divine Love. Our inner smile activates the Centering Vibration in the Microcosm of our Energy Body, so that we can now Resonate with the Divine Love vibration around us in the Macrocosm. We "call this energy in" by our having transformed our own internal vibration first to the same resonant quality, so that we can then stream this much larger field of Divine Love vibration through our energy system, radiating outward from our own energy field. This is not an abstraction or a metaphor; it is a very powerful, tangible experience which profoundly shifts the vibration your feel in your body and energy system, and which can be tested with an increase of the Centering Vibration by your BG-16 pendulum.



Feel the Divine Love vibration stream into you and through you; relax more deeply to allow it to penetrate into the usually guarded and rigid aspects of deep levels of your mind and energy, softening and opening them. Let the Divine Love stream out of your eyes, connecting to everything you see; Test the increase in the Centering Vibration coming out of your eyes. Challenge yourself to find new ways to open yourself to the Divine Love vibration, letting the Centering Vibration intensify further as it radiates out from your eyes and your entire energy field.

9. Become aware of the Divine Love now streaming out of every pore in your body, creating straight-line rays of light radiating outward from every inch of your skin, turning your body into a radiating sun of Divine Love. Test your entire energy field for the Centering Vibration with the BG-16 pendulum, challenging yourself again to find ways to release and open even more deeply to the Divine Love radiating through you, to increase further the intensity of the spin of the BG-16 pendulum. 10. Now at the end of the practice, become aware of any part of your Body, Mind, or Spirit which is deeply damaged and in need of healing. Visualize that part of yourself as being completely healed and radiant with health and vitality. vitality. Allow the intense Divine Love Vibration radiating through you to now concentrate on that part of yourself, supercharging your visualization of the damaged area now being completely healed, bringing the healing into manifestation. If there is no part of yourself needing the healing, or there is another person you are very concerned with helping, then instead of (or in addition to) directing the Divine Love to your own damaged area, you can direct the Divine Love with your visualization of healing to the damaged aspect of another person (or other energy system) in order to restore it to wholeness. Then close your eyes and say a silent prayer of thanks to the unified source of all creation which radiates the Divine Love vibration, and to the Beings who have helped you to come to this place in your inner development. Then let go of the practice, and use the EFAP (Energy Field Awareness Practice) to tune into your body, mind and energy field, asking yourself the silent question "how has this practice structured my consciousness and energy field?" What changes can you detect in your energy, emotions, and / or thoughts? Are you aware of any energetic structures having been created in your body or energy field from the practice?



IMPORTANT NOTE: The multiple steps of vibrational testing in this practice were for your initial learning process, and for tracking the progress of your generating the energy qualities. You do not have to do all of these testing steps for this practice in the future when you consciously create the Inner Smile leading into the Divine Love vibration. You will however continue to 1. Generate the Inner Smile, 2. Circulate it internally, and then 3. Connect in Resonance to Divine Love which will then radiate powerful Centering Vibration from your energy field as the essential background to all your energy projections, in all of the practical work you do with bioenergy projections for others from this point on. The main exception to always manifesting this Divine Love radiance during Bioenergy work is during some initial training exercises, which will focus on seeing the particular effects of other specific vibrations. As noted, you do not have to continue to do all the steps of the Vibrational Testing every time you do this practice. However we do recommend that you continue to simply test the intensity of Centering Vibration using the BG-16 Pendulum, while you are radiating Divine Love for the first few months of your doing this practice. This is to help focus your awareness, and to ensure that your resonance with the Centering Vibration becomes fully entrained and stable in your consciousness and energy system.



I. THE BREATH Most classical Bioenergy systems use precise breathing methods and rhythms to support the flow of vital energy. For purposes of this course, we can place the Breath in the following simplified fourlevelthe context, based on the European Rosicrucian system: Physical Body - Crystallized level of Flesh and Bone. Etheric Life Body - Vital force, which is governed by the Breath. Astral Body - Emotional and Mental Consciousness levels. Spiritual Core - The Divine Essence of the Human Being, Transcendental Higher Consciousness. We will later in this course go into more detail about these different plane levels (which manifest in the human being as our different subtle bodies), however for now we can say that the breath is intimately connected to the flow of vital energy at the level of the Etheric Life body. body. Some modern Bioenergy healing systems do not place much emphasis on breathing techniques; in these cases, this is often because they tend to focus on the Astral and Spiritual levels rather than on the Etheric. However most Bioenergy healing schools feature breathing as key part of their system. There is a tremendous range of breathing methods taught today in different schools, usually with very little context provided for why they selected a specific breathing method rather than others. if you have trained in multiple systems you have probably experienced very different methods being emphasized by various teachers, sometimes with extremely negative comments regarding other methods which are used in different systems. In this section we will clarify the larger context for different breathing methods, and provide a brief direct experience of major variants. We will also see that we do not need to take any particular external authority's word regarding what are "right" or "wrong" breathing methods, because we can directly test the specific effects of different breathing methods on our own energy system. This is one of the major benefits of Vibrational Radiesthesia, that we can through testing see directly for ourselves what works best for us, or for other people who we are wanting to help.



J. THE FOUR ST STAGES AGES AND TWO POLARITY P PAIRS AIRS IN BREATHING There are four basic stages of breath: 1. Inbreath / Inhalation: this Inhalation: this is the beginning of Life, the inward movement of the Vital Force to animate the Body. Body. 2. Breath Held In: the breath is suspended, with the air held inside the lungs. 3. Outbreath / Exhalation: this is the outward movement of energy, the projection of vital force out from the body. 4. Breath Held Out: the breath is suspended, with the lungs held empty. A great secret of the Breath cycle has been almost forgotten today in modern  to energy that thesemovement  four stages of the polarity pairs, one of metaphysics:  which is a key  that to  energy  and  and the breath other acreate key totwo consciousness development  .

Polarity Pair 1: The Etheric Energy Cycle The key principle is that when the breath is moving, the etheric energy in the body is also moving. One of the recommendations we made earlier in this series when you were first learning Vibrational Radiesthesia, was that in cases when you are not getting any movement of the pendulum to check to be sure that you are breathing normally; we have found that when people first start to learn Radiesthesia they may hold their breath due to inner tension waiting for the pendulum to move, however holding the breath stops the energy flow required for the pendulum to move when detecting a specific vibrational quality. When we inhale, energy moves inward into the body; when we exhale, the energy projects out of the body. body. For this reason, methods of breathing for bioenergy healing often emphasize breathing patterns which prolong the exhale (projection of energy) phase. For Bioenergy healing, it is also common for there be no holding of breath (or minimizing of the time for breath holds) between inhalation and exhalation, since the breath holding is the polar opposite function to the etheric movement of life energy created by the inhale and exhale phases.



Polarity Pair 2: The Consciousness Cycle Since energy moves with the breath, when the breath is held this stops external movements of our energy, which then allows the movement of our consciousness inwards  for  for higher level spiritual and meditative work. For this reason Alice Bailey in her A Treatise Treatise on White Magic  hints  hints that a secret of higher spiritual work is that it is always done when the breath is held. Some Yogis Yogis in India develop extremely slowed breath and heartbeat, allowing them to hold demonstrations in which they are buried alive for days and survive. This is connected to holding the breath and going into deep meditative states of Samadhi. Just as there is an important key to energy work  in  in the polarity between the intake of energy on the inbreath, and the projection of energy on the outbreath, so there is an important key to consciousness  in  in the polarity between holding the breath in after inhalation, and the holding of breath out  after  after exhalation. Rudolf Steiner, the great European Rosicrucian teacher (whose work is described extensively in the Vesica The True Rosicrucian and Holy Grail Tradition  online  online course) gave one of descriptions of the hidden secret within the polarity of holding the breath inthe his clearest teachings to his private Rosicrucian Initiation School which ran from 1904 - 1914. 3 volumes of these Esoteric Lessons by Steiner have only recently been released in English translation, with some key parts collected into the book   Guidance in Esoteric Training. That latter book contains the lecture Steiner gave in Munich Germany on January 16, 1908 entitled "Concerning the Breathing Process"; this can be found on pp. 108 - 115 of the 2001 English edition of the Guidance in Esoteric Training  book.   book.  In that lecture to his private students, Steiner describes how we are able to access states of consciousness linked to earlier stages of human evolution  when  when we hold the breath still within the lungs after an inbreath; during the holding of breath after an outbreath (ie, holding the lungs empty) we are able to access future states of consciousness which will appear later in human evolution . This key information is needed in order to understand why within the "Main Exercise" which Steiner gave his esoteric school students, there is a breathing rhythm required in the practice of "1-2-3"; in other words, an inhalation to the count of 1, exhalation to a count of 2 (ie, twice as long as the inbreath), and then the breath held out with the lungs empty to the count of 3 (which could be extended through practice to holding the breath to a count of 10, ie 10 times as long as the inhalation). This extension of the breath held out (ie the lungs held empty phase) would thus open the internal pathway for the deeply transformative meditative work of accessing future states of higher consciousness. So for higher consciousness / spiritual work, we focus on the 2 stages of holding the breath to stop the external movement of energy and drive our consciousness



inward. This requires using breathing rhythms which extend the time the breath is held, inward. for longer than the inhalation or exhalation. The exact opposite is then true for Etheric Life Energy methods, such as Bioenergy healing systems; for these we need to focus on the 2 stages of actively breathing (inbreath and outbreath) to move energy, with the emphasis being on the exhalation when moving energy into others for healing. Thus for an emphasis on energy absorption, the time of inhalation may be lengthened; for energy projection, the time of exhalation may be lengthened. Some Bioenergy systems use only inhalation and exhalation stages, with no holding of breath in or out, and an emphasis on prolonging the exhalation stage. An example is the Quantum Touch Touch system using a fundamental breathing rhythm rh ythm of 2-6; breathing in for a count of 2 and out for a count of 6 (ie, an outbreath for 3 times the length of inhalation), with no holding of breath. This becomes at a more advanced stage a breathing rhythm of 1-4; breathing in for a count of 1 and out for a count of 4 (ie, an outbreath of 4 times the length of inhalation), with no holding of breath. Other Bioenergy systems balance equallythe thebreath. amount of time between inbreath and outbreath, with shorter stages of holding An example is the Pranic Healing system which uses a fundamental breathing rhythm of 7-1-7-1 (count of 7 for inbreath, 1 for holding breath in, 7 for outbreath, 1 for holding breath out) and then a breathing rhythm of 6-3-6-3 (count of 6 for inbreath, 3 for holding breath in, 6 for outbreath, 3 for holding breath out) for more advanced students. There is another aspect of holding the breath in as well, which is used in some forms of internal alchemy to increase internal energy; it is related to the "packing" energy practices in Chi Kung, for example. In these methods, the inhaled breath is held and muscles of the abdomen (and sometimes other areas of the body as well) are compressed to "pack" the energy from the breath into the abdominal energy center (the "lower Dan Tien" which means the lower "Elixir Field") or other body parts. The main physiological difference between the holding of breath in for "packing" energy vs. for meditative practices, is that the packing practices use intense compression of muscles in the abdomen and body parts to compress the energy into the tissues of the body, whereas the meditative practices ignore the energy and the body entirely to relax deeply in order to free the mind from the body and go into deeper consciousness states. We will not be using this packing method specifically in this course, however it is important background knowledge regarding the the effects of various breathing practices. It is also related to the "Reversed" breathing method we will describe in a moment.



K. USING THE ENERGY FIELD AWARENESS PRACTICE WITH BIOENERGY METHODS Whenever we do energy or consciousness practices, we want to use the Energy Field Awareness Practice (EFAP) to tune into our beginning state before the start of the practice (to get a baseline reading within ourselves) and then at the end of the practice to tune into the effects of these practices on our energy and consciousness, to see what changes the practice created within us. These changes can also of course be detected and mapped using our Radiesthesia methods (for example testing Personal Wavelength in the whole energy field or different areas of the field or body, or testing on these areas with the different Vibrational Spectrum bands in either their Vertical or Horizontal Waves). The description below is a short excerpt from the Essential Teachings and Practices  online class regarding the EFAP: of Spiritual Science  online ================== ENERGY FIELD AWARENESS PRACTICE At the end of every spiritual practice from any source or tradition that you ever perform, it is vitally important to check in and observe the actual effects that the practice had on: a) your consciousness b) your energy field. Every practice is intended to create specific structures in our energy field - these structures in our field literally shape our consciousness, and our spiritual destiny. Every spiritual ability or power (Siddha) developed by a Spiritual Initiate, rests on specific structures in their energy field which they have developed over time. Like water wearing a stone into into a specific pattern, every ti time me you use your Mind or your Energy you literally shape the structures in your energy field into specific forms. As a practical matter, we can begin understanding this structural aspect through becoming aware of what we feel in our energy field immediately after a practice, such as: a) What areas in the energy body are activated (feeling a stronger vibration, appearing brighter etc.) and which are de-activated after the practice? b) What streams of energy, in the body and within the larger energy field, have been brought intopleasant motion by practice? How does it feel, or the unpleasant? What areas of the body and/or energy field does the streaming energy connect to?



c) How else can you characterize the quality of the energy in your field after the practice? Does it have a color? Is it bright or dark? Does the energy feel smooth or sticky? Is it pulsating or static? d) Are you more or less aware of your core spiritual self after the practice than when you began? Do you feel more balanced or unbalanced? Are you aware of any connections being made to any other Beings in or around your energy field? Do the connections to these Beings feel beneficial or harmful? The above questions are simply meant to help illuminate the process, however you do not have to mentally ask all these questions when you check in on the structures created in our field at the end of your practice! The key on thing is that you simply and make a habit of checking in on the effects of the practice your consciousness your energy field - EVERY TIME you do any spiritual practice. This will not only greatly accelerate your spiritual development through mindfulness, it is also a vital protection for the person on the path of Independent Initiation -- it is how we can know for sure what the actual effect of a practice is on us, not what an external teacher or tradition claims the effect will be! We will refer to this as the Energy Field Awareness Practice, which since it is long phrase we will simply refer to sometimes by its initials EFAP. EFAP. =============== The EFAP also relates to all vibrational practices in the human energy field, as well as spiritual  practices  practices per se. We will now do some simple practices, using our Vibrational Testing Testing methods to demonstrate directly the energy movements we just described related to the breathing cycle.



L. PRACTICE: OBSERVING DIRECTIONAL MOVEMENTS IN THE ENERGY FIELD CREATED BY BREATH This simple practice makes visible the movement of energy in your field, showing that absorbing energy inwards is connected with the inbreath; projecting energy outwards is connected with the outbreath; and that holding the breath stops the movement of energy in the field. As usual, remove any Vibrational T Tools, ools, Jewelry or Stones from your body before you test your energy field in this practice. ITEMS NEEDED: * Turenne Pendulum. Turn both needles on the Pendulum horizontal, with both red tips facing the same direction. STEP-BY-STEP STEP-BY -STEP DIRECTIONS: 1. Start a breathing pattern of 7-7-7-7, in other words breathing in ffor or a count of seven, holding the breath in for a count of 7, breathing out for a count of 7, and holding the lungs empty for a count of 7. 2. Hold the Turenne Turenne Pendulum in front of you so that the red needles are facing away from your body; remember that where the red needles face is the direction the energy is coming from, so at this orientation the pendulum will rotate when there is energy moving from outside you to inside of you. Do one full 7-7-7-7 breathing cycle, and see at what stage the Turenne Pendulum moves; at the orientation described, you should see a strong pull on the pendulum into a rotation when you inhale, showing that energy around you is being pulled into your body in coordination with your inhalation. inhalation. On the other three parts of the cycle (breath holds and exhalation) there should be little or no pull (rotation) on the pendulum. 3. Now turn the Turenne Pendulum in front of you so that the two horizontally oriented needles now have their red tips pointing towards your body; since this indicates energy moving from your body outwards, the pendulum will rotate when there is energy moving from inside of you to the outside (ie when you are projecting energy outwards). Do another full 7-7-7-7 breathing cycle, and see at what stage the Turenne Pendulum moves; at the orientation described, you should see a strong pull on the pendulum into a rotation when you exhale, showing that energy is being projected out of your body / energy field in coordination with your exhalation. On the other three parts of the cycle (breath holds and inhalation) there should be little or no pull on the pendulum. Then let go of the practice, close your eyes for a moment, and tune into the aftereffects of the practice on your energy and consciousness. What changes can you detect in your energy, emotions, and / or thoughts? Are you aware of any energetic structures structures having been created in your body or energy field from the practice?



M. PRACTICE: OBSERVING ENERGY CONCENTRATIONS INSIDE THE CONSCIOUSNESS CENTER This simple practice shows the movement of energy (the -G carrier wave) in the energy field around your body  with  with the inbreath and outbreath, and inside your body  during  during the breath held in and breath held out phases. For testing the energy intensification in your consciousness center during the breath holds (rather than in your external field as happens during the in and out breaths), we will be testing the center of the Third Eye Tunnel, which runs from between the eyebrows on the front of the body straight back to tthe he rear of the skull. In the center of this tunnel is the Third Ventricle of the Brain, known as the "Cave of Brahma" in the Himalayan tradition; this is a major energy center of the body, and the epicenter of consciousness in the physical body (it is where the horizontal Third Eye Tunnel intersects the vertical line of the Central Channel of energy which runs from the Crown to the Perineum). More details can be found found in the Vesica Vesica Essential Teachings and Practices of Spiritual Science  online  online course. As usual, remove any Vibrational Tools, Jewelry or Stones from your body before you test your energy field in this practice. ITEMS NEEDED: * Horizontal Pendulum. Turn the pointer of the top dial to point towards Negative Green; remember the slight offset to the right, so that the pointer is pointing towards the letter 'G' in '-G'. STEP-BY-STEP STEP-BY -STEP DIRECTIONS: 1. Start again a breathing pattern of 7-7-7-7, in other words breathing in for a count of seven, holding the breath in for a count of 7, breathing out for a count of 7, and holding the lungs empty for a count of 7. 2. Hold the Horizontal Pendulum set for -G in front of your body body,, with your attention on the energy field immediately around your physical body, and do another breathing cycle of 7-7-7-7. On the inhale and exhale phases, you should see a strong movement of the pendulum, showing energy moving in the field in coordination with the breath. However during the phases of the breath being held, you should see the pendulum slow or stop moving (after it loses its momentum from having moved in the previous breathing phase) showing that in these phases the movement of energy in the external field stops.



3. Now tune into the Cave of Brahma in tthe he center of your head (at the the level of the space between your eyebrows) so that now you are testing energy in this center with the Horizontal Pendulum set to -G, and do another breathing cycle of 7-7-7-7. You should see that there is only a smaller background intensity of -G in the Cave of Brahma during the inhale and exhale phases, however during the breath held phases the energy of -G becomes much stronger. (Note that the baseline amounts of -G in the Cave of Brahma varies from person to person, however it is the increase   of of -G intensity in this area during the breath holding stage is what we are looking for at this stage of testing.) 4. To explore this activation of energy in the consciousness center during the holding of the breath phases, we will now change to a different breathing rhythm; rather than the 7-7-7-7 where all four phases are equally balanced, we will shift to the Rosicrucian methods described earlier with the basic rhythm of 1-2-3.  1-2-3.  To give you more breathing time to see the effects, we will apply the essential proportional relationship of that rhythm so that your actual count will be 3-6-9 (breath 3-6-9 (breath in for the count of three, breath out immediately to a count of 6, and then breath held out for a count of 9; note that there is no "holding of the breath in" phase in this Rosicrucian method with the 1-2-3 proportion). Do the 3-6-9 breathing while testing the Cave of Brahma again with the Horizontal Pendulum set to -G. You may see that with the longer time given to the breath held out, there is an increasing intensity to the spin of the Horizontal Pendulum set to -G with the amount of time the breath is held out. 5. Now we will move towards the higher stage of the practice which we described earlier, in which the time of the inbreath and outbreath stay in the same proportion (1 to 2, outbreath taking twice the time of the inbreath) but now with the breath held out phase being extended as long as you can comfortably hold it, up to 10 times the length of the initial inbreath rather than just 3X. So now you will perform a breathing cycle of breathing in to a count of 3, out to a count of 6, but now holding the breath out as long as possible (up to a maximum of a count of 30, ie 10X the time of the initial inbreath.) You should see that the energy in the Cave of Brahma (being shown by the horizontal pendulum set to -G) now increases dramatically the longer the breath is held out. This demonstrates the deep activation of the consciousness for higher level work, connected to breathing methods which extend the time of the breath held in (for connecting to earlier states of human consciousness) or which extend the time of the breath held out (as in the Rosicrucian practice just performed, which connects us to future states of advanced human consciousness.) Then let go of the practice, close your eyes for a moment, and tune into the aftereffects of theenergy, practice on your energy consciousness. What changes can you structures detect in your emotions, and / orand thoughts? Are you aware of any energetic st ructures having been created in your body or energy field from the practice?



N. PRACTICE PRACTICE:: EXTENDING THE EXHALATION In our practice before last, we observed that through the directional movements of the Turenne Pendulum that the inbreath and outbreath naturally activate absorption and projection the energy field. In our last in practice we observed that when the breath is held, this moves energy inwards at the consciousness center, rather than moving out in the energy field. Now in this practice we will use the neutral pendulum to demonstrate the strengthening or weakening effect on your energy of a breathing cycle that is only the inhale and exhale, with the time of the exhalation being 3X the length of the inhalation, as is used in some Bioenergy healing systems. We have already seen that the inbreath moves energy into the body from the field (absorption) and the outbreath moves energy from the body into the field (projection), so now we will simply be testing strengthening vs. weakening effects of extending the exhalation phase. As usual, remove any Vibrational Tools, Jewelry or Stones from your body before you test your energy field in this practice. ITEMS NEEDED: * Neutral Pendulum, for Personal Wavelength (PW) testing. STEP-BY-STEP STEP-BY -STEP DIRECTIONS: 1. Calibrate the Neutral Pendulum on the back of your hand, with your attention on your entire energy field. 2. Begin a breathing rhythm of 2-6, with a count of 2 for the inbreath inbreath and a count of 6 for the outbreath, with the Pendulum for Personal your entire energywhile field.testing Go through thisNeutral breathing cycle 7 times, testingWavelength your PW in throughout. 3. Does the 2-6 rhythm strengthen or weaken your energy field? Then let go of the practice, close your eyes for a moment, and tune into the aftereffects of the practice on your energy and consciousness. What changes can you detect in your energy, emotions, and / or thoughts? Are you aware of any energetic structures structures having been created in your body or energy field from the practice?



O. BOTTOM-UP VS. TOP-DOWN BREATHING BREATHING Another aspect of polarity in the breathing process relates to which segment of the lungs we first fill up, or empty, during the inhalation / exhalation stages. This has a relationship to what we describe in the Vesica online series Essential Teachings and Practices of Spiritual Science (ETP) , where we describe three different forms of Initiation processes; 1. The activation of the entire energy field from Bottom Up, Up, as in the opening of Kundalini at the base of the Spine and it rising to the the Crown Center (and in the Daoist tradition, being circulated in the Microcosmic Orbit). 2. The activation of the field from Top Down, Down, as in the descent of the Dove of the Holy Spirit into the Crown Center from high up the "Column of Glory" in the human energy field and then moving to activate the Chakras in a top down sequence; 3. The activation of the field from Center - Out, Out, with the activation of the Heart Center first and then moving out to the other centers. The "bottom-up" and "top-down" processes to open the energy field are similar to the polarity / directionality of breathing methods where the breath is taken into the chest and abdomen from bottom up, or from top down. In some systems, the breath is taken first to fill the upper chest, then the middle abdomen, then the lower abdomen. In other systems, the breath is taken in like water filling a glass; from bottom up (bottom of the abdomen up to the top of the chest.) There is often an emphasis on the breath moving the abdomen in and out (abdominal breathing) rather than moving the chest (chest breathing). Deep breathing in the abdomen is often advocated in most Bioenergy systems rather than shallow chest breathing.



P. PRACTICE: BOTTOM-UP VS. TOP-DOWN BREATHING This practice will allow you to test which type of breathing strengthens your individual energy field the most, and also (very importantly) which you find the most comfortable, while you observe any other effects they have on your consciousness and energy field. As usual, remove any Vibrational Tools, Jewelry or Stones from your body before you test your energy field in this practice. ITEMS NEEDED: * Neutral Pendulum to test Personal Wavelength (PW). STEP-BY-STEP STEP-BY -STEP DIRECTIONS: 1. Calibrate the Pendulum on the the back of your hand, then place your attention on your entire energy field. 2. Start with the Bottom-Up breathing, which fills the body with air in the way that a glass fills with water: filling the bottom first then rising to the top, then draining from the top first down to the bottom. Take a long, slow, deep breath down to the lower abdomen, so that it expands outwards with the breath, while you are testing your entire energy field with your PW. Then let the inbreath fill the lower chest, then up to the top of the lungs to the upper chest; there may be an expansion of the upper chest and a slight movement of the shoulders as the upper chest fills with air. Then immediately exhale slowly, letting the air drain from the upper chest first, then from the lower chest, then the upper abdomen down to the lower, as the abdomen contracts with the exhalation. Do this breathing method several times, testing throughout with PW to see to what degree it strengthens or weakens your field. Then let go of the practice, close your eyes for a moment, and tune into the aftereffects of the practice on your energy and consciousness with EFAP. EFAP. What changes can you detect in your energy, energy, emotions, and / or thoughts? Are you aware of any energetic structures having been created in your body or energy field from the practice? 3. Now perform the Top-Down Top-Down breathing, which fills the body with air from the top of the lungs down to the lower abdomen, while continuing to test your energy field with PW throughout. Take a long, slow, deep breath into the upper lungs, then the lower chest, then the lower abdomen. Then immediately exhale letting the air drain from the lower abdomen first, then the lower chest, thenslowly, the upper chest.



Do this breathing method 7 times, testing throughout with PW to see to what degree it strengthens or weakens your field. Then let go of the practice, close your eyes for a moment, and tune into the aftereffects of the practice on your energy and consciousness with the EFAP. EFAP. What changes can you detect in your energy, emotions, and / or thoughts? Are you aware of any energetic structures having been created in your body or energy field from the practice? 4. Which method of breathing felt more comfortable? Which one increased your PW more? Were there any significant changes to your consciousness or energy structure that you noticed during the EFAP after either breathing practice? There are numerous variants on these techniques, which you could also test for which feels the most comfortable for you while also being the most strengthening on your PW. The key principle is to radiesthesiacally test different breathing methods which are taught or suggested by different systems regarding what areas to breath into and out of, and in what sequence, in order to find which feels and tests best for you



Q. REGULAR OR REVERSED BREA BREATHING THING Yet another important polarity polar ity in the breathing process is the direction of movement of the abdomen during the inhalation / exhalation stages. This directionality in abdominal breathing is addressed particularly in some Buddhist and Daoist internal alchemy systems. One method is to breath into the abdomen with "regular breathing", which is breathing with the abdomen expanding with the inhalation and contracting on the exhalation, vs."reversed breathing" with the abdomen contracting on the inhale and expanding on the exhale. The regular breathing is more natural, and gentler; the reversed breathing greatly increases the energy in the lower abdomen and so can be used for that purpose, however this must be monitored or it may lead to an "overcharged state" where people have difficulty sleeping etc. Some Bioenergy schools criticize reversed breathing as unnatural, and for creating strong energetic charges in the body (especially the lower chakras and adrenal glands) which can create hyperactivity and burn out the practitioner's nervous system, and according to its critics may even reduce the life expectancy of the practitioner. Other schools, especially some Daoist traditions (most Buddhist traditions follow regular breathing methods), assert that reversed breathing is in fact completely natural and is related to how we breathed naturally when we were in our mother's womb during fetal development; the inward movement of the abdomen during inhalation is said to be how we brought in nourishment from the mother through the umbilical cord. Reversed breathing in our post-natal life is said to be the Yang aspect to the Yin of regular breathing; reversed breathing is related to how we breath when we laugh or cry, as an aspect managing our internal energy flow when excess deficit energy in our of system (reversed breathing is also how we there breathis when weorare emotionally disturbed, or when we have aggressive intentions). Reversed breathing also greatly energizes the body and expands our energy radiation from the surface of our body (the "Wei Chi" layer, known in English as the Defensive Chi or Guardian Chi). Regular breathing moves energy in the primary Chi Channels of the body (Organ Meridians) whereas reversed breathing moves energy more in the Luo Vessels of body, which results in more energy moving to the Skin Sk in (Defensive Chi) and to the Bone Marrow for advanced internal alchemy practices. In Tai Tai Chi circles the debate regarding regular vs. reversed rever sed breathing is linked to Yang Yang style Tai Chi which uses natural breathing, vs. the Chen style which uses reversed breathing to increase internal power for combat.



For a critical view of Reversed breathing, see Stephen Co's book The Power of Prana (pp. 60-61); whereas for a sympathetic view, see the works of Yang Jwing-Ming such as  (pp. 126-129). Qigong Meditation: Small Circulation  (pp.



R. PRACTICE: REGULAR VS. REVERSED BREATHING In this practice we you can experience these two types of breathing, see to what degree each type of breathing strengthens or weakens your overall energy field, and which feels more comfortable to you. The Regular Breathing in this practice will use the Bottom-Up breathing method from the last practice. We will add in another aspect to this regular Bottom-up breathing, which is in addition to expanding the abdomen on the inhale, you will strongly contract the muscles in the abdomen and lower back on the exhale at the same time as you tighten the PC muscle at your perineum; this is the muscle located between the genitals and the anus, the same muscle which is tightened and relaxed in Kegel exercises. Pulling up / flexing / contracting the muscle at the perineum is an important aspect for developing internal energy in the abdomen; it is used extensively in Chinese Daoist Yoga and is known as the fundamental funda mental "Moola Bandha" muscle musc le lock technique in Indian Yoga. In summary, with the Regular Breathing inhalation the abdomen muscles relax and expand, and the muscle at the perineum is relaxed (descends); these muscles contract on the exhalation. For the Reversed Breathing you will do the opposite, contracting the muscles of the abdomen and lower back and pulling up / flexing / contracting the muscle at the perineum as you inhale; then the muscles of the abdomen, lower back, and perineum are relaxed as you exhale. exhale. As described previously, this method is well known for generating more energy in the body and activating the lower chakras as well as the adrenal glands, however it may lead to an overcharged condition if done for too long or too often. We will in this exercise simply be testing and observing the initial strengthening or weakening effects of each method, feeling which is more comfortable for you, and tuning into how it affects the structures in your energy field with the Energy Field Awareness Practice (EFAP). As usual, remove any Vibrational Tools, Jewelry or Stones from your body before you test your energy field in this practice. ITEMS NEEDED: * Neutral Pendulum to test Personal Wavelength (PW).



STEP-BY-STEP DIRECTIONS 1. Calibrate the Pendulum on the the back of your hand, then place your attention on your entire energy field. 2. Start with Regular breathing as described above, continuing it for several rounds while testing the strengthening or weakening effects on your energy field with the PW. Then let go of the practice, close your eyes for a moment, and tune into the aftereffects of the practice on your energy and consciousness. What changes can you detect in your energy, emotions, and / or thoughts? Are you aware of any energetic structures structures having been created in your body or energy field from the practice? 3. Then practice the Reversed breathing as described above, continuing it for several rounds while testing the strengthening or weakening effects on your energy field with the PW. Then let go of the practice, close your eyes for a moment, and tune into the aftereffects of the practice on your energy and consciousness. What changes can you detect in your energy, emotions, and /body or thoughts? you aware of any energetic structures structures having been created in your or energyAre field from the practice? 4. Which method was more strengthening? Which was more comfortable for you? Did you perceive different structures being created in your energy field by each practice? It is common to see the energy field being strengthened by the reversed breathing; however it is also common that some people do not find it comfortable. We also want to be sure that the reversed breathing's increased energy effects do not create an overcharged state of the body; this would be tested over time, to see if areas of the body (nervous system etc.) are weakened or "burned out" by continued practice of this technique. The amount of time that a particular person is strengthened by the reversed breathing rather than weakened or harmed by it, is variable based on the person's core constitution and health of their internal organs, etc. To see how we might test over time for weakening effects when overcharge occurs, here is a short representative practice: * Calibrate the Neutral Pendulum to your Personal Wavelength, then test your energy field while the non-dowsing hand touches the front of your chest on the left side, over your physical heart. See if your heart tests for being the same strength on PW as your general field, or if it tests for being weaker. Then beginasreversed breathing, while continuing to test the heart. Does it get stronger to or weaker you continue the reversed breathing?



One important aspect of Reversed Breathing is that the increased energy generated by it needs to be collected in the lower Abdomen (Lower Dan Tien) by spiraling energy at that location to collect it in the cauldron. The vital energy should not be allowed to build up at the head or chest areas beyond their natural condition of "fullness"; they cannot hold unusually high charges of vital energy as safely as the lower abdomen center can.

IMPORTANT NOTES: * The usual responses of the pendulums which have ben described in these practices, may be different for persons with particular conditions of their body or energy field which are unusually strengthened or weakened by these practices. * As noted, these short introductory radiesthesia testing practices we have explored with the different breathing methods is only observing the initial phase of the breathing practice. The effects may change as time goes on; particularly with strong activating breathing there be "overcharge" or "burnout" effects if they are continued for too long in one sitting,can or repeated too often. This is a part of energy running in specific polarity cycles, shifting between Yin and Yang polarities, in order to balance itself and stay healthy: strong Yang cycles may be beneficial for short periods, and we may enjoy their activating effects, however they cannot be continued indefinitely without being alternated with the Yin polarity. polarity.



S. FOCUSING THE BREA BREATH TH ON BUILDIN BUILDING G/ COLLECTING ENERGY IN THE LOWER ABDOM ABDOMEN EN As described in the Vesica Spiritual Science ETP online course, the three primary anchor centers for the Astral Body (which creates our first level of consciousness) within the Physical Body are located: * in the Center of the Head ("Cave of Brahma" in India, or the Upper Dan Tien in Daoist Internal Alchemy), * Center of the Chest (central Heart Chakra, Middle Dan Tien in Daoist Internal Alchemy), and * Center of the Abdomen (the Lower Dan Tien in Daoist Internal Alchemy). Each of these three major centers has specialized functions. In the terminology of the European Rosicrucians: The Head is the Center of Thinking. The Heart is the Center of Feeling. The Hara (Lower Abdomen) is the Center of Willing. Major functions in your energy system are divided between these three centers. As mentioned above, the lower abdomen is the location of both generating and storing safely large amounts of vital energy. This intensity of energy cannot be safely stored in the Head or the Heart are a; in fact, many illnesses and imbalances in the human body, mind, and spirit are connected with too much energy being stuck in the head or chest area, causing a variety of problems through congestion and through moving into the wrong energy circuits of the body. It is well known in Chinese Medicine and Daoist Internal Alchemy circles that the excess energy in the Head and Chest must be pulled down to the lower abdomen to be safely stored, and then circulated from the lower abdomen as needed into the correct circuits. There are a variety of ways to pull the energy down to the lower abdomen where it can be safely stored, including: * Conscious expansion and contraction of the abdominal muscles during the breathing process, to increase energy in the lower abdomen. * Anchoring the Mind in the lower abdomen to pull energy there. * Creating a spiral / vortex in the lower abdomen to pull and collect the energy there. * Use of particular tools, plants, stones etc. which create this effect, such as the use of Hematite (Iron) on the body or worn as a bracelet or anklet as we teach in the Vesica Vibrational Science of Stones live and online classes (the Hematite should be natural, not the "magnetized" form sold in many rock shops.)



Please note that in every case the energy should be directed to the central area of the abdomen, not to the front or back of the abdomen.  abdomen.  If the energy is too far to the front it will then tend to flow out into the Acupuncture Meridian known as the Conception Vessel (Ren Meridian) in the front of the body to circulate, and if too far to the back of the body it will tend to go into the Governing Vessel (Du Meridian) to circulate; it is in the center of the abdomen, a couple of inches below the navel, that the energy can be stored in the "Cauldron" of the Lower Dan Tien.



T. PRACTICE: COLLECTING ENERGY IN THE LOWER ABDOM ABDOMEN EN The following practice uses Radiesthesia to demonstrate how the strength of the three centers is affected by where you hold and collect energy in your body. This holding and collection of energy in the centers is shown by testing the Horizontal wave of -G, remembering that -G is the Band to test for general / background energy concentrations and movement. The strengthening or weakening of the three centers is tested with a Neutral Pendulum, using a person's Personal Wavelength (PW). Please be aware that simply having more energy in a center of your body does NOT automatically mean that it will test stronger with PW. If the amount of energy is too high for the center, creating congestion of energy, or a burnout of the subtle energy channels, or if the energy is too toxic etc. then this additional energy (which would show as stronger testing on -G) could actually make the Center test weaker,  since it is putting that center out of balance. weaker, since We will be activating a vortex movement in the lower abdomen to pull the excess energy from the higher centers, and to collect it safely in the lower abdomen. We will for this practice simply be using the vortex movement and not external tools. We can test the direction of the energy moving down from the head and chest to the lower abdomen with a Turenne Pendulum (our tool for testing directionality of subtle energy waves). Note that the practice below will likely show the changes in Personal Wavelength testing and H-G testing of the 3 areas, based on the pulling of the excess energy in your head and chest into the lower abdomen. However do be aware that each of these centers in a particular person may have a number of other issues present which may affect the testing, so these individual factors may potentially obscure or complicate some of the effects of the practice that you see with your testing. As usual, remove any Vibrational Tools, Jewelry or Stones from your body before you test your energy field in this practice.



ITEMS NEEDED FOR THIS PRACTICE: * Horizontal Wave Pendulum set for Negative Green (-G). We will be using this to test the increase in the beneficial Carrier Wave of H-G. * Neutral Pendulum, tto o test Personal Wavelength (PW). * Turenne Pendulum, to test the the direction of energy movement. Remember the calibration of the pendulums, especially that with the Horizontal Wave Pendulum that you will need to make a slight offset of the pointer on the top dial towards the right on the Negative Green setting (ie, pointing to the letter 'G' in '-G' at the bottom of the base dial).

STEP BY STEP DIRECTIONS: 1. Begin by testing with a Horizontal Pendulum set to -G the amount of Negative Green held in your head, then inofyour chest, and then in your entire abdomen, to establish theentire baseline amount -G atentire all 3 centers. 2. Then test your entire head area with a Neutral Pendulum set to Personal Wavelength and calibrated on your energy field (held over the back of your hand); see its spin in comparison to your basic clockwise spin strength level when you calIbrated on the back of your hand at the start of the practice. Note if the spin is strongly clockwise (and how strong if so, compared to your baseline PW clockwise spin strength), weakly clockwise, or counterclockwise. 3. Then do the same with your chest area: test your entire chest area with a Neutral Pendulum set to Personal Wavelength; see if the spin is strongly clockwise (and how strong if so), weakly clockwise, or counterclockwise. 4. Then do the same with your abdomen: test your entire abdominal area with a Neutral Pendulum set to Personal Wavelength; see if the spin is strongly clockwise (and how strong if so), weakly clockwise, or counterclockwise. 5. After obtaining these baseline H-G and PW readings at the three centers, now continue to test PW at your abdomen. Place your attention in the "Cauldron" area in the center of the Lower Abdomen, then begin to gently spin the energy in the center of the Lower Abdomen, about an inch and a half below the height of your navel. (Note: if you have a hard time feeling this lower abdomen area, it is acceptable to put your attention in the center of the body at the level of navel instead of lower to in the the Lower abdomen; asas your increases, you willthe want to shift downwards Danhowever Tien area the sensitivity area to spin the energy.)



Have your mind move the energy first in a clockwise (CW) spiral (as seen from the perspective of an observer in front of you) in the center of your lower abdomen; does this increase or decrease the intensity of the PW of your lower abdomen with the spin direction being CW? (Remember that POLARITY is different from PERSONAL WAVELENGTH, WAVELENGTH, so that either "positive polarity" CW spins or "negative polarity" CCW spins may be strengthening as shown by the increased CW spin on a neutral pendulum calibrated to a person's Personal Wavelength. This critical difference between Polarity Polarity and Personal Wavelength is explained at length in the Personal Wavelength  online  online course.) Then switch to your mind moving the energy into a counter-clockwise (CCW) spiral (as seen from the perspective of an observer in front of you) in the center of your lower abdomen; does this increase or decrease the intensity of the PW of your lower abdomen with the spin direction at your abdomen being CCW? When you have determined whether the CW or CCW direction of spin is more strengthening to your lower abdomen, continue to spin the energy in whichever direction you found is more strengthening for the remainder of this practice. [Note that many systems give abstract instructions of spinning either CW or CCW based on the gender of the person, and for a specific number of turns based on cosmological principles; however now that you are able to test energy directly, it is always better to test and know the best direction / number of spins than to follow "one size fits all" general instructions, if you have the time available. At higher levels of practice, you would in fact test for how many times to spin the energy in a particular direction, then how many times in the opposite spin direction, then returning to the original direction of spin for a particular number of times; although the general number and direction of spin directions from various Daoist sources can be used as a guideline, each of these variables is testable in order to determine the optimal effect on any individual person.] 6. Continue to spin the energy in the lower abdomen in the more strengthening direction, seeing the increase in strength of the lower abdomen as shown by PW testing. Then continue to spin the energy in the lower abdomen in the strengthening direction and move to now test the energy of your entire Chest area with PW; is it stronger, weaker, or the same on PW compared to the baseline you tested before you began the practice? Then continue to spin the energy in the lower abdomen in the strengthening direction and move to now test the area of your entire head area with PW; is it stronger, weaker, or the same on PW compared to the baseline you tested in Step 1 of the practice? If the Chest and/or the Head tests stronger once the energy is being collected into the abdomen yourexcess mind power and thethis spinning thislower may be becausethrough it is pulling energy from area toenergy wheremovement, it can be safely stored in the lower abdomen.



If the energy is actually weakened in the Chest and/or Head from the lower abdomen spin, try changing the spin direction in the lower abdomen to see if this changes the strengthening / weakening of the Chest and /or Head area. Remember that there are a large number of variables and polarities throughout the energy body, which can always betested for their strengthening or weakening effects on a specific person's energy system! 7. Then continue to spin the energy in the lower abdomen in the direction which strengthens it the most. Put away the Neutral Pendulum and pick up the Horizontal Wave pendulum set to -G. Test the amount of -G at the lower abdomen, chest and head and compare these to the baseline readings you obtained in Step 1 of the practice. Do you see an increase in H-G in the lower abdomen and a slight decrease in H-G at the head and chest, or not? If you increase the intensity of the spin at the lower abdomen, does this increase the energy in the lower abdomen, and create a further decrease in H-G in the head and chest, or not? 8. Then let go of the practice, put down the pendulum and close your eyes for a moment, tuning into the aftereffects of the practice on your energy and consciousness with the EFAP E FAP.. What changes can you detect in your energy, emotions, and / or thoughts? Are you aware of any energetic structures having been created in your body or energy field from the practice?



U. ABSORPTION, PROJECTION, AND ETHERIC EXTENSION In a previous section of this course you practiced absorbing a specific vibrational quality through your fingertip, using both Zero-Point Centering into the Vibration and breathing in to "inhale" the vibration. Now we will extend our discussion by exploring more deeply the energetic cycles of both Absorption and Projection. We will also see how "Etheric Extension" is sometimes used in both practices, but is often not clearly distinguished from other methods. This section will provide important background for our practical exercises with absorption and projection, which will be a major focus in the next section of this course.

ABSORPTION Absorption is the drawing in of energy from any source: Stones, Plants, Animals, Humans, Foods, Liquids, L iquids, Sun, Moon, Fire, Air, Air, Water, Water, Earth etc. e tc. Absorption is the RECEPTIVE phase of the Energy Cycle, whereas Projection is the ACTIVE phase of the Energy Cycle. This is related to Receptive and Active phases of the Consciousness Cycle, as found in the spiritual practices which are detailed in the Vesica online ETP course. Absorption is also innately linked to the Receptive Phase of the Breathing  Cycle,  Cycle, the inbreath (inhalation). The Breath and Energy Absorption can be linked, as in the practice of the previous section where you absorbed and "breathed in" energy through the fingertip, while using Vibrational testing to detect the exact vibrational quality that is breathed in and absorbed. In summary, this means that the receptive phases of the * Consciousness Cycle  (Clear  (Clear Mind Perception), * Energy Cycle  (Absorption),  (Absorption), and * Breathing Cycle  (Inbreath)  (Inbreath) are all intrinsically linked together. t ogether.

PROJECTION Projection is the projecting of energy from any part of your body or energy field. This may projecting energies which are present inside field, orprojecting. energies whichbeyou are absorbing from an external source andyour thenenergy immediately



Projection is the ACTIVE phase of the Energy cycle, whereas Absorption is the RECEPTIVE phase of the Energy Cycle. Projection is related to the Active phase of the Consciousness Cycle, which is the creation and crafting of thoughtforms (often described more abstractly in modern times with the term "intent"). Whereas pure Receptive Meditation is the Direct Perception of realities without clouding this perception by our projections, Active Meditation is focused on creating and projecting Thoughtforms (through Creative Visualization and other methods). Projection is also innately linked to the Active Phase of the Breathing  Cycle,  Cycle, the Outbreath (exhalation). The Outbreath and Energy Projection can be linked. In summary, this means that the active phases of the * Consciousness Cycle  (Creating  (Creating Thoughforms), * Energy Cycle  (Projection),  (Projection), and * Breathing Cycle  (Outbreath)  (Outbreath) are all intrinsically linked together. t ogether.

RECEPTION / BROADCAST OF VIBRATIONS VS. ETHERIC EXTENSION A major background issue regarding the Absorption - Projection cycle is whether these activities are done on the basis of reception and broadcast, or by extending the Etheric body directly into the source or target. Unfortunately, this topic is almost never addressed in modern metaphysical circles despite its importance. A wide range of phenomena are described in modern systems which are in fact related to this topic, without clarifying this larger context. Energy (including theand human energy field) are constantly broadcasting outthem. invisiblesystems rays which pass into affect all structures and energy systems around We tend to think of this today in terms of electro-magnetic radiations moving into systems around them (and their reception / detection by antenna systems), but in reality this occurs all the time on more subtle levels as well. As described in the Universal Vibrational Spectrum  online  online class, the Electro-Magnetic Spectrum energies are in fact the decayed, disintegrating Etheric Life forces which have fallen into the physical plane and slowed to below the speed of light (what Nikola Tesla Tesla described as "retarded Hertzian Waves"). Whereas Electro-Magnetic meters can only pick up the Electro-Magnetic decayed Ethers, our Vibrational Radiesthesia methods can also detect these EM forces but in addition can detect the actual Etheric vibrational forces themselves; this means we can detect and track all of the subtle energy broadcasts and receptions



taking place in our own energy field, and that of all other beings and systems around us. Staying with the Electro-Magnetic (EM) metaphor for a moment, not only do EM broadcasts radiate out to move through all the systems around them, but we can also use Electro-Magnetic probes to push into the body of a system (the same way as EM medical probes are pushed into human bodies to detect activities or to create effects). At the Etheric level, we not only broadcast and receive vibrations from all the energy systems around us, we also have the capacity to EXTEND our etheric body beyond the confines of the physical body to move into other energy systems around us. These extensions of the Etheric Body are natural aspects of our dynamic Life Energy. Life Energy is never static, it is always changing and moving in response to its inner state and its environment. We create these Etheric extensions all the time, without being aware of it. These extensions are the Etheric force aspect of what manifests physically in plants as Tendrils, and in marine creatures as Tentacles. Tentacles. Classical spiritual and healing traditions refer to these energy extensions under a variety of names and concepts. In one type of classical method, the healer rests their physical hands on the body and then moves their etheric hands out of the physical body and into the body of the client. The physical hands remain still, but the etheric hands are now actively working inside the body, reconstructing and healing damaged areas. This method was used for example by the great modern Greek Christian Hermetic healer Stylianos Atteshlis (known to the public by the Greek name for teacher, "Daskalos") based on methods he had learned and mastered in earlier lifetimes. To the untrained eye, the stillness of the hands on the body during the etheric extension healing may not be perceived any differently from modern Bioenergy methods where hands are placed on a body part and vibrations are radiated from the hands into the client's body. body. But in fact this is a very different method, with the Etheric body having been extended  and into the body of the client to perform specific activities out of the physical hand  and internally,, vs. aforementioned technique internally techn ique in which radiations are broadcast from the hand in which the etheric body is still present and unextended. Some classical shamanic systems as well as modern bioenergy systems emphasize extending "long energy fingers" out of the physical fingers into the body of a client, both for radiating beneficial vibrations into the body and for examining structures in the client's energy body (forthe example, finding possible tears or distortions in the sensitive etheric webbing inside inner part of a chakra).



Again in this case the external observer may simply see a healer with their hands some centimeters or meters away from the client's body, with their fingers pointed towards the client. If not properly trained, they may not be able to tell the difference between a healer who is simply broadcasting energy from the hands / fingers to be received by the client's body / energy center, from a healer who has extended their etheric body from the fingers to actually be inside the body / energy center of the client. In this latter case, they are radiating beneficial vibrations more intimately from the interior of the client's body rather than from the outside (or they are manipulating internal structures of the client's body with the etheric extensions from their hands).

CORDS AS STABILIZED ETHERIC EXTENSIONS Although this differentiation between reception / broadcast on the one hand and etheric extension on the other is rarely discussed or clarified today, an important related concept (which is more commonly discussed in modern metaphysics) is the "Cords" which connect one person to another. another. These are literal energy cords which commonly connect an energy center in one person to an energy center in another person. What is usually not discussed is that these energy cords are simply stabilized, ongoing extensions of one person's energy body into another, indicating that cords in fact develop out of etheric extensions rather than being simply energy broadcasts. These cords are usually discussed in terms of their detrimental aspects, for example as the energy cords one person sends into another's forehead if they desire to share their knowledge, to know what they are thinking, or to dominate their mind; into another's heart if they want to share in or manipulate their emotions; into another's solar plexus to attempt to dominate them or take their power; into another's sex chakra if they want the other person's sexual s exual energy, etc. Cords are very real, however they are not only detrimental (or "unlawful"), there are also many beneficial (or "lawful") "lawful") cords. Parents and children, close friends, work associates, lovers have cords of energetic connection and non-verbal communication which can be beautiful and absolutely necessary for the relationship. "Cutting Cords" has become standard practice in many Bioenergy traditions, although many mistakes have been made in this area which are slowly being corrected in the field of energy healing. A few common mistakes are: * Cutting cords can lead to a "Spraying" of energy, sometimes highly detrimental in nature, from the cut cord. To correct this, some groups are now teaching to put an etheric "clamp" on either side of where the cut will be made in order to prevent this spraying, similar to clamping the umbilical cord before it is cut after childbirth.



* Most beneficial cords should not be cut, however in many cases there was not a distinction made between between these and detrimental detrimental cords and all all were cut. Increasingly there is an awareness now to specify finding and cutting only "detrimental" or "harmful" or "unlawful" cords. However this is primarily being done by 'word command' methods rather than actual vibrational testing to determine the quality of energy in the cord. * The removed cords, similar to other detrimental energies removed in energy healing, are sometimes not clearly disposed of. In some systems the practiti practitioner oner is advised that the cords should be "sent to the closest church or holy ground", "sent up to higher beings to dispose of" etc. Many times these methods are applied very abstractly and so do not work effectively, leaving room for improvement in how we dispose of cut or removed cords. With vibrational testing, we can see if the detrimental vibrations of the cord are still present in the location of the body they were attached to, or have been properly removed and disposed of. * Although cutting the cord may remove the unwanted energy connection between the two people, there is still the part of the cord which has been cut remaining stuck into the person's energy center. This cord "remnant", "debris", or "scat" must be removed as well. * When the cord is removed, the area of attachment then needs to be cleaned with the appropriate vibrations, and sometimes the delicate etheric web at the location has been damaged and needs to be repaired. Gold and Silver Vibrations Vibrations are both quite important for this activity, as will be discussed in a future section. There is also the fact that some classical traditions did not "cut" detrimental cords at all; they used an extraction method, in which the healer sent a vibration into the cord which loosened its attachment into the body, then slowly extracted it from the energy field like pulling a tapeworm out of a person's body. In some cases the cord (once removed from the body of the person who did not want the connection) would be activated to "reel back in" to the energy center of the person who originated it, or the healer would gently insert the end which had been removed from their client back into the energy center of the person who originated it. This method has the potential to be less violent, more effective, and leave less debris than the cutting method. This was likely a primary method used in ancient times, which became replaced over time with the cutting method in more violent cultures. This is not to say that cutting cords cannot be effective or appropriate, it certainly can be; however it is important that an increased awareness develops in the modern metaphysical community of the extraction method as a less violent option for removing cords than the cutting method. One aspect rarely considered when working with clients who want their cords cut with

another person who they have been in a toxic relationship with, is that in many cases of 120


this kind the client has detrimental cords they have themselves have (usually unconsciously) connected to the other person in detrimental resonance between the two individuals, just as the other person has their detrimental cords connected to the client. When we remove and reel back to the other person the unwanted cords they have in our client, we would optimally also work with the client for them to become aware of the unwanted cords they have (often subconsciously) sunk into the other person, person, and the client would become conscious of their cords and the motivations behind them, leading to the client fully consciously extracting their cords from the other person back into their own field and then dissolving them. This is a more enlightened and advanced form of energy work that leads to major beneficial shifts in the consciousness of the client, but which unfortunately is rarely found today. In the many cases where there is a "lawful" cord connecting people in a beneficial relationship, this when tested may still have detrimental energies contained within it even though it is generally speaking a beneficial relationship cord. This is the same general situation as when we test an energy center in our body and find it has detrimental vibrations in it; we of course do not try to remove the energy center because it has toxicity, we clean the energy center. The same principle applies to cords; the appropriate response to the toxicity which can develop in even beneficial, loving relationship cords is to CLEAN THE CORD and not to cut it. Some cords are absolutely essential not to cut. For example, the cords between a child and their parents are essential, as long as the parents are not highly abusive. Children need these cords to feel connected and safe; even if a child is physically separated from a parent they will feel more secure if the parent consciously connects energetically to them through the cord. Although many Bioenergy systems deal with cords today (primarily through teaching the cutting method) there is much more which needs to be understood and explored in this phenomenon. Bits and pieces of more advanced information regarding cords are continuing to emerge, and this process will be greatly accelerated once a sufficient number of people are trained in Vibrational Testing Testing methods such as those taught in this course; we can ca n replace the common dogmatic oversimplifications regarding cords which are common today with the precise detection and mapping of cords and their qualities. One example of the emergence of further information is Mark Rich's interesting book Energetic Anatomy   which which describes Cords, both active and dormant, which emerge from the navel area to connect to all items in the physical world which we interact with. These cords can also be used as a type of energetic tentacle for things as practical and tangible as connecting to a rock wall we are climbing. Rich's book was apparently inspired to some degree by more general descriptions given in the works of Carlos

Castaneda regarding similar phenomena. 121


In reality, these etheric extensions, which can become stabilized cords, can be extended out of any energy center in the human body -- and potentially out of any aspect whatsoever of the human body or energy field. Again it is important to understand that Cords are natural extensions of living energy systems, and are not inherently "bad"; they may be beneficial or detrimental in nature  just like other energetic phenomena. You can use our Vibrational Testing Testing to detect the exact qualities in any cords you identify,, and help determine the correct method to deal with the cord, based on your identify knowledge and experience base from Bioenergy systems you have trained in.

KEY ISSUES WITH ENERGY ABSORPTION Let's now return to the core issue of Absorption and Projection with an overview of some key issues with Absorption: * Having clarity on the quality of energy being absorbed from the outside source.  source.  One of the most fundamental aspects of creating good health and optimizing our lives is to be very conscious of only absorbing beneficial energies, and reducing our absorption of detrimental energies. As you now know, our methods of vibrational testing taught in the two previous courses in this series (Personal (Personal Wavelength  and  and The Universal Vibrational Spectrum ) will allow you to know the quality through: a) Testing with the Vertical & Horizontal Wave Pendulums to know the objective quality within the Vibrational Spectrum; b) Testing with the BG-16 Pendulum for the presence / intensity of the Centering Vibration; c) Testing with the Neutral Pendulum for strengthening / weakening / healing effects on you (or any other person or energy field) through the Personal Wavelength method. * Being aware of Absorption on all Planes, remembering that the Planes manifest within the human energy field as our different Subtle Bodies. Whereas our modern materialistic culture only considers the nutrients or toxins we absorb at the physical level (digestive system, respiratory system, or transdermally through the skin), classical healing systems knew that we in fact absorb beneficial vibrations at every plane / subtle body level. This means that there is a quality to the vital energy we are exposed to in our environment, which our etheric life body uses as fuel; in the quality of the emotional and mental levels which our astral body uses as fuel; and in the quality of the spiritual level which our Spirit Core uses as fuel (the quality at the spiritual level will result in whether our Spirit Core is awakened and active, or is suppressed and remains dormant). The importance of this is that we will become aware through our radiesthesia testing of the vibrations we are absorbing and their objective qualities, as well as their effects on us as a unique Being (or on any other being you are doing testing for.)



In this course we will in a later section use a basic four-level Rosicrucian system for testing, absorbing, and projecting energies on these different planes / subtle bodies. (For those of you who are trained in Dr. Ibrahim Karim's excellent BioGeometry system, you already know his 7-plane system which you can use in this regard; for those not trained in BioGeometry, you can learn this information on navigating and testing energy with the 7 Plane system in the live BioGeometry Advanced Training  Training .) * Having strong ethics regarding absorbing energy without permission from other people. Although there is a natural background level of energetic give-and-take between any energy systems in contact with one another, it is also common for there to be inappropriate links between people where one is draining the life force from the other. In metaphysics today there is the concept of the "Energy Vampire" who sucks energy from another person. This is the person who you feel drained by being around, whereas they like being around you and get stronger from it; this is a kind of parasitical connection from one person to another. The majority of so-called energy vampires are completely unconscious of the fact that they are making etheric extensions into other people, which is draining for the other person; they just know they feel stronger when they are around this other person. In many cases the etheric extension into the other person ends once they physically separate, in which case the other person recovers their strength; however the etheric extension can become a stabilized cord, keeping the draining in place even when physically separate. The cord particularly stabilizes / crystallizes when there has been repeated intimate contact, such as sex, between the two persons. Whereas the majority of "energy vampirism" as it is called today is unconscious, there are those who do this consciously, particularly through the intentional placing of cords into others to draw energy from them. This can also be extended to drawing energy from groups of people who are uniting their energy fields, especially in a group practice. It is possible in some esoteric groups that people in leadership positions could cord particular practices done by the group, to pull energy for themselves from the group energy field in the practice. For this reason it is important be conscious of the energetics not only of individual persons and relationships in our lives, but the energetics of groups as well. None of this is intended to create fear or paranoia, this is simply "street smarts" when it comes to the metaphysical realities in which we live. Our skills in Vibrational Testing can be applied to seeing the invisible energetic matrix and activities around us, which eliminates the guesswork in metaphysics and creates a true vibrational science.



As we gain new knowledge and skills in this vibrational science, we must constantly recommit to never abusing these abilities, and using them only to help and never to victimize others. This is connected to the classic pledge in European Rosicrucian spiritual initiation; that all knowledge and powers gained on the path will be put towards the service of others.

KEY ISSUES WITH ENERGY PROJECTION Key issues with Projection include: * Having clarity on the quality of energy being projected through your energy field.   This is a primary focus for our application of Vibrational Testing to Bioenergy field. healing. In the coming lessons of this course, we we will use this testing to entrain ourselves to the precise emanation of the exact vibrational qualities we need, while eliminating the detrimental qualities which tend to piggyback on these projections. As with testing Absorption, our methods of vibrational testing taught in the two previous courses in this series (Personal (Personal Wavelength  and  and The Universal Vibrational Spectrum ) will allow you to know the quality of your projections through a) Testing with the Vertical & Horizontal Wave Pendulums to know the objective quality within the Vibrational Spectrum; b) Testing with the BG-16 Pendulum for the presence / intensity of the Centering Vibration; c) Testing with the Neutral Pendulum for strengthening / weakening / healing effects on you (or any other person or energy field) through the Personal Wavelength method. * Being aware of Projection on all Planes, which manifests in the human being as our different Subtle Bodies. We will and begin with projections where we onthem their onto, specific vibrational quality correct beneficial for the persons wefocus project then later move into being practices where we focus the projections as well into specific planes / subtle body levels. As mentioned previously, in this course we will later use a basic four-level Rosicrucian system of testing, absorbing, and projecting energies on these different planes / subtle bodies, and for those who are trained in Dr. Ibrahim Karim's excellent BioGeometry system, you already know a 7-plane system which you can use in this regard. * Having strong ethics regarding projecting energy only with permission from the recipient, and only for their benefit. The projections of vibrations into a person's energy field can be extremely powerful. So we must whenever possible have explicit permission from the person for us to work on them. This is essential, except in cases of: * Unconsciousness, Coma.



* Severe Mental Illness. * Young Children, old persons with senile dementia, or other cases where the person does not have the cognitive capacity to process this permission. In these cases, if you have sufficient spiritual awareness you can use the method of asking the person's higher self if they are open to the healing session and give permission for it. * Always ask for the assistance of higher spiritual beings in your healing work. Whether or not a person is spiritually awakened enough to be able to perceive it, there are always higher Beings around us when we do healing work who can be of vital assistance. It is very important to start every healing session with prayer, asking these higher Beings to assist you in helping to heal the person you are working on. Invite these higher Beings to work through your energy field and to adjust your vibrational projections to be accurate, clear of any detrimental vibrations, and to have the perfect combination of healing healing and activating vibrations for the unique unique needs of this person, at this time, at this stage of their personal spiritual journey. These Beings may be your personal Guides, as well as other Beings you are connected to through your Karma and/or Spiritual Tradition(s). Remember that all spiritual Beings who connect to you can be tested vibrationally to ensure they are beneficial beings which you want to work with. Our Vibrational Science makes it possible to do as St. Paul recommended when he said to "Test the Spirits". Beings with very little Centering Vibration and strong Vertical Waves (which test as weakening your Personal Wavelength) of course should be avoided, whereas beneficial beings will have strong Centering Vibration along with Horizontal Waves which help to identify the powers of that Being.  Being.   These powers of Spiritual Beings are connected to the discussion of the specific powers of each Vibrational Band, contained in Part 2 of the online Universal Vibrational (UVS) class. Spectrum   (UVS) Note that there may be some Vertical Waves in the field of beneficial Beings, but these will be Vertical Waves which are not harmful (remembering harmful (remembering the discussion about this in the UVS online class), which can be confirmed by their testing as being strengthening and not weakening for your energy field when you test them with the Personal Wavelength method. These beneficial beings with some Vertical Waves will of course also have strong Centering Vibration and Horizontal Wave Bands, which detrimental Beings with stronger Vertical Waves will not have in their energy fields. * Bringing in beneficial vibrational information from the outside, to provide the needed Vibrational qualities without draining your own system. These external sources sour ces include of course cou rse Stones, Plants, Vibrational Tools, Tools, natural Elemental Forces, etc.



INTENTIONAL AND UNINTENTIONAL PROJECTING OF DETRIMENTAL DETRIMENT AL ENERGIES Every energetic state of health. emotion, thought, or spiritual connection we have generates specific vibrations within us. In most people there are core background vibrations always present in their energy field which are linked to their fundamental health, constitution, and the configuration of their soul. There are also the more transitory vibrations which change frequently based on their shifting thoughts and emotions, along with their environmental exposures. You will see through Vibrational Testing Testing that those persons per sons who have done more spiritual development work have much more stable (and beneficial) vibrations in their emotions and thoughts than does the average person who has not engaged in any spiritual or psychological cultivation of themselves. The qualities of detrimental vibrations projected from a person's energy field would of course be tested as Vertical Negative Green (V-G) along with other Vertical W Wave ave Bands (which will vary based on the type of detrimental vibration projected). One reason that Negative Green is a standard background Vertical Wave to test regardless of the other Vertical Waves involved, is that it is the carrier wave  which  which creates the projection aspect of the vibrational qualities; it is also the most deeply penetrating of the 12 Bands of the Vibrational Spectrum, which increases its toxicity when in its detrimental Vertical Wave Wave form. The fundamental principle is that when we have toxicity in any of the different levels of our structure (which are essentially the planes of creation manifesting in the microcosm of the human physical and subtle bodies), this creates detrimental vibrations which are projected automatically from our energy field. When we generate any detrimental thought or emotion directed at another person (such as anger, hate, desire for harm to come to them, or a desire to manipulate them in some way) it sends a kind of invisible arrow of detrimental vibrations towards and into the energy field and body of that person. Much of the time this projection of detrimental vibrations into the other person is not conscious, it is a fundamental part of the background realities of our vibrational universe which was understood in many earlier cultures but is virtually forgotten in our present day materialistic society. society. Earlier cultures understood clearly that the detrimental vibrations generated by a person could also be used consciously to harm, control, or subconsciously manipulate another person. This conscious generation and direction of detrimental vibrations was sometimes referred to as "black magic" or the "evil eye".



Understanding this essential background knowledge is very helpful when we begin to project vibrations to help and heal others. It is common that even well-intentioned Bioenergy healers often project some detrimental vibrations from toxicity in one or more levels of their structure, along with the vibrations they intend to project. It is extremely important that bioenergy healers practice very conscious energy hygiene methods. This includes being sure we are in a clear mental and emotional state, meaning that it is important not to work on other people's energy fields when we are upset in any way. The methods in this course will of course allow you to test the exact qualities of any Bioenergy you are projecting from your body and energy field, or which is being projected by any other person, whether it is just the regular background vibrations of the person or intentional Bioenergy projections. In testing a person’s energy field, we commonly find harmful Vertical Waves embedded in their physical and energetic body. body. These Vertical W Waves aves may originate from a variety of sources, including: 1. Detrimental thoughts and emotions they have themselves generated. 2.  Detrimental thoughts and emotions they have absorbed from other human beings.. beings 3.  Toxic physical substances consumed in what they have eaten, drank, breathed in, or absorbed through the skin (transdermal). 4.  Harmful radiations coming from the Earth below (toxic earth radiations). 5.  Harmful radiations from electro-magnetic sources, sources, including most commonly: a)  Extreme Low Frequency Waves (long wavelength) of wavelength) of the of 50 or 60 Hz electricity (and its harmonics) which powers homes and offices and the appliances within them. b)  Radio Frequency Waves / Microwaves (medium wavelengths) wavelengths) of  of the Megahertz and Gigahertz wireless communication systems around us: Cellphones, Wireless Home Phones, Phone s, Wireless Internet Routers, Antenna Systems, Cell T Towers, owers, Satellite broadcasts, etc. c) Ionizing Radiation (short wavelengths) from wavelengths) from X-Rays, Alpha/Beta/Gamma Rays, and Cosmic Radiation. A and B above can be detected with scientific EMF meters, and C can be detected with a Geiger counter (ionizing radiation detector); Radiesthesia can also detect A, B, and C sources within the -G band (they in fact appear in different sub-bands of the -G band, although we will not in this course be teaching that level of technical detail).



PROJECTING FROM ENERGY CENTERS VS. HANDS Every part of the Physical Body or Energy Field can potentially absorb or project energy. However the easiest places to do this from are the energy centers of the body, with the largest energy centers being the easiest; in other words, Major Chakras tend to be the easiest places, then Minor Chakras, then Acupuncture Points, etc. The classical method for interacting with other energy fields when there is any problematic aspects to the energy exchange, is to use the hands as the absorption or projection points.   The palms are very important energy centers, which are specialized to act as safe "buffers" between the core energy centers of our body and external energies. If we connect to external energies (which includes the energy fields of people we are wanting to do energy healing for) directly through the chakras or other energy centers in our head or in the trunk of our body, we may -- even if actively projecting-- take detrimental vibrations from the other system directly into our core energy system, which can be very dangerous. Taking those external detrimental vibrations directly into a core energy ener gy center (such as a chakra) can potentially "crack" the chakra, or tear the delicate etheric web in the inner structure of the chakra. Projections from hands are usually from either: A) Palm (largest energy center in the hands.) B) Fingers / Fingertips (almost always the index finger is included; either used by itself, or with the thumb, or with the middle finger, fin ger, or with all fingertips together.) Most Bioenergy systems include practices to activate (and become more aware of) the energy in the hands. These include: A) Shaking the hands. B) or /Massaging fingertips. C) Rubbing Squeezing Clenching the the hands hands and/or and stretching them out.



MIND POWER IN THE ABSORBING - PROJECTION CIRCUIT Step-by-Step training in any method involves breaking down each part of the activity into separate discrete parts which can be mastered individually, then united together. We begin by focusing solely on the absorption of energy, then solely on the projection of energy, then unite these together. In many classical healing systems, one hand is held out to absorb energy (usually the non-dominant hand, held either with palm up to absorb cosmic energy, palm down to absorb Earth energy or energy from some item, or palm facing forward) and the other hand held out to project energy (usually the dominant hand, with the palm or fingers usually facing forward in front of the body). If we project energy from a hand (or other body area) without focusing on simultaneously receiving an inflow of energy from an external source, the energy we project primarily comes from our internal energy system; this means we can quickly become depleted in projecting our energy outward. By focusing simultaneously on an external source of energy flowing in which is supplying the energy which we are projecting out, we do not become tired and may even become more energized by projecting energy. Depleting our own internal energy in Bioenergy healing is a common mistake, which can be easily corrected by practicing simultaneously bringing in external energy to supply the energy we are projecting outwards. There is another more subtle mistake which can be made however, even with consciously connecting to the external energy source. This mistake is to focus more on the projected energies than on the intake of energies. The mental focus -- and the internal energetic experience -- should be equal between the absorption of external energy and the projection of energy outwards. To begin with, there should be more mental focus and internal feeling of the intake of energy, than there is in the projection of the energy, in order to overcome the common tendency to focus more on the projection (or for many people, only on the projection). Then once the pattern of sufficient intake / absorption is set, our awareness can return to a more balanced flow of the intake and projection. Essentially our goal is to become a "Superconductor" of pure Natural and Divine Energies, so that we do not create any internal resistance to their passage through our energy system.



INFLOW - OUTFLOW CIRCUITS The major variants of inflow-outflow circuits are based on the three axes of physical space (the three 90-degree angles of the physical plane) as they manifest in the human physical body. body. They are as follows: A. SIDE TO SIDE SIDE (LEFT - RIGHT) - This most commonly manifests manifests in the method of pulling energy in through the palm of the non-dominant hand, out through the palm of the dominant hand. B. FRONT-BACK - In through the back of a chakra, out through the front of a chakra. (Note: in reality both the front and back of chakras have both inflow and outflow of energy, we are simply describing methods which have been used by various groups.) C. TOP-BOTTOM - In through the Crown of the Head and out the soles of the feet (or out of the perineum for the Central Column of energy) which is the "Heavenly Chi" flow of the Chinese Daoists, or in through the Feet and out through the Crown which is the "Earthly Chi" flow of the Daoists (or in through the perineum for the Central Column of energy).

The information and practices in this Chapter have created the basis for our practical exercises with Bioenergy projections, which are the focus of the next Chapter.

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